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Course Description:

The course guides the students in demonstrating understanding on the basic concepts and practices of
integrative teaching which is grounded in disciplines that value questions, investigations, and a desire to
better understand the world and its people. It also leads them to apply connecting skills and knowledge
from multiple sources and experiences and demonstrate understanding issues and utilizing diverse and
opposing perspectives.

I. Curriculum Integration
A. What is an Integrated Curriculum?
B. Spectrum of Integrated Curriculum
1. The Traditional organization of classroom instruction
2. The Theme is one discipline
1. The study of two or more core learning areas
2. Teachers collaborating on a common theme
5. Common theme chosen by a team of teachers
C. Theories Supporting Curriculum Integration
*Experimental Learning
* Multiple Intelligence
D. Principles in Integrating Big Ideas and Strategies
E. Common Elements of an Integrated Curriculum
F. Planning Integrated Instruction
II. Curriculum Integration in Makabayan
A. Elementary MAKABAYAN
B. Secondary MAKABAYAN
C. Modes of Integrative Teaching
* Content Based Instruction
* Focusing Inquiry
* Generic Competency Model
* Thematic Teaching

III. Thematic Teaching in Basic Education

A. Planning Instruction
B. Integrated Multidisciplinary Thematic Unit
C. Integrated Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit
D. Interdisciplinary Teaching Teams

IV. Components in Designing Integrated Thematic Units

A. Classification of Instructional Objectives
B. Preparing Instructional Objectives
C. Choosing Themes D. Organizing Bodies of Knowledge
E. Teaching Approaches
F. Graphic Organizers
G. Study Skills
H. Integrating Values

V. Teaching Models, Instructional Strategies and Graphic Organizers

A. Teaching Models
*Discovery Learning
*Inquiry Learning
*Problem Based Learning
*Cooperative Learning
*Decision Making
*ACES Teaching Approach
B. Instructional Strategies/ Presentation Techniques
*Round Table Discussion
*Panel Discussion
*Role Playing
*Social Drama Strategy
C. Designing Graphic Organizers
*Concept Map
*Concept Cluster
* Wheel Map
*Cycle Graph
* Fact Starring
*Discussion Web
*Bubble Tree
*Ladder Web

VI. Strategies/Approaches
*Active Learning Strategies
*Experiential Learning Activities
*Project Based Learning
*Inquiry Based Learning
*Adaptive Learning

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