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The word secure is derived from the Latin securus which means ‘’safe’’ or ‘’without care’’ or from se cura, wherein
se means “free from” and cura means “care”.

Industry - The term denotes “earnest or constant application to work or business’’, or a special branch of work, or the
capital or workers employed in it.

Industrial - This is defined as the pertaining to or engaged in industry. The word industrial may also mean: of industry or
relating to, used in, created by industry; and/or of industry’s workforce or relating to or involving workers in industry.

Security - a state or condition of being secured;  there is freedom from fear, harm, danger, loss, destruction or

NECESSITY OF SECURITY - Security measures are inevitable or necessary for the attainment of goals and objectives
when an individual or organization is exposed to hazards, their productivity is adversely affected.

SECURITY VS. SAFETY - state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial,
political, emotional, etc.

MANAGEMENT - The skillful use of means in order to attain a purpose.

INDUSTRIAL SECURITY - Security measures applied to business industries; or the business of providing security and
protection to private individuals business enterprises, or government and non government industries.

Related Concepts

Understanding the concept of security requires further definition of other related concepts such as asset, risk, threat
and vulnerability.

Asset is anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled

to produced value. If it has positive economic value it is considered an asset. Or
more simply, if its value can be converted into cash. e.g.

Risk is the uncertainty of financial loss, the probability that a loss has occurred or
will occur, or the possible occurrence of an undesirable event. The end results of risk
is loss or a decrease in value.
e.g. lost of life of your love once.

Threat is anything that could adversely affect assets; it can be classified into natural
hazards (such as floods), accidents (chemical spills), or intentional acts (domestic or
international terrorism).

Vulnerability means weakness, flaw, or virtually anything that may conceivably be

exploited by a threat; examples are holes in a fence, an out –of-date key system or
the introduction of a computer virus.


• risk theory
• crisis theory
• causality


Risk theory is a widely used scientific discipline, based on the identification of a threat, the specification of risk and the
specification of how to overcome the risk. The essence of risk lies in the objective existence of threats. The risk comes
from consciously controlled acting, or chaotic and uncontrolled acting of each part of a complex. In the behavior of
elements, moments may arise when the elements, whether intentionally or randomly, are getting into direct interaction
(collision, impact).

It is focusing on minimization of damage or impact. The risk theory could be used as methodology for specification of
possible negative impacts, which could harm the reference object. Due to this fact, risk management is used in many
fields, in which significant theoretical development and practical applications were developed.


Crisis theory is a scientific discipline focused on the theoretic aspects of crisis research, mainly on nature and causes of
crisis. The basics of crisis prevention and its handling are based on the crisis theory, it is important to determine what is
the reason and nature of safety and security problems. Moreover, we need to examine what is the relation between the
theory of safety and security and the crisis theory.


The term causality has evolved from the Latin word „causa“. The cause is relation, where cause and effect are mutually
connected. The law of causality determines that anything that happens has at least one cause, and also any cause has
future consequences. The same causes create the same effects. It is structured by a causal relationship (causal nexus).
Causality is an expression of the relationship between two events, where one of them raises and the second is called the

Basically the reason is the term, which causes effect. Causality is key for the theory of safety and security. It allows
establishing a logic chain of causes of security or safety violation. From this point of view of safety or security, there is
inadequate position of causality. A role of causality is neglected. It is important to focus on this problem.

Reference: Lukas,L. (2016). Theoretical Sources for a Theory of Safety and Security. Thinkingmind.Org. Retrieved From


1. Physical security - pertains to al physical barriers employed or installed tosecure assets.

2. Personnel Security - refers to the procedure followed, or inquiries conducted,and criteria applied to determine the
work suitability of a particular applicant or the retention of a particular employee.

3. Document and Information Security - refers to policies regulations, doctrines, and practices enforced to safeguard
the contents and integrity of any classified Information or document from compromise or loss.

In the private sphere, security can be even further categorized, as shown below.
1. Industrial Security is a form of physical security involving industrial plants and business enterprises. This involves
the safeguarding of personnel, processes, properties and operations.

2. Bank and Armor Security involves the protection resulting from the application of various measure which safeguards
cash and assets in storage, in transit, or during transaction.

3. Hotel Security involves using various measures of protection for the guests, personnel, properties and functions in
hotels, restaurants, bars, and clubs.

4. V.I.P Security involves the protection of top-ranking officials of the government, visiting persons of illustrious standing
and foreign dignitaries.

5. Operational Security involves the protection of processes, formula, patents and industrial and manufacturing
activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or infringement.

6. Communication Security involves the safeguard resulting from the application of different measures which prevent or
delay the enemy or unauthorized person from gaining information through communication including transmission
and cryptographic.

7. Mall / Commercial Security is the degree of protection against danger, loss and crime inside malls. As a form of
protection, it refers to system, structures and processes that provide or improve mall security as a conditions


Historical Roots of Security

The historical roots of privates security agencies can be traced back to thousands of years when the protection
of life and personal property were up to the individual, and later on passed to tribes, and then to cities.

In pre-historical times, man recognized the need to keep himself safe from both known and unknown enemies
such as animals, other inhabitants and to environment itself. He used different methods to keep himself safe such as
crafting weapons out of stone and metal, building fire toward of animals, staying in caves or tree houses, and even
staying in the middle of the lake for protection.

The Greek of the ancient period were the ones who organized the first police force in city states which they termed
POLIS. The Romans, on the other hand, established the praetorian guards known as VIGILES who were tasked to be fire
fighters. In the middle ages during their invasion of England, the French formed a group of carefully selected men called
shires or sheriff to look after the peace and Order of the different regions. The greatest influence in the history of
security came from England. In 1655, Oliver Cromwell set up in England and wales polices force that operated to capture
and punish criminals. In 1748, London magistrate Henry Fielding introduced the concept of crime prevention by
organizing citizen patrols or watchmen that not only chased criminals for felony and misdemeanor but also served
fielding purpose of preventing crime ahead of time with their patrolling function. Fifty years later, English home
secretary sir Robert Peel formed the first formal department.

During the colonial period in the United States, immigrants from England, Ireland and Scotland came to American
shores bringing with them British approach to policing. At the time, law enforcement officer had no deal with rampant
crime in US cities and had little time and resources left to deal with the protection of private property. Hence, citizens
who wanted protection for their private properties had to depend on the armed immigrants who were prepared to deal
with criminals. This watchman form of security was to become the early version of private security practices that injure
to this day (fay, 2006).
Brief History of Security in the Philippines

• The private security business begun on March 11, 1933 when the first formally licensed private
security agency “Special watchman agency” started operation.
• Later it renamed “Jimenez Security Agency” founded by brothers Juan and Pedro Jimenez;
• On May 30 1958, the Philippine association of detectives and protective agency operations (PADPAO)
was formally organized;
• RA.5487 was passed on June 13, 1969 thru the continuous lobbying of the incorporators and officers
of PADPAO, which set the standard and minimum requirements for operations of security
• PD.11 was passed on October 3, 1972 widening the coverage of security industry to include security
guard employed in logging concessions, agricultural, mining and pasture lands;
• PD.100 was issued on January 17 1973 broadening the coverage of security industry to include
employee of the national or local government or any agency who are employed to watch or secure
government building and properties.
• On August 1969, the Philippine Constabulary activated the security andinvestigation supervisory office
or SIASO to supervise and control the organization and operation of private security and detective
agency nationwide.
• Later it was renamed Philippine Constabulary Supervisory office for security and investigation agencies
• With the passage of RA.6975, this unit was absorbed by the Philippine National Police;
• Later it was made into a division of the PNP civil security group and was renamed security agency and
guard supervisory division (SAGSD);
• It was renamed to PNP supervisory office for security investigation agency(SOSIA)

3.2 Related Laws in Security and Detective Agency Operations, Management and

 Man instinctively protects himself and those he holds dear (may it be property, freedom or loved – ones) from danger
or threat, with or without help from others. This is the supreme law—the law of self- preservations.


The universal declarations of human rights, which was adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948, guarantees
such instinct to protect in article 3, which states that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of persons”
(United Nations, 1948, emphasis supplied.)

The international covenant on civil in political rights, a multilateral treaty also adopted by the United Nations on 16
December 1966, further recognized this rights to security of person in article 9 (1). Which states that: “Everyone has the
right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall deprived
of his liberty except on such grounds in accordance with such procedure as are established by law” (United Nations
Human Rights 1966).


1987 Philippine Constitution enunciates the first and foremost duty of the government which is to serve and protect the
• Article II, section 4. The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect people. The government may call upon
the people to defend the state and, in the fulfilment thereof, all citizen may be required by law to render military or
civilian service.

• Article II, section 5. The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property and the
promotion of general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all people of the blessings of the democracy.

• Article 3, section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law, nor shall a
person be denied the equal protection of laws.

 • Article 3, section 2. The right of people to be secured in their persons, houses and papers, and the effects of
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable and no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall be issued upon determination of probable cause to be determine personally by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly
describing the place to be search and persons or thing to be seized.

Statutory Mandates

 • Act 3815 (revised penal code (RPC), as amended). The RPC also insure security and safety of the people by prohibiting
and penalizing certain acts such as: Crimes against the fundamental law of the state (arbitrary detention, delaying
release, expulsion, violation of domicile etc.), crimes against persons (Parricide, murder, Homicide, physical injuries etc.),
crimes against personal liberty and security (kidnapping and illegal detention, unlawful arrest, etc.), crimes against
property (robbery, theft, etc.)

• Private Security Agency Law (RA 5487 as amended) Republic Act No. 5487 or "An Act to Regulate the Organization and
Operation of Private Detective, Watchmen or Security Guards Agencies," is amended by Presidential Decree No. 11 on
October 3, 1972. In this particular law, the security guards, watchmen, private detectives and the security officers are
considered as force multipliers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) because of the role they play in times of disaster
or calamities. The chief of the PNP or the mayor of a certain municipality or city may deputize them to assist the PNP in
the performance of the police duties for the duration of such emergency disaster or calamity.

• Private security personnel „are called Protection Specialists because in the present concept, the law enforcement and
crime prevention are not solely charged to the PNP. The five-pillar concept in criminal justice system calls for the
involvement of the private sector and the community to which much of the success of law enforcement depends.
Private security forces play a vital role in this regard as they are a potent force in crime prevention. They have
contributed to the improvement of peace and order and the protection of lives and properties in all areas of the

• The scope of the law covers originally promulgated and newly introduced rules and regulations designed to
professionalize the security industry. Revisions were made to make the security business a more credible and reliable
sector in our country. New provisions include the rule on the utilization of security personnel in certain types of services.
The training program for private security personnel was also expanded in order to develop skills and knowledge suitable
to current and future applications.

• Presidential Decree No. 1919 (Amending RA 5487 and PD 100)

• Presidential Decree No. 1919 amended further The Private Security Agency Law on April 28, 1984 with the following

a. Defining watchman or security guard to include those from government entities

b. Specifying the employment of a minimum of 200 and a maximum of I,000 licensed security guards for any private
security agency
c. Specifying 30 to 1,000 company guards for company guard forces.

• RA 5487, as amended the private security agency law which governs the organization, operation business and activities
of private detectives, watchmen, or security guard agencies.

• PD. No. 11. As amended certain provisions of RA.5487, such as section 3 (d) which defines a watchman or security
guard, watchman or security guard agency, section 4, specifying person who may organize a security or watchmen
agency, and section 18

• PD.No.100. amended sec. 3d, section 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, and paragraph 3 of section 16 of RA.5487

• PD. No. 1919. Amended section 3d, section 18, paragraph 3 of section 8, paragraph 1 of section 16 of RA.5487.

Reference: Romero, L (2021). LEA 3: INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL SECURITY CONCEPTS College of Criminal Justice
Education. PDFCOFFEE.COM Retrieved From


- A fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy in all aspects of security, with the corresponding
- Refers to checklist, audits, or inventories of security conditions.

Security Surveys are often called ‘RISK ANALYSIS SURVEYS’ or ‘RISK ASESSMENT SURVEYS


1. To determine the existing state of security;

2. Identifying weaknesses in defese;
3. To determine the degree of protection required;
4. To produce recommendations for a total security systems.

The survey should be undertaken by either suitably trained staff security personnel, or a fully qualified
independent security specialist.

No universal checklist can be applied to all sites for survey purposes, as no two facilities are alike.


1. Written authority should be obtained from proper authority.

2. Previous surveys should be reviewed;
3. An orientation tour should be made;
4. Photographs should be taken of things which will be difficult to describe in a report. (Only withauthority)

After completing the survey an immediate review of the findings should be undertaken with the plant supervisor so that
urgent deficiencies can be addressed.

• A follow-up survey should always be conducted to ensure improvements

• Any survey report including lists of recommendations is incomplete without including a cost-benefit
analysis, which is;

• “ a direct comparison of the cost of operation of the security unit and all the existing security measures
with the amount of the corporate assets saved or recovered as well as reduction of losses caused by
injuries and lost production and recommendations have been made”


- Process of developing methods or procedures or an arrangement of parts intended to facilitate the accomplishment of
a definite objective.
-The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals.


• It is PRE-DETERMINING a course of action;

• It is deciding IN ADVANCE what to do, how to do it, and who is to do it.


1. To minimize effects of any incident upon plant and personnel;

2. To keep property and equipment loss at a minimum;
3. To ensure cooperation of all plant departments charged with specific activities of an emergency;
4. To ensure appropriate cooperative action by and with outside civic and government agencies.


1. Get in touch/coordinate with your Local Civil Authorities. (Tie your programs with theirs and standardize equipment
with them thus creating compatibility.);
2. Visit neighboring Plants/offices (coordinate your activities with theirs.);
3. Survey your plant for possible hazards and take immediate action to lessen or eliminate them;
4. Appoint a disaster Director or Disaster coordinator;
5. Early in the planning stage, present the Program to your Employees and enlist their active support;
6. Call an organization meeting of Heads of services, employee representatives and key personnel. (out line purpose of
the program and explain how the plant should organize for protection;
7. Define the Program.


Benefits in testing the plan:

• Deficiencies will be uncovered;
• People involved in the implementation of the plan will receive valuable training.


• partial (by elements);
• complete (entire organization)


• Changes in Personnel and Facilities


SECURITY INSPECTION – This is a check of how well existing security measures and regulations are being carried out
within a detachment or establishment. A security inspection may also include an investigation of alleged or suspected
security violations.


1. Continuous Inspection-an on-going and never ending activity.

2. Formal or Informal
Formal Inspection - preceded by an announcement Informal Inspection - understood by all and accepted as
part of the organizational life.
Structured or Unstructured Inspection - Structured Inspection is one that moves systematically from one
area to the next and so on. Unstructured inspection is conducted in a random manner.


refers to the procedure followed, inquiries conducted, and criteria applied to determine the work suitability of a
particular applicant or the retention of a particular employee.


1. To ensure that hired employees are best suited to assist the organization in achieving its mission and vision;

2. To assist in providing the necessary security to the employees while they carry out their functions.


It is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity, morals, and loyalty of an individual in order to
determine a person’s suitability for appointment or access to classified matter.


1. National Agency Check

2. Local Agency Check

3. Partial Background Investigation

4. Complete Background Investigation


- It is an inquiry which aims to verify applicant’s information written at the applicants form, to ascertain his/her past
employment experiences and to obtain other information pertinent to the decision to employ.


1. Loyalty

– faithful allegiance to the Philippine government and its duly constitutional authorities;

2. Integrity

– uprightness in character, soundness of moral principle, freedom from moral delinquencies.

3. Discretion

– the ability or tendency to act or to decide with prudence, the habit of wise judgment;

4. Morals

– distinctive identifying qualities which serve as an index to the essential or intrinsic nature of a person;
5. Character

– the sum of traits that have been impresses by nature, education and habit upon the individual;

6. Reputation

– opinion or estimation in which one is generally held. It is what a person is reported to be whereas character is what a
person is.


1. Prior Employment;

2. Claimed education;

3. Claimed residence for the period covered in the employment and educational institutes;

4. If the candidate indicates a criminal record, then the details should be checked.


1. Information sought should be relevant; 2. Information should be reliable; 3. If unfavorable, the

information should be confirmed by at least two sources.


 Was aimed at sweeping rooms just for listening devices. This was done by using various pieces of technology that could
detect the emission of radio waves.

This process has evolved to the point where non-radio emissions can also be detected. This means sensitive equipment
can be used to search for magnetic waves, thermal emissions, and light emissions, such as lasers that may be
broadcasting a silent signal to a receiver.

The field of TSCM has evolved far past just searching for listening devices. It encompasses securing communications
technology, thoroughly inspecting and fortifying information technology, and ensuring that there is a heightened
protocol of physical security to prevent future espionage.


Multiple techniques and technologies are vital in the process of securing an individual or place from the threat of
surveillance, but they can be broken down into three main categories.

 Physical Security

 Communications Security

 Information Technology Security


the following are likely to be employed as “general use” tools:

 Flashlights to search in dark places where hidden eavesdropping devices are usually located.

 Ladders to search for hidden devices in vents, on rooftops, and in other hard-to-reach places.

 Multimeters to test for heightened electrical usage, which can be a telltale sign of an eavesdropping device.

 Tools such as sledgehammers, screwdrivers, hammers, and crowbars may be used to disassemble and search for
hidden listening devices.

Physical security involves looking for physical signs that a person or place is being watched. This can include sweeping
rooms for radio frequencies using a frequency scanner, using spectrum analyzers to search for malicious RF signals,
employing nonlinear junction detectors to sweep for obscured eavesdropping devices, and using portable x-ray scanners
to search for surveillance technology inside of walls.


Communications security focuses on securing devices such as telephones, smartphones, and fax machines. Time-domain
reflectometers are key in performing this, as they can test the integrity of copper lines to determine if a phone tap has
been put in place. The implementation of secure phone lines may also be part of this process.

Other tools used in communications security tend to coincide with those used with physical security, which includes
multimeters and x-ray machines.


Information technology security is the last major category of TSCM, but it also tends to be among the broadest. It
encompasses components of a computer, software, and network security to ensure that espionage, which tends to be
easier to perform with IT infrastructure, cannot happen.

Steps of IT security can include installing virus scanners, implementing hardware and software firewalls, sweeping for
any eavesdropping applications or devices put in place already, establishing damage control measures, and teaching
individuals who might use a computer with sensitive information on its steps to better safeguard against eavesdropping.



“the skillful handling of the security and safety measures of business enterprises and industrial establishments.”

PHILOSOPHY OF SECURITY MANAGEMENT r management tool that is protective in nature; A shared responsibilities;
Effective and efficient use of resources. Security practitioners protect assets and prevent or minimize business
interruptions; and A need for management and technical skills.

Reference : Sevilla J.(2022). Industrial Security Management (Lea3). Retrieved From

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