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TO : All HODs

FROM : Ms Tan / QMR

DATE : 1st December 2017

Sub: ISO9001:2015 Internal Audit Plan

Please find herewith the ISO9001:2015 audit plan audit for internal audit to be held from 14th Jan 2018.

Purpose : To determine the effectiveness of the quality management system against the requirements
of ISO9001:2015 standard and the company’s established requirements and planned

Scope : Provision of............................

Method : Review the quality management system documentation and records, interview with
relevant responsible person, observe relevant operations and working facility. Audit
findings will be presented at the closing meeting.

Audit Plan: Please see attachment.

Please contact me if further clarification is needed.

Best regards,

(Ms Tan)

QEMP-F04 Rev. 0, Date: 15/04/2009

Location of Audit: ABC Sdn. Bhd.
3-2, Jalan XYZ, Taman Jaya,
47650 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Criteria of Audit: ISO 9001: 2015
Audit Date(s): 14 Jan 2018
Audit Team Leader: Ms. Tan
Audit Team Member(s): Nil
Activity audited: All activities

Date Time Auditor Area/ Department/ Process Auditee

14 Jan 9.15am- 9.30am Opening meeting – to be attended by all HODs & key All
2018 personnel
(QMS) 9.30am – Top Management Responsibility:
12.30pm a) Leadership & Commitment;
b) Responsibilities and Authorities;
b) Context of the Organisation (Internal & External
Issues and Interested Parties requirements)
Control of Documented Information
a) Competence, Awareness & Training
b) Organizational Knowledge
Auditor A Analysis of Data, i.e
Customer satisfaction, complaints, quality objectives,
process performance and etc.
a) Customer communication
b) Determine requirements for products and
c) Review of customer requirements for products
and services
a) Purchasing;
b) Selection and evaluation of supplier
1.30pm – 4.30pm Operation & Control i.e
a) Operational Planning
b) Import and Export Process
c) Infrastructure Maintenance
d) Control of Monitoring & Measuring
Auditor A e) Identification & Traceability
f) Customer & Suppliers Property
g) Work Environment
h) Control of Changes
i) Product Handling, Preservation & Delivery
Control of Non-Conforming Process Outputs,
Products and Services
4.30pm to 5pm Closing meeting All

Note: Quality Policy & Quality Objectives, QMS processes, Actions to address risks and opportunities, Monitoring and
measurement of processes, Responsibility, Authority, Communication and Control of Records to be audited throughout
the organization.

QEMP-F04 Rev. 0, Date: 15/04/2009

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