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Frogmen secure flotation collar around Spacecraft 009 in recovery after high-heat re-entry test.




Apollo i s the United States program to land men on the moon for scientific exploration and return them safely to earth. It has been described as the greatest scientific, engineering, and exploratory challenge i n the history o f mankind.

The challenge essentially was to create an artificial world: a world large enough and complex enough to supply a l l the needs of three men for two weeks. A parallel problem was to develop a booster large enough to put this world into space and to send i t on its way to the moon 250,000 miles away. NASA announced the program and its objectives i n July of 1960. More than a year later (Nov. 28, 1961), after a series of studies on the feasibility of the proiect, NASA awarded the basic Apollo contract to North American Aviation's Space Division. Development of the booster-the Saturn program-was begun in late 1958 under the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Briefly, the program i s to send a three-man spacecraft to the moon and into orbit around it, land two of the three men on the moon while the third remains i n orbit, provide up to 35 hours of exploration on the moon, return the two moon explorers to the orbiting spacecraft, and return all three safely to earth. The entiretrip, from launch to earth landing, i s expected to last about 8 days; the Apollo spacecraft has been designed for 1 4 d a y operation to give a wide margin of safety. The program i s the most extensive ever undertaken by any government. More than 20,000 companies and 300,000 persons throughout the country have participated i n it. North American i s principal con tractor for the spacecraft's command module, service module, launch escape system, and spacecraft-LM adapter. The LM (lunar module) contractor i s Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. Associate contractors are Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for the guidance and navigation system, and David Clark Co. and International Latex Co., for space suits.


7,000 TITAN ll 430,000

250,000 SATURN 8,700,000

THRUST (LB) 360,000

Manned spacecraft

The Saturn program involves two separate launch vehicles: the Saturn IB, a two-stage vehicle w i t h a total thrust of 1,800,000 pounds, which i s used for earth-orbital missions of the Apol lo program; and the Saturn V, a three-stage vehicle with a total thrust of 8,700,000 pounds, which w i l l be used for some earth-orbital missions and for the lunar mission. Saturn I B contractors are: Chrysler Corp., for the first stage; McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Center, for the second stage; and IBM, for the instrument unit. Saturn V contractors are: Boeing Aircraft, for the first stage North American Rockwell's Space Division for the second stage; McDonnell Douglas, for the third stage; and IBM, for the instrument unit. The Apollo program i s under the technical direcfion of the Office of Manned Space Flight, Headquarters NASA. The Apol l o spacecraft program i s directed by NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Tex. The Saturn program i s under the technical direction of NASA1sMarshallSpace Flight Center i n Huntsville, Ala.







Apollo spacecraft and Saturn V space vehicle.

This is the control center for the moon flight; it provides living and working quarters for the threeman crew for the entire flight, except for the period when two men w i l l be i n the LM for the descent to the moon and return. The C M consists of two shells: an inner crew cornpartment and an outer heat shield. The outer shell i s composed ~ r i m a r i of stainless steel honeycomb l~ between stainless steel sheets, covered on the outside with ablative material (heat-dissipating material which can be burned away during re-entry). The inner shell i s constructed primarily of oluminum honeycomb between oluminum alloy sheets. The two shells are fastened rigidly together, with a twolayer insulation (micro-quartz fiber) i n between. This construction i s designed to make the CM as light as possible yet still rugged enough t o stand the strain o f acceleration during launch and return to earth, the shock and heat of re-entry, the force of landing, and the ~ossible impact of meteorites during flight. Inside, i t i s a compact but efficiently armnged combination cockpit, office, laboratory, mdio station, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and den. Its walls are lined with instrument panels and consoles, and its cupboards (bays) contain a wide varietyof equipment. The cabin w i l l be air conditioned to a comfortable 75 degrees. The atmosphere w i l l be 100-percent oxygen, and the pressure w i l l be 5 pounds per square inch (a l i t t l e better than one-third of sea-level pressure o f 14.7 pounds per square inch).




Service module




The C M i s equipped with controls to enable the crdw to guide i t during flight. Test equipment w i l l give the crew means of checking out malfunctions i n spacecraft systems. Television, telemetry and tracking equipment, and two-way radio w i l l providecommunication with earth and among the astronauts during moon exploration and the moon orbit 'rendezvous. These and other systems, such asthe reaction control, earth landing, and parts of the environmental control, and electrical power systems, occupy almost every inch of available space in the module. Although crewmen can move about from one station to another, much o f their time w i l l be spent on their couches. One o f the couches can be folded down so the crewman can stand or move around. Space b y the center couch permits two men to stand at one time. The couches are made o f steel framing and tubing and covered with heavy fireproof fiberglass cloth. They rest on eight crushable honeycomb shock struts which absorb the impact o f landing. Control devices are attached to the armrests.


Command module

The service module's function, as its name implies, It houses the electrical power system, reaction control engines, and part of the environmental control system, as well as the main propulsion engine for return from the moon and for midcourse correction.

i s to support the command module and its crew.

Portable scientific equipment carried i n the L M w i l l include such things as an atmosphere analyzer, instruments to measure the moon's gravity, magnetic field, and radiation, rock and soil analysis equipment, a seismograph, a soil temperature sensor, and cameras (including television). After separating from the command module i n lunar orbit, the L M lands on the moon using its descent engine. I t provides she1ter and a base of operations for its two crewmen for the lunar stay of up to 35 hours. After the lunar exploration, only the LM's ascent stage returns to orbit and rendezvous w i t h the CSM; the descent stage serves as a launch platform and i s left on the moon's surface. After the two L M crewmen have returned to the CM, the L M ascent I t remains i n orbit around the stage i s jettisoned. moonwhen the CSM begins the journey back to earth.

The S i s constructed primarily of aluminum alloy. M Its outer skin i s constructed of aluminum honeycomb between aluminum sheets. Propellants (hydrogen and oxygen) and various systems are housed i n six wedgesheped segments surrounding the main engine. The service module i s attached to the command module until just before earth entry, when i t w i l l be jettisoned.

The L M w i l l carry two men from the orbiting CSM down to the surface of the moon, provide a base ot operations on the moon, and return the two men to a rendezvous with the CSM i n orbit. Its odd appearance results i n part from the fact that there i s no necessity for aerodynamic symmetry; the L M i s enclosed during launch by the spacecraft-LM adapter (a smooth aerodynamic shape), and operates only in the space vacuum or the hard vacuum of the moon. The L M structure i s divided into two components: the ascent stage (on top) and the descent stage (at the bottom). The descent stage consists primarily of the descent engine and its propellant tanks, the landing gear assembly, a section to house scientific equipment for use on the moon, and extra oxygen, water, and helium tanks. The ascent stage houses the crew compartment (which i s pressurized for a shirtsleeve environment l i k e the command module), the ascent engine and its propellant tanks, and a l l the crew controls. I t has essentially the same kind of systems found in the command and service modules, including propulsion, environmental control, communications, and guidance and control.


Lunar module



Spacecraft 009 is lowered onto dolly in Downey clean room after final tests before it was turned over to NASA; craft was later launched atop Saturn ZB in test of the command module's heat shield.



LM Bug-like cab on legs

Shape Height Diameter Habitable volume Launch weight Primary material

Cone loft. 7in. 12 ft., 10 in. 210 cu.ft. 13,000 Ib. (approx.) Aluminum alloy Stainless steel Titanium

Cylinder 22 ft. 7 in. 12 ft., 10 in.

55,000 Ib. (approx.) Aluminum alloy Stainless steel Titanium

22 ft. 11 in. (legs extended) 29 ft., 9 in. (I egs extended) 160 cu. ft.
32,000 Ib. Aluminum alloy




Saturn V (left) and Saturn IB launch vehicles.

The launch vehicles used i n the Apollo program are the Saturn IB for earth-orbit missions, and the Saturn V for lunar missions. Gross weight Propellant weight Propellant Engine Thrust
lU (IBM)

253,000 Ib. 230,000 Ib. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen Rocketdyne J-2 (one) 225,000 Ib. (vacuum)

The Saturn IB was conceived by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, which has technical direction o f launch vehicles, as the quickest, most reliable, and most economical way to develop a vehicle with the ability to check out the Apollo spacecraft and train astronauts i n earth orbit. The Saturn IB has two stages and an instrument unit (IU). The IU, a cylindrical-shaped segment mounted atop the second stage, contains equipment for sequencing, guidance and control, tracking, communication, and monitoring. It was designed and developed by MSFC and i s produced by IBM's Federal Systems Division. Basic Saturn IB facts: OVER-ALL VEHICLE Height Weight Payload 138 ft. (launch vehicle only) 224 ft. (with spacecraft) 1,3000,000 Ib. (with propellant) 153,000 Ib. (with spacecraft dry) 40,000 Ib. i n low earth orbit

Height Diameter Weight

3 ft. 21.7 ft. 4,500 Ib. (approximate)

The SaturnV i s the nation's largest and most powerful launch vehicle. It will be used to launch the Apollo spacecraft on the lunar landing mission.
It i s composed of three stages and an instrument unit.

Basic Saturn V facts: OVER-ALL VEHICLE Height Weight Payload 282 ft. (launch vehicle only) 363 ft. (with spacecraft) 6,200,000 Ib. (with ~ r o ~ e l l a n t ) 430,000 (without payload) 270,000 in low earth orbit 100,000 Ib. trans lunar injection

FIRST STAGE (CHRYSLER) Height Diameter Gross weight Propellant weight Propellant Engines Thrust 80.3 ft. 21.4 ft. 1,000,000 1b. 910,000 lb. RP-1 and liquid oxygen 8 Rocketdyne H- 1'S 1,600,000 Ib. (sea level)

FIRST STAGE (BOEING) Height Diameter Gross weight Propellant useable weight Propellant Engines Thrust Burning time 138 ft. 33 ft. 4,792,000 Ib. at liftoff 4,492,000 Ib. 5 Rocketdyne F-1 's RP-1 and liquid oxygen 5 Rocketdyne F- 1's 7,500,000 Ib. (1,500,000 Ib. each engine) 150 sec.

SECOND STAGE (McDONNELL DOUGLAS) Height Diameter 58.4 ft. 21.7 ft.


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Comparison o f Saturn V with other vehicles

SECOND STAGE (SPACE DIVISION) Height Diameter Gross weight Propellant useable weight Propellant Engines Thrust Burning time 81.5 ft. 33 ft. 1,037,000 lb. at liftoff 942,000 Ib. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen 5 Rocketdyne J-2's 1,125,000 Ib. (225,000 Ib. each engine) 359 sec.

THIRD STAGE (McDONNELL DOUGLAS) Height D iameter Gross weight Propellant useable weigh Propellant Engine Thrust Burning time 58.5 ft. 21.7 ft (lower interstage expands to 33 ft.) 262,000 lb. at liftoff 228,000 Ib. (excluding reserves)

Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen 1 Rocketdyne J-2 225,000 Ib. maximum 491 sec.

l U (IBM) Height D iameter Weight 3 ft. 21.7 ft. 4,500 Ib. (approximate)

Saturn V lifts Apollo command and service modules o f f pad at Kennedy Space Center.


July 29 Project Apollo, an advanced spacecraft program to land men on the moon, was announced by NASA. O c t . 25-NASA selected General Dynamics, General Electric, andMartin to conduct individual feasibili t y studies of an advanced manned spacecraft as part of the Apollo project.

Jan. 22 The first Apollo engineering order was issued, for fabrication of the first mockups of the Apol l o command and service modules. Feb. 13 Lockheed Propulsion Company was selected to design and build the solid-propellant launchescape motor for Apollo. Mar. 2 Marquardt Corp. was selected to design and build the reaction-control rocket engines for the Apol l o spacecraft. Mar. 3 Aerojet-General Corp. was named as subcontractor for the Apollo service propulsion system. Mar. 9 Pratt and Whitney was selected to build the Apollo fuel cell. Mar. 23 Avco Corp. was selected to design and install the ablative material on the spacecraft outer surface. April 6 - Thiokol Chemical Corp. was selected to bui Id the sol id-propel lant rocket motor to be used to jettison the Apollo launch escape tower. July 11 NASAannounced that the lunar rendezvous mode would be used for the moon mission. This new plan called for development of a two-man lunar module to be used to reach the surface of the moon and return the astronauts to the lunar-orbiting command module. July 16 - Beech Aircraft Corp. was selected to build the storage tanks for supercritical gases. Aug. 22- The length of the Apollo service module was increased from 11 feet 8 inches to 12 feet 1 1 inches to provide space for additional fuel. Sept. 7 Apollo command module Boilerplate I was accepted by NASA and delivered to SD's Engineering Development Laboratory for land and water impact tests. Nov. 7 Grumman Aircraft was named by NASA to design and build the LM.

Jan. NASA studies of a manned lunar-landing program were completed. Both a direct-ascent trajectory using large Nova-type launch vehicles and an earth-orbit rendezvous technique using Saturn-type launch vehicles were considered. May 15 Final reports on Project Apollo study contracts were submitted by General Dynamics, GE, and Martin. May 25 President Kennedy presented a plan to Congress for accelerating the space program based on a national goal of landing a man on the moon before the end of the decade. July 28 NASA issued a request for proposal to 12 companies for development of the Apol l o spacecraft. Aug 9 NASA selected MIT's Instrumentation Laboratory to develop theguidance and navigation system for the Apol lo spacecraft. Sept. 19 NASA announced that the recently established Manned Spacecraft Center would be located at Houston, Tex. Nov. 28 NASA announced that a contract had been awarded to North American's Space Division for the Apol l o spacecraft program. Dec. 21 The first four major Apollo subcontractors were announced: Collins Radio, telecommunications systems; Garrett Corporation's AiResearch Division, environmental control equipment; Honeywel l Inc. , the stabilization and control system; and Northrop Corporation's Ventura Division, parachute earth landing system.

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Mar. 12 ApolloBoilerplate 13, the first flight-rated boilerplate to be completed, was accepted by NASA and shipped to MSFC. July 23 Dr. George E. Mueller was named director, NASA's O f f i c e of Manned Space Flight. Nov. 7 The first launch test a pad-abort test of Boilerplate 6 was conducted at White Sands.

low altitude, resulting i n an unscheduled but successful low-altitude abort test. This was the seventh test flight. May 25 The second Pegasus satellite was put into orbit a t Cape Kennedy during the Saturn I launch of Apollo Boilerplate 26. This was the eighth Apollo test flight. June 29 Apol lo Boilerplate 23A was successfully launched at White Sands during a pad abort test. A l l systems functioned as planned. This was the ninth Apollo test flight, and the fifth abort test. This boilerplate module, previously designated Boilerplate 23, had been launched a t White Sands during a high Q test. July30 Apollo Boilerplate 9A was launched at Cape Kennedy and was used to place the third Pegasus satellite into orbit. O c t . 20 The first actual Apollo spacecraft, SC-009, was accepted by NASA and subsequently shipped to Cape Kennedy. Dec. 26 Apollo SC 009 was mated w i t h Uprated Saturn at the Kennedy Space Center. Dec. 31 Command modules accepted by NASA by the end of 1965 included 18mockups, 18 boilerplates, and 2 spacecraft.

February A boost protective cover was added to the launch escape system i n order to protect the windows of the C M and the heat shield surfaces from soot from the LES motor. May 13 The second test flight of the Apollo program occurred a t White Sands when Boilerplate 12 was launched by a L i t t l e Joe II vehicle during a highstress, high-speed abort test. The launch escape system worked as planned, except that one of the three parachutes cut loose. The C M was landed without damage. M a y 28 Apollo command module Boilerplate 13 was placed i n orbit from Cape Kennedy following launch by a Saturn I booster. This was the first Apollo vehicle to be placed i n orbit, and the third Apollo test flight. Sept. 18 - Apollo Boilerplate 15 was successfully orbited a t Cape Kennedy by a Saturn I two-stage launch vehicle. This was the fourth Apollo test flight. Dec. 8 - The f i f t h Apollo test flightoccurred at White Sands when Boilerplate 23 was lifted off the pad by a Little Joe II i n a high Q abort test.

Jan. 20 Apower-on tumbl ingabort test o f the launch escape system was conducted at White Sands w i t h the launch of S 002. Thiswasthe sixthand final launch C escape test; the LES was then declared qua1 ified. SC 009 was launched aboard Uprated Saturn Feb. 26 i n successful test o f command module's a b i l i t y to withstand re-entry temperatures. Test was first f l ight o f unmanned spacecraft and first flight of Uprated Saturn. Aug. 25 S 01 1 was launched successfully in the C Second flight of an unmanned Apol lo spacecraft to test command module's ability to withstand reentry temperatures under high heat load. The flight was threequarter earth orbit with recovery of the command module successfully completed in the Pacific Ocean near Guam.

Feb. 16 - Apollo Boilerplate 16 was launched from Cape Kennedy i n a micrometeoroid test. A Pegasus satellite was carried aloft i n a modified Apol lo SM. A l l equipment functioned as planned. This was the sixth Apol l o test flight. May 19 ApolloBoilerplate 22was launched at White Sands i n a planned high-altitude test of the launch escape system. The Little Joe II disintegrated at

Jan. 27 Threeastronautsdiedi n a spacecraft accident at Kennedy Space Center on the launch pad during a prelaunch test. Nov. 9, 1967 Apol lo4 (SC 017) the first launch of a Saturn V space vehicle was successfully carried out. The spacecraft for the mission entered the atmosphere at almost 25,000 miles an hour. Heat shield temperatures exceeded 5,000 degrees. It was the first test of a spacecraft returning at lunar velocities and the first launch of a hydrogenpowered Saturn V second stage (S-11).

April 4 Apollo 6(SC 020)second flightofa SaturnV space vehicle, was partially successful. The spacecraft functioned satisfactorily. However, launch vehicle engine problems caused the spacecraft to go into alternate mission mode. The service propulsion engine burned for a record length. A l l subsystems performed we lI.

-he possibility of a sporadic micrometeoroid as big a cigarette ash striking the commandmodule during 8-day lunar mission has been computed as 1 i n 1230. I f a meteoroid did strike the module, i t would be at a velocity of 98,500 feet per second. The probability of the command module getting h i t i s 0.000815. The probability of the command module not getting h i t i s 0.999185. With gravity on the moon only one-sixth as strong as on earth, i t i s necessary that this difference be related to the Apollo vehicle. A structure 250 feet highand 400 feet long i n which cables l i f t five-sixth of the spacecraft vehicle i s being used i n tests to simulate lunar conditions and their effect on the vehicle.

The heat leak from the Apollo cryogenic tanks, which contain hydrogen and oxygen, i s so small that. i f o n e hydrogen tank containing ice were placed i n a room heated to 70 degrees F, a total of 8- 1/2 years would be required to melt the ice to water at just above freezing temperature. I t would take approximately4 years more for the water to reach room temperature. Thegases i n the cryogenic tanksare utilized i n the production of electrical power by the Apollo fuel ce I I system and provide oxygen for the use of the crew.

The command module panel display includes 24 instruments, 566 switches, 40 event indicators (mechanical), and 71 lights.

The command module offers 73 cubic feet per man as against the 68 cubic feet per man i n a compact car. By comparison, the Mercury spacecraft offered 55 cubic feet for its one traveler and Gemini provided 40 cubic feet per man.

When the Apollo spacecraft passes through the Van Allen Belts on its way to the moon, the astronauts w i l l be exposed to radiation rough1y equivalent to that of a dental X-ray.

The angular accuracy requirement of midcourse correction of the spacecraft for a l l thrusting maneuvers i s one degree.

I f your car gets 15 miles to a gallon, you could drive 18 million miles or around the world about 700 times on the fuel required for the Apollo/Saturn lunar landing mission.

The Saturn V that w i l l boost the Apollo spacecraft to the moon generates the horsepower equivalent to drive an automobile 18 million miles-a 34-year trip at 60 miles an hour.

When the Apollo re-enters the atmosphere i t w i l l generate energy equivalent to approximate1y 2300 kilowatt hours of electricity enough to light the c i t y of Washing ton for about 6-1/2 seconds; or the energy generated would l i f t a l l the people i n the USA three inches o f f the ground.

The maximum differential pressure that the inner structure of the command module can withstand i s 8.60 psi. The environmental control system restricts the differential pressure to be less than 6.0 psi.

There are 27 different means of communication i n the telecommunications system: ground to spacecraft spacecraft to ground links, 7. Nine differlinks, ent frequencies are used (1 HF, 3VHF, 1 UFH, 2 S band, 2 C band), and 5 antenna systems.

The 12-foot-high Apol l o spacecraft command module contains almost 20 miles of wire, enough to wire 50 two-bedroom homes.


The astronaut controls and monitors the stabilization and control system by means of two handgrip controllers, 34 switches, and 6 knobs.

The f u l l y loaded Saturn V launch vehicle with the Apollo spacecraft stands 60 feet higher than the Statue of Liberty on its pedestal and weighs 13 times as much as the statue.

During its 3.5 second firing, the Apol l o spacecraft's sol id-fuel launch escape rocket generates the horsepower equivalent o f 4,300 automobiles.

The command system of the acceptance checkout equipment can generate up to 2048 separate stimuli or 128 analog signals, or combinations of both, and route them to spacecraft and other checkout systems a t a million bits per second. In contrast, handoperated commercial teletype generates 45 bits per second and automatically, over voice channel, i t generates 2400 bits per second.

The engines of the Saturn V launchvehicle that w i l l propel the Apollo spacecraft to the moon have combined horsepower equivalent to 543 jet fighters.

The Apollo command module can sustain a hole as large as one-half inch i n diameter and still maintain the pressure inside for five minutes, which i s considered long enough for an astronaut to put on a spacesuit.

The Apol l o environmental control system has 180 parts i n contrast to the 8 for the average home window air conditioner. The Apol l o environmental control system performs 23 functions compared t o 5 for the average home conditioner. There are 23 functions of the environmental control system, which include: air cooling, air heating, humidity control, ventilation to suits, ventilation to cabin, air filtration, C02 removal, odor removal, waste management functions, etc.

Total amount of fuel i n the booster plus service module and lunar excursion module i s 5,625,000 pounds.

Giant booster undergoes last-tninute checks before launch

Astrotiuuts enter C M from scrvice tower crftcr final cltccks

Saturn V lifts Apollo spacecraft o f fpad at Cape Kennedy

Saturn V second stage ignites as the first stage falls away

Second stage i jettisoned and third stage is ignited s

Third stage prrshes spacecraft out o f earth's orbit

Adapter panels are opened and CSM separates

CSM trirns around to get into positior? for docking

Command module docks with LM

After docking, spacecraft leaves third stage behind

SM engine fires to put spacecraft in orbit around moon

LM separates from CSM to begin descent to moon

LM engine fires while CSM remains in orbit

T w o astronauts guide L M to landing on lunar surface

Astronaut gathers soil samples from the lunar surface

Astronaut explores surface o f moon

Engine fires to lift LM ascent stage off moon and into orbit

A.rtrona~cts L M line up their craft for docking with SC CSM in

S M engine fires to start homeward journey; LM stays behind

SM is jettisoned as C M prepares for entry into atmosphere

Pilot orients CM so base heat shield rakes friction heat

Drogue parachutes are deployed for initial slowing o f CM

Main parachutes are deployed to lower CM safely ro surface

Recovery forces move in as the C M floats in water

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