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Written Proposal: West Canaan College Scandal

Avery McIlwaine

Coastal Carolina University

RSM 317 D1: Moral and Ethical Reasoning

Dr. Justin Lovich

July 8th, 2022

A. Statement of the Problem

This fall, a football recruiting incident brought forth controversy. A high school recruit

that was considering attending West Canaan College (WCC), James Mayfield, stated that his

likelihood to attend was based on his experience with “two of the prettiest” Blue & White Guides

(BWG) that traveled to one of his games and celebrated with him after. Poolside photos of

Mayfield and our BWG also surfaced. National reporters garnered a statement from one of the

guides who said it was their job to “show him the kind of fun he can have at WCC.” Our BWG

program application was also released to the public and faced heavy criticism.

In light of the recent scandal, it is important to discuss the problem at hand within our

organization. Aside from the reputation and marketing concerns, it is evident that there is a

deeper issue coursing through our organization. We now have reason to question the intentions of

the BWG program and the integrity of the structure of our football recruiting. The public is also

capable of applying these issues to the broader athletic department and university as a whole, so

it is imperative that we act to ensure change occurs.

B. Recommended Decision

In response to this scandal, we recommend that our organization should take the

following steps toward resolvement. First and foremost, an apologetic statement from the

university and athletic department should be released. Additionally, the BWG program should be

terminated, and the football recruiting protocol should be restructured. These changes will begin

to address the inappropriate and potentially sexualizing behavior from WCC football.
C. Proof of Recommendation

We believe that these recommendations are the best course of action to make progress

towards reform. We are spearheading this ethical dilemma with a deontological approach.

Deontology includes a strict adherence to moral principles regardless of consequences.

Throughout our organization’s previous actions, we have not acted in pursuit of moral principles

including honesty, justice, and beneficence for all parties involved. Beginning with the

apologetic statement, this will speak first towards the BWG. They had to submit a photo of

themselves on their BWG application as well as list which sorority they were in, a seemingly

irrelevant piece of information as it was most likely to be used for a social advantage in our case.

Additionally, they were expected to “show [Mayfield] the kind of fun he [could] have at WCC.”

This “fun” must be taken out of the football recruiting protocol. This is similar to what

occurred in the famous Baylor University hostess group, comparable to the BWG, in which

many of the females reported incidents of sexual assault while acting as hosts for high school

football recruits (Hobson, 2021). Since then, Baylor has terminated their hostess group. We

believe that the termination of the BWG will prevent any further conflicts between hostesses and

recruits. Baylor’s lack of honesty prolonged justice for the minimum of 52 victims (Hobson,

2021), so we must be proactive in preventing something of this caliber happening within our


This decision will better align the football recruiting protocol with the WCC athletic

department mission and vision. Among these listed core values are integrity, excellence, and

community, all at risk with the current behavior of the department. Although the football staff

and potentially some of the current BWG may be frustrated with the termination of the program,
this recommendation addresses the concerns of our internal stakeholders surrounding the safety

and legitimacy of our organization.

D. Limitations of Recommendation

Although we are confident in our recommendation as the best course of action, we are not

ignorant to its potential disadvantages and limitations.

The termination of the BWG program would limit campus involvement for the females

and males on campus. However, the involvement has proven to be inappropriate and potentially

unsafe, especially for the young women. The BWG was a relatively smaller group with 35

female and 5 male hosts. Although they will lose their belonging to this particular group, their

desire to be involved on campus can be fulfilled in a more suitable environment.

Additionally, it is expected that the football staff will be frustrated with the loss of their

recruiters. After Texas A&M’s hostess group was terminated, athletic director David Batson felt

“frustrated” with the lack of general and administrative recruiting help from the group members,

but said that “navigating rules restricting their contact with recruits proved too difficult”

(Hobson, 2021). Although football coaches will no longer have the recruiting help in terms of

appropriate tasks such as campus tours, the university can utilize already employed tour guides

instead of choosing their own based on the previously used visual appeal standard for the BWG.

Although imperfect, this plan is the best course of action to urgently apologize to those

involved and address the shortcomings within the athletic department and university overall.
Section E - References

Hobson, W. (2021, October 23). Baylor rape scandal involves recruiting 'hostess' program. these

things still exist? The Washington Post. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from


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