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Printed Activity Sheets

Grade 12 – Practical Research 2

Weeks 5 & 6
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
MELC #7 states research question
MELC #8 indicates scope and delimitation
MELC #9 presents written statement of the problem
MELC #10 illustrates and explain conceptual framework
MELC #11 defines terms in study:

Name: ____________________________________
Written Works: _________
Grade and Section: __________________________
Performance Task: ________
Date Submitted: ____________________________

Easy Level
Instructions. Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE
if the statement if false.
______F___1. One of the characteristics of good research questions is not feasible.
______F___2. “A comparison between the identical twins….” is a good example of research title.
______T___3. The sources for identification of problem are diverse and would largely depend upon the area of
interest of the investigator.
_____T____4. Research questions should be clear, concise, and as simple as possible, focused and empirically
____T_____5. The problem statement provides the framework for reporting the results and indicates what is probably
necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.
_____T____6. Good research question is practicable.
_____T____7. A good research question helps to- guide the research process; construct a logical argument; write a
literature review; plan thesis chapters; and devise efficient search strategies.
_____T____8. The purpose of research question is to introduce the reader to the importance of the topic being studied.
____T_____9. A hypothesis is a predicted answer to the research question that can be tested and is based on prior
____T_____10. An important consideration for selecting the problem area relates to its feasibility

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |1
Average Level
Instructions. Choose the correct answer from the given word bank and fill in the blanks to
complete the sentence.

Problem Statement Hypothesis Delimitation Sources

Research Problem Scope Research Background Research Gap
Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms

1. Usually, a ____________________is initially posed as a question which serves as the focus of the researcher’s
2. A___________ introduces the reader to the importance of the topic being studied.
3. A_________ is a predicted answer to the research question that can be tested and based on prior research.
4. The _____________for identification of problem are diverse and would largely depend upon the area of interest of
the investigator and the nature of the problem under investigation.
5. _____________ is a brief outline of the most important studies that have been conducted so far presented in a
chronological order.
6. The ____________ details how in-depth your study is to explore the research question and the parameter in which
it will operate in relation to the population and timeframe.
7. The _______________ of a study are the factors and variables not to be included in the investigation.
8. ______________refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies.
9. __________________includes definitions of words operationally used in the study
10.The _______________gives the concepts to be covered in the study as well as its boundaries in terms of the
respondents/participants, sampling technique, locale and the research methods to be used.

Difficult Level Instructions. Based on the chosen topic of your interest, write a background of your
study, statement of the problem and the scope and delimitation. (Performance Task)

Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |2
The study generally aims to_____________________________________________________________
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Scope and Delimitation
This study covers ________________________________________________________________________

Rubric for the Performance Task

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Points
Content Information given is Information given is Information given is Information given is
not enough and somewhat enough almost enough and enough and
substantial. and substantial. substantial. substantial.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are somewhat Ideas are almost Ideas are organized
disorganized. organized. organized. properly.
Accuracy Information given Information given is Information given is Information given is
commits ample errors. somewhat free from almost free from any free from any errors.
any errors. errors.
Grammar All sentences are Few of the sentence Almost of the Sentence structures
ungrammatical. structures are sentence structures are all grammatical.
grammatical. are grammatical.

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Parents Signature of Student

Prepared by: Validated: Approved:

Name of Writers Name of Head Teacher ELIZA C. VEDANIA

Position Position: School Principal IV

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |3

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