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The hihe DEmomc gatekeepers saga

The Lord of Lust. Volume 8




The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, Compendium 8



Foreword & Edited by Timothy



Copyright © 2020 Become A Living God.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of
the publisher, except for brief quotations in critical reviews.

View a complete catalog of magick at: .

Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this book at
your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of ac­
tions. This book is for readers of age 18 or older.

Coauthors: E.A. Koetting, S. Connolly, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stew­
art, J.D. Temple, Conner Kendall, Winter Laake, Zeraphina Angelus, Xag
Darklight & C.H. Richard
Foreword & Chief Editor: Timothy Donaghue
Copyeditor: Orlee Stewart
Publisher: Become A Living God -¥■


The Black Rose Revolution 9


Book 1
1. The Black Dragon’s Sacrifice 31
2. Stepping into the Path of the Dragon 35
3. Spells for Love & Lust 53
4. You Can't Always Get What You Want 59
5. A Strange & Simple Rite 69
6. Asmoday ’ s True Love Spell 75

A Guide to Asmodeusfor the Daemonolatory Magician
Book 2
1. Grimorium Asmodeus 85
2. Correspondences 93
3. Rituals 97
4. Pacts with Asmodeus 103
5. Liturgical & Meditative Orations 111
6. Concluding Thoughts 113


Book 3

1. Beyond the Gate of Burning Fire 117

2. The Rite of Awakening the Primal Shadow 125


Book 4
1. Asmodeus the Wrath Spirit 139
2. The Shedim 145
3. The Jinn Revealed 147
4. Asmodeus the King Ritual 153


1. The Gateway of Flesh 159
2. The Devil’s Whore 165
3. Recipes for Blasphemy 171
4. The Bloodline of Cain 179

A wakening the God Mouth
Book 6
Preface 185
1. In the Beginning 189
2. Intimate Revelations 195
3. The Mouth of God 209
4. Breaking the Perceptions of Reality 215


Book 7
1. The Dark King of Fire 225
2. The Scrying Gate of Asmodeus 229
3. Aisha Qandisha 231
4. The Rite of the Lustrous Two Flames 237
5. Asmodeus Summoning Incantation 245
6. The Destroying God 247
7. The Burning One 255
8. My Personal Notes with the Demon of Wrath 263
9. Mania, Rage, Passion & Pain 267
10. Unquenchable Sexual Thirst 275
11. The Devil’s Obelisk & Asmodeus 277
12. Journeying Through the Infernal Empire 279
13. Stranded on the Island of Madness 283


1. Asmodeus: Nine Angles, Nine Gates 287
2. Priori Asmodeus 299
3. Asmodeus Reverie 311
4. Luciferian Philosophy 311
5. Asmodeus' Channeled Writings 315


Book 9
Introduction 319
1. The Ritual 321
2. Gnosis of Asmodeus 327
3. Images of Blood & Fire 329
4. The Science of Lust & Rage 331
** 5. My Story 333
6. Energy Contagion & Sexual Vampirism 339

7. Raising Your Energetic Vibration 343

8. Addiction, Impulsivity & Negative Entities 345
9. The Power of Orgasm in Magick 349
10. A Rite to Increase Sexual Magnetism & Beckon Your Soulmate 353
11. The Power of Harnessing Rage for Use in Baneful Magick 357
12. Rage as a Superpower in Ritual Magick 359


Book 10
Introduction 367
1. The Art of Pain 369
2. Becoming an Adversary 377
3. The Art of Soul Creation 381
4. Eternal Godhood 383


Book 11

1. Demonic Magick in the Third Millennium 389

2. Application of the Occult Science 401
3. Invoking Asmoday & the Infernal Dragon 415

Become A Living God 419



An army of principles will penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot—it

will succeed where diplomatic management would fail—it will march on the
horizon of the world, and it will conquer.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice, 1796


God Pantheon
Individuality Unity
Freedom Tolerance
Power Synergy

Can an individual truly live freely in a collective? Can individualism and collectiv­
ism harmonize? Can a “pantheon of gods” exist, as I have defined it? Can a “union
of egoists” exist, as Max Stirner declared? If a human is “the being whose project
is to be God,” as Jean-Paul Sartre concluded, can aspiring gods and goddesses sup­
port one another and find group synergy? To simplify this line of reasoning: Can
“collective individualism” or “group individualism” or “collective self-rule” ex-

In previous compendia, I enumerated the defining values of the Left Hand Path
according to both individual and collective contexts, i.e., solitary magick and group
magick. Individually, a magician self-deifies to become a god or goddess. Collec­
tively, a group of magicians deify to become a pantheon. A pantheon pluralizes the
values of godhood. Ergo, personal individuality becomes group solidarity, personal
freedom becomes group tolerance, and personal power becomes group synergy.
These are true by definition, and prove that an individual can co-exist and co-op­
erate in a group by universalizing their values to other individuals collectively. In
summary, individualism and collectivism can complement each other; they are not oppo­
sites, but are different levels ofscale in human organization.
To place my opinion on record in regard to a 176-year-old dialectic between
Young Hegelians in Germany, circa 1844, featuring Max Stirner’s egoism versus
Karl Marx’s communism, or radical individualism versus radical collectivism: I
rank the individual as the lowest common denominator of a society and thus most
necessary, as they embody the constituents wherefrom civilization arises. The bi­
ological fact is that Homo sapiens are an individuated species, insofar as every
human being is born with independent physical autonomy over their body; a hu­
man can survive alone in a remote location without civilization. Nonetheless, when
organized into a collective, their mutual aid can accelerate and maximize their evo­
lution further than if any one individual had operated alone. Again, individualism
and collectivism can complement each other under a social contract of universal
rights. Hear me now: rise above the antiquated false dilemma of “individualism
versus collectivism by acknowledging that they dovetail each other. Collective self­
rule is possible!
A free and democratic society organizes from the bottom up, not from the top
down. By this axiom, a civilization guarantees a social contract or constitution of
universal individual rights. Alas, if said civilization transgresses this consensual
agreement, then that entity loses validity, and has devolved into tyranny instead.

Cosmic Liberties Transcend the Physical Plane
| You are not your body.
—Robert Bruce, pioneer of astral travel
Natural rights transcend the physical plane, and span the full stack of planes, a.k.a.
the cosmos, from physical and astral to causal and mental planes, therefore

becoming cosmic rights. Furthermore, individual consciousness transcends the

physical body and spans the full stack of planal bodies and identities, thus conceiv­
ing transhuman rights, in contrast to strictly “human” rights. “You are not your
body,” illuminates astral traveler and mystical pioneer, Robert Bruce. Ultimately,
a consciousness does not have a fixed species, nor gender, as categorized idealisti­
cally by talking apes. Every individual is transspecies and transgender at spirit level,
similar to demons whose identities have evolved over millennia through
shapeshifting and gender-shifting. This sobering truth justifies freedom of identity
as a cosmic transhuman right. As an individual consciousness who currently re­
sides in a human body on Earth, and perhaps soon Mars, the reality of
transhumanism and transgenderism might sound far-fetched and even “politically
correct. ” But, to an astral projector who often shapeshifts and gender-shifts on as­
tral travels, rigid belief in superficial identity labels is not only unnecessary, but
limiting to the evolution of consciousness, as it restricts the available range of lived
experiences. Moreover, from a reincarnation perspective, any given consciousness
has assumed hundreds, if not thousands, of bodies across a mix of species, colors,
sexes, and universes. In general, humans over-identify as their physical demo­
graphic, thus blinding their astral perception, and handicapping them with rigid
identitarian tunnel vision.

The Cosmic Social Contract

I define the “cosmic social contract” or “cosmic constitution” according to these
transhuman rights below.
■* Freedom of thought: as virtual reality and brain implant technology normalize
into society, psychological autonomy becomes an urgent right, i.e., protection
against the tyranny of “thought policing” and “thought surveillance.” Beware
future precognition laws that would prohibit “criminal thoughts.” Ineluctably,
corporations will surveil and record your “thought history,” and send precise
electrical impulses directly to your amygdala like targeted advertisements, as
they do on mobile phones and computers with digital fingerprints now.
* Freedom of speech: uncensored distribution of knowledge and opinion re­
mains essential to a healthy enlightened population, particularly in a direct
democracy, because voters need a general comprehension of the laws that affect
their lives. As long-time dissident Noam Chomsky remarked, “Do I believe in
free speech? Only an authoritarian does not.” If freedom of speech did not ex­
ist, this Foreword in front of you would also not exist, as authoritarians

expressly censor antinomian and adversarial material. Historically, this Com­

pendium would have guaranteed me and accompanied authors jailtime for
immoral blasphemy.
* Freedom of identity: consciousness transcends earthly Homo sapiens, and
thus rises above traditional demographics and social labels; the individual re­
mains free to reincarnate, soul travel, and redefine themselves as necessary to
further their evolution. Consider the maxim by Robert Bruce, “You are not
your body. ”
* Freedom of relationship: a demonic magician will immediately know why the
right to freedom of relationship matters. Historically, the theocratic ruling class
have expressly prohibited relationships between humankind and demonkind,
deeming it a sin deserving of eternal damnation. Needless to say, this principle
includes any form of consensual adult relationship whether human or spirit,
straight or queer.
* Freedom of self-defense: the right to bear arms to protect life and preserve
peace, for both the individual and the collective, shall not be infringed.
Altogether, these constitute a bill of inclusive transhuman rights that extend to
a cosmic scale, insofar as it includes not only humans, but demons, spirits, and
ghosts of every species and plane full stack. Consciousness and magick are neither
exclusive to, nor originating from, humans on earth. Dear reader, I welcome you
now to assume a post-human, post-earth perspective. Upon your death, you will
re-awaken on the astral plane, liberated from your mortal coil, only to discover your
anthropocentric and geocentric worldview limited you; the cosmic multiverse does
not revolve around the Milky Way galaxy. In fact, the Milky Way will collide with
the Andromeda galaxy in 4.5 billion years, exterminating earthly life indefinitely.


The True Order ofthe Cosmos
Hierarchy: A form of rule by an exclusive political class or priesthood; archy
derives from arkhos “ruler” in Greek.
Anarchy: A decentralized form of civilization without a central hierarchy or
separate ruling class.
Government: derives from kubernan “to steer” in Greek.

Anarchism means no rulers; it does not mean no rules. It means no governors; it

does not mean no government. It means no politicians; it does not mean no politics.
In theory, anarchism denotes a civilization with no central hierarchy dictating leg­
islation and adjudication. Ideally, a free society would decentralize legislative and
judicial power to every individual equally and inclusively in the form of collective
self-rule, thus abolishing the central hierarchy of a separate privileged political
class, as seen in governments like a republic, monarchy, fascism, and authoritarian
communism. Instead of Group B ruling Group A, it consists of Group A ruling
themselves. The law-giver class and law-obeyer class become one and the same.
This autonomy can only manifest in the form of a direct democracy, whereby civil­
ians directly express their will and preferences on the laws in a general vote and
referendum, without a separate class of politicians mandating, vetoing, or falsely
representing them.

The Astral Plane as a “State of Natural Liberty” & “Autonomous Zone”

| Autonomous zone: an area of collective self-rule, free from hierarchical rule
Only residents of the physical plane suffer tyranny of compulsory hierarchy, be­
cause land and resource scarcity only exists on the physical plane. For example, the
astral plane operates in a “state of natural liberty” to recycle a phrase from Thomas
Paine’s book, Common Sense, inasmuch as the astral features no national politics,
no police forces, no imperial militaries, no court systems, no stock and bond mar­
kets, and no money. No artificial laws exist, thus no artificial enforcement exists.
The astral plane epitomizes natural freedom and chaos. Astralites do not partici­
pate in a mass-market economy, because resources manifest on demand. The
needs of survival exist in nearly perfect abundance, available to everyone openly
and freely, eliminating any need of monetization or commoditization of resources.
As an aside: hierarchy does exist on the astral plane. For example, the
Qliphothic Empire consists of demonarchies, i.e., astral realms ruled by chief de­
mons. However, humans and spirits undergo Qliphothic initiation with
demonarchs consensually in order to experience ascent; none of the initiations oc­
curs due to legal compulsion. The astral plane altogether entails an autonomous
zone, or area of collective self-rule free from a privileged central authority.

The “Needs of Survival” a.k.a. Invisible Chains

The political power structure on earth in the physical plane exists for one reason:
an anthropogenic scarcity of natural resources exists, due to a plutocratic meta­

ruling class who have hoarded and monopolized the needs ofsurvival, then trans­
ferred them intergenerationally through bloodline dynasties, crowns, trusts, and
corporations. Chieftains, kingdoms, and nations arose over millennia to protect
and aggrandize these imperial resource-hoarding dynasties, while expendable civil­
ians have warred against outsiders and competed against insiders for survival under
the false pretext of scarcity. Whereas, in point of fact, an abundance of naturally
regenerating resources exists on earth that could fulfill the needs of every man,
woman, and child, but this will only reveal itself when humanity finally decentral­
izes political power en masse, and rebalances essential resources through a direct
democracy—as envisioned by the founders of the United States, to name an exam­


The Meaning ofFreedom in Medieval Time
| La propriété, c’est le vol! (“Property is theft! ” in reference to royal land)
—Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?, 1840
In medieval agrarian Europe, circa 500-1500 CE, when a monarch or feudal lord
seized by force a territory of land, forest, or natural resources, that master now
ruled the local peasant population who previously accessed that royal private land
to survive. By monopolizing the natural resources, the peasant class became de­
pendent on the master-class for survival; by owning the needs of survival, they
owned the peasants by extension—this explains why the world’s first known anar­
chist, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, viewed royal or militarized ownership of common
landscapes as theft, i.e., landlording. This medieval form of indirect slavery insti­
gated the earliest wave of a transcontinental, economic, human rights movement
to emerge in Europe, an embryo of liberty, designated as proto-anarchism, proto­
libertarianism, and proto-socialism in retrospect. These classical liberal Robin
Hoods aspired to expropriate the lands, forests, and natural resources from private
ownership by the crown and aristocratic lineages. They fought to guarantee every
individual the liberty or right to access their needs from unoccupied open land
shared collectively by the peasantry. These first green anarchists agitated against
entities who used brute force to monopolize and landlord natural resources, e.g.,
monarchs, feudal lords, emperors, etc. These early seeds of agrarian liberty gave
rise to the philosophy of democratic landownership, which has surfaced in a much

lesser form as public landownership under custody of the federal government to

preserve precious landscapes and ecosystems from royal or corporate abuse.
It will be more advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people
because of the equal distribution ofproperty by the great plenty of unoccupied
—George Washington, Letter to Richard Henderson, June 19,1788
As a historical fact, early colonists of North America protected open access to
“unoccupied lands” to guarantee “happiness of the lowest class,” whereas today,
the Western world has regressed backward to a wasteland of corporate neo-feudal-
ism or neo-monarchism, under a corrupt illusion of liberty. It might confuse my
fellow Americans to hear this—as neo-liberal dogma has brainwashed them since
birth—but classical liberals advocated community profit-sharing of essential capi­
tal through a collective basic income, not corporate welfare and lifelong wage
slavery, which they viewed as a threat to democracy.
In fact, celebrated president Abraham Lincoln corresponded with public friend,
revolutionary Karl Marx, in numerous letters, in which Marx congratulated Lin­
coln on his American Antislavery War, or Civil War. Moreover, Lincoln himself
addressed a New York chapter of Marx’s International Workingmen’s Associa­
tion, declaring, “The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of family
relation, should be one uniting all working people, of all nations, and tongues, and
kindreds. ” The founders and pioneers of the United States sternly warned against
the evils of land monopoly and extreme wealth inequality in their manifestos and
letters, indicting class warfare as a clear and present danger to a healthy society. As
agents of liberty born on the corpse of a failed, class-based, feudal state, these men
and women in the New World knew the evils of plutocracy firsthand. For more
evidence and further clarification on colonial American ideal of democratic land­
ownership funding a collective income as a floorboard to support individual
income, see Agrarian Justice by English-born, American revolutionary, Thomas
The present state of what is called civilization is as odious as it is unjust. It
is the reverse of what it ought to be, and it is necessary that a revolution
should be made in it. The contrast of affluence and wretchedness continu­
ally meeting and offending the eye, is like dead and living bodies chained

The earth, in its natural uncultivated state, was, and ever would have con­
tinued to be, the COMMON PROPERTY OF THE HUMAN RACE. In that state,
every man would have been born to property.
It is the value of the improvement only, and not the earth itself, that is indi­
vidual property. Every proprietor therefore of cultivated land, owes to the
community a ground-rent.
Cultivation is, at least, one of the greatest natural improvements ever made
by human invention. But the landed monopoly, that began with it, has pro­
duced the greatest evil.
It is proposed that the payments [collective income from the ground rent]
be made to every person, rich or poor.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice
Rule offreedom: whoever owns the needs ofsurvival in an economy, owns the popula­
tion. Modern man and woman wear invisible chains, stripped of their natural
inheritance to the earth. The corrupt government extorts taxes from them to fund
a class warfare that oppresses them, while they labor to further the economic dom­
inance of their masters. Leviathan has fully swallowed his own tail.

The Alchemy ofSuffering
In Twilight ofthe Idols, when Friedrich Nietzsche reckoned, “What doesn’t kill me
makes me stronger, ” he was neither victim-shaming nor victim-blaming. He did
not say, “Never identify as a victim,” nor “deny your victimhood.” To the con­
trary, he emphasized that pain and suffering can force a victim to channel their
preternatural urgency to live, an anthropomorphic expression of the cosmic “will
to power,” that a victim would not have known existed, had they not suffered in
the first place. He inverted and revaluated suffering, generally considered a nega­
tive, into a positive value insofar as it fuels alchemy, or ascent as a magician would
call it. For example, a near-death experience or near-fatal accident will often trigger
a lasting, overriding sense of gratitude for survival and affirmation of life. A victim
can invert and revaluate their victimhood by letting it harden their spirit—a strug­
gle that turns the wheel of human evolution. The twin archetypes of the Devil and
Antichrist encompass this dynamic of alchemical suffering. As a postscript, this

alludes to why Nietzsche loathed Buddhism, because the religion denies the value
of suffering (dukkha) and urges adherents to renounce life.
Friedrich Nietzsche emerged as humanity’s worst sworn enemy against abso­
lute and authoritarian moral tradition—he smashed these “idols” with a
philosophical “hammer” in his own words. In his On the Genealogy ofMorality, he
introduced and dissected a meta-morality featuring a “master and slave” dichot­
omy, to explain the descent of class-based morals through world history—the law­
giving class versus the law-obeying class. In summary, he defined a “master” or
“aristocrat” as an individual with the right to dictate their own morals and identity,
i.e., a self-ruler, whereas a “slave” inherits the morals and identity of their master,
i.e., a subject.
Despotic government supports itself by abject civilization, in which debase­
ment of the human mind, and wretchedness in the mass of the people, are
the chief criteria. Such governments consider man merely as an animal; that
the exercise of intellectual faculty is not his privilege; that he has nothing to
do with laws, but to obey them; and they politically depend more upon
breaking the spirit of the people by poverty, than they fear enraging it by
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice

Moses & the 10 Commandments

The archaic Christian myth, “Moses & the 10 Commandments,” epitomizes this
master-slave dichotomy. In the legend, the totalitarian emperor reigning from the
Kingdom of Heaven, known as Yahweh, often portrayed as a white man enthroned
on a mountain of clouds, bequeaths a tablet of commandments that explicitly abol­
ish free thought and free speech under threat of damnation, to the tribal patriarch
Moses, who then commits genocide against neighboring tribes to enforce this pro­
hibition. In this psychopathy, Yahweh and Moses embody the “master” archetype
inasmuch as they acted as law-givers and identity enforcers, whereas the tribes em­
body the “ slave ” archetype in that they inherited these new laws and redefined
their identities in obedience to their new masters.
When Friedrich Nietzsche invokes the Übermensch, he points to a more
evolved specimen of humanity in the future, a “lucky stroke of fate,” a “master”
or “god” who rules themselves by defining their own moral and aesthetic identity,
instead of kowtowing to archaic law tablets inherited from sniveling ghosts of a
dead hierarchy. In The Gay Science, when Nietzsche exclaims, “God is dead!... Do

we not ourselves have to become Gods?” he means precisely this. As he illumi­

nated, “The wheel of progress does not roll backward.” Ideally, a free society
means that the law-giving class and law-obeying class have become one and the


The Oppressed Oppressors: King Yahweh & Jesus Christ
Christ means “anointed one” in Greek, khristos
Messiah means “anointed one” in Hebrew, mashiah
Elite means “chosen ones” in Latin, eligere
The anointing of an elite bestows upon them the highest entitlement of a “ divine
right” to law-give. It infringes the “human right” of people to self-rule collectively.
The Crucifixion of Jesus myth epitomizes the “privileged victim,” “dictator vic­
tim” and “oppressed oppressor” complex commonly found in the mythology of
tyrannical ideology. The cosmic emperor, Yahweh, gives life to the the world’s most
privileged patriarch, Jesus, who inherits the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth, and
who subjects himself to the capital punishment of crucifixion, thereby also becom­
ing the world’s biggest victim. Through evil duplicity, the oppressor becomes the
oppressed, indoctrinating a perverse sense of victimhood in Christians, who weep
and bemoan “oppression” by a world that has scientifically, ethically, and cultur­
ally evolved past them ages ago. Today, billions of disempowered sheep kneel in
front of life-sized crucifixes, grieving the death of the most world’s most privileged
victim, begging forgiveness from an invisible cosmic dictator for the original sin of
being human.


Against the Privileged Elite
In my foreword, “The Antichrist Manifesto,” to Abaddon: Lord ofthe Abyss, Com­
pendium 4,1 elucidated the true meaning of Antichrist at length:
Both christ and messiah mean “the anointed;” similarly, elite means “the
chosen; ” they denote an identity archetype, a mantle of the highest privi­
lege bestowed upon an initiate who undergoes a rite of passage granting
them a divine right to rule, not unlike crowning a king or swearing in a

president. Anointing refers to rubbing ointment or oil on a recipient, a com­

mon part of initiatory ceremonies in ancient time.
The Antichrist signifies an inverse identity, negative archetype, or adverse
mantle—not an individual figure by name, but an entire subversive Zeitgeist.
In contradiction to Christ, Antichrist means “the unanointed,” “the un­
chosen,” “the unwashed,” “the undesirables,” the “anti-elite.” If Christ
personifies the elite, then Antichrist encompasses the people.
As exemplified in this genocidal tradition, only the ruling class of deities,
priests, monarchs, and feudal landlords possessed the divine right to law-give; the
human right to moral autonomy was prohibited for slaves and peasants, a.k.a. the
“working class.” In retrospect, the world history of Homo sapiens and civilization
in general consists of a long, bloody, evolution from class-based authoritarian hier­
archy to class-free democratic equality—a journey still in transit to its final


Human Rights Vs. Divine Rights
In the Age of Enlightenment, a secular wave of pioneering philosophers rebelled
against the religious mythos of a divine right to rule as the bedrock of civilization,
and instead championed earthly genius and the human right to self-determina­
tion—the concept of human rights and liberty emerged against preexisting
authority. A wave of liberal ideals planted seeds of democratic rebellion in the peas­
ant classes of Europe. For example, in the French Revolution in Paris, starving
peasants united and overthrew their omnipotent monarch, thus rebalancing and
semi-decentralizing the locus of power to a legislative assembly or republic.
Historically, this revolutionary wave of individual liberty intersected and uni­
fied with other concurrent liberty movements in defense of women and people of
color. On October 5,1789, Paris hosted one of the earliest proto-feminist marches,
the Women’s March on Versailles, where women protested for affordable bread.
Moreover, the French Republic abolished slavery in 1794 under demands from hu­
man rights groups like the Society of the Friends of the Blacks.
Prior to the revolution, the Catholic Church as the official religion of France
had advocated the underclass subservience of women, slavery of Africans, and feu­
dal serfdom of the peasant class. Over two millennia, Biblical dogma has remained

intact, and their adherents still try to restrict women’s self-ownership. As power
of the Catholic Church wanes, they have needed to pivot from legal punishment of
sin to cultural shaming, for example, shouting slurs at young women as they leave
a women’s health clinic or family planning center.

Antitheism & the Abolition of Theocratic Monarchy

The study of theology, as it stands in the Christian churches, is the study of
nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it produces no
authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no
And as simple government avoids us becoming the dupes of fraud, so simple
belief protects us from the fraud of priestcraft, which so often runs hand in
hand with despotism.
—Thomas Paine, The Complete Writings
On a two-dimensional spectrum, the exact polar opposite of authoritarianism is a
pure democracy or direct democracy—not a classical republic. Nonetheless, across
1700s Europe, antitheist philosophers became highly skeptical and excoriated the
“divine rights” used by Christian monarchs to justify their omnipotent authority.
In my own personal opinion, I rank Thomas Paine as my favorite founder of the
United States, not only because he championed liberty in his Rights ofMan, but he
demolished the theocratic power structure of the Church, a progressive blasphemy
that ruined his station among religious statesmen. Paine championed the abolition
of slavery at a time when his peers Thomas Jefferson and George Washington
owned slaves. In his The Age ofReason, Paine undressed Christianity as a metaphys­
ical falsehood that royals had weaponized, and used his antitheism to innovate
democracy in place of theistic monarchy. Due to technological and logistical limi­
tations of that era, democracy could only materialize in a much inferior version,
namely, a representative democracy, a.k.a. republic.
A late-stage republic “fails” when it has irreversibly devolved into accelerating
corruption by design of its power structure, whereby an ever-increasing number of
politicians represent the welfare of the plutocratic class, while an ever-decreasing
number represent the welfare of the people. More precisely, a republic has suffered
catastrophic failure when it has degenerated into corporate socialism, that is to say,
when corporate welfare has superseded public welfare.

Late-Stage Republic: An Intermediary Klepto-Crypto-Plutocracy
Cryptarchy means hidden rulership or secret government.
Crypto means hidden or secret, and originates from kryptein “to hide,” and
kryptos “hidden” in Greek.
Neo from neos “new” in Greek; as a prefix to another term, it suggests a
new version, e.g., neo-aristocracy “new aristocracy.”
Pseudo from pseudes “false” or “fake” in Greek; as a prefix to another
term, it denotes a fake version, e.g.,pseudo-democracy “fake democracy.”
Plutocracy denotes rule by the owners of essential resources, utilities, and
capital who fund the political class.
A republic is only an intermediary kind of human civilization, as society evolves on
a millennia-long trajectory from authoritarianism to direct democracy. A republic
is an indirect democracy, or pseudo-democracy, and the most corrupt form of de­
mocracy, insofar as it elevates the political class into an infallible neo-aristocracy,
installed by the plutocratic class to enforce their top-down economic rule, so-called
“trickle down” economics.

A Dictatorship Per Capita

To place this in perspective, an extremely tiny elite rule over the civilian under­
class. For example, at a federal level in the United States, only 535 congresspeople
dictate laws to as many as 328,000,000 citizens. This astronomical power inequal­
ity means that 00.0001% rule over 99.9999% of the population, with absolutely no
legal recourse or guarantee of accountability to the civilian underclass. This equals
a per capita ratio of one congressperson to 613,084 citizens. If a remote island of
half a million people existed and only one person ruled them, everyone would
rightly call it a monarchy or dictatorship. Nonetheless, humans allow this to occur
at a per capita level in modern society.
It costs over half a billion dollars to become president of the United States, ergo
a president needs to either auction off their future executive power to highest-bid­
ding plutocrats, or be a plutocrat themself. As a categorical truth, only the most
ruthlessly corrupt politicians can become a president and congressperson.
Let us assume that the state is made up of ten thousand citizens. The sov­
ereign can be considered only collectively and as a body. But each private
individual in his capacity as a subject is considered as a single individual.

Thus, the sovereign is to the subject as then thousand to one. That is, each
member of the state has for his share only one ten-thousandth as a part of
the sovereign authority, even though is he entirely subjected to it. If the peo­
ple is made up of one hundred thousand men, the condition of the subjects
does not change, and each one bears the full dominion of the laws equally,
whereas his vote, being reduced to one hundred-thousandth, has ten times
less influence on the drafting of the laws. In that case, since the subject al­
ways remains one, the ratio of the sovereign to the subject increases in
proportion to the number of citizens. From which it follows that the more
the state grows, the more freedom diminishes.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On the Social Contract, 1762
The plutocratic master-class fund, lobby, and groom the political middle-class;
this explains why a congressperson in the USA will enter office with a net worth of
$100,000 and leave office with $10,000,000. To reciprocate, politicians legislate
the economic dominance of the plutocrats, while disguised as populist allies of the
civilian underclass. Simplified: a republic is an intermediary phase of a monarchy
evolving into a direct democracy. Hence, modem politicians act like privileged
aristocrats fully immune to legal punishment.
A three-tier hierarchy exists in a republic:
1. Plutocratic class: A master-class of meta-rulers who operate above the law,
own natural resources, utilities, and essential capital, and finance politicians for
2. Political class: A middle-class of rulers-for-hire who authorize and enforce the
financial and legal privileges of the plutocratic master-class.
3. Civilian class: An underclass of laborers, debtors, taxpayers, and consumers
who rent their bodies to the plutocratic master-class to survive, and whose taxes
fund the enforcement of their own oppression.
A republic is neither the final, nor freest, nor most empowered, nor most en­
lightened form of human civilization. In a republic, the citizenry elect their rulers
from a pre-selected group of candidates staged by the plutocratic class. No matter
who the civilian class elect, the plutocratic class remain in power. A republic oper­
ates top-down, and expresses the will and preferences of the plutocratic class first
and foremost.
A revolution in the state of civilization, is the necessary companion of revo­
lutions in the system of government. If a revolution in any country be from

bad to good, or from good to bad, the state of what is called civilization in
that country, must be made conformable thereto, to give that revolution ef­
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice
Western intellectuals rarely critique and dismantle classical republicanism as a
form of government. Instead, they point out corruption in individual politicians
and parties, chanting the same old song, “Vote them out!” ad nauseam, wasting
billions on failed campaigns and candidates who bring no structural change. Dear
reader, you cannot “vote out” an elite power structure. The answer is not to vote
for a “white knight” politician who will ride in on a horse and save everyone. The
very form of government itself does not reflect the needs of human evolution any
longer. The propaganda of early modern politicians has indoctrinated you to be­
lieve that you need a master to represent you, has indoctrinated you to believe that
you cannot self-rule, has indoctrinated us to believe we cannot self-rule collec­

Decentralizing Power to Self-Rule Collectively
Only when the State comes in contact with his ownness does the egoist take
an active interest in it.
—Max Stirner, The Ego & His Own, p.234
Individual and collective freedom only exist when the civilian class can express
their will and preferences by voting directly on main laws that rule their lives, not
by electing corrupt masters who vote against their will to further privilege the plu­
tocratic class. A direct democracy is the freest society in principle, it operates
bottom-up from the lowest common denominator: the individual. This more en­
lightened and modern form of civilization maximizes the political power of
individuals collectively.

Dimensions Direct Democracy Authoritarianism

Locus Decentralized Centralized
Scope Libertarian* Totalitarian
Term Generational Indefinite
Organization Horizontal Vertical
Status Free Subordinate
Balance Equality Inequality
Economy Independent Dependent
*In this context, libertarianism refers to a late medieval economic rights movement
to liberate natural resources from royal landlords and transfer them to democratic
public ownership; not to be confused with reactionary American libertarianism.

Rule offreedom: the more decentralized the power, thefreer the people.
The individualist, adversarialist, and black magician demand their natural right
to self-rule. Thus, they demand liberation through direct democracy, as it abolishes
their masters who reign on high from an extraneous political class. It elevates the
entire species inclusively, regardless of demographic identity, to a plane of collec­
tive self-rulership and self-ownership, whereby no one soul lords over another soul
in a ciassist hierarchy. Any lesser form of organization tends to corrupt and back­
slide to authoritarianism in due time. As seen in historical totalitarian states like
fascism, communism, and monarchism, when an elite political class wields a mo­
nopoly to dictate law, the civilization devolves into self-annihilation. At this
junction in world history, to deny evolutionary democracy is to devolve and degen­
erate the species itself.
This is anarchism. This is the revolution. The ideal society has no inter-personal
hierarchy; every individual possesses equal political power, because every individ­
ual possesses equity in society. Thomas Paine eternalized the phrase “necessary
evil” in regard to government in Rights ofMan. No civilization can function with­
out rules, and only a direct democracy allows the people to rule themselves. The
most common complaint against the entrenched republic is that citizens feel un­
represented, unheard, and neglected by their corrupt masters. Thus, less than half
the population bothers to vote in a presidential election, and fewer people vote in
state and local elections. Modern citizens feel alienated, depressed, and suffer
“survival anxiety,” because the law does not reflect their economic needs or well­
being, and they know that it never will in their lifetime.

A direct democracy ranks as the least-worst social organization. A minority

voter may lose to a majority at times, and a law might pass against their wish. While
that might hurt their ego temporarily, they can still find solace in the fact that soci­
ety heard their voice and registered their preference as valid among the final tally.
Whereas today, a privileged class of unaccountable neo-aristocrats rule under the
will of a crypto-plutocracy; the citizens remain unheard as the politicians invalidate
their existence from cradle to grave.
Point blank: this evolutionary leap to a new, freer, more empowered stage of
human civilization will require a revolution. Needless to say, the plutocratic and
political classes will fight to protect their longstanding dominance. This quantum
leap from a plutocratic republic to a civilian democracy will require the people to
finally take all their power back.
As a sane, sober philosopher, I cannot say that this revolution will come to pass
in my lifetime, nor can I explain exact “ process ” logistics behind it—I simply know
it to be right and true, as it guarantees liberty and justice at a macro and micro level.

Fear ofFreedom, a.k.a. Separation Anxiety
Stockholm syndrome: a condition in which hostages develop a psychologi­
cal alliance with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be
formed between captor and captives, during intimate time together, but
these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk en­
dured by the victims.
“Humans are too stupid. Humans are too selfish. Humans are too...” A million
excuses exist to leave humans enchained. The idea of radical decentralization
scares them. Against their better instincts, humans have become indoctrinated to
fear freedom itself. They like freedom in theory, but not in reality. This specter of
a free society, of collective self-rule, haunts and horrifies brainwashed neo-peas-
ants who believe that they need a mother and father in government to give them a
curfew and mandate their bedtime. Regrettably, these pitiful souls suffer a re­
pressed phase of personal ascent that philosopher Immanuel Kant calls, “self­
imposed immaturity.” In fairness, these bootlickers have undergone meticulous
brainwashing, therefore one cannot blame them fully; they honestly do not know
any better. They believe they need chains. Naturally, an individual who has only
ever knelt in submission will feel afraid of standing.

Freedom vs. “Freedumb”

Virtually every political ideology espouses freedom; the Confederate Army in the
American Civil War battle-cried “freedom” while fighting to preserve states’
rights to slave ownership; the United States houses the largest prison population
in the world, while calling itself “the land of the free; ” Adolf Hitler propagandized
that he “liberated” Germany from Jews through mass-murdering innocent citi­
zens; Josef Stalin declared “liberation ” of the peasant class and dictated economic
laws that starved peasants to death.
A nation cannot descend into a police state, military state, and prison state al­
together at one time, and deem itself a paragon of freedom. Perhaps no single term
has ever endured such obvious abuse and misuse as “freedom.” Politicians bull­
horn populist rhetoric from their Twitter accounts, while sitting at a $10,000-plate
dinner with plutocratic donors. Regrettably, freedom as a value has withered into
meaninglessness. Like an empty vessel, it carries any liquid poured into it. It only
becomes meaningful when imbued with meaning. Beware “freedumb.” It has be­
come the most common form of propaganda. Authoritarians use “freedumb” to
camouflage evil.
Rule offreedom: ifyou as an individual did not vote on a law that rulesyour life, then
you have not self-ruled—you are notfree.

Slaying the Three-Headed Leviathan

Dear reader, I will say it right to your face: Your political and economic masters
have indoctrinated you to believe that you need their mastery to survive, that you
would suffer in absence of their rulership, when to the contrary, you suffer because
of their rulership. Upon abolition of master-classes, civilians would dismantle long­
standing tyrannical institutions that they have suffered in agony against their will.
■* Military-state: the endless for-profit wars would terminate as civilians vote
against becoming cannon fodder in imperialist boondoggles disguised as “de­
mocratizing” the world—an instance of truly Orwellian terminology.
Plutocratic and political classes have always sent the civilian class to die in war.
If members of the master-classes would like a war, then they need to fight in
* Police-state: the militarized police-state would demilitarize and concentrate on
de-escalation as civilians terminate the “war on drugs” that terrorizes non-vio­
lent substance users and skyrockets the prison population.

* Prison-state: the for-profit prison system would liquidate and “lockup quotas”
would cease. In a stunning example of irony, the United States houses the larg­
est prison population in the world, while simultaneously calling itself, “the land
of the free. ” Beware the rise of electric incarceration or e-carceration as physi­
cal prisons transform into digital prisons enforced through electronic
monitoring of people at home instead of a correctional facility. E-carceration
essentially forces a person to fund their own incarceration.
Defense forces and confinement could still exist in a free society; however, their
organization, operations, and mandates would undergo a role reversal with a basic
emphasis on mental and physical healthcare over escalation of force. My friend,
not only do you suffer class warfare, but your taxes fund it.


To reiterate: a republic is not the final form of human civilization. Homo sapiens is
not the final form of human. As the species evolve toward Homo deus, their form
of civilization needs to evolve to support them. A god will not suffer tyranny. Only
a direct democracy allows the pantheon of gods and goddesses to self-rule. Despite
the traditional Hegelian dialectic, individualism and collectivism can complement
each other, and do not necessarily contradict, however society must organize from
the lowest common denominator, namely, the individual, then scale bottom up to
a collective that operates from general consensus, instead of divine commandment.
What is the exact process of a direct democracy? How do we protect the safety
and validity of the vote? Can voting occur electronically or with a blockchain? How
do we retire obsolete laws to phase them out? A million logistical concerns exist,
and a million answers will resolve them in due time. The Enlightenment philoso­
phers considered a centralized representative government the best form of state
according to the limits of technology that existed in late medieval time—but times
change, as does technology. Like a pair of childhood shoes, the feet of humanity
have outgrown the class system—the old shoes no longer fit, hurt to wear, and dis­
rupt the march forward. It is time for humanity to migrate further to its final form
of civilization in evolutionary democracy, with power fully decentralized and
equalized to every adult individual like a pantheon of gods and goddesses self-rul­
ing collectively.
Magick unifies humanity, because it transcends politics of the physical plane,
thus I generally try to “leave politics out of it,” so to speak. Nonetheless, as chief

editor of The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga, it is incumbent on me to reveal the

reality of your earthly oppression, that you suffer soft slavery, but may now know it.
Across eight compendiums thus far, I have inseminated thousands of brains
with black roses. I have allowed sorcerers to look into a black mirror and see an
infernal vision of the future. It would behoove these magicians and witches to nur­
ture these seeds into a garden of freedom, but whether they do remains unseen.
They need to fight for evolutionary democracy with the same moral ferocity of
their forebears in the Age of Enlightenment, who revolted against hereditary gov­
ernment. -¥■


Arcos, Dorian. “E-Carceration.” Personal discussion. June 7, 2020.
Donaghue, Timothy. “The Antichrist Manifesto.” Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss,
Compendium 4. The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga. Become A Living God,
--------- . “Prologue.” Lucifer: The Enlightener, Compendium 2. The Nine Demonic
Gatekeepers Saga. Become A Living God, 2019.
Heidegger, Martin. Nietzsche, Volumes 1 & 2. HarperOne, 1991.
--------- . Pathmarks. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Lincoln, Abraham. “International Workingmen’s Association.” New York, 1864.
Marx, Karl. “Letter to Abraham Lincoln.” January 1865.
Media Justice. “#NoDigitalPrisons.”
Nietzsche, Friedrich. On the Genealogy ofMorals. Barnes & Noble, 2008.
--------- . The Antichrist: A Criticism ofChristianity. Barnes & Noble, 2006.
--------- . The Gay Science. Barnes & Noble, 2008.
--------- . Twilight of the Idols. Barnes & Noble, 2008.
Paine, Thomas. Agrarian Justice. Y191.
--------- . Common Sense. 1776.
--------- . Dissertation on the First Principles of Government. 1795.
--------- . Rights ofMan. 1791.
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. What Is Property? 1840.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Discourse on the Origin and Basis ofInequality. 1755.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Being and Nothingness. Washington Square Press, 1993.
Stirner, Max. The Ego & His Own. 1844.
Washington, George. “Letter to Richard Henderson.” June 19,1788.
Wikipedia. “Stockholm Syndrome.”




Chapter 1

S you work with these Gatekeepers, always remember that they are facets

of the Lord of Darkness, the Adversary, the Opposer. This does not only
mean that they oppose Christianity, Jesus or YHWH. The Lord ofDark­
ness is the Adversary ofeverything, includingyou and all thatyou behold, in its current

The Lord of Darkness is the spirit of chaos in action, the force of unpredictable
change, and the most feared Ancient Enemy, not just to Christianity, not just to
people who “believe in spiritual things.” The Lord of Darkness and all that He
represents is justifiably feared by every thinking being, because thinking beings can
look to the past and imagine that we can discern a pattern of change. We assume
that we can chart the path ahead by looking through the narrow window of what
we are able to behold of the path behind us, as we soar down the freeway with our
foot jammed on the accelerator of time. The Lord of Darkness is much cleverer
than we are even capable of imagining, and the changes and challenges that are
imminent will be beyond our capacity to predict and prepare for, and could poten­
tially destroy us, personally as we individually open these Gates, but also as a
species as we evolve beyond this planet, beyond these dying bodies, and beyond
our limitations. The Darkness is very real, and the threat of the unknown and the
unknowable cannot be negotiated with. Whether you are a Satanist, Buddhist, Sci­
entist, or an Accountant, the fact is that we don’t yet know what we don’t know,

yet we create systems of control in an attempt to harness what little we do know to

protect ourselves only from that which we know and can predict.
As Black Magicians we turn towards the Darkness and we step into it, and we
had better understand that not only could it destroy us and all that we love, but that
such destruction is the very thing that we invoke through these Black Rites. We, as
Black Magicians, need to understand that the Dragon is very real, that it has a job
to do, and that its purpose cannot be stopped nor diverted. We need to rid our­
selves of the delusion that just because we think we have made friends with this
Black Dragon that is Chaos and unpredictable change, that we will be spared from
its wrath. In actuality, as we step into the unknowable, which is what we are doing
through this entire Gatekeeper Pathworking, we are offering ourselves and all
things that comprise our reality as a pre-emptive sacrifice. We are in essence
thrusting ourselves forward first, and screaming, “Take me first! Destroy me and
destroy my world first, before religion, before science, before all systems of control
that don’t have a chance of asserting true control, take me first! ” Every act of com­
munion with these Powers of Darkness is indeed a magickal command that will be
devoured by the Dragon first, so that our lives and ourselves can be destroyed, with
the naive hope that some part of us will survive the experience and that we will
somehow return with some insight that may serve to enlighten the remainder of
humanity, as the waves of the unknowable devastate the shores of our comfortable
Very few Black Magicians are aware of this at any level. Most who come to
Black Magick only come for the gift shop at the end of the ride, asking what the
demons will require as a sacrifice, and not quite believing nor understanding me
when I respond. You will have to sacrifice everything if you want all that the Lord
of Darkness offers.
I spoke with the Lord of Darkness as I fell into the Bottomless Pit, asking:
E.A.: How far are you willing to take me?
Lord of Darkness: How far are you willing to go?
E.A.: All the way!
Lord of Darkness: All the way.
How far are you willing to go? How much change can you withstand? How
much are you willing to sacrifice for the things that you want most?
Do you even know what you want from each Gatekeeper? Do you know exactly
what you want to gain by working with Asmoday and by opening his Gate? It is my
intention that this grimoire will clarify this particular question in a personal way for

each sorcerer who opens this Gate, and if that is the only thing that it does, this
Grimoire of Asmoday will provide you with the most powerful tool any magician
could desire.
These Gatekeepers are the embodiments or incarnations of the Lord of Dark­
ness, the dreaded Black Dragon, fitted to unique facets of our personal and social
identity. As we open their Gates, we are sacrificing that facet of our reality to the
Darkness, and the signpost of our success is the total destruction of that aspect of
our lives, clearing away all maya and leaving us with a void that we must struggle
to fill with a new and better reality than the one that we incinerated at the altar of
Asmoday promises to fulfill love, prosperity, influence, lust, friendship, luck,
and revenge, and he can and will do so once he is called, but never forget that the
powers and insights gained are balanced by the sacrifices that we are willing to
make and the change that we are willing to endure as we open Asmoday’s Gate.
The tacit pact that you make upon your first contact with Asmodeus is an agree­
ment that if he brings you the silly things that you think you want, he’s also going
to plant a countdown clock with a detonator attached that is ready to blow your
entire life up unless you prepare to expose yourself with the knowledge of how far
from your original aspirations you have fallen, or how much you have overcome.
Sometimes we are revealed to be lazy, or even in a state of semi-paralysis, procras­
tinating on our ascent because mundane affairs seem more immediate. Ascent
should hold the highest tier of priority in your existence, because whatever empire
you build, whatever job you have to be on time to, whatever things happen as this
world comes and goes, and are eventually forgotten. Ascent is eternal, and through
its lens every aspect of your mundane existence is seen as unimportant, but it is
ascent that not only promises transformation but delivers it in degrees more intense
than any of us are prepared for.
Lastly, know that all of these Gatekeepers present a very obvious demonic iden­
tity along with stupidly obvious powers and abilities that they will grant, but that
the obvious things are the lure that they are using to create transformational shifts
that we simply cannot understand, until we have come through the other side of
the Gate and have been forever changed by this black alchemy. All of the sins and
the shows of pleasure offered by Asmoday are distractions to keep your conscious
mind fully occupied while his real ritual takes place silently and undisturbed, un­
polluted by the mind’s constant disturbance.

You are activating a process that cannot be stopped, and none of us can even
guess at what will happen or how the very core of our existence will be changed. -¥■


Chapter 2

| That which we need the most will be found where we least want to look.
—Carl Jung

N the third chapter of this grimoire I give spells to compel love and lust, two

I of Asmoday’s most wicked temptations. These are spells that I have em­
ployed probably more times than I can recall, and I have found that they are
immoral, unethical, dangerous, and highly effective.
Up until unlocking Asmoday’s Gate, I have for quite some time objected to an­
yone using these spells at all, as they serve the intention to compel a person to
sexual or intimate encounters against the target’s will, magickally subverting their
consent and installing a manufactured imitation of familiarity, attraction, desire,
lust, and even love into their energetic body.
For several years I have categorized love and lust spells to control others as rites
that are contemptible, deplorable, and simply irresistible to the sinister predator.
When I am asked in private conversations or consultations, or in public forums
about love spells, I have consistently asserted that they should not be employed at
all, on the moral ground that compelling sexual or intimate contact with a person
against their will, without their consent, or especially without their knowledge is
tantamount to rape.
As the social conversations about consent have been evolving, as the righteous
battL over sexual rights and freedoms has started gaining ground, and especially as
the “Me Too” movement has exposed countless rapists, from television father

figures to trusted news anchors, as well as many average people living average lives,
I’ve felt even more justified in my stance against love spells.
In writing this grimoire, Asmoday urged me to devote a chapter to love spells.
I resisted almost as a default position, and the pressure of Asmoday’s silent urging
increased. I continued to resist, silently omitting the chapter. The longer I held my
position, the more obvious it became that I was hiding from something, using mo­
rality as a mask.
Asmoday laid a challenge before me as I have worked through this Gate, and
especially as I examined my stance on love spells: “Tell the truth. ”
The truth is sometimes harder to tell than we might think, and we often find
that arriving at it means having to question what we currently accept as true. We
have to challenge all of our beliefs and perceptions, and we have to examine our­
selves very carefully in order to even understand actual truth and come to a
personal knowledge of it.
The Gatekeeper Working as a whole is changing me and my life at a founda­
tional level. Every single relationship and friendship have been drastically changed.
Where I live and who I live with has drastically changed. The way that I approach
my work and the job that I do on a daily basis has evolved due to this pathworking.
What my work actually is and where it is going is no longer a question to me.
Once Timothy and I agreed on the specifics of this entire Gatekeeper series, he
asked what I had planned to do after it, what my next project would be, and I had
no answer, because I had no idea, because the person who previously inhabited this
body was winging it, pulling from experiences and discoveries and teachings from
the past, but he had no clear vision of where he was going, let alone any sort of plan
to get there.
This has absolutely changed. My work going forward will connect your higher
purpose with your deepest needs. Many of the lies having been cleared away, I have
a vision, and I have a plan.
Until very recently I have not planned much of anything, ever.
Before I became a father, I would regularly reduce my belongings to two suit­
cases and a backpack and buy a bus ticket to anywhere else. Even when I had a
destination, I never had a plan. I would move to a new city, sometimes with less
than a few hundred dollars to my name, no vehicle, not having put in a single ap­
plication for work or for housing in preparation. I would simply trust that magick
would provide, that the Dark Lord would provide. He always did, and He still does,
because I am a good listener, because it seems He has been grooming me, but more

than anything the Dark Lord continually provides for me because when I turn and
face the Darkness and I offer all that I am and all that I have to the powers of Dark­
ness, over and over again, I truly mean it, more honestly each time. When the
whirlwind destroys everything in my life, I accept it and I embrace it. When the
black alchemy ignites within me and transfigures everything about me until I am
unrecognizable, I don’t fight it.
In part, I’ve avoided planning things in life because I never really expected to
make it this far. I never expected to live this long. I’m not even forty years old yet.
Every day that I wake up is considered as one day extra, a day more than I had
planned for. If there was a task before me, I was happy to do that task with full
vigor. If I became interested enough in a topic I could sit and write a book about it,
or film a video course, or create some other piece of art or express it in some way.
I have enjoyed the thought that Shiva is the ideal to strive to become more like,
silent and still and completely non-attached, and then Shakti would descend to me
with some inspiration, something to create. When Shakti flowed through me, I cre­
ated, and then retreated again to stillness.
That’s a fun way to dress up laziness and to excuse not acting on the obvious
things that might not be as interesting to do as explosive creativity.
Asmoday showed me a vision of my life as my former self, a retrospective jour­
ney backwards, showing me the many ways in which I spent my life as a puppet
being directed by the needs, the wants, and the complaints of other people, or doing
“what the spirits want” from me, or what my clients would like me to offer. I
wouldn’t plan things because things have seemed to have already been planned for
me, if not by those who profit from steering my absolute lack of directed intention,
then by the power and intelligence of the Dark Father, who has always known
what’s best for me, and has always guided me in the right direction.
In so doing, I was unwittingly turning responsibility over my life and affairs to
the Powers of Darkness, as an appeal to the patriarch, rather than fully owning my
time, resources, and power.
What happens when the me that didn ’t value my own existence enough to make
a plan for it draws every day closer to fully merging with the mind of Darkness that
has always shown me what I should do next and the powers of Darkness that have
always opened the path for me? An existential crisis happens, a cognitive disso­
nance that cannot be rectified save for letting go completely of the person that I
used to be, or the person I used to believe myself to be. The Lord of Darkness does
not choose a single person to manifest as or through, and the whole concept of

“personality” is, to His mind, like naming the ants in an anthill that may or may
not exist beneath the foundation of my home. Attempting to overlay words or even
ideas onto this principle of Darkness, even calling it “Darkness” marginalizes the
reality of the thing. It was not possessing me, but I have been collecting and pos­
sessing it in portions, nine portions, one at a time, and as I now emerge from
Asmoday’s Gate I have died eight times, and I have shifted eight dimensions away
from the place in which I used to reside. After the next gate, the final gate, the black
alchemy will be concluded.
Asmoday whispered, “Possessing all power but having no plan is the most
dangerous thing a God can do. ”
Since opening Azazel’s Gate two years ago, I became aware that I would not be
continuing my life as my current self beyond this pathworking. I had no idea what
would become of my life, my work, my people, my things. All that I was and all that
I had has been offered, and the powers of Darkness will take what is temporary and
will leave only that which is eternal. They had a plan for me, I was sure of it. I
hoped. People who were in my life who were using my resources, my time, and my
power for their meaningless plans have all scattered away from me as they wit­
nessed me becoming a person they no longer recognized and someone they could
no longer control. Without usurpers, I hoped, and yes, I even prayed to the powers
of Darkness and to their lord to please, oh ancient Gods, please have a plan for me.
Around 2013,1 received a box of goat skulls. Nine of them. An anonymous fan
had sent them to me. In rituals with several magicians from various magickal paths,
and in many more rituals that I have never filmed nor spoken of, I invested a spe­
cific Gatekeeper into each skull, first through their manifestations as the Kings of
the Goetia. That was, however, only the first arrow pointing to the present Gate­
keeper working, and following all of the arrows sends me and my entire existence
in an inwards-spiraling loop, pointing right back at myself.
I painted the skulls in a possessed state, allowing each Gatekeeper to represent
themselves through the paint. While I’ve filmed myself over the years talking to a
camera about every theory and practice and opinion that I’ve drawn from my life­
long magickal path, behind me on the background I’ve hung those skulls on various
walls in my temple. I’ve set them on tables at university lectures, and I’ve encircled
myself with them in specific ritual videos, all the while not giving any more infor­
mation about them than what was necessary to establish an initial shadowy link
between each skull and its Gatekeeper in the collective consciousness through the
A.I. interface that allows me to share these insights with anyone in the world, and

allows anyone in the world and at any time in the future to access them, and wonder
about those skulls, even if they’ve never noticed them.
After concluding Belial’s Gate, I locked those skulls in a crate, bound with
chains, and locked with padlocks, never explaining even to myself what I was doing,
because it wasn’t my plan, it was just the step of the plan that I saw in front of me.
As I concluded my rituals with Asmoday and gathered my insights and lessons, and
specifically as I shifted my focus to the final Gate, Satan’s Gate, the Gateway to
the Apocalypse, I knew it was time to open the crate.
I pulled the skulls out and assembled them into a pillar and cemented them to­
gether, all nine combined as one. I painted over the paint that the Gatekeepers had
placed upon their individual skulls, making them appear as bones from the same
creature, as if they were the nine heads taken as trophies from a single slain mon­
Before the final layer of faux glaze had cured, I looked at the human skull that I
was gifted a few years ago by my barber on the last day I had my hair cut, the skull
that Abaddon had guided me in creating as The Devil’s Idol. The Lord of Darkness
radiated uniquely from that skull. He spoke to me through it, He guided me
through words emanating from the skull into my mind. He would ask for simple
things like lighting a black candle in front of the skull, or burning different incenses
together around the skull.
I placed the human skull atop the pillar of goat skulls, but as I mixed the hard­
ening paste into the adhesive to fix it in place, I was told not to, but to leave it free
to move as it needs to be moved.
No sooner than a month later, while replacing the pillar with the Devil’s Idol
nestled on top, seemingly secured behind a cage of interlocking horns, the human
skull bounced out of the only opening I had left for it, not as if it had been tipped or
jostled, but as if it had been lifted up and out, and onto the ground, shattering into
countless pieces.
I wept. I hated myself. I doubted myself.
I had listened to the voice, and it told me not to adhere the top skull, but I knew
that it was going to fall off, I knew that I would drop the thing or bump into it. I
knew that in order to protect the Devil’s Idol I should have affixed it permanently
to the pillar, but I had listened to the voice instead.
I reminded myself that I ’ve always been guided, and that I was guided not to
adhere the Idol to the pillar, and so this, too, must be part of the plan. I sat with my
journal and pen and tuned into the Lord of Darkness.

The Lord of Darkness commanded, “You must now become the idol of your
own worship.”
I sat with that suggestion, thinking that, yes, it would be terrific to do exactly
that, and to actually give an honest effort to the embedded challenge in the phrase
Become A Living God, rather than seeing it as an unattainable ideal that always
leaves room for growth. Could such an outrageous thing actually be possible, to
become a being so powerful, so insightful, so intentional, and so creative that who
I am now would be compelled to worship who I could become?
Beneath the orgies, beneath the ecstasy, beneath the rage, beneath the sensory
stimulation, even beneath the true love that Asmoday places before you as the hyp­
notist’s watch, this Gatekeeper is organized, intelligent, and patient.
As I meditated on the idea of actually becoming the idol of my own worship,
and questioning how to actually do it, Asmoday interjected his insight:
Discover for yourself who you intend to become. Create a plan that will
manifest this on the mental plane. Create a vision of the life that person
will lead to birth yourself in the causal realm. Create measurable goals
and reward yourself when you accomplish those goals to give it a suit of
invested energy on the astral plane, and take the actions you must take,
the actions that you have planned, the actions that will move you closer
to your vision, the actions that will lead to the small accomplishments
that will lead you to becoming the One Being that you should become,
the One Being that only you can create for yourself, as yourself.
The first part of this is to discover who I intend to become. Not to create it, nor
imagine it, but to discover it, to ask myself the question of who that future person
might be, what characteristics he might possess, and what I would see if I were to
see him from the present as my current self.
The very first insight was that he is a Being who can be completely trusted, because
he does not lie. I was a little insulted by myself, suggesting that I, in my current state,
tell lies. And then I knew I was lying again.
Once I become aware of an improvement that I can and probably should make
in myself or my life, I find it is nearly impossible to resist putting it into practice.
This chapter is being urged out of me by knowing that there is one thing that I
can do better to bring me closer to becoming the One Being that I would be com­
pelled to worship, and the urge is being reinforced by Asmoday: “Tell the truth.”
The truth is that the love spells below work so well that they frighten me. The
clever way that they bewitch not only the target of the spell but also the spellcaster

frightens me. When the spell works, it has not only convinced the girl whose atten­
tion I am seeking to believe in an illusion of who I am, but it will also convince me
that I am something or someone that I am not.
If nothing else, this entire Gatekeeper operation has taught me that most of who
I think is “me” has for most of my life really been a projected mirage of what I
assume others might want me to be or who others might expect me to be. There­
fore, the identity crisis of casting an illusion on myself about myself isn’t the real
problem, but rather what I am attempting to ignore about myself by doing so is
what bothers me about controlling love spells.
At the most obvious glance, if I feel that I need to control someone to gain af­
fection, attention, sex, or love, then there is probably some work that I can do to
make myself more attractive. I’ve been working on this, and I’m proud of my pro­
gress. The fact that I have cast love spells so often, especially in my late teens, also
points to the fact that a love spell is a temporary fix for a long-term problem of not
feeling loved or loveable, of not being able to see my beauty without having some­
one else tell me that I’m beautiful. I can work on that, I have been, and I am proud
of my progress in this as well.
There is something else beneath the self-esteem issues and feelings of inade­
quacy: There is a very dark shadow, a sadist, a rapist and a serial killer inside of me
set on vengeance, and it has almost gotten loose a few times. It has almost taken
over, but I have fought it back. I focused on the good, I focused on my child, my
daughter, and I’ve worked at viewing women as someone’s daughter. I can invest
in a daughter; I can use my strength to defend and protect a daughter. I can use my
power to empower a daughter. Even though it is painfully obvious that this is only
one aspect of the Goddess that I can cling to as good, at least I could cling to that!
It is even more obvious, though, that a shadow that is ignored grows stronger,
smarter, and lies in wait for the moment when violence or oppression or control is
justified, when becoming the monster feels righteous, and then the truth of who I
really am is deadly.
Within me is the potential to be an extremely dangerous person, and until com­
pleting this work with Asmoday I was not confident that I had my danger under my
control. I have the childhood backstory of a supervillain or of a mass murderer at
least, and I’ve discovered and refined supernatural methods of exerting control
over a person’s thoughts and emotions so potently, that I can make someone who
dislikes me feel as if she desires me. I can amplify that desire in her to force her to
reveal herself naked for me and to give her body to me to use for my pleasure. I can

make her feel as if she loves me, casting an illusion so profound that she will aban­
don her life, her family, friends, and aspirations, and come follow me instead.
Control isn’t enough to fill the hole inside myself, so once she is harnessed by the
spell, I know through repeated experiments that it is only a matter of time before
the spell wears off and she sees who I really am, and reaffirms all that I hate about
I carry a lot of pain with me that I’ve collected from women throughout my life,
and a lot of resentment that may never be resolved.
The seduction of the magick itself adds a layer of complication. When magick
is the force that pushes the girl onto her knees before me, I am somehow able to
almost entirely forget that I had cast a spell to make her do things that she would
otherwise not likely consider doing. I can almost forget that her legs open and her
body receives me because she is under my control.
While using her body, mind, and heart as my toys, and while trampling her
boundaries one by one, I have at times momentarily awoken to the evil of the thing
that I am doing, the depths of my own perversions being explored by a person who
I am only using as a masturbation device to wonder how far I can go, how deep I
can sink into debauchery. There is no such thing as “rock bottom” in the Bottom­
less Pit.
For a moment, I will feel guilt, having used her to my immediate satisfaction,
that she is forever marred, not from a violent physical rape, not marred from the
terror of begging me to stop, not by pleading for her violation to end. I’ve assumed
that she is marred much more deeply, much more thoroughly by being compelled
by the powers of Darkness to actually believe that the decision is hers, that she is
exercising her free will, that she is not only consenting to her own strange new ob­
session to have me, begging for me to possess her and to use her however I wish,
writhing in the unique and incomparable pleasures of union with the demonically-
possessed, convinced that it is her decision, ignorant that she has been made my
slave by powers far beyond her ability to notice let alone to counteract.
In order to protect the world from myself, and to protect myself from myself,
in order to live in a world filled with hopeful daughters rather than spiteful moth­
ers, I created a moral code for myself that casting love spells is wrong.
Asmoday’s silent but felt presence reminds me that more of this is rooted in
beliefs and in fear than in fact. “Tell the truth,” the Gatekeeper insists.
I have cast many love spells, and most of them climax in sexual expression and
experimentation, along with a brief curiosity from both of us to see if anything more

develops, and it rarely does. Those rare cases are the difficult ones, the targets that
are primed to become victims, and magick grabs them more tightly than most, re­
vealing the lowest hanging fruit to turn to pulp in my fist.
We do possess and utilize powers so mysterious, powers that most do not even
dare to think exist, that we use magick to rape and murder. We can make people
feel and think what we want them to feel and think, whether they want to or not.
We can take a person’s free will and wrap our Black Hand around its throat and
squeeze, and after the last gasp of free will is released, we breathe the poisonous
breath of our most illicit lusts into their lungs.
These spells could be used to control and manipulate, or to excite and motivate.
My motives and the reasoning behind them are my own, and you have your own. I
have arrived at my conclusions because of my experience, and it would feel wrong
to censor myself from revealing the methods that will lead you to your own conclu­
sions. You already possess the power, and it can become a tool or a weapon.
Without the methods, without instruction, you might be left with black powder in
your hand. With the methods and with instruction, you can decide if you will use
it for good or for evil, as you define those terms. Ignoring the shadow only empow­
ers it more, and education is the solution for nearly every problem that humans
All methods of Black Magick possess an element of danger and have the poten­
tial to open the floodgates for our darkest desires. Just because it can be done,
however, does not mean that it will be done, nor that you will do it, nor does the
fact that I have done evil things before mean that I will continue doing evil, nor
does it mean that I am evil. These are all beliefs, and beliefs are changeable, but
they are also very compelling.
The ethic of freedom, however, also compels me. Asmoday has compelled me
to write this grimoire, to lay out the path for anyone in the world to follow, to use,
and enjoy the very thing that I have forbidden myself from indulging in. In doing
so, I understand that my morality is mine. What is wrong for me may very well be
right for you. What is a weapon in my hands may be a tool in yours. The fact that I
have written an entire book on the subject of baneful magick, called Baneful Magick,
and feel no guilt over the rites therein that can curse a person to death, yet I hesitate
with a single chapter on love and lust spells, reveals the fallacy of these instilled
morals, and reinforces the ethic towards freedom.
Lastly, before turning to the spells themselves, which are simple, require little
experience or skill to wield, and yield results much greater than they seem capable

of, I also must write this chapter because, were it not for controlling love spells, I
might have not engaged magick as a practice at all.
I had been drawn to the Darkness and the occult for my entire conscious life,
but the magnetic force had been counteracted by a fear-belief instilled in me by
mothers, beaten into me by mothers, reinforced by mothers, that the path of light
and love was in opposition to the path of witchcraft. Rather than showing me light
and love, however, they merely suggested that it existed, and that I ought to some­
how find it or I would be lost to the Darkness forever, as a preface to the physical,
sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse that somehow passed as discipline to
their morals.
I studied witchcraft in secret, and I played with Ouija boards with the other
kids, but I didn’t tell them that while they were speaking to the spirit through the
board, that I could feel and see and hear the spirit in the room. That would have
scared them more than the board, and they might tell their moms, who would tell
my mom. I maintained the overview that the occult was a topic of interest, but that
it was one that frightened almost everyone, and although it didn’t frighten me that
perhaps it should, and that I wouldn’t cross the line of actually performing a ritual
and putting myself in league with the Devil, because that is a path that only leads
towards suffering and away from the path of light and love that I kept hearing so
much about but had not actually seen any evidence of.
When I was 15 years old, I had become so oppositional to my father, and so
dangerously engaged against his wife, that I chose to live with my abusive mother
instead of my abusive father. Aside from Thanksgiving and Christmas, and some
periods during summers, I rarely returned to the town I was a child in, and in choos­
ing my father’s house at 12 years, I had left childhood friends behind.
One of them was a girl named Angel. I remembered her as a plain girl, homely,
and tomboyish.
On my first day of school I saw her, I recognized her face, and she remembered
me, but she was no longer plain, homely, or tomboyish. She showed up to class
wearing cutoff jean shorts, torn up sheer leggings, a belly shirt, and red high heels.
After only a few conversations in the following weeks, it was clear that the attrac­
tion was a one-way street, but I wondered if magick could change that for me. I was
curious if such spells existed that could make a girl like her find interest in a guy
like me.
It didn’t take weeks to find that not only did such spells exist, but that entire
magickal philosophies and disciplines were being published to the internet as the

first search engines came online. I discovered spells and rituals that would allow
me to draw power down from the moon or up from the earth; incantations that
could give someone energy for healing, or could draw the life-force from them into
me. There were rituals of summoning Watchtowers in the four corners and extract­
ing the magickal essences from the elements. I discovered Crowley, Spare, Levi
and LaVey, and I sent emails from the school library to every magickal order and
occult-based church that listed their contact information, and many of them (even
the more recognizable ones) replied, in a few cases engaging in enlightening and
invigorating correspondence.
I had forgotten all about the love spell to capture Angel entirely, until she star­
tled me in the school library, muttering, “Oh, that’s weird,” as she looked over my
shoulder at some website detailing demonic rituals and secret initiations.
I shook my head and remembered my lines. “Yeah, it is weird. I’m was trying
to research something for my English report about the Salem Witch trials and came
across this. Can you believe people still practice witchcraft?”
“Psychos, ” she sneered, holding her books close to her chest, shielding herself
with them, protecting herself from psychos like me.
It seems that Asmoday or a power much like the one he controls had placed the
desirable object in my path to catch my attention, to steer my direction, and to
harness the power of my magickal intention.
Perhaps now the same force is working through me, to draw you in, to lure your
attention towards the Darkness through the glittering, desirable objects, through
the hope for the fulfillment of lusts that are forbidden, in order to ignite within you
the insatiable curiosity that will lead you to discovering more of what is hidden
within the unknown and the unknowable.


I have been told by several people throughout my life, that I am a dragon, that I
have within me dragon’s blood, and that I possess a dragon soul.
This observation has been noticed and mentioned increasingly as I progress
through this pathworking.
I had no clue what this meant, initially dismissing the whole concept as fantasy.
Yet when I created the main wall of my temple, dedicated to the Gatekeepers, I
postered the wall and imprinted the wet plaster with reptilian scales. I painted the

wall green, and then applied a black glaze to highlight the scales, creating a wall of
dragon skin.
One of the five spirits that Belial revealed to me in his pathworking, Lucichatha,
appeared in the form of the dragon. Throughout the Grimoire ofBelial, the word
“dragon” is referenced three times.
Amaymon himself is the dragon’s eye, and his pathworking was aimed at awak­
ening my own dragon’s eye and becoming the eye of the dragon itself. Throughout
the Grimoire ofAmaymon the word “dragon” is referenced 33 times.
In pathworking Azazel’s Gate, I referred to him as “The Great Serpent” six
times. While pathworking Abaddon’s Gate, the theme of dragons and serpents
arose in an unexpected manner.
Abaddon challenged me, “Awaken yourself. Awaken and remember.
Awaken and remember! ”
I was traveling through a tunnel of darkness faster than thought, and emerged
in blackness, surrounded by dragons or giant serpents. The instant, instinctual fear
of such creatures faded much more quickly than it had come, and I knew then that
somehow, these monsters were my children. They were my children, and I needed
to them.
“I must feed the snakes,” my voice chimed. “Serpent children, serpent chil­
dren, come and feast. Come and feast upon my flesh. Come and feast upon my
blood. Come and feast upon my soul, for all that is taken is returned. ”
I felt them nipping at my soul, but as that thought came to me, it was corrected
and cancelled. No, not my soul; my astral body, my Body of Light!
I adjusted my command, “My serpent children, devour my Body of Light.”
The monster serpents closed in and their jaws snapped, tearing chunks of light
from me and feeding until there was no light left in me, but only darkness.
The Grimoire ofLucifuge contains one original reference to the reptilian self, in
the statement:
Keep your sword sheathed, for in the coming days real enemies will arise,
not annoyances or nuisances, but you will find yourself at war. As others
come to do war against you, you will stitch their lips closed. You will sever
their tongues. You will stab your spikes of vengeance into their brains. You
will wrap their hearts in serpent’s coil. You will inject their marrow with
parasites of Blackness and their infections will consume them, and all who
love them, and all who they love.
The Grimoire ofBeelzebub contains no references to serpents nor dragons.

The Grimoire ofBael features an invocation of the Lord of Darkness as The An­
cient Serpent:
Ancient serpent, come into me. Dragon, who is immortal, who before time
was, Come into me. Teach me what my purpose is.
The theme is consistent, except in the case of Beelzebub.
The process of embracing these powers and sacrificing myself and my life over
and over and over again has tom away the skin of the human being, and perhaps it
is revealing my true form as a dragon, a being of immense power, ancient wisdom
and eternal life.
The mythical dragon possesses the power of destruction surpassing anything
that humans have been able to create until this last century, yet it is not a “loose
cannon,” flying around with flames bellowing a constant incineration of all that it
contacts. Mythically, the dragon is the most feared and most dangerous of all crea­
tures, not only because it is large and strong and armed with magickal powers and
the breath of fire, but because the dragon is also ancient and wise, and is in full
control of its power.
Asmoday brought me into conscious awareness of my own shadow in relation
to love and sex magick, extending that to my overall fear of my own power as a
whole, while simultaneously bringing my attention to the dragon as a continual
theme of working through his Gate. The exposition of my shadow had reached a
climax, leaving me wondering if I should be practicing Black Magick at all, if the
powers of Darkness were too destructive in my unsafe hands.
Then, and only then, it was time for me to accept the challenge, to seek out the
dragon. I knew that I could turn to several of the Draconian traditions and teach­
ings that exist and follow the path that others have taken, but this was not the
challenge that was laid before me. My challenge was to seek out the Dragon on my
own, through my own experience, through my own quest. The only instruction that
I received, that Asmoday’s silent and invisible nod confirmed, seemed to be a rid­
dle, delivered to me by a stranger:
When the morning sun rises, step directly into the path of the dragon.
The fire of your dragon soul cleanses the shadows of the past.
By doing these strange and simple things, the magickal things that may seem
too simple to actually work, and as I allowed myself to open to the possibility that
anything is possible, I accepted the challenge.

As the sun rose on the following day, I woke up with the shadow still exposed,
still lingering, weighing me down, stifling the air around me. What I did not know
or was not fully aware of was that the very act of facing my fears, facing my dark­
ness, facing my shadow had loosened it. I could feel it so much more profoundly
not because the shadow had grown stronger, but because I had become aware of it
and I was ready to deal with it head-on.
Taking the teachings that I had gathered from previous Gatekeepers and from
other mentors along my path, I sat in the center of my summoning circle, a simple
circle of 66 stones in my backyard, and I faced the east as the sun rose.
The antidote to fear and depression is gratitude, and both fear and depression
were in that moment at their peak.
I started the ritual through a self-hypnotic induction, relaxing my body from a
single imagined spot on the very top of my head, moving my awareness down my
body, relaxing every muscle and allowing my body, my mind, myself to let go and
to simply be.
Completely relaxed, but still quite conscious of the terrifying things that my
mind produced as I searched for the truth and found the shadow, I then employed
a hypnotic technique referred to as “inside-out induction” in which I utilize the
sounds and occurrences in the outside world as tools to go deeper, rather than see­
ing them as distractions from the inner state. I silently suggested to my mind to
focus on and appreciate the sound of flies buzzing, sometimes the feeling of them
landing on my skin and then departing again, the low whirring noise made by a
plane flying overhead, and the distant hum of the nearest highway, all of these sink­
ing me deeper into the present moment. Becoming fully present, now, is the
opposite of being in fear, anxiety, depression, and worry, as these are all only pre­
sent in the mind. None of the things that I was worried about, depressed over, none
of the things that escalated my fear into panic were part of that immediate moment.
Being fully present, I followed the stated intention of the meditation, asking
myself the question, “What am I most grateful for?”
The answer arrived immediately: my strength.
I sat in silence and searched to fully understand why I was so thankful for my
strength, to understand what I meant by strength at all, and how my strength has
benefitted my life and my reality.
I have a strong body because I work on it, not in necessarily developing muscle
at this point, but in engaging in things that are meaningful and positive and that
bring me joy while moving my body and engaging my strength. I make daily habits

of consuming healthy, high quality food and eliminating toxins from my life, not at
all once but with small adjustments and improvements, daily.
I have incredible emotional strength. I have not simply endured suffering, but I
have dared to dig deep into the pain in order to find the blessings and the insights,
to continually improve myself.
My mind is also strong because of my daily habit of intentionally pushing my
mind into new areas, into considering new ideas, and sometimes on a daily basis,
changing or improving my entire observation of reality, which is also a spiritual
strength, an invisible force within that is capable of doing the miraculous.
The feeling of strength was not just an understanding of it but a tangible es­
sence, a definite presence within me, within my core, spread out into every muscle
and cell that composes my body. Searching deeper into the essence of my strength,
I encountered the paradox that triggers bliss: my strength emerged from something
beneath and beyond my body, my mind, my emotions, and the essence of my own
strength was even stronger than the feeling of power. I had been hiding from my
own power and this is something that Asmoday has been making very clear to me,
forcing me to reconcile with it. In the moment of becoming fully aware of my own
inner strength, I wonder if perhaps I've been using the wrong word for the wrong
thing for a while.
My strength is not just feeling strong, but a state of knowing that I am able to
stand up when I see injustice, and that I have the strength to protect those that I
love and to defend those who can't defend themselves alone. I am able to take
mockery and insult from mobs of people and still have enough strength to search
for the teacher in them, and to have the strength to follow my vision and to con­
tinue working towards it through any resistance that I face.
My whole being overflowed with gratitude for my strength to create the reality
that I desire by daily improvements to myself, and the strength to share my insights
with the world. I knew that I had become strong enough to be vulnerable while still
being vigilant.
Becoming aware of my strength has allowed me to let go of the armor and to
become vulnerable enough to deeply connect with friends, with my girlfriend, with
myself, with all of the beautiful forces that surround me, natural and mysterious,
but most of all to deeply connect with my daughter.
That final awareness, that of my child, naturally merged into the second thing
for which I am most thankful: I am so thankful for my child.

Having no real connection to my birth family, she is the only blood that I have
in my life outside of my body. I love her with every last bit of love I can feel, and I
always find that there is always more love in my heart to discover.
From the moment that I became aware of her existence I found strength that I
didn't know I had, and I found purpose in existing beyond my own immediate grat­
My love for her revealed to me my own strength to overcome myself, to make
difficult changes and confront difficult challenges.
Focusing my awareness towards gratitude and love for my daughter did not
weaken the essence of strength but enhanced it. I dove deeper into my love for her,
and saw more goodness in me, in my actions, in my daily habits, than my own evil
has ever manifested through me.
I show my daughter my love through real hugs and through acts of kindness and
service. I comfort her when she’s hurting, or I trust her enough to give her space
to find her own healing. I tell her that I love her, and if I find myself rushing through
it as if it’s a simple greeting, I usually try to catch myself and look her in the eyes
and touch her shoulder and will give her a hug and tell her that I do truly love and
appreciate her. I’ve done this throughout her life, and her very existence as well as
her unique personality and her unique challenges and the bright light of her soul
pushes me to continue finding that strength within me that I didn’t know was there
because I hadn't yet needed it.
Even through periods of contention, she and I have always been able to openly
communicate with each other, and sometimes there are hurt feelings, and lessons
for both of us to take away from them. I will often be the first to apologize, sincerely,
and specifically, and that has encouraged her to find that in herself. We can discuss
these things, calmly, with love, and with the intention of truly understanding her
Over the past year, she and I have had the opportunity and the space to really
connect in our home together, or outdoors on adventures, or while working to­
gether to make our home the space we want it to be.
We have had the most meaningful conversations, and while I've been able to
give her some excellent guidance, I have also found ways in which I can improve as
her father and as a Being.
She is not perfect, and I am a far stretch from it as well, but we encourage each
other's greatness through more positive recognition than through finding blame.

I have been able to teach her some things through her life that will always ben­
efit her, but I found that the greatest way I can teach her is by my example.
Asmoday’s silent guidance showed me, even though I never wanted to have a
child, why it was essential for me to, by accident, bring such an amazing person
into being: I love her more than I love myself, and I want her to be better than I am,
and definitely to be a better person than I have been. To help her improve in any
way I have to first find that improvement in myself, and then I have to execute on
that knowledge, and make the adjustments to my actions, so that I can model that
improvement for her, on a consistent basis.
My love for her has driven my ascent beyond anything I could have done for
myself, by myself, and she never fails to impress me with how she rises to the chal­
lenge to find her own strength, to find her own way, to create the things that she
wants to create and to be the person that she wants to be. As she becomes herself
more and more, I am in awe of her, and proud of her, and of myself for becoming a
better person than I ever thought I could become.
I stood and faced the rising sun, solidified and beaming with my strength and
my love combined. I closed my eyes, relaxed my body, relaxed my mind, and be­
hind my eyelids I saw swirling mandalas of light and energy increasing as the sun
rose. The inner mandala shifted, expanded, and the screen behind my eyelids went
dark, as if the sun itself had been extinguished, turned to ash in the twinkling of my
closed eyes.
In the next moment, the inner screen filled with a giant, red heart, which ex­
panded into my entire vision until all that I saw was red, the color of strength, the
color of passion, the color of blood and love. The vision of omnipresent red col­
lapsed, I opened my eyes, and in my inner vision and my outer vision
simultaneously I saw before me the Dragon's eye, more vivid and solid than any
vision I had previously encountered.
The sunlight tore through me and I released a breath that I didn’t know I was
holding, a breath I had been holding onto for most of my life, and released with it
the pain, anxiety, the fear of my own self, the fear of my own power. Even the idea
of power itself was purged from me, knowing men that it was not power that I
needed to connect with but that it was my own strength and love in combination
that would give me all of the power to do all that I need to do, in the spirit of
strength and love.
The final layer was stripped away from me, the final illusion of myself as some­
one who cannot be trusted with power.

The fusion of my strength and my love formed the very thing that I needed and
that I have had all along. These two forces combined, strength and love, are the
very essence of Asmoday.
That moment was the moment that I needed, and this single and simple medi­
tation showed me that path that I must walk to control all of my power, to not rain
fire down upon everything in my path but to filter my actions and intentions
through that strength and love. This was what I need to find the wisdom to some­
times not act, to sometimes remain silent and still, but to know that at any moment
that it is needed, I am the Dragon, and I can destroy worlds, but that I choose not
to destroy, nor to control, but to create and to contribute.
The Dragon’s eye did not pass through me but was integrated into me, becom­
ing me.
My vision moved forward into the future, showing me a clear image of the per­
son that I might become if I drop all limitation and I release all fear. The vision of
this being was one that at a point in my life I may have been compelled to worship,
but I am now compelled to become. •¥■



EREIN are given the spells that I have used to compel others towards

H love and lust. All of these spells are best performed at 3:00 a.m., the
Witching Hour.


This is perhaps one of the simplest love spells to compel a lover, and one of the
most reliable.
Set your altar so that you are facing south, your ritual dagger to the far right and
chalice to the far left. Although these items may not be directly used in the present
ritual, their presence is important.
Place two candles on the altar, one black and one red. Both should be about an
inch from the center of the altar, the black candle an inch to the left and the red
candle an inch to the right. It is best if both candles are new and unburned, and are
set aside only for the workings of love spells.
Open the ritual with meditation. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Re­
lease the breath and release any tension. Repeat this cleaning intake of fresh air and
release of stagnant energy, until you can feel your mind beginning to let go.
Place your hands on the altar and view the temple through your inner vision
and gradually bring the image into clarity.
Open your eyes and let your gaze rest on the altar. Visualize energy rising from
the material of the altar, like steam, seeing it with all three eyes, feeling the heat

waves it creates. Sense the air thickening with the energy of the ritual, ready to
catalyze your will.
Light the candles, first the black and then the red. Holding your right hand
above the flames, first the black and then the red, state:
I consecrateyou, creature offire, to the works oflust and to the conjuration of
Fulfill my lust and bring me that which I love.
Creature offire, you are conjured!
Imagine the person that you seek to compel, visualizing them in as much detail
as possible. Imagine them in the future moment in which the spell will be fulfilled,
locking your imagination onto that moment, utilizing every sense, bringing that
which is imagined into reality, first within, then without. Gaze into the flame of the
red candle, knowing that the flame is the gateway through which the power of the
spell will travel to them.
Gather in yourself any feelings you have for the target. With your eyes still
locked with the flame and your will still pouring into the candle, focus on the things
that you wish them to feel for you, directing these emotions and desires like beams
from your eyes into the burning candle.
Into the flame of the red candle, state:
By the Powers ofDarkness, in the name ofAsmoday,
I sacrifice my love and my lust. I lay them on this altar and give them to the
Take my love and take my lust and deliver them into the heart of(target’s
name.) Cause their heart to burn within her chestfor me.
Cause their mind to dwell always on me.
Make them desire me as I desire them.
Dig inside of yourself to find any emotion and desire for this person, and eject
them from you into the candle’s flame, towards your target, towards the end result
that you desire. Search again to find more desire, continuing the cycle of pushing
it out of you into the candle’s flame.
When all of your desire has been drained, when you cannot find any more to
offer, turn your attention to the black candle. Gaze into the flame as you gaze into
the abyss, your heart empty of desire, your mind silent and numb.
Sense the Darkness beyond the black candle’s flame that is looking back at you,
and know that it surrounds you also, swirling and churning.

Inhale, pulling the living Darkness inside of you, flooding those empty places
inside yourself where affection used to reside. Sense the living Darkness gathering
around the burning candles, taking your desire in its claws, waiting to be released
from the temple walls to do its work.
Fix in your mind the final outcome once more as an image locked in your inner
vision, or as a scene played out before you. Having exhausted all emotion for the
outcome, this visualization should produce little or no longing, but instead is a con­
firmation of what is to be. Feel as if the image in your mind is not some distant
fantasy or wishful daydream, but is a reality, here and now.
Allow the Darkness within you to carry the power of this image and the cer­
tainty of success from your eyes, into the candle, and through the flame into the
heart and mind of the one you desire.
Call out:
By the Potters ofDarkness,
I command that (target ’s name) be brought to me,
To thefulfillment ofmy desire.
Cause their heart to turn to me,
Compel their mind to turn to me,
And compel their body to turn to me.
By the potters ofDarkness,
In the name ofAsmoday,
So it is done!
As this is spoken, feel your wishes riding on the same currents of air which carry
the words, released from you.
Blow out the candles, the red first and then the black. Breathe in the smoke and
smell the melted wax - these are the heralds of your will’s manifestation.

While the person that you desire is in the depths of sleep, you can use the following
spell to enter their dreams, to appear in them in any form that you desire. Since
they are the dreamer and you are a dream-character, they will know that this is you,
regardless of any form that you take, in the same way that, when recalling a dream,
we will often know that a figure was a father, sister, friend, etc. even if they appear
to be something else.

I have used this spell, for instance, to appear in the form of a lion to one person,
and a demon to another, and both targets verified the form, but also said that they
somehow knew it was me.
It is advised to not push the dream towards a sexual or intimate setting, but
simply appear and connect, and silently, through the focus of your visualization
and your will, instill the dreamer with your command to desire you and to love you.
Collect an item belonging to the target. Hair, clothing, handwriting, a photo­
graph, jewelry, or any object owned by the target will create this magickal link.
Light a single red candle, clutch the magickal link in your left hand above the
candle’s flame, feeling the heat of the fire rising from the candle.
Close your eyes, envision the person that you desire asleep in bed, and allow
the sensation of heat on your hand to pull you deeper into the inner vision.
Inhale deeply, hold the breath in for a few moments, and as you release the
breath you may lower your hand from the flame, and allow the visualization of the
person sleeping to fade, replaced by the dreamscape that they are inside of. Allow
your imagination to trust the vision, unconcerned with verifying details or with be­
ing right, but simply connect with the dreamer and see the dream.
Observe the landscape of the dream, locating the target, and approach them in
a manner most appropriate to the dream. When I appeared as a lion, the dreamer
was in a clearing in the middle of a forest, and I shifted my dream-character into a
lion and slowly approached from the thick of the forest. When I appeared as a de­
mon, the dreamer was in a dungeon and I appeared in a flash of light and an
explosion of smoke. Use your intuition and judgement to determine what form and
manner of approach is most fitting for the dreamscape.
Interact with the dreamer in any way that is natural for the dream, sending si­
lently through your hidden focus your command to be drawn to you, to lust after
you, to stir within the dreamer thoughts and feelings for you.
When the natural interaction within the dream has concluded, bring your at­
tention back to your body. Inhale deeply, pulling your full presence back into the
present. Blow out the candle, and announce:

So it is done!


Asmoday instructed me:

Become the lover of the self, grease your loins and bring delight to your­
self. Scream the names of the unholy ones. Scream the names as you
come, come, come. Say their names with a whisper. Say our names with
a whisper. Say our names, say our names, say our names as you come.
The power is not in the orgasm. The orgasm is the release. Release, re­
lease. Once you have released, you should seek again to build and then
release, to build and then release, build and then release. In the waves of
imminent creation, there is the build and the release. Once the release
has been released, it cannot be withdrawn in the moment. Proceeding
release, hold in your mind with perfect clarity that which you desire. A
full communion with me, with us, or with them. Release, and then it will
be had again and again and again.
Masturbation can be used as a powerful tool in magick. Some attribute this to
the sexual fluids, which do possess mysterious magnetism, but the real power of
the thing is in the build to orgasm, the teetering over the edge of it, and the final
explosion of the release.
Holding the vision of the thing that you desire while building desire, while push­
ing towards orgasm, while in the mindless ecstasy proceeding orgasm, and
releasing all desire for the outcome at the moment of climax, the vision will ride
the wave of orgasm into the objective world, bringing you the thing that you desire.
Masturbating to orgasm while visualizing the sexual connection with the person
that you wish to compel, while gazing into the open sigil gateway of Asmoday, dif­
fers only slightly from a fantasy masturbation session, especially for a magician who
has trained reality to respond immediately to their command. For me, there is no
such thing as a casual fantasy. If I fantasize about a person while bringing myself to
orgasm, within days at most that person will make themselves available for me.
As we go forward on the path of mastery, we must be very careful of our
thoughts, especially when combined with our intense emotions, especially when
combined with physiologically peak states.
Providing any step-by-step process to doing this spell, other than that which
I’ve outlined above, would be redundant, adolescent, and masturbatory.
Each of these love and lust spells are so simple that the cynic would be quick to
dismiss them. That is fine; these are not meant for the cynic, but for the sorcerous.
I lay the same challenge before you with this as with all other rites that I place
into the public’s eye: Try them and see for yourself... or don’t! ■¥■


Chapter 4

HAT do you actually want? The deeper into this question you dig,

W the more you will find that what you actually want is quite a bit dif­
ferent than what you think you want. This is going to be exposed
more and more as you work with Asmodeus. What do you want? This is the
ging question that these demons continue to ask me.
What do you want? What can I do to serve you? What more do you want? What
do you want notvi
I thought I wanted control. I thought I wanted power. I thought that I wanted
to let my power loose. I thought I wanted to change the world. At times, I’ve
thought that I not only wanted but that I needed to save the world. More times than
I care to recount I wanted to destroy the world and every living thing inside of it.
As I’ve evoked, invoked, and communed with Asmoday, the question, “What
do you really want?” has been tossed at me with so much intensity and increasing
ferocity that I couldn’t ignore the challenge embedded in it.
My initial, generic reply was that I wanted power, and the knowledge to control
that power.
Being in the presence of Asmoday alone, siphoning from his radiant sanguine
aura, I already knew that I was not digging deep enough, because the thing that I
was asking for had already been fulfilled. I've been letting my power flow forth from
me all along. I have been the one in control. I used to be afraid of the storm of
m .gick that was going on everywhere around me. Now, I've come to understand
one simple truth, one piece of knowledge that, once I knew it, changed everything:

I Am the storm! The storm does not rage around me, but it rages inside of me. All
of the things that are happening around me in my life, all of the things that I thought
were happening to me have all along been happening for me, through me and as
me. The work that I do and the people I do it with are a result of who I am and what
I have done. The relationships that I either enjoy or resent are the product of who
I am and what I have done, or what I have failed to do. The health and strength of
my body, mind, and emotions is the direct result of my investments or of my ne- I
My reality isn’t this way because of my experience with magick, or because of
spells I’ve cast, pacts that I’ve made, or Gates that I’ve opened. I am the force of
change and the prime motivator of my reality because I acknowledge such, because
I accept it.
If I were to acknowledge, believe, or accept that I am a victim of other people, I
or of circumstance, such would become my reality. The more that I invest in such
beliefs, the more evidence I will find to validate them.
Instead of seeing misfortune, I see opportunity. Rather than looking for how
I’ve been abused, I search for the blessings that I am currently reaping and the in­
sights that I’ve gained from experiencing sometimes horrific events over which I
had no control. Instead of feeling abandoned, I choose to feel liberated. Instead of
finding loss, I instead find opportunity.
This way of approaching and viewing reality could be reduced to a self-psycho­
therapeutic coping mechanism to make an otherwise miserable person feel more
optimistic in miserable circumstances, but I assert that this is the Inner Game of
You can cast a thousand spells, but until you integrate this foundational shift in
the way that you view your reality and your position of power in it, your magick
will be tainted by a belief that you are powerless and will yield results accordingly.
Once you intentionally choose to flip this switch inside your observation of re­
ality on such a consistent basis that it becomes your default way of approaching life,
you will find all evidence for your own imminent godhood.
With a full knowledge of myself as the storm in my life that creates all the op­
portunities, connections, and states of my own being, I have to take ownership of
the power that I have in my life. To have such an awareness and not focus my power
by focusing on what I want to do with that power (or even greater, what I should do
with that power,) the whirlwind of energy would naturally increase simply from my

awareness of it, but would be undirected and become chaotic. In turn, all of my
circumstances, all of my relationships, all of my opportunities fall into chaos.
We are again returned to the question: What do you really want? If you have all
power, which indeed you do, what do you want to do with it? If you have all
knowledge, which you can tap into in an instant, what do you really want to know?
You have all presence. You can spread yourself out into infinity. You can become
the electron in every single particle, and you can become the whole instantaneously
but where do you really want to be, and who do you really want to be? These are
the questions that Asmoday invokes, and these are the questions that invoke As­
There is nothing that you cannot do, or have, or create, but it is unlikely or even
impossible to do what you want, have what you want, or create what you want, until
you know clearly and without reservation what you actually want.
Your life awaits your furious engagement with it. Your success awaits your
commitment to it. All the spells and the rites of power are being revealed, and all
of the hosts of the Infernal Empire stand waiting for your command. All that you
have to do is decide what it is that you really want.
Again, of even greater importance is the question: What should! do with godlike
power? This invokes the response of Dharma, “That which one must do, which
only they can do. ”
If you find suffering in yourself, in your situation, in your life, what exactly can
you do to alleviate it?
If you see suffering in the lives of those you love, what can you do to alleviate
that suffering? Through your magick, through your actions, through words of in­
spiration, comfort, praise, apology, or encouragement, there are countless things
that you can do for those to whom you are most closely connected.
A problem that we encounter in trying to help others, especially without their
will and their active engagement, is that we project what we feel is best for us onto
their lives and beings, assuming that our perspective is right, or better, than the
perspective and the choices of the person we would like to lift out of suffering.
| Ye suffer from yourselves; none else compels.
-Edwin Arnold, The Light ofAsia
The Sanskrit word “Dharma” contains layers and levels of interpretation, from
personal destiny to divine law. The interpretation that seems to settle into the cen­
ter is that of duty and obligation. There are obligations to which I have committed,
and which no other person can be expected to do for me. I own businesses that I

maintain and expand, I have meaningful friendships that I must feed. I have a rela­
tionship that I invest in daily. But, in perfect honesty, I have only two obligations:
My ascent, and my daughter’s safety. All else could perish and I would still be in
harmony with myself so long as I continue in ascent and as long as I do what I can
to keep my daughter safe.
When I deviate from Ascent, the Path itself is quick to remind me, and the mir­
ror of my world begins to crack almost instantly. When my daughter has been
harmed, when I have not been able to keep her safe, it is my obligation to take im­
mediate action to remove her from danger. Removing her from dangerous
situations or from harmful environments is only the immediately required action,
as she will surely find herself confronted with similar or worse encounters in her
life, and so my ability to keep her safe going forward means teaching her how to
recognize danger, giving her tools of knowledge and resources to remove herself
from the danger, and strengthening her to nullify danger when confronted by it.
The measures and means that I provide are physical, psychological, emotional, ed­
ucational, and magickal.
Keeping her safe from danger does not mean that I keep her away from suffer­
ing, that I keep her from her own poor choices, or that I try to take her pain from
her. As she continues to mature and gains more responsibility over her life, more
of the weight of her own well-being becomes her obligation. My obligation, until
she is legally and developmentally capable of bearing the full burden of her safety,
is to ensure that our home is a safe place for her to live in unmolested, to explore
her interests and talents, to develop her ideas and express herself without fear, and
to teach her how to be competent in the savage world outside of the sanctuary of
our home.
My ascent and my child’s safety. These are the things that I should address with
my magickal power, with my resources, my time, attention, intellect, passion, and
Beyond those, all else that I do is what I •want to do. The work that I do is the
work that I want to do. The relationships I have, intimate connections, and friend­
ships are the ones that I want to have. My body is in the condition I want it to be
in, and is the result of how much effort I want to apply to it, and the enjoyment!
gain from activities to strengthen my body, as well as the things that I want to put
into my body. I have become stubborn to do anything I do not want to do, and 1
have become unstoppable in doing that which I want to do. As my wants and needs

shift, it is a simple task of applying magickal ritual in combination with dedicated

effort, and I am able to shift

Keep in mind as you aim the arrow at any target outside of yourself that you are a
Living God, but you are not the only Living God. Those whom you love are also
divine creatures with godlike powers, and usually the greatest thing that we can do
to improve their lives is to improve our own. As you invoke more love, pleasure,
enjoyment, and fulfillment into your life, everyone around you will be impacted.
As you try to influence others to change for the better or for the worse, the change
will only be temporary until they are ready to receive it, accept it, and integrate it.
When using magick to force any change of behavior, emotion, mindset, or belief
in other people, in ways or degrees in opposition to that person’s natural will, their
deeply held beliefs, their strong attachments, or their readiness to accept the
change, magick can be used to momentarily push them in the direction of your
choosing, but the intensity and the duration of that change will be counteracted by
the intensity of their natural resistance and the duration of time that they have in­
vested in their current state of being.
As they whiplash back to regain their former ground, they will almost inevitably
over-correct, moving in extreme opposition to the change that you attempted to
manifest in them. In other words, in most cases of magickally forcing someone
against their will, whether for their betterment or their decline, the magick will
open a brief window of opportunity, and when that window slams shut, the ritual
will ultimately yield the opposite result than that which was intended.

A sorcerer places a love spell on a woman who actively ignores him. She finds her­
self soon after looking up at him, noticing him, and then later, when he is not
around, she might find herself thinking about him, wondering about him, even fan­
tasizing about him. Engaging her in conversation a day or two later, instead of
brushing him off, she responds, and through the conversation the two connect, and
after a few conversations, contact information is exchanged, and they soon after
find themselves on a date, leading to intimate connection, leading to sex, leading

to an emotion that feels like it could be love, but is somehow not quite the real
thing, because it isn’t.
All the while the woman will think how strange it is that this man whom she had
previously found so plain, uninteresting, or unattractive has now captivated her
attention. Why the change? That question will persist until it is answered, and if
indeed the sorcerer is plain, uninteresting, and unattractive to her, a magickal
storm will slowly (or suddenly) arise in the woman, counteracting the original spell
placed upon her. Sometimes within days, or in some cases within weeks, she will
unconsciously solve the riddle and will wake up to the fact that she has been pushed
far from her natural position, and has for some reason beyond her awareness been
made to see the sorcerer in a wholly unreal way. In most cases, she will blame her­
self and will find some personal situation, past or present circumstance, or self-
esteem issue as the cause. In some cases, the woman might sense that she has been
manipulated, especially if the sorcerer is known to be a sorcerer! In either case,
where she previously had actively ignored him, once the spell has disintegrated,
she will actively mistrust him, her view of his flaws will be magnified, and she will
likely find that she resents him, or at the very least that she resents herself for mo­
mentarily lowering her standards so noticeably.
This is an obvious example, and one that is circumvented through the True Love
Spell given in the final chapter of this grimoire, but the same rule applies to all sit­
uations of mind control.
If you use magick to coerce an addict into sobriety before they are ready to make
that shift, while they are investing daily in substance abuse, and while the drug is
still alleviating whatever underlying and unresolved problem drove them into ad­
diction to begin with, they may experience a “moment of clarity” and put down
the needle or pipe for a day or maybe a week, but the power of the underlying drive
will regain ground, and when the addict returns to the addiction, they will return
with a fury. If you, out of concern, have made obvious statements, declarations, or
ultimatums for the addict to quit, they will likely distance themselves from you, if
for no other reason than their own lives and actions.
If you use magick to drive a husband from him wife, he will start to find flaws
in his wife, she will start to find fault with him, and they may separate, and he may
run into your arms for comfort, sex, and for something new and different, but in
most cases their love will prevail, they will make amends, and you will become the
woman on the side that is cut off completely.

In all cases of using magick for mind-control, a revelation occurs. The be­
witched woman has her own standards revealed to her, and being aware of them
more consciously, she will adhere to them more tightly in the future. She may also
learn that, for a moment, she could see beyond a person’s flaws and enjoy the com­
pany of someone she wouldn’t normally consider.
To the drug addict, the days or weeks of sobriety will likely reveal the pain un­
derpinning his self-destruction. Even though it is that very awareness of his pain
that will push him even deeper into abuse than before, the revelation of it may be
the first step in a process of resolving it which may take years.
The broken couple will have the weaknesses of their relationship revealed, and
as they reconcile and the break is healed, their marriage will likely become stronger
than ever. Those moments of separation are, in fact, the moments that most en­
during couples can point back to as being the greatest blessing to their relationship.
In any case, if you are the one casting the spell, and you stand to benefit imme­
diately by courting a woman who would otherwise not choose you, or have a family
member finally take your advice to quit an addiction and turn to you for help or
encouragement, or if you are the woman into whose arms the husband runs away
from his wife, when they regain their natural ground, you will be the one that they
will push away the hardest and the fastest.
Many new magicians might suggest simply placing another spell before the first
one wears off. This can be done, but in most cases each successive spell is weaker
and weaker, until the above outlined circuit completes, the nonconsenting recipi­
ent of your spell building an immunity to your magickal manipulation. In some,
more rare cases, the target will fall so deeply under your spells that they don’t stop
falling, losing all sense of self to return to. The very few people I’ve seen react in
this way become mindless, hopeless, purposeless people. People that I don’t care
much to be around at all. Most people, no matter what their faith or path or lack
thereof, have enough godhood active within them to eventually resist, to break the
spell, and they walk away from the spellcaster, leaving the magician to sort through
the magickal blowback.
This magickal blowback effect can be counteracted by using the window of op­
portunity made available by the spell by considering the following:
Understand that the spell will wear off. Use the immediate opportunity for im­
mediate gain. Go on a date, get laid, and let the girl go when she no longer desires
you. Spend time with the sober addict and get to know them while they are not
using, which is closer to who they would like to be and who they really are than is

the active addict. Seduce the husband as the woman on the side, while setting your
sights on the next one. This is, of course, an unhealthy way of interacting with oth­
ers, and reveals an even unhealthier set of beliefs about yourself in the process. Can
you be loved by the best women as you currently are? Are you unable to empathet-
ically connect with the addict while they are using the only tool that they have
found that can alleviate their awareness of their pain? Do you feel worthy of being
loved so deeply that a man would commit his life to you? What, then, do you need
to change: the outside world and its inhabitants, or the landscape of your own inner
Maximize the moment. There are surely things about you that, if only she knew,
the girl who ignores you could come to adore you. Reveal those things to her. Win
her heart by being vulnerable, being honest, and being yourself. This is the only
case in which a love spell to control another person against their will result in a
long-term relationship. As long as you are trying to control, you will ultimately fail.
Using the opportunity to create a genuine connection is the only way to succeed.
Connect rather than control. Maximize the moment of sobriety to encourage the
addict to seek treatment so the real problems can be addressed and the pain can
finally find a way to heal, and even help them find the best course of action and
invest your time and resources into setting a plan and acting on it in the moment of
clarity. Or, just be there and listen, and become the person they know they can turn
to whether high or low without being judged, and you may very well become the
only person who believes in that addict’s ability to heal themselves, which may be
all that they need to keep pushing towards ultimate freedom.
If you truly are the better of the women placed before the husband, make him
feel that until he knows it, while you have your chance. Or, if he is in a truly un­
happy marriage, show him what happiness with you will be like if he chooses you.
Connect rather than control. In any of these cases, and every other case, the dura­
tion of the change in the other will be directly linked to the duration of the
connection that is created. If you return to acting like the person who doesn’t feel
like he can get the girl, the girl will leave. If you can only love the addict when they
are sober, you will do more harm than healing. If you become a nag of a wife, the
husband who ran into your arms will find another’s arms waiting to give him what
he wasn ’t getting originally. If the person does return to their natural state, and you
have not been integrated into what they naturally prefer, utilize the revelatory ef­
fect of the spell to your advantage. Find out what the woman didn’t like about you,
understand why the drug abuser abuses drugs, discover what the husband loves so

much about his wife that he would return to her. Then apply these insights to your­
self, not for the sake of keeping the girl, healing the addict, or stealing the husband,
but so that you can better understand what you could use to improve on, so you
can better understand the cause of the disease and be of better service to those
suffering with it, and so you can find out the kind of qualities a man that you long
for desires more in his wife. While these may not win the person’s affection in the
long run, they will give you a better chance of long-term success, if not in the im­
mediate situation, then definitely in future similar situations.
Aside from employing magick to alleviate your own suffering and to make your
experience of life as enjoyable as possible, and aside from doing what you can to
help those you love, you can also look to alleviate suffering and increase joy in the
world at large, aiming your magick at making large-scale and even global course
Your magick can change the fate of nations. Your command will send invisible
armies to tear down any wall of tyranny. The magus would be wise, however, to
not fall prey to the delusion that this is something he or she should do, as this is the
birthplace of all tyranny. Once any person believes that they know what is best for
anyone other than themselves, and seeks to change anyone other than themselves,
they are not only falling into tyranny, but they are also using their concern for the
world as a means of avoiding the thing inside themselves that really needs to be
This is Asmodeus’ greatest teaching: Find it first within yourself, and then the
outside world will appear as a better reflection of a better person. Asmodeus will
grant you power to control others endlessly to lead you to the understanding that
what you really want and what you really need is to understand yourself, to gain
full mastery over yourself, and those who surround you will shift and change in
accordance with the values and standards of the person that you can become. You
want to be loved and accepted unconditionally. You want to be loved, no matter
what you look like today. You want to know that you are still loved by someone.
You want to be loved and accepted no matter what you’ve accomplished. It doesn’t
matter if you can barely even walk and barely even talk and barely even have your
shit together, everyone needs to know that they are loved.
Asmodeus can teach you how. Asmodeus can open that door for you. The ritu­
als in this grimoire are going to open up your mind, your heart, and your awareness
to new levels of love, new levels of acceptance that you didn't even know existed.

This is going to challenge your relationships. This is going to challenge your

friendships. But most of all, this is going to challenge you, because in order to get
to the soul, in order to get to the heart, we are going to have to take a jackhammer
to all of the armor that you’ve been putting on.
Although you are very unique, you’re not so different from me. Your heart has
been broken before. Maybe early on, maybe by mom, maybe by dad, maybe not too
long after that. And every time your heart breaks, another wall comes up and an­
other wall and another fucking wall.
These walls are built brick by brick by stories that we tell ourselves about our
lives, about our past, about our relationships, and then about our future, about our
potential, about who we think we cannot become because somebody hurt us, be­
cause somebody else betrayed us.
None of that is true. All of that is true. Your story matters more than anything
else, because all of your beliefs and restrictions are built upon your story. How you
tell your story is what frames your entire existence. ■¥■



HE ritual that follows is strange and simple. Perhaps it is strange because

T it is simple. Do not dismiss it. Here we are engaging magick at its highest
potential: magick for the sake of union, so that we can be made whole.
This black alchemy that has been transpiring is not merely an alchemy of the
self and power. I will confess it first: I am fractured. I am broken. We don't come
to black magick as our first choice. We don't come to the Devil as our first option,
do we?
We come here and we stand above the yawning pit because every other path
has failed us. We come desperate, we come hungry, we come thirsty, we come
starved, ready to take everything that has been denied us.
That is the passion that Asmoday arouses.
Passion not just to fuck, but passion to fuck this world up, passion to fuck up
your day, to take it and do whatever you want with it. Passion to take your life and
make it yours, the passion to dominate every single minute of your day. The pas­
sion to go all in.
What is keeping you away from unconditional love? Who are you seeking this
love from? Parents, children, spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, sisters, wives, broth­
ers, husbands?
Whatever your definitions are, they don’t matter, because they are lies, because
you are a God, you have no limits, and your definitions hold you back. You are a
deity embodied, but you restrict your expressions of your own divinity.
Think about the ones that you love and feel how they’re not giving you exactly
wnat you need. They are not giving you exactly what you need. They can’t. They

cannot give you exactly what you need until you start giving yourself exactly what
you need.
What do you need in your love life? I'm not talking about just someone to have
sex with, that’s easy. That is lesser magick of the simple variety, and it can easily
be attained through the spells given in chapter three of this grimoire, although even
these are hardly necessary for the average person to enjoy sex with others.
What do you need to feel loved? What do you need to feel accepted? What do
you need to know that you are fully understood, and that you are completely loved?
What does that look like in your relationships? What does that look like in your
What does that look like in your communication with yourself, with the things
that you do daily? Do you treat yourself as if you are the person that you love the
most? Do you do for yourself the things you would do for someone that you love
above all else?
If you are spending every day poisoning yourself or if you’re spending your time
trying to put on as much weight as you can, that’s another layer of armor. If your
daily actions are not actions of love but of self-destruction or of just trying to make
it through the day without having to look into the mirror for very long, then you
are desperately trying to protect yourself from pain, and pain is your only friend.
Pain is the only thing that’s going to grab you and tell you to stop treating yourself
like you’re a person who doesn’t matter. Your pain is the only thing that is going
to insist that you start doing whatever it is that you know you need to do to become
the best, healthiest, most attractive, most disciplined, most loved person that you
It is scary to look into the face of your pain, to see without delusion how you
really see yourself, and to do the hard work that you will have to do every day to
truly become a Living God or Goddess.
Listen to the pain and face the fear, but do not allow the fear to tell you what to
do. Grab that pain and grab that fear and use it for power.
Set aside time to sit and imagine those situations, those relationships, those
things in your life that are lacking, and feel the pain of it, feel the fear of it. Feel it
as fully as you can, feel the pain until you cannot bear anymore, and then take a
breath and feel it even deeper.
What if you lost these relationships because you didn’t take action to evolve
and improve, but you sat and did nothing while your whole life rotted beneath you?
Who would you become? What if your most important relationships turned sour,

what if they turned violent, what if they turned evil? What if all of the people who
have abandoned you were right to do so, but you couldn’t see it because you were
too afraid to look at your own failures?
Feel these emotions inside of you, feel them, and feed yourself with their power.
Fear, loss, despair: these are all powers that you can harness and hold in your hands
and that you can use at any time for your benefit. Whenever you begin to feel these
emotions of weakness, convert them, bring them into yourself, amplify them, let
them rage through you until your body is shaking, and then turn them into power.
The way you do this is simple: channel it. Make the pain so intense that you can
no longer tolerate inaction, you can no longer tolerate self-sabotage. Feel your pain
so deeply that you can no longer treat yourself like a person that doesn’t matter, a
person that doesn’t deserve to be cared for. Let your pain push you to do all that
you can do to transform yourself into a person that you would be compelled to love,
to adore, and to worship.
What do you need to stop doing to become that person? What do you need to
start doing to become someone that you would want to worship?
Stop doing those things that hurt you or that marginalize you, and start doing
those things that will strengthen you, the things that will focus your mind, invigor­
ate your body, energize your spirit, and expand your heart, so that you can become
the person that you love most.

This is Asmoday’s Ritual of Unbinding. We are all bound so tightly by our stories.
First, wrap your body in red ribbon or red yarn. If you can perform this ritual in
front of a mirror, nude, that would be best. You can also do this without a mirror
simply by looking down at your naked body, looking at yourself the way that you
were brought into this world, the way that you were created. Wrap yourself from
your ankles to your wrists if you’re able, leaving enough room for you to operate a
pair of scissors in your hand.
Step two is to then tell your story out loud. Imagine as you’re doing this, that
you are in front of a crowd of the people who judge you the most: family, friends,
lovers. Who are the people that you’ve avoided acknowledging in your story? Tell
your story to completion, the story that’s been holding you back. What restrictions
huve you placed on love? Where did these originate?

Step three is to cut the ribbon or the yarn piece by piece, cutting and removing
the story from your life, letting your story fall from you as the ribbon falls from you.
As you do this, repeat to yourself 13 times:
lam not my story.
Even now, repeat this with me 13 times.
lam not my story. lam not my story. lam not my story. I am not my story,
lam not my story. lam not my story. lam not my story. lam not my story,
lam not my story. lam not my story. lam not my story. lam not my story,
lam not my story.
The power in this ritual is the power of reclaiming ourselves from our story.
The story we tell about who we are and what we’re capable of determines our lim­
itations. We don’t create wealth; we create the obstacles to abundance. We don’t
create love; we are love, and our story puts tight restrictions on how love might
manifest. Once you have abandoned your story as defining the outlines of yourself,
you will be capable of anything and everything.
As you perform this ritual of cutting the ribbons and cutting your story, you can
begin to let your story fall away. Cut that off of you. Let it fall to the floor, and you
will be freed. Be freed. You are not your story. You are not your story.
With all ribbons of your story severed, place your hands upon your heart and
feel it beating in your chest. Feel the heartbeat, how it moves your entire body, how
it beats through the bottom of your feet into the floor, and how that beating contin­
ues all the way to the Earth's core. Feel that beating, how it trembles the skin of
your arms and your shoulders, and how that beating sends blood to your ears and
beyond. The air around you vibrates and pulsates with the beating of your heart out
into infinity.
Think of a time when you were loved. Think of a time when you were held and
loved. Think of a time when you were told that you were loved. Think of a time
when you were shown that you were loved. Let all of these feelings of love stack
inside of you. Feel them expanding infinitely, beyond your heart, beyond your
body, the intensity of the stacked emotions not spreading thinner but intensifying
as the power of your heart expands.
Feel all of this love as love that you have for yourself, because this love is gen­
erated from within. No matter who you think brought you this love, this is your

Sweeping your hands out in front of you, palms facing away from your body
towards the world, send this love out to all of those people that you had in your
audience. Everyone that would judge you, everyone that would stand against you,
everyone that would laugh at you, everyone that would mock you, send them your
love. You have to love yourself enough to be able to send love to those who hate
you. Love for the self, in the self, by the self, as yourself. Become it.
Become love embodied, and you will always have love. +


Chapter 6

HIS is The True Love Spell ofAsmodeus, the demon of lust and wrath, the

T three headed demon. This is a spell that will bring you true love, revealed
to me by Asmoday.
In preparing the ritual and arranging the temple, Asmoday’s silent influence
directed me towards two of the previous Gatekeepers: Azazel and Amaymon.
The silent urging also directed me to look again at my own Gatekeeper path­
working of Azazel and the Grimoire ofAzazel, and it pulled me specifically to the
words of Ant'harratu, Azazel's “left-hand man.”
I read through the grimoire I had penned nearly two years ago, and I focused on
the pages I had avoided even skimming until Asmoday silently insisted.
I had summoned Ant'harratu at three in the morning, almost exactly a year be­
fore my eight-year relationship came to an end.
I had awoken that night in a panic, frozen with terror and confusion over my
deteriorating relationship. It seemed that neither of us could tolerate the other, yet
we had invested eight years of our lives in each other. She had helped me raise my
daughter from a child to an early teen, and we had recently purchased a home to­
gether. But day after day she had become a person that I couldn’t bear to be around,
and it was becoming clear that she felt the same of me.
This Gatekeeper pathworking has changed me in ways I had not anticipated,
and I leapt from the solid land of sanity and normalcy to which I had been clinging,
falling into the Bottomless Pit, knowing full well that I could never return to the
previous plane of reality.

I wanted to leave her or wanted her to leave, but I was too attached to the mis­
erable life we had created together, and I was too afraid that without someone
holding me back that I’d fly away from this world and species altogether.
I wanted to control her, to change her, to make her into the lover that I wanted
her to be, make her into the partner I needed in my life. I wanted to make her love
me, to truly love me, to understand me and to fully accept and embrace me, and I
knew that she never would of her own free will.
I didn’t want to lose her, but at the same time, I couldn’t continue settling for
someone who barely knew me and barely tolerated me. The Gatekeepers had kept
their promise: I was being transformed, I was ascending, and it was clear that I was
leaving her behind.
I was faced with faulty choices: control her through black magick, continue beg­
ging for her love, or leave her.
If you’re seeking love, true love, then controlling another with a love spell is
admitting that you are not worthy of love, or that you don’t deserve it, that you
haven’t earned the privilege of being loved, and that you cannot experience love
without forcing someone to love you.
That is not love at all. That is self-hatred.
I woke at three in the morning, my girlfriend hugging the edge of the bed as far
from me as she could, I entered my temple and I called Ant’harratu.
E.A.: Ant’harratu, how do I banish attachment? How do I embrace non-at-
tachment in the face of passion and anger?
Ant’harratu: You confuse non-attachment with another principle, and
that is the principle of confidence, of a full knowledge of your power, of
a full awareness of your ability to be lord of all things. Yet, you fear to
take command. You fear to that which you must do.
E.A.: Ant’harratu, you are right. You are right. You are right. There is a fear
in me, of stretching my Black Hand to the center and forcing others to obey
me. I fear that their obedience will only be temporary, and then when they
return to themselves it will be a harsh whiplash, a harsh blowback.
Ant’harratu: Then do not change them but change yourself.
Ant’harratu answered right away, already knowing every question that I would
ask, before I asked them.
I Those relationship positions, they do not require specific people.

He had peeled away the self-deception to deliver the practical truth within sec­
Ant’harratu: You have to cut yourself loose. Those people you love, you
can love them always and they can love you always, but you cannot live
for them. You cannot be for them. You must decide who you are and
what you want and let nothing obscure your path to it. The problem, my
son, is not attachment. The problem is making sure that you are attached
to the right things.
All of your power will flow to those things that you are most deeply at­
tached to and that you move forward towards power with. But you are
attached to impossibilities. You are attached to impossibilities. You are
attached to others not changing. You are attached to yourself not chang­
ing. You are attached to your life not changing. You are attached still to
the feeling of change without the danger, the sense of change without
the risk. Go on an adventure, and when it is done you will look back and
you will call that adventure your lifetime. Pursue new things, new peo­
E.A.: Ant’harratu, does this mean I abandon the people that I now am at­
tached to? Does this mean that I forsake them?
Ant’harratu: No.
In the process of following my own self, the process of becoming very attached
to who I could become rather than to who I thought I was, or who I was with, and
not forsaking the girlfriend I had at the time, and at the same time, not trying to
control her, but simply allowing the black alchemy to unfold, I pushed my partner
out of my life. Another sacrifice on the altar of my own Ascent.
Reading the text that I myself had penned, the prophetic message being far too
clear in hindsight, the silent urging revealed the secret of this most powerful Love
Spell: “These relationship positions, they do not require a specific person.”
In other words, for this ritual of the greatest love spell, do not see yourself as
having to be attached to a particular person. Do not see your love being invested in
a particular person, but instead, know that your love can be fulfilled absolutely,
without restraint, and that the vision of the person that is going to be perfect for
you will manifest the body of that person.
Before performing this ritual, envision and even articulate through words the
specifics of the love that you desire. What would your perfect partner be like, look
like, act like? What kind of person can you truly see yourself becoming completely

vulnerable with? What would a partner need to be like so that you could sob into
their chest, and they would hold you, and you would know that they are protecting
you and they are comforting you, and that they understand you fully and that they
still will always love you?
What person, what kind of person, what attributes must the person have for
you to feel completely fulfilled, loved, cherished, understood?
Don't fix that onto a body of a person that you already know, but simply under­
stand the attributes of that person, of the ideal person for you. Once this vision is
clear to a certainty, you are ready for the ritual.


For the ritual itself, draw a pentagram upon the ground, the five pointed star, the
symbol of powers of magick.
Sit on the floor outside of the pentagram, its lowest point aiming at you.
Upon the point nearest you, place a red candle. At the further points of the star,
place four black candles, one upon each point.
Inside the triangles forming the arms of the pentagram, place five white candles,
one in each triangle. In the center of the pentagram, place the sigil of Asmodeus.
The incense to burn in this rite, is sandalwood, placed beneath the sigil. Alt­
hough there may be other associated incenses that others may prefer, sandalwood
is that which Asmodeus has requested, for this rite. Light the incense, ignite the
wicks of the candles, and fix your mind upon your vision of love.
Circle the incense widdershins around the sigil, calling:
Asmodeus, come. Asmodeus, come. Asmodeus, come. Asmodeus, come.
Place on top of the sigil three stones of smoky quartz. You will inevitably not
fully understand your desires and you will mix your desire for love with your desire
to control. These stones will absorb the impure elements of your own desire, so
that they will not reach the sigil, so that only true love will enter the gateway.
Gaze at the whole pentagram, the candles, the stones, and the sigil, as if the
whole visage is one sigil.
Relax your body, mind, and heart, sinking into the pentagram portal, allowing
the scene to disappear and reappear from your sight in portions, until the whole
thing shimmers.
Consecrate each of the white candles with the words:

Creature offire, creature offlame, Igiveyou life.

I drawyou up from the abyss, as a flame in the darkness.
Ibringyou to life. Creature offlame, I drawyou forth from Outer Darkness,
I drawyou forth from the abyss, as the light oflife.
Creature offlame, I commandyou to bringforth Asmoday.
Turn your attention fully to the sigil in the center of the pentagram, and begin
to pull the spirit of Asmoday from the ether above and around you down towards
his seal, and push his body into materialization in the incense smoke.
As I performed this rite, there was no doubt that Asmoday was with me, but
that he had arrived with a body imperceptible to the sight. The silent urging re­
minded me of Asmoday’s second ally, Amaymon. I inhaled and released the single
sound “Sah,” breathing the breath of Sah upon the path of Darkness, opening the
Dragon’s eye.
“Asmoday,” I called as my Dragon eye beheld his body forming in the smoke.
“Asmoday! Asmoday stands before me in the incense! He stands before me as a
man with three faces, that of a man, and another of a bull... ”
Before I could see the face of his third head clearly, his materialized body shifted
fully into the body and stunning face of a woman, transformed into the feminine,
into the Goddess. A goddess with breastplates of gold and with a skirt of satin. A
goddess with fire in her eyes. A goddess with olive skin, and sea green eyes.
A goddess! A goddess to worship and love.
The goddess whispered,
Goddess: Love is yours now, as it always has been and always will be. For
it is love that has created you. For it is love that has sustained you. For
it is love that destroys you. For it is love that resurrects you. For it is
love that gives you purpose. For love you would do anything. For it is
love that sends you to war. It is love that sends you into rage. It is love
that sends you to your knees, to beg for mercy. For it is love that you do
all things.
“Asmoday,” I slurred, stricken speechless by her beauty, tears streaming down
my face from the countenance of true love embodied.
Goddess: That is not my name. That is the name that has been laid upon
me. I have been called many names. I have been called many names. But
my name, my name, my name is Passion. My name is Glory. My name is
Everlasting Love.

Indeed, both her name and her essence are Everlasting Love, and that love has
not left me since. It has been with me always, from that moment of her presence.
“Thank you,” were the only words I could manage to say as the form of the
goddess drifted away and the incense smoke became simple incense smoke once
A cool wind rushed forth from the sigil, the astral winds blowing forth, invisible,
cooling the flames of desire.
In the presence of Asmoday, who is named Passion, Glory, and Everlasting
Love, bring into your mind the vision of having the love that you desire, not em­
bodied in any particular person, but embodied in the goddess, or the god, the
divinity that takes your hand and walks this world with you.
Bring into your heart the memory of love, a time when you have been loved,
when there was no doubt that you are loved.
You are loved, and that love never leaves you.
Bring into your heart the future in which that love can be fulfilled again and
know, know that that moment is not a moment in the future, but that moment is
Overflowing with the love that you have had, the love that you will have, and
the love that spills out of the sigil into your soul, allow your imagination to expand
outside of your body, imagining that you, your spirit, your soul transcends your
body, moves past your skin, beyond your body and into the room that you are
within, and further out, beyond your home, your spirit as an orb of light moves, and
expands, and stretches even beyond the city in which you live, beyond the conti­
nent. Envision that the spirit that is you envelops and extends and expands to the
reaches of the entire globe, of the entire planet.
Look back upon yourself, seated before the pentagram, seeing yourself, your
small self, your body that desires love. See the aura of your body radiating bright
light, so bright, so bright, that all who could love you will see you. See this and seal
it, so that forever, all who can bring you the love that you desire, will see you, will
know you, and they will find you.
They will find you.
Move your focus from the global expanse back into that body, and then the fol­
lowing words you must say and believe with the fullness of your heart:
lam ready for love. lam worthy oflove most divine.
lam worthy ofdesire and lust most demonic. lam worthy. lam worthy,
lam worthy ofthe god/goddess to be with me,

And to walk beside me in a body offlesh,

lam worthy ofone who is perfectfor me, now.
As I become the divine One, more and more.
The one that lam with, the one who walks beside me will also be transformed,
Transfigured, translated into the new divine selfalso.
Take all remaining desire for love and push it into the sigil, into the smoke, into
the candles, into the pentagram, releasing all with three breaths into the pentagram
Conclude the rite with the threefold confirmation:

So it is done. So it is done. So it is done.

Now you have a quest before you, for in the moment of declaring your worthi­
ness, there may have arisen a moment of doubt, a feeling that you are not worthy,
a moment of questioning whether you are worthy of the god or the goddess that
you seek.
If that god or goddess, if the embodiment of divine love were to take your hand
and walk beside you, in what way would you feel incompetent?
And you must,you must correct yourself. I do not mean that you must correct
your perception of yourself; do not fall into the delusion that you are something
that you are not. Correctyourself.
Make the corrections to your body. Make the corrections to your heart. Make
the corrections to your mind. Make the corrections to your actions. Make the cor­
rections to your habits. Make the corrections to your speech that will make you
fully worthy to take the hand of the divine, and to know that you, too, are the full­
ness of Godhood.
Correct yourself and improve yourself, daily, to such a degree that you are cer­
tain that you do not need the other to be whole, but that being whole within
yourself, the other may then compliment and magnify your divinity.
You must become the one who is worthy of walking this world hand in hand
with the divine one, as the divine one. And that divine one will appear perhaps in
many bodies over a span of time, or maybe in one, one that you will call your twin
flame or soulmate.
Know also that you will lose awareness and become incongruent with the divin­
ity within you from time to time. You will forget who you are, and you will again
become unworthy. In these moments, in these moments, you must become aware
of the exact unworthiness that has presented itself through you.

You must continue to correct yourself. You must continue to become your full­
est self. No lover who can bring you true love, who can offer their full self to you,
will fully desire you if your only desire is for them. If all of your actions to make
yourself the person that you need to be, to be fully worthy, to feel fully worthy of
the love that you desire, are guided only by your desire for that love, it will fail. You
must seek first your own divinity, and as you become the person that you can be­
come, if you overcome the person that you are, you will become a beautiful being
of radiant light. You will become a person of honor and integrity. You will become
such a person that a most beautiful, most admirable partner would wish to take
your hand and walk this world with you.
Before leaving the ritual space, take the stones off of the sigil and hold them in
your left hand, and see if you can feel your impure desires in them, your desire to
control others, your feelings of unworthiness that had been captured in these
stones. Feel the contrast between that desire and the true love of the Goddess.
You can either love, or you can control, but you cannot do both.
Within the sigil, there is nothing but love. True love. Pure love. Passion and
Glory, Asmodeus, bring this love into manifestation each day and each night.
So it is done. *


Book 2

Chapter 1

Asmodeusfrom Collin DePlancy ’s Dictionnaire Infernal


Who among you has ambition?

For wealth, fame, fortune.
For a life of excitement and passion?
Filled with all earthly pleasures you hunger for?
I am the one.
I am your desire.
T is said Asmodai derives from the Avestan phrase *aesma-daeva, meaning

I “wrath spirit,” or as I prefer to say, “spirit of wrath.” As Asmodeus, he is

the Daemon from Talmudic legends, the grand antagonist in the building of
the Temple of Solomon, one of the seven Crown Princes of Hell who pre­
sides over lust. Allegedly he is a King of Nine Hells in the writings of Renaissance
In Goetia he is King Asmoday, ruling over legions of Daemonic soldiers. In Goetia
he is also Amducius/Amducias, a spirit of musicians and tempests. The name of
Asmodeus, like many Daemons, has numerous variants and spellings.
Notice in all of these descriptions that these three Daemonic forces possess the
same underlying currents—desire and passion. Desire is the want, whereas passion
is the drive to obtain the want.
In Daemonolatry, this is where a different perspective comes into play. We re­
move all the mythology and look at what these Daemons embody. As it was
explained to me during my apprenticeship, three headed, the Asmodai (de-
sires/passions) are Asmoday, Asmodeus, and Amducias. Three aspects of a similar
motivating force—each of which is passionate in its own right. Perhaps even wrath­
ful if you could harness the passion behind wrath over the negativity. Passion itself
is not negative or positive, it simply is. Asmodeus is sexual desire and passion. Am-
ducias is desire and passion for vengeance/wrath, and perhaps even power.
Asmoday is desire and passion for wealth and success.
Asmodai encourages us to explore our desires and find the source of them. To
obtain that which we desire. He/it (they) encourages us in our momentum forward
toward our goals and that exploration of all of those things we desire. Desire moti­
vates passion. Desire can also be crippling, manifesting jealousy or addiction.
Desire drives us to work hard, mate, and build empires. It can also drive us to war.
It can help us find companionship or cause us to be forever alone jumping from
lover to lover. Without desire, what are we? We are barren. So, in that sense, the
Daemonic Asmodai forces enrich us and are a path to abundance.

The following will not only help the ambitious magician connect with the As-
modai current, but also to employ and manifest Asmodeus as a means of reaching
goals and getting everything the magician desires.
That said, let’s first talk about expectations and results. This grimoire is not for
the timid or unambitious. It is for those magicians whose work ethic is strong,
whose dedication and practice are resolute. Who among you have what it takes to
take great risk for even greater gains?

This is the most important part of this article. The first rule of working with the
Daemonic is that Daemons are not a quick fix to all your problems. If that’s what
you're looking for, this mini grimoire cannot help you.
Defining realistic expectations can be hard. Especially when we’re pelted with
fictional tales of Daemonic theophany and soul selling to get what we want. Let’s
talk a little bit about how Daemons work and what kind of expectations are realistic.


Divine intelligence works to help us make better choices, find opportunities, gather
strength to accept opportunities, and to face our fears and become better, stronger
people, and more able to manifest our wills. This means that Daemonic influence,
whether it manifests in a good way, or a bad way, is often in our best interest. For
some people, when the magick manifests with bad or hurtful results, this makes the
Daemons appear to be evil, and/or liars. I assure you, however, they are neither of
those things. Daemons are lesson teachers. Magick won’t always manifest in the
way we want, but I guarantee you that you’re going to learn something from it and
end up wiser, with more self-knowledge, because of it. Sometimes certain areas of
our lives need to go up in flames (figuratively) and be destroyed in order to lay new
foundational work for something better. Something that serves us.
As we move forward in our work with Asmodeus, remember that life is not
something that happens to you—you happen to your life. You are the master of
your own path and very little happens in your life without your consent and explicit
approval. So, when bad things happen, ask yourself what you can learn from it.
Then learn from it. Do your best to not continue making the same mistakes or poor
choices, otherwise the Daemons will keep throwing opportunities for you to make

those same mistakes over and over again until you learn something. They’re lesson
teachers. In order to grow and change we need to have our comfort zones chal­
lenged. When you’re in your comfort zone, nothing changes. We can either
challenge ourselves or we can resist challenges, and the Daemonic will force chal­
lenges upon us. The question is, do you want your challenges on your own terms,
or theirs? That is your choice.


You get out of anything what you put into it. This applies to most things in life from
education to careers to success. Desire + Dedication + Persistence + Effort = Re­
sults. (Desire is where Asmodeus comes in, by the way.) Your individual work ethic
is a good place to start when you begin to wonder what your realistic results should
look like. Do you just want manna from heaven (or hell I suppose) to appear on
your doorstep, ripe for the plucking? Sure, you can see windfall results with Dae­
monic magick of the Daemonolatry variety. But the results will often be short lived.
Before we start, you need to be completely honest with yourself.
What do you desire? What is your real reason for seeking these things?
Whatever that looks like to you—that is going to change what your expected
results look like.
If you set your expectations too high, you set yourself up for extreme disap­
pointment. If you set them too low, you may not feel as compelled to apply effort
to the cause. That said, sometimes we desire things not good for us. Things we get
and later decide we no longer want. Be careful what you wish for has been the cau­
tionary mantra of many magicians, I‘m sure. Let’s tread forth and first introduce
ourselves to Asmodeus and the Asmodai current.



Items Needed
Three red candles, inscribed with the following:

Cupiditas Asmodai
Anoint the candles with cinnamon and benzoin macerated in grape seed oil.

Now draw the seals upon parchment.

You can use personalized or variant seals of these Daemons.
For reference, the seals of the three are thus:



This ritual is going to be set up in a triangle/pyramid construct. Basically, what

you’ll do here is place one candle over each of the seals in a triangle large enough
for you to sit in. The directional placement can be subjective here. I prefer Am-
ducias Southeast, Asmoday North, and Asmodeus Southwest if I’m using the
elemental configuration North/Earth, East/Air, South/Fire, and West/Water. Ifl
am putting Water North and Earth West, I will put Asmodeus in the South, Asmo­
day Northwest and Amducias Northeast. Go with your inspiration and personal
associations here. Don’t forget to consider alchemical combinations.
Prepare yourself by bathing, drinking a glass of water, and anointing your third
eye with flying ointment or the infusion of cinnamon and benzoin. Please be careful
and test all anointing oils onyour leg to make sureyou won’t have an allergic reaction to
it first (before anointingyour third eye with anything.)
Sit within the triangle, nude or wearing white robes or clothing if you must be
clothed, face the south quadrant of the room, and close your eyes. Take a deep
breath. Ground and center yourself.
Next, intone the following Enns until your body is vibrating with their essence:
Ayer avage Aloren Asmodeus aken
Amducius/ Amdusias:
Denyen valocur avage secore Amdusias

Ayer avage Aloren Asmoday aken


My theory is they're called enns from the alchemical term “ens” (entia plural.)
The ens is the influence or principle that affects us. The essence of something. So
essentially, the enns (entia) or enn (en) of a Daemon is basically a way to call upon
the essence of that Daemonic force. Oftentimes, in communication with a Dae­
monic force, a magician will receive variant enns attuned to their personal
connection to that Daemon, making them most useful to the magician who re­
ceived them. So, if you find yourself compelled to modify the above enns, just go
with it and see what happens. Don't forget to write it down.)

Now, when working with Asmodeus, some people report feeling the urge to
masturbate during ritual. If this happens it’s perfectly normal and the magus
should do so if the mood strikes. That exploding release of energy during orgasm
can be rather satisfying in a connection ritual like this and can also lend a great deal
of energy to any magickal work done in conjunction with this ritual and the As-
modai in general.

For those who enjoy the practice of prayer or oration, the following may be useful
and can also be used during targeted operations for manifested results.

Oration for Amducias

Anointed one, bringer ofdestruction, lord ofdesolation,
Lay waste to this which no longer serves me.
Make barren the works ofthose who oppose me.
Great Amducias, lord ofthe void, bring me vindication.

Oration for Asmodeus

Hail great serpent oflust, Asmodeus, thou art sacred.
From theflames arise in want, probing deftly into the depths ofthe abyss.
Arise, arise Daemonicfire, resplendent in the beauty ofyour invulnerableflame.

Oration for Asmoday

Blessed is Asmoday, bringer ofsuccess and wealth to this world.
Bestowyour abundance upon me,
That I may live in comfort and dominion the rest ofmy days.

Oration for the Asmodai

Glory be to the Asmodai, beloved desire,
Rise within me that I may have great power overall that stands before me.
Through you lam master ofmy life, my world.
Hail to the Asmodai.

Now that you have attuned yourself to the current, what do you do with it? You
apply it to your goals, of course. Attuning oneself to the desire/passion current is
useless unless you plan on applying it. If you don’t, you’re merely torturing your­
self. This is why work with the Asmodai is great for creative types to destroy
creative blocks of all sorts. You can most definitely attach your own magickal rites
to this one, including scrying so that you may speak with the Asmodai and seek
advice in a plethora of matters. From work, to relationships, to spiritual content­
ment, if there’s desire or passion behind it, the Asmodai can be of great benefit.
See the rituals and considerations that follow for inspiration.

All of the following rituals can be modified to bring the magician his/her desired
results. Modification can also be helpful during injury and illness or during periods
where a full-blown ritual is impractical (such as visiting the Catholic in-laws). Some
of these rituals can be done entirely in the astral temple if necessary. Tea lights can
be used in place of candles. An incense composed of a pinch of saffron, one tea­
spoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of sandalwood, and a half cup of red or yellow
rose petals may be burned. As this is a fire rite, these workings can be done in front
of a fire pit with the seals set out in a row next to it. The magician should be facing
south or southwest in most of these instances.
Note about enns: you may find that some invocations for Asmodeus vary de­
pending on the ritual. This is because there are many, what Daemonolaters call,
variant enns. The variation exists to appropriately connect you and the Daemonic
force with the particular purpose of the ritual. So, this is why you’ll see variation.
You may supply your own variant begotten via ascension or choose to use the
standard enn. I recommend experimentation to find which enn works best for you
and the work you’re doing.

Chapter 2


* Asmodeus: Daemon of lust and desire

* Color: Crimson or Red
* Incense: Myrrh and Cinnamon
* Metal: Copper
* Planet: Venus
* Element: Fire
* Enn: Ayer avage aloren Asmodeus aken
* Dates: Jan 3O-Feb 8
* Direction: South
* Ritual: Lust/desire workings, sexual magic

* Asmoday: King
* Color: Yellow
* Incense: Frankincense
* Metal: Gold
* Planet: Sun
* Element: Air
* Enn: Ayer avage aloren Asmoday aken
* Date: January 30-February 8
* Direction: East or southeast
* Ritual: Physical Strength, mental acuity, and good decision making.
* Original Purpose: He is keeper of the ring of virtues and can give said ring. He
can lead the magician to treasure, make him invincible, and will give true an­
swers to demands. He also teaches mathematics, astronomy and crafts.
* Author’s Notes: Some believe Asmoday is one of three the three heads (the
others being Amaymon and Amducius) in the Asmodai image in Collin De-
Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. Some believe Asmoday is equal to Asmodeus, a
Daemon of lust and passion. Asmoday can be worked with to make the magician
physically stronger and mentally sharp.

♦ Amducius: Duke
* Color: Green
* Incense: Sandalwood
* Metal: Copper
* Planet: Venus
* Element: Air
* Enn: (also Amdukias) Denyen valocur avage secore Amdusias
4 Date: January 20 - 29
4 Direction: East or Southeast
♦ Ritual: To find familiars. To control one’s own nature.
4 Original Purpose: Gives excellent familiars and causes trees to bend to the ma­
gician’s will.
4 Author’s Notes: Invoke during more aggressive pursuits and execration mag­
icks. Some Daemonolaters believe Amducius, Asmodeus/Asmoday, and
Amaymon are the three heads of the three headed Asmodai image from Collin
de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. Amducius being the more aggressive of the
three to be employed during battle and situations requiring an aggressive strat­
egy with military precision. -¥■



This is a ritual for creativity or call to action. It can be performed when you feel
dead inside, unmotivated, or uninspired. In the ritual space, place three red candles
in a straight line about 1-3 feet from each other. If you’re working on carpet, get
yourself several pieces of wood to put the candles on (for stability) or use tables.
Invoke Asmoday, Asmodeous, and Amducious as follows.

At the first candle, use the ZD sigil to invoke Asmoday by employing the enn,

Alan Typan Asmoday


Light the candle. Go to the second candle and invoke,

An Ayer on caAsmodeus!
Light the candle. Go to the third candle and invoke,
Secore myasa icar Amducious!
Light the candle. Go back to the first candle and lift your hands above your
I seek inspiration! I seek tofind my passion!
Bring your hands to your temples.
This is to see!
Go to the second candle and lift your hands above your head and declare,
I seek passion!
Bring your hands to your heart and say,
This is tofeel!
Go to the third candle and lift your hands above your head and say,

I seek action!
Bring your hands to your sides and say,

This is to move!
Circle the candles three times clockwise. During each round chant,

By Asmoday, Asmodeus, and Amducious may thefire within ignite!

Show me my passion!
Finally, write on a piece of parchment what you think your passion is. If you
don’t know, then just write your name on the paper and then burn it in the offering
bowl. Close the ritual.
Repeat this for three nights. Some report having dreams showing them what
their passion is, while others report being given a sign within a week of concluding
the ritual. I find this ritual helpful to bring back inspiration when I’m feeling down
and uninspired. It works in both instances.


In a quiet room, nude, face south and set a sigil of Asmodeus ( or
an internet search will reveal the sigil) in front of you. It can be made of paper, clay,
metal, wood, or whatever you choose.
Now invoke the Daemon:

Ayer avage Aloren Asmodeus aken

Say the invocation until you feel power surging through you. Try to focus this
power through your loins. Focus on attracting sexual partners and think about hav­
ing sex. Then, when the urge strikes you, masturbate yourself to orgasm and anoint
the sigil with your sexual fluids.
Carry this sigil with you when you go to clubs, bars, classes, or any place where
an opportunity to meet potential sexual partners exists.


Use this ritual in instances where you are seeking a sexual partner, but you don’t
have a specific person in mind. Do not use this ritual if you are actually seeking a
long-term relationship or love because the chances of either manifesting due to this
particular ritual is slim to none.

Items Needed
* Cedar
* Alcohol
* Rose petals
* Bergamot
* One red candle
* Oil of Asmodeus
Construct a Heptameron circle in honor of Asmodeus and Venus. Employ the Enn
of Asmodeus to construct the space. In a brown glass vessel mix alcohol, cedar,
rose petals, and bergamot along with two drops of your blood. Let it sit upon the
altar. Using the oil of Asmodeus, anoint your penis (if male) or clitoris (if female)
and begin masturbating, bringing yourself to climax. For males, catch your semen
in an earthenware bowl. For females, it is easier to gently use the unlit candle as a
dildo while stimulating the clitoris until climax is achieved and then using the

fingers, spread your sexual fluids across the candle and into the brown glass vessel
on the altar. For males, anoint the candle with semen and add some semen to the
brown glass vessel on the altar.
Light the candle. Lay naked on your back in the circle, close your eyes and
thrust your pelvis in the air.
Anayat Asmo At, Asmodai, bring me the lover I seek.
Repeat this for five minutes. Masturbate again if necessary. You may add more
sexual fluid to the brown glass vessel.
Once you have successfully released all your sexual desire and are spent, close
the ritual and place a tight lid on the brown glass vessel, gently shaking every fifteen
minutes until the candle has burnt completely down. You can perform this last bit
over a few days’ time.
Into a spray bottle, place some distilled water, some of the mixture from your
brown glass vessel, and some of your favorite perfume or cologne. Use it as a body
spray when going out. This mixture, now infused with the essence of Asmodeus,
will help draw a lover to you.


This is a ritual for creativity or call to action. It can be performed when you feel
dead inside, unmotivated, or uninspired. It is meant to help you find your inner fire
and passion. In the ritual space, place three red candles in a straight line about 1-3
feet from each other. If you’re working on carpet, get yourself several pieces of
wood to put the candles on (for stability) or use tables.
Invoke Asmoday, Asmodeous, and Amducious as follows.
At the first candle, use the ZD sigil to invoke Asmoday by employing the enn,
Alan Typan Asmoday
Light the candle. Go to the second candle and invoke,
An Ayer on ca Asmodeus!"
Light the candle. Go to the third candle and invoke,

Secore myasa icar Amducious!"

Light the candle. Go back to the first candle and lift your hands above your

I seek inspiration!
Bring your hands to your temples.
This is to see!
Go to the second candle and lift your hands above your head and declare,
I seek passion!
Bring your hands to your heart and say,
This is tofeel!
Go to the third candle and lift your hands above your head and say,
I seek action!
Bring your hands to your sides and say,
This is to act!
Circle the candles three times clockwise. During each round chant,
By Asmoday, Asmodeus, andAmducious may the fire within ignite!
Finally, write on a piece of parchment what you desire to achieve (be specific.)
Then burn it in the offering bowl. Close the ritual.
Repeat this for three nights. If additional repetition is needed, wait for two
weeks and then repeat. ¥


Chapter 4

EFORE you jump into a pact, let’s discuss what pacts are, how they’re

B utilized, and how they work. First you should know that working with
Daemons does not require a pact. However, there may be instances when
this operation of magick can be beneficial to the practitioner.


First and foremost—it is stupid to hire someone else to make the pact for you. Af­
ter all, then the pact is between that person and Daemon and not you and the
Daemon. This makes no sense. You have to be the willing participant, the one who
approaches the Daemon yourself and makes the pact. Otherwise you have no stake
in it. Not only is hiring it out lazy, but it’s kind of chicken-shit and will only encour­
age Daemons to mess with you. If you’re afraid of Daemons you shouldn’t be
making pacts to begin with because they’ll give you something to be afraid of. You
either have respect and honor for the forces you ’re expecting something from—or
you don’t. Guess which one gets better results?
The more we begin to realize that magick really is about helping ourselves by
knowing ourselves and by doing things to better ourselves, the more successful the
results. This is definitely the case when it comes to pacts because pacts really are
more about us than the Daemonic. The Daemonic is simply the support staff that
we "hire" to help make it happen. The pact you make is, ultimately, with yourself
and your determination and willpower. The Daemonic force is holding you ac­
countable to yourself. So, in the next part of this article I'm going to show you how

to make a powerful pact with a Daemonic force, and I'm going to explain how it
The first thing one must do is decide what, exactly, one desires. This is not the
time to be unspecific. You either want the management promotion with the $120K
annual salary with health insurance, bonuses and four weeks of vacation time, or
you can simply ask for a "better" job and roll the dice. That choice is yours. I've
found that being specific gives you more specific results, whereas being broad and
sweeping tends to work, but not always in the way we expect. Write down what you
want and make sure it’s really what you want. Do you really want that specific job?
Or are you simply wanting the increase in salary and benefits? Or do you really just
want to be happy?
Next, decide what you are willing to sacrifice from yourself to yourself in order
to make this happen. At this point in the example we're not giving anything to the
Daemonic. Instead, you may need to sacrifice time or put in more effort to get what
you want. Basically - how bad do you want it and what are you willing to do? You
get out of something what you put into it. Lack of effort often results in lack of
success. (Keep reading for ideas of things to offer the Daemonic.)
Then you'll need to decide what you want from the Daemon. At this point I
suggest the magician evaluate his expectations. If you're seeking to have it handed
to you on a silver platter with no effort on your part, expect the magick manifest in
unexpected ways. It will work, yes, you just may not be pleased with the result.
Instead of viewing the Daemonic as genii who will grant you three wishes, I always
recommend looking at the Daemonic as your support staff. Your support staff gives
you the information you need to make informed decisions, presents you with op­
portunities, and helps you find whatever it is you need to manifest the results you
want, whether it's a tool, a relationship, an attitude, or an emotion.
So, a pact may read something like this (if you're being rather unspecific, and
in the case of soulmates I do recommend being rather unspecific when it comes to
naming names of potential partners):
For the great Asmodeus 1, [name], offer three drops ofmy blood in exchangefor
knowledge and opportunity to help me find my soul mate. Herewith I affix my
Your seal is obviously your signature and your blood. You may choose to add
qualities of the person you're looking for into the pact. You may write it with far
more elegance than the above. Write it up however you wish. Just make sure you
put the Daemons name, your name, what you're offering specifically in exchange

for what specifically. After you write this out on parchment using a magickal ink
attuned to your intent, you would begin your ritual, invoke the Daemonic force
you’re seeking out, and then read your pact aloud to the Daemon to solidify your
intent. To this—you would sign your name in the presence of the Daemon and, in
this instance, add a few drops of your blood. Then the parchment is burned in the
offering bowl, turning matter to energy, and symbolically, alchemically transform­
ing the request from a heart-felt want to pure intent. From there—it will become
In this example, Asmodeus is not going to drop a soulmate off on your doorstep
with a quick, “Here you go! Enjoy! ”
Nor is He going to hand over the person you asked for by name, because that
means influencing the other person, perhaps against their will. This often turns out
badly. If you've ever had a stalker you know exactly what I mean.
However, Asmodeus may direct your attention to a party at a friend’s this
weekend and suggest you go. He may suggest you give yourself a shave or direct
you to toward a certain part of the room while you're there. And there you may
meet someone who laughs at your jokes and shares your interests, leading to the
opportunity of a date. If you ultimately just wanted sex, perhaps this person goes
home with you. Asmodeus, in this example, merely provided the information and
opportunity. You made the ultimate choice to act on the opportunity by attending
the party and you made a choice to talk to the other person and ask them out. (This
is a very simple example. Don't expect all encounters will happen this way.)
Again, it’s wise for the magus to examine his/her expectations. Ultimately, it’s
wise to drop expectations of everything except the end result when it comes to the
pact, even though there is always something to be learned from the journey. Just
be open-minded to the method by which your end results manifest.
Basically—the pact is a contract between you and the Daemonic (and some­
times you and yourself with the Daemonic as a witness). You are basically stating
that you are willing to give the Daemon something specific, in exchange for some­
thing specific that you want. It’s essentially a formal contract. What are acceptable
things to offer a Daemon in exchange for the “favor?” Let’s just make a small list.
* Blood (just a few drops)
* Offerings of alcohol, water, food, or flowers for a specified number of days
* Your attention to their teachings or wisdom
* Yoi’r promise to be a good student

♦ Your promise to do service for them here in the physical (and this will never
include illegal activity or harming another living thing!) Usually service in­
cludes writing, speaking, helping others, or serving them in your private temple.
In this instance, you may choose to only make a pact with Asmodeus if he’s
your Patron.
* Your dedication to make a change in yourself (for the better)
Then, after you establish what you’re giving, and what you’re getting, you sign
the pact with ink made with your own blood. Or you can sign in any old ink, prick
yourself again (if you’re offering blood in the first place) and then add a drop of
blood after the signature.
The pact is then burned, transforming it (alchemically) from the physical realm
to the spiritual plane. Once you sign it and burn it, it’s done.
Usually a pact is done in the temple after the ritual space has been constructed
in a way that you, the magician, sees fit.
All of this obviously leads to the question, “Why would I create a pact?”
Admittedly the “why” is going to depend on the person. For some, they’ll
think a pact is the easier way to accomplish something instead of hard work. I sus­
pect the Daemonic will have a nice lesson for those who are of this mindset. For
others, the why is motivation. They desire something so profound, even if it’s that
connection to the divine, that they are willing to make a pact. Or perhaps they want
something so badly, they’re willing to sacrifice something of themselves to them­
selves, and the Daemon as merely witness.
What follows are sample pacts for common things you might seek Asmodeus
for. Feel free to modify them to your purpose.


I,[your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer Asmodeus [what
you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for passion to gain all I desire I seek to
excel in my endeavors. [Enter other specifics here.]
I affirm that a pact with You, Asmodeus, that this is my most heartfelt desire.
By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to my desire [add spe­
cifics here]. Below I affix my seal:
______________________________ [date]
______________________________ [signature with blood]
[Daemon’s Seal]


I,[your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer Asmodeus [what
you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for sexual congress with any person I
choose. [Enter other specifics here.]
I affirm a pact with You, Asmodeus, that this is my most heartfelt desire. By
signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to transforming myself into
one who others sexually desire, [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal:
______________________________ [date]
______________________________ [signature with blood]
[Daemon’s Seal]
Note: consider altering this pact for influencing specific people, or a certain
number of people. As always, please practice safe sex. STDs and unwanted preg­
nancies aren’t sexy.


In daemonic magick it is said that if you work with Asmodeus and carry a lodestone
in your left pocket, that he will lead you to wealth and riches. Lodestone magick,
however, is an interesting thing. Lodestones themselves are said to attract (due to
their magnetic nature) and so it would stand to reason that you are not being “ led, ”
but rather you are “attracting.” So holding the stone between your hands and fo­
cusing on what you want to attract may be a prudent part of this operation that is
often left unmentioned.


Candles: The flame symbolizes burning desire within.
Sexual Fluid: As a manifestation of desire, this offering makes sense for all the


Asmoday/Asmodeus presides over a great deal of sex magick and if invoked during
a sex magick ritual, is said to increase the energy of your sex magick tenfold. You
still construct the ritual space as you would with any other ritual. Within the ritual
chamber—be sure to place sigils in places where the participants can see them.
This helps with focus during orgasm. If, at the moment of orgasm each participant
can focus on a sigil, it will help bring together all that energy.


* Asmodeus Herbal Aphrodisiac: A pinch of vervain and fennel in his/her tea.
* Asmodeus Incense/Oil: 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons lavender, and 1
teaspoon of agrimony. To make and oil, steep the herbs in a half cup of oil fora
minimum of two weeks. Keep it in a cool dark place and rotate the jar once a
week to mix. Strain before bottling in an amber jar.

Celebrate the Asmodai the last weeks of January into early February. Even with
Daemons that have a specific date associated with them, it is perfectly fine to do
the ritual a few days before, or after, as the right energies are likely present. Dates
often coincide with astrological alignments, zodiac rulership, and so on. You can
more finely attune your timing to the ritual’s purpose and your own preferences.
Remember: as above, so below. Your preferences and correspondences matter in
your magick, too.
* Jan 20 to 29 for Amducius
* Jan 30 to Feb 8 for Asmodeus
¥ Anywhere between Jan 20 - Feb 8 for Asmoday (or Amaymon according to
* Do rites for Amducius again during the dark moon in May

The following is a handy reference list for the reasons you might work with Asmo-
deus. These are by no means the only things you can work the Asmodeus on:
¥ To generate wealth from something you ’ re passionate about

* To find motivation
> To find a lover
> Glamour spells for sex appeal
* To find your passion
* To find familiars
4 To control one’s passions (including anger) for more self-control
> To find strength
* To make decisions based on logic instead of base instincts and passions
4 To explore one’s base instincts more completely
♦ For a deeper understanding of self
4- Celebrations and explorations of sexuality
♦ To overcome sexual abuse
* To overcome sexual embarrassment

divination meanings in sigil magick

In Daemonolatry, it is a very common practice for practitioners to keep a bowl or
deck of sigil cards at the ready and to pull one each day. The following divinatory
meanings are just a guideline to help the practitioner decipher the following sigils
if they’re pulled from a deck or sigil set. To learn more about sigil divination with
the Daemonic, see the book Sigillum Diaboli.


If you pull this sigil it often indicates that rewards from hard work are not far off.
Your success is earned. It may also suggest hard work in general. If you are an artist
of some type it may suggest the birth of a new project.

Inverse Attributes
Inverse, pulling this seal may suggest that you may need more time to see your
desired goals or results manifest. It may also suggest you haven’t been putting
fort the work necessary to reap the rewards you’re expecting.


Amducius is the destroyer. In his positive aspects he represents being steadfast and
sure. Assertive and resolute. He destroys fallacies (pipe dreams etc.) and enemies,
or obstacles in your path. When you pull this sigil, it represents strength in your
situation, as well as the ability to turn situations to your favor using both facts and

Inverse Attributes
If you invert this sigil it represents loss of a battle. Ineffective efforts. It suggests a
negative outlook or pent up anger. Perhaps even hasty actions.


Asmodeus rules our passions and desires. In his positive aspects he represents in­
spiration, action, and following one’s passion. When you pull this sigil, it is often
a sign that you need to follow your heart and act upon inspiration. This is a good
omen for an artist of any ilk. It may also indicate a new lover.

Inverse Attributes:
Pulling this sigil warns of overindulgence or a lack of action or passion. Procrasti­
nation, or all work and no play. ■¥•


By he who stokes the greatfires within
I rise to my passions.
Hear me, Lord Asmodeus.
Imbue me with yourfire.
Draw to me great desires,
And the passion to act upon them.
Help me to fulfil my lust.
Grant me fervor in myjoy.
Hail Asmodeus and Hail to Asmodeus within.
So be it.


I exaltyou, Lord Asmodeus.
My devotion and esteem meant to honoryou.
Your wisdom has given me great solace and direction.
Your energy has provided me with sustenance.
Mayyour wise counsel be with me all ofmy days.
So be it.

We stand tall in the light ofAsmodeus.
Our Lord ofgreat desire and high esteem.
The bane ofhumility and timidity.
The fire ofcourage and passion.

He brings us delight and wisdom.

He fuels our lust and energy.
May he possess us to action that we may manifest
All things that bring us unbridledjoy.

Without Asmodeus thefruits oflabors may not befully realized.

Hail to the King ofDesire and Passion.
Hail to Asmodeus.
To his avatars Amducius and Asmoday.
Hail to theAsmodai.
Forever shall He live within us.


Infernal Divine.
Rise, risefrom the darkness.
Swellfrom the depths ofthe abyss.
Harbor me inyour embrace.

To be said while you look at your reflection in a mirror after intoning the enn of

Asmodeus, come to me.

Draw out my sexuality.
Fire, desire so completely
Depth ofpassion, so mote it be. ■¥■

Chapter 6

INALLY, I’d like to take a moment to address a few more things the ma­

F gician should take into consideration before working with Asmodeus.

First, the fiery energy of Asmodeus (even aspects with airy qualities) can
cause hyperactivity, insomnia, and dehydration in some people. Plan accordingly
depending on your reaction to specific energies. Some magicians may even feel
tired, while others feel invigorated by their work with this Daemon. Do not expect
your experience with Asmodeus to match anyone else’s. It’s great if it does, but
don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t. We each alchemize with each Daemonic force
differently because none of us is alchemically the same as the next magician. How
you envision or see Asmodeus may not be the same way your magickal partner
does. This does not invalidate either person’s experience. Your journey with the
Daemonic is uniquely your own and I guarantee you it is unlikely to completely
match anyone else.
Second, the only person who can validate your experience with a Daemon is
you. You were there and if you’re completely honest with yourself and you know
yourself, your experience will be more authentic for jw. You do not need valida­
tion of your personal connection or experience with the Daemonic divine from
anyone else. Only you can know if you learned something from the experience or
took something valuable away from the interaction.
Third, manifestation of work with the Daemonic differs from person to person
as well. Keeping your expectations realistic will help you measure your own pro­
gress. Keeping a private journal will help you see that progress more clearly. Also
note that oftentimes when magicians speak of manifestation, we’re not actually
discussing theophany. We’re discussing the manifestation of results. All magick

will manifest, especially if you have a disciplined work ethic. You just have to have
the wisdom to see it. Sometimes what we want, and what we need are two different
things. The Daemonic often gives us what we need, and in that respect, Asmodeus
is no different from any other Daemon.
Finally, don’t be afraid to modify or to make a ritual your own! Your magickal
work will be most effective if you add personal touches. That isn’t to say you can’t
do things by the book and that those things won’t be effective. A lot of magicians
only put things into publication if a ritual has been thoroughly tested by themselves
and a test group of magicians. However, never underestimate the power of a simple
modification. For example: The Daemonic divine will not get “angry” with you,
or smite you, or ignore you if you love purple and want to use purple candles in
place of red. They’re not going to be offended if you don’t have a chalice made of
gold, or a certain color of drapes in your temple. Relax. Daemons are not petty
magickal humans who live in the sky (or at the core of the earth.) They’re energy
forces that don’t suffer the imperfections or petty emotions of the human animal
(thank the Daemons.) If you need a little help easing into creating rituals and spells,
try The Art of Creative Magick.
In my personal experience with Asmodeus, I’ve found this Daemon’s energy
rather playful and joyful, encouraging me to indulge in my passions with wild aban­
don. To take a spa day or shirk a minor responsibility (it’s really not the end of the
world.) Asmodeus has helped me to rekindle my love of hobbies and interests, even
things I’m not very good at, that bring me joy. It’s not just about sex, though sexual
healing and exploration are two of Asmodeus ’ strong points. It’s about those things
in life that make your heart sing and make you feel like the world is still new and
wonderous regardless your age. For me, Asmodeus is joy in the things we’re pas­
sionate about, the people and interests that make life worth living. I encourage
everyone reading this to work with Asmodeus at least once and allow him to guide
you on an exploration of yourself and your deepest desires so that you can go about
preparing a plan of action to make what you love your reality.
May the fire of Asmodeus, and the breath of his wisdom, fuel your passions for
a lifetime. ¥




Chapter 1

Subterranean shadows emerging through black holes

Veiled in madness and ecstasy
Primal totems erupting strange symbols
And vibrating mantras offire}
Under the stones ofprimigenian wisdom...

HE King Asmodeus, according to the demonologists, originally was a

T powerful rebellious angel in heaven, and after his fall, was counted among
the most eminent personages in hell. In fact, he was linked with Lucifer
and the other luminaries of the Infernal Kingdom. Medieval writers calle
"Prince of Demons." Asmodeus was the name under which the Devil was wor­
shipped by diverse cultures through antiquity. King Asmodeus or Ashmodai, as it
is called by some demonologists is well known and plays a prominent part in Jewish
mythology. Many legends have been woven by the rabbis around this “king of the
shedhim,” demons who are the offspring of fallen angels and human mothers. As­
modeus himself, according to one Jewish tradition, is the child of Shamdon, a fallen
angel, and of Naamah, the sister of Tubal-Cain. According to another Jewish tra­
dition, however, he is the son of Samael and Lilith. Asmodeus is no other than
Eshma-Dseva, who in the Persian religion, is the personification of violent wrath
and carnal lust. Asmodeus has many other accomplishments and achievements to
his credit. He is also a scholar, the most learned master of arts and the most prom­
inent professor at his alma mater, the astrological college founded by the fallen
angels Asa and Asael.
Asmodeus is versed in the black arts and well known for his occult wisdom.
With these qualities, he is the successor to Thoth, the god of wisdom and learning
in Thermopolis, who was identified by the Egyptians with Sirius, the god of occult
and infernal arts. Asmodeus propounded difficult questions which Solomon was
able to answer, only with the help of his ring. The demon then tempted the king to
lay aside the ring. He taunted Solomon with the challenge that all his wisdom lay
in his ring and that he would be but an ordinary mortal without it. Solomon, being
piqued into denial and proudly thinking that he could answer the demon's ques­
tions by his unaided intelligence, rashly removed the ring but the demon seized it,
and. having by its might metamorphosed the monarch beyond recognition, trans­
ported him four hundred miles away. He himself assumed the appearance of
Solomon, and for three years resided in the royal temple.
According to this tradition, Asmodeus was the real author of the offences which
history ascribes to the Jewish king. Solomon, after a long period of vagrancy, be­
came the cook of the king of Anion. One day, as he was dressing a fish for dinner,
he found within it the ring which Asmodeus had thrown into the sea. With its aid,
he recovered his throne and his harem from the demon. As a punishment, Solomon
imprisoned Asmodeus together with many other demons in a bottle of black glass,
which he cast into a deep well near Babylon. But the Babylonians, hoping to find a

treasure in this well, descended into it, broke the bottle, and thus liberated the de­
Asmodeus is, moreover, the diabolic patron of letters and arts and even has lit­
erary aspirations himself. In modesty, he refuses to publish anything under his own
name, but he has helped many another writer. Among the great authors who owe
their inspiration to this demon, we will mention Boccaccio, who is said to have
composed his Decameron from the dictation of this demon, who thus wished to take
his revenge on the monks, who maligned him.
The primal fire of Asmodeus ascends
through the Tree of Shadows, and under
this emanation it’s exalted the Golachab
Qlipha. This primal fire leads us to find
the deepest aspects of our self and the abil­
ity to manifest it through a process of
psychic empowerment. The specific goal
is the articulation of the soul, and the will
of the adept. This fire is considered black
because it is the symbol of the unknown,
as an extended part of psyche and subcon­
scious. Magickal workings with Asmodeus
are a vast ocean of knowledge, the rising of
consciousness, the ascension of spirit and
The Ascension of spirit is beyond the
mental body. Here Asmodeus is the initia­
tor of the deepest mysteries of magick.
The nature of Asmodeus is knowledge
without time and is unlimited. This causes
the deepest changes in the subconscious of
man. We must remember that darkness is
the essence wherein the universe was cre­
ated and Asmodeus offers to us part of this inner darkness for our spiritual process.
The gates of the infernal realms are open, and the black adept who has been initi­
ated in the Asmodian mysteries cab drink from secret knowledge. Hell or the place
of the dead is a powerful zone or place where all black adepts can gather for astral
sabbatic gatherings. You will find areas or labyrinths which offer a deep knowledge

to work with, or to interact with deities connected with demons. In this case it is
The Qlipha Golachab ruled by demon Asmodeus. The point of exploring the gates
of hell will change your perceptions of spirits and how to work with them.
The path of knowledge emanating through the workings with Asmodeus is a
path of sorcery of transcendence. The adept assumes the form of their desires, in
order to became transformed by the Asmodian flames, in which resides all the
power of its knowledge. Asmodeus is widely known as the King of Demons being
analogous or equivalent to Satan. Despite the legends which claim that Asmodeus
was the original serpent who seduced Eve in paradise, there remains conflicting
accounts regarding his conception.
He is considered to be the spawn of either Samael (Satan) and Lilith—the
Queen of demons, King David and the demoness Igrat "Agrat bat Mahalath" or of
Naamah and her brother Tubal-Cain, or alternately, Naamah and the fallen angel
Shamdon. Other reports say Asmodeus is Shamdon.
These differences can be reconciled with the view that Asmodeus is merely the
title of office for the King of Demons, therefore numerous unions have resulted in
various personifications of Asmodeus, as the King of Demons. Asmodeus is con­
sidered a high class of demon, because his conception involved the direct influence
and participation of demons. In the Testament of Solomon, he claims to be “born
of angel's seed by a daughter of man,” consequently we can also identify him with
the offspring known as the Nephilim of the fallen angels.
Asmodeus is a genius of marital discord. His chief objective is to split relations
between husband and wife. In addition, he is a spirit of rage who inspires anger,
jealousy, lechery, and revenge. He is the chief demon involved with possession,
false impersonation, gambling, fads and fashion trends. As the demon of lust he
promotes licentiousness and has a fetish for menstrual blood. He is deceptive about
his true identity, often giving the cipher pseudonym “Sidonay” rather than Asmo­
deus or its derivatives. When he tries to bring men to their fall, he employs women
as his accomplices. It is through this, that his power lies in this world, especially
among Caucasian people.
Asmodeus is a master shapeshifter who is generally portrayed as a chimeric be­
ing with three heads, those of an ogre, a ram, and a bull, while having wings and
the tail of a serpent and the feet of a cock. He is said to expel fire from any facial
orifice and ride upon a dragon. Demonologists suggest that he may be recognized
by the fact that one of his limbs is like a cock's leg. The other leg is humanoid, but
it possesses claws. In some portrayals, he walks with the aid of crutches, following

a theme in which his lower extremities feature some type of anomaly. At times he
is associated with the planet Saturn, the month of November and the zodiacal sign
of Aquarius. His abode has been said to be in the constellation of the Great Bier,
“the mountain near the firmament” and/or a mysterious and elusive island in the
In addition to his shape shifting capability, some of Asmodeus’ other alleged
abilities include exact foresight, occult knowledge; including the ability to obtain
the secrets of any individual, and the whereabouts of hidden treasure. Further­
more, he can produce lavish spectacles of food, and to some extent he wields the
general ability to manipulate matter. He aids the transmutation of metals and trans­
mogrification of both people and animals by changing their shapes at will.
Asmodeus is a master who instructs mankind in the art of geometry, arithmetic,
astronomy, music and the mechanical arts.
He is also a scholar, the most learned master of arts and the most prominent
professor at his alma mater—that being the astrological college founded by the
fallen angels Asa & Asa’el. It has been said of Asmodeus that he is the very phi­
losophy of all ages summed up in a caricature, thus he is at times referred to as
“The Great Philosopher.” Asmodeus’ claim that he was the direct result of inter­
breeding between a fallen angel and a woman indicates that he is of the genetic
abominations known as the Nephilim. Otherwise his statement can be understood
figuratively, in that it is merely his ancestral lineage that derives from the inter­
breeding of fallen angels, Watchers, with humans.
Furthermore, the concept of Asmodeus being the seed of an angel could be
linked with ‘ Azaz’el, who likewise, was chief of the fallen angels and/or Nephilim.
The Nephilim are considered by many to be the original demons. Asmodeus’ con­
nection with the fallen angels and/or Nephilim is also present in the Luciferian
belief system as well. Asmodeus claims that mankind is ignorant of the true nature
of demons, as such, it will ultimately lead to their worship as gods. The Chief of
Demons is none other than Satan himself. Satan is an immaterial disembodied
spirit with a desire to become manifest in the material realm. This procedure re­
quires the acquisition (via possession) of a body, a suitable match perhaps both
morally and genetically, one that will place him amongst mankind as Chief De­
ceiver. However, merely sharing the human vessel with its original host is not
sufficient, he desires, or requires an empty body to call his own. In order to achieve
this, he inspires a master-craftsman to fabricate for him, a soulless form.

During King Solomon’s conquest of Sidon, King Hiram was killed, prompting
Satan’s disembodied spirit to migrate from King Hiram’s body into the body of his
apprentice and successor—Hiram Abiff. Consequently, Hiram Abiff became As­
modeus, Chief of Demons. He was then captured by King Solomon and forced into
slavery. His servitude to Solomon was tainted by a rebelliousness which fueled his
uninhibited desire to fabricate an “empty body” in the guise of Solomon. Upon
entering this human golem, he claimed it as his own, without the potential re­
sistance and limitations of a human host.
Here we focus on spreading the magnetism of primal lust and the suffering of
the initiated in the Qliphothic mysteries, those who drink from the vessel of the
black fire of Asmodeus the demon ruler of this Qlipha. Golachab has the force of a
giant volcano, erupting lava as its primal gnosis, to create a path of inner wisdom
through chaos and shadows from the rottenest subconscious realms.
The sacred fire of Asmodeus burns the path of the sorcerer/ess, this unveils an
existence focused on lust and suffering, which the sorcerer/ess must trespass to
understand the nature and mysteries of this Qliphoth and how it operates in chaos
as a corrosive fire, penetrating the subconscious mind, via lascivious rites and sug­
gestive manifestations. Lust and suffering, attraction and repulsion, sex and death.
Awaken the black fire of inner revolution, generating a powerful mental state in
order to control the intense elements as mentioned before. One can harness them
as potent sources of primal wisdom which feed the depths of the mind and spirit
with its corrosive black fire, while being consumed in its totality by its striking rays.
The sorcerer is thrown into the abyss of being, to be self-liberated as an incarnated
symbol of such forbidden knowledge, aligning one’s will and truly benefiting them.
One of the principal elements when working with Asmodeus is to invoke the
power of the primal God. This works to transform all its chaotic powers into an
organization of unlimited paths. Such powers show us a particular view of its cor­
rosive nature in which these energies are just a part of a larger whole, which later
can be directed into the sorcerer/ess, and be transmuted in an appropriate way.
Through the black fire of Asmodeus, we automatically cause the awakening of
the astral realm through its great chaotic matrix, bringing its primal current of total
energy into the sorcerer’s being, and transporting them to a great volcano of dark
energy. This volcano will keep the essence of the sorcerer/ess unlimited energy
and is then fed by the black fire that burns as psychotronic fuel.
The point of this work with Asmodeus, is to visualize a path of pure radiant
burning fire, flowing from the pits of the spirit realms to your subconscious, and

bringing you to a great black void. When you can anchor your astral and spiritual
bodies to the great void, you can open a vortex of primigenian energy and fully
absorb the powers given by Asmodeus. This obscure energy is very important to
make potent astral voyages, create destructive poisons and spells to combat your
enemies, as well as dissolving dangerous elements which can lead you outside of
the Qliphothic path. ■¥■


Chapter 2

NE powerful method of invoking Asmodeus, is through a ritual of self­

O eroticism; awakening the magickal energy of the Qliphoth Golachabby

self-stimulation with use of a ritual mantra chanted during the process
of the ritual. The sorcerer anoints their own libations on to the respec
which they will burn later, and let the energy of Golachab emerge within.
Start the ritual by arranging a proper space to perform the rite. You must in­
clude a black candle and a sigil. Meditate until your mind is ready to begin the ritual.
When you feel ready, sit down and slowly start chanting the mantra:
Ayer Avage Aloren Asmoday Aken
Repeat this in an obsessive and a potent way while you start to touch your gen­
itals, and begin with the process of masturbation in a rhythmic way, moving with
the mantra. When you’re close to orgasm, burn the black candle and visualize a
blue flame emerging in spirals and slowly entering through your nose. While inhal­
ing and exhaling this blue flame, exhale directly onto your genitals, so you can feel
the powerful inner fire, a volcano ready to erupt all its sacred emanations. The
mantra must be chanted as loud as you can, and when you reach orgasm cry:
Ayer Avage Aloren Asmoday Aken
Take some of your libations and anoint the sigil while visualizing the image of
the sigil burning in a dark scarlet fire. Take the sigil and pass it through the flame
of the black candle. While burning the sigil, you will experience a dark shadow ris­
ing from the candle’s smoke. At this point the whole working is done and the rite
is finished.
There are vessels that allow you to call Asmodeus and talk to it in the form of
an oracle. Sometimes it works through the use of bones as the principal oracle or
in dreams or perceptions along with cyphered messages. Also, using bones is a pre­
dominant element to communicate with spirits, so in this case they are used to
contact Asmodeus. Its offerings depend on the nature of the black adept and it is a
diverse experience working with spirits. In my perspective, the use of sigils
anointed with my own blood and demoniac enns, works perfectly to get in contact
within Asmodeus. Libations in the form of the blood of sacrificial animals, or our
own blood are made in a pit that is dug for the vessel or sometimes you can draw
lines of blood through the sigil.
In later descriptions of artistic practices of working with Asmodeus, we can
clearly see repulsive features, designed to ensure that they shock the reader. The
most prominent element used in antiquity to work with Asmodeus, was the use of

a fresh corpse, in which the adept draws a sigil on the chest of the dead, in order
for the body to be a kind of nexion between the world of the spirits and the living.
Through that way, it is easier to establish a deep connection within Asmodeus. To
speak with Asmodeus through the possessed cadaver, it requires the saliva of a
black cat, the backbone of hyenas and serpent blood. All these ingredients must be
put on the vessel and anointed with your own blood. Later, draw the sigil onto the
cadaver while reciting the repetitive mantra as it is done. With the help of an elixir
of such components, as well as lunacy, threats, and appeals to the gods of the un­
derworld, it howls and it animates the body to get answers to Asmodeus. This
action takes place in a dark place, associated with the underworld: the slope of a
cliff, in the shade of yew trees, or your own temple. In antiquity this is used as a
basis for the deposits of many elements of real practice to conjure spirits and de­
mons: space, approximately calculated to access the world of the demons. The
components associated with the word howling, are also referring to the practice of
Goetic spirits or even necromancy.
I am called Asmodeus among mortals, and my business is to plot against
the newly wedded, so that they may not know one another. And I sever
them utterly by many calamities, and I waste away the beauty of virgin
women, and estrange their hearts.
My own experience has shown me that demons are very proud and it is of great
importance to always show a lot of respect. Recently, several high priests and
priestesses performed energy work with many different demons, including all the
demons of the Goetia. 72 demons, and many more, have been released, and we
have found the true identity of most of these demons. Many have used different
names to avoid being viciously abused. These demons, to the contrary of what they
are described as in the old grimoires are not monsters. They are beautiful, popular
and important.
Asmodeus told Solomon:
Do not ask me many things, because after a short time, your kingdom
will be disturbed and your glory has only one reason, your tyranny soon
to be upon us.
One should always go to the demons with extreme honesty and respect. The
days when names of "gods" as their enemies, circles of three meters, threats and
other abusive methods being used are over. Do not say you have not been fore­

When you explore the diverse methods of sorcery to evoke the demons, you
must be sure that the demons are willing to help. The goal of working with demons
is becoming gods. That means giving to ourselves. As we progress through our own
efforts, we become more and more influential. We must be able to rely on our own
powers rather than the powers of others. Demons are the best when it comes to
imparting knowledge and wisdom, so that we can learn and advance our own pow­
ers. Insofar as we progress, we must be capable and competent in all aspects of
magic. We should be able to influence others and our environment for ourselves,
without outside help.
However, even as an adept, there may be overwhelming circumstances and in
such cases the help of a demon is necessary. As spiritual guides, the demons are for
us at all levels, from novice to advanced. My own experience leads me to recom­
mend to those of you who are seriously interested in spiritual progress, to establish
a strong and close relationship with a demon who is willing to work with you and
guide you along the "Left Hand Path. ” This can be a very enriching experience, to
say the least. You should always treat demons with respect and honesty. Never give
them orders or try to exploit them in any way. Take into consideration the follow
instructions to work with Asmodeus or any other demon.
1. Know all possible information about the demon you want to invoke. There are
lists of attributes and available knowledge about different demons. All demons
from the Goetia are friendly with humans, we know from experience.
2. It is important to have a specific purpose; you should know exactly why you
want to call a particular demon.
3. When we ask for assistance to a demon, it is appropriate to offer something in
return. Be prepared to offer something in exchange for their help. This is a mat­
ter between you and the demon, you two should agree with what is being
offered. Remember that the most ancient Gods value our word, our honesty,
integrity, and our honor is of utmost importance. So, never say yes to something
you know you cannot fulfill.
4. You must know the methods and a plan to use to communicate with the demon.
One of the most important steps when invoking a demon with which you are
not yet familiar, is done through Satan. There are serious reasons to do so in these
cases, it is that not all demons are friendly to humans. Satan has authority over all
demons from the Goetia. Most demons are friendly when treated with respect and
call it a positive experience.


I learned a lot because of my own interactions with demons. As always, experience
is the best teacher. The following are levels of experiencing contact with a demon.
1. The Demon speaks through our thoughts (telepathy): with telepathy, the
words of the demon come to us through our thoughts. At the beginning, it can
be difficult for those who are not very sensitive or lacking psychic ability to dif­
ferentiate between communication with another entity and its own thoughts.
This becomes much easier with meditation as time passes. This is a fundamen­
tal principle when working with Asmodeus.
2. We can see and hear the demon: this is with those who are more psychic and
open mentally.
3. We invoke the power of the demon: this is powerful and electrifying. We are
surrounded by a strong aura s. During these times, we can often hear Asmodeus
speaking and additionally, we can see the demon in a vaporous, shadow shapes.
4. Communication through an object: while we call Asmodeus, it appears and
speaks through a mirror, in the smoke of incense or otherwise. This is the best
way for novices. When using a mirror, if we are sufficiently sensitive, often we
can feel that Asmodeus touches us, if he / she wants to.
5. Tangible contact: here the demon can move objects in our room and we have
physical evidence that Asmodeus or another demon is present.
Some methods and pathworking with Asmodeus consist of copying, printing or
drawing the sigil of Asmodeus on clean paper. It is important that you are alone
and nobody can bother you in any way. Close your eyes and visualize the sigil in
your mind as best you can. It’s fine to suddenly open your eyes and look at the sigil
again (as necessary) so you can clearly display the sigil in your mind. While view­
ing, recite or sings the demonic enn repeatedly, it can be mentally or aloud:

Demonic Enn: Ayer A vage Aloren Asmoday Aken


1. Through a mirror when you look at it, you'll see Asmodeus in the mirror.
2. In the smoke of incense.
3. Asmodeus can appear directly when one is sufficiently sensitive and we are in
a deep meditative state.

Your first steps for the ritual to call Asmodeus must be performed overnight. The
reason for this is that during the night, the energies are different than during the
day. Also, at night is easier to be alone and free from distractions. When one has
already established a relationship with Asmodeus, it is no longer necessary to do a
ritual to call it. Asmodeus can appear before us day or night, all we have to do is
concentrate to contact telepathically.


* A quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
* ■ Frankincense incense, with a pleasant fragrance. I highly recommend trying the
incense in advance of the ritual or the appeal, because cheap incense is offensive
to the spirits and can be embarrassing for any ritual.
* One or more black candles or yellow candles. Black is preferred but you can use
yellow as a substitute if you cannot achieve black candles.
* The sigil of the Devil on paper.
When you have finished using the sigil, you must find a safe place to keep it, pref­
erably in your black book or your journal. Also, you should treat this sigil with
respect. You can reuse the sigil. There is no need to draw a circle of three meters.
Asmodeus and demons in general hate circles and you do not need permission to
remove the demon. Both are offensive. Give respect to the demon, and in return,
receive the same.
After reciting the petition to Asmodeus, you must feel a positive energy. This
is a good sign. If for some reason Asmodeus does not respond, try again another
day. Often Asmodeus will appear, but those who are new to the invoke a demon
are not sufficiently open psychically, or do not have the experience to "feel" the
Most people have to do the ritual to invoke Asmodeus more than one time for
him to be revealed. Often Asmodeus responds, but many do not realize and do not
"see and feel" the answer. Here you must look out, pay attention, and look for co­
incidences and things out of the ordinary. Paying attention is important.
You should always offer a touch of gratitude and appreciation in exchange for
the services to Asmodeus. Some ideas are, for example, to advertise him, working
against Christianity, working for the advancement of implantation of demons on
planet Earth or any other service that both Asmodeus and you, agree. The principal
goal with the Asmodeus workings is to give spiritual power to mankind via hidden

knowledge. Human souls have been sealed, there is very little, or nothing, that is
the most accessible, as is the material world. Judeo Christian churches have always
been, and are, a tool to remove spiritual knowledge and replace it with lies and
complete materialism. As a result, humanity has experienced for centuries atrophy
of the soul and spirit for generations.
Those who have had psychic experiences often do not find the words to explain,
or at the very least understand these experiences. Some of us who have been with
the essence of demons or spirits through many reincarnations, are more open psy­
chically. This also applies to anyone who has worked in previous lives to develop
their souls and their psychic powers. There are many people who did not develop
powers in past lives and so they can not feel the presence of demons when they call.
Many of these people feel they are being ignored or may feel disillusioned, but they
have no reason to feel that way because the psychic senses and skills can always be
developed through the meditations of power, which are the basis of the spiritual
workings with Asmodeus.
For those of you who are having problems, I ask you to please be patient and try
to work with yourself using some meditation program. Later, they should try to
invoke Asmodeus again. It is also important to be aware of things. Do not limit
yourself because the answers can come from many different sources and in unusual
ways that you would never expect. If you tried to invoke to Asmodeus several times
without luck, it is that you need to meditate more regularly. All black adepts must
meditate regularly, no matter how much skill they have at present.
There is a big difference between to evoke and to invoke. When we invoke en­
ergy or spirits, we are creating a connection between us and the energy or spirit,
which can be very dangerous if you are not enough prepared for this. The act of
invoking also involves creating energy within our soul and then download it
through our aura or chakras. This creates a connection with the demon or spirit.
The reason why so many operations with spirits fails, is because so many errors
come from the adept. There are also other reasons, such as the adept has a powerful
aura, able to block or deflect the negative energy, or that the adept is under strong
spiritual protection (when we are under the protection of Asmodeus, nothing can
touch us) or the magician performed the spell at the time and wrong day. There
may be other reasons, but those are the most common.
If the magician is working with money, personal power or some other positive
energy, then it is better to invoke. This is also true for enchantments of love and
work of desire & lust. One must know the difference when working with

incantations because of ignorance or misapplication of energy may result in us go­

ing backwards or other undesirable results. I know people who, after several
attempts, Asmodeus finally appeared, and from that moment everything went well
in each subsequent evocation. The reasons why the demon may not appear is that
one is an amateur or not psychically open enough to feel the presence of the De­
mon. It takes patience and persistence. Asmodeus is strong with those who have
Again, this question probably comes because you’re new. Look for subtle signs
like candles or incense suddenly seeming to drop a flash, or sparking during the
ritual. Often, the demons are waiting to come to us during sleep. It is also possible
to move objects, open or close doors, or feel a breeze from nowhere, you can feel
the energy of Asmodeus. Your desire, and what you have in your heart is more
important than the color of the candles.
Ideally, the first time you invoke Asmodeus, do it at night. Night time hours are
usually quieter and appropriate for psychic work. The right side of the brain (the
psychic side) is, by nature, more active during the night hours. Once you’ve estab­
lished a relationship with Asmodeus, you can invoke him telepathically at any time,
just concentrate on him, unless he does not wish to do so. He will let you know. If
Asmodeus is busy, what usually happen is he may visit you later, usually within a
After Having established a strong relationship with Asmodeus, just concentrate
on and create contact telepathically, with or without its sigil, this is enough for it to
be appearing anywhere or anytime, as long as you’re extremely respectful and
never give orders. Sometimes Asmodeus will not appear if he has any reason to not
do it, but will appear later. When you go to invoke a demon that you have never
worked with it before, you must make a ritual.
Demons and in this case Asmodeus have a much greater amount of bioelectric­
ity than humans have. Often close contacts result in an excess of bioelectricity that
remains with us after making contact. Because our physical systems are not used
to this, we may experience a higher level of energy and, in some cases, physical
discomfort, for a short period after the demon has left. When we built our own
bioelectricity, we are able to handle more intense and intimate contact with demons
and not feel any discomfort. Asmodeus has a powerful energy, much higher than
the average human. When we invoke or have close contact with demons, there may
be a variety of effects.

Asmodeus ’ bioelectricity merges with ours, but as we are all individuals and our
life force is also individual, it operates at different levels of intensity. What one
person may experience another does not. This depends on different things, such as
energy price levels on our souls. The more powerful your own energy is, the more
energy can resist experiencing little or no disruptive effect.
The physical strength that we currently have and our physical constitution also
determine the amount of energy that we can manipulate. People who have greater
muscle mass or which are stronger physically can withstand more power going into
their own work or from external sources. Those who do intense physical exercise
regularly find that they are able to handle higher energy levels and progress more
rapidly to increase their own bioelectricity. This takes time and patience. It’s like
climbing a mountain, where you will camp at heights over a period of several days
or even months, or more, to acclimatize before continuing climbing. Otherwise,
very unpleasant sensations are experienced with life threatening effects, for exam­
ple, diseases resulting from severe altitude. We are all individuals and we must
move at our own rhythm.
The common feelings that we experience after invoking Asmodeus or other de­
mons are: sensitive skin, burning, stinging, vibration within the body, joint pain (for
those with low levels of bioelectricity), feeling that one is shining or floating, hy­
peractivity or nervousness, insomnia, anxiety, cold or heat, euphoria, elation,
intense dreams, etc. The lower your energy level of life, the greater the effects that
you will experience, but none of this should worry you because it will happen. The
effects also depend on the closeness of contact with the demon. Pure telepathic
communication rarely produces the effects that, for example, sex with a demon can
I invoked demons several times and my skin felt itchy for a couple of days after
the invocation, or I feel as if I had burned in the sun, with no pain, but the skin
sensitivity. Invoking demons before bedtime can cause insomnia because the en­
ergy of the devil can keep you awake as it is powerful and intense. Giving to yourself
and increasing your bioelectricity will always help to feel the demon and have side
effects, but it will be minimal as you're growing stronger. Feeling a surge in
kundalini until we are meditating indicates a demon present. The demonic energies
feel similar to ours, but experience is needed to determine whether it is the pres­
ence of a demon or if what we are feeling is our own energy. This comes with time
and repeated contact with demons.

Endowed with extraordinary powers and authority, the emblem of authority is

a bright and pure scepter, which he carries with him. He acts with the authority of
Satan. However, the scepter is not merely an emblem of authority and power, but
also a means in the hands of Asmodeus, the scribe who writes the will and decisions
of Satan in order to give mankind the spiritual evolution through hidden
Demons come to us through telepathy and astral projection. In my experience,
the demons are projected differently than humans. Humans can see a "connector"
as bands or wires, when the demon is gone, these connectors disappear quickly.
The books say that these threads are silver, but I've seen them as a copper color.
There are some demons who are always with us, to protect us. These demons are
lower rank because they have spirit form.
One of the best tools to contact spirits is the pendulum. In the psychic realm all
takes practice, patience and, above all, persistence. Most followers of the pendu­
lum have worked with it for years. When one is advanced, a pendulum can reveal
almost everything. For those of you who seriously want to achieve skill with the
pendulum, I suggest you begin by asking several questions to the pendulum that
are unimportant in the beginning of the day. For example: will it rain today? Will I
get money today? Will get out early from my job today? Ask simple questions that
are not of great importance, because emotions and desires affect the responses we
received and then it causes wrong answers when they come. Write the questions in
your black book or book of shadows. At the end of the day, review the questions
and see if the answers given at the start of the day were successful. You can also
use your pendulum to find lost objects. Always writes the accuracy of the answers.
After several months of practice you should note that the accuracy of the answers
has improved.
If you want to go further, try to use a map to ask questions to the pendulum.
When you write your work in your journal, include the moon phase, weather and
other phenomena. For the ladies, include your menstrual cycle. I noticed that this
cycle affects us more than we think because it is related to the moon. Remember it
is always important to be as relaxed as possible when working with a pendulum to
access the right (psychic side) of your brain, which is the side that operates through
the pendulum. Sometimes we need only simple answers. Often, the pendulum is
usually accurate, easy to use and takes little time to respond, but it does require a
lot of practice on your part. It is best to start with a small crystal, a pendant, a ring
and a lightweight object and place it on a chain, a belt, a cord or other form of

strand. The pendulum should be retained only for divination purposes and not for
other uses.
The Spirits also communicate with us through pendulums. We can concentrate
and focus on the name of the spirit or demon who we wish to contact. The pendu­
lum is an excellent way of communicating with demons. With the daemons, we can
also place the pendulum over a drawing or a copy of the symbol of the devil and ask
questions. Pendulums are excellent means to communicate with the spirit world,
to confirm the accuracy of other readings and divinations and many other things.
Sometimes I have used it as a tool to work with Asmodeus and the workings were
just amazing. It helped a lot for connections before a respective ritual. To contact
Asmodeus, simply place the pendulum over the sigil and start asking questions.
Asmodeus’ invocations can bring some negative and unexpected encounters to
those who are not sure what they do. This is the work of the enemy alien entities
which use fear and terror to keep humans away from demons and spirits, in this
case Asmodeus.
When you are seriously interested in developing the powers of the mind and
advances to formidable levels or able to develop great skills, we will come powerful
entities who ask get us to one side or another in what is spiritual warfare, and is a
person who possesses true gifts, but who wants to walk alone on this path, generally
will not live long in this world if you do not have the protection of a higher power.
I think it is important to warn those who are undecided on what they want to
do on the road who want to seriously follow, to refrain from calling demons and not
to attempt to contact spirits until they are ready spiritually. All are welcome here,
both dedicated and curious. Knowledge must be openly available to everyone.
However, some practices are advanced and one should wait before getting in­
volved with such practices. I reached a point, where it was extremely important in
invocation/evocation with demons and spirits to cut all ties that might be remain­
ing with any other religion. Not doing so is to invite disaster. This should be done
from the soul in the sense that there can be no hesitation, doubt or feelings. If any,
then you have to wait, because to enter the infernal realm of spirits is to provide a
permanent step.
Many see demons as magical wizards that help us to get even with enemies,
make money, love, success, etc. Demons are there to help us in our external affairs
when we are new, but our spiritual growth is another area of great importance. In
regards to our spiritual advancement, many are not aware of the help you can get

from a demon friend. The goal of Asmodeus is to raise our powers for ourselves
and become self-reliant spiritually.
Remember to be patient and keep an eye open. You will recognize the essence
of Asmodeus as soon he touches you with the black flame. Life is an opportunity to
improve and advance. I have no words to tell you on how much I have received
enlightenment and how much I've improved and become stronger through the con­
nections with demons, and in this case with the sacred knowledge of Asmodeus.
I transport men into fits of madness and desire, when they have wives of
their own, so that they leave them, and go off by night and day to others that
belong to other men; with the result that they commit sin, and fall into mur­
derous deeds.
Testament of Solomon, Verse 21-23 ■¥■

Bane, Theresa. “Encyclopedia of Demons in our World.” Personal discussion.
Barett, Francis. VIII: The Annoyance ofEvil Spirits, and The Preservation We Haw
from Good Spirits.
Jewish Encyclopedia. “Ashma” Unedited full text, 1906.
Lebling, Robert. Legends ofthe Fire Spirits: Jinn and Geniesfrom Arabia to Zanzibar.
Mathers, Samuel Liddell MacGregor. The Goetia. The Lesser Key ofSolomon.
Mauric, François. Asmodee, or, The Intruder.
Rudwin, Maximilian Josef. Asmodeus, Dandy Among Demons.


Book 4

Chapter 1

This will not be a standard or common discussion about Asmodeus, but I’m sure
many of you reading this have come to expect that from me, in which case you will
not be disappointed. We are going to take a look at one of his earlier characteristics,
which is that he is the ruler of the jinn. Because we will be looking at something
usually left out of modern discussions about him, we will first look at a lot of defi­
nitions of words and concepts, and will look at context for several of these ideas,
too. Besides looking at Asmodeus, we will also go into great depth and detail on the
jinn, which is something people have been asking me about a lot recently, so I hope
this satiates curiosity. Finally, to complete this piece, there will be a ritual listed
whose purpose is to work with the jinn by Asmodeus as intermediary. Section one
will include a look at pedestrian Asmodeus, meaning the Asmodeus that most peo­
ple know and work with, so it will focus on how the average person on the Left
Hand Path works with him. Section two will focus on the kingdom he rules from a
historical perspective, so it will take a microscopic look at the Shedim. Section
three will look at the Jinn, and finally, section four will be the ritual you can use to
work with the jinn through the auspices of Asmodeus, their ruler. Anyway, enough
rambling and context. Let’s get started.


In his earliest incarnation and creation, Asmodeus is a spirit of wrath that comes to
us from the language commonly spoken by the Zoroastrians. It is known as Aves­
tan, and while it was predominantly used there, you can also see how it influenced
Sanskrit later, particularly with the use of the word deva. It is important to note
that at the time of the Zoroastrians, there was no Sanskrit language, with the Ha-
rappan script being the dominant one in that area of the world at that time. In that
way, Avestan was the precursor, which means certain words would have filtered
into Sanskrit. This is important to note because it tells us a word and concept cen­
tral to understanding Asmodeus spread from Zoroastrian into Sanskrit, and not the
other way around, as one may suspect at first glance.
The second reason this is important to note is because Sanskrit, Hinduism, and
later Theosophy, all took the concept of the deva, or daeva, and developed it ex­
tensively, and in so doing, organized the jinn, angels, and other spirits, which
means by default, they incorporated Asmodeus into this, too, but that is a story for
another time. This detailed point also reminds us just how old Zoroastrianism is.
Keeping in mind how polarized Zoroastrianism is, and how influential, we can see
how a wrathful spirit could be lumped into the “evil” side of the equation. Also
important at this point is the part of the world where all of this was occurring. We
will be discussing this point in particular throughout the whole of this essay, and
how it is parallel yet different from Canaanite perspectives I have discussed else­
where. Of course the strongest parallel is that of the nomadic Hebrew people that
travelled extensively throughout the entire Middle East, and this is reflected
through their ability to be eclectic, which of course gave rise to the Abrahamic sys­
tem. This also serves as a reminder that even though you may look at the
Abrahamic system as one big system from the outside looking in, it is really the
amalgamation and subjugation of many other regional, folkloric systems and cul­
tures into their monolith at the time of its creation.
So, first and foremost, Asmodeus is a spirit of wrath. He stayed this way for
centuries, and during this time he was also identified as the king of the Shedim, a
group of earthly spirits who we will look at next. They eventually became the foun­
dation for the jinn, which we will discuss, following. For over two thousand years,
he was identified as a spirit of wrath, and it has only been in recent history, the last
five hundred and forty years or so, that he has become associated with lust. This is
important to note, because there are many people that work with Asmodeus when
it comes to lust, and while yes, that can be effective, it is not his strength. So, if you

are one of those people that have achieved success when it comes to working with
Asmodeus when it comes to lustful topics, think of how powerful he is when it
comes to wrathful foci!
After his introduction from Zoroastrianism, he did gain traction in the Hebrew
tradition, specifically in two places: Book ofTobit and the Talmud. Here again, many
of you may know Asmodeus from the Testament ofSolomon, but that was an earlier
convention to both of these texts. Let’s look at some dates for clarity. Remember
that while these are true archaeologically, it is also true that they were most likely
created earlier and written down around these times, or they were retellings of pre­
vious stories from conquered and fallen empires and cultures. So, while these dates
are what we have, they may vary from an origin point by several centuries. This
does give us enough of an idea though, to have approximate guesses as to the chro­
nology of the development of the character of Asmodeus. The oldest material, of
course, is Zoroastrianism, but then sequentially we have part of the Talmud. The
Talmud itself was not collected as we know it today until the 4th century CE. It is
a collection of writings though, and the individual pieces compiled in it were writ­
ten at various times before the compilation. Two of the oldest references to
Asmodeus occur in the Talmud, but in much older books. He makes an appearance
in Psalm 106, written approximately 1000 BCE, and again in Deuteronomy, written
approximately the 7th century BCE. This is followed by an appearance in the Sec­
ond Book ofKings, written approximately 550 BCE, but he appears under his guise
of Ashmedai. Next, one of his most notorious appearances is in the Book of Tobit,
which was written in 25 BCE. He is the main antagonist there, and his role contin­
ues to be strong in the latter written Testament of Solomon, which was written
around the 1st century CE, making it the youngest of the books. This means that
his role in there should also be looked at the most critically and skeptically, as it is
the new kid on the block, relatively speaking. However, since most of that material
is meant as spiritual symbolism and metaphorically anyway, we already knew this
going into it.
Additions to the story and character of Asmodeus were quiet over the next sev­
eral centuries, and did not get altered until Pope Gregory I classified him as one of
the angels in the group known as the Thrones. This occurred around the 6th cen­
tury CE. Following this though, he stayed dormant until the late 15th century,
when he was addressed in the Malleus Malleficarum, and it was in here that the trait
of lust was hammered home. There was actually a lot of new information added to
his character here, which we will come back to after we get through the “begats.”

Following this, his character was again discussed in the Ars Goetia, written some­
time around the 16th century, and in here he is given a new correspondence, that
of the number 32. Also of note is that during the Renaissance, he was given such
esteemed titles as “King of the Nine Hells” and one of the “Seven Princes of
Hell.” Interestingly, these seven princes corresponded to the Seven Deadly Sins.
In 1818 CE, Collin de Plancy wrote of him in his book Dictionnaire Infernal, which
included an image of him, and in 1906 CE, the Jewish Encyclopedia discussed the
etymology of his name in great detail, supporting some theories, while disagreeing
with others. From there, as they say, the rest is history, or at least common
knowledge, or commonly available.
Now that we have established a timeline of his development, and when key
traits and attributes were added, let’s circle back to some of those in the name of
completeness and clarity. The first, obvious and interesting point to discuss, is that
he was classified as an angel early on in his evolution. Yes, this occurred after the
earliest of writings, but even though this happened, there is something else to note,
which is that it was, according to Christian angelology, one third of the angels of
heaven, consisting of many groups, that rebelled and became “fallen.” Hence, we
can assume he was in that group. So, while he was technically an angel first, he later
left and sought freedom with his free-willed brethren. This contradicts what we
talked about earlier, since his beginnings had to do with being a spirit of wrath, but
it does show how much influence Christianity specifically had on pre-established
spirits and belief systems, and how subtle and insidious the influence and corrup­
tion is. So, he started out as a spirit of wrath. This spirit was not evil nor good, but
as most of us knows, if wrath consumes you, it becomes evil. As Judaism grew and
the Abrahamic system became codified, he was vilified more and more through
their writings. However, he did still appear, which is worth noting because it means
his presence could not be stamped out of their beliefs. Whether it was because they
needed a villain, or because his popularity among some segments of society was too
popular is a matter of discussion, but this is interesting to remember. Especially
since there were other demons that survived, too. He then correlated to lust over
the next several centuries, and got a huge definition in the Malleus Malleficarum. In
that heretical work, he received the following correspondences: his adversary be­
came St John, he serves Lucifer in Lucifer’s emperor persona, and in so doing,
commands 72 legions of demons. He also incites gambling. He also corresponds to
the month of November in that book. However, in other books of that time, he was
correspondent to the astrological sign of Aquarius, specifically the dates of the 30th

ofJanuary through the 8th of February. Before you get too excited about utilizing
these correspondences though, there is one important point to note, which is that
since that was written, the calendar has changed, and therefore those dates are not
as specific or as black and white as they may seem. What were the dates of the 30th
ofJanuary through the 8th of February, are now adjusted by nine days, so the days
that correspond to him are the 8th of February through the 17th of February. So,
yes, he still corresponds to the sign of Aquarius, but now it is the third and last part
of the sign, rather than the middle. Rest easy though, for his correspondence with
November stays with November, since it is tied to the name of the month, and not
the 11th month. Those of you that are familiar with astrology, especially tropical
astrology, will recognize the root of this correspondence, as November is tradition­
ally corresponded to the fixed water sign of Scorpio, which corresponds to lust,
passion, and sex, especially procreative sex. But Scorpio is ruled by the planet
Mars, which is often times corresponded to wrath, especially in the Qliphoth and
Sephiroth. Thus you can see the dual correspondence of his character encapsulated
in one zodiacal sign.
Besides his characteristics, we also have information about his parentage. Ac­
cording to the Qabala, he was created from the mating between King David and a
succubus named Agrat bat Mahlat. For those of you that have extensively worked
with Lilith and/or the four angels of prostitution, this should be something worth
noting. This origin is contentious and arguable though, as some have said that the
name Asmodeus in this context is more of a political statement rather than the ac­
tual demon himself, especially considering the context of the writing. This style of
writing and the psychospiritual implications thereof, is a matter for another place
and time though, but it is wise to note it here, for it can insidiously infect your
thoughts if you unknowingly let it. Another possible origin story is that he is the
child ofShamdon, a demon from the story of Noah. Regardless of how you perceive
his origin, it is interesting to note, because it gives us four possibilities: A wrath
spirit before Abrahamic pollution and corruption, the child of the demon Shamdon
in the Abrahamic tradition, a child of the union of king David and Agrat bat Mahlat
in the Abrahamic tradition, or an angel, specifically one from the rank of the
Thrones, from the Christian tradition. While I have listed all of the factual evidence
above, it is ultimately up to you what you choose to work with, and why, and since
you have several options, you have quite the plethora to choose from, to fully flesh
out your spiritual paradigm.

Let us wrap up this section with a few leftover thoughts about Asmodeus to
fully flesh out his character. The most common story of his comes from the Testa­
mento/Solomon, and is quite common in occult circles. This is the story of Solomon
building his temple, and in the process, enslaving 72 demons to do his work. In this
biblical book, Asmodeus plays an important role in a few different ways, but what
is memorable is that Asmodeus is said to make the claim that Solomon’s kingdom
would be split in two, which it eventually was. Next, in the Book of Tobit, and in the
Testament of Solomon, we find references to Archangel Raphael. In Tobit, Asmo­
deus is tricked to fleeing to Egypt, where he is bound and weighed down, and has
Raphael as his jailer. In the story, this is where Asmodeus is to this day, and some
say this location is the pit of Gehenna, but others say it is at the bottom of a sea,
while still others claim it is in the abyss. Part of his correspondence comes into play
here, as it is said he does hate water. No matter where though, it is Raphael that
watches over and guards him to keep him enslaved. Finally, let’s discuss his ap­
pearance. In the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon, he has three heads, one
like a human male, one like a bull, and one like a ram. Additionally, he has the tail
of a serpent and he spits fire. Here it also states he rides a dragon, and commands
72 spirits under the leadership of Lucifer Amaymon. However, in the Dictionnaire
Infernal, he has the breast (chest) of a man, a leg of a cock, a serpent’s tail, and
three heads, one of a human man which spits fire, one of a sheep, and one of a bull.
Notice how this changed from the earlier Ars Goetia material.
Each head corresponds to a particular astrological sign, and in this way the im­
age brings forward alchemical symbolism conveying deeper truths from previous
centuries, but even in this window of a few centuries, we can see fairly strong
changes. Also of note is that in this later image, it is said is riding a lion that has
dragon wings and it has a dragon’s neck. I wanted to end this section on his image
because in his earliest incarnations as a spirit of wrath, he had no shape, and the
Shedim he ruled were known as shape changers, as are their descendants, the jinn.

Chapter 2

N Jewish folklore, the Shedim are a group of spirits that appear very rarely,

I but seem to be the foundation for the jinn as we know them today. There are
only two references to them in the Bible, and in those appearances, they have
human and angelic traits. It is commonly theorized the word “Shedim” is actually
from Akkadian, as “Shedu” means “a spirit.” Here it is interesting to note the
connection between their name, and the word Elohim, especially one trait they
share. Both words end with “im.” This is common in Hebrew, especially the He­
brew of this time period, and generally means the word is feminine. When you
combine this with the first half of the word, it reveals to us both genders, meaning
the spirits are not just masculine or feminine. Also of peculiar note is that when
they show up in the Bible, both times are in the Talmud, and both are instances of
sacrifices, animals and children. So, yes, you could make the liberal theory that the
way to work with them is through sacrifices, specifically of that nature. The He­
brew root of the word means “lay waste to,” or “violence.” While they are
shapeshifters, it is also said they have the feet and claws of roosters. This makes
the connection to Asmodeus’ appearance quite obvious, then. Since they are
shapeshifters and in their original form are invisible, there is generally no way to
track them, but an old legend says if you scatter ashes on the ground, their foot­
prints will be revealed to you.
Their creation stories are more numerous than those of Asmodeus, and are very
interesting, especially from a draconian Left Hand Path tradition perspective.
Story number one is that they are incomplete creations of Yahweh. However, in
the Zo/wr we find that they are the offspring of Azazel and Naamah. The Zohar also
gives us a story as an example of their role in the early formation of Judaism and

Hebrew culture. A story in there tells us that Shekinah used a Shedah (the singular
form of the word) in place of Esther to hide her when necessary. Another origin
story, though, tells us they are the offspring of Lilith with either Adam, or of Lilith
with other men, although it does not specify who those other men are. Their final
creation story tells us that they are the descendants of serpents, and in this case,
the serpent referenced is the serpent from the Garden of Eden, not just any average
serpent. Finally, the last point to make about them, is a tale we have heard too many
times. In the oldest references to them, they were not seen as evil, they were simply
seen as not being of “God.” It was the Greeks, specifically Greek translators that
made this arbitrary change in the name of demonization or ignorance, and so the
Shedim corresponding to the Jinn, and becoming evil in the process, is another
Greek pollution, much like what they did with ancient Egyptian teachings. Butthat
is a rant for another time. ■¥■



HILE I do say they are revealed, that is not entirely true. I make no

W claims on being an expert on them, as this is my first writing about

them, and I am sure there are many more experienced people out
there that could write more than I will say, here. What is shared here is sim
meant to act in conjunction with material on Asmodeus. If the concept of the Jinn
comes from the concept of the Shedim, then we can logically and safely assume
Asmodeus could be their ruler, too, if you wanted to look at it that way for your
spiritual paradigm. We will come back to this more later, so if this doesn’t make
sense, don’t worry, we will discuss it more.
The spirits that are now known as the jinn are the spirits that existed on the
Arabian Peninsula before the spread of the Abrahamic faiths, which would eventu­
ally take the form of Islam in that region, supplanting the jinn’s existence. The
spirits of the jinn are said to be born pure, and in a lot of ways they resemble folklore
spirits from many other parts of the world. This is especially true when you con­
sider they are sometimes benevolent, but can also be bringers of misfortune,
disease, and possession. The broader picture here is that they can be seen as mali­
cious in some cases, but not in others. Other people claim that they are really the
remnants of pre-existing pagan deities that dwelled in the lands before the arrival
of Yahweh, which gives us an interesting tangent to consider. This formula is trag­
ically too true across the globe, as beings of a previous belief system get demonized
with the arrival of a newer belief system.
For those of you familiar with the Necronomicon, you could easily make the case
that the original jinn were spirits associated with that pantheon, even though the
Arabic peninsula is not ancient Sumeria. This has been written about a lot over the

years, so I see no reason to go into it further, but at the heart of the discussion is a
look at the pagan landscape of the Arabian Peninsula before the rise of Islam, as
very little is known.
When it comes to their nature, we find something fairly uncommon in the west.
The jinn are not seen as immortal. It was commonly believed they could be beaten
and/or killed in combat by a mortal. We also see that part of the practice of working
with them lies in daily venerations, which is not typical for working with gods, and
in this way, we see a strong parallel with Orishas or certain practices with the saints
of Catholicism. This also means in some ways they could be very muse-like. They
were also known to exist in their own versions of societies that were very similar to
mortal societies, including leaders, communal motives, communal gathering
places, etc.
The word Jinn is derived from the Semitic “JNN,” which means to hide or
conceal. Even though it does have that Semitic root, the word as we know it today
shares its root with other Arabic words, and those words mean various things, such
as “possessed,” “insane,” “garden,” “heaven,” and “embryo.” Also of note is
that “jinn” is singular, and “jinni” is plural. If you look closely at this, it reveals a
greater truth. Another part of the root of the word comes from Latin, or possibly
Aramaic, specifically the Syriac branch. Some have even said it could be Persian in
origin, which would correlate it back to Zoroastrianism, which does seem one of
the more logical theories. Of particular note though, is that the word “genie”
comes from the French, and means a land guardian or land spirit. This is believed
to be derived from the Latin “genius.” Those of you familiar with the concept of
genius in the Western Esoteric Tradition and its application should see an inter­
esting connection here. When you factor in the Greek influence, you can see deeper
revelations, too.
A large piece of the jinn puzzle is in the religious and spiritual development of
the Arabic peninsula. The short version of that history is this: We do not know
much about the area beforehand, but when Islam spread, it called that area home.
We can safely say, as mentioned above, that there was obviously an indigenous be­
lief system in the area, but the details of it are lost to the sands of time. We do know
it was largely influenced by the Egyptian belief system, and that it had a lot of sim­
ilar characteristics to what we would find in the area farther east, in what was then
known as Mesopotamia. But, while similar, there would be stark differences, if for
no other reason, than the fact that it is a peninsula, and therefore water would have
played a larger role in general. With this essay, we can also factor in the precursor

spirits and system that we now call the jinn, and, as I mentioned above, if you be­
lieve the material written about the Necronomicon, there may be some truth in it,
even though it is focused further east as well. So, to list, we would have had gods
and goddess that weren’t worshipped every day, and there would have been land
spirits that were inherently neutral, but worked with daily, in much the same way
one has daily devotions to the saints and Orishas.
I break all of this down here because there is another piece of the Asmodeus
puzzle yet to discuss, and that is his connection with Islam. While it is one of the
Abrahamic faiths, I single it out here due to the nature of this writing, and the fact
that the jinn share that same central connection. Let’s look at him first, before pro­
ceeding to the jinn. The main emphasis for Asmodeus here is the story of his
relationship with Solomon. The story most often discussed in Islamic lore is that
of Asmodeus ’ impersonation of Solomon for forty days. Those of you educated in
astrology and other astro-myths no doubt recognize this numerical relevance. After
the forty days of impersonation, Solomon discovered it, defeated Asmodeus, and
imprisoned him in a box made of rock. Because of this, Asmodeus is often called
“Sakhr” in Islam, which means “rock.” Solomon then chained it with iron, and
threw it into the sea. While no sea is specified, we can deduce it is either the Ara­
bian Sea, Red Sea, or Persian Gulf. This puppetry is discussed in the Islamic Annals
ofal-Tabari. This sea could be the Caspian Sea, even though that is unlikely. It is
there that Asmodeus resides to this day, with his jailer being the archangel Raphael.
Other versions of this tale say that it was not a sea Asmodeus was cast into, but
rather a pit, and a correlation is seen to the traditional interpretation of Gehenna.
Regardless of where he was claimed to be cast, it is still a common factor to see
Raphael as his jailer, so to speak. In a lot of ways, you can see strong parallels here
with the imagery used in the story of Prometheus.
When it comes to the Jinn, we have already discussed a large part of their con­
nection with Islam above, but let’s expand on that a bit. The first point of expansion
is that the term itself can either mean particular spirits, or spirits in general, when
it is used in this particular context. This can make it hard from an outsider’s per­
spective to know how the term is used as a general rule of thumb. The way around
this is to look at the context it is being used. For example, if you see a sentence or
phrase “Jinn Oya,” it does not mean there is a jinn named Oya, but rather it is
referring to Oya being a spirit. Those of you that know multiple languages are al­
ready familiar with this, especially when it comes to feminine and masculine forms

of words. The same principle and critical thinking should be applied when reading
about the jinn.
The next point to enhance is that of the etymology of the word “jinn,” specifi­
cally taking a closer look at a possible Persian root. Above we discussed many
possible roots of the word, but let’s explore the Persian possibility in greater detail,
because it is this route that ties into Asmodeus the most. A theory exists that it
comes from the word “Jaini,” which means “a wicked spirit,” and usually that
spirit is female. If you follow this etymological rabbit hole, it takes you to a source
older than Zoroastrianism, but we will stop there since that is where we stopped
regarding the root of Asmodeus. So, we have a connection through Zoroastrianism
to both Asmodeus and the jinn. In a broader sense, this means a Persian root and
influence for both. This does remind us of the influence of Persian thought and
development not just on the Middle East and all things stemming from it, but also
the influence of Persian thought on the Left Hand Path, and like the influence of
Canaan, this largely goes undiscussed, with most practitioners stopping at Semitic
teachings, even though those did to the Persians what the Greeks did to the Egyp­
Further discussion on this point can be found in the aforementioned Jewish En­
cyclopedia, published in 1906.1 mentioned its influence above, but there are some
details to bring up here to further support the Persian origin of both the jinn and
Asmodeus. In that book, an argument is made that Ashmedai could not have come
from the Persian root, because there are no uses of the root in sacred Persian texts.
But, if you look at other texts, such as the Testament of Solomon, you can clearly
see a Persian influence brought to bear on Semitic thought, cultural, and spiritual
development. In other words, they stop short of saying Ashmedai (appearing in 2
Kings 17:30) is the same as Asmodeus, but they do admit there is a strong Persian
influence on early Semitic cultural formation. This is important to note because
this leaves the door open for the possibility of the Jinn being the influence of the
Jewish Shedim. And, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a
duck. Or, more accurately, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Let’s take a closer look at that particular passage, because it gives us quite a
look at the company Asmodeus kept in the early days of his formation. 2 Kings 17:
29-31, tells the story of beings brought in by people that were living in central Israel
at the time. In essence, when people settled that area (then known as Samaria, not
to be confused with Sumeria), they brought their deities with them, and in this pas­
sage, the deities of Succoth-Benoth, Nergal, Ashima (generally considered

Ashmodai, to tie this into the above discussion) Nibhaz, Tartak, Adrammelech,
and Anammelech are all listed, as are the people that work with them, and how
they are worshipped. Those of you familiar with Left Hand Path beings and teach­
ings are already most likely familiar with Adrammelech and Nergal, and now you
know the connection to Asmodeus, so let’s clarify the other remaining beings. Nei­
ther Succoth-Benoth nor Tartak are referenced outside of the Judeo-Christian
Bible, so it is highly possible and probable that they are really titles or slang terms
for other, more widely known beings and spirits, rather than being lost to time.
There is a possible connection from Succoth-Benoth to Ishtar, but exploring that
is outside the scope of this essay. Nibhaz, though, does exist outside the scope of
that holy book, as evidence of its worship has been found in Syria. It corresponds
to a dog, and it is either correlated to the Persian god Ibnakhaza or the Babylonian
god Nebo. Because of his image being tied into that of a dog, he is often times
equated with Anpu from Egypt, but again, that is a conversation for another time
and space. Through all of this dissection though, we can see that Asmodeus, as
Ashmodai, was worshipped in central Israel during this time, hand in hand with
several other deities, many of whom have become prominent and staples in the
modern Left Hand Path tradition.
Coming back to the Jewish Encyclopedia released in 1906 CE, there is one final
point to address, to advance the idea of Asmodeus being the King of the Jinn into
modern times. The main particle of the word that book claims does not exist in
Persian sacred texts is the particle “daeva.” Okay, fine. I wouldn’t know, because
I am not familiar with the details of ancient, sacred, Persian texts, so let’s assume
that is correct. But, let’s bring this forward, because although it may not exist in
Persian writings, we can see and have discussed how it exists after the point in time
and merging of influences previously mentioned. Often times angels and jinn are
seen as having similar characteristics, and in this way, they are linked. This is a
subtlety that H.P. Blavatsky picked up on when she was scouring the globe codify­
ing her system of theosophy. One of the kingdoms in the theosophical scheme is
that of the devic kingdom, and it is here you find angels, faeries, will-o-wisps,
sprites, and jinn. You can see the common traits these beings share, but let us turn
to a theosophical definition for greater clarity. According to C.W. Leadbeater, de­
vas represent a separate evolution to that of humanity. Nature spirits, as detailed
by Geoffrey Hodson, another prominent theosophist, is another way of looking at
them. Theosophy claims that the root of the word deva is found in Sanskrit, but we
see here that Sanskrit got it from Semitic roots, and this material would not have

been readily available to early theosophists, as a lot of it was not discovered when
that was coming into being. The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 CE,
and it really reached its height between then and the late 1920s CE. Keep in mind
that the Jewish Encyclopedia we ’ ve been discussing was released in 1906 CE, so it
would have been aware of theosophy, and certain ideas they were advancing. This
could have influenced their stance on the daeva particle, and thus their view on
Asmodeus. When we factor in the theosophical view, we are left with the devic
kingdom, of which the jinn are members of, with their ruler Asmodeus. What this
tells us spiritually is that Asmodeus has never known a physical incarnation, even
though a signed letter to former president Abraham Lincoln of the USA would
claim otherwise! +


Chapter 4

The point of this ritual is to call on Asmodeus to ask a jinn to help you with a par­
ticular task. There are two ways you can look at this ritual. First, it can be a one off
ritual, in that you do it for a purpose, and then move on with the rest of your per­
sonal work. Secondly though, you could also use this ritual as a beginning point for
continued work with whatever jinn arrives to help you in your quest. Make sure to
read through this ritual before executing it. Remember though, that to work with
the jinn in a traditional sense, means to work with them daily. This includes having
a dedicated space for them in your home, provide daily offerings, and either daily
prayers, chants, or some other form of connection. Whichever way you choose to
use this ritual is fine, as you will see below. The first thing to do is to decide what
you want the purpose of this ritual to be. What exactly do you need help achieving?
Remember that the jinn are spirits, not deities, so proportion should be kept in
mind and considered when choosing something. The general thought behind this
is that you would ask for something small rather than large, but both large and small
are subjective in context not just of yourself, but also how you view them. A good
parallel to use here is to consider sigils. What you might use a sigil for, you could
just as easily work with a jinn to achieve.
When this is decided, it is time to proceed. When it comes to the timing of the
ritual that is entirely up to you. You could be a hard-core purist, and wait until
November of this year if you want, or the time in the early part of the year men­
tioned above, or you could choose the nearest new moon or full moon. Regardless,

think this through before continuing. Keep in mind that the new moon is for new
beginnings, cleansings, and banishings, whereas the full moon is for increase, ex­
pansion, and uses heightened energy. The waxing and waning periods could also
be used, too, so you have a wide plethora available to you.
Now for the ritual itself, arrange your altar as you see fit. If you have an image
or statuary of Asmodeus, populate your altar with it. You can also have basic cor­
respondences of the devic kingdom present, too. These include such things as tools
that correspond to the element of air, artwork of pixies, faeries, angels, and other
similar beings. These representations do not matter as much as the representations
of Asmodeus and the jinn do, though. If you are looking for inspiration for the ap­
pearance of various jinn through history, consult the stories collected in The Nights,
generally known to people as Arabian Nights. In these tales you find the bulk of the
information about the jinn and their folkloric nature and appearances. Since the
first non-Arabic translation of this has been released, there have been various illus­
trated version as well, so perhaps artwork from one of those could be considered
and used. For colors, it would be wise to use pastels and light colors, but temper
this with the context of the overall working. While yes, you want your altar to be
appealing to the jinn, this is still a ritual being done to Asmodeus, who is a wrath
spirit, so colors associated with anger and wrath would be just as acceptable as
those mentioned above. This is also true of incense or oil. Oil would be more ap­
propriate, but in the end it really doesn’t matter. Choose a fragrance that is either
light and floral, to match the jinn, or aggressive, and corresponding to Mars, which
would match Asmodeus. The music to be used is flexible, too, as it could be aggres­
sive music, to match the wrathful nature of Asmodeus, or it could be lyric less
Arabic music. Use your own judgment. Regarding your magical tools, have your
ritual dagger and wand present on the altar.
Because of the influence of popular culture, genies in lamps exists as a thought­
form, for better or worse, so you could easily incorporate that into your ritual. A
wise way would be to do it in the following fashion: Use an “Aladdin” style incense
holder for what we are about to discuss. Now that you have your altar arranged and
you know the intent of the ritual, either draw a symbol to use during the ritual, or
write a few sentences of intent. If you draw a symbol, you could easily make it a
sigil, or representative of your intended goal. If you write a few sentences instead,
make them relevant to what you want to achieve. Regardless, write them on paper
or parchment that can be burned, and then burn them in the “Aladdin lamp” style
censer just discussed.


Adorn your ritual robe, adjust the lighting, and light the candles. Take your ritual
dagger and trace a circle in the air around your ritual space, beginning at the altar
and moving in a clockwise fashion. While tracing it, vibrate:

Return the dagger to the altar and continue. Take the wand, and trace an in­
verted pentagram above your altar. After it is traced, proclaim:
Asmodeus, fiery spirit of-wrath, I inviteyou to my temple! You are desired here.
Turn the tip of the dagger towards your artwork/statement, and recite the fol­
lowing invocation:

Asmodeus, King of the Jinn

I inviteyou into my sacred space.
Fill it with your presence and know thatyou are desired here.

Asmodeus, he who stirs the hearts ofmen and women through anger or passion,
Asmodeus, he that causes wars through violence or sex,
Asmodeus, he that destroys, I call to thee!
Empower this, my intent. Send one ofyour legions to help me,
So that I come to knowyou more, and the poweryou hold.
Asmodeus, agent ofEmperor Lucifer, I summon thee here tonight.
Empower my work, enflame my spell, and introduce me to one ofyour spirits!
Replace the wand on the altar, and pick up what you have written. Hold it over
an open flame, and while doing so, recite the following invocation:
O mighty Jinn that has arrived here, Igreetyou in my temple!
This, my intent, is what I ask ofyou.
Assist me in manifesting it quickly and clearly.
O mighty Jinn that is present here, I thankyou foryour arrival and work,
And askyou foryour payment. What doest thou askfrom me?”
Scry the flames of the burning paper to see what it is the jinn asks of you in
return for what you ask of it. Once this message is received, drop the burning paper
into the lamp-shaped censer, all the while continuing to scry. Stare at it until you
have received the message. If you do not see something in the flames, then listen
for the message to be delivered audibly. After the price is clear, continue the ritual
by picking up the wand and aiming it at the ash from the paper.

Then, speak:

In these ashes I see thy marks, o present Jinn.

I see thee here, and I -welcomeyou.
Mayyou shareyour power with me,
And may we work togetherfor success in thefuture.

O ever strong and prosperous Jinn,

I thankyou foryour time and attention in this matter.
Mayyour tribe be blessedforyour assistance,
And mayyou come to know success and long-life through our cooperation.
Replace your wand on the altar, but take a few moments to stare into the ashes
to see the footprints left behind from the jinn that is present. When you have scried
in the ashes long enough to see that, pick up your ritual dagger from the altar, and
trace the circle around your chamber in the opposite direction as you did at the
beginning, which vibrating:
When you return to your altar, replace your dagger on it, and stop the music. In
this silent space, confidently state
Through the power ofAsmodeus,
King ofthe Jinn and under the guidance ofEmperor Lucifer,
I declare this done, and this temple closed.
Snuff the candles, record your impressions in your journal, and go about your
daily life, turning your attention away from the ritual so that it can manifest. After
you see the results of your working, remember to honor your end of the deal with
the jinn through whatever price was agreed. -¥■





Chapter 1

O sit upon the lap of god is to be torn to shreds. The lord of lust opens a

T gateway beyond the pleasures of flesh as a transcendental escape beyond

our material world of illusions. There is much to be said on the power of
desire as it is the force which provokes humanity towards our further incarnations
and the cycle of rebirth.
La petite mort is an expression in French which refers to the spiritual nature of
the orgasm. The phrase literally translates to “the little death, ” however it alludes
to the notion that with each release of pleasure, we become slightly closer to our
own deaths. In this sense, lust is what propels us to the accomplishment of what
we crave, and pushes our species into the copulation of breeding new life. In this
sense, lust also takes us by the hand towards our mortal demise. This passion is far
beyond what each of us may realize in one life alone, as existence itself is foreplay
to death. We go through cycles of incarnation like players on a game board. Life is
a game that can only be won if we become aware of that fact. Our lust may also be
harnessed to determine how we will enact our greatest potential, as the passion
which flavors our choices. This will lead to the accomplishment of our shadow and
what we subconsciously seek. As magicians, we allow our shadow to reveal itself
through our descent into the profane. It slowly becomes integrated into our overt
identities and is processed by our spiritual journey.
The shadow embodies our true dark side, it is the essence of our most forebod­
ing force, the aspect of self that wishes to not be seen. Our deepest lusts lay within
this enshrouded layer of our souls. This is also the home of our hidden desires and
motives, and many who tread into the realm of the underworld for simple pleasures
such as affluence or material gains shall discover far more about themselves than

they would probably care to know. We see these lusts as they float to the surface of
our astral waters, creating a sticky oil slick of shimmering rainbowed secrets, re­
flecting off of the light of our black flame, blinding us with new found perverted
zeal. The true adept learns of their hidden nature and utilizes this as a counterpart
to their greatest possible blasphemies for the use in personal ascent and the libera­
tion of humanity from our enslavement by divine force.
The dark witch will face their lusts, however disgusting, and find beauty
therein, through the pleasures and pain that result from our forsaken paths. To
work with Asmodeus is to allow the lust that stirs deep within to lead us towards
that which brings joy into the ordeals of awakening. When I made my pact with
Lucifuge, I declared, in the name of the Infernal Empire that my life would be com­
mitted to the powers of darkness incarnate. I promised to dedicate my essence and
body to this work, that I would become a living vessel for the apocalypse, the spir­
itual awakening of mankind.
This was an affirmation and not anything new, as the work has already been
done and it was not the first time that I would offer myself completely to demonic
forces because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Forging that connec­
tion had happened already, many times, in this life and beyond. We find out after
years of practice that the spells and rituals which we perform in our magick are also
occupying spaces that reign outside of linear time. Our results all already exist in
the future, so the rituals we practice help our mind to move towards the final goal,
to usher it into the sphere of reality that we currently envelope. By committing
myself to the pact with Lucifuge to affirm my dedication to the creatures of the pit,
my physical actions were simply leading me through the motions of what has al­
ready been happening. What I have learned through the Gatekeepers, is that this
magick also projects backwards through time.
As I began this particular pathworking, Asmodeus would incessantly repeat,
“You need to be more selfish.” I would hear him say this so often that I began
saying it aloud, and whispering it under my breath, until it became my mantra. You
need to be more selfish. I said it over and over to myself as I moved through the mo­
tions of my days until I was able to understand what Asmodeus wanted me to
realize. I need to be selfish because the clues to understanding his mysteries and
the power of lust are within my own life. It certainly is selfish and megalomaniacal
to write about this, yet here you are, reading this as our paths entwine in signifi­
cances beyond my understanding or knowledge.

I allowed Asmodeus to articulate the messages that I compose for you out of
my own self. With each Gatekeeper summoned, we all become one, a single force
of never ending hellfire that burns through the hearts of whomever we touch. I
would allow Asmodeus to experience the human world through my own self. This
is what the demonic king wanted of me, so I am here to explain the finer details of
it all to you. Firstly, I must state that I do this not out of personal choice, as the
experiences I have had through my life have been quite absurd, and I share myself
with you out of love.
One of my greatest lusts is the desire to inspire humanity beyond the world we
have been deceived into believing. This love allows me to become vulnerable and
share my insane gnosis with complete strangers that it will result in their freedom.
I have learned to get off on the shock value of reality’s absurdities. I have also
learned about the energetic aspects of sexuality whilst devoting years of my life to
ceremonial whoredom, which we will explore later.
In order to become more selfish, I decided to search the past for the point of
ingress from which Asmodeus had entered into my life. With every Gatekeeper
that I have written about through these compendiums, I was able to find them
somewhere in my own personal history for the purpose of determining how to
move forward with them in new ways, and to channel their light and rituals to those
who can hear my voice. It was as if my life was designed for this peculiar project,
and every ordeal could be analyzed at a later time to discover the demonic culprit,
some people would find this to be extremely creepy, but I am used to that.
This makes sense when we consider the short period of months between each
pathworking, that the spirits would have already enmeshed themselves into our
reality, prior to these events. This discovery has made me question the reality of
my own existence, often wondering if I am a character in someone else’s epic work
of fantasy. Although I have accomplished amazing things, from exhibiting my art
in galleries around the world with prestigious contemporaries, to surviving my own
attempted murder from physical attack and countless sorcerers’ curses, it has al­
ways been difficult for me to acknowledge that perhaps I am very powerful. You
need to be more selfish. Regardless of this meandering around my own pride, the syn-
chronicities and actual presence of these demons in my life prior to working with
Become A Living God was too prominent to write off as a coincidence.
Since I had already pieced together many of the significant episodes of my thirty
years on Earth, it was unclear to know where to specifically look, so I decided to go
back through writings that I had composed when I had my true spiritual awakening.

This was the time when the spirit world destroyed everything I thought about
reality, my awakening into the realm of magick that can never be undone. This was
when I went through the experience that Crowley called “knowledge and conver­
sation with the Holy Guardian Angel,” something that students of magick will
spend a lifetime in search of, yet can be possible to younger practitioners when
undergoing very unique and peculiar circumstances.
These experiences are events that I would refer to as “spiritual traumas,” a
tearing open of the veil betwixt worlds. The time involved living with someone who
was in a constant state of possession as I have written about previously in the Com­
pendium ofAbaddon, and the spirits would barely allow me to write anything down.
One major aspect that was embedded into my memory was that this was part of a
war the goes backwards through time.
When that memory hit me, I decided to look back even further, a year prior to
when the ordeals happened to see what I had recorded before I was forced to stop
recording things. As I looked through my earlier ramblings, I saw videos of music
that I had posted among them and forgotten about. Surely listening to some of my
old favorite EBM tracks would spark the state of mind that once enkindled my de­
scent into paranormal lunacy. Clicking upon the link, the electronic music began
to play, and I screamed. Before my widened eyes was the sigil of Asmodeus upon
the screen. The band DYM had incorporated this into the design for their album
and I would have never known or noticed this when I listened to it a decade ago,
yet there he was. The feeling was so bizarre, my skin remained in goosebumps until
I was able to laugh away the absurdity of the moment.
I had fancied myself to be an artist before anything else. Through spirit com­
munication and preternatural intervention, I had determined that my true will was
to inspire the spirit of other realms into humans through my artwork. My occult
indoctrination at that time had been through the path of the A:. A:, and the Typho-
nian currents of Thelema, the magical philosophy heralded by Aleister Crowley.
The entire point of Thelemic principal is to discover one’s true will and to live it
into reality. Such practices are also fully in line with embracing our carnal nature,
hedonism, and the discoveries through that epiphany gave way to my understand­
ing of sex magick. This pursuit of art as a means of expression continues to be the
case in my path, yet it has now grown far beyond traditional mediums. I found some
particularly relevant passages amongst the song that contained Asmodeus’ sigil. I
had written the following:

The process of creation is far too infinite and vast to contain within the
brush stroke, as an artist I am eternally at work, these worlds will not create
Upon reading this, the foreshadowing was clear as to how this would manifest.
My life itself was the art. The great work would become my own self and my body
as the vessel to all that cannot be contained within a page or canvas. This can be
the case for anyone, my life serves as an example and so can yours. I had also writ­
ten this small channeled incantation:

This is the voice oftruth incarnate

Keep my feet planted in the now
Let my mind rise to thefuture
Seeking all truth at the edge ofour horizon. •

With each breath inhaled may my lungs befortified

By the pure light ofmy own personal power
Exhaling into the void
And expanding thefield ofunderstanding in every direction.

May each being in existence see the potential oftheir power

And the equality which unites each life form on our planet
I vow tojourney along the path ofmy will
In a world that is at peace with nature
The path of our true will is a path of pure lust. This is why Aleister Crowley
altered the classical Strength card of the tarot to the Lust card in his Thoth deck.
In its previous incarnation seen through the Ryder Waite tarot, the card entails the
overcoming of our carnal instincts as the ultimate pursuit of life with the depiction
of a woman holding a lion’s jaws open. By changing the card, Crowley helped to
enlighten us with the real strength that is sparked by our primal desires. The
woman in his Lust card has changed drastically. She is no longer in battle with her
connection to nature and is depicted as nude, rejoicing in her splendor as she holds
aloft the holy grail and rides atop of the great Beast.
The holy grail that she wields in her hand represents our devotion to the path
of magick. Within it is the blood of the saints which compose the multiple headed
Beast that she is mounted upon. The practitioner of her gnosis must give every last
drop of their blood to her, to fill her cup. The act of doing so is a metaphor for
devoting every single aspect of our life to the power of the universe and spirit world

through magick. The only way to do so is to strip down to the barest aspects of who
we are, to see ourselves fully, without shame.
When Aleister Crowley explored the Enochian aethyrs, he discovered visions
of the goddess Babaion embodying this very current and was able to transmit per­
sonal gnosis from experiencing a glimpse into her realm.
In this description, Crowley also alludes to the formulae of sex magick, a recipe
that is heavily guarded by many secret magical societies:
Now, through the ruddy glow of the cup, I may perceive far above, and infi­
nitely great, the vision of Babylon. And the Beast whereon she rideth is the
Lord of the City of the Pyramids, that I beheld in the fourteenth Aethyr.
Now that is gone in the glow of the cup, and the Angel saith: Not as yet
mayest thou understand the mystery of the Beast, for it pertaineth not unto
the mystery of this Aire, and few that are new-born unto Understanding are
capable thereof.
The cup glows ever brighter and fierier. All my sense is unsteady, being
smitten with ecstasy. And the Angel sayeth: Blessed are the saints, that their
blood is mingled in the cup, and can never be separate any more. For Baby­
lon the Beautiful, the Mother of abominations, hath sworn by her holy cteis,
whereof every point is a pang, that she will not rest from her adulteries until
the blood of everything that liveth is gathered therein, and the wine thereof
laid up and matured and consecrated, and worthy to gladden the heart of my
— The Vision & The Voice, Cry of the 12th Aethyr
In order for us to be at peace with nature, we must make peace with our desires
and our natural selves. This includes the dirty perversions that Christianity has
sought to restrict our spirits through their illusions. As long as it does not harm
others, our sexuality is the most sacred and potent force of magick. It is what cre­
ates life and energy, in many ways beyond the birth of a child. Overcoming the
taboos of sex is an essential part to our evolution and is also a central part of the
ceremonial aspects of Thelema. Through this study, I will divulge the path of lust
as it is an essential part of my work. We will explore how I found myself as a novi­
tiate priestess in a sex cult, and go into the details of rituals that Asmodeous and
the spirits of demonic lust have helped me design to empower your sexual alchemy.


Chapter 2

SMODEUS told me to usher people through the process of reclaiming

A the power of flesh. This had become a serious undertaking for me which
initially began with my erotic surrealism paintings. I studied every aspect
of the human form, often working with nude models or obsessing over the curves
of my own body through the paint. This developed further when I embraced the
empowerment of my physical body through ritual adoration.
Asmodeus told me that I need to explain this further by introducing the formu­
lae and benefits of sexual energy. We can also understand how this enactment is
enhanced when performed in a group setting. Ceremonialists can enhance such
energies by the intent and perception of the congregation through rituals such as
the Gnostic Mass, where at the climax of the rite, the eucharist is transformed
through lust that has been elevated beyond the traditional moral perceptions of nu­
dity. In his autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, he wrote on his
influences for the creation of the rite:
Human nature demands (in the case of most people) the satisfaction of the
religious instinct, and, to very many, this may best be done by ceremonial
means. I wished therefore to construct a ritual through which people might
enter into ecstasy as they have always done under the influence of appropri­
ate ritual.
The Gnostic Mass, which is also referred to as Liber XV, is a magick ritual based
off the traditional Catholic Mass in certain regards. We could perceive it to be a
blasphemous version, in essence. Both rituals involve a priest, deacon and other
clergy that perform a ceremony to congregants. The focal point of the operation is
around a process where a eucharist is consecrated and offered to the congregation

after the ceremony has reached its spiritual goal. These events may be conducted
in private groups, yet are also celebrated frequently in locations that are open to
the general public. For this ritual to be performed publicly, there are various regu­
lations in place. The clergy must be officiated by those who have undergone
specific training. The Gnostic Mass is under the auspices of the Ecclesiae Gnostics
Catholicae which functions within, yet is a separate organization from the Ordo
Templi Orientis (a solar phallic magical initiatory order that Crowley helped de­
sign) yet both orders exist in tandem, as the Gnostic Mass is the central ritual of
the O.T.O. and is required by lodges to perform or else they will lose their status
in their kingdom. Therefore you will typically find members of the O.T.O. wanting
to join the E.G.C. so they can become part of their clergy in order to help perform
the rituals.
The training involves baptism and further ordinations that are overseen by a
high ranking bishop, who also is the celebrant’s instructor to ensure they are per­
forming the ritual correctly, especially in a public setting. These experiences also
aid the aspirant in their own spiritual evolution by means of the participation and
indoctrination into these mysteries.
Everyone who attends the Gnostic Mass is welcome to participate in several
parts of the ritual, including various times where the congregation recites the spells
among the clergy. At the beginning of the rite, the deacon leads everyone in what
is referred to as the Gnostic Creed which exemplifies the purpose for the rite:
I believe in one secret and ineffable LORD;
and in one Star in the Company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and
to which we shall return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery,
in His name CHAOS, the sole viceregent of the Sun upon the Earth;
and in one Air the nourisher of all that breathes.
And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein
all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest,
Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON.
And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His
And I believe in one Gnostic and Catholic Church of Light, Life, Love and
Liberty, the Word of whose Law is 0EAHMA.
And I believe in the communion of Saints.
And, forasmuch as meat and drink are transmuted in us daily into spiritual
substance, I believe in the Miracle of the Mass.

And I confess one Baptism of Wisdom whereby we accomplish the Miracle

of Incarnation.
And I confess my life one, individual, and eternal that was, and is, and is to
—Liber XV
The ceremony requires a specific temple design to perform what is in essence
a mystical marriage of the elements. It will contain a central altar that is adorned
with candles and roses. On opposite sides of the altar, stands a black and white
pillar, representing the pillars of mercy and severity on the Kabalistic Tree of Life.
There are steps which lead up to the high altar and before them you will find a floor
made of black and white checkerboard tiles.
We can understand by these temple furnishings that the ritual involves many
aspects of duality that are represented in the design, a key aspect to harnessing the
energetic currents of lust. The ceremony’s space extends down through the middle
of the room to two smaller altars, one containing incense and fire starting materials
and another which holds a font of water and salt. On the opposite side of the room
from the high altar, the priest is located within a tomb. The priest remains within
the tomb for the beginning of the rite, waiting for the point where the priestess will
bring earth and heaven together to raise them from death by the sacred sword.
Once the priest has arisen, the priestess strokes their ceremonial lance as everyone
in attendance watches. The priestess then purifies and consecrates the priest with
fire and water, and then the priest returns the energy by elevating the priestess onto
the summit of the earth which is represented by the high altar.
One major difference from a traditional Catholic ceremony is that the Gnostic
Mass is a ceremonial celebration of all the elements in our reality, including the
power of reproduction as a dual force instead of only a masculine creator, which is
displayed before those who attend in ritualistic erotica, including sexual panto­
mime and touching. Another notable major difference is that the Gnostic Mass
features a priestess who may be seated upon the altar whilst fully disrobed. The
choice of the priestess to remove their ceremonial garments when the rite is per­
formed publicly will always be left completely in their control and may not be
visible depending in the location of this rite. The ritual altar contains a curtain or
veil that is drawn closed over the priestess by the priest, midway through the ritual.
Once the veil is closed, no one is able to see the priestess behind it. Their sil­
houette may be visible in the candle light but their form is essentially enshrouded

from everyone’s view. When I would be inside of this space, it has evoked an ex­
tremely surreal feeling. When I have been in the performance of this ritual, behind
the altar with the veil closed, the enveloping darkness is everywhere except for the
light of the many candles upon the high altar. They gleam through the fabric of the
veil like stars amidst the nothingness of space. This is a very sacred space, where
the human body becomes one with the night itself. The congregation knows that
behind the veil, the priestess is disrobing and will soon recite their speech. At this
time they have become Nuit, the manifestation of the night sky in goddess form.
Nuit is the entirety of all things composed within the starry forme of her body. Our
entire universe within one vessel, representing all things that encompass reality.
The beautiful aspect which follows is that they will recite the channeled message
from Nuit, through the veil, and the message itself is of love. The universe’s love
for us is herein proclaimed, as the veil separates the priestess’ naked body from the
view of all. Their own building lust and the anticipation of the congregation is am­
plified in this moment, focused on the veil which represents the barrier between
our earth and spirit realm. It was in this particular state that I realized the intense
effects of lust as a form of magick.
Instead of being passive to the process that would come to pass, I would allow
it to transform myself completely. The priestess’ recitation from behind the veil is
as follows:
But to love me is better than all things: if under the night-stars in the desert
thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure
heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my
bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one
particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of
women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of
the earth in splendour and pride; but always in the love of me, & so shall ye
come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe,
and covered with a rich head-dress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple,
veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness of
the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled
splendour within you: come unto me! To me! To me! Sing the rapturous
love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me,
for I love you! I love you! I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the
naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. To me! To me!
—Liber XV

Once this is said, the ritual continues with the priestess resuming their place
upon the altar. The priestess’ choice on whether or not to remain nude for the
duration of the ceremony or to re robe is determined by several factors. In the offi­
cial instructions for the Gnostic Mass, Crowley states that the priestess makes their
choice based on whether or not that their country is considered savage. In this con­
text, the notion is referring to the result of how the nudity will be received by those
who will witness it. Therefore, if the Gnostic Mass is being held in a location where
the nudity will not be honored and perceived as a scared source of gnosis, the
priestess would be best to clothe themselves before the veil is opened again. We
also learn over time through experiencing the rituals that a certain de-sensitization
to nudity will occur which allows the viewer to perceive it in a new way that has
transcended the moral values of traditional Western civilization, and in the Victo­
rian era of Crowley’s time.
The teachings of Crowley are heavily focused on the power of sexuality and the
sacred nature of creation found therein. The magical orders he designed were in­
tended to aid individuals into the realization that we can control reality in
conjunction with our desired will and that our lusts serve us as the road to obtaining
our ultimate potential. This is why Crowley redesigned the Strength card as Lust
in the tarot, it is the evolutionary process to overcome various taboos in order for
the power of nature to be reclaimed for each individual person. ■¥•



N the Thoth tarot, Crowley depicts the goddess as Babaion, naked and re­

I joicing. The cup is depicted as being uplifted in the air for all to behold upon
the card and we also find this scene enacted within the Gnostic Mass. Whilst
upon the altar, after reciting the speech, the priestess is revealed by the veil being
rendered and is seen holding the cup in one hand. At this stage in the ritual, the
cup is covered until later when the priest removes the covering and plunges his
magical lance within it.
In the other hand, the priestess holds a magical paten, representing the earthly
forces of creation. Our sacred seed of life which resides within cakes of light are
placed on top of it. These cakes of light are small crackers that are the eucharist
which the congregation will eventually come before the priestess and eat whilst
declaring “there is no part of me that is not of the gods.”
Cakes of light are typically baked by the priestess for the Gnostic Masses they
serve within. The recipe was designed by Aleister Crowley and these hosts are
quite different than what one would find in a Catholic Mass. There is no one spe­
cific amount of measurements for the cakes, however Crowley did write the basic
ingredients down in a list. It calls for flour, olive oil, honey, leavings of red wine,
Abramelin oil and what is referred to as ingredient X. This secret ingredient is used
at the discretion of the baker and public congregants must be made aware of if it is
used in the recipe.
The ingredient is typically menstrual blood or a combination of the blood and
semen. These fluids could be mixed together by the magician by hand or more po­
tently combined by being ejaculated intro the menstruating priestess’ vagina and
then collected after it is unified within the body.

For sanitary purposes, when a Gnostic Mass is held publicly, this cake which is
called the active cake of light will be placed separately from the cakes eaten by the
general public. The priest will have that cake alone to eat. The other cakes are cre­
ated by taking an active cake and burning it to ashes, then the ashes are added into
the mixture of new cakes of light that are made for public congregational consump­
tion. When the eucharist is eaten, the particle of godhood is absorbed into the
human form. This transforms us into living gods upon the earth that are also at one
with all things in the universe.
The ritual itself transforms the energetic powers of sexuality and creation into
something physical that we may consume. Through this sacred food we bring into
ourselves into an alternative state of existence by our body’s absorption of the
blessed food that becomes the building blocks for who we are. Crowley also de­
signed another ritual for a single person to perform that uses cakes of light called
The Mass of The Phoenix. This ritual also works with the sexual seed energy from
a cake of light that is consumed and integrated int the self.
Instead of an enactment of an entire group of people, here the magician creates
the blessing of the eucharist on their own through the incantations. This rite in­
volves two of the cakes of light, one is burned into the aethyr and the other is
consumed. At one point, they are to cut the symbol of the Ordeal X into their
breast, and dab the blood from the bleeding wound onto one of the cakes before
consuming it. The philosophy of Thelema as Crowley intended was to embody the
literal meaning of the word as the will of god, and that we are god. Therefore, our
will is the will of god and it is our duty to live in conjunction with that aspect of
ourselves. These factors are affirmed along with the reminder that we are existing
on this planet to fulfill our inner desires and lusts as a key aspect of harnessing our
own power and potential instead of suppressing it to conform to the expectations
of a conservative society.
The idea here is to transform our brainwashed mentality of not truly living to
our greatest potential because of the ignorance to our own darkness and lusts. In
order to come into the path of our true will, where we achieve our greatest lives,
we must embrace those aspects instead of restricting ourselves. In this mass, once
the second cake is eaten, the ritual concludes with the statement which exemplifies
the essence of a phoenix by the magician’s consumption of the sexual fluids in the
cake that are combined with their blood to become born again:
I entered in with woe; with mirth

I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,

To do my pleasure on the earth
Among the legions of the living.
Crowley has intended the eating of the cakes themselves to stir lust within the
sorcerer before they are consumed. The sexual energy is utilized in this magick in
very specific ways that are often subliminal, yet feed into the carnal nature within
that is the source of all power. Becoming aware of these hidden layers to magick
and reality will empower us to find the way to our own personal ascent. Having
performed the Gnostic Mass as the priestess, a congregant and other clerical roles,
as well as the Mass of the Phoenix, many times and then integrating those experi­
ences in conjunction with black magick, has given me the gift of insights that can
integrate both the light and darkness to reconcile the essence of all energies into
one cohesive force. That force is the lust that I have learned of through intensive
practice in these rituals.
Through lust, I have been able to transform myself and every single aspect of
my life. It is the promise of creation itself through the tantalizing allure of sexual
gratification. At the root of it all is the generative force of power that we can hold
onto and work with in practice. Crowley shares various warnings to those who will
succumb to the influence of religious slavery and also provides motivation towards
living in a particular lifestyle which will result in an adept understanding of sexual
empowerment. In his channeled writings in the Book of the Law, we discover many
references to a scarlet woman, who is representing the energetic qualities of sexual
power incarnate:
Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit
her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my
vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will
cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl
through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.
But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work
the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulter­
ous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be
shameless before all men!
—Liber AL, cap III: 43- 45
The Book of the Law also connects the scarlet woman to the great Beast of the
apocalypse. Herein, she is proclaimed as his consort, further exemplifying the im­
agery on the Lust card of Babaion riding upon the Beast. We can also discover how

this is another metaphor for the empowered feminine essence to becoming an ac­
tive force instead of a passive power by means of incorporating sexuality as a
personal form of witchcraft. By combining the force of love together, no matter
what gender, the orgasm itself is now a magical weapon and catalyst for personal
alchemy to inspire the awakening of humanity.
Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the
prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all
power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring
the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.
—Liber AL, cap 1:15
Asmodeus, the lord of lust, is opening the gateway to our godhood by the means
of liberating the power of creation from a place that stirs within the darkness of our
cores. The eucharistic cake of light is an excellent example of how the energy of
sexuality can be condensed into a physical object and integrated into our bodies.
Crowley also alludes to the power of sexual essence in the Book of the Law and
through magical metaphor, implies further secrets that can be utilized by those who
are capable of looking further into his words. The Book ofthe Lain is a document that
Crowley channeled in Egypt which is the basis of his Thelemic philosophy and was
recorded in 1904 when he declared that a new aeon would rise.
This new aeon is referred to in Thelema as the aeon of Horus, the crowned and
conquering child who abolishes the old age of the dying god, Osiris. This is the
establishment of a new way of existing as magicians who can work with magick to
change our reality instead of being enslaved to the conformity of popular religion.
The Book of the Law is a controversial tome, yet the issues the non-initiates have
with the text are a result at their flawed understanding of how this spell book was
composed, as most things are simply metaphors for deep occult symbolism.
Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that
any God shall deny thee for this. I am alone: there is no God where I am.
Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be
hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but
in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large
limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about
them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious ar­
mies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater
than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one an­
other with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your

pride, in the day of your wrath.

Ye are against the people, O my chosen! I am the secret Serpent coiled
about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my
Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is
rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.
—Liber AL, cap II: 22-26
This passage invokes imagery of lust to enflame the passion of the reader to­
wards communion with their inner passion through love. Being able to love freely
and indulge in earthly pleasures in this hedonistic manner is a major aspect of The-
lema because it is essentially the counter culture of traditional religious values.
Herein, we become empowered by our lusts as they are the things that have been
deeply repressed by means of conditioning from being enslaved into a world that
wishes to control us by means of moral slavery. We can often find the serpent,
which represents the raising of kundalini energy but also representative of the phal­
lus in these writings.
The Book ofthe Law declares that the study of the book is forbidden, as a warning
to all who dare to analyze this text. This is forbidden to those who wish for their
reality to remain the same and who refused to become awakened. It is those partic­
ular blinds that halt the adepts from looking further to these words. The text evokes
imagery of an ejaculating phallus that becomes one with all things at the point of
orgasm. Through pleasures, the rapture of self can be achieved. In Genesis, the
snake is the great temptress of eve who provides access to the knowledge of good
and evil. The snake itself is a symbol for overcoming our mental and moral slavery.
In my own practice of combining the teachings of Crowley with black magick, I
have also found that Lilith is extremely important. The spirit of the serpent is in­
credibly valuable to work with for lust magick and Lilith as the serpentine mother
of demons will provide the perfect path towards energetic sexual empowerment,
and also vampirism and glamor magick. Her depiction in Renaissance artwork also
will often resemble a snake or she is often depicted with a snake companion. It is
not a coincidence that her presence also came into my life, seemingly out of no­
where, right at the time when I began training as a priestess for the Gnostic Mass.
We also find the serpentine imagery in other writings by Crowley in many other
books. Such as the following which is often referred to as the book of the Heart Girt
by a Serpent:
I am the Heart; and the Snake is entwined
About the invisible core of the mind.

Rise, O my snake! It is now is the hour

Of the hooded and holy ineffable flower.
Rise, O my snake, into brilliance of bloom
On the corpse of Osiris afloat in the tomb!
O heart of my mother, my sister, mine own,
Thou art given to Nile, to the terror Typhon!
Ah me! but the glory of ravening storm
Enswathes thee and wraps thee in frenzy of form.
Be still, O my soul! that the spell may dissolve
As the wands are upraised, and the aeons revolve.
Behold! in my beauty how joyous Thou art,
O Snake that caresses the crown of mine heart!
—Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente
When Lilith entered into my path, it was through the process of overcoming
the stigmatized fear of her, a very similar process to evolving beyond the supposed
dirtiness of sexuality. Many people, especially men are afraid of Lilith. This is an
unrealized result of religious programming that is a result of the church’s propa­
ganda over generations that has resulted in a primal fear of the serpent essence.
One of my teachers had good reason to fear her, after working together for years,
Lilith wanted to breed a child together with him and he refused her. The result was
a condition that developed on his penis, the foreskin hardening and needing to be
removed by surgery. Doctors told him that this does not typically happen to adults
and it was a medical anomaly. Once the surgery was completed, he was never able
to regain the full sensation prior to the procedure and his sexual activity was dras­
tically changed.
After hearing about that it became important for me to work with Lilith and
make peace with her on his behalf. I was astounded at how quickly she manifested
into my life, her presence became a major source of protection to me, in guiding
my way in magick and also as a protector. Eventually, Lilith became one of the
central deities in my personal pantheon and after many years of working closely
with her, I decided to compose a ritual that would permanently enmesh my spirit
with her current in order to prove my worthiness of her power, and also to discover
what else may be behind her veil of fear. Lilith is known as the mother of demons
and also the mother of vampires. She offered her blood to Caine after the slaying
of his brother and activated the dark gift within him and some legends suggest that
their union further birthed Asmodeus. It was through practicing the Gnostic Mass

that I awakened the abilities of tantric vampirism within myself, especially after my
consumption of the eucharist containing the blood of life, duly consecrated and
imbued by the energy of rooms filled with people over the countless times I had
performed those rites. Through activating your own sexual vampiric currents, the
gateway of Asmodeous can be activated and transformed into an invigorating
source of inspiration by the generative source of all creation itself, through the mag­
ick of lust. ¥


Chapter 4

HIS ritual is designed to activate the current of vampirism also known as

T the “dark gift.” It was given to me by Lilith and Asmodeous in order to

rend the veil between ordinary reality and the realm of the sexual tantric
god form that results in evolution beyond basic human form. Performing this ritual
will change whomever performs it into something different, and the results will
grow over time through the practice of energy play and astral work. The ritual con­
tains a few aspects from other sources in the beginning of its composition, such as
inspiration from The Invocation of the Bornless One which is also called The Rite of
the Heart Girt with a Serpent, where the wording has been changed to honor the
blasphemous feminine as well as a transliteration of Isiah 34:13, where Lilith is
mentioned in the Old Testament.
The entrance into the Bloodline of Cain will allow a magician to become one
with their inner carnal nature for the sake of personal vampirism which will also
result in an increase of sexual vitality. This rite also amplifies other aspects which
aid in romantic prowess such as the beautification and glamor aspects that Lilith
can bestow. To activate these qualities, ensure that you have a visualization of how
you wish to transform yourself and hold that in your mind as you reflect on your
appearance, it will eventually change into the self you desire to become in conjunc­
tion with taking the appropriate measures to ensure it is possible with your lifestyle.
It is best to conduct this rite on a Monday when the moon is full. The prepara­
tion requires an apple which will represent the forbidden fruit of the Garden of
Eden, once consumed, it brings forth all the aspects of such nourishment. Any
color of apple will do for this rite; however it must be placed upon the magician’s
altar for the entire course of one day and one night prior to the ritual being

performed. This rite is also best performed in the nude or in sexually arousing gar­
ments to the taste of the practitioner. Black or red candles may be used as initial
offerings to the spirits as well as incense associated to the Lunar currents such as
jasmine, rose or lavender.
To begin, take a ceremonial knife and carve the sigils of Lilith and Asmodeous
into the apple. Place the knife onto the altar and recite:
lam she the hornless spirit
lam the eternalfire
lam she, the truth
The Serpent is my name
Come forth andfollow me

So that every entity above and below will hear my voice

The call oftrue powerfrom the depths ofmy star
The voice ofjustice and mercy
The voice ofterror and blasphemy
That every force ofenergy and specter in this space
Will become my ally in this rite
We are one
We are none
We are all
Come forth and become one with me

Lilith, I call thee forth by the recitation and sacrilege

Ofthe bible that once suppressedyour beauty
I reclaim this work tonightforyou
I reclaim all that is holy and transgress itfor my fornications
Terrifying mother ofdemons
Dwell within me and let my body guideyour shadows to manifestation

Vealtah armanteeyah tzeereem

Kamosh vechoch behmvtzreeyah
Vehhayeetah noah teeneem
Hatzeer lehvanohtyeeahnah

Ophgashoh tzeeyeem ahtayeem

Vehshayeer alrauhoh eekrah
Ech shem hargeeah Lilith
Oohmetzah loh manoch

Thankyou for coming unto me

Great mother ofdemons
My body is an offering untoyou
I dare to taste the mysteries ofyour desires
And partaketh ofyourforbidden fruit
Take the knife and cut an open wound, placing the blooding spot onto the sigils
upon the apple as they soak in your life’s essence. Continue by reciting:
May theflesh ofthisfruit become one with mine
As our blood combines in the serpentine dance ofdestruction
Eat the apple, take a deep bite into the flesh of the fruit and swallow it. Savor
the sweet combination of fruit and your own blood as it arouses you and declare:
And my creation!
Masturbate or engage in sexual intercourse, and at the point of climax, visualize
the sigil of Lilith and Asmodeous within your mind and upon your flesh, glowing
in brilliant red, over your heart. ■¥■

Awakening the God Mouth

Book 6


F you find yourself now reading the words of this text, then I wish to extend

I to you my most humble appreciation. You are indeed welcome here, and I
am so very excited to share with you what I have personally learned from the
powerful demonic king known as Asmodeus. My pathworking with this demon be­
gan many years ago, and my continuous interaction with him has unveiled
invaluable magical gnosis. I would have to say that when it comes to mastering the
mysteries of both energy work and sorcery that hands down, Asmodeus is the de­
mon to commune with. The gnosis obtained from this devil has allowed me to
become proficient in many metaphysical and magical systems alike. Through his
direction I not only discovered, but have gone to highly excel in the areas of healing,
the manipulating of energies both within and outside of my own being, and the
powerful dark art of energetic sexual exchange, just to name a few. He also intro­
duced me to the concepts of manipulating parallel realities, and even pulled me
into his dark world of vampirism. I would have to say that above all else, that the
most important gnosis that I have received from this ancient demonic king was the
revelation of the awakening of the god mouth. This discovery has not only revolu­
tionized my own magical practice, but has enhanced every spiritual force and
connection within me. Without that particular knowledge I do not feel that I would
be half the magician that I am today. It is with greatest of delight that I have this
opportunity, here and now, to share this gnosis with you. May it benefit you in all
of your endeavors, both now and in all of your days to come.
My ongoing relationship with Asmodeus has more than proven to me, beyond
the shadow of all doubt, that the true faces and darkest forms of black magick are
indeed alive and thriving within our world. There are as many varieties of dark sor­
cery and witchcraft as there are flavors of ice cream. Each of these modalities are
employing their own unique energy in our everyday life situations, and ultimately

have the ability to manipulate our collective reality. The spiritual worlds that over­
lap our own physical existence are continuously at play around us, working hand in
hand with those who are bold enough to direct them within the confines of this
worldly plane. True power can be harnessed by those whom are dedicated to their
own personal growth through the attainment of knowledge and one’s own subjec­
tive life experience. When we combine these things with the spiritual path of the
mage, the once ordinary human being shall without doubt transform into some­
thing far greater. This transformation can manifest in many ways, and take on many
forms and architypes. Of the many possible flavors and combinations, Asmodeus
was insistent upon bestowing unto me not only the ways, but also the means, of the
employment of vampiric sorcery.
Asmodeus’ teachings have indeed led to many profound manifestations in my
own personal life, however that is not to say that anything was freely given nor
received, not by myself, nor this infernal fiend in which I speak of. Just as it should
be, each transaction was just that, an exchange, as no one should ever expect that
they should receive something for nothing. Asmodeus impressed upon me sternly
that there is nothing in this life that is absolutely free. Everything, and I mean eve­
rything, has a price or string attached to it somewhere in the physical realm. For it
is not merely the universe, but the multiverse that will decide the ultimate terms of
the exchange. We should never expect these transactions to be either fair or equal,
as these are mere human concepts. It is there within the dark matter of the multi­
verse that walk our ultimate spiritual path. For each day that we venture farther
past the veil and into oblivion we are reminded of the importance of both insight
and intuition, and that even the most undesirable outcomes can contain hidden
gems that can propel us forward towards victory. Each day that we live, and every
exchange that we make, in these, the brief moments of our lives, are indeed a price­
less gift. This is why the foundational aspect of learning how to not only truly give,
but also how to truly receive in this life is paramount. Success in this life lay in the
controlling of energies, both positive and negative, through direct acts of both op­
position and cooperation. The keys to power are not obtained at some final
destination, but rather they are earned, one by one, along the perilous journey of
Asmodeus was hugely responsible for allowing me to see past the solidity of this
reality, helping me to realize that our reality is much like clay, and that indeed it
was moldable. Once this information was safely held captive within the mushy con­
fines of the sponge that lay within the rigidity of my skull, it finally began to all

make perfect logical sense. The only thing necessary to execute upon this realiza­
tion of a malleable reality was an artisan, a sculptor, one that is both consciously
aware and eagerly willing to create. The mighty adept of these dark arts under­
stands all too well that this world is largely made up of energy, and it is they who
are capable of directing these energies that will have the overwhelming advantage
in this grand chess game that we all know as life. Asmodeus, once taken under the
darkness of his wing, will he then reveal unto you a truly unique system of vampiric
black magick, of the likes that will and shall only be known to you and you alone. It
is my sincere hope that you benefit from this information, and that it assist you in
discovering your own personal vampiric black magick power, for I firmly believe
that if you do so, that the keys to dominating this world, this reality, this physical
plane of dimensional existence become more than just possible. It is through an
unyielding exploration of self that true masters of the multiverse are made. For it
is through the ebb and flow of all that is, both in light and in darkness, those ener­
gies of which are penetrative and those of which are of a more receptive nature,
that which we allow to lead us, and that which we deliberately direct. It all becomes
subject to the limitless nature of our blackest magick.
Through my years of experience with this devil I have come to understand one
thing very clearly, that Asmodeus is not your average demon. There is no doubt
that he, or should I say they, are much, much more. Asmodeus is a powerful vam­
piric entity, a demonic king of the highest order, but we are not done there.
Asmodeus is also an emanation of the dark goddess, of which manifests ravenously,
in all of her lustful glory and vengeance, of the likes that can easily decimate any
foe. One can also find her on the sweeter side of chaos, and as the dark mother. It
is within the loving confines of her warm embrace that the sorcerer can find both
solace and understanding. The true faces of Asmodeus, they are many. The true
nature of Asmodeus, they are many. The ultimate will and desire of Asmodeus,
they too, are many.
This demon instilled within me a deeper understanding of darkness, and the
ultimate wisdom that can be attained whilst in the deathly grips of the dark night
of the soul. On many occasions Asmodeus chewed me up, and like a gnarly beast,
spat me out upon the frozen landscapes of my own internal wasteland. This fowl
creature, this evil spawn of hell, imparted unto me that the wise sorcerer should
realize that there is much more to gain by conquering our own weakness found
within, rather than arbitrarily conquering those that may appear to be weaker than
ourselves. Maybe not what one would expect, given his credentials as demon from

the foulest pits of hell. Although it was clear that this spirit did not promote unwar­
ranted acts of aggression, Asmodeus none the less made it very clear to me that it
was important for the magician to also understand that there will absolutely be sit­
uations in life whereas the full extent of one’s own infernal fury must be fully, and
explosively exercised. As the sorcerer finds comfort within the truths of their own
shadow self, so does this creature of the night side find comfort within the motherly
embrace of the moon’s nocturnal light. Embrace the night, embrace the darkness,
and embrace your darkness. It is now that I invite you to explore that which is but
a few of the many sides of the demonic vampire Asmodeus, and that which is but a
few of the many sides of the emerging vampiric sorcerer that is inside of you. 4

Chapter 1

HE majority of us that are active practitioners of the dark arts were most

T likely not always this way. Regarding myself, I was raised within the con­
fines of the psychological programing paradigm known as Christianity,
and then moving onto the Roman Catholic Church later in my early adult years.
While I was extremely interested in the paranormal as a child, I had never been
exposed to magick, witchcraft, or many things that are more traditionally associ­
ated with the occult within the mainstream of our society. While I had always been
highly attracted to the things that go bump in the night, still I found that I was
utterly terrified of that which resides secretly within the cover of darkness. For a
majority of my life it was that fear, the fear that invokes the most immense degrees
of anxiety and trepidation within the very core of my being that spawned an over­
whelming urge of exploration that I still have yet to fully understand. The human
condition tends to direct most of us away from the things in life that present them­
selves to be potentially harmful, however in my case it was this same fear that
fueled my desire to obtain an understanding.
I have always been extremely empathic and intuitive, and on several occasions
growing up I have witnessed what I now know to be ghosts, or in more specific
terms the apparition of a deceased human being. The odd thing regarding both of
these incidents is that neither of these spiritual manifestations where mist like or
translucent, rather they were completely solid just as you or I. What is even
stranger to me still is the fact that on both occasions I was in the company of one
other person, and in each instance my companion failed to perceive the same real­
ity in an entirely objective situation. It was instances such as these whereas two
people could be in the same geographical location, within a proximity of only a few

feet in both cases, but still experience two entirely different things. I have had a few
people tell me that they have actually seen me manifest in solid form, similar to
that of a doppelganger, on several occasions. From the details that each person had
shared with me it was very much like what I had experienced when I had encoun­
tered ghost as a child. They stated that I was just there all of a sudden, and moments
later just disappeared. Sure there is the keen possibility that psychic traits or abil­
ities such as mediumship or clairvoyance could play a role in this type of
phenomena, however being as I personally possess both of these qualities, I feel
confident in saying that these manifestations are something outside of those pa­
It is certainly possible as well that the beings that I merely assumed to be spir­
itual in nature, although solid as they were, may not have been purely spiritual at
all. Quite possibly these beings were in fact very much like you or I, flesh and blood,
alive and breathing, occupying the very same space as I at that precise moment in
time. Even though those two odd occurrences were most defiantly eye opening and
equally disturbing, both pale in comparison to what happens to be only one of
nearly ten near death experiences that I have lived through in my forty years upon
this earth. That event took place years ago when I was on the way home from my
daily commute. I was exiting the off ramp of interstate and onto a six lane highway
known as route ten to the local residents. As I merged into traffic, I found myself
behind a Volkswagen Jetta that seemed to be just as eager to reach their final des­
tination as I on that particular evening. As we sped along the highway, I could see
a four way intersection roughly one thousand feet ahead off in the horizon. The
light sequence began to change as we grew closer, and the Volkswagen in front of
me increased their speed
Their action signified to me that they were indeed committing to moving on
through the intersection, despite the yellow caution light that shown brightly
ahead. Now, only a mere fifty feet away from the intersection we entered into the
point of no return, and both the Volkswagen and I were moving forward full speed
ahead. At the very last moment the Volkswagen slams on their breaks, squealing
their tires along the pavement. It was obvious they had reconsidered what would
have surely been a blatant running of the soon to be red traffic signal. At that mo­
ment I realized that I was moving at such a high rate of speed and in such close
proximity to the heavily breaking vehicle in front of me that I would have no choice
but attempt to quickly change lanes. As I explosively jerk the wheel to the left eve­
rything goes into slow motion. In the haziness of the moments that followed I

experienced the most dread and apprehension that I had ever experienced. The car
had turned forty five degrees to the left and was literally flying sideways towards
two rows of idle automobiles awaiting the left turn signal there in the two turning
lanes. I knew in that split second that I was about to be involved in the worst inci­
dent of my life, and that I was not only potentially going to be personally inured by
the ensuing impact, but that I was sure to severely injure those that occupied the
other vehicles.
At the moment of impact, which would involve multiple other vehicles, all of
my worst fears and most hideous of waking nightmares came to life inside of my
rattled brain. I close my eyes and begin to feel the inevitable smashing and twisting
of both glass and metal. With the strength of an industrial vice I clenched down
upon my jaw, and the white knuckled grip that my hands imposed upon the steering
wheel could not have been pried loose by even the most determined pursuer. The
car suddenly swings hard to the right, and my entire body is jolted in my seat. In
that very same instance the car slammed down onto pavement as if dropped into
place by a crane from above. In that impossible moment of unsurmountable tension
the vehicle came to rest. I wildly thrashed around in my seat, attempting to set my
gaze in each and every possible direction. I was beyond desperate for any sort of
visual that would assist me in evaluating the severity of the disastrous collisions
that had just taken place. All of this was due to my selfishness and my recklessness,
every bit of it. How could I now live with myself, how?
Reeling from shock and in a complete daze, I slowly looked over to my right,
peering through the passenger side window. My bloodshot eyes then met with the
driver of the car positioned alongside my own, not six inches from my passenger
door. I suddenly tilt my head to the left to come face to face with the other potential
accident victims, but before I can even lock my gaze into place the line of cars begin
to pull away with the changing traffic light. Immediately I panned over once again
to the right only to see a line of cars in motion, just as if everything at that moment
was business as usual. I couldn’t believe what was happening, after all that I had
been through in the brief moments leading up to this, but somehow, someway, it
was as if none of it had even happened. I sat there realizing that my vehicle had
come to rest not in a lane, but rather in between two turning lanes, which placed
me directly in between two other vehicles. There was less than six inches to either
side of my car betwixt the others. As the vehicles to either side of me all pulled
away, I could see that there were no damages to any of them, and the occupants
seemed to not have a clue that any type of accident or incident had ever occurred.

I patted my chest and rubbed my arms, feeling around for any potential injury,
but found none. I exited my car and did several laps around the exterior, desper­
ately searching for any signs of damages or clues that would help me to make sense
of this mind blowing experience. I looked all around the vicinity of the intersection,
and found that the Volkswagen that had been in front of me prior to the incident
was nowhere to be seen. Both my vehicle and I were somehow untouched, but my
mind was screaming in my head that this was not possible! I experienced the impact
and felt every smash and shudder of the multiple crashes. Not one single detail of
this situation made any logical sense to me, as it was as if my car just passed straight
through the solidity of the others, as if it did not physically exist in that reality for
that split second during impact. Not only that, but the car also righted itself and
then abruptly came to a full standstill, squeezing itself in between two other idling
vehicles, with only inches from touching the side exteriors of the both of them.
Again, I racked my brain in utter disbelief, and for a moment I began to grow
angry at the fact there were no damages from the collision, as if I were angry at the
fact that there was no accident! How could I actually be upset that I had not just
jeopardized both my life and that of others? How could I actually be mad at the fact
that there was indeed no accident whatsoever? In my madness I just couldn’t com­
prehend the entirety of the situation. My own psyche was working overtime
looking for anything in which to latch onto, and thus justify what had taken place.
To see that there was no damage, no wreck, was like taking away any semblance of
comfort or piece of mind regarding my own sanity from myself. I felt robbed of my
own reality, even in the midst of the full manifestation of what could be looked at
as some sort of miracle. Focusing on my breathing was all that I could manage for
a good few minutes, there just outside of my car. At some point I decided to get
back into the driver’s seat, and from that point continued onward towards home.
I didn’t sleep very well that night, and as would be expected I couldn’t get the
bizarre event out of my mind. I just couldn’t grasp it. It was as if my entire life’s
events were playing out on a ribbon of film, and a small segment which contained
the frames of actionized reality were in a mere split second altered from their orig­
inal format and immediately mended. This allowed me to avoid the certain
catastrophe that would have gone part and parcel with the actual physicality of the
collisions, protected completely by those newly replaced portions of reality instan­
taneously. Once again, I had witnessed an altered reality from those around me in
a major way. For many years now the variables of potentiality of what exactly I was
in the conscience presence of in those instances have consistently injected

themselves into my daily thoughts. What exactly was going on and why was I hav­
ing these experiences? To what benefit, or to what detriment could these instances
introduce over the course of my lifetime? There must be something more to it all,
but what? These were the main questions that I would ask myself constantly in my
mind over and over, each and every day, but for the longest time it was to no avail.
It wasn’t until I came into contact with the demonic king Asmodeus that things
then finally began to make sense. We shall pick up with this however, in in the later
chapters of this text. For now, allow me to flashback a little ways, to where things
truly all began with Asmodeus, in the beginning. •¥■

Chapter 2

year or so later, following that near fatal car crash incident that I had

A somehow averted, I converted fully to Catholicism. Although my reason­

ing for doing this was more so an attempt at creating a culture and unity
within my household, I had none the less fully committed my heart to the religion
spiritualty speaking. I had been attending mass off and on for roughly ten years
leading up to my ultimate decision to convert, and although I had witnessed many
unexplained and what most would consider paranormal incidents throughout my
life, both the frequency and intensity of such experiences escalated greatly post
conversion. Looking back on it now it’s more than obvious to me, that embracing
the ritualized spiritual practice of Catholicism had opened a gateway to spiritual
forces that were all too eager to interact in the physical plane. Six months after my
baptism I began to have many strange experiences, not just at home, but in my place
of business and various other locations that I would frequent. I started to develop
a sort of paranoid anxiety, as if I were always being watched. I also began to take
notice to the rapid and extreme shifts that would take place in the overall energetic
dynamic of both myself, and my surroundings in my day to day life. I was hearing
bumps, thuds, scratches, and bangs in my bedroom nearly every single night, and
my once regular restful slumbers became few and far between. Sleep and I soon
became like perfect strangers.
I could feel a sharp decline not only in my physical health, but also a veritable
upheaval of emotional stress and turmoil that would soon begin to severely
threaten my sanity. I did what any god fearing Catholic would do and I began to
hint around to the deacon before the mass that I had been going through some dif­
ficulties. After communion one Sunday the man of which sponsored me during my

conversion process pulled me aside out in the commons area of the church build­
ing. He had spoken to the deacon regarding my situation and just wanted to check
in on me. I do not feel that the deacon had taken me seriously, however this gen­
tleman seemed to hint to me in a roundabout way that he understood me, not from
a place of sympathy in efforts to provide comfort to me, but perhaps from his own
personal experience. The conversation was so strange, as it was as if I were in a
dream state, with that light headed haziness, and I recall watching the gentleman’s
lips move, but somehow not hearing a majority of the words that he spoke to me.
The only details of the conversation that I could recall once we had parted ways
that there was a demon that went by the name Asmodeus, and that at one point in
time he was relevant within the Roman Catholic canon of scripture. I could really
feel what it was that he was attempting to convey to me even more so than the
words he spoke. Although I could not recall ever running across or hearing the
name of Asmodeus prior to that moment, somehow it was eerily familiar.
Later that same night I was lying upon my back on a sofa in my bedroom resting
in complete comfort. I had been sleeping peacefully for the majority of the night,
but then in the wee hours of the morning my eyes suddenly opened wide and I was
instantly awoken, or so it seemed. I attempted to sit up right away, as I could feel
that something was certainly off here, but it was as if I were completely paralyzed.
I tried to speak, to scream even, but even those basic functions were not in my
control. I struggled with everything in me to move, and focused the fullness of my
attention upon trying to turn my head so that I might see my surroundings a bit
better. My head was laying on its side, thus when I had awoken, I was staring
straight at the wall. The earthen tone of the wallcovering’s surface provided no
sense of security, nor comfort, as I continued to quake within the confines of my
fleshy prison, trying so desperately to regain use of my both my voice and my limbs.
It was then that I felt this immense heaviness upon me, and though I was still par­
alyzed, I could still feel the intense pressure pressing down upon me. The
heaviness, at first felt somewhat similar to a weighted blanket, but this soon
changed as I could then begin to become aware of more defined features of this
mysteriously palpable presence which was laying upon me. I became immediately
aware of a pair of extremely domineering hands gripping and pressing down upon
my upper arms, squeezing with such a ferocity, of the likes of which I had never
known prior to that moment. At the very same time I could feel what I perceived
as two large boney kneecaps pushing down into my thighs, as if some sort of phys­
ical being was straddling me, and deliberately attempting to subdue me completely.

I became overtly aware that whatever this was had one intention and one intention
only, which was to demand my complete and utter surrender under it.
As the experience continued to unfold, I became aware of other features that
my attacker possessed. These were not things that I could feel per se, as this infor­
mation was being processed within my mind’s eye, still all too real none the less. I
got a sense that there was an extremely large and immensely powerful beast-like
creature that was upon me. I could piece together through the perception of my
third eye, a large muscular like frame, broad and covered in an animal like fur. The
closest example that I could offer that best describes the aforementioned creature
would be that of the mythical werewolf. It was not the aspect of the werewolf face,
as that was not revealed to me, but the features of the makeup of the physicality of
its body which was fairly spot on to my concept of what I would associate with that
sort of creature. What happened next was equally as disturbing, and chills me to
the very bone even now as I recount the events of that unforgettable night.
The beast, still bearing down upon me with the weight and strength of many
men, spoke to me in my mind. It was a telepathic communication, but still I heard
it loud and clear in an audible manner, there within the confines of my mind. The
powerful voice was deep, and it boomed and vibrated within the walls of my skull,
almost as if it were literally rattling my brain.
“What are you going to do now?” the beast bellowed. This communication
instantly changed the overall dynamic of the situation, as I got a sense that this was
not to destroy me, but rather to provoke or challenge me in some manner. Just as
soon as the creature had spoken to me, the weight lifted, and the presence was
Slowly but surely my motor skills were restored, and my limbs were once again
fully animated. I felt a sort of haze over me, and even though I had just gone
through one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, I was strangely calm. I
am still shocked at how nonchalant that I was in the moments following my appar­
ent attack. I just sat there for a moment, scratched an itch upon my face and
yawned. Slowly I laid back, pulled up the covers onto my chest. I checked my phone
to make sure that my alarm was set for the next day, and took one last look into the
darkened room that surrounded me. I yawned again and stretched my fingers to­
wards the ceiling before settling back into a snuggly position. I began to melt into
the cushions beneath me, and my breathing became both shallow and rhythmic. I
was heading off to sleep once more.

The last thing that went through my mind as I slipped off into dreamland was
“What are you going to do now, what are you going to do now, what are you
going to do now J.D.?”
A few nights passed since the incident, and I now found myself unable to sleep.
I needed to do something. I needed to get help, but where, and how? I had been
seeing this image in my head of what I could only describe as what most people
would describe as being a demon. Somehow, I just knew that it was. This realiza­
tion began to plague my thoughts. I would lay awake at night, thinking over and
over if I could in fact actually be dealing with a demon here? I was scared, and I felt
very much alone. Sleeping seemed to be my only means of escape, and now my
own racing thoughts were keeping me from my one saving grace. Tossing and turn­
ing eventually led me into the living room to recline on the soft crispness of the sofa
cushions. Sometimes when you can’t sleep all that is needed is a change of scenery.
The living room sofa was always good as a suitable back up plan on those nights
where the bed just wouldn’t do. As I lay back upon my back, pillows behind my
neck, I deeply exhaled and gazed down the long corridor that led away from the
living room and towards the bed chambers of the home. Just as I begin to close my
eyes it happens. The energy in the room shifted, and the air became thick. The
walls seemed to breathe, and the ceiling appeared to compress inward. In what
seemed to be like a slow motion sequence straight from a Hollywood movie I wit­
nessed three humongous golden/orange orbs floating towards me, coming from the
bed chamber areas at the end of the corridor. The three manifestations silently
flowed down the hallway, in a perfectly spaced single file line, one after the other.
These orbs were so large in their stature that they filled the walking area width of
the corridor itself, each measuring nearly three feet in diameter. I rubbed my eyes,
and blinked several times, doing my best to snap myself out of the dream that I
believed I must be under the influence of. Shaking my head wildly I then realized
that I was in fact not dreaming, but wide awake and completely aware. The orbs
had the appearance of a huge translucent rendition of what one would expect to see
when examining simple cell organisms under a microscope. Although I was su­
premely shocked at what it was that I was witnessing, and quite apprehensive, still
I managed to marvel at the fluidity of the movement that these floating balls of
translucent light expressed. Their movements through the interior environment
of my home were executed with such a precision, that if I had not already estab­
lished visual confirmation of these beings, they could have gone entirely

As they moved closer, I could see the most brilliant shimmering shards of lumi­
nescent filaments within the orbs themselves. These filaments appeared to be
moving in a controlled chaos inside of the orbs, then moving outward and mani­
festing as a distinct aura. The color was like that of the orb itself, a solid gold color
and gradually fading out to an orangey sunburst. As the orbs entered the living
room, I could see that their forms were morphing. The orb that was leading the
pack now appeared to be a large furry animal’s head, almost raccoon like, and it
had a dark brown hood pulled over its head. It may seem odd to witness a large
floating raccoon head with a hood, but as silly as it may sound, I can assure you it
was terrifying. As soon as I was able to comprehend what I was seeing I closed my
eyes tightly. I was literally scared to death. All I could do was try to breathe, and
try to just hold on tight.
The three orbs, continuing to move quickly, soared past me as I lay there on the
sofa. As this happens, my entire being goes into a full body orgasmic spasm. It was
as if I was being electrocuted with the most delicious ecstasy throughout the en­
tirety of my being. There was nothing painful about the experience what so ever,
as on the contrary it was insanely pleasurable. I had an inherent notion that some
dormant force, much like a seed of sorts, laying in waiting deep within myself, was
at that very moment being activated. What this was, at the time I did not know for
sure, but there was no doubt that this was a moment that I would not soon forget.
I managed to open my eyes just in time to see them silently disappear through the
exterior wall of the living room, and it was then that I felt a warm buzzing sensation
on the lower back side of my head. This was yet another part of this experience that
would prove to be of great importance. Though I was unaware at that moment, its
truths would be revealed in due time. The aftermath of the event left me felling
both drained and disconnected. Feeling almost as if I were in an altered state, my
fuzzy brain and blurry eyes briefly scanned the perimeter of the room in an attempt
to identify anything else that could possibly seem odd or out of place. My suspi­
cions satisfied, I submitted fully to the seduction of relaxation, and slowly drifted
off to sleep.
The next day, from the very moment that I had awoken, I felt remarkably dif­
ferent. I still felt rather fuzzy, and overall my energy was low. I had been dealing
with depression for a few years at that point, and I could feel the heavy weight of
its emptiness within me, decidedly taking residence deep inside of both my body
and my mind. For the next two days I isolated myself in the dark recesses of my
basement. This area would eventually become one of the most splendid magical

temple spaces one has ever seen, but for now it was likened to that of a tomb, or
dungeon, for magick had not yet been initiated nor executed within the confines of
those cold block walls.
For those few days I sat there in the silence of my underground refuge. Fora
majority of that time my head was afflicted with a great pressure, so much so that
I couldn’t help but compare the sensation to the imagery invoked when thinking of
a pressure cooker on high heat. I sat there upon the concrete floor of the basement
with a brown colored throw blanket draped over both my head and shoulders. The
aching pressure and pain in my head finally began to subside at some point, and I
then became keenly aware that I was feeling the same warm buzzing sensation that
I felt a few nights ago with the orbs on the lower back side of my head. This area
had no real significance to me at that time; however, I would soon discover the
massive energetic and spiritual significance that the zeal chakra, or Mouth of God as
it is known by, truly was. The area located on the backside of my head, my Mouth
of God, continued to buzz and tingle. It then began to feel as if it were churning in
a counter clockwise direction, so much so that I began to get lost in its rhythmic
motion. I could feel this area of my energetic body opening up as it continued to
churn, as if it were a vortex of sorts beginning to take shape. Just as one can pull
energy into their solar plexus via tentacles in regard to the practices of psychic
vampirism, so did this spiritual opening with me. My Mouth of God pulled in and
absorbed every ounce of darkness in that dank basement, and like an ancient med­
icine it manifested as an ever increasing influx of energy that continued to increase
within me. The darkness nourished me, body, mind, and soul. My Mouth of God
continued to pull in and consume all that remained in that the complete and utter
absence of light. As I fed, I could feel myself growing stronger. Electricity seemed
to flow throughout my veins, and a static emanated from within and all around me.
If I felt anything, I felt alive. As if for the very first time I felt nearly complete, in
both the soundness of my mind, and that of my body, although I could tell that I
was not the same man that I used to be. Something was very wrong, or maybe, just
maybe it was very, very right.
It was then that he came forth, in the fullness of his spirit, like an energetic suit
of armor his essence enveloped me. This was an extreme level of possession, that
to this very day, I have not ever again experienced. For nearly ninety days I was
under the influence of this spirit, and for a majority of this period of time I was
totally unaware that it was the demon Asmodeus. Although he had taken full pos­
session of me, he did not make his identity known unto me until the later part of

the ninety day period. For portions of those three months I would sit and scribble
down countless sigils, letters and words derived from the abstract images and ech­
oing of the barbarous tongue that repeated in my mind 1 quickly filled page after
page, still unsure of what it was that I was documenting. As the days went on, I felt
the energetic presence around me growing stronger and stronger. Sexual energy
began to increase within me exponentially, and while this was welcomed with open
arms, such a positive, and useful manifestation was accompanied by an all too ef­
fective equalizer that came in the form of explosive bouts of uncontrollable rage. I
had never been one to get upset in the past, to anger easily, or to even go as far as
raising my voice. Things just didn’t bother me, I was always neutral, indifferent,
and in some instances, a pushover. I couldn’t get upset or angry even in situations
where I knew that I needed to do so. For years I had gotten so upset with myself
for not being able to raise that primal force within me. I can say with certainty that
I now had no issue in raising that mars like energy, that rage, within myself. The
problem now however was trying to regulate my emotions, as they were on a roller­
coaster ride from hell, and my anger and rage was sending me off the rails.
Several times a week I was having outburst. I was losing all control of myself. I
recall one instance whereas I had punched a hole straight through a closet door. In
that moment of no return, that moment inside of one’s rage when they know that
they want so badly to unload and unleash the fury of hell, but a small part of them,
that still small voice of reason, desperately tries to stop them. Rarely does that voice
of reason prevail, and the flood gates of rage become free flowing. At the moment
my fist came into contact with the wood grain panel of that interior door I went into
a state of tunnel vision, and all I could see was red. As this was occurring multiple
layers of myself, like many paper thin clones of my likeness and energetic makeup,
began to explode from within me, moving in sync with the blow of my fist as it
penetrated into its target. It felt as if I were stepping out of my soul, and that I had
intertwined with this spiritual presence that had for weeks now completely con­
sumed me. I knew right away that I needed to get a handle on my new found influx
of energy, and that I needed to be directing it in the proper places within my life,
and that I had to transmute that energy into that which would work for me, and not
against me.
Meanwhile, my sexual energy was still off the chart. I had generated so much
energy that my kundalini was raised on multiple occasions. That coiled serpent’s
energy was indeed coming alive within me, or was it I that was now coming to life
within it? At this point I could no longer differentiate where I ended and where the

spirit enveloping me, began. Things where quickly moving towards reaching a crit­
ical mass, and my sexual energy was so intense that it was literally flowing from
within my being. I could feel static electrical charges and impulses of sexual energy,
like an undirected chaos, exuding from me in all directions. I began to develop an
insatiable hunger to express that overabundance of sexual intensity that was brim­
ming from within me. Like an unstable volcano, I was overdue to erupt. To my
bewilderment, no manner of external sexual stimulation, of any type whatsoever,
could satisfy nor curb the immense desire and primal hunger inside of me. I feared
that I was becoming an animal, operating solely on those instincts in each and every
situation I encountered. I found that communicating with those whom I loved,
most of which I had pushed away at this time, was nearly impossible. I would feel
paranoid, and in most situations cornered. As a result I would respond as an animal
would in the wild, and act out in very unpredictable and sporadic ways. I was push­
ing everyone in my life away. I was pushing myself away.
Time began to pass in a mysteriously subtle way, and my sense of night and day
began to unravel. I was beginning to deteriorate, despite the immense influx of en­
ergies surging within me. This is when Asmodeus began to speak to me,
telepathically in my mind. I knew instantly that this was the very same entity that
had been atop me in the night five to six weeks prior. The energy and overall de­
meanor of the spirit was one in the same without any doubt, that I was certain. His
interaction with me mostly consisted of a strong empathic connection in which he
used to implement his direction. I could just feel what to do, how to carry myself,
and what to say. Once I had fully integrated Asmodeus into my spiritual being, and
at which point he was fully seated and riding upon me, I began to pull myself to­
gether and function in my daily life in more desirable ways. I was still having angry
outburst, along with displays of hatred and rage, however they were becoming ra­
ther infrequent, and typically over long before the point of no return was reached.
I was regaining control of myself, and felt safe to attempt to exist in the world again.
I had isolated myself in the basement of my home a majority of the time for the first
six to eight weeks of this path working, this full and utter possession, of this demon
king. Asmodeus was raging inside of me, and his overwhelmingly intense sexual
prowess fueled the actions and execution of our shared intentions to both stimulate
and feed. I was now ready to go back out into the land of the living, as I had an
overwhelming desire and ravenous hunger that demanded it be satisfied.
I would like to take a moment to stress here that I do not recommend the im­
plantation of these energetic exchanges with strangers, or those unaware, or

unwilling. I am not condoning my actions being described here, nor am I apologiz­

ing either. I am merely recounting events as they occurred, be it as it may. This
practice, like anything else worthwhile in this world, brings forth power, thus can
be abused. I urge all whom intend on the exploration and execution of such prac­
tices to do so without doing any harm, nor trespassing against any others. As is with
all things, it is your choice and your choice alone. Do tread lightly. This was how
the experience would initiate itself, and I would in turn, then learn to control and
harness the energy transferred. This was done through the direction of Asmodeus,
through a subconscious, almost inherent instinctual prompting, and a direct em­
pathic link to him and the utilization of my Mouth ofGod. Here is a brief description
of how these events would typically transpire.
I would leave my home and head out to the shopping mall that was just up the
interstate, roughly ten to twelve miles away. I typically hated malls, and had not
been inside one for what had to have been five years or more, yet for whatever rea­
son, my urge to go there was piloting my ship. I had to get around people, around
women, and as many as possible. Once I arrived at the mall I began to casually stroll
around and window shop, moving from one store to the next. I would encounter an
attractive women and I would then begin an energetic exchange of sexual energy,
that when transmuted through the Mouth of God results in the expression of a
higher vibrational frequency within this conscious reality. This would be done from
afar, and unbeknownst to the women of which I would choose to energetically in­
teract with. While they would have no idea what exactly was happening, their
reactions and body language hinted towards the fact that they in fact could feel it.
This type of energetic exchange is highly arousing, extremely stimulating, and in­
satiably enjoyable. Other physical manifestations of this exchange include high
levels of euphoria, feelings of increased vitality, and an overall deeper sense of em­
pathic connections to others.
I would soon become addicted to this energy exchange. I felt powerful and I felt
alive, and found that my desires were no longer taking me over, as they now had
more of a direction and a purpose. Still however, though I say that, I was totally
obsessed to this energy exchange, or feeding as it could be considered. I had a
hunch and found that I could achieve the very same results via use of the internet.
With that notion that it could work, one night, I decided to try my theory out. I
found myself logging into a cam girl website, and then entered into a free chat
room. I would initiate the energy exchange in the same manner in which I would if
I were there physically in person, as I have found that it works just the same. There

is no real separation between either time or space. There are no limits to what we
can achieve, just as there are no limits in regard to the potential of our magick. The
main components to this energetic exchange involve the ability to generate sexual
energy within one ’ s self, and then intertwine it with a suitable match of whom you
find sexually pleasing. I found that for me, there has to be sexual attraction there,
as the exchange and subsequent feeding just doesn’t feel appropriate, or even pos­
sible without it.
Activating the Mouth of God is required prior to the implementation of the fol­
lowing exchange technique. Both the sigil and instructions for activation can be
found later chapters of this text. Once that has been accomplished then this is how
you would initiate the energy exchange:
1. Activate the Mouth of God, rotating it into a frenzy in a counter clockwise di­
rection and fill it with spiritual fire, a strong visualization, combined with your
sexual energy and the intent will be sufficient to achieve this. Feel yourdiowtA
of God tingling, suckling inward into itself even, and like a magnet allow it to
begin to generate, pull in, and direct energy.
2. Driven and directed by lust and desire alone, identify your partner and energet­
ically lock onto them. Relax your gaze and your overall posture, as there is no
need or benefit in pushing your energy too aggressively. That only results in
3. Begin to feel your sexual energy leaving you like fluid waves of liquid mercury,
moving quickly up into the root chakra area of your partner in same manner and
movements as human sperm. Visualize this, and greatly over exaggerate the size
and stature of all visualizations involved in your exchange. All aspects of the
visualization technique utilized must be larger than life, and get creative with it
as well!
4. Join your Mouth of God to the sexual energy emanating from within your root,
and add that the visualization of the liquid mercury, of which has sexually
bonded with and stimulating your partner.
5. Visualize and feel, as if you were your partner, the deep contractions, the stim­
ulation, the satisfaction. See the sparks and connections within their brains that
connect to their intimate areas, and also within their energetic bodies, and send
mental images to your partner of them, through your intent, experiencing the
ultimate in sexual gratification. Feel and visualize yourself in the throes of com­
plete ecstasy, and just as you are giving, you are most certainly equally
receiving. With intent, fill your tanks, feed until you be full, revel in your

process! Fill every fiber of your being with this ecstasy, this influx of energy that
shall nourish you in all of your forms, in the here and now, and in every form of
your existence. Once your eyelids flicker and your breath becomes slowed and
shallow, the exchange would then be complete.
Day by day I would question myself in regard to who or what I had been becom­
ing. I just wanted peace and comfort on one hand, but the other was pounding the
ground and clenching its fist in the pursuit of absolute power! Was I becoming a
vampire, was I going crazy, just what the hell was going? Ten weeks into my ordeal
with Asmodeus and still I felt the need to, but was unable, to dispel him from within
me. I could still feel the energetic suit of armor which enveloped me just as in­
tensely now as I ever had. I tried to tell a few of my loved ones what was happening
to me, and that I thought I might need the assistance of a priest. No one would take
me seriously, or at least they were being spiritually prevented from doing so, either
way, I am quite certain everyone just thought I was going insane and were giving
up on me. Around the ninety day mark I managed to secure a meeting with a deacon
of my local perish. I had spoken to him briefly at mass months back, and then chat­
ted on the phone for a moment shortly after that, but neither conversation was
fruitful. I would now have the chance to sit down with him one on one, and finally
have the opportunity to obtain some relief, some compassion, and possibly gain a
glint of understanding. I was excited, but equally apprehensive as to what was to
come from our rendezvous.
It was a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon. The deacon and I met in a room
they used for small gatherings which was located in the CDC building. This build­
ing was attached to the main chapel building, and was where all of the classrooms
and church offices were located. The deacon greeted me with a smile and we then
proceeded to sit down at a small circular table. He assured me that I could feel safe
to discuss the details of whatever I wished to express to him, that I need not be
afraid. I had known this deacon for years, in fact he had officiated my wedding
seven years prior, so I felt comfortable with him and safe to discuss the events that
had been troubling me. I took a deep breath, and began to tell him about the sleep
paralysis, the orbs, and of the sensations of having the energetic suit of armor en­
veloping me. I described in great detail the gambit of other paranormal experiences
that I had been subject to in the years prior, and how it all seemed to relate to what
was happening at that time. I revealed to him that I was having great difficulties
every day, especially at night, which would lead to fear and immense levels of anx­
iety. I was unable to reveal anything to him about Asmodeus from my own lips, nor

anything regarding the sexual energy exchanges in which I had regularly indulged
in, but I soon found that was because I didn’t have to. Asmodeus was bound and
determined to do that himself, in his own way.
Towards the end of the conversation the deacon placed his hand upon my thigh,
and he then froze in mid-sentence. A blank stare glazed over his face, and for nearly
a thirty second count, there he remained, absolutely frozen. During that time I be­
came aware of a telepathic communication taking place between Asmodeus,
through me, and the deacon. It felt as if the deacon was literally awestruck by his
presence, and posed the question to him “who are you, what are you?” His curi­
osity seemed to reach beyond the bounds and limitations of both the cloth of his
faith and his years of maturity, as he instead came across more like that of an im­
mature, and boarder line obsessed young boy. All of a sudden, the deacon breathed
in deeply and his head lurched backward. The deacon then abruptly came to, and
quickly jerked his hand away from leg. He sat back in his chair and tried to remem­
ber what exactly he had been talking about, as if he had just been in mid-sentence.
It was as if he were never consciously aware of that span of time that had just tran­
spired in which he was paralyzed in the grasp of the demon. I am quite certain the
deacon was a bit spooked, although he may not have been entirely certain of what
had just taken place. Whatever the case, the deacon seemed to be a bit off, and
came across as quite distant after that. I would best describe him in that moment
as visibly shaken. The air seemed to thicken, and the energy became a bit uncom­
fortable, changing from the easier going and more light hearted as it had been in
the moments prior.
We both became awkwardly aware that we were sharing a rather uncomfortable
silence, as the dynamic had defiantly shifted. The outcome of our meeting was not
surprising. We wrapped up our conversation with a “stay strong,” and “keepin
touch. ” I could tell that the deacon was eager to part ways, as we did not stop to
pray as we concluded, as was typically customary. Instead he would quickly shuffle
off into an office down the hall, and I in turn made my way to the exit from meeting
room and stepped into the parking lot. I was leaving the church that afternoon,
however I was not alone. I drove away that afternoon with the demon Asmodeus
firmly in tow. I had hoped that maybe, just maybe the church would have taken my
situation seriously, and would have decided to attempt to help me, but now it did
not seem that it would be the case.
Although I had been living in chaos and uncertainty, and at times felt down
right terrorized, I was far from defeated. As I left the church that day, I actually felt

an elation. I could feel Asmodeus inside of me, literally gleaning with satisfaction.
I understood then he had craftily orchestrated that meeting between the deacon
and I. Was it that Asmodeus wished to display his supernatural abilities to me
through the apparent mental and physical control he had taken of the deacon? Per­
haps there was more to it, as I could feel an energetic exchange taking place during
our meeting, although I had not been consciously initiating it. More so than for any
other reason however, I feel that Asmodeus wanted to instill within me that I was
all on my own, that I was somehow beyond any salvation, and that not even the
Catholic Church itself could save me from the clutches of this demon. In that mo­
ment I felt an aching in the pit of stomach, and instantly I then came to a stunning
realization. With no other direction to turn, I began to seriously consider that per­
haps I needed to change my point of view regarding the situation that I was in. The
timeless adage “if you can’t beat them, join them” echoed throughout the corri­
dors of my both my mind and my emotions. I knew then that my life was about to
radically change, like it or not, there seemed to be no turning back.
It was after that encounter with the deacon, at the point whereas I was com­
pletely within the grasps and at the full mercy of this demon king Asmodeus, that
he then began to directly communicate with me. He began to reveal things to me,
to teach me. While I was rather unfamiliar with most of the subject matter at that
point in time, I understand now that Asmodeus was in no rush when it came to me.
He knew then, as I know now, that our relationship would be one that would cer­
tainly be capable of standing the test of time, as all of these years later I find myself
still pushing forward within the labyrinth that is his path working. I humbly pass
onto you now that which Asmodeus has imparted unto me over the course of my
many years with him by my side. Together we trudged through what were some of
the darkest, and most dismal portions of my life to date, and while there was indeed
a great deal of pain involved in this journey, this spiritual partnership endowed me
with a great understanding of working with energy, and many of the ancient mys­
teries involving black magick. •¥•



HAT I am about to share with you now may very well prove to be a

W vital missing piece of your magical puzzle. The information that I

shall now unveil revolutionized my own personal magical practice,
and it is my sincere wish for it to do the very same for you. The Mouth of God
vital energetic opening within our spiritual body. This energy center has been more
traditionally associated with the chakra system of the human body. However I have
discovered through my intimate workings with Asmodeus that the Mouth of God
is so much more. The Mouth of God, once fully activated and consciously directed
by the sorcerer, becomes the epicenter through which all magical, energetic, and
spiritual forces culminate. This multifaceted spiritual hub serves many purposes,
and it is my humble pleasure to share this obscure information with you now.
The Mouth of God is an opening within the fabric of our spiritual, or energetic
body. This opening is located on the back side of the cranium, where the spine
enters the skull. To find this area locate the hard knot that each of us have on the
back side of the head. Just below that knot there is a soft pallet that can be found
there. This area can frequently hold tension, and at times become extremely sore.
It feels absolutely amazing to rub or massage this area, so much so I suggest that
you go ahead and see for yourself right now at this very moment! Caressing this
area can enhance both magical and spiritual abilities, relieve stress, and also help
to move stagnate energy. Metaphysical energy is very similar to a carton of milk or
eggs, in that it’s beneficial when it’s fresh, but can become detrimental once ex­
pired. Just as we need to periodically clean out our kitchen’s refrigerator, so should
we habitually initiate the evacuation of unused, undesired, and stagnate energies

within ourselves. This is of particular importance when taking the Mouth of God
into consideration.
The Mouth of God is the quintessential link and access point to the spiritual
realms within the human being. This access point is similar to a portal in that it
opens a doorway to which spirits and other multidimensional beings utilize in order
to commune with us in the most intimate of ways. This “doorway” or “gate” is
the location whereas spirits “mount” their target when riding upon, or possessing
them. This is the area that deceased human spirits connect to in order to communi­
cate with those whom possess mediumship abilities, and it is also the very same
area in which our energetic tether to our higher self originates. This is the same
cord that rogue spirits and extraterrestrial beings tap into in an effort to highjack
our powerful direct connections to higher sources of consciousness. It goes without
saying that the protection and preservation of this vital personal component is par­
amount. It is with that in mind that we will be sure discuss the appropriate shielding
techniques later in this chapter.
While the Mouth of God is used as a direct portal or access point, it is also used
to increase or enhance energies that flow through it, just as it can also be used to
minimize or diminish energies that are processed within the confines of its vortex.
The Mouth of God is also capable of accurately directing energy by creating pow­
erful positive and negative energetic pressure. If the vortex is initiated and
promoted to rotate in a counter clockwise direction then a powerful negative, or
“vacuum” pressure is then manifested. This is used for pulling energies into the
sorcerer, as is common when practicing energetic feeding, or parasitic draining
techniques. This would also be used to draw spirits to the magician for enhancing
communication, drawing energy from the elements or the environment, or the rais­
ing of any external energy sources available to the sorcerer. On the same hand, if
the vortex is promoted to rotate in a clock wise direct then a powerful positive, or
penetrative pressure is created. This would be used when directing specific ener­
gies in regard to spell casting and ritual operations, healing work, and other
activities that involve the directing or sending of energies to the intended receiver.
The clockwise rotation is also used to connect the Mouth of God to other sigils,
planets, as well as plants and animals.
The Mouth of God is the gateway in which all information flows to and from
the third eye, as it is used to solidify and stabilize spiritual connections of incoming
communications. Not only that, but is also filters, sorts, and organizes the incom­
ing information so that it can be accurately assessed by the third eye. All things of

importance are worthy of protection; therefore, all worthy things institute a Gate­
keeper. It can be said that the Mouth of God can be compared to in many ways as
the “liver” or “kidney” of the spiritual body, although its functionality far exceeds
that of those aforementioned organs. Like a light switch this area can deliberately
be turned off and on at will. When not in use it is very important to protect this
area, not just from spirits and other practitioners, but from everything. When in
doubt just shut it down. That is a piece of advice that I would highly suggest be
committed to memory, as it that important. I would like to repeat that once more,
as I would feel as if I had failed you otherwise. In regard to protecting your Mouth
of God: When in doubt, shut it down.
Before we get into utilizing and protecting this spiritual access point, let us first
become aware of and activate it. The ritual that is outlined below will both awaken
and activate the Mouth of God within you. While it is only necessary to perform
this rite once, it is recommended that the initiate continue to work with and con­
nect to the sigil of the god mouth for a period of time following its completion. T ake
your time with this, and allow the natural flow of all things to manifest as they may.
Let go, if for only this moment, let go. For if there is nothing to gain, there is noth­
ing left to lose. The rite awaits you.


In a dimly lit room sit comfortably with the sigil of the god mouth placed before
you. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, in a deep and
rhythmic manner.
Clear all thoughts, and just relax. From the top of your head, down to the soles
of your feet, completely relax. In a similar manner, relax your gaze upon the sigil,
and begin to generate high levels of sexual energy within your root. As you gaze at
the sigil allow it to begin to absorb the sexual energy that is now emanating out­
wardly from you. Allow this energy to cycle and build, ultimately charging the sigil
in front of you.
As the energy increases say aloud with great intent:

Oh Mouth of God hear me. Oh Mouth of God see me. Oh Mouth of Godfeel me.
Awaken the god mouth, awaken. Awaken the god mouth, awaken.
Awaken the god mouth, awaken

Bring your attention now the back side of your head, to your Mouth of God,
and feel the tingling and throbbing sensations that shall begin to manifest. Feel the
sexual energy emanating from the sigil and connect it to your Mouth of God. Infuse
this with great intent and visualize the energetic connection. Say aloud:
Open the god mouth, open the god mouth, open the god mouth. Open, open,
While you recite this feel and visualize your Mouth of God as if it were the ap­
erture of a camera opening up. See it open up completely, and then lock into
position. Allow the throbbing and pulsating energy within it to build, pushing this
to the limit.

Sigil ofthe God Mouth

Congratulations, as your Mouth of God is now opened and activated. Now,
bringing your attention to your Mouth of God and visualize a vortex that is begin­
ning to churn. First rotate this vortex to the left, in a counter clockwise direction.

As you do this, feel the vacuum pressure, that pulling sensation that is generated
within your Mouth of God. This is how you would pull energy into you, and is also
how you might decrease or stabilize higher degrees of energy. This can be moved
down to the center of the left palm also, and executed from that area if so preferred.
This technique is not difficult. However, it may require some practice depending
on one’s experience in working with energy. Now rotate your Mouth of God to the
right, in a clockwise direction. As you do this, feel the steady stream of directed
penetrative energy that is being generated. This combined with intent and visuali­
zation techniques are what would be enhanced and, like an energetic missile, fired
from within the Mouth of God towards the target. This aspect of the Mouth of God
is also used to increase the levels of available energy that flows through it, much
like a step-up transformer in electrical theory. This can also be executed from the
palm of the right hand if so desired. Lastly, let us discuss protection of this area.
To do this feel and visualize the opening closing up, like the aperture of a camera,
only this closes extremely tight. Once this is done an energetic shield used to de­
flect, or gelatinous blob that would absorb and dissolve any sorts of incoming
threats or energies. Choose the one that feels right for you, and as with all things,
follow your intuition. ■¥■

Chapter 4

ARLY on in the undertaking of my newly discovered spiritual path of mag­

E ick I quickly discovered that not everything that we can see, hear, and feel
can be taken at face value. Certainly there was much more than meets the
eye in regard to nearly everything that we knew to be in this life, and in many cases
even more so when it comes to the things we never fully understood to begin with.
I feel that it is safe to say that each and every fiber of this reality is wrapped in a
layers of mystery, and endless are the fountains of knowledge and information con­
tained within them. It is with this notion in mind that I now make the proclamation
that it is not space which is the final frontier, but rather it is consciousness itself.
Those that are brave enough to push the envelope within the steely perceptions of
their own reality, and become not only conscious of, but extremely relevant within
the substrate that is an infinite number of alternate realities in which they simulta­
neously exist that shall dominate within them all. We are not only existing in this
universe, but rather we exist in many. It is within the endless potentiality of the
multiverse that we find the true answers to that of which we seek. Those that have
obtained the keys of which shall unlock that, which should by all human under­
standing and sense of perception be impossible, are the very same that shall be the
true lords of the left hand path.
What does this all mean exactly? How is one to make sense out of that which is
seemingly nothing more than utter nonsense? These are but a few of the questions
of which their individual answers are realized only from within. This is where we
go beyond merely knowing thyself, as this is where we delve into the knowing of

many selves, not only in this reality, but in the various others in which each of us,
at this very moment in perceived time, exist. Within each of our simultaneous ex­
istence there can be found an array of both great similarities, and vast differences.
At the core root of each of these emanations of self can be found the same basic
outline or foundation of who we ultimately perceive ourselves to be. In each exist­
ence there can be found various levels of both great personal strength, and those
less desirable aspects and levels of that which we perceive only as weakness. There
are no two realities that are the same in any way, shape, or fashion. Just as the
countless stars that twinkle high above in the midnight sky, so are the multitudes
of our many unique timelines of existence in our countless variations of realities.
As I began to become aware of the maelstrom of both physical and metaphysical
energies that seemed to swirl within and around my being, I began to realize thatl
had no choice to but to begin to question my perceptions regarding both the typical
form and function that governs this physical plane of existence. Over time it be­
came painfully obvious that there exist in this world a great many things that seem
to defy the very laws that where always thought to govern them. Up becomes down,
left becomes right, and what was once without now seems to have always been
within. These convoluted notions are much more than mere nonsense, but are es­
sential in understanding and making practical sense of the hidden truths and
blatant lies alike. These mysteries, in many cases, go beyond most of our finite lev­
els of average human understanding. Although this may be the case, this sentiment
should in no way dissuade the passionate initiate from leaping head first from upon
the heights of their own perceived limitations. Whether we blindly plummet into
the dark and desperate hallows of our own inaction, or adversely with great delib­
erate action, we spread our mighty wings and triumphantly take flight, the choice
is as it always was and forever shall be, ours and ours alone. For it is through every
word that is spoken and every move that is made upon the battlegrounds of life that
the adept shall either advance forward with victory and absolution, or become in­
evitably cut down by the imposition of their adversary, knowing then all too well
the bitter taste found within the rancid spoils of defeat.
While I fully accept the fact that still, after all of these years of both unrelenting
magical and spiritual exploration, and continuously pushing the boundaries of all
possibility, that still I find myself feeling as if I have only just begun. I have come
to realize now more than ever before that this human experience is all about the
journey, as it no way has anything to do with the destination, neither real nor per­
ceived. There is no glass ceiling when it comes to ascent, as that would indicate a

halting of the movement within the course set forth by the will of the magician.
This can only mean that the very definition of a hand well played does not by its
own admission signify that there was any acceptance of, nor put into play the hand
that was dealt. For when the black adept comes to the table, they are not merely
the player in some simple game of chance, but rather they too become the dealer in
the great game of destinies, known only unto themselves. It is wise to remember
that in every situation, that this proverbial deck should always be stacked, with only
our own favorable outcome keenly in mind. For the wise mage never plays the hand
they are dealt, but rather they deliberately choose that which is of their own accord
and creation. Unpredictable, and undeniably unbeatable, that is and should be the
calling card of every great magician.
As practitioners of the dark arts we make good use of the primordial substance
found within the universe known by many simply as dark matter. Never has there
been a more volatile substrate in which to either harness or manipulate. This dark
matter is by its very definition total and utter chaos, for not even the tiniest of
specks of any kind of semblance of systems or order can be found within its raw,
untampered form. This true free radical of energetic discord and randomness is
not easily attained as a medium in which to work with, as it comparative to the
practice of stealing fire from the gods, so to speak. Doing so is likened to the idea
of one using a mere butterfly net to snare within its grasps the mighty fury of a
comet streaking across the midnight sky. This dark matter does not derive from
any sort of divine host or being, nor was it the creation of anything other than our
own wasted, misunderstood, or misdirected intentions. A never ending collective
of amassed energies, filled to overflowing, a veritable limitless horn of plenty, a
cornucopia of wasted potentiality of manifestation, never to be realized by those of
whom their own inherent magical imaginations failed to bring into fruition here
upon this earth.
These wasted, discarded, and misdirected energies become much like refuse
within a landfill of the primordial abyss of the universe. In the same manner in
which we have used our intellect to make use of our physical refuse through a trans­
mutation process of sorts that we have classified as recycling, so then can the black
adept harness, breathe new life into, and then consciously redirect through intent
that same energy. That very same energy and potentiality that was all but deliber­
ately thrown out like yesterday’s bath water by those unaware of their own personal
power as a true creator. Those energies and intentions that we either discard or fail
to make use of in one of our many realities, can be deliberately swapped out, and in

their place can then be positioned those intentions or energies that would better
serve us in our endless plight to navigate successfully in this, the reality in which
we are currently most cognizant of and exist within.
Asmodeus explained to me that we exist in multiple, parallel realities. These
realities are indeed very similar, but contain slight variations. These realities are
existing and playing out in real time, coinciding with the reality that we know our­
selves to truly exist in. These realities will at times overlap, or even glitch, and the
resulting manifestation witnessed by the sorcerer would typically seem to be out of
place at best, or as it would a in a majority of cases, considered to fall into the cat­
egory of the unexplainable. The matrix that attempts to both create and govern the
reality that we are all keenly aware of, very much exist and plays the same role in
the various other realities. We do not merely exist in one reality, but many. These
realities can be utilized by the able bodied sorcerer, and adept lucid dreamers of
this realm. Conceptual reality swapping, as Asmodeus labeled it, is a process in
which particular aspects of altered or parallel realities are tapped into, harnessed,
and then swapped out with or integrated into the current reality system through
sigil magick and lucid dreaming.
I asked Asmodeus if I had utilized such a tool as this before in my life, and he
confirmed with great certainty that indeed I had done so. He explained how my
experience, just like most near death and other unexplainable circumstances, time
travel, and high strangeness were a result of the manifestations of conceptual real­
ity swapping. He referenced my nearly fatal car accident experience that I had
shared in the earlier chapters of this text, and explained to me how he had assisted
me in averting that tragedy that would have certainly been born of those circum­
stances if left untouched. Asmodeus took me into a deep dreaming state of lucidity.
I was completely aware of both the solidity of myself and that of my surroundings.
The place that I was in felt like a waiting area, or some sort of in between place.
The horizon was dark, with faded purple hues of melancholy, and surrounding my
perspective was dark and rather dismal vignette that gave the impression of a tun­
nel like vision. The only objects or scenery in this place where various purple
squares and cubes, randomly situated here and there across the landscape. These
squares were rather large, measuring approximately eight feet in both width and
height. The oddest thing that I recalled was that this place would switch from two
dimensional to three dimensional and back again, in a consistently random manner.
The landscape faded away just as soon as it appeared, and in its place was a flashing
sigil. Over and over again this sigil flashed before my eyes. This was all I could see,

and I soon realized all that I could actually feel at this moment. It was then that I
began to activate and energize this unknown sigil before me, and much like a
blooming flower petal it opened up, and then swallowed me whole.
Feeling an intense vacuum pressure I then became keenly aware that I was now
once again conscious. I was driving in my SUV on the interstate, and the faint glow
of dusk was slowly but surely giving way to the fullness of the dark of night. I put
on the blinker and begin to merge onto the off ramp. I then pull onto the highway,
and notice a vehicle traveling just ahead of me in the same lane of traffic. The signal
light of the intersection ahead could be seen in the distance, and it had just changed
to yellow. I felt a twinge in my stomach, and then became aware that I was back in
the actual moment that I had already lived, that night of the near miss automobile
accident. Just as I realize this, I feel an intense vacuum pressure once again, and
then become aware that I was back in the purplish waiting area like realm. Asmo­
deus then spoke to me, his voice echoing off into eternity as so it seemed. The
demon explained to me that the car incident was but one way in which conceptual
reality swapping could be utilized. Sure it could most certainly be used to entirely
remove or alter specific events, especially to prevent certain doom or peril, but
there was much more that could be achieved beyond those sorts of things.
Asmodeus showed me a deck of cards, and referenced that each card could be
representative of nearly anything the sorcerer desired in regard to themselves.
From personality traits to life circumstances, anything that could be imagined or
visualized with intent could exist and thus be represented.


Identify that of what you desire to change, and to visualize the pulling of that spe­
cific card in your mind. Seat it firmly now in the forefront of your consciousness.
Gaze into the sigil of conception, placing one drop of blood upon it to activate
Open your Mouth of God, and envision that opening rotating in a clock wise
direction, building in both speed and intensity. Align the energetic current gener­
ated, as if connected by a circuit, the energy centers of your crown, your third eye,
and your Mouth of God. Envision the triangular shape that the circuit of energy
creates, as it blazes wildly in a brilliant blue light.
Align now your Mouth of God with the energy of the activated, and now open
sigil of conception. Say aloud:

I now open the gates ofmy mind. Asmodeus open the gate.
Asmodeus open the gate. Asmodeus open the gate.

I now open the gates ofreality. Asmodeus open the gate.

Asmodeus open the gate. Asmodeus open the gate.

I now open the gates ofthe multiverse.

Asmodeus open the gate. Asmodeus open the gate.
Continue to gaze into the sigil of conception while you lay down comfortably
upon your back and enter into a state of lucid dreaming.

The Sigil of Conception

Whilst in the lucid state, identify that which needs to be swapped within this
current reality and locate the gate that governs it. Asmodeus will be there, waiting
eager to take you through the gate and into the parallel reality in which you also

Asmodeus will then take the card from you, and swap that aspect of this reality
for that of another, in order to alter or prevent the destined timeline from playing
out as it was otherwise intended.
Once the card containing the aspect and the intent has been handed over to
Asmodeus beyond the threshold of the gate, the sorcerer can now signify the com­
pletion of the process. Prior to stepping back through the gate state aloud within
the lucidity of the dream state:
All is right; and all isjust. All is now as it should be.
So it has been said, and so it is done.
In closing, I would like to reflect on something that Asmodeus like to remind
me of time and time again. He stated:
You the magician, are indeed the creator, that you the magician, are in­
deed the grand architect of all reality.
As is found to be true concerning most things, the devil is in the details, and
every successful creation that manifests within this physical reality all began within
the seeds of conceptual reality. Everything that is known to exist in this world of
solidity was a direct result of a plan or concept brought to life. The magick that
takes place within the fabric of conceptual reality then fertilizes harnessed dark
matter, all brought into being by the iron will of the mighty sorcerer. Conceptual
reality contains that which can only be understood as the all, as it is limited only by
the magical imagination that is driving it. Be the force in this world that bows to no
one. Be that explorer that pushes the envelope and never turns back when the path
gets rough. Be that trailblazer that considers all possibility and champions that
which frowns upon limiting belief systems. Become that which you know yourself
to truly be. Become a living god.
May all power and glory be yours, now and forevermore. ■¥•


Book 7


Chapter 1

had turned my gaze away from that crimson Gate of Bael, it was opened

I within and without. The working with that demonic gatekeeper had changed
so much in my life, more than I thought possible. I needed a break; I needed
a rest. I was ploughing through each gate without break or rest. To be honest, I
didn’t even think I would carry on, I spent a few days without any ritual or evoca­
tion etc. I noticed however a spiritual darkness around me twenty four seven,
during this period of my life me and my fiancé were constantly arguing. The argu­
ments were filled with a huge amount of anger and it would always end the same
way, amazing makeup sex. I didn't notice this pattern for a while, until one night I
had a dream of the seed of darkness, that nine pointed gateway of Outer Darkness.
I awoke after seeing a gruesome barbaric demons face emerge from the inverted
pentagram of the Godstar.
I awoke in the darkness of the night; I saw a trail of dark energy leading out of
my bedroom door. Confused and tired my first thought was, “What the fuck is
that?” So, I followed it, a black and dark trail downstairs into my living room, but
it wasn’t the living room. There were no walls, no ceiling, and just a dark stone
floor. My Universal Circle was out on the ground and burning at each cardinal
point were very tall, torches burning on them was blackened fire.
I walked into the center of the circle and in the darkness before me, that was
devoid of any wall, manifested a swirling vortex that said: I open my gate to you.
Shining in the swilling darkness was the sigil of Asmodeus, I felt confused and
wondered aloud, “I didn’t open your gate.”

The swirling darkness stopped and took on a shape of a black sphere. In the
sphere a vision appeared just like a scrying device of my partner and I arguing, and
then shifting into having sex together.
I didn’t understand, and Asmodeus knew this so he spoke.
Wrath and lust, these are signs of my presence, I am with you, you did
not need to open my gate like the others, I opened it for you. It is your
destiny to open all nine, you've come too far to stop now.
I then awoke again, this time I was actually awake and I grabbed my dream jour­
nal and began penning every part of the dream before it faded away. I was intrigued
since Asmodeus is known as Aeshma the div of wrath and to be honest my anger at
the time was at the level of wrath. Asmodeus is also known as the lord of lust and I
had been very lustful during this so called "resting period." It was clear that Asmo­
deus was in my life already without even being called, his presence at the
infestation phase had causes the arguments and huge boost in my libido. Once un­
derstood it seemed that all the arguments had stopped and my libido was still high
but it was under my control.
So I set out to evoke the demon in a proper ritual setting and begin my path­
working with the wrathful fiend. I evoked this frightful demon and I never expected
what was to come, I entered the Universal Circle. I had incense burning in the cen­
sor and one single black candle, I began circumambulation. I tapped into the dark
star within me, I began vibrating the name of Asmodeus as a mantra. During which
a very dark presence could be felt throughout the temple
I faced the south and began reciting a conjuration to summon forth Asmodeus,
the candle was snuffed out. In the darkness manifested an odd demonic form, huge
horns his face was covered by a porcelain black mask. Painted across it was half a
skull in white, eyes were fiery and the body looked part human and something else
indescribable. I couldn't focus with such an intense form, Asmodeus must have
known this. He changed his form to that off a man, in a black dress with a veil over
its face.
The face could be seen slightly covered in some type of black oil-like substance,
eyes were white and had black pupils. A huge petrifying smile showing a variety of
white teeth, the entire area was freezing cold. Shivers rushed through me and the
manifestation was terrifying, I even held my breath for a short period of time.
Struggling to look away from the frightening figure and speak, I said, “Asmo­
deus I thank you for coming, I have called you in attendance tonight, to learn from
you just as I have learned from the other gatekeepers.”

I remember literally stuttering cause for the first time in a very long time, I felt
actual fear, actual worry. A loud and thunderous voice came from the nightmarish
figure, “Then so it shall be magician, although what do I get from you?”
In all my years of evocation and black magick, I never had this question, never
had a demon bargained with me. They normally just agree however the dark star
within me, guided me in my response.
I shall record your words and teachings, just like I did with your brothers, I
shall spread your great work with my brothers and sisters of the left hand
path. So, they too may call upon you.
His smile turned much more sinister and he shook his head to convey that he
agrees. I was curious so I decided to ask, “Asmodeus what do you get from that,
how does that benefit you?”
Asmodeus all of a sudden de-materialized from the room and re-materialized
right in the circle with me. His rotten and broken teeth at my eye level, causing me
to actually jump. Watching his grotesque mouth move and actually smelling a pun­
gent odor as he did so.
The more we are called, by your kind, the closer we are to returning to
this world. Opening our gates all nine of them, is to prepare for the age
were men shall walk once again with gods.
He disappeared yet again and manifested away from the circle, allowing me to
feel much more comfortable, he spread his black and thin arms outwards and said,
“We are returning. ”
As he spoke these words repulsive and malformed shadow-like faces appeared
in the walls. Gnashing their teeth, spitting and making ghastly sounds, that no hu­
man could make. I replied. “So, the more that do this great and dark work, the
greater your influence in our world? ”
In a serpentine tone, Asmodeus hissed:
Yessss. We are already here, through the diabolical grand work of the
nine, we shall solidify here even more so.
Countless of men and women, are rising and entering circles for the first
time. We are changing not only the magician before us, but we are awak­
ening those who have previously been sleeping.
Shocked and curious I prompted Asmodeus for the next step, he disappeared
completely. Disappointed I went to turn on the light, just before I could a deep sigh

could be heard behind me, as a physical noise. I froze and turned around to see an
evil wicked impish figure.
It spoke, “I shall show you what he has install for you.”
Confused and a little scared, I probed, “Who are you?”
The figure seemed to move around the room as if to avert my gaze and just
before it vanished it, echoing, “Find me, I am the lady of lust, lurking in Marra­
kech. ”
Both beings left the temple to be completely honest I rushed to the light and got
out of the temple. I hadn't felt such a terror in years, I had goose bumps all over my
body and got little to no sleep that night. I did some meditation and dropped into
the black star within me and heard the name Aisha Qandisha. I was perplexed by
this, so I decided to call my good friend whose knowledge on this being is very in-
We jumped on call and I told him what happened, right away he told me,
“Brother you ’re on to something. ”
I wondered aloud, “What do you mean?
He explained to me that Aisha Qandisha and Lilith are one in the same, explain­
ing that Lilith the younger is the consort of Ashmodai.
I knew that my friend had worked his entire life with Lilith and had a connection
to her, that I have never seen anyone else have, so I asked, “So Asmodeus and
Aisha Qandisha are consorts?”
He laughed as if he was waiting for me to piece it together.
We talked for a while about the connection of Lilith and Aisha Qandisha, also
the connection of Asmodeus and Ashmodai. Once I understood this it made per­
fect sense, I decided to meditate on this whole ordeal. As I entered my mind, the
same evil impish figure appeared.
I gazed at it and inquired, “Aisha Qandisha?”
The figure then became a very alluring woman and seemed to vanish after­
wards. Later on, I decided to contact Asmodeus again and decided I'd do a scrying
session with him. +


Chapter 2

F I am involved in a pathworking with an entity, I tailor everything to them,

I so I decided to place the sigil of Asmodeus on my lap and then opened it.
Once done I placed it behind the black mirror and placed the wooding back­
ing on it. Connecting the sigil as a gateway to the entity, with the gateway of the
black mirror. I had two black candles on either side of the mirror and placed a chair
in the middle of my circle. Incense rising all over the mirror it’s scented smoke
fumigating the black reflective surface.
I began gazing upon the mirrored gateway, right hand towards it and I pro­

I open the gateway to the night-side, may my three evil eyes gaze upon the mys­
teries So the unknowable may be known to me.
So the unseen may be seen by me, so the mystery may be revealed.
Pushing a current of my energy down my right arm and out of the palm of my
hand, towards the mirror. Pushing power in combination with will causing the gate­
way to be flung open before me. Immediately I could sense the night side ambiance
in the temple. I could feel as if the actual temple was spinning, then began picking
up its speed and momentum.

Asmodeus I callyou forth,

Powerful Mighty King Come,
I conjureyou forth to appear before me.

Father oflust, Asmoday

The three headed beast manifest
Through the gate before me

Keeper ofthe eighth gate,

King ofthe eighth throne arise.
Asmodeus come, Asmoday come,
Ashmedai come, Aeshma come,
Come, Come.
As I began chanting the incantation, Asmodeus manifested before me as the
three headed demon king. Appearing in his traditional animal amalgamation form,
all eyes burning with fiery passion.
Immediately, Asmodeus spoke, “Have you not been approached by my con­
sort? Seek her out. Do not seek me until you have approached her. ”
Just before I could even reply to Asmodeus he vanished from the black mirror
and his entire presence was dismissed from the temple. I was a little pissed off I
had no idea what to do next, however inside of me is that black star which was
ignited by Lucifuge it’s dark rays would guide me.
So, I focused on that and just sat and calmed myself, falling deep into the rays
emanating from my core. Until the black light shines upon the whole of the mental
plane, accessing that limitless field of consciousness. I needed answers and indeed
I saw a revelation, the reason and importance of working with Asmodeus and Aisha
Qandisha. ■¥■


OW you’ll remember me stating that Aisha Qandisha is an aspect of

N Lilith. Lilith the younger is known to be the consort of Asmodeus.

Now it is blatantly obvious that Lilith is indeed Aisha Qandisha. Lilith
isn't the only one who has been associated with Aisha Qandisha, Lilith's sister
Eisheth Zennunim has been called Aisha Qandisha. Many state that the sisters
Agrat, Lilith, Eisheth and Naamah are either all one being, or completely separate.
However with in depth research, immersion and pathworking with the infernal sis­
ters, I came to an understanding. The feminine darkness of the nightside, that
infernal femininity is the dark goddess. This goddess has often been called many
names Baphomet, Az Jahi, Lilith etc.
However, in the Qliphothic path it can be said that Lilith’s three sisters are a
part of her and at the same time separate beings, as if they are her emanations. That
overtime they took on their own sentience, that all merge as one to form the dark
goddess, anyway I digress. Aisha Qandisha as a lustful jinn, that mated with hu­
mans and demons, many of them. I wanted to understand the connection between
Asmodeus and Lilith, in the form of their jinn emanations as I was being pulled
towards their ancient desert forms. I felt I had to call on Aisha Qandisha, like it was
imperative that I do so.


It is said that Aisha Qandisha dwells near any source of water, so that was the first
step to find an outdoor water source and I did. I went out one night and ventured

into a black forest, I found a stream of water and a huge part of flat earth. I placed
my Universal Circle upon the ground, I placed lit incense of copal upon the ground
too. I lit only two black candles and had with me, my ritual spear.
I began circumambulation counterclockwise and connected with the energy
within myself and the environment. Entering the connectivity to my other senses,
I began feeling the area actually begin to silence itself as if it knew what was coming.
I faced the water source, the splashing water and the smoke intermingling before
me perfectly.
I pointed my ritual spear towards the air before me, I could already feel a pres­
ence as if she was already there awaiting me. I had no idea what to say or what to
do, I followed the living god within me and the words began flowing naturally.
I cause the waters to churn and rage,
I cause the currents to move in accordance with my will.
I open the elemental gateway ofwater soyou may give passage to Aisha Qandi-
My scrying vision then detected the environment before shift in terms of ener­
getic currents. I pointed my spear towards a seemingly building swarm of water like
darkness before me.
I vibrated her name over and over, as I did this the dark liquid starting taking on
a sentience. I placed the spear down beside me and opened my arms, forming my
body into a cross like shape and feeling my body of darkness.
I pushed my powers of darkness from my body of darkness towards the swirling
water of darkness and I said:
I callyou forth Aisha Qandisha,
I summon you to arisefrom the waters
Lady oflust, Ancient Jinn Queen come to me.

Aisha Qandisha, Dark seductress,

Ruthless Hoofed One,
I conjureyou forth to appear before me Aisha.
Foryou are seduction and murder,
Foryou are sex and violence
Foryou are expression and strength
Aisha Qandisha Come, Consort ofAsmodeus
Sacred whore ofthe hot desert sands arise.
As I spoke these words I kept repeating:

Aisha Qandisha arise.

Over and over. All of a sudden, a beautiful woman with olive skin, dark brown
hair almost pitch black. Green eyes like burning emerald fire, perfect symmetrical
breasts, wearing a ruby necklace.
Appearing as a completely naked woman, her feet were that of hoofs and she
had what appeared to be a tail. Seductive and enchanting perfume could be smelt
in the air, as she looked at me. She gave me a smile that conveyed innocence yet, a
hidden sexual thirst like she was tempting me. As if a she-devil used the mask of an
innocent angel to lure me into bed.
Forcing myself to not get lost in the awe of her presence, I declared:
Aisha Qandisha, I thankyou for coming,
I have calledyou in attendance tonight,
Soyou may reveal to me what Asmodeus
Has installedfor me?
Her once innocent smile turned into a full naughty grin, biting her lip shedding
a drop of blood. Trickling onto her lips and cleaning it up with her on tongue. The
blood being smudged across her lips by her tongue, as if she had adorned her lips
with make-up, instead it was blood and saliva.
My legs started shaking, I started breathing very heavily. I was feeling weak, I
almost buckled to my knees in the presence.
She laughed and replied.
I am the she-devil of lust that sits upon the river of menses. Asmodeus
is the devil of lust who sit upon the river of semen. What we have in­
stalled for you is how to converge these rivers as one, so any who drink
of its profane contents. Shall be under our spell, their heart and mind
shall drown within our waters.
Shaking my head in confusion, she stated further, “Project from your body,
come to me. ”
I was already weak, so projecting myself from my vessel of flesh was easy, since
it didn't have much hold of me. My body slouched over and I now stood before her,
as spirit.
She looked at me and said, “Now see.”
Leaning forward, her bloody astral lips touched mine. This sensual-sexual astral
union made a vision occur within my mind. A desert magi stood in a sand

wasteland, upon the sand were two small steams. One light almost transparent (se­
men) the other dark with a tint of red (menses).
In the desert sand a hole could be seen and the liquid was entering this hole.
The ancient magi reached his hands into the hole pulling out a goblet/chalice of
some sort. Containing both liquids whilst reciting some ancient language. As her
lips moved away from mine, so did the vision in my mind.
I looked at her and it was like I just knew and I replied, “You and Asmodeus
shall teach me the binding of the heart and mind? ”
Yet again grinning at me as if to convey congratulations, she answered, “Well
Her form became like water again and evaporated into the stream.
I had contacted Aisha now it was time to contact Asmodeus. I called Asmodeus
in a ritual of evocation as he rose before me, I was eager to learn, I had my pen and
grimoire in each hand.
Conner Kendall: Asmodeus why did Aisha Quandisha come to me, why did
you and her come to me?
Asmodeus: So, you may understand our diabolical union, our evil unifi­
cation, our forbidden, blasphemous and vile, intertwining.
C.K.: Asmodeus, I thought Lilith is your consort?
Asmodeus: Lilith, Eishteth, Aisha, all names for the same force, all titles
and emanations of the same power. Just as I Asmodeus, Aeshma, Ash-
medai, just as I am an emanation of this power.
C.K.: Asmodeus what powers do you speak of?
Asmodeus: The current of feminine sexual raw and primal power, was
suppressed by the ignorant. Until Lilith, Aisha, Eisteth and the others
rose up. That current of the feminine dark and lustrous wrathful power,
that which is shown in the aggressive nature of my consort.
For she would kiss you, suck your tongue, bite it off, eat it and fuck you
into a frenzy of pain and euphoria, leaving you screaming for her to stop
and begging to continue at the same time.
My consort embodies that wrathful and lustful spirit of femininity. I am
the current of masculine wrathful and animalistic power. I am the cur­
rent of the masculine dark and lustrous wrathful power, I am the
masculine alpha embodiment of lust and wrath.

I could see in my mind the union, the lust, the wrath, the pain, the pleasure, the
coalescence of hellfire and the fire of sexuality. I understood and I spoke my un­
derstanding aloud to Asmodeus, “Asmodeus is lust and wrath, the infernal and
sexual alpha, Aisha Quandisha is lust and wrath, the infernal and sexual omega.”
I was projected from my body falling through my ritual circle which was the
mouth of the abyss, falling at speeds which defy travel.
I fell upon a ground of dark purple and red brimstone, I looked up at some odd
radiance before me. I could see two figures over a fiery cavern, dragon winged hu­
manoid horned demons with odd scorpion-like tails.
One male, the other female, the tails and wings wrapping around each other
pulling each other and close as possible. Thrusting, pushing and bouncing against
each other, engaging in spiritual union through sex in the midst of this raging in­
ferno. They were actually burning slightly in this volcanic fire which continuously
busted from beneath them. I could hear the voice of Aisha Quandisha and Asmo­
You see Asmodeus and Aisha, some see Asmodeus and Lilith, Others
see Asmoday and Eisteth. Look deeper past our masks, look to the true
grand vision.
The entire landscape seemed to change almost like a glitch in the astral reality,
that I was viewing. Now in this raging infernal inferno, I could see two intertwining
fiery like serpents, biting each other violently (wrath) yet at the same time holding
each other and intertwining with such passion (lust.)
I heard the two speak again as one voice.
The sexual fire of the masculine intertwined with the sexual fire of the
feminine, the fiery lustful serpents of the pit, the seductive and wrathful
snakes of hellfire unified through lust, passion, sex, wrath, seduction.
These are the animalistic, primal raw urges of man and woman, joined
in this orgiastic display of the true liberating infernal union of the mas­
culine and the feminine, this is what we are.
As I returned, I came to understand what I was being shown. Deep within us is
the animalistic, primal, hereditary, beastliness, wrathful, lust that drives both men
and women. You may be a person who engages in light, passionate and romantic
love making. So you may think that this isn’t for you, however what you engage in
is a just a watered down proffered aspect of that wrathful lust within you. True
sexual liberation is being able to tear off the mask and tap into that, violent, pas­
sionate, lustful, infernal desire within.

Even if you engage in sexual, seductive, passion, then you are still tapping into
a layer of that current. The power I felt in the presence of that feminine and mas­
culine, infernal sexual unification was intense to say the least.
In fact it was so intense, immediately as I came back to my body, I actually had
an erection and could feel my brain flooding and drowning me in dopamine. Re­
sulting in the sinful desire of lust and wrath as the driving raw current along with
it. It very much reminded me of Samael and Lilith, however it was different. It was
more volatile, more animalistic, greater passion and lust.
I felt a potentiality for that power, I was shown it for a reason, not to just de­
scription of what I wanted to know. Lingering underneath it was a another
meaning, an actual practical use for this power. I could feel it, the black star within
me glowed and the silent tongue of knowing was spoken.
“There must be a practical application for this power, there must be.” •¥■


Chapter 4

T was revealed to me both by Asmodeus and Lilith in her form/mask Aisha

I Quandisha that the power of the union I had previously witnessed did indeed
have a potent application to binding two people together/binding a person to
you. The union of the two lustful serpents of Asmodeus and Aisha, creates an irre­
sistible, unstoppable and powerful unified current that when applied to a ritual with
the aim of seduction, lust, passion and even love, creates a phenomenal effect. Just
after I received this information, I had a client book my ritual for hire service. The
exact desire they requested was for a woman to be brought to him, to be overcome
by irresistible lust. To want and need him, to thirst after him, to indulge in every
sexual activity imaginable. To be so wrapped up by seduction, lust and passion,
that she would eventually melt in his hands, so he could keep her and do with her
as he pleases.
Now as a black magician for hire, I completely detach myself and my morals
from the equation. I act merely as a service provider, whether or not I would con­
sider it ethical it does not matter.
Once someone has purchased my services it is my duty to do all that I can to
manifest the desire the client has brought to me. It was a perfect request almost to
perfect, as if this client was brought to me at the exact moment I discovered this
ritual. I now had the opportunity to test this ritual and I couldn’t wait; I performed
the ritual and I didn’t hear anything from the client for a while. I notified the client
that I had performed the rite on their behalf and yet still nothing, I’ll be honest I
was really bummed. I wanted to know the outcome, maybe it manifested and the

client just didn't get back to me. All of a sudden about a week and a half later, I get
an email from the same client.
The ritual was a success, so much of a success that the client now had the desire
to learn how to do magick themselves. From emailing back and forth the woman
actually left her fiancé that she had been with for years, who was apparently very
abusive and controlling. This rite was so potent in its effects, the ritual itself was
overwhelming to say the least.
Below is the ritual and its instructions.

* Rose petals
* Jar of honey
* Rose oil
* Basil
* Dragon’s blood oil
* Moonstone
* Red wine
* Lancet/blade suitable for bloodletting
* Red pillar candle
* Black cloth
* Red cloth
Begin by placing the basil in front of you, place your hand over the herb. Focusing
on your breathing, connecting with the energy and spirit of the herb. Feeling the
energies emanate from it, how does it feel, how does it make you feel. Embrace that
energy once connected to it, inhale deeply and breathe upon the herb passing your
breath onto it, bringing it to life. So it is no longer a mere herb with magick potential
it is now a living creature.
Once you feel the energy emanate and enliven from the basil, throw a few
pinches into the jar of honey. Once done place before you the rose petals, clear your
mind and prepare yourself for invoking the energy of Aisha Quandisha.
Visualize above you a glorious red flame, shimmering with a purple hue. This
is the flame of passion, the flame of lust, the fire of love, the flame of Aisha Quandi­
sha. As you do this vibrate the name:

Keep doing this until the imagined construct becomes a reality. Until you can
feel its energy and presence, its power and its heat emanate above you.
Inhale deeply pulling it into your heart chakra and exhaling pushing it deeper
down into the root chakra. Keep breathing this way circumventing the energy to
the heart and the root chakra only. Once the momentum of the energy builds within
you state out loud:

I invoke theflame ofAisha,

I invoke thefire ofLilith,
I invoke theflare ofEishteth,
I invoke the flames ofpassion,

Lust, love, blood and wrath.

Enter my heart,
Enter the root where the serpents dwell,
I invoke the redflame ofthe purple gown.
Once said, you’ll begin to feel the fire energy and power gain critical mass
within you, at this moment place your right hand over the rose petals. Push that
fire within the rose petals seeing the red petals burn with a red fire, emanating with
purple embers. Keep infusing the rose petals with this fire, I stopped just as I could
feel the actual heat of the astral flames emanate from it.
Now place the rose petals into the jar, next add three drops of rose oil. Now
pour about three table spoons of red wine into a small container/chalice.
Now close your eyes and vibrate:
Vibrate it seven times, as you do this visualize a raging wrathful and lustful fire
of the abyss beneath shining a magma orange with hints of red, growing in intensity.
Inhale deeply pulling the fire of Asmodeus through your feet up your legs into your
root and up into your heart chakra. Keep circumventing the fire through the heart
and root chakras only. Once the movement of it has gained momentum say out

I conjure the fiery snakes ofAsmodeus

From the depths ofhell,
Rise through the black earth,
Rise through my flesh and soul.

I invoke the wrathfulflame ofthe wrathful one

Known as Asmodeus, I invoke thee,
¡invoke thee theflame ofpassion,
The flame oflust, Love, Blood, Wrath.

Enter my heart,
Enter the root where the serpents dwell,
¡invoke the spittingflames ofAsmodeus.
Hold your right hand over the wine, inhale deeply, building the fire within you,
gaining a critical mass. Exhaling and infusing it into the red wine, see the liquid
become liquid fire, like the rivers of the hell realms then state:
¡consecrate this wine,
The creature ofthe vine,
¡spit the molten saliva ofAsmodeus
Withinyou, ¡breathe thefiety Serpent’s Breath
OfAsmoday uponyou, by thisfire.
You become the blood ofthe lustful ones.
The blood ofthe incubi,
The blood ofthe succubi,
The blood ofthe cambion,
The blood ofAsmodeus.
Using either a Lancet or a blade, offer seven drops of your blood into the wine
and say:
Seven drops ¡give unto thee,
Asmodeus come withyour seven powers
Asmodeus come withyour seven flames
Seven Div's, seven offerings to this Great Work.
Once done, pour the wine into the jar, then place the moonstone and seven
drops of dragon’s blood oil. Now mix the contents within the jar three times clock­
wise and three times counterclockwise. Place your hand over the jar and state:
Creature I awakenyou,
Child of(your name)
Child ofAsmodeus and Aisha Quandisha
Spawn oftheforbidden, sinful and profane.
Breathe, openyour eyes, enliven toyour call.

Close your eyes, pushing your will towards the contents of the jar, visualize the
honey has become a red liquid like symbiote. It’s alive, it’s sentient and it’s evil.
Now you should cut a hole in the lid of the jar, to the exact size of the candle. You
can slightly warm the wax of the red candle if you wish, it will help and then slide
the candle through the lid. Leaving just an inch of it going inside the honey and the
rest poking outwards. Screw the lid on tightly and securely, I like to anoint the can­
dle beforehand with a drop of dragon’s blood and rose oil.
Next place the jar upon your altar, before doing anything, mediate upon it. Con­
nect with it, you know it’s alive, it’s just sleeping. It needs a spark truly come to
life, which will be the candles flame. Before awakening this newly born spawn,
firstly it’s important to admire it. If a couple just birthed a child and it is sleeping,
they wouldn’t wake it up, they gaze upon it with awe and appreciation.
This should be no different, connect with it, breathe and feel it out so to speak.
Now just before the flame is ignited, state out loud:
What isyour name?
Enter deep into the state where spiritual communication is normally perceiva­
ble, then you’ll hear a name. This the name of the creature, that you, Asmodeus
and Aisha have made.
It’s a wicked and evil abomination, which holds sway over the heart and mind,
of men and women. Once the name is heard, do not second guess it, or dismiss it,
go with it and light the flame.
Gaze upon the flame of the candle and state:
(Name ofthe spawn) I igniteyou,
(Name ofthe spawn) I awakenyou,
Open your eyes look upon me,
Open your ears and hear me.
Spawn ofAsmodeus, Aisha and I.

Openyour mouth, swallow andfeast upon

That which I giveyou, soyou may regurgitate
And vomit my desire back into existence
Withyourfiery breath, to give life to my vision.
Gazing upon the flame, visualize it like a fiery mouth opening filed with jagged
and fanged teeth. Hungry and ready to devour all you throw into it. Visualize in
your mind the person you are trying to sway, see exactly what you want them to
do, feel what you want them to feel. Once the vision, the intention, the desire,

emotions and will have been gathered. Feel it building in your third eye, inhale
deeply feeling that the desire, the emotion, the vision, the intent, the will, can no
longer be contained then exhale deeply.
Push all of it through your third eye as an indigo ray, see it being pulled into the
mouth of the hell spawn. As it swallows what you fed it, it shall enter the pit ofits
stomach which is the center of the jar. The energies and powers we planted inside
the jar, just as we consume food and absorb its energy. This creature consumed the
food and the food absorbs the power. Once this is done keep doing this meditating
pushing all power, intent, desire, will and the exact vision you want to achieve into
the mouth, into the creature’s stomach. It will then digest it and you will repeatit,
do this until you have reached an extreme state of “I don't care anymore.” You
must complete exhaust yourself of the desire, until you are detached.
Once done see in your mind’s eye, the creature can no longer contain all its
been fed. Until its grotesque stomach swells and vomits it all into existence. At this
point it is recommended to say your exact desire to the creature and end it with:
(Name ofthe spawn) this is the will ofAsmodeus, his will be done.
This is the will ofAisha Quandisha, her will be done.
This is my will and my will be done,
(Name ofthe spawn) spit it into creation
With your defiling vomit, so it is done.
At this point you may leave the candle burning. I like to meditate on my desire
as I gaze at the flame. Once done cover it with red cloth and state:
So it is bound by love, lust and wrath.
Cover it then in the black cloth and say:
Solidified and bound, by Outer Darkness it is.
Once done I then burry the jar in the south, I turn away and never look back.
Here is the ritual to follow now when I did it, the spawn came to life before my eyes
I did not need to visualize it. In the trance state as the static covered the jar fet-
ish/spawn the spiritual reality was superimposed over it seen with my own eyes.
The flame became a mouth, that looked like a pit which was the mouth of some
type of hellish monster, which leads to the belly of the Beast. Once I exhausted my
desire and such. As a feast to the spawn you could feel the pressure building in the
jar. As it vomited my desire, there came forth a dark sickening, revolting and defil­
ing shockwave that moved through reality. Creating changes in such a sinful way

that even I shivered slightly. After such a powerful ritual giving to me by Asmodeus
I was eager to see what he had to tell me next. -¥■


Asmodeus Icallyou forth,

Come and arisefromyour infernal domain.
I summon you forth Asmodeus byyour many names.

Asmodeus it isyou who I compel to rise,

Mighty dragon and turnyour three heads towards me.
The eyes ofthe bull shall look upon me,
The eyes ofthe ram shall look upon me,
The eyes ofthe crowned one shall look upon me.

Asmodeus wrap thy serpent’s tail around me,

I conjureyou from the depths ofhell,
Come Asmodeus come,
Vengeful one hear my call and answer.
He who is called Aeshma he who wields the bloody mace,
The terrifying bringer ofwrath.
Breathe upon meyourforsaken and profanefire,
So ignited lam byyourflames.

Enflamed my soul is inyour presence,

Ignited is the crown of my consciousness.
I summonyou forth Asmodeus the Destroying God,
Ashirna ancient goddess offate, Lord oflust,
Manifest before me, manifest below me, manifest above me,
Manifest behind me, manifest within me Asmodeus.

Asmodeus grand seducer ofmortals and immortals,

The abominable cambion son ofAgrat Bat Mahlat.
The devil upon two sticks,
He who is the div of the seven powers,
Ofthe seven divs which when combinedforms the wrathful beast.
Arise Asmodeus he who wields the standard lance,
Arise he who wields the wounding spear ofAeshma.
Asmodeusprince and king,
Asmodeus wrath and lust,
Asmodeus demon and div,
Asmodeus sex and death,
Asmodeus, Eighth Gatekeeper of Outer Darkness come.
This lengthy conjuration is very powerful, the recitation gains a potent momen­
tum which rises as a vibrational force towards a specific area in the temple. As those
vibrations are focused and compressed in that one area, the "build up" so to speak
summons Asmodeus in a very intense way. If the lengthy conjuration is repeated
over and over there will be a moment of vibrational augmentation. During this vi­
brational state Asmodeus becomes very present and solidified before you, around
you and within you.


Chapter 6

SMODEUS is a vast and complex demon, for he is sometimes seen as the

A child of Agrat Bat Mahlat and King David. He is also known to be the
incest child of Tubal Cain and his sister, Naafrfah. It is also discussed that
he is the child of Samael, from close encounters with this Gatekeeper, though. I
understood a paradox he is the child of Tubal Cain, Agrat Bat Mahlat, Naafrfah,
King David, Samael, and Lilith. Although, the true origin of this demon was re­
vealed to me in a vision quest with him.
The birth place of Asmodeus was that dark primordial ooze, which does drip
from the abysmal substance of the ancient blackness. The river of darkness which
separates the lower planes from the higher, the realm of damnation, the true hell­
mouth, the land of perdition, the abyss itself. That primordial ooze gushed and bled
its way through the lower planes, to form an assembled quintessence of lust, wrath,
destruction and much more. Reigning down from the heavens as seven droplets of
that infernal discharge from the abyss, the seven droplets become one. Just as the
seven divs became one to form the beast Aeshma, just as the seven suns became
one to form the immortal phoenix, just as the seven flames became one to form the
infernal flame. What we now call Asmodeus was spat from that well of Outer Dark­
ness, as it interacted with us and began to take root in the mind of man. Names,
titles, mythologies and ceremonies alike surfaced which gave shape to the shape­
less, which gave a face to the faceless, which gave a name to the nameless. He then
rose from what he was to what he now is. Did this mean men created him and
therefore he is nothing but a thought form of power? No.
He is real and is an independent, sentient and ancient entity. It was our percep­
tion, our observation, that gave that which cannot be described, descriptions, not

from roleplaying or lies. It was the young mind of mankind which was being fed
these stories from the Infernal Empire itself, only over time were the stories
changed and manipulated to keep the Destroying God away from us. So we may
fear him, thereby we fear all like him, thereby we fear our ascent and potentially,
installing into the sheep a sense of hopelessness, leading to complete spiritual sta­
sis. Until the Children of Darkness, plunged forth from the night, the witch and
magician kind, daring to go, where the sheep would not.
Viewing this spectacular vision and documenting it was surely amazing. I
wanted to know and understand this entity and all his forms. The first form on the
list was the Destroying God, this was the aspect I would call on next.


Asmodeus, the Destroying God.,
I callyou forth, he who sits amongst
The pyramid ofskulls and bones,
Upon the raging inferno ofsuffering.
Asmodeus known as Aeshma
The deadly beast, wielder ofthe bloody mace
Wielder ofthe wounding spear, arise to my call.

Asmodeus for he is thefury ofGolachab,

I conjureyou forth, Black Lord of Wrath come.
He who is called Asmodeus,
He who is called Samael the Black,
Come Asmodeus come. Come Asmodeus come.
Asmodeus, I summonyou forth
Asmodeus, the burning one, come
Asmodeus, the ragingfire ofthe apocalypse, come.
Asmodeus monstrous barbarian come.


There is a form of evocation known as astral evocation, where you call forth an
entity either in the astral plane or while you’re in an astral state. I was in an astral

state, while half of my being lurked in the physical and the astral, known as the
crossroads. One foot in the physical world and the other foot in the spiritual plane.
Then I began uttering the incantation above. I began seeing the physical plane
disintegrate as I deepened into the rapture state, a blackness eating away at the
world around me until all was black. Once the world was black, shape, color and
form began showing. There I was at an actual astral crossroads, a strange hostile
environment, filled with fire. The sky burned dark green, thunderous noises echoes
through the realm.
Serpents, scorpions, spiders crawled around me, moving in a circle fashion at
my feet, as if they were performing their own circumambulation.
Looking in front of me, I saw the gigantic and intimidating demonic titan which
was Asmodeus standing before me. He stood as a very masculine bronze figure,
hair moving with fiery serpents like a male medusa. No eyes only emptiness and a
blackness with the odd flicker of sparks within them. His wrists were adorned with
bones, teeth and wrapped with flesh as if bound by a leather strap. In his left hand
he held a black sword, it moved as if it was sentient as if the sword was an extension
of this grand demon.
Four horns, two upon each side of his head pointing upwards and two beneath
his jaw, that were pointing downward. Muscular body, with bone like talons pro­
truding from his elbows.
In his right hand he held a very large staff at the bottom of it seemed to be like
an axed hammer, at the top was a spear blade which radiated infernal flames. He
spread his black bronze wings across the vast volatile wasteland, they seemed al­
most dragon-like in nature and each time the titan spoke flames issued from his
Serpents would force their way out of his flames and would join the serpent
encircling me, with each word he spoke.
Asmodeus: I am the Destroying God, I am the havoc and ruthlessness of
the hell realms. I am the nightmare of god, I am the rage and the wrath
of god, I am he who shakes the fountain of order. I pollute the waters of
peace with my serpentine fiery breath, in doing so, it is I that create
chaos, it is I that install wrath into those who need it. So they may stand
and rebel, so in this raging inferno they find strength, they find power.
Their bleeding heart does form their sword which they shall swing in the
blind rage of the destroyer. Desecrating all that comes before that man,

burning all the chains placed upon them, drowning the leeches of his
mind with molten lava. I am the destroying God.
C.K.: Destroying God, teach me this power of wrathful destruction, deliver
into my black hands the ability to flood worlds, to burn empires, to annihi­
late all that comes against me.
Asmodeus: Rage, rage, rage, feel it, feel it now. Fury, fury, fury, feel it,
become it now. Wrath becomes you, you become it, you cry and scream,
you yell, howl and roar. As your heart and mind bleed, your body and
soul is burning, your mind is darkened, feel it become it.
At this moment, he began chanting a strange tongue will installed in me, all the
pain I have ever endured, not in vision but in feeling.
My hand balled into fists, my muscles tightening and contracting, my teeth
grinding together and clenching my jaw. The veins in my body protruding more
than ever, I began breathing rapidly, through taking too much oxygen, I became
disoriented, I fell into a berserker type of rage.
Sang'kang Reed, Sang'kangReed, Sang’kangReed, Sang'kangReed.
The words flooded through me until it felt like the chant itself possessed me,
until I began speaking the words too, drooling, spitting out the words, saliva going
everywhere. As I looked with my third eye, I too was spitting out the fiery and ser­
pentine breath of the Destroying God. I was shaking and went into a frenzy, I
destroyed the room I was in, not stopping myself, I began smashing everything in
Embracing the insanity, the rage, the inner chaos, the wrath which began oozing
and forcefully bleeding out of myself. I felt an unstoppable power running through
me, as if I could conquer all things, as if I could hold the earth in my hand, squeeze
and break it into pieces.
Asmodeus: Yes, yes, keep going, embrace the spirit of hatred, the spirit
of rage, the spirit of wrath and vengeance, through the invocation of the
Destroying God.
I was going too far, I was descending too quick, too much, I couldn't stop my­
self, I thought of the person in my mind who I most hated and kept reciting the
Once this power had a direction to go towards, Asmodeus spoke yet again,
“Hold it, squeeze in the explosion, the implosion, hold in and contain it all.”

I breathed in deeply holding my breath, feeling as if my being was about to ex­

plode with the power within me. I had never felt such a thing, my eyes rolled into
the back of my head. I held the astral spirit of my victim in my black hands, I was
20 times bigger than them. I exhaled and began spitting out the words of the chant,
the serpents and flames fueled by my vengeance, fueled by my hate, my wrath and
rage. They devoured my victim; I turned my eyes before to the empire I had built
a long time ago and I proceeded to spit the chant at the empire. Once all returned
to normal, I gazed at my destroyed kingdoms, armies, my astral empire, all I could
think was, “No, oh God no, I’ve destroyed all I’ve built.”
Behind me stood Asmodeus, the Destroying God, laughing as if amused at
would I did. He spoke in a mocking voice:
God? Did you call God? No you are your own fucking God, you may sit
in the ashes of your empire or you may rebuild it, greater, stronger and
more prosperous, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
I defended myself, “How? Look what you made me do. ”
He didn't like that, not one little bit, howling:
Don’t blame me, you are responsible for your own actions, take some
damn initiative, some responsibility, the chant destroyed it, now reverse
the chant, so the chant may create.
Shocked and confused, I asked, “Create?”
He laughed, mocking me again:
Yes, what is the duality of destruction? It is creation, reverse the chant
to create through destruction. Fuel it again through your own rage, your
own wrath.
I looked out at an endless field of ashes, were my empire once stood. I began
chanting the chant which was now inversed:
Deer Gnak'gnas, Deer Gnak'gnas, Deer Gnak'gnas, Deer Gnak'gnas.
As I kept chanting the destruction I had caused seemed to be undone, using the
flaming breath of the destroying breath, pushing out my vision of what I wanted my
empire to become through each flaming serpentine ember.
The ashes seemed to rise and shimmering a molten glow, each ash particle be­
gan sticking to each other. Until the empire was rebuilt more solidified,
empowered, rejuvenated and shining with more glory than ever. The vision faded

and I was left alone again in my temple, with this invocation chant, I wanted to
channel from Asmodeus the ritual application of this chant.


All I could think was, how in the hell could such a chant be so potent and so pow­
erful. How could it have such an effect on me mentally, spiritually and emotionally,
until it even crippled my actually body. I knew it had a very baneful aspect to it,
combining it in ritualistic curses would be a dangerous yet effective tool in the black
magician’s arsenal. Armed with the fire serpentine breath of the Destroying God,
not only did it have catastrophic effects of destruction. Speaking the chant inversed
with the intention of building something seemed very effective too. As I have come
to understand, sometimes to create you must first destroy. This is known as the
deconstruction process, during the period of using the chant. A few things in my
mundane life did deteriorate, friendships and even certain business I was involved
in. However the things that were destroyed were replaced, better business oppor­
tunities were presented to me, new friends and social circle was also integrated now
in my life. If you do indeed use this chant understand it's very potent you are in
that moment you invoke the infernal titan, the Destroying God aspect/form/mask
of Asmodeus. I will lay out now the most effective and safe way to use this chant.


Sit in a meditative state, relax your mind and your body. Close your eyes and focus
on the rhythm of your breath. Do not force the breathing pattern to become a cer­
tain way, just be aware of it. Do this for a few seconds clearing your mind, then
begin breathing inward through the nose deeply and out of your mouth exhale
deeply. Become aware of the movement of energy within and around you, moving
with the currents of air that you’re breathing in and out.
Now visualize yourself in the third person, view yourself as if you are not your­
self. As you do this visualize in your root chakra a red small flame, know that this
flame is your rage, your anger, your wrath. Now you should have the ability as a
black magician to have control over the self-emotional spectrum. Giving you the
ability to switch through emotions of happiness, joy, grief, pain, anger whenever

you choose. If you do not have this ability then bring to mind something that infur­
iates you, be it personal or something that goes on in the world in general.
The goal we are trying to achieve here is tapping into the first layer of the wrath,
it's annoyance and frustration. Once felt visualize how the red flame reacts to it, it
begins moving likes it's agitated, like it’s getting a little hostile, be it ever so slightly.
Now tap into the other layer of wrath, anger, however you do this should be per­
sonal and really up to you. Once anger is felt see the flame begin to burst red sparks
and embers.
Now tap into the third layer which is hatred, this may start to develop on its
own just by deepening your connection with the flame. Once hatred is felt, allow it
to intensify until you've tapped into vengeance. The need for retribution, revenge,
a sudden urge coursing through the fire of wrath.
Once felt intensify even more until the anger, hatred, vengeance, raises the vi­
bration of that flame in the root. It will get so intense your mind and emotions will
mimic the flame. The flame will start spitting sparks and embers, it will get bigger,
it’ll start moving haphazardly.
The heat of it will also intensify, fall deeper into it as the flame intensifies. The
emotions and mentality of rage will also intensify, once the rage builds in momen­
tum and the flame can no longer be contained.
It will gain a critical mass at the root chakra, now you’ve tapped into wrath.
Visualize this unstoppable ruthless red and devouring fire building. Once you’ve
tapped into your rage begin whisper the chant:

Say it over and over. Allow the volume of the chant to intensify naturally, as the
flame intensifies and the wrath within you, so will the volume of the chant. Visual­
ize fiery serpents rise through the ground of which you are sat upon, loads of them
throwing themselves into the fire and say:

Chaos, rage, vengeance, it becomes me.

Havoc, fury, hatred, wrath, it becomes me.
I invoke Asmodeus, the Destroying God,
Thrust into meyour bloody mace,
Fuel my wrathfulfire, withyourfiery snakes.
I invoke theflaming breath ofthe Destroying God.

Once these words are spoken begin chanting the chant again and again, visual­
izing more and more serpents rousing into the wrathful flame. Sacrificing
themselves and their essence into you, into the devouring flames.
This is the essence of Asmodeus flowing into your emotional rage, this synergy
creates and forms the fiery breath. Inhale deeply furiously take in a deep breath,
whisky visualizing the fire moving upwards like how the lava in a volcano would
begin to move up. Pull it into the throat chakra, as you exhale with anger and fury.
Feel the fire stay there in the throat chakra, inhale pulling more into the throat
chakra and exhale solidifying it there.
Keep doing this until the serpents whisper in the throat, until the flames and
heat builds in your throat. Now speak the chant one more time, then straight away
afterwards inhale, condensing all your emotions and power into the throat center
of power. Hold your breath feel it building and building until you exhale deeply and
expelling it like the rumbling inferno of a volcano.
Breathing out a mass of hissing serpentine fire, this should be directed some­
where or at something. I would suggest using it for baneful needs first, breathing it
upon the fetish link, effigy or summoned essence of your victim/target.
If you are performing a baneful candle spell for example, the flame is the gate­
way to the target. So, exhaling the breath of fiery snakes into the flame, you are
breathing it upon your victim.
Once you have become more familiarized with this power, you can then direct
it to obstacles and things in your life. Once the imagined/structured and imbued
construct has been destroyed with the breath. You can rebuild something you want
to manifest in its place from its astral ashes. For example destroying the obstacle
of unemployment, then from the ashes rebuild a job. Destroy an enemy then from
the ashes rebuild a new friend to come into your life. Destroy a ex which you are
attached too, to then create from the ashes a new partner, you can see where I’m
going with this. Just focusing on the ashes, the remnants of that which has been
destroyed, the sacred ash, that which is potentiality which can be shaped and
formed with intent and will. Focusing on them and speaking the chant inversed
over and over, rebuilding it, solidifying it.
Letting it go, you may wish to state your exact desire or you will, for that which
you wish to manifest. I have experimented with it as I said and saw surprisingly
quick results. Now I had worked with Asmodeus’ two aspects, the Lord of Lust
and the Destroying God. Once I worked with these aspects Asmodeus gave me a
conjuration to use to call on The Burning One. •¥■


Chapter 7

HE sphere ruled over by Asmodeus is Golachab, known by many as the

T Lake of Fire, the realm of extreme force, pain, pleasure, torment, and pas­
sion. As you move through Golachab, you’ll notice different areas and
sects of this sphere—an area filled with lustful entities, succubi and incubi that rel­
ish in pain and pleasure; another area where you’ll find battle fields, pits of
destruction etc. What was very interesting to me was the aspect which I would
work with next: Asmodeus, the Burning One. I noticed something, that all forms
so far had one definite connection, and that is fire. Asmodeus, when I worked with
him and Aisha Quandisha, he was the Lord of Lust. This ignites the serpentine fire
within, he who controls and sways the fires of passion, lust and sexuality. The sec­
ond aspect of the Destroying God, he would destroy with fire, with his fiery breath
he would immolate and annihilate worlds. Now, I approached the burning one. As­
modeus is a fiery entity indeed, I had become rather integrated with hellfire during
my work with Bael. It seemed as if I was going further down the fiery inferno.


Asmodeus King ofFire, Hear my call
Asmoday I callyou forth,
The Scorching One, The Blazing One
Asmodeus arise, Asmoday arise.
The Flaming One, The Burning One
Asmodeus comefromyour domain

Ofblistering andfierce hellfire

I callforth the potentate ofthe inferno
Breatheyourfiery breath upon me,
Soyourfire may course through my veins.
So my blood shall be the magma ofGolachab.

Mayyourfireflow within me,

Inflame my mind, ignite my soul,
Make me ablaze in yourflames,
Theflames which shall never extinguish
I dive deep intoyourflames oftransfiguration.

Asmodeus wrapyour burning tail around me,

Embrace me, so I may embraceyou
Foryou are the burning one,
As I burn in your embrace
I too am the burning one.

Asmodeus come, Asmodeus come

I summon you forth
Demonic God ofFire, come
Come uponyourfurious Infernal Dragon,
I takeyou into my heart
Asyou pass me through yourflames.
I takeyou into my mind,
asyou pass me through yourfire.
Flames that strengthen and harden
Flames that destroy and obliterate
Fire ofpassion and pain
Fire ofpower and knowledge
They flow through me
As Asmodeus nears, Asmodeus come
Asmodeus come, Burning One Hear me and come.


I faced the south in my circle, and in front of me, I placed a small altar adorned and
covered with a red cloth. In the center I placed a heatproof bowl I use for fire

scrying and pyromancy. I placed three candles around the outside of the bowl, yel­
low, red and orange. I burned cinnamon and dragons blood incense, the candles
were anointed with a combination of ginger and dragon's blood oil.
This gave everything a strong connection to the element of fire. I began circum-
ambulation and the sounding of the bell, as I did so it seemed the temperature
began rising intensely in the room.
Once I lit the bowl of fire, I began reciting the conjuration of the burning one.
The smoke of the incense swirled and intertwined with the flames in the bowl. The
coalescence of smoke and flame provided the perfect base of manifestation for As­
In the fire a horned strong king made of living flames materialized before me. A
crown hovering just above his head, made of a heated metal which didn’t seem to
cool down. His eyes had no iris nor pupil but shined like glowing carnelian gems
which contained miniature suns within them. The face seemed to convey a strict
and stern facial expression, I had to advert my gaze from his fiery hypnotic alluring
eyes and I spoke, “Asmodeus, the Burning One, introduce yourself to me. ”
He replied:
I am the fire of Golachab, which is the Lake of Fire, I am thee emanation
of that which floweth under the whole foundation of the hell realms.
For I am the burning one, the King of Fire, Lord of Flames, I am the
ignition of power, I am Asmodeus, the flame that bums forever.
I rejoined, “Asmodeus the Burning One, what is it you have to show me?” I
suddenly felt weak, as if my astral body was pulling out of me, I closed my eyes and
took a deep breath in and exited my flesh.
I was taken to the flames and stood at the center of Golachab. Asmodeus sat
upon a throne, it was pulsating some sort of blood red type of energy, into some
strange cracks of the ground.
“This is the source of the Lake of Fire, the lake which flows through all
things, yet this too is an illusion,” Asmodeus spoke. The entirety of the astral
environment became black and I fell into liquid magma and flames, burning me
Until I saw nothingness and was nothingness, after a while once the pain sub­
sided and I was nothing. A burst of light and life sprung through me, I was being
rebuilt by the Lake of Fire itself, using its power to form me into a stronger, more
powerful soul using the powers of hell to make me in its image, in our true image.

I was then pulled out of the lake, past an inferno, past various hostile kingdoms
and was thrown by an invisible force upon a strange place.
The sky was pitch black, there was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see,
the sand too was black. You could hear slithering throughout the whole black de­
sert. Asmodeus voice seemed to echo around me, it was here in this darkness that
I was taught the demonic aspects of the element, fire.
I was being taught the chants, the techniques and rituals to completely domi­
nate and control the element of flame, using the force of Asmodeus and the Infernal
Empire to do so.


* Three red pillar candles
* Dragon ’ s blood oil
* Cinnamon powder
■¥■ Ginger powder
* Lancet or blade suitable for bloodletting
* Vile container
In your ritual circle face the south, shape three red candles into a triangle. Place
dragon’s blood into the vile, add four pinches of cinnamon powder into the oil and
three pinches of ginger powder. Mix the oil together anoint your feet, your hands,
then anoint the six chakra points from the root to the third eye. Stand in the center
of the triangle, light the candles and focus on your breath. Bring your hands into a
prayer mudra pointing in front of you, visualize a column made of fire. Vibrate
seven times:

As you do this visualize this watchtower of fire, solidify. Place your hands down
afterwards, close your eyes and visualize before you, the fiery column.
Connect with it, feel the heat emanating from it, feel it’s power, it’s energy,
how you feel in its presence. Right hand extended outward pointing at the watch­
tower and state:

I summon forth, the watchtower ofGolachab

The pillar ofhellfire, I conjureforth
The column ofthe burning one.
Arise from the Lake ofFire,

Arise from the burning bodies

Asmodeus keeper ofthe watchtower
Ofthe southern nine hells.,
I callyou forth to stand guard
To unleash the power ofthe infernal obelisk.
The southern infernal watchtower of fire is now manifest, at place your hands
into the prayer mudra again facing the spiritual infernal watchtower.
Now vibrate seven times:
Next spread your arms while closing your eyes, taking a few deep breath to relax
yourself, preparing yourself for what comes next. As you speak the next incantation
visualize the watchtower shoots a ray of fiery energy into your third eye.
It is I (your name), that summons
The infernal watchtower offire,
It is I that call its keeper Asmodeus,
The King ofHell's Flames.

I invoke thefire ofAsmodeus enter me,

I invoke theflames ofthe nine hells enter me.
May the Lake ofFireflow through my veins,
May thefire ofAsmodeus ignite within my core
May my soul be ablaze
By the infernalflames ofdamnation.
Burn me, inflame me, ignite me,
Scorch me, smolder me.
Kindle the veryfire ofmy soul,
As I bask in the flames ofbecoming,
As I bask in the fires ofthe south.

Fires ofpassion, sensuality, creativity and sex.

Fires oflust, pleasure, pain and wrath.
Thefires ofcreation, life, death and destruction.
Theflames ofillumination, transformation,
The sparks ofvision, strength and knowledge
Asmodeus it isyou,
I call to break the Oath ofthe Flame,

To defile the element and make it

Subservient unto me, I invoke the fire.
As you state these words, take a deep inhalation, pull the fire through your third
eye, down your throat chakra, then the heart chakra, down and down until you
reach the root. Exhale deeply pulling the fire back up into the third eye, take an­
other deep inhalation this time hold it, feel the fire build in the forehead region.
Next, exhale pulling more fire through the third eye, causing the current of fire to
move back down again.
Keep this up, pulling in more fire and its power, the condensing and the mov­
ing, shall speed up the moment of the current. Once it gains a critical mass, take a
huge inhalation, hold for seven seconds and exhale, visualizing the fire spread
across your whole being.
See it as you are made of living fire, your hair, your flesh, your aura, even see
the cells within you burning. Bask in it and connect with the element you’re fully
absorbing in such a dominating way. Sense the healing as well as baneful properties
of fire, sense the essence of sexuality and compassion, creation, destruction etc.
Once this is done, sit down within the triangle, eyes closed, pull all the fire into
the top of your crown chakra. As you do this visualize the crown burning intensely
bright with fire, more than the rest of you. Now we will pull Asmoday’s essence
through the crown chakra, via invocation.
Oh, come Asmodeus, King ofFire
I invoke thee, mayyourfiery crown
Be my fiery crown Asmodeus.
Enter me, flow down to me, rise up within me.
Ignite and illuminate the crown ofmy soul.
Oh, mighty burning one,
May I be the burning one now.
Once you say these words inhale deeply pulling Asmodeus into the crown, ex­
haling solidifying him, inhaling pulling him in more so and condensing it. It’ll get
to a point where no more can be contained at this point, inhale deeply hold the
breath for seven seconds then exhale. As you exhale visualize the crown chakra,
has now actually become a crown of fire. Assuming the god of fire for the rest of
your life, as you inhale and exhaling increase the size of your spiritual body. Until
you’ve grown past the ritual area, the country, the earth, the solar system, beyond
the cosmos, to the border of this realm.

View your giant energy body is a demonic titan of fire, shaping the new body
and form you've assumed. At this point visualize all creatures of fire are compelled
towards you, demons, jinns, salamanders, titans, gods, goddesses, even angels like
seraphim. Once all creatures of fire are around you, notice that you now inhabit a
plane made completely of fire, inhabited by every spiritual race and species con­
nected to spiritual fire. Look out to them all, look out to the realm, know that they
are just different aspects and different flames of the same fire. You are that fire,
you are fire itself, you are the first spark of eternity, you are the first primordial
Bask in that know that and even seal it with a statement of:

lam fire itself, lam the eternalflame.

Once you feel that your new self has solidified, with a few breaths bring your
energy body back down into the flesh. As you completely reunite with the body,
visualize the areas you anointed on your hands and feet glow ever so slightly.
Grounding within you the alchemical transformation and transfiguration. Now you
may stand and end the ritual with a final statement, sense the fire swimming within
every part of your being state:
lam the burning one.
Now this ritual is an initiation as well as a very potent empowerment of the self.
Once you ’ ve assumed the form of the burning one, you will go through changes.
Think what does fire represent, specifically the fire of Asmodeus and Golachab. It
is wrath, lust, vengeance, war, strength, etc. You will go through changes and will
be faced with trails to ensure you are strengthened. Yet you will have moments of
severe lust, desire and even rage and wrath, make sure you are steadfast. As the
fires of Golachab and Asmodeus are known to burn/purge the magician and their
lives. For the betterment of the magicians ascent and the goals they seek to achieve.
Once I did this many things in my life started to change, specifically in my sex life,
including my magickal results and other very personal things.
Remember the burning one is he/she who goes through the nine hells, who en­
dures trails to better the magician. So they may become the burning one, the one
who takes the crown and sits upon the throne of living flames and blood.
Once you’ve become the burning one, you can then use and exercise the tongue
of flame, the chants of hellfire. These chants can only be used and truly exercised
by he/she who performs the burning one rite.


The Words ofthe Burning One
Vu 'zak mana tuleb zak'su

Chant of Healing Flames

Focusing on the fire within your core, feeling the flames rising through your hands,
the right hand cools down and become healing warmth.
The left hand is a hot purging fire, the left hand purges the sickness away. The
right hand heals and rejuvenates. This can be used in rites of healing.
Phek'im Jule'hash Кету Stek'rah

Chant to Constrain Fire, Spirits of Fire, Angels of Flame & Fire Itself
Julu 'mek Taka 'tah Xen 'туи Sanmesh

Chant to Call Upon the Burning Legion of Golachab

This legion can deal with matters of lust, war, pain, pleasure, strength, it summons
legions and you can push your vision and intent into their flames and send them
into the world to change it in accordance to your will.
I had been experienced so many factors of Asmodeus, his lust, his wrath and
rage. His powers of destruction and creation, his darkness and his fire. It made
sense why towards the end of pathworking with Bael was based on hellfire. It was
all leading to this, unknowingly to me this was already destined to happen.
I found it very interesting why Bael taught me the power of hellfire when I did
my pathworking with him, it seemed so out of character. It was obviously a stepping
stone, as if all this had been predestined. Asmodeus was unleashed into my life,
when his gate opened it was indeed like a floodgate. Most of the Gatekeeper path­
working made me revaluate my world around me, however Asmodeus changed
what was within me. I will now detail my personal notes with Asmodeus on this.
I found it very interesting why Bael taught me the power of hellfire when I did
my pathworking with him, it seemed so out of character. It was obviously a stepping
stone, as if all this had been predestined. Asmodeus was unleashed into my life,
when his gate opened it was indeed like a floodgate. Most of the gatekeeper path­
working made me revaluate my world around me, however Asmodeus changed
what was within me. I will now detail my personal notes with Asmodeus on this
topic. ¥



You have so much pain, so much rage inside of you, yet it eats away at
you. The moving home from home, the moving school to school. Your
mother neglecting you, abandoning you, your mother's various lovers.
You clung onto the men in her life, desperate for a father figure, yet your
real father chucked you out in the cold winter snow. Leaving you with
no clothes but the diaper you wore, leaving you and your mother
stranded. Your friends that stabbed you in the back, the family that were
secretly ambushing you. The abuse your father inflicted upon you, every
day and every drunken night. How much fire you’ve kept inside, how
eager you are to destroy, to kill, to murder, to burn it all down.
These words pierced through my soul, it actually hurt me as each word was
true. I knew at that moment Asmodeus was peering into the darkest depths of my
psyche, heart and soul. I felt like he was being snide as if secretly taunting me, so I
C.K: What games are you playing, do you want me to lose control or some­
Asmodeus: Do you really believe that you can suppress it, you have con­
densed it for too long. Loose control, do it, go on give into the rage,
relish in the fire of your wrath and bathe in the blood of the slaughter.

C.K: I thought I already let out my rage using the rites and things that you
taught me?
Asmodeus: No, you merely tapped into your rage and wrath, you haven’t
unleashed the true floodgate within you. The river of fire and blood, the
river of darkness and pain, the current of destruction and vengeance
within the self.
I pondered for a minute and questioned if this was a good idea, I mean I have
loads of rage. This is why I was told to avoid fighting, because I give into the im­
pulse and I fear I could end up killing someone if I gave in to that madness. I may
never stop hitting, what would the consequences be if I unleashed and tapped into
such a well of chaotic power. Wouldn’t the results of such a release be devastating,
yet the rage I had suppressed for years was building.
I fell deep into it, to be honest it felt like I was being pulled into it. Every night
for three days I was instructed to focus on all that has ever enraged me, to embrace
the pain, anger and wrath within instead of seeing it as something which needs to
purged from me. As I did so I faced an internal conflict, I had tapped into a danger­
ous part of my psyche and soul.
Where all the darkness and hate boiled within the flames of my core, once the
three days and nights were over. I returned to the altar and meditated on the raging
energies of wrath that I had started accumulating. It was a very potent energetic
vibration and as I focused on it, I could feel a presence manifest around me. It was
Asmodeus not taking on shape, nor speaking/using his voice. Instead it was his
presence that observed and guided me, I had begun tapping into the dark wrath
within. I was able to activate it within me as well as turn it off, once I had this con­
trol over my anger and rage.
I gazed upon the darkness of the temple walls and saw the faces of all that have
ever harmed me, all those that had ever done wrong to me. I left my body and as­
cended to the realm which the wrathful vibration pulled me to.
My astral body was violently vibrating, just like someone who would tremor and
shake violently in bloody rage. I embraced it and the essence of the Destroying God
and demon of wrath descended within me, just like when Shakti descended upon
the lap of Shiva.
I zoned in on a voice which I first thought was Asmodeus, however it was me.
It was a part of me, my actual emotional spectrum isolated itself to total rage and
wrath. That emotional emanation took on its own form and sentience, it guided me
and spoke in these words:

Become the wrathful one, become the vengeful one, become the raging one,
become the malevolent Destroying God, face your hatred and feast upon it.
Feast upon the pain and immerse yourself within it, become me, as I become
I opened myself to it fully and had now shifted my astral form, I had basically
usurped and solidified all the hatred, vengeance, rage and wrathful energies. Once
solidified within my spiritual body, I gave it shape, anthropomorphizing that es­
sence. In turn I became stronger, taller, darker, sinister and wicked. I was a full
embodiment of my own inner and full malicious nature, fueled by rage and this new
found power. I came back to my body, yet I allowed the new shifted from within
me to overlap with my physical body. I walked over to my incense and lit it upon a
charcoal disk, I began summoning the essence of each person who had ever harmed
Seeing their faces materialize around me, I embraced this new self I had as­
sumed and I spoke:
I have summoned you all to this temple, for it is the court and I am the
wrathful judge, I am the evil jury, I am the infernal executioner. I hereby
find you guilty of all charges that you have made against me, you are hereby
sentenced to suffer the wrath of the living Destroying God in the flesh.
I inhaled deeply conjuring all those emotions, all that negativity, all that wick­
edness, burning inside of me, about to explode. Licking my lips in some type of
twisted thrill, clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth together as I narrowed the
focus within the flames of self-wrath. Hands out to the smoke, I held my breath,
pushing those deadly overwhelming emotions, intent and power, in accordance
with my will down my arms. Finally exhaling deeply I emanated out of my hands a
devouring darkness, which feasted on all it touched. As I did so I spat out the flames
of the Destroying God from my mouth.
The combined powers and all that I pushed into it was astonishing, I began
shouting, drooling, thrashing everywhere. Unleashing total fury through the flames
and darkness, the faces of those brought before me was being completely and ut­
terly destroyed.
I finally let go of all of it, yet thanks to Asmodeus I could resurrect the same
amount of wrath if needed. I had gained control over the powers of wrath and the
destroying powers that were bestowed upon me. In doing so I mastered my emo­
tional state, I mastered my mind.

Being able to control that which was previously out of my control, I saw three
instantaneous results from those that ignited the fire of hate within me in the first
place. I came to a realization that my rage had been holding me back it was using
me all this time, now I was in control I was the one using it. The ability of being
able to be the embodiment of vengeful destructive wrath one minute, then a clear
headed logical civil person the next is definitely a useful ability. The powers of hell­
fire, destruction, lust and wrath, all were at my disposal during this path-working.
I had an interesting experience at this current part of this Asmodeus immersion
and pathworking. I was sitting in my ritual circle performing meditation, focusing
on the new powers I’ve gained since this Nine Demonic Gatekeepers pathworking,
and as I did, in the static rain in front of me in the air, manifested the seed of dark­
ness, the Godstar. I heard every voice of the Gatekeepers beginning with Belial, all
the way up to the demon I was currently working with, Asmodeus, who confronted
Are you willing to see this to the end, to push as far as you can go?
You’ve opened the eight gates, you’ve swam through the eight currents
of darkness. Will you dive all the way deep into the black abysmal waters
of Outer Darkness?
I was nervous to answer this, look how far I had gone, to be honest this work
with Asmodeus was leading me to insanity, yet I couldn’t resist the urge for more
knowledge, more power, pain, pleasure and rage. To feel my soul ignited with
wrath and sexual thirst that could never be quenched, I had to go on.
I cried, “Yes, yes, fuck yes! ” as if I was having an aggressive, painful orgasm, a
laughter that pierced my entire being echoed through the fiber of existence. What
had I just done? Why didn’t I just stop there? Maybe I should have, because what
follows has tipped over the edge.
“Call with rage, passion, and pain,” Asmodeus demanded and he vanished.


Chapter 9

entered my temple, placed three red candles in-between the verses of the

I Universal Circle, on the outside off the circle I placed four large black can­
dles, one in each of the cardinal directions. I lit then a combination of
cinnamon and dragon’s blood Incense, I was shirtless and held in my hand a black
leather belt with a metallic end.
I held in my one hand the sigil of Asmodeus gazing into it, opening that rift
between me and the demon. I began slowly and lightly lashing my own back with
the belt, as I began calling him forth, the louder I got with the incantation, the more
aggression and passion I pushed into the words, the harder and faster I kept lashing
my back.
I projected the energy of pain, passion and rage through the open sigil as I con­
tinued lashing myself over and over. The heat in the room began raising in
intensity, everything in the room began spinning and I was lost in a crazed frenzy.
I threw the sigil gazing into the smoke, lashing my back harder and faster again,
screaming into the smoke:

Asmodeus I callyou with pain, Asmodeus I callyou with passion,

Asmodeus I callyou with rage, Come Asmodeus Come.
He rose before me in the smoke of the incense, he appeared as a demonic
butcher type. Around his waist was a belt made of human flesh, around that were
teeth, on the belt were strange blades made of some sort of black glass. I could feel
the combination of sweat and blood dripping down my back.
I reached my hand behind me, gathering the remnants of sweat and blood, my
eyes were stinging and I forced myself into a crazy sensation of pain leading tears

to pour from my eyes, I squinted and allowed my tears to drop onto the sigil of
Asmodeus and with my fingers anointed the remnants of blood and sweat onto the
Inked lines as I did this, I stated:

Asmodeus Iput into this calling my blood, sweat and tears.

Everything got really fuzzy, I got extremely disorientated and the presence of
Asmodeus began getting extremely solid. Trying to regain my strength I had to
place my hands on the ground to keep myself from falling flat on my face. Some­
thing very odd vibrated through me, a power I hadn’t felt before, I was about to
question the demon on this, before I could he spoke.
Asmodeus: Yes Kavon, Pain, Passion, Pleasure and Rage. That is my
power, through the actions you have performed now. You have invoked
my essence, my power and embodied me, although it was unconsciously,
you can feel it can’t you?
C.K: Yes, Asmodeus I feel it, it’s terrifying, it’s painful but it’s exhilarating
and wickedly euphoric.
Asmodeus: Kavon with this power you can give birth to a monster, to a
demon, this is not a servitor nor an egregore this is an actual monster,
an actual fiend of hell, bom by the will of God in the flesh.
I threw the belt to the side, rushed and grabbed my journal and the pen and
pressed the metallic tip hard against the freshly plain paper and replied in excite­
ment, “Really, how, tell Asmodeus, tell me?”
What follows now is the ritual of creating such a being, a dark soul birthed from
raging passionate hellfire.


This ritual is to be done on the ninth hour.

Items Required
* A life size black skull
* Black salt
* Hematite gemstone
* Dark amethyst crystal
* Clear quartz gemstone

* Carnelian gemstone
* Citrine gemstone
* Sodalite gemstone
* Lancet/blade suitable for bloodletting
* Five black candles
* Frankincense incense
* Dragon’s blood oil
* Semen or ,menses
* Whip or belt
* Two red large candles
On the ritual floor, trace a large stick figured body in black salt, spread the shape of
the body like a star. At the head of the black salt formed body place the black skull
on top off the head. At the genital point of the lined body place a hematite gem­
stone, place above that a carnelian gem like a sacral chakra above the root. Above
that place the citrine where the solar plexus would be, at the throat of the lined
body place a sodalite gem. Try and balance the amethyst on the black skull where
the third eye would be located, above the skull place the clear quartz.
Place two red large candles either side the skull, keeping it the skull held still,
at the top of the head behind it place a black candle. Place a black candle at each
hand and each foot of the lined body. Sprinkle over the lined body dragon’s blood
oil and then light all the five black candles at each point of the lined body.
Light then the two red candles and the frankincense incense, take your shirt off
and start gently and slowly first lashing your own back.
At this point begin calling forth Asmodeus and as he manifests then state.
Asmodeus rise up within, so I may meld the power of hellfire
Recite and inhale deep and sharply pulling in the essence of Asmodeus fiery
energy through your crown, through your whole being, exhale quickly and lash
yourself and repeat again.
Asmodeus rise up within, so I may wield the power ofhellfire
Keep doing this pour into the lashing and the incantation passion, lust, anger,
pain, all these sensations you must exhaust into this.
Allow yourself to get aggressive and lose yourself in trance and a manic rapture,
you’ll begin feeling this force well up inside you intensely. As you do bring your
hands together in a prayer mudra facing the creation and exhale deeply pushing a
ray of hellfire tracing every line of the black salt.

Next keep lashing yourself with your left hand, harder and quicker now and
push hellfire and all the rage, lust, pain, pleasure and passion through the flames
into the black skull. Close your eyes keep pushing the power through your right
hand into the skull whilst lashing yourself over and over.
Visualize the skull begin to glow like heated metal, swelling up with power, as
you do this vibrate eight times:
Chuck the belt to the side, allow yourself a second or two to catch your breath.
Gaze at the body and visualize the lines are made now off liquid fire, like the Lake
of Fire. See that the gems and crystals are smothered in crimson flames, visualize
the flame is still glowing like hot metal, with red blooded veins pumping through
Keep this image in mind whilst performing circumambulation counterclock­
wise around the image upon the ground and state:
By the power ofthe burning one, by the current that is the Lake ofFire
Through fiery passion, enflaming wrath and the lust ofthe lord,
Iform the soul of(name ofyour demon)
I open the Gate ofGolachab and call the Lake ofFire to converge
Upon the black skull of(name ofyour demon)
Asmodeus, Destroying God, breatheyourfiery breath into it,
Anoint (name ofyour demon) by the blood ofyour throne.
Visualize at this moment a darkness closing in on you from all angles and state:
I call on all the powers ofdarkness, I conjure the essence ofthe zero dimensions
The essence ofhell itself, I call upon darkness, RAM HAM SATALOS.
Kneel before your creation visualize the darkness in the room become sentient
almost alive and moving, as you breathe it breathes, breathe into the darkness life.
As you do this visualize the darkness float above the creation in any humanoid de­
monic shape, you can design the features at that exact moment.
Using your right hand pull the body of darkness into the flaming lined image
upon the ground merging the body of darkness you’ve created with the exoskeleton
of hellfire. Visualize now the body is made of darkness but it’s aura is filled with
glorious fire, hold your right hand over the soul and lash yourself with your left
hand and say the chant:
Julu 'mek Vaka 'tah Xen 'wu Sanmesh

Calling upon the fiery legion of Golachab. Visualize they rise as flames coming
from the ground as the flames cover the soul state:
Legion of Golachab, give life to (name ofthe demon),
Asmodeus breatheyourflaming serpentine breath into (name ofthe demon),
I breathe my breathe into (name ofthe demon.)
Now inhale deeply as you exhale breathe more life into the soul before you,
sprinkle now either semen or menses on the lines and the skull and say:
(Name ofdemon) "with this I bringyou to life.
Visualize the eyes of the demon open burning with hellfire and offer a drop of
your blood onto the skull and say:
(Name ofdemon) with thisyou shall awaken. .
At this point push all the power and will you have towards the demon laying
upon the ground before you and visualize it then enters the black skull. Hold the
skull up in the air, right and left hand on either side of it holding it up in the air and
As you chant this visualize that the infinite black river moves from the Infernal
Empire, moving through all realms, defiling each plane as it passed through it. See
that it’s like a serpent its black fangs sink into the veil of this world and its venom
burns and defiles the veils as it descends upon you.
Visualize now that liquid darkness descends from the ceiling of the temple and
the essence of the infernal emperor enters into the skull, empowering the soul
within the skull, sealing him therein. Binding him to you as you do this gaze into
the eyes of the skull and state.
(Name ofthe demon) Awaken, awaken,
Openyour eyes, openyour eyes.
As you gaze into the eyes of the skull, the soul is new so it’s like a sponge, pro­
ject the properties and qualities you want the soul to possess through the eyes of
the skull. Now focus on your breath visualize within you the seed of darkness, the
god star, within you. As you exhale deeply allow the seed of darkness to emanate
its black light through you, out of your hand and into the skull. Injecting the demon
with the sperm of evil, the essence of the nine demonic gatekeepers.
Place this skull upon your altar cover it with a black cloth for nine days and nine
nights. Place on either side two black candles after the nine days and nights have

passed, light some incense of you wish and light both black candles. Now unveil
the skull and state:

I awaken (name ofthe demon) he/she who was birthedfrom the womb ofthe
Infernal empire, who tore through the egg that laid in the Lake ofFire,
Who wasfed by the blood ofa living God. (Name ofthe demon) he/she who was
Blessed by thefather ofthe abyss. (Name ofthe demon) rise up, rise up and come.
(Name ofthe demon) come, openyour eyes.
Gaze upon the skull as the eyes open through the sockets of the skull, at that
moment meditate upon the skull, you can commune with it, you can send it out to
do a task for you. It is powerful entity but the more active it is in your life, the more
influence and the more critical it is in this world.
I personally fed mine, it wasn’t necessary but it asked for blood and I gave it,
the name of the hell spawn I birthed and now fathered was “ Sat’sunune”. A fasci­
nating and extremely powerful entity which now I keep with me forever as an ally
on my path, as a source of profane knowledge and a demonic soldier that’ll work in
this world on my behalf. While the majority of the demon existed within the skull
as a vessel, it also was in the spiritual planes amongst its infernal brethren.


Kneeling before the altar gazing into the eye sockets of the black skull, before even
speaking a word I could sense the presence of the demon churning within the skull
before me, like a tsunami of hellfire.

Sat’sunune I callyou forth, hell spawn born from the breath ofIKavon the liv­
ing God ofthis world, I rouse the hell spawn born from the venomous breath of
A ntichrist, for I am the seed ofdarkness that injectedyou into this world,
Sat ’sunune arise and come, speak to my hearing and speak to my sight
Around the vessel upon my altar materialized an astral steam, the remnants of
that auric steam was as black as night, a secondary astral steam which was crimson
and fiery rouse from the eyes and mouth of the vessel.
“I have arisen, arisen I have, I have arisen, arisen I have, for what have you
conjured me for?”

I was mesmerized by the presence, the power and even the words that this de­
mon spoke, so I inquired, “What are you exactly, are you just an entity I conjured
from the depths of imagination and used externalized forces to create you?”
Sat’sunune replied to my question by stating the following:
Asmodeus taught you the means for me to come into existence, yet I
have always and yet I have never existed at all. Outer darkness converged
and you wove the thread to give form to me. The Infernal Empire was
my womb, the Lake of Fire was my umbilical cord. It was your breath
and the breath of Satalos and the so many birthing forces conjured which
gave form to I, that which have always existed yet not in anthropo­
morphic form.
Confused by the complexity of the answer, I dissected the meaning of his words
and I came to an understanding. This was an actual soul, a real demon, that I merely
aided in bringing him forth. I started to understand the more I combined with this
entity, I understood that he possessed knowledge which surpassed mine and even
a new birthed demon.
Leading to me understanding that it wasn’t a newborn entity, it was instead an
entity which existed since the eternal moment, just like the other many demons
this one was just a current in the wave of a black river emerging from the abyss. All
demons already exist whether or not we know it, when man does know, that current
separates and takes form, it then takes a name and such to better interface with our
It wasn’t like a regular demon nor was it like a demonic child I birthed with
another demon, it didn’t seem like a full formed demon either, it was like an abom­
ination, a spiritual species that was part demonic and something else.
I began communing with the entity back and forth, astonished by the nature and
complexity of this fiend. I decided to offer him a drop of my blood into a burning
coal disk, offering my blood it wasn’t necessary, it’s just the way I do things I sup­
pose. I had a desire which I wanted to manifest and instead of doing it myself I
thought I’d ask the aid of the hell spawn. The speed of the manifestation of my
desire was astonishing, it rivalled even the speed of demonic kings and other an­
cient powerful entities.
Most of my workings with this infernal fiend I had to keep private as he stated
himself that interactions between his “species” and ours. He wasn’t just a demon;
he was something else, so I believe that’s what the entity meant by “his species.”

Chapter 10

S I was working with the Lord of Lust, I must reveal my libido was ex­

A tremely high, don’t get me wrong I am highly sexual, but the degree I had
been elevated to was intense. Hours of animalistic crazed sex, laying
down smoking a cigarette and then repeating the process all over again had become
normal. I had discovered fantasies that I never knew I had, even after sex I would
still crave more and more.
This actually became a problem, I never thought it could become an issue but
it did. I actually developed sort of an addiction, I decided to check in with my coun­
cilor. After a few hours of talking with him, he agreed that he thinks I was becoming
a little obsessed with sexual activity. The councilor revealed to me that anything
that gives you any type of pleasure and alteration emotionally, mentally and even
physically, you can get addicted.
The thirst for this elixir of pleasure was unquenchable at first even after sex, I
still wanted more and would please myself, even in my rituals I would be sur­
rounded by sexual entities. At one point in this pathworking, I also engaged in
spiritual sex with Lilith in the form of Aisha Quandisha.
Just like with all of the nine demonic gatekeepers I had worked with so far, they
affected my life in many different ways. At first the increase in sexual activity was
thrilling and euphoric, later on however it was affecting me negatively and I
couldn’t stop, which was becoming a hindrance.
So I contacted Asmodeus and here’s what he has to say on the matter.

No matter what you do, what you engage in, if it gives you pleasure,
comfort, security and so forth. You could become enslaved to it, in my
presence your desire, dark cravings and thirst for lust became uncontrol­
lable. You delved within the enjoyment and splendour of the fruit of sin,
while it is empowering and liberating it still enslaved you, when you
could have spent your life more productively building your empire.
I was in awe at Asmodeus at that very moment, it was so true anything be it an
activity, a substance or even a person can become an addiction, whether they are
for pleasure, distraction and so on, that isn’t the case. The lesson Asmodeus was
teaching me was I had been tempted by the serpent of my conscious mind, just like
Adam heard in the garden. For the voice of temptation, the hissing words of the
serpent are from man itself, but I digress.
That hypnotic voice may have led me into euphoria but I was wasting so much
time and energy on something just because it felt good, while that is the freedom
of choice, was it productive? Was it beneficial? Did it aid my ascent? So many ques­
tions on this subject and I came to understand.
We are all slaves to our desires and too much of anything, even a good thing is
negative. I’m a black magician and it is my job to be the eye of the storm, often
surrounded by havoc and chaos, yet it is my will and my role to give order to the
chaos and introduce chaos to order.
If your life is unbalanced it is difficult to ascend, if you are unbalanced your life
will be too and vice versa. I understood to harness my own desires to indulge in
sinful pleasures at my will but to also remain control whilst doing so, it was this
lesson that I will forever carry with me as a living God and a forever developing
black magician. Yes while this is infernal wisdom, it is also applicable in both our
spiritual and mundane lives.


Chapter 11

HROUGHOUT the whole pathworking of the Nine Demonic Gatekeep­

T ers, these diplomats of Outer Darkness, I had been shown and even taken
towhat’s known as “The Devil’s Obelisk,” “The Infernal Obelisk” and
even “The Black Obelisk,” all different terms from different gatekeepers.
The infernal obelisk is the heart of Outer Darkness itself, it is the center infernal
battery for the entire Infernal Empire. The obelisk itself is a condensed supernatu­
ral collective forces, it is the what holds the entirety of all the hell realms connected.
Below I will map out the whole astral map that connects to The Devil’s Obelisk.


This current of liquid fire, filled with the powers of hell acts flows not only through
the whole of the Infernal Empire, it is the hidden river of power that flows beneath
and through all of creation.
If the obelisk is the heart of the Infernal Empire, the Lake of Fire then would be
the veins and nerves that flow in and around the obelisk itself, like fiery vines grow­
ing through a black column.


All the various kingdoms, spheres and different realms of hell are actually different
layers of the same place. Each of these realms that are dark, nether and infernal are
just different isolated layers, that act as illusions and ways for the mortal soul to
better interface with the complexity of Outer Darkness.
These realms then would be like the three layers that make up the human heart
wall. Delving deep into the core of the heart of Outer Darkness we reveal the true
nature of the infernal empire.


Here is the total blackness of reality, the abyss itself where no light enters nor es­
capes. This is the true essence of the Infernal Empire; it is the plane of chaos and
the acausal; it is beyond polarity and duality. It is formless and therefore it isn’t
subjected to limitation. In this land of total damnation, you swim through the black
current and submerge deeply into it and allow it to consume you.
You will shred your form, even your soul until you too are formless, until you
too are the entire black river which flows through all the abyss, that is known as the
dark serpent, the infernal dragon, known by 10,000 names and now I call Satalos.
In this the mortal soul can surpass all limitations for this place is the place of
limitless potential.


Once the magician has emerged, interwoven and expanded into the entirety of the
zero dimension, what then you may ask. The magician is now darkness eternal, he
is formless, timeless, infinite. The magician, once he has become that, will take the
magnitude of the nothingness that is all, that is Outer Darkness itself and give it
Giving form to the formless, manifesting the un-manifest, once you take form
then you become the obelisk, while it is you. It existed before you become it right?
That’s because it is you and it is not. It is you and it is separate; it is the limitless
nature and power of the hell itself, expanded until it collapses in on itself like a
neutron star. The center of that black star where the black light of the acausal
shines that is the tip of the obelisk. -¥■

Chapter 12

HIS journey is for ultimate attainment of your own evolution (evolution,)

T your own becoming, your ascent and demonic apotheosis. Undergoing

the process of deconstruction to purge the soul, body and mind, of man,
of all limitation, obstacles, blockages, and to create adjustments in the self using
destructive means.
You shall then undergo transmutation of the self through which you will evolve
on various levels, from igniting the black flame, awakening the dark matter within
your own DNA, unlocking the dark code within your genetics and various other
changes. Going through death and rebirth, death and rebirth over and over, de­
stroying what must be destroyed, and if necessary, replacing what ’ s been destroyed
with something greater from the infernal plane itself.
Ignition of the black flame, burning within the lake to fire, activation of the dark
DNA, immersion into the black abysmal river of Outer Darkness. Tapping into
various infernal nexions like the black sun, the black star, the black pyramid, the
blood moon, drinking the blasphemous elixir of the sisters.
All these are things that I as a journeying soul through the deepest levels of the
hell, I’ve witnessed myself. Once you become one with the black obelisk and reach
the black diamond, there is always more. This path never ends, it never stops for
ascension true ascension is forever lasting, it is an eternal process. For I have sep­
arated from source as the source, through the reverse forbidden alchemy I am
becoming a god of darkness, my own savior and adversary.

The great internal alchemy known is the transmutation of led (the basic self)
into gold (the super soul) this is the alchemy of the gods, the alchemy of the devils,
the dark shining ones is black alchemy. Taking the gold and blackening it, slowing
its vibrations down and anchoring the entirety of the eternal and the infinite into a
singular form which isjow. This is the path of becoming a god of darkness, which
is to become a being of limitlessness, the hero and villain of your own tale.
For you are the source of light, the celestial sphere of divinity that shinedits
emanations throughout the cosmos and heavens and therefore all the angels and
the empyrean empire belong to you, the angels look at you as their master. For you
are also the source of black light, the nether sphere of darkness that shined its em­
anations throughout existence and therefore all demons come when you call them,
for they known you are the real master, just the real you lurks within the silent
hidden chamber of the self.
Asmodeus gave me some clarity on all of this, the seed of darkness glows
brighter and simultaneously darker the more I journey through the complex and
vast nature of the Infernal Empire. Belial infected me with his virus and this began
awakening the dormant potential within my DNA, through the black alchemy of
Belial. This mutation gets more and more intense, depending on the external envi­
ronmental spiritual environment.
Amaymon taught me how to sink within the black sun inside of my core, breath­
ing the breath of the Amaymon and activating the dragons eye and the mark of
damnation within me. Azazel awakened within me the nether sphere and taught
me, how to tap into the mark I bare on me, to tap into my true damnation to access
my true liberation. Abaddon taught me to destroy and relinquish all that I am and
all that I thought I was, to become a devouring blackness that is pure destruction.
For destruction is as much as a necessity as creation, like order and chaos and so
on. Lucifuge Rofocale taught me to hack into the mainframe of the black mind of
Outer Darkness, to truly experience acausal omniscience and become the black
Beelzebub taught me that my toxicity shouldn’t be cleansed, my filth should be
embraced and that my own polluted rotten soul, could be beneficial only the chil­
dren of light seek to cleanse it. Through Beelzebub’s teachings I tap into the
becoming as a god of dark defilement. Bael taught me to delve within the Gate of
Hamidah, to swim within the current of the void and emanate as the dark void. As
I returned to the world through the powers of hellfire, the ruler and warrior Bael
taught me how to wield those forces as weapons, protective armors and various

other uses for such a force. Giving the arsenal of a godly warrior and eventually
rising tc become the king and the ruler, gaining the strength to stand strong through
the waves of chaos within existence.
Asmodeus and his teachings linked with the other gatekeepers, are necessary
tools for journeying deeper into the endless bottomless pit. Just like the ancient
souls that would journey into Duat, they would learn spells to pass through each
level and successfully complete their journey. We are arming ourselves with the
powers, tools and weapons of the devils to progress in our journey. Asmodeus said:
This will all make sense soon enough Kavon, you are a fool if you think
all the demons and devils will just aid you in the journey into the Infernal
Empire. While some of us will, others will test you and some will seek to
destroy you. Those of us that give you these teachings are preparing you
for your own apocalypse, your becoming and your apotheosis.
I have walked almost every path and paradigm I could find and none gave me
the calling that the path of the Infernal Empire did, it’s my home, the demons and
devils are my brothers, sisters and fellow comrades. Looking back on how far I’ve
come is incredible to say the least. It was far from easy though and there is an inner
magick that comes into play, an alchemical process not transforming led (the basic
self) into gold (the supersoul) instead it is a black alchemy. Taking the super soul
the black magician has already tapped into and has blackened the golden rays of the
super soul, through the black alchemy. ¥

Chapter 13

must admit that working with each gatekeeper has driven me down a rabbit

I hole of madness, but I must admit this working with Asmodeus drove me
deeper than I’d care to go. As I started conversing and merging with this
demon, I was extremely angry, like extremely angry all the time actually. I dealt
with it the worst way, I went into drinking very heavily. I would evoke Asmodeus,
let’s say at 3.00am and afterwards I fall onto the couch exhausted and drink a beer.
I’d go about my day with no sleep.
I would snap at my friends, family and people who would even walk past me
through the town, I’d go and have breakfast at 10.00am and I’d have a beer. I’d go
about my day and for food, I’d have a few beers. In the night I’d come home do
rituals and drink more, in hopes that I would sleep. This would be every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, however on the weekends, I’d go out and hit
the clubs extremely intensely. Spending hundreds on alcohol alone, one night I
even did drugs too. Through the path of wrath and mixing that with drink and drugs
and delving too deep, too quickly. I would be very hostile and came to close to
fighting time and time again.
If I came home that night, me and my wife would argue because she could see
how much I was losing my mind, how would I then deal with that anger and built
up stress? Sex is how I would deal with it and not normal sex, I’m talking about
hours of sex, sweating, biting, scratching, choking, slapping, you name it. Delving
into the most horrific and devilish sexual acts possible. During this whole ordeal I

became severely depressed, one night I even contemplated suicide, and not be­
cause of sadness or anything like that.
I became suicidal because I had felt like no matter how much I had or did, my
eternal hunger could not be satisfied, all seemed pointless. Existence seemed point­
less, living in a world which I could manipulate felt like there was no point. Now I
am stable again and can analyze it all. It’s just a natural thing that many of us au­
thors will deal with in this work. We are divining deeper than most, we are acting
as the guinea pig, we commit the mistakes and go through the chaotic shit so you
the reader don’t have to do it.
If we make mistakes on the way, we rectify them and don’t include those things
in our work, so you won’t make the same mistakes. Plus I did submerge myselfin
complete Outer Darkness and once one pathworking, with one demon was done I
then moved onto the next gatekeeper, with no breaks whatsoever. I was stranded
on an island of madness, given into all the hellish poisons around me and now I am
back from that. I am finally stable again, for now at least, so be warned working with
these forces and any off these gatekeepers for they are agents of chaos and chaos
will enter your life.
Your role as the black magician is to stand firm, to stand through the storm of
chaos and be able to rise from the ashes of the older world that had to be destroyed
in order for you to move forward. A constant destruction and creation of your life
and yourself, is a natural process through these works, even constant re-evaluation.
Violence, lashing out, addiction, madness, all these things are to be expected and
if they come, you can just as easily remove it by using the same forces that installed
them into you and your life.
If you ’re stranded on the island of madness, remember the black river of Outer
Darkness and it’s chaotic currents brought you there and you if you have the balls
and the will, you can just as easily jump back into that current and allow it to take
you to your next destination. For each pit-stop along the way is definitely necessary
in your becoming, in your ascent and in your immersion into Outer Darkness. I
have escaped that island now and the black abysmal waves of darkness and the
winds of change, have changed course and I am being moved forward and the Gate
of Asmodeus is now open, so it is done “Ram Ham Satalos, Ram Ham Satalos.” 4



Chapter 1

Asmodeus coils the insurrector, foments the discord, a lord of the gash. He
tears asunder in demonic splendor, cruel and unrelenting in pleasured tor­
ture. The whip brings truth, sharp and swift, tied with edged glass, screams,
a symphony, the musings of shards. A tyrant of a single all-seeing eye, Fo-
calor succors tribute, heir to deathless glory, lusts bartered charms. Geryon
gives new torment, arch heretics proclaim, vouchsafe me here unhallowed
lover of the fiery whirlwinds. Lover, my Lilith beckons from black candle
flame. Do not turn back again or incur my wrath for Dispater entreats.

Let us begin.
Asmodeus (/ aezma'dras/; Ancient Greek: A<jpo6ato<;, Asmodaios)
or Ashmedai (/'aejmi .dai/; Hebrew: Asmodday), also Ashema
These are the inscriptions from
the channel opened through the
ninth gate unto the master hier­
archical Lord of Darkness,
Asmodeus. He grants unto us a
Satanic wisdom and joy that will
invigorate all life and be a cata­
lyst for new things to come
through Satanic science.
Asmodeus beckons unto us,
a great new Satanic cosmic be­
coming. This will lead his
celebrants to new heights of Sa­
tanic glory and victory!
Asmodeus through the angles of
space and time, made manifest
through the ninth gate, has bestowed through me the incarnation of his Satanic
presence. The black magic power of deliverance is thine. Thus, his wisdom is the
moniker of lust, our Satanic ambition to unfold in the precision of the stars with
calculation and action. For doubt is fatal to any black magic undertaking.
Asmodeus is the aspect of the greater essence of all evil made manifest through
us as his celebrants. He is one Satanic source that permeates the cosmos. Asmo­
deus grants unto us his desire, drive and motivation in order to establish great
things. Asmodeus is the catalyst, the unhinged sword to desolate our enemies. As­
modeus is inter-dimensional, unbound by natural laws, a multitude in concert as
one in omniscience, a multi-faceted entity, a green glowing jewel, a being outside
the bounds of time. Asmodeus is one. Asmodeus is legion!
When one is struck low with derision and loss. He must beckon unto Asmodeus
to come forth from the ninth gate and re-galvanize his broken practitioner. Asmo­
deus liberates the lowly from the bondsman of slave conditioning. Asmodeus is the
foundation breaker of slave religions and slave philosophies. Asmodeus allows his
celebrants to see clearly what must be done and what course to take in order to

accomplish one’s goals. This in itself is the greatest gift one may give. Asmodeus
moves at one with the aether, beyond the constraints of mortality. He may grant
the listless one existence or many or even a life of immortality.
Asmodeus is the wheel of our intention, despite what the commoner or the un­
initiated think. He is the stronghold of pentacles. He seeks to build within his
celebrants a fortified tower. His greatest espousal is to sound off unto his celebrants
with great demonic force to above all things “follow your gift.” Asmodeus is the
darkness that is a maker!
Through Asmodeus, all things fall into place. Black magic is not wishing on a
star, it is random and will occur when it occurs. Quite obviously combined with
action it will make things manifest sooner, especially in regards to lust and desire.
Thus, I exact before you a Satanic Rite and incantation unto Asmodeus, which will
call your lust object unto you.


In a pitch black room, a candle of red is placed before an image of your lust object.
Sit before the image, close your eyes, seethe with intention and bum it into your
A bell or cymbal is all that is required for this simple, yet effective incantation.
Any stormy night will magnify your intention, but it is not required. Daylight hours
are too filled with electrostatic waves and will diminish the effects of this rite and
are not recommended. Utilize anything that amplifies your black magic projection.
However, do not over-crowd your casting space. This Satanic Rite is simplistic in
its undertaking and very rewarding in its manifestation. The celebrant must stay
focused and not get caught up with accouterments.
The celebrant may stand at (his/her) altar for this rite or sit in the lotus position.
Bell is rung, arms raised, sign of the horns.
Asmodeus., my fate forged with you!
Let usfly unto leathern leagues to the aetheric skies., victorious to burn!
Asmodeus, I beckonyou to come forth!
Make thyselfmanifest through me in the undertaking.
Hail Asmodeus!
My lust isfire forged, made legion to burn!
Bell is rung. The celebrant is to gaze deeply upon his lust object.

Asmodeus, bring unto me.

In all Satanic grace and all Satanic majesty.
Make to be mine in every-tray, to possess and to enslave till
My lust is sated or until my dying day.
With haste to bring gain.
My Satanicpower is balanced with cunning and Satanic ambition!
Bring to have and to do what thy wilt
And to be mutual in all desires. This I command in the name ofAsmodeus,
He who is now made manifest through me
In devotion, dedication, discretion and secrecy!
Bell is rung, extinguishes candle. The celebrant meditates for sixty-seconds in
utter darkness. Candle is re-lit. Bell is rung, arms raised, sign of the horns.
Hail Asmodeus!
My lust isfireforged, made legion to burn!
I rise into the witchcraft skies to overshadow
That which seeks to elude my all-seeing eyes.
May be tortured with desirefor me!
May be all consumed with thoughts ofno other!
May be stricken with lascivious lusts for me
To the point of madness.
May be set aflame with Asmodeusfrivolity for me!
I now take ownership of!

Hail Asmodeus, make my desires manifest,

My citadel, my chambers,
A burning center to make what I have proclaimed
my enslaved lust object of my abject vanity.
My house, a bordello ofthe lotus eaters, a house ofiniquity,
A lair oflabyrinthine lust!

Hail Asmodeus!
lam wracked with the terrors oflust!
Deliver me Asmodeus! I now consecrate my offering unto the aether!
Bell is rung, image is burned in the candle. Celebrant meditates in total darkness
for sixty seconds.

The celebrant is to meditate solely on the lust object during the entirety of the Sa­
tanic Rite. To do otherwise or drift away or check your phone will only defeat the
purpose and waste your time. All other outer things must be cast out. This is a very
pointed and fixed incantation. Yet, nothing else must enter your mind, lest its
doomed to fail. This incantation may be focused on a person, place or thing. As
many celebrants have different desires for different things. For example, a lust for
power and money. All is at the discretion and secrecy of the celebrant.
Do not share with others that you have cast this spell or any spell for that mat­
ter. Power shared is power lost! It will most likely turn against you and have a
negative effect. You don’t want to be undermined by some orc who likes to tell
everyone’s secrets, which is so common in this so-called “share culture.” You
don’t want to end up a broke eunuch who can’t get a date. To brag is a tired ven­
ture, secrecy is the path to Satanic power!

Asmodeus’ desire is the strongest a celebrant may channel. It is a magnetic force,
which is instantly felt and nearly impossible to break. So use his works wisely in
focusing in on a lust object. It is not far-fetched to comprehend that such evoked
lust will lead to violence, and it quite often does. This too is an aspect of Asmodeus’
Satanic nature. For once his lust is awakened, nothing can stop it. An ancient tale
be told that his lust was so strong that Asmodeus laid waste to seven successive
husbands that stood in the way of him attaining his lust object.
Asmodeus commands all earthly spirits. This means the material realms of base
planets, not just earth as many believe. Asmodeus is a multi-dimensional being, not
restricted to one plane of existence. He too is a manifestation of dark-themata and
Satanic evil. He is driven by the sole desire to expand his kingdoms.
One does not fall to the demon Asmodeus, one merges with him. The celebrant
gains insight, supernatural power, great strength and varied forms of psychic-influ­
encing and projection. Most avidly Asmodeus grants his celebrants the ability to
manipulate the commoners of a human or humanoid mind. This is obvious through
the magnetic attraction that he brings to his celebrants and the ability to control the
masses. One becomes one with Asmodeus, an extension to the fabric of Satanic
existence, not a worship or a follower, but chosen as one. This is not a role-playing
or video game diatribe. This is real and very rarely does it occur. Asmodeus spans

millions of years across the astral boundary, to reconcile one unto Asmodeus is par­
The apex of Asmodeus is his ability to be the precursor to not only boundless
lust and desire, but also a tinge of fatal wrath. Both are commonly intertwined as
love and hate. This comes in simple forms, despise what you can’t have or that
which rejects you. While this may seem childish, it is far easier said than done. If
your lust object wanders off to some orc and loses all sight and concern for you,
then a dissension spell evoked in the name of Asmodeus may be required in order
to set the realms to right.


Asmodeus of the nine angles resides in no certain place, but is everywhere. He lives
within his celebrants and his celebrants live within him. Asmodeus is the King of
the Jinn and Lord of the Daevas, wicked evil beings with a malevolent nature. They
do the bidding of Asmodeus and those that he manifests through. These creatures
can bend and in-fold space to appear and exist in any reality instantaneously once
summoned. The Jinn especially have long haunted the human race in their nefari­
ous comings and goings, often leaving very little trace. And to further their terror,
these creatures can infiltrate human minds and erase or create false memories. The
jinn’s ability to take possession is also terrifying to the commoner, they rarely let
go and most times do not. The person possessed of the jinn are usually lost forever.
Now as we have interlocked persons together with black magical incantation
unto Asmodeus persuasion. We now cast out our once longed for lust object, either
due to betrayal or fatigue. For relationships do run their course and wear out. So
now is the time for departure.
Any day during the month of November is the best day to evoke this dissension
spell. November is the strongest month and the veil between dimensions is the
thinnest. The “Asmodeus Evocation unto Dissension” brings and sows division.
It can be between yourself or another person or between outer third parties. Typi­
cally it is a way to drive people apart and away, not to curse or destroy outright.
Relationships wear out, marriages fall into the humdrum of boredom and aggra­
vation. A once longed for love/lust object eyes begin to wander and no longer look
at you or vice-versa. Yet, most times people become entrenched and won’t let go,
either because of money or ego. In any regards, the relationship has run its course

and now is the time for dissension. This dissension evocation is written to drive a
wedge between two people. Yet, it can be modified to fit any scenario.
Two wax figures that represent a man (black) and a woman (white) are placed
upon the altar. Regular black and white candles will suffice, but the effect will be
diminished. On hand should be an athame (dagger) and a bell, images of your dis­
sension targets should be pinned to the wax figures.
Bell is rung. Celebrant lights black candle.
Thejinn nowjoin my will malevolent against.
I now ignite thefires ofdissension uponyou!
Light white candle.
Thejinn now join my will malevolent against.
I now ignite thefires ofdissension uponyou!
Bell is rung. Celebrant points athame at the black candle.
I strike down uponyou like lightningfrom the light!
I sow calamity and division uponyou!
You shall be severed with violence and upheaval!
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
Celebrant points athame at the white candle.
I strike down uponyou like lightningfrom the light!
I sow calamity and division uponyou!
You shall be severed with violence and upheaval!
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
Bell is rung. Celebrant removes image from the black candle. Gaze intensely
upon image.

Hail Luciferian light on high!

You are now placed in the circle ofoutcast castigates.

Toforever dwell at the terror ofthe whims ofthejinn.
I severyou from.
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
Celebrant burns image of the chosen target in the black candle.

Asmodeus holds nothing but contemptforyou,

A vile insect to be cast out and crushed.
I thy Black Magus shall endure merciless!

You are now consigned to torrents ofblackflame.

Eternally severed and alonefrom.
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
So mote it be!
Celebrant removes image from the white candle. Gaze intensely upon image.

Hail Luciferian light on high!

You are now placed in the circle ofoutcast castigates.
Toforever dwell at the terror ofthe whims ofthe jinn.
I severyou from.
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
Celebrant burns image of the chosen target in the black candle.
Asmodeus holds nothing but contemptforyou
A vile insect to be cast out and crushed.
I thy Black Magus shall endure merciless!

You are now consigned to torrents ofblack flame.

Eternally severed and alonefrom.

This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
So mote it be!
Bell is rung. Celebrant extinguishes black candle.
I now extinguish youryou from this world!
The wickedjinn now takeyou into the void, never to return!
Comejinn come, take this derelict to the nether-reaches!
Celebrant takes black candle.
I now shred and severyou in two!
I strikeyou down!
Behold the broken hearts ofthe lovelorn shattering by my hand!
Celebrant cuts the wax image in two or to shreds.

I now divideyoufromyourselfandfrom this plane ofexistence!

This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!
So mote it be!
Celebrant extinguishes white candle.
I now extinguish you from this world!
The wicked Jinn now takeyou into the void, never to return!
Come Jinn come, take this derelict to the nether-reaches!
Celebrant takes white candle.
I now shred and severyou in two!
I strikeyou down!
Behold the broken hearts ofthe lovelorn shattering by my hand!
Celebrant cuts the wax image in two or to shreds.
I now divideyoufromyourselfandfrom this plane ofexistence!
This I declare in the name ofAsmodeus!

So mote it be!
The celebrant crushes and discards the wax figures.
Arms raised, eyes closed, sign of the horns.
This division between and is total!
Hail Asmodeus!
So mote it be!
The celebrant meditates in total darkness for sixty seconds.

In the galactic repose of out Terra-Satana within the outer reaches of the Luciferian
universe. The evil of our horde holds a special place in the vast expanse. The Lu­
ciferian universe abounds with innumerable forms of alien life, but few are like us,
the Satanic race.
Upon our Terran sphere the Satanic species has shed so much boundless blood
as to fill an ocean. Every tear, every anguish, every war, every imaginable evil has
been contrived and perpetrated right here. Despite mankind’s great imaginings,
there is no other place of this Satanic transference then right here and right now.

And Asmodeus plays a key role in the grand vicissitudes of evil that transpire on
Terra-Satana (planet Earth.)
Asmodeus, omniscient and simultaneous of nine dimensions of existence seeks
to ever advance our Satanic essence beyond simple human comprehension and
achieve the serenity of Luciferian grace. The slaves of theological delusions are
many. To attain truth in Satanic immortality is to survive, flourish and overcome
all of the base struggles of petty existence and reside within the frame of eternal
meditative darkness. The time has come for humanity to put the slaves of delusion
to death and reach out to the vast majesty of the Luciferian universe!
Eventually you cannot keep your cherished worldly possessions in place. The
lash of time soon takes them all away. Our driftwood lives on a sea of dust. Materi­
alism sifts upon the ashen winds of your life’s most cherished baubles. You can
leave a piece of art or writing for posterity, but even these things like love are fleet­
ing. Ego so too is diminished to worthless dust. The grand kings of our ages past
now adorn skeletal thrones of meaninglessness. No one remembers and no one
mourns their passing. The celebrant must ever escape the trappings of materialism
and ego and indwell in Asmodeus. To exist in the living moment of lust’s feral fire.
For to burn in black flame, vibrant, fierce and ruthless gives the spark of life that is
worth living in. Don’t end up an Egyptian lich in a chamber full of worthless gold,
lost in a finite existence that chokes on sand. Know the experience of the now! Live
life to excess! Take in all that life has to offer! Do not get caught up in the race of
rats. Know the vitality and exuberance of everlasting Luciferian immortality, de­
void of materialism and death. While materialism comforts one’s existence, it
should not be the end all to one's total life. Materialism does bring temporary joy,
but can quickly become a burden. The old saying goes, that which you own, owns
you! May the celebrant live in the moment that transpires with each passing second
and be one with electricity of its passing. For until mankind overcomes itself and
through Satanic science can overcome death through its technology, we are to exist
in total vitriol and freedom! For we are not an ever-living cybernetic organism as
of yet, but it is coming. Yet, until then, materialism and ego are a means, not an
end to the black magus existence.
The celebrant must also release his ego and totally give oneself to a Satanic state
of mind. A Satanic state of mind can make one immune from the impacts of life.
For through a Satanic state of mind everything around you within the material
realm become frivolous. And things that effect you in a negative way are meaning­
less. Even through illness, a Satanic state of mind will elevate you, even death can

be overcome. Nothing matters, but one’s interconnection with Asmodeus and his
furtherance in you! No obstacle cannot be overcome. No enemy cannot be de­
stroyed. All things fall into place. Through the meditations of a Satanic state of
mind, the celebrant becomes the fulcrum, the demiurge of the fabric of the Lu-
ciferian universe, all eternal, all powerful!

Of Asmodeus the strangler, magnifier of obsession and fetish, he besets increased
carnal desires, Satanic arch-fiend and betrothed of Lilith. Asmodeus constructs the
Satanic state of mind for he can instantaneously commune with those he chooses.
He lays waste to the heretics and those who seek to commit false bargains. Asmo­
deus, king of the jinn and daeva's and commands the elements of all things to do
his bidding.
It is imperative that the celebrant knows that there is no separation or division
from Asmodeus. There is also no supposed fealty or worship of Asmodeus. One is
one with Asmodeus! This is beyond the comprehension of the uninitiated. This
“Asmodeus Self Invocation” incantation gives a reaffirmation unto the celebrant
of this unique connection one shares with Asmodeus incarnate.
The celebrant sits in the lotus position within a wilderness at dusk.

Luciferian light on high, above the circle ofoutcast castigates,

A scourge oflove, marked with the scars ofSatanic tribute,
One ofthe Satanic race. My whim, yourfear,
Pivots in the turningpoint ofstark contrast ofvivid lies portrayed as truth,
Urged to a swift pace by an evil will.
The mantle ofthe seer deceives andperceives,
Arachnae encircles by the shades ofher grace and soul devouring,
A bathed rape, Forgetful commoner laid waste.
Asmodeus holds contemptforyou!

The starry spheres bear no hold on the Black Magus.

Merciless, shall I endure and evoke,
The wayward steps ofthe Christling bent,
lam the Satanic reaper ofthe great divide,
Crude defectives cast aside,

Swatted like insects,

The broken hearts ofthe lovelorn shattering.

lam thy imperator unto Asmodeus, arch-conjurer, a Satanic Trajan!

lama harlot ofiniquity that contorts in elemental wind,

limpale the self-righteous on their delusions.
I lead them from cage to cage,
A sheep to be shorn and led to the slaughter,
lam thy lord, thy Black Magus.
I shall ever want. Hie down in the vespers ofsuper-nature.
I drinkfrom the waters ofLethe.
My soul is restored in Luciferian light.
I walk the cliffs and crags ofthe Left Hand Path to become one with its land­
scapes. I cross the valley ofdeath to become one with incarnated evil.
I raise thy rod and break the back ofmy enemies and those that wish me ill.
I reside at tables ofever-flowing effervescence.
And ifthe snares of doubt encompass me,
The pangs ofSheol take hold.
I call out the name, Asmodeus, deliver me!
least forth my avaricious gaze!
A god has no son,
A god has no father,
A god lives in the existence ofthe self,
The fabric ofitselfincarnated through me!
Take courage, take glory, take victory! •¥■

Chapter 2

— - ——


HROUDED within the fog of historical conjecture lies a great occult mys­

S tery. This mystery surrounds the supposed holy-site known as “Renne-le-

Chateau, ” located in the Languedoc region, above the foothills of the Pyre­
nees Mountains of France. Upon the threshold of this priory, christened by
Catholic Church, it reads: “This place is evil! ”
Why would such an inscription exist upon the entrance of a formalized holy
Christian church site? This is only one of the inversions, which exist within and
around the Renne-le-Chateau, for to ascertain the answer to this question, only
brings forth many more contradictions and these contradictions are what we shall
now explore.
We begin at the period of King Solomon ’ s temple, during the reign of the Tem-
plar Knights, when the Templars were installed as regents over Jerusalem. They
took up residence in Herod’s palace, being Solomon’s old temple. Contrary to
what many conspiracy theorists believe, during this time the Templars were in­
vested in their avocations and beliefs in Christ as their savior. Yet, upon finding a
secret set of antechambers underneath the temple of Solomon, all that changed,
for an obsession overtook them, an obsession for treasure and the dark arts.
This treasure being so vast that it was all consuming. Instead of guarding, pa­
trolling and protecting the populace an enormous amount of their time was spent
excavating it from underneath the temple. Upon further excavations they discov­
ered, aside from wealth beyond imagination, a trove of Gnostic relics, some Satanic
in origin. One relic that stood out was the fabled legendary texts of Moses in re­
gards to the location to the Ark of the Covenant and many strange and elaborate
statues of vibrant and visceral color.
This find would secure the legacy of the Templar Knights Order, and so they
transported Solomon’s treasure to a hidden lair in their native France, underneath
Renne-le-Chateau, being a vast network of caverns. Here it would remain. How­
ever, treachery soon struck against the order. Many of the knights began to be
accused of heresy and the worship of Baphomet. Soon the Templar Knight Order
was to be purged. The Templars fell to corruption and deceit. They were hunted
down and executed by their Christian crusader masters. Many historians believe
that the worship of Baphomet was unfounded, that surely the Templar Knights
weren’t Satanic? It was all because King Philip of France did not want to payback
the huge debts he owed to them. Whatever the case may be, the Templar Order
vanished into its new incarnation as Freemasons.

When the last Templar magus, Jacques De Molay was tortured and burned at
the stake in 1314 for heresy and the worship of Baphomet, he was asked about the
rumors of a treasure. He died without revealing any knowledge or location of such
a treasure. Indeed, it was believed that the secret died with him until a discovery
was made by a priest, Father Sauniere, being a scroll within an altar, which was a
treasure map, revealing the location of Solomon’s wealth right below his feet, un­
derneath the Renne-le-Château.
This marked a discerning change over Sauniere, very similar to the possession­
like tonalities, which overtook the Templars. He began to spend, by today’s stand­
ards, millions of dollars on the lavish construction of a tower, he paid for roads, he
poured money into the community at large, and he grew more fanatical and eccen­
tric with each passing day. Sauniere erected a Satanic visage of Asmodeus within
Renne-le-Château to a full artist sculptor scale and décor to the aghast of the Ro­
man church, but they went along as long as the alms were paid to pope and papacy.
Asmodeus, our dark lord of secrets, avarice, arcane knowledge and above all,
guardian and knower of hidden treasures. Asmodeus was also the constructor of
King Solomon’s Temple.
Sauniere’s defiant stance against Christendom grew. It is rumored that he be­
gan an exotic cult dedicated to a demon of the dead, known as Eurynomos, which
devours carrion, tearing flesh from limbs, leaving only bones. Sauniere and his dis­
ciples spent many days and nights digging and burying within the cemetery, near
the chateau. His so called, “Order of the Flies” were very active and truly para­
mount in their dedication to the dignitaries of Hell. He would pass off these doings
as common funeral mass work.
His eccentricities grew loud and raving, especially when he would travel to
Paris to mingle with Parisian elite. He would go on endlessly about the true blood­
lines of Christ, the secret Satanic nature of the world and the distinction between,
what he termed, lesser and Aryan human beings. The Roman church soon had
enough. They sent out a series of assassins in the guise of holy clerics to clean up
Sauniere’s defamation. His cult was wiped out. Later he died of a supposed stroke,
whimpering in pain, alone and abandoned, crying about being poisoned in the very
tower he built, but rarely visited. Yet, again, the secret of any treasure died with
Sauniere’s worship of Satan is twofold. One, he constructed and charged the
statue of Asmodeus to guard his treasure, Secondly, he officiated Eurynomus, the
personification of death, to place a curse hold over the treasure. In this

transubstantiation of gnosis, his two-pronged Luciferian adventist of protection

was made manifest. Sauniere sought to imbue an evil spirit of protection over his
treasure. Inadvertently, his spell was cast over the entire priory and in my opinion,
the town at large. Soon he fell to the awesome power of Satan, in turn he followed
in the footsteps of those before him. His one outstanding accomplishment was the
magically charged creation of Asmodeus, which still stands within Renne-le-Cha-
teau to this day.
The most commonly asked question about Renne-le-Chateau is, “where is the
treasure?” The answer is, it’s long gone. However, there may be some buried un­
der the floor where Asmodeus directly stands, as he is looking down with eyes
glaring upon the floor before him.
Sauniere’s obsession with death led many to believe that the treasure was
moved to the graveyard, where he spent huge amounts of time, conducting Satanic
rites. His adoration for our lord Beelzebub was even more apparent in the sardonic
inscription he placed above the sculpture of Asmodeus within Renne-le-Chateau.
It reads, “ Par Le Signe Tu Le V aincras. ” (make the sign of the cross). This obvious
inscription is almost silly to the devout Christian, of course they know upon enter­
ing their church to make the sign of the cross. A holy water stoup is located above
Asmodeus within the church. When patrons enter, they see the demon, take the
holy water and do what is requested of them. They stare eye to eye with Asmodeus
and make the sign of the cross in a supposed show of defiance against Satan. This
is what is commonly understood. Yet, one must understand the nature of Satanic
inversion. One links water with Lucifuge-Rofocale, water being his favorite me­
dium of killing people, either by drowning, force or suffocation of any kind. This
reversal suggests that the people who believe that through the sign of the cross,
they conquer the devil. On the contrary, they are hence marked and targeted for
destruction themselves. Asmodeus is interlocked with Lucifuge-Rofocale, he is the
contaminator, pestilence bring and destroyer of humanity. The sculpture takes on
three demonic characteristics, Asmodeus, Eurynomus and Lucifuge-Rofocale. All
three can be referenced within any common demonology book. There images are
the same in many regards. They mirror the statue in succinct coordination.

That he who makes the sign of the cross will be conquered.
That he who makes the sign of the cross is damned.

The statue of Asmodeus is powerful and true. Those that take the holy water from
his cistern and do the sign of the cross have accepted that they will be conquered
by the devil. Further adding to the irony, the area surrounding Renne Le Chateau,
known as Perillos, has a postal code containing the sequential numbers of 666.
Sauniere told church officials that his wealth came from charging fees for con­
ducting masses for the dead. This in itself is a clue to the death worship and
demonic influence Satan had over him. Who in their right mind, at that time is
going to garner the type of wealth Sauniere exhibited, and believe this statement?
He was taunting them. He clued them in, they weren’t listening, or as I stated be­
fore, turned a blind eye, whilst the money came in. It only went south for Sauniere
when he starting blaspheming, in their eyes, the idea that Christ lived on and had
Solomon himself fell to the guise of avarice. Solomon was deceived by Asmo­
deus, possessed and flung out of Jerusalem. When Solomon returned, he was a
broken man. He was lured into the clutches of temptress Lilith and goaded into the
consecration of the initial temple. He cavorted with Baal, sacrificed children to
Moloch and fell from his supposed path. However, he found his true path, “The
Left Hand Path,” and he went on to live a rich and existential life bequeathed by
In 1944, the Nazi regime led by Colonel Skorzeny, an SS commando, dis­
patched by Himmler, descended upon Renne-le-Chateau and the surrounding
cave system. It is commonly believed that Skorzeny’s strategic mind broke all
of the codes and seals of the chateau and discovered its treasure deep in the
bowels of its vaults. This treasure was later annexed to Germany and melted
down for a future Reich to emerge, as Skorzeny and Himmler both knew that
by 1944 the Third Reich was finished. I am sure that wealth of this magnitude
could fund a way of escape and luxurious living or even a new Reich as they
both foresaw. And it did for Otto Skorzeny and quite possibly for Heinrich
Himmler, time will tell.


Fly to the black light of Satan.

Fly to the black embrace of Satan.

Before you, I have inscribed the Satanic rite known as Priory-Asmodeus. It is to be

conducted in a two-fold incantation. The first commences as follows.
All must wear black, bearing the sigil of Baphomet. The only place on earth
for this solo Satanic aspect of this twofold ritual to be conducted is to be within
the Renne Le Chateau. It is to be conducted with the utmost seriousness and
respect. No one is to know about your deeds and doings. Everything must be
inculcated in secrecy. This evocation must be whispered, audible unto you. It
cannot be spoken mentally, it must be officiated.
Enter the Renne Le Chateau and face and bow before Asmodeus.
Celebrant: (whispers)
I come beforeyou Asmodeus.
A true and noble savant ofyour Satanic works.
I come beforeyou to bring new murder.
I shall bring death to Christ and any heretical religion that opposes us!
Rise and take holy waterfrom the cistern above Asmodeus.
Celebrant: (whispers)
I charge thee to life Lord Asmodeus.
I invert the sign ofthe cross!
Hail Satan!
With the holy water, place an inverted cross upon your forehead. Kneel before
Asmodeus. Both hands are to be clasped together in the sign of the horns.
Celebrant: (whispers)
I deny Jesus Christ the deceiver.
I abjure the Christian faith and all ofits works.
Satan is God!
Again, make the sign of the inverted cross upon your forehead. Re-clasp your
hands in the sign of the horns. Remain knelt.
Celebrant: (whispers)
Devil Lord Asmodeus, make me an instrument ofyour darkness.
Reveal unto me Satanic treasures, lost orfound, for lam lost andfound inyou.
Touch the foot or base of the statue of Asmodeus and recite.
Celebrant: (whispers)

The cross is a cinder ofuseless ash.

Cast unto the fiery flames ofPerdition.
The cross hasfailed.
Again, invert the sign of the cross. Touch the statue of Asmodeus.
Celebrant: (whispers)
I now re-consecrate my Satanic oath!
Where there is deception.
Shall sow malediction.
Where there is gray force suppression.
I shall sow insurrection.
Make me a beacon ofyour vengeance,
lam purified inyou Lord Asmodeus.
Hail Satan!
So mote it be.
Rise and spit into your left hand. Angels, cherubim stand near great Asmodeus.
Subtly smear your spit upon them, in doing so, recite.
Celebrant: (whispers)
I castyou out!
Approach the candle section of the chateau.
Celebrant: (whispers)
The lighter and protector ofthis place is damned.
You who ignite a light here are so too damned.
In Asmodeus name, I castyou out!
Blow out only one candle.
Approach the entrance, face and bow before Asmodeus.
Celebrant: (whispers)

Hail Asmodeus!
Exit the chateau.


Part 2
| Flights of violence. Escape from Renne-Le-Chateau.
The secondary aspect of Priory-Asmodeus can be a collective coven undertaking
or as simple as a few practitioners. The location for this Satanic rite is the cemetery
near Renne-Le-Chateau. Although, the grounds, caverns, or outskirts of the cha­
teau could function with just as much intensity. However, the cemetery, where
Sauniere conducted his Satanic devotions to the dead is preeminent.
Priory-Asmodeus is a reaffirmation or an initiation ritual. Chains, black candles
and shovels, for digging a six foot grave are required. Four celebrants take on the
manifestations of Asmodeus, Lucifuge-Rofocale, Eurynomus and Hecate. Lots can
be drawn to avoid infighting. Hecate can be chosen at random.
The celebrant is bound with chain and placed inside the grave. He lies down
with arms crossed. Black candles encircle the grave and are throughout the grave­
Eurynomus: (stands over the grave, points)

lam Eurynomus!
Devourer ofthe dead.
You have been condemned to the perilous plight.
The grave ofordeal.
How doyou plead?

In dying in eternal darkness, I rise again!

In he that waitsfor us beyond time, where death holds no dominion.
Our Lord Satan!
Eurynomus: (points)

lam limitless chaos, indefinable,

lam the ineffable arch-duke ofHell.
Canyou conceive unlimitedpower through endless struggle and Satanic synergy?
lam bound in feral adamantine chains ofyour retribution,
lam worthy ofinclusion.
I will conquer the cross.
Eurynomus: (waves hands)

Your determination is Satanic exemplar!

Comeforth, risefrom the necromantic reaches.
Cast offyour shackles.
Risefrom the grave!
The celebrant breaks free from the chains and stands inside the grave.

I have renounced my bindings as I shall and have died inyou Eurynomus.

Ever transmigrated and born unto blackness.
Belial holds refuge here.
I shallflee the grave before the day breaks.
I shallflee the light and kill the Christ!
Eurynomus: (points)
Rise then, ascend, rise in Satanic mercy.
The celebrant climbs out of the grave.
Hail Eurynomus!
Lord ofchaos!
In death unto eternal darkness.
Inyou, I rise again.
Eurynomus: (points)

Go now, Lucifuge awaitsyou.

He shall bide council ofyourfurther requisites.
The celebrant walks to Lucifuge-Rofocale who is stationed mid-way from the
entrance/exit of the cemetery.
Lord Lucifuge-Rofocale.
I seekyour sage wolves advice.
Lucifuge: (points)
Behold the carrion lusts ofthe grave.
An alluring seductive woman is to be laying near, upon a grave.
Hecate beckonsyou tojoin her in necropolis embrace.
Willyou not heed her call and stay with us here?

The temptations ofthe grave.
The pull ofthe pit is overwhelming.
Yet, I seek to escape, to takeflight into silence.
In you Lucifuge-Rofocale, do bask and understand.
You are wise indeed.
Recite the Satanic affirmations.
Satan is the constant, lam the variable.
Satan is manifest in all things material and immaterial.
Satan does not need, nor require believers; hejust is as we in him.
Satan holds absolute authority over the iniquitous damned.
You have denied theflesh-hold ofthe grave.
Go now in spirit, approach Lord Asmodeus.
He will decideyourfate.
Whether to be entombed, released or enslaved!
Asmodeus stands by the gate (entrance/exit) of the cemetery.
Celebrant: (approaches)

Lord Asmodeus, I come beforeyou to conquer the cross.

Bow before Asmodeus!
Before whom every knee is bent.
The celebrant bows.
lam the steel revealer, the initiator ofcataclysm, war in all ofits audacity.
Avarice and greed are my totem mantras, which lead men ever under my hoof.
My power holds reign here!
I haunt the chapel ofthe so called elect,
lam the builder and consecrator!
lam the desecrater and destroyer!
I come beforeyou to conquer cross and itsfollowers.


Such a bold statement on the part ofone who is already dead...

The Christ myth died long ago.
You will serve us here in further tribute.
What is it thatyou seek?

Oh, master Asmodeus., grant that I may find wealth, beyond imagining.
For that security do I cravefor the furtherance ofour Satanic works.
Ever secret, subliminal and manipulating.
7o be loved and embraced in the light ofsweet Lucifer.

I know things seen and unseen,

lam the guardian at the gate.
A connoisseur ofclaws at the threshold ofoblivion.
The other embodied manifestations of Eurynomus and Lucifuge-Rofocale ap­
proach. If a coven is indentured within this ritual, the entirety of the coven
encircles the celebrant and Asmodeus.

Have I not shown enough devotion untoyou?

May I cross the threshold as the chosen few?
What sayyou, gatherers at the gate?
Shall wefree this celebrant or cast him back to the grave?
L. consensus must be reached among the practitioners. If it is a positive out­
come then the ritual ends as follows:
You have been deemed worthy to walk from the bounds ofnecropolis.
Follow “The Left Hand Path ” ofyourfate.
All shall be revealed untoyou, before it is too late.
My power, ever affirms.
Hail Satan! So mote it be.
Practitioners: (in unison)

Hail Satan! So mote it be.


If it is a negative outcome then the ritual ends as follows:

Vile and contemptible ingrate!
You who seek to usurp the boundary ofthe grave!
You who seek to overthrow the reapers works.
You shall be cast down to dwell in adamantine chains once again!
Back to the grave!
Seize him!
The sloweryou go, the fasteryou die!
The coven attempts to capture and carry the celebrant back to his grave.
Obviously, if (he/she) escapes through the gates of the cemetery, he is free. If
he does not, which is the most likely outcome, considering there are innumerable
people chasing him; he is cast back into the grave and chained there until dawn. In
some cases he is even buried alive. Further, Hecate waits for him there, to taunt,
stab and drink his blood.
Over the grave of the chained and sometimes buried celebrant, the coven
Coven: (in unison, arms raised)

Eurynomus rise!
Untoyou, we beckon the sound ofthe scythes! ■¥■


VIL is not a consequence of man’s erring belief. It is a real behavior that

E exonerates itself in Satanic ideals. There is no grand scheme or cosmic

good. There is only the sustained malevolence of man’s determination to
break from the impotence of limited intellectual perception. In doing so, the weak
fall on the sword of nature’s brutality contour. Thus the cycles of extermination
are ongoing and at a breakneck pace.
The stars are always aligned, you just have to sing the right evocation.
Atheism is a lost venture. It is not to accept some god somewhere, or to wor­
ship, it is to know the boundless intuitive darkness that brings life into the existence
of its shadow.
Luciferianism is limitless through Asmodeus, it focuses on the comprehension
and attainment of real power. It is not chained to fasting, praying, reciting palms or
giving up real hard evidence, intellectual prowess or even hard earned money in
the name of some innocuous charlatan papal master. The estrangement of cruelty
from this current socialized evil society is only a step away. It could slide into the
precipice of chaos and un-reason at any moment. This is obviously population
driven. It is only a matter of time before the boils of derision appear in the gaping
mouths of the burrowing herd. Down through the successive exterminations of
peoples throughout history reveals unto us the barbarity of the Satanic race. The
failure of the sheep that preferred to be enslaved as opposed to rise against their
captors is a perfect example of the ingrained slave conditioning that exists in this
culture. It reveals how quickly the sheep will walk to a death chamber without even

a whimper. The horror of Satanism is the real adventure of this human condition.
As it unfolds, so shall the purity of its purpose and mission. The survivors of the
Satanic struggle shall endure forever.
Luciferianism is an authentic superhuman manifestation, not a sacrifice in the
name of a master or a deity, but to have the constitution to live on in the here-and-
now and the here-after to the highest and best fashion.
The sleek sharpness of a vorpal mind is always intent on a search for Satanic
knowledge. Luciferianism is not delving to discover a god or gods, but the god
within. Luciferianism is far reaching, innate and indomitable. It stretches forth with
the iron fist of black magic might, a symmetry of oneness with eternal truth. Tobe
true to ourselves and true to others and to be one with the praetor ultimate force
of diabolic evil that is the fabric of all dimensional reality.
Particles of dark matter and black flame drift through us and bring forth the
Satanic awakening of Lucifer. And as we climb the rungs of hierarchical evil, we
attain many noble truths. Luciferian infinity is not for the masses that cling to the
contentment of outmoded precepts, which never bring any source of enlighten­
ment. The masses crumble under the weight of their fears and per-conceived
conditioning tropes, which they fall victim to.
The Luciferian does not seek holocaust. Luciferianism is awakening! It seeks to
bring a death-blow to the nihilists of un-reason and advance over its corpse. Lu­
ciferianism must be challenged. For as it questions all things so too it should be
questioned, if not, it would become just another repugnant and dead philosophy.
This century has garnered more advancement in Satanic ideals and Satanic science
than the previous five-thousand years. As Luciferianism ascends, it instills its pri­
mal consciousness in mankind. It establishes an implicit expansive desire to be
liberated, the pious and supposed virtuous men who write frivolous end-times dia­
logue of some nonsensical coming great battle are stuck in pedestrian ghetto
thinking, forever grasping at straws, often creating makeshift holy arks that will
redeem them. Luciferianism convokes that these self-appointed messiahs, as they
breed like rats, waste away in their own self-appointed nonsense. For they stifle
mankind’s advancement and ability to comprehend.
Truly, I say unto you, no words need to be assured as words often ring hollow.
No belief needs to be displayed as belief is a slave that seeks a master. I say unto
you that nothing is required for you are incarnated of Lucifer. The very fabric of
existence that has passed you from death to life to un-life. And in order to sustain
my life, I am merciless in my plight against all those that oppose me. In

imperishable fire I dwell! In the House of Lilith forever! I am anointed unto Asmo­
deus. My cup overflows with vitality, youth and lust eternally, to live forever in
Lucifer. Children of darkness all.
A dog-mauled god, a false teaching with the bites of beasts upon it. The very
mark of the beast itself etched into its spine. This is the measure of its distortions,
revisions and manipulations. With black heart and black love that consumes the
soul, the very essence of black flame, you shall cast off the old precepts of slave
conditioning. You shall rise in black magic might to be the commander of the aerial
stars. May they rise and fall before your presage.
Luciferian practice does not seek obedience, fealty or a correspondence with an
exterior deity to obey. Luciferian practice is freedom from tyrannical structures
and the release of innate evil impulses.
The world is a torture garden.
I am the chronicler of this Satanic Peon.
Thy Black Magus for this blood thirsty over-populated sphere.
—Winter Laake ■¥■

Chapter 4

AST through celestial bolts, Bathsheba of the evil path tread, vinum-

C non-habent, Tuscon disavowed, dragged down to the depths. I wield the

psychic sword of the stricken, te-deum-landamus-metellus. Black magic
echoed stridently, ecc-ancilla-dei. The owl carven ill truth, beyond the threshold
thither, the conflagration of a false and stolen valor. The devils join my will malev­
olent. I drink from the crimson veil to enter the realm of Balor’s domain and stream
across torrents of black flame. The astral air at the fall of night weaves us together
to rise in violence. The road to bliss brings the hanging reign. Rise and feast, master
conspirator. I carry out my whims to put the vainglorious to death astride the great
By Erinyes seething, the harpies of the abode of woe in chants of doom prevail.
Your head adorns my altar, the mantle of distant oblivion cast. The ashen hue of
Lilith, furies of the flaming summit, across the dark expanse. Satanic repute graces
Asmodeus monoliths with lurching acuity, left to leering abandon. Furies of the
below, across the reeking to and fro. Our soul is guilty, empty of shades, bom of
scorn, lies with whores. The bitter trials of the wailing years against the skeletal
pentacle, to open the citadel of Dis with clenched fangs and wisps, of eternal flame
black, glows vibrant and red against the gathering gloom. Of Hella, I have per­

Hark this noble Satanic immanence, now begged of the accursed, broken by ad­
versity. At the heights, a succubus, leers wantonness, the scourge of her paramour
cackles like a witch. Gorgon come forth to cum, concealed through the veil. A crack
of lightning across the threshold. Let us walk across Styx in the name of Hecate,
she of the graves caress.
Night founders the battling palisade. The ghastly countenance, a monstrosity
of guises, denizens of the moon drenched in blackness. The skeletal trees reach for
the witchcraft skies of finality. The arch-fiends rage in shadows with fangs of the
lagoon dweller. Let us slay for the riches of this place. The aged sage of necromancy
from another dimension begs us to enter the maze of the interloper. A sword
gnawed Kothian, soothsayer of the third consort, a wild eyed tigress against the
crazed throng and the daemoness looms.
The folly of time, distortions in quantum entanglement, flung to the far reaches,
abandoned to the Vril. I am beyond you. I am the witchcraft. I am the unwritten
code among black warlocks. I disdain and conjure the screams of horror for seven
consecutive nights. A heartless shell of a man, barbarous in the instinct of harrows.
The ramparts burn before the succubus. They alight her travail on the whispered
reaper winds. Escape the construct of lies, the palace of night beckons...-¥■


Book 10


When we want to read of the deeds that are done for love, wither do we
turn? To the murder column, and there we are rarely disappointed.
—George Bernard Shaw
“Not in water.”
HESE were the first words Asmodeus spoke to me. I often use spiritual

T baths as a gateway to connect with spiritual entities and gain gnosis. It

must have flashed across my mind that I would do exactly this to connect
with Asmodeus, just as I had with other Demonic Gatekeepers with great success.
As soon as this fleeting thought crossed my mind, I received this message. I can
only describe it as feeling like a thought, a memory or imagined words being spoken
inside my head, but these words were planted in my mind from something entirely
separate to me.
“Not in water. ”
I was curious Why did that message come to me? What is the connection be­
tween Asmodeus and water, if any? Perhaps I had just imagined this message.
Perhaps I had misunderstood. I cannot tell you the amount of times that an odd
message has come to me out of the blue and I have had this very doubt: “That must
have been my thought. ” On every single occasion however, I have received confir­
mation that it was a channeled message. Something I could not possibly have
known. For this reason, I always make a note of such messages or signs and re­
search them. I then find a connection between the sign or message and the entity
that I am channeling, or working with, that is out of reach of the realms of coinci­
I carried out a search online for ’’Asmodeus, water. ” I was intrigued by what I
found. The first result on the search was a description of Asmodeus from Wikipe­
dia, describing him as “hating water and birds, because both remind him of God.”

According to the Testament of Solomon, King Solomon bound Asmodeus to be at

his service, by making him carry water, the one element that could be used to con­
trol him.
Suddenly, I understood exactly why Asmodeus would not wish to connect with
me while I was immersed in water. I could not possibly have known this. I had never
connected with Asmodeus and he was not an entity I had any depth of prior
knowledge about. So, my work with Asmodeus began. As with King Bael, I had not
needed to call upon him.
He was clearly already with me, giving instructions on the best way for us to
connect. I wanted to learn as much as I could about Asmodeus, before invoking
him through ritual. I knew that he is described as the demon of lust. His name is
thought to derive from the Persian Aeshma, demon of violence, fury and aggressive
impulse. I knew that there was much I could learn from this Gatekeeper, about both
lust and rage. I wanted to understand the deepest darkest intricacies of the rela­
tionship between these powerful emotions and how I could harness this power to
shape the reality around me in my favor. After all, that is the very essence of black
magick. ■¥■

Chapter 1

HE following is a guide to the ritual that I performed to invoke Asmodeus.

T I created this ritual instinctively as I do with all my rituals. Ritual does not
have to be followed like a recipe written by another person. It should be
personal, as personal as the first sexual experience you have with a new partner.
Not scripted, not rehearsed, no rules, no boundaries. Just going with what feels
If you would like to follow this ritual as a guide, feel free to personalize it, make
it your own. Here I will describe my ritual experience along with guidance on fol­
lowing this, or a similar ritual:

Ritual Tools I Used

* The Universal Circle
♦ A lancet or tool to draw blood
* A hand drawn sigil of Asmodeus, preferably on parchment paper
* Three red candles
* An incense holder and frankincense incense
* A glass of red wine
* Fresh mint leaves
I chose to invoke Asmodeus during daytime, as he is known to be a day demon. I
first prepared my body and ritual chamber. After all, one does not invite a King into
one’s temple without ensuring an absolute state of cleanliness, order and high vi­
brational energy.


I prepared my ritual chamber by ensuring it would be a quiet space, at a time when
I would not be disturbed. I like to make as much space for ritual as I can, putting
away any clutter or objects of distraction. To ensure the room was not just clean
on a mundane level, but also on a spiritual one, I washed the floor with Florida
water, freshened the room with natural air and sunlight, put sea salt in the comers
of the room and smudged with sage.
I then prepared my body for ritual, making sure I was physically and spiritually
cleansed, by showering and washing my hair, then taking a salt bath and allowing
myself to drip dry.
You can also cleanse your ritual space with charged salt water. To make this,
add sea salt to a bowl of fresh clean water. Holding the bowl in your left hand and
your right hand over it, imagine it being filled with the bright light of Lucifer
Amaymon, who Asmodeus is thought to serve under.
I performed the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, ensuring a clear and
clean space for Asmodeus to enter, without the added complication of lesser de­
mons or earth-bound spirits being present or influencing the ritual in any way.


I remained naked for the ritual. Connecting with the demon of lust, I knew it was
important to feel lustful going into ritual, to feel sexy. I had abstained from any
sexual activity for ten days prior to this so by this point, my senses were heightened.
My mind and body were hungrily anticipating what would be an extremely sex­
ual, spiritual union. I had left my hair down, blond waves cascading over my naked
shoulders, and made up my face with smoky eyes and red lips. I had perfume
sprayed over my body, on my neck, between my breasts, and tracing all the way
down to my thighs.
I lay down my Universal Circle, which is already charged with my blood on the
north, east, south and west points. I then created a triangle within the circle using
three red candles on the edges of the circle. As I associate Asmodeus with the fire
element of lust and rage, I placed the candle representing the top of the triangle
facing south, one east and one west.
I had prepared a sigil of Asmodeus, which I had drawn on parchment paper in
dragon’s blood ink. Dragon’s blood is significant not just for the color but for the
symbolism that Asmodeus is depicted as riding on the back of a dragon. I pierced

my right index finger with a lancet and squeezed, creating a nice big bubble of my
blood, which I traced over the sigil. I placed the charged sigil beneath the candle at
the top of the triangle. To the right of the candle I placed the mint leaves and to the
left, the glass of red wine.
I begin the ritual standing, getting into a deep trance like state of relaxation
through deep breathing and began to chant his enn:


It is important to use the correct vibrational tone when chanting an enn. I took
a deep breath in and released my intention to connect with Asmodeus in every
word, every syllable. Say the enn in a way that almost sounds like you are singing
in a low deep pitch. I focused particularly on the “Ah” sound, for each word. There
is a significance in the “Ah” sound. Not only does the “Ah” sound open the heart
chakra, it is a sound of moaning in sexual ecstasy and it can be a sound of extreme
rage or pain.
I continued to repeat the enn in a deep, low vibration, with each sound feeling
like I was calling to him like a lover. I knew that he was watching, listening and
waiting. I spoke to him as follows:

Asmodeus come. Come into my circle. Come into me.

I open myselftoyou in mind, body and spirit,
Knowing onlyyou can give me what I seek.
Whisper the secrets thatyou hold, the secrets oflust and rage.
Teach me about the power ofeach.
What is it tofully embrace lust and rage to our greatest good?
Tell me the darkest and the deepest secrets and know that
I will share them with all who are capable ofunderstanding.

Come into me, fill me and befilled by me.

Feel what Ifeel and let me know whatyou know.
Touch me. Take my blood and my pleasures ofthe flesh.
In this circle, I open myselftoyou, I thirstforyou,
Igive myselftoyou completely.
I saw Asmodeus not as a manifestation in the smoke of the incense or a physical
materialization. I saw and felt him in my mind’s eye, as clear as the memory of a
person’s face, but it was no memory. I saw him not as a three headed creature of
bull, ogre and ram, but as a young, tall dark-haired male figure, with olive skin and
green eyes, piercing through me, penetrating my body and soul.

His mouth turned upwards the tiniest bit, a hint of a fraction of a smile, and I
felt him draw closer.
It was time to begin. It was time to let go and give myself over to him com­


As I touched myself, I felt him. My skin but his movements, his warm energy con­
suming me like a fire, a pleasure so intense it is indescribable. Words cannot doit
justice, but I will come as close as I can to sharing every detail with you.
I put my left hand on his sigil and felt my connection grow stronger with every
moment that passed. I saw him on top of me, his green eyes piercing and hypnotiz­
ing. I saw his skin so clearly, the definition of muscles and veins in his arms as he
caressed me. I felt him inside me, thrusting deeper and deeper while keeping his
eyes locked onto me, his body locked into mine. I felt more beautiful and desired
than ever, I felt powerful and at the same time powerless. I was pinned down and
he was fully a part of me. It was a moment of complete vulnerability, but I felt safe
with him. I wanted more and more of his essence; at that moment I would have
killed for one more touch. As I climaxed, I felt a rush of warmth and ecstasy and 1
moaned his name.

I had become Goddess. I took my sexual essence and mixed it into the blood on
his sigil. Charged with the essences of lust and rage, sexual fluid and blood.
Breathing fast and feeling aftershocks of pleasure, I melted into a warm and de­
licious trance state and opened my mind to him. We stayed locked together in an
infernal union as he spoke to me. I will share with you the secrets that he shared
with me, in words and in visions.
If you have never seen a spirit fully manifested in a flesh-like form in front of
you during ritual, it does not mean you have failed. Everyone receives gnosis in a
way that is unique to them. You may see images in the smoke of your incense, or
in your mind’s eye. You may feel the lessons you are being taught; you may hear,
see or feel the words. In this ritual, I heard the words spoken to me and saw images
flashing through my mind like film clips, of scenes that no conscious mind could
create. They make no sense at all and yet they make perfect sense beyond the con­
scious mind or our ability to explain concepts in words.

I would recommend recording your ritual, so that you can speak aloud the
words and images that come through, as I did in this ritual. Another option is to
keep a notebook close by so that you can write down your gnosis immediately after
receiving it.
I closed the ritual by giving thanks to Asmodeus and asking that he leave if he
wished to or stayed with me longer, as he wished. Following ritual, you can blow
out your candles and send your intentions out into the universe through the smoke,
or you can leave them burning in a safe place until they burn out. I kept my ritual
candles burning so that I can continue to experience the energy of Asmodeus for
as long as possible.
I took my ritual offerings of mint and wine into nature and gave them back to
the earth. You can either burn or keep your sigil, depending on whether you wish
to conclude and complete your working, or continue to invoke the demon over a
period. This is a very personal choice, but I do find that the more I use and charge
a sigil, the more power it accumulates. -¥■

Chapter 2

HE following is the gnosis I received from Asmodeus. I will explore the

T key themes of this gnosis in the following chapters. These are the exact
words I received and recorded by speaking them aloud whilst in a deep
trance state.
The lust for pleasures of the flesh and for the blood of your enemies: That is
what you live and die for. It creates and it destroys you. It is what makes you animal,
wild, carnal, devouring, creating and destroying. It is the most powerful energy.
It is the start of you and the end of you.
It is the most delicious infernal temptation, the need to satisfy your lust is as
compelling as the need to feed your hunger and quench your thirst.
The orgasm itself is a gateway, a way to channel and communicate with the
Gods, a way to open yourselves up completely and give and receive energy.
Energy is the only real currency of value to all in existence. Of flesh and of spirit,
seen and unseen, divine and demonic, living or dead. Even when the body dies the
energy remains and cannot be destroyed, only exchanged and moved from one
place to another. The vibrational signature of the energy itself cannot be trans­
formed. Dead energy can only be moved on, to make space for living energy.
The human brain is designed so that lust and rage will control you unless you
learn to harness them. They are willing tools to be utilized by others, to take control
of you and influence your thoughts, decisions and actions.
The ultimate expression of lust is the unity of the flesh and fluids. It is a pro­
found gateway for energy exchange between people. It is not only what is seen that
is united, shared and released during intercourse, but also what is unseen, unheard,

I am the essence of fire and blood, rushing through your veins in excitement
and engulfing and draining the weak in defeat. Could there be any element more
polar to this essence than water? The purity washes away all that is raw and all that
is substance of power. It dilutes. It drowns out. It cools down. It is the opposite of
the heat and redness of blood and lust and menstruation and murder.
It is the opposite of red, of the lips of a woman writhing in ecstasy, of the blood
flowing to male and female genitalia during the act of intercourse. Red is power, it
is life and death.
The essence of lust and the essence of rage...they are the very essence of what
it is to be alive. To feel alive.
Beckon them and they will come to you. Underestimate them and they will
come for you. Once you have consumed them, they will do all in their power to
consume you. 4



RECEIVED gnosis from Asmodeus in a combination of words, images and

1 physical sensations. I also felt a “knowing”, a deep understanding of the

meaning behind the message.
Asmodeus told me that lust and rage are the things that create and destroy us.
We live and die for them. As I heard these words, I saw flashes of images, seemingly
chaotic like a frenzied slide show. I saw a red circle, no beginning and no end, rep­
resenting life and death, beginning with blood and ending with blood. I saw the
passion of lust and sex between a couple, naked and fucking in a bed with crisp
white sheets beneath them. I saw the sweat beads dripping from his brow and run­
ning down her breasts. I heard the screams of pleasure turned to screams of pain
from a woman in childbirth. A child being born, bloody and vulnerable, a creation
of lust. I saw the face of pain from a loyal woman betrayed by the father of her
children, driven by lust towards someone younger, more fertile, more beautiful. A
woman whose body had not been changed by pregnancy and childbirth, whose
breasts were pert and tummy firm.
I saw her face become contorted with rage, which she swallowed down and in­
ternalized, like a black, sticky tar like substance, allowing it to spread like cancer
and devour her from the inside out. I saw the face of a man driving himself mad
with jealousy and paranoia over betrayal. I witnessed him as he imagined his wife
or girlfriend with another man. Scenarios rushed through his mind of how this man
touched her, how she moaned, how they laughed at him behind his back. How she
would leave him for this man. I saw him stop her leaving. He stopped her by chok­
ing her until she stopped flailing and struggling. She was gone and suddenly, so
was his fury.

I saw the eyes of one who is aroused, with a chest heaving, a heart racing, and
pupils dilating at the sight of flesh and beauty.
I beheld jealousy and sexual rivalry between women. I felt it. Lust turned to
love, turned to hurt, turned to hate. The memories of skin on skin, of lips and
tongues and sweat and promises of forever. Warmth turned cold. Sexual fluids so
hungrily received now rotting in the womb of a woman scorned.
I observed rage and I felt it. I heard the screams and saw a knife penetrating the
heart of the unfaithful. I felt the fire of it. I tasted the bitterness. I witnessed the
absolute power of it and its capacity for engulfing and destroying its victim. Power
and pain so strong that in the moment, everything else in existence falls away, ex­
cept for vengeance. Except for blood.
The images were indeed chaotic. There was no clear sequence to them. No log­
ical structure to what I was seeing. They were moving pictures tangled like a bed
of snakes. Lust and hate in all their many manifestations.
The Demonic speak to us through science. They speak through the arts. They
speak through technology. They speak through everything in existence. There is
nothing they cannot teach us. Nothing escapes them.
I wanted to explore lust and rage through every lens possible. To make sense of
the words and the images I had seen, on the absolute deepest possible level.
I considered the neuroscience of these emotions. After all, one could argue that
lust and rage are simply emotions. Feelings that can be chosen, started and
stopped, rationalized and explained. Controlled. Or not.


Chapter 4

The human brain is designed so that lust and rage will control you unless
you learn to harness them. They are willing tools to be utilized by others,
to take control of you and influence your thoughts, decisions and ac­
HERE is an infernal union between lust and rage. Love and hate. A fine

T line between a lover pursuing his object of lust and a killer hunting his
object of scorn. This duality is at the heart of stories told since the begin­
ning of time, depicted in the lyrics of a billion songs and experienced firsthand by
many and sought by most at some point in their lives.
Anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher has spent over 30 years researching the sub­
ject of love. She breaks love down into three elements: Lust, attraction and
attachment. Each element contains its own signature combination of hormones.
Fisher teaches us that it is the prefrontal cortex section of the brain that allows
us to control our emotions if we choose to. The incredible thing here is that free­
dom of choice can override the biological programming designed to engineer
reproduction and the endurance of our species.
Fisher also explores the volatile nature of people, where love and lust can lead
to betrayal and then turn to violence.
Certainly, such love can be a joyous state, but it is also capable of producing
deeply disturbing, even dangerous results.
—Helen Fisher, Brains Do It: Lust, Attraction (¿Attachment, 2000

Fisher goes on to write that at least 25 percent of homicides in the United States
involve spouses and sexual partners or rivals. Each year approximately one million
women in the USA are stalked by men they have rejected sexually or romantically,
and some 370,000 men are stalked by women that they have been sexually or ro­
mantically involved with.
So, what happens in the brain when we feel lust and rage? The amygdala is the
part of the brain responsible for the emotions themselves. Electrical signals in the
brain’s frontal lobe grow stronger as we learn to control impulses. In other words,
the more we practice self-control, the more in control we become.
When the brain experiences lust, it signals a craving for sexual gratification and
is associated with hormones (estrogens and androgens). It motivates us to mate,
and to procreate. To survive and thrive as a species.
When the brain experiences rage, as a result of jealousy or rejection, the conse­
quences can be fatal.
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman
—William Congreve, The mourned bride, 1697
It is not just women who are susceptible to “seeing red.” The pain of betrayal
and rejection by a lover can cause men and women to lose control and lash out
aggressively. It is this very rage that can be harnessed in magick with powerful re­
sults as I will describe in chapter eleven. ■¥■


UST and rage. Sometimes I feel like my life has been defined by them. I

L doubt this makes me unique. I have said before that we do not need to call
upon the Gatekeepers, for they are already with us. As I look back over the
experiences in this life, that have been shaped by love and hate, lust and anger, I
realize that I have been a lifelong student of Asmodeus, since before I even knew
his name.
I was brought up Catholic. I never saw my parents argue, but I never saw them
kiss or hold hands either. My parents never talked about sex. When that awkward
moment occurred and a sex scene came on screen during family television time,
the channel was promptly changed. I remember the religious education classed I
attended at Catholic school. One teacher was a man in his forties, with gray hair. I
distinctly recall him teaching my classmates and I, that contraception was a sin and
should be avoided and that sex should only take place between a married couple
and they should only use the method of planning sex around ovulation if they
wanted to limit the size of their family. I remember thinking how irresponsible it
was that he was teaching teenagers that they would go to hell if they used contra­
ception. Instead, many of them may have gone through the living hell of the
consequences of not using any.
The other teacher we had for religious education was a nun. She did not dress
in a traditional habit but had short graying hair, not a scrap of makeup on her care­
worn face and wore comfortable clothing in dull colored fabrics. She seemed a kind
woman but had a kind of sadness in her eyes, as though she had given up or lost
something irreplaceable. I cannot recall her name. In one lesson we talked about
rape. I think the subject of the lesson was about the “sin” of terminating a

pregnancy. One student argued that surely God would have mercy if the pregnancy
was the result of a rape. The nun told us that if a victim really and truly did not
want the rape to happen, her body was designed by God to reject the sperm and
she would not get pregnant. I do not recall any other lessons from her, but I re­
member that one like it happened yesterday. I have often wondered if this led to
anyone in that class believing that pregnancy resulting from rape meant that the
girl must have wanted it, or at least did not fight hard enough against her sexual
I grew up being taught that sex was bad. Lust was bad. Girls who wore short
skirts and low necklines were “asking for it. ” They were sluts. My mother referred
to sex for a woman as “being used. ” She made it sound like women were condoms.
Used for sex and thrown away, dirty, soiled.
As my mind started to catch up with my maturing body, I started to feel resent­
ful of my parents’ restrictions on me. I wanted boys to notice me. I wanted to be
wanted. I wanted to be kissed and touched. I wanted to feel. I started to wear black
eyeliner and dark lipstick. I wore fishnet and black lace, black velvet, black every­
thing. I also started suffering with severe panic attacks. My parents decided I must
be on drugs. When that was disproven, they considered that perhaps I was insane.
They took me to a psychiatrist to find out what was wrong with me. That, in their
minds, was the only rational explanation for a teenager being, what in my mind was,
a teenager. Disobeying, disrespecting boundaries and authority. Cutting myself
and running away from home, which my mother mocked and shamed me for, as
attention seeking behavior.
When I was 13 years old, I was on summer vacation in the Scottish Highlands
with my family. There was nothing and no one around for miles. I was bored and I
was lonely. There was another girl around my age who was also on vacation nearby
with her parents, who were family friends. She and I hung out and one day decided
to get some alcohol to drink together. Our parents found out of course. Her par­
ents were angry about it, but probably let it go after a few choice words. My
parent’s reaction was not quite as conventional. They made an emergency ap­
pointment for me to see the local doctor. I had mirrored sunglasses on which
offered my tears some concealment. We sat in his office and they told him that
they were at their wit’s end with my behavior. They described how I had been
drinking and how back home I was speaking to older boys. The doctor seemed part
bemused, and part enthralled as he quizzed me on whether I was sexually active. I
felt so humiliated. I felt ashamed. I felt dirty.

I only rebelled more after this. The more my mother told I was a slut, despite
me being a shy 13-year-old, the more I felt I may as well act like one. She convinced
me that I was sinful. I was dirty. So, I sinned. I drank and smoked and flirted with
men. I had the body of a woman, but I was still a child. I got into situations that
would leave me with post-traumatic stress and a warped view of men for the rest
of my life. My mother asked me one day, when we were walking through the local
park, if a “bad man had ever got me.” I said yes. She kept her gaze firmly down­
wards and stayed silent for a moment, before telling me never to speak of this again.
It was too upsetting for her. So, I did not, for years, and never again to her. Most
sexual experiences I had outside of relationships made me feel horrible afterwards.
I felt used, I felt unloved. I felt unlovable. It was the very definition of madness, I
kept doing the same things over and over, and expecting a different result. Until
one day it was different. I was twenty years old and had gone on a date with a guy I
had just met and back to his house afterwards. The next day, in place of the usual
scenario of mutual regret and awkwardness, he was kind. He wanted to spend time
together, and not just in bed. I could not believe how quickly and how deeply he
seemed to love me. I think I was so desperate to be loved that I stayed with him just
because he did not leave me. I was diving out of the frying pan straight into the fire.
He was Muslim.
The behavior that I first considered as attentiveness and protectiveness, were
clearly jealousy and control. He wanted to know where I was always and wanted to
come along everywhere, I went. He told me my skirts were too short, my necklines
too low. One day when we were dating, I went to touch myself and he grabbed my
wrist and shouted in my face “You don’t do that! It is haram! ” sinful. We got mar­
ried when I was 22.1 spent my twenties doing exactly what he said or suffering the
consequences of his explosive temper. When I met him, I was at my final year of
university, obtaining my undergraduate degree in Social Anthropology. I wanted
to go on to study for my PhD. I was full of life, I wore short skirts, I went out with
friends, I felt like anything was possible. That changed after I met him. I was emo­
tionally beaten down so far that it felt impossible to leave. I had forgotten what my
style was, what kind of music I liked, I was repressed sexually and in every other
way. It was only when I had my daughter that I gained the strength of leave. I knew
the environment was toxic and I loved her more than I feared him.
I was in my thirties, single for the first time and dating over the next few years
was a dark experience, as I relived my first sexual experiences in a kind of cyclical
nature, looking for love, finding only sex. It was at this time that I slowly started to

reconnect with my own sexuality, my own tastes, likes and dislikes. I slept with a
woman for the first time, after years of regretting never having that experience and
thinking I never would. She was a few years younger than me, with olive skin, long
wavy dark hair and tattoos. She was beautiful, curvy and sexy. Her skin was so soft,
and her hair smelled like coconut. We were shy at first, both waiting for the other
to make the first move, I forget now which one of us finally did. I remember the
strange sensation of making a woman cum, she tasted sweet. She let herself go so
completely. She wanted to hold each other all night but I had to leave We never
spoke again.
I grew tired of trying to dress up lust to resemble love. They were not the same,
and one was little use without the other. I stopped dating altogether for two to three
years, before having a short-lived relationship and then meeting a guy who seemed
to embody everything I had never experienced in my twenties. I thought he looked
like a bad boy. He had tattoos and worked out. He was rebellious, answering to no
one and telling me tales of the crimes he had gotten away with. I was not sure how
much was fantasy and bravado, but I wanted to hear more. I wanted to party like
he partied, have fun, laugh, have passionate sex. I was completely hooked. I
thought I was in love, but looking back, I did not love him, I loved the feeling of
being alive, living vicariously through him. There was one problem. I had a child
so I could not just go along with him to a three-day drug-fueled parties. I did not
take drugs and he had a serious cocaine addiction. I only found that out later. When
he realized that I could not follow him like a puppy, he decided it best to find some­
one who could. Someone who did not have any children, any responsibilities and
any standards.
I was devastated to suddenly find myself back on my own. Looking back, 1 see
that he had literally no good qualities other than being attractive physically and
even that faded. He was a liar, he was a cheat, he was an addict and he leeched off
me like a parasite in every way. Yet I was completely blinded. I wanted him back.
For the first time in years, I decided to perform love magick. I performed an obses­
sion spell on him and put all my energy into drawing him to me. Sure enough, he
started messaging me. He seemed confused about his choice to end things. It was
as if he was trying to convince himself that he had made the right decision, yet he
was not convinced. He became jealous and angry if he saw one of my posts on social
media being liked by other men. He would get enraged and block me, then unblock
me and apologize. He would find an excuse to show up at my house. I could not
believe how effective the spell had been, and soon enough we were together again.

I ignored the red flags that were all around me. The fact that he always took his
phone out of the room with him, or placed it face down. The lies, the excuses, the
disappearing acts for hours. He had an answer for everything. I wanted so badly to
believe his lies because it was easier than hurting. All that happened was that the
hurt continued to accumulate, and it could only be held off for so long.
One day, I was at work and I got a text message from him. Except it was not
him. It was his girlfriend pretending to be him, to find out if he was cheating on her
with me. I did not want to believe it. She sent me a photo of him sleeping in her
bed, naked next to her as proof that she was telling me the truth. This was the first
time I knew anything about her and the first time she knew he was still seeing me.
When she and I both knew the truth, she said she had to confront him. I went into
a work meeting, my head reeling, feeling like I had been punched in the stomach.
Feeling sick and in shock. I held it together just long enough to go through the mo­
tions of the meeting like I was on autopilot. An hour later, as I was leaving work,
she messaged me again. She had confronted him, and he had exploded in a fit of
rage. He had thrown her, naked, against the wall and punched her in the face. He
had put his fist through her bedroom wall, grabbed his clothes and stormed out.
And just like that, the feelings that I had for him turned from ones of lust and
affection, into the darkest hate I could possibly feel. Just like that I hated him, really
and truly hated him. I hated what he had done, to me, to her. I hated myself for not
seeing what type of man he was, for wasting so much time and energy on him. Just
like that, I wanted him dead. I willed him dead. I would curse him to suffer a slow
and painful decline leading to death. I will describe the curse I performed, in chap­
ter eleven.

Chapter 6

Energy is the only real currency of value to all in existence. Of flesh and
of spirit, seen and unseen, divine and demonic, living or dead. Even
when the body dies the energy remains and cannot be destroyed, only
exchanged and moved from one place to another. The vibrational signa­
ture of the energy itself cannot be transformed. Dead energy can only be
moved on, to make space for living energy.
S Asmodeus spoke these words to me, erotic images flashed through my

A mind of a sexual union. I saw the image of a man making love to a woman,
kissing her hard on the lips, and as he did, he breathed into her the darkest
black substance. It was like a putrid tar escaping his lips and pouring into hers. I
saw lower demons, parasites, detach from his body and attach onto hers. Sinking
into her. Penetrating her as he did.
In an age of online dating and sex sites and apps. Finding a sexual partner is as
easy for most as buying a pint of milk. Most are aware of the risks of sex with
strangers. The risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The
absolute vulnerability that women, and men place themselves in every day. Locking
themselves into a confined space with a stranger, who could quite easily have blood
lust on his or her mind. Even if it is not premeditated, there is always a risk that
things could go wrong, and they do, every day. Violence, rape, abduction and mur­

What most do not consider, is another type of risk entirely. The risk of sharing
something even more intimate than physical space and sexual fluids. It is the risk
of psychic vampirism and negative entity attachment. Think of it as a sexually
transmitted infection, but one that attacks your soul and then your body. One that
is silent and insidious. One that hides behind the shadows and manifests by eroding
every part of the host’s existence. This kind of infection can be passed on con­
sciously or unconsciously by the original host.
Everyone has their own energy signature and it is set at a specific vibrational
frequency, which deviates depending on several factors. The etheric field, encasing
the aura, is like a sponge that can absorb energies around it, and the aura like a coat
of armor, to protect our body and soul from anything detrimental to us. A person’s
vibrational energy level can be affected by several factors including physical health,
diet, medication, drugs and alcohol and the company they keep.
I experienced exactly this kind of spiritual infection while I was dating the ex­
boyfriend I described in the last chapter. When I met him, I was in the best shape
of my life. I was training to compete as a Bikini athlete. I trained hard at the gym at
least five days a week. I ate clean. I never drank alcohol or did drugs, I did not
smoke. I was happy, well to an extent. I was still missing the one thing that most of
us feel the emptiness of when we do not have it in our lives: love. When I met this
man, I was so taken by his physical appearance that I disregarded the ugliness inside
him and the red flags that were constantly being waved right in my face.
My ex, who had been extremely fit, had stopped going to the gym. He ate junk
food. He smoked. He binged on drugs and alcohol and surrounded himself with
people who did the same. He was a liar and a criminal. He was violent, selfish and
cruel by nature. He was disloyal. He was spiritually rotting from the inside out. My
relationship with him drained me of my power and my health and led me to drink­
ing alcohol. I felt lethargic, depressed, my thoughts became dark. I stopped
exercising and eating healthily too. One could argue that I was simply adopting his
lifestyle because of the time we spent together, but I know it was much more than
His toxic energy had spread to me like mold from one piece of fruit to another.
My vibrational energy had been pulled down. The negative entities that fed off him,
found me a much more appealing prospect, with less contaminants and a higher
vibrational energy to consume. They detached from him and infested me. The
longer I stayed in this state the worse I felt and the worse I felt the weaker I became.
The weak are easy prey for spiritual parasites. My confidence was eroded, and I

was insecure. When I found out about his cheating, I became disproportionately
resentful. I was obsessed with getting vengeance. I was consumed by rage and bit­
terness. I could think of nothing else.
It was during a consultation with a much trusted and very experienced witch,
that I discovered the extent of the parasitic attack. She saw the dark entities sur­
rounding me. I saw fear in her eyes as she clutched an obsidian rock. I had
previously had an energy cleanse from a shamanic healer in her coven. She told me
that she was so concerned for me, she would have to refer me to someone outside
her coven. A psychic surgeon, who specializes in negative entity removal.
I was somewhat skeptical but contacted the surgeon for a remote session. Fol­
lowing this session, I felt like a different person. I felt lighter, clearer, cleaner. I had
energy suddenly and I was no longer depressed. He sent me a full report detailing
that he had removed three parasites from my etheric field. Two earth bound spirits
and one other dark entity. He sent me some literature on maintaining psychic pro­
tection. It discussed the effects that negative entities can have on an individual,
including influencing their sexual behavior. It is a cycle. The entity encourages sex­
ual promiscuity so that it may feed off the energy of the host and her sexual
partners. The entities move from one host to another, seeking a higher vibration
and purer energy source. It is pretty much a sexually transmitted disease that no
mundane doctor can diagnose or treat. It is invisible and insidious.
Psychic vampirism through sex can also be a conscious act. For the individual
who is adept in the dark arts, he or she will have learned how to syphon energy
from others, either as an intentional attack to cause detriment to the other person,
or simply for personal gain. Similarly, it can be used as a way of connecting with an
entity, literally drawing its energy into you. Unlike drawing energy from another
person, this is to no detriment of the spirit. I will talk more about drawing energy
during orgasm in a later chapter.
There are ways to protect yourself from being the victim of sexual vampirism
or negative entity attachment, just as there are ways to combat this if you have al­
ready fallen victim.
The best way to avoid falling victim is to address any underlying emotional
weaknesses that you have. Let me be clear that a longing to love and be loved is not
a weakness but using meaningless sex as a substitute for feeling loved can be ex­
tremely harmful. Furthermore, thinking that you can make a person love you by
getting close to them physically is a dangerous game. The feelings of emptiness
that you hope to lessen through sex and relationships will only seem to worsen with

every wrong decision, every wrong partner. A person with low self-worth, low self
esteem or dependency issues will be easy prey and attract psychic sexual parasites.
If you are in this mindset, take a step back from sexual relationships until you feel
more emotionally resilient. It seems a cliché to talk about loving yourself before
you can genuinely love and be loved, but there is a lot of truth in this.
So, the next time you are tempted to perform love magick on that guy who does
not call for weeks after you have been intimate, or that girl who never returns your
messages, focus on yourself instead. Perform a spell or hire a mage to perform a
ritual to help you fall in love with yourself. Focus on the things that you like about
yourself. Treat your body and soul with kindness. Talk to yourself the way you
would talk to your best friend. You would not turn to your friend and say “Nobody
is going to want you until you are thinner/ have bigger breasts / more muscles /
more money/ a better car” etc. Believe you are worthy of attracting a soulmate
who can help you raise and sustain your vibrational level, not drag it downwards.
Someone who can nurture you and be nurtured by you, not feed off you. Someone
who loves you equally. Practice good spiritual hygiene, and raise your energetic
vibration regularly, as I will discuss in the next chapter.
Once you are feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually strong and bal­
anced, you will be better prepared to actively look for love, if that is what you want.
Equally, you may simply wish to meet a person or persons with whom you can have
a physically satisfying relationship without the risk of spiritual contamination. Ei­
ther way, it is important to choose wisely when selecting a sexual partner. To do
this you will need to learn to practice control over your own feelings of lust, until
you are sure that the person you are planning to have sex with, is on at least as high
a vibrational energy level as you are.
Listen to your body and pay attention to the signs around you during waking
hours and in your dreams. If you constantly feel anxious for no apparent reason
after being in someone’s company, then know that this is a warning. If you happen
to notice that you’re constantly coming across signs such as articles about a cheat­
ing or violent spouse showing up in every magazine you glance at, or news article
you read, then know that these are red flags. See them. Pay attention to them. Pro­
ceed with caution.
Whether your relationship is romantic or strictly sexual, without trust you have
nothing. If you find yourself surrounded by reasons not to trust a person, regardless
of how much you want to believe the good in them, do not allow them to enter your
space, let alone your body. ■¥■

Chapter 7

LEARNED a great deal from my own experience with negative entity attach­

I ment. I went on to study the phenomenon further, considering the links

between physical, mental and spiritual health. Spiritual health reflects phys­
ical health. As above, so below, as within so without. Just like dealing with physical
illness or infection, prevention is always preferable to cure.


Your home is an extension of your physical self. Regularly spiritually cleanse your
living space, of any negative attachments or energy that you have already fallen
victim to. Negative psychic debris builds up like any other dust or grime. Let in as
much daylight and fresh air as possible. Declutter and create more space for energy
to flow. Clean hard floors with Florida water. Put sea salt, or black salt in the comer
of each room and especially at the entrances and windows. Smudge your home with
sage, paying attention to any dark corners of the house. Play high frequency vibra­
tional music or chime a singing bowl. The high vibrational frequency literally acts
like a breeze blowing through your home and removing negative energy. You can
also play rodent repellent sounds, which are so high they are inaudible to the hu­
man ear, but they are effective. It may also be worth learning about the Chinese art
of Feng Shui which will guide you in the placement of furniture and the use of col­
ors to maximize the flow of positive energy.

Build up good physical health. Exercise regularly, outdoors in daylight and fresh
air where possible or sit and meditate in the sunlight, in a quiet grassy place. Placing
your bare feet on the grass will help to ground any negative energy. You can also
ground negative energy by laying your hands on the bark of a tree. Avoid alcohol or
recreational drugs, including nicotine. Drink plenty of water with lemon and eat a
healthy diet full of natural ingredients. Meditate and listen to high vibrational fre­
quency music. Another way to raise your vibration is to avoid negative or draining
people. Watching comedy or anything that makes you laugh will also help. Practice
this for as long as it takes to feel your vibration rise and maintain it as a regular
discipline of self-care. ■¥■

Chapter 8

The essence of lust and the essence of rage...they are the very essence
of what it is to be alive. To feel alive. Beckon them and they will come
to you. Underestimate them and they will come for you. Once you have
consumed them, they will do all in their power to consume you.
SMODEUS is thought to incite gambling and to oversee all the gambling

A houses in the court of hell. There is a direct link between gambling and
the influence for those in an environment such as a casino, to take greater
risks in other areas of their lives. The weak willed are easy prey. They are lured in
by the prospect of more. They often, leave with nothing.
Dr Mike Robinson of Wesleyan University describes how gambling increases
levels of the reward hormone dopamine. This is the same hormone that is released
during pleasurable activities such as sex and taking drugs. The release is strongest
in the moments leading up to a reward. It influences us to take risks and can even
produce lasting changes in the brain after repeated exposure.
Lust goes beyond the desire for sexual gratification. It manifests in addictive
behaviors and addictive substances Asmodeus described the availability of human
rewards and the grip that addiction can have on a person when he told me, “Un­
derestimate them and they will come for you. ”
It is easy to underestimate the power that addiction can have on a person when
it presents itself in the guise of things as readily available as gambling, drugs, alco­
hol and sex.

Negative entities are unseen parasites, but they are as real as any other creature.
They can act like a virus, taking residence in a host and growing in strength, to the
host’s detriment. These entities may wish to experience the pleasurable act
through the host or may simply be encouraging behavior that lessens one’s sover­
eignty by lowering their vibration, making them easier to control and devour.
Asmodeus’s warning is that we must approach addictive activities and sub­
stances with caution in the first place. We should at least have a healthy respect for
the power they possess, as one would when handling a firearm. It is not the object
itself that is the killer, it is the person deciding to pull the trigger. It is crucial to
achieve and sustain good physical, mental and spiritual health. Think of it as build­
ing up a strong spiritual immune system. This will promote a strong control over
one’s impulses once engaged in any addictive activity.
Addictive substances can indeed, once consumed, consume you. They hijack
the frontal cortex, or impulse control part of the brain and cause a person to give in
to the desire for pleasure at any cost. To be in control of one ’ s higher self, one must
be in control of his or her entire self.
Alcohol is a particularly dangerous substance for lowering vibration. It is widely
consumed because it is widely available and legal. The word “alcohol” is derived
from the Arabic “al-kuhl, ” which literally means “body eating spirit.” In alchemy,
alcohol is used to extract the essence of an entity. For example, extracting an es­
sence for an essential oil. It affects us in exactly the same way. It extracts the
essence of us—our true personality, our thoughts, our mind, our behavior, our
soul. The body is left like an empty vessel, available to be filled by any entity that
seeks a host. They want to feel again, to feel the most extreme emotions, from
reaching the highest point of ecstasy to releasing the darkest most explosive rage.
This is the reason that the drunken girl at the bar will stagger into the car of a
stranger. It is why the usually even-tempered man will assault his wife or attack a
stranger. It is why the individual behaves out of character. They are not them­
selves. They come back to themselves only when the alcohol wears off. They wake
up with a sick body and a foggy mind. With memory gaps from the night before and
often following a complete blackout.
Although I have never taken recreational drugs, I have abused alcohol and it has
abused me right back. I have gone through periods of using alcohol as an emotional
sedative. At first it made me feel happy, confident and funny. I was full of excite­
ment and love. I felt like I had superpowers. This was like the honeymoon period
that goes along with an addiction. After a while, my laughter had turned to sobbing,

my happiness to depression and my energy and enthusiasm to fatigue and indiffer­

ence. My most recent experience of this was not long ago at all. I underestimated
the grip it would have on me and the damage it could do. As I consumed alcohol,
the best of me was being consumed by it. Every day I told myself I would stop the
next day. It is when any vice starts to control us that we need to act. It took for me
to wake up one day with excruciating pain and vomiting after an alcohol binge, to
stop drinking. I felt like I was dying. I had scared myself sober. I have not touched
a drop since.
The problem is that we can find we conquer one addiction, just to replace it
with another. I have been addicted to sex, to alcohol, to food, to shopping, to exer­
cise, all to escape myself. To escape my pain. Right now, I am facing it for the first
Sex addiction is another way that low vibrational or malicious entities can take
over a person’s body, to feed off their energy. Before I go any further, I want to
make it truly clear that I am in no way preaching about monogamy or stigmatizing
sex addiction. I wish simply to share a perspective given to me by Asmodeus, to
allow us to make an informed choice. Question everything, your thoughts, your
feelings and your desires, and be sure that they are your own.
It is when the sex addict begins to lose control and act to his or her own detri­
ment, that they are being devoured by the very essence of their infatuation. The
sex addict is draining the energy of every sexual partner they have, not knowingly,
or to their own benefit. The energy they draw out of others feeds the negative at­
tachments within them.
As the individual puts themselves in danger, perhaps loses their spouse and
their home, they will find that their spiritual vibration gets lower and lower, and
their energy darker and darker. Yet all they can think about is the pleasure of that
“fix.” The excitement and the passion, the risky behavior which, like gambling,
releases feel good chemicals in the brain.
The good news is that we are sovereign beings and we have choices. Becoming
aware of situations in which you are craving anything that does not serve your
greatest good is the first step. The next is that you need to consider whether the
thoughts and impulses are coming from you or are being planted in your mind. If
they come out of nowhere at random times and interfere with your ability to func­
tion in your daily life, they are likely to be coming from a negative entity. In the
previous chapter I gave some recommendations for how to raise your spiritual vi­
bration and become more psychically resilient. -¥■

Chapter 9

HE power of lust and its ultimate release can be harnessed for use in ritual

T magick and in everyday life. A woman who is confident in herself and em­
bodies the Goddess, can use her feminine allure to her advantage. One of
the first books I read on my Occult journey was The Satanic Witch by Anton La Vey.
It is a guide for witches to using manipulation and sex magick to bend others to
their will. To dominate and control them with their own lust. In an age of gender
and sexual fluidity some of the teachings in this book are redundant as it is very
much written for women to be used on men. The overriding message within the
book is, however, timeless. If we learn who to harness our sexual power and control
a person through their own lust, we can have great success in doing so by incorpo­
rating the orgasm into spell work. This can be done in lower magick, by using the
power as a source of connection to the target of the spell and it can be used as a way
of connecting with Demons.
One of the most effective ways of connecting to Lucifer in ritual, in my experi­
ence, is by seeing and feeling his intense light pouring into my sacral and heart
chakras at the moment of climax. During orgasm we experience an altered state,
and that state can be very conducive to giving and receiving energy. It is a state of
absolute euphoria, pleasure, and release of everything and anything that binds us.
The French call the orgasm “La petite mort,” the literal translation of which is
“the little death.” The meaning has been broadened to also refer to a brief loss or
weakening of consciousness. This is no coincidence. It is literally a moment in

which we pierce the veil between worlds and transcend the conscious mind and
Asmodeus can be invoked to help with love magick. A great many love or ob­
session spells focus on a specific individual, the object of the mage’s or client’s
desire. These can be amazingly effective, in increasing lust and attention from the
target, but it cannot change a person’s character. As with the true-life example I
shared, a woman who casts a love or obsession spell on a man who has ended their
relationship, may find he gets in contact again. He may start to text, call or show
up at her door. He may express jealousy over the prospect of her speaking to other
men or meeting someone else. She may think she has successfully fixed the broken
relationship, particularly if they have sex. What she may also find, is that this is a
temporary solution. Soon enough, he will revert to type and if he is unfaithful, he
will continue to be unfaithful. If he is abusive, he will continue to be abusive. Sooner
or later she will realize that the protective spirits around her, had removed him
from her life with good reason. For this reason, the ritual I will describe is not di­
rected at a specific target. Rather, it is an invocation of Asmodeus, for the purpose
of increasing one ’ s own sexual magnetism, so that they will attract the right person
to them. A person who is on the right vibrational frequency and will walk with you
up the steps of ascent.
If this happens to be the individual you are lusting after, so be it. If not, you will
soon realize that someone better was destined for you and they will show up at just
the right time.
The previous relationship I described was not the first and would not be the last
to end in disaster. I was focusing all my energy into making the wrong men, right
for me. It was Lucifer who helped me find the first and only love in my life that has
been equal. A relationship will only work if both parties love each other equally. I
performed a ritual in which I offered burnt roses and blood. I used orgasm as a
gateway to allow me to be filled with his light. I asked, that if I had a soulmate,
Lucifer would bring us together. Within the year I had met the man I plan to spend
the rest of my life with. The more he treated me like a goddess, the more goddess
I became. I look back now on the way I allowed others to mistreat me and I barely
recognize myself. Yet I see this in others, everywhere. People lusting after people
who are lusting after someone else. A friend of mine, who lived with her boyfriend
and their young son, was constantly practicing Hoodoo spells on him to make him
stay with her, and commit. She would use the semen from his discarded condoms
and her menses. He stayed with her, but his lack of commitment remained the

same. This was evident from their differing relationship statuses on social media,
with hers stating “In a relationship with (name)” and his stating “single.” Soon
enough he met someone else and moved in with his new girlfriend. As I urged my
friend to consider her options, she continued to spend time and resources on even
more love magick to get him back. While it is certainly not my intention to judge
her choices, I could not help but wonder if, during all the time spent chasing this
guy, someone more loyal could be passing through her life unnoticed. +

Chapter 10


♦ A Universal Circle
* A lancet or tool to draw blood
* A hand drawn sigil of Asmodeus, preferably on parchment paper
* An additional piece of paper and pen or pencil. Ideally, use dove’s blood ink or
use a red pen
* Two red figurine candles. One to represent you and one candle to represent
your soulmate
* An incense holder and rose incense
* Four pieces of rose quartz
* Fresh mint leaves
The setup for the ritual is like the one I used to invoke Asmodeus to request gnosis.
This spell is best done on a Friday, at night, during a new moon. Friday is the day
of Venus, Goddess of love. A new moon symbolizes new beginnings. Love magick
is best done when the subject is most likely to be asleep.
Prepare your ritual space and your body, as described in chapter one. You can
perform this ritual in a ceremonial robe or naked, as preferred. Prepare yourself so
that you feel confident, for example by styling your hair, wearing perfume and
makeup, painting your nails, or removing body hair.


Lay down your Universal Circle. Face south, the direction of fire and love. On the
candle that represents you, write or etch your name into the wax. On the other,
write or etch “Soulmate.” Place the candles in front of you, light them and light
the rose incense. Place your rose quartz pieces at the south, west, north and east
points of your Universal Circle. Place them clockwise, in this order.
On your parchment paper, draw the sigil of Asmodeus in dragon’s blood ink, or
red pen. Charge the sigil with your blood and place it in front of the candle figures
before you. To the right of your candle, place your mint leaves.
On your second piece of paper, write down all the qualities you would like your
ideal partner to possess. For example, “Beautiful, intelligent, supportive, kind,
funny” etc. Write this in dove’s blood ink or red pen. On the other side of the
paper, write down the qualities that you want the other person to see in you. For
example, “My smile, my sense of humor, my loyalty, my beauty, my kindness.”
Hold the piece of paper in your left hand.
Sitting comfortably, take three deep breaths, in through the nose and out
through the mouth. You are going to countdown from 10. On the count of each
number, visualize walking down some steps that lead to a beautiful garden, which
sits behind a red door. This is where your soulmate will be waiting. At one, you will
stop just before the entrance to this garden.
Begin chanting Asmodeus’ enn:


As described in chapter one, take a deep breath and release your intention to
connect with Asmodeus in every word, every syllable. Say the enn in a way that
almost sounds like you are singing in a low deep pitch. Focus particularly on the
“Ah” sound, for each word.
Repeat the enn as many times as you need to, until you feel Asmodeus presence.
Ask him:
Art thou Asmodeus?
He will answer truthfully.
At this point, thank him for his presence and tell him what you are seeking.

KingAsmoday^ I ask thatyou remove any obstacles in my way

And clear the path between my soulmate and me.
Let the universe conspire to bring us together and bless our union.
Now visualize your soulmate as described on the piece of paper, still holding it
in your left hand. Visualize opening the door to the garden and stepping onto the
grass. You see your soulmate waiting and you meet each other’s gaze. You feel the
absolute lust and love between you. It is equal and it is undying.
Begin to masturbate to the image of you and your love together in the garden.
Let your mind take you wherever you wish to go, creating your own erotic scenario
taking place between you and your soulmate.
As you feel the pleasure increase, see and feel your connection between you and
your love, as a golden light from you to them and from them to you. It flows be­
tween you and wraps itself around you both. At the point you are reaching climax,
visualize looking into your partner’s eyes as you are both about to climax together
in unison. See the golden light flowing between your navel and heart chakras. Open
yourself to him or her completely and say:
Come to me.
Repeating this over and over as you feel the aftershocks of pleasure. Add your
sexual fluid to the blood on the sigil.
At this point, take the piece of paper with your descriptions and fold it in four,
always folding towards you. Hold it against your heart and say:
It is done.
Allow the candles to burn out fully if possible.
Close the ritual by giving thanks to Asmodeus and tell him that he may now
leave if he wishes. You can give your ritual offering of mint back unto the earth.
You can either burn or keep your sigil. If burning it, blow the ashes towards the
south. If keeping it, place it with your folded paper.
At this point, the best thing you can do is try to put the spell out of your mind.
Have faith in Asmodeus to carry out this working and simply get on with life as
normal. This is exactly when you are likely to see a result. Obsessing over or looking
for a result can create a blockage to you receiving it. As the expression goes, a
watched pot never boils. ■¥■


Chapter 11

HEN Asmodeus spoke of learning to control our rage, I envisioned

W rage as a fire. Contain and control it and it can be a useful and even
vital course of power. To create warmth, to cook food and to heat
water. To lose control of rage is akin to losing control of fire. It spreads rap
engulfing its source of fuel, destroying all in its path. It is deadly. The smoke alone
is fatally poisonous. I saw the black smoke of a destructive fire, tearing through a
building, causing rafters to crash down, sparking and spitting flames. I heard how
loud it was, crackling and roaring.
Whilst the fire itself symbolizes rage; the smoke is the destructive psychic en­
ergy that surrounds a person in this frame of mind. It destroys life in a more
insidious way, sometimes killing its victim in their sleep, so they have no chance of
Asmodeus taught me the importance of learning to control and harness our
rage. I have been in situations where it has overwhelmed me, to the point that I
have become destructive, broken objects, screamed and cried. I considered this
progress at least from the way that I had handled feelings of anger and injustice my
whole life until a few years ago. I would turn them inwards. I would keep the feel­
ings inside until they transmuted into depression, anxiety, and even physical
illness. It is as if I smothered the flames but contained the poisonous smoke inside
me. During the years of my marriage I was plagued by anxiety and depression. I

had terrible headaches that were debilitating. Every time I felt angry, I would swal­
low it, keep it down. I had soon learned that talking back did not end well for me.
After I found my power and left, the headaches stopped, and my anxiety and de­
pression faded.
Anger, like any other energy, cannot be destroyed. It can only be contained,
transferred, or transmuted. You must learn first to contain it for just the right
amount of time, before transmuting and transferring it. Rather than waiting until a
moment where something causes you to feel angry, practice daily meditation and
deep breathing exercises to increase your self-awareness and self-control. Then,
when your anger is triggered, you can decide how to transmute and transfer it.
There are two options here. Either you will transmute it to an energy that is not
harmful to you, or you harness its power of destruction as a weapon against the
source of the anger.


Sit in a comfortable position, in a cool quiet place and hold a piece of rose quartz
crystal in your right hand. Take a deep breath in for a count of four, hold for a
moment and breathe out for a count of seven. Repeat this and each time you
breathe out, imagine you are breathing a frosty blast of icy air onto a fire. With each
breath, the fire gets smaller and weaker, until it is completely put out. Now feel the
cool air begin to settle in the atmosphere around you, making you more and more
relaxed. First, relax the muscles in your face and head, then your neck. Feel the
cool relaxation flow into your shoulders and feel them drop just a little. Feel the
coolness move into your arms and hands, and into your fingertips. Feel it now move
down your torso, loosening any tight tummy muscles, down your buttocks and
thighs, into your calves and finally, into your feet and toes. -¥■

Chapter 12

AM going to share an adaptation of the baneful magick I used against the ex-

1 boyfriend I described in previous chapters. It is based on a Hoodoo “sour

jar” curse but I have incorporated a link to Asmodeus to transmute your own
rage into a baneful force of energy and send it back to the person or people who
have angered you. When the force hits them, they will not understand their feelings
to be anger, as nothing will have triggered it. Instead, they will suffer the conse­
quences of ingesting and containing this energy as the poisonous smoke like
substance I described earlier.

Baneful magick should be used only after taking a step back from the situation or
person that has angered you and assessing whether your response is proportionate
to the injustice you have encountered. In other words, it should be used in situa­
tions where a person has intentionally tried to harm you or your loved ones in some
way. It should not be used in a situation like a minor argument between friends, or
lovers, especially if you are likely to kiss and make up the next day. Some things,
once done, cannot be undone.
You may find, like I did, that before you were even consciously aware you were
being mistreated, your spirits were fully aware, and had started attacking the indi­
vidual responsible already. By the time I discovered my ex was unfaithful, I had
remarked that his life had really fallen apart. His drug addiction got out of control.

He lost his job. His phone broke. His car broke and he could not afford to get it
fixed. He went on to lose his job and end up in prison for another violent attack on
a female. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been so protected, that I
never saw the violence he was capable of, firsthand.
I took comfort in the knowledge that he was suffering, but it was not enough. I
knew that unless I performed baneful magick against him, that rage would continue
to swirl around inside me like a monster, getting stronger and harder to control. I
knew that I could expend all my hatred in this ritual. I utilized the fire of the rage
that he had started, to burn him down. After this ritual, I was able to move on. I
stopped even thinking about him. The last thing I heard about him was that he was
homeless. No one I know has seen any trace of him since.


As described in chapter nine, ensure you have properly cleansed yourself and your
ritual space in advance.
You will need:
¥ A Universal Circle
* Three black candles
¥ Dragon’s blood incense
* A glass of red wine
¥ A sigil of Asmodeus, drawn on parchment paper, in red dragon’s blood ink or
with a red pen
¥ A lancet or other tool to draw blood
¥ A photograph of your target
Write the target’s name on the back of the photograph, along with their date of
birth if you know it. If you do not have a photo you can draw a likeness or write
their name and date of birth if you have it.
¥ An empty jar
To put into the jar: Vinegar, lemon juice, black peppercorns, chili flakes, rusty
nails, shards of broken glass. You can also add anything else foul that you wish,
e.g. animal feces or dead insects. If you have a link to the target, such as an
object belonging to them, a strand of hair or a sample of their handwriting you
can use this too.

Face south with your lit candle and incense and other items in front of you. Form
a triangle with the candles by having the top point represented by the candle in
front of you, and the other candles in the opposite corners.
Begin the ritual by charging the sigil with your blood and chanting Asmodeus’
enn until you feel his presence with you. Allow yourself to get into a deep trance
Ask aloud or in your mind:
Art thou Asmodeus?
He will answer truthfully.
Tell him why you have sought his help. That you have been wronged by the
individual (name them) in this photograph before you. Ask Asmodeus to help you
to transmute your rage towards this person, into poisonous smoke, that will engulf
them. Ask that Asmodeus helps you to send it all, leaving you with calmness and
the ability to move on with your life.

Put your target’s photograph and sample of something belonging to them, in the
jar. Pour the vinegar in, imaging it stinging his eyes and making him choke. Add
the lemon, visualizing it turning his world sour. Add the black peppercorn and
spices, seeing the fire of conflict in his life, and all his future relationships. Add the
shards of glass to pierce him and the rusty nails, to symbolize the nails that he has
put in his own coffin by betraying you. Close the lid and make sure it is securely on.
Do not open it for any reason.

Now, grip the jar in both hands and focus on the very thing that the target has said
and done to enrage you. Relive it in your mind. Feel the injustice. Feel the venom
inside you. Think about how their actions have affected you. Channel all your hate
into the jar and see him drowning in this noxious potion. Shake the jar, creating a

whirlpool of destruction that will be sent his way. As you do, release your rage in a
scream if you can, or shout obscenities at the individual.

Take the black candle in front of you and drip the hot wax around the seal of the
jar lid. Drip some wax onto the lid top and stick the black candle to it, standing it
on top of the jar. Leave the candle burning until it is completely burned out, with
the black wax having run over the jar as it melted The contents should be kept in
darkness. You can wrap tin foil or black fabric around it.
Repeat steps three and four every night for thirteen nights. During the day, be­
tween rituals, store it in a dark place, where it will not be seen.

On the thirteenth night, after ritual, give a further blood offering to Asmodeus,
onto the same sigil. Give thanks to Asmodeus and feel yourself more peaceful now,
knowing that you have not allowed your rage to eat away at you.
Close the ritual and ask that Asmodeus goes, taking any residual energy of anger
remaining with him, and ushering it to your target.
The red wine should be given back to the earth and the candles extinguished.
After the thirteenth night, you can either store the jar in a safe dark place where it
will be completely out of sight, or you can dispose of it. When I carried out this
ritual, I threw the jar into fast running water so that the noxious contents would
forever be shaken and charged for me. Out of respect to Asmodeus, and knowing
his dislike of water, I would advise that you either keep the jar, bury it in a cemetery.
Alternatively, you can simply put it in the trash, knowing that symbolically you are
throwing the person out of your life like garbage.


If I had to summarize the lessons that I learned from working with Asmodeus, 1
would say this: Lust and rage are powerful forces, each emotion has its own spirit.
They are extremely powerful gifts that we have been given by the ancient Gods.
With the proper respect for their power and enough self-control, we can use them

to our benefit. To underestimate the power that they contain and the dangers they
bring is foolish.
Lust and rage are indeed like fire. They can be majestic, powerful and pleasur­
able to experience. They can also be deadly and destructive. The key is in
containment. The key is in transmutation. The key is in our ability to think before
we act. To make choices.
The energy of these emotions cannot be exterminated. It can only be shifted or
transformed. Doing nothing with them can be as destructive as allowing them full
Rage is the dark twin flame of lust. They dance alone, they dance together.
They are red. They are fire and they are blood. They are the essence of being alive.
They are the ultimate infernal union. +



Book 11


HIS work is dedicated to the eighth gatekeeper and the eight catalyst of

T ascent, it is dedicated to Asmodeus which I call the great liberator of man­

kind for he liberated me, and I am sure that many will be after me.
The title of this book is “Vivlion tun Asmodeus” which this mean “The Book
of Asmodeus” in a Greek pronouncing with Latin characters, the Greek Version
is: “BipAiov Touv Aopo8aiou” Keep in mind that the “Tun” part could be
spelled as “Tu” but I chose what I chose for the sake of the energy that the ancient
Greek language. Asmodeus is the spirit of love and sexual desires, he is also
Aeshma the diva of wrath which is the force of destruction like a formed flame in
the endless vast of nothingness, he is the bringer of end, he is the accelerator of the
great dissolution.
He also accelerates the third and final ring of ascend in the path of the gatekeep­
Asmodeus is a harsh yet a silent teacher, once I evoked him, he never left. On
my morning rituals he always guided to maximum performance, in so doing I ded­
icated this great work for it is my ascent within it to Asmodeus!
Ram Ham Satolas!

I call upon the great King ofthe Infernal Empire, Lucifer

I call upon the great red stream of infernal energy
Ofpassion, lust, love whose name is Asmodeus
The King ofSins
He who and his legionsfeeds ofsins and weakness
I call thee Asmodeus the one ofthe 9 Kings ofthe Infernal Empire and Lucifer
Hear me demon oflust and grand demon ofprotection
He who feedsfrom sins, hone and soul

I callyou to my temple great kingAsmodeus

¡call thou great king
Great king ofthe temple offlesh
I callyou Asmodeus to my temple, my inner, and myflesh
I callyou male sexualforce
He who taught spells
He who protects
He who hurts
He who lusts
I callyou great kingAsmodeus

Ram Ham Satolas ■¥■



Chapter 1

OST, destroyed and feeling like nobody was in my room, I knew that this

L was not just simple depression, stress or any anxieties.

But that was the shedding of my skin, this was the invitation call into my
anti-transmigration process. Once I realized that I could feel the sensation getting
escalated as these have been the sign or instigators of a path without comfort, of
work without comfort, and indeed it is one, this is not for everybody but for those
who are willing to lose everything.
This is true anti-migration. True anti-migration in its higher and deeper levels
is literally the change of the soul, the change of the whole self in its core within and
without. Losing the world from your sight, pulling your soul outside of your body
and traveling between the worlds, absorbing them, expanding yourself over them.
But if you are a true adversity, you will write your name and identity in them
after you expanded through them all, devouring them and rebirthing them, recreate
them under your name as your creation, this is true godhood, this is the true adver­
There feeling that I finally got up and made my ass to go meditate, I pushed my
mind into meditation with the help of some refreshing deep power filled breaths, I
finally put myself there.
I pushed myself in the face of all realms at once, then again one by one,
giving more focus and more effort into this work and path. Focusing upon this
world, this earth and yet the whole physical universe was exhausting to fully put
myself there, with breaths and power pushes, I had succeeded in converging the
world with me, like a true adversary but I did not feel like it was time to fully

recreate it. I said the magical name of myself, my god name after passing each
realm, I shouted silently, my own spiritual name, the name of my god self: Takka-
Feeling my power converging and rising forth, expanding through the physical,
feeling each aspect of myself, feeling all that I am in the world, expanding.
There I had pushed my soul outside of my body, focusing on the astral world
but not only in that as each of the worlds I also focused on the primordial void
always within me, from the primordial void rising forth into the black void, the
abyss into the astral. Like a flowing black river and a serpent slithering upon exist­
ence descending into the astral realm, there I struggled to keep myself still, to keep
my mind away from losing it all, but I knew it very well as at the same time I have
fallen into the bottomless pit like a rock falling into a dug well. So, I breath that fear
and did what I needed to do, losing it all, after I loosen attach it seemed better. I
had loosened completely from my attachment, not into things but into this world
as a whole. At first, I had felt like a meat bag, empty shell but there was a seed
within me, for what I will be, the seed of the god within, that is Takkalos.
This is the primordial void that I may embody, my mind was numb as I focused
intense spiritual power from the core of my being expanding and converging upon
the astral grounds and dimensions within and without.
I had a very clear vision of the worlds and rounds of the astral and I saw them
crystal clear with the void’s eye within me that is the eye of the god within me, I
saw those worlds as universes and vortexes inside, holding literal other worlds and
grounds and kingdoms. Having the knowledge that everything is a singularity and
I breathed the breath of primordial power, realizing I am the singularity of every­
thing but yet I am not that whole.
I am a true adversary, and you can be too if you open the gate and are willing to
lose everything if needed. And I am at the point that everything is not connected,
but it is connected by its will, this is true individualism.
This is opening the Gate of Asmodeus and embodying it, the primal aggressor
and adversary, thus the god within me spoke, “I am the Supreme Being, I am Tak­
kalos, I am all existence and beyond, Yet I am me.”
Again, expanding into omnipresence of this black alchemy and anti-transmigra­
tion, but this was not only expanding in the astral realm, but into all into the realms
of darkness, nonexistence and existence along with the three most known ones,
casual, mental, formal, but also focusing on the primordial void.

At this point I had heard the call of Asmodeus, the silent voice of Asmodeus
guiding me through the river that I was swimming towards, from the crossroads
and lake between the worlds into his river, his gate and fire. I got up and cut a piece
of paper and with a thick black marker, I drew the sigil of the Gatekeeper calling
me, the eighth gatekeeper and eighth head of the hydra serpentine father of dark­
ness, that is Satolas.
Ram Ham Satolas.
As I drew the sigil of Asmodeus I had felt that he awakened his energy and being
within me, each second was a moment of infusion of his Dark and abysmal powers
unto me, filling me with his spirit and knowledge, thus opening his gate and feeding
his fire.
The moments that passed were quick, but they felt eternal, they felt as dramatic
acts exploding the world around me, the only thing that remained by the supernova
of Asmodeus was an empty void.
As Asmodeus was filling me with his spirit and knowledge about this working
and furthermore, as I drew the sigil of the lord of lust and wrath, I chanted:
Aeshma Asmodeus
I looked deeply and gazed into this sigil, in his gate and with the simple syllable
that brings his essence forth that is:
The lord of adversity, rose and he spoke, “Blood. Feed me with blood. ”
I immediately got my wire cutting knife which is blessed by the power and es­
sence of Belial and sliced a little wound in my shoulders. Blood was running down
the tips of my fingers, I flooded the sigil with blood.
Gazing at my blood, but not anyone’s blood, the blood of a god—I spoke with
power in a fiery breath:
By the power, by the Gateway ofblood.
I open the Gate, I open the Gateway ofAsmodeus!
After I commanded with the force of my blood, the blood of god, and by that
power, I had called him forth, looking and gazing at his sigil. With each breath,
every breath became a breath of power, a fiery breath, a breath of Asmodeus. New
words came out of my Asmodeus filled mouth and being, and these two words:
Ram Ham Asmodeus

These words have the two beginning syllables of the chant of the father of dark­
ness Satolas, which are “Ram ham Satolas ’’this chant, this mantra calls the deep,
deep primordial power of Asmodeus, the one without an aspect, or a name, this
calls the true aspect of the being. You see, there’s many aspects to a being these
are titles and identities and what the spirit is, and what it does. The chant brings
the true aspect of the spirit, the one that has no name, this is the primordial river,
this is Satolas again, this is the title of the primordial void, the father of darkness
has ten thousand names, but the true is is silence.
The words, the chant, it binds the silent blackness with the being of Asmodeus,
merging the primordial river with the isolated part, the isolated stream that is As­
modeus, merging them and creating a powerful synergy of power beyond power.
Now the name is a title for the synergy of the dark void and the primordial void.
Father and Son, Emperor and King. “Rash ‘Am Asmodeus” can act as a gate­
way chant to call upon this being, Asmodeus, the one with fiery breath. The chant
opens literal rifts and gateways to the world of Asmodeus. Into the Infernal Empire,
yet into the abyss of Asmodeus, which takes the form of a king, of a horse and a bull
into one, a king with three heads, the face of a king in the middle with a golden
crown, this is Asmodeus manifesting in my mind.
The vision was crystal clear to me. I saw it with ease, with the Serpent’s Eye
that opened within me as I dove headfirst into the world of Asmodeus. There, he
spoke without words sometimes, by pure visions. I knew my path with him, he
showed his black river flowing into the words and beyond the river of living dark­
ness. He manifested there in a very similar form of Chorion, the one that sails in
the river of Styx.
He showed me a place where tortured souls and rotten souls that have lost
themselves, as I lost me too, this is something that I rejected.
Failure was first paralyzing to me, to fail in my purpose, to fail my exams, to fail
my dreams, fail my ascent and godhood, to fail myself too. These thoughts were
paralyzing and nightmarish to me, I did not even want to look there, yet I needed
to. Only the strong will become kings and gods in the realm of their life and exist­
The strong don’t look away, instead if needed they breath, only breath and
nothing more, a silent breath they know that the breath is silence and silence has
all power, indeed all power converges in the dark void, in the silence, this is what
the second Gatekeeper taught me and perhaps the gatekeeper that I am most con­
nected to, Amaymon, the Blacked Sun.

Thus, my guide and patron, Amaymon spoke, “Breathe, Takkalos, breathe.

Silence and power, omnipotence and beyond, breathe.”
Breathing the air of all power, and drinking from the well of power, of all power,
I reminded myself, of myself, of my purpose of my godhood. I set myself up that I
will not fail, and not fail, I do not choose failure. In this work, in this trial that I
knew I was needed to step in and embrace fear, and pain.
Asmodeus spoke, “You have not come this far to get this far. ”
These fears ran through me again, and as I asked Asmodeus about that, he an­
swered with these powerful words, “You will not fail, if you don’t want to fail.
Fuel yourself with power, intention and glory.”
Asmodeus’ next lesson is a meditation, yet that came in the form of a few
words, a few words with giant meaning. Asmodeus’ words carry floods of power
and knowledge that few can understand. I am going to decipher the message of


“Become your every sin, become your every lust, become your nightmare, be­
come your every nightmare.”
These words had come out of his slithery tongue and hellmouth, spilling fire,
pain, power, lust and even wrath. Not petty wraths and lusts but literal diabolical
evils, even primordial ones. His huge serpentine tongue hisses the evil words and
guides me into godhood and in my dark apotheosis as the supreme being.
Rash ‘Am Asmodeus
Asmodeus, I amyour Gate
I amyour wrath
I amyourfire
Rash ‘Am Asmodeus
My black soul and spirit say to him without words at this point and even now as
I am writing this, I am his gate and I feel it, his energy and power not as a simple
sensation but a knowing beyond knowing runs through me.

Rash ‘Am Asmodeus.

This compendium, is a physical gateway to him and to others and to the father,
into Satolas:

Ram Ham Satolas.

The next words from the demonic king, Asmodeus, were, “Devour, destroy
thyself,” followed by, “Double binds,” “the formula,” and “it is completed.”
He concluded with, “Become your every nightmare.”
Sit and feel and see yourself as the most weak, wicked evilest powerless, slave
self ever, as a rotten tortured soul servant, see yourself as that and become it.
But do not accept it, don’t accept being failed by yourself, but become the night­
mare of your nightmare.
Devour your weakest self for your own power, glory and godhood. This is not
easy and not for the weak, to pass through it you must step up to the pain and
weakness and embrace them, your breath is your reminder.
Push yourself out now, devour and destroy yourself now.
Devour yourself from the heart, from the mind, from the soul, from your core
and being. Destroy the possibility of failure and success, this is becoming your
nightmare. The nightmare of nightmares, this is also to gain transcendence.
After you have become a meat bag you are free, but not done, you must create.
Create yourself, reform your mind, from nothing.

I Am the Supreme Being, The Primordial Void, lam Takkalos!

The arts that Asmodeus teaches are indeed painful but full of results. Through
them I been able to change my whole reality almost instantaneously.
When I first started working with Asmodeus as the lord of pain, he offered me
a challenge that I gladly yet painfully participated in and this was the one-hour med­


Satolas, the Lord of Darkness is the father, the primordial one which this is the
primordial void, this the complete void—not the darkness in the void but the void
Those Nine Demonic Gatekeepers are the darkness of this void, like a prism of
darkness, like a black diamond shining the first nine emanations of darkness out ten
thousand. Those ten thousand emanations of Satolas are all the chosen ones.
The Void of Pain is one of first emanations of primordial darkness, this void is
also an emanation of Asmodeus as the great liberator.

The words of Asmodeus in his darkness come through me, “You will not fail,
if you don’t want to fail, Fuel yourself with power, intention and Glory.”
You first start your meditation by simply breathing, simply breathing in and out.
Asmodeus showed me how perfect life is by simple breathing, relaxing and be­
ing one with yourself and the forces around you.
In front of the cosmos around you, see a small point, a singular black point that
pulls the cosmos, now in this point you feel your ajna chakra vibrating
You at this point can chant:
Ram Ham Satolas
Let your mind and heart reflect your emotions of pain on this realm—this is
Outer Darkness and only a master knows peace here.
I open my hands wide and let myself be drowned in this black river, into this
chaos and I let myself fall. I let my mind fade away and my emotions and heart free
in this darkness, as I sink in the darkness of the void. From chaotic darkness into
primordial nothingness. At this point I am in brilliant darkness, so brilliant I dance
in black flames.
If you are true discipline of darkness, you can get a belt that you put in your
pants and whip yourself as you meditate. Do not scream, or breathe heavily, or
resist, but release with ease.
I focus within and can feel my whole reality changing.

Aeshma, Aeshrna diva

In pain you observe, you observe the pain by becoming the eye of the storm.
Remember you do not see yourself in the void in pain but you see pain as a neces­
sary act. In every single thing that I step on, through that I am able to understand
my own individuality and godhood and accept the knowledge that I am god and
nothing can get on my way. -¥■

Chapter 2

SMODEUS invites us as children of darkness, to become adversaries, to

A evolve and rise above. The words of Bael are: “Compel or be com­
Are you going to step in and take control and be the god of your world? Not just
your life but your literal spiritual existence.
I have prophesied events and knowledge that was revealed by magicians later. I
used to think about what if I was just a crazy fucking madman? I proved myself
wrong every time and have manifested thousands of euros for my family.
I said fuck it all, and just become a god through becoming my own nightmare,
destroying and devouring myself and rebirthing myself every time, every day.
And I embrace it, and you must do it too, embracing being adversarial is em­
bracing your own power, your individualism, and yourself.


Asmodeus gives us prayers, mantras and rituals that increase the level of the ad­
versarial power within you. Through speaking the words you speak, your spells and
commands into the world. Every single word has a meaning and changes the world.
In order to be the adversary you must know what you are emanating into the world.
Every promise is a pact, every word is a command.
Every Morning that you wake up and say or thing “Today I am not Feeling well,
this is a bad day” you bring a negative effect into your life because you commanded
it, You commanded your mind and your life to be shit and now it’s time to control

your life and do what you want. Now through this knowing I spoke of my supreme

lam Takkalos, I and I hereby proclaim my place on the Infernal Empire,

As the son void, yetfather void with the blessing ofthe Lord ofDarkness, Sato-
Ram Ham Satolas, Ram Ham Takkalos

I hereby Proclaim, thefathers, Lucifer-Amaymon Satolas,

Sit on the thrones ofliving darkness, ofthe living void,

Ram Ham Satolas, Ram Ham Takkalos, Ram Ham Takkalos

The Primordial Void I embody with Lucifer,

I claim myselfas an emperor, in so doing I awaken the head ofthe hydra,

With two necks and two heads, yet one being
That is Amon’Amih, and Lux, Lucifer
Ram ham Amaymon, Ram Ham Lucifer
Ram ham Amaymon, Ram Ham Lucifer
Ram ham Amaymon, Ram Ham Lucifer
I breath the Serpent’s Breath without sound,
lam the three-headed emperor
For lam the being, the three-headed hydrae
Emergingfrom the bottomless depths and beyond the Outer Darkness
In the primordial void, in the rounds ofden
Ipass through the hellfire, the shadows
Ifall eternally in the bottomless pit, yet lam the being that dwells there
Ipass through sulfur and brimstone
Ipass through evil and thefather ofit
As a new being, as a new father ofdarkness
Because lam the chosen one,
Theyoungest antichrist ofthe court,
Yet the one with the most ancient evil
Three headed evil, the being that I am

Amon, Amih, Amaymon, Lucifer, and Satolas, Ram Ham Satolas

Ram Ham Satolas, Ram Ham Satolas, Ram Ham Satolas

Ram Ham Lucifer, Ram Ham Lucifer, Ram Ham Lucifer

Ram Ham Amaymon, Ram ham Amaymon, Ram Ham Amaymon

The Ancient child lam, lam the black singularity

lam the black three headed snakes
We rise as one, we rise as us, we rise as Takkalos
We rise as the black singularity, the primordial void
As I am the creator, and the sacred being that speaks the sacred hymn
Aslam the only being that speaks them, purely and eternally,
lam Takkalos, the primordial god, the primordial void
The Black Singularity
The Three headed Serpent Takah, Amih, Lux, Satolas
Ram Ham Takah ’Amih ’Lux ’Satolas
lam the black Singularity ofthe void, the primordial void,

Through my eyes, from the dark void a stream appears

And becomes a river that becomes primordial
And descend through all existence and all existences
Awayfrom creation, as a dark black creator and destroyer.
Through my will beings and gods are formed, through my will the heavens are
Crushed and are devoured, and consumed.

Island as Takkalos the black singularity, and I claim this mind mine,
I claim this body as mine, I claim this path as mine,
I claim this life as mine, I claim myself
As an autonomous, independent andfree being, For I cannot be bound

From the acausal realms of Outer Darkness I come and emerge from the Gate of
Sah, The tube ofthe primordial, into the dark one, my gate, my singularity.
From the realm ofversa my subcenter and with bloodfrom the realm ofvar.
As my heart and poisonous black blood are descending into existence as mine
Nameless, as IXristoforos Agathokleous.

lam forever myself, Takkalos the black singularity, the primordial one,
May my power burn forever as the blackflame burns the Outer Darkness in the
cold horizons ofevil, forever and ever, eternally. lam Takkalos, the primordial
The black singularity, the supreme being. >



SMODEUS is a teacher of the art of soul creation. To fit your empire, To

A do your will. These souls made by sin will serve you, your magick and
everything that you want. Asmodeus is the great liberator, he liberates
through destruction and pain.
I “Dies Ire Dies ill Solve Cosmos in Favila Vocamus Te Aeshma’Diva”
This phrase was sang by Jon Nodtvedt the leader singer of the black metal band
Dissection, in their song “Starless Aeon.” Liberation the only thing that is mean­
ingful. The Latin phrase means “The day of wrath. That day will dissolve the
cosmos into ashes, we invoke ashman diva. ” This has a powerful meaning, to bring
the apocalypses known as the Mahi Pralaya, the final hour of the Nine Demonic
Gatekeepers that we are currently facing. A pralaya happens when the god Vishnu,
a part of the supreme being, which is our inner nothingness when we become the
chosen ones. That part of us rests and sleeps temporally, stopping creation.
The magic that Asmodeus teaches is the magick of being, here he teaches me
how to teach myself to be god and a god is indeed all things. Asmodeus holds and
wields a crown of light when I invoke him in the mornings he calls it the crown of


The crown of worlds is the crown of god and the supreme being when he manifests
in the causal realm and on the realm of eternal chaos.
When I invoke him and drown in the eternal ocean of light and come into being,
as Xeper, I wield and wear that crown of light—The crown of worlds.

Through this incantation that Asmodeus gives:

Yugi Usama Dev ’Vian gulla Mallula Zog

I become everything and nothing, I become the black singularity. I whisper, and
the void carries my power so does the universe. You dive so deep that you dissolve
into nothingness known as ain. From Ain Soph into Ain.
From this nothingness, feel the light as being a reflection from that limitless
darkness, once you do you open your path to the king of worlds. •¥■

Chapter 4

Aeshma-deva, God and King of Wrath,

Wrath ofthe Lord ofDarkness.
Revenge ofthe Ravenous God,
Asmodeus the Bloody One, the Burning One, the Apocalyptic One,
I bring into existence my most wrathful wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds
The god destroyer, the Dissolving One
The Dissociated One, Asmodeus wrathful destroyer,
Aeshma deva, who brings the dissolution into all worlds.
HIS is a simple formula of what my daily invocations of Asmodeus look

T like. In my Lucifer-Amaymon pathworking I experimented with such for­

mulas every day and I came into the understanding this are indeed
proclamations. Asmodeus is the liberator and he led the way into the life that is
eternal. Our being is eternal indeed but how we can ascend? This is not the fast way
into ascent but for me it’s my way, to be what I truly am, beyond words and de­


My workings with Azerate also known as El’Acher, “the Other God, ” lead me into
this black singularity. Baal lead me and Lucifer-Amaymon gave a very crystal clear
destination and this is the singularity of all gods. Literally everything into one point
and that point is crushed by the pressure of the cosmos, collapsing inwards so that

it becomes a black hole. In the event horizon there’s everything and beyond,
there’s eternal chaos.
At this point I fall and let the black hole devour me, pulling parts of my soul into
this singularity. All day and night I meditate and do rituals on this.
The black singularity appeared many times in my ascent as I go through the
darkness that I need to go through to become my true self. It first appeared in my
Lucifer-Amaymon Gatekeeper pathworking. That specific pathworking was with
my patron spirit and a milestone on my path. The lessons are forever written in my
heart and soul, my love and gratefulness is true and eternal.
The lessons of Amaymon are revealed to me and the lesson is nothingness, the
only thing that you need to do and be is: be.
Just be, do not try, do not force, just be.
Belial, Azazel and Abaddon told me:
They will see our flags and join us, they will hear the roars and gnashes
and they will join us, they will hear all our trumpets and indeed all will
join us.
The first acknowledgement is the knowing of that you are a multifaced being.
You have masks and faces that you cannot count because there’s no reason to do
it, you only need to be.
When I immerse myself into darkness every night as a part of my lifelong ritual
of godhood, I become the primordial darkness within. And I cannot describe it, I
must show you to prove it to you. I faced the black singularity and in this black
singularity I finally became what I needed.


The End ofKali Yuga
I always have been pulled into this apocalypse, I always liked reading about the
various aspects and names of the apocalypse across our countless cultures, The
Mahi pralaya, etc. According to the Hindu tradition and spiritual views time as
“ages” which represents eras and versions of the universe, and it is divided in four
major parts:

Satya Yuga
Referred as the golden age of creation, here all beings are connected, there’s peace
and love ever flowing the air. As I am writing this I can see the image of Vishnu
gladly and with a loveable smile looking at an earth, he has his hands up in the po­
sition of mudras, in his left hand he does the surya mudra and on the right he does
the shun mudra. In the vision that I now see there’s a lion god with six hands and
a flute walking around a field where all humans and beings are happily together and
the name of this being is Narsimha: The fourth incarnation of Vishnu, this aspect
of Vishnu “the Supreme God” He has incarnated with the purpose to restore
dharma and destroy evil, keeping the cosmos in harmony.

Treta Yuga
The word “Treta” means third. Here the cosmic harmony darkens slightly be­
cause of the rise of the many rulers who have in their wills to conquer the world.
This means that the rise of ego and false ideology begins to appear in the world.
The humans begin to lose slowly some parts of the golden and former selves, they
begin to fall into the state of victims that seek saviors to rise, to carry them into
complete bliss, the mind is becoming corrupted—Asmodeus has only a few words
for these yuga:
Be one with your divine godhood, completely untouched to do your will,
you will have to meditate and take control of yourself and the reality be­
low you, become the supreme being, you are the supreme being
Asmodeus’ message here—be unattached, meditate, chant like Shiva. When
he gazed on the shadows of Vishnu, Shiva became “insane” and he lived and slept
on cremation grounds chanting and singing.

Dvapara Yuga
The name “Dvapara” means “second” or “third” in Sanskrit, this yuga ends
when Vishnu comes down from his celestial abode, also known as the godhead.

Kali Yuga
This is the final age of the yugas, this age is the age of darkness. This where we are
right now. The message of Asmodeus here is to meditate on nothingness as great
dissolution begins. The cosmos will be dissolved into ashes, every being that is dis­
solved returns into god. it

Asmodeus is the bringer of the dissolution of worlds, he is the one who acceler­
ates the great dissolution, The Maha Pralaya.
You can wait for ascent, you can wait till you die and become reborn then die
again and be reborn again to stay in touch with god or the supreme being.
I take five deep breaths and chant the mantra that Asmodeus has given me:
What we say we indeed become, we were born out of one primordial essence
that sits within us all, in the belly of Tiamat and the shining abyss of dissolution.
Asmodeus gave me a mantra in a morning invocation and ritual that I did with
Yugi Usama Dev ’Vian gulla Mallula Zog
Chanting these words everyday silently within me brings me into a state of pure
expansion until the chant completely disappears from my mind. Through these
words I become everything, I become pain, I become conflict but I also become
The Supreme being is without description it is the mask behind all goddesses
and gods, demons and angels. And this supreme being incarnates in many forms
for a purpose and through this incantation you will meet the supreme being within
Thus, the great work is ended!
Ram Ham Satolas. •¥•


Book 9

Wherefore also my star is bright in heaven, and men call it, some the
Wain, and some the dragon's child. I keep near unto this star. So ask me
not many things; for thy kingdom also after a little time is to be dis­
rupted, and thy glory is but for a season. And short will be thy tyranny
over us; and then we shall again have free range over mankind, so as that
they shall revere us as if we were gods, not knowing, men that they are,
the names of the angels set over us.
—Asmodeus, The Testament ofSolomon

Chapter 1

HIS is intended to be a modern grimoire with concepts and ideas ex­

T plained in ways they wouldn’t have been in past millennia. We live in an

age where our technology is comparable to witchcraft and as such I find it
appropriate to use technological terms and comparisons when discussing the ap­
plication and science of magick.
I would have liked to include more in this grimoire regarding the change to my
psyche and the experiences brought about by doing a binding possession with As-
moday. However I found that trying to articulate things well enough to be worthy
to be included in this grimoire was a very difficult task and beyond the time and
resources available to me.
Spiritual alchemy and evolution of ones psyche cultivated through spiritual pro­
cesses are at times very difficult to put into language and express. I have previously
made comparisons between doing a path working and using mind altering sub­
stances to induce altered states of consciousness.
I believe these comparisons to be fair and valid.
This work with Asmoday first began with research for the purposes of prepar­
atory immersion.
As I am more familiar with the spirits from Ars Goetia than other grimoires with
catalogues of spirits of the demonic type that is where I began.
What I knew from reading Ars Goetia is that Asmoday was a demonic king, a
demon of a very high rank. And I do actually put stock in their being a hierarchy in

on the Qliphoth. There are hierarchies in many areas of the physical plane, “As
Above So Below. ”
Asmoday, or Asmodai. He is a Great King, Strong, and Powerful. He ap-
peareth with Three Heads, whereof the first is like a Bull, the second like a
Man, and the third like a Ram; he hath also the tail of a Serpent, and from
his mouth issue Flames of Fire.
His Feet are webbed like those of a Goose. He sitteth upon an Infernal
Dragon, and beareth in his hand a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choic­
est under the power of AMAYMON , he goeth before all other. When the
Exorcist hath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his
feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Head-dress off; for if it be on,
AMAYMON will deceive him and cause all his actions to be bewrayed. But
as soon as the Exorcist seeth Asmoday in the shape aforesaid, he shall call
him by his Name, saying: “ Art thou Asmoday? ” and he will not deny it, and
by-and-by he will bow down unto the ground. He given the Ring of Virtues;
he teacheth the Arts of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handi­
crafts absolutely.
He giveth true and full answers unto thy demands. He maketh one Invinci­
ble. He showeth the place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it.
He, amongst the Legions of AMAYMON, governeth 72 Legions of Spirits
Inferior. His Seal is this which thou must wear as a Lamen upon thy breast,
—Aleister Crowley, Lesser Key ofSolomon, Ars Goetia
A similar description of Asmoday is given in Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire
It refers to Asmoday as a destroying demon and the superintendent of gaming
houses. If this is true , this would lead me to believe that Asmoday would incite
some with lust to gamble. Being that he is said to lead one where treasures lie maybe
he could lead some to good fortune through that.
Although it is more likely though that Asmoday would incite lusts in people for
the purposes of leading them astray and to their own destruction for spiritual
growth and to learn from the consequences of impulsive behavior.
Asmodee (also Chammadai or Sydonai) is the destroying demon and super­
intendent of the gaming houses. He may be also the equivalent of Samael. It
is said that he will be the one to dethrone Solomon, but that Solomon will
force him to aid in the battle for the Jerusalem temple. After Tobie expels

him with the smoked spleen of a fish from Sara, the angel Raphael will bind
him in the depths of Egypt. According to the Courrier de 1’Egypte, the peo­
ple of the country still adore Asmodee, whose temple sits in the desert of
Ryanneh. He allegedly will cut himself into pieces and immediately after,
Other legends associate Asmodee as the serpent who seduced Eve. As “ As-
modai,” he is prince of demons. According to Wierus, he had three heads,
that of a bull, a man, and a ram. He also has a serpent’s tail, the feet of a
goose, and flaming breath. He rides a dragon and carries a standard and a
lance. In the infernal hierarchy, he governs seventy-two legions but submits
to Amoymon. When one exorcises him, one must be steadfast and call him
by name. He gives rings influenced by astronomical bodies, advises men on
making themselves invisible, and instructs men in the art of geometry, arith­
metic, astronomy, and the mechanical arts. He also knows of treasures.
—Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal
It was my hope that my interaction with Asmoday would lead me to conclude
the Ars Goetia description of him is indeed accurate. Could he show me the place
where Treasures lie? I asked myself.
The idea of Asmoday making a sorcerer invincible would of course be figurative
rather than literal, but that was also of interest to me.
Aside from receiving gnosis regarding the infernal dragon that Asmoday rides
upon I did not confirm anything in the Ars Goetia description, while I am sure it is
accurate. While the description of the demons in Ars Goetia is far from complete I
have found them to be good description based upon my own experiences with the
demons therein.
Before you attempt the formula in practice, you need to be aware that this
work releases many internal issues, fears, taboos, anger, violent emotions,
and personal struggles.
They will be triggered by the workings and will most probably come to the
surface in a harsh and violent way. If you are not ready for such an experi­
ence, I suggest you leave it until you complete the initiations into the
previous Qliphothic realms.
—Asenath Mason, Tree ofthe Qliphoth
Based upon my own work with Asmoday I give strong support to the above
statement from Asenath Mason. If you are looking for occult texts that have pow­
erful information and that are authentic I would go and look at what is available

from Asenath Mason, Bill Duvendack and The Temple of Ascending Flame. Their
published work would greatly support anyone that is wishing to dive deep into any
spiritual work that is similar to what is discussed here in this grimoire.
Having Asmoday’s spirit intertwined with mine allowed for a strong mental and
spiritual link. Mental blockages were removed that I hadn’t necessarily thought
were present. I am unable at this point in time to break down and analyze how this
exactly occurred but there is an unseen and unconscious mechanism through
which this takes place.
While there is some debate whether or not psychology is a science, as it does
fail in certain areas to be a science. The science or at least the knowledge of human
psychology is very much more advanced than it was thousands of years ago. At
least this is the assumption I am making from the information that is available to us
in the public domain regarding the knowledge of mental processes and conscious­
ness of human beings in millennia past.
This path working involving Belial, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge
Rofocale, Beelzebub, Ba’al, Asmodeus and Satan has a few primary strengths and
utilities (if you will.)
One of the most obvious being the transformation of the psychology of the ini­
tiate immersing themselves in the path working. While I could focus on the fact
that there is clearly spiritual alchemy taking place, what is observable in the “real
world” is psychology.
In regards to evolution of mental processes I can say this work with Asmodeus
has delivered better and more distinct results than the other demons mentioned
Building upon the ideas here could lead to the development of quite an effective
system for evolution of the psyche for individuals that evoke that part of the micro­
cosm, the entity known as Asmoday or Asmodeus. While I will summaries in this
chapter what I had found in Biblical (non-canon) texts regarding Asmoday. I can
say that it didn’t surprise me that nothing in the texts was at all reflected in my
workings with Asmoday. Asmoday (Asmodeus) is mentioned In The Book of Tobit
(also known as The Book of Tobias) where he is portrayed as a wicked demon and
a murderer.
On the same day, at Ecbatana in Media, it also happened that Sarah, the
daughter of Raguel, was reproached by one of her father’s maids. For she
had been married to seven husbands, and the wicked demon Asmodeus had
killed each of them before they had been with her as is customary for wives.

So the maid said to her, “You are the one who kills your husbands! See, you
have already been married to seven husbands and have not borne the name
of a single one of them. Why do you beat us? Because your husbands are
dead? Go with them! May we never see a son or daughter of yours!
— The Book of Tobias, Chapter 3, Verses 7:9
The story in The Book of Tobit goes as follows:
Tobit lived with his wife Anna and his son Tobias. He lived in Nineveh (a city
in Upper Mesopotamia) with other Israelites that had relocated from northern Is­
rael to Assyria. Tobit was a wealthy Israelite and a devout follower of the teachings
of Moses and was of the tribe of Naphtali. Some of the Israelites in Nineveh were
engaging in spiritual practices involving pagan gods and worshipping idols (such as
the golden calf.) While it is speculated by some that one of these gods may have
been Asmoday, the Israelites in Nineveh made animal sacrifices to one or more of
the gods with the title of Ba’al (possibly under a different name.) This may have
been the same Ba’al (King Bael, Ba’al Hadad) written about in the Baal Compen­
Tobit remained faithful to his god Yahweh and refused to participate in pagan
worship. Tobit fled Nineveh leaving his family behind after Sennacherib, the new
King of Nineveh and successor to Sargon II wished to persecute him for giving the
bodies of some Israelites that were hanged a burial.
After Sennacherib dies and a new King replaces him Tobit returns to Nineveh
and returns to his family and is with his wife Anna and son Tobias.
Soon after Tobit is notified of a body of a dead Israelite and performs a burial
for him. Tobit does not return home immediately after the burial as he sees himself
as being unclean and sleeps outside, he is blinded when bird droppings get in his
Tobit as a result of his affliction and misfortune prays to god for death.
Yahweh hears the prayers of Tobit and sends the Archangel Raphael to assist
him and his family. Tobit’s son Tobias goes to retrieve money which Tobit left
with his friend Gabael in Media. At this point in the story Raphael appears in the
form of a human called Azarias. Tobias heads to Media and on the way there while
washing his feet in the river Tigris (a river that is west of Nineveh) a fish tries to
swallow his feet. Raphael in the form of Azarias orders him to capture the fish and
remove its heart, liver and gall bladder as they are useful for medicine. At that very
moment, the prayers of both of them were heard in the glorious presence of God.

So Raphael was sent to heal both of them: Tobit, by removing the white
films from his eyes, so that he might see God’s light with his eyes; and Sa­
rah, daughter of Raguel, by giving her in marriage to Tobias son of Tobit,
and by setting her free from the wicked demon Asmodeus. For Tobias was
entitled to have her before all others who had desired to marry her. At the
same time that Tobit returned from the courtyard into his house, Sarah
daughter of Raguel came down from her upper room.”
— The Book of Tobias, Chapter 3, Verses 16:17
As for the fish’s heart and liver, if you burn them to make smoke in the pres­
ence of a man or a woman who is afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, any
affliction will flee and never return. As for the gall, if you apply it to the eyes
of one who has white scales, blowing right into them, sight will be restored.
—Archangel Raphael, The Book of Tobit
The archangel accompanying Tobias in the form of Azarias tells him he has the
right to marry a woman named Sarah who is the daughter of a man called Raguel.
Tobias responds to Raphael:
Brother Azariah, I have heard that she has already been given in marriage to
seven husbands, and that they have died in the bridal chamber. On the very
night they approached her, they would die. I have also heard it said that it
was a demon that killed them.
The demon referred to above is Asmoday and Raphael (in the form of Azariah)
gives instruction to Tobias on how to banish Asmoday so he does not interfere with
the consummation of his marriage with his wife Sarah.
Tobias burns the fish’s liver and heart to drive Asmoday away on the day he
consummates his marriage with Sarah.
The fumes of the burning drive Asmoday away to Egypt where Archangel
Raphael binds him.
The odor of the fish repulsed the demon, and it fled to the upper regions of
Egypt; Raphael went in pursuit of it and there bound it hand and foot.
After marrying Sarah in Media Tobias returns to Nineveh and applies fish's gall
to his father’s eyes which gives him back his sight. It is then that Tobias’ friend
Azariah reveals his true identity which is that of the Archangel Raphael and Tobias
begins singing hymns of praise to Raphael.

Tobit tells Tobias to leave Nineveh as it is prophesied by their god (Yahweh

also known as Jehovah) that it will be destroyed. Tobias returns to Media with his
family and he later dies at the age of 107.
The Book of Tobit is included in Catholic and Orthodox Christian Bibles but is
not considered canon by The Protestant Christians and Jews.
While not being considered canon the mention of Asmoday in The Book of To­
bit may be the only place in biblical texts where he is mentioned. The Testament
of Solomon does contain references to the story told in The Book of Tobit and also
tells a story of King Solomon binding Asmodeus and forcing him to assist with the
building of his temple.
And this I did, because that fierce demon Asmodeus knew even the future.
And I Solomon glorified God, who gave wisdom to me Solomon his servant.
And the liver of the fish and its gall I hung on the spike of a reed, and burned
it over Asmodeus because of his being so strong, and his unbearable malice
was thus frustrated.
— The Testament ofSolomon
I am called Asmodeus among mortals, and my business is to plot against
the newly wedded, so that they may not know one another. And I sever
them utterly by many calamities, and I waste away the beauty of virgin
women, and estrange their hearts.
... I transport men into fits of madness and desire, when they have wives
of their own, so that they leave them, and go off by night and day to
others that belong to other men; with the result that they commit sin,
and fall into murderous deeds.
—Asmodeus, The Testament ofSolomon
This work with Asmoday that I present to you here can be done with a single
ritual of possession. Although I personally performed multiple rituals with Asmo­
day during this segment of the gate keeper path working.
Many people reading this are perfectly capable of not just evoking but creating
a working relationship with Asmoday without consuming any of the information
contained within this grimoire regarding the techniques and mechanics of demonic
magick. However if I were to simply provide an invocation and ritual to Asmoday
to be performed it wouldn’t be sufficient to all, not for the entire audience this
grimoire will reach.
Not everyone that is reading this and will attempt to replicate it has a significant
amount of experience under their belt. I could tell you not to perform this rite if

you weren’t experienced enough to execute it correctly and to be able to handle the
results. However I know human nature too well to do that.
Not to say that I owe the readers of this text anything at all.
I know some beginners to demon magick and occult dabblers will haphazardly
perform this rite herein.
My solution to this is to break down most of the fundamental knowledge re­
quired for this so even the dabbler can probably do this correctly if they put in the
And also provide a guide for the reader and will assist in ensuring this ritual
work won’t blow up in their face.
This is by no means meant to be a detailed breakdown on the fundamentals of
magick, a lengthy book would have to be written on that If I were to do that.
Provided in the chapter “Application of Occult Science” is an overview of the
fundamentals of magickal knowledge needed to successfully perform an Evocation
of Asmoday and escalate that to a binding possession. When you evoke Asmoday
as part of a spiritual path working you are also evoking what is crudely referred to
here as the “9 Hells of Asmoday.”
I am making an effort to look at this from a scientific perspective so some more
context must be given about the language used here. It isn’t really something that
many on the Left Hand Path discuss often, but there is an almost religious aspect
to this. Many occultists including myself integrate what are essentially pseudo-re­
ligious rituals, ceremony and concepts into their practice.
Before anyone shoots me down, yes it is very apparent that various religions
have borrowed practices and concepts from various pagan sects.
The language used in this grimoire and others I have written in this series (The
Gate Keeper compendiums) is to essentially both dress up what I am doing and to
be able to more effectively communicate to the reader.
After you perform an evocation of Asmoday and initiate a binding possession
you will subtly (or possibly not so subtly) sink into a lower vibratory frequency.
This will cause you to experience the altered states of consciousness with input
from Qliphothic spirits.
In order for a single ritual to be effective over a period of months for this work­
ing everything needs be done effectively. Not to say that numerous rites of
possession may not be more effective for diving into this. It depends on how deep
you wish to go with this, I did purposely avoid going too far with merging my own
energy with Asmoday.

Before the submission of this text to the publisher events occurred that made it
evident that I was unable to control or taper down this working. While I will not
disclose any details to the reader I do wish to emphasize the following short para­
graph in this text:
You cannot open the portals to the Qliphoth (an acausal realm disconnected
from source consciousness) and expect to never to lose control of the demons you
have called, especially when you have evoked them with few if any constraints.
To put it another way these demons are very much a part of you on a psycho­
logical and metaphysical level. And when you evoke aspects of your own
consciousness, parts of the microcosmic universe of a demonic nature.
Particularly spirits with the same or similar attributes to Asmoday, You may
find that simply setting an intent is not enough to control the torrent of energy that
comes forth.


In Context ofEvoking Asmoday
Ritual magick involves the use of psychodrama while in a trance to send combina­
tions of symbols to the subconscious mind to be executed and manifestations
created on the spiritual planes, usually with the intent of having these spiritual
manifestations later lower their vibratory frequency and come into the physical
During the psychodrama performance, the physical senses and nervous system
of the magician are stimulated through a large variety of different techniques.
There are also times when the physical senses are also deprived such as when a
hoodwink is used in Masonic ritual to blindfold the initiate.
This is aided by standing in an environment that is removed from the mundane
world both in the mind of the ritualist and by use of ritual implements in the forms
of drawn boundaries on the ground, wands, candles and physical items with occult
symbols placed in the view of the practitioner.
As all of reality is a mental construct usually the first changes to occur in ritual
magick are to the mind of the practitioner and to the minds of those the occultist is
influencing with their magick.
The mental plane is where new realities are first formed before coming into
creation in the “physical world.” The purpose of ritual is to alter the mind of the

occult practitioner and call functions of the human brain as well as activate parts of
the non-physical human mind.
Rituals are vehicles to drive forth new potential realities envisioned in the mind
and transport required symbols, energies and information into the spiritual planes.
It could be said that ritual brings the individual to be initiated into a new reality
of their own creation. There are rituals the demonic aligned magician engages in
without their conscious awareness while being guided by the spirits they have pre­
viously evoked and been possessed by.
Sometimes those that are the explicit or implicit target of ritual fall under the
influence of the spirits that have been evoked and are themselves unconsciously
engaging in an extension of the demonic evocation ritual without consciously being
aware. And participate in the workings of black magick without the slightest idea
of what agendas they are driving forth.
Rituals will always require a sacrifice in one form of another whether that be life
force (sexual energy) or an offering of blood or burning of incense. This energy is
used as fuel for the manifestation of the spirit(s) and the crafting of a new world in
which the set intent is a solid and definite reality. In the context of this work these
spirits are specifically of the demonic classification.
As a result of doing an evocation of Asmoday for spiritual transfiguration the
initiate of the newly created reality will be come face to face with their own reflec­
tion. Clear details of one’s own internal conflicts and inner shadows that were
suppressed by subconscious psychological thought processes will be brought to
And one will be forced to psychoanalyze, overcome obstacles and rise out of the
depths of mental and emotional chaos.
As you pass through the mental hell fires guarded by Asmoday your old self will
burn away. During this process you may find yourself in a state of mental and emo­
tional purgatory.
You will need to transcend this state and reform yourself with a new persona.
I theorize that this entire process could be repeated more than once with bene­
ficial results. ■¥■

Chapter 2

Before beginning ritual work with a demon, the occultist should immerse them­
selves in information and download into their subconscious mind related
Having the sigil for the entity that you wish to contact will suffice most of the
time for that initial contact. Also reading credible and authentic information on the
demon and associated magick will be beneficial. This will not only help you famil­
iarize yourself with the spirit but also help with connecting with it.
Contrary to what armchair magicians may tell you demons quite often do have
consistent behavioral patterns that are observed by those who are experienced in
demonic magick and that document their interactions. When someone says “Well
that is just your experience ” while what they are saying definitely has some truth
in it. Many occult dabblers are not actually making contact with the entities they
think they are, they are simply interacting with thought forms.
As technology has opened up the occult world to the masses, many that like to
talk about the occult and their experiences don’t entirely even believe what they
are saying. So please keep that in mind if you are new to evoking conscious entities
of any classification that exist outside of time and space.
There are some exceptions to this though.
You may wish to remove any outside influences so that your experience is rawer
and/or tailored to how you wish it to be. Also if you wish to conduct a scientific (or

pseudo-scientific) study on a demon you may want to have a blank slate to work
It was not my intent to evoke figurative hell with this working.
My goal with this working was to retrieve information for this grimoire that was
new, authentic and interesting.
The texts I had a look at for my preparatory immersion were Ars Goetia, Tree of
the Qliphoth (by The Temple of Ascending Flame), non-canon Biblical texts, and
The Testament of Solomon. The work herein is in part an extension of the work of
other occultists to which I give due credit.


This grimoire was written during the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, the
masses have become very focused on sanitizing their hands and objects they use
and interact with. The occultist should take the same care with sanitizing their
magickal implements such as their clothing, altar, candles, incense burners, cups,
wands etc.
Every physical object has some spiritual energy of one variety or another at­
tached to it. When you are performing ritual magick you want to make sure all your
implements have been cleansed of other energy so you have a blank slate to work
You can do this by running your ritual items under water and envisioning white
light around them and going through them. You can also just wipe down some
items with a cloth (that has also been cleansed) and envision white light cleansing
The visualization of white light is an expression of mental intent.
There are some times that you will not be able to run under or through water or
clean with any sort of cloth. For these you may wish to place them in a jar or box of
salt. If none of these things are an option you can just mentally clean them by envi­
sioning white light cleansing them of any other energy.
It is easy for a neophyte to not always be in a mindful state where they are aware
that all physical objects are simply energy vibrating at a condensed state, they are
not actually physical. They will very likely have other energy attached to them, es­
pecially if another human being has handled them.
Remember to have good spiritual hygiene, sanitize your ritual items!

Once you have sufficiently sanitized your ritual items you can consecrate them.
I believe the best way to consecrate a magickal item is to create your own baptism
or ritual for that consecration that is tailored to you personally.
Speaking words over your ritual items will program them with your intent.
It should go without saying but once you consecrate a ritual item do not use that
ritual item for mundane purposes. For example if you have a collection of candles
that you consecrate do not use them for mundane purposes. Recently I used a knife
that I had consecrated for a mundane purpose, I no longer use that knife for ritual
magick as a result. If I did wish to use that knife in my magickal practice I would re­
consecrate the knife and then place the knife away from other items I use in day to
day life.
Note that your ritual area should also be cleansed and consecrated. I rarely per­
form banishing rituals myself, this could very well be to my own detriment though.
I do like the demonic energy in my temple to build up. There are different things
you can do to cleanse your ritual area, I have found that The Lesser Banishing Ritual
of The Pentagram works very well for removing any entities that linger in the space.
Those that are initiates of the Golden Dawn system of magick will no doubt be
heavily critical of my practice for not consistently performing banishing rituals be­
fore and after ritual.
For this working with Asmoday the only items used were dragon’s blood in­
cense, a red candle, a black candle and the sigil of Asmoday from Ars Goetia.
The candles were each cleansed before ritual but not consecrated.
I did not do any banishing before or after the ritual evocation and binding pos­


Symbolism is the language of the subconscious mind and symbols are instructions
which are executed by an unseen spiritual machine or unit.
The use of symbolism in magick is generally separated into two categories, per­
sonal symbolism and universal symbolism.
Personal symbolism refers to symbols that mean something specifically to the
individual and may have an entirely different meaning to others. This isn’t to say
that personal symbolism refers to symbols that are only known to a select individual
or group of people. Take for example the symbolism of a male lion, to some this
may be viewed as a symbol of a predatory animal. Others may see this male lion as

a representation of solar energy. Personal symbolism is what a symbol means to

you as an individual.
Symbolism whether personal or universal is often multi-layered. For example
the symbol of a male lion could represent majesty, power, masculinity, fire, solar
energy and have unique personal symbolism.
A symbol may have a mix of both personal and universal layers of symbolism.
A person who sees a Lion as a threat may see a lion as a symbol of a predator as well
as a symbol of solar and masculine energy.
Numerology, astrological symbolism and sacred geometry (and associated nu­
merology) are examples of universal symbolism.
Colors also have different universal symbolic meanings and resonate different
energies such as strength, vitality, force, passion, prosperity, abundance, growth,
communication, love and death (just to name some.)


This is one of the most overlooked and neglected elements of successful magick
for the neophyte or the adept that gets caught up in a whirlwind of demonic energy
and self-destruction.
There isn’t too much to say about this, you need to do regular meditation.
When you are performing magick you will need to clear your mind and focus on
your intent. Practicing meditation on a regular basis makes this much easier. It also
helps with keeping you more balanced during your everyday life.
Beginners to spiritual practices such as evocation often ask how long they
should meditate for. The answer to this question will vary from person to person,
you should realize it isn’t so much of a matter of how long you do it but how well
you do it. You do want to have a balance with meditation and other parts of your
life, some get caught up in it and end up meditating hours every day. This is very
often detrimental as you are taking up valuable time when you could be productive.
The most important thing with meditation is simply that you do it consistently.
I would recommend meditating for between 15 and 30 minutes. Time is one of if
not the most valuable commodity you have, I don’t see there being any benefit to
meditating over 30 minutes each day. You didn’t incarnate in your physical form
to spend valuable time sitting in an asana position meditating!
In regards to the position you should be sitting in when meditating I recommend
just sitting in a comfortable chair while closing your eyes and clearing your mind.

What I do is when a thought comes to mind I imagine sending it down a river

and it moving away from me. The more you practice meditation the easier it will
be to clear your mind.
To the neophyte to be clear, the type of meditation I am referring to involves
clearing your mind completely. This also builds discipline, there are other sorts of
meditation but they used for different purposes such as shamanic journeying, but
this is not what I am referring to.
Not having a clear mind and being unfocused will not only result in failure or
undesired results but it may frustrate the spirits you are communicating with.

Even if you are a total beginner to magick you likely would have heard of a magick
circle. You may have some questions about them though and I will attempt to ad­
dress those here. A magick circle is a circle that is cast by the occultist, it can be
physically drawn out. You can buy magick circles that are printed on sheets to use
in ritual but magick circles are most commonly drawn with chalk or salt or they are
drawn on to a cloth. There is no set size that a magick circle has to be but the gen­
eral rule is that it must be large enough for the magician to stand in with all their
ritual implements.
In Wicca, the tradition is to create a magick circle 9 feet in diameter. In popular
culture, magick circles are portrayed as boundaries that are set to keep demons
away from the practitioner, the circles are said to create a protective barrier be­
tween the summoned demon(s) and the individual(s) that evoked them. This is not
totally devoid of truth as magick circles can be used as protective barriers.
The human being is a microcosm of the entire macro-cosmic universe and the
magick circle represents the entire spiritual universe, the beginning and the end,
the Alpha and Omega, the “I am that I am.”
To the neophyte that visits occult pages or participates in occult groups on so­
cial media for your own sake disregard the disinformation on magick circles.
Magick circles are most certainly important in ritual magick. Remember
though, you don’t necessarily need to have a physical circle, you can cast one spir­
itually but you should always cast a circle before performing ritual magick.


Approaching magick as reactionary work in desperation may lead to total failure.
There are exceptions to this however, as there is one benefit to this. When one is
in a state of desperation where you absolutely need something to manifest you can
sometime raise a level of energy that you wouldn’t necessarily otherwise be capable
of. While a rather extreme example, you could say it is similar to stories you have
heard of a person gaining extreme strength to lift a heavy object (such as a car) off
of someone to save their life.
My evocation and binding possession was done with careful planning and a
calm state of mind. I approached it with absolute certainty that I was going to call
forth Asmoday have him possess me and stay with me until the end of the three
month long working. You want to be more than just confident that a ritual will
work, you have to know it will work. Initiate yourself into a new reality of your own


All physical matter is energy vibrating at a condensed state and all information and
consciousness is energy vibrating as various frequencies with information encoded.
Any creation requires an energy source to come into form and the energy sup­
plied to the magick must be sufficient for the manifestation. There are different
methods you can use to raise energy.
What I like to do is while standing in my magick circle is visualize energy rising up
from the ground through the entire circle. This is more than just visualization
though of course, I am commanding energy to rise and I can feel the energy surg­
ing upwards.
I bring myself into an emotional state that is conductive to the goal of the ritual
and raise that emotional state to the highest point I can.
You can use any method you like to spike your emotional charge but it is im­
portant you don’t get distracted. Keep in mind you aren’t looking to manifest
anything undesired. So if you are using a memory of a past event to bring you to a
state of heightened emotion it is important you only allow it to be a spark for the
fire and not the emotional fire itself.
I like to visualize my body charging with energy and pulsing. I do not let the
energy raised go until the end of the ritual, when the ritual ends I push the energy
raised back into the ground through the magick circle.

The all, The divine is one great interconnected system and functions much like
a computer. I send the energies, thoughts and information through the magick cir­
cle as if it is a port to the spiritual realms.


You’ll see magicians talking about visualizing their desired manifestation during
magick. One word is not enough to describe the process as it is not just visualiza­
tion, you do want to do that but that is only part of it.
What you need to do is mentally structure a new reality and make it as solid as
possible. Imagine as if you were a video game developer creating a “Triple A”
(blockbuster) game for a next generation console or high end gaming computer.
See yourself with the ability to be able to create game objects and to give them the
desired functionality.
This is how you should structure new realities through mental processes except
you want to take things even deeper. Imagine feeling the texture of your desired
manifestation, seeing and feeling it function. Give the manifestation intellectual
and emotional intelligence.
Years ago I did an evocation of Ars Goetia spirit Paimon to bring me a car that I
desired. I imagined running my hands alongside the exterior, opening the door and
sitting inside, smelling the leather in the interior. And then placing the key in the
ignition and starting the car and taking it for a drive. I injected into this thought
form the emotions I felt when driving the car and explicit details of how I imagined
the car to drive. The car came into my life shortly later and everything fell into
place as needed for me to purchase it.


Psychological Detachment
In the human body there are physical systems that have spiritual components to
For example the body has a physical third eye, the pineal gland (hardware) and
a spiritual third eye, the Ajna chakra (software.)

Within the human body is bioelectricity which is generated within cells in the
body and passed from cell to cell. The bioelectricity in the body can be measured
with electrodes attached to the body.
I am not going to pretend to know much about chemistry or cell function within
the human body, but I do imagine bioelectricity could also be measured from quite
a distance with the right technology.
The performance of systems within the body on a physical level could very
much affect the potency of magick ritual, although I don’t believe these systems
are coupled together quite like hardware and software are. As there is a physical
component, there is also a spiritual component, spiritual energy that is raised and
let go during ritual.
One of benefits of grounding is to get your mind out of the clouds. Occultists
are guilty more than most like to admit of not being in a practical mindset and
“down to earth.” This part of grounding does involve more than what is discussed
here and the approach to take to improve this would vary from person to person.
Grounding your spiritual energy can be compared to (and this comparison is rele­
vant) to grounding electricity. When you ground electricity you provide an
alternative route to electrical current to flow back to the ground.
Both electrical grounding and spiritual grounding help protect against over­
loads and stabilizes the energy you are working with. Being that you are looking to
raise as much energy as possible during ritual you do want to make sure you are
also grounded so you can use that energy effectively.
It would be interesting and of value I believe to actually measure the output of
bioelectricity during ritual. Have you ever heard the walls crack during your evo­
cation of a spirit or when you are going into or coming out of sleep? I would
speculate that this is from the energy your subtle body (your spiritual body) emits.
You should notice this happens less when you are properly grounded in ritual.
Perform grounding before and after ritual, I would recommend the. Middle Pillar
Ritual. As the readers of my grimoires know I do use of the system of the Qabbalah
and believe it accurately models the nature of the spiritual planes.
I am not going to include the middle pillar ritual here as you can easily find it
with a quick search online. If it is practical to do so I also do my ritual barefoot and
imagine large roots going from my feet deep into the ground anchoring me. If you
are doing this you need to really immerse yourself in this as a reality, as you would
with any other part of ritual.

After finishing the ritual I repeat the Middle Pillar Ritual and also repeat the
second part of the grounding I mentioned above. After grounding is complete, the
second thing I do is psychological detachment.
Psychological detachment is connected to grounding and could be seen as an
extension of it. Immediately after the ritual go and perform an activity that takes a
lot of your attention and focus.
Some recommend playing video games while others recommend some form of
meal preparation or cooking. It is important that from here on you that you do not
even think of the ritual that you performed.
As far as you are concerned at this point the ritual you performed was never
done and should never be given thought.
There have been at least a few rituals I have performed where after doing them
I gave up hope they would work. And it was only when I entirely psychologically
detached from them did the results manifest.


The timing of your magick can drastically affect the level of success of your magick.
There are situations where doing particular magick at a particular time will almost
always lead to failure and there are also times when doing magick at specific times
will greatly magnify the power of your magick.
Planetary hours and days are the first and the most common thing people think
about when we discuss when we decide to do our magick. And they probably are
the most important but they certainly aren’t the only thing you should take into
Demons just like the many of types of spiritual entities (including the human
spiritual entity) can embody more than one planetary energy. A demon is usually
associated with one planetary energy in particular though, for example Paimon has
a strong lunar energy and Azazel a strong Saturnian energy.
Azazel and Paimon resonate with different planetary energies despite it being
evident that Paimon is a different mask or extension of Azazel. It is recommended
summoning spirits during on the planetary day and during the planetary hour of
the specific planetary energy they primarily resonate with.
These signs of the zodiac are divided into four elements as follows:
* Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
* Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

* Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

* Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Lunar phases are also important to keep in mind when doing magick.
If you are doing magick to bring something into your life you want to do your
magick when the moon is waxing and if you are looking to banish something from
your life or reduce its influence you would be looking to do magick when the moon
is waning.
If you are doing your ritual over a period longer than a day keep in mind when
it is you start your work as you want to start at the correct time to align with either
drawing in or banishing. Other Planetary bodies go through different signs as well
just like the moon. Advanced practitioners may factor this in to the timing of their
rituals as well.
I more often than not do not take into account what signs other planets are in
when doing my magick. The reason for this is simply that planets beyond Mars take
a considerable period of time to move from one sign to another.
It is also beneficial to time your ritual to ensure that it does not occur during a
void of course moon. When the moon is void of course, it is transitioning from as­
trological sign to another. Emotion charges your ritual with energy and the moon
influences emotional energy, Magick is commonly less potent when the moon is
void of course.
It is said that business ventures and projects will often fail when they are started
when the moon is void of course. I haven’t conducted enough ritual magick with
this being a factor to collate enough data to analyze the effects of casting spells
during a void of course moon. I would suggest you do research on how to find when
the Earth’s moon is void of course. As there are different methods used by people
and what I believe is an accurate way of determining whether the moon is void of
course may not be as accurate as you would like.
As said previously in this chapter, the aim of this is not for me to cover all of the
science of doing an evocation and possession of Asmoday in great detail that is well
beyond the scope of this grimoire.

You most certainly have to push your intent during a magickal ritual. This is done
usually by a combination of the written word, spoken word, visualization and ac­
tions. I would recommend writing out a statement of intent to place on your altar

when performing ritual. This makes it clear to the spirit you are calling what your
exact intent is.
Keep your statement of intent short and simple. Make it detailed enough that
it there is little room for error in interpretation and avoid using any ambiguous lan­
guage. Understand than the spirits do not see everything the way you do and from
experience some purposely take your ambiguous language and use it as permission
to manifest something to teach you a lesson and sometimes you’ll discover some­
thing about their sense of humor.
While these lessons, some of which are very harsh, may lead to spiritual growth
you really aren’t going to find some of them to be quite unpleasant.

Constraints can be seen as part of your statement of intent, I would place them on
the same piece of paper. Utilizing constraints in demonic evocation is one area that
even experienced practitioners will at times find themselves neglecting. Some
don’t like to use constraints as they can reduce the likelihood of the success of the
The subconscious mind does not understand words with a negative context
such as “Don’t” so I recommend avoid using them. I use words such as grant,
deny and block as if I am writing a configuration file for software such as a network
I do not practice Solomonic ceremonial magick, however if not just to expand
your own knowledge, I would recommend researching the methods used to con­
strain demons in that system. I am not recommending that you use all of those
constraints as the spirits may find it offensive and it may be detrimental to estab­
lishing a working relationship.


A Working Relationship
Through multiple evocations, possessions and channeling sessions with an entity
you can form a working relationship with them. I have established quite a strong
relationship with the demonic king Paimon. This was done through dozens of

evocations and also an intense ritual of possession. I made offerings to Paimon on

my altar on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.
These offerings were well received and appear to have brought about a strong
bond between myself and Paimon. Establishing a relationship of any kind with a
spirit is a lot like establishing one with another human being. You’ll find though
that demons unlike humans are not prone to petty back stabbing.
Great respect must be given to these entities at all times but at the same time
you must also conduct yourself in a manner in which you will be respected. These
entities do not typically ask for your worship and do not want you to grovel before
them. You should also be aware that these entities may from time to time test you
in different ways for various reasons.
The truth is that after working with Belial for a significant period of time he
will be deceitful towards the magician, if not from the time of first contact.
It is his desire that you rebel against this as you would rebel against any other
entity that would attempt to do the same. As long as you are a slave to the
will others and their desires, that they feel are best for you or simply allow
them to take advantage of your weakness, ignorance or stupidity, you will
never have true freedom.
—C.H. Richard, Lucifuge Rofocale: Twin GodofThaumiel


When you are performing magick you are aiming to change the consensus reality.
That is you are looking for the will behind your magick to influence the collective
reality. Every human being, possibly even so called non-player characters, influ­
ence the collective divine mind of the all. When you perform powerful ritual
magick your will must be much greater than that of the average person influencing
the collective in order to bring about change.
It has become part of culture in the occult community to post details about at
least some of your ritual workings. I think that this is generally a bad idea even
though it is possible for it to serve a purpose.
When you post photos of your rituals, especially before the results have mani­
fested you are not just allowing others to influence your rituals but calling them to.
Just by the fact that they know any details and have seen photographs/video of your
rituals will mean their mean has input into your ritual.

If you are going to do ritual or have done ritual and haven’t seen the results
keep it to yourself!


1530s, "secret, not divulged," from Middle French occulte and directly from
Latin occultus "hidden, concealed, secret," past participle of occulere
"cover over, conceal," from assimilated form of ob "over" (see ob-) + a verb
related to celare "to hide," from PIE root *kel- (1) "to cover, conceal, save."
Meaning "not apprehended by the mind, beyond the range of understand­
ing" is from 1540s. The association with the supernatural sciences (magic,
alchemy, astrology, etc.) dates from 1630s. A verb occult "to keep secret,
conceal" (c.1500, from Latin occultare) is obsolete.
—Online Etymology Dictionary
The very origin of the word occult relates to concealment. There are times when
occultists broadcast their rituals on the world stage with effective magickal results.
However most posts you see shared on social media will likely result in power and
energy being diverted from the ritual to elsewhere.
I have kept the details of my workings with each of these “gate keeper” demons
private until the grimoire on the work with each one was published. Even after
some time has passed there are details of particular rituals that I keep private espe­
cially anything that is relevant to future magickal endeavors. To the neophytes that
use social media, do not get caught up in popular culture magick.
Posting your altar and rituals for the world to see may be to your detriment.
If you are going to do that I recommend beforehand planning how you are going
to utilize the energy that is drawn towards it by other people. ■¥■


* Names: Asmoday, Asmodeus, Ashmedai

* Qlipha: Golachab
* Planetary Alignment: Mars
* Incense: Dragon’s blood
* Colors: Black and red
While I would recommend dragon’s blood for incense to use as a manifestation
base. From my experience frankincense and myrrh is almost always a decent sub­
stitute for any particular incense for conjuration of demonic entities.
With evocation of any spirit there are formulas that you can follow that will
consistently work. That is not what I have done with my work with Asmoday and
it is not what I suggest you do either. That being said in this chapter I do provide
you with a template you can use and I break down the different parts of the invoca­
tion and possession. You need to really have a feel for what it is you are doing and
be deep into trance while performing ritual.
Everything should flow seamlessly, this aides in communication to the subcon­
scious mind and helps you stay deep in trance. If something doesn’t feel right it is
probably because it isn’t. Understanding the subtle nuances of spirit conjuration
will come by practicing demonic conjuration dozens upon dozens of times.
What I did and I recommend to you is to conjure Asmoday as strongly as you
can and then step into the triangle of manifestation (or the area you have allocated
for this demon to manifest.)

If you are not using a triangle of manifestation you may find that Asmoday (or
any other demon for that matter) may come into form in an unexpected place.
In the section of this chapter with the conjuration I advise using I have provided
in italics analysis and commentary that you should keep in mind when performing
the conjuration. I would also recommend hand writing out this conjuration yourself
on a piece of paper before the ritual or as part of the ritual at the beginning.


Take great care with each of the pronunciations, the effort alone will increase the
effectiveness of the conjuration. While intent and force does matter, correct pro­
nunciation also has its own power. To understand what I have just said regarding
intent, think in terms of Personal and Universal Symbolism.
Beginning the conjuration with whispers will communicate to the subconscious
mind that this ritual is to be concealed and kept secret. It also communicates the
power even speaking the name of this demon has to the subconscious.
Whisper, three times:

Speak Loudly, three times:

Vibrate, three times:

Demon oflust
Demon ofwrath
When speaking the above words you want to deeply connect with the emotion
of each one. You may choose to visualize realities that are manifestations of these
Hail King Asmoday
Hail Asmodeus
Asmoday is a well-known demon from Ars Goetia but also known as Asmodeus
in other grimoires. Repeatedly calling upon the two most common names of As­
moday will help strengthen a direct connection to the demon. This is not a simple
calling on the spirit though.

When you speak each name you need to psychically draw the energy of Asmo-
day towards you and into the area where you are conjuring Asmoday to appear.
Demon ofgluttony
Demon ofgreed
King Asmoday
Demon ofsloth
Demon ofenvy andpride
Even if you don’t commonly feel or identify with such emotions try your best
to put yourself into that emotional state while speaking these words.

Asmoday, Igrantyou all permissions needed to manifest before me

I callyou forth Asmoday! (x3)
I callforth the Infernal dragon whichyou sit upon!
I conjureyou Asmoday! (x9)
Your call to conjure Asmoday may be repeated more than nine times. Each time
give all the energy you can to the area where you have allocated for Asmoday to
manifest. Note that breath-work is a sometimes neglected practice while perform­
ing spirit conjuration. The energy to evoke Asmoday will be taken from the
manifestation bases (e.g. blood and/or incense) as well as the practitioner. If you
do not feel energy leaving you and you are experiencing problems conjuring Asmo­
day. Then the problem will probably be in either not being able to establish an initial
connection with Asmoday or not being able to pull Asmoday through the veil and
drive energy to have Asmoday manifest.
Asmoday I evokeyou, Ibringyou forth to manifest (x3)


Please see my previous work in the Compendium ofBaal, entitled, “Bael: First King
of Ars Goetia, ” on the power of words to get more context for the following. Before
conjuring Asmoday you should write up a pact of possession that is structured and
worded as much as possible like a legal document (because it is a legal document.)
After conjuring Asmoday step into the triangle of manifestation and read out
loud your pact with him and then proceed to sign it both with a pen and also with
your own blood.

I have provided a template below that you can use for your pact of possession.


I, (Sorcerer Name),
Grant you license to possess my fleshly vessel, my body through the period of
MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. I deny you the power to physically harm
myself or any other person during this period of possession.
Asmoday who is also called Asmodeus and Ashmedai possess my body of flesh
and intertwine your spirit with mine. I request that through your possession you
bring about evolution of my mental processes and of my behaviors.
I request that you grant unto me your spiritual powers of Invincibility, to find
where Treasures lie and the power of Divination.
(Signature) ■¥■



HE definitive motto of human transcendence: Become A Living God wel­

T comes magickians to maximize their individuality, freedom, and personal

power in this lifetime. Browse a complete catalog of courses, rituals for
hire, grimoires, talismans, consultations, and readings at BecomeAL-
The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers saga features humanity’s official contact with
prehuman diplomats from the Outer Darkness. They have been both deified and
diabolized by myriad civilizations across continents over millennia; for the first
time ever, sorcerers aspire to peacefully unmask these prehistoric forces and allow
their uncensored discourse.
* BELIAL: Without a Master, Compendium 1
* LUCIFER-AMAYMON: The Enlightener, Compendium 2
* AZAZEL: Steal Fire from the Gods, Compendium 3
* ABADDON: Angel of the Abyss, Compendium 4
* LUCIFUGE: The Lord of Pacts, Compendium 5
* BEELZEBUB: Lord of the Flies, Compendium 6
* BAAL: The King of Kings, Compendium 7
* ASMODEUS: The Lord of Lust, Compendium 8
* SATAN: The Adversary, Compendium 9 •¥■
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26 June 2021

The hihe DEmomc gatekeepers saga

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BELIAL: Without a Master, Volume 1

Behold Earth’s most complete guide to the black magick of belial, humanity’s official contact with the first
Demonic gatekeeper from the Outer Darkness.

LUCIFER: The Enlightener, Volume 2

In the world’s first grimoire of Amaymon, the demon reveals himself as the eldest, darkest, and last mask of
Lucifer the Enlightener, as his solar power supercharges human evolution.

AZAZEL: Steal Fire from the Gods, Volume 3

Learn a new era in demonology with the largest, most advanced group grimoire of Azazel, the Watchers,
King Paimon, and his Djinn in history.

ABADDON: The Angel of the Abyss, Volume 4

How to become the Lord of Darkness himself through a physical incarnation of Abaddon. Here's your
guide to crossing the Bottomless Pit.

LUCIFUGE: The Lord of Pacts, Volume 5

The Chief Emissary of The Demonic Gatekeepers instructs humankind on their ancient pact with
Demonkind and how to experience high gnosis.

BEELZEBUB: Lord ofthe Flies, Volume 6

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BAAL: The King of Kings, Volume 7

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ASMODEUS: The Lord of Lust, Volume 8

The official uncensored demonic grimoire on how to perform the most dangerously powerful love magick
in history — for consenting adults only.

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SATAN: The Adversary, Volume 9

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