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Listening and Speaking 4 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom Activity B., p. 30

Activity A., p. 26 Answers will very. Possible answers:
Answers will vary. Possible answers: I should get my job back because experts say it’s
1. Successful people tend to dress well. When I OK to be a little messy. / A messy desk can
think of some successful people, politicians for actually help you find things more easily. /
example, I picture them in suits. Messy people can make surprising connections
2. My space is messy because I don’t have the between ideas. / My mess helps me solve
time to organize it./ My space is neat because I problems creatively.
can’t do my work if there is clutter around me. / Activity C., p. 30
A messy desk says that someone has more 1. T
important things to do than keep his/her desk 2. F; A certain amount of mess around the
neat./ A messy desk says that someone is house makes it feel more comfortable.
disorganized and doesn’t take his/her job 3. F; Some research suggests that a messy home
seriously. is stimulating to children’s minds.
3. The person who works in this space is 4. T
probably an interesting person who likes to Activity D., pp. 30–31
dress in modern clothes. I would like to work in 1. c
a place like this. The office looks clean and fun. 2. a
Activity B., p. 26 3. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. b
1. I agree with Sophy. If we take care with our 5. a
appearance, we can send a message that we are 6. b
trustworthy and serious. / I disagree with Activity E., p. 31
Sophy. You can’t always guess someone’s 1. LH
character by the clothes they wear. 2. LH
2. Musicians usually don’t wear business suits 3. AC
because they might want to show they are 4. LH
creative and that they reject the business world. 5. AC
/ A fashion designer might not wear traditional 6. AC
business suits, either. For them, style might be Activity F., pp. 31–33
more important than looking successful. 1. b
2. b
Activity A., p. 29 5. b
Benefits of Main ideas and key phrases 6. a
7. a
8. c
At work  find things more easily 9. c
 make connections between ideas in new
10. c
 people are more creative 11. c
At home  personal items show who we are 12. a
 children learn better
 children build up protection against

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Listening and Speaking 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Say What You Think, p. 33 WORK WITH THE LISTENING
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity A., pp. 36–37
1. I’m messy/ not messy. I think being messy is a Answers will vary. Possible answers:
good thing because I can see everything that I Positive effects of casual Negative effects of casual
business clothing business clothing
need./ I think being messy is not good because
you can easily lose things.  more  productivity falls
2. I think that if a worker’s space isn’t shared or comfortable  lack of confidence
 morale improves from customers
visible to the public, then the person should be  save money on and investors
able to be as messy as he or she wants to be. clothes  associated with
3. When I was a child, I was not messy at all,  don’t have to carelessness
worry about attitude
and I am still a very neat person. I like to make what to wear
sure that everything is organized./ When I was a Activity B., p. 37
child, I was messy, but now I am neater and Answers may vary. Sample answers:
more organized. 1. They thought it would boost employee
morale, as a type of “reward” at the end of the
Activity A., p. 34 2. They may think the executives won’t be
Answers will very. Possible answers: professional or won’t take the business or
Strategy 1: put Strategy 2: follow a Strategy 3: do a
investments seriously.
everything in its filing and organization little at a time
place system 3. It is sometimes associated with careless
Put everything Put papers into three Don’t do too
4. Many young people are going back to more
into the room or categories: now, later, much at once.
space it belongs in never. Make changes formal business clothing for work.
after you use it. If little by little. Activity C., p. 37
it doesn’t have a 1. b
place, make one.
2. a
3. b
Activity A., p. 35 Activity D., pp. 37–38
Answers will very. Possible answers: 1. cycles
Happy facial expressions Serious facial expressions 2. uniform
3. professional
• longer, happier marriages • get divorce more often
• more likely to get job after an 4. connected
interview • less likely to get job after an 5. natural
• brains and bodies recover
6. lifestyle
from stress more quickly • more stress 7. managers
• faster heartbeats after
8. accepted
• liver longer
stressful job was finished 9. workplace
10. formally
Activity E., p. 38
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
I think a Formal Friday is a great idea. Dressing
more formally would help us be more serious
about our studies, and we might even get
better grades. / In my opinion, a Formal Friday
is a terrible idea. I like being comfortable at

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Listening and Speaking 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

school, and I don’t want to have to dress up 5. offer a “dress-up” Monday option
even on one day of the week. 6. dress more formally at work
Activity F., pp. 38–39 Activity B., pp. 43–44
1. appropriate Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. morale Picture A:
3. trend 1. I recommend that he buy a suit.
4. norm 2. It’s important that he dress more formally.
5. investor Picture B:
6. reward 1. I suggest that he wear more business casual
7. cycle clothing.
8. anecdote 2. I recommend that he not wear a suit to work.
9. associate
11. enthusiasm Activity A., p. 44
12. cautious 1. plea-sure
2. for-got-ten
SAY WHAT YOU THINK 3. suc-cess-ful
Activity A., p. 39 4. ha-bit
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 5. busi-ness
1. If an employee did his or her job extremely 6. al-low
well, that person’s appearance wouldn’t impact 7. cau-tious
my decision about a promotion./ People who 8. pro-fes-sional
want to be promoted need to dress neatly. If
they didn’t, I wouldn’t promote them. SPEAKING SKILL
2. I liked wearing a uniform to school because Activity A., pp. 45–46
we weren’t judged on what we were wearing. / 1. So you mean that
A disadvantage of wearing a uniform is that 2. Are you saying; Got it.
people can’t express who they are as easily. 3. If I understand you; OK.
4. Does that mean; I see.
VOCABULARY SKILL Activity B., p. 46
Activity A., p. 41 Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Circled: verb definition 1 1. If people look sloppy, they may be sloppy
2. Circled: definition 3 (unfriendly) with their work too.
Activity B., p. 41 2. It doesn’t matter because the most
1. adj., extreme or serious important thing is that people have the skills to
2. n., a sum of money that must be paid as a do their job. However, if they have to meet with
punishment clients, their clothing and workspace should
3. n., an action that shows that something exists probably look neat.
or is happening 3. Organization leads to success, so I think that
4. v., to put clothes on yourself schools should teach students to be organized.

Activity A., p. 43
1. dress more formally
2. avoid looking sloppy at work
3. not wear jeans or sandals
4. ditch their casual clothes

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