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PGDM (2021-2023)

Paper Code: C-207

Human Resource Management (HRM)
Online Mid Term Examination; Term-II
Full Marks: 20; Time: 90 minutes

(Instructions: Attempt all three questions, question 1 carries 8 marks and other questions carry 6
marks each.)

1. Case

Upadhyay had started her career as a journalist with Sandesh, a well-known regional daily in
Gujarat. However, dissatisfied with the pay and uncomfortable with writing in Gujarati language at
Sandesh, she moved to the Ahmedabad edition of The Asian Age, a national daily. Compared to
Sandesh, The Asian Age had a very small readership but working for a smaller organization also
meant an opportunity for Upadhyay to make her mark as a journalist.

I found that joining The Asian Age also meant more freedom and a better job profile. Since we
were a small staff, all of us were exposed to important events and were given significant
responsibilities. For instance, in an organization like The Times of India, it would have taken
several years for me to be allowed to cover politics, while at The Asian Age, I got the opportunity
within a year of my joining. The decision turned out to be the right one when Upadhyay’s articles
made it to the front page of New Delhi’s national edition of The Asian Age for 20 consecutive days
during the elections.

After a couple of years at the The Asian Age, she received an offer from Divya Bhaskar, which
was planning to launch its newspaper in Gujarat. Upadhyay said: It was not an easy decision. I
had to shift from an English newspaper to a regional one again and after making a mark in an
English daily, I was not too sure whether I should join Divya Bhaskar. The Asian Age had
provided me a good platform to exhibit talent as an investigative journalist and I would have
preferred to join another English newspaper like Hindustan Times or Times of India. Though I was
told that I would be able to write in English and they would get it translated in Gujarati, I was not
sure whether it would really work out. Lower pay was also a drawback.

It was Divya Bhaskar’s offer of Special Correspondent that finally tilted Upadhyay’s decision
towards the regional daily. She said: I was told that there would be no restrictions imposed in
terms of the issues I could write about. This virtually gave me the opportunity to investigate any
field without worrying about who the ‘beat reporter’ was and whether I would be infringing on his
or her territory. Independence to choose my stories and present them the way I wanted was

It was after working with Divya Bhaskar for a year that Upadhyay received Sethi’s offer to join
20:20 Media.

a) How would you describe Upadhaya’s mindset in assessing the job offers?
b) Do you believe, the decisions made by Upadhaya are effective?

2. Organizations consider the various factors of its environment for an effective human resource
planning. In this context, describe these factors and its impact on HRP. Also highlight the
different demand forecasting techniques adopted by the organization for an effective
estimation of the manpower requirement.

3. Some personnel managers consider HRM as an od wine in a new bottle. Give your opinion on
this statement. Also highlight how HRM differs from personnel management

4. Recruiting through internal source is not only cost effective but also boost the morale of the
employees. Justify this statement explaining various techniques of recruitment through
internal source.

Wish you good luck

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