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orrective The Science of Proactive Asphalt Rejuvenation

sphalt Airports • Roadways

Utilities • Parking Areas

Petroleum Maltene-Based
Rejuvenating Agent
What is Reclamite?
According to the National Center for Pavement Preservation
“a true asphalt rejuvenator is a maltene-based petroleum
product which has the ability to absorb or penetrate into
an asphaltic concrete pavement and restore those reactive
components (maltenes) that have been lost from the asphalt
cement binder due to the natural process of oxidation.”
Reclamite comprises the same maltene fractions as the
asphalt binder. Reclamite is refined from a naphthenic (wax
free) base that seals and preserves the surface “in-depth”.

How does it work?

Reclamite has been used for more than 50 years and is proven
to add 5-7 years service life to pavements. It penetrates,
rejuvenates and seals the surface by replenishing the lost
maltene fraction in the asphalt binder. Maltene is necessary to
make the surface durable and flexible. Reclamite fluxes with
the asphalt binder, restoring the aggregate/asphalt bond.
When should Reclamite be used? Reclamite prevents raveling and stripping and, by densifying
Reclamite is a “top-of-the-curve” application. Apply to newer the pavement’s surface, it helps address compaction issues,
pavement (less than six years old in northern climates, less reduces surface permeability, and prevents air and moisture
than ten years old in southern climates) that shows minimal intrusion. It adjusts viscosity and penetration values. It does
signs of surface deterioration. not contain degreasers, solvents or creosotes.

Pavement Treated with Reclamite

Road treated with Reclamite

Road with no Maintenance
Road with microsurface or chip seal

Major Rehabilitation Needed

Service Life Added

Pavement Lifetime

Main Office (800) 374-5560 •

How is Reclamite applied?
Reclamite is sprayed like a fog seal. The emulsion is
diluted with water to 60 percent Reclamite. Application
rates average between .05-.08 gallons per square yard. It
is applied in one pass, has a 20-45 minute cure time and
leaves no surface coating. Then a light coating of sand
or limestone screening is applied (1-2 pounds per square
yard). The screenings are swept between 1-2 days after
application. Striping is not compromised and remains
visible throughout the application process.

Application of Reclamite

Cost Comparison Over Time

$450,000 HMA Seal Maintenance
$400,000 HMA Overlay
39% Cost
Traditional Savings

Method Cost
$100,000 Reclamite
$50,000 Method Cost
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61

Source: Town of Avon, Indiana Preservation Study. Schneider Engineering Case Study
Presented at Purdue University

AVON PASER AVG. 1999-2013

Paved in 2008 Paved in 2007. Treated with
7.7 No treatment Reclamite in 2007
1999 2004 2008 2013

Untreated vs.Treated
Chart shows average Paser ratings
increasing after Reclamite program
was initiated

Photo taken in November 2015

Main Office (800) 374-5560 •

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