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Dear Client:

We have created this land Trust pursuant to the questionnaire you submitted to our office. We
encourage you to review this trust to ensure it is set up as you had intended.

We have outlined the items which need to be completed in order for your trust to be in effect,
funded and the beneficial interest assigned.

FIRST - Execute your Trust. Do the following:

1. Insert the date at Article One Establishing Trust;
2. Insert the date at Section 1.01 at Page 1-1;
3. Insert the date at Section 1.02 at Page 1-1;
4. Beneficiaries and Trustee need to sign and date (in front of a witness and notary) Article
Seven Acceptance of Trust beginning at Page 7-1;
5. Beneficiaries and Trustee need to sign and date (in front of a notary) the Certification of
Trust document located at the end of your Trust binder.

SECOND - Fund your Trust. Do the following:

1. Prepare a Deed transferring the property into this Trust. We have enclosed a sample
Warranty Deed at the end of this Trust document. Each County is very specific on
preparation of the deed, filing requirements, fees, subsequent forms, etc. Please contact
the county recorder’s office, a local real estate attorney, title company or other real estate
office in the county where the property is located to find out these requirements prior to
filing your deed. You may also find this information online for some counties.
Note: When you file your deed, you do not need to file your Trust document with it.
If you live in a state that requires the Trust document to be filed when transferring
real property (Colorado, South Carolina, Alaska), you still only need to file the
Certification of Trust document).

THIRD - In order to assign the beneficial interest to your Limited Liability Company or
1. Make sure the Property is transferred into your Trust;
2. Each Beneficiary will date and sign (in front of a notary) the Assignment of Beneficial
Interest document (Keep this document with your Trust. You do not need to file this or
send it to us);
3. The Trustee will date and sign the Acknowledgement by Trustee document (Keep this
document with your Trust. You do not need to file this or send it to us);
4. Complete the Acceptance of Beneficial Interest:
a. If you assigned your Beneficial Interest to a LLC:
i. The Manager of the LLC will sign and date the Agreement (Keep this
document with your Trust. Do not need to file this or send it to us);
b. If you assigned your Beneficial Interest to a Corporation:
i. The Board Members will sign and date the Resolution of Board of
Directors (Keep this document with your Trust. Do not file this or send it
to us)
20819 72nd Avenue South, Suite 110
Kent, Washington 98032
Fax 253.238.0003

Dear Linda:

We are happy to have prepared a Trust for you. This Trust and its provisions have
been drafted in accordance with the questionnaire you completed. Your Trust is a valid
legal document that requires your prompt attention. Please take some time to read the
important information following this cover letter. This information will guide you
through your Trust execution, funding, and assignment process.

Your Trust documentation is divided into four sections: Trust Execution, Trust
Funding, Assignment, and Additional Steps. Each step is designed to walk you through
the complete and final set up of your Trust. These sections must be completed in order
because each step is dependent on the prior.

If you have any additional questions please call our office at (800)-706-4741 where a
representative will be happy to assist you in any way.

STEP 1: Execute Your Trust!

Prior to executing your trust review the Trust Particulars page to ensure that all the
information is correct. If the information is correct you should then sign your trust
in the presence of two witnesses and a notary. The date on which you sign your
trust is the Trust Execution Date. Thus, if you signed your trust on January 1,
2009, this is the date you would reference in your trust agreement on pages 1 and

STEP 2: Transfer Your Property into the

After you have executed your trust, you must deed your property into the trust. To
deed property into the trust you will execute the deed as the Grantor and the Trust
as the Grantee. When deeding your property into trust you should use the sample
deed form provided with this agreement. The deed form we have provided puts the
world on notice that the Trustees of your Trust are not liable for the Trust’s
STEP 3: Complete Assignment of
Beneficial Interest
After you have funded your Trust you should transfer your beneficial interest to an
entity that limits your liability. If you provided us the name of the intended
assignee, we have prepared the proper resolution and assignment form for your
signature. Thus, you must sign the Assignment of Beneficial Interest and the
appropriate representative of the entity you have elected to receive the assignment
should sign the accompanying resolution.

The Trustee of your Trust must also sign the Acceptance of Trustee indicating his
acknowledgment of your assignment.

STEP 4: Update Insurance and

Mortgage Information
After you have completed the funding and assignment of your interest you should
update your homeowners insurance to include the Trust as the insured and the
recipient of your mortgage.

Name of Trust: Longtree Avenue Trust

Grantor(s): Angie Martinez

Trustee: Angie Martinez

Trust Beneficiary: Angie Martinez

Address of 44200 Longtree Ave #2

Property to be San Diego, California 90282
Transferred into
This Trust:

Assignee of Angie Martinez

Beneficial Interest:
Longtree Avenue
Article One Establishing the Trust

THIS AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF TRUST is made and entered into this 18th day
of May, 2009, by and between Angie Martinez as a Grantor and Angie Martinez as a
Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the "Beneficiaries", whether one or more, which
designation shall include all successors in interest of any Beneficiary) and Angie Martinez whose
address is PO Box 1554, El Segundo, CA 90245-6554, hereinafter referred to as the "Trustee",
which designation shall include all Successor Trustees.

Section 1.01 Trust Identification

This trust may be referred to as The Longtree Avenue Trust, dated the 18th day of May, 2009.

Section 1.02 Date of the Trust

For purposes of holding title to assets and for identifying the trust, the date of the trust shall be
May 18, 2009.

Section 1.03 Reliance by Third Parties on Affidavit or Certification of Trust

From time to time, third parties may require documentation to verify the existence of this
agreement, or particular provisions of it, such as the name or names of the Trustee then serving,
or the powers held by the Trustee. To protect the confidentiality of this agreement yet provide
the required verification, the Trustee may use an Affidavit or Certification of Trust that (1)
identifies the trust and the current Trustee(s); (2) sets forth the powers and authority of the
Trustee to transact business on behalf of the trust; (3) sets forth the liabilities of the Trustee
under the trust; and (4) may include pertinent pages from the trust, such as title or signature
All third parties may rely upon the Affidavit or Certification of Trust signed by the Trustee
regarding the representations contained in the Affidavit or Certification of Trust. All third
parties relying upon the Trustee’s Affidavit shall be exonerated from any liability for so relying.
A written statement of any Trustee or successor Trustee at any time as to any matters relating to
the trust, including the authority of the Trustee, shall always be conclusive evidence of the
matters contained in the written statement and may always be relied upon by any party dealing in
good faith with the Trustee in reliance on the information contained in the Affidavit.

Section 1.04 Purpose for The Trust

The purpose of this trust is for the Trustee to take title to real property under the laws of the State
of California to hold the property and the proceeds, profits, and avails thereof, if any, which may
come into its possession, in Trust for the uses and purposes and under the terms herein set forth.
The Trustee shall not undertake any activity not strictly necessary to the attainment of the
foregoing objects and purposes, nor shall the Trustee transact business within the meaning of
applicable state law, or any other law, nor shall this Agreement be deemed to be, or create or
evidence the existence of a corporation, de facto or de jure, or a Massachusetts Trust, or any
other type of business trust, or an association in the nature of a corporation, or a co-partnership
or joint venture by or between the Trustee and the Beneficiaries, or by or between the

Section 1.05 Transferring Property to The Trust

Real property of any kind, nature and description may be transferred to the trust in any manner
by the Beneficiaries individually, or by any other person.
(a) References to The Trust
For purposes of transferring property to the trust, or to identify the trust in any
beneficiary or pay-on-death designation, any description referring to the trust
shall be effective if it reasonably identifies this trust. Any description that
includes the name of the trust, the name of at least one initial or successor
Trustee, and any reference indicating that the Trustee is holding the property in a
fiduciary capacity shall be sufficient to reasonably identify this trust.
(b) Acceptance by The Trustee
All property interests transferred, assigned, conveyed, or delivered to the Trustee
in trust shall be valid only to the extent they are accepted by the Trustee. The
Trustee shall hold, administer and dispose of all property accepted by the Trustee
for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of this
(c) Initial Funding of The Trust
The trust will be initially funded with such property as shall be listed on Schedule
A. Schedule A shall be made a part of and shall be incorporated by reference in
this agreement.
(d) Additional Funding
All additional property interests transferred, assigned, conveyed and delivered to
the Trustee shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement
and shall be administered and distributed as provided in the Articles that follow.
Section 1.06 Consideration
No consideration was paid by Trustee for conveyance by the Beneficiaries into this trust. The
conveyance will be accepted and will be held by Trustee subject to all existing encumbrances,
easements, restrictions or other clouds or claims against the title thereto, whether the same are of
record or otherwise. The property will be held on the trusts, terms and conditions and for the
purposes hereinafter set forth, until the whole of the trust estate is conveyed, free of this trust, as
hereinafter provided.
Article Two Beneficiaries

Section 2.01 Beneficiaries

The persons named in the attached Schedule B are the Beneficiaries of this Trust, and as such,
shall be entitled to all of the earnings, avails and proceeds of the Trust Property according to
their interests set opposite their respective names.

Section 2.02 Beneficial Interests

The interests of the Beneficiaries shall consist solely of the following rights respecting the Trust

The right to direct the Trustee to convey or otherwise deal with the title to the Trust
Property as hereinafter set out.

The right to manage and control the Trust Property.

The right to receive the proceeds and avails from the rental, sale, mortgage, or other
disposition of the Trust Property.

The foregoing rights shall be deemed to be personal property and may be assigned and otherwise
transferred as such. No Beneficiary shall have any legal or equitable right, title or interest, as
realty, in or to any real estate held in trust under this Agreement, or the right to require partition
of that real estate, but shall have only the rights, as personalty, set out above, and the death of a
Beneficiary shall not terminate this Trust or in any manner affect the powers of the Trustee.

Section 2.03 Death of Beneficiary

Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, the right and interest of any beneficiary
hereunder shall pass at death to his Personal Representative and not to his heirs at law. The
death of any beneficiary hereunder shall not terminate the Trust or in any manner affect the
powers of the Trustee hereunder.

Section 2.04 Ownership

Upon request each beneficiary hereunder shall be issued a Trust Participation Certificate in a
form approved by the Trustee, which shall indicate the beneficiary’s percentage interest in the
Trust and the assets held by the Trustee.

Section 2.05 Assignment
If Trust Participation Certificates have been issued, no assignment of any beneficial interest
hereunder shall be binding on the Trustee until the Trust Participation Certificate representing
the assigned shares is surrendered to the Trustee with the assignment noted thereon and a new
Certificate or Certificates are issued by the Trustee, If no Trust Participation Certificates have
been issued, assignment shall be by an assignment form approved by the Trustee and shall not be
binding until signed by the Trustee.
No assignment of any interest under this Agreement, other than by operation of law, that is not
so executed, delivered and accepted shall be valid without the written approval of all of the other
Beneficiaries who possess the power of direction. No person who is vested with the power of
direction, but who is not a Beneficiary under this Agreement, shall assign that power without the
written consent of all the Beneficiaries.

Section 2.06 Lost Certificates

In the event a beneficiaries’ Trust Participation Certificates is lost, stolen or destroyed, the
Trustee shall cancel it on the records of the Trust and issue a new Certificate after receiving an
affidavit as to the circumstances of the loss.

Section 2.07 Limitation on Beneficiaries

No beneficiary hereunder shall have any authority to contract for or in the name of the Trustee,
or use the name of the Trustee in any advertising or other publicity or to bind the Trustee

Article Three Trustees

Section 3.01 Succession of Trustees

If an initial Trustee shall cease to serve for any reason, Raitis Raisian, shall serve as
successor Trustee. Any further vacancy shall be filled as provided in Section 3.05 of this

Section 3.02 The Resignation of a Trustee

Any Trustee may resign by giving prior written notice to the current Beneficiaries. Such
written notice shall be duly signed and delivered.
If a Beneficiary is legally incapacitated notice shall be delivered to the Beneficiaries’
guardian or conservator, if one has been appointed for the Beneficiary, and if none has
been appointed, to such person or entity who has assumed responsibility for the care of
the Beneficiary.
The resignation shall be effective upon the earlier of 30 days from the date of such notice
or the date on which a Trustee has accepted appointment as successor Trustee.

Section 3.03 Incapacity of a Trustee

If any individual Trustee shall become incapacitated, it shall not be necessary for such
Trustee to resign as Trustee. The written declaration of such incapacity by the Co-
Trustee, if any, or, if none, by the party designated to succeed such incapacitated Trustee,
if made in good faith and if supported by a certificate of such incapacity by a physician
who has examined the incapacitated Trustee, shall terminate such trusteeship.

Section 3.04 The Removal of a Trustee

The current Beneficiaries may at any time remove any Trustee, with or without cause.
Such action must be taken with the majority consent of the current Beneficiaries.
If a Beneficiary is legally incapacitated the Beneficiaries’ guardian or conservator, if one
has been appointed for the Beneficiary, and if none has been appointed, such person or
entity who has assumed responsibility for the care of the Beneficiary shall act for the
No advance notice of such removal need be given to the Trustee being removed. Such
removal shall be in writing and shall be effective when personally delivered to the
Trustee being removed, or when mailed postage prepaid by certified mail, return receipt
requested, to the last known address of the Trustee being removed. Such notice shall
identify the successor Trustee.

Section 3.05 Unfilled Trustee Vacancy
If a Trustee vacancy occurs for any trust created under this agreement and no designated
successor Trustee is available to serve, the current Beneficiaries may appoint an
individual, or corporate fiduciary as successor Trustee. Such action must be taken with
the majority consent of all of the Beneficiaries named in Schedule B of this agreement.
If a Beneficiary is legally incapacitated the Beneficiaries’ guardian or conservator, if one
has been appointed for the Beneficiary, and if none has been appointed, such person or
entity who has assumed responsibility for the care of the Beneficiary shall act for the

Section 3.06 Appointment of a Co-Trustee

Any individual Trustee may appoint an individual or a corporate fiduciary as a Co-
Trustee. A Co-Trustee so named shall serve only as long as the Trustee who appointed
such Co-Trustee (or, if such Co-Trustee was named by more than one Trustee acting
together, by the last to serve of such Trustees) serves, and such Co-Trustee shall not
become a successor Trustee upon the death, resignation, or incapacity of the Trustee who
appointed such Co-Trustee.

Section 3.07 Corporate Fiduciaries

Any corporate fiduciary serving under this agreement as a Trustee must be a bank or trust
company qualified to act as a fiduciary under applicable federal or state law.

Section 3.08 Provisions Regarding Successor Trustees

A successor Trustee may accept the account of its predecessor Trustee as a full and
complete discharge of the predecessor Trustee.
No successor Trustee shall be personally liable for, or responsible for, any act or failure
to act of any predecessor Trustee. No successor Trustee shall have any duty to review the
records or acts of any predecessor Trustee.
Every successor Trustee shall have all of the rights and powers and be subject to all of the
duties and restrictions given to the initial Trustee under this agreement.

Article Four The Trustee’s Powers

Section 4.01 Introduction to Trustee’s Powers

The Trustee may exercise, with the consent of the Beneficiaries but without prior
approval from any court, all powers conferred by this trust agreement and any other
powers conferred by law, including, without limitation, those powers set forth under the
common law or any fiduciary powers act or other laws of the State of California, except
as otherwise specifically provided in this agreement. Each power conferred upon the
Trustee by state or federal statutes shall be subject to any express limitations or contrary
directions contained in this agreement.

Section 4.02 Rights of Persons Dealing with The Trustee

The Trustee may execute and deliver any and all instruments in writing which the Trustee
considers necessary to carry out any of the powers granted herein.
A third party dealing, in good faith with the Trustee shall not be required to inquire into
the terms of this Trust Agreement, the authority of the Trustee, or to see to the application
which the Trustee makes of funds or other property received by the Trustee.
Any person dealing with this Trust shall be entitled to rely upon an Affidavit or
Certificate of Trust, and upon any instruments duly executed in accordance with the
provisions thereof, to the same extent as such person might rely upon the original Trust

Section 4.03 The Trustee’s Investment Powers

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this trust agreement, the investment powers
of the Trustee, subject to the consent of the Beneficiaries, shall include the following:
(a) Real Estate Powers in General
The Trustee may manage real estate in such manner as the Trustee deems
best and shall have all other real estate powers requisite for such purpose.
The Trustee may grant or release easements in or over, subdivide,
partition, develop, raze improvements or abandon, any real property.
The Trustee may enter into leases and grant options to lease trust property,
but not for terms exceeding the term of the Trust then remaining. For such
purposes, the Trustee may enter into any contracts, covenants and
warranties agreements as the Trustee deems appropriate.
The Trustee may purchase any real property for the Trust at such times
and on such terms as may seem advisable; to assume mortgages upon the

The Trustee may sell at public auction or private sale, to barter, to
exchange, or to dispose of otherwise, any part, or the whole of the Trust
Property which may, from time to time form part of the Trust estate,
subject to such restrictions and for such consideration for cash and for
credit, and generally upon such terms and conditions as may seem
judicious, to secure payment upon any loan or loans of the Trust, by
mortgage with or without power of sale, and to include such provisions,
terms, and conditions as may seem desirable.

The Trustee may repair, alter, tear down, add to, or erect any building or
buildings upon land belonging to the Trust; to fill, grade, drain, improve,
and otherwise develop any land belonging to the Trust; to carry on,
operate, or manage any building, apartment house, or hotel belonging to
the Trust.

The Trustee may make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver all deeds,
releases, mortgages, leases, contracts, agreements, instruments, and other
obligations of whatsoever nature relating to the Trust Property, and
generally to have full power to do all things and perform all acts necessary
to make the instruments proper and legal.

The Trustee may collect notes, obligations, dividends, and all other
payments that may be due and payable to the Trust; to deposit the
proceeds thereof, as well as any other moneys from whatsoever source
they may be derived, in any suitable bank or depository, and to draw the
same from time to time for the purposes herein provided.

The Trustee may pay all lawful taxes and assessments and the necessary
expenses of the Trust; to employ such officers, brokers, engineers,
architects, carpenters, contractors, agents, counsel, and such other persons
as may seem expedient, to designate their duties and fix their
compensation; to fix a reasonable compensation for their own services to
the Trust, as organizers thereof.

The Trustee may represent the Trust and the Beneficiaries in all suits and
legal proceedings relating to the Trust Property in any court of law of
equity, or before any other bodies or tribunals; to begin suits and to
prosecute them to final judgment or decree; to compromise claims or suits,
and to submit the same to arbitration when, in his judgment, such course is
necessary or proper.

The Trustee may arrange and pay for and keep in force in the name and
for the benefit of the Trustee, such insurance as the Trustee may deem
advisable, in such companies, in such amounts, and against such risks as
determined necessary by the Trustee.

(b) Banking Powers
The Trustee may establish bank accounts of all types in one or more
banking institutions as the Trustee may choose. The Trustee may open
such accounts in the name of the Trustee or in the name of the trust.
When an account is in the name of the trust, checks on that account, and
authorized signatures need not disclose the fiduciary nature of the account
or refer to any trust or Trustee.
An account from which frequent disbursements are made need not be an
interest bearing account. The Trustee may authorize withdrawal from an
account by check, draft or other instrument or in any other manner.
(c) Farm, Ranch and Other Agricultural Powers
The Trustee may retain, sell, acquire, and continue any farm or ranching
operation whether as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
The Trustee may engage in the production, harvesting, and marketing of
either farm and ranch products either by operating directly or with
management agencies, hired labor, tenants, or sharecroppers.
The Trustee may engage and participate in any government farm program,
whether state or federally sponsored.
The Trustee may purchase or rent machinery, equipment, livestock,
poultry, feed, and seed.
The Trustee may improve and repair all farm and ranch properties;
construct buildings, fences, and drainage facilities; acquire, retain,
improve, and dispose of wells, water rights, ditch rights, and priorities of
any nature.
The Trustee may, in general, do all things customary or desirable to
operate a farm or ranch operation for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the
various trusts created under this agreement.
(d) Loans and Borrowing Powers
The Trustee may make secured or unsecured loans on any term or on
demand and with or without interest. The Trustee may enter into and
modify the terms of any mortgage or security agreement granted in
connection with such loans and release and foreclose on such mortgage or
The Trustee may borrow money at such interest rates and other terms as it
deems advisable, including, in the case of a corporate fiduciary, the power
to borrow from its own banking or commercial lending department.
The Trustee may encumber trust property by mortgages, pledges or other
hypothecation, even though such encumbrance may continue in force
beyond the termination of any trusts created by this agreement.

The Trustee may purchase, sell at public or private sale, trade, renew,
modify, or extend mortgages. The Trustee may accept deeds in lieu of
(e) Oil, Gas and Mineral Interests
The Trustee may acquire, maintain, develop and exploit, either alone or
jointly with others, any oil, gas, coal, minerals and other natural resource
rights or interests.
The Trustee may drill, test, explore, mine, develop, extract, remove,
convert, manage, retain, store, sell or exchange any of such rights and
interests on such terms and for such price as the Trustee deems advisable.
The Trustee may execute leases, pooling or unitization agreements and
other types of agreements in connection with such oil, gas, coal, mineral
or other natural resource rights or interests even though such arrangements
may extend beyond the termination of any trust under this agreement.
The Trustee may execute division orders, transfer orders, releases,
assignments, farm outs, and any other instruments that it deems proper.
The Trustee may employ the services of consultants or outside specialists
in connection with the evaluation, management, acquisition, disposition,
or development of any mineral interest, and may pay the cost of such
services from the principal or income of the trust property.

Section 4.04 Prohibition on Trustee Investment Restrictions

Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to restrict the Trustee from investing the
trust assets in a manner that could result in the annual realization of a reasonable amount
of income or gain from the sale or disposition of trust assets provided however that any
such investment is with the consent of the beneficiaries.

Section 4.05 The Trustee’s Administrative Powers

In addition to the other powers granted the Trustee in other provisions of this trust, the
Trustee shall have the following administrative powers:
(a) Nominee Powers
The Trustee may hold real estate, securities or any other trust property in
the name of a nominee or in any other form without disclosing the
existence of any trust or its fiduciary capacity.
(b) Settlement Powers
The Trustee, with the consent of the beneficiaries, may settle, by
compromise, arbitration or otherwise any and all claims and demands in
favor of or against, or in any way relating to, any trust created under this
agreement upon such terms as the Trustee may determine. The Trustee
may release or abandon any claims in favor of this trust.

(c) Payment of Taxes and Expenses
The Trustee shall be obligated to file any income tax returns with respect
to the Trust, as required by law, and the Beneficiaries individually shall
report and pay their share of income taxes on the earnings and avails of the
Trust Property or growing out of their interest under this Trust.
No gift, legacy, succession, inheritance, estate taxes or generation-
skipping transfer taxes that may be assessed against the trust assets by
reason of a Grantor’s death shall be paid out of any trust property. Each
Grantor agrees on behalf of himself or herself, his or her heirs, legal
representatives, successors and assigns, to provide for payments of any
taxes from sources other than property held by this trust and to indemnify
and hold harmless the Trustee from any and all liability for such taxes.
If, notwithstanding the provisions of the above paragraph, a death tax or
taxes may for any reason be assessed against the property of the trust, the
interest of any surviving Beneficiary hereunder shall take effect only if the
Beneficiary furnishes the fund for payment of any such taxes for which the
trust may be liable upon a Grantor’s death. If the surviving Beneficiary
fails to furnish those funds, for purposes of the part of this trust
attributable to the deceased Grantor’s contribution, the surviving
Beneficiary shall be deemed to have predeceased the other Grantor.
(d) Environmental Powers
The Trustee shall have the powers set forth in this subparagraph to deal
with any actual or threatened contamination of trust property by any
hazardous substance and to deal with any other environmental matter
affecting the trust property.
The Trustee shall have the power to inspect trust property to determine
compliance with or to respond to any Environmental Law affecting trust
property. “Environmental Law” shall mean any federal, state, or local
law, rule, regulation, or ordinance relating to protection of the
environment or of human health.
The Trustee may refuse to accept property if the Trustee determines that
such property is or may be contaminated by any hazardous substance or is
currently being used for any purpose involving hazardous substances that
could create liability to the trust or to the Trustee.
The Trustee may use and expend trust property to (i) conduct
environmental assessments, audits or site monitoring; (ii) take remedial
action to contain, clean up or remove any hazardous substance including a
spill, discharge or contamination; (iii) institute, contest or settle legal
proceedings brought by a private litigant or any local, state, or federal
agency concerned with environmental compliance; (iv) comply with any
order issued by any court or by any local, state, or federal agency directing
an assessment, abatement or clean-up of any hazardous substance; and (v)

employ agents, consultants and legal counsel to assist the Trustee in these
The Trustee shall not be liable for any loss or reduction in value sustained
by the trust as a result of the retention by the Trustee of property on which
hazardous materials or substances requiring remedial action are discovered
unless the Trustee contributed to that loss or reduction in value through
willful misconduct or gross negligence.
The Trustee shall not be liable to any beneficiary or to any other party for
any decrease in the value of trust property as a result of the Trustee’s
compliance with any federal, state, or local Environmental Law, including
any reporting requirement.
The Trustee may release, relinquish or disclaim any power held by the
Trustee that the Trustee, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines
may cause the Trustee to incur individual liability under any
Environmental Law.

Article Five Trust Administration

Section 5.01 No Court Supervision or Bond Required

This Trust shall be administered without the supervision of any court. The Trustee shall
not be required to render to any court any annual or periodic accounts or other reports
unless required by law.
The Trustee shall not be required to furnish any bond for the faithful performance of its
duties unless a bond is required by any law or court of competent jurisdiction, in which
case, we request that no surety be required on such bond.

Section 5.02 Trustee Compensation

All Trustees shall be entitled to fair and reasonable compensation for the services it
renders as a fiduciary. If the Trustee is a corporate fiduciary then the Trustee’s fee shall
be the amount of compensation equal to the customary and prevailing charges for
services of a similar nature during the same period of time and in the same geographic
The Trustee shall be reimbursed for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in
connection with its fiduciary duties under this agreement.

Section 5.03 Employment of Professionals

The Trustee may appoint, employ and remove, at any time and from time to time,
investment counsel, accountants, depositories, custodians, brokers, consultants, attorneys,
expert advisors, agents, clerks and employees, and reasonably compensate those persons
or entities irrespective of whether any person, firm or corporation so employed shall be a
Trustee hereunder or shall be a corporate affiliate of a Trustee hereunder and irrespective
of whether any firm or corporation so employed shall be one in which a Trustee
hereunder shall be a partner, stockholder, officer, director or corporate affiliate or shall
have any interest.
The Trustee may pay the usual compensation for such services out of principal or income
as the Trustee may deem advisable, and such compensation may be paid without
diminution of or charging the same against the compensation of any Trustee hereunder,
and any Trustee who shall be a partner, stockholder, officer, director or corporate affiliate
in any such firm or corporation shall nonetheless be entitled as a partner, stockholder,
officer, director or corporate affiliate to receive such Trustee’s share of the compensation
paid to such firm or corporation.

Section 5.04 Trust Accounting
The Trustee shall render an accounting at least annually to the Beneficiaries entitled to
receive such during the accounting period. Such accounting shall include the receipts,
disbursements, and distributions occurring during the accounting period together with a
statement of the trust property.
The trust’s financial records along with the trust documentation shall be available at
reasonable times and upon reasonable notice for inspection by trust beneficiaries and
their representatives. The Trustee shall not be required to furnish trust information
regarding the trust to any individual, corporation, or other entity that is not a beneficiary
or the representative of a beneficiary, or is not requesting such pursuant to a valid court

Section 5.05 Action of Trustees; Disclaimer

If only two Trustees are acting under this agreement, the concurrence of both shall be
required for action to be taken with respect to any trust under this agreement.
If more than two Trustees are acting under this agreement, the concurrence of a majority
of the Trustees shall be required and shall control all action to be taken with respect to
any trust under this agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing and any provision of this agreement to the contrary, any
Beneficiary serving as a Trustee may disclaim or release, by an instrument in writing, any
power as Trustee in whole or in part, irrevocably or for such period of time as such
Trustee may specify, without affecting the continuance of the power in any other Trustee.

Section 5.06 Delegation of Trustee Authority; Power of Attorney

Any Trustee may, by an instrument in writing, delegate to any other Trustee the power to
exercise any powers, including discretionary powers, granted the Trustee in this
agreement. During any such delegation, the delegated powers may be exercised by the
Trustee to whom delegated to the same extent as if the delegating Trustee had personally
joined in the exercise of such power. The delegating Trustee may revoke such delegation
at any time by written notice to the non-delegating Trustee.
The Trustee may execute and deliver a revocable or irrevocable power of attorney
appointing any individual or corporation to transact any and all business on behalf of any
trust created in this agreement. The power of attorney may grant to the attorney-in-fact
all of the rights, powers, and discretion that the Trustee could have exercised. Any power
of attorney granted by a Trustee may be revoked by the Trustee who granted the power of

Section 5.07 Merger of Corporate Fiduciary
If any corporate fiduciary acting hereunder is merged with or transfers substantially all of
its trust assets to another corporation or if a corporate fiduciary changes its name, the
successor shall automatically succeed to the trusteeship as if originally named a Trustee
and no document of acceptance of trusteeship shall be required.

Section 5.08 Discharge of Third Persons

Persons dealing in good faith with the Trustee shall not be required to see to the proper
application of money paid or property delivered to the Trustee, or to inquire into the
authority of the Trustee as to any transaction, and the receipt from the Trustee for any
money or property paid, transferred or delivered to it shall be a sufficient discharge to the
person or persons paying, transferring or delivering the same from all liability to see to
the application thereof.
Every deed, mortgage, lease or other instrument executed by the Trustee in relation to the
Trust Property shall be conclusive evidence in favor of every person claiming any right,
title or interest under the Trust that at the time of its delivery the Trust created under this
Agreement was in full force and effect; and that instrument was executed in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all its amendments, if any, and is
binding upon all Beneficiaries under it; that the Trustee was duly authorized and
empowered to execute and deliver every such instrument; if a conveyance has been made
to a successor or successors in trust, that the successor or successors have been appointed
properly and are vested fully with all the title, estate, rights, powers, duties and
obligations of its, his or their predecessor in Trust.

Section 5.09 Exculpation

The Trustee shall have no power to bind the Beneficiaries personally and, in every
written contract he may enter into, reference shall be made to this declaration; and any
person or corporation contracting with the Trustee, as well as any beneficiary, shall look
to the funds and the Trust Property for payment under such contract, or for the payment
of any debt, mortgage, judgment, or decree, or for any money that may otherwise become
due or payable, whether by reason or failure of the Trustee to perform the contract, or for
any other reason, and neither the Trustee nor the Beneficiaries shall be liable personally

Article Six General Provisions

Section 6.01 Spendthrift Provision

To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the corpus nor income of the Trust shall be
liable for the debts of any Trust Beneficiary, nor shall the same be subject to
garnishment, levy, or seizure by any creditor of any Trust Beneficiary under any
proceeding at law or in equity, and no Beneficiary or remainder beneficiary shall have the
power to transfer, encumber, or otherwise anticipate it, for consideration or otherwise.

Section 6.02 Contest Provision

If, after receiving a copy of this paragraph, any Beneficiary shall in any manner, directly
or indirectly, attempt to contest or oppose the validity of this agreement, including any
amendments thereto, or commences, continues or prosecutes any legal proceedings to set
this agreement aside, then such person shall forfeit his or her share, cease to have any
right or interest in the trust property, and shall for the purposes of this agreement be
deemed to have predeceased me.

Section 6.03 Changing the State of Administration

The situs of this agreement may be changed by the unanimous decision of the current
If a Beneficiary is legally incapacitated the Beneficiaries’ guardian or conservator, if one
has been appointed for the Beneficiary, and if none has been appointed, such person or
entity who has assumed responsibility for the care of the Beneficiary shall act for the
If such consent is obtained, the Beneficiary shall notify the trustee in writing of such
change of trust situs. If necessary, a successor Trustee shall be designated in the new
situs pursuant to the provisions of Section 3. If appropriate, notice shall constitute
removal of the current Trustee and any successor corporate Trustee shall assume its
duties as provided under this agreement.
A change in situs under this Section shall be final and binding, and shall not be subject to
judicial review.

Section 6.04 Definitions

For purposes of this agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Agreement
The terms “agreement” or “trust agreement” shall refer to this agreement
and all trusts created pursuant to the terms of this agreement.

(b) Grantor
“Grantor” shall have the same legal meaning as “Settlor,” “Trustor” or any
other term referring to the maker of a trust.
(c) Internal Revenue Code
References to the "Internal Revenue Code" or "Code" or to provisions
thereof are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. References to the
"Regulations" or "Regs" are to the Treasury Regulations under the Internal
Revenue Code. If by the time in question a particular provision of the
Internal Revenue Code has been renumbered, or the Internal Revenue
Code has been superseded by a subsequent federal tax law, the reference
shall be deemed to be made to the renumbered provision or to the
corresponding provision of the subsequent law, unless to do so would
clearly be contrary to the intent as expressed in this agreement. A similar
rule shall apply to references to the Regulations.
(d) Personal Representative
As used in this agreement, the term “Personal Representative” shall mean
a person’s guardian, conservator, executor, administrator, Trustee, or any
other person or entity personally representing a person or their estate.
(e) Shall and May
Unless otherwise specifically provided in this agreement or by the context
in which used, the word “shall” in this agreement as a command, directive
or requirement, and the word “may” in this agreement as allowing or
permitting, but not requiring, the taking or omission of any action. In the
context of a Trustee, the word “may” shall mean that the Trustee is acting
in that Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion unless otherwise stated by
(f) Taxable Year
For purposes of this agreement, the term "taxable year" shall mean the
first taxable year of the trust beginning with the date the trust is funded
with property and ending on December 31 of that year, and thereafter shall
mean the calendar year.
(g) Trust
The terms “trust” or “trust agreement” shall refer to this agreement.
(h) Trustee
The term “Trustee” refers to the Trustee named in Article One as well as
any successor, substitute, replacement or additional person, corporation or
other entity from time to time acting as the Trustee, whether there shall be
one or more Trustees acting from time to time.

(i) Trust Property
The words “trust property” or words of similar import shall be construed
to mean all property at any time held by the Trustee under this agreement,
including all property that it may hereafter acquire from any source.

Section 6.05 General Provisions

The following general matters of construction shall apply to the provisions of this
(a) Duplicate Originals
This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to be an original. Any person may rely upon a
copy of this agreement certified under oath to be a true copy by the
Trustee, to the same effect as if it were the original.
(b) Gender, Number, Captions
Words denoting the masculine or feminine gender shall be construed to
mean or include the opposite gender, and the singular form shall be
construed to include the plural and the plural the singular, as the context
requires or admits.
The captions of Articles, Sections, and subsections used in this agreement
are for reference purposes only and shall have no effect on the
interpretation of this agreement.
(c) Governing State Law
This agreement shall be governed, construed and administered according
to the laws of the State of California, as from time to time amended,
except as to trust property required by law to be governed by the laws of
another jurisdiction and unless the State of Administration is changed as
provided in Section 6.03.
(d) Notices
Whenever this agreement provides for notice, such notice shall be in
writing and shall be effective when personally delivered and receipt of
delivery received, or when mailed postage prepaid by certified mail, return
receipt requested, to the last known address of the party requiring notice.
(e) Severability
The validity or unenforceability of any provision of this agreement shall
not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this
agreement. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any
provision is invalid, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be
interpreted and construed as if any invalid provision had never been
included in this agreement.

Section 6.06 Recording of Agreement
This Agreement shall not be placed on record in the county in which the Trust Property is
situated, or elsewhere, but if it is so recorded, that recording shall not be considered as
notice of the rights of any person under this Agreement derogatory to the title or powers
of the Trustee.

Section 6.07 Name of Trustee

The name of the Trustee shall not be used by the Beneficiaries in connection with any
advertising or other publicity whatsoever without the written consent of the Trustee.

Section 6.08 Individual Liability of Trustee

The Trustee shall not be required, in dealing with the Trust Property or in otherwise
acting under this Agreement, to enter into any individual contract or other individual
obligation whatsoever; nor to make himself individually liable to pay or incur the
payment of any damages, attorney's fees, fines, and penalties, forfeitures, costs, charges
or other sums of money whatsoever. The Trustee shall have no individual liability or
obligation whatsoever arising from his ownership, as Trustee, of the legal title to the
Trust Property, or with respect to any act done or contract entered into or indebtedness
incurred by him in dealing with the Trust Property or in otherwise acting under this
Agreement, except only as far as the Trust Property and any trust funds in the actual
possession of the Trustee shall be applicable to the payment and discharge of that liability
or obligation.

Section 6.09 Reimbursement and Indemnification of Trustee

If the Trustee shall pay or incur any liability to pay any money on account of this Trust,
or incur any liability to pay any money on account of being made a party to any litigation
as a result of holding title to Trust Property or otherwise in connection with this Trust,
whether because of breach of contract, injury to person or property, fines or penalties
under any law, or otherwise, the Beneficiaries, jointly and severally agree that on demand
they will pay to the Trustee, with interest at the rate of 12% per annum, all such payments
made or liabilities incurred by the Trustee, together with his expenses, including
reasonable attorney's fees, and that they will indemnify and hold the Trustee harmless of
and from any and all payments made or liabilities incurred by him for any reason
whatsoever as a result of this Agreement; and all amounts so paid by the Trustee, as well
as his compensation under this Agreement, shall constitute a lien on the Trust Property.

The Trustee shall not be required to convey or otherwise deal with the Trust property as
long as any money is due to the Trustee under this Agreement; nor shall the Trustee be
required to advance or pay out any money on account of this Trust or to prosecute or
defend any legal proceedings involving this Trust or any property or interest under this
Agreement unless he shall be furnished with sufficient funds or be indemnified to his

Section 6.10 Trustees Liability to Beneficiaries
The Trustee shall be liable to the Beneficiaries for the value of their respective beneficial
interests only to the extent of the property held in Trust by him hereunder and the
Beneficiaries shall enforce such liability only against the Trust Property and not against
the Trustee personally.

Section 6.11 Termination

This trust may be terminated at any time by the Beneficiaries and with thirty (30) days
written notice of termination delivered to the Trustee, the Trustee shall execute any and
all documents necessary to vest fee simple marketable title to any and all Trust Property
in Beneficiaries.

Section 6.12 Binding Effect

The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
upon any successor trustee under it, as well as upon the executors, administrators, heirs,
assigns and all other successors in interest of the Beneficiaries.

Section 6.13 Entire Agreement

This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties and may be
amended, revoked, or terminated only by written agreement signed by the Trustee and all
of the Beneficiaries.

Article Seven Acceptance of Trust

Trustee accepts the trust created hereby, and agrees to hold, administer, and distribute the trust
upon the terms herein set forth. The Beneficiaries have read this Trust, understand it, and
acknowledge that it correctly states the provisions under which the trust property is to be
administered and distributed by the Trustee.

This Trust Agreement shall be effective immediately upon execution of this instrument by
Beneficiaries and the Trustee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument hereto, as of the day and
year first above written. All fully executed counterparts hereof shall be deemed an original

Dated this 18th day of May, 2009.

Angie Martinez, Beneficiary

Angie Martinez, Trustee


State of California )
County of _________________ )

On _________________________ before me, , notary public, personally

appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged
to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the
person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature____________________________________ (Seal)

Schedule A

44200 Longtree Ave #2, San Diego, California 90282

Legal Description:








INSTRUMENT NO. 80-51197.





Schedule B

Beneficiary Percent

Angie Martinez 100%


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