DOE Standard - Hoisting and Rigging - 2020 Update

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U.S. Department of Energy AREA SAFT

Washington, DC. 20585
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Available to the public on the DOE Technical Standards Program Web Site at

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hoisting and Rigging Standard is intended to be used by
supervisors, line managers, safety personnel, equipment operators, riggers and other personnel
responsible for the safety of hoisting and rigging operations at DOE sites. It may be used as
either a contract document or as a best practice guide at the site’s or program office’s

This Standard establishes planning considerations that apply to industrial load handling
equipment as they pertain to hoisting and rigging operations such as cranes, hoists, gantries,
jibs, monorails, shop cranes, jacks, industrial dollies or rollers, forklifts, slings, rigging hardware,
below-the-hook lifting devices and other associated equipment, covered by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standards when moving loads vertically and/or horizontally. The term “lift” includes all “load
handling activities” (LHA) as defined in ASME B30 Safety Standard: Cranes and Related

The standard invokes applicable OSHA, ASME, ANSI, and national consensus standards but also
defines more stringent provisions necessary to accomplish the complex, diversified, critical,
and oftentimes hazardous hoisting and rigging work found within the DOE complex. In doing so,
it addresses the following items that are not covered in detail in the referenced industry or
OSHA standards:

• Management responsibility and accountability

• Definition of critical lifts and the additional requirements for making them

• The need for and responsibilities of a person-in-charge for critical lifts

• The need for and responsibilities of a lift director for ordinary lifts

• The definition and special requirements for pre-engineered production lifts

• Special requirements for the testing, inspection, and maintenance of hoisting

equipment in hostile environments.

As a Technical Standard, this document is not mandated for use at DOE sites. However, this
standard and its predecessor documents have been used for many years by DOE and its
contractors as a valuable resource for conducting hoisting and rigging safely and efficiently. Full
implementation of the provisions of this standard should dramatically strengthen hoisting and
rigging programs throughout the DOE complex and decrease the probability of serious accidents
resulting in personnel injury or death or severe property damage.


The use of the word “shall” within this standard connotes a mandatory action, whereas use of
the word “should” or “may” connotes a recommended action.

It should be noted that not all hoisting and rigging equipment or operational methods could be
covered comprehensively by this standard. Hoisting and rigging equipment-fabricated onsite or
operated in a manner not envisioned by this Standard shall be designed, constructed, operated,
inspected and tested in accordance with the design engineer of record and applicable design
standards. This Standard does not address elevators, drilling rigs, or lifting loads with
construction equipment not normally intended for lifting purposes (e.g., excavators,
payloaders). When using rigging hardware or slings with lifting equipment not covered by this
standard, the applicable sections of this standard shall still apply to the rigging hardware and

In addition, this Standard does not repeat other DOE nuclear regulations, orders or
standards (e.g., 10 CFR 830, “Nuclear Safety Management,”) with respect to safety
analysis, technical
safety requirements, or safety classifications of hoisting equipment. The applicable regulatory
documents should be consulted to ensure conformance with these requirements during
hoisting and rigging activities.

This standard requires classification of each lift into one of the DOE categories (ordinary, critical,
or pre-engineered production) before the lift is planned. Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this standard
provide the requirements for ordinary, critical and pre-engineered production lifts.



1. SECTION – ORDINARY LIFTS ..................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Determination of Ordinary Lifts.............................................................................. 1
1.2 Lift Director Responsibilities for Ordinary Lift Operations ..................................... 1
1.3 Ordinary Lift Planning ............................................................................................. 2
2. SECTION – CRITICAL LIFTS ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Critical Lift Determination....................................................................................... 4
2.2 Critical Lift Requirements........................................................................................ 5
3. SECTION – PRE-ENGINEERED PRODUCTION LIFTS ................................................................. ..7
3.1 Pre-Engineered Production Lift Determination ...................................................... 7
3.2 Specialized Lifting Fixtures for Pre-Engineered Production Lifts ............................ 8
3.3 Procedures .............................................................................................................. 8
3.3.1 Content .................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Procedure Verification ............................................................................ 9
3.3.3 Approval .................................................................................................. 9
3.3.4 Changes in Procedures ............................................................................ 9
3.3.5 Periodic Review ..................................................................................... 10
3.3.6 Use of Procedure ................................................................................... 10
3.4 Training ................................................................................................................. 10
4. SECTION – HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENTS ......................................................................... 11
4.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................... 11
4.2 Hostile Environment Plan ..................................................................................... 12
4.3 Marking and Posting ............................................................................................. 13
4.4 Inspections, Testing and Maintenance ................................................................. 13
4.5 Hot Cell Operations ............................................................................................... 13
4.5.1 Hand-Carry Equivalent .......................................................................... 13
4.5.2 Hostile Environment handling Hardware for Manipulators.................. 14
5. SECTION – PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS .............................................................................. 17
5.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................... 17
5.2 Qualifications ........................................................................................................ 17
5.3 Certification........................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Records ................................................................................................................. 18
6. SECTION – OVERHEAD CRANES.............................................................................................. 18
6.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................... 18
6.2 Load Test ............................................................................................................... 18
6.3 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Operation .............................................................................................................. 19


6.4.1 Identification of Signal Persons ..............................................................19

6.4.2 Moving the Load .....................................................................................19
7. SECTION – HOISTS ...................................................................................................................19
7.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................19
7.2 Hoist Hook Markings ..............................................................................................20
7.3 Installation .............................................................................................................20
7.3.1 Procedures..............................................................................................20
7.3.2 Support ...................................................................................................20
7.4 Inspections .............................................................................................................20
7.5 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................20
8. SECTION – MOBILE CRANES ....................................................................................................20
8.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................20
8.2 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................21
8.3 Identification of Signal Persons..............................................................................21
8.4 Moving the Load ....................................................................................................21
9. SECTION – FORKLIFTS..............................................................................................................22
9.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................22
9.2 Front End Attachments ..........................................................................................22
10. SECTION – SLINGS ...................................................................................................................22
10.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................22
10.2 Sling Use in Radiation Areas ..................................................................................23
10.3 Sling Inspection Records ........................................................................................23
10.4 Sling Cut Protection ...............................................................................................23
11. SECTION – RIGGING HARDWARE ............................................................................................23
11.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................23
11.2 General Requirements ...........................................................................................23
11.3 Precision Load Positioners .....................................................................................24
12. SECTION – BELOW-THE-HOOK LIFTING DEVICES ....................................................................24
12.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................24
12.2 Marking ..................................................................................................................24
13. SECTION – MISCELLANEOUS LIFTING DEVICES .......................................................................25
13.1 General Requirements ...........................................................................................25
13.1.1 Commercial and Custom Lifting Hardware ............................................25
13.1.2 Portable Automotive Service Equipment ...............................................25
13.2 Operator Qualifications .........................................................................................25
13.3 Rated Load Markings, Safety Markings and Operating Instructions .....................25


13.4 Modifications .........................................................................................................26

13.5 Load Limits .............................................................................................................26
13.6 Operating Controls.................................................................................................26
13.7 Load Hooks .............................................................................................................26
13.8 Wire Rope on small cranes (1 ton or less) .............................................................26
13.9 Inspections .............................................................................................................26
13.9.1 Initial Inspection .....................................................................................27
13.9.2 Preoperational Check and Periodic Inspections.....................................27
13.10 Load Tests for Miscellaneous Devices ...................................................................27
13.11 Maintenance Program ...........................................................................................28
13.12 Replacement Parts .................................................................................................28
13.13 Conduct of Operator ..............................................................................................28
14. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................28
14.1 List of References ...................................................................................................28



1.1 Determination of Ordinary Lifts

1.1.1 A management representative shall classify the lift as ordinary, prior to

planning the lift. The management representative shall appoint the Lift
Director for lift operations. Appointments may be by written
instructions, specific verbal instructions for the particular job, or clearly
defined responsibilities within the crew’s organizational structure.

1.1.2 Hoisting and rigging operations for all lifts require a lift director,
however named, who shall be present at the lift site during the entire
lifting operation. If only one person is making the lift, that person
assumes all responsibilities of the lift director. The lift director shall
have the necessary knowledge and experience of the specific type of
equipment and assigned lifting operations.

1.2 Lift Director Responsibilities for Ordinary Lift Operations

1.2.1 Identify the objective of the lift by defining what is being lifted, and the type
of equipment being used to perform the lift.

1.2.2 Ensures that personnel involved understand how the lift is to be made.

1.2.3 Ensures that personnel involved are current in training and


1.2.4 Surveys the lift site for hazardous/unsafe conditions.

1.2.5 Ensures that that lifting equipment, rigging and other accessories are
properly selected such that their rated capacities are not exceeded.

1.2.6 Checks all cranes/hoists to ensure that they are still within the
inspection interval.

1.2.7 Checks that basic operating instructions of all lifting equipment, to

include required charts, tables, or diagrams, are appropriately posted or
otherwise available to the operator.

1.2.8 Ensures that a preoperational check of all lifting equipment and rigging
is performed to validate compliance with the appropriate sections of
this standard.

1.2.9 Ensures that equipment is properly set up and positioned.

1.2.10 Ensures that hoisting routes minimize exposure to personnel and critical
equipment from the hoisted load and that only essential personnel are
allowed within the fall zone.

1.2.11 Ensures that a signal person is assigned, if required, and is identified to

the operator.

1.2.12 Ensures that the load hook is directly over the center of gravity of the
load to the extent possible. Checks the load lines after a strain is put on
them but before the load is lifted clear of the ground; if load lines are
not plumb, repositions the slings or equipment so that the lines are
plumb before continuing. Rigging imposes loads in the lifted item; the lifted

item shall be capable of resisting the imposed loads
as configured. Directs the lifting operation to ensure that the lift is

completed safely and efficiently. Stops the job when any potentially unsafe condition is

recognized. Directs emergency response if an accident or injury occurs.

1.2.13 Evaluation of the integrity of the item to be lifted as rigged.

1.3 Ordinary Lift Planning

1.3.1 Lift planning should comply with ASME P30.1, “Planning for Load
Handling Activities,” and shall comply with 48 CFR 970.5223-1,
“Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into Work Planning and
Execution,” aka Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS). The
following additions and exceptions to the above cited standard should
also be implemented.

1.3.2 A written lift plan beyond normal site work planning and control
documents is not required for ordinary lifts. However, the Lift Director
may determine that a written plan is prudent.

1.3.3 The lift director shall ensure that in addition to the P30.1 “Standard Lift
Plan” considerations, the following pre-lift planning issues are
addressed, as applicable, prior to the lift. Identify the item to be moved, its intrinsic characteristics

(e.g., load integrity, loose materials, liquids), weight,
dimensions, its center of gravity; its ability to support
imposed lifting forces (both the load and any lift points),
and whether it contains any hazardous or toxic materials. Validate the loads path and clearances.

DOE-STD-1090-2020 Identify lifting equipment and rigging to be used by type

and rated capacity. Prepare rigging sketches, as necessary. Evaluate the work area for conditions impacting crane

setup operations (e.g., weather, soil bearing capacity,
underground utilities, clearances to power lines and other
structures). This may be covered in the Activity Hazard
Analysis. Identify any special or site-specific operating procedures

and special instructions.

1.3.4 Ordinary Lifts That Require Special Consideration Some ordinary lifts have additional risks that warrant

special consideration. Such lifts shall have documented
plans but do not require the technical rigor of a critical lift
and do not have to be performed in a step-by-step
sequence. If sequential actions are required because of the
complexity of the lift or operation then they must be noted
in the lift plan. A written lift plan shall be created for lifts
where any of the following conditions are present:

• Load transfer; such as transferring a load in mid-air

from one lifting device to another
• Any load that its center of gravity might be
relocated due to lifting operation; such as a tank
filled with liquid
• Use of multiple lifting devices; such as the use of
more than one piece lifting equipment in sharing
the load (Ref. 29 CFR 1926.1432) ”Use of
complicated custom designed rigging equipment
or hardware”
• Working in or within the reach of the crane (the
area 360 degrees around the crane equipment, up
to the crane equipment's maximum erected/fully
extended boom length)
a) the specified clearance of power
lines per 29 CFR 1926.1407-1411 or
ASME B30.5(2018).
b) the limited approach boundary of
exposed energized electrical
equipment as defined per NFPA 70E.
• Multiple load line operation such as those referred
to in 29 CFR 1926.1432.

• Lifting Personnel.


2.1 Critical Lift Determination

2.1.1 A management representative shall classify the lift as critical, prior to

planning the lift.

2.1.2 A lift shall be classified critical if any of the following conditions are

A. The load item if damaged or upset would result in a release

into the environment of radioactive or hazardous material
exceeding the established permissible environmental limits.
Threshold quantities of radioactive or hazardous material
are evaluated in the facility Documented Safety Analyses
(DSA) and components required to prevent their release are
designated as Safety Significant (SS) or Safety Class (SC).
Therefore, lifts over SS or SC items that, if upset, could
directly cause a release exceeding the DSA threshold limits
for radioactive or hazardous materials, shall be designated
critical. The threshold amounts are related to exposure limits
to the facility worker and the offsite public.

B. The load item is unique, if damaged, would be irreplaceable or

not repairable and is vital to a system, facility or project

C. The cost to replace or repair the load item, or the delay in

operations of having the load item damaged would have a
negative impact on facility, organizational, or DOE budgets to
the extent that it would affect program commitments.

D. If mishandling or dropping of the load would cause any of the

above noted consequences to nearby installations, facilities,
structures, systems, and equipment.

E. For steel erection a lift shall be designated as a critical lift if:

1. The lift exceeds 75 percent of the rated capacity of the

crane or derrick.


2. The lift requires the use of more than one crane or derrick
(refer to § 851.23).


2.1.3 Further site-specific criteria may be developed to supplement those cited

above and may include criteria imposed by site or project safety basis
requirements as well as lifting loads which require exceptional care in
handling because of size, weight, close-tolerance installation or high
susceptibility to damage as well as lifts using multiple pieces of lifting

2.1.4 The critical lift plan shall be followed in sequence as written.

2.1.5 Lifting Personnel: Though lifting personnel may meet the above
criteria, personnel lifts are addressed by 29 CFR 1926.1431 and ASME
B30.23. Personnel lift planning shall be per ASME B.30.23. The
procedure and rigging sketches shall be reviewed and approved by a
qualified person (technical authority), the responsible manager (or
designee) and the lift director before the lift is made. Subsequent
revisions shall be approved per site-specific procedures.

2.2 Critical Lift Requirements

2.2.1 Ensure that the requirements are met for lifts specified in each section
of this standard for each particular equipment category.

2.2.2 The operating organization shall appoint a person who meets the
criteria for both a competent and a qualified person, 29 CFR 1926.32(f),
or a competent person who is assisted by one or more qualified
persons e.g. Lift Director. The Competent/Qualified person/Lift
Director, however named, shall be present at the lift site during the
entire lifting operation.

2.2.3 The Competent/Qualified person shall ensure that a documented

pre-job plan or procedure is prepared by a qualified person(s) that
defines the operation and includes the following:

A. Identify the item to be moved, its intrinsic characteristics (e.g.,

load integrity, loose materials, liquids), weight, dimensions, its
center of gravity; its ability to support imposed lifting forces (both
the load and any lift points), and whether it contains any
hazardous or toxic materials.

B. Identification of operating equipment to be used by type and

rated capacity (e.g., mobile crane, overhead crane, forklift).

C. Rigging sketches and/or descriptions that include (as applicable):

1. Identification and rated capacity of slings, lifting bars,

rigging accessories, and below-the-hook lifting devices.
Calculate and provide the rated capacity of the equipment.


2. Load-indicating devices.
3. Load vectors.
4. Lifting points.
5. Sling angles.
6. Required lifting equipment movement (e.g., boom and
swing angles, trolley and bridge motions).
7. Methods of attachment.
8. Crane orientations.
9. Other factors affecting equipment capacity (e.g., load path
sketch, key point heights, floor or soil bearing capacity).

2.2.4 Lift Director Responsibilities for Critical Lift Operations:

A. Continue practice of Lift Director responsibilities for ordinary lift

operations shall:

B. Understand the site rules and procedures addressing:

1. Administrative requirements for lifting operations.

2. Critical-lift determination and documentation.
3. Personnel assignments and responsibilities commensurate
with job requirements.
4. Selection of proper slings, rigging hardware, and lifting
5. Recognition and control of hazardous or unsafe conditions.

C. Have the necessary knowledge and experience of the specific type

of equipment and assigned lifting operations.

2.2.5 All rigging equipment used in critical lifts (i.e., slings, below-the-hook
lifting devices, and rigging hardware) shall be proof load tested in
accordance with applicable ASME standards.

2.2.6 Experienced operators who have been trained and qualified to operate
the specific equipment to be used shall be assigned to make the lift.

2.2.7 Only designated, qualified signalers shall give signals to the operator.
However, the operator shall obey a STOP signal at all times, no matter
who gives the signal.

2.2.8 The procedure and rigging sketches shall be reviewed and approved by
the lift director (however named), a qualified person (technical
authority), the responsible manager (or designee) and provide the
responsible oversight, which should include a competent safety person,
and qualified rigging engineer before the lift is made. Subsequent
revisions shall be approved per site-specific procedures.


2.2.9 A pre-lift meeting involving participating personnel shall be conducted

prior to making a critical lift. The critical lift plan/procedure shall be
reviewed and questions shall be resolved.

2.2.10 Prior to executing a critical lift, a qualified person shall verify that the
as-installed rigging matches the configuration in the approved lifting

2.2.11 If required by the critical lift procedure, a practice lift shall be done
before the critical lift. Conditions for a practice lift should closely
simulate actual conditions involving: weight, rigging selection and
configuration, load movement path, and other relevant factors. Practice
lifts should be performed by the same crew using the same lifting
equipment that will be used in the lift. The crane/equipment should be
operated through the full range of motion prior to performing the lift.

2.2.12 Although individual plans are generally prepared for critical lifts,
multi-use plans should be employed to accomplish recurrent critical
lifts. For example, a multi-use plan may be used to lift an item or series
of similar items that are handled repeatedly in the same manner.
However, if the lifting equipment or rigging must change to accomplish
the lift, the critical lift plan must be revised and approved accordingly.


3.1 Pre-Engineered Production Lift Determination

3.1.1 A management representative shall classify the lift as pre-engineered

production, prior to planning the lift.

3.1.2 A pre-engineered production lift is defined as a repetitive lift that is

performed by production line personnel in the assembly or disassembly
of components or systems where detailed lift planning, equipment
selection, and lift-specific training may substitute for the qualifications
prescribed in Section 5 of this standard. In order for a lift to be
designated a pre-engineered production lift, the following criteria shall

A. The group of items to be lifted is identical in terms of

dimensions, weight, center of gravity, load path, method of
attachment to the lifting equipment, and selection of lifting

B. Lift personnel can lift all items in adherence to a specific step-

by-step procedure that eliminates rigging decisions or
calculations. The lifting procedure shall address details of the
specific operation including the attachment and detachment of

all lifting equipment, fixtures and accessories. Subsequent lifts

shall incorporate best practices and lessons learned from
previous lifts.

3.2 Specialized Lifting Fixtures for Pre-Engineered Production Lifts

3.2.1 Special lifting fixtures shall be designed by a qualified engineer in

accordance with the applicable consensus standards. Any deviations
cannot diminish the level of protection afforded by the consensus
standard. Deviations in design that reflect design factors less than
consensus standard requirements shall require documented
justification and approval of:

A. Representative of a qualified engineering organization.

B. Representatives of the responsible oversight organizations.

3.2.2 Deviations from the national consensus standard requirements for the
inspection, testing, maintenance, modification or repair of specialized
lifting fixtures cannot diminish the level of protection afforded by the
consensus standard and shall also require documented justification and
approval of the:

A. Representative of a qualified engineering organization.

B. Representatives of the responsible oversight organizations.

3.3 Procedures

3.3.1 Content

Appropriately trained personnel shall develop and have approved a

step-by-step procedure for each pre-engineered production lift. At a
minimum, each procedure shall contain the following information:

A. Identification of the load to be lifted.

B. Identification of the specific lifting fixtures, slings, and rigging

hardware to be used in the operation.

C. Identification by class and capacity of lifting equipment (e.g.,

cranes, hoists) to be used.

D. A requirement to verify that all lifting equipment, fixtures, slings

and rigging hardware are operative, up-to-date on required
inspections and maintenance, and are in good condition before
the operation begins.


E. Specific instructions for attachment of the lifting fixtures to the

load and to the lifting equipment.

F. Specific step-by-step description of load movements required

for the operation.

G. Specific instructions for removal of the lifting fixtures from both

the load and the lifting equipment.

3.3.2 Procedure Verification

Before its first use in the actual production process, the procedure shall
undergo a formal verification and validation process using
walk-throughs or similar methods to ensure that the steps are
appropriate and correct. Any discrepancies found during this process
shall be corrected and the process repeated until the procedure is

3.3.3 Approval Before the procedure verification process, the procedure

shall be reviewed and approved by:

A. Representative of a qualified engineering


B. Representatives of the responsible oversight

organizations. After each procedure is verified, it shall be reviewed and

approved by the following personnel:

A. Representative of a qualified engineering


B. Management of the facility where the procedure

will be performed.

C. Management of the production organization

performing the procedure.

D. Representatives of the responsible oversight


3.3.4 Changes in Procedures

Any changes to an approved procedure shall be performed according to

the process specified above. The change shall be evaluated to

determine whether the revised procedure must be revalidated and


3.3.5 Periodic Review Approved procedures should be reviewed at periodic

intervals to ensure that their information and instructions
are technically accurate and that appropriate human-factor
considerations have been included. The frequency of reviews should be specified for each

procedure; it may vary with the type and complexity of the
activity involved. Applicable procedures must be reviewed after an

incident. During each review, procedures should be compared to

source documents to verify their accuracy.

3.3.6 Use of Procedure A copy of the current issue of the approved procedure shall

be in the work area when the operation is performed. If a procedure is determined to be deficient, a procedure

change shall be initiated before operations continue in
accordance with Subsection 3.3.4. Deviations from the approved procedure are not permitted

except for emergencies. During emergency conditions, personnel may return to a

safe and stable condition without first initiating a
procedure change.

3.4 Training

3.4.1 Specialized training shall be conducted for personnel involved in

performing pre-engineered production lifts. This training shall be
reviewed and approved by the responsible operating and oversight
organizations. It shall include:

A. Thorough coverage of all aspects of the procedure and

assigned responsibilities for the lift.

B. A demonstration by the individual of operational competence in

the performance of all assigned duties associated with the lift.

3.4.2 Training on a procedure shall be repeated periodically or when a

modification to the procedure results in a significant change in the


4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1 This section describes provisions for hoisting and rigging operations in
hostile work environments.

4.1.2 This section contains special provisions for hoisting and rigging
operations and equipment in hostile environments where standard
operating, maintenance, inspection, or test procedures cannot be
followed as a result of radiation or radioactive contamination,
toxic/hazardous chemicals or gases, or temperature extremes or
other hazards. Hostile environments are environments that have
been rendered inaccessible to workers during hoisting or rigging
operations due to these health hazards.

4.1.3 Hoisting and rigging activities can usually be accomplished where the
environment will allow normal operations with access for hands-on
equipment contact. In those situations, operations, maintenance,
inspections, and tests shall be done in accordance with the balance of
this standard or other applicable regulatory requirements.

4.1.4 Hoisting and rigging equipment or operations shall be reviewed by a

competent person appointed by the management representative to
determine compliance with the requirements of this standard or other
applicable regulatory requirements shall review hoisting and rigging
equipment or operations.

4.1.5 Alternate compliance methods and procedures shall be consistent with

a facility’s safety basis documents (i.e., Documented Safety Analysis and
Technical Safety Requirements).

4.1.6 The site’s radiation protection organization shall be consulted to ensure

that all hoisting and rigging operations are conducted consistent with
DOE’s policy of as-low-as-reasonably achievable (ALARA) radiation
exposure per the provisions of 10 CFR 835, “Occupational Radiation


4.2 Hostile Environment Plan

4.2.1 A hostile environment plan shall be prepared by a management

representative and shall cover operations, equipment, inspection,
testing, and maintenance. See Exhibit I, Hostile Environment Plan, at the
end of this section.

4.2.2 At a minimum, the plan shall be reviewed and approved by responsible

contractor management at the facility where the crane, hoist, or other
equipment is located and by responsible management of the
appropriate contractor oversight organization such as safety or quality

4.2.3 The plan shall address only those actions or features that require
deviation from the requirements of this standard due to a hostile
environment. At a minimum, it shall contain the following information:

A. The specific requirements that cannot be met.

B. The difference between the requirement and actual conditions.

C. Justification for not meeting this standard’s requirements.

D. A statement of actions or features to be used to compensate for

the differences.

E. Specific maintenance, inspections, and tests to be performed

whenever access is possible.

F. Replacement or retirement criteria for equipment that is

designed to operate with little or no maintenance.

4.2.4 Detailed operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures

that state specific requirements and acceptance criteria shall be
prepared, based on the hostile environment plan.

4.2.5 The responsible manager shall ensure that the approved hostile
environment plan is distributed as follows:

A. DOE Site Office or equivalent.

B. Equipment operators, maintenance organizations, and other

organizations or personnel affected by the plan.

C. Equipment history file.


4.2.6 Hostile environment plans and the equipment history file shall be
readily available to affected workers and other appointed personnel.

4.3 Marking and Posting

Equipment used under a hostile environment plan shall be posted with the
following information: “Special Maintenance and Operating Instructions
Required – see Hostile Environment Plan.”

4.4 Inspections, Testing and Maintenance

4.4.1 Lifting fixtures and rigging accessories shall be qualified in accordance

with Sections 10, 11, and 12 (“Wire Rope and Slings,” “Rigging
Hardware,” and “Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices,” respectively) of this
standard prior to being exposed to the hostile environment.

4.4.2 Lifting equipment, slings, rigging accessories and fixtures that have been
removed from hostile environments shall be inspected and maintained
per the applicable provisions of this standard prior to their reuse
outside of hostile environments.

4.5 Hot Cell Operations

4.5.1 Hand-Carry Equivalent

NOTE: The site H&R competent personnel should be involved with

the application of the hand carried item rule. Occasionally cranes and hoists in hot cells are used as assist
tools rather than as hoisting and rigging equipment. This is
necessary in areas where personnel access is impeded by
radiological conditions. Such cases are considered the
equivalent of hand-carrying material. Hand-carry equivalent material movements shall not be

considered hoisting and rigging lifts. Hand-carry equivalent material movements include hostile

environment remote-handling activities performed with
remote-handling systems: cranes, hoists, located in
gloveboxes, hot cells.

DOE-STD-1090-2020 Hand-carry equivalent, must meet the following


• The activity is of a nature that would be

hand-carried except for the presence of a
radiological environment impeding personnel
access. The activity must pose minimal risk in the
event of mishandling beyond that normally
associated with hand-carried loads. Risk to be
considered include:

- Injury to personnel

- Damage to equipment

- Adverse programmatic impacts

- Environmental impacts

• Total weight of material handled is less than 50


• Performed only in a Hostile Environment. Hand-carry-equivalent material movements also apply

during qualification in mock-up shops prior to performing
these movements in an inaccessible environment. Hazards
associated with material-movement activities shall be
mitigated in remote qualification procedures.

4.5.2 Hostile Environment Handling Hardware for Manipulators Remote-handling hardware for material movements not

designated as hand-carry equivalent using manipulators
(that is, Master Slave Manipulators and Electro-Mechanical
Manipulators), shall be designed in accordance with the
appropriate material design specification for example, AISC
Allowable Stress Design, Aluminum Design Manual, or
Codes and Standards. The design of remote-handling hardware shall be

performed by an engineer and documented per laboratory
engineering processes.

4.5.3 Load Testing of Remote-Handling Hardware


A. Load testing of remote-handling hardware shall be

performed as specified by the design organization based
on facility safety, personnel safety, practicality, etc.

B. Identification and Control of Hostile Environment Handling


C. Hostile environment handling hardware that meets the

requirement of hand-carry equivalent by nature is specific in
use and does not require identification.


Exhibit I
Hostile Environment Plan

Building: Location:
Type crane/hoist:
(e.g., overhead top-running bridge and trolley, top-running bridge with underhung hoist, jib crane,
monorail hoist, overhead hoist)
Capacity: (Auxiliary):
Power method:
1a. H&R standard requirement that will not be met
Section number:
(copy the applicable section):

1b. Difference between standard requirement and what is to be allowed by this plan:

1c. Justification for not meeting the standard requirement:

1d. Actions or features to compensate for differences:

1e. Actions to be taken (e.g., inspections, maintenance) for lifting equipment, slings, rigging
accessories and fixtures that will be removed from hostile environments and subsequently reused
to ensure compliance with this Standard, applicable regulatory requirements and manufacturer’s
recommendations prior to their reuse (if applicable):

Include information regarding replacement or retirement criteria for this equipment. Include
information regarding any special design, maintenance, or test considerations that apply to this

Approval (Signature/Date)
*Facility Manager: Date:
*Manager, Oversight Organization: Date:
Other: Date:
Other: Date:
Other: Date:
*Approval is mandatory.



5.1 General Requirements

5.1.1 This section specifies qualification/certification requirements for

hoisting and rigging personnel.

5.1.2 Managers responsible for work assignments on hoisting and rigging

activities shall ensure that assignments do not exceed personnel

NOTE: Hoisting and rigging personnel includes, but is not limited to, crane
operators, forklift operators, riggers, signal persons, trainees,
inspectors, maintenance personnel, assembly/disassembly
director, and lift directors.

5.2 Qualifications

5.2.1 Personnel performing hoisting and rigging activities specifically

addressed by OSHA and national consensus standards shall be qualified
per the OSHA and national consensus standards.

5.2.2 Personnel involved in hoisting and rigging activities for which

qualification requirements are not specifically addressed by OSHA or
national consensus standards shall:

A. Be physically qualified to perform the specific job requirements.

B. Complete training for the equipment type and/or assigned


5.2.3 Each site shall develop a requalification program for hoisting and rigging
personnel. The requalification program shall reflect the complexity or
changing nature of the site’s hoisting and rigging operations and shall,
at a minimum, comply with the qualification requirements referenced
by OSHA, ASME, Industrial Truck Standards Development Foundation
(ITSDF) standards.

5.3 Certification

5.3.1 Hoisting and rigging personnel certified by a nationally recognized

certifying organization or a state/local agency recognized by Federal
OSHA may be accepted as having met the basic qualification
requirements for both construction and general industry hoisting and
rigging operations.


5.3.2 A practical operating skill evaluation shall be conducted for the specific
equipment type and/or assigned function. This evaluation shall be
conducted before initial work assignment and must meet OSHA

5.4 Records

Qualification/certification records for hoisting and rigging personnel shall be

kept on file and shall be readily available.


6.1 General Requirements

Operation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of overhead and gantry cranes

shall comply with ASME B30.2, “Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top-Running
Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top-Running Trolley Hoist),” and B30.17,
“Cranes and Monorails (with Underhung Trolley or Bridge),” in addition to
applicable OSHA standards. Only equipment built to the appropriate design
standards shall be used in DOE installations. ASME NUM-1, “Rules for
Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists (with Bridge or Trolley or Hoist of
the Underhung Type),” or ASME NOG-1, “Rules for Construction of Overhead and
Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder),” may also be invoked for
cranes in nuclear facilities. Additions/exceptions to these requirements are
provided in this section.

6.2 Load Test

New, reinstalled, altered, repaired, and modified cranes shall be load tested
prior to initial use. All other provisions of the referenced ASME standard
pertaining to load tests apply.

6.3 Maintenance

A preventive maintenance program shall be established and based on the

recommendation of the crane manufacturer and the appropriate referenced
ASME standards. If equipment maintenance procedures deviate from published
manufacturer’s recommendations, alternate procedures shall be approved in
advance by the manufacturer or a qualified person and be kept readily available.
The maintenance history of the crane should be retained throughout its service
life and kept readily available.


6.4 Operation

6.4.1 Identification of Signal Persons The signal person shall be clearly identified to the crane

operator. Options for improving signaler visibility include
high visibility contrasting color on hardhats, gloves, or
vests. In those cases where the crane operator cannot see the
signal person, a second person (relay signalperson) shall be
stationed where he or she can see both the signal person
and the crane operator and signals can be relayed to the
operator. The relay signal person shall also be clearly
identified to the crane operator. Where voice (direct or two-way radio) communication is

used, the signal person shall communicate directly with the
operator and not through a third person. Communication
devices shall be selected to preclude extraneous
communications from third parties.

6.4.2 Moving the Load A “dry run” (i.e., without a load or with a mockup load)

should be conducted in areas where clearance is limited or
if the complexity of the lift is deemed sufficiently complex. Responsible manager must approve that it is necessary to

work on a suspended load. Guidelines for safe operation
shall be established through consultation with the
appropriate safety organization. Suspended loads that
must be worked on should be secured against unwanted
movement, hooks should be equipped with self-closing
safety latches, and the load shall be rigged by a qualified

7.1 General Requirements

The operation, inspection, and maintenance of hoists not permanently

mounted on overhead cranes shall comply with B30.16, “Overhead Hoist
(Underhung),” and B30.21, “Lever Hoists,” and applicable OSHA standards. Only
equipment built to the appropriate design standards shall be used in DOE


installations. Additions/exceptions to these requirements are provided in this


7.2 Hoist Hook Markings

Manufacturer’s identification shall be forged, cast or die stamped on a low stress

and non-wearing area of the hook. Hooks furnished as an integral part of a hoist
or furnished by the original hoist manufacturer as replacement hooks (with
appropriate certification) are not required to have manufacturer markings.

7.3 Installation

7.3.1 Procedures

Procedures for hoist installation recommended in the manufacturer’s

manual shall be followed.

7.3.2 Support

The supporting structure shall be approved by a qualified person.

7.4 Inspections

Prior to initial use all new, repaired, or modified hoists shall be inspected by a
qualified person to ensure compliance with applicable standards.

Inspection records shall be kept on file and shall be readily available. For
subsequent periodic inspections, an external coded mark on the hoist is an
acceptable inspection record in lieu of written records.

7.5 Maintenance

A preventive maintenance program shall be established and be based on the

hoist manufacturer’s recommendations. If equipment maintenance procedures
deviate from the published manufacturer’s recommendations, the alternate
procedure shall be approved in advance by the manufacturer or a qualified
person and be kept readily available.


8.1 General Requirements

Operation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of mobile cranes shall comply

with the requirements of ASME B30.5, “Mobile and Locomotive Cranes,” and
applicable OSHA standards. Additions/exceptions to these requirements are
provided in this section.


8.2 Maintenance

A preventive maintenance program shall be established and based on the

recommendation of the crane manufacturer. If equipment maintenance
procedures deviate from published manufacturer’s recommendations, alternate
procedures shall be approved in advance by the manufacturer or another
qualified person and be kept readily available. Dated maintenance records
should be kept where readily available to appointed personnel. The maintenance
history of the crane shall be retained throughout its service life.

8.3 Identification of Signal Persons

8.3.1 The signal person shall be clearly identified to the crane operator.
Options for improving signaler visibility include high visibility contrasting
color on hardhats, gloves, or vests.

8.3.2 In those cases where the crane operator cannot see the signal person, a
second person (relay signal person) shall be stationed where he or she
can see both the signal person and the crane operator and signals can
be relayed to the operator. The relay signal person shall also be clearly
identified to the crane operator.

8.3.3 Where voice (direct or two-way radio) communication is used, the

signal person shall communicate directly with the operator and not
through a third person. Communication devices shall be selected to
preclude extraneous communications from third parties.

8.4 Moving the Load

8.4.1 A “dry run” (i.e., without a load or with a mockup load) should be
conducted in areas where clearance is limited or if the complexity of the
lift is deemed sufficiently complex.

8.4.2 Work on suspended loads is prohibited under normal conditions

unless the responsible manager decides that it is necessary to work on
a suspended load. Guidelines for safe operation shall be established
through consultation with the appropriate safety organization, prior to
work on the suspended load is accomplished. Suspended loads that
must be worked on should be secured against unwanted movement,
hooks shall be equipped with self-closing safety latches, and the load
shall be rigged by a qualified rigger.


9.1 General Requirements

Operation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of forklift trucks shall comply

with the requirements of ANSI B56.1a, "Safety Standard for Low, High Lift
Trucks" and ANSI B56.6, “Rough Terrain Fork Lift Trucks,” in addition to
applicable OSHA standards. Additions/exceptions to these requirements are
provided in this section.

Operators of powered forklift trucks shall be trained and qualified prior to

operation and their competence evaluated based on the class of forklift truck
they are operating.

Forklift truck operators shall perform a pre-use inspection. Defects found that
effect the safe operation shall be reported and corrected before operation.
Forklift repairs shall be made by authorized personnel.

9.2 Front End Attachments

9.2.1 When a forklift truck is equipped with an attachment, the rated capacity
of the truck/attachment combination shall be established by the truck

9.2.2 In the event the truck manufacturer is nonresponsive to a request to

rate a forklift truck with an attachment, the attachment may be used if
written approval is obtained from a qualified professional engineer. If
the response from the original truck manufacturer is negative, the
engineer must perform a safety analysis and address all safety and/or
structural issues contained in the manufacturer’s disapproval. Capacity,
operation, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals shall be
changed or added accordingly.


10.1 General Requirements

The design, manufacture, use, inspection, and maintenance of slings shall comply
with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184, 29 CFR 1926.251, ASME B30.9, “Slings,” as well as
manufacturer’s literature, whichever is more stringent. Prior to use, slings shall
be inspected and verified that the periodic inspection is current.
Additions/exceptions to these requirements are provided in this section.


10.2 Sling Use in Radiation Areas

When it is necessary to use synthetic slings in a radiation area, site specific

methodologies should be developed and implemented to ensure that
radiation exposure does not exceed 100,000 rad during the life of the sling.

10.3 Sling Inspection Records

Individual site programs shall describe how inspections are recorded. These
records may include an external coded mark on the individual sling tag (e.g.,
date, annually changed color stripe, etc.) indicating both periodicity and the
satisfactory completion of the required inspection, or a written record as
acceptable documentation.

10.4 Sling Cut Protection

Synthetic slings in contact with edges, corners, or protrusions shall be protected

from cutting or damage with sufficient cut protection.

The load rating must be determined by the cut protection product manufacturer
or a qualified person.


11.1 Scope

This section provides direction for the use of rigging hardware plus any DOE
specific requirements related to rigging hardware. Rigging hardware for the
purposes of this chapter includes shackles, eyebolts, eye nuts, links, rings, swivel
hoist rings, swivels, turnbuckles, rigging hooks, compression hardware (wire rope
clips and wedge sockets), rigging blocks, load-indicating devices, and precision
load positioners. Use, inspection, maintenance or repair of rigging hardware
shall comply with applicable OSHA standards, ASME B30.26, “Rigging Hardware,”
or ASME B30.10, “Hooks,” as well as manufacturer’s requirements, whichever is
more stringent. Additions/exceptions to these requirements are provided in this

11.2 General Requirements

11.2.1 All manufacturer-provided lift points designed for and installed on

engineered or manufactured equipment are considered part of the
equipment and are acceptable for their intended use.
Manufacturer-supplied lift points shall:


A. Meet the manufacturer’s inspection, testing, and

maintenance criteria.

B. Be inspected by a competent person appointed by

the management representative prior to use.

C. Be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. In the

absence of such information, further qualified technical support
may be needed.

11.2.2 Rigging hardware that has been damaged and removed from service
shall be made unusable for hoisting and rigging operations before being

11.3 Precision Load Positioners

Precision load positioners shall be inspected, operated, maintained, calibrated

and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


12.1 General Requirements

Below-the-hook lifting devices shall be designed, constructed, installed,

inspected, tested, operated and maintained in conformance with ASME B30.20,
“Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices,” and ASME BTH-1 “Design of Below-the-Hook
Lifting Devices.” Additions/exceptions to these requirements are provided in this

12.2 Marking

12.2.1 Product safety labels are not required for site fabricated
below-the-hook lifting devices.

12.2.2 Rated load markings are required. However, cases may exist where a
lifting device cannot be marked with its rated capacity and weight. This
may be due to the security classification of the load to be lifted or other
reasons approved by the responsible manager. In these cases, the lifting
device shall be marked with an identification number, and its
documentation shall describe both its rated capacity and weight.



13.1 General Requirements

This section provides requirements for the operation, inspection, testing, and
maintenance of miscellaneous lifting devices; truck mounted cranes with a
capacity of 1 ton or less not covered in ASME B30.5, “Mobile and Locomotive
Cranes;” and self-contained shop cranes as addressed by ASME PASE, “Portable
Automotive Service Equipment.” Miscellaneous lifting devices may also include
custom lifting hardware where such hardware either does not fall under an
applicable standard or does not have criteria for operation or inspection.
Additions/exceptions to these requirements are provided in this section.

13.1.1 Commercial and Custom Lifting Hardware

Commercial lifting hardware is equipment that is procured from a

supplier and used unmodified according to the supplier’s guidelines.
Note that this equipment shall be designed, built and in compliance by
an applicable ASME or ANSI standard(s). If commercial lifting hardware
does not comply with any applicable standard, then it shall be
considered custom lifting hardware.

Custom lifting hardware generally includes equipment designed at a

specific site and fabricated on-site or by an off-site supplier in
accordance with the site specifications. A safety note or engineering
analysis is required if there is a significant hazard or if commercial
hardware has been modified.

13.1.2 Portable Automotive Service Equipment

If a lifting device is addressed within the ASME PASE, it shall comply

with the applicable portion of that standard without respect to whether
it is being used to service motor vehicles.

13.2 Operator Qualifications

Operators of miscellaneous lifting devices shall be trained per Subsection 5.2.2

and 5.3.2 of this standard.

13.3 Rated Load Markings, Safety Markings and Operating Instructions

13.3.1 Safety markings shall be legible and conform to ANSI Z535.

13.3.2 Markings, or decals, etc. must be provided and affixed by the use of
durable materials in a location visible to the operator in order to


provide a clear understanding of any special warning, capacity

information, etc.

13.3.3 Small cranes 1 ton or less shall have load ratings clearly marked or a
durable rating chart attached in a location accessible to the operator.

13.3.4 Operating instructions developed by the original manufacturer or

supplier shall be maintained and readily available to the operator.

13.4 Modifications

13.4.1 Miscellaneous lifting devices may be modified or re-rated provided that

the modifications of supporting structures are analyzed thoroughly by a
qualified engineer or by the manufacturer of the lifting device.

13.4.2 A re-rated lifting device, or one whose load-supporting components

have been modified, shall be tested in accordance with
Subsection 13.10. The new rated capacity shall be displayed in
accordance with Subsection 13.3.

13.5 Load Limits

A miscellaneous lifting device shall not be loaded beyond its rated capacity,
except for test purposes as described in Subsection 13.11.

13.6 Operating Controls

Operating controls shall be readily visible and accessible to the operator and
shall not subject the operator to pinch points, sharp edges, or snagging hazards.

13.7 Load Hooks

Latch-equipped hooks shall be used for all operations unless the application
makes using the latch impractical, unnecessary, or unsafe.

13.8 Wire Rope on small cranes (1 ton or less)

13.8.1 Wire rope, (single line capacity) used on small cranes 1 ton or less
should have a minimum design factor of 3.5:1, based upon breaking

13.8.2 Small cranes 1 ton or less shall be equipped with properly sized wire
rope sheaves in lieu of flat spools.

13.9 Inspections

Equipment shall operate with a smooth, regular motion without any hesitation,
abnormal vibration, binding, or irregularity. There shall be no apparent damage,


excessive wear, or deformation of any load-bearing part of the equipment. All

safety devices, controls, and other operating parts of the equipment shall be
checked during each inspection and shall be in good working order.

13.9.1 Initial Inspection

A qualified inspector shall inspect all miscellaneous lifting devices prior

to initial use and after load testing. Inspection is also required if the
disassembly and reassembly is performed by individuals other than
those designated as qualified assemblers. The inspection shall be
performed in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. If
manufacturer’s instructions are not available, an engineering evaluation
of the equipment shall be performed to establish necessary inspection
procedures. Inspection reports shall be kept on file and shall be readily
available. An external coded mark is an acceptable record of inspection
in lieu of written records.

13.9.2 Preoperational Check and Periodic Inspections

Preoperational checks and periodic inspections shall be conducted in

accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or as specified
by a qualified person.

In the event any required information is missing from equipment labels

or illegible, an attempt shall be made via engineering drawings, prints,
evaluations, etc. to establish the lifting device’s manufacturer, rated
capacity and other pertinent data. If this attempt is unsuccessful, the
lifting device shall be removed from service until engineering personnel
have thoroughly evaluated the design and adequacy of the structure.
Engineering calculations must support all conclusions. The lifting device
shall be identified, load tested and marked accordingly.

13.10 Load Tests for Miscellaneous Devices

13.10.1 Prior to initial use, all new miscellaneous devices including small truck
cranes (1 ton or less) and those upon which load-sustaining parts have
been modified, replaced, or repaired shall be load-tested by a qualified
inspector or under the direction of that inspector.

13.10.2 Test loads shall not be less than 100 percent or more than 125 percent
of the rated capacity, unless otherwise recommended by the
manufacturer or a qualified person.

13.10.3 A written report shall be furnished by the inspector showing test

procedures and confirming the adequacy of repairs or alterations. Test


reports shall be kept on file and shall be readily available to appointed


13.11 Maintenance Program

A preventive maintenance program based on the manufacturer’s

recommendations shall be established. The Program shall designate
responsibilities for record accountability.

13.12 Replacement Parts

Replacement parts shall be at least equal to the original manufacturer’s

specification or as approved by a qualified engineer.

13.13 Conduct of Operator

The equipment shall be operated in accordance with manufacturer’s


It is generally recommended that the most recent ASME standards referenced here be
invoked by contract to accompany this standard. However, there may be circumstances
where a site decides to invoke the referenced standards on a periodic basis (e.g., upon
award of a site-wide management contract) and not on an ongoing basis (with running
updates for each minor site contractor or subcontractor.) This decision is left to the site
or Program Office’s discretion.

14.1 List of References

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). P30.1-2014, Planning for

Load Handling Activities

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.1-2016, Jacks, Industrial

Rollers, Air Casters, and Hydraulic Gantries

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.2-2016. Overhead and

Gantry Cranes (Top-Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top-Running
Trolley Hoist)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.3-2016. Tower Cranes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.4-2016. Portal and

Pedestal Cranes


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.5-2016. Mobile and

Locomotive Cranes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.6-2016. Derricks

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.7-2016. Winches

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.8-2016. Floating Cranes

and Floating Derricks

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.9-2016. Slings

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.10-2016. Hooks

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.12-2016. Handling Loads

Suspended from Rotorcraft

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.13-2016. Storage

/Retrieval (S/R) Machines and Associated Equipment

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.14-2016. Side Boom


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.16-2016. Overhead

Hoists (Underhung)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.17-2016. Cranes and

Monorails (with Underhung Trolley or Bridge)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.18-2016. Stacker Cranes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.19-2016. Cableways

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.20-2016.

Below-The-Hook Lifting Devices

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.21-2016. Lever Hoist

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.22-2016. Articulating

Boom Cranes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.23-2016. Personnel

Lifting Systems

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.24-2016. Container


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.25-2016. Scrap and

Material Handlers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.26-2016. Rigging


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.27-2016, Material

Placement Systems

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.28-2016, Balance Lifting


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.29-2016, Self-Erect, Fast

Erect Tower Cranes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). B30.30-2019, Ropes

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). BTH-1-2017. Design of

Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). PASE, Portable Automotive

Service Equipment

ASME Cranes for Nuclear Facilities:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).NUM-1-2016, Rules for

Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists (With Bridge or Trolley or Hoist of
the Underhung Type)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). NOG-1-2015, Rules for

Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple

Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA):

Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA). Specification NO. 70-2015,

Specifications for Top Running Bridge & Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric
Overhead Traveling Cranes

Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA). Specification NO. 74-2015,

Specifications for Top Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead
Cranes Utilizing Under Running Trolley Hoist


Department of Labor:

U.S. Department of Labor. 29 CFR 1910, 2019. Occupational Safety and Health
Standards for General Industry.

U.S. Department of Labor. 29 CFR 1926, 2019 Occupational Safety and Health
Regulations for Construction

Industrial Truck Standards Development Foundation (ITSDF):

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards Development

Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.1-2005, Safety Standard for Powered Industrial
Trucks – Low Lift and High Lift Trucks

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards

Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.5-2005, Guided Industrial Vehicles

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards

Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.6-2017, Safety Standard for Rough
Terrain Fork Lift Trucks

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards

Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.10-2005, Safety Standard for
Manually Propelled High Lift Industrial Trucks

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards

Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.11.4-2005, Hook-Type Forks and
Fork Carriers for Powered Industrial Forklift Trucks

American National Standards Institute/ Industrial Truck Standards

Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSD). B56.11.7-2005, Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
Fuel Cylinders (Horizontal or Vertical) Mounting - Liquid Withdrawal - For
Powered Industrial Trucks

Material Handling Industry of America:

American National Standard Institute/ Material Handling (ANSI/MH). 29.1,

Safety Standard for Industrial Scissor Lifts



Review Activity: Preparing Activity:

National Nuclear Security Administration DOE-AU-11
National Nuclear Security Administration
Office of Environmental Management
Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security
Office of Nuclear Energy Office of Science

Site Offices:

Ames Site Office

Argonne Site Office
Berkeley Site Office
Brookhaven Site Office
Carlsbad Field Office
Chicago Office
Fermi Site Office
Grand Junction Office
Idaho Operations Office
Kansas City Site Office
Livermore Site Office
Los Alamos Site Office
Nevada Site Office
New Brunswick Laboratory
NNSA Service Center
Oak Ridge Office
ORNL Site Office
Office of River Protection
Pacific Northwest Site Office
Pantex Site Office
Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office
Princeton Site Office
Richland Operations Office
Sandia Site Office
Savannah River Operations Office
Savannah River Site Office
SLAC Site Office
Thomas Jefferson Site Office
West Valley Demonstration Project
Y-12 Site Office


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