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International Journal of Information Research and Review, March, 2020

International Journal of Information Research and Review

Vol. 07, Issue, 03, pp.6792-6796, March, 2020

*Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie and Ratih Larasati
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Pucang Jajar Street No 56 Surabaya, Indonesia


Article History: One of the causes of dental and oral health problems on children is the behavioral factor that ignores
the health of teeth and mouth. It happens because of the lack of knowledge of maintaining oral health
Received 25 December, 2019

Received in revised form

which leads to cause caries. The purpose of the study was to analyze differences in the use of leaflet
19th January, 2020 and booklet media in improving the ability to brush teeth in elementary school students. This type of
Accepted 07th February, 2020 research is analytic research with pre-posttest design. Analysis of the data used is the Mann-Whitney
Published online 28th March, 2020 test to see the differences between leaflet media and booklet media. From the results of analysis, the
leaflet media was more effective to be used as a counseling medium compared to the booklet media in
Keywords: improving the ability to brush.
Leaflet and Booklet Media,
Ability, Dental.

Copyright © 2020, Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie and Ratih Larasati. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricte d use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The results of the 2013 Basic Health Research Indonesia
INTRODUCTION showed that the caries prevalence of the population in
Indonesia was 72,6%, the population with dental and mouth
Children must avoid disease, accidents or disasters (Hery problems who received care and treatment was 31,1% and the
Sumasto et al. 2019). Including also issues around dental tendency for the DMF-T index was 4,5. Based on data from the
health. Oral and dental health is often not a priority for some Basic Health Research Indonesia in 2018, residents 3 years and
people, even though teeth and mouth are the "gateway" for the over have a habit of brushing teeth 9,7% every day. In 2013,
entry of germs and bacteria so that it can interfere with the those who brushed their teeth properly (after breakfast and
health of other organs. One of the causes of dental and oral before going to bed at night) were 2,3% and increased to 2,8%
health problems on children is the behavioral factor that in 2018. This might be due to lack of public knowledge and
ignores the health of teeth and mouth which happens because awareness of the importance of maintaining oral health. It is
of the lack of knowledge of maintaining oral health which expected that with oral health education the community's oral
leads to cause caries (Azalea et al., 2016). Low dental health health level will improve in order to obtain the highest degree
knowledge in children is a factor causing caries. The of oral health (Tauchid, 2016). One of the uses of the media to
occurrence of dental caries in individuals is influenced by their impart knowledge to children can be done by way of
knowledge of the dental and oral hygiene of the individual counseling. Media counseling is essentially an educational tool.
itself. If a healthy way of life in maintaining dental health is The media is a channel for conveying health information and is
formed from good behavior in maintaining oral health, then the used to facilitate receiving health messages for the community
risk of dental caries can also be prevented. Behavior in or target.Media counseling is divided into three, namely print
maintaining oral and dental hygiene is more likely to occur media (leaflets, booklets, flyers, flipcharts) electronic media,
unfavorably in individuals, in this case the habit of maintaining and board media (Notoatmodjo, 2014). Based on preliminary
poor oral hygiene will provide a great risk and facilitate dental surveys conducted by researchers in class VI students at SDN
caries (Rahman Eddy, 2018). Based on data from the Basic Gading VII Surabaya in 2018, the average level of dental and
Health Research Indonesia in 2013 and 2018, the percentage of oral hygiene was 3,4 which is a poor OHI-S category. From the
people who have dental and mouth problems increased from description above, the problem of this research is the lack of
25,9% to 57,6%. dental and oral hygiene.

*Corresponding author: Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie,
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Pucang Jajar Street No 56 Surabaya, This type of research is analytic research with pre-post test
Indonesia. design.
67 Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie and Ratih Larasati, Effectiveness of the use of leaflet and booklet media, in improving the ability
to broth dentals, in basic school students

To find out the situation before and after being treated. Based on the description above, it can be seen that there are
Analysis of the data used is the Saphiro Wilk Test to see the differences in counseling with leaflet media and booklet media
normality of the data, the Paired T-Test to see the effect of in improving the oral and dental hygiene of class VI students at
media use and if the data is not normally distributed then use SDN Gading VII Surabaya, in other words counseling using
the Wilcoxon Test and the Mann-Whitney test to see the leaflet media is more effective than counseling using media
difference between leaflet media and booklet media. booklets. The effect of student practice on tooth brushing skills
caused by the practice or practice of toothbrushing received by
RESULTS students is very complete, starting to understand the
information obtained, applying that information in daily life,
analyzing and synthesizing the information and finally
Table 1 Results of Measurement of Knowledge of Brushing evaluating the results of analysis and synthesis.
Teeth before and after Counseling with Media Leaflets for
Students SDN Gading VII Surabaya 2019. The results of DISCUSSION
measuring the knowledge of how to brush teeth using the
media leaflet for students of class VI-A SDN Gading VII Measurement Results of Dental and Oral Hygiene
Surabaya before counseling can be seen that the average value Knowledge Before and After Counseling with Student
is included in the category of less. After counseling by using Media Booklets: In accordance with the research of Femy
leaflet media included in both categories. There was a Azalea (2015) the presentation in the material pocketbook is
significant increase in knowledge of dental and oral hygiene spelled out clearly and in detail. The size of the letters in the
before and after counseling by using leaflet media for grade smaller pocketbook media also affects the child's interest to
VI-A students. Leaflets classified in the visual media are want to read it. The large number of pages in the pocketbook
designed in such a way that with pleasant colors with media also affects the child's interest to read through to
explanations made brief but clearly equipped with pictures to completion, this is related to the child's willingness and ability
attract the reader's interest. Leaflets are made in sheet form and to read the book.
then folded into three parts, so that the impression looks more
practical and easier to carry. Some of the strengths of the Measurement Results of Tooth Brushing Skills Before and
leaflet are that students can adjust and learn independently After Counseling with Media Leaflets: There is an increase
because they can see the contents when they are relaxed, and in the ability to brush teeth on students compared to before
the information can be stored to be read repeatedly and in counseling with the media leaflet, this is due to the
detail. This is in accordance with Notoatmodjo's theory (2018), Psychomotor Domain containing behavioral behaviors that
that education media or health promotion are all means or emphasize aspects of skills (Suharsimi Arikunto in Farizi,
efforts to display messages or information conveyed by 2014). The psychomotor domain is closely related to the work
instructors through leaflet media, so students can increase their of the muscles that act as the body and its parts, ranging from
knowledge which is ultimately expected to change knowledge simple movements such as the movement of putting paste in a
(cognitive) ways brushing teeth at Ivory VII Surabaya toothbrush to complex movements such as brushing teeth
Elementary School students. This is in line with research properly. This is consistent with Budiyanto (2016) that leaflet
conducted by Ardyanto (2018) that there is an influence of media is effective in increasing the knowledge and skills to
healthy food leaflet media on knowledge of snacks. The results wash hands with soap.
of measuring the knowledge of how to brush your teeth using
the Booklet media before counseling showed the highest value Teeth Brushing Skill Measurement Results Before and
in the category of less. The results of the measurement of after Counseling with Media Booklets: This is in accordance
Knowledge of Tooth Brushing Class VI-B SDN Gading VII with Azadirachta, 2018 that using Booklet media can improve
Surabaya after counseling using the Media Booklet showed the consumption practices and vegetable and fruit consumption
highest value in the sufficient category. In terms of tooth practices in elementary school students.
brushing skills, the results of the measurement of tooth
brushing skills of class VI-A students of SDN Gading VII Differences in the Media Training of Leaflets and Booklets
Surabaya before counseling using leaflet media, showed the in improving the ability to brush students' teeth: The results
highest value in the less category. Tooth brushing students of of this study are consistent with the results of the study of
class VI-A SDN Gading VII Surabaya after counseling using Femy Azalea (2015), that there are differences after counseling
the Leaflet media showed the highest value in either category. using leaflet media and booklet media as educational tools for
There is an increase in the ability to brush teeth on students changes in the level of dental health knowledge. Leaflets and
compared to before counseling with the media leaflet, this is booklets are static print media that prioritize visual messages,
due to the Psychomotor Domain containing behavioral which consist of depicting a number of words, pictures or
behaviors that emphasize aspects of skills (Suharsimi Arikunto photos in color. The main function of print media is to provide
in Farizi, 2014). The psychomotor domain is closely related to information and entertain (Notoatmodjo, 2018). Presentation of
the work of the muscles that act as the body and its parts, the material on the leaflet media is shorter, denser, equipped
ranging from simple movements such as the movement of with pictures so that it is easy to understand and also practical.
putting paste in a toothbrush to complex movements such as While booklets in terms of delivering messages are not
brushing teeth properly. This is consistent with Budiyanto effective because readers are required to read and understand
(2016) that leaflet media is effective in increasing the themselves where the contents are only writing and a few
knowledge and skills to wash hands with soap. Table 5 images that allow readers to get bored reading themselves so
Analysis of the Differences in Effect of Use of Media Leaflets that the message conveyed cannot be absorbed properly. Based
and Media Booklets in Increasing on James W.
67 International Journal of Information Research and Review, Vol. 07, Issue, 03, pp.6792-6796, March,

Table 1. Results of Measurement of Knowledge of Brushing Teeth before and after Counseling with Media Leaflets for Students
SDN Gading VII Surabaya 2019

Category Class VI-A Class VI-B

Category Before Category Before
Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
Good 0 0% 25 64% 0 0% 14 36%
Sufficient 10 26% 14 36% 11 28% 25 64%
Less 29 74% 0 0% 28 72% 0 0%
Total 39 100% 39 100% 39 100% 39 100%

Table 2. Results of Skill Measurement Methods for Brushing Teeth Before Counseling with Media Booklets for Students SDN
Gading VII Surabaya 2019

Category Class VI-A Class VI-B

Category Before Category Before
Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
Good 11 28% 20 51% 4 10% 6 15%
Sufficient 3 8% 19 49% 12 31% 26 67%
Less 25 64% 0 0% 23 59% 7 18%
Total 39 100% 39 100% 39 100% 39 100%

Table 3 Analysis of the Effect of Using Media Leaflets in Increasing Knowledge of How to Brush Teeth of Students of SDN Gading
VII Surabaya in 2019

Category Class VI-A Class VI-B

No of Students No of Students
Before After Assessment Criteria Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) Before After Assessment Criteria Asymp.Sig
Good 0 25 Good: >75% 0.000 0 14 Good: >75% 0,000
Sufficient 10 14 Sufficient: 60%-75% 28 25 Sufficient: 60%-75%
Less 29 0 Less: >60% 11 0 Less: >60%
Total 39 39 39 39
52,05 83,72 51,04 75,64

Table 4 Effect Analysis Use of Booklet Media in Improving Skill of How to Brush Teeth of Students
SDN Gading VII Surabaya in 2019

Category Class VI-A Class VI-B

No of Students Assessment Asymp.S No of Students Assessment Asymp.S
Before After Criteria ig (2- Before After Criteria ig (2-
tailed) tailed)
Good 4 6 Good: >75% 0,000 11 20 Good: >75%
Sufficient 12 26 Sufficient: 3 19 Sufficient: 60%-
60%-75% 75%
Less 23 7 Less: >60% 25 0 Less: >60%
Total 39 39 39 39 0,000
Mean 54,49 74,36 63,21 87,82

Table 5 Analysis of the Differences in Effect of Use of Media Leaflets and Media Booklets in Increasing

Category Counseling Media Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)

Leaflet Booklet
Good 20 6 0.000
Sufficient 19 26
Less 0 7
Total 39 39
Means 87,82 74,36

Table 6 Analysis of the Differences in Effects of the Use of Media Leaflet and Media Booklet in Skill on How to Brush Teeth Grade
VI SDN Gading VII Surabaya in 2019

Category Counseling Media Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)

Leaflet Bookl
Good 25 14 0.001
Sufficient 14 25
Less 0 0
Total 39 39
Means 83,72 75,64
67 Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie and Ratih Larasati, Effectiveness of the use of leaflet and booklet media, in improving the ability
to broth dentals, in basic school students

Brown's opinion in a teaching media book which states that the Changes in skills will affect changes in new behavior from the
age of children tends to prefer and are interested in something stages of knowledge, attitude, and practice or "KAP".
that is full of images and has short and clear sentences when According to the cone of Edgar Dale's experience in Jackson
compared to the explanation of long sentences (Femy Azalea, (2016) that the things that are the least effective for use in
2015). This is in accordance with the use of media aids requires learning are at the top of the cone while the most effective
the ability and willingness of children to read to be able to thing is at the base of the cone. 10% were read, 20% were
understand the material. Most of a student's knowledge is heard, 30% were seen, 50% were seen and heard, 70% were
obtained through the sense of hearing (ears) and sense of sight written and said and 90% were practiced. Stephen P. Robbins
(eyes). Benjamin S. Bloom et al in Notoatmodjo 2018 argues & Timonthy A. Judge, in Milwan Yusdi (2011) stated that the
that the taxonomy of the cognitive domain includes six levels overall ability of an individual basically consists of two groups
of thought processes, namely: Knowledge, is the ability of of factors, namely: Intellectual Ability is the ability needed to
students to recall or recall about how to brush their teeth, perform various mental activities such as thinking, reasoning
Comprehension is the ability of students to understand or and solve the knowledge of how to brush teeth. While Physical
understand about how to brush their teeth after it is known and Ability is the ability to perform tasks that require stamina,
remembered. In other words, understanding is knowing about skills in how to brush teeth. Brown (1973) revealed that
how to brush your teeth and being able to see it from various learning media such as leaflets and booklets that are used can
aspects. A student is said to understand about how to brush his influence the effectiveness of counseling (Ahmad Kholid,
teeth if he can give an explanation or give a more detailed 2018, Health Promotion)
description of how to brush his teeth using his own words.
Understanding is a level of thinking ability that is one level Conclusions and suggestion
higher than memory or memorization. Application is the ability
of students to apply or, procedures or methods for brushing An increase in knowledge and skills on how to brush teeth after
their teeth. This application or application is a process of counseling with media leaflets on elementary school students
thinking one level higher than understanding. from less to good. While counseling with media booklets for
elementary school students from less to be sufficient. The
Analysis including the ability to break down an entity into leaflet media is more effective as a counseling medium
parts so that the overall structure or organization can be compared to the booklet media in improving the ability to
understood properly. Synthesis (synthesis) is the ability of a brush teeth in elementary school students. Counseling for
student to detail or describe a material or condition according elementary school students should use the Leaflet media
to smaller parts and be able to understand the relationship because it is short, compact. and practical appearance. Media
between parts or factors that one with other factors. Synthesis Leaflets are more equipped with pictures in simple and easy to
is a process that combines parts or elements logically, so that it understand language, designs are made in such a way that
is transformed into a structured pattern or in the form of a new attracts the attention of elementary school students.
pattern. The synthesis level is higher than the analysis.
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