DT Logger Host Instruction Manual Mobile Platform: Document Number: Release Date

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DT Logger Host

Instruction Manual
Mobile Platform

All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the
information contained in this document. RST Instruments Ltd reserves the
right to change the information at any time and assumes no liability for its

Copyright © 2019. RST Instruments Ltd. All rights reserved.

Document Number: ELM0081D

Release Date: April 9, 2019

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Rev. Revision History Date Prepared Approved
By By

D Added battery life estimation data. 09-Apr-2019 MP SP

ELM0081D RST Instruments i

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 1
QUICK-START INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................... 3
2.1 SINGLE CHANNEL DATALOGGER SETUP ...................................................................... 3
2.2 MULTICHANNEL DATALOGGER SETUP ......................................................................... 3
2.3 TILT LOGGER SETUP ................................................................................................. 4
2.4 4 TO 20MA LOGGER SETUP ....................................................................................... 4
2.5 POTENTIOMETER LOGGER SETUP .............................................................................. 5
2.6 DT-BUS DATALOGGER SETUP ................................................................................... 5
2.7 DATALOGGER CONFIGURATION .................................................................................. 6
2.8 DOWNLOADING DATA ................................................................................................ 6
READOUT UNIT................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 USING THE ULTRA-RUGGED FIELD PC2™ .................................................................. 8
DATALOGGER CONNECTION ............................................................................................. 9
4.1 WIRED CONNECTION ................................................................................................. 9
4.2 WIRELESS CONNECTION USING RST DT LINK MODULE ................................................ 9
4.3 WIRELESS CONNECTION USING RSTAR SYSTEM ...................................................... 12
4.4 LOGGER OPTIONS ................................................................................................... 12
4.4.1 BACKUP AND RESTORE ..................................................................................... 13
4.4.2 ADVANCED OPTIONS ......................................................................................... 14
LOGGER MENU.............................................................................................................. 16
5.1 VIBRATING W IRE LOGGERS (DT2011, DT2055, DT2055B, DT2040, DT2011B) ............
.............................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.1 STATUS ............................................................................................................ 16
5.1.2 VIEW DATA ....................................................................................................... 18
5.1.3 MONITOR ......................................................................................................... 18
5.1.4 GRAPH ............................................................................................................. 19
5.1.5 LOGGING .......................................................................................................... 20
5.1.6 SENSORS ......................................................................................................... 24
5.1.6.A VW SENSOR CONFIGURATION SCREEN ....................................................... 26
5.1.6.B THERMAL SENSOR CONFIGURATION SCREEN ............................................... 29
5.2 4 TO 20MA LOGGER (DT4205) ................................................................................ 30
5.2.1 STATUS ............................................................................................................ 30
5.2.2 VIEW DATA ....................................................................................................... 31
5.2.3 MONITOR ......................................................................................................... 32
5.2.4 GRAPH ............................................................................................................. 33
5.2.5 LOGGING .......................................................................................................... 34
5.2.6 SENSORS ......................................................................................................... 38
5.2.6.A 4 TO 20MA SENSOR CONFIGURATION SCREEN ............................................. 41
5.2.6.B THERMAL SENSOR CONFIGURATION SCREEN ............................................... 43
5.3 TILT LOGGER (IC6560, IC6660, DTL201B AND DTL202B) ....................................... 44
5.3.1 STATUS ............................................................................................................ 44
5.3.2 VIEW DATA ....................................................................................................... 45
5.3.3 MONITOR ......................................................................................................... 47
5.3.4 GRAPH ............................................................................................................. 48
5.3.5 LOGGING .......................................................................................................... 49
5.3.6 SENSORS ......................................................................................................... 52

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

5.4 DT-BUS LOGGER (DT2485).................................................................................... 54

5.4.1 STATUS ............................................................................................................ 54
5.4.2 VIEW DATA ....................................................................................................... 56
5.4.3 MONITOR ......................................................................................................... 57
5.4.4 GRAPH ............................................................................................................. 58
5.4.5 LOGGING .......................................................................................................... 59
5.4.6 SENSORS ......................................................................................................... 63
5.5 STRAIN GAUGE LOGGER (DT2350) .......................................................................... 65
5.5.1 STATUS ............................................................................................................ 65
5.5.2 VIEW DATA ....................................................................................................... 67
5.5.3 MONITOR ......................................................................................................... 68
5.5.4 GRAPH ............................................................................................................. 69
5.5.5 LOGGING .......................................................................................................... 71
5.5.6 SENSORS ......................................................................................................... 74
5.6 EXIT ....................................................................................................................... 76
DOWNLOADING DATA TO A DESKTOP PC ....................................................................... 76
6.1 SETTING UP MOBILE DEVICE CENTER ON W INDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10 .............................. 77
DATA FILES (*.CSV) ....................................................................................................... 79
7.1 VIBRATING W IRE LOGGER SAMPLE DATA FILE............................................................ 80
7.2 4 TO 20MA LOGGER SAMPLE DATA FILE .................................................................... 81
7.3 TILT LOGGER SAMPLE DATA FILE .............................................................................. 82
RSTAR ARRAY RADIO SERIES CONFIGURATION ............................................................. 83
8.1 RSTAR SAMPLE DATA FILE ..................................................................................... 86
8.2 RSTAR SAMPLE CALIBRATION FILE ......................................................................... 88
BATTERIES ................................................................................................................... 90
9.1 BATTERY DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................. 90
9.2 MONITORING REMAINING BATTERY LIFE ................................................................... 90
9.3 BATTERY LIFE ESTIMATIONS IN DATA LOGGERS ........................................................ 91
9.4 BATTERY REPLACEMENT ......................................................................................... 93
9.4.3 MTCM LOGGER BATTERY REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS ................................... 95
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................... 95
10.1 CONNECTION PROBLEMS...................................................................................... 95
10.2 SOFTWARE STABILITY .......................................................................................... 95
10.3 STATUS CONNECTION MESSAGES ......................................................................... 96
SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 97
CONTACT US ............................................................................................................. 98
Figure 1: Supported dataloggers .......................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Sensor connections ............................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: 4-20 mA Sensor Connections ................................................................................ 5
Figure 4: DT2306 Sensor connections ................................................................................. 5
Figure 5: Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ Case ............................................................................ 7
Figure 6: Overview of the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ ............................................................ 8
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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 7: Status Tab with DT Link hub connected .............................................................. 10

Figure 8: DT Link remote dialog ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 9: DT Link Hub Settings .......................................................................................... 11
Figure 10: Logger Options dialog ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 11: Backup and Restore dialog ............................................................................... 13
Figure 12: Advanced Logger Options dialog ....................................................................... 15
Figure 13: Adjustments dialog ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 14: Status Tab ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 15: File Listing Screen ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 16: File View Screen ............................................................................................... 18
Figure 17: Single Channel Monitor Tab .............................................................................. 19
Figure 18: Multichannel Monitor Tab .................................................................................. 19
Figure 19: Graph Tab ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20: Graphical Monitor Options ................................................................................. 20
Figure 21: Logging Tab ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 22: Multi Interval Table ............................................................................................ 22
Figure 23: Logger Options .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 24: Verify Sensor Connections ................................................................................ 26
Figure 25: Display Format for Sensor ................................................................................. 26
Figure 26: VW Sensors Tab ............................................................................................... 27
Figure 27: Custom Vibrating Wire Settings ......................................................................... 28
Figure 28: Decrement and Sweep Time options ................................................................. 28
Figure 29: Temperature Sensors Tab ................................................................................. 29
Figure 30: 4 to 20 mA Logger Status Tab ........................................................................... 30
Figure 31: 4 to 20mA Logger File Listing Screen ................................................................ 32
Figure 32: 4 to 20mA Logger File View Screen .................................................................. 32
Figure 33: 4 to 20mA Logger Monitor Tab .......................................................................... 33
Figure 34: 4 to 20mA Logger Graph Tab ............................................................................ 34
Figure 35: 4 to 20mA Logger Graphical Monitor Options .................................................... 34
Figure 36: 4 to 20mA Logger Logging Tab ......................................................................... 35
Figure 37: 4 to 20mA Logger Multi Interval Table ............................................................... 36
Figure 38: 4 to 20mA Logger Options................................................................................. 38
Figure 39: 4 to 20mA Verify Sensor Connections ............................................................... 40
Figure 40: 4 to 20mA Logger Sensors Tab ......................................................................... 41
Figure 41: Display Format for 4 to 20mA Logger Sensor .................................................... 42
Figure 42: Temperature Sensors Tab ................................................................................. 43
Figure 43: Tilt Status Tab ................................................................................................... 44
Figure 44: Tilt File Listing Screen ....................................................................................... 46
Figure 45: Tilt File View Screen .......................................................................................... 46
Figure 46: Tilt Monitor Tab ................................................................................................. 47
Figure 47: Tilt Graph Tab ................................................................................................... 48
Figure 48: Tilt Graphical Monitor Options ........................................................................... 48
Figure 49: Tilt Logging Tab................................................................................................. 49
Figure 50: Tilt Multi Interval Table ...................................................................................... 50
Figure 51: Tilt Options ........................................................................................................ 52
Figure 52: Tilt Sensors Tab ................................................................................................ 53
Figure 53: Display Format for Tilt Sensor ........................................................................... 54
Figure 54: DT-BUS Status Tab ........................................................................................... 55
Figure 55: DT-BUS File Listing Screen ............................................................................... 57
Figure 56: DT-BUS File View Screen ................................................................................. 57
Figure 57: DT-BUS Monitor Tab ......................................................................................... 58

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 58: DT-BUS Graph Tab ........................................................................................... 59

Figure 59: DT-BUS Graphical Monitor Options ................................................................... 59
Figure 60: DT-BUS Logging Tab ........................................................................................ 60
Figure 61: DT-BUS Multi Interval Table .............................................................................. 61
Figure 62: DT-BUS Options................................................................................................ 63
Figure 63: DT-BUS Sensors Tab ........................................................................................ 64
Figure 64: Display Format for DT-BUS Sensor ................................................................... 65
Figure 65: Strain Gauge Logger Status Tab ....................................................................... 66
Figure 66: Strain Gauge Logger File Listing Screen ........................................................... 68
Figure 67: Strain Gauge Logger File View Screen .............................................................. 68
Figure 68: Strain Gauge Logger Monitor Tab ..................................................................... 69
Figure 69: Strain Gauge Logger Graph Tab ....................................................................... 70
Figure 70: Strain Gauge Logger Graphical Monitor Options ............................................... 70
Figure 71: Strain Gauge Logger Logging Tab .................................................................... 71
Figure 72: Strain Gauge Logger Multi Interval Table .......................................................... 72
Figure 73: Strain Gauge Logger Options ............................................................................ 74
Figure 74: Strain Gauge Logger Sensors Tab .................................................................... 75
Figure 75: Display Format for Strain Gauge Logger Sensor ............................................... 76
Figure 76: Mobile Device Center Screen ............................................................................ 77
Figure 77: Accessing Files on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.......................................................... 78
Figure 78: Synchronization Settings on Windows™ 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ........................................ 78
Figure 79: Vibrating Wire Logger Sample Data File ............................................................ 80
Figure 80: 4 to 20mA Logger Sample Data File .................................................................. 81
Figure 81: Tilt Logger Sample Data File ............................................................................. 82
Figure 82: RSTAR Configuration Diagram .......................................................................... 83
Figure 83: RSTAR Equipped data loggers.......................................................................... 84
Figure 84: RTU Hub ........................................................................................................... 84
Figure 85: FlexDAQ Enclosure ........................................................................................... 84
Figure 86: Settings disabled in RSTAR active mode .......................................................... 85
Figure 87: RSTAR Sample Data File .................................................................................. 86
Figure 88: RSTAR Sample Calibration File ........................................................................ 88
Figure 89: Battery status on DT Logger Host ..................................................................... 91


Table 1: Wiring chart ........................................................................................................... 3

Table 2: DT-BUS wiring chart .............................................................................................. 6
Table 3: Battery Definitions ................................................................................................ 90
Table 4: Battery life estimations ......................................................................................... 92
Table 5: Status Messages .................................................................................................. 96
Table 6: Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 Specifications ................................................................. 97

ELM0081D RST Instruments v

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

The RST Single Channel and Multi Channel Dataloggers were intended to be low cost,
simple to use, battery powered data loggers, designed for reliable, unattended monitoring of
a mix of vibrating wire sensors and thermistors. They are deployable in harsh environments
and as compact as possible. The user-friendly software allows easy downloading of the data
and maintenance in the field. The software is preinstalled on an Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™
that can withstand often demanding field conditions. Even users with very little experience
with Geotechnical Instruments will be able to connect, download data and change settings
with a matter of a few inputs. Moreover, the DT Logger host software is fully compatible with
RST Single Channel Datalogger, the same software interface can be used to configure and
download data from either Multichannel or Single Channel logger.
DT Logger Host software is compatible with the following RST Instruments dataloggers:
• DT2011 (discontinued, replaced by DT2011B)
• DT2011B (single channel logger, vibrating wire and thermistor)
• DT2055 (discontinued, replaced by DT2055B)
• DT2055B (10 channel logger, vibrating wire and thermistor)
• DT2040 (40 channel logger, vibrating wire and thermistor)
• IC6560 (uniaxial tilt logger)
• IC6660 (biaxial tilt logger)
• DTL201B-2B (uniaxial and biaxial tilt logger)
• DT4205 (10 channel logger, 4 to 20mA and thermistor)
• DT2306 (18 channel potentiometer logger)
• DT2485 DT-BUS logger
• DT2033 Wireless Downhole logger
• DT2350 Strain logger
Supported loggers are shown in Figure 1 for reference.

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 1: Supported dataloggers

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

The following is a brief outline with references to other parts of this manual to get you up and
running quickly with the RST Multi Channel Datalogger:


1. Remove the cover of the datalogger by the four Phillips screws.
2. Insert the stripped ends of the cable for the VW Transducer through the cable gland
and attach them to the terminal strip according to Table 1:
Table 1: Wiring chart
Terminal ID Wire Colour
C1 Red
C2 Black
T1 Green
T2 White
SH Bare (shield)

3. Using the supplied COM cable, connect the DT2011 RS232 to the Ultra-Rugged
Field PC2™ serial port. Select RS232 from pull down menu on Status screen.
4. Using the supplied USB cable, connect the DT2011B USB to the Ultra-Rugged Field
PC2™ USB A port (white). Select USB from pull down menu on Status screen.

If a pop-up dialog shows up asking for a driver name, type in ftdi_ser.dll in full.


1. Remove the cover of the datalogger by the four Phillips screws.
2. Insert the stripped ends of the cable for the VW Transducer or thermistor sensor
through the cable gland and attach them to the terminal strip as shown in Figure 2.

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 2: Sensor connections

3. Using the supplied USB cable, connect the datalogger to your Ultra-Rugged Field
4. Select Multi from pull down menu on Status screen.
If a pop-up dialog shows up asking for a driver name, type in ftdi_ser.dll in full.


Tilt Logger contains internal MEMS tilt sensors, therefore there is no need for external
wiring. Using the supplied USB cable, connect the Tilt Logger USB to the Ultra-Rugged Field
PC2™ USB A port (white). Select USB from pull down menu on Status screen.


Follow the same steps as in Section 2.2, using 4 to 20mA sensor in place of VW sensor.
The DT4205 is designed to work with loop-powered (2 wire) 4-20 mA transmitters and NTC
thermistors in any mix. Thermistors are non-polarized, but 4-20 mA transmitters typically
require correct connection polarity. Refer to Figure 3.

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 3: 4-20 mA Sensor Connections


Figure 4: DT2306 Sensor connections

5. Remove the cover of the datalogger by the four Phillips screws.
6. Insert the stripped ends of the cable for the RS485 bus through the cable gland and
attach them to the terminal strip (see Table 2).

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Table 2: DT-BUS wiring chart

Terminal ID Wire Colour Alternate Wire
SH Bare (shield) Bare (shield)
7V Red Brown
GND Black White
B White Black
A Green Blue


1. The software is preinstalled on Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™.
2. Launch the software. Once connected, the status screen should automatically
appear displaying logger information. Select RS232 or USB connection depending
on connected device. See Section 10 for connection troubleshooting.
3. Navigate to the Sensors tab and setup all attached sensors parameters. Once the
desired parameters are set, press the Apply button to apply the changes and start
4. If you wish to record the data in specific Engineering Units, enable the Eng Units
and enter the appropriate parameters and press the Apply button to update the
5. Go to Logging tab and check that logging parameters are correct and change them if
necessary. If changes were made, Press the Apply Settings button to apply settings
and start logging.
6. If desired, the sensor current reading can be monitored in real time by selecting the
Monitor tab.
7. Under the Status tab, check to make sure the parameters are correct and that the
logger is either logging or there is a log pending.
8. Exit the software and disconnect the RS232 or USB cable.
9. The datalogger should now be taking readings. Return when desired to download
the data. Make the habit of checking the battery voltage every time you connect. The
battery state is an approximate value based on recent battery use.


1. Connect the RS232 or USB cable to your computer and the datalogger and launch
the software. If the connection is successful, the Status screen should fill up with the
details of the datalogger.
2. Press the Collect Data button to download the data. A data file (*.csv) will
automatically be created in \My Documents\Multichannel\.
3. After downloading, the program will prompt you whether you would like to erase the
existing data on the logger or keep appending to existing records. Alternatively, if
you wish to erase the old data and continue logging with the same parameters,
press the Sensors tab and press Apply.
4. If you wish to keep the old data on the logger and continue logging, exit the program
and disconnect the RS232 or USB cable.
5. If you wish to change any logging parameters, do so under the Logging tab and
press Apply to save the changes.

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

6. Disconnect the RS232 or USB cable when finished.

The Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ (Figure 5) is well suited for use in the often-demanding field
conditions. All connections are conveniently located on the front of the case, after taking
readings the cover should be always put back in place to protect connectors.

Figure 5: Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ Case

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform


Once the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ is connected to the Datalogger, turn on the power to the
Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 by pressing the power button (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Overview of the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™

ELM0081D RST Instruments 8

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Front Image Back Image

1. Elastomer overmold 9. Microphone 17. Speaker
2. Touchscreen 10. Keypad buttons 18. Battery Door
3. Buttons Control 11. LED Indicator 19. Hand Strap
4. Hold-to-Zoom 12. Power button 20. Stylus
5. Pictures and Videos 13. Enter button 21. Stylus Tether
6. Tab button 14. Backspace
7. Home Screen 15. Context Menu Button
8. Shift Function 16. Right Soft Key

Bottom Image
22. USB client (micro USB)
23. Microphone/Headphones jack
24. 12V DC jack
25. USB host (full size USB)
26. 9-pin serial port

DC charging is done through the 12V DC jack (barrel connector, bottom left of the unit).

FieldPC2 has many other features. For complete list of all FieldPC2 features and detailed
instructions, please refer to FieldPC2 manual in PDF format Archer-2-Manual.pdf or
available for download:

Once the datalogger is connected to the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™, turn on the power to the
Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ by pressing the power button (Figure 6). X

Use the stylus to navigate through the operating environment. If you are unfamiliar with the
Windows Mobile operating environment, please refer to the “Archer-2-Manual” which is
accessible from the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ programs window.
From the Start menu, choose: DT Logger Host to launch the RST DT Logger Host Software.
The logger menu appears when the program is initially launched. The menu contains six
tabs: Status, Mon, Log, Sensors, and Exit. Each tab option is explained in detail below. Until
successful logger connection, all tabs are inaccessible except Status.


All loggers can be connected to the host computer using USB cable. Older type DT2011
logger requires RS232 cable and either RS232 port or RS232 to USB adapter.


With optional wireless module installed and configured, a host computer connected to the
DT Link HUB will have wireless access to the user selected loggers.
Once connected to the DT Link Hub (Figure 7), DT Link button will be available to access the
user selected loggers

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Figure 7: Status Tab with DT Link hub connected

Click on DT Link button to display DT Link remote dialog (Figure 8).

Figure 8: DT Link remote dialog

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Settings button will show DT Link Hub Settings dialog for changing various wireless options
(Figure 9).
All loggers belonging to the same network need the same Hub Address and Network ID.
Advanced tab will show additional communication parameters.
Click Query Logger to retrieve all parameters.

RST data logger shipped as part of a DT Link system have all settings preconfigured. It is
strongly recommended to contact RST personnel before modifying any DT Link settings.

Figure 9: DT Link Hub Settings

Wireless Logger List

Logger list can be updated manually using Edit button. The following activities are available:
- Add to add new logger entry manually.
- Del Sel to delete selected logger from the list.
- Del All to delete all loggers from the list.
- Edit Sel to edit selected logger settings
- Import to import loggers from text file.
More convenient automatic logger search can be initiated using Discovery button.
The list entries consist of logger type, logger serial number, data download time,
logger label, record number and radio MAC address. Discovery search indicates
found (F) and new (N) loggers.

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To verify logger accessibility, click Ping button. The software will try to retrieve basic
information from selected logger: Download Time, Record Number, Label and wireless
signal strength. Click Stop to stop pinging.

Connecting loggers
Click Connect button to establish wireless communication link with selected logger. Upon
successful connection, logger status is retrieved and the software will automatically switch to
Status tab. Click Disconnect button to disconnect and switch back to wireless logger list.

For speedy data download, click Download button. The software will connect to selected
logger, download all data to a file and disconnect wireless connection. Select Append radio
button to keep historical data or select Overwrite radio button to restart logging after data

Use local status cache

After successful connection, current logger settings will be saved in local cache file. Enabling
local cache will decrease subsequent connections time.


The RSTAR Array Radio Series use wireless technology to provide continuous data
acquisition. Please refer to section 8 for RSTAR system details.


Figure 10 illustrates the Logger Options dialog box.

Figure 10: Logger Options dialog

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Logger Options for all logger types

Data Backup feature allows storing of a backup copy of the downloaded files automatically
after each transfer. Backup can be enabled and destination specified in Backup dialog.
Custom units are used to program user defined units to be used in Sensor engineering

Monitor Mode (DT2040 and DT2485 only)

Two monitor modes are made available for large channel number logger (DT2040).
Sequential (standard mode) displays 10 consecutive channel monitor data. Pick mode
allows selecting up to 10 channels from active sensor pool.
When DT2485 logger gets connected, monitor display mode offers selecting sensor address
or list type displaying all configured sensors.

Use local status cache for USB connections (DT2485 only)

Enabling local status cache will shorten initial logger connection time. When used with high
number of sensors, connection time will be reduced significantly.

Node serial (DT2485 only)

Node serial can be retrieved from the one node connected to the logger.


Figure 11 illustrates the Backup and Restore dialog box.

Figure 11: Backup and Restore dialog

1. All Ultra-Rugged Field PC’s come with the Field PC storage location however,
optional Flash™ Storage Cards are additional and are available through RST.
2. Choose from the several options whether you would like to Restore, Backup or
Synchronize the files. Check boxes allow the options of overwriting files if desired.
3. Press the desired button to initiate the function.
4. Press Close to exit this screen.

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Proper data management is very important. The Ultra-Rugged Field PC, in conjunction
with its onboard and optional non-volatile memory storage areas, and its ability to
synchronize with a desktop PC, allows several options for backing up the data. At the
same time, with all these options, data files can be confused with each other if not
managed properly. After taking readings in the field it is always a good idea to back the
files up in a safe location (i.e. network server etc.) back at the office using the ActiveSync
software. Additional copies of this information will always be stored in the Field PC
memory area should the main memory of the Ultra-Rugged Field PC become erased. Be
sure to clear the Field PC memory of unneeded files on a regular basis to keep the files
easily manageable.

Because the Ultra-Rugged Field PC uses some power to maintain files in RAM and the
clock, you need to recharge the battery regularly. Keep the Ultra-Rugged Field PC
connected on AC or DC power while you are at your desk. The best policy is to keep the
Ultra-Rugged Field PC connected to your computer when working at your desk and carry
your AC adapter and DC adapter plug with you when traveling. Your Ultra-Rugged Field
PC is shipped with a charge on the battery. You may want to ensure that it is fully charged
before synchronizing. The Ultra-Rugged Field PC battery will provide approximately 20
hours of borehole survey time (when connected to the probe).


The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval (Figure 12). They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments
technical staff in case of corrupted data. The remaining advanced settings can be adjusted
to fit custom situations:

• Default Settings reset software settings to default values

• Factory Reset: Reset logger to factory defaults erasing all data and settings.
• Memory Reset triggers memory erasure.
• Battery Type: When replacing with different battery type, Select battery type from the
list and click Set Battery Type.
• Initialize Battery: To be used after installing new battery.
• Test for VW before reading: adds additional test for VW sensor connection
• USB Speed: Throttle USB bandwidth.
• DT2011 New Datafile Format create compatible data file for DT2011 logger
• Campbell format datafile: Generate *.dat file in addition to *.csv file.
• Adjustments: Advanced settings for specific situations.
• HT: Logger command shell.

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Figure 12: Advanced Logger Options dialog

The Adjustment dialog (Figure 13) allow fine tuning of various logger parameters. They are
to be used with advice from RST Instruments technical personnel.
Each setting has a default value specified.

Figure 13: Adjustments dialog

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Once the datalogger is connected to the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™, turn on the power to the
Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ by pressing the power button (Figure 6). X

Use the stylus to navigate through the operating environment. If you are unfamiliar with the
Windows Mobile operating environment, please refer to the “Archer-2-Manual” which is
accessible from the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2™ programs window.
From the Start menu, choose: DT Logger Host to launch the RST DT Logger Host Software.
The logger menu appears when the program is initially launched. The menu contains six
tabs: Status, Mon, Log, Sensors, and Exit. Each tab option is explained in detail below. Until
successful logger connection, all tabs are inaccessible except Status.

5.1 VIBRATING WIRE LOGGERS (DT2011, DT2055, DT2055B, DT2040,

5.1.1 STATUS
The status tab (Figure 14) contains three main components: Logger, Sampling and Mode.

Figure 14: Status Tab

Provides information about the currently connected datalogger. This includes the model,
name, serial number, and firmware version. Ensure that the serial number matches what is
expected (in this example it is DT08169). If it does not, ensure that a connection with the
logger has been established.

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Provides information about the status of the logger. This includes whether or not it is logging,
the log interval, and various time parameters.

Displays the past battery voltage recorded when sample was taken, current battery voltage
and the estimated battery life. To ensure uninterrupted operation, replace batteries when
estimated battery life is getting low.

Battery past value depends on the recorded data availability and the firmware version

Refer to Section 9.4 for battery replacement instructions. Multichannel logger uses special
long-life lithium battery; contact RST for replacement part.
DT2011 uses two AA alkaline batteries. See Section 9.4.2 for Single Channel logger battery

The RST DT Logger Host software connects to either the RST USB Dataloggers or RST
RS232 Datalogger. Select the device you wish to access and press Connect button.

Collect Data
If the datalogger has already been configured to collect data at a specified interval, the
Collect Data button can be pressed. The program will download the data (a progress bar will
be displayed) and automatically write it to a *.csv file in \My Documents\Multichannel\.
Please see Section 7 for the *.csv file format.

When pressing the Collect Data button, after the data download completes, the program
will give a choice to keep or erase the data currently contained in the datalogger. If the
datalogger memory is not erased, the next time the data is collected (and no parameters
have been changed) it will download the current readings and all of the previous data to a
*.csv file.
The current memory can also be erased by pressing the Apply Settings in the Logging
tab or Apply in Sensors tab. The program will prompt you to confirm the erasing of data
from its memory.

RST Logo
Press the RST Logo button to display DT Logger Host version and copyright information.

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After the data is downloaded from datalogger memory, the contents of the data file can be
viewed by pressing View Data button. The File Listing Screen (Figure 15) is then presented.
For each selected datafile, the status of the datalogger is shown at the bottom of the screen.
This status is recorded in each datafile at the time of data download.

Figure 15: File Listing Screen Figure 16: File View Screen

By selecting desired filename and pressing View File, the contents of the data file are
displayed in the table. The status bar at the top of the screen shows the total number of
recordings and the current line number. The sample screen is shown in Figure 16.

Data View displays major datalogger settings and all saved data records. Use text file
viewer or spread sheet program (ex. MS Excel™) to see the entire file

Selecting the monitor tab sets the datalogger into monitor mode. The screen reports in B-
units (f2x10-3) or the thermistor temperature in degrees Celsius (Figure 17 and Figure 18).
If successfully connected to the datalogger, the sensor reading or temperature reading is
updated approximately once per two seconds. Dot indicator flashes each time a sensor data
is updated. Clicking the check boxes changes the display to Engineering Units, or thermistor
resistance. For Fahrenheit temperature units, check the appropriate box in Sensors tab.

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Figure 17: Single Channel Figure 18: Multichannel Monitor

Monitor Tab Tab

Display Format
Click on F button to customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or
switch to scientific display.

Engineering Units are only available when sensor calibration data and conversion method
is set in Sensors page. Please see Section 5.1.6 for the instructions on entering
calibration data.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
Sensor Reading fields.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.

5.1.4 GRAPH
The graph button invokes the datalogger graphical monitor for selected sensor. Recent
monitor readings are displayed then in a Sensor Reading vs. Time graph (Figure 19). If
successfully connected, the graphical monitor is updated approximately once every two
seconds. Initially, the graphical screen needs few seconds to auto calculate axis ranges.

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The real time sensor reading is displayed below the graph window. Manual “Scale” slider bar
is provided for fine tuning of graph vertical scale.

Figure 19: Graph Tab Figure 20: Graphical Monitor


The Graph screen will be refreshed when engineering units are changed or relevant
settings are changed.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
sensor reading area.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.
The “Scale” slider is disabled when manual scale settings are used in Graphical Monitor
The “Settings” button launches the Graphical Monitor Options dialog (Figure 20), which
allows the user to manipulate the graph. Options include the ability to display Engineering
Units, set minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), and set the time range of
monitor data points displayed (x-axis, range between 1 minute and 2 hours).
To manually adjust the minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), the “Auto”
checkboxes need to be cleared.

The Logging tab (Figure 21) contains three main components: Interval, Logger Options and
Clock Options.

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Figure 21: Logging Tab

Logger Label
Custom label can be entered if desired. Press the Update Label button to change logger

This section is used to set the logging interval. Fixed interval and Multi interval options are
available. The fixed logging interval can be invoked by choosing the “Fixed” radio button and
set within the main setup tab. Arrow buttons allow the user to scroll up or down pre-set
To setup the logger with multiple intervals, select the Multi (Advanced) radio button. Clicking
the Advanced button launches the Multi Interval Table dialog (Figure 22), where up to 12
custom, multiple intervals can be applied.

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Figure 22: Multi Interval Table

The hour, minute, second and number of iterations per interval must be specified.

Each interval MUST have an iteration except the last iteration which must be set to zero.
This tells the program that the logger will continue at the last iteration rate.

The memory capacity depends on logger hardware. Multichannel logger data recording
capability ranges from up to 303,030 records with 2 sensors connected and 106,470 records
in 10 sensor configurations. Single Channel Loggers can hold up to a maximum of 32,000
iterations for all intervals. The dialog features an Interval Fill Time field, which allows the
user to see the exact time, relative to the start time of the interval, the interval iterations will
finish. To update both the Interval Fill Time and Total Iterations field, click the “Update”
button. To save changes, click the “Save” button.

Logger Options
Start Time: A check box can be selected to enable a custom start time. The hour and minute
can be entered in 24-hour format.

If a custom start time is entered and this time has already past, the logger will not start
until 24 hours has passed. For example: If the current time is 13:01 and the start time is
set to 13:00, the datalogger will not start logging data until 13:00 the next day.

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If a custom start time is applied, i.e. for some time in the future, the Status will read Log
Pending until that interval is reached.
Wrap on Mem Full (Overwrite Data): When the datalogger memory becomes full, it will
overwrite itself.
Stop on Mem Full: Datalogger stops collecting data when it reaches its memory storage

Clock Options
Allows the user to set the date and time of the datalogger. Checking the Auto Sync Time
checkbox will update datalogger internal clock each time Apply Settings button is pressed.

The Options button displays pull down menu with Logger and Wireless entries.
Allows changing several advanced settings, the exact view depends on the type of the
connected datalogger.
Wireless system configuration settings. For further information on Wireless settings, see
Section 8.

Apply Settings Button

After any changes have been made on the datalogger Log screen, pressing the Apply
Settings button saves these changes and uploads them to the datalogger’s memory.

During logging settings upload, all existing logger data will be erased. Ensure to download
data prior to changing logging settings. Sensor configuration will not be affected.

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Figure 23: Logger Options

Load Cell Mode
The load Cell mode can be activated to display average sensor values in Monitor Tab. This
setting is useful when all connected sensors are a part of a load cell. Data file download will
have average values columns when downloaded in Load Cell mode.
Custom Units
The option is given to display and record sensor readings in engineering units other than
predefined on Sensor tab. Enter desired label and conversion factor to add custom units.
Then apply settings and use your custom units in Sensor configuration tab.
Custom Units option might not be available for some firmware versions. Check RST website
for most up to date firmware version.

Monitor Mode (DT2040 only)

Two monitor modes are made available for large channel number logger (DT2040).
Sequential (standard mode) displays 10 consecutive channel monitor data. Pick mode
allows selecting up to 10 channels from active sensor pool.

Advanced Settings
The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval. They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments technical staff in case
of corrupted data.

The DT Logger Host Software Sensors tab will display one of two types of sensor
configuration screens, depending on sensor type. The following buttons are common to all
sensor configuration screens:

Add Sensor

This button will activate sensor add menu.

To add vibrating wire sensor, select Add VW Sensor. The screen will change to VW mode.

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To add thermistor sensor, select Add Temp Sensor. The screen will show controls for setting
up thermal sensor.
To insert vibrating wire sensor at current location, select Ins VW Sensor. The screen will
change to VW mode.
To insert thermistor sensor, select Ins Temp Sensor. The screen will show controls for
setting up thermal sensor.
Select New Copy to add copy of currently viewed sensor configuration screen.

Deletes currently displayed sensor configuration.
| button
Use this button to remove all sensors except the first two.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu.
Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
Customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or switch to scientific
Once sensor configuration is saved and sensors connected, click on Verify to detect and
verify current setup. Each connection is tested and results displayed.
The following parameters are shown:
• Sensor label
• Pre-configured (Expected) sensor type
• Detected sensor type
• Measured sensor resistance in Ohms
When detected sensor parameters appear correct, background color turns green, otherwise
background color turns red to indicate error.
The sample screen is shown on Figure 24.

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Figure 24: Verify Sensor Figure 25: Display Format for

Connections Sensor

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.


Often the user may wish to report the readings directly in engineering units, rather than B-
units (f2x10-3). This can be done on the VW Sensors Tab (Figure 26). Data required for the
conversion to engineering units is always found on the calibration sheets for the transducer.
Each transducer is shipped from the factory with a calibration sheet. If you have not received
a calibration sheet, or the sheet has been lost, please contact RST Instruments and a copy
will be faxed or e-mailed to you.

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Figure 26: VW Sensors Tab

VW Sensor Type
A drop-down menu allows the user to select from a list of pre-set sweep frequency settings
(Figure 27). The software also allows a custom, user defined sweep frequency for use with
non-standard vibrating wire sensors (Figure 28). To select this option, choose the “Custom
(Advanced)” option from the drop-down menu, click the “Advanced” button, fill in the required
fields and click Sweep to determine the remaining parameters.

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Figure 27: Custom Vibrating Wire Figure 28: Decrement and Sweep
Settings Time options

Enter the desired Sweep Time and click Recalc. The program will calculate Decrement and
Sweep Time and give option to choose optimal parameters

Conversion Method
The user is given an option to apply either a Linear or Polynomial Conversion. If Linear
conversion in selected, input the provided Calibration Factor and Zero Reading into the
appropriate boxes.
If polynomial conversion is selected, input the provided coefficients (A, B & C) into the
appropriate boxes.

Temperature Correction
When the Temp Corr box is checked, the software will apply a temperature correction to the
data. This requires the user to enter in the temperature correction factor and an initial
temperature which is found on the calibration sheet for that particular instrument. Then
select thermistor sensor used to read temperature.
If the calibration sheet is missing, please contact RST Instruments and a copy of the
calibration sheet can be faxed or e-mailed to you.

Units Conversion
Units Type: Choose pressure or distance using the drop-down menu.
Input Units: These are the units of the calibration constants you inputted into either the linear
conversion or polynomial conversion methods. In general, the calibration constants reported
on the calibration sheets are either in kPa/B unit or psi/B unit. In the case of strain gauges,
this could be mm/B unit.

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Output Units: Select the appropriate output units from the drop-down list. The conversion will
be done automatically resulting in desired units displayed in Monitor tab and recorded in
downloaded file data.
Output Offset: This is a user defined offset value. Under certain circumstances, the user may
wish to enter in the elevation of the pressure transducer. In this way the reported pressure
will be correlated to a reference elevation (i.e. above sea level).


Thermal Sensor Type
A drop-down menu on the Temperature Sensors Tab (Figure 29) allows the user to select
the type of thermistor used in the vibrating wire instrument.
To display Fahrenheit units, check the Fahrenheit temperature units checkbox. This global
setting applies to all thermistor sensors.

Figure 29: Temperature Sensors Tab

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.

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5.2 4 TO 20MA LOGGER (DT4205)

5.2.1 STATUS
The Status Tab (Figure 30) contains three main components: Logger, Sampling, Battery and

Figure 30: 4 to 20 mA Logger Status Tab

Provides information about the currently connected datalogger. This includes the model,
name, serial number, and firmware version. Ensure that the serial number matches what is
expected (in this example it is 012345). If it does not, ensure that a connection with the
logger has been established.
Provides information about the status of the logger. This includes whether or not it is logging,
the log interval, and various time parameters.

Displays the past battery voltage recorded when sample was taken, current battery voltage
and the estimated battery life. To ensure uninterrupted operation, replace batteries when
estimated battery life is getting low.

Battery past value depends on recorded data availability and firmware version installed.

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Refer to Section 9.4 for battery replacement instructions. Multichannel logger uses special
long-life lithium battery; contact RST for replacement part.
DT2011 uses two AA alkaline batteries. See Section 9.4.2 for Single Channel logger battery

The RST DT Logger Host software connects to either the RST USB Dataloggers or RST
RS232 Datalogger. Select the device you wish to access and press Connect button.

Collect Data
If the datalogger has already been configured to collect data at a specified interval, the
Collect Data button can be pressed. The program will download the data (a progress bar will
be displayed) and automatically write it to a *.csv file in the
\My Documents\Multichannel\ directory. Please see section 7 for the *.csv file format.

When pressing the Collect Data button, after the data download completes, the program
will give a choice to keep or erase the data currently contained in the datalogger. If the
datalogger memory is not erased, the next time the data is collected (and no parameters
have been changed) it will download the current readings and all of the previous data to a
*.csv file.
The current memory can also be erased by pressing the Apply Settings in the Logging
tab or Apply in Sensors tab. The program will prompt you to confirm the erasing of data
from its memory.

RST Logo
Press the RST Logo button to display DT Logger Host version and copyright information.


After the data is downloaded from datalogger memory, the contents of the data file can be
viewed by pressing View Data button. The File Listing Screen is then presented (Figure 31).
For each selected datafile, the status of the datalogger is shown at the bottom of the screen.
This status is recorded in each datafile at the time of data download.

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Figure 31: 4 to 20mA Logger File Figure 32: 4 to 20mA Logger File
Listing Screen View Screen

By selecting desired filename and pressing View File, the contents of the data file are
displayed in the table. The status bar at the top of the screen shows the total number of
recordings and the current line number. The sample screen is shown on Figure 32. X

Data View displays major datalogger settings and all saved data records. Use text file
viewer or spread sheet program (ex. MS Excel™) to see the entire file.

Selecting the monitor tab sets the datalogger into monitor mode (Figure 33). By default, the
screen reports in mA of the detected current.
If successfully connected to the datalogger, the sensor reading is updated approximately
once per two seconds. Dot indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Clicking the
check boxes changes the display to Engineering Units.

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Figure 33: 4 to 20mA Logger Monitor Tab

Display Format
Click on F button to customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or
switch to scientific display.

Engineering Units are only available when sensor calibration data and conversion method
is set in Sensors page. Please see section 5.2.6 for the instructions on entering calibration

Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
Sensor Reading fields.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.

5.2.4 GRAPH
The graph button invokes the datalogger graphical monitor for selected sensor. Recent
monitor readings are displayed then in a Sensor Reading vs. Time graph (Figure 34). If
successfully connected, the graphical monitor is updated approximately once every two
seconds. Initially, the graphical screen needs few seconds to auto calculate axis ranges.
The real time sensor reading is displayed below the graph window. Manual “Scale” slider bar
is provided for fine tuning of graph vertical scale.

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Figure 34: 4 to 20mA Logger Graph Figure 35: 4 to 20mA Logger

Tab Graphical Monitor Options

The Graph screen will be refreshed when engineering units are changed or relevant
settings are changed.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
sensor reading area.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.
The “Scale” slider is disabled when manual scale settings are used in Graphical Monitor

The “Settings” button launches the Graphical Monitor Options dialog (Figure 35), which
allows the user to manipulate the graph. Options include the ability to display Engineering
Units, set minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), and set the time range of
monitor data points displayed (x-axis, range between 1 minute and 2 hours).
To manually adjust the minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), the “Auto”
checkboxes need to be cleared.

The Logging tab contains three main components: Interval, Logger Options and Clock
Options (Figure 36).

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Figure 36: 4 to 20mA Logger Logging Tab

Logger Label
Custom label can be entered if desired. Press the Update Label button to change logger

This section is used to set the logging interval. Fixed interval and Multi interval options are
available. The fixed logging interval can be invoked by choosing the “Fixed” radio button and
set within the main setup tab. Arrow buttons allow the user to scroll up or down pre-set
To setup the logger with multiple intervals, select the Multi (Advanced) radio button. Clicking
the Advanced button launches the Multi Interval Table dialog (Figure 37), where up to 12
custom, multiple intervals can be applied.

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Figure 37: 4 to 20mA Logger Multi Interval Table

The hour, minute, second and number of iterations per interval must be specified.

Each interval MUST have an iteration except the last iteration which must be set to zero.
This tells the program that the logger will continue at the last iteration rate.

The memory capacity depends on logger hardware. Multichannel logger data recording
capability ranges from up to 303,030 records with 2 sensors connected and 106,470 records
in 10 sensor configuration. Single Channel Loggers can hold up to a maximum of 32,000
iterations for all intervals. The dialog features an Interval Fill Time field, which allows the
user to see the exact time, relative to the start time of the interval, the interval iterations will
finish. To update both the Interval Fill Time and Total Iterations field, click the “Update”
button. To save changes, click the “Save” button.

Logger Options

Figure 38 shows the Logger Options dialog box.

Start Time: A check box can be selected to enable a custom start time. The hour and minute
can be entered in 24-hour format.
If a custom start time is entered and this time has already past, the logger will not start
until 24 hours has passed. For example: If the current time is 13:01 and the start time is
set to 13:00, the datalogger will not start logging data until 13:00 the next day.

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If a custom start time is applied, i.e. for some time in the future, the Status will read Log
Pending until that interval is reached.
Wrap on Mem Full (Overwrite Data): When the datalogger memory becomes full, it will
overwrite itself.
Stop on Mem Full: Datalogger stops collecting data when it reaches its memory storage

Clock Options
Allows the user to set the date and time of the datalogger. Checking the Auto Sync Time
checkbox will update datalogger internal clock each time Apply Settings button is pressed.

The Options button displays pull down menu with Logger and RSTAR entries.
Allows changing several advanced settings, the exact view depends on the type of the
connected datalogger.
RSTAR Array Radio Series system configuration settings. For further information on RSTAR
settings, see Section 8.

Apply Settings Button

After any changes have been made on the datalogger Log screen, pressing the Apply
Settings button saves these changes and uploads them to the datalogger’s memory.

During logging settings upload, all existing logger data will be erased. Ensure to download
data prior to changing logging settings. Sensor configuration will not be affected.

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Figure 38: 4 to 20mA Logger Options

Custom Units
The option is given to display and record sensor readings in engineering units other than
predefined on Sensor tab. Enter desired label and conversion factor to add custom units.
Then apply settings and use your custom units in Sensor configuration tab.
Custom Units option might not be available for some firmware versions. Check RST website
for most up to date firmware version.

Advanced Settings
The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval. They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments technical staff in case
of corrupted data.

The DT Logger Host Software Sensors tab will display one of two types of sensor
configuration screens, depending on sensor type. The following buttons are common to all
sensor configuration screens:

Add Sensor

This button will activate sensor add menu.

To add 4 to 20mA sensor, select Add 420 Sensor. The screen will change to 420 mode.
To add thermistor sensor, select Add Temp Sensor. The screen will show controls for setting
up thermal sensor.
To insert 4 to 20mA sensor at current location, select Ins 420 Sensor. The screen will
change to VW mode.
To insert thermistor sensor, select Ins Temp Sensor. The screen will show controls for
setting up thermal sensor.

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Select New Copy to add copy of currently viewed sensor configuration screen.

Deletes currently displayed sensor configuration.
| button
Use this button to remove all sensors except the first two.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu.
Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
Customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or switch to scientific
Once sensor configuration is saved and sensors connected, click on Verify to detect and
verify current setup. Each connection is tested and results displayed.
The following parameters are shown:
• Sensor label
• Pre-configured (Expected) sensor type
• Detected sensor type
• Measured sensor resistance in Ohms
When detected sensor parameters appear correct, background color turns green, otherwise
background color turns red to indicate error.
The sample screen is shown on Figure 39.

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Figure 39: 4 to 20mA Verify Sensor Connections

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.

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Often the user may wish to report the readings directly in engineering units, rather than mA.

Figure 40: 4 to 20mA Logger Sensors Tab

Conversion Method
Engineering values are calculated using linear conversion.
The user is given two options to apply a Linear Conversion:
- Coefficient Input, enter Calibration Factor BM and Zero Reading CZ.
- Range Input. Input current and engineering calibration limits into appropriate boxes.
The option is also given to modify the sensor offset.
Equation used for calculations is shown for a reference.

Temperature Correction
When the Enable Temperature Correction box is checked, the software will apply a
temperature correction to the data. This requires the user to enter in the temperature
correction factor and an initial temperature which is found on the calibration sheet for that
particular instrument. Then select thermistor sensor used to read temperature.
If the calibration sheet is missing, please contact RST Instruments and a copy of the
calibration sheet can be faxed or e-mailed to you.

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Units Conversion
Units Type: Choose pressure, distance, force, strain, VW temp, incline or custom units using
the drop-down menu.
Input Units: These are the units of the calibration constants you inputted into either the
coefficient or range conversion methods.
Output Units: Select the appropriate output units from the drop-down list. The conversion will
be done automatically resulting in desired units displayed in Monitor tab and recorded in
downloaded file data.
Output Offset: This is a user defined offset value.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu. Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
This option allows the user to customize monitor display settings (Figure 41). The user is
given the option to alter the precision or switch to scientific display.

Figure 41: Display Format for 4 to 20mA Logger Sensor

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.
Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data

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to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.


Thermal Sensor Type
A drop-down menu allows the user to select the type of thermistor used in the vibrating wire
instrument (Figure 42).
To display Fahrenheit units, check the Fahrenheit temperature units checkbox. This global
setting applies to all thermistor sensors.

Figure 42: Temperature Sensors Tab

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.

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5.3 TILT LOGGER (IC6560, IC6660, DTL201B AND DTL202B)

5.3.1 STATUS
The status tab contains three main components: Logger, Sampling, Battery and Mode
(Figure 43).

Figure 43: Tilt Status Tab

Provides information about the currently connected datalogger. This includes the model,
name, serial number, and firmware version. Ensure that the serial number matches what is
expected (in this example it is 05072). If it does not, ensure that a connection with the logger
has been established.
Provides information about the status of the logger. This includes whether or not it is logging,
the log interval, and various time parameters.

Displays the past battery voltage recorded when sample was taken, current battery voltage
and the estimated battery life. To ensure uninterrupted operation, replace batteries when
estimated battery life is getting low.

Battery past value depends on recorded data availability and firmware version installed.

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Refer to Section 9.4 for Tilt Logger battery replacement instructions. The Tilt Logger uses
special long-life lithium battery; contact RST for replacement part.

The RST DT Logger Host software connects to either the RST USB Dataloggers or RST
RS232 Datalogger. Select the device you wish to access and press Connect button.

Collect Data
If the datalogger has already been configured to collect data at a specified interval, the
Collect Data button can be pressed. The program will download the data (a progress bar will
be displayed) and automatically write it to a *.csv file in the
\My Documents\Multichannel\ directory. Please see section 7 for the *.csv file format.

When pressing the Collect Data button, after the data download completes, the program
will give a choice to keep or erase the data currently contained in the datalogger. If the
datalogger memory is not erased, the next time the data is collected (and no parameters
have been changed) it will download the current readings and all of the previous data to a
*.csv file.
The current memory can also be erased by pressing the Apply Settings in the Logging
tab or Apply in Sensors tab. The program will prompt you to confirm the erasing of data
from its memory.

RST Logo
Press the RST Logo button to display DT Logger Host version and copyright information.


After the data is downloaded from datalogger memory, the contents of the data file can be
viewed by pressing View Data button. The File Listing Screen is then presented (Figure 44).
For each selected datafile, the status of the datalogger is shown at the bottom of the screen.
This status is recorded in each datafile at the time of data download.

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Figure 44: Tilt File Listing Screen Figure 45: Tilt File View Screen

By selecting desired filename and pressing View File, the contents of the data file are
displayed in the table. The status bar at the top of the screen shows the total number of
recordings and the current line number. The sample screen is shown on Figure 45.

Data View displays major datalogger settings and all saved data records. Use text file
viewer or spread sheet program (ex. MS Excel™) to see the entire file.

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Selecting the monitor tab sets the datalogger into monitor mode (Figure 46). By default, the
screen reports the sine of the detected inclination.
If successfully connected to the datalogger, the sensor reading is updated approximately
once per two seconds. Green indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Dot
indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Clicking the check boxes changes the
display to Engineering Units.

Figure 46: Tilt Monitor Tab

Display Format
Click on F button to customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or
switch to scientific display.

Engineering Units are only available when sensor calibration data and conversion method
is set in Sensors page. Please see section 5.3.6 for the instructions on entering calibration

Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
Sensor Reading fields.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 47

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5.3.4 GRAPH
The graph button invokes the datalogger graphical monitor for selected sensor (Figure 47).
Recent monitor readings are displayed then in a Sensor Reading vs. Time graph. If
successfully connected, the graphical monitor is updated approximately once every two
seconds. Initially, the graphical screen needs few seconds to auto calculate axis ranges.
The real time sensor reading is displayed below the graph window. Manual “Scale” slider bar
is provided for fine tuning of graph vertical scale.

Figure 47: Tilt Graph Tab Figure 48: Tilt Graphical Monitor

The Graph screen will be refreshed when engineering units are changed or relevant
settings are changed.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
sensor reading area.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.
The “Scale” slider is disabled when manual scale settings are used in Graphical Monitor

The “Settings” button launches the Graphical Monitor Options dialog (Figure 48), which
allows the user to manipulate the graph. Options include the ability to display Engineering
Units, set minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), and set the time range of

ELM0081D RST Instruments 48

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monitor data points displayed (x-axis, range between 1 minute and 2 hours).
To manually adjust the minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), the “Auto”
checkboxes need to be cleared.

The Logging tab contains three main components: Interval, Logger Options and Clock
Options (Figure 49).

Figure 49: Tilt Logging Tab

Logger Label
Custom label can be entered if desired. Press the Update Label button to change logger

This section is used to set the logging interval. Fixed interval and Multi interval options are
available. The fixed logging interval can be invoked by choosing the “Fixed” radio button,
and set within the main setup tab. Arrow buttons allow the user to scroll up or down pre-set
To setup the logger with multiple intervals, select the Multi (Advanced) radio button. Clicking
the Advanced button launches the Multi Interval Table dialog (Figure 50), where up to 12
custom, multiple intervals can be applied.

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Figure 50: Tilt Multi Interval Table

The hour, minute, second and number of iterations per interval must be specified.

Each interval MUST have an iteration except the last iteration which must be set to zero.
This tells the program that the logger will continue at the last iteration rate.

The memory capacity depends on logger hardware. Multichannel logger data recording
capability ranges from up to 303,030 records with 2 sensors connected and 106,470 records
in 10 sensor configuration. Single Channel Loggers can hold up to a maximum of 32,000
iterations for all intervals. The dialog features an Interval Fill Time field, which allows the
user to see the exact time, relative to the start time of the interval, the interval iterations will
finish. To update both the Interval Fill Time and Total Iterations field, click the “Update”
button. To save changes, click the “Save” button.

Logger Options
Start Time: A check box can be selected to enable a custom start time. The hour and minute
can be entered in 24-hour format.

If a custom start time is entered and this time has already past, the logger will not start
until 24 hours has passed. For example: If the current time is 13:01 and the start time is
set to 13:00, the datalogger will not start logging data until 13:00 the next day.

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If a custom start time is applied, i.e. for some time in the future, the Status will read Log
Pending until that interval is reached.
Wrap on Mem Full (Overwrite Data): When the datalogger memory becomes full, it will
overwrite itself.
Stop on Mem Full: Datalogger stops collecting data when it reaches its memory storage

Clock Options
Allows the user to set the date and time of the datalogger. Checking the Auto Sync Time
checkbox will update datalogger internal clock each time Apply Settings button is pressed.

The Options button displays pull down menu with Logger and RSTAR entries.
Allows changing several advanced settings, the exact view depends on the type of the
connected datalogger.
RSTAR Array Radio Series system configuration settings. For further information on RSTAR
settings, see Section 8.

Apply Settings Button

After any changes have been made on the datalogger Log screen, pressing the Apply
Settings button saves these changes and uploads them to the datalogger’s memory (Figure

During logging settings upload, all existing logger data will be erased. Ensure to download
data prior to changing logging settings. Sensor configuration will not be affected.

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Figure 51: Tilt Options

Custom Units
The option is given to display and record sensor readings in engineering units other than
predefined on Sensor tab. Enter desired label and conversion factor to add custom units.
Then apply settings and use your custom units in Sensor configuration tab.
Custom Units option might not be available for some firmware versions. Check RST website
for most up to date firmware version.

Advanced Settings
The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval. They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments technical staff in case
of corrupted data.

Often the user may wish to report the readings directly in engineering units, rather than
sin(angle). This can be changed on the Tilt Sensors Tab (Figure 52)

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Figure 52: Tilt Sensors Tab

Conversion Method
The user is given an option to apply Linear Conversion. Input the provided Calibration Factor
and Zero Reading into the appropriate boxes.

Units Conversion
Units Type: Currently only distance conversion is available.
Input Units: Currently set to sin(angle).
Output Units: Select the appropriate output units from the drop-down list. The conversion will
be done automatically resulting in desired units displayed in Monitor tab and recorded in
downloaded file data.
Output Offset: This is a user defined offset value.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu.
Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
This is used to customize monitor display settings. The option is given to alter the precision
or switch to scientific display (Figure 53).
Copy to (Biaxial loggers only)
When adding subsequent sensors with identical parameters, click Copy to A or Copy to B.

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Figure 53: Display Format for Tilt Sensor

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.

5.4 DT-BUS LOGGER (DT2485)

5.4.1 STATUS
The status tab contains three main components: Logger, Sampling, Battery and Mode
(Figure 54).

ELM0081D RST Instruments 54

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Figure 54: DT-BUS Status Tab

Provides information about the currently connected datalogger. This includes the model,
name, serial number, and firmware version. Ensure that the serial number matches what is
expected (in this example it is 05072). If it does not, ensure that a connection with the logger
has been established.
Provides information about the status of the logger. This includes whether or not it is logging,
the log interval, and various time parameters.

Displays the past battery voltage recorded when sample was taken, current battery voltage
and the estimated battery life. To ensure uninterrupted operation, replace batteries when
estimated battery life is getting low.

Battery past value depends on recorded data availability and firmware version installed

Refer to Section 9.4 for battery replacement instructions. The DT-BUS Logger uses special
long-life lithium battery; contact RST for replacement part.

The RST DT Logger Host software connects to either the RST USB Dataloggers or RST
RS232 Datalogger. Select the device you wish to access and press Connect button.

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Collect Data
If the datalogger has already been configured to collect data at a specified interval, the
Collect Data button can be pressed. The program will download the data (a progress bar will
be displayed) and automatically write it to a *.csv file in the
\My Documents\Multichannel\ directory. Please see section 7 for the *.csv file format.

When pressing the Collect Data button, after the data download completes, the program
will give a choice to keep or erase the data currently contained in the datalogger. If the
datalogger memory is not erased, the next time the data is collected (and no parameters
have been changed) it will download the current readings and all of the previous data to a
*.csv file.
The current memory can also be erased by pressing the Apply Settings in the Logging
tab or Apply in Sensors tab. The program will prompt you to confirm the erasing of data
from its memory.

RST Logo
Press the RST Logo button to display DT Logger Host version and copyright information.


After the data is downloaded from datalogger memory, the contents of the data file can be
viewed by pressing View Data button. The File Listing Screen is then presented (Figure 55).
For each selected datafile, the status of the datalogger is shown at the bottom of the screen.
This status is recorded in each datafile at the time of data download.

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Figure 55: DT-BUS File Listing Figure 56: DT-BUS File View
Screen Screen

By selecting desired filename and pressing View File, the contents of the data file are
displayed in the table. The status bar at the top of the screen shows the total number of
recordings and the current line number. The sample screen is shown on Figure 56.

Data View displays major datalogger settings and all saved data records. Use text file
viewer or spread sheet program (ex. MS Excel™) to see the entire file.

Selecting the monitor tab sets the datalogger into monitor mode (Figure 57). By default, the
screen reports the sine of the detected inclination.
If successfully connected to the datalogger, the sensor reading is updated approximately
once per two seconds. Green indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Dot
indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Clicking the check boxes changes the
display to Engineering Units.

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Figure 57: DT-BUS Monitor Tab

Display Format
Click on F button to customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or
switch to scientific display.

Engineering Units are only available when sensor calibration data and conversion method
is set in Sensors page. Please see section 5.3.6 for the instructions on entering calibration

Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
Sensor Reading fields.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.

5.4.4 GRAPH
The graph button invokes the datalogger graphical monitor for selected sensor (Figure 58).
Recent monitor readings are displayed then in a Sensor Reading vs. Time graph. If
successfully connected, the graphical monitor is updated approximately once every two
seconds. Initially, the graphical screen needs few seconds to auto calculate axis ranges.
The real time sensor reading is displayed below the graph window. Manual “Scale” slider bar
is provided for fine tuning of graph vertical scale.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 58

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Figure 58: DT-BUS Graph Tab Figure 59: DT-BUS Graphical

Monitor Options

The Graph screen will be refreshed when engineering units are changed or relevant
settings are changed.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
sensor reading area.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.
The “Scale” slider is disabled when manual scale settings are used in Graphical Monitor

The “Settings” button launches the Graphical Monitor Options dialog (Figure 59), which
allows the user to manipulate the graph. Options include the ability to display Engineering
Units, set minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), and set the time range of
monitor data points displayed (x-axis, range between 1 minute and 2 hours).
To manually adjust the minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), the “Auto”
checkboxes need to be cleared.

The Logging tab contains three main components: Interval, Logger Options and Clock
Options (Figure 60).

ELM0081D RST Instruments 59

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Figure 60: DT-BUS Logging Tab

Logger Label
Custom label can be entered if desired. Press the Update Label button to change logger

This section is used to set the logging interval. Fixed interval and Multi interval options are
available. The fixed logging interval can be invoked by choosing the “Fixed” radio button,
and set within the main setup tab. Arrow buttons allow the user to scroll up or down pre-set
To setup the logger with multiple intervals, select the Multi (Advanced) radio button. Clicking
the Advanced button launches the Multi Interval Table dialog (Figure 61), where up to 12
custom, multiple intervals can be applied.

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Figure 61: DT-BUS Multi Interval Table

The hour, minute, second and number of iterations per interval must be specified.

Each interval MUST have an iteration except the last iteration which must be set to zero.
This tells the program that the logger will continue at the last iteration rate.

The memory capacity depends on logger hardware. Multichannel logger data recording
capability ranges from up to 303,030 records with 2 sensors connected and 106,470 records
in 10 sensor configuration. Single Channel Loggers can hold up to a maximum of 32,000
iterations for all intervals. The dialog features an Interval Fill Time field, which allows the
user to see the exact time, relative to the start time of the interval, the interval iterations will
finish. To update both the Interval Fill Time and Total Iterations field, click the “Update”
button. To save changes, click the “Save” button.

Logger Options
Start Time: A check box can be selected to enable a custom start time. The hour and minute
can be entered in 24-hour format.

If a custom start time is entered and this time has already past, the logger will not start
until 24 hours has passed. For example: If the current time is 13:01 and the start time is
set to 13:00, the datalogger will not start logging data until 13:00 the next day.

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If a custom start time is applied, i.e. for some time in the future, the Status will read Log
Pending until that interval is reached.
Wrap on Mem Full (Overwrite Data): When the datalogger memory becomes full, it will
overwrite itself.
Stop on Mem Full: Datalogger stops collecting data when it reaches its memory storage

Clock Options
Allows the user to set the date and time of the datalogger. Checking the Auto Sync Time
checkbox will update datalogger internal clock each time Apply Settings button is pressed.

The Options button displays pull down menu with Logger and RSTAR entries.
Allows changing several advanced settings, the exact view depends on the type of the
connected datalogger.
RSTAR Array Radio Series system configuration settings. For further information on RSTAR
settings, see Section 8.

Apply Settings Button

After any changes have been made on the datalogger Log screen (Figure 62), pressing the
Apply Settings button saves these changes and uploads them to the datalogger’s memory.

During logging settings upload, all existing logger data will be erased. Ensure to download
data prior to changing logging settings. Sensor configuration will not be affected.

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Figure 62: DT-BUS Options

Custom Units
The option is given to display and record sensor readings in engineering units other than
predefined on Sensor tab. Enter desired label and conversion factor to add custom units.
Then apply settings and use your custom units in Sensor configuration tab.
Custom Units option might not be available for some firmware versions. Check RST website
for most up to date firmware version.

Advanced Settings
The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval. They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments technical staff in case
of corrupted data.

Often the user may wish to report the readings directly in engineering units, rather than
sin(angle). This can be changed on the Sensors Tab (Figure 63).

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Figure 63: DT-BUS Sensors Tab

Conversion Method
The user is given an option to apply Linear Conversion. Input the provided Calibration Factor
and Zero Reading into the appropriate boxes.

Units Conversion
Units Type: Currently only distance conversion is available.
Input Units: Currently set to sin(angle).
Output Units: Select the appropriate output units from the drop-down list. The conversion will
be done automatically resulting in desired units displayed in Monitor tab and recorded in
downloaded file data.
Output Offset: This is a user defined offset value.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu.
Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
This allows the user to customize monitor display settings (Figure 64). The option is given to
alter the precision or switch to scientific display.
Copy to (Biaxial loggers only)
When adding subsequent sensors with identical parameters, click Copy to A or Copy to B.

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Figure 64: Display Format for DT-BUS Sensor

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.


5.5.1 STATUS
The status tab contains three main components: Logger, Sampling, Battery and Mode
(Figure 65).

ELM0081D RST Instruments 65

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Figure 65: Strain Gauge Logger Status Tab

Provides information about the currently connected datalogger. This includes the model,
name, serial number, and firmware version. Ensure that the serial number matches what is
expected (in this example it is 1003). If it does not, ensure that a connection with the logger
has been established.
Provides information about the status of the logger. This includes whether or not it is logging,
the log interval, and various time parameters.

Displays the past battery voltage recorded when sample was taken, current battery voltage
and the estimated battery life. To ensure uninterrupted operation, replace batteries when
estimated battery life is getting low.

Battery past value depends on recorded data availability and firmware version installed.

Refer to Section 9.4 for Strain Gauge Logger battery replacement instructions. Strain Gauge
Loggers use special long-life lithium battery; contact RST for replacement part.

The RST DT Logger Host software connects to either the RST USB Dataloggers or RST
RS232 Datalogger. Select the device you wish to access and press Connect button.

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Collect Data
If the datalogger has already been configured to collect data at a specified interval, the
Collect Data button can be pressed. The program will download the data (a progress bar will
be displayed) and automatically write it to a *.csv file in the \My Documents\Multichannel\
directory. Please see Section 7 for the *.csv file format.

When pressing the Collect Data button, after the data download completes, the program
will give a choice to keep or erase the data currently contained in the datalogger. If the
datalogger memory is not erased, the next time the data is collected (and no parameters
have been changed) it will download the current readings and all of the previous data to a
*.csv file.
The current memory can also be erased by pressing the Apply Settings in the Logging
tab or Apply in Sensors tab. The program will prompt you to confirm the erasing of data
from its memory.

RST Logo
Press the RST Logo button to display DT Logger Host version and copyright information.


After the data is downloaded from datalogger memory, the contents of the data file can be
viewed by pressing View Data button. The File Listing Screen is then presented (Figure 66).
For each selected datafile, the status of the datalogger is shown at the bottom of the screen.
This status is recorded in each datafile at the time of data download.

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Figure 66: Strain Gauge Logger Figure 67: Strain Gauge Logger
File Listing Screen File View Screen

By selecting desired filename and pressing View File, the contents of the data file are
displayed in the table. The status bar at the top of the screen shows the total number of
recordings and the current line number. The sample screen is shown in Figure 67.

Data View displays major datalogger settings and all saved data records. Use text file
viewer or spread sheet program (ex. MS Excel™) to see the entire file.

Selecting the monitor tab sets the datalogger into monitor mode (Figure 68). By default, the
screen reports the sine of the detected inclination.
If successfully connected to the datalogger, the sensor reading is updated approximately
once per two seconds. Green indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Dot
indicator flashes each time a sensor data is updated. Clicking the check boxes changes the
display to Engineering Units.

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Figure 68: Strain Gauge Logger Monitor Tab

Display Format
Click on F button to customize monitor display settings. Option is given to alter precision or
switch to scientific display.

Engineering Units are only available when sensor calibration data and conversion method
is set in Sensors page. Please see section 5.3.6 for the instructions on entering calibration

Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
Sensor Reading fields.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.

5.5.4 GRAPH
The graph button invokes the datalogger graphical monitor for selected sensor (Figure 69).
Recent monitor readings are displayed then in a Sensor Reading vs. Time graph. If
successfully connected, the graphical monitor is updated approximately once every two
seconds. Initially, the graphical screen needs few seconds to auto calculate axis ranges.
The real time sensor reading is displayed below the graph window. Manual “Scale” slider bar
is provided for fine tuning of graph vertical scale.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 69

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Figure 69: Strain Gauge Logger Figure 70: Strain Gauge Logger
Graph Tab Graphical Monitor Options

The Graph screen will be refreshed when engineering units are changed or relevant
settings are changed.
Until communication is established with the datalogger, the program will display ”----“ in
sensor reading area.
When Sensor Reading is outside of the valid range, “RANGE_ERR” will be displayed.
The “Scale” slider is disabled when manual scale settings are used in Graphical Monitor

The “Settings” button launches the Graphical Monitor Options dialog (Figure 70), which
allows the user to manipulate the graph. Options include the ability to display Engineering
Units, set minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), and set the time range of
monitor data points displayed (x-axis, range between 1 minute and 2 hours).
To manually adjust the minimum and maximum Sensor Reading ranges (y-axis), the “Auto”
checkboxes need to be cleared.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 70

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

The Logging tab contains three main components: Interval, Logger Options and Clock
Options (Figure 71).

Figure 71: Strain Gauge Logger Logging Tab

Logger Label
Custom label can be entered if desired. Press the Update Label button to change logger

This section is used to set the logging interval. Fixed interval and Multi interval options are
available. The fixed logging interval can be invoked by choosing the “Fixed” radio button,
and set within the main setup tab. Arrow buttons allow the user to scroll up or down pre-set
To setup the logger with multiple intervals, select the Multi (Advanced) radio button. Clicking
the Advanced button launches the Multi Interval Table dialog (Figure 72), where up to 12
custom, multiple intervals can be applied.

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Figure 72: Strain Gauge Logger Multi Interval Table

The hour, minute, second and number of iterations per interval must be specified.

Each interval MUST have an iteration except the last iteration which must be set to zero.
This tells the program that the logger will continue at the last iteration rate.

The memory capacity depends on logger hardware. Multichannel logger data recording
capability ranges from up to 303,030 records with 2 sensors connected and 106,470 records
in 10 sensor configuration. Single Channel Loggers can hold up to a maximum of 32,000
iterations for all intervals. The dialog features an Interval Fill Time field, which allows the
user to see the exact time, relative to the start time of the interval, the interval iterations will
finish. To update both the Interval Fill Time and Total Iterations field, click the “Update”
button. To save changes, click the “Save” button.

Logger Options
Start Time: A check box can be selected to enable a custom start time. The hour and minute
can be entered in 24-hour format.

If a custom start time is entered and this time has already past, the logger will not start
until 24 hours has passed. For example: If the current time is 13:01 and the start time is
set to 13:00, the datalogger will not start logging data until 13:00 the next day.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 72

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If a custom start time is applied, i.e. for some time in the future, the Status will read Log
Pending until that interval is reached.
Wrap on Mem Full (Overwrite Data): When the datalogger memory becomes full, it will
overwrite itself.
Stop on Mem Full: Datalogger stops collecting data when it reaches its memory storage

Clock Options
Allows the user to set the date and time of the datalogger. Checking the Auto Sync Time
checkbox will update datalogger internal clock each time Apply Settings button is pressed.

The Options button displays pull down menu with Logger and RSTAR entries.
Allows changing several advanced settings, the exact view depends on the type of the
connected datalogger.
RSTAR Array Radio Series system configuration settings. For further information on RSTAR
settings, see Section 8.

Apply Settings Button

After any changes have been made on the datalogger Log screen (Figure 73), pressing the
Apply Settings button saves these changes and uploads them to the datalogger’s memory.

During logging settings upload, all existing logger data will be erased. Ensure to download
data prior to changing logging settings. Sensor configuration will not be affected.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 73

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 73: Strain Gauge Logger Options

Custom Units
The option is given to display and record sensor readings in engineering units other than
predefined on Sensor tab. Enter desired label and conversion factor to add custom units.
Then apply settings and use your custom units in Sensor configuration tab.
Custom Units option might not be available for some firmware versions. Check RST website
for most up to date firmware version.

Advanced Settings
The DT Logger Host software includes special features for advanced troubleshooting and
data retrieval. They are to be used with assistance of RST Instruments technical staff in case
of corrupted data.

Often the user may wish to report the readings directly in engineering units, rather than
sin(angle). This can be changed on the Sensors Tab (Figure 74).

ELM0081D RST Instruments 74

DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 74: Strain Gauge Logger Sensors Tab

Conversion Method
Engineering values are calculated using linear conversion. Enter the Calibration Factor and
Zero Reading into the appropriate boxes.
Alternatively, range input provides a way to automatically calculate coefficient parameters
given range values.

Units Conversion
Units Type: Choose pressure, distance, force, strain or custom units using the drop-down
Input Units: These are the units of the calibration constants you inputted into either the
coefficient or range conversion methods.
Output Units: Select the appropriate output units from the drop-down list. The conversion will
be done automatically resulting in desired units displayed in Monitor tab and recorded in
downloaded file data.
Output Offset: This is a user defined offset value.
This button will activate sensor configuration file menu.
Select Save to File for later retrieval.
Select Load from File to load previously saved sensor settings.
Display Format
The allows the user to customize monitor display settings. The option is given to alter the
precision or switch to scientific display (Figure 75).

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DT Logger Host Instruction Manual – Mobile Platform

Figure 75: Display Format for Strain Gauge Logger Sensor

As a reminder, whenever ANY changes are made under the Sensors tab, the Apply button
must be pressed in order to update the logger with the current sensor settings.

Before sensor settings upload, the program will give a choice to keep or erase the data
currently contained in the datalogger. If the datalogger memory is not erased, the next
time the data is collected, it will download the current readings and all of the previous data
to a *.csv file. Current sensor calibration settings will be applied to calculate engineering
values from all recorded data.

5.6 EXIT
Pressing the Exit tab will close the DT Logger Host program.


MS™ Windows 7, 8,8.1, and Windows 10 requires installation of Mobile Device Center 6.1. It
is highly recommended to download and install the newest updates from Microsoft website.

ELM0081D RST Instruments 76

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Before connecting to Ultra-Rugged Field PC2, it should be verified that desktop PC or laptop
contains current version of Microsoft Mobile Device Center™ (Figure 76). Communication
between the two devices is achieved through an USB connection.

Microsoft’s Mobile Device Center™ software can be freely downloaded from Microsoft’s
website. Choose 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on Windows 7™ operating system.

After Mobile Device Center™ is installed, connect the Ultra-Rugged Field PC to desktop or
laptop computer using USB cable provided with the DT Logger host System. Windows 7™
should detect new connection and display following dialog box.

Figure 76: Mobile Device Center Screen

In order to synchronize the data in real-time between the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 and the
desktop PC, you must click on Set up your device. If you do not wish to synchronize data
and simply use Windows Explorer to copy files to and from the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2, click
Connect without setting up your device. Data files can be copied from Ultra-Rugged Field
PC2 using File Management, as shown on Figure 77.

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Figure 77: Accessing Files on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

If synchronizing files, decide what type of information you would like synchronized with the
desktop computer. If you are only using the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 for the purposes of
transferring DT Logger Host information, uncheck all the options and place a check mark
next to the Files (see Figure 78).

Figure 78: Synchronization Settings on Windows™ 7, 8, 8.1, 10

It is extremely important that the user realizes that the synchronized folder created on the
desktop is an active link to the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2. Any changes you make in that
folder will be reflected on the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2. For example, if you delete a file in
the folder, the same file will be deleted on the Ultra-Rugged Field PC2. If the Ultra-Rugged
Field PC2 happens to be disconnected at the time, as soon as it is re-connected it will
automatically see the missing file in the folder and the file will be deleted during the
connection. It is therefore important to exercise good data management. Once the data is
synchronized to the PC, move the inclinometer files to a safe location (i.e. a network
server or hard drive).

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For further instructions regarding synchronizing data between a PC and the Ultra-Rugged
Field PC2, please refer to the supplied documentation and software which comes with the
Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 (CD-ROM).


Whenever the Collect Data button is pressed under the Status tab, the software will collect
all the current data stored in the memory of the datalogger. A progress bar will be displayed
showing the status of this collection.
The software will automatically write the data to a *.csv file created in the
\My Documents\Multichannel\ directory.
The *.csv file has the following format:

This file can then be opened directly with Microsoft Excel™ or other spreadsheet programs.
A new file will be created each time the data is collected. It is the user’s responsibility to copy
data into a single spreadsheet if desired.

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Figure 79 shows how the data appears in Excel:

Figure 79: Vibrating Wire Logger Sample Data File

When sensor reading is outside of the valid range, the “99999” value will be recorded as
the Eng Units and B Units data.

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Figure 80 shows how the data appears in Excel:

Figure 80: 4 to 20mA Logger Sample Data File

When sensor reading is outside of the valid range, the “99999” value will be recorded as
the Eng Units and B Units data.

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Figure 81 shows how the data appears in Excel:

Figure 81: Tilt Logger Sample Data File

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The RSTAR Array Radio Series use wireless technology to provide continuous data
acquisition. The RSTAR Node uses the same star topology at the sensor level with a
continuously active RTU hub which is accessible via ModBus RTU commands from an RTU
Hub interfaced to a FlexDAQ datalogger. Figure 82 illustrates the configuration. It is based
on the 900 MHz, 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz spread spectrum band (country dependent) with
extensive open-country range through use of a simple dipole antenna. A complete RSTAR
System is packet-oriented, and consists of RSTAR nodes (slaves) and an RTU Hub
(master). The RSTAR nodes wake from low-power sleep and collect data from their attached
sensors, such as RST’s Vibrating Wire Piezometers. This data, which includes module
address, hub address, sensor module serial number, diagnostics, data, and CRC check, is
then sent (wirelessly) as a packet to the RTU Hub. Upon reception to the FlexDAQ, the RTU
Hub will issue an ACK signal which may include clock synchronization and rate data. The
RTU Hub stores the data in a temporary register set which is overwritten as new data is
received; there is an intermediate data logging function in the RSTAR Node. The datalogger
within the FlexDAQ has ultimate responsibility for logging data.

Figure 82: RSTAR Configuration Diagram

Figure 83 shows some examples of RSTAR-equipped data loggers. Figure 84 provides an

example of an RTU hub.

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Figure 83: RSTAR Equipped data loggers Figure 84: RTU Hub

Figure 85 shows a FlexDAQ enclosure with an open lid to reveal an installed RSTAR RTU Hub
(on DIN rail), datalogger, radio and power supply.

Figure 85: FlexDAQ Enclosure

RST dataloggers shipped as part of RSTAR system have all settings preconfigured. It is
strongly recommended to contact RST personnel before modifying any RSTAR settings.

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Wireless settings adjustments can be made using PC desktop or laptop computer.

When the logger is in RSTAR enabled mode, some logger configuration parameters will
be controlled by RTU base station. Any such parameters will be inaccessible by DT
Logger Host Software (Figure 86).

Figure 86: Settings disabled in RSTAR active mode

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Figure 87 shows how the data appears in Excel:

Figure 87: RSTAR Sample Data File

The Campbell data table contains a fixed number of Campbell information columns followed by
logger info and data columns. The logger entries in the Campbell data table will consist of a fixed
number of logger information columns followed by a fixed number of logger data reading

Campbell information columns

1) Date Time
• Date and time when data was collected from the RTU
2) Record Number
• Record number of data entry
3) Battery
• Battery voltage of Campbell.
4) Temperature
• Temperature of Campbell
5) Sample Time
• Date and time when all loggers took a reading.

Logger information columns

6) Serial Number
• Serial number of logger.
7) Battery
• Battery voltage of logger.
8) Temperature
• Temperature of logger.
• Previous RSSI of ack packet received at logger from RTU.

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• RSSI of data packet received at RTU from logger.
11) RxTime
• Time in ms after sample time that the logger data was received at the RTU.
12) TxRxStatus
• Status code for the previous logger data transmission and ack reception.
13) ReTxCount
• Retransmission count.
14) Status
• Logger status code.
15) Open
• Reserved for future use.

Logger reading columns

1) DT2011B
• 2 columns.
• VW data.
• Thermistor data.
2) DT2055B
• 10 columns
• VW and thermistor position dependent on logger configuration
3) DT2040
• 40 columns
• VW and thermistor position dependent on logger configuration
4) DT4205
• 10 columns
• 420 and thermistor position dependent on logger configuration
5) Tilt Logger
• 2 columns.
• Tilt A data.
• Tilt B data.

Total number of columns allocated per logger type

1) DT2011B
• 12 columns.
2) DT2055B
• 20 columns
3) DT2040
• 50 columns
4) DT4205
• 20 columns
5) Tilt Logger
• 12 columns.

The Campbell data table will always have allocated the total number logger columns per
logger type, even if the channels in the logger have not been assigned.

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The Campbell table for logger calibration holds all the calibration data for a logger of a given
type. There is separate table for each logger calibration DT2011B, DT2055B, DT2040 and
DT4205. Within a table, each column contains all the calibration information for a logger
channel, both current and past. The rows hold the individual calibration items and all the
calibration is stored in a block of 20 rows. If the calibration is updated at the logger, the new
calibration will be transferred over to the RTU and the block will be appended to the end of
the last row, separated by a NaN. The current calibration for all loggers will be also copied
and appended. The last entries in the table will always contain the current calibration for the
Figure 88 shows how the data appears in Excel:

Figure 88: RSTAR Sample Calibration File

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The rows contain following information:

1) SN55
• Serial number of logger.
2) ID55
• Data ID of logger.
3) Type55
• Type of sensor installed
• 10 = VW_A, 11 = VW_B, 12 = VW_C, 13 = VW_D, 14 = VW_E, 15 = VW_F, 16 =
• 20 = Therm_3K, 21 = Therm_2252, 22 = Therm_2K_RTD, 23 = Therm_5K, 24 =
• 7 = Tilt
4) Cal55_Type
• Type of calibration.
• 0 = VW linear, 1 = 2nd order poly, 2 = Linear, 3 = 5th order poly
5) CalEN55
• Calibration enabled state.
• 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
6) Co_A55
• “A” coefficient for poly calibration
7) Co_BM55
• “B” coefficient for poly calibration, or multiplier for linear.
8) Co_CZ55
• “C” coefficient for poly calibration, or offset for linear.
9) OP_Off55
• Output offset
10) T_Mult55
• Temperature correction multiplier.
11) INT_Temp55
• Initial temperature for correction.
12) T_EN55
• Temperature correction enabled state.
• 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
13) IN_Units55
• Input units type
• Value dependents on U_Type55.
• Pressure: 0=kPa, 1=psi, 2=atm, 3=bar, 4=in H2O, 5= ft H2O, 6=mm H2O, 7=m
• Distance: 0=mm, 1=cm, 2=m, 3=in, 4=ft
• Force: 0=kips, 1=kN, 2=ton US, 3=ton Metric
• Strain: 0=uE
• VW Temp: 0=deg C, 1=deg F
• Incline: 0=degree, 1=radians, 2=sin()
• Custom:
14) OUT_Units55
• Output units type
• Value dependents on U_Type55.
• See IN_Units55 above

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15) U_Type55
• Type of units selected.
• 0 = pressure, 1 = distance, 2 = force, 3 = strain, 4 = temperature, 5 = incline, 6 =
16) U_Con_En55
• Units conversion enabled state.
• 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
17) Spare551A
• Calibration update time.
18) Spare55B
• Calibration update date.
19) Spare55C
• Logger firmware version
20) Up_Date55
• Calibration has been updated.
• 0 = Not updated, 1 = New calibration transferred from logger.

Two kinds of batteries are used across the DT Logger range of products: standard and
compact. They are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3: Battery Definitions

Battery Name Standard Battery Compact Battery
Battery Type SAFT LSH 20 D-cell One SAFT LSH 14 light C-cell
Two SAFT LS 14500 AA

Standard batteries are defined as SAFT LSH 20 D-cell batteries and can be placed directly
into the battery holder inside the logger. Standard batteries are recommended for radio-
equipped models but may be used with non-radio loggers.
Compact batteries are defined as either one SAFT LSH 14 light C-cell battery or two SAFT
LS 14500 AA batteries and require the use of the appropriate adaptor prior to placement in
the battery holder. Compact batteries are recommended for stand-alone loggers. Both
compact battery options are designed to support the same level of performance in DT
loggers and are considered equivalent.


To determine the remaining battery life, connect the DT Logger to a computer or Field PC
with a USB cable and launch the DT Logger Host program. Once the software connects to
the logger, the status of the battery, including the voltage and current battery life, is
displayed (highlighted in the red box in Figure 89).

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Figure 89: Battery status on DT Logger Host

When operating at lower than 0°C or higher than +40°C, the capacity of the lithium battery
will decrease. The Battery Life indicator on DT Logger Host may overestimate the
remaining battery life at temperatures outside this range.

Batteries should be replaced when the Battery Life estimates there is less than 20%


The DT series loggers are purpose built with the battery capacities required to support static
applications over a long period of time. Readings should be taken at a rate of once every
hour or longer. The reading interval can be set to less than an hour, but this will significantly
decrease overall battery life. Table 4 details estimates battery life for DT data loggers set at
1-hour, 10-minute and 1-minute reading intervals in typical operating environments.
See Section 9.1 for the definitions of standard and compact batteries.

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Table 4: Battery life estimations

Data Logger Configuration Reading Interval Radio Compact battery Standard battery
DT2011B, 1 VW/thermistor pair 1 hour none 4 years 4 years
RSTAR n/a 4 years
DT Link n/a 4 years
10 minutes none 4 years 4 years
RSTAR n/a 2 years
DT Link n/a 3 years
1 minute none 6.5 months 2 years
RSTAR n/a 2.5 months
DT Link n/a 1 year
DT2055B, 5 VW/thermistor pairs 1 hour none 4 years 4 years
RSTAR n/a 4 years
DT Link n/a 3.5 years
10 minutes none 1 year 3.5 years
RSTAR n/a 1.5 years
DT Link n/a 2 years
1 minute none 1 month 4.5 months
RSTAR n/a 2 months
DT Link n/a 4 months
DT2040, 20 VW/thermistor pairs 1 hour none 1.5 years 4 years
RSTAR n/a 3 years
DT Link n/a 2 years
10 minutes none 3 months 1 year
RSTAR n/a 6.5 months
DT Link n/a 9.5 months
1 minute none 10 days 1 month
RSTAR n/a 19 days
DT Link n/a 1 month
DT2485, 3 IPIs 1 hour none n/a 4 years
RSTAR n/a 4 years
DT Link n/a 2.5 years
10 minutes none n/a 12 months
RSTAR n/a 10 months
DT Link n/a 9.5 months
1-minute reading intervals are not 1 minute* none n/a 46 days
recommended due to high power RSTAR n/a 39 days
requirements. DT Link n/a 44 days
DT2485, 10 IPIs 1 hour None n/a 2 years
RSTAR n/a 1.5 years
DT Link n/a 1 year
10 minutes None n/a 4 months
RSTAR n/a 3.5 months
DT Link n/a 3.5 months
1-minute reading intervals are not 1 minute* None n/a 16 days
recommended due to high power RSTAR n/a 14 days
requirements. DT Link n/a 15 days
DT2485, 30 IPIs 1 hour none n/a 7.5 months
RSTAR n/a 7 months
1-minute reading intervals are not DT Link n/a 6.5 months
recommended due to the reading 10 minutes none n/a 1 month
rate (approximately 90 seconds) RSTAR n/a 1 month
and high-power requirements. DT Link n/a 1 month

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Data Logger Configuration Reading Interval Radio Compact battery Standard battery
DTL201B, DTL202B 1 hour none n/a 4 years
RSTAR n/a 4 years
DT Link n/a 2.5 years
10 minutes none n/a 1 year
RSTAR n/a 1 year
DT Link n/a 1 year
1 minute none n/a 1.5 months
RSTAR n/a 1 month
DT Link n/a 1.5 months
DT4205* 1 hour none n/a 3.6 years
*Estimations heavily depend on RSTAR n/a 3.4 years
the number of sensors and the DT Link n/a 2.4 years
conditions under which the logger 10 minutes none n/a 7 months
operates. These calculations are RSTAR n/a 7 months
based on 10 sensors (5 4-20 mA DT Link n/a 7 months
sensors and 5 thermistors) with a 1 minute none n/a 23 days
4-20 mA sensor reading time of 4 RSTAR n/a 21 days
seconds and sensor output DT Link n/a 23 days
current of 12mA at 24°C
DT2306, 18 potentiometers Same performance as DT2055, or better
DT2350, 2 load cells Same performance as DT2055, or better

Given that battery life is dependent on a number of different variables, battery life can vary
from the values shown in Table 4. It is important to note that:
• This table is intended as a guideline. Battery life is best monitored via DT Logger
Host (see Section 9.2).
• The values in Table 4 are interpolations based on laboratory measurements.
• Standard batteries are recommended for loggers equipped with RSTAR and DT
• Compact batteries should be used for non-radio loggers only.
• The best battery performance will be observed in a typical environment, with
temperatures between 0°C and +40°C. Loggers operating outside of this range will
experience reduced battery capacity and decreased battery life.


The following sections detail methods to replace batteries in different loggers.


This section outlines the battery replacement procedure for current DT loggers and the
GAA2820. Current DT loggers are DT2011B, DT2055B, DT2040, DT4205, DT201B,
DT202B, DT2306, DT2485 and DT2350.
The following steps outline the battery replacement procedure:

Very Important
Prior to beginning the replacement procedure, ensure that the correct batteries are being
used. Standard batteries are highly recommended with wireless (i.e. RSTAR and DT Link)
loggers. Compact batteries will not work with wireless loggers.

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1. Connect to the data logger via the USB cable and download the data.
2. Disconnect the logger from the computer and remove the top cover (4 Phillips
3. Lift the battery from the negative terminal and remove the battery from the carrier.
Replace it with a new one, maintaining the correct polarity.

Data loggers powered by compact batteries will house batteries in an adapter, which sites
in the battery carrier. Remove the adapter before removing the batteries. Place new
batteries into the adapter, then place the adapter into the carrier in the logger.

4. Replace the logger’s lid.

5. Connect the logger to the PC again and navigate to the Connections screen. Click
on Advanced button and then on Initialize Battery.
6. Switch to the Logging screen. Verify that the settings are correct and press the
Apply Settings button. You must press Apply Settings to reset the data logger
regardless of whether any parameters have been changed.

Very Important
When replacing the batteries, it is important to connect to the data logger and re-apply the
data logger logging settings. This re-initializes the data logger and ensures that the time
settings are correct. Failure to do this could result in improper time stamps after the
batteries are replaced.


The DT2011 is an older model logger and has different power requirements than the
newer model, the DT2011B. For information about the DT2011B, please refer to Table 4
and Section 9.4.1.

The single channel VW Datalogger uses ‘AA’ alkaline batteries which are readily available. If
the unit is being used in a cold environment, RST also offers Lithium-Ion ‘AA’ batteries. The
following steps outline the procedure to change the batteries:
1. Connect to the data logger via the COM or USB cable and download the data.
2. Disconnect from the computer and remove the top cover (4 Phillips screws).
3. Remove the batteries from the carrier and replace with new ones, maintaining the
correct polarity.
4. Replace the lid.
5. Connect to the PC again and navigate to the Logging screen. Verify that the
settings are correct and press the Apply Settings button. You must press Apply
Settings to reset the data logger regardless of whether any parameters have been

ELM0081D RST Instruments 94

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MTCM Graphing Logger operates on 3 ‘AA’ alkaline batteries, which are readily available.
MTCM Closure Station Logger uses a standard battery. Contact RST for a replacement.
The following steps outline the procedure to change the battery:
1. Connect to the data logger via the USB cable and download the data.
2. Disconnect from the computer. Remove the batteries from the carrier and replace
with new ones, maintaining the correct polarity.
3. Replace the lid.

Upon launching, DT Logger, the software will try to connect to the Data logger using current
communication settings. Once connected, the Status screen should display logger

If a pop-up dialog shows up asking for a driver name, type in ftdi_ser.dll in full.

The connection status is displayed on status tab. If the connection fails (status screen shows
no status data), take note of the message displayed, then find the corresponding description
in Table 5.
1. Port not open: The communication port is being used by some other application.
Solution: Close other windows applications that might be using serial port assigned
to DT Logger. Ensure that USB is selected when connecting DT2011B, DT2055,
DT2055B, DT2040, DT4205, DT5660 and DT6660 loggers.
When connecting to DT2011, RS232 Mode must be selected.
2. Connecting to the logger message continuously displayed.
Solution: Verify that the serial communication cable is connected and connections
are tight.
3. State Errors, Reading Errors, Memory Read Errors.
Solution: Check the battery status on the Status screen on DT Logger Host; replace
if necessary. Check cable for damage. Replace communication cable if in doubt.


The DT Logger Host real time readout relies on continuous data transmission over serial
communication port. This transmission may be occasionally interrupted by other computer
activity resulting with program freezing or displaying erroneous data. If this happens, DT
Logger Host needs to be closed down and restarted. Check battery state regularly, drained
battery might cause data transmission errors. Always close software when changing loggers
or reconnecting serial communication cable.

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Table 5 lists the status bar messages with descriptions.

# Status Message Description

1 Communication port open Communication port is open
2 Unable to open communication port Some other application is using this port
3 Connecting to the logger DT Logger Host is trying to connect to the logger
4 Connection not established DT Logger Host was unable to connect to the logger
5 Connection established to the logger DT Logger Host was able to connect to the logger
6 Reading logger settings All logger settings are copied to the DT Logger Host for
7 Error during settings read Error occurred during settings read
8 Idle Idle time between status or data reads
9 New logger detected Logger exchanged with another logger, DT Logger Host reset
10 Logger settings successfully read All logger settings were successfully transferred to DT Logger
11 Error reading logger settings Error occurred during reading logger settings
12 Connection Error Connection attempts timed out
13 Reading logger memory Logger memory contents is being copied to the DT Logger
14 Writing logger settings All displayed settings are being transferred to the logger
15 Error during settings write Error during settings write

Table 5: Status Messages

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Table 6 lists the specifications for the Field PC2:
Ultra-Rugged Field PC2
Water Proof IP68
Rugged Case 1.5 m or 5' drops onto concrete
Operating Temperature Optimized for excellent performance in cold temperatures
Operating temperature: –22F to 140F (–30C to 60C)
Note: Bluetooth® wireless technology is rated to –4F (–20C)
Processor 1.0GHz ARM Cortex A8 i.MX53 processor
Memory 512 MB DDR2 RAM
Internal Flash Disk 8 GB
Operating System and Software Microsoft® Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.3
Microsoft Office Mobile 2010* (Word Mobile, Excel
Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, Outlook Mobile)
Multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, German,
Adobe Reader® LE
Battery Intelligent Li-Ion battery 3.7VDC @ 10600mAh,38.7Whr
Operates for up to 20 hours on one charge
Charges in 2 to 4 hours
Battery easily changeable in field
Wireless Connectivity Options Bluetooth® wireless technology, 2.1 +EDR, Class
1.5, range greater than 100 feet (30m)
Wi-Fi® 802.11b/g/n with extended range
Certifications and Standards FCC Class B
CE Marking (applicable EMC, R&TTE, and
LVD directives)
Industry Canada
EN60950 Safety

Table 6: Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 Specifications

ELM0081D RST Instruments 97

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For sales information contact: [email protected]

For technical support contact: [email protected]


Head Office:
11545 Kingston St
Maple Ridge, BC
Canada V2X 0Z5

Our office hours are: 8:30am – 5:00pm PST

Monday – Friday (excluding holidays)

Telephone: 604-540-1100
Facsimile: 604-540-1005
Toll Free: 1-800-665-5599
Website: www.rstinstruments.com

ELM0081D RST Instruments 98

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