Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education

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National Teachers College

Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education


I, Geraldine I. Tanangonan will observe the following:

1. Attend the agreed upon scheduled class via google meet

a. I will be responsible for all the undertakings of the synchronous sessions.
b. I will make a valuable contribution to the enrichment of my classmates
with all my inputs shared in the class.

2. Be punctual to class sessions (5) minutes before the schedule.

a. I will practice good time-management and respect the time of others.
b. I make the efficient use of resources which includes the time spent in
attending synchronous and consultation sessions a priority.

3. Wear appropriate and decent attire during class sessions.

4. Observe important protocols relative to online instruction

a. I will monitor the links to the synchronous and consultation sessions
b. I will activate my cameras while audio is on mute and can only unmute
myself when asked to do so.
c. I will use the chat box only if instructed to type in something and with
urgent concerns, questions and clarifications.
d. I will use the “raise hand” icon for any clarifications or to respond to
e. I will send messages whether through chat platforms or emails to my
professor and classmates with respect.
f. I will not share personal recordings of my classes.
g. Should I miss the synchronous session, I will access the recorded session.
h. I will ensure that my internet connection is stable.
i. I will actively engage in classroom interaction and discussions.
j. I will wait for the professor’s instruction before leaving the session.
k. I will follow important procedures for the checking of attendance and
other important matters shared by the professor.
5. Attend consultation sessions to interact with the professor on matters pertaining
to academic work. I will respect my professors’ time.

6. Regularly check posts and activities in the Google Classroom.

7. Regularly check my NTC email account and acknowledge receipt.

8. Study the given materials and submit requirements promptly.

9. Use the google room, google chat, and google classroom for any further urgent
concerns, questions and clarifications.

10. Read carefully, understand and follow the given instructions by the professor.


Geraldine I. Tanangonan
Student’s Signature over Name

July 26, 2022

Date signed

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