New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test: Part A

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New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test

Name _______________________ Score ______/50

Part A
Past participles

1 Write the past participles.

Verb Past participle

meet a) ____________
buy b) ____________
do c) ____________
say d) ____________
have e) ____________
know f) ____________
work g) ____________
take h) ____________
give i) ____________
fly j) ____________

(10 points)

Present perfect

2 Complete with the present perfect form of the verbs.

a) Milo _________________ (read) War and Peace three times.

b) Richard _________________ (speak) to Bono from U2.
c) I _________________ (walk) more than ten miles.
d) My parents _________________ (fly) over the Grand Canyon.
e) Lucy _________________ (see) The Rolling Stones five times.

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test 1

Photocopiable D.R. © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. 2008
3 Write questions with the present perfect form of the verbs + ever.

a) you / swim / with dolphins ?

b) Ian / drive / from Paris to Moscow ?
c) your father / meet / a famous movie star ?
d) you / break / your arm ?
e) your parents / go / to Paris ?

(5 points)

4 Complete the short answers to the questions in Exercise 3.

a) Yes, _____________ .
b) No, _____________ .
c) Yes, _____________ .
d) No, _____________ .
e) Yes, _____________ .

(5 points)

Present perfect or simple past?

5 Underline the correct phrases.

a) I have been / went to Paris three times in my life.

b) Last week Pilar has been / went to the beach.
c) I’ve never been / I never went to Brazil before.
d) Johan has lost / lost his keys last week.
e) Have you ever seen / Did you ever see U2 in concert?

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test 2

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Useful phrases
6 Complete the conversations with the words in the box.

Are you ready Could we have I’ll have something to drink table for two

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir.

Man: A (1) _________________ , please.
Waiter: Certainly.

Waiter: Would you like (2) _________________ ?

Man: A glass of champagne, please.

Waiter: (3) _________________ to order?

Man: Yes, (4) _________________ the steak, please.

Woman: (5) _________________ the bill, please?

Waiter: Certainly, ma’am.

(5 points)

Part B
Past participles

[Track 35]

7 Listen and underline the past participle in each group with the different vowel

a) taken broken spoken

b) flown known done
c) said paid read
d) seen meant been
e) swum won gone

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test 3

Photocopiable D.R. © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. 2008
[Track 36]

8 Listen to Jon and Karen talking about their travel experiences. Are these
sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) China is the most interesting country Jon has ever visited. ___
b) Jon hasn’t been to Thailand. ___
c) Karen has lived in four countries. ___
d) Karen flew from California to Boston. ___
e) Karen has been to Hawaii. ___

(5 points)

9 Read the text and answer the questions.

a) What’s the most beautiful place Cecilia has ever been?

b) What did Cecilia like about Thailand?
c) What’s the most exciting thing Cecilia has ever done?
d) What did Cecilia see in Africa?
e) What place would Cecilia really love to visit?

My name is Cecilia Torres. I’m a writer and I work for a travel magazine. I love my job and I love traveling. I’ve
traveled a lot, and I’ve had some amazing experiences. The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is Thailand. I went
there last year. The beaches are wonderful, and the food is really good. That was the best vacation I’ve ever had. But
the most exciting thing I’ve ever done is visit Africa. I went there three years ago and saw lots of animals. It was
fantastic, but the hottest place I’ve ever been! I’ve never been to South America, but I would really love to visit Machu
Picchu in Peru.

New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test 4

Photocopiable D.R. © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. 2008
(5 points)

New American Inside Out Elementary Unit 15 Test 5

Photocopiable D.R. © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. 2008

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