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Ivan Polistena

Ms. Tamara

Criterion C&D


“Ultrazilla: War of Monsters”

It’s the year 2045. Humanity has discovered something that solved all their problems -

for now –; trotonite. It is a glowing turquoise, sometimes in gas form, other times in crystal form.

And it was EXTREMELY rare. In the first month of research, scientists discovered that trotonite

held an extreme amount of nutrients, which solved world hunger. Second month, scientists

discovered it created clean energy, solving pollution. Third month, something, not-so good

happened - but the worst was to come – scientists discovered how to harness the energy of

trotonite and put it into: weapons. Bombs that could level half a city with an ounce of trotonite.

Plasma rifles that could incinerate almost anything instantly. Almost. Fourth month, scientists

created a machine using trotonite, and it found more trotonite. They found that trotonite was

easier to find underwater, and this is where everything spiraled into chaos. The day that would

trigger Armageddon. Judgment Day. The Apocalypse. June 26th, 2045, was the day that caused

the end of the world.

While mining trotonite, scientists discover something… interesting. A huge beast,

covered in ebony black scales, its back covered in spikes, with a long tail that has one large spike

on the end, with a large, flat head and huge fishhook-like claws and teeth that jutted out of its

mouth, much like a crocodile’s, with about three more rows of teeth on the inside of its mouth. It

lay, dormant, in the center of the cave. This immediately arrested humanity’s attention. However,

there was a cluster of trotonite crystals very near it. However, when attempted to be extracted, a
huge, clawed hand would suddenly seize the ship and crush it. But when they returned, it always

seemed to be dormant. So, they decided that they would send in something far more heavily

armored. With observation ships tagging along. There was no difference. The creature crushed

the ship easily, and it turned its eyes to the observation ships. Some people in the observation

room gasped. Some were instinctually afraid. For its eyes, while they were very reptilian, just

had something behind them. Something oddly human. This creature was no mindless beast. It

was intelligent, and it knew what it was doing, and so did the humans. It was guarding the


This trotonite crystal cluster was huge, and too big to just pass on. It was multiple times

the size of all the trotonite ever discovered combined. So, they just had to get rid of this...

guardian creature – which was harder than they anticipated – and they’d get the trotonite. They

tried simple things first. Harpoons, bullets, etcetera. These had no effect. Then they tried a little

harder, using torpedoes and missiles. These did not even faze it. Then they tried something else;

1,000 submarines, 3,000 weaponized sharks, and one nuke failsafe. This may surprise you. This

may not. But all 1,000 submarines were destroyed, all 3,000 super-sharks eliminated. And the

nuke detonated. But then, after sending a drone to collect their prize, they discovered that the

beast - shockingly – survived. Then they decided to do something. Something that could not fail.

They decided to drag the creature into a cave and fill that cave. So, October 14, 2045, they

decided to initiate Project: Entomb.

Hour 100. Captain Jeff and his team submerged in their tiny submarine. This was going

to be difficult. Hour 200. They lost three ships already. How was... strange. Not an explosion.

Not a malfunction. Not taken by some kraken-type monster. They simply – and mysteriously –
vanished. One second, they were there, the other they weren’t. They continued. Hour 300. No

mysterious cave in sight. The only thing different was one more ship vanishing. Who - or what -

was making these ships vanish? Hour 400. There were 31 ships left from the original 72. There

was a very dramatic blackout suddenly, and when the sensors and lights turned back on 41 ships

were missing. Captain Jeff requested to go back to the surface, but he was denied. They had to

go deeper. Hour 500. Were they going the right way even? What was happening? Nobody knew,

for all they knew was they lost connection with HQ, although they had connection with each

other. As the comms were flickering, and the voices were breaking apart, the Colonel at HQ

issued one last command. “Don’t stop going”. So they didn’t. Hour 600. The ships were lost.

Scattered. Alone in the abyss, with darkness pressing all around them. There was no point trying

to go back now, they didn’t even know where they came from. They had one more hope, they

realized. The balloon-based escape pod, which did not require manual control, although they

could occasionally steer it if they needed to, and it was based on buoyancy, so it would basically

float in the direction of the surface. So they released it with one of their members in it. The plan

was it would float in the right direction, and they’d follow it. Hour 700. Back to surface already?

How was this possible? All that mattered though was that they were safe, and that Project

Entomb had failed.

They decided to do one last thing: Give that guardian monster thing - now nicknamed

Ultrazilla - everything they got. They lured it to the surface, because underwater submarines that

had to withstand the pressure of the deep were getting very expensive and the prices were going

up with every purchase. So they created a signal to lure it to the surface. That worked. Then they

fired approximately 50,000 missiles, 3,000 napalms, and 200 nukes all at once. That didn’t. The

beast proceeded to lay waste to civilization. Casualties were in the billions. They had one choice:
Escape. They couldn’t go underground or across the world; it would still find them. There was

only one way to go: Up. They created as many “refugee” spaceships as they could to escape into

outer space as fast as possible. And eventually, after years, they were finished. Into the infinity

humanity goes. “Goodbye, dear Earth” Captain Jeff muttered.


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