Haramaya University College of Social Science and Humanities School of Geography and Environmental Studies of Ethiopia and The Horn (Gees 1011) Assignment Criteria

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Haramaya University

College of social science and Humanities

School of Geography and Environmental Studies
Group Assignment of Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn (GeEs 1011)

 Five to seven pages paper preparation and presentation
 Your paper should have introduction, body, summary and at least state five correct
 Your paper should not be copied from one material
 Coherence and neatness of your paper has good value
 Maximum weight: 20% (10% paper and 10% presentation)
 Last Date of Submission in August 08, 2022
Group 1
1. What is the cause and consequence of climate change and discus the national adaptation
strategies of Ethiopia for the climate change?
2. How do you see the current green legacy of Ethiopia and its role (contribution) for the
global climate change?
3. Discus the national adaptation plan of Ethiopia for climate change.
Group 2
1. Explain the main contributions, potentials, characteristics, distribution and problems of
Ethiopian manufacturing industries.
2. What are the challenges and opportunities of young population in the world today and
Ethiopian youth, what do you think for the advantage of manufacturing sector in order to
solve youth unemployment.
3. Explain briefly the contributions and challenges of tourism in Ethiopia and list down
tourist attraction sites recognized by UNISCO.
Group 3
1. What conditions make provision of infrastructure and services for temporary settlements
difficult? And discuss the strategies that the government is taking to address the
2. Discuss the tourism and trade potentials of the country and look into the performance of
the sector to the socio-economic development of Ethiopia
Group 4
1. What is Environmental law and environmental ethics?
2. What are climate extreme events and their effects on developing countries?
3. What is Ethiopian Climate‐Resilient Green Economy and their pillars.
Group 5
1. Write the effect of climate change on the Ethiopia economic sector (Agriculture).
2. What is climate smart agriculture approach, its aim, element and action to implement in
climate smart agriculture approach?
3. Discuss the main features of the National Agricultural Policy of Ethiopia
Group 6
1. Examine types, roles and distribution of transportation infrastructure and services in
2. Why Ethiopia still remains to be the least urbanized country in the world and what are the
major problems of urban centers of Ethiopia.
3. Explain the roles of mining sector in the Ethiopian economy and the major constraints of
the sector.

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