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The Outlander
v1.5 Wise and Stubborn
A young tabaxi looks over the crashing waves, taking in a Although an outlander will venture into larger cities to supply
calm moment amidst the carnage of her ship being boarded and take a particularly lucrative job, their ruggedness and
behind her. She quickly springs into action, dodging daggers uncouth demeanor is much more at home in those outposts,
and arrows as she drives her rapier through a would-be roadside stops, and small towns at the edges of civilization.
pirate. Quickly pouncing on the body, she springs off, free of Outlanders are outsiders, and can trend towards the more
an oncoming volley of steel swords before rolling and landing prickly side when encountering the fanciful and polite of
on her feet next to another assailant – casually knocking society. While it would be safer to settle down, the calling for
them overboard. A well-trained ear would hear her humming experience and adventure drives them to the unsafe, the ill
a jaunty tune throughout the onslaught. traveled, and the backwood. Yet, while independent, even the
A band of a half dozen orcs, who have been paid to ransack most stubborn outlanders are wise enough to realize many
a nearby village, sit around a fire laughing and enjoying the jobs require numbers, a complimentary group, and a party.
days plunder. Quickly the number is diminished by one. Then The cunning and perceptive nature of the outlander make
another. Anger and fear taking shape along the band as they them an ideal adventurer, as they both know the terrain, have
see what appears to be a shadow slide an impossibly thin experience with the not oft encountered monster, and the
dagger out of the throat of one of the remaining orcs. The burdens of helping those in need with only the resources at
rest scream and run terrified as the first vision of a halfling is hand. The inability of others to navigate the brisk wind of the
seen in the firelight chuckling. He knows that when creatures tundra or the humid veil of the jungle is viewed a weakness
run in fear, they are so much easier to pick off. arising from a life of privilege to an outlander. And these are
Waving down a raven, a tall elf whispers to the bird and things one cannot afford living past the pleasantries of
asks if it had seen a caravan of goblins go by in the past few civilization. Yet, for those few able to pierce the outlander’s
hours. After giving the raven some hard bread, the short thickened hide, they have made a friend for life.
conversation ends and the elf collects their things and runs
off into the forests. There are monsters to hunt. Creating an Outlander
Far away from the noise and chaos of towns and cities, past As you create your outlander character, consider why your
the luxuries and comforts of average folks, there lies the adventures have given you your particular abilities. Are you
outlander. In the harsh and devastating terrain of far away self exiled or have you done something so heinous that
lands, doing the work no one wishes, often without deserved draconian punishment? Did you leave a mentor at a
acknowledgement. young age who taught you fundamental skills or perhaps was
your mentor slaughtered by a band of monsters? You might
Talented Outcasts be completely self-taught as your time in the wild has forced
Outlanders are wanderers. Moving from small towns, camps, you to adapt or be devoured by the land itself. You could have
and settlements at the periphery of civilization – where the been taken in at a young age by an outlander who witnessed
real dangers exist. They are hunters of the most dangerous the downfall of your home.
predators, whether it be dragons, monstrosities, beasts or
those that hide away in civilization. While some outlanders
use these skills to gain coin from those who would pay for Luna's Notes
trophies or safety, others merely seek kindness, or the Outlander began as a revised ranger, way back
traditions and routines of the trade taught to them. before the revised ranger, or revised ranger 2, or
Due to the diversity of their wisdom and the capabilities even Tasha's. It's been a passion project off an on
gained from it, outlanders gain a number of natural knacks for literal years. I've reworked it at least a half
that augment their combat prowess and abilities. They can dozen times at this point.
emphasize stealth, careful planning, and deadly blows or My intent is for the outlander and ranger to
coexist together. It's very much a paladin vs fighter
charge into and stare down the biggest of foes in a show of in design. They share things, but outlander is more
reckless glory. While solitary hunters by trade, a number of focus on odd and unique skills of far away lands vs
knacks are also boons to companions and party members as simply the wilderness in the case of the ranger.
outlanders can thrive in any situation. Outlander obviously doesn't have spells or highly
magical abilities, but the abilities are similar. There
are still remnants of ranger in outlander, however
Quick Build as time goes on I plan on slowly removing them so
You can make an outlander quickly by following these the class feels fully separate.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, and
suggestions. First, make Dexterity or Strength your highest
check the end for the artists(show them some love!),
ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the far changelog, and a small Q&A.
traveller background.

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

The Outlander
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Focus Die Knacks Known
1st +2 Traveler, Focus d4 ─
2nd +2 Outlander Knacks, Gimmicks d4 1
3rd +2 Outlander Teachings d4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Hustle d4 2
5th +3 Extra Attack, Canny d4 3
6th +3 Outlander Teachings Feature d6 3
7th +3 Insightful Defense d6 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6 4
9th +4 Walk In The Tracks d6 5
10th +4 Built Fortitude d6 5
11th +4 Outlander Teachings Feature d8 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8 6
13th +5 Additional Gimmicks d8 7
14th +5 Grounding Practice d8 7
15th +5 Outlander Teachings Feature d8 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10 8
17th +6 Sixth Sense d10 9
18th +6 Outlander Teachings Feature d10 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d10 10
20th +6 Planted Blows d10 10

A longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows

Class Features Two melee weapons
As an outlander, you gain the following class features (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per outlander level Multiclassing
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier Multiclassing Prerequisites
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per outlander level after 1st Dexterity or Strength 13
Wisdom 13
Multiclassing Proficiencies Gained
Armor: All armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Martial weapons, simple weapons
Tools: None Light armor, medium armor
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics,
Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Traveler
Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. Beginning at 1st level, you have traveled far and wide to
Equipment understand the uncertainty of all lands. Your walking speed
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the increases by 5, and you gain a climbing speed and a
equipment granted by your background: swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
(a) scale mail or (b) leather armor

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

Focus Outlander Knacks
From 1st level onwards, an outlander's focus is their main From 2nd level onward, you learn a series of knacks which
tool to gain the upper hand in any encounter. Your use of this reflect your skills that you have developed as your time as an
is represented by focus dice. Your outlander level determines Outlander. At level 2, you gain one outlander knack of your
the size die you have, as shown in the focus die column of the choice. Your knack options are detailed at the end of the class
outlander table. You have a number of focus dice equal to description. When you gain certain outlander levels, you gain
twice your proficiency bonus. additional knacks of your choice, as shown in the Knacks
These dice fuel various focus features. Some features may Known column of the Outlander table.
have you use a focus die and add its roll as a bonus, while If an outlander knack has prerequisites, you must meet
other features may spend a focus die to gain a flat benefit. them to learn it. You can learn the knack at the same time
You start knowing four such features: Poised Aim, Dirty Hit, that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to
To The Front, and Practiced Skill. You learn more focus your level in this class.
features as you gain levels in this class.
When you spend a focus die, it is unavailable until you Gimmicks
finish a long rest, at the end of which you are able to regain Upon reaching 2nd level, your abilities allow you to get to the
your mental clarity. upper hand in battle, allowing you to perform various
Some of your focus features require your target to make a maneuvers that you have practiced and mastered. You gain
saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw one the following abilities, and choose an additional one at
DC is calculated as follows: 13th level:
Focus save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier Patient Counter
Poised Aim
When a creature within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with
an attack, you can use a focus die and spend your reaction to
You can use a focus die and add its roll to an attack roll attack that creature immediately after, provided that you can
before the outcome of the attack is determined. You can only see the creature. If the attack kills the creature, regain a
use this feature once per attack. focus die.
Dirty Hit Attack While They're Down
As a bonus action, you can use a focus die and add its roll to Your tenacity can wear down the most potent foes. When you
the damage of your next attack that hits this turn. hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can use a focus die
To The Front
and the creature takes extra damage equal to twice the result
rolled, if it’s below its hit point maximum. You can deal this
When you roll for initiative, you can use a focus die and add extra damage only once per turn. If the attack kills the
its roll to your initiative. creature, regain a focus die.
Practiced Skill Wild Strike
When you make an ability check you're proficient in, you may Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon Attack,
use a focus die and add its roll to the check before the you can spend a focus die and make another Attack with the
outcome of the check is determined. same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet
of the original target and within range of your weapon. If the
attack kills the creature, regain a focus die.

Outlander Teachings Grounding Practice
At 3rd level, you choose a style that you strive to emulate: At 14th level, you have learned a technique to regain your
Choose between the Skirmisher, Shade Walker, Hereafter, composure when you need it the most. When you roll for
Titan Hunter, Seafarer, or Nomad. Your choice grants you initiative and have no focus dice left, you may regain a
features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, 15th, and 18th number of focus dice equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.
level. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Ability Score Improvement Sixth Sense
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and At 17th level, you no longer rely purely on sight when fighting
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice your foe. Your body begin to sense their presence even when
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by your eyes cannot. You gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet.
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 If you already have blindsight, its range increases by 30 feet.
using this feature. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range,
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this unless the creature successfully hides from you.
feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
Planted Blows
Hustle Upon reaching 20th level, you are a master of combat and can
Beginning at 4th level, you have mastered the art or either exploit every weakness of your enemy. You gain a bonus to
running towards or away from conflicts, as you are wise damage with all weapons equal to half your proficiency
enough to know when to run. You can spend a focus die to bonus.
take Dash action as a bonus action on your turn.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
At 5th level, your time surviving has bolstered your mental
fortitude. Your maximum amount of focus dice is increased
by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
Insightful Defense
Beginning at 7th level, you are able to use your insight against
potent enemies and deadly terrain. As a reaction, if an attack
hits you, you may use a focus die and add the result to your
AC, possibly turning a hit into a miss. Additionally, as a
reaction if you fail a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw,
you may use a focus die and add the result to the saving
throw, potentially turning a failure into a success.
Walk In The Tracks
Upon reaching 9th level, you are a master at getting the drop
on your enemies. As an action you can spend a focus die and
heighten your stealth abilities, granting you advantage on all
stealth rolls until the start of your next turn. You can use an
action on your following turns in order to maintain this effect
up to 10 minutes, costing no additional focus dice.
Built Fortitude
At 10th level, your reckless attitude has caused you to take
the brunt of most poison and diseases. You gain immunity to
poison and disease.

Outlander Teachings Nimble Warrior
An outlander can be a flexible adventurer who varies greatly Starting at 3rd level, you excel at moving through a battlefield.
from others of their kind. You could have learned the Enemies have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against
teachings of someone before you, or you're simply self-taught you and your movement speed increases by 5 feet.
by sheer will to survive. You may choose between the Weapon Expertise
Skirmisher, Shade Walker, Hereafter, Titan Hunter, Sea
Peddler, or Nomad options. At 6th level, you have mastered the art of using any weapon at
Each teaching reflects a specific kind of outlander. the ready to assist you in combat. You gain the Fighting Style
Sometimes a skirmisher might brute force their way through Knack. If you have already taken the knack you can take it
an encounter, other times they may use daring and cunning again choosing a different option this time. This knack does
tricks to get the upper hand. While a shade walker uses tricks not count towards your total knacks known.
of the light and deadly strikes. A hereafter uses a enemy's Additionally, you gain the following abilities to heighten
own life against them. A titan hunter uses knowledge of your combative abilities:
battle to top the greatest foes. A seafarer has an intimidating
aura and will of steel, while the nomad is based upon wild Follow Up
strikes to overwhelm your opponent. When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you can spend
a focus die and move up to half your movement speed
The Skirmisher (rounded down). If you still have your free object interaction
available, you may stow your ranged weapon, draw a melee
The skirmisher focuses on besting their opponent by using weapon, and attack the same creature if it is within range.
everything they can: dirty tricks, tactical maneuvers, or by This attack does not count towards the total number of
combative prowess. attacks you can make with the Attack action.
Peak Physique Redirect
When a Hostile creature misses you with a melee Attack, you
When you take this archetype at level 3, you're a hardened can roll a focus die and use your Reaction to force that
combatant who embodies an athlete. You gain proficiency in creature to repeat the Attack against another creature (other
the Athletics skill. If you were already proficient, you instead than itself) of your choice. You can add the result of your
add double your proficiency bonus to any checks. focus die to the new attack roll.
Additionally, your jump distance and jump height are doubled.
Below the Belt
At 11th level, your use of cheap tricks allows you to deliver
devastating blows. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on
a roll of 19 or 20.
Grit Your Teeth
At 15th level, you are ready for battle no matter the situation.
When you roll for initiative and are at or below half of your
maximum hit points (rounded down), you may use up to half
your hit dice (rounded down) and regain a number of hit
points equal to the amount rolled.
Play Dead
At 18th level, you are a master at keeping even the most
deadly opponents on their toes. When you are reduced to 0
Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
instead. You can use this feature equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You regain all uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Additionally, upon using this ability you can use your
reaction to immediately make a weapon attack against the
creature that triggered this ability. This attack roll is made
with advantage.

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

The Shade Walker The Hereafter
The shade walker is an outlander who has spent extensive The hereafter is an outlander who was once considered dead,
time in the dark and has embraced the foreign feeling of the but had the skills and wits in order to escape an afterlife
shadows. realm to the land of the living once again.
Eyes of the Shadow Body of the Survivor
At 3rd level, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If Starting at 3rd level, your body begins to reflect your time in
you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. the afterlife granting you benefits unknown to most. You do
Your darkvision is also more advanced than most, allowing not require food, water, or sleep, although you still require
you to discern color as normal. rest to reduce exhaustion and still benefit from finishing
Additionally, you gain advantage to any Perception checks short and long rests.
while in dim light or darkness. Additionally, you gain a bonus to History checks equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
Predatory Attack
Beginning at 3rd level, you are able to act faster than most Continuing the Chain
when conflict arises. On your first turn each combat, you can At 3rd level, you know all must die and only the strongest can
make additional attacks as a part of the attack action. The move forward. You gain advantage on any saving throws to
number of additional attacks equals half of your Wisdom resist being frightened. Moreover, when you kill a creature,
modifier (rounded down). you may use a focus die, and gain temporary hit points equal
to the amount rolled. These temporary hit points disappear at
Embrace the Shadows the end of a long rest.
At 6th level, you have a familiarity with the shadows and can Sever Soul
trick those who aren't as keen. When you start your turn in
dim light or darkness, your movement speed increases by 10 Upon reaching 6th level, you have the innate ability to see the
feet and your first attack is made at advantage that turn, as souls of creatures. A faint tendril of colored magic appears
you leap from the shadows dealing swift and deadly strike. above their head. Once per turn, when you hit a creature, you
can use a focus die and reduce that creature's movement by
Shadowy Sway an amount equal to the roll times 5 feet, as you momentarily
At 11th level, you have learned to manipulate the shadows in disconnect their soul from the body.
a way to confuse most creatures. You can use a focus die to Luck of the Damned
gain bonus damage to all attacks this turn. Roll the focus die
and add the result to all damage rolls during this turn. You At 11th level, you have honed the skills that allowed you to
can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom escape from your afterlife. When you fail a saving throw, you
modifier (minimum of 1). may use a focus die to reroll the saving throw and you must
Additionally, when you use the Walk In The Tracks use the new roll. Your maximum hit points are reduced by an
outlander feature, you also turn invisible as long as you amount equal to the result of your focus die until you finish a
remain in dark or dim light. long rest.
Additionally, you gain resistance to necrotic damage as
The Shaded Path your time wandering has taught your body to adapt.
At level 15, your stealthy tactics allows you to spend more Seeing Red
time gaining insight on an opponent. Once per turn while you
are in dim light or darkness, you may use your Insightful At 15th level, you have seen the magic of multiple realms and
Defense outlander feature without spending a focus die. the power that connects all forms of life. As an action, you
can gain truesight with a range of 30 feet. This effect lasts for
Screams of the Dark 10 minutes. You cannot use this feature again until you finish
At 18th, you have embraced the dark to levels which would a long rest.
scare even the deadliest of predators. When you kill an Form of the Hereafter
enemy in dim light or darkness, you can spend a focus die
and force all hostile creatures within 30 feet of the target, When you reach 18th level, you partake in some of the true
who could see it die, to make a Wisdom saving throw or be secrets of other realms. On your turn as a bonus action, you
frightened of you until the end of your next turn. can use a focus die to regain hit points equal to the result +
your outlander level. Additionally, if you put a severed body
part of yours back in place when you use this feature, the part

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

The Titan Hunter
The titan hunter is an outlander who has gone after the
biggest and baddest of foes. They are a brutal combatant
when it comes to these monsters.
Spot Weakness
Starting at 3rd level when you take this teaching, you are able
to discern a vast amount of information when hunting a
creature. If you spend at least 10 minutes observing a
creature outside of combat, you may learn of any damage
weaknesses, resistances, and immunities it may have.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you
were already proficient, you instead add double your
proficiency bonus to any checks.
Precise Strikes
At 3rd level, you can use a creature's weak points to gain the
upper hand. Once per turn, when you hit a Large or larger
creature, you may use your Dirty Hit focus feature without
using a bonus action. The bonus damage affects this attack
Toppling Blow
Upon reaching 6th level, you are able to use a creature's large
and lumbering size against them. Once per turn, when you
hit a Large or larger creature with a weapon attack, you can
use a focus die to attempt to knock the target down. You add
the focus die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must
make Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the
target prone.
At 11th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the The Seafarer
way of certain area effects, such as a black dragon’s acid The seafarer is an outlander who has spent time traveling the
breath or a tidal wave spell. When you are subjected to an roughest of waters and bearing the greatest of storms.
effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to
take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you Duality of the Sea
succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. Beginning at level 3, you have seen the destructive might of
Adapt the sea but its serenity. You gain a bonus to Intimidation and
Persuasion checks equal to your Wisdom modifier, as your
At 15th level, you have learned to adapt for any fight you may demeanor can reflect both sides of the sea.
come across. When you are dealt acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
poison damage, you may spend a focus die and gain Embrace the Storm
resistance to the damage type. This effect lasts for 1 minute. At 3rd level, your body has adapted working the sails during
You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest. roaring storms. You have advantage on checks and saving
Master of Tactics throws in order to escape being grappled and restrained.
Upon being grappled or restrained, you can immediately
When you reach 18th level, you have finely polished your attempt to escape instead of during your turn.
combat techniques. When using your 3rd or 13th level
Gimmicks outlander feature, you do not expand a focus die Tide Calling
upon use. At 6th level, your time battling on the ocean has taught you to
use your opponent's weight against them. You gain two
abilities that reflect the waves themselves. You can use the
Ebb or Flow feature once per turn.
Additionally, you can spend a focus die and take the Dodge
action as a bonus action instead.

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack and The Nomad
your speed is not 0, you can choose to move 10 feet in a The nomads are desert people who have been hardened
straight line away from it without provoking any opportunity through years as a result of living in one of the most deadly
attacks. enviroments.
Flow Dune Hopper
When you hit a Large or smaller creature with a melee
weapon attack, you can choose to push the target 10 feet At 3rd level, you've gained certain skills needed to survive in
away from you. If the target is pushed into an obstacle or the hellish landscape you call home. You gain proficiency in
another creature, they take additional bludgeoning damage the Survival skill. If you were already proficient, you instead
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1). add double your proficiency bonus to any checks.
Additionally, you can use your Dexterity score, instead of
Eye of the Storm Strength, to determine your jump distance for both long
jumps and high jumps.
At level 11, your time at sea has taught you to find your
composure during the deadliest of times. As a bonus action, Adder's kiss
you can spend a focus die to end one effect on yourself that is
causing you to be charmed or frightened. Beginning at 3rd level, you have honed the skill of collecting a
Additionally, you gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to poison from creatures, plants, or other materials. As part of a
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1). long rest, you can go out and collect materials and craft a
poison - whether from the materials of a settlement or that of
Freedom of the Waves nature. You can craft a number of poisons equal to your
Wisdom modifier. As a bonus action, you can coat a melee
At 15th level, your body has a certain sway and uncertainty weapon or 10 ammunition. Attacks with these weapons deal
that mirrors that of the open sea. Your Movement doesn’t bonus poison damage equal to your focus die size. Poison
provoke Opportunity Attacks and you cannot be grappled or from this feature lasts for 1 minute upon use and any
restrained while conscious. remaining poison at the end of a long rest becomes unusable.
Bear the Storm Snake's Coil
At 18th level, when you step onto a battlefield, you take on the Upon reaching 6th level, you begin the mirror a deadly snake
visage of a roaring storm. Once per turn, you can use your while in battle: intimidating and defensive or patient and
Dirty Hit focus feature without using your bonus action and swift. You can use the Coil or Strike features once per turn.
instead deal maximum damage with the focus die. Additionally, you can spend a focus die and take the
Additionally, your Ebb and Flow seafarer features no Disengage action as a bonus action instead.
longer have a restriction on the number of times they can be
used per turn. Coil
As bonus action, you can stand your ground and mirror that
of a cornered snake. You can spend a focus die and any
creatures within 10 feet of you that can see you must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until
the end of your next turn.
When you make a running long jump towards a Large or
smaller creature, you can spend a focus die to make a melee
weapon attack and attempt to knock the creature prone. You
make the attack roll at advantage, and if the attack hits, the
creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed
save, the creature is knocked prone.
Potent Toxins
Beginning at 11th level, you have mastered the crafting of
your poisons and can alter their effects. When you create a
poison from the Adder's Kiss nomad feature, you can choose
for the poison to deal necrotic, acid, or poison damage at the
time of creation.

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

From Oasis to Oasis
At level 15, the environment you call home has taught you to Page # Knack Name
find relief even in the bleakest of wilderness. Your group is 14 Beast of the Dark
able to travel 4 additional hours than average without
suffering from exhaustion, as you find rejuvenating spots 13 Blade Dance
along the way. 14 Body of the Conqueror
Additionally, whenever you finish a short rest, your
exhaustion level, if any, is decreased by 1. 10 Breath of the Wild
14 Careful Footing
The Serpent's Revenge 10 Far Traveler
When you have reached 18th level, you have mastered the art 10 Fast Crack
of patient yet deadly strikes that rival the deadliest of beasts.
When a creature hits or misses you with a melee attack, you 11 Fighting Style
can spend focus die and as a reaction attempt to stun the 13 Fireside Tales
creature. Make a melee weapon attack against the creature
and if it hits, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving 14 Greatbow Fighting
throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. If the 14 Heightened Reflexes
target has been damaged by your Adder's Kiss poison, they
make the saving throw at disadvantage. 11 Master Tracker
11 Masterful Skill
Outlander Knacks 11 Muscle Memory
At 2nd level, you gain one outlander knack of your choice. 11 Name of the Hunter
When you gain certain outlander levels, you gain additional
knacks of your choice, as shown in the Knacks Known 12 Nature's Companion
column of the Outlander table. 12 Natural Explorer
If an outlander knack has prerequisites, you must meet
them to learn it. You can learn the knack at the same time 13 Outsider Empathy
that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to 14 Path of the Crag
your level in this class. There are also a special category of 15 Path of the Desert
knacks called Path Knacks, listed at the end of the knacks
list. These knacks are often more potent than the average 15 Path of the Forest
knack, but you may only gain one from the category. You 15 Path of the Ocean
cannot take a knack twice unless stated otherwise.
15 Path of the Tundra
Breath of the Wild 13 Peace and Quiet
Your time in the wild has granted you an ability to speak with
animals in a rudimentary manner. Choose a number beasts, 13 Predator's Eyes
monstrosities, or fey equal to twice your Wisdom modifier, 14 Quick Undercover
which you have spent time with. You are able to communicate
and understand these creatures. Communication in this way 13 Slayer
takes 4 times as long and is limited in its scope. 14 Stuck Cornered
Additionally, you gain advantage in Wisdom (Animal
Handling) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks in order to 14 Survival of the Fittest
persuade a beast or monstrosity to help you. 13 Traveler's Rest
Far Traveler 13 Traveling Artisan
Your time traveling has brought you to many cultures and 13 Tongue of the Parrot
taught you main valuable skills. You gain proficiency in
Perception, Insight, or Medicine, and learn two additional 13 Tongue of the Thief
languages of your choice. 14 Trap Rigger

Fast Crack 14 Untrackable

You can use a whip to disarm any situation. When you hit a
creature with a weapon attack using a whip, you can use a
focus die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop
one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the focus die
to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object
you choose. The object lands at its feet.

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

Fighting Style Masterful Skill
You have used a skill so often that you rival some of the
You adopt a particular style of Fighting as your specialty. greatest adventurers. When you select this knack, choose one
Choose a Fighting Style from the list of optional features. You of your skill or tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is
can't take the same Fighting Style option more than once, doubled for any ability checks using the skill or tool.
even if you get to choose again.
Muscle Memory
Archery When you roll for initiative, you can move up to half your
You gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls you make with Ranged movement speed at the start of the round. You can use this
Weapons. feature only once per combat.
Additionally, when you are surprised, you can still move
Blind Fighting and use your reaction when you normally wouldn't. You can
You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, instead choose to spend a focus die and take your turn as if
you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, you were not surprised.
even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see
an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature Name of the Hunter
successfully hides from you. Your time hunting deadly foes has garnered you a name from
the people, although its connotation was not your choice.
Your DM chooses if the name given is positive or negative in
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. nature. If the name was positive, you gain advantage in all
Persuasion checks against a creature who knows it. If the
name was negative, you gain advantage in all Intimidation
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no checks against a creature who knows it.
other Weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to Damage Rolls with
that weapon.
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an Attack you
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two
hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the Two-
Handed or Versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Thrown Weapon Fighting
You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part
of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when
you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain
a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack.
Unarmed Fighting
Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to
1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren’t wielding
any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the
d6 becomes a d8.
At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4
bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.
Master Tracker
You are a keen tracker and seemingly always can hunt your
prey. You gain the following features:
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Wisdom
(survival) checks made in order to track a creature.
If you successfully track a creature, you also learn their
exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
through the area.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Cartographer's and
Calligrapher's Tools, as your time tracking has not only made
you a master map reader, but a creator yourself.

Nature's Companion
Your time traveling has given you a knack for gaining the trust Companion Variant Rules
of beasts in order to aid you on your journey. As part of a long Upon agreement from your DM, you may use these two
rest, you can make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) ability check variant rules.
to commune with a critter. Based upon your roll, you gain the
following results: Desired Creature

1-5: Nothing. When a player rolls a 6-10 on their Wisdom (Animal Handling)
6-10: You gain a rough understanding of the types of check as a part of this knack, they can then choose the
animals around. creature, from the list, they would like to tame the next time
11-15: The next time you attempt this knack, gain a +5 to they use this knack. If they score a 16-20, they gain that
the check. creature as a companion.
16-20: You bond with a companion.
You or your DM may choose one of the following Random Creature
companions upon a result of 16-20: frog, sea horse, badger, If a player rolls a 16-20 on their Wisdom (Animal Handling)
bat, cat, crab, eagle, hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, quipper, rat, check as a part of this knack, the companion gained is random.
raven, or weasel. Roll a d20 and gain the companion listed on the table below:
Your companion acts independently of you, but it obeys
your commands to the best of its abilities. In combat, it takes Random Companion
its turn after yours and you can verbally command it during Result Creature
your turn.
Its hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to 1 Octopus
your outlander level, and it may add your proficiency as a 2 Quipper
bonus to any attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and
AC. During a short rest, it regains half of its hit points. 3 Frog
You are able to communicate and understand this creature. 4 Sea Horse
Communication in this way takes 4 times as long and is
limited in its scope. The knowledge and awareness of your 5 Crab
familiar are limited by its intelligence, but at a minimum, it 6 Lizard
can give you information about anything it has perceived in
the last day such as the number of monsters in the next room 7 Rat
or report there is a trap it can see in the next corridor. 8 Weasel
If the companion dies, you can attempt to tame another 9 Badger
creature, repeating the process again. You cannot have more
than one companion at a time. 10 Bat
11-12 Owl
13-14 Cat
15-16 Eagle
17-18 Hawk
19-20 Raven

Natural Explorer
You are a master of exploring terrain. You gain the following
Non-magical difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's
Even when you are engaged in another activity while
traveling, you remain alert to danger.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you
normally would.

Traveler's Rest
You have mastered the art of quick and safe resting when in
the most dangerous of places. You only need 4 hours of sleep
during a long rest, but you still require 8 hours of light activity
to benefit from a long rest.
Additionally, when resting, you are still roughly aware of
your surroundings. If another creature moves within 60 feet
of you, you can sense its presence based on your passive
Perception. This ability is not active if you are put to sleep by
magical means.
Traveling Artisan
You gain proficiency in a tool and instrument of your choice.
In addition, you become proficient in the Performance skill.
Tongue of the Parrot
You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds
made by other creatures. You must have heard the person
speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1
minute. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound, it
can discern it to be a trick with a successful Investigation
check against your focus save DC.
Tongue of the Thief
You gain proficiency in the Deception skill, and learn Thieves
Blade Dance
Prerequisite: 3rd level
You dance without care when most would fight. When you
attack with a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one
hand, you can use a focus die to attack with a different light
melee weapon that you’re holding in the other hand as a part
of the Attack action, adding the roll of the focus die to the
damage of the second attack. When you use this feature, you
may not benefit from another attack as a part of two-weapon
Outsider Empathy
fighting. If you have the Dual Wielder Feat, these melee
weapons need not be light.
When you spend at least 1 minute in the presence of a Additionally, you gain advantage on any Dexterity (Sleight
humanoid, monstrosity, fey, or beast you can spend a focus of Hand) checks in order to conceal melee weapons on
die to discern their current emotion. yourself and you can draw or stow up to two weapons
Peace and Quiet whenever you roll initiative.
Sometimes success allows an outlander to regain Fireside Tales
themselves. When you roll a 20, on an attack, ability check, or Prerequisite: 3rd level
saving throw, regain a focus die. You cannot gain more focus Upon completing a long rest, your tales of far away lands
dice than your maximum amount with this feature. energize your allies. You may use a focus die and choose a
Predator's Eyes number friendly creatures, equal to twice your Wisdom
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were modifier(which can include yourself), and are within 30 feet
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t of you. They gain temporary hit points equal the result of your
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. focus die + your Wisdom modifier. All creatures must be able
to hear and understand you to gain this benefit.
You have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting,
and even talking to a certain type of enemy commonly
encountered in the wilds.
Choose a type of creature: beasts, dragons, elementals, fey,
humanoids, monstrosities, or undead. You gain a bonus to
damage rolls with weapon attacks against creatures of the
chosen type, equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally,
you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track
your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to
recall information about them.

Greatbow Fighting Careful Footing
Prerequisite: 3rd level Prerequisite: 7th level
When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can Even with the heaviest of armor, you can carefully plan
choose to use your Strength instead of Dexterity for the your footsteps to ease the rattling of your armor. When
bonus to hit and damage. wearing armor that normally imposes disadvantage on
Additionally, you have found more purposes for a bow than Dexterity (Stealth) checks, you no longer suffer from
the average ranger. You can make a melee weapon attack disadvantage.
with a shortbow or longbow, it deals 1d6 bludgeoning
damage and has the finesse property. Heightened Reflexes
Prerequisite: 9th level
Trap Rigger Your time in the wild has beaten into the need for quicker
Prerequisite: 3rd level reactions. You may spend a focus die in order to take an
You have a certain skill set that lends itself to setting traps additional reaction. This feature cannot be used again until
for your prey. You can spend a bonus action to set a hunting the start of your next turn.
trap, rather than an action. Additionally, when you use your
action to throw caltrops, you may cover a 10 feet by 10 feet Untrackable
area, using four times the amount of caltrops. Prerequisite: 9th level
Your time hunting beasts has taught you never to be the
Beast of the Dark hunted. Creatures have disadvantage when attempting to
Prerequisite: Shade Walker Subclass, 5th level track you and your party.
While in dark or dim light, you gain advantage on Additionally, you suffer no penalties to your Wisdom saving
Charisma (Intimidation) checks. throw when contesting a creature using the Scrying spell.
Additionally, when you reach 9th level and activate the Moreover, when you are targeted by the Locate Creature
Walk In The Tracks outlander feature, or at 11th level the spell, the caster must be within 500 feet, instead of 1000 feet
Shadowy Sway shade walker feature, you may expand its in order to locate you.
effect to an additional creature besides yourself. They must
also use their action to maintain this effect. Survival of the Fittest
Prerequisite: Hereafter Subclass, 13th level
Body of the Conqueror Your body has grown unwilling to die as a result of having
Prerequisite: Skirmisher Subclass, 5th level felt it before. When you roll a death saving throw, you gain a
Your time on the battlefield begins to manifest itself when bonus to the roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.
your body is tested. You gain the following abilities: Additionally, if the result of the save is 20 or above on a
death saving throw, you automatically stabilize and gain 1 hit
As a bonus action, you can use a focus die and regain a point.
number of hit points equal to the amount rolled + your
outlander level. You can use this feature once per long Path Knacks
You can spend a focus die and gain advantage on a Path Knacks are a high level collection of knacks that allow
Strength saving throw, before the outcome of the saving you to gain characteristics of a biome that you are most
throw is determined. accustomed with. You may only choose a single knack from
this list beginning at 11th level, and may choose one at any
Quick Undercover level of your choice going forward or not at all.
Prerequisite: 5th level
You can hide as a bonus action. Moreover, when you are Path of the Crag
hidden from a creature and miss it with a ranged weapon Prerequisite: 11th level
attack you can spend a focus die to make a Stealth check The terrain you are most accustomed to is the
contested by the target's Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence mountainous crag. You gain the following benefits reflecting
(Investigation) check. your time in the mountains:
Stuck Cornered You take half damage from falling.
Prerequisite: 5th level You gain advantage in all Wisdom (Perception) checks
You have mastered the art of the bow in close quarters, while in the wilderness.
using all materials at hand to your advantage. Being within 5 When you take the dash action while climbing, your
feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your movement speed is tripled instead of doubled.
ranged attack rolls. All difficult terrain, that does not cause damage to you,
Additionally, if your DM uses the variant flanking rule, does not impede your movement.
creatures gain no benefit from flanking you while you are You gain resistance to Lightning Damage.
wielding a bow.

The Outlander by Luna Os Longscape

Path of the Desert
Prerequisite: 11th level
The terrain you are most accustomed to is the blazing
desert. You gain the following benefits reflecting your time in
the desert:
You do not leave behind footprints and your gait is careful
enough that you can walk over hazardous terrain like
quicksand. You do not set off traps that trigger based upon
weight like pitfalls, bear traps, and pressure plates.
You gain advantage in all Wisdom (Survival) checks in
order to find food, water or shelter when in the
You cannot be surprised while in the wilderness.
Getting up from prone requires no movement.
You gain resistance to Fire Damage.
Path of the Forest
Prerequisite: 11th level
The terrain you are most accustomed to is the lush forest.
You gain the following benefits reflecting you time in the
You always know which way is North.
You gain advantage in all Wisdom (Survival) checks to
navigate in the wilderness.
When making an Acrobatics or Athletics check or
Dexterity saving throw, in order to maintain your balance
or footing, you can treat any roll below 8 as an 8.
Plant based difficult terrain and spells do not impede your
You gain resistance to Acid Damage.
Path of the Ocean
Prerequisite: 11th level
The terrain you are most accustomed to is the wild ocean.
You gain the following benefits reflecting your time at sea:
You can hold your breath for five times longer than
normal. Also, when suffocating, you can survive for double
the time you normally would.
You gain advantage in all Wisdom (Animal Handling)
checks for water related creatures.
When you take the dash action while swimming, your
movement speed is tripled instead of doubled.
Water related difficult terrain and spells do not impede
your movement.
You gain resistance to Cold Damage.
Path of the Tundra
Prerequisite: 11th level
The terrain you are most accustomed to is the frigid
tundra. You gain the following benefits reflecting your time in
the tundra:
You can sleep in any armor type and still gain the benefits
of a rest.
You gain advantage in all Wisdom (Survival) checks in
order to find food, water or shelter when in the
You cannot be moved against your will.
Weather based difficult terrain and spells do not impede
your movement.
You gain resistance to Cold Damage.

Ending Notes v1.0 - First Release
I don't know if anyone will read the changelog or Q&A but Released to public for further testing and feedback.
wanted to include it just in case someone does! There's also Flavor text and how to added.
links to all the artists, and please please please go support More knacks added, knacks rebalanced. Nature's
them! Companion being the biggest new knack.
Titan Hunter subclass added.
v1.5 - Second Release
V0.1 Feedback from playtesting
Began as a revised ranger Canny added to increase focus dice later game, focus dice
Core class acting as a replacement to the ranger in home also 2x prof bonus now to encourage multiclassing
games for balance purposes. New Subclasses: Seafarer and Nomad
Slayer and Name of the Hunter knacks added
V0.2 Various knacks rebalanced, focusing on decreasing power
UA Revised Ranger released of knacks that take from feats
Still unhappy with the state of the ranger Stance knacks moved to a single knack to better explain
Development continues with the core philosophy being to interaction with fighting styles
remove concentration on Hunter's Mark, fix beastmaster, Moved from Homebrewery to GM Binder
and give ranger a proper lane. Opened up Patreon and a few other ways for people to
support/follow work. All work remains free currently.
UA Revised Ranger #2 Released
Liked the initial idea and direction but the class was still
too DM dependent and niche.
Began incorporating a mix of homebrew ranger and UA
TCoE releases, giving ranger a fair amount of straight
buffs making the class feel much better than it did before.
Officially change directions from recreating the ranger, to
now creating a seperate class.
Outlander is created as a non-spellcaster version of the
ranger, feeding into a more Aragorn type character
Focus and Knack Systems added
Removed all previously ranger subclasses to establish the
class further as its own thing.
Added Skirmisher subclass, only subclass as a baseline
Balancing of knacks based off feedback
Limited damage stacking with focus dice
Focus die and knacks now were integrated systems within
the class
Further proof reading
Categories of knacks organized for balance
Multiple knacks reworked to not be abusable
The Shade Walker and Hereafter subclasses added
More flavor!
Some art!

Copyright Notice &
Thank You!
Go show all the artists some love!
Outlander by Luna_Os_Longscape (or Evan
Johnson) is unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Fan Content Policy. Not
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
Cover Art: 09.08一小时速涂, Liu Pengcheng materials used are property of Wizards of the
Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Class Icon: Cape Icon, Game-icons Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
Page 3: Blankets Of A Winter Night, Akajork Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright
Page 4: Amarnath, Akajork 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Page 5: 速途敷衍, Liu Pengcheng Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Page 6: 11.11午休一小时, Liu Pengcheng Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary
Page 7: Sword Png Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Page 8a: 5.11日常速涂, Liu Pengcheng
Page 8b: Octopus, Wizards of the Coast
Page 9: 2017.10.08, Liu Pengcheng
Page 11: Demon Hunter, Liu Pengcheng
Page 12a: Eagle, Wizards of the Coast
Page 12b: Raven, Wizards of the Coast
Page 12c: Hawk, Wizards of the Coast
Page 13a: Personal practice, Liu Pengcheng
Page 13b: Frog, Wizards of the Coast
Page 13c: Badger, Wizards of the Coast
Page 14: Forlorn, Akajork
Page 15: 捉妖法师, Liu Pengcheng
Back Cover: Blankets Of A Winter Night, Akajork

Footer Design: CoffeeSorcerer69s Dark Theme

Support on Ko-fi: Luna Os Longscape

Follow the subreddit: r/LunaOsLongscape


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