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In the northwest sector of the Unknown SHIVANI CLUSTER EPISODE 3

Regions lies a mysterious, pulsating display Many planetoids drift in the Tenjura Mass. The PCs can dock with either ship, and both are
of color and light. Discovered decades ago by Shivani Cluster is a collection of 3 planets found with only life support and data banks
a wayward prison transport, The Tenjura, only orbiting a stream of light that provides energy functioning. Abandoned hallways make explor-
recently have rumors begun to spread about its to their various surface environments. ing the vessels eerie, and sightings of ghostly
magnificence, and its malignance. Determined figures appearing and disappearing add to the
explorers have ventured in with a desire to ADVENTURE: NOW YOU SEE ME... PCs fears. Players that try to access data banks
discover the secrets that the “Tenjura Mass” Setup: One way or another, the PCs arrive in will find a wealth of information (refer to their
holds. Some return with remarkable stories, the Tenjura Mass. Maybe the ship has a hyper- stat sheets). PCs and any crew with them begin
others return in a state of shock, not wanting space malfunction that drops them there, or to experience “phasing” if they stay too long
to discuss their experience. And then there are they’ve been invited to the North Space Station in a ship with no shields. Ferocious humanoid
some who are never heard of again. for a job. Whatever the case, the station should creatures will also attack the group on either
be a safe rest stop for the PCs. of the ships. Keen eyed PCs will discover that
As these unsettling events increase, great-
they wear rags that used to be prison uniforms.
er care has been taken to map safe routes, EPISODE 1 If PCs gather enough information from the
develop safety beacons, and label potential The PCs are offered a job to look for a lost databanks, they’ll need to escape the unstable
threats. With funds from an unnamed supplier, research vessel, Kronos Five, with coordinates hold that the Tenjura Mass has on them. Es-
a faction-neutral space station was built at the to its last known location. They will be warned caping should be a climactic moment, coupled
north end of the Mass, with construction of about the dangers as they venture in the Mass, with more attacks from Raiders, Lighttails, or
another proceeding at the other end. Spacers like hit-and-run Raiders, or cosmic objects that the deranged creatures.
share harrowing tales and mysterious adven- make paths difficult to navigate. But before
tures in the station’s cantina. they can leave, the station is uncharacteristi- THE TRUTH ( FOR THE GM )
cally attacked by creatures called Lighttails. As The Tenjura Mass is actually “unstable hyper-
LOCATIONS the PCs hurry back to their ship, they encounter space.” The “phasing” in and out is a type of
With only a fraction of the anomaly cataloged, some aggressive small ones that somehow got hyperspace travel. Why it only happens to bio-
those that veer into unexplored territory do so on the station. Many are puzzled by the attack, logical entities is unknown. The obelisks were
at their own risk. But there have been some as most Lighttails have never ventured this far placed long ago as stabilizing beacons, which
areas that have been recorded in the databanks out, and usually seem peaceful. normalized the Mass. Some that experience
of the North Station, and are listed below. “phasing” end up inside the Obelisks stability
EPISODE 2 chambers, and some can become trapped in
GREAT STONE OBELISKS After PCs leave the station, they’ll realize their the process for a long time. (Exploring inside
There have been five cataloged locations scanners don’t work well in the Mass. The PCs the broken Obelisk can be a whole other inter-
(shown below) of tall, stone-like obelisks head for the research vessel coordinates, when esting adventure.) Others have adverse reac-
that float quietly in the Tenjura Mass. Deep an Obelisk appears directly in their path! It’s tions to the energies, and mutate into ferocious
engraved markings on the surface indicate that broken in half, stone debris orbiting around it, humanoid creatures with personal bio shields!
the edifices were not formed naturally, and en- and a light stream shines nearby. If the broken These creatures were the crew of the research
trance points inside have yet to be found. Some pieces are inspected for entry points, tunnels and prison transport.
have reported that the structures vanish, only the size of a medium freighter can be found,
to reappear later back in the same location. and leads to many chambers. But Raider Ships The wayward prison transport entered the
hidden behind a nearby planetoid attack the Mass, and killed a group of Lighttails upon
THE LIGHTTAIL POOL entry. The normally peaceful Lighttails retaliat-
PC’s ship, and try to disable their ship so the
In the center of the Mass, long trails of flowing ed by attacking the transport, and the obelisk
Raider Captain and his Crew can board it.
light swirl with grace and harmony. Unlike any structures. The attacks Damaged some Obe-
Sometime during the conflict, the ship will be
other creature cataloged, some consider Light- lisks, and returned the Mass to instability. This
enveloped in the nearby light stream. System
tails (Large and Small) to be ghostly appari- caused more obelisks to destabilize, affecting
klaxons sound and the PCs are transported to a
tions. Many have tried to capture the spectacle other Lighttail territories, causing their contin-
new, uncharted sector of the Mass. A damaged
with holovid technology, but none have been ued aggression.
prison transport is in view and unresponsive.
able to successfully record the phenomenon,
Nearby is also the missing research vessel in
making them only to be witnessed in person.
the same condition. North Space Station

Obelisk 3 Obelisk 1

Obelisk 2

Obelisk 5 Obelisk 4

South Space Station

(under construction)

Linked stat sheets provided by

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