Course: Leadership, Engagement, and People Performance Case Study: The Team That Wasn'T Project Submission Template Student Name

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Project Submission Template

Student Name:

Question I 1. A brief summary of the problems faced by FineArt (100- 150

FineArts sales in the last 3 months have been flattened.
Large national glass making industry begun to enter Finearts
niche market and have superior resources and technology
within this time competitorwill dominate finearts market.
Inefficient teamwork among the top level manager in fineart,
especially ransy being a team blocker.

Question II 2. List and elaborate on two ways which Eric Holt and CEO Jack
Derry can take in order to intrinsically and extrinsically
motivate the team.  (200 – 250 words)
a. Intrinsic motivators and its elaboration
b. Extrinsic motivators and its elaboration

Planning and execution of business activities are highly dependent on

the nature of individuals within a team; the Motivational level of
individual team members within a team has a significant impact on the
overall team outcome. For instance, the FireArt team was responsible
for executing actions used to examine the organization within the six
months. Unfortunately, the responsible team is demotivated
individually and the team as aggregate. It means that Eric Holt and the
CEO Jack Derry must look into the issue and address the team
Motivations. The two can use intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to
address the whole point.

A)Intrinsic motivators

Intrinsic motivation leads to employees doing a given task because it

will reward them. In this case, employees already know that there will
be direct rewards after completing such a task. These kinds of
motivation factors are made to bring about achieving long-term
objectives. The CEO can use the following Intrinsic factors to motivate
the team.


Autonomy is an intrinsic factor that will take multiple forms. It must

improve on engagement in the workplace. It is one of the satisfying
aspects of an individual's performance. The CEO can create autonomy
through various ways, i.e., communicate a clear vision to the team, give
them tools to work, take a step back, wait for employees to work, and
support the professional judgment.


It is an intrinsic motivator that involves getting better at something that

matters. It means doing the best of things you like and doing them
perfectly. The CEO can bring about mystery motivation by giving team
members a 10 % of their time to do the project. In addition, they can
take steps and give up some control managerial controls to ensure team
autonomy is guaranteed. Their Fir art team might be interested in
continued development instead of their salary.

A team will be motivated by having a clear purpose for the big picture.
Ensuring the team knows what they are working towards is very
important since they will work hard, be more productive, and remain
engaged. Therefore s robust set of purposes that will allow employees
to align their personal goals to those of the organization is essential.

B) Extrinsic motivators

Extrinsic motivators involve an employee completing a task because of

outside forces such as receiving a reward or fear of punishment. This
type of motivation is more beneficial because it can motivate
employees to complete unpleasant tasks. Examples of extrinsic
motivators include.

1.Competition to get a trophy.

The CEO of FireArt can promise the team trophies to perform the best.
This reward will ensure employees work hard and faster to get a bonus.

2.Competition for money.

To motivate employees, the CEO can promise the team some money to
ensure they commit themselves to the project. I.e., the best performing
employee can be given a certain amount, the second and third best

3.Frequent flyer rewards

In this case, the CEO can promise employees to take them out for a
tour and visit several places of choice upon completing the specific
task. In this case. Employees will be highly motivated and take the
project and do the expected.

Question III 3. Evaluate the 'conflict' and 'commitment' dysfunction of the

FineArt team quoting two strong instances from the case study
(150-200 words)
a. 2 instances of conflict dysfunction and its evaluation
b. 2 instances of commitment dysfunction and its

Dysfunction 1 : Absence of Trust

PROBLEM: This occurs when team members are reluctant to be

vulnerable with one another and are unwilling to admit their mistakes,
weaknesses, or need for help. Without a certain comfort level among
team members, a foundation of trust is not possible.

SOLUTION: As the manager, set the good example by asking for help
from your team members, admitting your own weaknesses and
limitations, and be the first to own up to a mistake. When you take the
lead, others will follow. Slowly, these habits will become culture and
the team will begin to build the first unshakable brick in the pyramid
— trust.

Dysfunction 2: Fear of Conflict

PROBLEM: Teams that lacktrust are incapable of engaging in

unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues, causing situations where
team conflict can easily turn into veiled discussions and back channel
comments. In a work setting where team members do not openly air
their opinions, there is a lot of posturing and precious time is wasted,
resulting in inferior decisions.

SOLUTION: Establish that conflict is welcome and purposeful. Define

what healthy conflict looks like by praising healthy examples or giving
corrective feedback if conflict veers towards unhealthy. You can also
“mine for conflict” by opening a meeting with a bad idea to see if
everyone will agree to avoid conflict, and use this as a litmus test to
open up healthy discussion. Lastly, you can designate a devil’s
advocate in a meeting, or use pro and con lists for ideas to get people to
open up to sharing a differing perspective.

Dysfunction 3: Lack of Commitment

PROBLEM: Without conflict, it is difficult for team members to
commit to decisions, creating an environment where ambiguity
prevails. Lack of direction and commitment can make employees,
particularly star employees, disgruntled.

SOLUTION: Clarity and closure are paramount to overcome this

dysfunction and move to the next level. Setting clear deadlines,
reviewing key decisions at the end of meetings as well as what should
and should not be communicated to other staff and contingency
planning can help teams overcome there fears by creating clear plans
and facing potential pitfalls and the fear of failure head on so everyone
can commit.

Dysfunction 4: Avoidance of Team Accountability

PROBLEM: When teams don’t commit to a clear plan of action, even

the most focused and driven individuals hesitate to call their peers on
actions and behaviors that may seem counterproductive to the overall
good of the team. This allows for mediocrity, poor performers to slip
by and the leader to become the soul source of discipline.

SOLUTION: If teams have come this far, they have trust and
commitment, then they will know that a team member calling them out
not only has the right to do so because expectations and deadlines were
clear, but that it is not a personal attack. This allows team members to
confront difficult issues to hold each other accountable. Clear
standards, progress reviews and team rewards are also important to
make sure this area stays healthy.
Dysfunction 5: Inattention to Team Objectives

PROBLEM: Team members naturally tend to put their own needs (ego,
career development, recognition, etc.) ahead of the collective goals of
the team when individuals aren’t held accountable. If a team has lost
sight of the need for achievement, the business ultimately suffers.

SOLUTION: When teams have a solid base of trust, healthy conflict,

commitment and team accountability and are recognized within the
company for performance via praise or rewards, it will be easier for
team members to put their own needs aside for the sake of the team.
With these solutions, teams should be able to retain top performers,
handle failure with resilience and stay focused.

If you’re not the leader of the team, find a way to get your leader
committed to addressing the five dysfunctions. Or be prepared to take
risks calling people on unproductive behaviors. If neither of these
options are possibilities, think about finding another team.
Question IV 4.
a. Analyse Jack Derry as an inspirational leader of his
organisation under sensing, relating, visioning and
executing (100-150 words)
b. Recommend any changes or alternative steps that Jack
Derry could have taken to be a more effective leader
(100-150 words)

case 1

Answer- The common Problem areas at FireArt is the lacking

leadership which fails in giving clear detailed direction to the team and
the hands off attitude of the CEO is inappropriate along with he fails to
anticipate and avoid the downturn of the company.

The following are the reason responsible for sub-standards business

results at FireArt which are associated with the following people-

1- The FireArt team lead by Eric is that he lack in his process of

leading his team effectively along with the inappropriate attitude of the
CEO not only this but he also fails to stimate the present downturn of
the company

2- Eric- He has stopped controlling and managing the holding of the

meetings which has been taken as an advantage for this timidity

3- Randy might quit the job and due to which the company may not be
able to use his excellence and thus causing a downfall in the company
market share.
case 2

Director of the company Eric Holt will have to take the following steps
to revamp his loss-making organization-:


In the short term action Eric should trim down his team. All the people
who aren't team players and aren't contributing should be asked to
leave the company. Secondly, Eric should focus on those projects only
for the time being, which he feels the company will be surely able to
execute with success. Eric shouldn't accept any complicated work
offers now.


In the medium-term Eric would look for some financial investements

and he will bring in new technology. Instead of only depending on his
human resources he may think of bringing in automation in his
business. Implementation of automation technology, Artificial
Intelligence will help the company to turn round. It will provide the
company with that extra edge. Also with the new round of investment
he will try to bring in better quality of human resources in the

Followings are the three recommendations-:

i. Taking help of DSS, MIS. These will help the company in taking
right decisions at the right time. With the help of necessary

ii. Implementing CRM in the company will help to manage the

customer relation in an efficient order.

iii. Providing training to the employees and conducting performance

appraisal on a time to time basis will help the company to build up it's
team properly.

case 3

1. Sensing - Jack Derry is very good at sensing the condition of its

company and sensing the situation he insisted on making a team of
directors of strategy where he is making a member from each
department. Thus sensing the situation he focuses on team building and
plans to see the results in the coming six months

2. Relating - Jack Derry is precise in relating the situation to the decline

in the strategies decisions and he relates the condition and focuses on
the targets on the company's strategic realignment and by doing this he
focuses on his company to come as running and winning in the next six
months. He is very dedicated to relating this condition and moves
towards a conclusion.

3. Visioning - He has a good vision of the outcomes of the change in

the company's strategic realignment as he forecast that the company
would be running and back to normal in the next 6 months. He has a
good vision of how to proceed with the strategic realignment of the
company and how we should proceed with that.

4. Executing - In my opinion, Jac Derry is good at executing as he

plans to select one person from each division for the strategic
realignment of a company. He through his decisions forecast that the
strategic realignment of the company will bring out results and the
company will be back to normal within the next six months.

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