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Background of the Study

A typical municipal open dumpsite consists of waste, from

many sources of waste types and compositions. In most cases the

waste deposited is also not covered or compacted, and waste

remains susceptible to open burning. In this perspective,

dumpsites pose significant health threats both to the people

involved in the operations and to the general public living in

the neighborhood. The present active open dumpsite is located at

Brgy. Bula in the municipality of Mambusao, province of Capiz.

The researchers visited the open dumpsite and they witnessed its

situation which is shown in Exhibit 1.1 and Exhibit 1.2. The

wastes are dumped in an open pit and some are scattered along the

road. Wastes inside the pit are not also compacted. There is an

existing MRF in the area but it is not operational which is shown

Exibit 1.3. Segregation of wastes is not practice due to lack of


The most important impacts of open dumps on the environment,

public health and safety are those relative to proximity to

waterways, geological/hydrogeological conditions, climatic

conditions, long-term contamination due to leachate or landfill

gas migration, and to the greenhouse effect via emissions of

carbon dioxide and methane, including open burning of waste

releasing smoke, particulates, and gaseous contaminants into the

atmosphere. When waste is burning in open dumps, spreading

dioxins over the landscape, black smoke billowing into the air,

then you know that place is badly administered.

Recently the Department of Environmental and Natural

Resources-Environmental Management Bureau(DENR-EMB) Region Office

6, has summoned 6 municipalities of Capiz : Cuartero, Pontevedra,

Panit-an, President Roxas, Maayon and Mambusao for a technical

conference about the operation of open dumpsites. In developed

countries, Open dumps have not been permitted for the last 30

years at least in order to protect the environment and to assure

better public health and safety. They have been replaced

completely by engineered sanitary landfills and complimented with

other waste disposal technologies and methods. The implantation

of a landfill requires a large area of land, correct landscaping,

and requires strict control of the waste to be deposited. It has

a high cost construction and approximately has a maximum 25 years

of useful life, but the benefits seem to outweigh the charges.

Landfill allow correct disposal of solid waste, have a large

waste reception capacity, reduce the risk of environmental

pollution, prevent disease transmission, keep water, soil and air

protected, reduce the risk of fire and preserve the quality of

life for the future generations.

In cases where segregation at source and segregated storage are

not practiced by households, communities and businesses, most

solid wastes end up as “mixed garbage”. This may be due to

limited awareness, appreciation and discipline on the part of the

citizenry, lack of incentives and enforcement ordinances on the

part of the government, or inadequate support facilities in place

to receive pre-segregated materials. RA 9003 requires segregated

collection by the LGUs. Waste segregation and collection are to

be conducted at the barangay level specifically for biodegradable

and recyclable wastes while disposal and collection of non-

recyclable/residual and special wastes are the responsibility of

the city or municipality. Collection is usually done by an LGU

department such as the General Services Office, Engineering

Office, Environment and Sanitation Office or the Department of

Public Services. Many LGUs also outsource waste collection to

private contractors. There is a growing number of cities and

municipalities that are implementing ‘no segregation, no

collection’ policies leading to more responsible attitudes and

behavior towards the environment and greater efficiency in the

delivery of SWM services. However, many LGUs still practice mixed

waste collection which is a backward step that results the

opposite effect.

Exhibit 1.1 Open Dumpsite in Brgy. Bula, Mambusao Capiz

Exhibit 1.2 Wastes that are scattered along the road

Exhibit 1.3 Existing Material Recovery Facilities

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to design a sanitary

landfill, its management and maintenance in Brgy. Bula, Mambusao


Specifically, this study aims to answer the following


1. Determine the volume of solid waste collected per week in

Brgy. Bula Mambusao Capiz.

2. Design a sanitary landfill, its maintenance and


3. Determine the estimated cost of the project.

4. Prepare the program of works for the construction of the

project or the PERT-CPM.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is only limited to the proposed design of the

sanitary landfill inclusive with a retaining wall in Brgy. Bula,

Mambusao Capiz. Specifically, it is sought to manage the solid

waste of the following barangays; Atiplo, Balat-an, Balit,

Batiano, Bating, Bato-Bato, Baye, Bergante, Bunga, Bula, Bungsi,

Burias, Caidquid, Cala-agus, Libo-o, Manibad, Maralag, Najus- an,

Pangpang Norte, Pangpang Sur, Pinay, Poblacion Proper, Poblacion

Tabuc, Sinondojan, Tugas, and Tumalalud which are the only

barangays that can be cater by the garbage truck.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

Community. The people in the community will be provided by a

sanitary landfill to have a proper waste disposal for their

comfort and safety.

Local Government Unit (LGU). The government officials can

establish statutes and guidelines to institutionalize the

placement of the sanitary landfill in Brgy. Bula, Mambusao Capiz.

Researchers. The students who have interest in this field

can use this study for their further research and to give them

some ideas in designing a sanitary landfill including its

maintenance and management.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate comprehensive understanding of the study, the

following terms are defined as to their use in the study.

Contaminants - are defined as substances or group of substances

that are toxic, persistent and liable to bio-accumulate, and

other substances or group of substances which give rise to an

equivalent level of concern.

Hydrogeology - is the area of geology the deals with the

distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of

the Earth’s crust.

Leachate - is the fluid percolating through the landfills and is

generated from liquids present in the waste and from outside

water, including rainwater, percolating through the waste.

Material Recovery Facility (MRF) - a facility that are designed

to take municipal solid waste (“trash”) and remove organic

material prior to sending the residual to the landfill.  This

facility takes residential and commercial mixed recyclables and

separates them into individual commodities, including cardboard,

glass, aluminum and different plastics.   

Open Dumpsite - An open dumping is defined as a land disposal

site at which solid wastes are disposed of in a manner that does

not protect the environment, are susceptible to open burning, and

are exposed to the elements, vectors, and scavengers. Open

dumping can include solid waste disposal facilities or practices

that pose a reasonable probability of adverse effects on health

or the environment.

Sanitary Landfill - The main purpose of sanitary landfill is to

ensure waste is safe by reducing the harm from accumulated waste

and allowing safe decomposition. The alternative layering

of garbage and soil aids in hastening decomposition. Because

methane, a toxic gas, is produced from decomposition, it is

collected in the landfill to generate electricity instead of

being released into the atmosphere. The sanitary landfill also

uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment.

Waste Segregation - Segregation of our waste is essential as the

amount of waste being generated today caused immense problem.

There are certain items are not Bio Degradable but can be reused

or recycled in fact it is believed that a larger portion of the

waste can be recycled, a part of can be converted to compost, and

only a smaller portion of it is real waste that has no use and

has to be discarded.



This chapter provides a review of related literature and

studies taken from different resources such as the internet,

books, journals, research papers and other printed materials that

will help with the precision and satisfaction of the study.

Management of Sanitary Landfill System

The operations, maintenance and environmental monitoring

activities must be managed efficiently with strict adherence to

the laws and regulations, in line with the technical standards

and requirements, and with consideration to the surrounding

environment. The operations management includes managing the

activities of the day to day operational functions of the

landfill from the management of the transportation traffic flow,

the landfilling procedures, laying of cover material, management

of the supporting facilities, collection of tipping fees, etc.

the keeping of daily operational logs, records and relevant data

must also be carried out. The environmental management includes

the necessary activities related to preserving and protecting the

environment, such as monitoring the leachate and gasses

emissions, managing the effluent discharge after treatment,

prevention of waste pickers and propagation of anima life

insects, preserving the aesthetic and harmony of the surrounding,

etc. Considerations must also be given to the social aspects of

management, i.e. managing the staffs and suppliers, fostering

good relationship with the local government, clients and with the

surrounding residents. Considerations for the safety closure and

post closure utilization must be made during the operation

stages. The closure management activities will include monitoring

and ensuring that the landfill site has been operated

satisfactory so that safety closure activities can be carried out

in the future. Such activities included the monitoring of the

stabilization of the waste layers, the ground settlement,

planning for the final cover and landscaping, etc. (Technical

Guidebook on Solid Wastes Disposal Design, Operation and

Management, Second Edition 2010).

Local Government Solid Waste Management Program

The Philippines has endeavored to improve its management of

solid waste through the passage of RA 9003 or the Ecological

Solid Waste Management Act that provides for a systematic,

comprehensive and ecological waste management program to ensure

the protection of public health and the environment. It mandates

the bureau to provide secretariat support to the National Solid

Waste Management Commission in the implementation of the solid

waste management plans and prescribes policies to achieve the

objectives of the National Ecology Center that is in charge of

information dissemination, consultation, education and training

of various local government units on ecological waste management.

The ecological solid waste management program is expected

to assist Local Government Units in implementing RA 9003 or the

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act particularly in the

development of their 10 year Solid Waste Management Plan, closure

and rehabilitation of dumpsites, establishment of Materials

Recovery Facilities, and an environmentally sound disposal


The issuance of Guidelines and provisions of technical

support in the establishment and operation of Waste to Energy

facilities will enhance the sustainability of disposal system for

municipal residual wastes to all provinces and highly urbanized

areas. The significant contribution of this project is expected

to enhance the economic development of the country through

formalizing the waste collection and recycling, and promotion of

job opportunities. It also helps the economy to reduce reliance

on imported oils and increased in power generation


management) Retrieved January 11, 2019).

Sanitary Landfill in the Philippines

In August 2004, Bayawan City finalized its solid waste

management plan which proposed the establishment of a Waste

Management and Ecology Center. The presented paper summarizes the

experience of LGU Bayawan City in planning and implementation of

its integrated solid waste management system that highlights the

establishment of a clay-lined landfill, a composting plant, a

materials recovery facility and a sludge treatment plant to

address the problem of waste disposal. Instead of segregating

garbage that are already at the sanitary landfills, it now starts

at the source – households, offices, and schools. With 80% of

garbage segregation already done by the time it reaches its final

destination, government is able to save time and resources. A

garbage disposal system was implemented in the area, requiring

all constituents to purchase a sticker to label their segregated

garbage. Not only did the system generate funds, it also trained

individuals to be responsible in ensuring that the disposal

system worked (Johannes, 2009).

Municipal Profile of Mambusao, Capiz

A. Location

Mambusao location is situated approximately at

11° 26' North, 122° 36' East, in the island of Panay. Elevation

at these coordinates is at 21.9 meters (71.8 ft.) above sea

level. It is 36 kilometers (22 mi) away from the province’s

capital, Roxas City.

B. Population

Mambusao is politically subdivided into 26 barangays and has

a total of 39,644 people as of 2015 census of the National

Statistics Office. The projected population of the municipality

and its barangay is shown in Table 1.



Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

Populatio Population Populatio Population Populatio
and Barangay
n 2018 2019 n 2020 2021 n 2022

MAMBUSAO 40,902 41,343 41,789 42,239 42,695

1. ATIPLO 2,471 2,498 2,525 2,552 2,579

2. BALAT-AN 1,188 1,200 1,213 1,226 1,240

3. BALIT 1,050 1,068 1,079 1,091 1,103

4. BATIANO 941 951 961 972 982

5. BATING 1,058 1,069 1,080 2,092 1,104

6. BATO BATO 2,197 2,220 2,244 1,092 2,293

7. BAYE 868 877 887 2,268 906

8. BERGANTE 1,030 1,041 1,052 890 1,075

9. BUNGA 1,336 1,354 1,368 1,063 1,398

10. BULA 3,095 3,129 3,162 1,383 3,231

11. BUNSI 820 829 838 1,196 856

12. BURIAS 4,177 4,223 4,268 847 4,361

13. CAIDQUID 2,096 2,119 2,142 4,314 2,186

14. CALA-AGUS 981 992 1002 2,155 1,074

15. LIBO-O 469 475 480 1,019 490

16. MANIBAD 1,849 1,869 1,889 485 1,930

17. MARALAG 1,376 1,391 1,406 1,509 1,437

18. NAJUS-AN 1,366 1,381 1,396 1,411 1,426

893 903 913 923 933

20. PANGPANG 778 786 795 803 812


21. PINAY 1,106 1,118 1,130 1,142 1,155

3,248 3,283 3,318 3,354 3,390

2,760 2,790 2,820 2,850 2,881

24. SINONDOJAN 623 630 637 644 650

25. TUGAS 1,545 1,561 1,578 1,595 1,612

26. TUMALALUD 1,571 1,588 1,605 1,623 1,640

Source: Rural Health Unit (RHU) of Mambusao, Capiz


The waste generation of the municipality of Mambusao for all

the type of wastes is 13,624.32 kg as 32 per capita. The

percentage of waste generated for the different type of waste is

shown in Table 2.



COMPOSTABLE 41% 27% 24% 70%


RECYCLABLE WASTE 23% 51% 52% 4%


RESIDUAL WASTE 35% 22% 24% 26%


SPECIAL WASTE 2% 2% 0% 0%


Source: Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office



In this chapter the method of gathering data of waste volume

collected to be used in the study, is presented. This include the

main components in the design of the landfill.

Method of Gathering Data

The researchers conducted an interview and gathered data at

the Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office (MENRO)

to determine the average solid waste collected per year, Rural

Health Unit (RHU) for the projected population, and the Office of

the Engineers for the lot area and vicinity map of the site.

Design of Sanitary Landfill Cell

The computation for the projected volume of waste and the

required area of the landfill cell is determined based on “The

Technical Guideline for Sanitary Landfill, Design and Operation

Landfilling Method” (Jamarillo 2003).

The formulas for computing of the landfill area are:

Solving for Waste Produced per Capita per day

Population Served
Cov(%) =
Total Population
Ppcd0 =
Pop x 7 x Cov

Ppcd1 = Ppcd0 + Ppcd0 (x)

Ppcd2 = Ppcd1 + Ppcd1 (x)

Ppcd3 = Ppcd2 + Ppcd2 (x)

Ppcd4 = Ppcd3 + Ppcd3 (x)

Ppcdn = Ppcdn-1 + Ppcdn-1 (x)


Ppcdn = production of waste per capita per day


Dsr = quantity of munipal solid waste collected in one week


Pop = Total Population

7 = days of the week

Cov = coverage of the urban cleaning service (%)

X = estimated increase in production of waste per year

n = number of year (1, 2, 3, 4)

Solving for Quantity of Solid Waste Daily

DailyQSWO = Popserved0 x Ppcd0

DailyQSW1 = Popserved1 x Ppcd1

DailyQSW2 = Popserved2 x Ppcd2

DailyQSW3 = Popserved3 x Ppcd3

DailyQSW4 = Popserved4 x Ppcd4

DailyQSWn = Popserve(n) x Ppcdn


DailyQSWN = quantity of solid waste per day

Popserved = total population served

Solving for Quantity of Solid Waste Annually

1 ton
AnnualQSW0 = DailyQSW0 x 365 days x
1000 kg

1 ton
AnnualQSW2 = DailyQSW1 x 365 day x
1000 kg

1 ton
AnnualQSW3 = DailyQSW2 x 365 day x
1000 kg

1 ton
AnnualQSW4 = DailyQSW3 x 365 day x
1000 kg

1 ton
AnnualQSW5 = DailyQSW4 x 365 day x
1000 kg

1 ton
AnnualQSWn = DailyQSWn x 365 day x
1000 kg

AnnualQSWn = quantity of solid waste per year

Solving for Accumulated Waste

AccumulatedQSW0 = Annualgsw0

AccumulatedQSW1 = Annualgsw0 + Annualgsw1

AccumulatedQSW2 = Annualgsw1 + Annualgsw2

AccumulatedQSW3 = Annualgsw2 + Annualgsw3

AccumulatedQSW4 = Annualgsw3 + Annualgsw4

AccumulatedQSWn = Annualgsw(n-1) + Annualgswn


AccumulatedQSWn = accumulated quantity of solid waste per year

Solving for compacted volume of Solid Waste Daily

DailyCVSW0 = DailyQSW0 × week × Dc
6 days

DailyCVSW1 = DailyQSW1 × week × Dc
6 days

DailyCVSW2 = DailyQSW2 × week × Dc
6 days
DailyCVSW3 = DailyQSW3 × week × Dc
6 days

DailyCVSW4 = DailyQSW4 × week × Dc
6 days

DailyCVSWn = DailyQSWn × week × Dc
6 days


DailyCVSW0 = compacted volume of Solid Waste per day

Dc = density of compacted waste (kg/m3)

Solving for Compacted Volume of Solid Waste Annually

AnnualQSW0 = DailyQSW0 x 365 days

AnnualQSW2 = DailyQSW1 x 365 days

AnnualQSW3 = DailyQSW2 x 365 day s

AnnualQSW4 = DailyQSW3 x 365 days

AnnualQSW5 = DailyQSW4 x 365 days

AnnualQSWn = DailyQSWn x 365 days


AnnualCVSWN =Compacted Volume of Solid Waste per year

Solving for Volume of Cover Material Daily

DailyVCM0 = DailCVSW0 × Cm

DailyVCM1 = DailCVSW1 × Cm

DailyVCM2 = DailCVSW2 × Cm

DailyVCM3 = DailCVSW3 × Cm

DailyVCM4 = DailCVSW4 × Cm

DailyVCMn = DailCVSWn × Cm


DailyVCMn = volume of cover material per day

Cm = cover material

Solving for Volume of Cover Material Annually

AnnualVCM0 = DailyVCM0 × 365 days

AnnualVCM1 = DailyVCM1 × 365 days

AnnualVCM2 = DailyVCM2 × 365 days

AnnualVCM3 = DailyVCM3 × 365 days

AnnualVCM4 = DailyVCM4 × 365 days

AnnualVCMn = DailyVCMn × 365 days

Solving for Volume Stabilized Solid Waste per year

SSW0 = DailyQSW0 × 365 days × De

SSW1 = DailyQSW1 × 365 days × De

SSW2 = DailyQSW2 × 365 days × De

SSW3 = DailyQSW3 × 365 days × De

SSW4 = DailyQSW4 × 365 days × De

SSWn = DailyQSWn × 365 days × De


SSWn = volume of stabilized solid waste per year

De = density of stabilized waste (kg/m3)

Solving for Sanitary Landfill Volume

SLV 0= AnnualVCM 0+ SSW 0

SLV 1= AnnualVCM 1 + SSW 1

SLV 2= AnnualVCM 2 + SSW 2

SLV 3= AnnualVCM 3 + SSW 3

SLV 4= Annual VCM 4 + SSW 4

SLVn=Annual VCMn + SSW n

SLVn=volume of sanitary landfill

Solving Accumulated Volume of Sanitary Landfill


SL AV 1=SLV 0 + SLV 1

SL AV 2=SLV 1 +SLV 2

SL AV 3=SLV 2 + SLV 3

SL AV 4 =SLV 3+ SLV 4

SL AVn=SLVn−1 + SLVn


SL AVn=accumulated volume of sanitary landfill

Solving for Required Fill Area For Sanitary Landfill

Fill 0=

Fill1 =

Fill2 =

Fill3 =
Fill 4=

Fill n=


Fill n=required fill area for sanitary landfill

d=assumed depth

Solving for Total Area Required for the Sanitary Landfill

Total 0=Fill 0+ Fill 0 x F

Total 1=Fill1 + Fill1 x F

Total 2=Fill2 + Fill 2 x F

Total 3=Fill3 + Fill 3 x F

Total 4=Fill 4 + Fill 4 x F

Total n=Fill n+ Fill n x F


Total n=total arearequired for the sanitary landfill

F=factor for estimating the additional area

By Area Method:
For smaller base:

B= √ A


B=required width of the landfill cell

A=total area required

By Ratio and Proportion:

For larger base:

slope=1 :2


x 2 2(d )
= x= =2 d m .
d 1 1


d=depthof sanitary landfill

x=width¿ be added ¿ the smaller base

Design of Retaining Wall for the Sanitary Landfill

Unit Weight of Soil

The researchers as they conducted the survey in the site,

they found out that the soil is clay, which has the unit weight

given in the Table 3.

Table 3: Typical Values of Unit Weight for Soils

Type of Soil γ sat (kN /m3 ) γ dry (kN /m3 )

Gravel 20-22 15-17

Sand 18-20 13-16

Silt 18-20 14-18

Clay 16-22 14-21



Angle of Friction of Soil

Soil friction angle is a shear strength parameter of soils.

Its definition is derived from the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

and it is used to describe the friction shear resistance of soils

together with the normal effective stress.

Some typical values of soil friction angle are given in

Table 4 for different USCS soil types at normally consolidated

condition unless otherwise state.

Table 4: Soil Angle of Friction

Soil friction angle [⸰]

Description minimum maximum

Poorly graded gravel, sandy gravel,

with little or no fines

32 44

Sand 37 38

Inorganic silt – Loose 27 30

Inorganic silt – Dense 30 35

Loam 28 32

Silt Loam 25 32

Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam 18 32

Silty Clay 18 32

Clay 18 28

Peat and other highly organic soils 0 10

Source: (

Design Procedure for the Retaining Wall

1. Determine the design height and footing depth.

2. Assume dimensions:

a) Pavement thickness (Wall Thickness)

b) Footing width and thickness

3. Calculate Forces:

a) Lateral Forces

b) Vertical Forces

4. Calculate Factor of Safety against Sliding.

If FS>1.5, proceed to step 5.

If FS<1.5, go back to step 2.

5. Solve for the spacing reinforcing steel.

Stability of Retaining Wall

1. Sliding along its base.

2. Overturning about its toe.

3. Bearing capacity failure of soil supporting the base.

Factor of Safety against Sliding:

1 2
Pa= γh K a
cosβ− √cos −cos ∅
2 2
K a =cosβ 2 2
cosβ −√ (cos −cos ∅ )

Cost of the Project

In the estimate of the cost of project needed, the

researchers used the method introduced by Max Fajardo Jr.

Cost of material and labor cost are included in the direct

cost. The cost per quantity of materials was based on commercial

prices. Labor cost in the order hand was 40% of the total cost of

materials in each item of activities.

Duration of the Project

The method used to estimate the most probable completion

duration of the project is the Program Evaluation Review

Technique – Critical Path Method (PERT-CPM). This includes the

time-scaled network diagram, program of works, and the s-curve of

the construction of the proposed landfill.

Management and Maintenance of Sanitary Landfill System

The operations, maintenance and environmental monitoring

activities must be managed efficiently with strict adherence to

the laws and regulations, in line with the technical standards

and requirements, and with consideration to the surrounding

The management activities can be divided into three main

activities; the operations management, the environmental

management, and the closure management.

Operations Management

The operations management includes managing the activities of

the day to day operational functions of the landfill, from

management of the transportation traffic flow, the landfilling

procedures, laying of cover material, management of the

supporting facilities, collection of tipping fees, etc. The

keeping of daily operational logs, records and relevant data must

also be carried out.

Environmental Management

The environmental management includes managing the necessary

activities related to preserving and protecting the environment,

such as monitoring the leachate and gasses emissions, managing

the effluent discharge after treatment, prevention of waste

pickers and propagation of animal life insects, preserving the

aesthetic and harmony of the surrounding, etc. The keeping of

regular monitoring logs, test results, records and relevant data

must also be carried out.

Consideration must also be given to the social aspects of

management, i.e. managing the staffs and suppliers, fostering

good relationships with the local government, clients, and with

the surrounding residents.

Closure Management

Consideration for the safety closure and post closure

utilization must be made during the operations stages. The

closure management activities will include monitoring and

ensuring that the landfill site has been operated satisfactory so

that safety closure activities can be carried out in the future.

Such activities included the monitoring of the stabilization of

the waste layers, the ground settlement, planning for the final

cover and landscaping, etc.

The main parameters for the performance indicators for the

landfill management/control are shown in Table 5 below.

Table 5: Performance Indicators for the Landfill


Items Indicators

1. Waste Records • Amount of waste received

• Record of incoming

collection vehicles

• Total accumulated waste and

remaining capacity

• Mass of filled waste

• Amount of recycling carried

out at landfill site

2. Landfill Works • Amount of waste disposed

• Records of filling by


• Amount of cover soil


3. Facility and Equipment • Records of Operations and

Maintenance (O&M) of landfill

• facilities (including


• Records of landfill

equipment O&M (including


• Records of staff

4. Environmental Protection • leachate quality and

and Monitoring quantity

• Landfill gas quantity and


• Surface water quality

• Groundwater quality

• Odour, scattered waste,

dust, vector etc.

• Ground settlement

5. Social Considerations • Records of public

complaints • Scavenging

activities (if any) • Records

of visitors
Post Closure Land-Use Plan

In the preparation of the post closure land use plan,

consideration must be towards the stability of the closed site,

and the period of time required for the completed landfill to

stabilize. The stabilization process depends on the types and

volume of the solid wastes, types and volume or thickness of

cover material applied, the type and method of intermediate

treatment processes being carried out such as crushing or

compaction. All these factors must be evaluated to confirm

whether the closed site is suitable for the proposed post closure

land use.

Prior to implementing the post closure land use plan, it is

important to ensure that all the factors that have impact on the

environment be dealt with and active countermeasure are in place.

Such include ensuring that proper post-closure procedures have

been carried out prior to closure; all leachate and gasses

discharge are being monitored and treatment facilities provided;

the slopes and ground have been properly compacted and showing no

signs of failure; and all the wastes have been properly covered

and all pollutants are being contained.

In order to determine the suitability and stability of the

closed site, all necessary tests and ground/soil analysis must be

carried out so that the data obtained may be used to estimate the
degree of stability, to predict subsidence rate, and to estimate

the load bearing capacity of the ground.

Rehabilitation of Waste Disposal Sites

Based on the inventory of existing disposal facilities in the

Philippines, open dumping is being predominantly used by the

localities. Plan for utmost usage of the disposal facility should

be provided. The land may be reclaimed for use as parking lots,

playgrounds, golf courses, etc. However, precautions should be

observed since the site will be prone to differential

settlements, gas movements and corrosion problems.

The post-closure land-use plan must be considered and

formulated at the initial stages of the planning of the landfill.

However, such plan will only be implemented after the safety

closure of the site has been carried out. It is necessary to

formulate the improvement plan such that it will become possible

to use the land after the landfill has been closed safely. The

post closure land use plan can be used in deciding on how the

landfill should be operated, the covering material to be used,

the depths of the waste layers, etc.

Waste disposal sites including open dumpsites, controlled

dumps and sanitary landfill sites must have provision for proper
closure, rehabilitation or post-closure considerations in order

to minimize environmental risks caused by their operations.

Occupational Health and Safety

An unmanaged landfill site can be considered to be a hazardous

workplace considering its unsanitary nature. The putrid wastes

are full of harmful bacteria and pathogens that are detrimental

to human health. The proliferation of vectors such as flies,

mosquitoes and wild animals feeding on the waste; the presence of

sharp and hazardous objects, toxic chemical spillages and fumes,

noxious gasses emissions, all pose a health hazard to the workers

and to the general public. Other hazards such as gaseous

explosions, fire, landslides etc are also a great concern for the


(1) Prevention of Hazards

In order to prevent and preserve the well-being and safety

of the workers, the landfill must be operated with considerations

to eliminating the potential courses of the hazards and to

prevent accidents from occurring. All these can be achieved by

adopting good housekeeping practices and good safety practices.

Some of the major steps to be taken are:

• Eliminate the presence of vectors by installing fences, laying

the cover material and spraying of insecticide.

• Minimizing excessive pilling of waste to prevent waste sliding

• Preventing fire by banning all forms of open burning of waste

and smoking

• Provide suitable covering and compaction to ensure all

dangerous and sharp objects have been properly covered

• Provide proper gas collection and dispersion systems and

monitoring all gas emissions

• Provide proper leachate collection and treatment systems

• Implement proper vehicles traffic system to prevent accidents •

Provide suitable vehicle washing facilities and disinfection


(2) Workers Welfare Amenities and Health Care Facilities

Proper health care management philosophy may be implemented to

provide the adequate emergency treatment and support to the

workers and to develop a suitable and healthy working

environment. The basic necessities are:

• Provide all workers with proper safety gears

• Provide regular emergency and safety training to the workers •

Provide washing and cleansing facilities for the workers

• Provide standard emergency medical supplies

• Provide regular medical check-up for the workers.

It is essential to protect the occupational health and safety

of the workers and also the general health and safety of the

public. These can be achieved by fostering good housekeeping

practices, good hygiene conditions and implementing strict safety


Weather Conditions

In Philippines, the tropical climatic conditions are generally

either wet or dry, with heavy rainfall during the wet monsoon

season and occasionally drought during the dry season.

(1) Wet Season

During the wet season, the rain usually comes in short burst

of rainfalls, and during the monsoon season storms and heavy

rainfall could last for a long period of time. In the design of

the landfill, it is essential that proper rainwater drainage

systems are provided together with the provision of adequate

leachate collection and retention facilities.

Additional waste surface cover may have to be provided in order

to minimize the rainwater from penetrating into waste the layers.

Suitable drainage network system must also be provided on the

cover surface to collect and diverted the rainwater to the

perimeter storm water drains.

Excessive rain will also result to flash flooding and causing

soil erosions. Hence it is important to constantly monitor the

conditions of the retaining walls, water retaining structures,

the slopes, access roads, etc.

(2) Dry Season

During the dry season, there could be periods of time without

any rainfall and the grounds and earth roads can become very dry

and dusty. It is important to ensure that the level of airborne

dust be minimized by monitoring the laying of soil cover, the

wind conditions, and vehicular movements. It may be necessary to

spray water on the dry roads to wet down the dust and to prevent

them from being airborne.

Maintenance of Sanitary Landfill System

Periodical inspection of incoming wastes and monitoring

equipment shall be carried out to maintain the function of the

sanitary landfill. The following items shall be inspected,

identified, monitored and recorded:

1. Type, composition and quantity of incoming wastes

2. Type and quantity of cover material delivered to the site

3. Wastes collectors/transporters

4. Information of incoming vehicles

5. Waste composition survey

The type, composition and quantity of incoming wastes shall be

recorder and inspected based on the following:

 Type of waste, collection area and waste quantity of each

incoming vehicle shall be recorded by weigh bridge data or

waste log book.

 Waste collector, vehicle driver, weigh bridge operator

and/or heavy machine operator shall be inspect the

acceptability of waste to be disposed of, and

 Random detail inspection and/or investigation shall be

carried out for incoming waste as required.

The type and quantity of landfill cover material shall be

inspected and recorded by Weigh Bridge or by counting the

number of vehicles by visual observation. The name of waste

collector/transporter shall be recorded together with the

information of waste sources and/or collection areas.

Information of the incoming vehicles including the

registration number, type and loading capacity shall be

recorder together with the input data of Weigh Bridge and/or

logbook. Waste composition shall be surveyed and analysed at

least once in a year or as required. Waste composition survey

shall be carried out for the incoming wastes at the waste

disposal site and at the waste generation sources including

domestic waste, commercial waste, market waste, etc.

unacceptable wastes for disposal in the sanitary landfill

include unsegregated solid wastes (mixed wastes), untreated

health care wastes, and untreated toxic and hazardous wastes,

once identified, these wastes shall be properly recorded as

incoming waste but shall be denied entry.

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