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* Wajib

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Muhammad Rizqy Fatahillah

Kelas *









The following text is for questions 1 to 4.
        At the day I celebrate my birthday, my father took my mother, my sister, and I to Carita Beach for a
boat ride. As soon as we reached there we had our lunch near the seashore. Then, my father hired a
motor boat. We hired a boat man to steer the boat. The boat was not a big one. It was only enough for
five persons. We got into the boat and the man steered into the sea. The water was calm and the
journey was smooth. I sat in front with the man.
When we got further and further away from the shore, the sea became rough. Our boat started
tossing side to side. Huge waves splashed on both sides of the boat. I became a little worried. The boat
man calmed me and assured that we were in safe waters. I believed him and composed myself.
On the distance, I saw other small and big boats in the sea. Some were fishing boats. We went
closer to fishing boat. I was fascinated to see fishermen casting their net into the sea and hauling the
nets into their boats. Almost half an hour’s boat riding, we decided to turn back. My father took some
photographs of the sea and the boats.
The return journey was smooth. We enjoyed the gentle breeze blowing on our faces. We enjoyed
the little droplets of water splashing on our clothes. My first boat journey was an exciting and
interesting one. It was memorable birthday.

1. What is the text about? *

A. How boatmen work

B. Going to sea with fishermen

C. The first boat riding experience

D. An experience of rough boat riding

E. Beautiful panoramic view of the sea

2. Why was the writer worried? *

A. The sea was rough

B. The boat was small

C. The boatman was reckless

D. The boatman was unskillful

E. The journey was too far from the shore

3. How long they were away from the shore?

A. An hour

B. Two hours

C. 30 minutes

D. The whole day

E. An hour and half

Batalkan pilihan

4. “It was only enough for . . . . “ (paragraph 1). What does the word It refer to? *

A. A boat ride

B. a motor boat

C. carita beach

D. the seashore

E. my birthday

The following text is for questions 5 to 9.

Last week was a great day for us, Kencana Senior High School students. We celebrated the anniversary
of the school. It was really a grand event.
This year event was very special. Our Minister of Education attended the event, as our guest of
honour.  The invited guests included Members of Parliament, top businessmen and parents.
The event started at five with singing of the National Anthem. The Head Master then gave a speech
about the highlights and achievements of the school during the year. Then the guest-of- honour gave a
short speech. This was followed by the opening ceremony. The Minister of Education hit a gong three
The concert was the highlight of the day. There were songs, dances, short sketches put by pupils of
the school. The guests were also entertained by an exhibition put up by the various classes and
societies. This exhibition was a unique one. It was in no way commercial. It was all the work of the
students. The celebrations ended at seven in the evening. The guest had a reception in the school
canteen. It was a memorable day for teachers and pupils.
5. Who open the event? *

A. Businessmen

B. The parents

C. The Head Master

D. The Minister of Education

E. Students with high achievement

6. When does the school hold the event? *

A. Once a year

B. Once a week

C. Once a month

D. Very frequently

E. In special day

7. “It was in no way commercial. . . . (paragraph 4). What does the word It refer *

A. The opening ceremony

B. The anniversary

C. The exhibition

D. The concert

E. The event
8. “It was really a grand event”. (paragraph 1). What does the word grand *

A. Memorable

B. Splendid

C. Major

D. Unique

E. Great

9. What is the purpose of the text? *

A. To describe the school anniversary

B. To persuade the students to come to the event

C. To inform the coming of the Minister of Education

D. To retell the past event in Kencana Senior high School

E. To inform a newsworthy event in Kencana Senior High School

The text is for question 10 to 14.

In the 15th century, spices were more precious than gold. Island in Banda Sea, Indonesia were the
prominent producers of spices, such as cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. Nutmeg, which only grew in the
Banda islands, Moluccas (Indonesia), was the money spinner in that era. The Banda islands consisted of
10 small volcanic islands. In the 16th century, all the islands controlled by the Dutch empire, except one,
namely Run, which was colonized by the British empire. As ruler of the empire, King James I was
designated as King of England, Scotland, France, Ireland and Run.
The Dutch did not like the British Empire to colonize Run. They wanted all the Banda islands under
Dutch control, to gain a word monopoly of nutmeg. This prompted the Anglo-Dutch wars. The war
ended after the peace treaty of 1667, where the British had to swap Run for a flat, swampy land with no
spice, called Manhattan. Manhattan, where New Amsterdam lay, previously belonged to the Dutch.
Then, New Amsterdam became the New York.
Run Island was precious in the past, but today it is almost forgotten. It is just a tiny, lovely island with
no cars. However, New York today is an enormous place with skyscrapers, housing Times Square, the
world’s commercial center.
10. How did the conflict between the Dutch and British end? *

A. The Dutch retreated to their homeland

B. The British went back to their mainland

C. They agreed on the 1667 peace treaty

D. Both parties surrendered and left Run Island

E. They exchanged land between Run Island and Scotland

11. How did the treaty favor British in the end? *

A. They won over the Dutch

B. They got to keep the nutmeg from the war

C. They held sole ownership to colonize Run Island

D. New York produces more spices than Run Island.

E. Manhattan has turned into one of the most advanced city in the world

12. Why did the Dutch and British fight over Run Island? *

A. Because it had potential to be the center of world commerce

B. Because it had surrounded by volcanoes

C. Because it as swampy area

D. Because it colonized by the British

E. Because it produced nutmeg

13. “Run Island was precious in the past” (paragraph 3). The word precious has *
the closest meaning to …

A. Big

B. Valuable

C. Famous

D. Succeed

E. Mesmerizing

14. “They wanted all the Banda Islands under the Dutch control, to gain a world *
monopoly of nutmeg” (paragraph 2) .  The word They refer to . . .

A. Banda Islands

B. British Empire

C. New York

D. Manhattan

E. The Dutch.

15. The Dutch . . . Suriname from 1667 to 1975. The Dutch benefited from its *
vast plantation industry, mostly sugar cane, coffee, and cocoa.

A. discovered

B. colonized

C. covered

D. founded

E. built
16. To fulfill the need for labor in the plantation, the Dutch  . . . over Javanese *
and Indian workers. In 1890, the first group Javanese people landed in

A. brought

B. caught

C. carried

D. made

E. put

17. After the independence . . . of Suriname in 1975, most of them chose the *
Caribbean country to be their new homeland.

A. argument

B. statement

C. foundation

D. declaration

E. organization

18. Last night, I . . . the key so I had to call my roommate t let me in. *

A. Have been lost

B. Have lost

C. Has lost

D. Lose

E. Lost
19. Tanjung Puting National Park is a . . . ecotourism destination on Kalimantan *

A. hot

B. alive

C. creepy

D. deserted

E. well known

20. Tanjung Putting National Park actually is a rainforest with . . . trees. *

A. mysterious

B. charming

C. gigantic

D. peaceful

E. clear

21. The park is a . . . place, far from a hustling city.

A. contemporary

B. compact

C. quite

D. shiny

E. busy

Batalkan pilihan
22. Lake Toba is an  . . . volcanic lake in North Sumatera. *

A. alive

B. bustling

C. compact

D. enormous

E. harmonious

23. Jakarta can get really . . . during workdays. A large number of people living
outside Jakarta work there.

A. romantic

B. fantastic

C. crowded

D. bustling

E. quiet

The text is for questions 24 to 27.

China is the largest country in the world, and it is one of the most unique places to visit. There are a
lot of places to visit in China. The country is best known for its exotic animal, the panda. You can see the
animal at any of the country’s national parks. China is also famous for its Great Wall. It is located north-
west of Beijing. You can even see the Great Wall from space. Millions of people visit the Great Wall
every year. The wall is magnificent. It was built along a mountain range. It was used to defend the
country from enemies.
24. The text is about . . .

A. The panda

B. The Great Wall

C. The uniqueness of Chine

D. The fauna living in Chine

E. The greatness of the Great Wall

Batalkan pilihan

25. The Great Wall located in . . .

A. Southern Beijing

B. Western Beijing

C. Northern being

D. The central of Beijing

E. North-West of Beijing

Batalkan pilihan

26. Where can we find Panda?

A. In the park

B. In the jungle

C. At the Great Wall

D. In the conservation

E. In the national park

Batalkan pilihan
27. I . . . my uncle’s friend last year. He died when I was 14 years old.

A. know

B. knew

C. known

D. has known

E. had known

Batalkan pilihan

28. The first computers were not as complicated as today. They . . . simple
machines designed for basic tasks.

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. has

E. is

Batalkan pilihan
29. The computers’ price was often quite expensive. Costumers often . . .
thousands of dollars for machines which actually did very little.

A. pay

B. paid

C. is paid

D. has paid

E. have paid

Batalkan pilihan

30. Rina . . . in Bandung when she was a child.

A. live

B. lives

C. lived

D. is living

E. has lived

Batalkan pilihan

The is for questions 31 to 35

Once upon time, there was a beautiful flower in the deep jungle. Every morning, it bloomed in glory
and opened during the daytime. So people called it Morning Glory. It was like a little white trumpets.
Every day a yellow bird came near the Morning Glory. The Morning Glory always proudly asked the
bird to stand still and enjoy their beauty. But, the bird refused because he had to find food for his son.
He said “My son is always waiting for me. He is in the nest at peak of a tree and his wing is broken. So I
have to find food for him and tell him about the world. I fly over the world so I can tell him.”
Every day, he told his son everything he saw while he was flying. The bird also told the Morning
Glory that his son was happy to hear about the Morning Glory. If he had been able to bring his son to
see the Morning Glory, his son would have been very happy.
The Morning Glory listened to the bird’s story attentively. Then, the flower wanted to make the baby
bird happy. The Morning Glory wanted to appear to the baby bird so that he could see flower by himself.
The Morning Glory had never moved before, but now she pulled herself along the ground, a little, then
more, and then a little more. At last, the Morning Glory came to the tree and climbed to the top and
found the nest. The baby bird saw it and was very happy to see the beauty. From that day, the Morning
Glory has climbed.
31. What does the story mainly talk about?

A. The legend, why Morning Glory grew up along the tree

B. The legend, how a baby bird knew about the world

C. The legend, how the baby bird got its food

D. The beautiful Morning Glory

E. A very kind bird

Batalkan pilihan

32. What is the Morning Glory?

A. a flower

B. a trumpet

C. a shady tree

D. a bright light

E. a yummy fruit

Batalkan pilihan

33. How did the baby bird know about the Morning Gory?

A. He saw it from his nest

B. The bird told its baby about it

C. The bird carried the flower to the nest

D. The Morning Glory was carried by the wind

E. The baby bird flew away from its nest and saw it from the sky

Batalkan pilihan
34. According to the story, how did the baby bird see the Morning Bird?

A. The baby bird was stolen by the Morning Glory

B. The bird brought the Morning Glory to its baby

C. The baby bird flew down to the ground and saw it

D. The mother bird invited the Morning Glory to its nest

E. The Morning Glory moved from its place and climbed the tree to find the baby bird

Batalkan pilihan

35. Why did the bird refused to see the Morning Glory?

A. The bird didn’t like the Morning Glory

B. The bird had to give its baby bird some food

C. The Morning Glory didn’t want to move around

D. The bird was very busy flying around the forest

E. The baby bird was afraid of the Morning Glory

Batalkan pilihan

36. “ . . . so I can tell him”. (paragraph 2). What does the word “him” refer to?

A. The Morning Glory

B. The parent bird

C. The baby bird

D. The old bird

E. The bird

Batalkan pilihan
37. The apartment is . . . building. It has 30 stories.

A. An amazing large white

B. An amazing white large

C. A large white amazing

D. A large amazing white

E. A large amazing white

Batalkan pilihan

38. I like spending my time sitting on the beach. It is the . . .

A. Quiet blue old seashore

B. Quiet old blue seashore

C. Old quiet blue seashore

D. Old blue quiet seashore

E. Blue quiet old seashore

Batalkan pilihan

39. The museum collect . . . *

A. unique various metal artifacts

B. unique artifacts various metal

C. Various metal unique artifacts

D. Various artifacts metal unique

E. Artifacts unique various metal

40. The . . . market is being built to replace the old traditional one. *

A. Big colorful modern permanent

B. Modern permanent colorful big

C. Modern permanent big colorful

D. Modern big colorful permanent

E. Big modern colorful permanent

41. The Mataram Kingdom . . . by King Sanjaya at the beginning of the 8th

A. Have found

B. Has found

C. Found

D. Finds

E. Find

Batalkan pilihan

42. It . . . a Hindu Kingdom in Central Java in 8th century.

A. Were

B. Was

C. Has

D. Is

E. Be

Batalkan pilihan
43. At that time, Mataram people . . . peacefully, even though some of them *
were Hindu and others were Buddhists.

A. Lived

B. Lives

C. Live

D. Is living

E. Are living

44. The Shailendra Dynasty . . . magnificent Hindu and Buddhist temples, such as
Borobudur, Prambanan and Sewu temple.

A. was building

B. is building

C. builds

D. built

E. build

Batalkan pilihan

45. Majapahit’s territory . . . todays’ Indonesa and part of Malaysia. It became a *

significant power in the Southest Asia.

A. covered

B. covers

C. cover

D. is covering

E. are covering
46. Last Wednesday, my father . .  .  us out for lunch at a Thai restaurant near *
Bermuda mall.

A. took

B. takes

C. is taking

D. had taken

E. have taken

47. After lunch, we . . . to Kartika shopping center to find school uniform. *

A. have gone

B. are going

C. gone

D. went

E. go

48. After my brother . . . of the fitting room, I tried the uniform on. *

A. came out

B. comes out

C. is coming out

D. had come out

E. have come out

49. The architecture of the old building is very . . . *

A. modern

B. spacious

C. artistic

D. relaxing

E. crowded

50. The train station is always . . . in rush hour. *

A. modern

B. crowded

C. artistic

D. relaxing

E. spacious

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