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I, ______________________________, agree to be transported by the State of Texas or its designated

agency officials to locations outside of Texas, such as Washington, D.C. or New York City, New York.

I agree to hold the State of Texas or its designated agency officials harmless of all liability arising out of
or in any way relating to any injuries and damages that may occur during the agreed transport to
locations outside of Texas.

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature Date

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Location of Departure Location of Arrival

Date of Birth

The State of Texas and its designated agency officials represent that they are not providing
transportation made in furtherance of any unlawful entry into the United States.

Available Destinations:

1) Washington, D.C. serves as the capital of the United States and is where members of Congress
and the President of the United States are more immediately able to help address the needs of
migrants who have entered the country.

2) New York City has been designated as a sanctuary city by its City Council, and is providing
shelter and food to migrants who have entered the country.

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