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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it



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May 18, 2020


It is no longer a secret to anyone that the era of global changes in society, and changes
in oneself as a person, has begun. It is already obvious to many that society is now on
the verge. As if frozen in a lie, deceit, inhumanity, a cold snow mass on a steep
mountain slope, on which all our consumerist civilization is stuck. Is this its pinnacle?
An avalanche of public consciousness stress, provoked by climatic, economic, political,
pandemic, and other causes, is inevitable. The only question is the consequences. How
can we, humans, preempt our future now? How can we all survive and minimize the
risks of inevitable losses? There is a way out!

As you know, an avalanche can be caused by a slight push, even by pressure on the
snow by a single person. But where will the general movement of society be directed?
To the fatal abyss of egoism and pridefulness? Or in the direction of a full-flowing
creative river that will give society a new form of existence and create favorable
conditions for the revival of life for the next generations of our civilization? If not you,
then who can change this vector!? This article is about how to do this.

*  *  *

On May 11, 2019, an event of a global scale took place, which marked the beginning of
the inevitable global transformations of the entire world community. For the first time in
history, a large number of people from all over the world gathered together in an online conference
"Society. The Last Chance" on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement. People
openly and honestly discussed all of the most pressing issues that all of humanity is facing today.
Most importantly, in addition to an open, truthful presentation of these issues as they really are,
ways to solve these problems were also voiced. The result of this unprecedented event was
the creation of a unique worldwide ALLATRA International Public Movement project
—   "Creative Society". What makes it unique? First of all, this project is vital for our entire
civilization. In fact, this is the only possible way out of the egoistic, consumerist dead-end of self-
destruction in which humanity now finds itself. This precedent and the chain of events that
followed it helped to further strengthen my hope that all is not lost for me personally and for the
entire humankind.

Since then, a lot has been done thanks to the joint efforts of participants of ALLATRA
International Public Movement from different countries, who, just like me, were
inspired by creative ideas, a lot has been done. A huge number of public surveys were
conducted around the world, international online meetings and conferences were held, many
interviews were filmed, interesting articles were published, and many other socially significant

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

projects were implemented. Together, we really did a lot. But obviously still not enough to reach

During this time, we talked to a huge number of people around the world, and all, really everyone
we talked to, said that they need the Creative Society, it is important for them and they would like
to live in such a world.

Throughout this time, I have been thinking about how to speed up the process of spreading
information about the Creative Society around the world. How can we all unite and make our
efforts even more effective? How to convey this information, this opportunity to all
people on Earth? After all, time waits for no man! We are almost eight billion people already,
and this concerns everyone. After all, if something is not done now, then in just a little while an
avalanche of disasters will cover all of us. What's to be done?

My friends and I received answers to these questions during our conversation with the
esteemed Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. As always, with great patience and kindness, Igor
Mikhailovich explained in detail the way out of the current situation in society, the
essence and meaning of creating the Creative Society, which we want to share with all
of you, our dear friends!

The Goal and the Meaning

The most important thing is the goal! If there is a goal, everything makes sense, and if
there is no goal, then everything else is meaningless. What is our goal? Our goal is to get
out of this dead-end of consumer society, which is in fact, a form of hidden slavery, a disguised
system of slavery in which we all exist today as humanity, and to start living as a Human, not as a
beast. The main goal is to achieve and build an Ideal Society of spiritually free people, a society
that would guarantee our future generations a worthy life, benefits, and spiritual and moral
prosperity. Society of Love and Humaneness, or as it is called in different religions — Eden. The
society of the future, which already today changes you while you act and fills your life
with a higher meaning.

What is necessary to achieve this? Step-by-step development. Igor Mikhailovich gave us

the key understanding that the Creative society is just an intermediate phase in the evolution of
humankind from a slave-feudal system to a completely new way of life for modern people — an
Ideal Society. The Сreative Society is a transitional phase, without which it is impossible
to reach the highest goal — an Ideal Society of spiritually free people.

Igor Mikhailovich gave an interesting associative example, "Imagine a stormy wide river

that separates a drowning island from a large shore. Wild animals live on this island. Our modern
society, in fact, is no different from them. We declare the right things, talk about high standards,
about ideals, but in fact, we live like animals. We are divided. We have created enclaves. We are
constantly fighting for territories, arguing, building hierarchies, and battling for dominance.

Is this worthy of a Human? Is it proper for a Human to live in such conditions? In modern society,
everything is against a human. People themselves created superstructures, which eventually
enslaved them. The priority is the interests "on paper", the interests of the "state", the interests of
“society” represented by small groups, and only at the very end are the interests of the human
who with his own hands makes their “fairy tales a reality", driving himself even deeper into slavery.
Is this normal? By creating these abstractions, we gave them our rights. But along with our rights,
our benefits were taken away from us. It's time to return everything to the people. For this world is
created and given to a Human being. A human should not lose the status of a Human, and

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

only then we have a chance to build an Ideal Society.

Let’s return to our example. The Ideal society is on the other side of the river, on the great
bank of stability and well-being, which is called Eden. And in order to get away from the
drowning island and cross the river of death, we need to build a bridge from the consumerist,
animal format of relationships, where lies and slander rule, to Eden, where Truth and Love reign.
This bridge should be made of solid stone of the unified will of people and their joint action. This
bridge is the Creative Society that stands on 8 pillars. I decided to clarify, "What are these pillars?”
Igor Mikhailovich said that the pillars of this bridge are the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society.


A Human is the fundamental unit of society. Humanity is one big family.

1. Human Life

Human life is the highest value. Life of any Human has to be protected as one's own. The goal of
society is to ensure and guarantee the value of each Human's life. There is not and never can
there be anything else more valuable than a Human's life. If one Human is valuable, then all
Humans are valuable!

2. Human Freedom

Every human is born with the right to be a Human being. All People are born free and equal.
Everyone has the right to choose. There can be no one and nothing on Earth superior to a Human,
his freedom, and rights. The implementation of Human rights and freedoms must not violate the
rights and freedoms of other people.

3. Human Safety

No one and nothing in society has the right to create threats to the life and freedom of a Human!

Every Human is guaranteed free provision of essential life necessities, including food, housing,
medical care, education and full social security.

Scientific, industrial, and technological activities of the society should be aimed exclusively at
improving the quality of human life.

Guaranteed economic stability: no inflation or crises, the same stable prices around the world, one
monetary unit, a fixed minimal taxation, or no taxation at all.

The safety of Human and society from any kind of threats is ensured by the unified global service
that deals with emergency situations.

4. Transparency and openness of information for all

Every Human has the right to receive reliable information about the movement and distribution of
public funds. Each Human has access to information about the status of implementation of the
society’s decisions.

The mass media belong exclusively to the society and reflect information truthfully, openly, and

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

5. The creative ideology

Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and at the extinction of
everything that is directed against a Human. The main priority is the priority of humaneness, high
spiritual and moral aspirations of a Human, humanity, virtue, mutual respect, and strengthening of

Creating conditions for the development and education of a Human with a capital “H”, cultivating
moral values in each person and society.

Prohibition of propaganda of violence, condemnation and denunciation of any form of division,

aggression, and anti-humane manifestations.

6. Development of Personality

Every Human in the Creative society has the right to comprehensive development and personal

Education should be free and equally accessible to all. Creating conditions and expanding
opportunities for a Human to implement his or her creative abilities and talents.

7. Justice and equality

All natural resources belong to a Human and are fairly distributed among all people.
Monopolization of resources and their irrational use is prohibited. These resources are fairly
distributed among the citizens of the entire Earth.

A Human is guaranteed employment if he or she so desires. Pay for an identical position,

specialization, or profession should be the same all over the world.

Everyone has the right to private property and income, however, within the limits of capitalization
amount set by the society for an individual.

8. Self-governing society

The concept of "power" in the Creative Society is absent, since the responsibility for society as a
whole, its development, living conditions and harmonious format, lies with each Human.

Everyone has the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the Creative Society and
in the adoption of laws that improve Human life.

The resolution of socially important, socially significant, and economic issues that affect the quality
of a Human’s life is submitted for public discussion and vote (referendum).

This information has shocked us with its wisdom and depth. Naturally, every person
wants to live in such a society. Today, we, the people living on the planet Earth, have
only one question: how to implement this in the shortest possible time?


Igor Mikhailovich replied that the stages are important for building the Creative Society, and
explained what each of the stage is.

1.  Information Stage. Informing humanity of the Creative Society. Each concerned human can
inform the maximum number of people about the Creative Society. This is what many honest,

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

decent people from different countries of the world are actively doing now.

2. Political stage. Formation of the Creative Society political parties in different countries with
a single ideology of the Creative Society. The overall coordination of the parties is carried out
by the International Central Committee, which is controlled by the international community —
ALLATRA International Public Movement, that is, a community that is outside of politics and
religion. The goal is simple: to use politics as a tool not of division, but of unification of people.

3. World referendum. Holding a universal referendum on the adoption by the entire humanity

of a creative model of development as the only acceptable one and crucial to the survival of

The first stage is informing humanity about the possibility of building the Creative
Society. This is what we are actively doing now. People's deeds speak for themselves. A huge
number of creative and socially important projects are carried out daily by the participants of
ALLATRA International Public Movement, and everyone can learn about them from the official
resources of the Movement and join this vital initiative.

There is a basic tool that plays a key role in modern society, with the help of which our
society is governed. It is politics. If we use it, it means that we will significantly
accelerate the implementation of building the Creative Society.

For 6,000 years, politics has served to enslave humankind and strengthen the system of
consumerist values. However, today it can serve all of humanity in building the Creative Society!

The governance system of modern society is designed in such a way that we vote in our own
country and select from the candidates proposed to us, to whom we will delegate our rights after
the election. That is, we transfer our rights to people we don’t know, and thus leave ourselves
without rights. After all, we have delegated them. But along with our rights, we transferred our
benefits. That is precisely how we ourselves created the superstructure over a human. Will such an
appointee, whom we have endowed with authority, work for us or in our interests? Will he return
our benefits back to us? No, because he is used to them, and considers our benefits to be his
property. He will think about himself, about his family, not about us. Why? With consumerist selfish
thinking, he will consider that, otherwise, if he begins to defend the interests of people, he will
descend to our level and will be like us only with declared rights and without actual benefits. Isn't
that absurd? Isn’t this a form of hidden slavery?

After taking everything from us, we were given very tough obligations, which, in fact, are
insurmountable for most. It is simply impossible to fulfill them completely. It makes people live in
constant anxiety and fear, makes them feel vulnerable and inferior. It is in such a society that you
and I are forced to exist. Substitutions and manipulations are all around! This is the essence of the
consumerist society. In it, everything is arranged in such a way because it is directed against a
human. This is a fact. Can such a society exist for long? Does it have a future? Obviously not.

Yet, any tool can be used either for the harm or for the good, it can be used to destroy
or to build. Therefore, politics can and should become our tool for designing the right
and truly fair, viable, life-affirming legislation for building the Creative Society.

Today we still live guided by the Roman law, which has long become obsolete. Laws need to be
created that will guarantee the fulfillment of the interests of every human. Their basis
will be the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society. Politics should become a tool for
international communication and unification in practice; it should promote friendship between
peoples, and not be a tool of pressure and aggression, as it is today. It can and should be used not

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

for further separation, but, on the contrary, for the speedy unification of the entire human family.

If we continue moving at the same pace as we do now, without using politics as a tool, the process
of building the Creative Society will drag on for many years. Let's be rational, does humanity have
this time? In order to accelerate the process of transition of humankind from the consumerist
format to the Creative Society, we can and should use politics as the most effective tool already

We are all citizens of our countries. We go to the polls and vote for different candidates, and then
we are upset because they make our lives worse and strengthen the consumerist format. They
adopt laws that work against us as One United Human Family, and not in our interests. As a result,
the conditions of our existence are constantly getting worse. That is, when they come to power,
these people protect someone else's interests, not the interests of a Human and of One United
Human Family. How can one vote for a politician at all if he is against a Human and his rights? How
can one vote for him if he is prone to lies and deceit?

In order to change this situation, we need to vote for those politicians who will
implement and legislatively integrate the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society! It would
be even better, simpler, and more appropriate to create a single world party named the Creative
Society, which in every country of the world will implement 8 Foundations of the Creative Society.
Thus, by using our rights, which we have delegated to them, it will immediately begin to return our
benefits to us and work to unite all humanity as soon as possible into One United Family – the
Creative Society. And only after all the countries of the world are ready for the transition from a
consumerist to a creative format, will we be able to hold a world referendum that will return us, all
the inhabitants of the Earth, legislatively to One United Human Family - the Creative Society.

We can do this only by peaceful means. As the esteemed Igor Mikhailovich said,
“Humanity doesn’t need revolutions — humanity needs an Evolution..

Participant of ALLATRA IPM 


Creative Society

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

Creative Society

Creative Society Unites Everyone

Creative Society Unites Everyone

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Comments (43)
Baltasara De Luca 18.05.2022   |   13:23

I would like to state that as a human being I believe that human beings should be the priority in any
society’s goal. Together we can build a humanistic society full of love and compassion for all life forms
that shares our planet. I am in and I am ready to make a difference

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

Paloma valera Ortiz 09.05.2022   |   03:19

Estoy muy entusiasmada de empezar este proyecto con todos ustedes, ya he empezado a compartir con
mis amigos y familiares la información (no es fácil) pero soy materia dispuesta para dar a conocer esta
información a los más que pueda

Elvia Rosas 06.04.2022   |   06:09

Gracias a todas la personas que firman este gran proyecto , creo que es muy importante ver cada uno de
todos los videos que van saliendo con toda la información para que nosotros podamos dar la información
correcta entre mas sepamos más vamos a difundir todo lo maravilloso que tiene el proyecto de sociedad
creativa yo me siento muy orgullosa de ser parte de este proyecto por que por fin le encuentro sentido a
mi vida ahora gracias a AllatRa se por que existo y se a que vine a este mundo … GRACIAS AllatRa �

Oleksii 26.01.2022   |   08:16

This is exactly how I would love to live. This is the world I'd like to build for my kids. Thank you all for that
tremendous effort you made to start the project. Millions of us, common people, are already building the
Creative Society. United we can, friends!

Ernest Payà Montlleó 01.01.2022   |   17:18

Hola a todos y a todas. En primer lugar mi agradecimiento a todos los miembros de la Sociedad Creativa
y a Igor en especial. Desde Diciembre que os conocí he hecho de los 8 Fundamentos de la Sociedad
Creativa mi “Constitución” y me dedicare a su aplicación y difusión ya que en toda mi vida de
“búsqueda” no había encontrado ninguna “Constitución” con la potencia humana de esta. Su calado es
más importante de cuando el humano pasó de la edad de piedra a la del hierro.

Como bien se dice, el cambio previa IN/FORMACIÓN pasa por uno mismo, es decir el individuo. No hay un
“Cambio Generalizado/Global”. La base fundamental de convivencia del Individuo es “El pueblo/Ciudad”
por tanto el cambio del individuo se produce en el Pueblo/Ciudad que es el grupo de pertenencia más
cercano. Y desde AQUÍ es donde se puede APLICAR, DIFUNDIR Y COMPARTIR el cambio. Es decir, en mi
opinión hay que “trabajar” profundamente en los Pueblos y Ciudades como “Cedula Convivencial Base” y
desde aquí crear una “RED” de Ciudades/Pueblos, donde se unan, y después Regiones hasta la

Mi propuesta de trabajo es la siguiente. En mi Ciudad Sabadell (Barcelona) hace menos de un mes he

creado un Grupo Facebook y ya se han apuntado a fecha de hoy (1-1-22) 118 personas. La estrategia de
trabajo en la Ciudad consta de las siguientes áreas

A.- Carpa Informativa Itinerante; Para llevar a cabo la “ENCUESTA SOCIAL SOCIEDAD CREATIVA A PIE DE
CALLE EN Sabadell”. Se trata de un proyecto semanal rotativo para todos los Barrios de la Ciudad, donde
nos damos a conocer, hacemos la encuesta/entrevista y difundimos los 8 Fundamentos así como
confeccionamos un censo de simpatizantes

B.- GRUPO DE TEATRO “Sociedad Creativa-Sabadell” (A fecha de hoy hay 16 personas apuntadas) Este
Grupo de Teatro lo que pretende es hacer representaciones teatrales en Video, en Teatros, Centros
Cívicos de Sabadell y otras Ciudades. Las “Obras de Teatro” trataran simbólicamente sobre cómo sería la
convivencia en una Ciudad donde se aplicaran las ideas de “LOS 8 FUNDAMENTOS DE LA SOCIEDAD
CREATIVA”. La experiencia de aprendizaje de esta representación simbólica pero real, servirá de
pedagogía creativa y vivencial para aplicar a nuestra Ciudad y a otras Ciudades afines a las ideas de
convivencia de la Sociedad Creativa.

C.- Reuniones en Centros Cívicos de la Ciudad con charlas/coloquios de difusión de los 8 Fundamentos y
su aplicación entre todos y todas aquí y ahora en lo posible. Comidas de hermandad. Salidas familiares,
etc. Un abrazo

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

Kent aka Swampy 04.12.2021   |   16:22

Is there a Zoom link? I signed up but haven’t received response?


DICKSON NKWABI 20.11.2021   |   12:50

I have read and understood the objectives and the 8 foundations of building a creative society. God is
great, we started to implement the foundations here in Tanzania by conserving our environment,
providing free and quality education to vulnerable kids around Mwanza Tanzania, we also touch the
poverty eradication programs through education programs. welcome in Mwanza city, Tanzania. Thank

Murad Jamal 10.11.2021   |   11:16

Hər bir insan bunu arzulamalıdır, bunu istəməlidir. Bunu qəlbən etməsi kifayət edər zatən. Reallığın
fərqində olan insanlar qorxu hissini dəf etdiyi zaman özlərini tapacaqlar. Nə zamansa bunu utopia
adlandıran insanlar vaxt gələcək eyni şey uğrunda effort sərf edəcəklər Niyə də yox? Hər günümüzün
daha yaxşı olması üçün nələrsə etməliyik, eyni monoton günlərlə heçnə dəyişmiyəcək Ailəndən öncə öz
planetinin qədrini bilməliyik və əgər dünyamızı dəyişmək istəyiriksə ilk öncə özümüzü dəyişməliyik. İnsan
olduğumuzun fərqinə varmalıyıq

Pat Armitstead 03.10.2021   |   01:40

This is brilliant thankyou for such a lengthy but well explainted thesis on which we may base "crossing
the bridge"

Luis 24.09.2021   |   18:30

Lo primero es crear el partido sociedad creativa en tu país y desde ahí empezar todo... Tomar el toro por
los cuernos e informarse aún más sobre el tema ,pedir ayuda,ayudar en la medida que puedas y de ahí
viene todo..solo lo tienes que desear y sentir verdad..

George Rose 23.08.2021   |   13:59

Has to be some form of money "sadly" ppl will not put forth their fair share if everything is free,we in
america witnessed that in colonial times & now,but money is some very evil shit & it has created 99% of
all worlds problems & technology is #2 we must return to the old ways & everyone farms chemical
free,we must,must,must give up technology ? Do u realize the AI giants want to literally turn us into
cyborgs so we dont consume food no more & reduce our carbon footprint by 70%. They r not stopping &
globalists r a major threat to humanity as they r acting fast rapidly trying to destroy population for fear of
planet of no return by 2050,these ppl hold the worlds wealth & control all nations & the lies r
monumental,population is actually declining (fact) but they will never tell u that,ur challenges r very
huge "good luck" wish i had the answer

Olga 29.09.2021   |   18:08

They cannot stop, you are rigt. Our task is speed up our growing and development faster then they do.
We are more than 99%, while tey are less than 1%. So we have much better chance to build a Creative
Society - we just have to unite our efforts in one common goal. Let's take care of our future, let's leave
the savage barbaric consumerist world far behind and not look back. We need not fight windmills. Let
us give our full attention to the goal that makes difference and will give us incredible future.

Hernan 22.08.2021   |   15:50

Hola, todo lo que he leido y escuchado de la sociedad creativa allatra es differente a los de mas, y me

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

gustaria apoyar a estas ideas de mi parte un granito de arena por decirlo asi...

Vanessa 12.08.2021   |   20:22

I want to offer my help but from many comments a lot of us do not know where to start because we are
in a bit of a mess in this situation and many cannot be trusted or are more animal ( beast ) minded. Many
of us do not have funding to go out on our own and host any event to speak out . Many have restrictions
on the current regulations with world health organization . I have listened to the videos and agree with
what needs to take place to begin peaceful lives for all and a life finally worth living and being a part of
as a whole . As one . My specialty is in motherhood and helping human mothers understand the
importance of feeding and bonding . Many have been indoctrinated into believing human bonding after
birth is bad and I want to help those seeking advice . If that is anything you could use I am more than
willing to help if my puzzle piece fits in the bigger picture .

Per Nerlund 05.08.2021   |   07:29

Hi. I’ve was shown this crisis by 2 women I met in my dreams when I was six years old 1966. Been
looking for solutions ever since. First step is to realise that all humans have a need for being needed. Has
to start from childhood. Thats why poorly function families can have children that are whole because the
children are needed. Wealthy families create broken children because they aren’t needed. Old people get
well when they get an animal. They then become needed. But we have to be able to speak freely with
out censorship. Me and my family know how to cure from disease and has had roundabout 10 murder
attempts on us. And as possomly you know the whole shebang with choppers unregistered cars following
us and so on. ��������� Hi and thanx from Sweden a top cabal country.

Dickson Nkwabi 20.11.2021   |   13:02

Very sory sir, thus why the creative society aim at bringing peace to the world. It aims at making a
world better place for living. Anyway you can contact me, so that we can share more about the
situation in our countries TANZANIA and SWEDEN.
DICKSON NKWABI 20.11.2021   |   13:08

HELLO my friend. sorry for the event occured in your family. welcome in Tanzania.

lozakoski 03.08.2021   |   12:20

Why not just go ahead with the plans of Eden and SHOW people how this would work instead of telling
people how it could work. I love the sound of it but show me it so i can feel it, touch it, live it !!!

Tatyana 05.08.2021   |   12:04

Well, the whole thing is that changes are possible only when majority of people understand the
necessity of changes and start acting. You can't built the Creative Society in some separate country or
community. It's a question of all humanity. That's why the informing is so important. I would really
recommend you the article on this website:

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The foundations of the Creative Society and the stages of building it

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Now each person can really do a lot!



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