Developmental Soft Tissue

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Cleft lip. Infant with bilateral cleft of
the upper lip.
• Cleft palate. Palatal defect resulting
in communication
with the nasal cavity.
• Bifid uvula.
• Submucous palatal deft. There is a cleft of the
midline palatal bone. but the overlying mucosa is intact. A
uvula also is present.
• Pierre Robin sequence.
Micrognathic mandible in
an infant with cleft palate.
Commissural lip pit. Depression at the
• Paramedian lip pits. Bilateral pits (arrows) on the
lower lip in a patient with van der Woude syndrom
Double lip. Redundant fold of tissue on the upper lip
in a patient with Ascher syndrome
• Ascher syndrome. Edema of the
upper eye lids
fordyce granules. Yellow papules on
the vermilion
of the upper lip.
Figure 1-11 • Fordyce granules.
lesions at the commissure.
figu re 1·12 • fordyce granules.
Multiple sebaceousglands
below the surface epithelium.
Figure 1-13 • Leukoedema. White.
wrinkled appearance of the
buccal mucosa.
Figure 1- 14 . Leukoe dema, A. Diffuse white appearance of
the buccalmucosa. B. Whiteness disappears when the cheek
is stretched.
Figure 1- 15 • Leukoedema.
Parakeratosis and intracellular
edema of the spinous layer.
Figure 1-16 • Microglossia. Abnormally
small tongue associated
with constricte d mandibular arch.
Figure1-17 • Microg lossia. Associated
constriction of the maxillary arch in the
same patient shown in Figure 1-16.
Figure 1-18 • Macroglossia. large tong ue in a patient wi th
Down syndrome.
Figure 1-19 • Ankyloglossia.
Abnormal attachment of the lingual
frenum. Limiting tongue mobility.
Figure 1-20 • lingual thyroid. Nodular mass of the posterior
dorsal midline of the tongue
Figure 1-21 • lingual thyroid. Thyroid scan of the same patient
as in Figure 1-20. The scan shows localization (central dark zone) of
iodine isotopein the tongue mass and minimal uptake in the neck. .
Figure 1-22 • Fissured tongue.
Moderate fissuring of the dorsal
figure 1-23 • fissured tongue.
Extensive fissuring involving the
entire dorsal tongue surface.
fifigure 1-24 • Hairy tongue. Elongated, black- staining filiform
papillae on the posterior dorsal tongue.
1-25 • Hairy tongue. Markedelongation and brown
staining of the filiform papillae, resulting in a hairlike
Figure 1-26 • Hairy tongue. Elongat ion and marked
hyperkeratosis of the filiform papillae. with bacterial
accumulation on the surface .
figure 1-27 • Varicosities. Multiple purple dilated veins on the
ventral and lateral surface of the tongue.
Figure 1-28 • Varicosity. firm.
thrombosed varix on the lower lip.
Figure 1-29 • Caliber-persistent artery. linear. arcuate lesion on
the upper labial mucosa.

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