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CRM Comparison White Paper:

Qontak, Barantum & Odoo

Collaboration with:

July 2021
We would like to acknowledge the support of Arkana Solusi Digital and Metrocom Jaddi
Technologies in the research & production of this White Paper.

Arkana Solusi Digital is constituted of experienced consultants who have many years of expertise
in the ERP industry and 7 years of experience in Odoo implementation (since OpenERP 6).

The partner has provided professional IT solutions to over 60 successful projects throughout
Indonesia (as of July 2021), particularly in Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, Education, Pharmacy,
Hospital, Field Service, and Outsourcing. They also offer advanced software development services;
IoT, Mobile App development, Data integration with API, and Business Intelligence.

Metrocom Jaddi Technology has garnered over 13 years of expertise in the ERP industry. The
partner is a subsidiary of Metrocom and Jaddi group of companies and focuses on selection,
design, implementation and maintenance of enterprise solutions. They specialize in building
enterprise solutions for businesses in Financial, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, and Retail

Introducing CRM offers available today

Today’s CRM market offers a significant number of solutions and software alternatives.
Some fit larger enterprises (which typically require on-premise hosting) while others apply
more to the needs of SME’s (commonly utilizing a cloud-hosted solution).

When it comes to CRM solutions, providers must adapt their products to fit a constantly
changing business landscape. For example, more and more CRM solutions are now becoming
available for mobile. This is a crucial advantage for modern companies and brings versatility
to their CRM usage. Being able to maintain your customer relationships directly from your
phone or tablet changes the way you operate and manage your sales activities.

Customer expectations are changing regarding CRM functionalities and best practices.
Modern businesses need more than just the ability to manage their contacts; a CRM has
to offer other features such as efficient communication tools, emailing, phone or chat
integration, being social, and most importantly, having a great user interface for your
salespeople to be productive.

Features Comparison

In order to offer a fair comparison of the top CRM solutions, we have compiled a table of
the most important features a CRM should offer. These are organized into six categories:
Customer Relationship Management, Sales, Integration, Marketing, Reporting, and Productivity
& Usability.

These categories encompass nearly everything a company might need in order to manage
and further develop its customer relationships and sales pipeline. In this comparison, we have
also included a comprehensive list of the pricing conditions for each solution.

Founded in 2016, Qontak is an omni-channel CRM solutions provider specializing in API
technology. Only available on the cloud, its software enables businesses to manage leads,
sales, mailing system, voice calls, KPIs and offline activities on an integrated platform.



Headquartered in Jakarta with a branch

in Singapore, the company is a global tier
1 ranked Official WhatsApp Business API
partner. It is also equipped with an ISO
certified technology stack, and a clientele
of banks, multi-national corporations, state-
owned enterprises to SMEs.

The CRM platform is highly customizable

and provides niche service packages; Omni-

channel Chat and Call Center and Sales
CRM Application and Customer Service CRM


Global Tier 1
4.0 Official WhatsApp
Cuspera Rating Business API

Founded in 2014, Barantum is one of the fast-growing local CRM and Call Center service
providers in Indonesia. The cloud-based software was built with a simple design to maximize
sales team productivity and work efficiency. Barantum’s customer-centric mindset and
focus on after-sales service has helped them scale over 25 industrial sectors in Indonesia.


Barantum’s software features cover

pre-sales to after-sales support; leads,
contact and sales management. The CRM
platform is designed for SME businesses
operating across Indonesia; therefore they
have localized features that cater to Indo-
nesia’s customer data regulations and chat
box access to customer care support in


4.17 IP-PBX
Cuspera Rating #1 in Indonesia

Odoo Online
Odoo is an open-source software that is available in three editions, of which two are local and one is
hosted in the cloud. 26,130 apps are available thanks to the multiple developments made by Odoo
S.A. and its community. Some of these apps are officially validated by Odoo, whereas others are
developed by the community and dedicated to specific versions for specific needs.


For this comparison, we’ll choose the applica-

tion Odoo CRM in the cloud-hosted version,
Odoo Online. The unique feature of this offer
is that it’s completely customizable. There are
more than 30 apps that cover the vast majority
of business cases. These apps are all connected
to the same database on Odoo’s servers, linking
your company’s sales pipeline to the rest of
your business operations.


4.2 3,500+
Cuspera Rating Partners worldwide

Features Comparison

CRM Qontak Barantum Odoo Online

Leads Management

Leads Management

Leads Scoring

Deduplication Sales


Leads Acquisition

Email Integration

Contact Forms

Website Call-To-Action

Mass Import

Sales Pipeline

In-Pipeline Management 1 1

Pipeline by Expected
Closing Dates

Log Calls

Next Actions




Photos in Contacts

Multiple Contacts per

Multiple Companies per

1 Opportunities are managed directly in the pipeline, rather than a list view.

Sales Qontak Barantum Odoo Online




Quotation Templates


Online Payment

Online Negotiation

Multiple UoM

Sales Orders

Sales Orders


Customer Portal

Shipper Integration

Integration Qontak Barantum Odoo Online

E-commerce Integration

Chat Bot Integration

Google Data Studio

Customer Service Ticketing

Marketing Qontak Barantum Odoo Online

Lead Generation

Mass Mailing

Web to Leads Capture

Leads Tracking
(Website visitors)

Leads Nurturing




Reporting Qontak Barantum Odoo Online


Activities Analysis

Pipeline Analysis

Sales Analysis

Invoice Analysis

Sales Forecasts

Commissions & Targets

Recurring Business 1

Report Engine

Dynamic Graphs

Dynamic Pivot Table

Customizable Dashboard

1 KPIs, MRR, Churn, CLTV, CAC Ratio, etc.

Productivity &
Qontak Barantum Odoo Online

VOIP Integration 1

Calendar Integration

Realtime Chat

Ability to Add, Drag

and Drop Fields

Social Network Integration


Email Integration

Email Templates


Full Web Interface

Mobile App Android

Offline App iPhone

Offline App Multi-language



Apps/ Modules 10,000+

8 modules

User Interface
When it comes to efficiency and end-user satisfaction, fine-tuned usability is one of the most
important factors in any software platform. In order to provide a strong value proposition,
a CRM solution must take into account the needs and goals of its users in order to actively
help them achieve their objectives. The user interface supports the overall product design
in deciphering human factors such as preferences, habits, and learned skills in order to
effectively serve the intended purpose of the software as it relates to the businesses that
utilize it. A strongly functional design is critical in providing a positive user experience.

Usability is qualitatively measured as a software’s ability to anticipate what a user might

need to do. This includes ensuring that all of the elements in the interface are easy to
access, understand, and use. Well-designed software will provide usability that helps the
users feel comfortable with the system and obtaining their unique desired results. It will
help users perform actions quickly and become more efficient in their day-to-uday tasks.
Best practices also suggest having a simple interface with consistency (common elements)
and a page layout based on hierarchical importance and flow.

Subjective Ratings Qontak Barantum Odoo Online

Subjective Ratings

Navigation and Search

Opportunities Pipeline

Mobile App

Reports Flexibility

Speed/Page Reloads

User Satisfaction

Ratings on Cuspera 4/5 4.17 / 5 4.2 / 5

The next section includes screenshots to help you compare the user interface, both in the
list and form view, for each software in the comparison.

User Interface – Qontak

Opportunities - Kanban View

Opportunities - List View

User Interface – Barantum

Opportunities - Kanban View

Opportunities - List View

User Interface - Odoo Online

Opportunities - Kanban View

Opportunities - List View

Pricing & Conditions

Pricing & Qontak Barantum

Conditions Online

Basic - Free
Promo Plans
starts from
per user

Monthly or
Contract Duration Monthly N/A

Free Cloud Version

Free Trial

Free Updates

Software Upgrades

Hosting & Maintenance


1 Odoo CRM is free for unlimited users, as long as you use solely the CRM app; when other apps are added (ex. Sales,
eCommerce, Inventory), the cost is USD25/user.

Market Trends
The following graphs were created with the Explore Tool on Google Trends. The color curves
illustrate the number of Google searches of the associated keywords since Odoo CRM’s
early inception (5/2013)1.

The first metric presents the relative global consumer interest in each software platform.

The second metric presents the relative Indonesia-based consumer interest in each
software platform.

1 Odoo was previously known as OpenERP before 2014, so both keywords were used to reflect the growth since
the beginning of Odoo.

Choosing and implementing a CRM solution is an important decision as well as a significant
investment. It should be carefully considered with regard to your unique business needs and
operations. If you are in the process of choosing a CRM solution, here are some points to consider
before making your decision.

First, be sure to define your objectives. Examples of such goals could be getting more leads,
improving conversion rates, managing your sales teams, upselling existing customers, etc.
Secondly, what type of technology or support does your company prefer to work with? Do you
prefer to maintain your software yourself via an on-premise server or utilize a cloud-hosted
solution retained by the software vendor? Additionally, what are your budget and internal
competencies? On-premise solutions are preferred by large companies because they provide
increased control of the platform and can assist in overcoming security concerns. Alternatively,
online solutions are advisable for SMEs as the customization and costs (hosting, maintenance,
implementation service, etc.) are usually minimal or even included in the base rate.

Once you have weighed the costs and benefits associated with these factors, your business can
better analyze the potential solutions available on the market. When comparing the features of
each solution, remember to consider the functional needs of the employees using the system
in their daily operational tasks. Also, view the business needs of decision-makers in the
organization; an optimal solution will support the efforts of all users.

Be sure to pay close attention to the usability of the system you choose. Simplicity contributes
to faster software adoption for users and ultimately allows the salespeople in your organization
to be more productive. In terms of usability, Odoo provides more advanced features which are
easier to learn and quicker to implement than the rest of the solutions on the market. Most CRM
solutions offer a free trial, so it’s easy for businesses to test independently in just a few minutes.

As many CRM experts have mentioned, the future is mobile with integrated solutions supporting
multi-channel sales and efficient communication. A mobile tool allows your employees to react
quickly to customer requests. In contrast, an integrated tool can seriously save time, empower
users to operate more efficiently, and help maintain a clean, unified database.

Lastly, don’t forget to look at the big picture. If a company’s long-term goal is to grow its sales
volume, the best approach to choosing a CRM solution is to start with a solution that can
follow that growth over time. To accomplish this, a flexible solution with robust features that
can offer tools that work in tandem with the CRM to manage the business would be the ideal
choice for a scalable and cost-effective solution.

All-in-one Management Software

Contact us

Odoo APAC compiled this white paper. We did our best to make it objective and fair.
If you find a mistake or a missing feature, please report it to [email protected], and we will update this document.

©2021 Odoo. All rights reserved.


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