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I. New words

artisan (n) /ɑːtɪˈzæn/ th l m attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ điểm hấp dẫn

nghề th

authenticity thật cast (v) /kɑːst/ đ c đ ng

craft (n) /krɑːft/ nghề th craftsman (n) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ th l m đ th
công, kĩ công
năng l m
nghề th

cross (v) đan chéo drumhead mặt trống

/krɒs/ /drʌmhed/
embroider thêu frame (n) khung
/ɪmˈbrɔɪdə/ /freɪm/
handicraft /ˈhændɪkrɑːft/ sản phẩm lacquerware /ˈlækəweə/ đ sơn m i
(n) th công (n)

layer (n) /ˈleɪə/ l p l mould (v) /məʊld/ đổ khuôn, tạo


preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ bảo vệ, bảo remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ g i nh

t n

sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə/ điêu khắc, set off (ph.v) /set ɒf/ khởi h nh
đ điêu

strip (n) /strɪp/ dải surface (n) bề mặt

teambuilding /tiːm-ˈbɪldɪŋ/ xây dựng thread (n) /θred/ s i
(adj) đội ngũ

treat (v) /triːt/ xử lí chất turn up /tɜːn ʌp/ xuất hiện, đến
thải (ph.v)

weave (v) /wiːv/ đan rổ, workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ công xưởng,
r , dệt xưởng

II. Grammar
- Review : Complex sentences (Adverb clauses of result, reasons, concession)
- Phrasal verbs

III. Phonetics: Stress on content words in sentences.

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. famous B. village C. workshop D. bamboo

2. A. business B. experience C. grandparent D. chocolate
3. A. generation B. communicate C. historical D. environment
4. A. embroider B. department C. handicraft D. opinion
5. A. transfer B. publish C. accept D. remind
6. A. attraction B. artisan C. frame D. handicraft
7. A. drumhead B. illustration C. earplug D. drugstore
8. A. strip B. visual C. artistic D. remind
9. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline
10. embroider B. preserve C. benefit D. effect

II. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line:

1. A. craftman B. layer C. sculpture D. preserve

2. A. lacquerware B. absolute C. pollution D. permanent
3. A. memorable B. experience C. historical D. production
4. pottery B. souvenir C. conical D. various
5. authenticity B. electricity C. traditional D. uncontrollably

III. Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:

1. There are a lot of silk ____________ such as carves, ties and dresses PRODUCE
in our shop.
2. Bat Trang is one of the most famous _____________ craft villages in TRADITION
3. We should read this leaflet to see what _____________ are organized ACT
during the festival.
4. They showed me a marble sculpture which was _______________
made by hand.
5. Last week we had a ______________ trip to an ancient village on the
outskirts of Hanoi. MEMORY
6. Obviously, our handicrafts are in _______________ with those of
other villages. COMPETE
7. Do you know that _____________ have to follow 15 stages to make a
conical hat. ART
8. My grandfather has devoted himself to many _______________
events in our community. CULTURE
9. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist
________________ in this city. ATTRACT
10. We are impressed by a wide ________________ of lacquerwares in
the showroom. VARY

IV. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box :
although as soon as because before so that while

1. The children are very excited _____________ they are going to visit a craft village this
2. We will tell Alice about the trip _____________ we meet her.
3. _____________ it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
4. I bought a new pair of glasses _____________ I can see better.
5. ______________ I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
6. Phong burnt his hand ________________ he was cooking dinner.
7. Laura always gets up early every morning ________________ she‘s not late for her work.
8. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money ________________ he lives in a luxurious house.
9. _______________ I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
10. They didn‘t win the game _______________ they played very well.

V. Make a comploex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and
make any necessary changes :

1. Their son is allergetic to animals. They decided to get a cat. (though)

 _____________________________________________________________________________
2. He will stay in England for two months more. He can perfect his English. (in order that)
 _____________________________________________________________________________
3. There is nothing to eat. We have to go shopping today. (as).
 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. I
go to Hue next week. I will stay with my aunt and uncle. (when)
 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.
Mai could have good marks. She studied hard for the exam. (so that)
 _____________________________________________________________________________
6. We need an umbrella. It is raining heavily outside. (since)
 _____________________________________________________________________________
7. Nick will visit some craft villages. He finishes the Vietnamese course. (after)
 _____________________________________________________________________________
8. We decided to go for a walk in the park. It was very cold out. (although)
 _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.
The tourists wanted to buy some silk. They went to Van Phuc village. (because)
 _____________________________________________________________________________
10. They won‘t buy the new car. They save enough money. until
 _____________________________________________________________________________
11. Many craft families stopped their business. There is the economic crisis in the world.
 _____________________________________________________________________________
12. Dong Ho paintings are simple. These pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese
labourers. (although).
 _____________________________________________________________________________
13. Three villages were chosen for the pilot project. The Asia Foundation had worked with local
authorities. (after).
14. We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad. There are thousands
of craft trades nationwide. (though)
15. The craft village must also meet environmental requirements. It wants to develop craft
village tourism. (so that)
________________________________________________________________________________ 16.
Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago. Production in craft
villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction. (when)
17. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren. He wants them
to preserve this ancient craft. (so that)
18. The workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves. They sew together the leaves
and the rings. (after)
19. The conical hat has several useful functions. It protects the wearer‘s head and face from
sunlight or rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days. (because)
_____________________________________________________________________________ 20.
Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft. There
isn‘t enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills. although

VI. Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the
box :

close down come back deal with get up keep up with

live on look through pass down set off turn down

1. My sister is an early bird. She ______________ at 7 o‘clock everyday of the week.

2. We will _______________ for Tay Ho village at 9 o‘clock and arrive at 10 o‘clock.
3. When I was a student, I _________________ small allowances from my parents.
4. The government must now _________________ the preservation of traditional craft villages.
5. The banks have _______________ a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
6. Many foreign tourists decided to ________________ to Viet Nam for another holiday.
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she _________ it _________.
8. He has _____________ the report and found nothing interesting.
9. Phong walks too fast and it‘s really hard to ________________ him.
10. These traditional stories have been _______________ from parents to children over many

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank :

Many visitors come to Hartbridge to see the wonderful art (1) ____________ and museums, the
beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out on (2)
______________the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area. This brochure will tell
you what you can see if you (3) _____________ a short bus ride out of the city.

The beautiful village of Tatterbridge was 4 ____________ to the children‘s writer Jane Potter, whose
stories of Benjamin Bear 5 ____________ loved by adults and children around the world. Jane Potter‘s
home is now a museum and tea shop, and is well (6) ____________ a visit just for its wonderful
gardens. It also has a gift shop where you can buy (7) ____________ and books. Tatterbridge has a
number of interesting shops (8) ____________ an excellent cake shop, and ‗Wendy‘s Giftshop‘ where
you can find lots of unusual gifts made 9 ____________ hand by local artists. Lovers of Jane Potter‘s
books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not changed since Jane Potter (10)
__________ her stories there one hundred years ago.

1. A workshops B. galleries C. restaurants D. stations

2. A. understanding B. questioning C. welcoming D. experiencing
3. A. bring B. take C. drive D. sail
4. A. home B. school C. shop D. cottage
5. A. be B. have C. are D. been
6. A. excited B. worth C. value D. know
7. A. souvenirs B. materials C. costumes D. vegetables
8. A. purchasing B. advertising C. preserving D. including
9. A. at B. with C. by D. in
10. A. wrote B. designed C. moulded D. carved

VIII. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T), or false (F):

Bau Truc pottery items are made from clay from the Quao River mixed with sand. Clay is collected
from the river only once a year, each lasting for half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on
the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can
to store, for use in an entire year.

Currently, people in Bau Truc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not
use the wheel but the craftsmen have to turn around the products. The potters shape their products by
their skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on one wheel. From this step, silky
clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow block, then the formation of flower vases,
or water pots.

Bau Truc‘s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product surface smooth. These items are decorated
with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of Bau Truc‘s people.

1. Cay can be collected from the Quao River all year round.
2. Bau Truc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their
3. People still make the pottery in the traditional way.
4. Craftsmen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet.
5. The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter‘s wheel.
6. Craftsmen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth.
7. The craftsmen‘s skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful.
8. The designs of Bau Truc pottery reflect the life of local people.

IX. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence

1. I arrive on time in spite of the bad traffic.

 Although ____________________________________________________________ 2.
David had good relationship with most of his colleagues.
 David gets ___________________________________________________________
3. Lan was ill, so she didn‘t go to Dong Ho village with her friends.
 Because _____________________________________________________________
4. The children are eager to visit Hue next week.
 The children are looking ________________________________________________
5. I‘ll give you a call immediately after I have finished my work.
 As soon as ___________________________________________________________

X. Alex is writing an email to Mai to introduce some of the places of interest in his hometown,
Newquay. Use the words/ phrases given to complete his email. Add more words, if necessary

• Newquay : small town/ Atlantic coast/ south/ England//

• 1st suggestionsurfing/ Fistral Beach//. One/ best place/ surf/ UK//. Some good surf school/ learn/
surf//. Surfing/ friend/ every weekend//.
• If like water sports : kayaking/ water-skiing/ coasteeing//. Coasteegin/ different/ because/ it/ rock
climbing/ jumping/ sea/ swimming/ same activity//. Sound/ dangerous/ not worry/ as/ always/ go/
special instructor//.
• If/ like/ animals : visit Blue Reef Aquarium/ see/ different fish/ even shark//. Can/ horse riding /
or/ visit/ Newquay Zoo//.


XI. Write an email to your pen friend about a trip to craft villages around Hoi An, using the
words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary.

Dear Susan,
1. It/ take/ you/ only 30 minutes/ motorbike/go/ Van Phuc silk village/ centre/ Ha Noi.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
2. The village/ much well-known/ traditional sericulture/ weaving/ silk products.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Most visitors/ go/ observe/ skillful workers/ produce/ goods/ listen/ local stories.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
4. If/ you/ intend/ have/ silk/ pair/ formal clothes/ just select/ suitable materials/ and/ professional tailors
here/ bring/ satisfaction.
 _________________________________________________________________________________
5. You buy silk clothes made of silk/ presents/ available/ village/ your choice.
 _________________________________________________________________________________
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. famous B. village C. workshop D. bamboo

2. A. business B. experience C. grandparent D. chocolate
3. A. generation B. communicate C. historical D. environment
4. A. embroider B. department C. handicraft D. opinion
5. A. transfer B. publish C. accept D. remind
6. A. attraction B. artisan C. frame D. handicraft
7. A. drumhead B. illustration C. earplug D. drugstore
8. A. strip B. visual C. artistic D. remind
9. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline
10. embroider B. preserve C. benefit D. effect
II. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line:

1. A. craftman B. layer C. sculpture D. preserve

2. A. lacquerware B. absolute C. pollution D. permanent
3. A. memorable B. experience C. historical D. production
4. pottery B. souvenir C. conical D. various
5. authenticity B. electricity C. traditional D. uncontrollably

III. Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:

1. There are a lot of silk ____________ such as carves, ties and dresses PRODUCE  products
in our shop.
2. Bat Trang is one of the most famous _____________ craft villages in TRADITION 
Hanoi. traditional
3. We should read this leaflet to see what _____________ are organized ACT activities
during the festival.
4. They showed me a marble sculpture which was _______________
SKILL  skillfully
made by hand.
5. Last week we had a ______________ trip to an ancient village on the
outskirts of Hanoi. MEMORY 
6. Obviously, our handicrafts are in _______________ with those of memorable
other villages. COMPETE 
7. Do you know that _____________ have to follow 15 stages to make a competition
conical hat. ART  artisans
8. My grandfather has devoted himself to many _______________
events in our community. CULTURE  cultural
9. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist
________________ in this city. ATTRACT  attractions
10. We are impressed by a wide ________________ of lacquerwares in
the showroom. VARY  variety

IV. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box :

although (3,10) as soon as (2) because (1,8) before (5) so that (4,7)
while (6,9)

1. The children are very excited _____________ they are going to visit a craft village this
2. We will tell Alice about the trip _____________ we meet her.
3. _____________ it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
4. I bought a new pair of glasses _____________ I can see better.
5. ______________ I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
6. Phong burnt his hand ________________ he was cooking dinner.
7. Laura always gets up early every morning ________________ she‘s not late for her
8. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money ________________ he lives in a luxurious
9. _______________ I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
10. They didn‘t win the game _______________ they played very well.

V. Make a comploex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and
make any necessary changes :
1. Their son is allergetic to animals. They decided to get a cat.
(though)  They decided to get a cat though their son is allergetic to
2. He will stay in England for two months more. He can perfect his
English. (in order that)  He will stay in England for two months more so
that he can perfect his English.
3. There is nothing to eat. We have to go shopping today. (as).  We
have to go shopping today as there is nothing to eat.
4 I go to Hue next week. I will stay with my aunt and uncle. (when) 
When I go to Hue next week, I will stay with my aunt and uncle.
5. Mai could have good marks. She studied hard for the exam. (so that)
 Mai studied hard for the exam so that she could have good marks.
6. We need an umbrella. It is raining heavily outside. (since)  We
need an umbrella sine it is raining heavily outside.
7. Nick will visit some craft villages. He finishes the Vietnamese course.
(after)  Nick will visit some craft villages after he finishes the Vietnamese
course. 8. We decided to go for a walk in the park. It was very cold out.
(although)  Even though it was very cold out, we decided to go for a walk in
the park.
9. The tourists wanted to buy some silk. They went to Van Phuc village. (because) 
The tourists went to Van Phuc village because they wanted to buy some silk.
10. They won‘t buy the new car. They save enough money. until
 They won‘t buy the new car until they save enough money.
11.Many craft families stopped their business. There is the economic crisis in the world. (because)
 Many craft families stopped their business because there is the economic crisis in the world 12. Dong
Ho paintings are simple. These pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese labourers.
 Although Dong Ho paintings are simple, these pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese
13. Three villages were chosen for the pilot project. The Asia Foundation had worked with local
authorities. (after).
 Three villages were chosen for the pilot project after the Asia Foundation had worked with local
14. We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad. There are thousands of craft
trades nationwide. (though)
We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad though there are thousands of
craft trades nationwide
15. The craft village must also meet environmental requirements. It wants to develop craft village
tourism. (so that)
 The craft village must also meet environmental requirements so that it can develop craft village
16. Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago. Production in craft
villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction. (when) 
When Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago, production in
craft villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction.
17. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren. He wants them to
preserve this ancient craft. (so that)
 At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren so that they can preserve
this ancient craft
18. The workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves. They sew together the leaves and
the rings. (after)
 After the workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves, they sew together the leaves
and the rings.
19. The conical hat has several useful functions. It protects the wearer‘s head and face from sunlight or
rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days. (because)
 The conical hat has several useful functions because it protects the wearer‘s head and face from
sunlight or rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days
20. Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft. There isn‘t
enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills. (although)
Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft although there
isn‘t enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills.

VI. Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box :

close down come back deal with get up keep up with

live on look through pass down set off turn down

1. My sister is an early bird. She ______________ at 7 o‘clock everyday of the week. (gets up)
2. We will _______________ for Tay Ho village at 9 o‘clock and arrive at 10 o‘clock. (set off)
3. When I was a student, I _________________ small allowances from my parents. (lived on)
4. The government must now _________________ the preservation of traditional craft
villages. (deal with)
5. The banks have _______________ a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
(closed down)
6. Many foreign tourists decided to ________________ to Viet Nam for another holiday. (come
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she _________ it _________.(turned – down)
8. He has _____________ the report and found nothing interesting. (looked through)
9. Phong walks too fast and it‘s really hard to ________________ him. keep up with)
10. These traditional stories have been _______________ from parents to children over many
generations. (passed down)

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank :

Many visitors come to Hartbridge to see the wonderful art (1) ____________ and museums, the
beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out on (2)
______________the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area. This brochure will tell
you what you can see if you (3) _____________ a short bus ride out of the city.

The beautiful village of Tatterbridge was 4 ____________ to the children‘s writer Jane Potter, whose
stories of Benjamin Bear 5 ____________ loved by adults and children around the world. Jane Potter‘s
home is now a museum and tea shop, and is well (6) ____________ a visit just for its wonderful
gardens. It also has a gift shop where you can buy (7) ____________ and books. Tatterbridge has a
number of interesting shops 8 ____________ an excellent cake shop, and ‗Wendy‘s Giftshop‘ where
you can find lots of unusual gifts made 9 ____________ hand by local artists. Lovers of Jane Potter‘s
books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not changed since Jane Potter (10)
__________ her stories there one hundred years ago.

1. A workshops B. galleries C. restaurants D. stations

2. A. understanding B. questioning C. welcoming D. experiencing
3. A. bring B. take C. drive D. sail
4. A. home B. school C. shop D. cottage
5. A. be B. have C. are D. been
6. A. excited B. worth C. value D. know
7. A. souvenirs B. materials C. costumes D. vegetables
8. A. purchasing B. advertising C. preserving D. including
9. A. at B. with C. by D. in
10. A. wrote B. designed C. moulded D. carved

VIII. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T), or false (F):
Bau Truc pottery items are made from clay from the Quao River mixed with sand. Clay is collected
from the river only once a year, each lasting for half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on
the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can
to store, for use in an entire year.

Currently, people in Bau Truc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not
use the wheel but the craftsmen have to turn around the products. The potters shape their products by
their skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on one wheel. From this step, silky
clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow block, then the formation of flower vases,
or water pots.

Bau Truc‘s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product surface smooth. These items are decorated
with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of Bau Truc‘s people.

1. Cay can be collected from the Quao River all year round. F
2. Bau Truc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their F
3. People still make the pottery in the traditional way. T
4. Craftsmen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet. F
5. The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter‘s wheel. F
6. Craftsmen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth. T
7. The craftsmen‘s skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful. T
8. The designs of Bau Truc pottery reflect the life of local people. T

IX. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence

1. I arrive on time in spite of the bad traffic.

 Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
2. David had good relationship with most of his colleagues.
 David gets on well with most of his colleagues. 3. Lan was ill, so she didn‘t go
to Dong Ho village with her friends.
 Because lan was ill, she didn‘t go to Dong Ho village with her friends.
4. The children are eager to visit Hue next week.
 The children are looking forward to visiting Hue next week. 5.
I‘ll give you a call immediately after I have finished my work. 
As soon as I have finished my work, I‘ll give you a call.

X. Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) :

1. She presented me with a new blanket on which she __________ some beautiful flowers.
A. knitted B. embroidered C. moulded D. carved
2. She is very good at knitting. She __________ herself this sweater. It looks very nice.
A. knit B. knits C. is knitting D. knitted
3. All the main parts of this machine are __________ of steel.
A. made B. done C. woven D. given
4. My parents once took me to Bat Trang village. I could make my own ___________ there. I really
enjoyed it.
A. pottery B. lacquer C. painting. D. sculpture
5. Have you ever __________ to Tay Ho village in Hue ? It‘s the place where people make the famous
Bai tho conical hat.
A. go B. went C. gone D. been
6. ______________ he spent a lot of money to redecorate his shop, he cannot make any more profit.
A. In order to B. Although C. So that D. Because of
7. This company has gone bankcrupt. Do you know who will ___________ ?
A. take care of it B. look after it
C. take it over D. turn it up
8. She‘s just received a large order from Japan. but she is afraid of not finishing her order on time
__________ her workshop lasks good artisans.
A. because B. in order to C. although D. so that
9. The people in this village are trying to change their designs and quality of their handicrafts
__________ their products can be exported to many countries in the world.
A. so that B. in order to C. because D. though
10. The people in my village cannot earn enough money for their daily life. They can‘t ___________
this traditional craft. They have to find other jobs.
A. help out B. live on C. work on D. set up

XI. Alex is writing an email to Mai to introduce some of the places of interest in his hometown,
Newquay. Use the words/ phrases given to complete his email. Add more words, if necessary

• Newquay : small town/ Atlantic coast/ south/ England//

• 1st suggestionsurfing/ Fistral Beach//. One/ best place/ surf/ UK//. Some good surf school/ learn/
surf//. Surfing/ friend/ every weekend//.
• If like water sports : kayaking/ water-skiing/ coasteering//. Coasteering/ different/ because/ it/
rock climbing/ jumping/ sea/ swimming/ same activity//. Sound/ dangerous/ not worry/ as/
always/ go/ special instructor//.
• If/ like/ animals : visit Blue Reef Aquarium/ see/ different fish/ even shark//. Can/ horse riding /
or/ visit/ Newquay Zoo//.

XII. Write an email to your pen friend about a trip to craft villages around Hoi An, using the
words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary.

Dear Susan,
1. It/ take/ you/ only 30 minutes/ motorbike/go/ Van Phuc silk village/ centre/ Ha Noi.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
2. The village/ much well-known/ traditional sericulture/ weaving/ silk products.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Most visitors/ go/ observe/ skillful workers/ produce/ goods/ listen/ local stories.
 ____________________________________________________________________________
4. If/ you/ intend/ have/ silk/ pair/ formal clothes/ just select/ suitable materials/ and/ professional tailors
here/ bring/ satisfaction.
 _________________________________________________________________________________
5. You buy silk clothes made of silk/ presents/ available/ village/ your choice.
 _________________________________________________________________________________
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,

Dear Susan,






English 9 - CITY LIFE (UNIT 2)

I. New words
Get over /ɡet ˈəʊvə(r)/ Vư t qua, kh i Urban (adj) /ˈɜː(r)bən/ Thuộc đô
bệnh Dẫn ai đi Urbanization (n) /ˌɜː(r)bənaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ th
Show sb around /ʃəʊ əˈraʊnd / tham Urbanise (v)
Sự th nh th
quan Chật Urban sprawl h a
Packed with kín (n) ô th h a Sự
/pækt wɪð /
đô th h a

Jet lag (n) /ˈdʒetˌlæɡ/ Hội ch ng lệch Forbid (v) /fəˈbɪd/ Ngăn cấm B
Jet-lagged (adj) m i gi thư ng do Forbidden (adj) cấm cản
đi m y bay
Attractions (n) /əˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ a điểm thu h t Neighbor (n) /ˈneɪbə(r)/ Ngư i h ng
Attractive (Adj) /əˈtræktɪv/
kh ch du l ch Thu Neighborhood x m V ng
Attractively h t (n) lân cận
Convenient (adj) /kənˈviːniənt/ Tiện l i Skyscraper (n) /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə(r)/ Nhà cao
Convenience (n) Sự thuận tiên ch c tr i
Reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l/ ng tin cậy Conduct (v) /kənˈdʌkt/ Thực hiện
Reliability (n) Sự đ ng tin cậy
Metropolitan (a) /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪt(ə)n/ hu c th Determine (v) /dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪn/ Quyết đ nh
Metropolis (n) h th ohur Determination /dɪˌtɜː(r)mɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/
Sự quyết đ nh
ch nh (n)
Variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ Sự đa dạng Kh c Indicate (v) /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/
Biểu th
Various (adj) /ˈveəriəs/ nhau Indicator (n) Ch số
Varied (adj) a dạng
Wander (v) /ˈwɒndə(r)/ i lang thang Conflict (n) /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ Xung đột
Oceania (n) /ˌəʊsiˈɑːniə/ Châu ại Dương Asset (n) /ˈæset/ T i sản
Oceanic (adj)
Thuộc đại dương
Afford (v) /əˈfɔː(r)d/ C đ khả năng Index (n) /ˈɪndeks/ Ch số
Affordable (adj) Gi cả phải
/əˈfɔː(r)dəb(ə)l/ chăng
Exhibit (v) /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ Trưng b y Religion (n) /rɪˈlɪdʒ(ə)n/ Tôn giáo
Exhibition (n) Buổi triển l m Religious (adj) Thuộc tôn
/ˌeksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ /rəˈlɪdʒəs/
Metro (n) /ˈmetrəʊ/ T u điện ng m Dweller (n) /ˈdwelə(r)/ Cư dân
II. Grammar:

- Review: Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

- Phrasal verbs


Stress on pronouns in sentences

I. Choose the options whose stress pattern is different from others’.
1. A. urban B. asset C. metro D. conduct
2. A. factor B. medium C. conflict D. downtown
3. A. fabulous B. reliable C. variety D. forbidden
4. A. negative B. indicator C. determine D. skyscraper
5. A. metropolitan B. affordable C. Oceania D. multicultural
6. A. conduct B. ancient C. drawback D. feature
7. A. determine B. pagoda C. fabulous D. convenient
8. A. intelligence B. facility C. development D. education
9. A. metropolitan B. university C. organization D. multicultural
10. A. fascinate B. expensive C. restaurant D. difference
11. A. populous B. determine C. forbidden D. delicious
12. A. metropolitan B. fascinating C. multicultural D. recreational
13. A. skyscraper B. convenience C. resident D. vehicle
14. A. affordable B. environment C. variety D. indicator

II. Choose the options whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. conduct B. difficult C. struck D. fun
2. A. metropolitan B. polluted C. forbidden D. affordable
3. A. feature B. culture C. tradition D. statue
4. A. fabulous B. packed C. asset D. canal
5. A. metro B. ocean C. cosmopolitan D. local
6. A. delicious B. facility C. city D. place
III. Choose the best answer
1. Osaka has become one of the . ―livable‖ cities in Asia.
A. more B. better C. much D. most
2. London is one of the largest cities in the world but its populations is a lot than
A. small B. few C. smaller D. fewer
3. London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it
also includes a .. range of peoples, cultures and religions than many other places.
A. greater B. big C. wide D. wider
4. Ha Noi city now is than it was 10 years ago.
A. as large B. more large C. much larger D. the largest
5. This river now is much less than before. People are aware of the environment
and they try to keep the river clean.
A. polluted B. pollutes C. polluting D. pollution
6. When we were in Da Nang, we spent a lot of time . around and looking at the
ancient temples, bridges and houses.
A. wander B. wandering C. wandered D. wanders
7. On children festival, the zoo is always .. with people, mainly children.
A. packed B. had C. contained D. scored
8. You should take your shoes .. when you go into the temples.
A. up B. in C. off D. on
9. When the doctor came in, he went all my test results and gave me a
A. out B. over C. in D. of
10. A close friendship has gradually grown between them. They help each
other in their daily life.
A. in B. out C. of D. up
11. It is considered that life in a city is wonderful and
A. funny B. boring C. enjoyable D. helpful
12. You‘ll have . opportunities to widen your global horizons while living in
this cultural capital city.
A. unlimited B. comfortable C. cheerful D. populous
13. Dubai‘s Palm Islands in the blue ocean is the .. of a good and sunny life.
A. indicator B. view C. signal D. sign
14. This place is so . with the non-stop flow of customers to come and enjoy Pho.
A. delicious B. convenient C. popular D. exciting
15. Visitors can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great .. of
the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.
A. view B. sight C. scene D. landscape
16. Ha Noi also offers a nightlife as exciting as .. in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. itt B. which C. what D. that
17. When you want to relax, you‘ll have one of the world‘s .cities at your feet,
with more than 40% green space and open water to enjoy.
A. greener B. greenest C. mostly green D. green mostly
18. Let me know when you come to Ha Noi and I‘ll ..
A. take you out B. bring you around C. cheer you up D. show you round
19. We expected her at nine but she finally at eleven.
A. turned up B. turned out C. came over D. grew up
20. Ann is taking extra lessons to . what she missed while she was sick. A.
take back B. get on well with C. keep up with D. look forward to
21. The architects got inspired to use the lotus flower in the design for the .
A. city B. skyline C. skyscraper D. downtown
22. Villagers are more kind, friendly, and warm-hearted than city .
A. dwellers B. foreigners C. beginners D. movers
23. You can see the of the suburbs in Ho Chi Minh City with many apartment
buildings, supermarkets, shopping centres, and schools.
A. urban area B. convenience C. urban sprawl D. living condition
24. Dong Khoi street is the main shopping street in the . of downtown in Ho Chi
Minh City.
A. mind B. heart C. head D. spot
25. Opened in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco still ranks among the top 10
bridge spans in the world.
A. long B. longer C. mostly long D. longest
26. No city in America has monuments and museums into one area as
Washington D.C.
A. as much B. such many C. as many D. a few
27. The new student was very shy at the beginning, but then he . Well with
A. got on B. went on C. got over D. cheered up
28. The police never ..all hope of finding the lost child.
A. stops B. think over C. grow up D. give up
29. He‘ll be very upset if his employer .his offer.
A. pulls down B. finds out C. turns off D. turns down
30. It‘s time to say goodbye, but I‘m ..meeting you all again soon.
A. looking forward to B. getting on with C. keep up with D. put up with

IV. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentence.
1. I am going to visit Da Nang so can you tell me what the greatest .. in Da
Nang are? (ATTRACT)
2. Don‘t worry about your travelling because the public transport here is convenient and
3. Sydney is a metropolitan and city so you have a great variety of things
and foods from different countries. (MULTICULTURE)
4. My aunt lives in one of the most .. parts in Paris. She is a well-known
fashion designer there. (FASHION)
5. The outdoor food markets in Singapore are fun and . so when you go there
you should try some food there. (AFFORD)

V. Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives and superlatives.

1. I think this is noisy . part of the city.

2. This place was dangerous . than we thought.

3. Could you show me the way to near . bus stop.

4. The trip to Ho Chi Minh City was interesting for us.

5. This is good . food I‘ve ever eaten in this country.

6. David‘s new haircut is trendy . than the previous one.

7. The building looks much nice .. in green than the previous white.

8. I had to drive my car along narrow road in the region.

9. Quan‘s house is far .. from the city centre than my house.

10. In my opinion, living in the city is hard than living in the country.

VI. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to fill in each blank.

Brighton is a city 1 . the south of England. It‘s got a population of 2

.. 160,000 and its location has 3 it a popular destination for tourists.
Brighton is 85km from London. It‘s about an hour on the train. It 4 over 8.5
million visitors annually and is the most popular seaside destination in the UK for overseas
I like Brighton because it‘s a 5 . place and it‘s very pretty. There are some really
old buildings and it‘s got some nice parks. For tourists, there are a 6 ..
interesting shopping areas, good restaurants, large cultural, music and arts scene. Brighton is
home 7 many indedpenent record labels such as FatCat Records and
Memorials of Distinction. Brighton 8 . several railway stations, many bus
routes, coach services and taxis. In spring and summer, thousands of students from all over
Europe gather 9 . language courses at many language schools here.
Every time I come here, my favourite places are the beach and the aquarium. For me, Brighton is
one of 10 .. beautiful cities in the world.
1. A. in B. on C. of D. up
2. A. which B. about C. approximate D. near
3. A. turned B. started C. made D. converted
4. A. takes B. calls C. invites D. attracts
5. A. interested B. friendly C. friend D. beautifully
6. A. many B. lots of C. lot of D. much
7. A. to B. of C. in D. on
8. A. has B. is C. makes D. carries
9. A. attend B. to attend C. attending D. attended
10. A. best B. most C. more D. the most

VII. Choose the best option to fill in each blank in the following passage.
Unlike life in the countryside which is often considered to be simple and traditional, life in the
city is modern and complicated. People, from different regions, move to the cities in the hope of
having a better life for them and their children. The inhabitants in city work as secretaries,
businessmen, teachers, government workers, factory workers and even street vendors or
construction workers.
The high cost of living requires city dwellers, especially someone with low income, to work
harder or to take a part-time job. For many people, an ordinary day starts as usual by getting up
in the early morning to do exercise in public parks, preparing for a full day of working and
studying, then travelling along crowded boulevards or narrow streets filled with motor scooters
and returning home after a busy day. They usually live in large houses, or high-rise apartment
blocks or even in a small rental room equipped with modern facilities, like the Internet,
telephone, television, and so on. Industrialization and modernization as well as global integration
have big impact on lifestyle in the cities. The most noticeable impact is the Western style of
clothes. The ―ao dai‖ – Vietnamese traditional clothes are no longer regularly worn in
Vietnamese women‘s daily life. Instead, jeans, T-shirts and fashionable clothes are widely
1. The most important reason why people move to the city is that .
A. to look for a complicate life B. to take part-time jobs
C. to have busy days D. to look for a better life
2. According to the passage, the city life can offer city dwellers all of the following things
A. the Internet B. friendly communication with neighbors
C. a variety of jobs in different fields D. modern facilities

3. We can infer from the passage that .

A. there is a big gap between the rich and the poor in the city.
B. people do morning exercise in public parks because they have much free time
C. people leave the countryside because life there is simple.
D. most of the urban dwellers have low income.

4. Industrialization and modernization may lead to . A.

the fact that women no longer wear ao dai.
B. the disappearance of Western-styled clothes.
C. some changes in lifestyles.
D. global integration.
5. The word impact in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to
A. force B. action C. situation D. effect

VIII. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
1. Many people think there is no city in Viet Nam that is cleaner than Da Nang city.
Many people think
2. I found the trip to the craft village quite interesting.
I felt quite
3. My father says the place in which we are living is the noisiest one in Ha Noi.
My father says that no
4. He hasn't changed much since I last met him in 2000.
He is the same
5. I have never eaten a more delicious food than this one.
This food
IX. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
1. thanks/ so/ much/ showing/ me/ around/ city/ today/ ./

2. public/ transport/ in/ Da Nang city/ more/ convenient/ reliable/ than/ any/ other/ cities/
Viet Nam/ ./
3. Sydney/ five/ big/ universities/ and/ some/ smaller/ ones/ ./
4. The Quoc Tu Giam/ considered/ first/ oldest/ university/ of/ Viet Nam/. It/ established/ 1076/
5. Bat Trang/ lying/ on/ Red River/ bank/ about/ 13km/ southeast/ Ha Noi/ is/ well-known/ craft/
village/ ./
6. last/ week/ my friend/ went/ Hue/ / / he/ spent/ lot/ time/ wandering/ around/ and/ looking/
ancient/ temples/ palaces/ houses/ there/ ./

X. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box

multicultural problems cities affordable wandering

attractions vehicles convenient destination drawbacks

1. Nowadays, many students who have just left the universities try to stay in big cities
because they can easily find their jobs and live a .life there.
2. During the rush hours, some parts of Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city are often packed with
people and ..
3. If you have an opportunity to go to Sydney, you should visit both natural and
manmade ..such as Sydney Harbour, the Royal National Park, Bondi Beach as
well as Royal Botanical Gardens, Sydney Opera and the Harbor Bridge.
4. When I visited Hoi An last year, I spent most of my time .around and
looking at the ancient temples, houses, and bridges.
5. When you visit Ha Noi, try some street food there because it is really delicious and
6. Singapore is a It includes Malay, Chinese, Indians,
European and Vietnamese.
7. Every year, the Economist Intelligent Unit conducts a fascinating survey to determine
which .. around the world ―provide the best living conditions‖.
8. I think living in a city has a number of .., such as traffic jams, traffic
accidents, noise pollution, visual pollution and water pollution.
9. People say that air pollution together with littering is causing many . in our
city now.
10. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is a lot smaller than Tokyo
but it is by far the most popular tourist

XI. Writing:
Write a paragraph (about 120 words) about the drawbacks of living in a city.
Drawbacks of living in a big city
Suggested ideas:
- Pollution: air pollution, noise pollution, etc.
- High living expenses
I. Choose the options whose stress pattern is different from others’.
1. A. urban B. asset C. metro D. conduct
2. A. factor B. medium C. conflict D. downtown
3. A. fabulous B. reliable C. variety D. forbidden
4. A. negative B. indicator C. determine D. skyscraper
5. A. metropolitan B. affordable C. Oceania D. multicultural
6. A. conduct B. ancient C. drawback D. feature
7. A. determine B. pagoda C. fabulous D. convenient
8. A. intelligence B. facility C. development D. education
9. A. metropolitan B. university C. organization D. multicultural
10. A. fascinate B. expensive C. restaurant D. difference
11. A. populous B. determine C. forbidden D. delicious
12. A. metropolitan B. fascinating C. multicultural D. recreational
13. A. skyscraper B. convenience C. resident D. vehicle
14. A. affordable B. environment C. variety D. indicator
II. Choose the options whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. conduct B. difficult C. struck D. fun
2. A. metropolitan B. polluted C. forbidden D. affordable
3. A. feature B. culture C. tradition D. statue
4. A. fabulous B. packed C. asset D. canal
5. A. metro B. ocean C. cosmopolitan D. local
6. A. delicious B. facility C. city D. place

III. Choose the best answer

1. Osaka has become one of the . ―livable‖ cities in Asia.
A. more B. better C. much D. most
2. London is one of the largest cities in the world but its populations is a lot than
A. small B. few C. smaller D. fewer
3. London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it
also includes a .. range of peoples, cultures and religions than many other places.
A. greater B. big C. wide D. wider
4. Ha Noi city now is than it was 10 years ago.
A. as large B. more large C. much larger D. the largest
5. This river now is much less than before. People are aware of the environment
and they try to keep the river clean.
A. polluted B. pollutes C. polluting D. pollution
6. When we were in Da Nang, we spent a lot of time . around and looking at the
ancient temples, bridges and houses.
A. wander B. wandering C. wandered D. wanders
7. On children festival, the zoo is always .. with people, mainly children.
A. packed B. had C. contained D. scored
8. You should take your shoes .. when you go into the temples.
A. up B. in C. off D. on
9. When the doctor came in, he went all my test results and gave me a
A. out B. over C. in D. of
10. A close friendship has gradually grown between them. They help each
other in their daily life.
A. in B. out C. of D. up
11. It is considered that life in a city is wonderful and
A. funny B. boring C. enjoyable D. helpful
12. You‘ll have . opportunities to widen your global horizons while living in
this cultural capital city.
A. unlimited B. comfortable C. cheerful D. populous
13. Dubai‘s Palm Islands in the blue ocean is the .. of a good and sunny life.
A. indicator B. view C. signal D. sign
14. This place is so . with the non-stop flow of customers to come and enjoy Pho.
A. delicious B. convenient C. popular D. exciting
15. Visitors can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great .. of
the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.
A. view B. sight C. scene D. landscape
16. Ha Noi also offers a nightlife as exciting as .. in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. itt B. which C. what D. that
17. When you want to relax, you‘ll have one of the world‘s .cities at your feet,
with more than 40% green space and open water to enjoy.
A. greener B. greenest C. mostly green D. green mostly
18. Let me know when you come to Ha Noi and I‘ll ..
A. take you out B. bring you around C. cheer you up D. show you round
19. We expected her at nine but she finally at eleven.
A. turned up B. turned out C. came over D. grew up
20. Ann is taking extra lessons to . what she missed while she was sick.
A. take back B. get on well with C. keep up with D. look forward to
21. The architects got inspired to use the lotus flower in the design for the .
A. city B. skyline C. skyscraper D. downtown
22. Villagers are more kind, friendly, and warm-hearted than city .
A. dwellers B. foreigners C. beginners D. movers
23. You can see the of the suburbs in Ho Chi Minh City with many apartment
buildings, supermarkets, shopping centres, and schools.
A. urban area B. convenience C. urban sprawl D. living condition
24. Dong Khoi street is the main shopping street in the . of downtown in Ho Chi
Minh City.
A. mind B. heart C. head D. spot
25. Opened in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco still ranks among the top 10
bridge spans in the world.
A. long B. longer C. mostly long D. longest
26. No city in America has monuments and museums into one area as
Washington D.C.
A. as much B. such many C. as many D. a few
27. The new student was very shy at the beginning, but then he . Well with
A. got on B. went on C. got over D. cheered up
28. The police never ..all hope of finding the lost child.
A. stops B. think over C. grow up D. give up
29. He‘ll be very upset if his employer .his offer.
A. pulls down B. finds out C. turns off D. turns down
30. It‘s time to say goodbye, but I‘m ..meeting you all again soon.
A. looking forward to B. getting on with C. keep up with D. put up with

IV. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentence.
1. I am going to visit Da Nang so can you tell me what the greatest .. in Da
Nang are? (ATTRACT) attractions
2. Don‘t worry about your travelling because the public transport here is convenient and
.. RELY reliable
3. Sydney is a metropolitan and city so you have a great variety of things
and foods from different countries. (MULTICULTURE) multicultural
4. My aunt lives in one of the most .. parts in Paris. She is a well-known
fashion designer there. (FASHION) fashionable
5. The outdoor food markets in Singapore are fun and . so when you go there
you should try some food there. (AFFORD) affordable

V. Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives and superlatives.

1. I think this is noisy . part of the city.
2. This place was dangerous . than we thought.

3. Could you show me the way to near . bus stop.

4. The trip to Ho Chi Minh City was interesting for us.

5. This is good . food I‘ve ever eaten in this country.

6. David‘s new haircut is trendy . than the previous one.

7. The building looks much nice .. in green than the previous white.

8. I had to drive my car along narrow road in the region.

9. Quan‘s house is far .. from the city centre than my house.

10. In my opinion, living in the city is hard than living in the country.
1. the noisiest 2. More dangerous 3. The nearest
4. the most interesting 5. The best 6. Trendier 7.
8. the narrowest/most narrow 9. Farther/further 10. harder

VI. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to fill in each blank.

Brighton is a city 1 . the south of England. It‘s got a population of 2

.. 160,000 and its location has 3 it a popular destination for tourists.

Brighton is 85km from London. It‘s about an hour on the train. It 4 over 8.5
million visitors annually and is the most popular seaside destination in the UK for overseas

I like Brighton because it‘s a 5 . place and it‘s very pretty. There are some really
old buildings and it‘s got some nice parks. For tourists, there are a 6 ..
interesting shopping areas, good restaurants, large cultural, music and arts scene. Brighton is
home 7 many indedpenent record labels such as FatCat Records and
Memorials of Distinction. Brighton 8 . several railway stations, many bus
routes, coach services and taxis. In spring and summer, thousands of students from all over
Europe gather 9 . language courses at many language schools here.
Every time I come here, my favourite places are the beach and the aquarium. For me, Brighton is
one of 10 .. beautiful cities in the world.
1. A. in B. on C. of D. up
2. A. which B. about C. approximate D. near
3. A. turned B. started C. made D. converted
4. A. takes B. calls C. invites D. attracts
5. A. interested B. friendly C. friend D. beautifully
6. A. many B. lots of C. lot of D. much
7. A. to B. of C. in D. on
8. A. has B. is C. makes D. carries
9. A. attend B. to attend C. attending D. attended
10. A. best B. most C. more D. the most

VII. Choose the best option to fill in each blank in the following passage.
Unlike life in the countryside which is often considered to be simple and traditional, life in the
city is modern and complicated. People, from different regions, move to the cities in the hope of
having a better life for them and their children. The inhabitants in city work as secretaries,
businessmen, teachers, government workers, factory workers and even street vendors or
construction workers.
The high cost of living requires city dwellers, especially someone with low income, to work
harder or to take a part-time job. For many people, an ordinary day starts as usual by getting up
in the early morning to do exercise in public parks, preparing for a full day of working and
studying, then travelling along crowded boulevards or narrow streets filled with motor scooters
and returning home after a busy day. They usually live in large houses, or high-rise apartment
blocks or even in a small rental room equipped with modern facilities, like the Internet,
telephone, television, and so on. Industrialization and modernization as well as global integration
have big impact on lifestyle in the cities. The most noticeable impact is the Western style of
clothes. The ―ao dai‖ – Vietnamese traditional clothes are no longer regularly worn in
Vietnamese women‘s daily life. Instead, jeans, T-shirts and fashionable clothes are widely
1. The most important reason why people move to the city is that .
A. to look for a complicate life B. to take part-time jobs
C. to have busy days D. to look for a better life
2. According to the passage, the city life can offer city dwellers all of the following things
A. the Internet B. friendly communication with neighbors
C. a variety of jobs in different fields D. modern facilities

3. We can infer from the passage that .

A. there is a big gap between the rich and the poor in the city.
B. people do morning exercise in public parks because they have much free time
C. people leave the countryside because life there is simple.
D. most of the urban dwellers have low income.

4. Industrialization and modernization may lead to . A.

the fact that women no longer wear ao dai.

B. the disappearance of Western-styled clothes.

C. some changes in lifestyles.
D. global integration.

5. The word impact in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to

A. force B. action C. situation D. effect

VIII. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
6. Many people think there is no city in Viet Nam that is cleaner than Da Nang city.
Many people think
7. I found the trip to the craft village quite interesting.
I felt quite
8. My father says the place in which we are living is the noisiest one in Ha Noi.
My father says that no
9. He hasn't changed much since I last met him in 2000.
He is the same
10. I have never eaten a more delicious food than this one.
This food

1. Many people think Da Nang City is the cleanest city in Viet Nam.
2. I felt quite interested in the trip to the craft village.
3. My father says no other place in Ha Noi is noisier than the place in which we are living.
4. He is the same as he was in 2000. / He is the same as I last met in 2000.
5. This food is the most delicious I have ever eaten.
IX. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
1. thanks/ so/ much/ showing/ me/ around/ city/ today/ ./
1. Thanks so much for showing me around the city today.
2. public/ transport/ in/ Da Nang city/ more/ convenient/ reliable/ than/ any/ other/ cities/
Viet Nam/ ./
2. Public transport in Da Nang City is more convenient and reliable than other cities in
Viet Nam.
3. Sydney/ five/ big/ universities/ and/ some/ smaller/ ones/ ./
3. Sydney has five big universities and some smaller ones.
4. The Quoc Tu Giam/ considered/ first/ oldest/ university/ of/ Viet Nam/. It/ established/ 1076/
4. The Quoc Tu Giam is considered the first and the oldest university of Viet Nam. It
was established in 1076.
5. Bat Trang/ lying/ on/ Red River/ bank/ about/ 13km/ southeast/ Ha Noi/ is/ well-known/
craft/ village/ ./
5. Bat Trang lying on the Red River bank, about 13km southeast of Ha Noi is a well-known
craft village.

6. last/ week/ my friend/ went/ Hue/ / / he/ spent/ lot/ time/ wandering/ around/ and/
looking/ ancient/ temples/ palaces/ houses/ there/ ./
6. Last week, my friend went to Hue. He spent a lot of time wandering around and looking
at the ancient temples, palaces and houses there.

X. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box

multicultural problems cities affordable wandering

attractions vehicles convenient destination drawbacks

1. Nowadays, many students who have just left the universities try to stay in big cities
because they can easily find their jobs and live a .life there. convenient
2. During the rush hours, some parts of Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city are often packed with
people and .. vehicles
3. If you have an opportunity to go to Sydney, you should visit both natural and
manmade ..such as Sydney Harbour, the Royal National Park, Bondi Beach as
well as Royal Botanical Gardens, Sydney Opera and the Harbor Bridge. attractions
4. When I visited Hoi An last year, I spent most of my time .around and
looking at the ancient temples, houses, and bridges. wandering
5. When you visit Ha Noi, try some street food there because it is really delicious and
.. affordable
6. Singapore is a It includes Malay, Chinese, Indians,
European and Vietnamese. multicultural
7. Every year, the Economist Intelligent Unit conducts a fascinating survey to determine
which .. around the world ―provide the best living conditions‖. cities
8. I think living in a city has a number of .., such as traffic jams, traffic
accidents, noise pollution, visual pollution and water pollution. drawbacks
9. People say that air pollution together with littering is causing many . in our
city now. problems
10. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is a lot smaller than Tokyo
but it is by far the most popular tourist destination

XI. Writing:
Write a paragraph (about 120 words) about the drawbacks of living in a city.
Drawbacks of living in a big city
Suggested ideas:
- Pollution: air pollution, noise pollution, etc.
- High living expenses

adolescence (n) /ˌædəˈlesns/ giai đoạn v th nh house-keeping /haʊs ˈkiːpɪŋ kĩ năng l m
niên skill việc nh

adulthood (n) /ˈædʌlthʊd/ giai đoạn trưởng independence /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/ sự độc lập,
thành (n) tự lập

calm(adj) /kɑːm/ bình tĩnh informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd quyết đ nh

decision (n) dɪˈsɪʒn/
c cân nhắc

cognitive skill /ˈkɒɡnətɪv kĩ năng tư duy left out (adj) /left aʊt/ cảm thấy b
b rơi, b cô

concentrate (v) /kɒnsntreɪt/ tập trung life skill /laɪf skɪl/ kĩ năng sống
concentration sự tập
confident (adj) /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ tự tin relaxed (adj) /rɪˈlækst/ thoải m i,
confidence (n)
thư gi n

delighted (adj) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ vui sư ng resolve conflict /rɪˈzɒlv giải quyết

(v) ˈkɒnflɪkt/ xung đột

depressed (adj) /dɪˈprest/ tuyệt v ng risk taking (n) /rɪsk teɪkɪŋ/ liều lĩnh

embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ xấu hổ self-aware /self-əˈweə r / tự nhận

(adj) (adj) th c, ngộ ra

emergency (n) /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/ tình huống khẩn self-disciplined /self- tự rèn luyện
cấp (adj) ˈdɪsəplɪnd/

frustrated (adj) /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ bực bội vì không stressed (adj) /strest/ căng th ng,
stressful (n)
giải quyết đư c mệt m i
việc gi`

helpline (n) /ˈhelplaɪn/ đư ng dây n ng tense (adj) /tens/ căng th ng

tr gi p
worried (adj) /ˈwɜːrid/ lo lắng
worry (v/n_


- Trong câu trực tiếp thông tin đi th ng t ngư i th nhất sang ngư i th hai ngư i th
nhất n i trực tiếp v i ngư i th hai . Trong l i n i trực tiếp ch ng ta ghi lại chính x c nh ng t ,
ng m ngư i n i d ng. L i n i trực tiếp phải đư c đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép.
He said “I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday”. “I
love you”, she said.

- Trong câu gi n tiếp, thông tin đi t ngư i th nhất qua ngư i th hai đến ngư i th ba.
Khi đ câu c biến đổi về mặt ng ph p.

He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before.

2. Quy tắc chuyển từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp

2.1. Quy tắc chuyển từ lối nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp: lùi một thời

Simple present –> simple past

Present progressive –> past progressive
Present perfect –> past perfect
Simple past –> past perfect
Past progressive –> past perfect progressive
Simple future –> would + V
Can/may/must –> could /might/had to

2.2. Các chuyển đổi khác:

– ại t nhân xưng:
I –> he/she We –> they You –> I/ we
(tân ng và tính t sở h u chuyển theo nhân xưng ch ng
– Trạng t ch nơi chốn:
Here –> there This –> that
These –> those
– Trạng ng ch th i gian:
Today –> that day day Tomorrow –> the next day/ the following

Yesterday –> the day before/ the previous day Last week –> the week before/ the
previous week
The day after tomorrow –> in 2 days‘ time before. The day before yesterday –> two days
Now –> then Ago –> before
2.3. Các trƣờng hợp không đổi thời
– Sự thật, sự việc luôn luôn đ ng:
―The earth moves round the sun‖ he said.
–> He said that the earth moves round the sun.
– Câu điều kiện loại II v III:
―If I were you, I would leave here‖ he said. –> He said that if he were me, he would
leave there.
– Wish + past simple/ past perfect:
―I wish I lived in Da Nang‖, he said. –> He said he wished he lived in Da Nang.
– Cấu tr c ―it‘s time somebody did something‖:
―It‘s time he woke up‖, she said. –> She said it was time he woke up.
– Would/ should/ ought to/ had better/ used to không chuyển:
― You‘d better work hard‖ he said –> He said that I had better work hard.
2.4. Các cách chuyển đổi cơ bản
A. Say that + a statement –> agree (đồng ý), refuse (từ chối), offer (đề nghị), promise
(hứa), threaten + the infinitive (dọa) ―All right, I‘ll help you‖ he said.
–> He agreed to help me.
― Oh, no, I won‘t come to your party‖, he said. –>
He refused to come to my party.
―I‘ll look for the cat for you tomorrow if you like‖ he said.
–> He offered to look after the cat for me the next day if I liked.
―I‘ll visit your parents when I arrive there‖, he said
–> He promised to visit my parents when he arrived there.
―I‘ll sell the TV set if you keep on watching it all day‖, said the father –>
The father threatened to sell the TV set if he kept on watching it all day.

B. Say that + a statement –> accuse …of (buộc tội), admit (thừa nhận), apologise for
(xin lỗi), deny (từ chối), insist on + V-ing (khăng khăng)
- ―You stole the jewels‖ said the inspector –> The inspector accused her of stealing the jewels.
- ―I‘ve made the wall dirty‖ said one student. –> One student admitted making the wall
- ―I‘m sorry I‘m late‖ she said. –> She apologized for being late.
- ―No, we didn‘t enter the garden‖ said the boy. –> The boy denied entering my garden.
- ―Certainly, I‘ll buy that car for you‖, said he. –> He insisted on buying me that car.
C. Say to somebody + a statement –> told somebody + that + clause
―I‘ve finished all my homework‖, he said to me. –> He told me that he had finished all his

D. Say + a statement –> said that + clause

―I‘m going to Hanoi tomorrow‖, he said. –> He said that he was going to Hanoi the
next day.

E. Statement with command, request, advice, invitation, offer –> advise, ask, beg,
encourage, invite, order, tell, warn, remind…
―You‘d better hurry‖, he said. –> He advised me to hurry.
―Post the letter for me, will you?‖he said. –> He asked me to post the letter for him.
―Make another try, please‖, he said –> He encouraged me to make another try ―Don‘t
drive too fast‖, he said. –> He warned me not to drive too fast.
―Remember to close the door‖, he said. –> He reminded me to close the
―Don‘t forget to come at 6 a.m tomorrow‖, he said. –> He reminded to come at 6 a.m the next

F. Questions in indirect speech

– Th i, đại t , tính t sở h u, trạng t chuyển như ở câu tư ng thuật. –
Yes-no questions –> asked/wanted to know if/whether
―Are you absent from your classes today?‖ he asked.
–> He asked/wanted to know if I was absent from my classes that day. –
Wh-questions –> asked/wanted to know + question word + clause.
―Where do you often meet your friends?‖ she said.
–> She asked where I often met my friends.

G. Questions with “shall I…”–> 4 loại sau:

• About future event (sự kiện trong tƣơng lai)
―Shall we attend the meeting tomorrow‖, she said. –>She asked if they would attend the meeting
the next day
• Request for instruction or advice (Lời hƣớng dẫn hoặc lời khuyên)
―Shall I read it, mother?‖ ha said. –> He asked his mother if he should read it.
• Offer to do something
―Shall we bring you some new books?‖ she said. –> She offered to bring me some new
• Suggest to do something
―Shall we go to the cinema tonight‖, he said. –> He suggested going to the cinema that

H. Questions with “Will you, would you, could you…?” (yêu cầu, đề nghị, mời)–> offer,
invite, order, ask, told.
― Will you come to my party tomorrow?‖ he said. –> He invited me to come to his party the
next day.
―Could you get ready at 6p.m tonight?‖ he said. –> He told/asked me to get ready at
6p.m that night.
―Would you like some cigarettes?‖ he said. –> He offered me some cigarettes.
―Will you shut your mouth?‖ he said. –> He ordered me to shut my mouth.

I. Let’s do…–> suggest + V-ing nếu bao g m cả ngư i n i thực hiện h nh động
Let’s do…–> suggest + that S should do… c thể bao g m hoặc không bao g m ngư i n i
thực hiện h nh động
―Let‘s go to the cinema tonight‖, he said.
–> He suggested going to the cinema that night. anh ta cũng đi
–> He suggested that they should go to the cinema that night

J. Yes, let’s do…–> agree

No, let’s not do… –> be against the idea.
―Let‘s eat out tonight‖ said the mother.
―Yes, let‘s‖ said the son.
―No, let‘s not‖ said the father.
–> The mother suggested eating out that night and the son agreed but the father was against the

K. Must –> had to

―I must finish my work tomorrow‖, he said. –> He said that he had to finish his work the next
―Must you go soon?‖ she said. –> He asked if I had to go soon.

L. Câu cảm thán trong lời nói gián tiếp

• What + a + noun! /how + adj –> said that + clause
–> gave an exclamation of delight vui m ng, t n thưởng , disgust kinh tởm , honor s ,
surprise ngạc nhiên
―How beautiful the picture is‖, he said.
–> He said that the picture was beautiful. –
> He gave an exclamation of delight.
―What a dirty kitchen!‖ she said.
–> She said that the kitchen was dirty.
–> She gave an exclamation of disgust.
―How wonderful‖, he said.
–> He said that it was wonderful.
–> He gave an exclamation of surprise.
• “Yes/no” –> subject + trợ động từ
―Have you finished your homework?‖ he said
―Yes‖, she said
–> He asked her if she had finished her homework and she said she had.
―Are you ready for the exam?‖ he said.
―No‖, she said.
–> He asked if she was ready for the exam and she said she wasn’t.

M. “Thank”–> subject + thanked

―Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?‖, he said. ―thank you, I‘d love to‖ she said. –>
He invited her to have dinner with him that night. She thanked him and said she would love to.
―Good luck‖, he said –> he wished me luck.
―Congratulation!‖, he said –> he congratulated me.

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.
1. A. calm B. fabulous C. asset D. handicraft
2. A. metro B. conduct C. grow D. mould
3. A. helpline B. remind C. artisan D. reliable
4. A. tense B. stress C. effect D. resolve
5. A. preserve B. sculpture C. skill D. risk
2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line.
1. A. adolescence B. adulthood C. cognitive D. concentrate
2. A. confident B. delighted C. depressed D. embarrassed
3. A. emergency B. frustrated C. independence D. decision
4. A. relaxed B. worried C. wander D. dweller
5. A. discipline B. determine C. culture D. indicaton
1. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.
1. Tomorrow I am having a 45 – minute English test. I know about WORRY
the grammar and I‘ve learnt by heart all the new words but I
still feel ______.

2. He thinks joining in an English Speaking Club will help him to CONFIDENT

communicate with foreigners ___________.

3. Lan has made a new dress for herself and she feels so _______ DELIGHT
with her fashionable dress.

4. We felt ___________because it rained all the day and we had to DISAPPOINT

stay inside during our excursion to the beach.

5. Many students complaint about their school pressures and FRUSTRATE

____________. Can you think of an example of them?

2. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences

1. I‘ve been studying very hard for my final exams but I always feel ___________.
A. tired B. calm C. worried D. frustrated
2. She has failed her driving test for three times. She feels _______now.
A. depressed B. worried C. stressed D. calm
3. He did very well at the examination this morning so he feels very _______at the moment.
A. sad B. unhappy C. relaxed D. worried
4. On the way home yesterday, his bicycle broke down so he felt very __________.
A. excited B, delighted C. confident D. frustrated
5. The boy looks __________when he sees his parents at the door of the classroom.
A. relaxed B. confused C. tired D. left-out

6. Hoa said she was very ____________ and she didn‘t want to go to the cinema with us.
A. quick B. fast C. smoothly D. tired
7. Huy got a bad mark for his English test. He must have been really _________.
A. disappointed B. relaxing C. interested D. happy
8. We take turns to make an English presentation about keeping our environment clean and green.
This opportunity makes everyone feel more ______in speaking English.
A. worried B. tense C. confident D. frustrated
9. Minh feels very proud and __________at the gold medal he has got.
A. delighted B. unhappy C. stressed D. strong
10. If you study hard and you feel tired, you had better take a rest and _________for some minutes.
A. encourage B. relax C. advise D. empathise

3. Fill each blank with a word in the box

Concentrate delighted embarrassed adolescence independent life

skills relaxed worried informed left out
1. ________is the period between childhood and young adulthood.
2. Physical changes are different for everyone at the adolescence, so we don‘t need to feel
3. My brother is 13 years old but he wants to be more _____________. He would like to do
everything by himself.
4. When you have any problems, please ask the adults for support and guidance to make
5. I always __________on my studies so I‘ve made much progress this year.
6. I felt _______when the teacher informed that we were going to have a 45-minute English test.
7. Today I am very _________to get the highest score in my English
8. Can you name some necessary ______that Vietnamese teens should have today?
9. Hoa has moved to a new school in Hanoi. She doesn‘t know anybody there. She is very sad and
feels ________.
10. I have finished all my homework the teacher gave me. I feel ______and decide to go to the cinema
with my friend this evening.

1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
In Britain some families feel that learning at home is better than going to school. Home
schooled children can choose when they want to learn. Does this sound more enjoyable than
Andrian is a science prodigy and he wants to start university by the age of fourteen. He
finds school lessons easier than the ones he expects but making friends is more difficult. At
home he can spend more time on his favourite subjects and is preparing to take many of his
exams early. Does he ever take a break? ―Yes‖, he says ― I don‘t study subjects I‘m not
interested in.‖
Holly‘s parents weren‘t happy with the local school. So they made a decision to teach her
at home. Her favourite is history and she often goes to museums to study. ― I couldn‘t do that
before,‖ she says. ― This is more interesting than school was‖. Her parents are always happy to
help her.
Andrian and Holly love learning at home, but some people think that studying at school
is more useful because it trains you for adult life. It teaches you to be with people you don‘t like,
but it can also help you to make friends. Are these things more important than lessons? What do
you think?
1. In Britain, people can learn at home or ____________.
A. at school B. at work C. at the museum D. at break
2. Andria wants to start ________when he‘s 14.
A. school B. subjects C. lessons D. university
3. He only studies things that he _________.
A. is interested in B. isn‘t happy with C. feel easy D. feel difficult
4. History is Holly‘s ______________.
A. favourite test B. favourite subject
C. boring subject D. only one subject
5. Why do some people think studying at school is _______?
A. more easy B. more useful
C. stressful D. a waste of time

2. Choose the correct word A, B, C, or D for each gap to complete the following passage.
Recently, a study in the USA showed that 75% of high school students (1) ________in tests and
exams. If we include 2 ___________ homework, the number is 90%. Many students don‘t even
realize that 3 ___________they‘re doing is wrong. They think that cheating is OK now because
it‘s 4 ____________.
In the past, weaker students cheated but now cheats are often clever kids who need higher
graders. There is more competition today.
One high school students says: ―There is big 5 ____________to get into a good university. You
have to get good marks, and to get good marks some teens think they have to cheat.‖
In the American study, 50% of teens agreed with the opinion ―People sometimes have to lie and
cheat to be succeed. ― It seems that cheating has become normal for some people. There are a lot
of cheats. We see more and (6) ___________ cheats in sport and in business. Unfortunately,
adults don‘t always set a good example.
Cheating is easier with new technology. There are websites (7) _______you can download
exams and essays. You can pay people online to write an essay for you. Students are instant
messaging homework answers and they can send text messages to friends (8) __________exams
or put answers into their MP3 players.
Teachers can (9) _________cell phones and camera and use special software to detect copying in
homework. School principles can suspend or expel students who cheat. But really it‘s more
important for people 10 __________that they don‘t have to cheat to be successful – cheats
never win and winner never cheat.
1. A. has cheated B. have cheated C. are cheating D. cheat
2. A. copying B. to copy C. copy D. copied
3. A. which B. why C. what D. where
4. A. normal B. usually C. plenty D. common
5. A. stress B. pressure C. nervous D. tense
6. A. much B. more C. less D. fewer
7. A. which B. what C. how D. where
8. A. on B. at C. in D. of
9. A. ban B. stop C. end D. delay
10. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. known

1. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
1. Mai‘s parents/ always/ expect/ her/ get/ good/ grades/ and/ go/ top/ university/ study/ medicine.
2. Minh/ feel/ very/ worried/ because/ he/ have/ big/ assignment/ complete/ and/ he/ not/ know/
where/ start.
3. You/ thought/ about/ asking/ friend/ who/ confident/ about/ maths/ help/ you/?
4. You/ done/ very/ well/ exam/./ I/ think/ you/ relax/ now.
5. It/ not/ difficult/ make/ new/ friends/./ you/ should/ be/ open/ friendly/ first.
2. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.
1. ― What are you most worried about before the exam?‖ my teacher asked me.
2. ―If you get high scores in your final exam, I‘ll buy you a computer.‖ His mother said.
3. ― My parents are very glad because my sister has passed the entrance exam to go to a top
university.‖ Lan told me.
4. ― I couldn‘t sleep last night because I felt nervous about the exam.‖ Hoa said.
5. ― I‘m so delighted. I‘ve just received a mobile phone from my brother. My brother has just been
abroad.‖ Quang said.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using questions words + to V.

1. Could you tell me when I should explain everything to our teacher?
2. I don‘t know what I should do to make my mother happy.
3. She wondered how she could tell her mother about the stolen bicycle.
4. We are not sure what we should do to make our house more beautiful at Christmas.
5. My mother can decide where we should go at summer holidays.

I. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. attraction B. emergency C. administrative D. recognition
2. A. artisan B. confident C. negative D. underpass
3. A. affordable B. delighted C. loudspeaker D. exhibition
4. A. lacquerware B. contestant C. fabulous D. noticeable
5. A. authenticity B. metropolitan C. cooperative D. multicultural
II. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it,
1. We have no idea who talking to when we have problems.
2. Nick asked Phong whether he had gone to Mai‘s birthday party last night.
3. Lan is very depressing because her closest friend is moving to another city.
4. Their daughter said that she doesn’t want to take exams into economic universities.
5. I don’t know what to do as these instructions are extremely confused.

III. Give the correct form off the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
1. I think Tom and Mary have known each other since their CHILD
2. My brother feels ____________when he‘s playing the guitar. RELAX
3. Lan was upset because her parents ________her. UNDERSTAND
4. I often suffer from ________during the wintertime.
5. Everything was __________to me when I visited Gold Coast for the DEPRESS
first time. EXCITE
6. When you grow up, you‘ll feel you want more ______and
responsibility. DEPEND
7. We all _______with you when we heard that you failed the driving test
8. Nga‘s dream is to be a ________, but her parents want her to be a
medical doctor.
9. Between 11 and 13 years of age, the adolescent‘s brain experiences
rapid ____of nerve cells.
10. I feel really tired after spending a _____night studying for the exam.


IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. Pressure _____children to get into top schools has reached a crisis point.
A. at B. under C. on D. with
2. Perhaps what you‘re reading or hearing is boring, which makes it hard to ______ on the book or
the conversation.
A. concentrate B. rely C. depend D. notice
3. A great way to improve ______Skills is to keep trying new things.
A. reason B. reasoned C. reasoning D. reasons
4. As children move toward _________, they are less likely to ask for advice.
A. dependent B. dependence C. independent D. independence
5. Taking good notes ____students to evaluate organize and summarize information.
A. requests B. requires C. allows D. offers
6. Susan needs someone to who her how to ____her anxiety and depression.
A. empathize B. try C. succeed D. manage
7. Mi asked what information she ____that assignment.
A. needs to be done B. needed doing C. need to do D. needed to do
8. My teacher told me that I __________attend the math course for the higher level programme that I
A. can‘t/ apply B. couldn‘t/ apply C. can‘t/ applied D. couldn‘t/ had applied
9. My parents asked me to find out _______it gave you so much trouble.
A. what B. which C. why D. where
10. I am not sure _________I can solve this problem.
A. how B. what C. who D. by whom
V. Read and choose the best answer
London is a big city, but many of the people who live there (1) ___________ it as a number of
small towns put together. Each district has its own identity and atmosphere and some of parts are
even described by their inhabitants as ‗villages‘. Much of the centre of the city consists
(2)_________ shops and businesses and the majority of people live in the suburbs. A great
(3)______ of them travel to work in the city every day by train, bus, tube or car; this is called
commuting. Commuters might spend as much as two hours every morning getting to work and
another two hours getting home again. The cost of living in London is (4) ________ than in most
other parts of Britain, and many people are paid extra money on the top of their salaries because
of this. Millions of visitors come to London every year from all over the world for to see the
famous sights, such as Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and many other historic
buildings. London is also very famous for its theatres, red buses, and black taxis. Some people
find it as a noisy, dirty place (5) _______ it has many large, pleasant parts where everyone can
enjoy themselves some peace and quiet. London has many attractions, both for people from
overseas and for people from other parts of Britain.
1. A. regard B. feel C. think D. see
2. A. in B. on C. of D. at
3. A. a lot B. lot C. much D. many
4. A. taller B. higher C. bigger D. much
5. A. but B. although C. because D. since
VI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question
You can do a few things to make homework less stressful. First, be sure you understand the
assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don‘t be afraid to
ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to make a minute to ask the teacher
during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night! If you want, you can ask how
long the particular homework assignment should take to complete so you can plan your time.
Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have
libraries that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. The
more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do that night.
Third, pace yourself. If you don‘t finish your homework during school, think about how much
you have left and what else is going on that day, and then plan your time. Most middle students
should have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you will
need to devote more time to homework.
No one is expected to understand everything, and may be you need some help. The first place to
turn for help is your teacher. But what if you don‘t feel comfortable with your teacher? If you are
in a big enough school, there maybe other teachers who teach the same subject. Speak to other
teachers directly and you may be in luck. Sometimes it just helps to have someone explain
something in a different way. Moreover, you might also be able to get some help from another
student. If there is someone you like who is a good student, think about asking that person if you
can study together.
1. The most important thing that you should do when you get your assignment may be ____.
A. to know when you hand it in
B. to understand it and its requirements
C. to know how long it takes to complete it
D. to remember it in order to plan the time
2. If you have any free time left at school, you should _____.
A. use it to do your homework in the library
B. spend time with your friends
C. use it to understand the assignment
D. use it to make your day planner
3. When students need some help, they should ______.
A. never ask other teachers because it will hurt their own teachers
B. always turn to their own teacher for help
C. ask any good students at the subject in your school
D. go to their teachers or other teachers teaching the same subject
4. The main idea of the first three paragraphs is _________.
A. to get help when you need it
B. to do homework immediately
C. to create a homework plan
D. to ask your teachers for more explanation
5. According to the passage, all of the following are correct EXCEPT that ________. A. it takes a
student more than three hours a night if there is much homework.
B. it is good to have the explanation in a different way
C. you only do your homework at home between 1 and 3 hours a night
D. it is very useful to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class

VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not
change the form of the given word.
1. ―What do you think about teenagers who dye their hai?‖ THOUGHT
2. It was quite surprising for us that he passed the exam. SURPRISED
3. ―If I were you, I would tell her the truth‖, said Phong to Khoa ADVISED
4. We don‘t know how we should solve the problems. TO
5. ―Have I ever met him before?‖ Laura said to herself. WONDERED

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.
1. A. calm B. fabulous C. asset D. handicraft
2. A. metro B. conduct C. grow D. mould
3. A. helpline B. remind C. artisan D. reliable
4. A. tense B. stress C. effect D. resolve
5. A. preserve B. sculpture C. skill D. risk
2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line.
1. A. adolescence B. adulthood C. cognitive D. concentrate
2. A. confident B. delighted C. depressed D. embarrassed
3. A. emergency B. frustrated C. independence D. decision
4. A. relaxed B. worried C. wander D. dweller
5. A. discipline B. determine C. culture D. indicator

1. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.
6. Tomorrow I am having a 45 – minute English test. I know about WORRIED
the grammar and I‘ve learnt by heart all the new words but I
still feel ______.

7. He thinks joining in an English Speaking Club will help him to CONFIDENTLY

communicate with foreigners ___________.

8. Lan has made a new dress for herself and she feels so _______ DELIGHTED
with her fashionable dress.

9. We felt ___________because it rained all the day and we had to DISAPPOINTED

stay inside during our excursion to the beach.

10. Many students complaint about their school pressures and FRUSTRATIONS
____________. Can you think of an example of them?

2. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences

1. I‘ve been studying very hard for my final exams but I always feel
C. worried
A. tired B. calm D. frustrated
2. She has failed her driving test for three times. She feels _______now.
A. depressed B. worried C. stressed D. calm
3. He did very well at the examination this morning so he feels very _______at the moment.
A. sad B. unhappy C. relaxed D. worried
4. On the way home yesterday, his bicycle broke down so he felt very __________.
A. excited B, delighted C. confident D. frustrated
5. The boy looks __________when he sees his parents at the door of the classroom.
A. relaxed B. confused C. tired D. left-out
6. Hoa said she was very ____________ and she didn‘t want to go to the cinema with us.
A. quick B. fast C. smoothly D. tired
7. Huy got a bad mark for his English test. He must have been really _________.
A. disappointed B. relaxing C. interested D. happy
8. We take turns to make an English presentation about keeping our environment clean and green.
This opportunity makes everyone feel more ______in speaking English.
A. worried B. tense C. confident D. frustrated
9. Minh feels very proud and __________at the gold medal he has got.
A. delighted B. unhappy C. stressed D. strong
10. If you study hard and you feel tired, you had better take a rest and _________for some minutes.
A. encourage B. relax C. advise D. empathise

3. Fill each blank with a word in the box

5 Concentrate 7 delighted 2 embarrassed 1 adolescence 3

8 life skills 10 relaxed 6 worried 4 informed 9 left out
1. ________is the period between childhood and young adulthood.
2. Physical changes are different for everyone at the adolescence, so we don‘t need to feel
3. My brother is 13 years old but he wants to be more _____________. He would like to do
everything by himself.
4. When you have any problems, please ask the adults for support and guidance to make
5. I always __________on my studies so I‘ve made much progress this year.
6. I felt _______when the teacher informed that we were going to have a 45-minute English test.
7. Today I am very _________to get the highest score in my English
8. Can you name some necessary ______that Vietnamese teens should have today?
9. Hoa has moved to a new school in Hanoi. She doesn‘t know anybody there. She is very sad and
feels ________.
10. I have finished all my homework the teacher gave me. I feel ______and decide to go to the cinema
with my friend this evening.

1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
In Britain some families feel that learning at home is better than going to school. Home
schooled children can choose when they want to learn. Does this sound more enjoyable than
Andrian is a science prodigy and he wants to start university by the age of fourteen. He
finds school lessons easier than the ones he expects but making friends is more difficult. At
home he can spend more time on his favourite subjects and is preparing to take many of his
exams early. Does he ever take a break? ―Yes‖, he says ― I don‘t study subjects I‘m not
interested in.‖
Holly‘s parents weren‘t happy with the local school. So they made a decision to teach her
at home. Her favourite is history and she often goes to museums to study. ― I couldn‘t do that
before,‖ she says. ― This is more interesting than school was‖. Her parents are always happy to
help her.
Andrian and Holly love learning at home, but some people think that studying at school
is more useful because it trains you for adult life. It teaches you to be with people you don‘t like,
but it can also help you to make friends. Are these things more important than lessons? What do
you think?
6. In Britain, people can learn at home or ____________.
A. at school B. at work C. at the museum D. at break
7. Andria wants to start ________when he‘s 14.
A. school B. subjects C. lessons D. university
8. He only studies things that he _________.
A. is interested in B. isn‘t happy with C. feel easy D. feel difficult
9. History is Holly‘s ______________.
A. favourite test B. favourite subject
C. boring subject D. only one subject
10. Why do some people think studying at school is _______?
A. more easy B. more useful
C. stressful D. a waste of time
2. Choose the correct word A, B, C, or D for each gap to complete the following passage.
Recently, a study in the USA showed that 75% of high school students (1) ________in tests and
exams. If we include (2) ___________ homework, the number is 90%. Many students don‘t even
realize that 3 ___________they‘re doing is wrong. They think that cheating is OK now because
it‘s 4 ____________.
In the past, weaker students cheated but now cheats are often clever kids who need higher
graders. There is more competition today.
One high school students says: ―There is big 5 ____________to get into a good university. You
have to get good marks, and to get good marks some teens think they have to cheat.‖
In the American study, 50% of teens agreed with the opinion ―People sometimes have to lie and
cheat to be succeed. ― It seems that cheating has become normal for some people. There are a lot
of cheats. We see more and (6) ___________ cheats in sport and in business. Unfortunately,
adults don‘t always set a good example.
Cheating is easier with new technology. There are websites (7) _______you can download
exams and essays. You can pay people online to write an essay for you. Students are instant
messaging homework answers and they can send text messages to friends (8) __________exams
or put answers into their MP3 players.
Teachers can (9) _________cell phones and camera and use special software to detect copying in
homework. School principles can suspend or expel students who cheat. But really it‘s more
important for people 10 __________that they don‘t have to cheat to be successful – cheats
never win and winner never cheat.
11. A. has cheated B. have cheated C. are cheating D. cheat
12. A. copying B. to copy C. copy D. copied
13. A. which B. why C. what D. where
14. A. normal B. usually C. plenty D. common
15. A. stress B. pressure C. nervous D. tense
16. A. much B. more C. less D. fewer
17. A. which B. what C. how D. where
18. A. on B. at C. in D. of
19. A. ban B. stop C. end D. delay
20. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. known

1. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
6. Mai‘s parents/ always/ expect/ her/ get/ good/ grades/ and/ go/ top/ university/ study/ medicine.
Mai‘s parents always expect her to get good grades and go to a top university to study
7. Minh/ feel/ very/ worried/ because/ he/ have/ big/ assignment/ complete/ and/ he/ not/ know/
where/ start.
Minh feels very worried because he has a big assignment to complete and he doesn‘t know where
to start.
8. You/ thought/ about/ asking/ friend/ who/ confident/ about/ maths/ help/ you/?
Have you thought about asking a friend who is confident about maths to help you?
9. You/ done/ very/ well/ exam/./ I/ think/ you/ relax/ now.
You have done very well in the exam. I think you should relax now.
10. It/ not/ difficult/ make/ new/ friends/./ you/ should/ be/ open/ friendly/ first.
It‘s not difficult to make new friends. You should be open and friendly first.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

1. ― What are you most worried about before the exam?‖ my teacher asked me.
2. ―If you get high scores in your final exam, I‘ll buy you a computer.‖ His mother said.
3. ― My parents are very glad because my sister has passed the entrance exam to go to a top
university.‖ Lan told me.
4. ― I couldn‘t sleep last night because I felt nervous about the exam.‖ Hoa said.
5. ― I‘m so delighted. I‘ve just received a mobile phone from my brother. My brother has just been
abroad.‖ Quang said.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using questions words + to V.

1. Could you tell me when I should explain everything to our teacher?
2. I don‘t know what I should do to make my mother happy.
3. She wondered how she could tell her mother about the stolen bicycle.
4. We are not sure what we should do to make our house more beautiful at Christmas.
5. My mother can decide where we should go at summer holidays.

I. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. attraction B. emergency C. administrative D. recognition
2. A. artisan B. confident C. negative D. underpass
3. A. affordable B. delighted C. loudspeaker D. exhibition
4. A. lacquerware B. contestant C. fabulous D. noticeable
5. A. authenticity B. metropolitan C. cooperative D. multicultural
II. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it,
1. We have no idea who talking to when we have problems.
2. Nick asked Phong whether he had gone to Mai‘s birthday party last night.
3. Lan is very depressing because her closest friend is moving to another city.
4. Their daughter said that she doesn’t want to take exams into economic universities.
5. I don’t know what to do as these instructions are extremely confused.

III. Give the correct form off the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following

11. I think Tom and Mary have known each other since their CHILD HOOD
12. My brother feels ____________when he‘s playing the guitar. RELAXED
13. Lan was upset because her parents ________her. UNDERSTOOD
14. I often suffer from ________during the wintertime.
15. Everything was __________to me when I visited Gold Coast for the
first time.
16. When you grow up, you‘ll feel you want more ______and
responsibility. INDEPENDENT

17. We all _______with you when we heard that you failed the driving test
18. Nga‘s dream is to be a ________, but her parents want her to be a
medical doctor. MUSICIAN
19. Between 11 and 13 years of age, the adolescent‘s brain experiences
rapid ____of nerve cells. GROWTH
20. I feel really tired after spending a _____night studying for the exam.


IV. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. Pressure _____children to get into top schools has reached a crisis point.
A. at B. under C. on D. with
2. Perhaps what you‘re reading or hearing is boring, which makes it hard to ______ on the book or
the conversation.
A. concentrate B. rely C. depend D. notice
3. A great way to improve ______Skills is to keep trying new things.
A. reason B. reasoned C. reasoning D. reasons
4. As children move toward _________, they are less likely to ask for advice.
A. dependent B. dependence C. independent D. independence
5. Taking good notes ____students to evaluate organize and summarize information.
A. requests B. requires C. allows D. offers
6. Susan needs someone to who her how to ____her anxiety and depression.
A. empathize B. try C. succeed D. manage
7. Mi asked what information she ____that assignment.
A. needs to be done B. needed doing C. need to do D. needed to do
8. My teacher told me that I __________attend the math course for the higher level programme that I
A. can‘t/ apply B. couldn‘t/ apply C. can‘t/ applied D. couldn’t/ had applied
9. My parents asked me to find out _______it gave you so much trouble.
A. what B. which C. why D. where
10. I am not sure _________I can solve this problem.
A. how B. what C. who D. by whom

V. Read and choose the best answer

London is a big city, but many of the people who live there (1) ___________ it as a number of
small towns put together. Each district has its own identity and atmosphere and some of parts are
even described by their inhabitants as ‗villages‘. Much of the centre of the city consists
(2)_________ shops and businesses and the majority of people live in the suburbs. A great
(3)______ of them travel to work in the city every day by train, bus, tube or car; this is called
commuting. Commuters might spend as much as two hours every morning getting to work and
another two hours getting home again. The cost of living in London is (4) ________ than in most
other parts of Britain, and many people are paid extra money on the top of their salaries because
of this. Millions of visitors come to London every year from all over the world for to see the
famous sights, such as Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and many other historic
buildings. London is also very famous for its theatres, red buses, and black taxis. Some people
find it as a noisy, dirty place (5) _______ it has many large, pleasant parts where everyone can
enjoy themselves some peace and quiet. London has many attractions, both for people from
overseas and for people from other parts of Britain.
6. A. regard B. feel C. think D. see
7. A. in B. on C. of D. at
8. A. a lot B. lot C. much D. many
9. A. taller B. higher C. bigger D. much
10. A. but B. although C. because D. since
VI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question
You can do a few things to make homework less stressful. First, be sure you understand the
assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don‘t be afraid to
ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to make a minute to ask the teacher
during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night! If you want, you can ask how
long the particular homework assignment should take to complete so you can plan your time.
Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have
libraries that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. The
more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do that night.
Third, pace yourself. If you don‘t finish your homework during school, think about how much
you have left and what else is going on that day, and then plan your time. Most middle students
should have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you will
need to devote more time to homework.
No one is expected to understand everything, and may be you need some help. The first place to
turn for help is your teacher. But what if you don‘t feel comfortable with your teacher? If you are
in a big enough school, there maybe other teachers who teach the same subject. Speak to other
teachers directly and you may be in luck. Sometimes it just helps to have someone explain
something in a different way. Moreover, you might also be able to get some help from another
student. If there is someone you like who is a good student, think about asking that person if you
can study together.
1. The most important thing that you should do when you get your assignment may be ____.
A. to know when you hand it in
B. to understand it and its requirements
C. to know how long it takes to complete it
D. to remember it in order to plan the time
2. If you have any free time left at school, you should _____.
A. use it to do your homework in the library
B. spend time with your friends
C. use it to understand the assignment
D. use it to make your day planner
3. When students need some help, they should ______.
A. never ask other teachers because it will hurt their own teachers
B. always turn to their own teacher for help
C. ask any good students at the subject in your school
D. go to their teachers or other teachers teaching the same subject
4. The main idea of the first three paragraphs is _________.
A. to get help when you need it
B. to do homework immediately
C. to create a homework plan
D. to ask your teachers for more explanation
5. According to the passage, all of the following are correct EXCEPT that ________. A. it
takes a student more than three hours a night if there is much homework.
B. it is good to have the explanation in a different way
C. you only do your homework at home between 1 and 3 hours a night
D. it is very useful to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class

VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not
change the form of the given word.
1. ―What do you think about teenagers who dye their hai?‖ THOUGHT They asked
me what I thought about teenagers who dyed their hair.
2. It was quite surprising for us that he passed the exam. SURPRISED We were
quite surprised that he passed the exam.
3. ―If I were you, I would tell her the truth‖, said Phong to Khoa ADVISED Phong advised
Khoa to tell her the truth.

4. We don‘t know how we should solve the problems. TO

We don‘t know how to solve the problems.
5. ―Have I ever met him before?‖ Laura said to herself. WONDERED
Laura wondered whether she had met him before.



I. New words

Act out (v) /ækt aʊt/ Đóng vai Occasion (n) /əˈkeɪʒn/ Dịp

Arctic (adj) /ˈɑːktɪk/ thu c v Pass on (ph.v) /pɑːs ɒn/ ruy n lại
kể lại
Bắc cực
Bare-footed /ˈbeəfʊtɪd/ Chân ất Post (v) /pəʊst/ Đăng tải
Behave (v) /bɪˈheɪv/ Ngoan biết Snack (n) /snæk/ Đồ ăn vặt
(+oneself) cư xử

Dogsled (n) /ˈdɒɡsled/ Xe chó kéo Street vendor /striːt ˈvendə r / Người bán
(n) hàng rong

Domed (adj) /dəʊmd/ Hình vòm Strict (adj) /strɪkt/ Nghiêm khắc

Downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ Vào trung Treat (v) /triːt/ Cư xử

(adv) tâm thành

Eat out (v) /iːt aʊt/ Ăn ngoài Tradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ ruy n

Entertain (v) /ˌentəˈteɪn/ iải tr Generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ hế hệ

Event (n) /ɪˈvent/ Sự kiện Feather (n) /ˈfeðə r / Lông chim
Face to face /feɪs tʊ feɪs/ rực diện Custom (n) /ˈkʌstəm/ Phong tục
(adv) mặt ối mặt

Facility (n) /fəˈsɪləti/ Phương Funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ Đám tang

tiện tiện

Igloo (n) /ˈɪɡluː/ L u tuyết Bride (n) /braɪd/ Cô dâu

Illiterate (adj) /ɪˈlɪtərət/ hất học Groom (n) /ɡruːm/ Chú rể
Loudspeaker (n) /ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə r / Loa Attendant (n) /əˈtendənt/ Người phục
vụ người
tham gia

Preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ Bảo quản Tug of war /tʌɡ əv wɔː r / Trò kéo co
bảo tồn

Seniority (n) /ˌsiːniˈɔːrəti/ Thâm niên Punishment (n) /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ Sự trừng


Extend (v) /ɪkˈstend/ r ng Dye (v) /daɪ/ Nhu m

Tuberculosis (n) /tjuːˌbɜːkjuˈləʊsɪs/ Bệnh lao Fatal (adj) /ˈfeɪtl/ ai hại
chết người

Barber (n) /ˈbɑːbə r / hợ cắt tóc Bushwalking Cu c i b

(n) nơi hoang

Obesity (n) /əʊˈbiːsəti/ Sự béo phì

II. Grammar:

Wishes for the present

1. Wishes for the present or future:
S1 + wish/ wishes + S2 + V (past simple)
E.g: I wish my friends spent less time playing computer games and more time outdoors.
2. Wishes for something that we want to be happening right at this moment.
S1 + wish/ wishes + S2 + V (past continuous)
E.g: My son wishes he were studying Marketing instead of Hospitality.

I. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. vulnerable B. satellite C. eleven D. element
2. A. character B. publisher C. wonderful D.
3. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful
4. A. arctic B. behave C. event D. facility
5. A. illiterate B. occasion C. relaxed D. sculpture

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. women B. bench C. lend D. spend
2. A. brain B. lamb C. comb D. climb
3. A. phoned B. called C. cooked D. climbed
4. A. surface B. necklace C.face D. palace
5. A. chew B. news C. crew D. screw

III. Complete the sentence using “wish”.

1. He is very short. He .. he .. taller.
2. They don't have a car. They .. they .. a car.
3. He doesn't have any children. He .. he .. a child.
4. He is overweight. He .. he .. thinner.
5. I can't play the piano. I .. I .. play the piano.

IV. Complete with the right words given in the box. You can use the words more than once,
there are some extra.
play dance be use have
go spend jump ride collect

1. She used to with dolls when she was a child.

2. They didn't use to any sports.
3. He didn't use to a scrapbook.
4. When they were younger, they used to to the beach, ride a bike and
collect comics.
5. I used to very shy, but I am not anymore.
6. After school, my friend and I used to chess and hide-and-seek.
7. I used to my vacation in a summer camp with my friends.
8. I used to a pet when I was 5 years old. Now I don't have it anymore.

V. Give the right tense of the verbs given and then fill in each space to complete the
1. I don't know where my wallet is. I wish I .. where my wallet was.
2. Michael is in the park playing with the older boys. I wish Michael
.. with them.
3. Things are not good in the country. I hope everything .. better. (get)
4. I am tired of hearing your screaming. It is time you .. screaming in my ear!
5. I can't go to the pool with my friends because I can't swim. Oh, I wish I ..
6. Veronica doesn't like calling boys. I really wish she .. me. I want to go out
with her. (call)
7. David and Christian are at the cinema right now. I hope they .. themselves,

8. You are a great guy Jimmy, but I don't love you. I wish I .. you. (love)
9. This party is so boring and Gina is not coming. It is time I .. I'm tired of
being here. (leave)

10. Tommy is a great piano player. I wish I .. the piano just like him. (play)

VI. Read the passage and answer what Molly Hornby used to do when she was young.
Decide which ones are right or wrong.
―I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our
parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we
smoked, and went dancing. We danced to the music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. We also got
the chance to see the Beatles live at a concert once. It was amazing. My father went fishing once
a week. He always wished that I would accompany him, but fishing was not my cup of tea.
Instead my friends and I went for picnics in the surrounding area quite often. My

Right Wrong
Molly Hornby...
...used to do a lot of things which shocked her parents.
...used to cut her hair.
...used to wear long skirts.
...used to sing Elvis Presley‘s songs.
went to a Beatles' concert once.
used to go fishing with her father.
used to go for picnics in the surrounding area quite often.
used to drive to Brighton with her friends and boyfriend.
used to go to the pictures twice a week.
used to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor.

boyfriend had a car, a 1960 Ford Falcon, so he always picked us up and we often drove to

live space signals poor events radio

until transmitted expensive landing one use

Brighton. We went to the pictures twice a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon Brando
and Elizabeth Taylor, especially the 'Reflections in a Golden Eye' starring both of them. I still
love to watch this film. It's my favourite. I can remember it all so clearly.‖ VII. Complete the
passage with the words provided in the box.
All early television was broadcast in black and white. Colour television was possible, but it was
too 1 and of very 2 quality 3 the middle of the 1950s.
Colour television broadcasts began in the United States in 1954, in Japan in 1960 and in Europe
in 1967.
The first 4 on the moon was broadcast 5 on television in 1969, and now
television programs are 6 all over the world immediately through the 7
of satellites that transmit the 8 from the earth, through the 9
and back to the earth.
More people now get their news and information through television than through newspapers
and 10 The development of television is 11 of the most rapid and
exciting 12 of our century.

VIII. Choose the best options A, B, C or D to complete the passage.

It's hard to believe that 1 had computers a few years ago. I wonder how people
lived. There must have been a lot of (2)
I can't imagine writing everything by hand. I also wonder how everything worked 3
computers. We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police, etc. nothing
can work without computers. I'm sure I'd be ten times busier than now if I didn't have a
computer. Imagine having to find (4) paper and an envelope and then walking down
the street to mail a letter! I love my computer. It makes everything in my life so
5 ... Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure I lose some data. But that's not
often. Most of the time my computer is like my best friend.

1. A. no one B. any one C. someone D. no body

2. A. paperworks B. work paper C. paperwork D. paper work
3. A. with B. without C. by D. in
4. A. pieces of B. a piece C. piece of D. a piece of
5. A. convenient B. convenience C. inconvenient D. inconvenience

IX. There are 5 mistakes in this passage. Find out and correct them.
Your corrections
My favourite subjects at school was history. I don't know why. I 1. .
loved reading the story about famous people and famous events. When
I was little, history was just stories. As I got old, I realized history is 2. .
the study of how we got here today. It's a long journey that describes
all the wars, great people, inventions, disasters, etc. that have bring us
3. .
to this point in time. I now love any kind of history. It's fascinating to
visit a new country and learn about its historical. Watching the news
4. .
today is like seeing history unfold. Lots of the things I learnt at school
now make the news more interesting. History provides us with the
5. .
perfect background information to a news story.

X. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words and phrases given.
1. I/ grow up/ small/ town/ northeast/ England/./

2. It / the coast /, / next / sea / . / And / now /1 / live / London /, / which / much / big / place /
compare / to where / I / grew up /./

3. When / I / child /, /I / use / walk / everywhere / . / The / town / small / that / you / could /
walk/ one side / other / and / you / never / really / need / car /. /

4. When /I / young / , / mealtimes / use / quite predictable /./ And / we'd / eat / similar /
foods / every day /, / consist / meat /, / potatoes /, /root vegetables /, / whatever / season / time / .

5. We / never / used / have / very / varied meals /, / whereas / now / my diet / change/ a lot/.
6. I /not /eat / meat / anymore /./

7. I / have / diet / that's all / vegetables / and / fruit / . /

8. I / more / adventure / what /1 / eat / now / than / what /1 / do / when / I / child / . /

XI. Write down at least five things you would change about your home if you were your father.

Example: If I were my father, I would let my son go to school by bicycle himself.






I. Choose a word in each line that has a different stress pattern.

A. surprise B. event C. behave D. damage

A. develop B. understand C. imagine D. consider

A. illiterate B. communicate C. entertainment D.

A. programme B. downtown C. postman
A. importance B. violence C. buffalo D.

II. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct verb/verb phrase from the box with the correct verb

transfer warm up lose play fail toss create

pick up gather catch
Bamboo jacks, a girls‘ game, includes ten thin, round bamboo sticks and a small tennis ball. The

player (1) …………… the ball into the air. While the ball is in the air, she must quickly pick up

the sticks and then (2) …………… the ball. In the first round, the player (3) …………… the

sticks one by one. Next, she (4) …………… two sticks at a time, and so forth up to ten. In these

stages she plays with only one hand.

The peak of the game is the last, most animated stage with all ten sticks in a bundle.

During this stage, the player tosses the ball and then (5) …………… the pack of sticks from one

hand to the other. If a player's hands are not swift or if her eyes are not sharp, or if she (6)

…………… to coordinate the two, she will (7) …………… her turn.

Playing bamboo jacks (8) …………… the body and (9) …………… a lot of fun. During

summer or autumn, small girls (10) …………… it everywhere, from the shade of a village

banyan tree to a deserted market stall.

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.
1. You have to use your . when you read the story. IMAGINE
2. I think corporal is now prohibited in schools.
3. , we used to cook five-colour sticky rice on the first day of the
lunar month.
4. Tom says he can't put up with Mary's any longer.
5. Those over there are friends of both the bride and
groom. ATTEND

6. The photo brought back many happy memories of my CHILD

7. I think riding a bicycle is especially when it rains. CONVENIENCE

8. She said that in her village used to be arranged by MARRY

parents. 9. Thirty years ago only people in the city had the
10. We used to of our home village when we lived

IV. Complete each of the following sentences with used to/ didn’t used to using the verbs from the box.
be buy climb play shop
swim travel walk watch write

1. In my childhood, there so many high buildings here. There were parks.

2. People with pens, but now they use computers.
3. My brother football, but an injure stopped him from playing.
4. In my grandfather's youth, people by car. They rode horses.
5. I to school, but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I ride it every day.
6. My sister when we go to the beach because she was afraid of water.
7. Mr. Lam television in the morning. He did it in the evening.
8. David was a good climber in his youth. He very high mountains.
9. My parents me expensive toys as we were not rich.
10. We in the town market. We bought fish, fruit and vegetables.

V. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. Many children in our village are still They can't read or write.
A. creative B. illiterate C. unhealthy D. traditional
2. We usually ourselves by playing hike and seek or flying kites.
A. behave B. collect C. imagine D. entertain
3. Laura is in the of writing in her dairy every day.
A. habit B. custom C. practice D. generation
4. The children started to each part of the story.
A. go out B. act out C. play out D. cry out
5. "How cool!" is used to express
A. a wish B. a surprise C. an agreement D. an
6. - "He had to work 12 hours every day." appreciation

-― ‖
A. Sure. B. I wish I could go back to that time.
B. How cool! D. I can't imagine that.
7. We all it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think B. hope C. wish D. want
8. I a teddy bear, but I don't have one now.
A. used to having B. used to have C. was use to having D. was used to have
9. Minh wishes he English perfectly well.
A. spoke B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken
10. They go on holiday when they lived in the countryside.
A. not use to B. weren't use to C. didn't use to D. hadn't used to

VI. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.
Cat and Mouse Game
Each game requires between seven and ten people. They stand in a circle, hold hands and (1)

…………… their hands above their (2) …………… Then they start singing the song. One

person is chosen as the cat and (3) …………… as the mouse.

These two stand in the (4) …………… of the circle and lean against each other. When the

others sing the last sentence of the song, the mouse starts to run, and the cat must run (5)

…………… it. However, the cat must run in exactly the same route and manner (6) ……………

the mouse. The cat (7) …………… the game when it catches the mouse. Then, the two exchange

the roles. If the cat runs into the wrong hole, it (8) …………… be dismissed from that round. If

it fails to catch the mouse in a certain (9) …………… of time (usually from three to five

minutes for kindergarten-age children), it will (10) …………… its role with the


The game will then continue.

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank to complete the

Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we are. Obviously, it
is difficult to 1 the life of ancient people and the life of the people living in the
twenty-first century because so many changes have occurred. Then the changes that have (2)
over the last ten years are amazing.
People in the past were not 3 to travel such long distances within such a short period
of time. Nowadays, we have become very mobile. We have fast and 4 cars. In
addition, more and more people travel by plane.
Moreover, in the past people had to work harder as they did not have 5 and
machines to make their work easier. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is (6)
by computers and other powerful machines. In the past 7 of living were
not as comfortable as they are now. Besides many people could not afford 8
appliances like a fridge or a vacuum cleaner because those used to be luxurious goods. Another
difference 9 living now and in the past is the fact that nowadays education is
accessible to everyone. In the past men were mainly the only ones educated and women were not
10 into public or private schools.

1. A. predict B. discuss C. compare D. suppose

2. A. occurred B. considered C. expressed D. arranged
3. A. used B. able C. might D. capable
4. A. skillful B. difficult C. historical D. comfortable
5. A. rules B. tools C. teams D. ideas
6. A. thought B. played C. done D. seen
7. A. conditions B. performances C. stories D. conflicts
8. A. mobile B. physical C. bare-footed D. household
9. A. within B. among C. between D. behind
10. A. allowed B. attended C. agreed D. appeared

VIII. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

My grandmother is more than ninety years old, which makes her the oldest person in the
whole family. Despite her old age, her memory is still fresh. She always tells us that many things
used to be different when she was young.

My grandma used to begin her day very early. She used to start her day at 4 o'clock while
everybody else was still in beds. She used to do all the housework by herself. She used to make
clothes for her children and as for her outdoor work, she used to raise some chickens and sheep
and she also used to help the males to grow vegetables.
There didn't use to be many pastime activities. Her hobby used to be listening to the radio.
In the evening all the family used to sit by the fire in the sitting room where all the family
gathered at night to tell tales or discuss family matters such as weddings, harvest time or to
assign the next day's work.
When a member of the family was ill, she used to show him which herbs to use. She
collected them from the near forest or from the mountain. My grandma used to know so many
effective methods to cure illnesses.
1. How is the memory of the writer's grandmother?

2. What time did she use to start her day?

3. What did she use to do in her pastimes?

4. Where did her family use to sit in the evening?

5. What did she usually do when a member of the family was ill?

IX. Read the text, and identify whether the statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given
On September 2,1945, Viet Nam gained independence from France. President Ho Chi Minh
decided that the three key priorities of the new, independent government would be: fighting
against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders. His new driving philosophy for education was ―an
illiterate nation is a powerless one‖, and in October 1945 he issued a ―Call for antiilliteracy‖.
The President‘s call was a success. Within one year, 75 thousand literacy classes were
established with about 96 thousand teachers to help 2.5 million people learn to read and write.
During the years of French resistance (1946-1954), schools operated in demilitarized
areas. They stopped teaching in French and created curriculum in Vietnamese. The
government passed an education reform in 1950 with the goal of reducing the years of general
education and concentrating on reading, writing, and calculating skills.
1. One of the priorities was to make sure that people could read and write. ☐ ☐ ☐
2. President Ho Chi Minh thought that an illiterate nation did not have ☐☐ ☐
power to gain independence.

Right before gaining the independence, President Ho Chi Minh called ☐☐ ☐


for a struggle against illiteracy. ☐ ☐

☐ ☐
4. The majority of the population could read and write after the campaign
☐ of ☐ ☐
☐ ☐

5. The education reform reduced the number of subjects.

6. It also reduced the years of general education to ten years. 7. According☐ ☐

to the education reform, general education paid much ☐ attention to basic skills.
8. During the years of French resistance, schools operated in areas ☐
without fighting.

X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not
change the form of the given word.

1. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn't. USED

2. The boys want to win the football match. WISH

3. Did you always eat sweets when you were small? USE
4. She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay. WISHES

5. They didn't use to drink coffee when we lived in Japan. NEVER

XI. Use the information below to write two short paragraphs (around 50 words each)
about John and Paula. Use ‘used to’ and ‘didn’t use to’ to talk about their activities
in the past.
When younger Now

• Go to school • Not like reading books

• Never play sports (reason: too tired

• Play football and tennis

• Love sports work)

• Read a lot of books


When younger Now

• Live in Dublin, Ireland
• Live in Spain (was born there)
• Understand everything people say.
• Have problems speaking English
• Stay at home with family at weekends • Go out with friends.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. artic B. occasion C. face D. behave
2. A. event B. vendor C. collect D. gap
3. A. dogsled B. post C. preserve D. strict

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. dogsled B. downtown C. igloo D. fatal

2. A. illiterate B. entertainment C. ability D. especially

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. They like playing tug-of-war and cat and mouse game ………… because playing these games

with the friends is …………

A. almost - funny B. almost - fun C. most - fun D. most - funny

2. Traditional games ………… an important role in children's intellectual life.

A. play B. take C. bring D. make

3. Whenever …………Vietnamese village festivals, you will have a chance to watch a traditional

game - human chess - which is the favourite to a great deal of Vietnamese people.

A. participating B. taking place C. taking part D. taking part in

4. Traditional games ………… as an effective but simple educational method for centuries.
A. were used B. used to used C. had used D. have been used

5. Raising roosters for cockfighting ………… heavy investments in time and labour.
A. requests B. requires C. satisfies D. asks

6. The folk ………… of top spinning still attracts city children despite the popularity of modern

games such as bowling, skateboarding, billiards and video games.

A. pastime B. ceremony C. activity D. enjoyment

7. Although spinning tops are among the simplest of toys, children ………… it one of the most

vivid and exciting games.

A. allow B. let C. make D. keep

8. Women have walked dozens of kilometres to the market ………… twenty- or thirty-kilogram

loads in shoulder poles for generations.

A. carry B. to carry C. to be carried D. carrying

9. Cyclo, a sort of tricycle rickshaw, ………… the most popular means of transport in Viet Nam

in the past.

A. was B. used to C. used to be D. would be

10. We wish LCD projectors ………… still expensive.

A. haven‘t been B. are not C. were not D. hadn‘t been

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
unique history characteristics historical
houses variety popular home

Ha Noi‘s Old Quarter was established hundreds of years ago on the east side of the ancient Thang Long citadel.

In the old days, the Old Quarter, a system of narrow streets, alleys and houses, was (1) ………… to several guilds such

as bronze casting, forging, jewelry making, wood carving, silk and clothes trading. Small, beautifully styled houses built

along with a (2) ………… local culture. Sheets in the Old Quarter still have names describing their original goods or

craft, for example, Hang Bac or ―Silver Street‖. The ground-floor shops of the (3) ………… here now sell handicrafts,

fine arts, and food. But the quarter also has a number of pagodas, temples, (4) ………… relics, and festivals dedicated to

the founders of some of the local crafts. Now, many guild streets, like Hang Quat street, don‘t make fans anymore, but they

are remembered as craft streets. The architecture and lifestyle of the local people reflect typical (5) ………… of

traditional guild streets in Ha Noi.

V. Read the situations and write wishes you want to make for them.
1. Many schools are overcrowded because there are so many children in Viet Nam.
I wish ..
2. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
I wish ..
3. In the Mekong Delta, small children go through some foot bridges in order to get to school.
I wish ..
4. Kindergarten teachers don‘t have training courses in making handmade teaching materials.
I wish ..
5. Children from poor families can‘t go to school because they have to earn money to support their families.
I wish ..

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The Game of Squares

Either boys or girls, usually aged from seven to ten, play the two-person game of "Mandarin's

Box". They draw a rectangle on the ground and (1) ………… it into ten small squares called "rice

fields" or "fish ponds‖.

They also draw two additional semi-circular boxes at the two (2) ………… of the rectangle,

which are called "mandarin's boxes" - the game's name. Each person has 25 small pebbles and a
bigger stone.
Each player places the stone in one of the mandarin's boxes and five small pebbles in each of the
other squares. Then the game begins. The first player takes up the contents of one square on his or her

side of the board, but not a mandarin's box and distributes the pebbles one by one, (3) ………… the

next Square in (4) ………… direction. Since each square contains five pebbles at the beginning, the
first move will distribute five pebbles to the left or right.
After the last pebble is distributed, the player takes the contents of the following square and

repeats the distribution (5) ………… But if the following square is one of the mandarin's boxes, the

turn ends and passes to the other player.

If the last pebble falls into a square that precedes one empty square, the player wins all the

contents of the square following the empty square and (6) ………… these pebbles from the board.

However, if there are two or more empty squares in a row, the player (7) ………… his or her turn.

Once a player has taken pebbles from the board, the turn is (8) ………… to the other player. If

all five squares on one player's side of the board are emptied at any time, that player must place one
pebble he or she has aside back in each of the five squares so that the game can resume. The game (9)

………… until the two mandarins' boxes have both been (10) ………… At the end of the game, the

player with more pebbles wins, each of the large stones counting as ten points.

1. A. share B. divide C. separate D. leave

2. A. ends B. aims C. small points D. stops
3. A. start B. to start C. starting D. having
4. A. no B. all C. both D. either
5. A. actions B. process C. change D. method
6. A. removes B. disappears C. leaves D. ends
7. A. wins B. succeeds C. fails D. loses
8. A. gone B. made C. passed D. rewarded
9. A. starts B. continues C. stops D. pauses
10. A. held B. moved C. taken D. accepted
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each
Viet Nam's Past Educational System

In comparison with other developing countries, Viet Nam‘s population enjoys a relatively high
standard of education. In the past, Viet Nam‘s educational system was affected by many cultures, of
which the Chinese and French had most significant influence.
The Imperial Academy - the first university in Viet Nam - was built in 1076 under Emperor Ly
Nhan Tong for the education of sons of royalty and other high-ranking officials. In 1252, the college
was opened to students from various backgrounds besides royal or official ones.
Before the French came, the old-type Mandarin system administered Viet Nam for
approximately 2,000 years. As the French took over the government‘s administration, it was
converted from a Confucian system into a Western-oriented one.
In order to participate in the civil service under the French rule, the Vietnamese had to convert to
the French system and were required to know the French language. In addition, they had to have a
good facility with the new version of their language instead of the traditional Chinese characters
which had been in use for hundreds of years.
At the beginning of 1900, the whole system was revised. An educational system of three levels
was established: elementary, primary, and secondary education. In addition, the use of the national
language (Quoc Ngu) was added to the curriculum. Emphasis was placed on rote learning, class
discipline and other French educational methods. Several new schools and colleges were established.
Accordingly, French became the second language of much importance to the students.
1. In the past, Viet Nam enjoyed a relatively high standard of education with

A. the effects of the Chinese culture

B. the reign of Emperor Ly Nhan Tong
C. the education of sons of royalty
D. the establishment of the Imperial Academy
2. When the French took control of Vietnamese education, they .
A. made Vietnamese people follow a Western-oriented education B. kept the old-type
Mandarin system and the French education C. converted the French System into the
Confucian one
D. took over the government‘s administration
3. We can infer from the passage that in the French educational system in Viet Nam,
A. the traditional Chinese characters have been widely used
B. the Confucian system was banned in the beginning
C. the national language is the first language and French is the second one
D. students with different academic levels could attend the Imperial Academy since
4. All of the following are true about the education in Viet Nam under the French rule
A. the system had three levels
B. students only used the national language at home
C. most students paid much attention to French
D. several new schools and colleges were established
5. The phrase “rote learning” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to .
A. learning class discipline
B. learning the Mandarin Chinese for a while
C. learning something to repeat it from memory
D. learning the national language in three education levels

VIII. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more
necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.

1. With/ whiteboard/ classroom/ every student/ take part/ lessons.

2. Mistakes/ which/ made/ during guided practice/ easily erased.

3. Nowadays/ smart boards/ provide/ students/ interactive learning environment.

4. Students/ see more diagrams/ charts/ videos/ Internet.

5. Smart boards/ also/ help/ students/ use/ fingers/ write directly/ them.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. snack B. illiterate C. activity D. habit

2. A. fresh B. specific C. entertain D. preservation
3. A. seniority B. seek C. west D. physical

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. facility B. traditional C. historical D. television

2. A. tuberculosis B. seniority C. possibility D. technological

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. Despite changes brought on by industrialisation and modernisation, shoulder poles
the main carriers of 80 percent of the rural population.
A. continue B. exist C. stay D. remain
2. The image of an old lady with the traditional ao dai on a rickshaw on her way back from
the market is still so . for Vietnamese people.
A. meaning B. meaningful C. meaningless D.
3. Furthermore, traditional help to develop their senses, memory, thoughts,
imagination, linguistic capacity and basic concepts about the national culture.
A. habits B. games C. customs D. practices
4. Working as street vendors has created countless jobs, and it has become . in Ha
A. part of life B. parts of life C. part of lives D. life parts
5. ―Quang ganh‖ is two baskets hung from either end of a bamboo pole . the
A. across B. at C. on D. above
6. Viet Nam‘s tug-of-war game was also . as a UNESCO cultural intangible
heritage of humanity in December 2015.
A. realised B. recognised C. allowed D. seen
7. People in Bac Ninh province believe that if the tug-of-war team facing the east wins, it
will bring bumper crops and good luck, and that the situation will be just the . if the
team facing the west wins.
A. different B. same C. other D. opposite
8. The first university that . the western educational system was built in Ha
Noi, in 1919 with the medicine school and 1933 with the law school.
A. requested B. applied C. applied to D. related
9. In the past, white, or violet ao dai . by Vietnamese female students as their
A. wore B. used to wear C. was worn D. would be wear
10. We all wish there .. a smart board in our classroom.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra
academically scholarly exhibition show tradition
symbolic features occasion

Through centuries, one of the most 1 .. elements of a Vietnamese village has been
its gate. However, the image is fast disappearing due to rapid urbanisation. One way of keeping
the image alive is via photography. A n 2 .. entitled ―Old Gates‖ consisted of
nearly 700 photos taken of typical village gates in northern Viet Nam, which opened in Ha Noi
on the 3 .. of the National Cultural Heritage Day. Villages in the north usually
have a main gate and one leading to the rice fields alongside minor gates. Many have
disappeared forever. Gates differ depending on typical village 4 ... A major trading
village such as Cu Da in Ha Noi would have a sizeable gate while more 5 ..
villages would have their gates engraved and decorated.

V. Read the situations and write wishes you want to make for them.

1. The school authorities can‘t set holidays based on local weather conditions.
I wish ..

2. That university often doesn‘t attract enough enrolments for the new school year.
I wish ..

3. We can‘t study the books written by famous scholars in the Ly and Tran dynasties because Chinese
Ming aggressors took them to China.

I wish ..

4. Many small children don‘t learn how to swim so they often suffer-from drowning.
I wish ..

5. Many graduates from colleges don‘t have enough skills to meet the requirements
of their jobs.
I wish ..

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits each blank space in the
following passage.
Rickshaw in Vietnamese Life

It is just simple and ordinary as its 1 ... No noisy sound from engines, no
obscure smoke and no spending too much for commuting. From a long time ago, Vietnamese
people have thought of the rickshaw as a 2 ... means of transportation when going
out. It is not only close-knit to Vietnamese but also connected strongly with the foreigners (3)
... all of them were attracted by this unique means at the first time visiting Viet Nam.
The rickshaw has existed for a long time in Vietnamese life, and become quite necessary as
the 4 ... in a body. Not only the Vietnamese feel 5 ... to rickshaw,
foreigners are also impressed by this unique vehicle. They will be fond of sitting on the rickshaw
for a 6 ... tour around Sword Lake or around on the streets to 7 ...
dreamy and peaceful photos in the ancient citadel.
Traveling in a rickshaw is the time for peacefully 8 ... windy sunset and
bright sunrises on the beach of Nha Trang or Da Nang or elsewhere. How pleasant it is for you to
enjoy a relaxing feeling on the short 9 ... trip.
Viet Nam is becoming more and more modem; however, rickshaw still 10 ...
through the time and has a stand in the minds of the residents.
1. A, presence B. appearance C. judgment D. performance
2. A. shared B. recognized C. friendly D. familiar
3. A. although B. as C. but D. while
4. A. breath B. air C. rest D. recovery
5. A. close B. closed C. closest D. closing
6. A. sight B. sighting C. sightseeing D. sightseer
7. A. catch B. take C. bring D. keep
8. A. welcome B. welcoming C. welcomed D. being welcomed
9. A. city B. town C. urban D. field
10. A. keeps B. continues C. lives D. survives

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question.
For formal ceremonies, men would have two additional items, a long gown with slits on either
side, and a turban, usually in black or brown made of cotton or silk. In feudal times, there were
strict dress codes. Ordinary people were not allowed to wear clothes with dyes rather than black,
brown or white. Costumes in yellow were reserved for the King. Those in purple and red were
reserved for high - ranking court officials, while dresses in blue were exclusively worn by petty
court officials. Men's dress has gradually changed along with social development.
The traditional set of a long gown and turban gave way to more modern-looking suits,
while business shirts and trousers have replaced traditional long sleeved shirts and wide trousers.
Traditional costumes still exist and efforts are increasingly being made to restore traditional
festivals and entertainment which incorporate traditional costumes.
For women, the outer garment is a special silk gown called an ―ao tu than‖ which is brown
or light brown in colour with four slits divided equally on its lower section. The second layer is a
gown in a light yellow colour and the third layer is a pink gown. When a woman wears her three
gowns, she fastens the buttons on the side, and leave those on the chest unfastened so that it
forms a shaped collar. This allows her to show the different colors on the upper part of the three
gowns. Today, on formal occasions women wear ―ao dai‖.

1. In the past, the colour was used to represent

A. the difference between men and women B. formal ceremonies
C. the social development D. the rank in the society
2. In the past, for formal ceremonies men wore
A. costumes in purple or yellow not like the King
B. a long gown and a turban in black or brown
C. costumes made of red cotton or silk
D. dresses in blue as petty court officials
3. Traditional festivals
A. promote traditional costumes B. encourage modem-looking suits
C. replace traditional suits by business ones D. make men‘s dresses change
4. All of the following are true about women‘s traditional costumes EXCEPT that
A. the gowns have different colours on the upper part
B. we can see a shaped collar in the front
C. the two inner gowns cannot be seen
D. the outer gown has four equal parts on its lower section
5. The word “gown” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .
A. a long dress worn on formal occasions
B. a woman‘s dress, especially a long one
C. a long piece of clothing worn by judges
D. a piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes to protect them

VIII. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can
add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.

1. traditional library/ function/ storage/ preservation/ physical items/ particularly

books/ periodicals.
2. Books/ shelves/ divided/ based/ subjects/ and/ readers/ travel/ library/ borrow

3. For/ digital library/ readers/ get/ access/ materials/ house/ Internet.

4. Readers/ browse/ materials/ based/ hyperlinks/ or keywords.

5. With/ digital library/ we/ read/ all the books/ which/ published/ world.


I. New words

Act out (v) /ækt aʊt/ Đóng vai Occasion (n) /əˈkeɪʒn/ Dịp

Arctic (adj) /ˈɑːktɪk/ thu c v Pass on (ph.v) /pɑːs ɒn/ ruy n lại
kể lại
Bắc cực
Bare-footed /ˈbeəfʊtɪd/ Chân ất Post (v) /pəʊst/ Đăng tải
Behave (v) /bɪˈheɪv/ Ngoan biết Snack (n) /snæk/ Đồ ăn vặt
(+oneself) cư xử

Dogsled (n) /ˈdɒɡsled/ Xe chó kéo Street vendor /striːt ˈvendə r / Người bán
(n) hàng rong

Domed (adj) /dəʊmd/ Hình vòm Strict (adj) /strɪkt/ Nghiêm khắc

Downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ Vào trung Treat (v) /triːt/ Cư xử

(adv) tâm thành

Eat out (v) /iːt aʊt/ Ăn ngoài Tradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ ruy n

Entertain (v) /ˌentəˈteɪn/ iải tr Generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ hế hệ

Event (n) /ɪˈvent/ Sự kiện Feather (n) /ˈfeðə r / Lông chim
Face to face /feɪs tʊ feɪs/ rực diện Custom (n) /ˈkʌstəm/ Phong tục
(adv) mặt ối mặt

Facility (n) /fəˈsɪləti/ Phương Funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ Đám tang

tiện tiện
Igloo (n) /ˈɪɡluː/ L u tuyết Bride (n) /braɪd/ Cô dâu
Illiterate (adj) /ɪˈlɪtərət/ hất học Groom (n) /ɡruːm/ Chú rể
Loudspeaker (n) /ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə r / Loa Attendant (n) /əˈtendənt/ Người phục
vụ người
tham gia

Preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ Bảo quản Tug of war /tʌɡ əv wɔː r / Trò kéo co
bảo tồn

Seniority (n) /ˌsiːniˈɔːrəti/ Thâm niên Punishment (n) /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ Sự trừng


Extend (v) /ɪkˈstend/ r ng Dye (v) /daɪ/ Nhu m

Tuberculosis (n) /tjuːˌbɜːkjuˈləʊsɪs/ Bệnh lao Fatal (adj) /ˈfeɪtl/ ai hại
chết người

Barber (n) /ˈbɑːbə r / hợ cắt tóc Bushwalking Cu c i b

(n) nơi hoang

Obesity (n) /əʊˈbiːsəti/ Sự béo phì

II. Grammar:

Wishes for the present

1. Wishes for the present or future:
S1 + wish/ wishes + S2 + V (past simple)
E.g: I wish my friends spent less time playing computer games and more time outdoors.
2. Wishes for something that we want to be happening right at this moment.
S1 + wish/ wishes + S2 + V (past continuous)
E.g: My son wishes he were studying Marketing instead of Hospitality.

I. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. vulnerable B. satellite C. eleven D. element
2. A. character B. publisher C. wonderful D.
3. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful
4. A. arctic B. behave C. event D. facility
5. A. illiterate B. occasion C. relaxed D. sculpture
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. women B. bench C. lend D. spend
2. A. brain B. lamb C. comb D. climb
3. A. phoned B. called C. cooked D. climbed
4. A. surface B. necklace C. face D. palace
5. A. chew B. news C. crew D. screw

III. Complete the sentence using “wish”.

1. He is very short. He wishes .. he were .. taller.
2. They don't have a car. They wish .. they had .. a car.
3. He doesn't have any children. He wishes .. he had .. a child.
4. He is overweight. He wishes .. he were .. thinner.
5. I can't play the piano. I wish .. I could .. play the piano.

IV. Complete with the right words given in the box. You can use the words more than once,
there are some extra.
play dance be use have
go spend jump ride collect

1. She used to play with dolls when she was a child.

2. They didn't use to play any sports.
3. He didn't use to have a scrapbook.
4. When they were younger, they used to go to the beach, ride a
bike and collect comics.
5. I used to be very shy, but I am not anymore.
6. After school, my friend and I used to play chess and hide-and-
7. I used to spend my vacation in a summer camp with my
8. I used to have a pet when I was 5 years old. Now I don't have it

V. Give the right tense of the verbs given and then fill in each space to complete the
1. I don't know where my wallet is. I wish I knew .. where my wallet was.
(know) 2. Michael is in the park playing with the older boys. I wish Michael
weren’t playing .. with them. (play)
3. Things are not good in the country. I hope everything will get .. better. (get) 4. I
am tired of hearing your screaming. It is time you stopped .. screaming in my ear!
5. I can't go to the pool with my friends because I can't swim. Oh, I wish I could
swim .. (swim)
6. Veronica doesn't like calling boys. I really wish she could call .. me. I want
to go out with her. (call)
7. David and Christian are at the cinema right now. I hope they will enjoy ..
themselves, (enjoy)

8. You are a great guy Jimmy, but I don't love you. I wish I loved .. you.
9. This party is so boring and Gina is not coming. It is time I left .. I'm tired
of being here. (leave)
10. Tommy is a great piano player. I wish I could play .. the piano just like

him. (play)

VI. Read the passage and answer what Molly Hornby used to do when she was
young. Decide which ones are right or wrong.
―I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our
parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we
smoked, and went dancing. We danced to the music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. We also
got the chance to see the Beatles live at a concert once. It was amazing. My father went fishing
once a week. He always wished that I would accompany him, but fishing was not my cup of tea.
Instead my friends and I went for picnics in the surrounding area quite often. My boyfriend had a
car, a 1960 Ford Falcon, so he always picked us up and we often drove to Brighton. We went to
the pictures twice a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor,
especially the 'Reflections in a Golden Eye' starring both of them. I still love to watch this film.
It's my favourite. I can remember it all so clearly.‖
Right Wrong
Molly Hornby...
1....used to do a lot of things which shocked her parents.
2...used to cut her hair. R
3....used to wear long skirts. R
4....used to sing Elvis Presley‘s songs. W
5 went to a Beatles' concert once. W
6. used to go fishing with her father. R
7 used to go for picnics in the surrounding area quite often. W
8 used to drive to Brighton with her friends and boyfriend. R
9 used to go to the pictures twice a week. R
10 used to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor. R

VII. Complete the passage with the words provided in the box.

live space signals poor events radio

until transmitted expensive landing one use

All early television was broadcast in black and white. Colour television was possible,
but it was too 1 expensive and of very 2 poor quality 3 until
the middle of the 1950s. Colour television broadcasts began in the United States in
1954, in Japan in 1960 and in Europe in 1967.
The first 4 landing on the moon was broadcast 5 live on television in
1969, and now television programs are 6 transmitted all over the world
immediately through the 7 use of satellites that transmit the 8 signals
from the earth, through the 9 space and back to the earth.
More people now get their news and information through television than through newspapers
and 10 radio The development of television is 11 one of the most
rapid and exciting 12 events of our century.

VIII. Choose the best options A, B, C or D to complete the passage.

It's hard to believe that 1 had computers a few years ago. I wonder how people
lived. There must have been a lot of (2)
I can't imagine writing everything by hand. I also wonder how everything worked 3
computers. We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police, etc. nothing
can work without computers. I'm sure I'd be ten times busier than now if I didn't have a
computer. Imagine having to find 4 paper and an envelope and then walking down
the street to mail a letter! I love my computer. It makes everything in my life so
5 ... Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure I lose some data. But that's not
often. Most of the time my computer is like my best friend.

1. A. no one B. any one C. someone D. no body

2. A. paperworks B. work paper C. paperwork D. paper work
3. A. with B. without C. by D. in
4. A. pieces of B. a piece C. piece of D. a piece of
5. A. convenient B. convenience C. inconvenient D. inconvenience

IX. There are 5 mistakes in this passage. Find out and correct them.
Your corrections

My favourite subjects at school was history. I don't know why. I 1. subject

loved reading the story about famous people and famous events.
When I was little, history was just stories. As I got old, I realized 2. stories .
history is the study of how we got here today. It's a long journey that
describes all the wars, great people, inventions, disasters, etc. that have 3. older .
bring us to this point in time. I now love any kind of history. It's
fascinating to visit a new country and learn about its historical.
4. brought .
Watching the news today is like seeing history unfold. Lots of the
things I learnt at school now make the news more interesting. History
5. history. .
provides us with the perfect background information to a news story.

X. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words and phrases
1. I/ grow up/ small/ town/ northeast/ England/./
I grew up in a small town in the northeast of England.
2. It / the coast /, / next / sea / . / And / now /1 / live / London /, / which / much / big / place
/ compare / to where / I / grew up /./
It was by the coast, next to the sea. And now I live in London, which is a much, much
bigger place compared to where I grew up.
3. When / I / child /, /I / use / walk / everywhere / . / The / town / small / that / you / could /
walk/ one side / other / and / you / never / really / need / car /. /
When I was a child, I used to walk everywhere. The town was so small that you could walk
from one side to the other and you never really needed a car.
4. When /I / young / , / mealtimes / use / quite predictable /./ And / we'd / eat / similar /
foods / every day /, / consist / meat /, / potatoes /, /root vegetables /, / whatever / season / time / .
When I was young, mealtimes used to be quite predictable. And we'd eat similar foods
every day, consisting of meat, potatoes, root vegetables, whatever was in season at the time.
5. We / never / used / have / very / varied meals /, / whereas / now / my diet / change/ a lot/.
/ We never used to have very varied meals, whereas now my diet's changed a lot.
6. I /not /eat / meat / anymore /./ I don't eat meat anymore.
7. I / have / diet / that's all / vegetables / and / fruit / . /
I have a diet that's all about vegetables and fruit.
8. I / more / adventure / what /1 / eat / now / than / what /1 / do / when / I / child / . /
I'm more adventurous in what I eat now than what I did when I was a child.

XI. Write down at least five things you would change about your home if you were your father.

Example: If I were my father, I would let my son go to school by bicycle himself.






I. Choose a word in each line that has a different stress pattern.

1. A. surprise B. event
C. behave D. damage
2. A. develop . understand C imagine D. consider

3. A. illiterate B. communicate C. entertainment D.


4. A.

A. D. e B.

importance B. violence C. buffalo grandparent downtown

postman D. custom
II. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct verb/verb phrase from the box with the correct verb

transfer warm up lose play fail toss create

pick up gather catch

Bamboo jacks, a girls‘ game, includes ten thin, round bamboo sticks and a

small tennis ball. The player (1) …… the ball into the air. While
the ball is in the air, she must quickly pick up the sticks and then (2)
the ball. In the

first picks round, the

up ……… the sticks one by one. Next, she (4) …… gathers……… player (3)

……two sticks at a time, and so forth up to ten. In these stages she plays with only one hand.

The peak of the game is the last, most animated stage with all ten sticks in a bundle.

During this stage, the player tosses the ball and then (5) ……transfers……… the pack of

sticks from one hand to the other. If a player's hands are not swift or if her eyes are not sharp, or

if she

(6) ……her turn.

……… to coordinate the two, she will (7) …
fails …… lose
Playing bamboo jacks (8) …a

lot of fun. During summer or warms the body and (9)

up ………… …… creates………
autumn, small girls (10)

…play………… it everywhere, from the shade of a village banyan tree to a deserted market


III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences. 1.
You have to use your imagination . when you read the story.
2. I think corporal punishment is now prohibited in schools.
3. Traditionally , we used to cook five-colour sticky rice on the
first day of the lunar month.

4. Tom says he can't put up with Mary's behaviour any longer.

attendants over there are friends of both the bride and BEHAVE
5. Those
groom. ATTEND
6. The photo brought back many happy memories of my

7. I think riding a bicycle is inconvenient especially when it
rains. CHILD
8. She said that in her village marriages used to be arranged

9. Thirty years ago only wealthy people in the city had the
10. We used to think of our home village when we lived



IV. Complete each of the following sentences with used to/ didn’t used to using the verbs from the box.
be buy climb play shop
swim travel walk watch write

1. In my childhood, there didn’t use to be so many high buildings here.

There were parks.
2. People used to write with pens, but now they use computers.
3. My brother used to play football, but an injure stopped him from
4. In my grandfather's youth, people didn’t use to travel by car. They
rode horses.
5. I used to walk to school, but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I
ride it every day.
6. My sister didn’t use to swim when we go to the beach because she
was afraid of water.
7. Mr. Lam didn’t use to watch television in the morning. He did it in
the evening.
8. David was a good climber in his youth. He used to climb very high
9. My parents didn’t use to buy me expensive toys as we were not rich.
10. We used to shop in the town market. We bought fish, fruit and

V. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. Many children in our village are still They can't read or write.

A. creative B. illiterate C. unhealthy D. traditional

2. We usually ourselves by playing hike and seek or flying kites.
A. behave B. collect C. imagine D.
3. Laura is in the of writing in her dairy every
A. habit B. custom C. practice D. generation
4. The children started to each part of the story.
A. go out B. act out C. play out D. cry out
5. "How cool!" is used to express

A. a wish B. a surprise C. an agreement D. an appreciation

6. - "He had to work 12 hours every day."
-― ‖
A. Sure. B. I wish I could go back to that time.
B. How cool! D. I can't imagine that.
7. We all it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think B. hope C. wish D. want
8. I a teddy bear, but I don't have one now.
A. used to having B. used to have C. was use to having D. was used to have
9. Minh wishes he English perfectly well.
A. spoke B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken
10. They go on holiday when they lived in the countryside.
A. not use to B. weren't use to C. didn't use to D. hadn't used to
VI. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.
Cat and Mouse Game

Each game requires between seven and ten people. They stand in a circle, hold hands and

(1) ……Then they start

raise……… their hands above their (2) …… heads………
singing the

song. One person is chosen as the cat and (3) ……as the
centre ………
These two stand in the (4) …… of the circle and lean against each

other. When the others sing the last sentence of the song, the mouse starts to

run, and the cat must run (5) …… it. However, the cat must run in exactly the
same route and

manner (6) ……the game when it

as……… the mouse. The cat (7) ……wins………
catches the mouse. Then, the two exchange the roles. If the cat runs into the

wrong hole, it (8) ……be dismissed from that round. If it fails to catch the
in a …… of time (usually from three to five minutes for kindergarten-
certain periodage

(9) ………

children), it will (10)

……… its role with the mouse. The game will
…… continue.

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank to
complete the passage.

Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we are. Obviously, it
is difficult to 1 the life of ancient people and the life of the people living in the
twenty-first century because so many changes have occurred. Then the changes that have (2)
over the last ten years are amazing.
People in the past were not 3 to travel such long distances within such a short period
of time. Nowadays, we have become very mobile. We have fast and 4 cars. In
addition, more and more people travel by plane.
Moreover, in the past people had to work harder as they did not have 5 and
machines to make their work easier. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is (6)
by computers and other powerful machines. In the past 7 of living were
not as comfortable as they are now. Besides many people could not afford 8
appliances like a fridge or a vacuum cleaner because those used to be luxurious goods. Another
difference 9 living now and in the past is the fact that nowadays education is
accessible to everyone. In the past men were mainly the only ones educated and women were not
10 into public or private schools.

1. A. predict B. discuss C. compare D. suppose

2. A. occurred B. considered C. expressed D. arranged
3. A. used B. able C. might D. capable
4. A. skillful B. difficult C. historical D. comfortable
5. A. rules B. tools C. teams D. ideas
6. A. thought B. played C. done D. seen
7. A. conditions B. performances C. stories D. conflicts
8. A. mobile B. physical C. bare-footed D. household
9. A. within B. among C. between D. behind
10. A. allowed B. attended C. agreed D. appeared

VIII. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

My grandmother is more than ninety years old, which makes her the oldest person in the
whole family. Despite her old age, her memory is still fresh. She always tells us that many things
used to be different when she was young.

My grandma used to begin her day very early. She used to start her day at 4 o'clock while
everybody else was still in beds. She used to do all the housework by herself. She used to make
clothes for her children and as for her outdoor work, she used to raise some chickens and sheep
and she also used to help the males to grow vegetables.
There didn't use to be many pastime activities. Her hobby used to be listening to the radio.
In the evening all the family used to sit by the fire in the sitting room where all the family
gathered at night to tell tales or discuss family matters such as weddings, harvest time or to
assign the next day's work.
When a member of the family was ill, she used to show him which herbs to use. She
collected them from the near forest or from the mountain. My grandma used to know so many
effective methods to cure illnesses.
1. How is the memory of the writer's grandmother?
It is still fresh.

2. What time did she use to start her day?

She used to start her day at 4
o’clock. ..
3. What did she use to do in her pastimes?
She used to listen to the
4. Where did her family use to sit in the evening?
They used to sit by the fire in the sitting room

5. What did she usually do when a member of the family was ill?
She usually showed him which herbs to use to cure the illness.

IX. Read the text, and identify whether the statements are True (T), False (F), or Not
Given (NG). On September 2,1945, Viet Nam gained independence from France. President Ho
Chi Minh decided that the three key priorities of the new, independent government would be:
fighting against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders. His new driving philosophy for education was
―an illiterate nation is a powerless one‖, and in October 1945 he issued a ―Call for
antiilliteracy‖. The President‘s call was a success. Within one year, 75 thousand literacy classes
were established with about 96 thousand teachers to help 2.5 million people learn to read and
During the years of French resistance (1946-1954), schools operated in demilitarized
areas. They stopped teaching in French and created curriculum in Vietnamese. The
government passed an education reform in 1950 with the goal of reducing the years of general
education and concentrating on reading, writing, and calculating skills.
1. One of the priorities was to make sure that people could read and write. ☐ ☐ ☐
2. President Ho Chi Minh thought that an illiterate nation did not have ☐ ☐ ☐
power to gain independence.
3. Right before gaining the independence, President Ho Chi Minh called
☐ ☐ ☐
for a struggle against illiteracy.

4. The majority of the population could read and write after the campaign ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐
of anti-illiteracy.
☐ ☐ ☐
5. The education reform reduced the number of subjects.
☐ ☐
6. It also reduced the years of general education to ten years. ☐ 7. According
to the education reform, general education paid much ☐ attention to basic skills.
☐ ☐
8. During the years of French resistance, schools operated in areas ☐
without fighting.

X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible
in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do
not change the form of the given word.

1. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn't. USED

He used to have a lot of money, but now he doesn’t.

2. The boys want to win the football match. WISH

The boys wish they won the football
match. 3. Did you always eat sweets when you
were small? USE

Did you use to eat sweets when you were small.………

4. She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay. WISHES

She wishes she spent her vacation in Ha Long Bay.

5. They didn't use to drink coffee when we lived in Japan.

They never used to drink coffee when they lived in Japan.
XI. Use the information below to write two short paragraphs (around 50 words each)
about John and Paula. Use ‘used to’ and ‘didn’t use to’ to talk about their activities
in the past.
When younger Now

• Go to school • Not like reading books

• Never play sports (reason: too tired

• Play football and tennis

• Love sports work)

• Read a lot of books

I'm John. When I was younger I used to go to school. I used to play football and
tennis. I loved sports. I also used to read a lot of books. Now, I don't like reading books
and I never play sports. I'm too tired after work! (47 words)


When younger Now

• Live in Dublin, Ireland

• Live in Spain (was born there)
• Understand everything people say.
• Have problems speaking English
• Stay at home with family at weekends • Go out with friends.

When I was younger I used to live in Spain, that's where I was born. Now I live in
Dublin, Ireland. I used to have problems speaking English, but now I understand
everything people say to me. At weekends I used to stay at home with my family, but
now I often go out with my friends. (57 words)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. artic B. occasion C. face D. behave
2. A. event B. vendor C. collect D. gap
3. A. dogsled B. post C. preserve D. strict

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. dogsled B. downtown C. igloo D. fatal

2. A. illiterate B. entertainment C. ability D. especially

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. They like playing tug-of-war and cat and mouse game ………… because playing these games

with the friends is …………

A. almost - funny B. almost - fun C. most - fun D. most - funny

2. Traditional games ………… an important role in children's intellectual life.

A. play B. take C. bring D. make

3. Whenever …………Vietnamese village festivals, you will have a chance to watch a traditional

game - human chess - which is the favourite to a great deal of Vietnamese people.

A. participating B. taking place C. taking part D. taking part in

4. Traditional games ………… as an effective but simple educational method for centuries.
A. were used B. used to used C. had used D. have been used

5. Raising roosters for cockfighting ………… heavy investments in time and labour.
A. requests B. requires C. satisfies D. asks

6. The folk ………… of top spinning still attracts city children despite the popularity of modern

games such as bowling, skateboarding, billiards and video games.

A. pastime B. ceremony C. activity D. enjoyment

7. Although spinning tops are among the simplest of toys, children ………… it one of the most

vivid and exciting games.

A. allow B. let C. make D. keep

8. Women have walked dozens of kilometres to the market ………… twenty- or thirty-kilogram

loads in shoulder poles for generations.

A. carry B. to carry C. to be carried D. carrying

9. Cyclo, a sort of tricycle rickshaw, ………… the most popular means of transport in Viet Nam

in the past.

A. was B. used to C. used to be D. would be

10. We wish LCD projectors ………… still expensive.

A. haven‘t been B. are not C. were not D. hadn‘t been

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
unique history characteristics historical
houses variety popular home

Ha Noi‘s Old Quarter was established hundreds of years ago on the east side of the ancient Thang Long citadel.

In the old days, the Old Quarter, a system of narrow streets, alleys and houses, was (1) … home ……… to several guilds
such as bronze casting, forging, jewelry making, wood carving, silk and clothes trading. Small, beautifully styled houses

built along with a (2) … unique ……… local culture. Sheets in the Old Quarter still have names describing their

original goods or craft, for example, Hang Bac or ―Silver Street‖. The ground-floor shops of the (3) … houses ………

here now sell handicrafts, fine arts, and food. But the quarter also has a number of pagodas, temples, (4) … historical

……… relics, and festivals dedicated to the founders of some of the local crafts. Now, many guild streets, like Hang
Quat street, don‘t make fans anymore, but they are remembered as craft streets. The architecture and lifestyle of the local

people reflect typical (5) … characteristics ……… of traditional guild streets in Ha Noi.

V. Read the situations and write wishes you want to make for them.
1. Many schools are overcrowded because there are so many children in Viet Nam.
I wish schools weren’t crowded ..
2. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
I wish my school had playground equipment or extra activities ..
3. In the Mekong Delta, small children go through some foot bridges in order to get to school.
I wish small children in the Mekong Delta didn’t go through some foot bridges in order to get to school
4. Kindergarten teachers don‘t have training courses in making handmade teaching materials.
I wish kindergarten had training courses in making handmade
teaching materials. ..
5. Children from poor families can‘t go to school because they have to earn money to support their families.
I wish children from poor families could go to school.

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The Game of Squares

Either boys or girls, usually aged from seven to ten, play the two-person game of "Mandarin's

Box". They draw a rectangle on the ground and (1) ………… it into ten small squares called "rice

fields" or "fish ponds‖.

They also draw two additional semi-circular boxes at the two (2) ………… of the rectangle,

which are called "mandarin's boxes" - the game's name. Each person has 25 small pebbles and a
bigger stone.
Each player places the stone in one of the mandarin's boxes and five small pebbles in each of the
other squares. Then the game begins. The first player takes up the contents of one square on his or her

side of the board, but not a mandarin's box and distributes the pebbles one by one, (3) ………… the

next Square in (4) ………… direction. Since each square contains five pebbles at the beginning, the
first move will distribute five pebbles to the left or right.
After the last pebble is distributed, the player takes the contents of the following square and

repeats the distribution (5) ………… But if the following square is one of the mandarin's boxes, the

turn ends and passes to the other player.

If the last pebble falls into a square that precedes one empty square, the player wins all the

contents of the square following the empty square and (6) ………… these pebbles from the board.

However, if there are two or more empty squares in a row, the player (7) ………… his or her turn.

Once a player has taken pebbles from the board, the turn is (8) ………… to the other player. If

all five squares on one player's side of the board are emptied at any time, that player must place one
pebble he or she has aside back in each of the five squares so that the game can resume. The game (9)

………… until the two mandarins' boxes have both been (10) ………… At the end of the game, the

player with more pebbles wins, each of the large stones counting as ten points.

1. A. share B. divide C. separate D. leave

2. A. ends B. aims C. small points D. stops
3. A. start B. to start C. starting D. having
4. A. no B. all C. both D. either
5. A. actions B. process C. change D. method
6. A. removes B. disappears C. leaves D. ends
7. A. wins B. succeeds C. fails D. loses
8. A. gone B. made C. passed D. rewarded
9. A. starts B. continues C. stops D. pauses
10. A. held B. moved C. taken D. accepted
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each
Viet Nam's Past Educational System

In comparison with other developing countries, Viet Nam‘s population enjoys a relatively high
standard of education. In the past, Viet Nam‘s educational system was affected by many cultures, of
which the Chinese and French had most significant influence.
The Imperial Academy - the first university in Viet Nam - was built in 1076 under Emperor Ly
Nhan Tong for the education of sons of royalty and other high-ranking officials. In 1252, the college
was opened to students from various backgrounds besides royal or official ones.
Before the French came, the old-type Mandarin system administered Viet Nam for
approximately 2,000 years. As the French took over the government‘s administration, it was
converted from a Confucian system into a Western-oriented one.
In order to participate in the civil service under the French rule, the Vietnamese had to convert to
the French system and were required to know the French language. In addition, they had to have a
good facility with the new version of their language instead of the traditional Chinese characters
which had been in use for hundreds of years.
At the beginning of 1900, the whole system was revised. An educational system of three levels
was established: elementary, primary, and secondary education. In addition, the use of the national
language (Quoc Ngu) was added to the curriculum. Emphasis was placed on rote learning, class
discipline and other French educational methods. Several new schools and colleges were established.
Accordingly, French became the second language of much importance to the students.
1. In the past, Viet Nam enjoyed a relatively high standard of education with
A. the effects of the Chinese culture
B. the reign of Emperor Ly Nhan Tong
C. the education of sons of royalty
D. the establishment of the Imperial Academy
2. When the French took control of Vietnamese education, they . A. made
Vietnamese people follow a Western-oriented education
B. kept the old-type Mandarin system and the French education C.
converted the French System into the Confucian one
D. took over the government‘s administration
3. We can infer from the passage that in the French educational system in Viet Nam, .
A. the traditional Chinese characters have been widely used
B. the Confucian system was banned in the beginning
C. the national language is the first language and French is the second one
D. students with different academic levels could attend the Imperial Academy since
4. All of the following are true about the education in Viet Nam under the French rule
A. the system had three levels
B. students only used the national language at home
C. most students paid much attention to French
D. several new schools and colleges were established
5. The phrase “rote learning” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to .
A. learning class discipline
B. learning the Mandarin Chinese for a while
C. learning something to repeat it from memory
D. learning the national language in three education levels

VIII. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more
necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.

1. With/ whiteboard/ classroom/ every student/ take part/ lessons.

With a whiteboard in the classroom, every student can take part in the lessons.
2. Mistakes/ which/ made/ during guided practice/ easily erased.
Mistakes which are made during guided practice can be easily erased.
3. Nowadays/ smart boards/ provide/ students/ interactive learning environment.
Nowadays, smart boards provide students with an interactive learning environment.
4. Students/ see more diagrams/ charts/ videos/ Internet.
Students can see more diagrams, charts, videos from the Internet.
5. Smart boards/ also/ help/ students/ use/ fingers/ write directly/ them.
Smart boards also help students to use their fingers to write directly on them.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. snack B. illiterate C. activity D. habit

2. A. fresh B. specific C. entertain D. preservation
3. A. seniority B. seek C. west D. physical

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. facility B. traditional C. historical D. television

2. A. tuberculosis B. seniority C. possibility D. technological

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. Despite changes brought on by industrialisation and modernisation, shoulder poles
the main carriers of 80 percent of the rural population.
A. continue B. exist C. stay D. remain
2. The image of an old lady with the traditional ao dai on a rickshaw on her way back from
the market is still so . for Vietnamese people.
A. meaning B. meaningful C. meaningless D.
3. Furthermore, traditional help to develop their senses, memory, thoughts,
imagination, linguistic capacity and basic concepts about the national culture.
A. habits B. games C. customs D. practices
4. Working as street vendors has created countless jobs, and it has become . in Ha
A. part of life B. parts of life C. part of lives D. life parts
5. ―Quang ganh‖ is two baskets hung from either end of a bamboo pole . the
A. across B. at C. on D. above
6. Viet Nam‘s tug-of-war game was also . as a UNESCO cultural intangible
heritage of humanity in December 2015.
A. realised B. recognised C. allowed D. seen
7. People in Bac Ninh province believe that if the tug-of-war team facing the east wins, it
will bring bumper crops and good luck, and that the situation will be just the . if the
team facing the west wins.
A. different B. same C. other D. opposite
8. The first university that . the western educational system was built in Ha
Noi, in 1919 with the medicine school and 1933 with the law school.
A. requested B. applied C. applied to D. related
9. In the past, white, or violet ao dai . by Vietnamese female students as their
A. wore B. used to wear C. was worn D. would be wear
10. We all wish there .. a smart board in our classroom.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra
academically scholarly exhibition show tradition
symbolic features occasion

Through centuries, one of the most 1 symbolic .. elements of a

Vietnamese village has been its gate. However, the image is fast disappearing due to rapid
urbanisation. One way of keeping the image alive is via photography. A n 2 exhibition
.. entitled ―Old Gates‖ consisted of nearly 700 photos taken of typical village gates in
northern Viet Nam, which opened in Ha Noi on the 3 occasion .. of the National
Cultural Heritage Day. Villages in the north usually have a main gate and one leading to the rice
fields alongside minor gates. Many have disappeared forever. Gates differ depending on typical
village 4 features ... A major trading village such as Cu Da in Ha Noi would have
a sizeable gate while more 5 scholarly .. villages would have their gates engraved
and decorated.

V. Read the situations and write wishes you want to make for them.

1. The school authorities can‘t set holidays based on local weather conditions.
I wish the school authorities could set holidays based on local weather conditions.

2. That university often doesn‘t attract enough enrolments for the new school year.
I wish that university often attracted/ could attract enough enrolments for the new school year.

3. We can‘t study the books written by famous scholars in the Ly and Tran dynasties because Chinese
Ming aggressors took them to China.
I wish we could study the books written by famous scholars in the Ly and Tran dynasties.

4. Many small children don‘t learn how to swim so they often suffer-from drowning.
I wish many small children learned how to swim.

5. Many graduates from colleges don‘t have enough skills to meet the requirements
of their jobs.
I wish graduates from colleges had enough skills to meet the requirements of their jobs...

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits each blank space in the
following passage.
Rickshaw in Vietnamese Life
It is just simple and ordinary as its 1 ... No noisy sound from engines, no
obscure smoke and no spending too much for commuting. From a long time ago, Vietnamese
people have thought of the rickshaw as a 2 ... means of transportation when going
out. It is not only close-knit to Vietnamese but also connected strongly with the foreigners (3)
... all of them were attracted by this unique means at the first time visiting Viet Nam.
The rickshaw has existed for a long time in Vietnamese life, and become quite necessary as
the 4 ... in a body. Not only the Vietnamese feel 5 ... to rickshaw,
foreigners are also impressed by this unique vehicle. They will be fond of sitting on the rickshaw
for a 6 ... tour around Sword Lake or around on the streets to 7 ...
dreamy and peaceful photos in the ancient citadel.
Traveling in a rickshaw is the time for peacefully 8 ... windy sunset and
bright sunrises on the beach of Nha Trang or Da Nang or elsewhere. How pleasant it is for you to
enjoy a relaxing feeling on the short (9) ... trip.
Viet Nam is becoming more and more modem; however, rickshaw still 10 ...
through the time and has a stand in the minds of the residents.
1. A. presence B. appearance C. judgment D. performance
2. A. shared B. recognized C. friendly D. familiar
3. A. although B. as C. but D. while
4. A. breath B. air C. rest D. recovery
5. A. close B. closed C. closest D. closing
6. A. sight B. sighting C. sightseeing D. sightseer
7. A. catch B. take C. bring D. keep
8. A. welcome B. welcoming C. welcomed D. being welcomed
9. A. city B. town C. urban D. field
10. A. keeps B. continues C. lives D. survives

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question.
For formal ceremonies, men would have two additional items, a long gown with slits on either
side, and a turban, usually in black or brown made of cotton or silk. In feudal times, there were
strict dress codes. Ordinary people were not allowed to wear clothes with dyes rather than black,
brown or white. Costumes in yellow were reserved for the King. Those in purple and red were
reserved for high - ranking court officials, while dresses in blue were exclusively worn by petty
court officials. Men's dress has gradually changed along with social development.
The traditional set of a long gown and turban gave way to more modern-looking suits,
while business shirts and trousers have replaced traditional long sleeved shirts and wide trousers.
Traditional costumes still exist and efforts are increasingly being made to restore traditional
festivals and entertainment which incorporate traditional costumes.
For women, the outer garment is a special silk gown called an ―ao tu than‖ which is brown
or light brown in colour with four slits divided equally on its lower section. The second layer is a
gown in a light yellow colour and the third layer is a pink gown. When a woman wears her three
gowns, she fastens the buttons on the side, and leave those on the chest unfastened so that it
forms a shaped collar. This allows her to show the different colors on the upper part of the three
gowns. Today, on formal occasions women wear ―ao dai‖.

1. In the past, the colour was used to represent

A. the difference between men and women B. formal ceremonies
C. the social development D. the rank in the society
2. In the past, for formal ceremonies men wore
A. costumes in purple or yellow not like the King
B. a long gown and a turban in black or brown
C. costumes made of red cotton or silk
D. dresses in blue as petty court officials
3. Traditional festivals
A. promote traditional costumes B. encourage modem-looking suits
C. replace traditional suits by business ones D. make men‘s dresses change
4. All of the following are true about women‘s traditional costumes EXCEPT that ..
A. the gowns have different colours on the upper part
B. we can see a shaped collar in the front
C. the two inner gowns cannot be seen
D. the outer gown has four equal parts on its lower section
5. The word “gown” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .
A. a long dress worn on formal occasions
B. a woman‘s dress, especially a long one
C. a long piece of clothing worn by judges
D. a piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes to protect them

VIII. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You
can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.

1. traditional library/ function/ storage/ preservation/ physical items/ particularly books/

A traditional library has the function of storage and preservation of physical items, particularly
books and periodicals.

2. Books/ shelves/ divided/ based/ subjects/ and/ readers/ travel/ library/ borrow books. Books
on the shelves are divided based on the subjects and readers have to travel to the library
to borrow books.
3. For/ digital library/ readers/ get/ access/ materials/ house/ Internet.
For a digital library, readers can get the access to materials from their house through the Internet.
4. Readers/ browse/ materials/ based/ hyperlinks/ or keywords.
Readers can browse the materials based on hyperlinks or keywords.
5. With/ digital library/ we/ read/ all the books/ which/ published/ world.
With a digital library, we can read all the books which have been published in the world.
I. New words:
administrati /ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv thuộc về picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ đ p, gây ấn
ve (adj) / hoặc liên (adj) tư ng mạnh
quan đến phong cảnh
việc quản
l ; h nh

astounding /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/ l m s ng recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ sự công nhận,

(adj) s ,l m (n) sự
sửng sốt th a nhận
cavern (n) /ˈkævən/ hang l n, rickshaw (n) /ˈrɪkʃɔː/ xe xích lô, xe
động kéo

citadel (n) /ˈsɪtədəl/ th nh lu , round (in a /raʊnd/ hiệp, vòng

thành tri game) (n) (trong trò
complex (n) /ˈkɒmpleks/ khu liên sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə r / b c tư ng
h p, qu n điêu khắc

contestant /kənˈtestənt/ đấu th , thí setting (n) /ˈsetɪŋ/ khung cảnh,

(n) sinh môi trư ng

fortress (n) /ˈfɔːtrəs/ ph o đ i spectacular /spekˈtækjələ r / đ p mắt,

(adj) ngoạn m c,
h ng vĩ
geological /ˌdʒiːəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ thuộc đ a structure (n) /ˈstrʌktʃə r / công trình
(adj) chất kiến tr c,
công trình
xây dựng
limestone /ˈlaɪmstəʊn/ đ vôi tomb (n) /tuːm/ ngôi mộ
measure (n) /ˈmeʒə r / biện ph p,

paradise (n) /ˈpærədaɪs/ thiên

đư ng

II. Grammar:
1. Passive voice: Impersonal passive
Form: It + to be + past participle + that + S + V
We use the impersonal passive to express other people‘s opinions. It can be used with
reporting verbs, including say, think, believe, know, hope, expect, report, understand,
claim, etc.
Active Passive
People think he is a great teacher It is thought that he is a great teacher.
People say she works 16 hours a day. It is said that she works 16 hours a day.
They reported that two people had been It was reported that two people had been
injured in the accident. injured in the accident.

1.. It is believed that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April.
2. It is reported that thousands of visitors come to enjoy breathtaking views of Ha Long
Bay every year.
3. It is claimed that Phong Nha - Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum
4. It is understood that Binh Dai Fortress was designed to control movement on the
Perfumed River.
5. It is expected the government will have measures to protect and preserve our manmade
2. suggest + V-ing/clause with should
After the verb suggest, we can use V-ing or a clause with should:
• S + suggest + V-ing
• S + suggest + (that) + S + (should) + bare infi nitive
* We use suggest + V-ing/clause with should to tell someone our ideas about what
they should do, where they should go, etc.
Example: I suggest that we should go out to eat.
I suggested going in my car.
* We can also use suggest + V-ing/clause with should to report someone‘s ideas about
what someone else should do, or what they should do themselves.
- Her mother suggested going to see the doctor.
- The government suggested closing a number of primary schools.
- The professor suggested that the students should read a number of books before the
III. Pronunciation: Stress on short words in sentences
I. Choose the word whose iriain stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. refreshment B. horrible C. exciting D. intention
2. A. detective B. romantic C. history D. adventure
3. A. biography B. historic C. discover D. authorship
4. A. essential B. furniture C. opposite D. fortunate
5. A. coincide B. community C. conception D. committee
II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences.
1. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a complex that .. royal
palaces and monuments.
A. consist of B. consists of C. consists on D. consist on

2. It is reported that .. come to enjoy beautiful view of Binh

Dai Fortress every year.
A. thousands of visitors B. thousand of visitors
c. thousands visitors D. thousands of visitor
3. I suggest the government should .. the number of visitors
every day.
A. limiting B. limited c. limit D. limits

4. Perfume pagoda Is a religious site .. being a great sightseeing

spot In Viet Nam.
A. the same as B. as well as c. such as D. and
5. .. that the temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru In the 15th
A. It is think B. It was thought c. They thought D. It is thought

6. Nowadays, Perfume pagoda ... .. large numbers of pilgrims from all over Viet
A. attracts B. attracted c. attracting D. attract
7. The teacher suggested that the students .. all their homework before going
to bed.
A. must finish B. finish C. finished D. should finish

8. It is hoped that many defensive measures .. to protect and

preserve our man-made wonders.
A. is taken B. will take C. will be taken D. are taken

9. Many valuable things .. .. and destroyed from man-made wonders in

the world.
A. have been stolen B. has been stolen
A. are stolen D. will be stolen
10. It is said that Ha Long Bay is a magical place, attracting more tourists than ever since
UNESCO's .. of this beautiful spot.
A. recognize B. recognition C. recognizing D. recognizes

III. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box.
geological setting complex rickshaw limestone fishing architectural

1. Like a local you should take an afternoon .. ride

through the bustling streets of Ha Noi Old Quarter.
2. We can continue our journey and explore the fastinating Cua Van floating
.. village in Ha Long Bay.

3. With outstanding .. values, ha Long Bay was

recognized as the world natural haritage site twice in 1994 and 2000.

4. Ha Long Bay is also home to high .. with typical

ecosystems and thousands of fauna and flora species.

5. Located in the .. mountains of Phong Nha - Ke Bang

nationl Park, Son Duong Cave was explored by a group of scientists from
British Cave Research Association.
6. The Hue Citadel, which is a .. of monuments, has been
officially recognized by the UNESCO as a World Hesitate Site.
7. Hue is placed in a wonderful ..: the Ngu Binh Mountain
in the south, the sand dunes of Con Hen and Con Da Vien on the Perfume
River as "dragon on the left, tiger on the right" to protect the citadel.
8. Most of the buildings in Hoi An, which reflect the traditional
.. style of the 18th and 19th centuries, are carefully preserved.

IV. Give the correct form of the word in capitals to complete each of the following
1. There are many sculptures along the .. . to the ENTER
main temple.

2. Protecting natural wonders brings both social and FINANCE

.. . benefits.

3. Phong Nha - Ke Bang can be compared to a precious GEOLOGY

.. . museum.

4. The snow features six .. . from different parts of CONTEST

the country.
5. Chua Keo in Thai Binh province is a .. . pagoda WOOD
which was built about 400 years ago.

6. Many more tourists have visited Ha Long Bay since UNESCO's RECOGNISE
.. . of this beautiful spot.

7. Bai Dinh Pagoda is .. . site which is located in RELIGION

Ninh Binh Province.

8. May I have a .. . about the trip to Cuc Phuong SUGGEST

National Park next week?

9. My most .. . experience was my trip to Hoi An in FORGET

the summer of 2015.

10. We got a lot of .. . from our holiday in Da Nang ENJOY

last year.

V. Read the paragraphs below and choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs.
A. Fansipan
B. Best Times to Explore Fansipan
C. Fansipan Travel Tips
D. Fansipan Quick Facts Ei
E. Where is Fansipan
F. Best Ways to See and Experience Fansipan

.. ..
* tallest mountain in Viet Nam
* Reaches a height of 10,312 feet (3,143 m)
* Features a varied topography
* Fansipan is the tallest mountain in Viet Nam as well as the entire Indochina (Viet
Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) area. The summit reaches a height of 10,312 feet (3,143
meters . It is nicknamed, ―the Roof of Indochina.‖
* The mountain of Fansipan features a varied topography. There is a monument at the
summit celebrating the ascent.
3. .. .
Fansipan is in the northwest region of the country. It is found in the Lao Cai Province in
the Hoang Lien Son mountain range.
The coordinates of then mountain are 22°18'12" N and 103°46'30" E.
4. ..
Climbing the mountain is the anticipated way of experiencing the mountain. The climb is
challenging featuring a fairly steep ascent. Although it technically can be climbed with a
descent in a single day, it is hard to find a tour company to take on that plan. The
majority of ascents of Fansipan are 2 to 3 days with two days being the more common. A
three day trip is a more leisurely ascent with more time for acclimation. There is a small
village found near 4,920 feet (1,500 m) where rest and securing food can happen.
Another opportunity for camping overnight occurs at 9.190 feet (2,800 m). The cost of
the tour and ascent of the mountain usually includes the fees associated with using the
5. ..
The country frequently experiences rain and sunshine is common as well. The weather
usually consists of high humidity, December through March can result in cold
temperatures for the northern mountain area where Fansipan is located.
July and August is the monsoon season with hot and humid weather conditions. This is
probably the best time to visit the northern mountain area for warmer temperatures for
trekking up the mountain.
6. ..
The country is long which means it Is easy for weather conditions to vary from one
region to the next. The summer months are the monsoon season delivering high humidity
and hot temperatures. This can be uncomfortable for exploring Viet Nam, but it can be
the ideal time for trekking through the northern mountain area of the country.

VI. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.
Da Lat - dream city

Da Lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Center Highland province of Lam Dong, 300 km
north of Ho Chi Minh City. Da Lat is a well-known city 1 all people
who have been there once. Da Lat is known 2 a city of pine trees,
waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a forest of flowers with
3 colours and various species. Flowers can be found
4 and in any season. We can see flowers in Da Lat in the park,
5 of the houses, in the gardens etc. Da Lat has the widest range of
orchild varieties in the country. Da Lat has 6 rivers and canals but it
has many picturesque waterfalls. It takes tourists several days 7 all the
waterfalls in the area. The famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 km 8 the
town center. The Prenn Falls is 10 km in the south of Da Lat. The water
9 now like a white shade. Da Lat people are very
10 of it. They always boast to tourists about it in the first place.
Around the Prenn Falls is the valley of various flowers and pine hills.
1. A. exciting B. attracting C. suggesting D. believing
2. A. as B. like C. same D. similar
3. A.different B. general C. official D. astounding
4. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
5. A. behind B. next to C. opposite D. in front
6. A. few B. little C. much D. lots
7. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited
8. A. in B. at C. to D. from
9. A. falls B. goes C. pours D. walks
10. A. pride B. priding C. prided D. proud

VII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage.
... In the spring of 2009, Sims was a member of the first expedition to enter Son Doong
Cave, or ―mountain river cave,‖ in a remote 1 .. of central
Viet Nam. Hidden in rugged Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park near the border with
Laos, the cave is part of a network of 150 or so Caves, many still not surveyed, in the
Animate Mountains. During the first expedition, the team explored two and a half miles
of Son Doong Cave before a 200-foot wall of muddy calcite stopped them.
They 2 .. it the Great Wall of Viet Nam. Above it they could
out an open space and traces of light, but they had no idea what lay on the other side. A
year 3 .., they have returned - seven hard-core British cavers,
a few scientists, and a crew of porters - to climb the wall, if they can, measure the
passage, and push on, if possible, all the way to the end of the (4)
The trail disappears before me into a difficult pile of breakdown - building-size blocks
of stone that 5 .. fallen from the ceiling and crashed onto the
cave floor. I crane my head back, but the immensity of the cave douses my headlamp's
tiny light, as if I were staring up into a starless night sky. I've been told I'm inside a
space large enough to park a 747, but I have no way to know; the darkness (6)
.. like a sleeping bag pulled over my head.
I switch off my headlamp just to feel the depth of 7
darkness. At first there is nothing. But then, as my pupils adjust, I'm surprised to make
out a faint, ghostly light ahead. I pick my way through the rubble, almost running from
excitement, rocks scattering beneath my feet and echoing in the invisible Chamber.
Traversing up a steep slope, I turn a ridge as if on a mountainside and am stopped in my
An enormous shaft of sunlight plunges into the cave like a waterfall. The hole in the
ceiling through which the light cascades is unbelievably large, at (8)
..300 feet across. The light, penetrating deep into the cave,
reveals for the first time the mind-blowing proportions of Son Doong Cave. The
passage is perhaps 300 feet wide, the ceiling nearly 800 feet tall: room enough for an
entire New York City block of 40-story buildings. 9 .. are
actually wispy clouds up near the ceiling.
The light beaming from above reveals a tower of calcite on the cave floor that is more
than 200 feet tall, smothered by ferns, palms, and other jungle plants. Stalactites hang
around the edges of the massive skylight like petrified icicles. Vines dangle hundreds of
feet from the surface; swifts are diving and cutting in the brilliant column of sunshine.
The tableau could have been created 10 .. an artist imagining
how the world looked millions of years ago....

VIII. Rearrange the words and phrases to make meaningful sentence.

1. Phong Nha-Ke Bang / in / the 2 largest / is / the most spectacular / National Park /
wilderness sites / South East Asia / and / one of / limestone regions / one of / in the

2. Son Doong Cave / was / in 2009 /, / explored / in / discovered / 2011 / by / a / and /
now open / British caving team /to / a limited number / from 2014 / of tourist / . /

3. The / world famous / Ha Long Bay / probably / one of / is / the most / Wonders /
fabulous natural / in Viet Nam / . . /

4. Hue / once / the / capital of / was / the / emperors / of /, / and / Viet Nam / it's/an
amazing place/to/for/an/ visit/on/ history/lesson/location/./

5. Ha Noi / is /, / and / you'll / find / Viet Nam's capital city / it / on / banks / of the / Red
River / the / with / Hoan Kiem Lake / right/ its heart / at/ . /


IX. Rewrite the following sentences using the impersonal passive.

1. People say that Ha Long Bay consists of about 2000 islands.

2. They thought that the temple had been destroyed by a fine.

3. The police have reported there is an accident on the way out to Sa Pa.

4. We are expecting the park will be recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO
next year.

5. Many people will claim the rule of the game is too complicated.

6. We know that Trang An Landscape Complex was selected for filming "Kong: Skull

7. Everyone believe Son Duong Cave is one of the largest caves in the world.

8. They estimated one million foreign tourists visited Vietnam in December 2015.

9. We have understood that protecting natural wonders has many benefits.

10. People hope that this complex of monuments will be open to the public soon.

X. Use the information below to write a passage of about 200 words about Trang An
Scenic Landscape Complex
Name Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
Location Ninh Binh province; 100 km south of Hanoi
Reason for • spectacular place
choosing the • Filming Kong: Skull Islands
place • UNESCO's World Heritage Site in 2014
• Called "Ha Long Bay on land"; caves, mountains, valleys, trees and
historic relics.
Main feature of • 10,000 ha
the place • Trang An Eco-tourist Site: considered an outdoor geological
museum; Bai Dinh Pagoda: largest pagoda in Vietnam and Southeast

• Tam Coc- Bich Dong Landscape: very beautiful, particularly in
• Hoa Lu: ancient capital of Viet Nam in the 10th and the 11th century.

Comments and A very unique example of human history, not only Viet Nam but also
feelings about the region. Combination of both natural and cultural values.
the place

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is prohouhced differently. Circle the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

1. A. ordinary B. pollution C. doctor D. alcohol

2. A. gather B. there C. ethnic D. although
3. A. accompany B. fascinating C. discriminate D. scoreboard
4. A. mutual B. initiate C. picture D. question
A. sufferings B. disasters C. species D.monuments

II. Choose the word or phrase in the box which has the same meaning as the
underlined toord/phrase in each of the following sentences.

coffee stone tortoises Da Nang Ha Noi

Sai Gon educational institution

1. The Vietnamese are especially proud of their historic capital city. The old quarter of
Ha Noi dates back to the 11th century.
2. Ha Noi's peaceful 'Van Mieu', or Temple of Literature, is Viet Nam's oldest
educational institution. The Confucius inspired university was established for the
education of mandarins.
3. Around the central courtyard of Van Mieu stand 82 stone tortoises. These beautiful
ancient sculptures were built to honour the men who received doctorates in triennial
4. While most tourists neglect Viet Nam's fourth- largest city in favour of nearby Hue
and Hoi An, it has considerable charm in its own right.
5. Another tourists' favourite is Sai Gon which was renamed Ho Chi Minh City
following its fall in 1975. However, the old name is still used by both Vietnamese and
foreigners, especially when referring to the most central part of the city.
6. The Vietnamese love a good cup of coffee. In the central market of Sai Gon, many
small shops offer samples of this favourite beverage, individually brewed with a small
metal French drip filter, and served with condensed milk.

III. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the passage. One
of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a
monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720
Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its 1. construct make
it one of truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen-acre structure near the Nile River
is a solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number (2. hide")
passageways and the burial chamber for the pharaoh. It is the
largest single structure in the world. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost
exactly on true north, south, east, and west - an 3. credible
engineering feat, the ancient Egyptians were sun worshippers and great astronomers, so
computations for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical (4. observe)
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the
structure reveal many intersecting lines. Further 5 . science
study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events - past, present and future.
Many of the events have been 6. interpret and found to
coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for the future generations
anti are currently under 7. investigate Many believe that
pyramids have supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some (8. research)
even associate it with extraterrestrial beings of the ancient past.
Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior to
any known today?

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

Two great things about Hoi An's Old Town are that it is (1) _______________ enough to
get around in on foot and the traffic is nowhere near as heavy as in bigger cities. Some of
the streets only (2) ________ bike and motorbike traffic and some are (3) ___ only.
These factors make Hoi An even more inviting for most travelers to Viet Nam, especially
those who have passed through frenetic Ho Chi Minh City (aka Sai Gon) or Ha Noi.
Many buildings in the Old Town were constructed over a century ago and feature strong
Chinese influences stemming (4) merchants from Guangzhou, Fujian, Chiu Chow
and Hainan. Some of the wooden signboards bearing the company names are carved and
gilded in Chinese characters, f5V the strong presence of the Chinese in Hoi An ever
since its (6) _________ times. Tradition is still very much alive in the Old Town. Even
though many of the old shops have been converted to modern businesses aimed at tourists
including countless tailors, souvenir shops, art galleries, restaurants and (7)
________________________ , all have been converted (8) care to preserve the past.
Happily, all Hoi An's major attractions or (9) __________________________ are located
within walking distance of each other including the Japanese covered bridge, the Chinese
assembly halls, Guan Yin Temple, the museum of history and culture and the
Tran 10 . Home and chapel.
1. A. small B. large C. wide D. narrow
2. A. permit B. allow C. authorize D. ask
3. A. walker B. pedestrian C. people D. tourist
4. A. on B. in C. of D. from
5. A. to reflect B. reflected C. reflecting D. being reflected
6. A. advantage B. strong C. prosperous D. benefit
7. A. coffee B. café C. café noir D. Cafeteria
8. A. with B. into C. of D. on
9. A. ground B. land C. landmark D. yard
10. A. familiar B. familiarity C. familiarize D. family

V. There are 10 mistakes in this passage. Find out and correct them.
Your corrections
... Another man-made beach completed our list. The 1.
Bai Chay can be explain in a historic story. This is where 3
supplying ships of the invading Mongol force attacked
burnt by Vietnamese people in the 13 century. Some
burnt 7
ships were drifted to the island, setting the forest along
the 9
beach at fire, hence the name (Bai Chay in Vietnamese
means ―Burning Beach‖ .
Bai Chay Beach is only 500 meters long but about 100
meters widely. Of the five beaches, this is most crowded

vibrant one. It is packed of several restaurants


for seafood, a water-puppet theater, a traditional music

theater, a theme park... There is also surfing and

for those people love sports.

VI. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words and phrases
given. Dear Hien,
1. We / have / interesting / time / Hoi An / . /
2. The streets / here / narrow / that / cars / not / allow / center / town / . /
3. Therefore /, / we / have / walk /. / The / houses / very / old / but/ beautiful /. /
4. However / , / I / not / like / way / they / business / here / . /
5. It / seem / that / every / house / shop / sell / souvenirs / and / other stuffs /. /
6. The people / very / friend / and / help /. /
7. The / food / look / fun / but / it / taste / quite / nice / . /
8. I / not / have / buy / anything / you / . /
9. But / I / buy / you / some / little / colour / lanterns / . /
10. See / you / next week / . /
I. Choose the word whose iriain stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. refreshment B. horrible C. exciting D. intention
2. A. detective B. romantic C. history D. adventure
3. A. biography B. historic C. discover D. authorship
4. A. essential B. furniture C. opposite D. fortunate
5. A. coincide B. community C. conception D. committee
II. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences.
1. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a complex that ..
royal palaces and monuments.
B. consist of B. consists of C. consists on D. consist
2. It is reported that .. come to enjoy beautiful view of Binh
Dai Fortress every year.
A. thousands of visitors B. thousand of visitors
c. thousands visitors D. thousands of visitor
3. I suggest the government should .. the number of visitors
every day.
A. limiting B. limited c. limit D. limits

4. Perfume pagoda Is a religious site .. being a great sightseeing

spot In Viet Nam.
A. the same as B. as well as c. such as D. and

5. .. that the temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru In the 15th
A. It is think B. It was thought c. They thought D. It is thought

6. Nowadays, Perfume pagoda ... .. large numbers of pilgrims from all over Viet
A. attracts B. attracted c. attracting D. attract

7. The teacher suggested that the students .. all their homework before
going to bed.
A. must finish B. finish C. finished D. should finish

8. It is hoped that many defensive measures .. to protect and

preserve our man-made wonders.
A. is taken B. will take C. will be taken D. are taken
9. Many valuable things .. .. and destroyed from man-made wonders in
the world.
A. have been stolen B. has been stolen
B. are stolen D. will be stolen
10. It is said that Ha Long Bay is a magical place, attracting more tourists than ever since
UNESCO's .. of this beautiful spot.
A. recognize B. recognition C. recognizing D. recognizes

III. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct word from the box.
geological setting complex rickshaw limestone fishing architectural
1. Like a local you should take an afternoon .. ride through the
bustling streets of Ha Noi Old Quarter.
2. We can continue our journey and explore the fastinating Cua Van floating

.. village in Ha Long Bay.

3. With outstanding .. values, ha Long Bay was recognized as the

world natural haritage site twice in 1994 and 2000.

4. Ha Long Bay is also home to high .. with typical eco-systems and

thousands of fauna and flora species.
5. Located in the .. mountains of Phong Nha - Ke Bang nationl Park,
Son Duong Cave was explored by a group of scientists from British Cave Research
6. The Hue Citadel, which is a .. of monuments, has been officially
recognized by the UNESCO as a World Hesitate Site.

7. Hue is placed in a wonderful ..: the Ngu Binh Mountain in the

south, the sand dunes of Con Hen and Con Da Vien on the Perfume River as "dragon
on the left, tiger on the right" to protect the citadel.

8. Most of the buildings in Hoi An, which reflect the traditional ..

style of the 18th and 19th centuries, are carefully preserved.
1. rickshaw 2. fishing 3. geological 4. biodiversity
5. limestone 6. complex 7. setting 8. architectural
IV. Give the correct form of the word in capitals to complete each of the following

1. There are many sculptures along the .. . to the ENTER

main temple. ENTRANCE

2. Protecting natural wonders brings both social and FINANCE

.. . benefits. FINANCIAL
3. Phong Nha - Ke Bang can be compared to a precious GEOLOGY
.. . museum. GEOLOGICAL
4. The snow features six .. . from different parts of CONTEST
the country. CONTESTANTS

5. Chua Keo in Thai Binh province is a .. . pagoda WOOD

which was built about 400 years ago. WOODEN

6. Many more tourists have visited Ha Long Bay since UNESCO's RECOGNISE
.. . of this beautiful spot. RECOGNITION
7. Bai Dinh Pagoda is .. . site which is located in RELIGION
Ninh Binh Province. RELIGIOUS
8. May I have a .. . about the trip to Cuc Phuong SUGGEST
National Park next week? SUGGESTION
9. My most .. . experience was my trip to Hoi An in FORGET
the summer of 2015.UNFORGETABLE

10. We got a lot of .. . from our holiday in Da Nang ENJOY

last year. ENJOYMENT

V. Read the paragraphs below and choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs.
A. Fansipan
B. Best Times to Explore Fansipan
C. Fansipan Travel Tips
D. Fansipan Quick Facts Ei
E. Where is Fansipan
F. Best Ways to See and Experience Fansipan

.. ..
* tallest mountain in Viet Nam
* Reaches a height of 10,312 feet (3,143 m)
* Features a varied topography
* Fansipan is the tallest mountain in Viet Nam as well as the entire Indochina (Viet
Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) area. The summit reaches a height of 10,312 feet (3,143
meters . It is nicknamed, ―the Roof of Indochina.‖
* The mountain of Fansipan features a varied topography. There is a monument at the
summit celebrating the ascent.
3. .. .
Fansipan is in the northwest region of the country. It is found in the Lao Cai Province in
the Hoang Lien Son mountain range.
The coordinates of then mountain are 22°18'12" N and 103°46'30" E.
4. ..
Climbing the mountain is the anticipated way of experiencing the mountain. The climb is
challenging featuring a fairly steep ascent. Although it technically can be climbed with a
descent in a single day, it is hard to find a tour company to take on that plan. The
majority of ascents of Fansipan are 2 to 3 days with two days being the more common. A
three day trip is a more leisurely ascent with more time for acclimation. There is a small
village found near 4,920 feet (1,500 m) where rest and securing food can happen.
Another opportunity for camping overnight occurs at 9.190 feet (2,800 m). The cost of
the tour and ascent of the mountain usually includes the fees associated with using the
5. ..
The country frequently experiences rain and sunshine is common as well. The weather
usually consists of high humidity, December through March can result in cold
temperatures for the northern mountain area where Fansipan is located.
July and August is the monsoon season with hot and humid weather conditions. This is
probably the best time to visit the northern mountain area for warmer temperatures for
trekking up the mountain.
6. ..
The country is long which means it Is easy for weather conditions to vary from one
region to the next. The summer months are the monsoon season delivering high humidity
and hot temperatures. This can be uncomfortable for exploring Viet Nam, but it can be
the ideal time for trekking through the northern mountain area of the country.
1. D. Fansipan Quick Facts
2. A. Fansipan
3. E. Where is Fansipan
4. F. Best Ways to See and Experience Fansipan
5. B. Best Times to Explore Fansipan
6. C. Fansipan Travel Tips
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank. Da
Lat - dream city

Da Lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Center Highland province of Lam Dong, 300 km
north of Ho Chi Minh City. Da Lat is a well-known city 1 all people
who have been there once. Da Lat is known 2 a city of pine trees,
waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a forest of flowers with
3 colours and various species. Flowers can be found
4 and in any season. We can see flowers in Da Lat in the park,
5 of the houses, in the gardens etc. Da Lat has the widest range of
orchild varieties in the country. Da Lat has 6 rivers and canals but it
has many picturesque waterfalls. It takes tourists several days 7 all the
waterfalls in the area. The famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 km 8 the
town center. The Prenn Falls is 10 km in the south of Da Lat. The water
9 now like a white shade. Da Lat people are very
(10) of it. They always boast to tourists about it in the first place.
Around the Prenn Falls is the valley of various flowers and pine hills.
1. A. exciting B. attracting C. suggesting D. believing
A. 2. B. like C. same D. similar
as 3. B. general C. official D. astounding
4. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
5. A. behind B. next to C. opposite D. in front
6. A. few B. little C. much D. lots
7. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited
8. A. in B. at C. to D. from
9. A. falls B. goes C. pours D. walks
10. A. pride B. priding C. prided D. proud

VII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage.
... In the spring of 2009, Sims was a member of the first expedition to enter Son Doong
Cave, or ―mountain river cave,‖ in a remote 1 .. of central
Viet Nam. Hidden in rugged Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park near the border with
Laos, the cave is part of a network of 150 or so Caves, many still not surveyed, in the
Animate Mountains. During the first expedition, the team explored two and a half miles
of Son Doong Cave before a 200-foot wall of muddy calcite stopped them.
They 2 .. it the Great Wall of Viet Nam. Above it they could
out an open space and traces of light, but they had no idea what lay on the other side. A
year 3 .., they have returned - seven hard-core British cavers,
a few scientists, and a crew of porters - to climb the wall, if they can, measure the
passage, and push on, if possible, all the way to the end of the (4)
The trail disappears before me into a difficult pile of breakdown - building-size blocks
of stone that 5 .. fallen from the ceiling and crashed onto the
cave floor. I crane my head back, but the immensity of the cave douses my headlamp's
tiny light, as if I were staring up into a starless night sky. I've been told I'm inside a
space large enough to park a 747, but I have no way to know; the darkness (6)
.. like a sleeping bag pulled over my head.
I switch off my headlamp just to feel the depth of 7
darkness. At first there is nothing. But then, as my pupils adjust, I'm surprised to make
out a faint, ghostly light ahead. I pick my way through the rubble, almost running from
excitement, rocks scattering beneath my feet and echoing in the invisible Chamber.
Traversing up a steep slope, I turn a ridge as if on a mountainside and am stopped in my
An enormous shaft of sunlight plunges into the cave like a waterfall. The hole in the
ceiling through which the light cascades is unbelievably large, at (8)
..300 feet across. The light, penetrating deep into the cave,
reveals for the first time the mind-blowing proportions of Son Doong Cave. The
passage is perhaps 300 feet wide, the ceiling nearly 800 feet tall: room enough for an
entire New York City block of 40-story buildings. 9 .. are
actually wispy clouds up near the ceiling.
The light beaming from above reveals a tower of calcite on the cave floor that is more
than 200 feet tall, smothered by ferns, palms, and other jungle plants. Stalactites hang
around the edges of the massive skylight like petrified icicles. Vines dangle hundreds of
feet from the surface; swifts are diving and cutting in the brilliant column of sunshine.
The tableau could have been created 10 .. an artist imagining
how the world looked millions of years ago....
(1) part (2) named (3) later (4) cave (5) have
(6) is (7) the (8) least (9) There (10)

VIII. Rearrange the words and phrases to make meaningful sentence.

1. Phong Nha-Ke Bang / in / the 2 largest / is / the most spectacular / National Park /
wilderness sites / South East Asia / and / one of / limestone regions / one of / in the

2. Son Doong Cave / was / in 2009 /, / explored / in / discovered / 2011 / by / a / and /
now open / British caving team /to / a limited number / from 2014 / of tourist / . /

3. The / world famous / Ha Long Bay / probably / one of / is / the most / Wonders /
fabulous natural / in Viet Nam / . . /

4. Hue / once / the / capital of / was / the / emperors / of /, / and / Viet Nam / it's/an
amazing place/to/for/an/ visit/on/ history/lesson/location/./

5. Ha Noi / is /, / and / you'll / find / Viet Nam's capital city / it / on / banks / of the / Red
River / the / with / Hoan Kiem Lake / right/ its heart / at/ . /


1. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is one of the most spectacular wilderness sites in
South East Asia and one of the 2 largest limestone regions in the world.
2. Son Doong Cave was discovered in 2009, explored in 2011 by a British caving team
and now open to a limited number of tourist from 2014.
3. The world famous Ha Long Bay is probably one of the most fabulous natural
wonders in Viet Nam.
4. Hue was once the capital of the emperors of Viet Nam, and it's an amazing place to
visit for an on location history lesson.
5. Ha Noi is Viet Nam's capital city, and you'll find it on the banks of the Red River
with Hoan Kiem Lake right at its heart.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences using the impersonal passive.

11. People say that Ha Long Bay consists of about 2000 islands.

12. They thought that the temple had been destroyed by a fine.

13. The police have reported there is an accident on the way out to Sa Pa.

14. We are expecting the park will be recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO
next year.

15. Many people will claim the rule of the game is too complicated.

16. We know that Trang An Landscape Complex was selected for filming "Kong: Skull

17. Everyone believe Son Duong Cave is one of the largest caves in the world.

18. They estimated one million foreign tourists visited Vietnam in December 2015.

19. We have understood that protecting natural wonders has many benefits.

20. People hope that this complex of monuments will be open to the public soon.
1. It is said that Ha Long Bay consists of about 2000 islands.
2. It was thought that the temple had been destroyed by a fine.
3. It has been reported there is an accident on the way out to Sa Pa.
4. It is being expected that the park will be recognized as a World Heritage
Site by UNESCO next year.
5. It will be claimed that the rule of the game is too complicated.
6. It is known that Trang An Landscape Complex was selected for filming
"Kong: Skull Island".
7. It is believed that Son Duong Cave is one of the largest caves in the world.
8. It was estimated that one million foreign tourists visited Vietnam in
December 2015.
9. It has been understood that protecting natural wonders has many benefits.
10. It is hoped that this complex of monuments will be open to the public soon.

X. Use the information below to write a passage of about 200 words about Trang An Scenic
Landscape Complex
Name Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
Location Ninh Binh province; 100 km south of Hanoi
Reason for • spectacular place
choosing the • Filming Kong: Skull Islands
place • UNESCO's World Heritage Site in 2014
• Called "Ha Long Bay on land"; caves, mountains, valleys, trees and
historic relics.

Main feature of • 10,000 ha

the place • Trang An Eco-tourist Site: considered an outdoor geological
museum; Bai Dinh Pagoda: largest pagoda in Vietnam and Southeast
• Tam Coc- Bich Dong Landscape: very beautiful, particularly in
• Hoa Lu: ancient capital of Viet Nam in the 10th and the 11th century.

Comments and A very unique example of human history, not only Viet Nam but also
feelings about the region. Combination of both natural and cultural values.
the place
It is said that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is spectacular place, attracting more
tourists than ever seen Kong: Skull Islands movies cast and crew came there for fliming.
It is situated in Ninh Binh province, which is about 100 km south of Hanoi. This beautiful
landscape was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2014. It is also called
"Ha Long Bay on land" with numerous caves, mountains, valleys, trees and historic
Covering in an area of 10,000 ha, Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex includes Trang
An Eco-tourist Site, Tam Coc- Bich Dong Landscape and Hoa Lu Ancient Citadel. Trang
An Eco-tourist Site is considered an outdoor geological museum. Bai Dinh Pagoda,
which is located in Trang An Eco-tourist Site, is the largest pagoda in Vietnam and
Southeast Asia. Tam Coc- Bich Dong is very beautiful in any season, particularly in
spring. Hoa Lu is the ancient capital of Viet Nam in the 10th and the 11th century.

Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is a very unique example of human history, not
only for Viet Nam but also for the region. It has a combination of both natural and
cultural values.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is prohouhced differently. Circle the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

5. A. ordinary B. pollution C. doctor D. alcohol

6. A. gather B. there C. ethnic D. although
7. A. accompany B. fascinating C. discriminate D. scoreboard
8. A. mutual B. initiate C. picture D. question
A. sufferings B. disasters C. species D.monuments
II. Choose the word or phrase in the box which has the same meaning as the
underlined toord/phrase in each of the following sentences.

coffee stone tortoises Da Nang Ha Noi

Sai Gon educational institution

1. The Vietnamese are especially proud of their historic capital city. The old quarter of
Ha Noi dates back to the 11th century.
2. Ha Noi's peaceful 'Van Mieu', or Temple of Literature, is Viet Nam's oldest
educational institution. The Confucius inspired university was established for the
education of mandarins.
3. Around the central courtyard of Van Mieu stand 82 stone tortoises. These beautiful
ancient sculptures were built to honour the men who received doctorates in triennial
4. While most tourists neglect Viet Nam's fourth- largest city in favour of nearby Hue
and Hoi An, it has considerable charm in its own right.
5. Another tourists' favourite is Sai Gon which was renamed Ho Chi Minh City
following its fall in 1975. However, the old name is still used by both Vietnamese and
foreigners, especially when referring to the most central part of the city.
6. The Vietnamese love a good cup of coffee. In the central market of Sai Gon, many
small shops offer samples of this favourite beverage, individually brewed with a small
metal French drip filter, and served with condensed milk.
1. Ha Noi 2. Educational istitution 3. Stone tortoises
4. Da Nang 5. Sai Gon 6. Coffee

III. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the passage. One
of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a
monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720
Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its 1. construct make
it one of truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen-acre structure near the Nile River
is a solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number (2. hide")
passageways and the burial chamber for the pharaoh. It is the
largest single structure in the world. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost
exactly on true north, south, east, and west - an 3. credible
engineering feat, the ancient Egyptians were sun worshippers and great astronomers, so
computations for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical (4. observe)
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the
structure reveal many intersecting lines. Further 5 . science
study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events - past, present and future.
Many of the events have been 6. interpret and found to
coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for the future generations
anti are currently under 7. investigate Many believe that
pyramids have supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some (8. research)
even associate it with extraterrestrial beings of the ancient past.
Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior to
any known today?
1. construction 2. hidden 3. incredible
4. observations 5. scientific 6. interpreted
7. investigation 8. researchers

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

Two great things about Hoi An's Old Town are that it is 1 ..enough to
get around in on foot and the traffic is nowhere near as heavy as in bigger cities. Some of
the streets only 2 .. bike and motorbike traffic and some are 3
..only. These factors make Hoi An even more inviting for most travelers
to Viet Nam, especially those who have passed through frenetic Ho Chi Minh City (aka
Sai Gon) or Ha Noi.
Many buildings in the Old Town were constructed over a century ago and feature strong
Chinese influences stemming 4 .. merchants from Guangzhou, Fujian,
Chiu Chow and Hainan. Some of the wooden signboards bearing the company names are
carved and gilded in Chinese characters, f5V .. the strong presence of the
Chinese in Hoi An ever since its 6 .. times. Tradition is still very much
alive in the Old Town. Even though many of the old shops have been converted to
modern businesses aimed at tourists including countless tailors, souvenir shops, art
galleries, restaurants and 7 .., all have been converted 8 care to
preserve the past.
Happily, all Hoi An's major attractions or 9 .. are located within
walking distance of each other including the Japanese covered bridge, the Chinese
assembly halls, Guan Yin Temple, the museum of history and culture and the Tran (10)
. Home and chapel.
1. A. B. large C. wide D. narrow

2. A. permit B. C. authorize D. ask


3. A. walker B. pedestrian C. people D. tourist

4. A. on B. in C. of D.

5. A. to lect B. reflected C. D. being reflected

ref reflecting

6. A. advantage B. stro ng C. prospero us D. benefit

7. A. coffee B. café C. café noir D. Cafeteria

8. A. with B. into C. of D. on

9. A. ground B. land C. landmark D. yard

10. A. familiar B. familiarity C. familiarize D. family

V. There are 10 mistakes in this passage. Find out and correct them.
Your corrections
... Another man-made beach completed our list. The 1. complete
2 explained
Bai Chay can be explain in a historic story. This is where 3 was attacked
4 into
supplying ships of the invading Mongol forceattacke 5 on
and d
6 wide
7 the most
burnt by Vietnamese people in the 13th century. Some
8 with
9 in
ships were drifted to the island, setting the forest
the along 10 who
beach a fire, hence the name (Bai Chay in Vietnamese

means ―Burning Beach‖ .

Bai Chay Beach is only 500 meters long but about
meters widely. Of the five beaches, this is most crowded

vibrant one. It is packed of several restaurants


for seafood, a water-puppet theater, a traditional

theater, a theme park... There is also surfing and

for those peopl love sports.


VI. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words and phrases
Dear Hien,
1. We / have / interesting / time / Hoi An / . /
2. The streets / here / narrow / that / cars / not / allow / center / town / . /
3. Therefore /, / we / have / walk /. / The / houses / very / old / but/ beautiful /. /
4. However / , / I / not / like / way / they / business / here / . /
5. It / seem / that / every / house / shop / sell / souvenirs / and / other stuffs /. /
6. The people / very / friend / and / help /. /
7. The / food / look / fun / but / it / taste / quite / nice / . /
8. I / not / have / buy / anything / you / . /
9. But / I / buy / you / some / little / colour / lanterns / . /
10. See / you / next week / . /

Dear Hien,
We are having an interesting time in Hoi An. The streets here are so narrow that cars
are not allowed to the center of the town. Therefore we have to walk. The houses are
very old beautiful. However, I don't like the way they do business here. It seems that
every house has a shop to sell souvenirs and other stuffs. The people are very friendly
and helpful. The food looks funny but it tastes quite nice. I haven't bought anything for
you. But I will buy you some little colourful lanterns.
See you next week.
I. New words
Annoyed (adj) /əˈnɔɪd/ Bực mình, kh Nuclear family (n) /ˈnjuːklɪə/ Gia đình hạt
ch u /ˈfæmɪli/ nhân
Astonished (adj) /əsˈtɒnɪʃt/ Kinh ngạc Photo exhibition /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ Triển l m ảnh
(n) /ˌɛksɪˈbɪʃən/
Boom (n) /buːm/ B ng nổ Pedestrian (n) /pɪˈdɛstrɪən/ Ngư i đi bộ
Compartment (n) /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ Toa xe Roof (n) /ruːf/ Mái nhà
Clanging (n) /ˈklæŋɪŋ/ Tiếng leng keng Rubber (n) /ˈrʌbə/ Cao su

Cooperative (adj) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ Hợp tác Sandals (n) /ˈsændlz/ Dép

Elevated walkway /ˈɛlɪveɪtɪd/ Lối đi d nh cho Thatched house (n) /θæʧt/ /haʊs/ Nhà tranh mái
(n) /ˈwɔːkweɪ/ ngư i đi bộ lá
Exporter (n) /ɛksˈpɔːtə/ Nư c xuất Tiled (adj) /taɪld/ L p ng i,
khẩu, ngư i b ng ng i
xuất khẩu
Extended family /ɪksˈtɛndɪd/ Gia đình nhiều Tram (n) /træm/ Xe điện, t u
(n) /ˈfæmɪli/ thế hệ c ng điện
sống chung
Flyover (n) /ˈflaɪˌəʊvə/ C u vư t Trench (n) /trɛnʧ/ Hào giao
Manual (adj) /ˈmænjʊəl/ L m b ng tay Tunnel (n) /ˈtʌnl/ ư ng h m,
cống ng m
Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃrʊm/ M c lên như Underpass (n) /ˈʌndəpɑːs/ ư ng h m
nấm cho ngư i đi
bộ qua đư ng
Noticeable (adj) /ˈnəʊtɪsəbl/ Gây ch , đ ng
II. Grammar:
- Review past perfect

- Adjective + that clause

- Adjective + to-infinitive

III. PRONUNCIATION: stress on all the words in the sentences

I. Put the words into two groups /ɔɪ/ and /aʊ/
1 A. Surround B. Manual C. Railroad D. Nuclear
2 A. Compartment B. Pedestrian C. Convenience D. Fascinate
3 A. Significant B. Population C. Astonishment D. Cooperative
4 A. Elevate B. Popular C. Tolerant D. Equipment
5 A. Environment B. Technology C. Agriculture D. associate
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1 In a traditional family, there were three _______: grandparents, parents, and children.
A. Groups B. Teams C. Bands D. Generations
2 It was very ______ that a couple in the past could have about 5 to 10 children.
A. Popular B. Common C. Shared D. Obvious
3 Along with our need for love, our most important need is the need for ________
A. Appreciation B. Value C. Importance D. Increase
4 The metro will _______ Ben Thanh Market in the central area to the amusement park at
Suoi Tien in District 9.
A. Join B. Contact C. Connect D. Relate
5 Ho Chi Minh City plans to use the state budget funds to build ten more flyover_______.
A. Systems B. Sets C. Methods D. Routes
6 It is not _________ for men to wear the traditional costumes in modern life.
A. Certain B. Surprised C. Pleased D. Convenient
7 It is not _______ for a particular vehicle to exist, to be loved for generations.
A. Fun B Glad C Relieved D easy
8 Used throughout the 19 century in _______ classrooms, the slate has been used for
students to write the answers to the problems.
A. Most of B. Almost C. Nearly all D. Hardly ever
9 The sound of firecracker was common on previous Tet, but is now prohibited _________
being dangerous and unsafe in production and distribution.
A. Because B. Due to C. Despite D. for
10 They ______ a five-day tour in Malaysia before they enjoyed the Tet festival last year.
A. Spend B. Spent C. Had spent D. Would spend

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
There has been a _________ increase in high-rise buildings CONSIDER
over the last five years.
We really like the photo_______ in the school‘s 70th EXHIBIT anniversary.
Nowadays it is easy to get ot the _________ areas by tram. SUBURB
Our country became totally ____________ in 1975 after DEPEND
decades of fighting for freedom.
We have lived in an ___________ family for over twenty years. EXTENSION
The numbers of private cars on the roads has increased DRAMATIC _______ since
All of us were ___________ to hear that he had passed the RELIEF
driving test at the fourth attempt.
In my opinion, a good doctor is always ________ to his SYMPATHY
We are proud that our country has become one of the world EXPORT largest
________ rice.
10 These are the most _________ shoes I have ever worn. I like COMFORT
them very much.
IV. Put the verbs in the brackets in the present perfect tense, past simple tense or past
perfect tense.
1. When the waiter finally (arrive) ___________ with the food, the guests (already leave)
__________ the restaurant.
2. I cannot see Mr.Khoa. He (just park) ________ in front of the supermarket.
3. The Smiths (spend) ________ two days in Hanoi before they (travel) ___________ to Sa Pa
last week.
4. His bicycle wasn‘t there because someone take ____________ it without asking him.
5. My brother (not call) _________ us since he (move) ___________ to Ho Chi Minh City last
6. Why your father (lock) ___________ all the windows before he went to bed?
7. Tom (break) __________ his leg after he (fall) ___________ off through the rock.
8. Nam (not know) __________ who the man was. He (not see) ___________ him before in
his life.
9. Oh! You (paint) _______________ the kitchen. I like the colour.
10. My uncle (visit) ____________ over 20 countries by the time he was 30 years old. V.
Combine the following sentences by completing the second.
1. Family members care for each other. It is essential for that.
It is essential______________________________________
2. Families are the place where we learn values, skills, and behavior. We are aware of that.
We are are_______________________________________
3. Parents should guide their children into the world outside the home. It is certain about that.
It is certain_______________________________________
4. Strong families have a sense of loyalty and devotion toward family members. We are
conscious of that.
We are conscious _________________________________
5. The family is a place of shelter for individual family members. It is sure about that.
It is sure_________________________________________
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
During the war, children wore straw hats to (1)____________ themselves from shrapnel. Houses
and schools were bombed and destroyed. Many children were made (2) __________ and their
schools had to be moved around or lessons sometimes had to (3) ___________ place after dark
to avoid being targeted by heavy bombing.
One school in the port city of Hai Phong had its roof (3)_________ with several layers of straw
to withstand the (4) _________ of the bombs. Life for children was very hard in both the North
and South of Vietnam during the war.
Young people were (5) __________ of their duty to serve their country. Even young girls took
part in the war efforts by constructing bomb shelters. Children took first-aid courses after school
so that they could (6) ________ injured people. Children years of children born in the 1960s are
(7) _________ . As innocent children, they went to school (8) _________ straw hats in the
sounds of American jet fighters in the sky and the shots from Vietnamese anti-aircraft guns.
Nowadays, they are proud that they came through those hardships. They had their heads held
(10) _________ walking out of the war.
1. A. Save B. Keep C. Protect D. Help
2. A. Homemade B. Homeless C. Homelessness D. Homesick
3. A. Place B. Take place C. Be happened D. Exist
4. A. Cover B. Covering C. Covered D. Being covered
5. A. Reasons B. Causes C. Actions D. Impacts
6. A. Known B. Afraid C. Capable D. Aware
7. A. Care for B. Take after C. Take care about D. Deal
8. A. Unfortunate B. Unforgettable C. Forgettable D. Memorably
9. A. Wear B. To wear C. Wearing D. That wear
10. A. High B. Highly C. Height D. above

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Street Food Shoulder Poles on Saigon streets.

Street food shoulder pole is familiar with Saigon people throughout many years.
Nowadays it has become a special thing that makes travelers curious. In small area of District 1
and District 3, we could count more than 100 vendors who earned money using shoulder poles. A
shoulder pole, also called a carrying pole, is a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry
a load. The vendors put their goods in two baskets from each ends of the yoke.
In the downtown, we can meet young women with their shoulder pole. The baskets were covered
by plastic wrap carefully to protect the foods from the street dust. In a tight space of one basket, she
could mix the ingredients and baked the cake on a small charcoal which defended by carton. The ready
cakes were put in other basket.
In the morning or evening, on rainy or sunny day, Saigon streets are marked by shoulder
poles of people from different regions of the country, has become a unique part of Saigon. It has
been said that it isn‘t hard to live in Saigon if you work hard. With the carrying pole on
shoulders, the vendor has turned it into a ―store‖. The reason is very simple, they haven‘t enough
money to open a real store. Everyday these woman continue their journey through Saigon streets
under the sun and the rain, sell cheap things or street foods to earn money and feed their children.
1. A shoulder pole _________
A. is a bar made of wood or bamboo
B. used to be called a carrying pole
C. is the connection between wood and bamboo
D. is used to put goods on street vendors‘ shoulders
2. Street food shoulder pole is
A. a way for passers-by to have food
B. a characteristic of District 1 and 3
C. used to make foreign travelers curious
D. used by street vendors to carry things
3. All of the following are true about shoulder poles EXCEPT that ________.
A. street vendors can bake cakes there
B. they can contain enough things to serve some customers
C. the two baskets have the same function
D. they can be protected from dust
4. All of the following are benefits of shoulder poles EXCEPT that ________.
A. they can help street vendors to sell many things without a store
B. women are marked by unique shoulder poles from different regions.
C. it s a way for street vendors to carry goods around the streets
D. street vendors can support their families with the help of shoulder poles
5. The word ―yoke‖ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. a long piece of wood that is fastened across the necks to pull heavy loads
B. a wooden bar that is connected to the vehicles to loads so that they can be pulled away
C. something that connects two things or people, usually in a way that limits freedom
D. a piece of wood that is shaped to fit across a person‘s shoulders to carry two equal loads
VIII. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. My sister had worked in the bank for five years before she had been sent to Da Nang.
2. Tom said that he had been very excited visiting Ha Long Bay for the first time in 2005.
3. The country has significant changed since we came here in 2007.
4. All of us are astonished that life in the countryside to improve a lot.
5. By the time she left the shop, she spent all of her money on clothes.
IX. Write a paragraph of around 100 words about three advantages of the Internet. Use
the following information to help you Good source of information
An effective means of communication
A wonderful of entertainment
I. Put the words into two groups /ɔɪ/ and /aʊ/
1 A. Surround B. Manual C. Railroad D. Nuclear
2 A. Compartment B. Pedestrian C. Convenience D. Fascinate
3 A. Significant B. Population C. Astonishment D. Cooperative
4 A. Elevate B. Popular C. Tolerant D. Equipment
5 A. Environment B. Technology C. Agriculture D. associate
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1 In a traditional family, there were three _______: grandparents, parents, and children.
A. Groups B. Teams C. Bands D. Generations
2 It was very ______ that a couple in the past could have about 5 to 10 children.
A. Popular B. Common C. Shared D. Obvious
3 Along with our need for love, our most important need is the need for ________

A. Appreciation B. Value C. Importance D. Increase

4 The metro will _______ Ben Thanh Market in the central area to the amusement park at
Suoi Tien in District 9.
A. Join B. Contact C. Connect D. Relate
5 Ho Chi Minh City plans to use the state budget funds to build ten more flyover_______.

A. Systems B. Sets C. Methods D. Routes

6 It is not _________ for men to wear the traditional costumes in modern life.
A. Certain B. Surprised C. Pleased D. Convenient
7 It is not _______ for a particular vehicle to exist, to be loved for generations.
A. Fun B Glad C Relieved D easy
8 Used throughout the 19th century in _______ classrooms, the slate has been used for
students to write the answers to the problems.
A. Most of B. Almost C. Nearly all D. Hardly ever
9 The sound of firecracker was common on previous Tet, but is now prohibited _________
being dangerous and unsafe in production and distribution.
A. Because B. Due to C. Despite D. for
10 They ______ a five-day tour in Malaysia before they enjoyed the Tet festival last year.
A. Spend B. Spent C. Had spent D. Would spend

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
There has been a _________ increase in high-rise buildings CONSIDERABLE
over the last five years.
We really like the photo_______ in the school‘s 70th EXHIBITION
Nowadays it is easy to get ot the _________ areas by tram. SUBURBAN
Our country became totally ____________ in 1975 after INDEPENDENT
decades of fighting for freedom.
We have lived in an ___________ family for over twenty EXTENDED
The numbers of private cars on the roads has increased DRAMATICALLY _______
since 2010
All of us were ___________ to hear that he had passed the RELIEVED
driving test at the fourth attempt.
In my opinion, a good doctor is always ________ to his SYMPATHETIC
We are proud that our country has become one of the world EXPORTERS largest
________ rice.
10 These are the most _________ shoes I have ever worn. I like COMFORTABLE them
very much.
IV. Put the verbs in the brackets in the present perfect tense, past simple tense or past
perfect tense.
1. When the waiter finally (arrive) ____arrived_______ with the food, the guests (already
leave) __had already left________ the restaurant.
2. I cannot see Mr.Khoa. He (just park) __has just parked______ in front of the supermarket.
3. The Smiths (spend) ___had spent_____ two days in Hanoi before they (travel)
______travelled_____ to Sa Pa last week.
4. His bicycle wasn‘t there because someone take ____had taken________ it without asking
5. My brother (not call) ____hasn’t called_____ us since he (move) ____moved_______ to
Ho Chi Minh City last month.
6. Why your father (lock) _____had your father locked______ all the windows before he
went to bed?
7. Tom (break) ____broke______ his leg after he (fall) _____had fallen______ off through
the rock.
8. Nam (not know) ______didn’t know____ who the man was. He (not see) ____hadn’t
seen_______ him before in his life.
9. Oh! You (paint) _____have painted__________ the kitchen. I like the colour.
10. My uncle (visit) ____had visited________ over 20 countries by the time he was 30 years
V. Combine the following sentences by completing the second.
1. Family members care for each other. It is essential for that.
It is essential______________________________________
2. Families are the place where we learn values, skills, and behavior. We are aware of that.
We are are_______________________________________
3. Parents should guide their children into the world outside the home. It is certain about that.
It is certain_______________________________________
4. Strong families have a sense of loyalty and devotion toward family members. We are
conscious of that.
We are conscious _________________________________
5. The family is a place of shelter for individual family members. It is sure about that.
It is sure_________________________________________
1. It is essential that family members care for each other.
2. We are aware that families are the place where we learn values, skills, and behavior.
3. It is certain that parents should guide their children into the world outside the home.
4. We are conscious that strong families have a sense of loyalty and devotion toward family
5. It is sure that the family is a place of shelter for individual family members.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
During the war, children wore straw hats to (1)____________ themselves from shrapnel.
Houses and schools were bombed and destroyed. Many children were made (2) __________ and
their schools had to be moved around or lessons sometimes had to (3) ___________ place after
dark to avoid being targeted by heavy bombing.
One school in the port city of Hai Phong had its roof (3)_________ with several layers of
straw to withstand the (4) _________ of the bombs. Life for children was very hard in both the
North and South of Vietnam during the war.
Young people were (5) __________ of their duty to serve their country. Even young
girls took part in the war efforts by constructing bomb shelters. Children took first-aid courses
after school so that they could (6) ________ injured people. Children years of children born in
the 1960s are (7) _________ . As innocent children, they went to school (8) _________ straw
hats in the sounds of American jet fighters in the sky and the shots from Vietnamese anti-aircraft
Nowadays, they are proud that they came through those hardships. They had their heads
held (10) _________ walking out of the war.
1. A. Save B. Keep C. Protect D. Help
2. A. Homemade B. Homeless C. Homelessness D. Homesick
3. A. Place B. Take place C. Be happened D. Exist
4. A. Cover B. Covering C. Covered D. Being covered
5. A. Reasons B. Causes C. Actions D. Impacts
6. A. Known B. Afraid C. Capable D. Aware
7. A. Care for B. Take after C. Take care about D. Deal
8. A. Unfortunate B. Unforgettable C. Forgettable D. Memorably
9. A. Wear B. To wear C. Wearing D. That wear
10. A. High B. Highly C. Height D. above

VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Street food shoulder pole is familiar with Saigon people throughout many years.

Street food shoulder pole is familiar with Saigon people throughout many years. Nowadays it has
become a special thing that makes travelers curious. In small area of District 1 and District 3, we
could count more than 100 vendors who earned money using shoulder poles. A shoulder pole,
also called a carrying pole, is a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load. The
vendors put their goods in two baskets from each ends of the yoke.
In the downtown, we can meet young women with their shoulder pole. The baskets were covered
by plastic wrap carefully to protect the foods from the street dust. In a tight space of one basket,
she could mix the ingredients and baked the cake on a small charcoal which defended by carton.
The ready cakes were put in other basket.

In the morning or evening, on rainy or sunny day, Saigon streets are marked by shoulder poles of
people from different regions of the country, has become a unique part of Saigon. It has been
said that it isn‘t hard to live in Saigon if you work hard. With the carrying pole on shoulders, the
vendor has turned it into a ―store‖. The reason is very simple, they haven‘t enough money to
open a real store. Everyday these woman continue their journey through Saigon streets under the
sun and the rain, sell cheap things or street foods to earn money and feed their children.
1. A shoulder pole _________
A. is a bar made of wood or bamboo
B. used to be called a carrying pole
C. is the connection between wood and bamboo
D. is used to put goods on street vendors‘ shoulders
2. Street food shoulder pole is
A. a way for passers-by to have food
B. a characteristic of District 1 and 3
C. used to make foreign travelers curious
D. used by street vendors to carry things
3. All of the following are true about shoulder poles EXCEPT that ________.
A. street vendors can bake cakes there
B. they can contain enough things to serve some customers
C. the two baskets have the same function
D. they can be protected from dust
4. All of the following are benefits of shoulder poles EXCEPT that ________.
A. they can help street vendors to sell many things without a store
B. women are marked by unique shoulder poles from different regions.
C. it s a way for street vendors to carry goods around the streets
D. street vendors can support their families with the help of shoulder poles
5. The word ―yoke‖ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. a long piece of wood that is fastened across the necks to pull heavy loads
B. a wooden bar that is connected to the vehicles to loads so that they can be pulled away
C. something that connects two things or people, usually in a way that limits freedom
D. a piece of wood that is shaped to fit across a person‘s shoulders to carry two equal loads VIII.
Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. My sister had worked in the bank for five years before she had been sent to Da Nang.
2. Tom said that he had been very excited visiting Ha Long Bay for the first time in 2005.
3. The country has significant changed since we came here in 2007.
4. All of us are astonished that life in the countryside to improve a lot.
5. By the time she left the shop, she spent all of her money on clothes.
1. D -was
2. C – to visit / to have visited
3. B – significantly
4. D – has improved
5. C – had spent
IX. Write a paragraph of around 100 words about three advantages of the Internet. Use
the following information to help you Good source of information
An effective means of communication
A wonderful of entertainment


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. Passed B. Realized C. Wished D. Touched
2. A. Airports B. Suitcases C. Things D. Calculators
3. A. Because B. Nurse C. Horse D. Purpose
4. A. Throughout B. Although C. Right D. Enough
5. A. Justice B. Service C. Practice D. advice
II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. Elegant B. Regional C. Musical D. Important
2. A. Recommend B. Thoroughly C. Travelling D. Fascinate
3. A. Windsurfing B. Equipment C. Amateur D. National
4. A. Coincide B. Community C. Conception D. Committee
5. A. Obedient B. Candidate C. Attendance D. security
III. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Travelling in big cities is becoming more (trouble) ____________ everyday.
2. Less public transport is now available because of the (short) ____________ of staff.
3. Therefore the roads become (jam) _______________ with cars as people drive to work.
4. Because of the volume of traffic, local councils are forced to give (permit) ________ for more
roads to be constructed.
5. (Fortune) _________ many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the roads.
6. So people are being (home) ___________ in the suburbs and have to commute to work.
7. This leads to more pressure being put on the (adequate) ____________ of public transport
8. But travelling by public transport is very (attract) ___________ as there are long delays.
9. The (frequent) _______________ of the trains and the buses causes frustration and
10. Unless something is done about unemployment, the __________ for the future is not good.
IV. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. Vietnam today is experiencing tremendous growth and, over the last decade, _________
one of the strongest economies in Asia.
A. Have boasted B. Has boasted C. Is boated D. Are boasted
2. In the past, most of the school students didn‘t often wear uniform like they _______
A. Did B. Had C. Do D. Have
3. Vietnamese people‘s quality of life has been ___________ improved year by year.

A. Significantly B. Significant C. Signify D. Significance

4. The traffic system in our city ____________ in the last decade.
A. Had gradually B. Has gradually C. Has gradual D. Has gradually been been
upgraded upgraded been upgraded upgraded
5. Many foreigners were astonished that Hanoi City was quite __________ what they saw
five years ago.

A. Different on B. Different from C. Different of D. Different

6. There ___________ many recent breakthroughs in technology. Now consumers can
purchase the latest high tech toys. This was not possible even a few years ago.
A. Are B. Had been C. Have been D. Has been
7. Many cities cannot easily create more parks because most land is already _______ for
buildings, roads, parking lots, and other essential parts of the urban environment.
A. Being used B. Used C. Using D. Getting used
8. Technology has led to a shift in _________. Prior to this, our high tech phones were not
A. How we did thing B. How we did C. How we do D. How we do things
things thing
V. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words.
1. Children‘s/ education/ be/ change/ rapid/ today.
2. In/ past/, / teachers / make/ children/ sit/ still/ hours.
3. They/ make/ children/ memory/ all/ sort/ things.
4. They/ have/ listen/ and/ write down/ all/ words/ teachers/ read/ books.
5. In other words/ ,/ children/ have/ go on/ repeat/ things/ until/ they/ know/ them/ heart.
6. Today/ ,/ many teachers/ wonder/ if/ it‘s/ possible/ make/ children/ learn/ at all.
7. They/ say/ you/ can/ only/ help/ how/ learn.
8. They/ say/ you/ must/ let/ children/ learn/ and/ discover/ things/ their/ understand/ themselves.
VI. Read the text below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space In
Vietnam nowadays, most companies spend a large proportion of their budgets persuading us to
buy their products, and it is their (1) ___________ executives who have to decide how to
make consumers aware of new products. To do this, they usually set up an advertising (2)
__________ of some kind. Generally, (3) ________ a new product involves TV and radio
commercials, and there may also be large advertisements on (4) __________ along motorways
and major roads.
In the past, companies employed people to sell the product (5) _________ but nowadays there is
a far more popular technique which uses the telephone. Staff in large call centers telephone
potential (6) ________, tell them about the product and try to convince them that it is worth
buying. Another technique is to (7) __________ the new product by post. The company sends
colourful 8 _________ to every house even though people haven‘t asked for them. They are so
unpopular that people call them (9) ________ mail – and even though they may contain free (10)
__________ or discount vouchers many people just put them straight into the rubbish bin!
1. A. Selling B. Publicity C. Marketing D. Propaganda
2. A. Program B. Campaign C. Approach D. Operation
3. A. Starting B. Commencing C. Launching D. Beginning
4. A. Hoardings B. Boards C. Displays D. Screens
5. A. In person B. To face C. At hand D. On show
6. A. Shoppers B. Investors C. Buyers D. Customers
7. A. Promote B. Sponsor C. Support D. Demonstrate
8. A. Catalogues B. Prospectuses C. Reviews D. Journals
9. A. Rubbish B. Garbage C. Junk D. Waste
10. A. Samples B. Tests C. Pieces D. bits

VII. Complete the summary below of the reading passage. Choose one or two words from
the reading passage for each answer. Write your answer in boxes 1-5
Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource
Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees.
Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also
biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While
45 out of every 100 tones of wood fiber used to make paper in Australia comes from waste
paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fiber from forests and plantations. By world standards
this is a good performance since the world-wide average is 33 per cent waste paper.
Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and at the same time,
the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the
way for even greater utilization of used fiber. As a result, industry‘s use of recycled fibers is
expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fiber over the coming years.

Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the
technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in
newsprint and writing paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also
contribute. We need to accept a change in the quality of paper products; for example stationery
may be less white and of a rougher texture. There also needs to be support from the community
for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we need to make the paper available to
collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and sorted from contaminants such
as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous items.


From the point of view of recycling, paper has two advantages over minerals and oil in
that firstly it comes from a resource which is 1 . and secondly it is less
threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is 2 .
Although Australia‘s record in the re-use of waste paper is good, it is still necessary to
use a combination of recycled fiber and virgin to make new paper. The paper industry has
contributed positively and people have also been encouraged by 3 to
collect their waste on a regular basis. One major difficulty is the removal of ink from
used paper but advances are being made in this area. However, we need to learn to accept
paper which is generally of a lower 4 than before and to sort our waste
paper by removing 5 .. before discarding it for collection.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

1. A. Passed B. Realized C. Wished D. Touched

2. A. Airports B. Suitcases C. Things D. Calculators
3. A. Because B. Nurse C. Horse D. Purpose
4. A. Throughout B. Although C. Right D. Enough
5. A. Justice B. Service C. Practice D. advice

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. Circle the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. Elegant B. Regional C. Musical D. Important
2. A. Recommend B. Thoroughly C. Travelling D. Fascinate
3. A. Windsurfing B. Equipment C. Amateur D. National
4. A. Coincide B. Community C. Conception D. Committee
5. A. Obedient B. Candidate C. Attendance D. security

III. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Travelling in big cities is becoming more (trouble) ______troublesome______ everyday.
2. Less public transport is now available because of the (short) ____shortage________ of staff.
3. Therefore the roads become (jam) _______jam-packed________ with cars as people drive to
4. Because of the volume of traffic, local councils are forced to give (permit) ___permits_____
for more roads to be constructed.
5. (Fortune) ___Unfortunately______ many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the
6. So people are being (home) _____homed______ in the suburbs and have to commute to
7. This leads to more pressure being put on the (adequate) ______adequacy______ of public
transport system.
8. But travelling by public transport is very (attract) ______unattractive_____ as there are long
9. The (frequent) ________infrequency_______ of the trains and the buses causes frustration
and annoyance.
10. Unless something is done about unemployment, the ____outlook______ for the future is not
IV. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. Vietnam today is experiencing tremendous growth and, over the last decade, _________
one of the strongest economies in Asia.
A. Have boasted B. Has boasted C. Is boated D. Are boasted
2. In the past, most of the school students didn‘t often wear uniform like they _______
A. Did B. Had C. Do D. Have
3. Vietnamese people‘s quality of life has been ___________ improved year by year.

A. Significantly B. Significant C. Signify D. Significance

4. The traffic system in our city ____________ in the last decade.
A. Had gradually B. Has gradually C. Has gradual D. Has gradually been been
upgraded upgraded been upgraded upgraded
5. Many foreigners were astonished that Hanoi City was quite __________ what they saw
five years ago.

A. Different on B. Different from C. Different of D. Different

6. There ___________ many recent breakthroughs in technology. Now consumers can
purchase the latest high tech toys. This was not possible even a few years ago.
A. Are B. Had been C. Have been D. Has been
7. Many cities cannot easily create more parks because most land is already _______ for
buildings, roads, parking lots, and other essential parts of the urban environment.
A. Being used B. Used C. Using D. Getting used
8. Technology has led to a shift in _________. Prior to this, our high tech phones were not
A. How we did thing B. How we did C. How we do D. How we do things
things thing

V. Write full sentences to make a passage, using the suggested words.

1. Children‘s/ education/ be/ change/ rapid/ today.
2. In/ past/, / teachers / make/ children/ sit/ still/ hours.
3. They/ make/ children/ memory/ all/ sort/ things.
4. They/ have/ listen/ and/ write down/ all/ words/ teachers/ read/ books.
5. In other words/ ,/ children/ have/ go on/ repeat/ things/ until/ they/ know/ them/ heart.
6. Today/ ,/ many teachers/ wonder/ if/ it‘s/ possible/ make/ children/ learn/ at all.
7. They/ say/ you/ can/ only/ help/ how/ learn.
8. They/ say/ you/ must/ let/ children/ learn/ and/ discover/ things/ their/ understand/ themselves.

Children‘s education is changing rapidly today.

In the past, teachers made children sit still for hours. They made children memorize all sorts of
They had to listen and write down all the words the teachers read from the books.
In other words, children had to go on repeating things until they knew them by heart.
Today, many teachers wonder if it‘s possible to make children learn at all. They say you can only
help them how to learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for their
understanding themselves.
VI. Read the text below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space In
Vietnam nowadays, most companies spend a large proportion of their budgets persuading
us to buy their products, and it is their (1) ___________ executives who have to decide
how to make consumers aware of new products. To do this, they usually set up an
advertising (2) __________ of some kind. Generally, (3) ________ a new product involves
TV and radio commercials, and there may also be large advertisements on (4) __________
along motorways and major roads.
In the past, companies employed people to sell the product (5) _________ but nowadays there is
a far more popular technique which uses the telephone. Staff in large call centers telephone
potential (6) ________, tell them about the product and try to convince them that it is worth
buying. Another technique is to (7) __________ the new product by post. The company sends
colourful 8 _________ to every house even though people haven‘t asked for them. They are so
unpopular that people call them (9) ________ mail – and even though they may contain free (10)
__________ or discount vouchers many people just put them straight into the rubbish bin!
1. A. Selling B. Publicity C. Marketing D. Propaganda
2. A. Program B. Campaign C. Approach D. Operation
3. A. Starting B. Commencing C. Launching D. Beginning
4. A. Hoardings B. Boards C. Displays D. Screens
5. A. In person B. To face C. At hand D. On show
6. A. Shoppers B. Investors C. Buyers D. Customers
7. A. Promote B. Sponsor C. Support D. Demonstrate
8. A. Catalogues B. Prospectuses C. Reviews D. Journals
9. A. Rubbish B. Garbage C. Junk D. Waste
10. A. Samples B. Tests C. Pieces D. bits
VII. Complete the summary below of the reading passage. Choose one or two words from
the reading passage for each answer. Write your answer in boxes 1-5
Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource:
trees. Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is
also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.
While 45 out of every 100 tones of wood fiber used to make paper in Australia comes from
waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fiber from forests and plantations. By world
standards this is a good performance since the world-wide average is 33 per cent waste paper.
Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and at the same time,
the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the
way for even greater utilization of used fiber. As a result, industry‘s use of recycled fibers is
expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fiber over the coming years.

Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the
technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in
newsprint and writing paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also
contribute. We need to accept a change in the quality of paper products; for example stationery
may be less white and of a rougher texture. There also needs to be support from the community
for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we need to make the paper available to
collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and sorted from contaminants such
as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous items.


From the point of view of recycling, paper has two advantages over minerals and oil in that
firstly it comes from a resource which is 1 sustainable/replaceable . and
secondly it is less threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is
2 biodegradable . Although Australia‘s record in the re-use of waste paper is
good, it is still necessary to use a combination of recycled fiber and virgin to make new
paper. The paper industry has contributed positively and people have also been
encouraged by 3 governments/ the government to collect their waste on a
regular basis. One major difficulty is the removal of ink from used paper but advances are
being made in this area. However, we need to learn to accept paper which is generally of
a lower 4 quality than before and to sort our waste paper by removing
5 contaminants .. before discarding it for collection.


I. New words
Spread (v)
Chop (v) Chặt Phết
/tʃɒp/ /spred/
Cube (n) /kjuːb/ Miếng hình lập Sprinkle (v) /ˈsprɪŋkl/ Rắc
Deep-fry (v) R n ngập mỡ Slice (v) /slaɪs/ Cắt l t
/ˌdiːp ˈfraɪ/
Dip (v) /dɪp/ Nhúng Staple (n) Lương thực chính
Drain (v) L m r o nư c Starter (n) M n khai v
/dreɪn/ /ˈstɑːtə(r)/
Garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ Trang trí (món Steam (v) /stiːm/ Hấp
Grate (v) /ɡreɪt/ Nạo Stew (v) /stjuː/ H m
Grill (v) /ɡrɪl/ Nư ng Stir-fry (v) Xào
/ˈstɜː fraɪ/
Marinate (v) p Tender (adj) Mềm
/ˈmærɪneɪt/ /ˈtendə(r)/
Peel (v) /piːl/ G tv ,b cv Versatile (adj) a d ng
Purée (v) Xay nhuyễn Whisk (v) nh tr ng
/ˈpjʊəreɪ/ /wɪsk/
Roast (v) quay
Shallot (n) Hành khô
Simmer (v) om
II. Grammar:
1. Quantifiers: review: a / an / some / any
2. Modal verbs in conditional sentences type 1: can / must / may / might / should
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern
1. A. versatile B. tomato C. marinate D.
2. A. include B. combine C. balance D. reduce
3. A. cucumber B. ingredient C. opinion D. nutritious
4. A. teaspoon B. cabbage C. pancake D.
5. A. individual B. supermarket C. avocado D.

II. Match each cooking verb in column A with its definition in column B. Write the answer
in each blank.
Answer A B

1. bake
A. cook something slowly in hot liquid kept at or just
below the boiling point (85oC/95oC)

2. roast B. cook food in hot oil, or fat

3. boil C. cook food over charcoal on a grill

4. fry D. cook or brown food, like bread or cheese by

exposing it to a grill or fire

5. steam E. cook, especially meat, in an oven or over a fire

6. simmer F. cook meat and vegetables slowly in liquid in a closed

dish or pan

7. toast G. fry very quickly over high heat

8. stir-fry H. cook in an oven without any extra fat

9. barbecue I. cook food in boiling water that is 100oC

10. stew J. cook food by heating it in the steam made from

boiling water

III. Fill each numbered blank with a, an, some or any

Mum: Andy, let‘s go to the market. Do you have the list?
Andy: I‘m doing it now. We need 1 ______ apples, 2 ______ bottle of cooking oil and
3 ______ bread. Oh, and there isn‘t 4 ______ salt either.
Mum: Is there (5)________ milk?
Andy: Yes, there‘s 6 _______ in the fridge. But we haven‘t got 7 ________ orange juice.
Mum: Have we got (8)_______ vegetables?
Andy: Well, there is (9)_______ cauliflower, (10)_______ onion and (11)________
potatoes, but there aren‘t 12 _______ artichokes.

Mum: Ok. Let‘s go shopping then. But before leaving, you should eat something. Is there
(13)_______ fruit?

Andy: Yes, Mum, there is (14)_______ banana and (15)_______ orange. But I prefer to
have (16)______ muffin or (17)________ chocolate.

Mum: No way, Andy. You know what I think about fatty food. Have (18)_______ banana
and (19)________ milk.

Andy: Ok, but Can I have 20 ________ chocolate cake after dinner, please?
Mum: We‘ll see.
IV. Fill each blank in the following sentences with a food quantifier from the box.
A bar of A bowl of A bunch of A can of A carton of

A clove of A loaf of A slice of A stick of A tablespoon of

1. Add _________ vinegar and 200ml of water into the bowl and mix well.
2. My brother usually has __________ cereal and some milk for breakfast.
3. She bought a grapefruit and _________ bananas at the village market.
4. Mummy, can you give me _________ celery, please?
5. I have a recipe that calls for only ________ garlic.
6. There is ________ bread, some eggs and some salad for dinner.
7. You look thirsty. Would you like ________ soda?
8. Do you want ________ chocolate or five chocolate sweets?
9. Please go to the store and buy ________ milk and if they have sugar, get one kilo.
10. He has eaten ________ pizza, two pieces of cake and three eggs. V. Underline the correct
verb in each sentence. 1. (Stir/ Drain/ Chop) the carrot into small circles.
2. (Mix/ Boil/ Bake) the lasagna for 30 minutes in the oven.
3. After ten minutes, (drain/ boil/ fry) the spaghetti until there is no water left. Then place the
pasta into a large bowl.
4. (Peel/ Stir/ Fry) the onion and throw away the skin.
5. (Drain/ Marinate/ Chop) the steak with salt, pepper and lemon.
6. (Simmer/ Fry/ Bake) the onion until it is soft, but not brown.
7. Constantly (fry/ stir/ boil) the mixture using a wooden spoon.
8. When the mixture looks shiny, (fry/ pour/ chop) it into individual dishes.
9. When you have finished preparing the vegetables, (stir/ mix/ chop) them together with your
10. (Fry/ Bake/ Boil) the spaghetti for ten minutes, or until soft.
VI. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. I didn‘t eat everything that they _______ me at the party.

A. cooked B. baked C. served D. shared
2. Perhaps the three most popular ice cream ________ are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
A. brands B. ingredients C. offers D. flavours
3. Beet greens are the most ________ part of the vegetable and can be cooked like any other
dark leafy green.
A. colourful B. nutritious C. traditional D. careful
4. Pumpkin soup is a good source of __________, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A.
A. sugars B. solids C. fibres D. fats
5. You _______ chicken. You cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid.
A. steam B. boil C. fry D. roast
6. You usually ________ vegetables like onion. It means that you cut them into many small
A. chop B. whisk C. grate D. sprinkle
7. Is there ________ apple juice in the fridge, Quang?
A. An B. a C. any D. some
8. Can I have a pizza, a dozen eggs and a ________ of lemonade, please?
A. bottle B. jar C. piece D. tub
9. I would like a ________ of broccoli and two carrots.
A. bunch B. clove C. slice D. head
10. You should eat more fruits and vegetables if you ________ to lose weight.
A. will want B. want C. would want D. wanted
VII. Fill in each gap in passage with ONE suitable word.
Vietnamese Cooking Habits
The Vietnamese prefer fresh foods, and will rarely (1)________ ready-made or frozen food.
Since Vietnam is an agricultural country, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits
(2)_________. Vietnam also has a long coastal line, which means that there are many kinds of
(3)_________ available.
Vietnamese households also prefer cooking and eating at (4)_________. As Vietnam is
originally an agricultural country, its culture is a community (5)__________. Therefore, a family
may have several (6)_________, and meals are family affairs. (7)__________ they may eat out
with their friends after work to 8 __________ those relationships, they still join their families‘
meals later in the evening.
VIII. Read the passage and match the ideas to the paragraphs. Write the answer in each
A. Coffee and tea are bad for you.

B. There are ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods.

C. Vegetarian food is always healthy.
D. Fruit juice is good for you.
E. Carrots helps you see in the dark.

F. It‘s OK not to eat breakfast.

Food: Facts and Myths
1. _________________________________
True and false. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bad for your teeth. So yeas, have
some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch, but don‘t drink any juice between meals. Try
water instead. Up to eight glasses of water a day is good for you, and water hasn‘t got any
2. _______________________________
False. When you sleep, you don‘t eat for a long time and in the morning it‘s important to start the
day with a good breakfast. Without breakfast, you often feel hungry later in the morning and
start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary snacks are not a good idea. (If you want a healthy
snack, try some nuts or melon.)
True and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it isn‘t very healthy so don‘t have
more than two cups a day and don‘t drink any coffee before you go to bed. Tea is generally good
for you, but drink it with lemon and put any milk or sugar in it! Green tea is especially healthy.
4. _________________________________________
False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and oil and these can be very fattening. It‘s
important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say five portions of vegetables and/or
fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially from green vegetables.
5. _________________________________________
False. Carrots have a lot of vitamins A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, but nobody can
really see in the dark!
6. __________________________________________
False. There are good and bad diets. For example, real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals
and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a lot of sugar, so don‘t eat it often. Eat a
balanced diet with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and lots of vegetables and fruit. You also
need protein, from meat, grilled fish, cheese or nuts. And you need oil: olive oil and fish oil are
particularly good.
IX. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.
From bush food to barbecues
Australia is a huge country and it has a lot of different kinds of food. In the past, the Aboriginal
people of Australia ate animals like crocodiles and some insects like the witchetty grub.
Aboriginal Australians travelled around the Australian countryside, or ‗bush‘, to find food.
When the first British and Irish people moved to Australia in the 1830s, they brought sheep and
cows from Europe. They also brought traditional English and Irish recipes. Many of these
recipes, like fish and chips and meat pies, are still popular today. They also created new
Australian recipes such as the pavlova (a fruit dessert – named after a Russian dancer) and
damper (a bread cooked in the bush).
After 1945, a lot of people came to live in Australia from countries like Italy, Germany, Greece,
Thailand and India. They brought recipes with them and Australians began to eat and drink
different things. People started to drink espresso coffee and eat Mediterranean and Asian food.
A lot of modern Australians love cooking with fresh food. They often cook food on barbecues in
their gardens or on the beach. Today more people also eat Aboriginal food like kangaroo and
emu. Mark Olive, an Aboriginal chef, has a popular TV cookery programme about traditional
bush food. There are always new recipes to try in Australia!
Task 1. Read the passage again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false
(F), or not given (NG)

Australia doesn‘t have many different types of food.

2. In the past, Aboriginal people found food in different places.

3. British and Irish people brought food and recipes to Australia.

The people who arrived after 1945 didn‘t like Australian food.

5. Australians like food from countries like Italy, Greece, and Thailand.

6. Cooking outside is popular in Australia.

7. Today many people in Australia eat crocodile.

Task 2. Find words in the passage that mean

1. very big (paragraph 1): _____________
2. a name for the first people in Australia (paragraph 1): ____________
3. somewhere to cook food outside (paragraph 4): ______________
X. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question Free
and Easy
In the past, getting recipes and cooking tips was a complicated process. A person had to go to
store and buy a cook book, or get recipes from friends. Fortunately, the Internet has changed all
that. Now, if you want to find a recipe for lasagna or Cobb salad, you just search online. It
couldn‘t be simpler.
Cooking blogs are a great source of information because they are free and there are so many of
them. They are also nice because they give all different kinds of ideas. The problems with blogs
is that because we don‘t know who is writing them, we need to use with caution. When you are
looking at a new blog, you don‘t know if the writer knows what he or she is talking about. We‘d
like to introduce two popular cooking blogs. The first is called Smitten Kitchen. This website is
run by a family living in New York City. It focuses on food that doesn‘t require many
ingredients. If you want to make food that is simple but wonderful, then this is the site for you. It
offers hundreds and hundreds of recipes, divided into categories. You will be amazed at how
many there are.
Wednesday Chef is another great cooking blog. It is run by a writer who lives in Berlin. This
blog also offers many recipes, along with recommendations for great restaurants in Berlin, and
advice for people who want to start their own blogs. Wednesday Chef has great pictures of its
food, as well as interesting pictures of Berlin. The blog got its name because in the past,
newspapers published their food articles on Wednesday.
There are a lot of cooking blogs on the Internet, and most of them are pretty good. Go online and
check some of them out. You might be surprised at how much they can help you improve your
1. How did Wednesday Chef get its name?
A. the writer only posts recipes on Wednesdays.
B. the writer only cooks on Wednesday s.
C. The writer was born on a Wednesday.
D. Newspapers used to publish food articles on Wednesdays.
2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cooking blogs?
A. There are many of them.
B. Everyone who writes them is an expert.
C. They are free.
D. They give a lot of different ideas.
3. Who runs the blog Smitten Kitchen?
A. A family in New York. C. A family in Berlin B. A
woman in New York. D. A woman in Berlin
4. What does the passage say about Smitten Kitchen?
A. It only gives recipes on Italian food.
B. It focuses on simple recipes.
C. It only offers a few recipes.
D. Most of the food on that blog is hard to make.
5. Why should we be careful when we are looking at new blogs?

A. We don‘t know who the writers are.

B. Most new blogs are terrible.
C. The recipes on new blogs are usually hard to make.
D. They charge you some fees to get the recipes.
XI. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first
1. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.
If you ____________________________________________________
2. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.
Let‘s ______________________________________________
3. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
This is _____________________________________________
4. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
The onion ___________________________________________
5. Eating healthy foods is very important.
It is ________________________________________________
XII. Make sentences using the words and phrases below to help you. You can add extra
words or make changes.
1. Children/ adolescent/ should / eat / sufficient / nutritious / foods / grow/ develop normally.
2. Although/ eat/ breakfast/ dinner/ home/ students/ usually/ have/ lunch/ school.
3. Healthy lunches/ important/ for/ them/ because/ these/ help/ concentrate/ learning.
4. Some/ student/ usually/ have/ unhealthy lunch/ of/ fast food.
5. School aged/ children/ learn/ fast/ and/ be/ influenced/ friends.
6. If/ we/ not talk/ them/ about/ healthy eating/ they/ may/ only eat/ junk food.
7. At home/ parents/ should/ encourage/ children/ prepare/ lunchboxes.
8. They/ should discuss/ healthier/ food choices/ and/ decide/ what/ be/ lunchbox/ with/
XIII. Use the information to write about Tom’s eating habits for dinner. Give your opinion
about his eating habits and possible changes.
Tom‘s dinner:
- Often: chicken / pizza
- Sometimes: pasta
- Never: carrots / peas; reason: hate them; prefer potatoes, cabbage
- Dessert: no fruit; usually hot chocolate, biscuits / piece of cake
Your opinion: diet not balanced, healthy
Your advice: eat more kinds of vegetables (carrots, peas, and broccoli); eat fruit
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. grate B. staple C. marinate D. shallot
2. A. versatile B. slice C. sprinkle D. combine
3. A. sprinkle B. drain C. tender D. garnish
4. A. spread B. cream C. bread D. head
5. A. sauce B. stew C. sugar D. steam
II. Complete the sentences with a, an some, or any
1. We need ________ cheese to go with the pasta.

2. I‘m reading ________ interesting book at the moment.

3. We haven‘t got ________ homework this weekend.

4. Are there ________ apples on the table?

5. I‘d like ________ olive oil on my pizza.

6. There isn‘t ________ salt in this soup.

7. Mi got ________ tickets for the concert.
8. I need ________ clove of garlic for this recipe.
9. Have we got ________ rice and fresh fish for the sushi?

10. I‘d like _________ egg for my omelette.

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

1. Moderation doesn‘t mean _________ the foods you love.

A. to eliminate B. eliminating C. to prevent D. preventing
2. Studies suggest _________ only when you are most active and giving your digestive system a
long break each day.
A. to eat B. being eaten C. eating D. being eating
3. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, _________ them strong as you age.
A. remain B. care C. continue D. keep
4. If you eat too quickly, you may not _________ attention to whether your hunger is satisfied.
A. pay B. take C. keep D. show
5. Common eating habits that can lead to ________ are: eating too fast, eating when not hungry,
eating while standing up, and skipping meals.
A. gain weight B. weight gain C. put on weight D. be heavy
6. Keeping a _______ for a few days will help you discover your bad eating habits.
A. diary B. personal C. food diary D. report
7. You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not ________ they are
A. recognize B. realize C. understand D. tell
8. If children don‘t play sports, they ________ sleepy and tired.
A. would feel B. will feel C. would have felt D. had felt

9. If parents don‘t cook at home, their children _________ more fast food.
A. have B. would have C. may have D. had had
10. If you eat a lot of fruit, you _________ health problems.
A. have B. may have C. had D. will never have
IV. Complete the following sentences with a suitable cooking verb. Do not use any word
already given in the sentence
1. You ________ vegetables or fruits when you want to eat them. It means that you cut away
their skin.
2. You ________ the mixture of water, flour, yolk and sugar when you want to make a cake.
This mixture is called a dough.
3. You _______ meat only. It means you cut the meat in pieces or slices.
4. You _______ such substances like cheese, chocolate or carrot. You do it with a grater to cut
the food into a lot of small pieces.
5. You ________ fruit and vegetables in order to prepare a juice.
6. You usually _________ vegetables like onion. It means that you cut them into many small
7. You _________ food in a frying pan in hot oil or fat.
8. You _________ food mainly in an oven. You always need to adjust the proper temperature.
9. You _________ meat, fish with several spices or seasoning to improve its flavor before
10. You _________ liquid substance. You use a utensil like a spoon in order to mix the
V. Complete the conditional sentences type 1 with the suitable modal verbs and ordinary
1. If my parents work late, I ___________ bread and cheese.
2. If we make noise in class, we ____________ at the front.
3. If we feel sad, I ___________ to my friends.
4. If I don‘t know the answer to a question, I ___________ the answer when working in a
5. If I feel tired, I ____________ a shower.
6. If it rains, I ___________ to school by bus.
7. If our teacher gets angry with us, she ___________ us extra homework.

8. If people don‘t have much time, they ____________ fast food.

9. If your drink hot milk before bedtime, you ____________ well.
10. If you get up late, you ___________ time for breakfast.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
A Healthy Life?
(1)________ health experts believe that children and young people today are more (2)_______
than they used to be. So why has this happened?
One reason is bad eating habits. 3 ________ of young people don‘t have a healthy diet. They
eat too much fast food (4)________ hamburgers and pizza and not enough fruit and vegetables.
In the US, many children (5)________ fast food regularly since they were very young. In fact,
almost one-third of American children aged four to nineteen have been eating fast food
(6 _______ all the time. They also don‘t 7 _______ exercise and spend too 8 _________ of
their time watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing computer games.
So how can you change your habits if you have been following an unhealthy lifestyle for a long
time? First, change your (9)________ and eat more fruit and vegetables. Next, find an activity
you enjoy. Why not try something different like rock climbing, surfing or hiking? Many young
people have found that (10)________ fit and healthy can be a lot of fun.
1. A. many B. much C. a lot C. plenty
2. A. healthy B. healthily C. unhealthy D. unhealthily
3. A. Many B. much C. lots D. very few
4. A. such B. includes C. like D. as
5. A. eat B. are eating C. have been eating D. ate
6. A. nearly B. most C. most of D. for
7. A. play B. make C. do D. bring
8. A. many B. much C. mostly D. most
9. A, menu B. ingredients C. recipes D. diet 10. A.
become B. becoming C. became D. to be become
VII. Read the article, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Simple ways to lose weight on a budget
Plan to cook at home
Instead of buying costly prepared meals, which often tend to be high in calories, cook your own
at home. Plan out your meals with high-fiber foods like beans and whole grains which will keep
you full and are a cheaper, healthier alternative to rich proteins and more processed grains.
Eat less
Eating less leads to weight loss, and cost savings, especially if you cut down on the right things.
Start by cutting your portions of pricy meat and poultry. Or swap out meat and poultry for
cheaper vegetarian proteins like beans, lentils, tofu and eggs for some of your meals.
Double up on vegetables
Vegetables are great for weight loss, as well as all-around health. They are low in calories and
high in water and fiber – two things that keep you feeling full. Save cash by shopping for those
that are in season. Frozen vegetables can be a great bargain, with just as much nutrition as fresh,
since they are picked and frozen at their peak ripeness.
Get creative with your exercise options
You don‘t need to shell out a monthly gym fee to get moving. Instead, find fun activities you
enjoy for free. If you‘re just getting started with a regular exercise routine, try your beginning
with daily walks: start slowly and build up time and speed.
Make friends with someone
One of the most powerful resources you have for helping your lose weight is your social
network. Find a friend who is also trying to lose weight and agree to help each other stay
motivated. One study found that when friends participated in a group weight-loss programme
together, they lost more weight than people who did the same programme on their own.
1. The advantage of cooking at home is ______.
A. to have food that is in high calories
B. to enjoy a variety of rich proteins and more processed grains
C. to plan out your costly prepared meals
D. to choose foods that keep you full and is cheaper.
2. In order to cut down on your daily calories, you should do all the following things EXCEPT
A. follow vegetarian diets for your meals
B. eat less meat and poultry
C. eat more beans, lentils, tofu and eggs
D. cut down on animal proteins for some of your meals
3. All of the following are true about vegetables EXCEPT that ______.
A. vegetables can keep you feeling full
B. they help you lose weight effectively
C. frozen vegetables are not good for your health
D. you feel healthier and save money with fresh vegetables in season
4. We can infer from article that _____.
A. you should join in a social network instead of going to gym
B. a partner can make you feel more motivated in losing weight
C. you should find fun activities at the gym and follow them D. joining a programme you
can lose more weight than your partner

5. The phrase ―shell out‖ is closest in meaning to _____.

A. become more interested in something B. pay money for something
C. peel something out D. take someone out of a shell
VIII. Complete the conversation about Vietnamese eating habits, using the responses (A –
G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. In Vietnam, I eat a bowl of soup for breakfast every morning.
B. I know I feel a lot better while in Vietnam, and it is because of the better diet.
C. I had a sandwich for lunch with a large dose of meat, a few vegetables, and of course a Coke.
D. Last week, it was serve as one of the main dishes at the canteen.
E. I may also eat a lot of bread, bacon, and a Coke.
F. We always have different fruits at lunch time and after dinner.
G. For dinner, we have a large meat portion, including hamburgers and steaks.
Phong: What did you often have for breakfast in your country?
Nick: I often had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. (1)_________
Phong: Your breakfast was of high calories. And how about your breakfast in Vietnam?
Nick: (2)________. Maybe it is beef soup, beef noodles or pho.
Phong: It is better for your health, Nick. How about lunch in your country?
Nick: (3)________
Phong: In Vietnam, lunch usually consists of a meat dish and a main vegetable dish, along with
rice, and vegetable soup at the end.

Nick: We often have that menu at our school canteen. (4)_________. Potatoes in various
forms are often added to the dinner, and occasionally a vegetable.

Phong: Dinner here is lighter but it offers a variety of vegetables. I think it‘s better for our
health. Anyway, have you ever tried fried silkworms?

Nick: (5)__________. I think it is very tasty and delicious.

IX. Write complete sentences about eating habits in Vietnam, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use
all the words given.
1. Vietnamese people/ consider/ combination/ yin/ yang/ cooking/ healthy.
2. The salty food/ belong/ yang/ and/ sour and sweet one/ belong/ yin.
______________________________________________________________ 3. In each
meal/ everyone/ own bowl/ and/ dishes/ put/ middle.
4. Therefore/ each one/ eat/ whatever they want/ and/ they/ not need/ eat what/ they
5. The food/ meat/ sliced/ small pieces/ so that/ everyone/ take them easily.
______________________________________________________________ 6. We/
eat/ only/ much food/ as body need.
7. Moderation/ key/ any healthy diet/ and/ it/ also/ mean/ balance/ our diet.
8. Cutting down/ your intake/ sugar/ or/ salt/ help/ you/ prevent/ several problems/ diseases.
9. You/ eat/ only when/ you/ active/ during daytime/ and/ avoid/ eat/ night.
10. If/ you/ work/ feel hungry/ you/ healthier snacks/ such/ fruits or vegetables.


I. New words
Spread (v)
Chop (v) Chặt Phết
/tʃɒp/ /spred/
Cube (n) /kjuːb/ Miếng hình lập Sprinkle (v) /ˈsprɪŋkl/ Rắc
Deep-fry (v) R n ngập mỡ Slice (v) /slaɪs/ Cắt l t
/ˌdiːp ˈfraɪ/
Dip (v) /dɪp/ Nhúng Staple (n) Lương thực chính
Drain (v) L m r o nư c Starter (n) M n khai v
/dreɪn/ /ˈstɑːtə(r)/
Garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ Trang trí (món Steam (v) /stiːm/ Hấp
Grate (v) Nạo Stew (v) H m
/ɡreɪt/ /stjuː/
Grill (v) /ɡrɪl/ Nư ng Stir-fry (v) Xào
/ˈstɜː fraɪ/
Marinate (v) p Tender (adj) Mềm
/ˈmærɪneɪt/ /ˈtendə(r)/
Peel (v) /piːl/ G tv ,b cv Versatile (adj) a d ng
Purée (v) Xay nhuyễn Whisk (v) nh tr ng
/ˈpjʊəreɪ/ /wɪsk/
Roast (v) quay
Shallot (n) Hành khô
Simmer (v) om

II. Grammar:
1. Quantifiers: review: a / an / some / any


‖A‖ v ―an‖ đư c d ng cho danh t số ít đếm đư c .

-―A‖ đ ng trư c ph âm : a cat, a dog, a table

-―an‖ đ ng trư c nguyên âm nguyên âm l nh ng ch c i b ng đ u t u, e, o,a,i đ c l uể oải :

An ocean, An orange bike, An hour ―h‖ ở đây l âm câm nên hour đư c bắt đ u b ng nguyên
âm. , an university student ―University‖, trong đ U ở đây l ph âm đư c ph t âm
1. Some

– D ng trong câu kh ng đ nh

• Some + countable noun số nhiều + V số

nhiều Some pens are on the table.
There are some pens on the table.

• Some + uncountable noun + V số ít There is

some ink in the inkpot.
2. Many/ much

– D ng trong câu ph đ nh v câu nghi vấn. ―Much‖ thư ng không đư c d ng trong câu kh ng
đ nh. ―Many‖ c thể d ng đư c trong câu kh ng đ nh nhưng ―a lot of‖ thư ng đư c d ng nhiều
hơn trong câu đ m thoại.

• Many + countable noun số nhiều + V số nhiều There are many books

on the table.
There are not many boys here.
Are there many teachers in your school?

• Much + uncountable noun + V số ít

There isn‘t much fresh water on earth.
There is much milk in the bottle.
We didn't spend much money.

Nhưng ch r ng , ch ng ta d ng ―too much‖ v ―so many‖ trong c c câu kh ng đ nh:

We spent too much money.
3. A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of
– D ng trong câu kh ng đ nh

A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of + countable noun số nhiều + V số nhiều

A lot of pupils/ lots of pupils are in the library now.
Plenty of shops take checks.
A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of + noun không đếm đư c + V số ít Lots
of sugar is sold in the shop.
A lot of time is needed to learn a language.

Don‘t rush, there‘s plenty of time.

4. A great deal of (= much)/ a number of

A great deal of + uncountable noun + V số ít

A great deal of rice is produced in Vietnam

• A large number of + countable noun (số nhiều + V số nhiều

• A great number of + countable noun số nhiều + V số nhiều A large number of cows are
raised in Ba Vi.

• The number of + countable noun số nhiều + V số ít The number of days in a week is

The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small.
5. A little và little

• A little không nhiều nhưng đ d ng + uncountable noun + V số ít

• Little g n như không c gì + uncountable noun + V số ít
Ví d :
A: Can you give me some ink?
B: Yes, I can give you some. I‘ve got a little ink in my pen

No, I‘m sorry. I‘ve got only little

We must be quick. There is little time. (= not much , not enough time )
He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him
He spoke a little English, so we was able to communicate with him.
6. A few và few

• A few không nhiều nhưng đ d ng + countable noun số nhiều + V số nhiều

• Few g n như không c + countable noun số nhiều + V số nhiều Ví d :

The house isn‘t full. There are a few rooms empty .

Where can I sit now? - There are few seats left.
He isn't popular. He has few friends.
She's lucky. She has few problems. (= not many problem)
7. All

• All + countable noun số nhiều + V số

nhiều All students are ready for the exam.
• All + uncountable noun + V số ít Nearly all
water on earth is salty.
8. Most of, all of, some of, many of

• Most/ some/ all/ many + noun số nhiều + V số nhiều Some people are
very unfriendly.

• Most of, some of, all of, many of + the/ his/ your/ my/ this/ those... + noun
số nhiều + V số nhiều
Some of the people at the party were very friendly.
Most of my friends live in Hanoi.

2. Modal verbs in conditional sentences type 1: can / must / may / might / should
Modal verbs in conditional sentences type 1
Động từ khiếm khuyết trong câu điều kiện loại 1
Loại câu điều kiện n y diễn tả điều kiện c thể hoặc không thể thực hiện ở trong tương lai.

Cấu tr c c a câu điều kiện loại 1:

If - clause Mệnh đề if Main clause Mệnh đề chính

If + S + V (simple present) S + will/ can/ may/ must + V-bare infinitive

Thì hiện tại đư c d ng trong mệnh đề if. Thì tương lai đư c d ng trong mệnh đề chính.
Ex: If I have the money, I will buy a big house.

I will be late for work if you don‘t drive faster.

If you want to pass the exam, you must study harder.

L U Ý:

Thì hiện tại đơn c thể đư c d ng ở mệnh đề chính để diễn tả một điều kiện luôn luôn đ ng.

- Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, ch ng ta sử d ng thì hiện tại đơn trong mệnh đề if v will +
nguyên mẫu không ―to‖ trong mệnh đề chính. ây l hình th c chuẩn.
- Thay vì will, ch ng ta c thể sử d ng động t khuyết thiếu kh c như can, must, may, might
hoặc should trong mệnh đề chính để diễn tả năng lực, sự cho phép, l i khuyên, khả năng, sự c n
Ex: If you cut your finger, it will bleed, (standard form)

Nếu bạn cắt ng n tay bạn, n s chảy m u. hình th c chuẩn

• If you finish your dinner, you can watch TV. (permission)
Nếu bạn kết th c b a tối, bạn c thể xem ti ví. sự cho phép
• She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard, (ability)
Cô ấy c thể h c để trở th nh một đ u bếp gi i nếu cô ấy cố gắng chăm ch . năng lực
• If he likes eating spicy food, he may/might add chilli, (possibility)
Nếu anh ấy thích ăn đ cay, anh ấy c thể thêm t. khả năng

• If you don‘t want to get burnt, you must follow these safety instructions, (necessity)
Nếu bạn không muốn b ch y, bạn phải l m theo nh ng ch dẫn an to n n y. sự c n thiết

• If you feel unwell, you shouldn’t eat fast food. (advice)

Nếu bạn cảm thấy không kh e, bạn không nên ăn th c ăn nhanh, l i khuyên

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern
1. A. versatile B. tomato C. marinate D.
2. A. include B. combine C. balance D. reduce
3. A. cucumber B. ingredient C. opinion D. nutritious
4. A. teaspoon B. cabbage C. pancake D.
5. A. individual B. supermarket C. avocado D.

II. Match each cooking verb in column A with its definition in column B. Write the answer
in each blank.
Answer A B

H 1. bake
A. cook something slowly in hot liquid kept at or just
below the boiling point (85oC/95oC)
E 2. roast B. cook food in hot oil, or fat

I 3. boil C. cook food over charcoal on a grill

B 4. fry D. cook or brown food, like bread or cheese by

exposing it to a grill or fire

J 5. steam E. cook, especially meat, in an oven or over a fire

A 6. simmer F. cook meat and vegetables slowly in liquid in a closed

dish or pan

D 7. toast G. fry very quickly over high heat

G 8. stir-fry H. cook in an oven without any extra fat

C 9. barbecue I. cook food in boiling water that is 100oC

F 10. stew J. cook food by heating it in the steam made from

boiling water

III. Fill each numbered blank with a, an, some or any

Mum: Andy, let‘s go to the market. Do you have the list?
Andy: I‘m doing it now. We need 1 some apples, (2) a bottle of cooking oil and (3) some
bread. Oh, and there isn‘t 4 any salt either.

Mum: Is there (5) any milk?

Andy: Yes, there‘s 6 some in the fridge. But we haven‘t got 7 any orange juice.
Mum: Have we got (8) any vegetables?
Andy: Well, there is (9) a cauliflower, (10) an onion and (11) some potatoes, but there
aren‘t 12 any artichokes.

Mum: Ok. Let‘s go shopping then. But before leaving, you should eat something. Is there
(13) any fruit?

Andy: Yes, Mum, there is (14) a banana and (15) an orange. But I prefer to have (16) a
muffin or (17) some chocolate.

Mum: No way, Andy. You know what I think about fatty food. Have (18) a banana and
(19) some milk.

Andy: Ok, but Can I have 20 a chocolate cake after dinner, please?
Mum: We‘ll see.
IV. Fill each blank in the following sentences with a food quantifier from the box.
A bar of A bowl of A bunch of A can of A carton of

A clove of A loaf of A slice of A stick of A tablespoon of

1. Add _________ vinegar and 200ml of water into the bowl and mix well. A tablespoon of
2. My brother usually has __________ cereal and some milk for breakfast. A bowl of
3. She bought a grapefruit and _________ bananas at the village market. A bunch of
4. Mummy, can you give me _________ celery, please? A stick of
5. I have a recipe that calls for only ________ garlic. A clove of
6. There is ________ bread, some eggs and some salad for dinner. A loaf of
7. You look thirsty. Would you like ________ soda? A can of
8. Do you want ________ chocolate or five chocolate sweets? A bar of
9. Please go to the store and buy ________ milk and if they have sugar, get one kilo. A carton
10. He has eaten ________ pizza, two pieces of cake and three eggs. A slice of V. Underline
the correct verb in each sentence.
1. (Stir/ Drain/ Chop) the carrot into small circles.
2. (Mix/ Boil/ Bake) the lasagna for 30 minutes in the oven.
3. After ten minutes, (drain/ boil/ fry) the spaghetti until there is no water left. Then place the
pasta into a large bowl.
4. (Peel/ Stir/ Fry) the onion and throw away the skin.
5. (Drain/ Marinate/ Chop) the steak with salt, pepper and lemon.
6. (Simmer/ Fry/ Bake) the onion until it is soft, but not brown.
7. Constantly (fry/ stir/ boil) the mixture using a wooden spoon.
8. When the mixture looks shiny, (fry/ pour/ chop) it into individual dishes.
9. When you have finished preparing the vegetables, (stir/ mix/ chop) them together with your
10. (Fry/ Bake/ Boil) the spaghetti for ten minutes, or until soft.
VI. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. I didn‘t eat everything that they _______ me at the party.

A. cooked B. baked C. served D. shared
2. Perhaps the three most popular ice cream ________ are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
A. brands B. ingredients C. offers D. flavours
3. Beet greens are the most ________ part of the vegetable and can be cooked like any other
dark leafy green.
A. colourful B. nutritious C. traditional D. careful
4. Pumpkin soup is a good source of ________, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A
A. sugars B. solids C. fibres D. fats
5. You _______ chicken. You cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid.
A. steam B. boil C. fry D. roast
6. You usually ________ vegetables like onion. It means that you cut them into many small
A. chop B. whisk C. grate D. sprinkle
7. Is there ________ apple juice in the fridge, Quang?
A. An B. a C. any D. some
8. Can I have a pizza, a dozen eggs and a ________ of lemonade, please?
A. bottle B. jar C. piece D. tub
9. I would like a ________ of broccoli and two carrots.
A. bunch B. clove C. slice D. head
10. You should eat more fruits and vegetables if you ________ to lose weight.
A. will want B. want C. would want D. wanted
VII. Fill in each gap in passage with ONE suitable word.
Vietnamese Cooking Habits
The Vietnamese prefer fresh foods, and will rarely (1) choose ready-made or frozen food. Since
Vietnam is an agricultural country, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits (2) available.
Vietnam also has a long coastal line, which means that there are many kinds of (3) seafood
Vietnamese households also prefer cooking and eating at (4) home. As Vietnam is originally an
agricultural country, its culture is a community (5) one. Therefore, a family may have several (6)
generations, and meals are family affairs. (7) Although they may eat out with their friends after
work to (8) maintain those relationships, they still join their families‘ meals later in the evening.
VIII. Read the passage and match the ideas to the paragraphs. Write the answer in each
A. Coffee and tea are bad for you.

B. There are ―good‖ foods and ―bad‖ foods.

C. Vegetarian food is always healthy.
D. Fruit juice is good for you.
E. Carrots helps you see in the dark.

F. It‘s OK not to eat breakfast.

Food: Facts and Myths
1. D
True and false. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bad for your teeth. So yeas, have
some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch, but don‘t drink any juice between meals. Try
water instead. Up to eight glasses of water a day is good for you, and water hasn‘t got any
2. F

False. When you sleep, you don‘t eat for a long time and in the morning it‘s important to start the
day with a good breakfast. Without breakfast, you often feel hungry later in the morning and
start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary snacks are not a good idea. (If you want a healthy
snack, try some nuts or melon.)
3. A
True and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it isn‘t very healthy so don‘t have
more than two cups a day and don‘t drink any coffee before you go to bed. Tea is generally good
for you, but drink it with lemon and put any milk or sugar in it! Green tea is especially healthy.
4. C
False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and oil and these can be very fattening. It‘s
important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say five portions of vegetables and/or
fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially from green vegetables.
5. E
False. Carrots have a lot of vitamins A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, but nobody can
really see in the dark!
6. B
False. There are good and bad diets. For example, real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals
and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a lot of sugar, so don‘t eat it often. Eat a
balanced diet with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and lots of vegetables and fruit. You also
need protein, from meat, grilled fish, cheese or nuts. And you need oil: olive oil and fish oil are
particularly good.
IX. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.
From bush food to barbecues
Australia is a huge country and it has a lot of different kinds of food. In the past, the Aboriginal
people of Australia ate animals like crocodiles and some insects like the witchetty grub.
Aboriginal Australians travelled around the Australian countryside, or ‗bush‘, to find food.
When the first British and Irish people moved to Australia in the 1830s, they brought sheep and
cows from Europe. They also brought traditional English and Irish recipes. Many of these
recipes, like fish and chips and meat pies, are still popular today. They also created new
Australian recipes such as the pavlova (a fruit dessert – named after a Russian dancer) and
damper (a bread cooked in the bush).
After 1945, a lot of people came to live in Australia from countries like Italy, Germany, Greece,
Thailand and India. They brought recipes with them and Australians began to eat and drink
different things. People started to drink espresso coffee and eat Mediterranean and Asian food.
A lot of modern Australians love cooking with fresh food. They often cook food on barbecues in
their gardens or on the beach. Today more people also eat Aboriginal food like kangaroo and
emu. Mark Olive, an Aboriginal chef, has a popular TV cookery programme about traditional
bush food. There are always new recipes to try in Australia!
Task 1. Read the passage again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false
(F), or not given (NG)

1. x
Australia doesn‘t have many different types of food.

2. In the past, Aboriginal people found food in different places. x

3. British and Irish people brought food and recipes to Australia. x

4. x
The people who arrived after 1945 didn‘t like Australian food.

5. Australians like food from countries like Italy, Greece, and Thailand. x

6. Cooking outside is popular in Australia. x

7. Today many people in Australia eat crocodile. x

Task 2. Find words in the passage that mean

1. very big (paragraph 1): huge
2. a name for the first people in Australia (paragraph 1): the Aboriginal
3. somewhere to cook food outside (paragraph 4): gardens/beach
X. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question Free

and Easy
In the past, getting recipes and cooking tips was a complicated process. A person had to go to
store and buy a cook book, or get recipes from friends. Fortunately, the Internet has changed all
that. Now, if you want to find a recipe for lasagna or Cobb salad, you just search online. It
couldn‘t be simpler.
Cooking blogs are a great source of information because they are free and there are so many of
them. They are also nice because they give all different kinds of ideas. The problems with blogs
is that because we don‘t know who is writing them, we need to use with caution. When you are
looking at a new blog, you don‘t know if the writer knows what he or she is talking about.
We‘d like to introduce two popular cooking blogs. The first is called Smitten Kitchen. This
website is run by a family living in New York City. It focuses on food that doesn‘t require many
ingredients. If you want to make food that is simple but wonderful, then this is the site for you. It
offers hundreds and hundreds of recipes, divided into categories. You will be amazed at how
many there are.
Wednesday Chef is another great cooking blog. It is run by a writer who lives in Berlin. This
blog also offers many recipes, along with recommendations for great restaurants in Berlin, and
advice for people who want to start their own blogs. Wednesday Chef has great pictures of its
food, as well as interesting pictures of Berlin. The blog got its name because in the past,
newspapers published their food articles on Wednesday.
There are a lot of cooking blogs on the Internet, and most of them are pretty good. Go online and
check some of them out. You might be surprised at how much they can help you improve your
1. How did Wednesday Chef get its name?
A. the writer only posts recipes on Wednesdays.
B. the writer only cooks on Wednesday s.
C. The writer was born on a Wednesday.
D. Newspapers used to publish food articles on Wednesdays.
2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cooking blogs?
A. There are many of them.
B. Everyone who writes them is an expert.
C. They are free.
D. They give a lot of different ideas.
3. Who runs the blog Smitten Kitchen?
A. A family in New York. C. A family in
Berlin B. A woman in New York. D. A woman in
4. What does the passage say about Smitten Kitchen?
A. It only gives recipes on Italian food.
B. It focuses on simple recipes.
C. It only offers a few recipes.
D. Most of the food on that blog is hard to make.
5. Why should we be careful when we are looking at new blogs?

A. We don’t know who the writers are.

B. Most new blogs are terrible.
C. The recipes on new blogs are usually hard to make.
D. They charge you some fees to get the recipes.
XI. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first
1. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.

If you don’t follow these safety instructions, you may get burnt.
2. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.

Let’s have spaghetti and pizza tonight

3. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
This is the first time (that) my aunt has ever tasted sushi.
4. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
The onion needs to be peeled and sliced.
5. Eating healthy foods is very important.
It is very important to eat healthy foods.
XII. Make sentences using the words and phrases below to help you. You can add extra
words or make changes.
1. Children/ adolescent/ should / eat / sufficient / nutritious / foods / grow/ develop normally.
Children and adolescents should eat sufficient nutritious foods to grow and develop normally.
2. Although/ eat/ breakfast/ dinner/ home/ students/ usually/ have/ lunch/ school.
Although they eat breakfast and dinner at home, students usually have lunch at school.
3. Healthy lunches/ important/ for/ them/ because/ these/ help/ concentrate/ learning.
Healthy lunches are important for them because these help them concentrate on learning.
4. Some/ student/ usually/ have/ unhealthy lunch/ of/ fast food.
Some students usually have an unhealthy lunch of fast food.
5. School aged/ children/ learn/ fast/ and/ be/ influenced/ friends.
School aged children learn fast and are influenced by friends.
6. If/ we/ not talk/ them/ about/ healthy eating/ they/ may/ only eat/ junk food.

If we don’t talk to them about healthy eating, they may only eat junk food
7. At home/ parents/ should/ encourage/ children/ prepare/ lunchboxes.
At home parents should encourage their children to prepare their lunchboxes
8. They/ should discuss/ healthier/ food choices/ and/ decide/ what/ be/ lunchbox/ with/ children.
They should discuss healthier food choices and decide what will be in the lunchbox with their


XIII. Use the information to write about Tom’s eating habits for dinner. Give your opinion
about his eating habits and possible changes.

Tom‘s dinner:
- Often: chicken / pizza
- Sometimes: pasta
- Never: carrots / peas; reason: hate them; prefer potatoes, cabbage
- Dessert: no fruit; usually hot chocolate, biscuits / piece of cake
Your opinion: diet not balanced, healthy
Your advice: eat more kinds of vegetables (carrots, peas, and broccoli); eat fruit


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. grate B. staple C. marinate D. shallot
2. A. versatile B. slice C. sprinkle D. combine
3. A. sprinkle B. drain C. tender D. garnish
4. A. spread B. cream C. bread D. head
5. A. sauce B. stew C. sugar D. steam
II. Complete the sentences with a, an some, or any
1. We need some cheese to go with the pasta.
2. I‘m reading an interesting book at the moment.
3. We haven‘t got any homework this weekend.
4. Are there any apples on the table?
5. I‘d like some olive oil on my pizza.
6. There isn‘t any salt in this soup.
7. Mi got some tickets for the concert.
8. I need a clove of garlic for this recipe.
9. Have we got any rice and fresh fish for the sushi?
10. I‘d like an egg for my omelet.
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

1. Moderation doesn‘t mean _________ the foods you love.

A. to eliminate B. eliminating C. to prevent D. preventing
2. Studies suggest _________ only when you are most active and giving your digestive system a
long break each day.
A. to eat B. being eaten C. eating D. being eating
3. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, _________ them strong as you age.
A. remain B. care C. continue D. keep
4. If you eat too quickly, you may not _________ attention to whether your hunger is satisfied.
A. pay B. take C. keep D. show
5. Common eating habits that can lead to ________ are: eating too fast, eating when not hungry,
eating while standing up, and skipping meals.
A. gain weight B. weight gain C. put on weight D. be heavy
6. Keeping a _______ for a few days will help you discover your bad eating habits.
A. diary B. personal C. food diary D. report
7. You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not ________ they are
A. recognize B. realize C. understand D. tell

8. If children don‘t play sports, they ________ sleepy and tired.

A. would feel B. will feel C. would have felt D. had felt

9. If parents don‘t cook at home, their children _________ more fast food.
A. have B. would have C. may have D. had had
10. If you eat a lot of fruit, you _________ health problems.
A. have B. may have C. had D. will never have
IV. Complete the following sentences with a suitable cooking verb. Do not use any word
already given in the sentence
1. You peel vegetables or fruits when you want to eat them. It means that you cut away their
2. You whisk the mixture of water, flour, yolk and sugar when you want to make a cake. This
mixture is called a dough.
3. You slice meat only. It means you cut the meat in pieces or slices.
4. You grate such substances like cheese, chocolate or carrot. You do it with a grater to cut the
food into a lot of small pieces.
5. You squeeze fruit and vegetables in order to prepare a juice.
6. You usually slice vegetables like onion. It means that you cut them into many small pieces.
7. You stir-fry food in a frying pan in hot oil or fat.
8. You bake food mainly in an oven. You always need to adjust the proper temperature.
9. You marinate meat, fish with several spices or seasoning to improve its flavor before
10. You whisk liquid substance. You use a utensil like a spoon in order to mix the substance.
V. Complete the conditional sentences type 1 with the suitable modal verbs and ordinary
1. If my parents work late, I will eat bread and cheese.
2. If we make noise in class, we will have to sit at the front.
3. If we feel sad, I can talk to my friends.
4. If I don‘t know the answer to a question, I will find out/ look for the answer when working
in a group.
5. If I feel tired, I may have/ take a shower.
6. If it rains, I will go to school by bus.
7. If our teacher gets angry with us, she may/ might give us extra homework.
8. If people don‘t have much time, they will eat/ have fast food.
9. If your drink hot milk before bedtime, you may sleep well.
10. If you get up late, you won’t have time for breakfast.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
A Healthy Life?
(1)________ health experts believe that children and young people today are more (2)_______
than they used to be. So why has this happened?
One reason is bad eating habits. 3 ________ of young people don‘t have a healthy diet. They
eat too much fast food (4)________ hamburgers and pizza and not enough fruit and vegetables.
In the US, many children (5)________ fast food regularly since they were very young. In fact,
almost one-third of American children aged four to nineteen have been eating fast food
(6 _______ all the time. They also don‘t 7 _______ exercise and spend too 8 _________ of
their time watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing computer games.
So how can you change your habits if you have been following an unhealthy lifestyle for a long
time? First, change your (9)________ and eat more fruit and vegetables. Next, find an activity
you enjoy. Why not try something different like rock climbing, surfing or hiking? Many young
people have found that (10)________ fit and healthy can be a lot of fun.
1. A. many B. much C. a lot C. plenty
2. A. healthy B. healthily C. unhealthy D. unhealthily
3. A. Many B. much C. lots D. very few
4. A. such B. includes C. like D. as
5. A. eat B. are eating C. have been eating D. ate
6. A. nearly B. most C. most of D. for
7. A. play B. make C. do D. bring
8. A. many B. much C. mostly D. most
9. A, menu B. ingredients C. recipes D. diet 10. A.
become B. becoming C. became D. to be become
VII. Read the article, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Simple ways to lose weight on a budget
Plan to cook at home
Instead of buying costly prepared meals, which often tend to be high in calories, cook your own
at home. Plan out your meals with high-fiber foods like beans and whole grains which will keep
you full and are a cheaper, healthier alternative to rich proteins and more processed grains.
Eat less
Eating less leads to weight loss, and cost savings, especially if you cut down on the right things.
Start by cutting your portions of pricy meat and poultry. Or swap out meat and poultry for
cheaper vegetarian proteins like beans, lentils, tofu and eggs for some of your meals.
Double up on vegetables
Vegetables are great for weight loss, as well as all-around health. They are low in calories and
high in water and fiber – two things that keep you feeling full. Save cash by shopping for those
that are in season. Frozen vegetables can be a great bargain, with just as much nutrition as fresh,
since they are picked and frozen at their peak ripeness.
Get creative with your exercise options
You don‘t need to shell out a monthly gym fee to get moving. Instead, find fun activities you
enjoy for free. If you‘re just getting started with a regular exercise routine, try your beginning
with daily walks: start slowly and build up time and speed.
Make friends with someone
One of the most powerful resources you have for helping your lose weight is your social
network. Find a friend who is also trying to lose weight and agree to help each other stay
motivated. One study found that when friends participated in a group weight-loss programme
together, they lost more weight than people who did the same programme on their own.
1. The advantage of cooking at home is ______.
A. to have food that is in high calories
B. to enjoy a variety of rich proteins and more processed grains
C. to plan out your costly prepared meals
D. to choose foods that keep you full and is cheaper.
2. In order to cut down on your daily calories, you should do all the following things EXCEPT
A. follow vegetarian diets for your meals
B. eat less meat and poultry
C. eat more beans, lentils, tofu and eggs
D. cut down on animal proteins for some of your meals
3. All of the following are true about vegetables EXCEPT that ______.
A. vegetables can keep you feeling full
B. they help you lose weight effectively
C. frozen vegetables are not good for your health
D. you feel healthier and save money with fresh vegetables in season
4. We can infer from article that _____.
A. you should join in a social network instead of going to gym
B. a partner can make you feel more motivated in losing weight
C. you should find fun activities at the gym and follow them D. joining a programme you
can lose more weight than your partner

5. The phrase ―shell out‖ is closest in meaning to _____.

A. become more interested in something B. pay money for something
C. peel something out D. take someone out of a shell
VIII. Complete the conversation about Vietnamese eating habits, using the responses (A –
G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. In Vietnam, I eat a bowl of soup for breakfast every morning.
B. I know I feel a lot better while in Vietnam, and it is because of the better diet.
C. I had a sandwich for lunch with a large dose of meat, a few vegetables, and of course a Coke.
D. Last week, it was serve as one of the main dishes at the canteen.
E. I may also eat a lot of bread, bacon, and a Coke.
F. We always have different fruits at lunch time and after dinner.
G. For dinner, we have a large meat portion, including hamburgers and steaks.
Phong: What did you often have for breakfast in your country?
Nick: I often had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. (1) E
Phong: Your breakfast was of high calories. And how about your breakfast in Vietnam?
Nick: (2) A. Maybe it is beef soup, beef noodles or pho.
Phong: It is better for your health, Nick. How about lunch in your country?
Nick: (3) C
Phong: In Vietnam, lunch usually consists of a meat dish and a main vegetable dish, along with
rice, and vegetable soup at the end.

Nick: We often have that menu at our school canteen. (4) G. Potatoes in various forms are
often added to the dinner, and occasionally a vegetable.
Phong: Dinner here is lighter but it offers a variety of vegetables. I think it‘s better for our
health. Anyway, have you ever tried fried silkworms?

Nick: (5) D. I think it is very tasty and delicious.

IX. Write complete sentences about eating habits in Vietnam, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use
all the words given.
1. Vietnamese people/ consider/ combination/ yin/ yang/ cooking/ healthy.
Vietnamese people consider the combination of yin and yang in cooking is healthy
2. The salty food/ belong/ yang/ and/ sour and sweet one/ belong/ yin.
The salty food belongs to yang, and the sour and sweet one belongs to yin.
3. In each meal/ everyone/ own bowl/ and/ dishes/ put/ middle.
In each meal, everyone has their own bowl, and dishes are put in the middle
4. Therefore/ each one/ eat/ whatever they want/ and/ they/ not need/ eat what/ they dislike.
Therefore, each one can eat whatever they want, and they do not need to eat what they dislike
5. The food/ meat/ sliced/ small pieces/ so that/ everyone/ take them easily.
The food like meat are sliced into small pieces so that everyone can take them easily.
6. We/ eat/ only/ much food/ as body need.
We should eat only as much food as our body needs
7. Moderation/ key/ any healthy diet/ and/ it/ also/ mean/ balance/ our diet.
Moderation is the key to any healthy diet, and it also means the balance in our diet
8. Cutting down/ your intake/ sugar/ or/ salt/ help/ you/ prevent/ several problems/ diseases.
Cutting down on your intake of sugar or salt helps you prevent several problems and diseases
9. You/ eat/ only when/ you/ active/ during daytime/ and/ avoid/ eat/ night.
You should eat only when you are active during daytime and avoid eating at night
10. If/ you/ work/ feel hungry/ you/ healthier snacks/ such/ fruits or vegetables.
If you work and feel hungry, you can have healthier snacks, such as fruits or vegetables
I. New words
affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ c thể chi trả breathtaking (adj) /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/ ấn tư ng, hấp
đư c, h p t i dẫn
air (v) /eə r / ph t s ng đ i, check-in (n) /tʃek-ɪn/ việc l m th t c
vô tuyến lên máy bay
checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊ t/ th i điểm r i confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/ sự hoang mang,
kh i kh ch sạn bối rối
exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪ k/ kì lạ erode away (v) /ɪˈrəʊd əˈweɪ/ mòn đi
explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː (r)/ th m hiểm hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ dấu gạch ngang
imperial (adj) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ thuộc về inaccessible (adj) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể
ho ng đế v o/tiếp cận
đư c
magnificence (n) /mæɡˈn ɪfɪsns/ sự nguy nga, not break the bank /nɒt breɪk ðə không tốn nhiều
lộng lẫy, tr ng (idiom) bæŋk/ tiền
orchid (n) /ˈɔːkɪd/ hoa lan package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə(r)/ chuyến du l ch
tr n g i
pile-up (n) /paɪl-ʌp/ v tai nạn do promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ gi p ph t triển,
nhiều xe đâm quảng b
pyramid (n) /ˈpɪrəmɪ d/ kim tự th p safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/ cuộc đi săn,
cuộc h nh trình
b ng đư ng bộ
nhất l ở đông
và nam phi

stalagmite (n) /stəˈlæɡ maɪt/ măng đ stimulating (adj) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ th v đ y phấn

touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ sự hạ c nh varied (adj) /ˈveərid/ đa dạng
lush (adj) /lʌʃ/ tươi tốt, xum speciality (n) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ ặc sản

decide (v) /dɪˈsaɪd/ Quyết đ nh be into sth like it very

decision (n) /dɪˈsɪʒn/ much
make a decision ưa ra quyết
đ nh
tease (v) /tiːz/ Trêu ch c, đ a adventure (n) /ədˈventʃə r Phiêu lưu, mạo
adventuous (a) /ədˈventʃərəs/ hiểm

reserve(v) /rɪˈzɜːv/ ặt ch trư c expedition (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ Cuộc viễn

reservation (n) /ˌrezəˈveɪʃn/ chinh, thám

excursion (n) /ɪkˈskɜːʃn/ Cuộc đi chơi, jet lag(n) /ˈdʒet læɡ/ Mệt m i sau
tham quan chuyến bay d i

standstill (n) /ˈstændstɪl/ Sự d ng lại, bế terminal (n) /ˈtɜːmɪnl/ Nh đ n kh ch


drawback (n) /ˈdrɔːbæk/ Hạn chế tailor-made(a) /ˌteɪlə May đo

widelife (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ Th vật, chim bargain (n) /ˈbɑːɡən/ M nh i
muông ...
hoang dã

II. Grammar: Compound nouns

Articles: a/ an and the

III. Pronunciation: Tone in asking for information

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. stimulate B. organise C. efficient D. terminal
2. A. challenge B. promote C. affect D. machine
3. A. discover B. addition C. fantistic D. habitat
4. A. wildlife B. afford C. mountain D. passport
5. A. magnificience B. geography C. expedition D. accommodate

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
Buffet Caravan Cruise Desctination Harbour
Luggage Resort Ticket Tour Trip

1. The manager is away on business ________________ so I am in charge of the office

2. If you want to see historical places it is a good idea to go on a guided
3. They met on board of a luxurious yatch during a ________________ in the Caribbean.
4. After changing trains three times we arrived at our ________________ in the end.
5. If you have any excess ________________ you must pay extra money.
6. We spent our last holidays at a camping site, living in a ________________.
7. They spent two weeks at a fashionable ski ________________ in Switzeland.
8. Nam checked to make sure he had his ________________ and passport.
9. On most trains there is a ________________ where you can eat a snack or something
10. As soon as the ship left the ________________ everybody got seasick.

III. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each blank in the sentences.
1. You can learn a lot about the local __________ by talking to local people.
A. Territory B. area C. land D. nation
2. It‘s good to have someone to __________ you when you are visiting a new place.
A. Lead B. take C. guide D. bring
3. When you __________ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A. Arrive B. reach C. get D. achieve
4. It can be quite busy here during the tourist __________.
A. Season B. phase C. period D. stage
5. Make sure you __________ ahotel before you come to our island, especially in the
A. Book B. keep C. put D. buy
6. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a __________ to the Pacific.
A. Vacation B. travel C. cruise D. voyage
7. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission __________.
A. Fare B. ticket C. fee D. pay
8. The hotel where we are __________ is quite luxurious.
A. Living B. existing C. remaining D. staying
IV. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
1. I‘m very happy that my parents let me make my own __________ DECIDE about holiday
2. At this time it may not be easy to find accommodation with REASON
__________ prices.
3. __________, our flight was cancelled and we had to spend one LUCK night at the airport.
4. The Opera House is one of the most popular tourist __________ in ATTRACT Sydney.
5. They live in a remote area which is __________ except by horse. ACCESS
6. They were the first __________ to cross the country from south to EXPLORE north.
7. What has been the most __________ experience in your life as a CHALLENGE touist guide,
Ms Lien?
8. More and more foreigners like travelling to Vietnam for holiday AFFORD because things are
__________ here.
9. British cavers have made some important __________ about Son DISCOVER Duong Cave.
10. For the more __________ tourists, there are trips into the ADVENTURE mountains with a local

V. Read the article about Hawaii, and complete the gaps with a, an, the or zero article
Welcome To Hawaii
Hawaii (1)_________ popular holiday destination. But which island should you choose
for your holiday in (2)_________ paradise?
All (3)_________ international flights go from the capital, Honolulu, on Oahu Island.
Oahu is the most populate island and (4)_________ home of the famous Waikiki beach.
International surfing competitions take place here. Oahu is also (5)_________ place for
shops, restaurants and the best nightlfe.
Maui is the most romantic island and ideal for relaxing. There are (6)_________ white
sandy beaches with turquoise water, and in summer the waves are small and perfect for
inexperienced surfers. In winter, you can see whales in the warm water. Maui is ideal for
nature lovers and visitors fall in love with 7 _________ island‘s natural beauty.
Big island is cheaper and for the more adventurous visitors. You can go to (8)_________
top of the highest mountain 4000 metres above (9)_________ sea level and enjoy
(10)_________ amazing view.

VI. Form compound nouns from a word in the upper row and another in the lower,
and then fill them in the blanks. Make sure that you use them in the correct form.

Note Earth Hair Ice Bed Key Ear Air Arm Cow
Berg Phones Craft Chair Boy Quake Cut Book Room Board

1. This is my grandfather‘s favorite __________________ made in the 19th century.

2. The __________________ landed safely at the airport.
3. I use my __________________ when I travel on business.
4. My __________________ is very small but nice.
5. I asked my nephew to use his __________________ because I did not like his
6. The __________________ loved his horses.
7. The __________________ measured 5.3 on the Richter scale.
8. A(n) __________________ can sink a ship.
9. __________________ is an input device.
10. I need a(n) __________________ at every two weeks.

Bus Washing Sun Green Black Blue Soft Foot Swimming Fire
Board Ware Bird Ball Stop Flies Pool House Rise Machine

11. __________________ is a type of bird.

12. __________________ is a place where we grow plants.
13. We join a __________________ in every summer holiday.
14. Lots of __________________ come at night in the summer holiday.
15. We played __________________ today for two hours.
16. Teachers make us understand by writing properly on __________________.
17. Windows is an operating system __________________ on every PC.
18. I know how to wash clothes in a __________________.
19. I have to wait for bus number 12 at the __________________.
20. I wake up daily before the __________________.

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.
The Maldives are a group of very small islands in the Indian Ocean, near Sri lanka. It has
the smallest (1)_________ of any Asian countries. There are about 1200 islands and there are
people living on 200 of them. About 400,000 people live in the Maldives and 75,000 of them
are (2)_________ the capital isaland, Mal... Mal... is diffierent from the other islands in the
Maldives because it doesn‘t have any beaches. In fact, there is a small wall 3 _________
goes around the whole island.
It is very easy to get around the islands. When you (4)_________ on the airport island, you
can take a dhoni and go to Mal.. This is a small boat used for (5)_________ around the
islands. Dhoni taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every fifteen minutes and
(6)_________ midnight every half an hour. You can use these boats to visit other islands, too.
The Maldives are a popular place for scuba diving (7)_________ there are many wonderful
fish in the water to see. Also, the water is very clear so when you are (8)_________ you can
see for more than 50 metres! There are many professional diving schools with instructors.
They speak many languages, so you can 9 _________ someone to help you. Of course, that‘s
not all you can do on these beautiful islands. You can go whale and dolphin (10)_________,
fishing, surfing, snorkeling, hiking or explore the towns.

1. A. nation B. Population C. Area D. Inhabitant

2. A. in B. At C. Above D. On
3. A. who B. Where C. That D. It
4. A. arrive B. Travel C. Depart D. Leave
5. A. education B. Transportation C. Production D. Translation
6. A. at B. Before C. On D. After
7. A. although B. Because C. However D. Furthermore
8. A. underwater B. Underlevel C. Undersea D. Underneath
9. A. look B. see C. find D. hold
10. A. playing B. catching C. hearing D. watching

VIII. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

Son Doong Cave in Vietnam – Good Morning America
Son Doong Cave and Swallow Cave (En Cave) were recorded and broadcast on Good
Morning America – a programme of ABC Television (USA). By being broadcast on Good
Morning America (ABC Television), Son Doong Cave would be introduced widely to
international travellers.
This is a good chance for Quang Binh tourism to promote the image of Son Doong – the
biggest cave in Vietnam – to travellers around the world. Therefore, the film crew worked in
the most favourable conditions. The programme was directly broadcast on satellite in May
The cave is a part of the underground system connecting over 150 other caves in Vietnam
near Vietnam – Lao border with many caves such as Phong Nha Cave.
Son Doong Cave is compared equally to Mount Everest in terms of attraction. The
biggest natural cave in the world is appreciated to be an interesting destination for a
severalday tour, including exploring underground rivers, caves and camping ... The
overwhelming natural landscapes inside Son Doong Cave create an attraction by majestic and
magnificient scenes. It takes months to end up a cave‘s round. In addition, the condition to
join tours in Son Doong Cave is extremely high. Adventures must be in good mental and
physical health to conquer the cave. Son Doong, the biggest cave in Vietnam, along with
other attractions in Quang Binh, is an attractive destination for travelers, especially those who
are fans of natural exploration. The first exploration tour was held in early August 2013. The
first tour consisted of 6 people from the US, Russia, Australia, and Norway. They underwent
7 days and 6 nights to explore Son Doong Cave. There are a large number of tourists
registering for next tours since then.

Task 1. Identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).
1. Thanks to the programme of Good Morning America on ABC Television, a large number
of people around the world will know Son Doong Cave.
2. The film crew making the programme about the cave met a lot of problems from the local
3. There are many caves in Quang Binh province but Son Doong Cave may be the most
well known.
4. The number of people climbing Mount Everest is the same as that exploring Son Doong
5. The exploration tour of Son Doong Cave is so hard that it requires tourists to have good
physical and mental health.
6. Tourists can explore the cave in several months.

Task 2. Read the passage again and answer the questions.

1. When was the programme about Son Doong Cave on Good Morning America broadcast?
2. What can be found in the underground system in Quang Binh province?
3. In which aspect is Son Doong Cave compared to Mount Everest?
4. What activities can tourists do in the cave?
5. When was the first exploration tour held?
6. How long did the first group of tourists spend in the cave?

IX. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 – 5 words in

1. Lan hasn‘t decided where to go on holiday. Mind

Lan hasn‘t ____________________________________ about where to go on holiday.
2. We don't like travelling during peak season. Into
We ____________________________________ during peak season.
3. Scuba-diving is not really my cup of tea. Interested I
___________________________________ scuba-diving.
4. No mountains in Western Europe are higher than Mount Blanc. The Mount
Blanc _____________________________ Western Europe.
5. They require special permits to access Son Doong Cave. To Special
permits _____________________________ Son Doong Cave.

X. Rewrite each of the sentences so that it means the same as the one before it.
1. You spent more money during the trip than I did.
I didn‘t
2. Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
Is this your
3. China is a huge tourist attraction; it has many old castles and pagodas.
As China
4. I found this place rather boring.
I wasn‘
5. We last went to Spain three years ago.
It is
6. We visited a magnificient old house on the plateau. The
XI. Use the following ideas to write a paragraph of around 100 words about the
negative effects of tourism.
Negative effect: quality of life of the local community is changed
- Changes in lifestyle change
- Changes in cultural and traditional practices
- Changes in physical structure

TEST (Unit 8)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. package B. stalagmite C. lag D.
2. A. explore B. expedition C. resort D.
3. A. explore B. exotic C. explain D.
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. original B. geography C. imperial D. stimulating
5. A. magnificience B. accessible C. affordable D. destination

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. If you pay a visit to Hue, you should once visit Lang Co beach where you can have the
most relaxing time and admire the natural beauty of ______.
a. Views b. panoramas c. sights d. landscapes
2. Travelling to Ba Mun Island in Quang Ninh, tourists can explore on their own, following
some natural ______ on the island.
a. Trails b. marks c. roads d. stretches
3. For people in Cam Thanh commune near Hoi An, the coconut wetlands provide fisheries,
a beautiful area for ______ as well as an ideal refuge for boats during heavy storms.
a. Tourist b. tour c. tourism d. tour guide
4. In Binh Ba Island (Lobster Island), there are many beautiful beaches with white sand,
clear water, blue sky, which is ______ for those who love nature and calmness.
a. Available b. famous c. good d. suitable
5. ______ domestic and foreign tourism will create demand for additional hotels and motels.
a. Increase b. increased c. increasing d. increasingly
6. Con Dao has not only prisons but also ______ natural landscapes.
a. Surprising b. shocking c. stunning d. extreme
7. Eight o‘clock is ______ good time to phone Nick: he‘s always at home in ______
a. ϴ - the b. a – a c. a - ϴ d. a – an
8. Does it take ______ long time to get to ______ city centre?
a. ϴ - the b. a – a c. a – the d. the – the
9. What do you think of ______ public transport in ______ Ha Noi?
a. ϴ - ϴ b. a – a c. a - ϴ d. the - ϴ
10. Parking is very difficult in ______ city centre, so my father always go there by ______
a. The - ϴ b. the – the c. a – a d. a - ϴ
IV. Form the compound nouns from a word in the upper row and another in the lower,
and then fill them in the blanks. Make sure that you use them in the correct
1. You have to go through the ______________________ at an airport for an international
2. You must take your violin on the plane as ______________________ when you check
3. It is very convenient to use a taxi for a(n) ______________________ in the city centre.
4. On a plane you have to fasten your ______________________.
5. In a hotel when you need ______________________, you can ask the receptionist for
the password for the wi-fi.
V. Complete the sentences with a, an, the or zero article (ϴ)
1. There isn‘t ________ airport near where I live. ________ nearest airport is 70 miles
a. An – A b. an – The c. the – A d. the -
2. David is ________ sailor. He spends most of his life at ________ sea.
a. ϴ - a b. a - ϴ c. a – a d.
a - the
3. ―Paul, where is ________ Spanish dictionary? I‘m writing ________ essay in Spanish
and I need it.‖
a. A – an b. ϴ - the c. the – an d. ϴ -
4. ________ Titanic, ________ British steamer, sank in the North Atlantic after hitting
an iceberg.
a. A – the b. ϴ - a c. The – the d. The
5. ________ changed a lot in the last 30 years.
a. Life has b. A life has c. The life has d.
Lives have
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
My Experience on an Elephant Safari
We went on an elephant safari at a place (1)_______ Camp Jubalani in South Africa. They
take visitors on safaris twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. Guests can go
on as many rides as they like, but they don‘t 2 _______ you ride an elephant if you are
younger than twelve years old. Luckily, I‘m fifteen! On our first safari, I felt really scared.
I remember thinking we could have gone on a beach holiday instead! As I was climbing
onto the elephant, I wondered how I was going to control (3)_______ a big animal. I soon
(4)_______ that I ought not to have worried so much. They made you sit with an
experienced elephant trainer. You can‘t ride 5 _______ your own. During the trek, we
saw giraffes, zebras, lions and rhinos. My parents took a lot of photos. I would have taken
photos myself but I‘d 6 _______ my camera in my room. I can‘t remember exactly how
long the safaris lasted, but it must have been a couple of hours because we got (7)_______
just (8)_______ for lunch. We stayed at Camp jubalani for three days and went on four
elephant sarafis. We could have gone on more than that, but on one of the days my mum
wasn‘t very well. Anyway, it was a 9 _______ holiday. I‘d definitely 10 _______ an
elephant safari.
1. A. call B. is called C. called D.
2. A. let B. make C. want
D. allow
3. A. so B. such C. that
D. what
4. A. decided B. looked C. recognized
D. realized
5. A. by B. on C. with
D. for
6. A. taken B. brought C. left
D. put
7. A. back B. off C. up
D. in
8. A. at times B. late C. on time
D. in time
9. A. welcoming B. fantastic C. pleased
D. delicious
10. A. demand B. offer C. suggest
D. recomment
VII. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Travel and tourism are very important to millions of people over the world. In every
country you can find people that work in travel and tourism. Some countries need the
money from tourism to help their people survive. It is necessary for these places that
travel and tourism continue to expand and bring money to their regions.
However, travel and tourism have negative aspects. Planes, buses, boats and other means
of transportation that carry travellers and tourists cause pollution. Moreover, some people
do things on a holiday they would never think of doing at home. For example, many
traveller use a lot of water and electricity when they stay in hotels. They forget to turn off
the lights or even leave televisions and air conditioning units on when they leave the
room. On top of that, it is often difficult or impossible for travellers to recycle items, so
they end up leaving large amounts of waste behind. That‘s why it is important for people
to travel wisely and respect the places they visit.
There are ways you can travel and be environmentally friendly. Here are some tips to
help you:
1. Don‘t throw rubbish on streets, beaches or in the countryside.
2. Don‘t use too much water or electricity.
3. Taste the local and national dishes of the country.
4. Buy local products or souvenirs.
5. Don‘t buy any products made from endangered species; sea turtle shells or
bags made from reptiles or other animals.

1. Why is tourism important to some countries?

2. How does tourism affect the environment?
3. What do many people use a lot when staying in hotels?
4. Why do some tourists end up leaving large amounts of waste behind?
5. What shouldn‘t you do to be environmentally friendly? Mention two ideas.
VIII. Use the words and phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
Positive and negative effects of tourism
Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, but mass tourism is also
associated with negative effects.
1. First/ tourism/ create/ jobs/ tourism industry/ and/ other sectors/ such/ retail and
2. However/ jobs/ created/ tourism/ often seasonal/ and/ poorly paid.
3. Second/ tourism/ encourage/ preservation/ traditional customs/ handicrafts/ festivals/
but/ interaction/ tourists/ also lead/ erosion/ traditional cultures/ values.
4. Finally/ ecotourism/ help/ conservation/ wildlife/ generating funds/ maintaining
national parks.
5. Nevertheless/ it/ also cause/ pollution/ through traffic emissions/ littering/ noise.
I. New words

affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ c thể chi trả breathtaking (adj) /ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ/ ấn tư ng, hấp
đư c, h p t i dẫn
air (v) /eə r / ph t s ng đ i, check-in (n) /tʃek-ɪn/ việc l m th t c
vô tuyến lên máy bay
checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊt/ th i điểm r i confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/ sự hoang mang,
kh i kh ch sạn bối rối
exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ kì lạ erode away (v) /ɪˈrəʊd əˈweɪ/ mòn đi
explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː r / th m hiểm hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ dấu gạch ngang
imperial (adj) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ thuộc về inaccessible (adj) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể
ho ng đế v o/tiếp cận
đư c
magnificence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/ sự nguy nga, not break the bank /nɒt breɪk ðə không tốn nhiều
lộng lẫy, tr ng (idiom) bæŋk/ tiền
orchid (n) /ˈɔːkɪd/ hoa lan package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə r)/ chuyến du l ch
tr n g i
pile-up (n) /paɪl-ʌp/ v tai nạn do promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ gi p ph t triển,
nhiều xe đâm quảng b
pyramid (n) /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ kim tự th p safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/ cuộc đi săn,
cuộc h nh trình
b ng đư ng bộ
nhất l ở đông
và nam phi
stalagmite (n) /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/ măng đ stimulating (adj) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ th v đ y phấn
touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ sự hạ c nh varied (adj) /ˈveərid/ đa dạng
lush (adj) /lʌʃ/ tươi tốt, xum speciality (n) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ ặc sản

decide (v) /dɪˈsaɪd/ Quyết đ nh be into sth like it very

decision (n) /dɪˈsɪʒn/ much
make a decision ưa ra quyết
đ nh
tease (v) /tiːz/ Trêu ch c, đ a adventure (n) /ədˈventʃə r Phiêu lưu, mạo
adventuous (a) /ədˈventʃərəs/ hiểm

reserve(v) /rɪˈzɜːv/ ặt ch trư c expedition (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ Cuộc viễn

reservation (n) /ˌrezəˈveɪʃn/ chinh, thám

excursion (n) /ɪkˈskɜːʃn/ Cuộc đi chơi, jet lag(n) /ˈdʒet læɡ/ Mệt m i sau
tham quan chuyến bay d i

standstill (n) /ˈstændstɪl/ Sự d ng lại, bế terminal (n) /ˈtɜːmɪnl/ Nh đ n kh ch


drawback (n) /ˈdrɔːbæk/ Hạn chế tailor-made(a) /ˌteɪlə ˈmeɪd/ May đo

widelife (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ Th vật, chim bargain (n) /ˈbɑːɡən/ M nh i
muông ...
hoang dã

II. Grammar: Compound nouns

Articles: a/ an and the
1. Compound nouns
A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words. A compound noun is
usually [noun + noun] or [adjective + noun], but there are other combinations (see below). It is
important to understand and recognize compound nouns. Each compound noun acts as a single
unit and can be modified by adjectives and other nouns.
There are three forms for compound nouns:
1. open or spaced - space between words (tennis shoe)
2. hyphenated - hyphen between words (six-pack)
3. closed or solid - no space or hyphen between words (bedroom) Here are some
examples of compound nouns:

noun + noun bus stop

Is this the bus stop for the number 12

In the tropics you can see fire-flies at

football Shall we play football today?

adjective + noun
full moon I always feel crazy at full moon.

blackboard Clean the blackboard please.

software I can't install this software on my PC.

verb(-ing) + noun
breakfast We always eat breakfast at 8am.

washing Put the clothes in the red washing

machine machine.

What a beautiful swimming pool!


noun + verb(-ing)
sunrise I like to get up at sunrise.

haircut You need a haircut.

train-spotting His hobby is train-spotting.

verb + preposition check-out

Please remember that check-out is at 12

noun + My mother-in-law lives with us.


preposition + noun underworld

Do you think the police accept money
from the underworld?

noun + adjective truckful We need 10 truckfuls of bricks.

Compound nouns tend to have more stress on the first word. In the phrase "pink ball", both
words are equally stressed (as you know, adjectives and nouns are always stressed). In the
compound noun "golf ball", the first word is stressed more (even though both words are nouns,
and nouns are always stressed). Since "golf ball" is a compound noun we consider it as a single
noun and so it has a single main stress - on the first word. Stress is important in compound
nouns. For example, it helps us know if somebody said "a GREEN HOUSE" (a house which is
painted green) or "a GREENhouse" (a building made of glass for growing plants inside).
Plural Forms of Compound Nouns
In general we make the plural of a compound noun by adding -s to the "base word" (the most
"significant" word). Look at these examples:

singular plural

a tennis shoe three tennis shoes

one assistant headmaster five assistant headmasters

the sergeant major some sergeants major

a mother-in-law two mothers-in-law

an assistant secretary of state three assistant secretaries of state

my toothbrush our toothbrushes

a woman-doctor four women-doctors

a doctor of philosophy two doctors of philosophy

singular plural

a passerby, a passer-by two passersby, two passers-by

Note that there is some variation with words like spoonful or truckful. The old style was to say
spoonsful or trucksful for the plural. Today it is more usual to say spoonfuls or truckfuls. Both
the old style (spoonsful) and the new style (spoonfuls) are normally acceptable, but you should
be consistent in your choice. Here are some examples:

old style plural (very formal) new style plural

teaspoonful 3 teaspoonsful of sugar 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar

truckful 5 trucksful of sand 5 truckfuls of sand

bucketful 2 bucketsful of water 2 bucketfuls of water

cupful 4 cupsful of rice 4 cupfuls of rice

Some compound nouns have no obvious base word and you may need to consult a dictionary to
find the plural:
• higher-ups
• also-rans
• go-betweens
• has-beens
• good-for-nothings
• grown-ups
Note that with compound nouns made of [noun + noun] the first noun is like an adjective and
therefore does not usually take an -s. A tree that has apples has many apples, but we say an
apple tree, not apples tree; matchbox not matchesbox; toothbrush not teethbrush.
With compound nouns made of [noun + noun] the second noun takes an -s for plural. The first
noun acts like an adjective and as you know, adjectives in English are invariable. Look at these

plural compound noun

[noun + noun]
long plural form becomes →

100 trees with apples 100 apple trees

1,000 cables for telephones 1,000 telephone cables

20 boxes for tools 20 tool boxes

10 stops for buses 10 bus stops

plural compound noun

[noun + noun]
long plural form becomes →

4,000 wheels for cars 4,000 car wheels

2. Articles
a. Definite article: The
We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the hearer/reader knows
exactly what we are referring to.
• because there is only one:
The Pope is visiting Russia.
The moon is very bright tonight.
The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.
This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective:
He is the tallest boy in the class.
It is the oldest building in the town.
• because there is only one in that place or in those surroundings:

We live in a small village next to the church. = (the church in our village)

(the car that belongs to our

Dad, can I borrow the car? = family)
(the beach near my
When we stayed at my grandmother‘s house we went to
= grandmother‘s house
the beach every day.

Look at the boy in the blue shirt over there. = (the boy I am pointing at)

• because we have already mentioned it:

A woman who fell 10 metres from High Peak was lifted to safety by a helicopter.
The woman fell while climbing.
The rescue is the latest in a series of incidents on High Peak. In January last year
two men walking on the peak were killed in a fall.
We also use the definite article:
• to say something about all the things referred to by a noun:
The wolf is not really a dangerous animal (= Wolves are not really dangerous
The kangaroo is found only in Australia (= Kangaroos are found only in
The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around
bodies) We use the definite article in this way to talk about musical instruments: Joe
plays the piano really well.(= Joe can play any piano) She is learning the guitar.(=
She is learning to play any guitar)
• to refer to a system or service:
How long does it take on the train?
I heard it on the radio.
You should tell the police.
• With adjectives like rich, poor, elderly, unemployed to talk about groups of
Life can be very hard for the poor.
I think the rich should pay more taxes.
She works for a group to help the disabled.
The definite article with names:
We do not normally use the definite article with names:
William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Paris is the capital of France.
Iran is in Asia.
But we do use the definite article with:
• countries whose names include words like kingdom, states or republic:
the United Kingdom; the Kingdom of Nepal; the United States; the People‘s
Republic of China.
• countries which have plural nouns as their names:
the Netherlands; the Philippines
• geographical features, such as mountain ranges, groups of islands, rivers,
seas, oceans and canals:
the Himalayas; the Canaries; the Atlantic; the Atlantic Ocean; the Amazon; the
Panama Canal.
• newspapers:
The Times; The Washington Post
• well known buildings or works of art:
the Empire State Building; the Taj Mahal; the Mona Lisa; the Sunflowers •
the United Nations; the Seamen‘s Union
• hotels, pubs and restaurants*:
the Ritz; the Ritz Hotel; the King‘s Head; the Déj Vu
*Note: We do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is
the name of the owner, e.g.,Brown‘s; Brown‘s Hotel; Morel‘s; Morel‘s
Restaurant, etc.
• families:
the Obamas; the Jacksons

b. Indefinite articles: A/ an
• We use the indefinite article, a/an, with count nouns when the hearer/reader
does not know exactly which one we are referring to:
Police are searching for a 14 year-old girl.
• We also use it to show the person or thing is one of a group: She is a pupil at
London Road School.

Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.

Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall with short blonde hair.

She was last seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse and dark blue jeans and blue shoes.

Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800349781.

• We do not use an indefinite article with plural nouns and uncount nouns:
She was wearing blue shoes. (= plural noun)
She has short blonde hair. (= uncount noun)

Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.

Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall with short blonde hair.

She was last seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse and dark blue jeans and blue shoes.

Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800349781.

• We use a/an to say what someone is or what job they do:

My brother is a doctor.
George is a student.
• We use a/an with a singular noun to say something about all things of that kind:
A man needs friends. (= All men need friends)
A dog likes to eat meat. (= All dogs like to eat meat)

III. Pronunciation: Tone in asking for information

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. stimulate B. organise C. efficient D. terminal
2. A. challenge B. promote C. affect D. machine
3. A. discover B. addition C. fantistic D. habitat
4. A. wildlife B. afford C. mountain D. passport
5. A. magnificience B. geography C. expedition D. accommodate

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
Buffet Caravan Cruise Desctination Harbour
Luggage Resort Ticket Tour Trip

1. The manager is away on business ________________ so I am in charge of the office now. 2.

If you want to see historical places it is a good idea to go on a guided ________________.
3. They met on board of a luxurious yatch during a ________________ in the Caribbean.
4. After changing trains three times we arrived at our ________________ in the end.
5. If you have any excess ________________ you must pay extra money.
6. We spent our last holidays at a camping site, living in a ________________.
7. They spent two weeks at a fashionable ski ________________ in Switzeland.
8. Nam checked to make sure he had his ________________ and passport.
9. On most trains there is a ________________ where you can eat a snack or something hot.
10. As soon as the ship left the ________________ everybody got seasick.
1. Trip 6. Caravan
2. Tour 7. Resort
3. Cruise 8. Ticket
4. Destination 9. Buffet
5. Luggage 10. harbour

III. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each blank in the sentences.
1. You can learn a lot about the local __________ by talking to local people.
A. Territory B. area C. land D. nation
2. It‘s good to have someone to __________ you when you are visiting a new place.
A. Lead B. take C. guide D. bring
3. When you __________ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A. Arrive B. reach C. get D. achieve
4. It can be quite busy here during the tourist __________.
A. Season B. phase C. period D. stage
5. Make sure you __________ ahotel before you come to our island, especially in the
A. Book B. keep C. put D. buy
6. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a __________ to the Pacific.
A. Vacation B. travel C. cruise D. voyage
7. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission __________.
A. Fare B. ticket C. fee D. pay
8. The hotel where we are __________ is quite luxurious.
A.Living B. existing C. remaining D. staying
IV. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
1. I‘m very happy that my parents let me make my own __________ about holiday DECIDE
2. At this time it may not be easy to find accommodation with __________ prices. REASON

3. __________, our flight was cancelled and we had to spend one night at LUCK
the airport.
4. The Opera House is one of the most popular tourist __________ in Sydney. ATTRACT

5. They live in a remote area which is __________ except by horse. ACCESS

6. They were the first __________ to cross the country from south to north. EXPLORE

7. What has been the most __________ experience in your life as a touist guide, CHALLENGE
Ms Lien?
8. More and more foreigners like travelling to Vietnam for holiday because AFFORD
things are __________ here.
9. British cavers have made some important __________ about Son Duong Cave. DISCOVER

10. For the more __________ tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a ADVENTURE
local guide.

1. Desicion 6. Exploers
2. Reasonable 7. Challenging
3. Unluckily 8. Affordable
4. Attractions 9. Discoveries
5. Inaccessible 10. Adventurous

V. Read the article about Hawaii, and complete the gaps with a, an, the or zero article (ϴ).
Welcome To Hawaii
Hawaii (1)_________ popular holiday destination. But which island should you choose
for your holiday in (2)_________ paradise?
All (3)_________ international flights go from the capital, Honolulu, on Oahu Island.
Oahu is the most populate island and (4)_________ home of the famous Waikiki beach.
International surfing competitions take place here. Oahu is also (5)_________ place for
shops, restaurants and the best nightlfe.
Maui is the most romantic island and ideal for relaxing. There are (6)_________ white
sandy beaches with turquoise water, and in summer the waves are small and perfect for
inexperienced surfers. In winter, you can see whales in the warm water. Maui is ideal for
nature lovers and visitors fall in love with 7 _________ island‘s natural beauty.
Big island is cheaper and for the more adventurous visitors. You can go to (8)_________
top of the highest mountain 4000 metres above (9)_________ sea level and enjoy
(10)_________ amazing view.
1. A 6. ϴ
2. ϴ 7. The
3. The 8. The
4. ϴ 9. ϴ
5. The 10. An

VI. Form compound nouns from a word in the upper row and another in the lower, and
then fill them in the blanks. Make sure that you use them in the correct form.

Note Earth Hair Ice Bed Key Ear Air Arm Cow
Berg Phones Craft Chair Boy Quake Cut Book Room Board

1. This is my grandfather‘s favorite __________________ made in the 19th century.

2. The __________________ landed safely at the airport.
3. I use my __________________ when I travel on business.
4. My __________________ is very small but nice.
5. I asked my nephew to use his __________________ because I did not like his
6. The __________________ loved his horses.
7. The __________________ measured 5.3 on the Richter scale.
8. A(n) __________________ can sink a ship.
9. __________________ is an input device.
10. I need a(n) __________________ at every two weeks.

1. Armchair 6. Cowboy
2. Aircraft 7. Earthquake
3. Notebook 8. Iceberg
4. Bedroom 9. Keyboard
5. Earphones 10. Haircut

Bus Washing Sun Green Black Blue Soft Foot Swimming Fire
Board Ware Bird Ball Stop Flies Pool House Rise Machine

1. __________________ is a type of bird.

2. __________________ is a place where we grow plants.
3. We join a __________________ in every summer holiday.
4. Lots of __________________ come at night in the summer holiday.
5. We played __________________ today for two hours.
6. Teachers make us understand by writing properly on __________________.
7. Windows is an operating system __________________ on every PC.
8. I know how to wash clothes in a __________________.
9. I have to wait for bus number 12 at the __________________.
10. I wake up daily before the __________________.
1. Bluebird 6. Blackboard
2. Greenhouse 7. Softeware
3. Swimming pool 8. Washing machine
4. Fireflies 9. Bus stop
5. Football 10. Sunrise

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.
The Maldives are a group of very small islands in the Indian Ocean, near Sri lanka. It has
the smallest (1)_________ of any Asian countries. There are about 1200 islands and there are
people living on 200 of them. About 400,000 people live in the Maldives and 75,000 of them
are (2)_________ the capital island, Mal... Mal... is diffierent from the other islands in the
Maldives because it doesn‘t have any beaches. In fact, there is a small wall 3 _________
goes around the whole island.
It is very easy to get around the islands. When you (4)_________ on the airport island, you
can take a dhoni and go to Mal.. This is a small boat used for (5)_________ around the
islands. Dhoni taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every fifteen minutes and
(6)_________ midnight every half an hour. You can use these boats to visit other islands, too.
The Maldives are a popular place for scuba diving (7)_________ there are many wonderful
fish in the water to see. Also, the water is very clear so when you are (8)_________ you can
see for more than 50 metres! There are many professional diving schools with instructors.
They speak many languages, so you can 9 _________ someone to help you. Of course, that‘s
not all you can do on these beautiful islands. You can go whale and dolphin (10)_________,
fishing, surfing, snorkeling, hiking or explore the towns.

1. A. nation B. Population C. Area D. Inhabitant

2. A. in B. At C. Above D. On
3. A. who B. Where C. That D. It
4. A. arrive B. Travel C.Depart D.Leave
5. A. education B.Transportation C.Production D. Translation
6. A. at B.Before C.On D.After
7. A. although B.Because C.However D .Furthermore
8. A. underwater B. Underlevel C. Undersea D. Underneath
9. A. look B. see C. find D. hold
10. A. playing B. catching C. hearing D. watching

VIII. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

Son Doong Cave in Vietnam – Good Morning America
Son Doong Cave and Swallow Cave (En Cave) were recorded and broadcast on Good
Morning America – a programme of ABC Television (USA). By being broadcast on Good
Morning America (ABC Television), Son Doong Cave would be introduced widely to
international travellers.
This is a good chance for Quang Binh tourism to promote the image of Son Doong – the
biggest cave in Vietnam – to travellers around the world. Therefore, the film crew worked in
the most favourable conditions. The programme was directly broadcast on satellite in May
The cave is a part of the underground system connecting over 150 other caves in Vietnam
near Vietnam – Lao border with many caves such as Phong Nha Cave.
Son Doong Cave is compared equally to Mount Everest in terms of attraction. The
biggest natural cave in the world is appreciated to be an interesting destination for a
severalday tour, including exploring underground rivers, caves and camping ... The
overwhelming natural landscapes inside Son Doong Cave create an attraction by majestic and
magnificient scenes. It takes months to end up a cave‘s round. In addition, the condition to
join tours in Son Doong Cave is extremely high. Adventures must be in good mental and
physical health to conquer the cave. Son Doong, the biggest cave in Vietnam, along with
other attractions in Quang Binh, is an attractive destination for travelers, especially those who
are fans of natural exploration. The first exploration tour was held in early August 2013. The
first tour consisted of 6 people from the US, Russia, Australia, and Norway. They underwent
7 days and 6 nights to explore Son Doong Cave. There are a large number of tourists
registering for next tours since then.

Task 1. Identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).
1. Thanks to the programme of Good Morning America on ABC Television, a large number
of people around the world will know Son Doong Cave.
2. The film crew making the programme about the cave met a lot of problems from the local
3. There are many caves in Quang Binh province but Son Doong Cave may be the most
well known.
4. The number of people climbing Mount Everest is the same as that exploring Son Doong
5. The exploration tour of Son Doong Cave is so hard that it requires tourists to have good
physical and mental health.
6. Tourists can explore the cave in several months.

Task 2. Read the passage again and answer the questions.

7. When was the programme about Son Doong Cave on Good Morning America broadcast?
8. What can be found in the underground system in Quang Binh province?
9. In which aspect is Son Doong Cave compared to Mount Everest?
10. What activities can tourists do in the cave?
11. When was the first exploration tour held?
12. How long did the first group of tourists spend in the cave?
1. T 4. F
2. F 5. T
3. T 6. F
7. It was broadcast in May 2015.
8. It is the underground system connecting over 150 other caves near Vietnam-lao border.
9. It is the attraction
10. They can explore underground rivers, caves and go camping.
11. It was held in early August 2013.
12. They spent 7 days and 6 nights.

IX. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 – 5 words in

1. Lan hasn‘t decided where to go on holiday. Mind

Lan hasn‘t ____________________________________ about where to go on holiday.
2. We don't like travelling during peak season. Into
We ____________________________________ during peak season.
3. Scuba-diving is not really my cup of tea. Interested I
___________________________________ scuba-diving.
4. No mountains in Western Europe are higher than Mount Blanc. The Mount
Blanc _____________________________ Western Europe.
5. They require special permits to access Son Doong Cave. To Special
permits _____________________________ Son Doong Cave.

1. Made up her mind

2. Are not into travelling
3. Am not interested in
4. Is the highest mountain in
5. Are required to access

X. Rewrite each of the sentences so that it means the same as the one before it.
1. You spent more money during the trip than I did.
I didn‘t
2. Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
Is this your
3. China is a huge tourist attraction; it has many old castles and pagodas.
As China
4. I found this place rather boring.
I wasn‘t
5. We last went to Spain three years ago.
It is
6. We visited a magnificient old house on the plateau. The
1. I didn’t spend as much money during the trip as you did.
2. Is this your first time in/ visit to Kuala Lumpur?
3. As China has many old castles and pagodas, it is a huge tourist attraction.
4. I wasn’t very interested in this place.
5. It is three years since we last went to Spain.
6. The old house on the plateau that we visited was magnificient.

XI. Use the following ideas to write a paragraph of around 100 words about the
negative effects of tourism.
Negative effect: quality of life of the local community is changed
- Changes in lifestyle change
- Changes in cultural and traditional practices
- Changes in physical structure
Tourism can have some negative effects on the quality of life of the host community. First,
too many tourists can cause lifestyle changes of the local residents. For example, alternation in
local travel patterns to avoid tourist congestion and the avoidance of downtown shopping can
damage a community socially and culturally. Second, there is the problem related to culture and
custom changes. As local ethnic cultures alert to fit the needs of tourism, traditional and cultural
practices many change. Third, hotels, restaurants and shops can push tourism development into
residential areas, forcing changes on the physical structure of a community. In conclusion, the
development of tourism can cause drawbacks to the local community (113 words)

TEST (Unit 8)
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. package B. stalagmite C. lag D. safari
2. A. explore B. expedition C. resort D. environment
3. A. explore B. exotic C. explain excuse D.
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. original B. geography C. imperial stimulating D.

5. A. magnificience B. accessible C. affordable D.


III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1. If you pay a visit to Hue, you should once visit Lang Co beach where you can have the
most relaxing time and admire the natural beauty of ______.
a. Views b. panoramas c. sights d. landscapes
2. Travelling to Ba Mun Island in Quang Ninh, tourists can explore on their own, following
some natural ______ on the island.
a. Trails b. marks c. roads d. stretches
3. For people in Cam Thanh commune near Hoi An, the coconut wetlands provide fisheries,
a beautiful area for ______ as well as an ideal refuge for boats during heavy storms.
a. Tourist b. tour c. tourism d. tour guide
4. In Binh Ba Island (Lobster Island), there are many beautiful beaches with white sand,
clear water, blue sky, which is ______ for those who love nature and calmness.
a. Available b. famous c. good d. suitable
5. ______ domestic and foreign tourism will create demand for additional hotels and motels.
a. Increase b. increased c. increasing d. increasingly
6. Con Dao has not only prisons but also ______ natural landscapes.
a. Surprising b. shocking c. stunning d. extreme
7. Eight o‘clock is ______ good time to phone Nick: he‘s always at home in ______
a. ϴ - the b. a – a c. a - ϴ d. a – an
8. Does it take ______ long time to get to ______ city centre?
a. ϴ - the b. a – a c. a – the d. the – the
9. What do you think of ______ public transport in ______ Ha Noi?
a. ϴ - ϴ b. a – a c. a - ϴ d. the - ϴ
10. Parking is very difficult in ______ city centre, so my father always go there by ______
a. The - ϴ b. the – the c. a – a d. a - ϴ
IV. Form the compound nouns from a word in the upper row and another in the lower,
and then fill them in the blanks. Make sure that you use them in the correct
1. You have to go through the ______________________ at an airport for an international
2. You must take your violin on the plane as ______________________ when you check
3. It is very convenient to use a taxi for a(n) ______________________ in the city centre.
4. On a plane you have to fasten your ______________________.
5. In a hotel when you need ______________________, you can ask the receptionist for
the password for the wi-fi.

1. Passport control
2. Hand luggage
3. Sightseening tour
4. Seatbelt
5. Internet access
V. Complete the sentences with a, an, the or zero article (ϴ)
1. There isn‘t ________ airport near where I live. ________ nearest airport is 70 miles
a. An – A b. an – The c. the – A d. the -
2. David is ________ sailor. He spends most of his life at ________ sea.
a. ϴ - a b. a - ϴ c. a – a d. a -
3. ―Paul, where is ________ Spanish dictionary? I‘m writing ________ essay in Spanish
and I need it.‖
a. A – an b. ϴ - the c. the – an d. ϴ -
4. ________ Titanic, ________ British steamer, sank in the North Atlantic after hitting
an iceberg.
a. A – the b. ϴ - a c. The – the d. The
5. ________ changed a lot in the last 30 years.
a. Life has b. A life has c. The life has d. Lives have
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
My Experience on an Elephant Safari
We went on an elephant safari at a place (1)_______ Camp Jubalani in South Africa. They
take visitors on safaris twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. Guests can go
on as many rides as they like, but they don‘t 2 _______ you ride an elephant if you are
younger than twelve years old. Luckily, I‘m fifteen! On our first safari, I felt really scared.
I remember thinking we could have gone on a beach holiday instead! As I was climbing
onto the elephant, I wondered how I was going to control (3)_______ a big animal. I soon
(4)_______ that I ought not to have worried so much. They made you sit with an
experienced elephant trainer. You can‘t ride 5 _______ your own. During the trek, we
saw giraffes, zebras, lions and rhinos. My parents took a lot of photos. I would have taken
photos myself but I‘d 6 _______ my camera in my room. I can‘t remember exactly how
long the safaris lasted, but it must have been a couple of hours because we got (7)_______
just (8)_______ for lunch. We stayed at Camp jubalani for three days and went on four
elephant sarafis. We could have gone on more than that, but on one of the days my mum
wasn‘t very well. Anyway, it was a 9 _______ holiday. I‘d definitely 10 _______ an
elephant safari.
1. A. call B. is called C. called
D. calling
2. A. let B. make C. want
D. allow
3. A. so B. such C. that
D. what
4. A. decided B. looked C. recognized
D. realized
5. A. by B. on C. with
D. for
6. A. taken B. brought C. left
D. put
7. A. back B. off C. up
D. in
8. A. at times B. late C. on time
D. in time
9. A. welcoming B. fantastic C. pleased
D. delicious
10. A. demand B. offer C. suggest
D. recommend
VII. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Travel and tourism are very important to millions of people over the world. In every
country you can find people that work in travel and tourism. Some countries need the
money from tourism to help their people survive. It is necessary for these places that
travel and tourism continue to expand and bring money to their regions.
However, travel and tourism have negative aspects. Planes, buses, boats and other means
of transportation that carry travellers and tourists cause pollution. Moreover, some people
do things on a holiday they would never think of doing at home. For example, many
traveller use a lot of water and electricity when they stay in hotels. They forget to turn off
the lights or even leave televisions and air conditioning units on when they leave the
room. On top of that, it is often difficult or impossible for travellers to recycle items, so
they end up leaving large amounts of waste behind. That‘s why it is important for people
to travel wisely and respect the places they visit.
There are ways you can travel and be environmentally friendly. Here are some tips to
help you:
6. Don‘t throw rubbish on streets, beaches or in the countryside.
7. Don‘t use too much water or electricity.
8. Taste the local and national dishes of the country.
9. Buy local products or souvenirs.
10. Don‘t buy any products made from endangered species; sea turtle shells or
bags made from reptiles or other animals.

6. Why is tourism important to some countries?

7. How does tourism affect the environment?
8. What do many people use a lot when staying in hotels?
9. Why do some tourists end up leaving large amounts of waste behind?
10. What shouldn‘t you do to be environmentally friendly? Mention two ideas.
1. Because it brings money to them/ because it provides them with money to help
their people survive.
2. Means of transportation (such as planes, buses, boats) carrying travellers and
tourists cause pollution.
3. They use a lot of water and electricity.
4. Because it is often difficult or impossible for them to recycle items.
5. We shouldn’t throw rubbish on streets beaches or in the countryside. We
shouldn’t use too much water or electricity. We shouldn’t buy any products
made from endangered species. (choose any of two)
VIII. Use the words and phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
Positive and negative effects of tourism
Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, but mass tourism is also
associated with negative effects.
1. First/ tourism/ create/ jobs/ tourism industry/ and/ other sectors/ such/ retail and
First, tourism creates jobs in the tourism industry and in other sectors such as retail
and transportation.
2. However/ jobs/ created/ tourism/ often seasonal/ and/ poorly paid.
However, jobs which are created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid.
3. Second/ tourism/ encourage/ preservation/ traditional customs/ handicrafts/ festivals/
but/ interaction/ tourists/ also lead/ erosion/ traditional cultures/ values.
Second, tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and
festivals, but interaction with tourists can also lead to an erosion of traditional
cultures and values.
4. Finally/ ecotourism/ help/ conservation/ wildlife/ generating funds/ maintaining
national parks.
Finally, ecotourism helps conservation of wildlife by generating funds for maintaining
accent(n) n /'æksent/ gi ng điệu operate(v) /'ɔpəreit/ đ ng vai trò,
a operation(n) /,ɔpə'reiʃn/ vậ h nh


5. N


also cause/ pollution/ through traffic emissions/ littering/ noise.

Nevertheless, it also causes pollution through traffic emissions, littering and noise.


I. New words
bilingual(adj) /bai´liηgwəl/ song ng pick up(v) (a /´pik¸ʌp/ h c 1 ngôn ng
bilingually(adv) language) mt xung quanh

dialect(n) /'daɪəlekt/ tiếng đ a phương punctual(adj) /'pʌɳktʃuəl/ đ ng gi

dialectal(adj) /¸daiə´lektəl/ thuộc về tiếng đ a
dominance(n) /´dɔminəns/ sự chiếm ưu thế rusty(adj) /´rʌsti/ l i th i, giảm do
dominant(adj) /´dɔminənt/ chiếm ưu thế lâu ngày ko dùn
establish(v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ th nh lập simple(adj) /'simpl/ đơn giản sự
establishment(n) /is'tæbli∫mənt/ việc th nh lập simplicity(n) /simp‘lisəti/ đơn giản
get by in /get bai in/ cố gắng sử d ng 1 variety(n) /və'raiəti/ thể loại
(language) ngôn ng
global(adj) /´gləubl/ to n c u term(n) /tɜ:m/ kì h c, thuật
flexible(adj) / ‗fleksəbl/ linh hoạt master(v) /'mɑ:stə/ l m ch
flexibility(n) /¸fleksi´biliti/ sự linh
imitate(v) /ˈɪmɪˌteɪ/ bắt chư c sự release(v,n) /ri'li:s/ phát hành,
imitation(n) /¸imi´teiʃən/ bắt chư c thoát
immersion /i'mə:ʃn trư ng h c nơi 1 estimate(v) /'estimit - đ nh gi , ư c
school /sku:l/ ngôn ng kh c 'estimeit/ lư
tiếng m đ đc sử
d ng ho n to n
massive(adj) /'mæsiv/ to l n multinational(adj) /¸mʌlti´næʃə đa quốc gia
mother tongue(n) /‘m^ðə tʌη/ tiếng m đ derivative(adj) /di'rivətiv/ bắt ngu n, dẫn
runner – up(n) /´rʌnər¸ʌp/ á quân
official(adj) /ə'fiʃəl/ chính th c settle(v) /ˈsetl/ đ nh cư, d n
settlement(n) /'setlmənt/ xếp
openness(n) /'əupənəs/ độ mở certificate(n,v) /sə'tifikit/ cấp giấy
ch ng nhận,
b ng
1. Conditional type 2
If + S1 + V (quá khứ), S2 + would/might/could… + V (infinitive) E.g:
If it didn‘t rain now, we would go on a picnic.
* ảo ng :
Were + S1 + (not) + O, S2 + would/might/could + V infinitive

Eg: If I were a bird, I would fly -> Were I a bird, I would fly.

Were + S1 + to V infinitive , S2 + would/might/could + V infinitive Eg:

If I learned Russian, I would read a Russian book.
_> Were I to learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.
2. Relative clauses

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. language B. accent C . grammar D. mistake
2. A. bilingual B. contribute C. guarantee D. admission
3. A. translate B. pronounce C. persuade D. borrow
4. A. official B. interview C. adjective D dominant
5. A. cerificate B. education C. derivative D. approximate

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
accent bilingual conversation dialect imitate
intonation knowledge look up official vocabulary

1. The teacher has done a quick quiz to check the students'_________ of the
English language.
2. English has the largest with about 500,000 words and 300,000 technical terms.
3. Paul speaks English with a strong French_________, doesn't he?
4. Rising__________ describes how the voice rises at the end of a sentence.
5. My friend is___________because she speaks both English and Vietnamese fluently.
6. You can quickly _________ a word's definition from the online dictionary.
7. I think she is speaking a different English_________as it has different words and grammar.
8. English is the_____ language in this country and government must do its business in
9. In my opinion, it's very difficult for an Englishman to_________ a real American accent.
10.I had an interesting___________ with a native English speaker at the meeting this morning.
III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
1. I'm interested in the study on the______________________ and differences between the
two languages. SIMILAR
2. Nhung can speak English much more __________ than her sister can. FLUENCY
3. It's said that many English words have been _________ over the centuries. SIMPLE 4.
Computers offer a much greater degree of____________ in the way work is organized.
5. We are going to review the eight parts of_________in SPEAK the next three lessons.
6. His father has been working as a___________ of technical TRANSLATE texts for over ten
7. Ivan can write almost like a native speaker, but his _________is terrible. PRONOUNCE
8. Your aunt is very _______ ___about English literature, isn't she? KNOW
9. Since its _______ in 1945, the United Nations has played a dominant role in the
development of international law. ESTABLISH
10. Information related to______in English Language Teaching can be found in this book.
1. similarities 2. fluently 3. simplified 4. flexibility 5. speech
6. translator 7. pronunciation 8. knowledge 9. establishment 10.

IV. Complete the following conditional sentences type 2 using the correct form OĨ the
verbs in brackets.
1. If I (be) ________ weak in speaking English, I (practise) ______________ speaking it
2. If you (live)________in Australia, you (use) ___________ English every day.
3. She (not speak) _________ fluently if she (not study) ______________ at an international
4. Mr. Quang (send) _________ his son to a school in England if he (be)________richer.
5. If I (not understand) ________ the lesson, I (ask) ____________ my teacher to explain it
6. I (tell) _______ you if I (know) ___________ the meaning of this word.
7. If he (not be) _________ bilingual, he (not be) ____________ able to join our conversation.
8. Which country you (choose) _______________ to improve your English if you
(have)chance, Phong?
9. I (buy) ________ an English dictionary if my parents (send) _____________ me money.
10. If we (not have) ________ our English friends, we (not imitate)___________their accent.
V. Combine the following sentences using an appropriate relative clauseẵ
1. This is the IELTS practice test book. I have told you about it.
2. We have just moved to a new neighbourhood. There are a lot of English families there.
3. Mrs. Nga has a friend. Her daughter is studying English in Australia.
4. The English teacher is excellent. You met him at the meeting yesterday.
5. I still remember the day. I first spoke to an English professor on that day.
6. The man is a friend of my father. He helped me with my pronunciation.
7. A student came late. I borrowed his English dictionary.
8. The language is called Singlish. People speak it in Singapore.
9. I recently went back to my school. I learned my first English words here thirty years
10. The lady is an interpreter. My mother has worked with her for a long time.

VI. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. The language that you learn to speak from birth is _language.
A. official B. first C. second D. foreign
2. There are many_______of English all over the world such as British English, American
English and Indian English.
A. speakers B. terms C. dialogues D. varieties
3. It________ is not easy to a foreign language without communicating with the native
speakers regularly.
A. translate B. simplify C. master D. challenge
4. If you want to improve your speaking skill, you should attend the courses that are taught in
a way.
A. traditional B. domestic
C. lexical D. communicative
5. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will_______new words without even
realising it when you read.
A. pick up B. give up C. face up D. look up
6. The picture reminds him of the time ____ he studied in New York.
A. which B. when C. where D. why
7. Mike comes from a city______is located in the southern part of England.
A. where B. who C. when D. that
8. The children________ attend that English school receive good education.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
9. If I had more time I_______ a Business English course.
A. will take B. would take C. take D. took 10. They could understand our
conversation if they________some English.
A. knew B. would know C. will know D. Know VII.
Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the
dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged
around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following
the Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in
England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the
course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of
exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonisation, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these
communities proliferated. English gradually became the primary language of international
business, banking and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is
English. Two-thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main
language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers.
Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are
normative speakers, constituting the largest number of normative users than any other
language in the world.
1. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The French influence on the English Language.
B. The history of the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
2. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. In 1066 B. Around 1350
C. Before 1600 D. After 1600
3. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around
the world EXCEPT ____________ .
A. the slave trade B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries D. colonisation
4. The underlined word "proliferated" in the passage is closest in meaning to ___ .
A. prospered B. organized C. disbanded D. expanded
5. It can be inferred from the passage that _____ .
A. English first appeared more than a thousand years ago.
B. England colonised different parts of the world in early 2nd millennium.
C. English is taught in primary schools all over the world.
D. English is not the language with the largest native speakers in the world.

VIII. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in
the space provided. Example:
0. My brother buys some English books and CDs last week. 0/ bought
1. I don't know the reason when she went to Australia instead 1 /________ of
Britain to study English.
2. If I were a native speaker of English, I will help you practise 2/________
speaking English every day.
3. I'd like you to meet my friend who you will be studying with 3/________ him
next year.
4. We couldn't speak fluent English if we don't use it in 4/________
everyday conversations.
5. My sister is studying at a university that many American 5/________ and
Australian professors are working.
IX.. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first
1. Mr. Binh uses English every day because he works with some Australians. If
Mr. Binh ____________________________________________________
2. I received a letter this morning and it had good news.
The letter that _________________________________ _ __________ _ 3.
You don't have an English certificate, so you cannot enroll in thi§ course.
You could _____________________________________ ___________ 4.
My mother is talking with an Englishwoman.
The woman with _______________________________________________
5. I think you should read English papers to improve your reading skill.
If I __________________________________________________________

X. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of around 100 words about why English is
important in your daily life.
* A means to have access to worldwide information
* Recreation: read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies, TV shows
* A useful instrument for travelling


I. N
accent(n) /'æksent/ gi ng điệu operate(v) /'ɔpəreit/ đ ng vai trò,
w operation(n) /,ɔpə'reiʃn/ vậ h nh
r /bai´liηgwəl/ song ng pick up(v) (a /´pik¸ʌp/ h c 1 ngôn ng
d language) mt xung quanh
dialect(n) /'daɪəlekt/ tiếng đ a phương punctual(adj) /'pʌɳktʃuəl/ đ ng gi
dialectal(adj) /¸daiə´lektəl/ thuộc về tiếng đ a
dominance(n) /´dɔminəns/ sự chiếm ưu thế rusty(adj) /´rʌsti/ l i th i, giảm do
dominant(adj) /´dɔminənt/ chiếm ưu thế lâu ngày ko dùn
establish(v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ th nh lập simple(adj) /'simpl/ đơn giản sự
establishment(n) /is'tæbli∫mənt/ việc th nh lập simplicity(n) /simp‘lisəti/ đơn giản
get by in /get bai in/ cố gắng sử d ng 1 variety(n) /və'raiəti/ thể loại
(language) ngôn ng
global(adj) /´gləubl/ to n c u term(n) /tɜ:m/ kì h c, thuật
flexible(adj) / ‗fleksəbl/ linh hoạt master(v) /'mɑ:stə/ l m ch
flexibility(n) /¸fleksi´biliti/ sự linh
imitate(v) /ˈɪmɪˌteɪ/ bắt chư c sự release(v,n) /ri'li:s/ phát hành,
imitation(n) /¸imi´teiʃən/ bắt chư c thoát
immersion /i'mə:ʃn trư ng h c nơi 1 estimate(v) /'estimit - đ nh gi , ư c
school /sku:l/ ngôn ng kh c 'estimeit/ lư
tiếng m đ đc sử
d ng ho n to n
massive(adj) /'mæsiv/ to l n multinational(adj) /¸mʌlti´næʃə đa quốc gia
mother tongue(n) /‘m^ðə tʌη/ tiếng m đ derivative(adj) /di'rivətiv/ bắt ngu n, dẫn
runner – up(n) /´rʌnər¸ʌp/ á quân
official(adj) /ə'fiʃəl/ chính th c settle(v) /ˈsetl/ đ nh cư, d n
settlement(n) /'setlmənt/ xếp
openness(n) /'əupənəs/ độ mở certificate(n,v) /sə'tifikit/ cấp giấy
ch ng nhận,
b ng

1. Conditional type 2
Câu điều kiện loại 2 l câu nêu lên tình huống giả đ nh, không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại, không c
thực ở hiện tại
If + S1 + V (quá khứ), S2 + would/might/could… + V (infinitive)

E.g: If it didn‘t rain now, we would go on a picnic.

* Trong câu điều kiện loại II, nếu mệnh đề ―if‖ sử d ng động t ―to be‖ ở thì qu kh đơn thì ta
ch sử d ng ―to be‖ l ―were‖ v i tất cả c c ngôi. Eg: - If I were you, I wouldn’t stay at home
* ảo ng :
Were + S1 + not + O, S2 + would/might/could + V infinitive

Eg: If I were a bird, I would fly -> Were I a bird, I would fly.
Were + S1 + to V(infinitive), S2 + would/might/could + V infinitive Eg:
If I learned Russian, I would read a Russian book.
_> Were I to learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.

2. Relative clauses
2.1. Định nghĩa
- Mệnh đề quan hệ l mệnh đề ph đư c nối v i mệnh đề chính bởi c c đại t quan hệ who,
whom, whose, which, that hay c c trạng t quan hệ như where, when, why . Mệnh đề quan hệ
đ ng ngay đ ng sau danh t , đại t trong mệnh đề chính để bổ sung nghĩa cho danh t , đại t
ấy,phân biệt danh t đại t ấy v i c c danh t đại t kh c. Ch c năng c a n giống như một tính
t do vậy n còn đư c g i l mệnh đề tính ng .
1. Who: -L đại t quan hệ ch ngư i l m ch ng , đ ng sau tiền ng ch ngư i
để l m ch ng cho động t đ ng sau n .-Theo sau who l một động t
Eg: The man who is sitting by the fire is my father. ->That is the boy who helped me to find
your house.
2. Whom: -L đại t quan hệ ch ngư i l m tân ng , đ ng sau tiền ng ch ngư i
để l m tân ng cho động t đ ng sau n .-Theo sau whom l một ch ng
Eg: The woman whom you saw yesterday is my aunt.->The boy whom we are looking for is
3. Which:L đại t quan hệ ch vật, l m ch ng hoặc tân ng cho động t sau
n . -Theo sau which c thể l một động t hoặc một ch ng .
Eg: This is the book. I like it best.=> This is the book which I like best.
The hat is red. It is mine.=> The hat which is red is mine.
-Khi which l m tân ng , ta c thể lư c b which
Eg: This is the book I like best . .The dress (which) I bought yesterday is very beautiful.
4. That: L đại t quan hệ ch cả ngư i lẫn vật, c thể đư c d ng thay cho Who,
Which trong mệnh đề quan hệ thuộc loại Restricted Clause Mệnh đề x c đ nh Eg:
That is the book that I like best.=>That is the bicycle that belongs to Tom.
My father is the person that I admire most.
I can see the girl and her dog that are running in the park.
5.Whose:L đại t quan hệ ch ngư i, thay cho tính t sở h u. Whose cũng đư c d ng cho
of which.
-Theo sau Whose luôn l 1 danh t
Eg: The boy is Tom. You borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
=> The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom.
John found a cat. Its leg was broken.
 John found a cat whose leg was broken.


1. When: l trạng t quan hệ ch th i gian, đ ng sau tiền ng ch th i gian, d ng thay cho at, on,
in + which, then
Eg: May Day is the day when people hold a meeting. (= on which)
I‘ll never forget the day when I met her. (=on which)
That was the time when he managed the company. (= at which)
2. Where: l trạng t quan hệ ch nơi trốn, thay cho a, on, in + which; there
Eg: That is the house where we used to live. (= in which)
Do you know the country where I was born?
Hanoi is the place where I like to come.
3. Why: l trạng t quan hệ ch lí do, đ ng sau tiền ng ―the reason‖, d ng thay cho ―for the
Eg: Please tell me the reason why you are so sad. (= for which)
He told me the reason why he had been absent from class the day before.
2.4. CÁC LOẠI MỆNH Ề QUAN HỆ: c ba loại mệnh đề quan hệ
1. ệnh quan hệ xác ịnh restrictive relative clause
-Mệnh đề quan hệ x c đ nh d ng để bổ nghĩa cho danh t đ ng trư c, l bộ phận quan tr ng c a
câu,nếu b đi mệnh đề chính không c nghĩa r r ng.
Eg The girl who is wearing the blue dress is my sister.
The book which I borrowed from you is very interesting.
2. ệnh quan hệ kh ng xác ịnh non- restrictive relative clause )
-Mệnh đề quan hệ không x c đ nh d ng để bổ nghĩa cho danh t đ ng trư c,l ph n giải thích
thêm, nếu b đi mệnh đề chính vẫn còn nghĩa r r ng.
-Mệnh đề quan hệ không x c đ nh thư ng đư c ngăn v i mệnh đề chính bởi c c dấu phẩy.
Danh t đ ng trư c thư ng l tên riêng hoặc trư c c c danh t thư ng c c c t như: this,
that, these, those, my, his her đ ng trư c.
- Không đư c d ng that trong mệnh đề không x c đ nh. Eg My father, who
is 50 years old, is a doctor.
This girl, whom you met yesterday, is my daughter.
3. ệnh quan hệ nối tiếp.
- Mệnh đề quan hệ nối tiếp d ng để giải thích cả một câu, trư ng h p n y
ch d ng đại t quan hệ which v d ng dấu phẩy để t ch hai mệnh đề. Mệnh đề
n y luôn đ ng ở cuối câu.
Eg He admires Mr Brown, which surprises me.
Mary tore Tom‘s letter, which made him sad.
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. language B. accent C . grammar D. mistake
2. A. bilingual B. contribute C. guarantee D. admission
3. A. translate B. pronounce C. persuade D. borrow
4. A. official B. interview C. adjective D dominant
5. A. cerificate B. education C. derivative D. approximate
I. 1- D 2- C 3- D 4- A 5-B

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
accent bilingual conversation dialect imitate
intonation knowledge look up official vocabulary

1. The teacher has done a quick quiz to check the students'_________ of the English language.
2. English has the largest with about 500,000 words and 300,000 technical terms.
3. Paul speaks English with a strong French_________, doesn't he?
4. Rising__________ describes how the voice rises at the end of a sentence.
5. My friend is___________because she speaks both English and Vietnamese fluently.
6. You can quickly _________ a word's definition from the online dictionary.
7. I think she is speaking a different English_________as it has different words and grammar.
8. English is the_____ language in this country and government must do its business in English.
9. In my opinion, it's very difficult for an Englishman to_________ a real American accent.
10.I had an interesting___________ with a native English speaker at the meeting this morning.
1. knowledge 2. vocabulary 3. accent 4. intonation 5. bilingual
6. look up 7. dialect 8. official 9. imitate 10. conversation

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following
1. I'm interested in the study on the______________________ and differences between the two
languages. SIMILAR
2. Nhung can speak English much more __________ than her sister can. FLUENCY
3. It's said that many English words have been _________ over the centuries. SIMPLE 4.
Computers offer a much greater degree of____________ in the way work is organized.
5. We are going to review the eight parts of_________in SPEAK the next three lessons.
6. His father has been working as a___________ of technical TRANSLATE texts for over ten
7. Ivan can write almost like a native speaker, but his _________is terrible. PRONOUNCE
8. Your aunt is very _______ ___about English literature, isn't she? KNOW
9. Since its _______ in 1945, the United Nations has played a dominant role in the
development of international law. ESTABLISH
10. Information related to______in English Language Teaching can be found in this book.
1. similarities 2. fluently 3. simplified 4. flexibility 5. speech
6. translator 7. pronunciation 8. knowledge 9. establishment 10.

IV. Complete the following conditional sentences type 2 using the correct form OĨ the
verbs in brackets.
1. If I (be) ________ weak in speaking English, I (practise) ______________ speaking it
2. If you (live)________in Australia, you (use) ___________ English every day.
3. She (not speak) _________ fluently if she (not study) ______________ at an international
4. Mr. Quang (send) _________ his son to a school in England if he (be)________richer.
5. If I (not understand) ________ the lesson, I (ask) ____________ my teacher to explain it
6. I (tell) _______ you if I (know) ___________ the meaning of this word.
7. If he (not be) _________ bilingual, he (not be) ____________ able to join our conversation.
8. Which country you (choose) _______________ to improve your English if you
(have)chance, Phong?
9. I (buy) ________ an English dictionary if my parents (send) _____________ me money.
10. If we (not have) ________ our English friends, we (not imitate)___________their accent.

1. were/ would practice 6. would tell/ knew

2. lived/ would use 7. weren’t/ wouldn’t be
3. wouldn’t speak/ didn’t study 8. would you choose/ had
4. would send/ were 9. would buy/ sent
5. didn’t understand/ would ask 10. didn’t have/ wouldn’t imitate

V. Combine the following sentences using an appropriate relative clauseẵ

1. This is the IELTS practice test book. I have told you about it.
2. We have just moved to a new neighbourhood. There are a lot of English families there.
3. Mrs. Nga has a friend. Her daughter is studying English in Australia.
4. The English teacher is excellent. You met him at the meeting yesterday.
5. I still remember the day. I first spoke to an English professor on that day.
6. The man is a friend of my father. He helped me with my pronunciation.
7. A student came late. I borrowed his English dictionary.
8. The language is called Singlish. People speak it in Singapore.
9. I recently went back to my school. I learned my first English words here thirty years ago.
10. The lady is an interpreter. My mother has worked with her for a long time.
1. This is the IELTS practice test book which/that I have told you about/ about which I
have told you.
2. We have just moved to a new neighbourhood where there are a lot of English families.
3. Mrs Nga has a friend whose daughter is studying English in Australia.
4. The English teacher who/ whom/ that you met at the meeting yesterday is excellent.
5. I still remember the day when I first spoke to an English professor.
6. The man who/ that help me with my pronunciation is a friend of my father.
7. The student whose English dictionary I borrowed came late.
8. The language which/ that people speak in Singapore is called Singlish.
9. I recently went back to my school where I learned my first English words thirty years
10. The lady who/ whom/ that my mother has worked with for a long time is an
interpreter/ with whom my mother has worked for a long time is an interpreter.

VI. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. The language that you learn to speak from birth is _language.
A. official B. first C. second D. foreign
2. There are many_______of English all over the world such as British English, American
English and Indian English.
A. speakers B. terms C. dialogues D. varieties
3. It________ is not easy to a foreign language without communicating with the native
speakers regularly.
A. translate B. simplify c. master D. challenge
4. If you want to improve your speaking skill, you should attend the courses that are taught in a
A. traditional B. domestic
C. lexical D. communicative
5. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will_______new words without even
realising it when you read.
A. pick up B. give up C. face up D. look up
6. The picture reminds him of the time ____ he studied in New York.
A. which B. when C. where D. why
7. Mike comes from a city______is located in the southern part of England.
A. where B. who C. when D. that
8. The children________ attend that English school receive good education.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
9. If I had more time I_______ a Business English course.
A. will take B. would take C. take D. took 10. They could understand our
conversation if they________some English.
A. knew B. would know C. will know D. Know
VI. 1. B 2.D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the
dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged
around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following
the Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in
England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the
course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of
exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonisation, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As
these communities proliferated. English gradually became the primary language of
international business, banking and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is
English. Two-thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main
language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers.
Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are
normative speakers, constituting the largest number of normative users than any other language
in the world.
1. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The French influence on the English Language.
B. The history of the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
2. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. In 1066 B. Around 1350
C. Before 1600 D. After 1600
3. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the
world EXCEPT ____________ .
A. the slave trade B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries D. colonisation
4. The underlined word "proliferated" in the passage is closest in meaning to ___ .
A. prospered B. organized C. disbanded D. expanded
5. It can be inferred from the passage that _____ .
A. English first appeared more than a thousand years ago.
B. England colonised different parts of the world in early 2nd millennium.
C. English is taught in primary schools all over the world.
D. English is not the language with the largest native speakers in the world.
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D

VIII. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in
the space provided. Example:
0. My brother buys some English books and CDs last week. 0/ bought
1. I don't know the reason when she went to Australia instead 1 /________ of
Britain to study English.
2. If I were a native speaker of English, I will help you practise 2/________
speaking English every day.
3. I'd like you to meet my friend who you will be studying with 3/________ him
next year.
4. We couldn't speak fluent English if we don't use it in 4/________
everyday conversations.
5. My sister is studying at a university that many American 5/________ and
Australian professors are working.

1. when -> why

2. will -> would
3. him -> x
4. don’t -> didn’t
5. that -> where
IX.. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first
1. Mr. Binh uses English every day because he works with some Australians. If Mr.
Binh ____________________________________________________
2. I received a letter this morning and it had good news.
The letter that _________________________________ _ __________ _ 3.
You don't have an English certificate, so you cannot enroll in thi§ course.
You could _____________________________________ ___________ 4.
My mother is talking with an Englishwoman.
The woman with _______________________________________________
5. I think you should read English papers to improve your reading skill.
If I __________________________________________________________ 1. If
r Binh didn’t work with some Australians he wouldn’t use English every day.
2. The letter that I received this morning had good news
3. You could enroll in this course if you had an English certificate.
4. The woman with whom my mother is talking is/ comes from England/ is English.
5. If I were you, I would read English newspapers to improve the reading skill.

X. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of around 100 words about why English is
important in your daily life.
* A means to have access to worldwide information
* Recreation: read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies, TV shows
* A useful instrument for travelling
....................................................................................................................................................................... .....

English plays a very important role in my daily life. Firstly, English is a means for me to have
access to worldwide information. When I need to search for data for my homework or projects,
the information I find on the Internet is often in English. Secondly, it is about recreation. I enjoy
reading books and comics in English, listening to English songs and watching English movies
and TV shows. Last but not least, English is a useful instrument for traveling. With almost one
billion English speakers in the world, it is easy for me to communicate with other people in
different lands. In short, English is an essential part in my life.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. massive B. immersion C. imitate D. variety
2. A. rusty B. punctual C. universal D. subject 3. A. office B. official
C. accent D. fluency
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. accent B. mistake C. global D. rusty 5. A. bilingual B.
dialect C. dominance D. official
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. It's an important part of your cultural identity to keep your ________ in speaking English.
A. vocabulary B. language C. accent D. skill
7. Much _______ comes through body language and gesture.
A. talk. B. exchange C. speech D. communication
8. Try to. ______ the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary.
A. judge B. guess C. decide D. expect
9. Reading is the best way to your vocabulary in any language.
A. improve _ B. increase C. raise D. put up
10. He is not exactly rich but he certainly earns enough to .
A. get through B. get by C. get on D. get up
11. One way of increasing your speed of comprehension is to learn all your vocabulary without
the use of your own
A. first language B. technical language C. business language D.official business
12. If I didn't have exams next week, I camping with you this weekend.
A. will go B. will have gone C. would have gone D. would go 13. If she ______
rich, she would travel around the world.
A. would B. is C. has been D. were
14. India is the country__________ he spent the early years of his life.
A. at which _ B. on which C. that D. where

15. The girls and flowers __________ he painted were vivid.

A. who B. that C. whose D.which
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. There are
some extra words.
collocations get by know look up say pick up use
come across

When you (16)___________ a new English word or phrase, make a note of it! (17)_______ the
meaning in the dictionary, making sure you are aware of any grammatical information. For
instance, if you are looking for the meaning of a verb, check to see if the verb can be used in a
passive form, if it is followed by any particular preposition, and so on. Check also for the
pronunciation and (18)____________ of a word. Is it particularly formal or informal, or used in
certain word (19)_____________ ? For example we (20)_______________ "do housework", but
"make an effort".
V) Complete the second sentence with the conditional sentence based on the facts given.
21. We have languages. We use them for communication.
If we didn't ______________________________________________________ . 22.
We have languages. We can leave knowledge to our younger generations.
If we didn't ______________________________________________________ .
23. We have senses. They allow us to learn languages.
If we didn't ______________________________________________________ , 24.
Our sense of sight allows us to read the written language.
If we didn't ______________________________________________________ .
25. Big companies have logos so that their goods can be recognized in every nation.
If there weren't _______________________________________________________ .

Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
When I first started learning English ten years ago,I could hardly (26)___________a word -
"hello", "good bye", "thank you" was just about it! I went to classes two evenings a week and I
was surprised at how quickly I (27)__________ progress. (28)_________the course we learned
lots of vocabulary and studied grammar rules. (29)__________ thing I enjoyed most was being
able to practise speaking with the other students in my class.
After two years I went to England to a (30)___________school. It was in Cambridge. I did a
(31)___________course at a very good school and I stayed with a local family. It was a fantastic
experience and I (32)___________ up a lot of things from speaking with my host family and
with other students from (33) ___________ the world. I really improved my pronunciation as
well. When I got back (34) ___________my home town, I was so much more confident. I (35)
___________actually hold a conversation with my teacher in English.
26. A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell
27. A. do B. make C. did D. made
28. A. During B. After C. Before D. While
29. A. That B. A C. The D. Those
30. A. science B. language C. art D. finance
31. A. Three-weeks B. third-week C. threes-week D. three-week
32. A. picked B. looked D. got D. stood
33. A. all B. over C. over all D. all over
34. A.the B. to C. in D. on
35. A.had to B. used C. could D. would
VII-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each question.

The Importance of English in Today's World

English was originally the language of England, and soon it has become the primary or
secondary language of many former British colonies such as the United States, Canada,
Australia, and India. Nowadays, it is the most international language in the world. There are
several factors that make the English language essential to communication in our current time.
First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people who come from
different countries (for example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common
language to communicate. English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries,
children are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language. At the university
level, students in many countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to make the
material more accessible to international students. On the Internet, the majority of websites are
written and created in English. Even sites in other languages often give you the option to
translate the site. It is the primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written
in English than in any other language, and no matter where in the world you are, you will find
some of these books and newspapers available.
Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is actually the easiest
language of the world to learn because there are so many resources available. As soon as you
decide you want to learn, there are thousands of resources on the Internet and in bookstores.
With good understanding and communication in English, you can travel around the globe.
Because it is the international language for foreigners, it is easy to get assistance and help in
every part of the world. You can test it by online travel. Any travel booking site you can find
will have English as a booking option.
36. When two people having different mother tongues meet each other, they will use______
A. their own mother tongues to communicate
B. English as a means of communication
C. the third language to communicate
D. a second language as a means of communication
37. The study material at universities is often written in English so that______
A. all international students can follow it
B. scientists can understand it easily
C. it is the dominant language in England
D. all children from many countries understand English
38. All of the following about the role of English on the Internet are true EXCEPT that _____
A. most websites are written in English
B. most programmers created websites in English
C. websites offer you the option in other languages
D. most websites have English version
39. English is believed by many to be the easiest language of the world to learn because
A. you can decide you want to learn English
B. there are thousands of bookstores available
C. it is not very difficult and confusing D. it is easy to find resources to learn English
40. We can infer from the passage that _______ .
A. English makes you travel around the globe
B. you can use English to travel online
C. international tourists must know English
D. it is easy to get help to learn English all over the world.
VIII. Complete the conversation about the way to improve speaking skills, using the
responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. It's much useful to learn new words in this way.
B. First, you should slow down your speaking speed.
C. Writing is one way of producing language.
D. You should practise speaking English whenever you can.
E. You can make others understand you well.
F. We also need to keep in mind the fact that communication is a two-way process.
G. In fact, it's a good way to limit our mistakes.

Nick: Phong, congratulations! You got good marks for the grammar test.
Phong: Thank vou. I can understand the grammar and read well, but speaking is rather
difficult. Nick:
Phong: Why should I do so?
Nick: Because you can speak more slowly and clearly. (42)
__________________________________________________________________________ __

_______________________________________________________________________ Phong:
And we can give ourselves time to think.
When you learn a new word, try to memorize a couple of sentences thai contain it.
Phong: We should use new words in sentences?
Then don't forget to listen to what others are saying. When speaking in a foreign language, you
might be so focused on what you are saying and whether it's correct or not, that you forget to
listen to what others are saying.
Phong: Anything else, Nick?
Nick: The most important thing is to keep active all the time. (45)
_________________________________________________________________________ ___

Phong: I think I try to make my passive knowledge become active. Thanks a lot, Nick.

IX) Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

46. English/ play/ important role/ everyday life.
47. English/ widely used/ international communication/ everyday work.
48. Students/ want/ go abroad/ education/ have to/ learn/ English well.
49. It/ language/ science/ and/ you/ need/ know English/ good/ science.
50. English/ main language/ instruction/ international students/ universities/ colleges.
I+II. 1D 2C 3B 4B 5A
III. 6C 7D 8B 9A 10D 11A 12D 13D 14D 15B
IV. 16. come across 17. look up 18. use 19. collocations 20. say V.
21. If we didn‘t have any languages, we couldn‘t communicate/ communication would be
22. If we didn‘t have any languages, we couldn‘t leave knowledge to our younger generations.
23. If we didn‘t have senses, we couldn‘t learn languages.
24. If we didn‘t have our senses of sight, we couldn‘t read languages. 25. If there weren‘t logos
for big companies, their goods couldn‘t be recognized in every nation.
VI. 26C 27D 28A 29C 30B 31D 32A 33D 34B
VII. 36B 37A 38C 39D 40C VIII. 41B 42E 43G 44ª 45D
46. English plays an important role in our everyday life.
47. English is widely used in international communication for everyday work.
48. Students who want to go abroad for education will have to learn English well.
49. It is the language of science, and you need to know English to be good at science.
50. English is the main language of instruction for international students in universities and


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. imitate B. translate C. phrase D. language
2. A. variety B. bilingual C. derivative D. dialect
3. A. massive B. immersion C. establish D. rusty
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. punctual B. flexible C. openness D. specific
5. A. establishment B. derivative C. population D. simplicity
III. Choose the best answer A, B, c or D to complete the sentences.
6. Trying to use a _______ dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you
stop translating in your head when you are speaking or listening.
A. biannual B. bicentenary C. bi-monthly D. bilingual
7. Are you someone who can read and write well in English but cannot speak_________?
A. fluent B. fluently C. fluency D. a fluency
8. In a _______ class, this is a great opportunity to leam about different customs and
traditions around the world.
A. multilingual B. multi-disciplinary C. multi-dimensional D. multinational
9. If you get _______ when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something.
A. annoyed B. nervous C. pleased D. unwilling
10. No one ever improves pronunciation and_________by watching someone else's shape of the
mouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching.
A. rhythm B. tone C. accent D. sounds
11. If I ______ taller, I ______ better at basketball.
A. am — will be B. were — would have been
C. be — would be D. were — might be
12. If you _____ in my position, what would you do?
A. are B. will be C. were D. would be
13. There was a storm _____ I had never experienced before.
A. such as B. as which C. which D. for which
14. Children always want to know the reason ______ things are as they are.
A. why B. whom C. which . who
15. Is the first of March the day _____ the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school?
A. that B. what C. which D. when
IV. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.
Read something that (16) _______________you. It could be a newspaper, a novel, a
magazine, or even an English graded reader (a simplified book). Working page by page,
(17)________the words or phrases that you don't know (18) up only those that are important for
understanding, or which are repeated. (19) a good dictionary, and (20) a note in your English
vocabulary notebook.
V. Combine each pair of sentences to make a complete sentence, using a
suitable relative pronoun.
21. The simplest definition of language is that "language is the means of communication". It is
widely accepted.
22. There are about one bidllion ople. They use English as the lingua franca of international
.................................. 23. Differences between languages can cause some problems to learners.
Differences between languages are explained in course books.
.................................. 24. A great number of people speak English as a foreign language. Their
native language is not English.
25. English has been regarded as a lingua franca. It enjoys more universality than any other
VI) Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
English is the (26)________ important in the world today. A very large (27)_______of
people understand and use English in many (28)_______ of the world.
Indeed English IS a very useful language. If we (29)________ English we can go to any place
or country we like. We shall not find it hard to (30)_______ people understand what we want to
English also helps us to learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are
(31)_________ in English every day in many countries to teach people many useful things.
(32)_______English language has, therefore, helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all the
corners of the world. There is no subject that cannot be (33)_______ in English.
As English is used so much everywhere in the world, it has helped to make the countries in the
world more (34)_______ . The leaders of the world use English to understand one another. The
English language has also helped to spread better understanding and friendship among countries
of the world.
Lastly, a person who knows English is respected by people. It is for all these (35)________ that
I want to learn English.

26. A. most B. mostly c. chiefly D. best

27. A. few B. deal c. amount D. number
28. A. countries B. places c. sites D. scenes
29. A. realize B. say c. speak D. tell
30. A. get B. let c. perruade D. make
31. A. published B. wrote c. print D. make
32. A. A B. An c. That D. The
33. A. recognized B. realized c. known D. taught
34. A. friend B. friendly c. friendship D. friendliness
35. A. reasons. B. causes c. effects D. results

VII-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Every year, students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young
children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some leam at school, others study by
themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the
office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work
hard to learn another language.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their
own language, mathematics, and English. In England, America, or Australia, many boys and
girls study their native language, which is English, mathematics, and another language, perhaps
French, or German or Spanish.
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for
their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Others
learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

36. According to the writer________.

A. only adults learn English B. no children like to learn English D.
C. English is useful only for teenagers English is popular all over the world
37. Most people learn English by ______ .
A. watching videos only B. working hard on their lessons
C. hearing the language in the office D. talking with foreigners
38. Many boys and girls learn English because _
A. it is included in their study courses B.English can give them a job
C. they are forced to learn it D. they have to study their own languages
39. In America or Australia m^ny school children study______.
A.English as a foreign language c. such foreign languages as French, German,
B. English and mathematics only and

D. their own language and no foreign

40. Many adults learn English because
A. English is spoken in their office B. they want to go abroad
C. most of their books are in English
D. it helps them in their work

VIII-Complete the conversation about the way to improve speaking skills, using the
responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. Choose a word you would like to work on and practise it in different sentences.
B. Imitate the actors and have fun with it.
C. You can use it to record yourself speaking then listen back.
D. I think you should be confident and speak as often as possible as you can.
E. We should do interesting activities in English, and using it to talk about things we
enjoy will make practising a positive experience. F. It is a powerful tool for learning
G. This is a great way to practise pronunciation because you only need to concentrate on your

Amelia: The speaking contest in our school is coming. Are you well-prepared for it?
Mai: Yes, but I try to speak more fluently and effective in English. Can you help me?
Amelia: Certainly. (41)
____ ________
_____________________________________________. Don't be shy to make
Mai: Practice is the perfect way, but the matter is that how we practise it correctly.
Amelia: I agree with you. Your smartphone is very useful.
Mai: Really? What can we do with it?
Amelia: (43)
Do you often watch films in English?
Mai: Yes. I think it's very useful to our speaking skill.
Amelia: We can pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation in films.
Mai: Yes, I think taking part in the English Speaking Club in our school is fantastic.
Amelia: Right.
Mai: Thanks a lot. I'll try my best at the coming contest.
Amelia: Good luck to you, Mai.

IX-Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

46. English/ most spoken official language/ world.
47. It/ primary language/ used/ international affairs.

48. English/ indisputably/ primary language/ global trade/ commerce.

49. English/ dominant language/ digital age.

50. In universities/ colleges/ English-speaking countries/ primary language/ instruction/

I+II. 1A 2C 3B 4D 5C
III. 6D 7B 8D 9B 10C 11D 12C 13C 14A 15D
IV. 16. interests 17. underline 18. look 19. use 20. make
21. The simplest definition of language which is widely accepted is that language is the means
of communication.
22. There are about one billion people who use English as the lingua franca of international
23. Differences between languages which are explained in course books can cause some
problems to learners.
24. A great number of people whose native language is not English speak E as a foreign
25. E which has been regarded as a lingua franca enjoys more universality than any other
VI. 26A 27D 28A 29C 30D 31A 32D 33D 34B 35A
VII. 36D 37B 38A 39C 40D
VIII. 41D 42F 43C 44B 45E
46. E is the most spoken official language in the world.
47. It is the primary language used in international affairs.
48. E is indisputable the primary language of global trade and commerce.
49. E is the dominant language in the digital age.
50.In universities and colleges in the E speaking countries, the primary language of instruction is


I. New words
astronaut (n) /ˈæstrənɔːt/ phi hành astronomy /əˈstrɒnəmi/ thiên văn h c
gia (n)

attach (v) buộc, g i float (v) trôi (trong

/əˈtætʃ/ /fləʊt/ không gian)
habitable (adj) /ˈhæbɪtəbl/ c đ điều International /ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl Trạm vũ tr
kiện cho sự Space quốc tế ISS
sống Station (ISS) speɪs ˈsteɪʃn/
galaxy (n) thiên hà land (v) /lænd/ hạ c nh
launch (v, n) phóng meteorite (n) thiên thạch
/lɔːntʃ/ /ˈmiːtiəraɪt/
microgravity (n) / ˈmaɪkrəʊ tình mission (n) /ˈmɪʃn/ chuyến đi,
trạn nhiệm v
ˈɡrævəti/ g không
tr ng lực

operate (v) /ˈɒpəreɪt/ vận h nh orbit (v, n) /ˈɔːbɪt/ xoay quanh, đi

theo qu đạo

parabolic flight /ˌpærəˈbɒlɪk chuyến bay rocket (n) /ˈrɒkɪt/ tên lửa
(n) tạo môi
flaɪt/ trư ng
tr ng lực

rinseless (adj) /rɪnsles/ không c n satellite (n) /ˈsætəlaɪt/ vệ tinh

xả nư c

space tourism /speɪs ng nh du spacecraft /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ t u vũ tr

(n) l ch vũ tr (n)
spaceline (n) /ˈspeɪslaɪn/ h ng h ng spacesuit (n) /ˈspeɪssuːt/ trang ph c du
không vũ h nh vũ tr

spacewalk (n) /ˈspeɪswɔːk/ chuyến đi telescope (n) /ˈtelɪskəʊp/ kính thiên văn
bộ trong
không gian

universe (n) vũ tr
II. Grammar
- Review : Past Simple and Past Perfect
- Defining relative clause

III. Phonetics: Continuing of finishing tones


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. universe B. satellite C. experience D. meteorite

2. A. spacewalk B. trainee C. object D. private
3. A. impressive B. commercial C. profession D. altitude
4. A. parabolic B. astronomy C. experiment D. collaborate
5. descend B. explore C. surface D. approach

II. Insert the rising or falling arrows into the boxes to show the coninuing or finishing tones :

1. The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury , Venus , the Earth , Mars , Jupiter ,

Saturn , Uranus  and Neptune .

2. The space stations which have operated are Salyut , Skylab , and the ISS .

3. There are five laboratory modules on the ISS : two Russian Mini Research Modules , the US lab
Destiny , the European Columbus , and the Japanese Kibo .

4. China has launched its satellite Dong Fang Hong , its manned spacecraft Shenzhou , and its
space lab Tiangong .

5. John Glenn, the first American in orbit  and the oldest astronaut , was a pilot , an engineer

, an astronaut , and a politician .

III. Match the words in the left column to the definitions in the right column :

Words Definitions
1. telescope A. A piece of rock or metal that has
2. spacecraft fallen to the earth's surface from outer space.
3. satellite B. a large cylinder-shaped object that
4. meteorite moves very fast by forcing out burning gases,
5. planet used for space travel or as a weapon.
6. cosmonaut C. A person who travels into space from
7. universe Russia.
8. rocket D. A scientist who studies the universe
9. galaxy and objects existing naturally in space.
10. astronomer E. A system of millions or billions of
stars, together with gas and dust, held
together by
gravitational attraction.
F. A large round object in space that
moves around a star (such as the sun) and
receives light from it.
G. An optical instrument designed to
make distant objects appear nearer.
H. An artificial body placed in orbit
around the earth or another planet in order to
collect information or for communication.
I. The whole of space and anything in
it, including the Earth, the planets and the
stars. J. A manned or unmanned vehicle
designed to orbit the earth or travel to
celestial objects for the purpose of research,
exploration, etc.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only :
astronaut astronomy comet float launch
microgravity mission operate orbit spacesuit

1. The ____________ of Apollo 11 was to land two men on the lunar surface and return them safely to
2. Was Vietnam‘s first telecom satellite Vinasat-1 put into ___________ on April 18th, 2008 ?
3. Sally Ride became the first American woman ___________ to fly in space in 1983 when she was 32
years old.
4. In __________, astronauts can move things that weigh hundreds of pounds with just the tips of their
5. Quang is interested in ____________. He can spend hours studying the sun, moon, stars and planets.
6. The tail of a ____________ can extend over 84 million miles, nearly the distance between the Earth
and the sun.
7. The _____________ of Apollo 13 was delayed from March 12th to April 11th, 1970 to give to give
the new prime crew more time to train.
8. People ____________ in space because there is no gravity to pull them towards anything.
9. This _____________ was worn by astronaut Neil Amstrong, the first human to set foot on the Moon.
10. The mission not only taught NASA about Venus, but also how to ____________ a spacecraft far
from Earth.

V. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct expression from the box, using the correct
word form :

everything under the sun live on another planet come back down to earth
once in a blue moon out of this world over the moon
the sky‘s the limit reach for the stars
1. I ___________________ on my first Monday back to school after my holidy in Nha Trang.
2. ―That‘s the coolest thing I‘ve ever seen. It‘s really ____________________‖.
3. For people who work hard at this company, _____________________.
4. Dan: Do you like to drink tea? Ben: I love coffee, but I only drink tea ___________________.
5. She wasn‘t listening to me at all. Sometimes I think she‘s ______________________.
6. Joan was ___________________ when she found out she was going to be a grandmother.
7. If you ___________________, all of your dreams will come true.
8. She‘s very intelligent and knowledgeable. She can talk about ______________________.

VI. Complete the text worh the words in the box:

mission control atmosphere orbit mission

crew Station satellite astronauts

Space disasters
On January 28 1986 the space shuttle challenger was launched with a (1) _____________ of seven
on board. Its (2) ____________ was to carry a (3) _____________ that would orbit the Earth. But just
73 seconds after leaving the ground, it lost contact with (4) _____________ and exploded, killing all
seven (5) _______________.
On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke into small pieces as it re-entered the Earth‘s
(6) ____________. It was returning from the International Space (7) _____________ , which is in (8)
____________ around the Earth.

VII. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple tense or past perfect tense :

1. Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin (collect) _____________ some moon dust samples before they
(return) ____________ to Earth.
2. By the time Yang Liwei (become) _______________ the first person sent into space by the Chinese
Space Program in 2003, NASA already (send) _______________ over 100 people.
3. After the spaceship Soyuz 37 (be) _______________ in orbit around the Earth, Pham Tuan and
Viktor Gorbatko (conduct) _____________ some experiments.
4. When we (arrive) _____________ in Kennedy Space Center, the space shuttle already (launch)
_____________ into space.
5. Dennis Tito already (complete) _____________ 900 hours of training by the time he (fly)
____________ into space in 2001.

VIII. One of the Past Simple verbs in each sentence below should be in the Past Perfect or Past
Perfect Continuous. Correct the verb, and you may need to change the word order :

1. It was obvious that she cried because her eyes were red.
2. As soon as I saw his sister, I realized that we met before.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 3.
The passengers were very frustrated by the time someone finally made an announcement. They waited
for several hours.
4. Everyone was amazed by his appearance – they never saw anyone with dyed blue hair before.
5. When I looked out of the window in the morning, everywhere was wet – it rained all night.
6. Two hours before his speech, the politician still didn‘t decide what to say.

IX. Choose the best answer in the brackets to complete the following sentences :

1. The student who/ whom/ x was selected to join the space program is my brother‘s friend.
2. They showed me the place (when/ which/ x) the spaceship landed last week.
3. David introduced me to the woman (whom/ whose/ x) husband is working for NASA.
4. The astronomer (which/ whose/ x) you want to meet is going to present a paper at the conference
next Friday.
5. The twenty-ninth of May is the day (that/ which/ x) our astronauts will be returning home.
6. The man with (who/ whom/ x) Mr. Khoa is talking has flown into space three times.
7. The satellite (where/ that/ x) was launched into space yesterday belongs to Vietnam.
8. The space age began in 1957 (when/ which/ x) the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the world‘s
first man-made satellite.
9. An astronaut is a person (whom/ that/ x) travels in a spacecraft into outer space.
10. The book who/ where/ x I‘m reading is about the history of space exploration.

X. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using defining relative clauses and the prompts
provided :

1. Would you tell me the reasons ? Astronauts go on spacewalks for those reasons.
 Would you tell me _______________________________________________________________
2. Fuglesang said he was greatly impressed by the Earth‘s beauty. It was quite strange to him.
 Fuglesang said he _______________________________________________________________
3. During Apollo 14‘s lunar mission, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls. They flew ―miles and miles‖
 During Apollo 14‘s lunar mission, Alan Shepard _______________________________________
4. Sharman‘s mission to the Mir Space Station lasted 8 days. She conducted a number of experiments
during that time.
 Sharman‘s mission to the Mir Space Station __________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ 5.
The speech announced that NASA was developing a reusable launch vehicle – the space shuttle. The
speech was made by U.S President Richard Nixon in 1972.
 The speech ____________________________________________________________________
6. We are meeting an astronomer tonight. This astronomer has discovered three Earth-like planets.
 The astronomer _________________________________________________________________
7. Dennis Tito became the first space tourist in 2001. Anousheh Ansari travelled into space as a tourist
in 2006.
 When Anousheh Ansari __________________________________________________________
8. I‘m reading an article. The articale is about NASA‘s plan to return humans to the moon.
 I‘m reading ____________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ 9.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted an American flag on the moon. They spoke to President
Richard Nixon after that.
 Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin _____________________________________________
10. Last week they visited a museum. The first artificial satellite is on display there.
 Last week they _________________________________________________________________

XI. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences :

1. The first __________ was done by Alexei Leonov, a Russion cosmonaut on March 18th, 1965. It
was 10 minutes long.
A. spacesuit B. spacewalk C. spaceship D. spaceward.
2. The Milky Way is just a ____________ in the universe and it contains our Solar System,
A. planet B. comet C. meteorite D. galaxy
3. Christer Fulgesang said he enjoyed floating around in the _____________ environment.
A. homesick B. heavy C. weightless D. quiet
4. NASA is now working hard to ____________ whether there is life on Mars.
A. discover B. collect C. experience D. accept
5. The closest potentially _____________ planet ever found has been spotted by Australian scientists,
and it‘s just 14 light-years away.
A. foreseeable B. habitable C. transferable D. workable
6. As soon as the spacecraft _____________ into space, the crew started to observe the sun.
A. travelled B. was travelling C. has travelled D. had travelled
7. The launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour _____________ broadcast live this morning.
A. was B.had been C. has been D. was being
8. Do you want to meet my colleague ______________ son is training to be an astronaut ?
A. that B. whom C. who D. x
9. The mission ____________ they are talking about plans to send humans to Mars by 2030.
A. who B. when C. where D. x
10. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honours all American astronauts _____________ have lost
their lives while on mission or in training.
A. which B. who C. whom D. x

XII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage :

Space Exploration is the investigation of the universe beyond Earth‘s atmosphere by 1

_______________ of manned or unmanned spacecraft. Despite the technological advancements
achieved in the past, space exploration was only (2) ________________ until the 20th century. The first
successful orbital launch was made by the Soviet Union 1957 which was called ―Sputnik‖. When the
topic ―SPACE OPERATION‖ is put 3 _______________ the table, a question has often been asked:
―Why should we spend money on NASA while there are so 4 ______________ problems here on
Earth?‖. However, this might be partially wrong exploring the unknown may help us progress.
The advantages of space exploration include the materials (5) ______________ can be obtained
from outer space. For instance, asteroids have iron and nickel which could be utilized to satisfy the (6)
______________ for metal. Therefore, numerous commercial companies have invested in developing
technology for asteroid mining. Several comets and asteroid (7) ______________ solid water in them.
This water can be used for astronauts and scientists in space stations. The water can also be broken
down to hydrogen which can be used as (8) _____________ for the rockets. Scientists also believed that
dinosaurs disappeared because they couldn‘t go to (9) _____________ planet. Sooner or later a killer
comet will again cross Earth‘s path , threatening all life. Fortunately, 10 _____________ we have
knowledge about comets and space science, we will be able to survive.

XIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question:

Where will you go on your next vacation? Disneyland? Sea World? Outer space?

That‘s right; tourists are now paying big bucks to travel into space with astronauts! The first
space tourist was Dennis Tito, an American businessman. In 2001, he paid about $20 million to ride on a
Russian rocket to the International Space Station. The Space Station circles 220 miles above Earth.
Tito stayed on the station for a week, hanging out with astronauts and eating space food.

The latest space tourist was Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-born woman from the United States
who went to the Space Station in mid-September 2006.

How safe is space travel? Apart from the risk of crashing, space tourists have some special things
to worry about. Earth‘s atmosphere protects us from dangerous radiation from the sun. Space travelers
are exposed to more of the sun‘s rays. But for tourists spending only a few days or weeks in space, the
radiation probably isn‘t harmful.

A bigger problem might be space sickness. Without Earth‘s gravity to hold them down, visitors
to the Space Station float around inside the craft. It may look like fun on TV, but it can make first-time
space travelers dizzy and sick. Luckily, the sickness usually wears off quickly. Then space tourists can
enjoy their trip - and the amazing view of Earth.

1. Traveling to space ________________

A. will be available to everyone B. is not expensive
C. will be limited to the very wealthy D. will be limited to the very poor
2. While in outer space, it‘s likely that people will _________________
A. experience space sickness B. not need spacesuits
C. will get a sunburn D. make side trips to Mars
3. It is probably so expensive to travel to space because _________________
A. astronauts want to make a lot of money B. astronaut food is very expensive
C. space equipment and fuel is expensive D. there are high taxes on space travel
4. This passage is ______________
A. a poem B. fiction C. a biography D. a non-fiction
5. Why are space travellers exposed to more radiation?
A. Their spacesuits are too thin to protect them
B. They lack protection provided by Earth‘s atmosphere.
C. They stay in the space for such a long time.
D. The float around inside the craft and have space sickness.

XIV. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of around 100 words about the benefits of space
• Might find new minerals, precious materials sometimes  make our lives easier
• Bring smart people work together  result in fantastic scientific discoveries, useful inventions
• Colonise other planets, make atmosphere suitable for human life



I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. universe B. satellite C. experience D. meteorite

2. A. spacewalk B. trainee C. object D. private
3. A. impressive B. commercial C. profession D. altitude
4. A. parabolic B. astronomy C. experiment D. collaborate
5. descend B. explore C. surface D. approach

II. Insert the rising or falling arrows into the boxes to show the coninuing or finishing tones :
1. The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury , Venus , the Earth , Mars , Jupiter ,

Saturn , Uranus  and Neptune .

2. The space stations which have operated are Salyut , Skylab , and the ISS .

3. There are five laboratory modules on the ISS : two Russian Mini Research Modules , the US lab
Destiny , the European Columbus , and the Japanese Kibo .

4. China has launched its satellite Dong Fang Hong , its manned spacecraft Shenzhou , and its
space lab Tiangong .

5. John Glenn, the first American in orbit  and the oldest astronaut , was a pilot , an engineer
, an astronaut , and a politician .

III. Match the words in the left column to the definitions in the right column :

Words Definitions
1. telescope (G) A. A piece of rock or metal that has
2. spacecraft (J) fallen to the earth's surface from outer space.
3. satellite (H) B. a large cylinder-shaped object that
4. meteorite (A) moves very fast by forcing out burning gases,
5. planet (F) used for space travel or as a weapon.
6. cosmonaut (C) C. A person who travels into space from
7. universe (I) Russia.
8. rocket (B) D. A scientist who studies the universe
9. galaxy (E) and objects existing naturally in space.
10. astronomer (D) E. A system of millions or billions of
stars, together with gas and dust, held
together by gravitational attraction.
F. A large round object in space that
moves around a star (such as the sun) and
receives light from it.
G. An optical instrument designed to
make distant objects appear nearer.
H. An artificial body placed in orbit
around the earth or another planet in order to
collect information or for communication.
I. The whole of space and anything in
it, including the Earth, the planets and the
stars. J. A manned or unmanned vehicle
designed to orbit the earth or travel to
celestial objects for the purpose of research,
exploration, etc.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only :
astronaut (3) astronomy (5) comet (6) float (8) launch (7)
microgravity (4) mission (1) operate (10) orbit (2) spacesuit (9)

1. The ____________ of Apollo 11 was to land two men on the lunar surface and return them safely to
2. Was Vietnam‘s first telecom satellite Vinasat-1 put into ___________ on April 18th, 2008 ?
3. Sally Ride became the first American woman ___________ to fly in space in 1983 when she was 32
years old.
4. In __________, astronauts can move things that weigh hundreds of pounds with just the tips of their
5. Quang is interested in ____________. He can spend hours studying the sun, moon, stars and planets.
6. The tail of a ____________ can extend over 84 million miles, nearly the distance between the Earth
and the sun.
7. The _____________ of Apollo 13 was delayed from March 12th to April 11th, 1970 to give to give
the new prime crew more time to train.
8. People ____________ in space because there is no gravity to pull them towards anything.
9. This _____________ was worn by astronaut Neil Amstrong, the first human to set foot on the Moon.
10. The mission not only taught NASA about Venus, but also how to ____________ a spacecraft far
from Earth.

V. Fill in each blank in the sentences with the correct expression from the box, using the correct
word form :

everything under the sun live on another planet come back down to earth
once in a blue moon out of this world over the moon
the sky‘s the limit reach for the stars

1. I ___________________ on my first Monday back to school after my holidy in Nha Trang. (came
back down to earth)
2. «That‘s the coolest thing I‘ve ever seen. It‘s really ____________________. » out of this world0
3. For people who work hard at this company, _____________________. the sky‘s the limit
4. Dan: Do you like to drink tea? Ben: I love coffee, but I only drink tea ___________________. (once
in a blue moon)
5. She wasn‘t listening to me at all. Sometimes I think she‘s ______________________. living on
another planet)
6. Joan was ___________________ when she found out she was going to be a grandmother. (over the
7. If you ___________________, all of your dreams will come true. 9reach for the stars)
8. She‘s very intelligent and knowledgeable. She can talk about ______________________. (everything
under the sun)

VI. Complete the text worh the words in the box:

mission control (4) atmosphere (6) orbit (8) mission (2)

crew (1) Station (7) satellite (3) astronauts (5)

Space disasters
On January 28 1986 the space shuttle challenger was launched with a (1) _____________ of seven
on board. Its (2) ____________ was to carry a (3) _____________ that would orbit the Earth. But just
73 seconds after leaving the ground, it lost contact with (4) _____________ and exploded, killing all
seven (5) _______________.
On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke into small pieces as it re-entered the Earth‘s
(6) ____________. It was returning from the International Space (7) _____________ , which is in (8)
____________ around the Earth.

VII. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple tense or past perfect tense :

1. Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin (collect) had collected _____________ some moon dust samples
before they (return) returned ____________ to Earth.
2. By the time Yang Liwei (become) became _______________ the first person sent into space by the
Chinese Space Program in 2003, NASA already (send) had already sent ______________over 100
3. After the spaceship Soyuz 37 (be) had been _______________ in orbit around the Earth, Pham
Tuan and Viktor Gorbatko (conduct) conducted _____________ some experiments.
4. When we (arrive) arrived_____________ in Kennedy Space Center, the space shuttle already
(launch) had already launched_____________ into space.
5. Dennis Tito already (complete) had already completed_____________ 900 hours of training by the
time he (fly) flew ____________ into space in 2001.

VIII. One of the Past Simple verbs in each sentence below should be in the Past Perfect or Past
Perfect Continuous. Correct the verb, and you may need to change the word order :

1. It was obvious that she cried because her eyes were red.
________________had been crying_________________________________________________
2. As soon as I saw his sister, I realized that we met before.
______________________________________had met_____
3. The passengers were very frustrated by the time someone finally made an announcement. They
waited for several hours.
been waiting_________________________________________________________
4. Everyone was amazed by his appearance – they never saw anyone with dyed blue hair before.
__________________________________had never seen________________________
5. When I looked out of the window in the morning, everywhere was wet – it rained all night.
__________________________________________________________had been raining_____
6. Two hours before his speech, the politician still didn‘t decide what to say.
________________________________________hadn‘t decided____________________________

IX. Choose the best answer in the brackets to complete the following sentences :

1. The student (who/ whom/ x) was selected to join the space program is my brother‘s friend.
2. They showed me the place (when/ which/ x) the spaceship landed last week.
3. David introduced me to the woman (whom/ whose/ x) husband is working for NASA.
4. The astronomer (which/ whose/ x) you want to meet is going to present a paper at the conference
next Friday.
5. The twenty-ninth of May is the day (that/ which/ x) our astronauts will be returning home.
6. The man with (who/ whom/ x) Mr. Khoa is talking has flown into space three times.
7. The satellite (where/ that/ x) was launched into space yesterday belongs to Vietnam.
8. The space age began in 1957 (when/ which/ x the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the world‘s
first man-made satellite.
9. An astronaut is a person (whom/ that/x) travels in a spacecraft into outer space.
10. The book (who/ where/ x I‘m reading is about the history of space exploration.
X. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using defining relative clauses and the prompts
provided :

1. Would you tell me the reasons ? Astronauts go on spacewalks for those reasons.
 Would you tell me the reasons why astronauts go son spacewalks ?
2. Fuglesang said he was greatly impressed by the Earth‘s beauty. It was quite strange to him.
 Fuglesang said he was greatly impressed by the Earth‘s beauty which was quite strange to him.
3. During Apollo 14‘s lunar mission, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls. They flew ―miles and miles‖
 During Apollo 14‘s lunar mission, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls which flew ―miles and miles‖
4. Sharman‘s mission to the Mir Space Station lasted 8 days. She conducted a number of experiments
during that time.
 Sharman‘s mission to the Mir Space Station Station lasted 8 days when conducted a number of
5. The speech announced that NASA was developing a reusable launch vehicle – the space shuttle. The
speech was made by U.S President Richard Nixon in 1972.
 The speech which was made by U.S President Richard Nixon in 1972 announced that NASA was
developing a reusable launch vehicle – the space shuttle.
6. We are meeting an astronomer tonight. This astronomer has discovered three Earth-like planets.
 The astronomer who/ whom/ that we are meeting has discovered three Earth-like planets.
7. Dennis Tito became the first space tourist in 2001. Anousheh Ansari travelled into space as a
tourist in 2006.
 When Anousheh Ansari travelled into space as a tourist in 2006, Dennis Tito became the first space
tourist in 2001
8. I‘m reading an article. The articale is about NASA‘s plan to return humans to the moon.
 I‘m reading which/ that is about NASA‘s plan to return humans to the moon.
9. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted an American flag on the moon. They spoke to President
Richard Nixon after that.
 Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spoke to President Richard Nixon, they had planted an
American flag on the moon.
10. Last week they visited a museum. The first artificial satellite is on display there.
 Last week they visited a museum where the first artificial satellite is on display

XI. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences :

1. The first __________ was done by Alexei Leonov, a Russion cosmonaut on March 18th, 1965. It
was 10 minutes long.
A. spacesuit B. spacewalk C. spaceship D. spaceward.
2. The Milky Way is just a ____________ in the universe and it contains our Solar System,
A. planet B. comet C. meteorite D. galaxy
3. Christer Fulgesang said he enjoyed floating around in the _____________ environment.
A. homesick B. heavy C. weightless D. quiet
4. NASA is now working hard to ____________ whether there is life on Mars.
A. discover B. collect C. experience D. accept
5. The closest potentially _____________ planet ever found has been spotted by Australian scientists,
and it‘s just 14 light-years away.
A. foreseeable B. habitable C. transferable D. workable
6. As soon as the spacecraft _____________ into space, the crew started to observe the sun.
A. travelled B. was travelling C. has travelled D. had travelled
7. The launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour _____________ broadcast live this morning.
A. was B.had been C. has been D. was being
8. Do you want to meet my colleague ______________ son is training to be an astronaut ?
A. that B. whom C. who D. x
9. The mission ____________ they are talking about plans to send humans to Mars by 2030.
A. who B. when C. where D. x
10. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honours all American astronauts _____________ have lost
their lives while on mission or in training.
A. which B. who C. whom D. x

XII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage :

Space Exploration is the investigation of the universe beyond Earth‘s atmosphere by 1

_______________ of manned or unmanned spacecraft. Despite the technological advancements
achieved in the past, space exploration was only (2) ________________ until the 20th century. The first
successful orbital launch was made by the Soviet Union 1957 which was called ―Sputnik‖. When the
topic ―SPACE OPERATION‖ is put 3 _______________ the table, a question has often been asked:
―Why should we spend money on NASA while there are so 4 ______________ problems here on
Earth?‖. However, this might be partially wrong exploring the unknown may help us progress.
The advantages of space exploration include the materials (5) ______________ can be obtained
from outer space. For instance, asteroids have iron and nickel which could be utilized to satisfy the (6)
______________ for metal. Therefore, numerous commercial companies have invested in developing
technology for asteroid mining. Several comets and asteroid (7) ______________ solid water in them.
This water can be used for astronauts and scientists in space stations. The water can also be broken
down to hydrogen which can be used as (8) _____________ for the rockets. Scientists also believed that
dinosaurs disappeared because they couldn‘t go to 9 _____________ planet. Sooner or later a killer
comet will again cross Earth‘s path , threatening all life. Fortunately, 10 _____________ we have
knowledge about comets and space science, we will be able to survive.
1. means 6. demand/ need
2. possible 7. carry
3. on 8. fuel
4. many 9. another
5. that/ which 10. because

XIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question:

Where will you go on your next vacation? Disneyland? Sea World? Outer space?
That‘s right; tourists are now paying big bucks to travel into space with astronauts! The first
space tourist was Dennis Tito, an American businessman. In 2001, he paid about $20 million to ride on a
Russian rocket to the International Space Station. The Space Station circles 220 miles above Earth. Tito
stayed on the station for a week, hanging out with astronauts and eating space food.

The latest space tourist was Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-born woman from the United States
who went to the Space Station in mid-September 2006.

How safe is space travel? Apart from the risk of crashing, space tourists have some special things
to worry about. Earth‘s atmosphere protects us from dangerous radiation from the sun. Space travelers
are exposed to more of the sun‘s rays. But for tourists spending only a few days or weeks in space, the
radiation probably isn‘t harmful.

A bigger problem might be space sickness. Without Earth‘s gravity to hold them down, visitors
to the Space Station float around inside the craft. It may look like fun on TV, but it can make first-time
space travelers dizzy and sick. Luckily, the sickness usually wears off quickly. Then space tourists can
enjoy their trip - and the amazing view of Earth.

1. Traveling to space ________________

A. will be available to everyone B. is not expensive
C. will be limited to the very wealthy D. will be limited to the very poor
2. While in outer space, it‘s likely that people will _________________
A. experience space sickness B. not need spacesuits
C. will get a sunburn D. make side trips to Mars
3. It is probably so expensive to travel to space because _________________
A. astronauts want to make a lot of money B. astronaut food is very expensive
C. space equipment and fuel is expensive D. there are high taxes on space travel 4.
This passage is ______________
A. a poem B. fiction C. a biography D. a non-fiction
5. Why are space travellers exposed to more radiation?
A. Their spacesuits are too thin to protect them
B. They lack protection provided by Earth’s atmosphere.
C. They stay in the space for such a long time.
D. The float around inside the craft and have space sickness.

XIV. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of around 100 words about the benefits of space
• Might find new minerals, precious materials sometimes  make our lives easier
• Bring smart people work together  result in fantastic scientific discoveries, useful inventions
• Colonise other planets, make atmosphere suitable for human life
I. New words
application (n) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ việc p maledominated /meɪl-ˈdɒmɪneɪtɪd/ do nam gi i
d ng, ng (adj) p đảo
apply (v) d ng p
/əˈplaɪ/ d ng
attendance (n) /əˈtendəns/ sự tham gia real-life (adj) /rɪəl-laɪf/ cuộc sống
attend (v) tham gia thực
breadwinner (n) /ˈbredwɪnə r / tr cột gia đình responsive (to) /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ phản ng
(adj) nhanh nhạy
burden (n) /ˈbɜːdn/ g nh nặng role (n) /rəʊl/ vai trò
burdensome (a) phiền toại
consequently (adj) /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/ vì vậy sector (n) /ˈsektə r / mảng, lĩnh
content (adj) /kənˈtent/ hài lòng sense (of) (n) /sens/ tính
externally (v) /ɪkˈstɜːnəli/ bên ngoài sole (adj) /səʊl/ độc nhất
facilitate (v) /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ tạo điều kiện dễ tailor (v) /ˈteɪlə r / biến đổi theo
facilitation (n) d ng; điều phối nhu c u
financial (adj) /faɪˈnænʃl/ thuộc về t i virtual (adj) /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ ảo
finance (n) /ˈfaɪnæns/ chính
hands-on (adj) /hændz-ɒn/ thực h nh, thực vision (n) /ˈvɪʒn/ tầm nhìn
tế, ngay tại ch
individuallyoriented / c xu hư ng c
(adj) ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəliˈɔːrientɪd nhân
leave (n) /liːv/ ngh phép
II. Grammar:
Changing roles in society Phonetics:
Agreeing and disagreeing tones Grammar:
- Review: Future passive
- Non-defining relative clause
The changing roles in society Skills:
- Reading about the changing roles of women in society and its effects
- Listening about the changes that women in Kenya are going through
- Talking and writing about roles in the future
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. forum B. machine C. pressure D. whiteboard
2. A. projector B. dependent C. dominate D. appointment
3. A. relationship B. participate C. curriculum D. academic
4. A. demolish B. syllabus C. principal D. masterpiece
5. A. theoretical B. international C. uneconomic D. university
6. A. developer B. responsible C. participate D. individual
7. A. dramatically B. relation C. drastically D. advantage
8. A. consequently B. externally C. financially D. facilitate
9. A. economic B. academic C. competition D. technology

Choose a word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. financial B. responsive C. applicant D. breadwinner
2. A. burden B. curtain C. turtle D. curriculum
3. A. discussion B. provision C. permission D. cushion
4. A. evaluation B. facilitator C. guidance D. female
5. A. responsive B. sector C. sense D. content
6. A. housework B. vision C. hospital D. classroom

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
apply breadwinner burden content evaluator
Hands-on process provider responsibility tailor

1. In our society, men are often expected to be the________ in a family.

2. His work was reviewed by the________ and he was given a list of corrections that he
should apply to meet corporate standards.
3. In order to help students learn the sense of________ , it‘s necessary for them to do
household work after school.
4. If you need to contact your internet service________, you can find their contact details
on your bills.
5. Many employers consider________ experience to be as useful as academic
6. With the modern training strategy, we identify your needs, and________ your training
7. He can speak English, French and Japanese. He wants a job in which he can________
his foreign languages. 8. Paying tuition fees often places a large financial________ on
poor student‘s families.
9. Mary is very________ with her current job and has no desire to quit it.
10. Teenagers play an important part in the________ of changing the society.

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the
following sentences.
1. A leg injury is preventing Peter from active________ in the PARTICIPATE
2. Her children are very________. They do all the shopping and DEPEND
cooking by themselves.
3. In the future, students will not________ go to school every day; they NECESSARY
can stay at home and follow the lesson online.
4. The modern mother will decrease her________ in household work INVOLVE
as it will be shared by her husband.
5. Teachers should act as________, enabling their students to study in FACILITATE
the way that suits them best.
6. Our school will participate in a big campaign to save________ DANGER
7. The role of modern teacher is to provide________ to student. GUIDE
8. It is good news that all the schools in our city are________ to RESPOND
changes in the curriculum.
9. Finishing high school at the age of 16 is________ possible for many THEORY
10. It is announced that successful________ will receive notification APPLY
within the week.

IV. Put the following sentences into passive voice.

1. We will open more forums for students to share their ideas.
2. Students will no longer carry school bags to the classes.
3. Will schools provide students with laptops or iPads?
________________________________________________________________ 4.
They will recognize and value women‘s contribution equally.
________________________________________________________________ 5.
Teachers will not check student‘s homework from home.
________________________________________________________________ 6.
Virtual schools will allow students to work from home.
7. Will he look after the children and feed them?
________________________________________________________________ 8.
Women will not do all the washing-up and cooking.
9. Students will log into their accounts to take part in online lessons.
10. Our school will use a special software to track student progress.

V. Multiple choice
1. The Taj Mahal, .. is recognized as one of the wonders of the world, was
built by an Indian King in memory of his beloved wife.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
2. Louis Paster, discovered a cure for rabies, was a French scientist.
A. he B. that C. who D. whom
3. Some of the boys didn‘t come.
A. whom I invited them B. I invited them
C. I invited D. when I invited
4. The restaurant Bob recommend was too expensive.
A. which it B. that C. where D. what
5. Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is a cosmopolitan city.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
6. We went to different places .you find people .language was
hard to understand.
A. where-which B. where/whose C. that/whose D. which/whose
7. We came within sight of Everest, ..has attracted so many climbers.
A. the summit of which B. which the summit
C. whose summit of D. of which the summit 8. I read
about the child was saved by her pet dog.
A. whom B. who C. her D. whose
9. The police have to try to catch the men drive dangerously.
A. who B. whom C. they D. which
10. There was a small room into .we all crowded.
A. which B. where C. that D. it
11. Women have been given economic and political rights, as well as the
right to choose their own husband.
A. same B. alike C. equal D. able
12. Teachers in modern classrooms are ..because their main task is to set
goals and organize the learning process accordingly.
A. decision-makers B. facilitators C. facilities D. directors 13. Although he
did his best, he had to be .with third place in the competition.
A. content B. pleasant C. pleasing D. satisfying
14. The traditional role of a husband is a .of safety and security.
A. deliveryman B. supporter C. supply D. provider
15. Companies have to be to customer demand.
A. responsible B. responsive C. responding D. responsively 16.
Mr. Nam is the teacher in we have much confidence.
A. whom B. him C. that D. which
17. Albert Eistein, ... was such a brilliant scientist, introduced the theory of
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
18. He showed the house ..he was born and grew up.
A. which B. in which C. in where D. in that
19. The threat of terrorism ..soon.
A. will remove B. will be removed C. will be finished 20. D. will finish
The national debt in the near future.
A. will pay B. will be paid C. will pay off D. will be paid off
21. A workshop can give children with experience with computeers.
A. skillful B. handy C. practicing D. hands-on
22. He‘s still dependent on his parents, he regularly receives money to live
from them.
A. finance B. financial C. financially D. financier
23. Some at an actual school, not a virtual one, will be required to help
students develop appropriate social skills.
A. attendant B. attendance C. attention D. attendee
24. Before the rise of Islam in the early 600s, Arabs lived in a traditional, .
Society; men regarded women as their property.
A. women-dominated B. female-dominated
C. man-dominated D. male-dominated
25. The sushi chef had to spend a few minutes one of his orders to fit the
dietary needs of his customers.
A. tailor B. tailored C. tailoring D. to tailor
26. The United Nations, .. was established in 1945, has over 200 members.
A. what B. it C. which D. that
27. The Centre for Education Promotion and Empowerment for Women, .. was
established years ago, has worked to gain equality for women.
A. which B. what C. that D. it
28. The people about the novelist wrote were factory workers and their
A. who B. whom C. that D. them
29. The living standards of people in remote areas
A. will raise B. will be raised C. will be risen D. will arise 30.
The system of water pipes has broken. The supply ..
A. will reduce B. will be reduced C. will have reduced D. will be reducing

VI. Combine the following sentences using an appropriate relative clause.

1. My head teacher has such as good sense of humour. He usually makes everyone laugh
by telling funny stories.
2. I prefer traditional classroom. I can interact face to face with the teachers and other
students there.
3. We are going to open a new English class. This class is totally online.
4. Mr. Vinh is talking with the students. They are sharing their thoughts about the roles of
schools in the future.
5. My new school is bigger than the old one. You visited it two days ago.
6. Dr. Anna Bennett is a senior lecture at the National University. Her paper is about
women‘s roles in the 21st century.
7. My brother has just graduated from Harvard University. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
founder and CEO used to study there.
8. Her husband will stay at home to look after the children. He used to be the breadwinner
of her family.
9. I have read an article about Silicon Valley. It is home to many of the world‘s largest
high-tech corporations.
10. They will organize a farewell party for Ms. Jennifer Green next week. She has been
our school principal for 8 years.

VI. Choose the best answer for each numbered blank.

There has been a big change in the roles of men and women at home which in turn (1)
. Their feelings about their roles. However, it is important to highlight how
this distribution of tasks and responsibilities can affect the relationships 2
may end up in discords, or even divorces. In order to make a distinction between the past
and the present times 3 are provided: in the past, 75% of women with a
part-time job cooked the evening meal regularly while 95% 4 . Care of all
the washing and ironing. Husbands were involved in cleaning in only 17% and used their
time at home on 5 repairs. The care of children was mainly a task carried
out by women. The little time that men spent with children usually 6 .. the
more enjoyable aspects of child care such as play and outings. However, this has (7)
.. because now women are the ones who spend less time at home 8
.. to their jobs or their different activities. And nowadays, most husbands stay
at home taking care of children and 9 . the cooking. As a consequence of the
change in roles, women have become more liberal and think they can manage (10)
their own. Men, on the other hand, feel that their position and power in the
family has been replaced by women.
1. A. develops B. creates C. affects D. causes
2. A. which B. who C. where D. when
3. A. achievements B. percentages C. experiences D. advantages
4. A. thought B. played C. shared D. took
5. A. commercial B. industrial C. household D. academic
6. A. challenged B. attracted C. employed D. involved
7. A. changed B. increased C. guided D. witnessed
8. A. because B. despite C. due D. but
9. A. making B. doing C. getting D. working
10. A. at B. of C. on D. in

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question. Do
you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that
students will study most regular classes such as maths, science and history online.
Students will probably be able to study these subjects anywhere using a computer. What
will happen it students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a
teacher through live videoconferencing. Expert teachers from learning centres will give
students help wherever they live.
Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning
social skills. Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting
along with each other. They will help students with group projects both in and out of the
Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills
about the world they live in. This will help students become an important part of their
Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will
take longer. Most people agree, though, that computers will change education like the
way TVs and telephones changed life for people all over the world years before.
1. What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject?
A. teachers from learning centres will give them help through live videoconferencing.
B. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject.
C. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help. D.
Schools will organize a live videoconference for teachers to help students with
2. Students will still go to school
A. learn all subjects B. play with their friends
C. use computers D. learn social skills
3. The main role of teachers in the future will be A
providing students with knowledge
B. guiding students to learn computers
C. helping students with group projects
D. organizing live videoconferences
4. Students will learn important life skills through
A. going to school every day
B. taking online classes
C. working in international businesses
D. doing volunteer work
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Kids won‘t have to go to school in the future
B. Computers will change education in the future
C. All classes will be taught online in the future
D. Teachers will help students from home in the future
VIII. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. This is our new (A) laboratory, that (B) has been equipped (C) with many modern (D)
2. In the future (A) classrooms, exercise (B) books will replace (C) by laptop computers.
3. Dr. Nelson, whom (A) is the head of (B) the research group, will talk (C) about the
changes (D) in curriculum.
4. Students will are guided (A) in learning (B) how to get along (C) with each other. (D)
5. Can we meet each other (A) at my university, where (B) is situated (C) in the city
centre? (D)

IX. Rewriting
1. My school is over 100 years old. which
I‘m studying . over 100 years old.
2. Students will share their thoughts about the dream school on the forum. on Students‘
thoughts about the dream school .the forum.
3. Ms. Kelly, our school principal, will attend our class this afternoon. is
Ms. Kelly, , will attend our class this afternoon.
4. Homework will be sent through cyberspace. through
Students ..cyberspace.
5. The teacher meeting you yesterday is supervising our project. who The
teacher .is supervising our project.

X. Writing.
Write a paragraph of around 100 words about the role of teachers in the future.


Changing roles in society Phonetics:
Agreeing and disagreeing tones Grammar:
- Review: Future passive
- Non-defining relative clause
The changing roles in society Skills:
- Reading about the changing roles of women in society and its effects
- Listening about the changes that women in Kenya are going through
- Talking and writing about roles in the future
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. forum B. machine C. pressure D. whiteboard
2. A. projector B. dependent C. dominate D. appointment
3. A. relationship B. participate C. curriculum D. academic
4. A. demolish B. syllabus C. principal D. masterpiece
5. A. theoretical B. international C. uneconomic D. university
6. A. developer B. responsible C. participate D. individual
7. A. dramatically B. relation C. drastically D. advantage
8. A. consequently B. externally C. financially D. facilitate
9. A. economic B. academic C. competition D. technology

Choose a word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. financial B. responsive C. applicant D. breadwinner
2. A. burden B. curtain C. turtle D. curriculum
3. A. discussion B. provision C. permission D. cushion
4. A. evaluation B. facilitator C. guidance D. female
5. A. responsive B. sector C. sense D. content
6. A. housework B. vision C. hospital D. classroom

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
apply breadwinner burden content evaluator
Hands-on process provider responsibility tailor

1. In our society, men are often expected to be the________ in a family. breadwinner 2.

His work was reviewed by the________ and he was given a list of corrections that he
should apply to meet corporate standards. evaluator
3. In order to help students learn the sense of________ , it‘s necessary for them to do
household work after school. responsibility
4. If you need to contact your internet service________, you can find their contact
details on your bills. provider
5. Many employers consider________ experience to be as useful as academic
qualifications. Hands-on
6. With the modern training strategy, we identify your needs, and________ your
training accordingly. tailor
7. He can speak English, French and Japanese. He wants a job in which he
can________ his foreign languages. apply 8. Paying tuition fees often places a large
financial________ on poor student‘s families.
9. Mary is very________ with her current job and has no desire to quit it. content
10. Teenagers play an important part in the________ of changing the society. process

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the
following sentences.
1. A leg injury is preventing Peter from active________ in the PARTICIPATE
competition. - participation
2. Her children are very________. They do all the shopping and DEPEND -
cooking by themselves. independent
3. In the future, students will not________ go to school every day; they NECESSARY
can stay at home and follow the lesson online. - necessarily
4. The modern mother will decrease her________ in household work INVOLVE -
as it will be shared by her husband. involvement
5. Teachers should act as________, enabling their students to study in FACILITATE -
the way that suits them best. facilitators
6. Our school will participate in a big campaign to save________ DANGER -
species. endangered
7. The role of modern teacher is to provide________ to student. GUIDE -
8. It is good news that all the schools in our city are________ to RESPOND -
changes in the curriculum. responsive
9. Finishing high school at the age of 16 is________ possible for many THEORY -
students. theoretically
10. It is announced that successful________ will receive notification APPLY -
within the week. applicants

IV. Put the following sentences into passive voice.

1. We will open more forums for students to share their ideas.
________________________________________________________________ 1.
More forums will be opened for students to share their ideas.
2. Students will no longer carry school bags to the classes.
________________________________________________________________ 2.
School bags will no longer be carried to the classes by students.
3. Will schools provide students with laptops or iPads?
3. Will students be provided with laptops or Ipads?/ Will laptops or Ipads
be provided for students? 4. They will recognize and value women‘s
contribution equally.
4. Women’s contribution will be recognized and valued equally.
5. Teachers will not check student‘s homework from home.
5. Students’ homework will not be checked every day by teachers.
6. Virtual schools will allow students to work from home.
________________________________________________________________ 6.
Students will be allowed to work from home by virtual schools.
7. Will he look after the children and feed them?
________________________________________________________________ 7.
Will the children be looked after and fed?
8. Women will not do all the washing-up and cooking.
________________________________________________________________ 8.
All the washing-up and cooking will not be done by women.
9. Students will log into their accounts to take part in online lessons.
9. Students’ accounts will be logged into to take part in online lessons.
10. Our school will use a special software to track student progress.
10. A special software system will be used to track student process by our school.

V. Multiple choice
1. The Taj Mahal, .. is recognized as one of the wonders of the world, was
built by an Indian King in memory of his beloved wife.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
2. Louis Paster, discovered a cure for rabies, was a French scientist.
A. he B. that C. who D. whom
3. Some of the boys didn‘t come.
A. whom I invited them B. I invited them
C. I invited D. when I invited
4. The restaurant Bob recommend was too expensive.
A. which it B. that C. where D. what
5. Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is a cosmopolitan city.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
6. We went to different places .you find people .language was
hard to understand.
A. where-which B. where/whose C. that/whose D. which/whose
7. We came within sight of Everest, ..has attracted so many climbers.
A. the summit of which B. which the summit
C. whose summit of D. of which the summit 8. I read
about the child was saved by her pet dog.
A. whom B. who C. her D. whose
9. The police have to try to catch the men drive dangerously.
A. who B. whom C. they D. which
10. There was a small room into .we all crowded.
A. which B. where C. that D. it
11. Women have been given economic and political rights, as well as the
right to choose their own husband.
A. same B. alike C. equal D. able
12. Teachers in modern classrooms are ..because their main task is to set
goals and organize the learning process accordingly.
A. decision-makers B. facilitators C. facilities D. directors
13. Although he did his best, he had to be .with third place in the competition.
A. content B. pleasant C. pleasing D. satisfying
14. The traditional role of a husband is a .of safety and security.
A. deliveryman B. supporter C. supply D. provider
15. Companies have to be to customer demand.
A. responsible B. responsive C. responding D. responsively 16.
Mr. Nam is the teacher in we have much confidence.
A. whom B. him C. that D. which
17. Albert Eistein, ... was such a brilliant scientist, introduced the theory of
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
18. He showed the house ..he was born and grew up.
A. which B. in which C. in where D. in that
19. The threat of terrorism ..soon.
A. will remove B. will be removed C. will be finished 20. D. will finish
The national debt in the near future.
A. will pay B. will be paid C. will pay off D. will be paid off
21. A workshop can give children with experience with computeers.
A. skillful B. handy C. practicing D. hands-on
22. He‘s still dependent on his parents, he regularly receives money to live
from them.
A. finance B. financial C. financially D. financier
23. Some at an actual school, not a virtual one, will be required to help
students develop appropriate social skills.
A. attendant B. attendance C. attention D. attendee
24. Before the rise of Islam in the early 600s, Arabs lived in a traditional, .
Society; men regarded women as their property.
A. women-dominated B. female-dominated
C. man-dominated D. male-dominated
25. The sushi chef had to spend a few minutes one of his orders to fit the
dietary needs of his customers.
A. tailor B. tailored C. tailoring D. to tailor
26. The United Nations, .. was established in 1945, has over 200 members.
A. what B. it C. which D. that
27. The Centre for Education Promotion and Empowerment for Women, .. was
established years ago, has worked to gain equality for women.
A. which B. what C. that D. it
28. The people about the novelist wrote were factory workers and their
A. who B. whom C. that D. them
29. The living standards of people in remote areas
A. will raise B. will be raised C. will be risen D. will arise 30.
The system of water pipes has broken. The supply ..
A. will reduce B. will be reduced C. will have reduced D. will be reducing VI.
Combine the following sentences using an appropriate relative clause.
1. My head teacher has such as good sense of humour. He usually makes everyone laugh
by telling funny stories.
1. My head teacher, who usually makes everyone laugh by telling funny stories,
has such as good sense of humour.
2. I prefer traditional classroom. I can interact face to face with the teachers and other
students there.
2. I prefer traditional classroom where I can interact face to face with the teachers
and other students.
3. We are going to open a new English class. This class is totally online.
________________________________________________________________ 3. We
are going to open a new English class which/ that is totally online.
4. Mr. Vinh is talking with the students. They are sharing their thoughts about the roles
of schools in the future.
4. Mr. Vinh is talking with the students who/ that are sharing their thoughts about
the roles of schools in the future.
5. My new school is bigger than the old one. You visited it two days ago.
5. My new school, which you visited it two days ago, is bigger than the old one.
6. Dr. Anna Bennett is a senior lecture at the National University. Her paper is about
women‘s roles in the 21st century.
________________________________________________________________ 6.
Dr. Anna Bennett, whose paper is about women’s roles in the 21st century, is a
senior lecture at the National University.
7. My brother has just graduated from Harvard University. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
founder and CEO used to study there.
________________________________________________________________ 7.
My brother has just graduated from Harvard University, where Mark
Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO used to study.
8. Her husband will stay at home to look after the children. He used to be the breadwinner
of her family.
8. Her husband, who used to be the breadwinner of her family, will stay at home
to look after the children. 9. I have read an article about Silicon Valley. It is home to
many of the world‘s largest high-tech corporations.
9. I have read an article about Silicon Valley, which is home to many of the
world’s largest high-tech corporations.
10. They will organize a farewell party for Ms. Jennifer Green next week. She has been
our school principal for 8 years.
10. Next week, they will organize a farewell party for Ms. Jennifer Green, who has
been our school principal for 8 years.

VI. Choose the best answer for each numbered blank.

There has been a big change in the roles of men and women at home which in turn (1)
. Their feelings about their roles. However, it is important to highlight how
this distribution of tasks and responsibilities can affect the relationships 2
may end up in discords, or even divorces. In order to make a distinction between the past
and the present times 3 are provided: in the past, 75% of women with a
part-time job cooked the evening meal regularly while 95% 4 . Care of all
the washing and ironing. Husbands were involved in cleaning in only 17% and used their
time at home on 5 repairs. The care of children was mainly a task carried
out by women. The little time that men spent with children usually 6 .. the
more enjoyable aspects of child care such as play and outings. However, this has (7)
.. because now women are the ones who spend less time at home 8
.. to their jobs or their different activities. And nowadays, most husbands stay
at home taking care of children and 9 . the cooking. As a consequence of the
change in roles, women have become more liberal and think they can manage (10)
their own. Men, on the other hand, feel that their position and power in the
family has been replaced by women.
1. A. develops B. creates C. affects D. causes
2. A. which B. who C. where D. when
3. A. achievements B. percentages C. experiences D. advantages
4. A. thought B. played C. shared D. took
5. A. commercial B. industrial C. household D. academic
6. A. challenged B. attracted C. employed D. involved
7. A. changed B. increased C. guided D. witnessed
8. A. because B. despite C. due D. but
9. A. making B. doing C. getting D. working
10. A. at B. of C. on D. in

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question. Do
you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that
students will study most regular classes such as maths, science and history online.
Students will probably be able to study these subjects anywhere using a computer. What
will happen it students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a
teacher through live videoconferencing. Expert teachers from learning centres will give
students help wherever they live.
Students will still take classes in a school, too. Schools will become places for learning
social skills. Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together in getting
along with each other. They will help students with group projects both in and out of the
Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills
about the world they live in. This will help students become an important part of their
Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will
take longer. Most people agree, though, that computers will change education like the
way TVs and telephones changed life for people all over the world years before.
1. What will happen if students meet difficulties with a subject?
A. teachers from learning centres will give them help through live
B. They will meet their teachers in person for help with problems with the subject.
C. They will telephone the teachers who are staying at the school to seek their help. D.
Schools will organize a live videoconference for teachers to help students with
2. Students will still go to school
A. learn all subjects B. play with their friends
C. use computers D. learn social skills
3. The main role of teachers in the future will be A
providing students with knowledge
B. guiding students to learn computers
C. helping students with group projects
D. organizing live videoconferences
4. Students will learn important life skills through
A. going to school every day
B. taking online classes
C. working in international businesses
D. doing volunteer work
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Kids won‘t have to go to school in the future
B. Computers will change education in the future
C. All classes will be taught online in the future
D. Teachers will help students from home in the future

VIII. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. This is our new (A) laboratory, that (B) has been equipped (C) with many modern (D)
facilities. B - which
2. In the future (A) classrooms, exercise (B) books will replace (C) by laptop computers.
(D) C – will be replaced
3. Dr. Nelson, whom (A) is the head of (B) the research group, will talk (C) about the
changes (D) in curriculum. A - who
4. Students will are guided (A) in learning (B) how to get along (C) with each other.
(D) A – will be guided
5. Can we meet each other (A) at my university, where (B) is situated (C) in the city
centre? (D) B - which

IX. Rewriting
1. My school is over 100 years old. which
I‘m studying . over 100 years old. at/in a school which is
2. Students will share their thoughts about the dream school on the forum. on
Students‘ thoughts about the dream school .the forum.
Will be shared on
3. Ms. Kelly, our school principal, will attend our class this afternoon. is Ms. Kelly,
, will attend our class this afternoon.
Who is our school principal
4. Homework will be sent through cyberspace. through
Students ..cyberspace.
Will send homework through
5. The teacher meeting you yesterday is supervising our project. who
The teacher .is supervising our project.
Who met you yesterday

X. Writing.
Write a paragraph of around 100 words about the role of teachers in the future.

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