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Reg No.

Agni College of Technology

Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
Model Exam
Sub Name: Industrial Automation Set: I
Sub Code: MT8602 Department: Mechatronics
Date: 13-06-2022 Year &Sec: III & VI
Timing: 12:45 PM to 3:45 PM Max Mark: 100 Marks
Course Outcome:
CO1 Choose appropriate PLC and explain the architecture, installation procedures and trouble
CO2 Develop PLC programs using various functions of PLCs for a given application
CO3 Explain the application development procedures in SCADA and manage data, alarm and
CO4 Distinguish DCS, SCADA and PLC and explain the architecture of DCS
CO5 Describe the controller elements and program methods
Bloom’s Taxonomy: C-Create, E-Evaluate, AN-Analyze, AP-Apply, U-Understand, R-Remember.
PART – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) BT CO

1. Write the differences between a PLC and a general-purpose computer C CO1

from a hardware and software point of view
2. What is ladder diagram? R CO1

3. List four data manipulation instruction in PLC R CO2

4. Draw a ladder diagram for a Two – Motor system having following R CO2
conditions: i) Starting push buttons starts Motor – 1 ii) After 10
Seconds, Motor-2 is ON iii) Stopping the switch stop Motor -1 and 2
5. Compare SCADA and HMI U CO3

6. Name the basic SCADA components R CO3

7. List the functions of controller module in DCS R CO4

8. What is the need of supervisory control in DCS? R CO4

9. List out the significance of automation in process industries R CO5

10. How PLC is more suitable for process control applications? R CO5

PART – B (5x 13= 65Marks)

11. (a) Draw and explain the architecture of PLC in detail and also [13] U CO1
explain sourcing and sinking
(b) Explain the functions of analog and digital modules of PLC. [13] U CO1

12. (a) Explain the timers and counters instructions with their types [6] U CO2
(i) and functions in detail.

(ii) Explain any four-control instruction and write the Program for [7] U CO2
converting 80°C Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.

(F = (9 /5 × C) + 32)

(b) Consider the fluid storage tank illustrated in Figure 9.10. When [13] U CO2
the start button X1 is depressed, this closes the control relay
C1, which energizes solenoid S1, which opens a valve allowing
fluid to flow into the tank. When the tank becomes full, the
float switch FS closes, which opens relay C1, causing the
solenoid S1 to be de-energized, thus turning off the in-flow.
Switch FS also activates timer T1, which provides a 120-sec
delay for a certain chemical reaction to occur in the tank. At the
end of the delay time, the timer energizes a second relay C2,
which controls two devices: (1) It initiates timer T2, which
waits 90 sec to allow the contents of the tank to be drained, and
(2) it energizes solenoid S2, which opens a valve to allow the
fluid to flow out of the tank. At the end of the 90 sec, the timer
breaks the current and de-energizes solenoid S2, thus closing
the out-flow valve. Depressing the start button X1 resets the
timers and opens their respective contacts. Construct the ladder
logic diagram for the system.

13. (a) Explain the function of RTU and IED in SCADA system [13] U CO3
(b) Explain how SCADA can be used in the application of the [13] U CO3
water pumping stations and pipeline monitoring system

14. (a) Explain the different types of DCS displays. State its [13] U CO4

(b) Explain how DCS can be used in Sugar Industry [13] U CO4

15. (a) Explain the process using PID control in any process industries [13] U CO5
(b) Explain the process using fuzzy logic-based control in any [13] U CO5
process industries
PART – C (1x 15 = 15 Marks)
16. (a) Using whatever PLC sequencer output instruction, you are [15] A CO2
most familiar with, develop a program that will operate the
cylinders in the desired sequence. The time between each step
is to be 3 seconds. The desired sequence of operation will be as
• All cylinders to retract.
• Cylinder 1 advance.
• Cylinder 1 retract and cylinder 3 advance.
• Cylinder 2 advance and cylinder 5 advance.
• Cylinder 4 advance and cylinder 2 retract.
• Cylinder 3 retract and cylinder 5 retract.
• Cylinder 6 advance and cylinder 4 retract.
• Cylinder 6 retract.
• Sequence to repeat.
(b) Develop a material handling application using PLC and [15] A CO2
mention the functions of major components used in it.

Course Teacher HoD


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