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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




Name of School: Saint Michael College of Hindang, Leyte Inc.

School Address: A. Bonifacio St. Pob. II, Hindang, Leyte
Division: Leyte
Date of Visit: __________________________________________________________________________________
Courses Offered:
Kindergarten Only Kindergarten to Grade 6

Grades 1 to 6 Only Kindergarten to Grade 10

Junior HS Only Kindergarten to Junior HS

Kindergarten: Male ____ (1st shift) ___ (2nd shift) Female: ___ ( 1st shift) ___ (2nd shift)
Elementary : Male ________________ Female: __________________ Total: ________________
Junior HS: Male 8 Female: 13 Total: 21

No. of Teachers :
Kindergarten: Male ________________ Female: ___________________ Total:
Elementary : Male ________________ Female: _________________ Total: ________________
Junior HS : Male 8 Female: 13 Total: 21
Per Subject Specialization:
English ___________6_________________
Math _____________3________________
Filipino ___________2_______________
Science ___________2_______________
Aral. Panlipunan __2_____________
TLE _______________ 3________________
Values Educ. _____________________
MAPEH ___________1_____________

DepEd RO8 QAD-F14 (CY2018-v04-r00) Page 1 of 18

Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte
(053) 832-2997 | [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Date Established: (month/day/year): September 1948____

Type of Permit :
Kindergarten Only: Government Permit Government Recognition
Kindergarten to Grade 6: Government Permit Government Recognition
Kindergarten to Grade _____ Government Permit
Kindergarten to Grade 10: Government Permit Government Recognition
Grades 1 to 6 : Government Permit Government Recognition
Junior HS: Government Permit Government Recognition

SEC Registration No:______0000010964_______________________________ Date

Issued:_____February 15, 1956___________________
Program/s Identified in the SEC: Secondary and College Education Technical Vocational
Education, Training Program, Junior High School, Senior High School.
Name of School Head: ___Isabelita C. Batican__Contact Number: 09661357493

1) Location of the School Site
Along the highway Near a river or water On top of the

mountain area

Near the coastline By the hill side

2) Mode of School Site Acquisition

Deed of Sale Deed of Donation Contract of Usufruct

Expropriation Barter/Exchange Gratuitous Conveyance

3) School Site Area
Description of Requirements REMARKS REASON/S if
Put (/) if Non-Compliant
(X) if

One half hectare (5,000 sq. m) for a school

with an enrolment of 50 or less
One hectare (10,000 sq. m) for a school
with an enrolment of 50 to 1,000

Two hectares (20,000 sq. m) for a school
with an enrolment of 1,000 to 2,000

Three hectares (30,000 sq. m) for a school

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

with an enrolment of 2,000 to 3,000

The same ratio should be maintained for
enrolment in excess of 3,000



The school has an approved tuition and other school fees signed by the Regional
If yes: Date AMOUNT
of Approval:
Kindergarten RM/OM Number_______________
Date of Issuance
SY Effectivity:

Elementary RM/OM Number_______________

Date of Issuance
SY Effectivity:
( IF different amount per
grade level pls indicate the
Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Junior HS RM/OM Number_______________

Date of Issuance
SY Effectivity:
2021 – 2022
( IF different amount per
grade level pls indicate the

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10
Description of Requirements REMARKS REASON/S if
Put (/) if Compliant Non-Compliant
(X) if Non-Compliant

Seventy percent (70%) of the tuition

fees shall be allocated to the salaries
and wages of the members of the
faculty and all other employees of
the school (Please see the financial

statement per CY)
Return to Investment shall not
exceed twelve (12%) allocated in the No return on
tuition Fees (Please see the financial investment non-
stock, non-profit
statement per CY)

The remaining balance (_______%) in

the Tuition Fees are intended for
institutional development, student
assistance and extension services

(Please see the financial statement
per CY)

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Other school fees are spent in

accordance to the purpose of its
collection (Please see the financial
statement per CY v/s the items 
under Other Fees, Miscellaneous
Fees indicated in the approved
school fees
The school has Financial Statement
showing the financial status of the
school duly certified by a public

The school has a copy of the Annual
Tax Return filed in the Bureau of
Internal Revenue

The school has a records of all No particular book
received any grant, legacy, donations, of donations but
gifts, bequest or devise from any was included in
school operation
individual, institution, corporations,
records (Availed
foundation, trust, philanthropic
organization and research institution Statement)
or organizations recorded in the
The school has engage in any
auxiliary enterprise to generate Not engage in any
income primarily to finance their auxiliary enterprise
educational operations and/or reduce
the need to increase student fees

IF YES Name of the Auxiliary Enterprise

B.2) Learning Environment

For Kindergarten Program
Description of Requirements REMARKS REASON/S if
Put (/) if Compliant Non-Compliant
(X) if Non-Compliant

a. Curriculum Management

1. Class Programs follows the Blocks of Time ( D.O.

47 s. 2016 pp8-10)

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

b. Assessment and Reporting

1. Observation notes per learner in the learning

activities throughout the different blocks of
time within the day with insights/ reflections.
2. Compilation of Formative and Summative
Assessment using the Early Childhood
Development (ECD) Checklist
3. Contextualized learning activities based on
learner’s learning experiences
4. Learner’s portfolio across the seven (7) domains
per quarter.
5. Checklist of Competencies on presence and
absence of the learners learning.

6. Minutes of parents-teacher conference during

distribution of Progress Report with parent’s
c. Learning Resources and Instructional Materials

1. National Kindergarten Curriculum Guide (NKCG

2. National Teacher’s Curriculum Guide (NTCG)

3. Manipulative Toys ( e.g. table blocks, lacing

beads, tangrams. Counting frames, picture
dominoes, jigsaw puzzles, and counters such
as: stones, shells, seeds, bottle caps, leaves, and
4. Activity cards/board games (e.g. cover all and
call out games; uppercase letters, lower case
letters, colors, numbers, shapes, connecting
games, picking up games, etc.)
5. Learner’s Materials ( Readiness Activity Sheets
and Teacher-made Activity Sheets)
6. Books (read-aloud books or big books, small
books, picture story books, wordless picture
books, concept books, board books, etc.)
7. Open-ended sensory materials (e.g. sand and
water, clay or home-made playdough, etc.)
8. Multimedia and computer-aided materials such
as songs, rhymes, movies in CD/DVD,
interactive educational games.)
9. Indigenous instructional materials or locally

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

produced or parent-made toys and play

d. Learning Space and Environment

1. Classroom is located on the ground floor and

must be next to the nearest entry and/ or exit
access points.
2. Classroom size is 7m x 9m with:
➢ 1 unit of ceiling fan or air conditioner/ 2 units
wall fan;
➢ 5 tables and 30 chairs suited for children’s
➢ Kindergarten cubby for the learner’s personal
➢ Teacher’s table and chairs;

➢ Teacher’s cabinet; and

➢ Open shelf for manipulative toys,

➢ storybooks and learner’s materials

3. Clean multifunction blackboard or white board

within the eye level and reach of the children.
4. Water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities (toilets,
bathroom, and handwashing facilities) must be
suited to the height of kindergarten children.
5. Proper and adequate lighting and ventilation for
a 7m x 9m classroom ( at least 40-watt
fluorescent lamps, and one wide window)
6. Complete classroom activity corners such as:
➢ Personal Care and Grooming;
➢ Language Arts Corner;

➢ Sensory-Perceptual and Numeracy Skills

➢ Motor and Creative Development Corner;

➢ Work Area/Activity Area

➢ Dramatic Play/ Free Play Area

7. Outdoor playing area with:

➢ a minimum space of 360 square meters;
➢ presence of the following equipment’s such as,
but not limited to (balance beam, swing,

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

seesaw, monkey bars, sand and water play

equipment, simple obstacles, and slides are
recommended ( refer Appendix 4-D.O. 47 s. 2016)
➢ balance of sunny and shaded, clean,

➢ safe and well- maintained or indoor Play Area

that develop learner’s physical and motor skills.

8. House and Garden Care Area with gardening

tools (shovel, spade, pails, sprinkles, cleaning
tools etc.)
9. Classrooms are visible and inviting (e.g. printrich
displays and work created by learners and
families and displayed within the eye level of
the learners).
10. Appropriate type of letter used and its size
(Century Gothic- )
11. Clear rules and norms regarding safety and
expected behavior are visually displayed
throughout the school.

12. Provide safety rules, signs and route map

visible to the learners.
13. Classrooms and grounds are clean and well
14. There is clear communication around
procedures, positive responses or interventions
on topics such as school violence, bullying or
teasing, and harassment (sexual or verbal).
15. Attend required trainings, conferences on
Kindergarten engagements.
16. Has constant communication with the District
Head for updates; and,
e) Staff Management
1. Teacher obtained Bachelor degree or its
equivalents with at least 18 units:
➢ Early Childhood Education (ECE)
➢ Preschool Education
➢ Family Life and Child Development;
Or specialized/ major/ diploma of:
➢ Preschool
➢ Early Childhood Education

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

➢ Teaching Early Grades

➢ Special Education (SPED)
2. Teacher is proficient in the Mother Tongue
of the learners/ languages widely-used in
the community
3. Teacher attended the Kindergarten Teacher
Induction Program organized by the
school/ or District Supervisor
4. Teacher attended teacher-training programs/
seminars/ conferences relevant in teaching
kindergarten such as, but not limited to:
➢ Developmentally appropriate practices

➢ Early intervention
➢ Child growth and development
➢ Early Language Literacy and
➢ Numeracy (ELLN)
➢ Mother Tongue Proficiency
➢ Best Practices in MTB-MLE

f) Records Management
1. Compilation of Learner’s
Information ( Birth Certificate from
PSA or Affidavit of Identity in
absence of such document), ECD,
Progress Report

For Elementary and Junior High School Programs

Put (/) if PASSED
Description of Requirements REASON/S if FAILED


1. Ownership of the Private School : 60 % of the

capital shall be owned by Filipino citizens (D.O.
88, s. 2010, Art. XIV, Sec. 4)

2. The SEC Registered name is the same as what is

used in all school documents and the name of
the school as posted in the conspicuous places

3. The address of the school is the same as what is

stipulated in the SEC Registration

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

4. The program offerings identified in the SEC

Registration is the same program offerings as
 Article and by Laws
5. Is the name of the school uses the word “Foreign” The school does not use
or “International”? X Foreign/International
If YES, does it has follows the guidelines in
classifying a Foreign/International school
based on DepEd Order 88, s. 2010, Article
IV, Section 46.

1. The school has School Implementation Plan/

Annual Implementation Plan/Strategic Plan

2. The school has prepared a School Calendar of
activities every school year.

3. The school conducted School Monitoring,
Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) Activity

4. The school has functional and recognized

➢ Pupil/Student Body Organization
recognized by the School Head
➢ Club Organizations recognized by the
School Head

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

➢ Parents’ Teachers’ Organization

recognized by the School Head

Due to the pandemic the alumni
➢ Alumni Organization recognized by the X org. has not been actively
School Head participating in the school
The school don’t have other
➢ Other organizations recognized by the X organization
School Head
5. The school has its own operational students’

6. The school has a site development plan

7. The school has policy on recruitment, selection
and appointment of its school personnel, subject

to the salary and qualification standards and
other regulatory issued by the Secretary
8. The school has its own grievance machinery

9. The school is accredited by an Accrediting Body:

- If yes name of the Certifying Body;


10. The school site is owned by the school

11. If the school site is leased: X
➢ Number of years in the Contract for Own by the School
12. The school site is free from noise, unpleasant
odors and dust

13. The school site is sufficient far from cockpits,
dancing halls, bowling alleys, movie houses,

markets, garbage dumps, funeral parlors,
cemeteries, heavy traffic highways, jails, railroad
yards and manufacturing and industrial
14. The school has sufficient school buildings
equitable to the number of enrollees

15. All classrooms are concrete and following the
standards of classroom buildings prescribed by

the Department of Education (7 x 9 sq. m.)

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

16. The school has laboratory rooms with adequate

and prescribed tools and equipment for

elementary and/or junior high school such as;
➢ Science laboratory

➢ Home Economics

➢ Industrial Arts

➢ Computer laboratory

- Number of functional Computer X No computer

- Computer : student ratio set was
damaged by the
17. Has Internet Connectivity

18. Has School Library with reference/reading and
supplemental materials adequate to the

number of learners
19. Has E- Library with complete computer set and X No E – library at
internet connectivity all
20. Has minimum areas for sports and cultural

21. Has safety devices and safe evacuation plan in
case of emergency

22. Has sufficient toilet facilities following the
standard of 1:50 learners

23. Has adequate and properly lighted and
ventilated classrooms

24. Has administration Building

25. Has faculty room

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26. Has SPG/SSG Office X No office at all

27. Has PTA Office X No office at all

28. Has Alumni Office X No office at all

29. Has Clinic with sufficient medical tools,

medicines and medical equipment

30. Contains sufficient space, furniture and fixtures
for the general needs of the administrator,

staff, faculty and students
31. If there is/are existing two-storey building,
does it follow the standard of two staircases x
( entrance and exit) with emergency exit area
( 2 meters staircase size)
32. Has other existing facilities (not mentioned
Other Facilities:  Isolation room


33. Subjects Offerings : Elementary level

➢ Mother-Tongue – for Grades 1-3 (50
mins per day )
➢ Filipino- for Grade 1 (30 mins/day)

➢ Filipino – for Grades 2-6 (50 mins /day)

➢ English –for Grade 1- 2nd Sem (30

➢ English – for Grade2-6 ( 50 mins/day

➢ Science – for Grades 3-6 ( Mins mins/day)

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

➢ Mathematics – for Grades 1-6 (50

➢ Araling Panlipunan – for Grades 1-6 ( 40
➢ EPP/TLE – for Grades 4-6 ( 50 mins /day)

➢ MAPEH – for Grades 1-6 (40 mins/day)

➢ EsP – for Grades 1-6 ( 30 mins/day)

➢ With add on/enrichment subjects:

With approval by the Regional Director:
RM/OM Number:

Date of the Approval:

34. Subject Offerings : Junior High School Level

➢ Filipino – 4 hrs / week

➢ English – 4 hrs./week

➢ Science – 4 hrs/week

➢ Mathematics – 4 hrs/week

➢ Araling Panlipunan – 3 hrs/week

➢ EPP/TLE – 4 hrs. per week

➢ EsP – 2 hrs/week

➢ With add on/enrichment subjects: No add on enrichment
With approval by the Regional Director: subjects
RM/OM Number: X
Date of the Approval:

35. Teaching Load:

The maximum daily time for classroom teaching
➢ Grades 1-2 is 320 minutes of actual teaching
per day
➢ Grades 3 -5 360 minutes of actual teaching
per day
➢ Grades 5-6 - 380 minutes of actual teaching
per day

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

➢ An additional overtime pay of at least 26% of

the regular pay is given in excess of 360
minutes of actual teaching per day.
➢ For JHS:
Maximum of 6 Loads /day/Teacher

E) Learning/Teaching Resources

36. Has Philippine Elementary Learning

Competencies ( PELC)
37. Has Philippine Secondary Schools Learning
Competencies ( PSSLC)

38. National Teacher’s Curriculum Guide (NTCG)

39. Learning Modules.

40. Websites

41. Learner’s Materials ( Readiness Activity Sheets
and Teacher-made Activity Sheets)

42. Reference Books

43. Multimedia and computer-aided materials such
as songs, rhymes, movies in CD/DVD, interactive

educational games.)
44. Indigenous instructional materials or locally
produced or parent-made toys and play


45. Other Learning/Teaching Resources available

F) Assessment and Rating of Learning Outcomes

46. Prepared table of specifications as basis in

crafting the summative test

47. Compilation of Formative and Summative

48. Utilized collaborative formative assessment (peer No collaborative
assessment) learners to support each other’s X activities due to
learning pandemic
49. Conducted summative test after unit work and/ or
at the end of the entire quarter

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50. Contextualized learning activities based on

learner’s learning experiences

51. Has Learner’s portfolio across learning areas per

52. Has Checklist of Competencies on presence and
absence of the learners learning

53. Teacher has test item analysis X
54. Teacher informs the learners about the objectives
of the lesson

55. Teacher provides immediate feedback to students
about their learning progress

56. Teacher conducts remediation classes
immediately for those learners who failed in the X No remediation classes
57. The teacher of the remedial class issues the
which is noted by the school principal
58. The CRFG is submitted to the division office and
after it has been signed it shall be attached to X No remediation classes
both Form 137 and School Form Number 5
59. Followed the guidelines in grading system as
stipulated in DepEd Order 15, s. 2015

60. Has some revisions in the guidelines in grading
system as stipulated in DepEd Order 15, s. 2015
and approved by the Regional Director

61. A non-numerical rating scale is used to report on
learner’s behavior demonstrating the Core

G) Culminating Resources Activities/Performances

62. At the end of the every quarter, schools are has put up
exhibits of student products across subjects as
culminating activity.

63. Students do an exhibition of their performance in
different subjects as evidence of their learning or
attainment of performance standards

64. Parents received the report card and confer with
teachers as they will actually be witnessing what
students are learning in school.

65. Has minutes of Parents-Teacher conference during

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

distribution of Progress Report with parent’s



➢ Filipino citizen

➢ The principal in elementary and secondary
levels shall hold a master’s degree and
should have at least five years of relevant

teaching or administrative experience

➢ Have adequate teaching experience,

managerial competence and technical
expertise in school management or have
background of demonstrated service
and competence in previous field of

➢ Of good moral character

➢ Responsible of executing and
implementing the policies and general
plans laid down by the governing board

➢ The school head has attended trainings
and seminars related to the assigned
tasks for the past 2 years
- School Management

- Instructional Supervision

- Financial Management


- Partnerships

- Other/s

➢ Holds a bachelor’s degree
 TOR on process due to
typhoon “Odette”

➢ Have at least three years of training or

experience in servicing and maintenance of

student academic records and related work

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

➢ Preserve and maintain the integrity and

➢ confidentiality of its students/pupils records.

➢ Issue students’/pupils records in accordance
with law and regulations contained in the

➢ The school head has attended trainings and No training conducted
seminars related to the assigned tasks for the X during Covid-19
past 2 years
➢ The school has its own hired security guard/s

➢ Has attended orientation on safety and
security for the past 2 years X See attached file


➢ The school has part-time personnel ( How

➢ The school has full time teaching personnel
(How many?)
➢ For Elementary level:
- Graduated BEED

➢ For Secondary Level:
- For academic subject: a bachelor’s
degree in education,
- or equivalent
- or a bachelor of arts with such
additional number of professional 
education subjects
- For vocational subjects,- a graduate
of any bachelor’s degree with
knowledge of vocational courses to
be taught.
➢ The personnel hired has notarized contract
agreement with the school

➢ All teachers have attended trainings and
seminars related to the assigned tasks for
the past 2 years
- Curriculum designing/Development
- Curriculum Contextualization 
- Instructional Strategy
- Classroom Management

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

- Classroom assessment
- Partnership
- Bridging Programs
➢ The School is releasing the salary of its
personnel on time as agreed upon by the
school administration

➢ The payment of the salaries shall be
effected at least once every two weeks or
twice a month at intervals of not exceeding
sixteen days

➢ No salary deduction shall be effected on his
salary by the private school except such
equivalent amounts for his own benefit or
advantage as authorized by law

➢ Retirement Benefits

➢ Study leave

➢ Other benefits :

I. Records Management
1. Compilation of Learner’s Information (
Birth Certificate from PSA or Affidavit of
Identity in absence of such document),
Progress Report

Other findings/observation:


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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)




Conforme : (School Head, Teacher Representative, PTA President)

Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation

Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation

Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Position/Designation
Position/Designation Position/Designation

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Noted by:
Schools Division Superintendent

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