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Principles of Marketing

Assignment 3
Submitted to:
Ma’am Shamaila Gull
Submitted by:
Group 6
Arfa Akram – F19BB011
Mehreen Mehboob – F19BB023
Mahnoor Arif – F19BB007
Rabia Javed – F19BB021
Morning – B

Service-Profit Chain
Principles of Marketing

Q. Anmol Cancer Institute has been a leading hospital providing care for cancer patients and

their families. Describe how the service-profit chain is essential for this organization


Answer: Service Profit Chain for Anmol Cancer Institute:

To make Anmol Cancer Institute work successful, the service-profit chain is described below:

1.Internal service quality:

Internal service quality of Anmol Cancer hospital contributes to employee satisfaction. Feelings of
hospital staff towards their job, colleagues, hospital etc. measures internal service quality.  Providing
internal quality on these factors, inspires employees to stay and make external quality.

 Must find educated qualified staff.

 Advance technology for treatment.
 Mastering hard challenges in emergency department.
 Customized infrastructure for maximum safety.
 Knowing the requirement for new job positions
 Training programs to new staff members
 Good communication

2.Employee Satisfaction:

Employee Satisfaction will arise due to the policies of Anmol Cancer Hospital that empower the staff to
deliver quality service and products to their patients and customers. So, the patient loyalty- at its heart
depend on happy staff.

 Reduce the job stress.

 Recognize the needs of staff.
 Recognize the problems of employees and try to solve them.
Principles of Marketing

 Mandating in decision making.

 Don’t be strict to them.

 Providing free of cost training program to better their skills.

 High to low level, all the employees must feel that the hospital are supportive to them.

3.Employee Productivity and maintenance:

It arises due to employee satisfaction.

 Career growth, training and development.

 Arrange social events to encourage employees.
 Appreciation and award system for performance
 Emphasis on teamwork.
 Hold mentorship programs.

4.Patient Satisfaction:

Providing a positive patient expertise could usually appear elusive or maybe hard to realize. If the staff of
Anmol Cancer Institute establish specifically what a patient desires and supply them a positive expertise,
they will start establishing an enduring patient satisfaction. The following measures should be considered
to improve Anmol Cancer Institute:

 Patient access costs

 By providing the service on regular time to the patient.
 Treat the patients with smile. Don’t be strict with them.
 Prices of the services ought to be in range of patients.
 Friendly and quality staff.
 Hygiene factors
 Personalized care should be provided.

5.Patient Loyalty:

Patient loyalty arises from patient satisfaction.

 I receive good medical service and care.

 I always prefer this hospital for my treatment.
 This hospital has good a reputation.
 I get personalized care.
 Costs of services are affordable for me.
 Quality and friendly staff.
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing


Patient loyalty drives growth and profitability. If this institute keep giving service and product to the
employees, they will be happy. And if the employees of the hospital are happy and satisfied, they will
continue to work with their hearts and honestly which will create a positive relation with patients and
patients will be satisfied. The happy and satisfied patients will now prefer this institute which will help in
more revenue and profitability to make the organization successful.


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