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Q1. Write down the aims & objectives of the creation of Pakistan?
Ans. Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947. The Muslims of India had scarifies there wealth honour & life
to make a Pakistan reality. Struggle for attainment of Pakistan started very after the war of independence 1857.

Aims & Objectives of the Creation of Pakistan

Following were the Aims & Objectives that led to the creation of Pakistan.

1. Setting up of a Free Islamic Society: The main objective of the creation of Pakistan was to establish a free
Islamic Society having its own identity and government, practicing its own social principles and religion and inviting
the Muslims of the world, particularly and others generally to adopt the Islamic way of life.

2. Protection from Communal Riots: The communal Riots on every other day made it clear that the Hindus could
monopolies the politics after the departure of The British. The lives of Muslims could never be safe in the united
India. The Hindu organizations had again and again asserted that Hindu Raj would be imposed on India after the
independence. So to get rid of these atrocities the Muslims demanded their separate state.

3. Social & Political Development of Muslims: After the war of Independence 1857, the social environment was
totally changed. The Muslims were scared of the caste system and other discriminations. They could enjoy neither
political nor social liberties; therefore, they preferred to have a separate homeland in which they could live
according to the teachings of Islam.

4. Protection of Muslim Language The Hindus did the best to replace Urdu by Hindi. But they did not succeed
during British period. The Hindu government could wipe out all signs of Muslim culture; therefore, the Muslims
had no choice except putting a demand for Pakistan.

5. Establishment of Islamic State: Islam is a complete code of life. The Muslims wanted to implement the system
practically. This could not be attained in United India therefore, they passed a resolution and demanded an Islamic
state in the North East and North West of South Asia.

6. Dream of Muslims to get freedom: Due to the ill treatment of Hindus and British the Muslims also wanted to
get freedom and established their own Govt. in the sub continent because the freedom is right of every nation and
the country. For this reason they demanded Pakistan.

7. Islamic Culture and Civilization: if India were not divided, this country would have become a pure Hindu State
and the next generation of Muslims would have been Muslim only by name, but it would have been impossible for
the Muslims to follow Islam practically.

8. Muslim Unity: Muslims were dispersed in the 20 th century especially after the failure of Khilafat movement.
The Muslims wanted to become united again because Pakistan Studies Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad 4 unity is
also the basic teaching of Islam. But the unity of the Muslim world cannot be possible without the creation of

9. Protection of Two Nation Theory: The Muslims claimed separate nationhood for themselves and they were
determined to maintain a separate entity for all times to come. The Muslims believe in separate religion, practice
different traditions, and have their own history and their cultural heritage. Their claim was absolutely true.

Q2: Explain the Ideology of Pakistan in the light of the sayings of the Quaid-e-Azam?
Ans. Pakistan is the only state that came into being on the bases of strong ideology.
The social or political Programme of any movement that becomes a collective objective of any nation is called


Quaid-e-Azam was the liberator of the Muslim nation in Sub-Continent. He struggled for the separate state on the
bases of Islamic Ideology. He himself explained this basic ideology. -

1. Foundation of Muslim Nation Once Quaid-e-Azam said, “Pakistan came into being the very day when the
first Hindu became a Muslim.”

2. Pakistan and the Holy Quran: In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid-e-Azam said while clarifying
the relation of Pakistan and Islam: “What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock
on which the structure of Muslim Nation is restored? What is that base which has secured the safety of the boat of
this Muslim Nation? That relation, rock and base is the Holy Quran.”

3. Islam is a complete code of life: While addressing the students, in March, 1944 he said, “Our guide is Islam
and this, is the complete code of our life. We neither need any red or yellow flag nor do we need any Socialism.
Communism, Nationalism or any other ism”

4. Elimination of differences: On 21 March, 1948 while addressing the people in Dhaka and said, “I want not to
see you to talk as a Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Bengali. What is the fun of saying that we are Punjabi, Sindhi or
Pathan? We are only Muslims.”

5. Need of division of India: While addressing at Aligarh he clarified the ideology of Pakistan in these words:
“What was the motive of the demand for Pakistan and a separate electorate for Muslims? What was the cause of
the division of India? Its cause is neither the narrow mindedness of Hindus nor the tactics of The British but is the
basic demand of Islam?”

6. National Identity of The Muslims: In the light of the history of the subcontinent Quaid-e-Azam argued that
Muslims have never been a minority. They are a perfect nation and have the right to establish an independent
state in those areas where they are in majority.

7. Protection of Muslim culture: Addressing the army officers, in October, 1947, Mr. Jinnah said, “Our object
was to create such a state where we can live freely, our culture and civilization get flourished, and where Islamic
concept of social justice can flourish exactly.”

8. Criticism of the Western Economic system: On the eve of inaugurating the State Bank of Pakistan on 1 July
1948, the Quaid said, “The Economic system of west is creating unsolvable problems for humanity. It has failed to
provide justice to the people. We are to present an economic system based on original Islamic concept equality
and social justice.”

9. Separate Status of The Muslims: In his address at Lahore on 23rd March 1940 it was clearly mentioned, “No
Act or Law would be acceptable which deny the separate status of the Muslims.”

10. Origin of Pakistan: In his address at Ahmedabad on 29th December 1940 Quaid-e-Azam said, “Pakistan
existed from centuries. North West remained a homeland of Muslims. Independent states of Muslims should be
established in these areas so that they might live according to the teachings of Islam”.

11. Promotion of Islamic Ideology: On 1st October 1947, while addressing the officers of the Government of
Pakistan, he said, “Their mission is the establishment of a state where they could live like free people in their own
socio-cultural set up necessary for the promotion of social justice and Islamic ideology”.
12. Strong Belief of Muslims: Quaid-e-Azam had a strong belief in achieving his goal. He said: “We cannot be
moved or diverted from our purpose and objective by threats or intimidations. We must be prepared to face all
difficulties and consequences, make al the sacrifices that may be required of us to achieve the goal we have set in
front of us”

Q3. Explain the Ideology of Pakistan in the light of sayings of Allama Iqbal?
1. Separate Recognition of Muslims: Allama lqbal made it clear that the Muslims have the separate recognition
from the Hindus on the base of religion and culture. In this regard he said “India is not a country, it is a Sub-
continent of human beings belonging to different languages and practicing different religions. Muslim nation has
its own religious and cultural identity.”

2. Condemnation of Western Democratic Concepts: Allama lqbal was strongly against the western concept
of Democracy. Despite flourishing all over the world, this system cannot provide solution of the problem of Islamic
world. Iqbal was of the view that all social and political problems can be solved with the help of Islamic system. He
said, (Western democracy is devoid of depth, it has merely an attractive out look.)

3. Concept of separate Muslim State: Dr. Muhammad Allama lqbal was great supporter and preacher of
separate Muslim state. He gave this idea of separate state for the Muslims in 1930 while addressing the annual
meeting of All India Muslim league in Allah Abad, “I want to see the Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Balochistan in the
form of one homogenous state. Whether India gets independences under the crown of England or out of it, I think
independent state of western provinces is the destiny of the people living there.”

4. Commendation of Idea of Single Nation: In March, 1909 when lqbal was asked to address a meeting held
by Minvra Raj Amritsar but he refused to address that meeting & said. “I remained the supporter of this idea but
now I am of the view that preservation of separate nationhood is useful for Hindus and Muslims BIRTH.

5. Concept of Two Nation Theory: Allama Iqbal explaining the two nation theory as: “Despite living together for
1000 years, Hindus and Muslims have their own individual ideologies so the only solution of political conflict in
India is to have a separate independent parliament for each nation.”

6. Eradication of Racial & Regional Prejudices: Allama Iqbal rejected the Racial & Regional Prejudices. Once he
said in this regard as: “Concept of nation and homeland is confusing the Muslims. That is why Islamic humane
objects are becoming dim. It is also possible that these concepts may destroy the real concepts of Islam.”

7. Explanation of Relation of Islam & politics: Allam Iqbal was in the favour of basic concept that politics is a
part of religion (Islam) and Islam provides complete guidance about it, “Islam does not consider matter and soul
separate from each other. Allah, Universe and state all are the basic elements of single unit. Man is not so alien
that he should leave worldly affairs for the sake of religion.”

8. Unity of Muslim World :Allama Iqbal was a great supporter of Muslims Unity. He gave the message to the
Nation of unity, equality, fraternity & tolerance. He also declared that there is no any concept of discrimination on
the base of colour, cast and creed in Islam. The message of unity of the Muslim World can be seen in his poetry as.

‫ایک ہوں هسلن حرم کی پاسبانی کے لیے‬

‫نیل کے ساحل سے لے کے تا بخاک کاشغر‬
Q4. Describe the importance of the Ideology of Pakistan.
Ans. Pakistan is the only state that came into being on the bases of strong ideology. Since its establishment it has
been demanded to accomplish its basic aim. Following are the bases of its ideology.


Importance of Ideology of Pakistan is as under:-
1. Right of Self Determination In the decent civilizations of the world, right of self determination has got the place
of basic human right. The Muslim of sub-continent work hard for the attainment of right of self determination, on
the base of this right the Muslim demanded separate electorate in 1906 and this right was awarded to the Muslim
in 1909‟s Minto Morley reforms.

2. Protection of the Muslims of Sub-Continent Ideology of Pakistan saved the Muslim of the Sub-Continent.
Because of the ideology of Pakistan, the Muslims of India who had become a minority due to the western
democracy became a great nation.

3. Cause of Independence of Muslims Ideology of Pakistan is the cause of independence of Muslims. Because of
the ideology of Pakistan the Muslims of India got freedom and they got social betterment.

4. Ending of Hindu-Muslim Tension After the creation of Pakistan, Hindu-Muslim tension which had been a part
of Daily life ended. Along with that tension the events of terrorism also ended.

5. Symbol of Security of the Muslims The ideology of Pakistan is very important for the Muslim of the Sub-
Continent after the start of this theory the Muslims feel better and secured in the Subcontinent. The people who
believe the ideology of Pakistan although belong to different races and different areas, are united.

6. Character Building Ideology of Pakistan is a source of Character Building of the Muslims. Ideology of Pakistan is
based on Islamic ideology and exemplary principles of Islam.

7. Unity of Islamic World Ideology of Pakistan is laid down on the Islam. There is no any discrimination on the base
of colour cast, creed, state or a country in Islam and Pakistan is obtained on the base of Ideology of Pakistan.

8. Source of Power Islam gave the concept of two nation theory in sub-continent and secured the separate
recognition of the Muslims in sub-continent. Two nation theory protected the Muslims in the hour of need
especially in British rule, that‟s why ideology of Pakistan is the source of power in the sub-continent on which base
the Muslims struggle hard for the attainment of Pakistan. Finally they succeed to achieve Pakistan.

9. Formation of Exemplary Society The Muslims wanted to establish the exemplary society in the sub-continent but
this dream couldn‟t be fulfill in the united India. Pakistan.

10. Freedom from Hindu-British Society After the death of Aurangzeb Allamgir the decline of the Muslim of the
Subcontinent was started. In 1857 The British took-over the whole sub-continent and Muslim became their ruled.
In the 18th and 19th century The British increased their efforts to spread Christianity and Hindus started to spread
Hinduism. Under these conditions the ideology of Pakistan saved them from such spreading.

Q5. Write a comprehensive note on Two Nation Theory? Ans. The social or political Programme of any
movement that becomes a collective objective of any nation is called Ideology.

BEGINNING OF TWO NATION THEORY: The history of two nation theory is as old as the history of man. According
to the holy Quran, the concept of one nation was produced before Adam. Quran says:

“We Said: Go down, all of you from here; but verily there cometh unto you from Me a guidance; and who so follow
My guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. But they who disbelieve and deny Our
revelations, such are rightful owners of the fire. They will be therein.”

Islam and Two Nation Theory: Islam has different character and temperament. The concept of Two Nations was
given by Islam 14 hundred years ago. According to Islam there are only two nations in the world; Believers and Non

1. Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani & Two Nation Theory Hazrat Mujaddad Alf Sani explained the Two Nation Theory in
16th and 17th century:-

“If Muslims want to live like a live nation then they will have to get rid of all those paganism. They will have to live
separately from Hindus. If this consciousness of separate nationalism is not produced among the Muslims then the
fear is that they would be swept away in the flood of one-nationhood.”
2. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah & Two Nation Theory: Shah Wali Ullah was also a great supporter of two nation theory.
He saved the Muslims of the sub-continent at that time when the Muslims decline was started after the death of
Aurangzeb Allamgir in 1707. He advised the Muslim to be united and followed the Islamic rules & regulations.

3. Sir Syed Ahmed and Two Nation Theory: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first Indian Muslim political leader who
used the word “Nation” for the Muslims of the sub-continent in 1867.He talked to Mr. Shakespeare, Governor of
Banaras and explained the two nation theory as:

“Hindi Urdu conflict is the starting of the space of separation between Hindus and Muslims which will gradually
increase and a day will come when both the nations will separate from each other after division.”

4 Allama Iqbal and Two Nation Theory: Allama Iqbal awakened the Muslims of sub-continent with his poetry to
demand a separate homeland. He led the Muslims at every step and rendered great services for the establishment
of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal considered Islam as a complete code of life. He said that he was fully convinced that the
Muslims of India would ultimately have a separate homeland, as they could not live with the Hindus in united India

5 Quaid-e-Azam and Two Nation Theory: The Quaid-e-Azam was a big supporter of two-nation theory. He said,
“The foundation of Two Nation Theory was laid on the day when the first non-Muslim of sub-continent became

6 John Bright and Two Nation Theory: On 24th June, 1858 John Bright gave the concept of a separate state for the
Muslims of the sub-continent.

7 Syed Jamal Ud Din Afghani and Two Nation Theory: In 1879 Maulana Jamal-ud-Din Afghani gave the concept of
Two Nations in the sub-continent.

8 Molana Abdul Haleem Sharar and Two Nation Theory: In 1890 Maulana Abdul Haleem gave the concept of the
Two Nation Theory.

9 Walait Ali Bambook and Two Nation Theory: In 1913 Walait Ali Bambook presented the Two Nation Theory.

10 Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Two Nation Theory: In 1928, on the basis of separate identity, Maulana Ashraf
Ali Thanvi talked about separate state of the Muslims.

11 Murtaza Makesh and Two Nation Theory: In 1928, on the basis of separate identity, Murtaza Makesh talked
about separate state of the Muslims.

12 Chaudhry Rehmat Ali and Two Nation Theory: Chaudhry Rehmat Ali in 1933 suggested the name of Pakistan
on the base of Two Nation Theory, while he was a student of the Cambridge University of England.


Q1. Describe the services of Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi) for the revival of
Islam in the Sub-Continent.
1. Opposition of Din-i-Ilahi: The introduction of Din-i-Ilahi by Akbar was a grave attempt to distort Islam. He
assumed the title of Mujadid-i-Azam and Imam-i-Adil and issued orders pertaining to the religious matters which
were to be considered as authentic and final.

2. Social Reorms: At that time Muslim society was ridden with un-Islamic practices and trends. Under the Hindu
influence, a firm and widespread belief in Karamat (miracles of the saints) had developed in the society which
greatly misguided the innocent people. In Sufism many means of developing magical and supernatural powers,
alien to Islam, had been developed.
3. Reforms in Tasawaf(Spirituality): The mystics and Sufis of those days openly denied the authenticity of Sharia
by declaring Sharia (the law of Islam) as superficial and external. They even proudly manifested their indifference
towards the Sunnah or Examples of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

4. Purgation of Muslim Society: Sheikh Ahmad undertook the job of purifying the Muslim society of un-Islamic
tendencies by sending a number of his disciples in all directions to preach the true Islam. He asked them the
emphasis on (Ittibat-i-Sunnah) following the examples of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him),

5. Struggle Against Atheism: Sheikh Ahmad was greatly opposed to the atheism and openly denounced un-Islamic
society. He worked very hard to restore the original teachings of Islam and emphasized on the concept of Tauheed.

6. Reformation of Nobles: Sheikh Ahmad stressed on the Muslims to revert to the purer Islam by giving up
heretical customs and practices. He laboured diligently to settle the differences between the scholoars and the
mystics. He initiated the leading nobles near the emperor into his discipleship and through them exerted an
influence to bring about a change in the life of the Court.

7. Emphasis on Islamic Values: Sheikh Ahmad persuaded the Muslims to adopt simple habits in life and to strictly
adhere to Namaz.

8. Two Nation Theory: Sheikh Ahmad was a staunch advocate of the separateness of the Muslims and desired to
maintain the distinctive image of the Muslim Nationalism. He laid great emphasis on the separate identity of the
Muslims and adopted a very stern attitude against the Hindus. Sheikh Ahmad firmly believed in Two-Nation
Theory. He was in favour of maintaining the differences between Hindus and Muslims. He wanted Jizya to be re-
imposed on Hindus and demanded the destruction of Hindu temples.

9. Death After living for three years with the emperor Jehangir, Hazrat Mujadid sought permission to leave for
Sirhind. He passed away on December 10, 1024 A.D. and was buried in Sirhind.

Conclusion: Sheikh Ahmad, till the last breath of his life continued with the propagation of Islam. He drew a
distinction between Islam and atheism. He considerably prevailed upon Jehangir to alter his religious view and
abandon his father‟s religious policies.

Q2. Write down the services of Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah.

1. Religious Reforms: Shah Wali Ullah immediately set himself to the sacred task of spiritual consolidation of
Muslim society. He prepared a few students and gave them knowledge in different branches of Islamic learning.
They were entrusted with the job of imparting the knowledge to others.

a) Islamic Practices: Shah Wali Ullah persuaded the Muslim to strictly follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet
(peace be upon him). He introduced the basic principles of Islam to the people. He advocated the Quranic
education for the welfare and benefits of the Muslims and asked them to abandon un-Islam trends and practices.

b) Jihad: Shah Wali Ullah got in touch with rulers and impressed upon them to enforce Islamic laws. He also urged
them to mould their lives, according to the Islamic way. He educated the Muslim soldiers on the importance of
Jihad and asked them to go for Jihad for the glorification of Islam.

c) Economy: He asked the traders to adopt fair principles of trade as preached and practiced by the Holy Prophet
(peace be upon him). He informed the people about the sins of accumulation of wealth and asked time to keep as
much wealth with founder of modern Muslim India and as such the father of modern Muslim India.

d) Removal of Sectarianism: In his time the Shias and Sunnis were aggressively hostile to each other and their
rivalry was damaging the Muslim unity. Shah Wali Ullah wrote Izalat-al-Akhifa and Khilafat-al-Khulafa in order to
remove misunderstanding between Shias and the Sunnis. He refused to denounce Shias as heretics.

2. Political Reforms:
a) Steps to Check the Marhatas: However, the Muslim chiefs were unable to face Marhatas effectively. Their
resources were inadequate to crush the Marhatas power. Shah Wali Ullah, therefore, looked forward to Ahmad
Shah Abdali.

b) Efforts for Muslim Unity: He advised the Muslims to be united for the sake of Muslim society. And keep in mind
the Islamic teachings of brotherhood. He taught them to work for the betterment of humanity and to follow the
teachings of Islam regarding Non-Muslims.

c) Two-Nation Theory: Shah Wali Ullah was a staunch supporter of Two Nation Theory. He played a vital role to
make Muslims a strong nation on the bases of their Culture, History and heritage.

3. Literary Services of Shah Wali Ullah Shah Wali Ullah: wrote 51 books, on mysticism and other branches of
Islamic learning which deal with religious, economic and political problems. 23 books were in Urdu and 28 were in

a) Translation of the Holy Quran: His outstanding work was his translation of the Holy Quran into simple Persian
language which was the literary language of his days. He produced this masterpiece of literature in 1737-38 which
invited great criticism from the orthodox Ulema who threatened him even with death.

b) Hujjat-ullah-al-Baligha: Hujjat-ullah-al-Baligha is another famous work of Shah Wali Ullah. In this work Shah
Sahib has discussed in details the reasons of the social and religious decay of the Muslims.

c) Izalat-al-Khifa and Khilafat-al-Khulafa: Shah Wali Ullah wrote Izalat-al-Khifa and Khilafat-al-Khulafa in order to
remove misunderstanding between Shias and the Sunnis. He refused to denounce Shias as heretics.

d) Al Insaf fi Bayan Sbab al Ikhtilaf: Shah Wali Ullah adopted an analytical and balanced approach towards he four
schools of thought of mysticism. In order to create a balance between the four schools, i.e., Hanafi, Hambali, Shafi
and Malaki.

4. Social Reforms:

1. He struggled to get rid of the Hindu concept about the marriage of the widows and told the Muslims that it is
the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet (PBUH)

2. He also struggled against the dowry and other such unnecessary expanses on the time of marriage.

3. He advised the Muslims to work for lawful earning and to avoid (Usury) interest on loan.

5. He also worked against the unjust distribution of wealth.

6. He worked against the sectarianism and grouping.

Q4. Discuss the educational, political, religious, social and literary services of Aligarh
Movement (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
Educational Services of Aligarh Movement:

1. School in Muradabad: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established the educational institution in Muradabad 1859. That
was a Persian school.

2. School in Ghazi Pur: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a school in Ghazi Pur in 1862.

3. Scientific Society: Sir Syed established a unique institution Scientific Society in Ghazipur in 1863. The
Headquarters of this society were shifted to Aligarh in 1876. The purpose of its establishment was to acquire the
books in other languages, and translate them in Urdu.

4. Establishment of M.A.O. School Aligarh: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan set up M.A.O. School in Aligarh in 1875; later on
(in 1877) it was upgraded to college. This institution became Muslim University Aligarh in 1920.
Literary Services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
1. Prolific Writer: Sir Syed himself was a prolific writer. Luckily he was s by a group of intellectuals, essayists, critics,
hi and poets. Ho used itera for the national progress. The Muslims followed the A Movement, and they achieved
their objectives.

2. Khutabat-e-Ahmadia: In 1869 Sir Syad , Khan wrote a book Khutabat-e-Ahma do defend the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) in reply to „A More‟s book.

3. Tabbain-ul-Kalam: He wrote a commentary on Bible called Tabbian-ul-Kalam

4. Risala Tehzib-ul-lkhlaq: In 1970 Sir Syed Ahned Khan published a pamphlet, Risala Tehzib-ul-lklhaq in which he
described social problem of the Muslims and he tried to eliminate the prejudice among the Muslims towards the

5. Asar-us-Sanadeed: For the social welfare of the Muslims he wrote Asar-us-Sanad

6. Translation Works: Following books were translated: Ain-akbari, Tuzok-e-Jahangri, & Tarikh-e-Sarkashi Bajnor In
addition to all this Sir Syed also wrote Tafseer-ul-Quran, Loyal Muhammadan of India & Asbab-e-Baghawat Hind.

Social And Economic Services of Aligarh Movement:

Sir Syed took many steps to regain the lost social and economic status of the Muslims. The suppressed and ruined
community became dynamic.

1. Lost Glory: Sir Syed Ahmed guided the Muslims on every level to regain their lost glory.

2. Risala-e-Asbabe-Baghawat-e-Hind: After the war of independence 1857, he wrote Risala-e-Asbabe-Baghawat-

eHind in which he described the actual reasons behind this war.

3. Loyal Muhammadans of India: Sir Syed wrote this book to make the British aware of the services of the
Muslims. Through this book he got sensible behavior of the British for the Muslims of India.

4. Government Jobs for the Muslims: As a result of Sir Syed‟s campaign, the Muslims of India got remarkable jobs
in Govt. sector on a large scale.

Political Services of Aligarh Movement

1. Two Nation Theory: He was no doubt in the favor of Hindu Muslim unity in the beginning but after Urdu-Hindi
Controversy he came to know the nature of the Hindu nation. Then for the first time in the History he used the
word “Nation” for the Muslim in 1867. So we can say he was the founder of two-nation theory in sub-continent.
On the basis of Two Nation Theory, Sir Syed asked for special safeguards for the Muslims in different fields. Special
seats for the Muslims in the local councils

2. Quota in services: Started a movement against the open competitive examinations for superior services
Rejected the government of the majorities because that could lead to the monopoly of the Hindus

3. Advice to avoid politics: After the war of 1857, he advised the Muslims to remain away from politics until they
would become strong in education.

4. Urdu Hindi Controversy: After Urdu Hindi Controversy in Bin eras Sir Syed understood the mentality of the
Hindus and he pressurized the British to avoid replacing Urdu with Hindi.

5. Behavior towards: Indian National Congress Sir Syed forbade the Muslims to join the Indian National Congress
founded by A.O. Hume in 1885, as he could understand the objectives of this party.

6. Political Reforms: He restrained the Muslims from joining congress and struggle for special seat of the Muslims
in loc council. He also started a movement against the open competitive exams to avoid the monopoly of the
Conclusion: The services of Sir Syed were highly applaudable, therefore, he is recognized as one of the founders of
Pakistan. Maulvi Abdul Haque appreciated the role played by Sir Syed and said,

“The first stone of the foundation of Pakistan was laid down by this old man.”

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