Tia Portal Exporter Manual

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 2

Table of Contents
TIA Portal Exporter Utility 1

Table of Contents 2

TIA Portal Exporter Utility 3

Install TIA Portal Exporter 4

User Guide 5

Use in the Utility 5

Use in Server 5
Tag Data Type Conversions 6

Working with Multi-Lingual Projects 9

Event Log M essages 10

Unexpected error reading the project file. 10
Invalid extractor version. Please check your installation. 10
Unable to open the selected project. Make sure that the correct version of Openness is installed. 10
Error initializing the Openness API. Please verify that all necessary components are installed. 10
Failed to open the project file. Please verify that the project can be opened by the version of TIA
Portal installed on this system and that the project is not currently open in TIA Portal. 10
A problem has been encountered extracting tags from the selected project. Please verify that the
project is complete and has been successfully compiled. 11
Timed out waiting for the extractor to complete. 11
The selected project type is not currently supported. 11
No extractors can be found on the system. Please check your installation. 11
Project load canceled. 12
Failed to export to file. 12
Failed to start extractor process. 12
Unable to load project. 12
Unable to find help documentation. Please verify your installation. 12
Unable to access the Openness API. The current user is not a member of the Siemens TIA Open-
ness group. 12

Index 13

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3 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility

TIA Port al Export er Ut ilit y

Help version 1.016


What is the TIA Portal Exporter Utility?

Inst all TIA Port al Export er Ut ilit y

How do I install the TIA Portal Exporter Utility?

User Guide
How do I use the TIA Portal Exporter utility?

Tag Dat a Type Conversions

How are my tags data types resolved in the TIA Portal Exporter Utility?

Error M essages
What are the possible error messages, causes, and solutions for theTIA Portal Exporter Utility?

The TIA Portal Exporter utility is a tool that can be used to export tags from a Siemens TIA Portal project into
the server. When a project is opened using the tool, the content of the project is displayed, allowing the selec-
tion of program block, tag tables, or individual tags. The selected tags are exported into a format which can
be consumed by the Siemens TCP/IP Driver Automatic Tag Generation process.

The TIA Portal Exporter utility supports versions 13, 14, 15, or 16 of TIA Portal.

For more information regarding how tags are translated see Tag Data Type Conversions.

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 4

Inst all TIA Port al Export er

The installer for the TIA Portal Exporter Utility utility is present in the utility directory of the system on which
the server has been installed. TIA Portal Exporter is available if the Siemens TCP/IP driver is selected for
Im portant: This utility must be installed onto a system which has TIA Portal 13, 14, 15, or 16 and the asso-
ciated installation of Openness.

1. Open the utility folder on the system where the server has been installed.

2. Copy TIAPortalExporter6.exe to the system which runs TIA Portal.

3. Run the installer.

4. Select the appropriate language for your system.

5. Complete the installation.

6. Identify the Windows user accounts to run the utility under, and add them to the Siemens TIA Open-
ness local user group.

a. Open the system Com puter Managem ent window.

b. Expand Local Users and Groups and select Groups.

c. Open the Siem ens TIA Openness group.

d. Select to add a user to run TIAPortalExporter.

N ote: In order for user account changes to take effect, the account must be logged out and logged
in again. An operating system restart is recommended.

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5 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility

User Guide
Access the links below for information on how to use the TIA Portal Exporter Utility:

l In t he Ut ilit y
l In Server
l M ult ilingual Project s

Use in t he Ut ilit y
1. From the Start menu, select TIAPortalExporter 6 from the TIAPortalExporter 6 folder.

2. Click the “Open Project File…” button.

3. Browse to and select a TIA Portal project file.

N otes:
l TIA Portal project files have the extension .apn where n is the version number (.ap13, .ap14,

l The TIA Portal Exporter utility cannot open projects which are already open in TIA Portal.
Close any projects you have open in TIA Portal before you open them in the utility. Once the
Exporter utility has completed its processing of the project you may re-open it in TIA Portal
without interfering with the operation of the Exporter utility.

l Be sure to compile and save data blocks in the project from which you would like to export.
Un-compiled data blocks will not be visible to the Exporter utility.

l Multilingual Tag Comments are deserialized using the Siemens TIA Portal Project’s “Refer-
ence Language” (see Working with Multilingual Projects for more information).

4. Wait while the project file is opened and the tags are loaded.

5. Once the project has loaded you will be presented with a list of tag tables and program blocks. Entire
blocks may be selected by clicking the “Select All” button on the block header. You may also elect to
expand the blocks and select individual tags within. The blocks may be expanded by clicking the
expand (down caret) button at the left side of the block header. The number of selected tags in the
block is displayed in the block header, and the overall number of selected tags is shown in the inform-
ation pane at the left hand side of the window.

6. Once you have selected the tags you would like to export, click the Export button. Wait for the export
to complete.

Use in Server
1. Copy the export file produced by the TIA Portal Exporter utility to the system where Server is run-

2. Open the Server Configuration application, expand the Siemens Ethernet TCP/IP driver and select
the device to which you would like to import tags.

3. Right-click on the device and select the properties context menu.

4. In the property editor for the device, select the Tag Import Tab. Enter the path to the export file in

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 6

the space provided.

5. Select the Tag Generation Tab. Click the “Create tags” button. Wait for tag generation to complete.

6. Close the property editor.

Tag Dat a Type Conversions

TIA Portal tag table data types are converted to Server data types as follows:

TIA Port al Dat a Type Server Dat a Type

Bool Boolean
Byte Byte
Char Char
Counter Word
Date String
Dint Long
DWord DWord
Int Short
Real Float
S5Time Long
Time String
Timer Long
Time Of Day String
Word Word
Aom_Ident DWord
Conn_Any Word
Conn_Ouc Word
Conn_Prg Word
Conn_R_Id DWord
Event_Any DWord
Event_Att DWord
Event_HwInt DWord
Hw_Any Word
Hw_Device Word
Hw_DpMaster Word
Hw_DpSlave Word
Hw_Hsc Word
Hw_Interface Word
Hw_IEPort Word
Hw_Io Word
Hw_IoSystem Word

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7 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility

TIA Port al Dat a Type Server Dat a Type

Hw_Module Word
Hw_Pto Word
Hw_Pwm Word
Hw_SubModule Word
LReal Double
OB_Any Short
OB_Att Short
OB_Cyclic Short
OB_Delay Short
OB_Tod Short
Pip Word
Port Word
Rtm Word
SInt Char
UDInt DWord
UInt Word
USInt Byte
WChar Short

TIA Portal program block data types are converted to Server data types as follows:

TIA Port al Dat a Type Server Dat a Type

Bool Boolean
Byte Byte
Char Char
Counter Char
Date String
Dint Long
DWord DWord
Int Short
Real Float
S5Time Long
Time String
Timer String
Time Of Day String
Word Word
Date and Time String

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 8

TIA Port al Dat a Type Server Dat a Type

Hw_Any Word
Hw_Device Word
Hw_DPMaster Word
Hw_DPSlave Word
Hw_HSC Word
Hw_Interface Word
Hw_IEPort Word
Hw_Io Word
Hw_IoSystem Word
Hw_Module Word
Hw_Pto Word
Hw_Pwm Word
Hw_SubModule Word
LReal Double
OB_Any Short
OB_Att Short
OB_Cyclic Short
OB_Delay Short
OB_Tod Short
Pip Word
Port Word
Rtm Word
SInt Char
UDInt DWord
UInt Word
USInt Byte
WChar Short

N otes:

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9 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility

1. Arrays are automatically expanded. For each array, a tag is created for the entire array as well as
each index in the array.

2. Tags cannot be created for User Data Types or Strings placed in the InOut section of a function block.

3. User defined types in tag tables cannot be expanded. The address of the start of the UDT will be
provided as a tag.

Unsupported Types
l Multidim ensional Boolean Arrays: Multidimensional Boolean array tags are not supported by
Server, however tags are created for the individual elements of the array.
l String Arrays: Arrays of strings, and data types which evaluate to string (see table above) are not
l Strings Longer than 210 Characters: Due to limitations in the Siemens TCP/IP Driver strings
greater than 210 characters in length are not currently supported.
l Com plex Types in the InOut Section of Instance Function Blocks: Tags for complex data types (
user defined types, structs, arrays, and strings) cannot be generated for the InOut section of instance
function blocks.

Working wit h M ult i-Lingual Project s

TIA Portal projects (versions and above) that contain text translations for Tag Comments are deseri-
alized by the TIA Portal Exporter Utility in the Reference Language of the project.

For more information, refer to the Siemens TIA Information System | Editing Project Data | Working with Multi-
Language Projects.

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 10

Event Log Messages

The following information concerns messages posted to the Event Log pane in the main user interface. Con-
sult the server help on filtering and sorting the Event Log detail view. Server help contains many common
messages, so should also be searched. Generally, the type of message (informational, warning) and
troubleshooting information is provided whenever possible.

Unexpect ed error reading t he project file.

Error Type:

Invalid ext ract or version. Please check your inst allat ion.
Error Type:

Possible Solution:
Check your installation.

Unable t o open t he select ed project . M ake sure t hat t he correct version

of Openness is inst alled.
Error Type:

Possible Solution:
Make sure that the correct version of Openness is installed.

Error init ializing t he Openness API. Please verify t hat all necessary com -
ponent s are inst alled.
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
Not all necessary components of Openness API are installed.

Possible Solution:
Please verify that all necessary components are installed.

Failed t o open t he project file. Please verify t hat t he project can be

opened by t he version of TIA Port al inst alled on t his syst em and t hat t he
project is not current ly open in TIA Port al.
Error Type:

Possible Causes:

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11 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility

1. The version of TIA Portal installed on this system is not compatible with the project.

2. The project is currently open in TIA Portal.

Possible Solutions:
1. Verify that the project can be opened by the version of TIA Portal installed on this system.

2. Verify that the project is not currently open in TIA Portal.

A problem has been encount ered ext ract ing t ags from t he select ed pro-
ject . Please verify t hat t he project is com plet e and has been successfully
com piled.
Error Type:

Possible Causes:
The project is not complete nor successfully compiled.

Possible Solution:
Verify that the project is complete and has been successfully compiled.

Tim ed out wait ing for t he ext ract or t o com plet e.

Error Type:

The select ed project t ype is not current ly support ed.

Error Type:

Possible Solution:
Convert the project to one of the supported versions.

No ext ract ors can be found on t he syst em . Please check your inst allat ion.

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
There is an issue with the installation.

Possible Solution:
Check the installation.

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 12

Project load canceled.

Error Type:

Failed t o export t o file.

Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The selected file is in use or open in another application.

Possible Solution:
Close the selected file in any other application or instance.

Failed t o st art ext ract or process.

Error Type:

Unable t o load project .

Error Type:

Unable t o find help docum ent at ion. Please verify your inst allat ion.
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
There is an issue with the installation.

Possible Solution:
Check the installation.

Unable t o access t he Openness API. The current user is not a m em ber of

t he Siem ens TIA Openness group.
Error Type:

Possible Cause:
The current user is not a member of the Siemens TIA Openness group.

Possible Solution:
Add current user to the Siemens TIA Openness group.

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13 TIA Portal Exp orter Utility


A problem has been encountered extracting tags from the selected project. Please verify that the project
is complete and has been successfully compiled. 11

Error initializing the Openness API.Please verify that all necessary components are installed. 10
Event Log Messages 10

Failed to export to file. 12

Failed to open the project file. Please verify that the project can be opened by the version of TIA Portal
installed on this system and that the project is not currently open in TIA Portal. 10
Failed to start extractor process. 12

Help Contents 3

Install TIA Portal Exporter 4

Invalid extractor version. Please check your installation. 10

No extractors can be found on the system. Please check your installation. 11

Overview 3

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TIA Portal Exporter Utility 14

Project load canceled. 12

Tag Data Type Conversions 6

The selected project type is not currently supported. 11
Timed out waiting for the extractor to complete. 11

Unable to access the Openness API. The current user is not a member of the Siemens TIA Openness
group. 12
Unable to find help documentation. Please verify your installation. 12
Unable to load project. 12
Unable to open the selected project. Make sure that the correct version of Openness is installed. 10
Unexpected error reading the project file. 10
Use in Server 5
Use in the Utility 5
User Guide 5

Working with Multilingual Projects 9

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