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Vampire Undercroft is a Fifth Edition plug-in CREDITS
adventure for four characters with an average The following creators made this adventure
party level (APL) of 8, 11, 14, or 17. This doc- possible:
ument offers details for the 8th-level version. Design and Writing. DMDave and Alexander
For the full adjustments for all level ranges, sign LeFort of Tavern Tales
up for the DMDave Patreon. In the bowels of Cartography. DMDave with Forgotten Adven-
a flying castle, a cursed vampire has made his tures
lair. If the characters want to clear the area of Artwork. Darryl T. Jones, Dean Spencer, Ma-
evil, they must contend not only with him but tias Lazaro, Nacho Lazaro
the other guardians of the undercroft.


To run the adventure, you need the three Fifth OF TOVIN THE DISFIGURED
Edition core rulebooks. If you don’t have a copy, A few hundred feet above the gray pines of the Ven-
you can access a free basic ruleset from the official omous Forest near the village of Darkwell hover the
source. crumbling ruins of a flying castle. Once the home to
Tovin the Disfigured, a crude mage of ill-repute, the
Read aloud or paraphrase text that appears in old castle now hides all manner of creatures, dark
a box like this when the characters first arrive and deadly. Venomous wyverns encircle the castle
at a location or under specific circumstances. and the other flying islands surrounding it. Water
weirds, mimics, and other magical monstrosities
When a creature’s name appears in bold type, continue to ward off treasure hunters within the ru-
that’s a visual cue pointing you to its stat block as ins themselves. In the castle’s undercroft, a derelict
a way of saying, “Hey, game master, make sure you vampire named Leandro the Wretched makes his lair.
get this creature’s stat block ready—there’s going And in the castle mote’s lowest levels, gem-hungry
to be an encounter!” If the stat block appears in the xorns swim through the unworked stone and soil,
Appendix of this adventure, the text tells you so; desperate for their next meal.
otherwise, you can find the stat block in the core
Who Was Tovin the Disfigured?
The core manual for players describes spells and Tovin the Disfigured was a wealthy noble and skilled
nonmagical equipment mentioned in the adventure. mage. He earned his epithet from the scars marring
The core manual for gamemasters describes magic the left side of his face, the byproduct of a failed
items. The text notes any items created for this ad- experiment with alchemist’s fire. Tovin lived in the
venture specifically, pointing you to the appropriate castle with his wife, Gertrude, and their son, Har-
appendix or sidebar. wick.

In Tovin’s later years, he grew fiercely paranoid. When Harwick discovered the bodies, he collapsed
He believed that assassins followed him wherever he in grief. A message from his mother told him to find
went. Eventually, Tovin used powerful transmutation a way to escape the castle and that he was still free
magic to lift his castle into the skies above the coun- to live his life. But Harwick only ever knew the cas-
tryside. He secured the flying island with magical tle. Without his mother to guide him, he felt hope-
guardians and tamed wyverns. Even still, these less. So Harwick, too, drank the poison that killed
extreme precautions did not assuage his fears. his parents.
Gertrude and Harwick became weary. They both Despite the death of Tovin and his family, the
wanted to leave the castle and begged Tovin to free castle continued to drift over the Venomous Forest.
them. Tovin refused, believing that their doom lay Decades passed. The castle fell into ruin, but the
on the ground. He threatened to lock them in the magic that kept it aloft stayed strong. Today, the fly-
dungeons below the castle. Knowing that she and ing castle is a point of great interest among adven-
her son were no match for Tovin’s arcane might, turers and thrill-seekers. Rumors persist that great
Gertrude devised a plan. treasures still hide within the castle’s secret vaults.
One night, Gertrude entered the chambers, claim- Of course, Tovin’s magical servants still guard the
ing that she had a change of heart. She told Tovin castle. And the wyverns that were once under the
she was wrong to doubt his powers. Pouring two wizard’s control prowl the skies, fiercely defending it
glasses of wine, she proposed a toast to the family’s from anyone who tries to approach.
continued prosperity within the halls of the flying
castle. Ever paranoid, Tovin refused to drink the Adventure Hooks
wine unless Gertrude drank it first. Reluctantly, she If you don’t have a reason for the characters to in-
did, smiling. Tovin followed suit. Moments later, the vestigate the flying ruins, a table included in the full
two were dead from the poison that Gertrude put in adventure offers some ideas.
their cups.


LEANDRO THE WRETCHED Undercroft General Features
Leandro is a disgraced vampire from the demiplane The undercroft of the flying castle had been aban-
of shadows who is wracked by eternal guilt. Many doned for centuries until Leandro moved in. Unless
years ago, when Leandro was known as Leandro the otherwise stated, its features are described as fol-
Beautiful, he returned home to find his lover, Isobel- lows:
la, in the arms of another vampire. In a frenzied fury, Flying Castle. The castle’s undercrofts sit within
Leandro murdered the pair in the bedroom where a large mote of flying earth that measures approxi-
he discovered them. Though Leandro immediately mately 150 feet wide. The mote was once more ex-
regretted this horrible mistake that he had commit- tensive, but bits of it shed off during the long years
ted in the throes of passion, guilt would not be the the castle set unoccupied. The mote drifts nearly
only consequence that he would face. Isobella was 2,500 feet above the Venomous Forest below it. A
the daughter of a powerful arch-vampire known as creature that falls from this height without means to
Sorcha, the Red Queen. When Sorcha learned of her stop itself suffers 70 (20d6) bludgeoning damage.
daughter’s death, she immediately pursued Leandro, Ceilings, Walls, and Floors. The undercroft is built
intent on exacting her revenge. But she could never from hewn limestone. Ceilings are approximately 10
find her child’s murderer, for Leandro fled his home feet high and hallways are 5 feet wide. Interior walls
and lived in the wilderness for a time, subsisting on are 2 feet thick.
the blood of beasts and taking shelter in dank caves. Doors. Many of the undercroft’s doors are miss-
So instead, Sorcha called forth a powerful curse ing, torn from the hinges. Those that still stand have
upon Leandro, twisting his handsome features into AC 15, 15 hp, and immunity to poison and psychic
horrible disfigurements that turned Leandro into a damage.
monster. Dismayed by his new condition and unable Illumination. This adventure assumes that the cas-
to face the world, Leandro remained a wandering tle and its undercroft exist within the demiplane of
exile. Soon enough, he stumbled upon the castle of shadows. There are no lights, natural or otherwise,
Tovin the Disfigured and decided that its undercroft throughout the undercroft. Text box descriptions as-
could serve as a suitable home. It is derelict, but sume that the characters brought their light sources
Leandro knows that it is all that he deserves. or have darkvision.
Transmutation Energy. The magical purple crystals
that levitate the castle exude strong fields of trans-
mutation energy, affecting the entire castle and its
surroundings. Whenever a spellcaster casts a trans-
mutation spell of 5th level or lower in the castle or
within 100 feet of it, roll a d6. If the result is greater
than the level of the spell cast, the spellcaster re-
gains the spell slot.
Secret Doors. There are secret doors throughout
the undercroft that were built as part of the castle’s
original construction. The secret doors are fash-
ioned in the same stone as the surrounding walls
and require a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception)
check to locate.
Connected Adventures. Many of the locations
detailed in this adventure reference areas not shown
on the adventure’s maps. Future adventures detail
these areas. The exact adventure these areas refer-
ence depends on the preceding letter, as shown in
this table.
Letter Adventure
V Dungeons & Lairs #43: Vampire Under-
croft (this adventure)
W Dungeons & Lairs #41: Water Weird Ruins
X Dungeons & Lairs #44: Xorn Tunnels
Y Dungeons & Lairs #42: Wyvern Motes

Keyed Locations The crates in this room used to hold extra rations
for the castle that long ago rotted away to dust.
The map on page 6 shows the locations of the areas Leandro destroyed some of the crates during one of
detailed below. his drunken rages.
V1. Wine Cellar V3. Interrogation Room
The door to this room is locked. It can be opened
Wine racks, half empty, line the north and with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
west walls of this cellar. Several casks are thieves’ tools, a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check,
stacked atop each other against the south or the key found on Leandro’s person. When the
wall. The floor is littered with broken glass characters enter, read aloud:
and stained with spilled wine.
This room is little bigger than a closet. It is
To Leandro’s luck, much of the contents of the filled with a small circular wooden table and
wine cellar remained untouched after the castle’s two matching chairs. A man sits at the table,
abandonment. He has been consuming its contents his hands manacled to some unseen anchor
one bottle at a time. point below.
Treasure: Rare Vintages. There are approximately
five dozen remaining bottles in the cellar, most of This room was originally used for storage, but
which have a value of only a few gold pieces each. Leandro repurposed it to serve as an interrogation
Three bottles, however, are particularlyrare vintages room.
and would sell to the right buyer for 150 gp each. A Hashar the Captive. The man manacled to the
character who investigates the wine cellar and who table is Hashar, a native of the nearby village of
makes a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investiga- Darkwell who was captured by Leandro while out on
tion) check can identify the rare bottles. a hunt beyond the borders of the village (LN human
commoner). Hashar has a curly mess of black hair,
V2. Storage
grey-speckled stubble, and a left eye that wanders
The south door to this room is protected by a mag- independently of his right. He is grateful that the
ical ward that was placed by Leandro. A character party might free him and can share with them how
inspecting the door who makes a successful DC he was captured by Leandro as well as the following
20 Wisdom (Perception) check notices the ward. information:
The ward activates when any creature other than
▶ Leandro was going to feast on him but kept him
Leandro touches the door in any way. It functions
alive when he learned that Hashar sometimes per-
similarly to the glyph of warding spell with an explo-
forms manual labor for Sorcha, Isobella’s mother,
sive runes effect. The ward’s DCs and damage are
at her estate on the outskirts of the village.
determined by the level of the adventure, as shown
▶ Leandro asked Hashar if Sorcha ever spoke about
on the table below.
him. Hashar has no awareness of what Leandro
Dispel Dexterity might be talking about and never heard Sorcha
Version Difficulty Save Damage speak of Leandro.
8 DC 15 DC 15 27 (5d10) ▶ Leandro is not in his right mind and believes that
lightning Hashar was planted by Sorcha or knows some-
thing about Sorcha that he is keeping from Lean-
11+ Available in the full version dro. He returns to the room every day to interro-
gate Hashar, but Hashar has no more information
When the characters enter the room, read aloud to provide.
the following:
▶ Hashar believes Leandro will kill him soon.

A number of crates, some of which have been Leandro can be freed from his manacles with a
smashed to pieces, line the walls of this room. successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’
A stone staircase in the northeast corner rises tools, a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check, or the
to the castle above. A hallway extends to the key found on Leandro’s person. If freed, he asks
north. the characters for their help in escaping the flying


V4. Crypts little more private. A character inspecting the emp-
ty alcove and the surrounding area who makes a
The walls of this ten-foot-wide corridor are successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
lined with five alcoves each, all filled with a notices scrape marks on the stone floor that lead
stone sarcophagus, except for the southeast- toward the collapsed wall at the south end of the
ernmost alcove. Each sarcophagus bears an room.
identical runic symbol on its lid. The south Encounter: The Living Dead. Tovin the Disfigured
wall of the corridor has partially collapsed, carried out transmutational and alchemical exper-
leaving a pile of rubble. iments on subjects who were not always willing.
In a twisted show of respect, Tovin buried those
A character who makes a successful DC 16 Intelli- who died during his experiments in the crypts of
gence (History) check can identify the runic symbol the undercroft. Years later, the circumstances of
on the lid of each sarcophagus as the identifying their death and the necrotic energies of the plane of
insignia of the mage Tovin the Disfigured, the ar- shadow have stirred the bodies, which will rise from
chitect and original owner of the castle. The south- their sarcophagi and attack any living creatures that
easternmost alcove previously held a sarcophagus enter the crypts, fighting until they are destroyed.
but Leandro pulled it into the adjacent cavern to As Leandro himself is undead, his presence has not
the south to use it as his resting place in an area a disturbed the crypt’s occupants. The nature of the

crypt’s occupants depends on the level of the ad- V5. Hidden Corridor
venture, as shown in the table below. A secret door connects this corridor to the adjacent
Version Creatures treasury. A ladder at the east end of the corridor
rises to a trap door in the ceiling above.
8 four wights
11+ Available in the full version
V6. Secret Treasury

Treasure: Sarcophagi. Tovin buried each of his Several open and empty chests are scattered
test subjects with a piece of his jewelry as a show about this otherwise bare chamber. Portions
of gratitude for their service. Every sarcophagus of the south and east walls have given way to
contains a single piece of jewelry such as a ring, reveal natural stone tunnels beyond.
necklace, or brooch. There are ten pieces total, each
averaging approximately 50 gp in value. Tovin the Disfigured used this secret treasury to
Secret Passageway. Thecollapsed rubble of the store much of his wealth. The treasury is now emp-
south wall conceals a small tunnel that leads to Le- ty, however, due to a faction of hungry xorn that
andro’s lair. A character who makes a successful DC live in the stone and earth below and surrounding
12 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a suspicious- the castle and its undercroft, who ate through the
ly placed boulder that, when pushed aside, reveals locks on the chests and indulged themselves in the
the chamber beyond. treasure held within them. The stone tunnels that
Secret Doors. A secret door at the north end of connect to this chamber were dug by the wyverns
the crypts connects to a hidden corridor that leads that surround the castle, who were hoping to create
toward the undercroft’s secret treasury. A second a burrowed nest for themselves, but turned back
secret door at the back of one of the alcoves also when they hit the treasury and were scared off by
connects to the secret treasury. the golem(s). The tunnels connect to other areas of
the castle and the surrounding rock.
Encounter: Treasury Guardian. Tovin built a guard-
ian to protect the treasury. The xorn, however,
with their ability to meld through stone, were able
to gradually consume all of the treasure within the
treasury without alerting the guardian(s). The guard-
ian(s) now watches over an empty treasury, un-
aware of the theft. It attacks/they attack any living
creatures that enter. The nature of the guardian(s)
depends on the level of the adventure, as shown on
the table below.
Version Creatures
8 a stone golem
11+ Available in the full version

Treasure: Gem Scraps. A few gem fragments left

behind by the xorn are scattered throughout this
chamber. They total 100 gp in value.
Secret Doors. Secret doors in the west and east
walls of the treasury lead to the crypts as well as to
a hidden corridor that connects to the upper level of
the castle, respectively.
V7. Landing
This small room connects the undercroft’s secret
treasury with the upper levels of the castle. If the
party has not already explored the secret treasury,
they can hear the thudding sounds of heavy foot-
steps coming from beyond the door in the south
Secret Door. A secret door in the north wall of this
room connects it to a hidden corridor that leads to
the crypts.


V8. Wyvern Tunnels
This small network of tunnels connects to the un-
dercroft’s secret treasury as well as to another net-
work of tunnels below, where the xorn make their
primary lair.
Encounter: Lingering Xorn. As the xorn lair in a
tunnel network below the undercroft, they are likely
to hear the party traversing these tunnels above
them. The xorn, lookingfor more treasure to eat and
believing that anyone traveling the tunnels above
might be carrying some, will confront the party.
Rather than attacking the party immediately, the
xorn may instead attempt to beg or barter with them
for any treasure they might be carrying. The nature
of the xorn depends on the level of the adventure,
as shown in the table below.
Version Creatures
8 two xorn
11+ Available in the full version

V9. Leandro’s Lair

A stone sarcophagus is surrounded by a scat-

tered pile of hundreds of humanoid skulls at
the far end of this natural chamber in the rock.
Sets of chains and manacles are bolted to the
east and west walls. motives and wallowing in self-pity. If reduced to
one-quarter of his hit points or fewer, Leandro takes
Leandro has developed a taste for flesh and has a on a gaseous form in an attempt to escape. Lean-
particular liking for skulls; he enjoys peeling the skin dro’s statistics depend on the level of the adventure,
with his teeth and licking the eye sockets and other as shown on the table below.
crevices clean with his tongue. Once the skulls are
Version Leandro’s Statistics
stripped bare, he simply tosses them to the ground.
Leandro sometimes uses the chains to hold prison- 8 Leandro uses vampire statistics.
ers that he wants to savor for a while before dispos- 11+ Available in the full version
ing of them.
Encounter: Leandro the Wretched. Because of the Treasure: Leandro’s Person. On Leandro’s person
curse that afflicts him, Leandro does not resemble is a ring of telekinesis and a keyring that unlocks the
a typical vampire. His arms and legs are dispropor- interrogation room of the undercroft (area V3) as
tionately long, his nails have grown into twisted well as the set of manacles within.
claws, his fangs extend down below his chin, and
his large brow makes him look unintelligent and
brutish. He wears tattered finery stained with dirt,
sweat, blood, and wine. When the characters con- This adventure covers only one slice of Tovin’s Fly-
front him, Leandro is likely to be sitting on top of his ing Castle. Get the other adventures featuring this
sarcophagus indulging himself in multiple bottles of castle:
wine. He is probably drunk; the alcohol slurring his ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #41: Water Weird Ruins
speech slightly and making him hiccup uncontrolla- ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #42: Wyvern Motes
bly. If given the opportunity, he may briefly engage ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #44: Xorn Tunnels
the characters in conversation, asking about their

Other Dungeons & Lairs Adventures
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #1: Skeleton Tomb ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #22: Haunted Castle
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #2: Kobold Tunnels ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #23: Ethereal Plane
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #3: Archmage Stronghold ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #24: Flesh Golem Laboratory
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #4: Animated Objects ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #25: Pazuzu’s Aerie
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #5: Banshee Tower ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #26: Vampire Church
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #6: Basilisk Canyon ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #27: White Dragon Cavern
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #7: Aboleth Cave ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #28: Ninja Clan Hold
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #8: Crawler Chasm ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #29: Minotaur Maze
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #9: Mummy Lord’s Pyramid ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #30: Owlbear Wood
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #10: Depth Watcher’s Pool ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #31: Mimic Museum
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #11: Dread Knight’s Oubliette ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #32: Oni Palace
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #12: Shadow Cat Gully ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #33: Rust Monster Mine
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #13: Dragon Turtle Shipwreck ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #34: Revenant Ghost Ship
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #14: Fey Dragon Forest ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #35: Sphinx Pyramid
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #15: Fungus Grotto ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #36: Shadow Hotel
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #16: Ophidian Monastery ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #37: Salamander Forge
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #17: Night Hag Gallery ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #38: Treant Grove
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #18: Darkmantle Space Freighter ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #39: Troll Bridge
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #19: Griffon Nest ▶ Dungeons & Lairs #40: Unicorn Island
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #20: Lich Tower
▶ Dungeons & Lairs #21: Werewolf Village ▶ Dark Domains I: Lost Reliquary
▶ Dark Domains II: The Haunted Mine


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