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Game Contents

5 perforated boards containing:

2 game board edge pieces
4 overview cards
4 water hexes
3 jungle hexes
2 volcano hexes
1 river (gold) hex
92 colony tokens:
- 24 discovery tokens (jungle)
- 22 gold tokens
- 22 ore tokens
- 24 gem tokens
20 exploration camps ("bases", 5 per colour)
4 war fleets (1 per colour)
1 pirate (black war fleet)
1 game instructions


The scenario described here is an altered edition of the scenario "Die Kolonien"
("The Colonies"), which was first published in the book "Die Siedler von Catan -
Das Buch zum Spiel". The scenario in this edition contains new and additional game

These instructions refer to the current version of Die Siedler von Catan and
Seefährer with plastic figures. It is possible to play this scenario with older
versions of the game; the slightly different setup is shown on the last page.

Water Wheat Hills Forest Pasture Mountains Desert Gold Jungle Volcano

Island 20 4 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 38
and sea

Colonies 3 0 0 0 0 5 3 3 3 2 19*

Seefährer 19 4 4 5 5 5 3 2 0 0 47

New 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 10

Total 23 4 4 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 57

chips 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Island 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 18

Colonies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Trade harbours: 5× 3:1, 1× wheat, 1× sheep, 1× wood, 1× clay

Also needed: approx. 10 Catan tokens (victory point tokens)

Some rules of the base game and Seefährer are changed. Only those that are specifically
mentioned here have been altered. If a rule is not mentioned here then the rules of the
base game and Seefährer are still valid.

Set up the game board as shown above. The areas marked with "?" are left empty for now.
Shuffle the trade harbours and place them randomly at the shown places. Shuffle the
hexes to be used for the colonies and place them face down in a stack on the table. There
are 19 hexes in the stack and 18 free spaces on the board. 1 hex will always be left over.

The 10 number chips for the colonies are also to be shuffled and placed face down on the
table. Sort the colony tokens by kind (discovery/jungle, gold, ore, gems).

Every player needs 5 settlements, 4 towns, 15 roads, 3 ships, 1 war fleet and 5 bases
of their colour.

4-player game: The rules for this phase are the same with one exception: the first
settlement must be placed on the coast facing the colonies and a ship is placed next to
it! No road is placed. The second settlement can be placed as you wish.

3-player game: Every player places an additional third settlement starting with the first
player (who placed the second settlement last).


5a) Ships 5b) Colonies 5c) Colony Tokens 5d) Volcanoes

5e) Robber and 5f) War Fleets 5g) Special Victory
Pirate Points

5a) Ships

In contrast to Seefährer, the ships are not placed in a row, but move from intersection
to intersection. That is why there are only 3 ships per player.

 Ships can discover colonies, create bases and transport colony tokens home.
(See 5b Colonies)
 The player can move his ships at any point during his turn after rolling the dice
and distributing the raw materials (he can even move ships that were built during
the same turn).
 It is possible to build, move ships, build again, and so on.
 The maximum range of the ships is defined by the higher number on the dice. For
example 3 and 5: the player may move every ship up to 5 intersections.
 A ship's movement must not end on an intersection occupied by another ship. It
also cannot be built on an occupied intersection. The ship can move across
occupied intersections (no matter if it is occupied by his own ship or another
player’s ship). A ship cannot move across an intersection occupied by the
 A ship's movement must not end on an intersection with a settlement belonging to
another player. A ship can move across another player’s settlement. A ship's
movement can end on an intersection with occupied by the player's own

5b) Colonies

There are valuable and exotic hexes to be discovered in the colonies, for example the
urgently needed ore - but also discoveries, gems and gold used to directly gain victory
points, Development Cards (Entwicklungskarten) or other resources. However, to use
these colonial goods they first have to be transported across the sea to the Home Island.
But even before that the colonies have to be discovered.

How to discover land and place bases

 If a ship reaches an intersection next to an undiscovered area a hex is drawn

from the stack and placed face-up on the field. If it is a water area the ship may
move on if the maximum movement range (as dictated by the dice roll) is not yet
reached. If it is a land hex the ship is removed (to the player’s stack of game
pieces) and one of the player's bases is placed in the centre of the newly-
discovered hex. The player also receives a corresponding colony token (in
some cases it has to be converted right away, see below). If there is no number
printed on the discovered hex a number chip has to be drawn and placed on
the hex - even if it is the desert. (There must not be 2 red numbers next to each
other. If that would be the case then draw another chip and reshuffle the
remaining chips.)

A: Player red moves his ship to an intersection next to an undiscovered area

B: A hex is drawn, the jungle is placed on the board
C: the ship is converted into a base and receives a "Discovery" colony token

Important: If a ship discovers new land it HAS to be converted to a base!

 If a ship reaches a colonies hex that has already been discovered, the player can
choose to either convert the ship to a base or keep exploring by ship.

Building settlements on the coast of the colonies

 Bases allow the creation of settlements on the coast of the colony. To create a
settlement adjoined to one land hex a player needs a base on this hex. To
create a settlement adjoined to 2 land hexes a player needs bases on both of the
hexes. If these conditions are met and the distance to other settlements is taken into
consideration, the usual material is needed to build the settlement. The
base/bases are removed as soon as a settlement is built. The settlement is now
ready to produce colony tokens.

A: Player red has 2 bases and can create a settlement at the shown places.
B: A red settlement is created and the bases are removed.
C: As soon as it is player white's turn he can create a settlement at the shown

Discovering with roads

 If a player has created a settlement on the coast of a colony he can continue to

explore the colony by road. Roads are created according to the usual rules and
costs. As soon as the road reaches an undiscovered area a hex is drawn and
placed on the board. The player receives a colony token and a number chip is
drawn. (A road is not converted into a base as soon as it reaches new land). New
settlements can be created as usual on the road, no bases are needed.

Further Rules

 To create a second or third settlement on one hex the player has to build roads, or
create new bases through ships.
 Settlements in the colonies can never be converted into cities.

5c) Colony tokens

If the number of a colony hex is rolled, the settlements on this area produce colony tokens.
The tokens are placed next to the settlement: mountains produce ore, rivers produce gold,
deserts produce gems, jungles produce discoveries. A volcano produces one colony
token of the player's choice. Every settlement can store 3 tokens. If there are already 3
plates tokens, the settlement does not produce any more.

 To use colony tokens they have to be transported by ship to a settlement or city on

the Home Island.
 A ship can transport up to 3 colony tokens at any one time.
 Loading and unloading does not cost any movement points. So it is possible to move
to a colony settlement, load cargo, and move on back towards the Home
 You cannot move cargo from ship to ship. So chain transport is not an option!
 Colony tokens can be moved along the player's own roads during his turn. Ships
can also be directly loaded with tokens from settlements that are connected with
the settlement the ship is docked.
 As soon as a ship loaded with colony tokens reaches a settlement or city on the
Home Island, the tokens are converted immediately if possible:
o 1 ore token converts to 1 ore resource card
o 1 gold token converts to 1 resource card other than ore
o Discovery tokens are collected. As soon as the player has 3 they are
converted into a victory point (Catan token)
o Gem tokens are collected. As soon as the player has 2 they are converted
into 1 Development Card (Entwicklungskarte)
 Colony tokens are not materials! They cannot be traded, they cannot be stolen as
soon as they are on the home island and they do not count if the 7 is rolled. The
monopoly card cannot be targeted on colony tokens.

5d) Volcanoes

 Settlements on a volcano produce a colony token of the player's choice. This is

powerful but also dangerous. Every time a volcano produces colony tokens it
erupts. One dice is rolled. The number stands for the intersection that is destroyed.
If a settlement is destroyed stored colony tokens can be moved via roads. If that
is not possible then they are also destroyed.
 An erupting volcano does not damage roads, ships or bases.
 If there are single roads left behind a new settlement can be created there
 The die rolled for the erupting volcano does not change the primary result
or the range of any ships.

5e) Robber and Pirate

 There is no Robber!
 The pirate starts off the board and joins the game as soon as the first 7 is
rolled, or a Knight Card is played.
 The pirate is placed on an unoccupied intersection with at least 1 water
area next to it. He must not be placed adjoined to the frame/edge of the
 If a 7 is rolled, a Knight Card is played, or if the pirate is driven away by a
war fleet, the active player has to move the pirate to another free
 If the pirate is placed on an intersection next to another player's ship or
colonial settlement, the active player may choose one colony token from the ship
or colonial settlement and take it. The stolen token is converted immediately,
if possible.
 If the pirate is placed next to another player's Home Island settlement or city
the active player may take a resource card from that player's hand.
 Naturally, only one colony token or one resource card is stolen from
one player.
 Bases cannot be robbed.
 The pirate blocks the intersection it is placed on (as mentioned above).
 A settlement cannot be created on the intersection that the pirate is
currently placed on.
 The pirate does not block roads, so colony tokens can still be transported,
or another road can be built.

5f) War fleets

 Every player has one war fleet.

 Building a war fleet costs 2 wood and 1 sheep.
 When built, a war fleet is placed in the centre of a water hex.
 The war fleet protects the ships, settlements and towns on the 6
intersections of the hex from being robbed.
 The pirate cannot be placed on one of the 6 intersections protected by a war
fleet. If a war fleet is moved to an area with the pirate on one of the intersections,
the pirate will be driven away. The active player moves the pirate and
may rob another player as described above.
 The war fleet can be moved. It may be done one time per turn and costs one
sheep. If the pirate is driven away by moving the war fleet the active player
may rob another player.
 The war fleet cannot be moved on the same turn that it was built.
 The pirate can be moved by playing a Knight Card and driven away by
building or moving a war fleet in the same turn. (If a 7 was rolled it can
theoretically even be moved 3 times by the same player in the same turn,
robbing other players 3 times.)

5g) Special victory points

 The Longest Road is not valid.

 Largest Army is valid.


4-player game: the winner is the player who reaches 11 victory points first and
it has to be his/her turn.

3-player game: the winner is the player who reaches 12 victory points first and
it has to be his/her turn.
It might be best to place the colony tokens next to the settlements and ships and not
underneath them. While transporting plates it might be better to move the ship the whole
distance (of that turn) first and then move the plates. It is easier to count the range
travelled that way.

The number chips of the Home Island should stay the same, the areas underneath
might be varied.

The colonies can also be varied in shape and in hexes used. The distance between Home
Island and colony should at least be 2 water areas. Have fun exploring!

Setup for older versions of Catan and Seafarers

Setup for the older version: see image and table below:
Water Wheat Hills Forest Pasture Mountain Desert Gold Jungle Volcano

Island 17 3 4 4 4 1 - - - - 33
and sea

Colonies 6 - - - - 4 3 3 3 2 21*

chips 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Island 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 16

Colonies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10*

Trade harbours: 5× 3:1, 1× wheat, 1× sheep, 1× wood, 1× clay

Trade harbours from the Base Game: none

All images are from the original German rulebook (KOSMOS Verlag 2007).
Initial German to English translation was done by Mr. Schuster.
Translation expanded and laid-out by Tim Dawson - please contact me (tim_d) on if you
see any mistakes!
This work was not created for commercial gain.

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