A Brief Biography Shah Ibn Shuttari Hyderabad

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A brief biography of Shah Ibn Shuttari Sahab of Hyderabad

Shah Sahab was born in Augranabad, but the date of birth is not
known. And he was among the Syed people, descended from
noble parents. And he was among the progeny of Hazrat Ahmed
Gujrati Sahab. And his father was a disciple and caliph of Syed
Shah Shaikan Ahmed. He had migrated to Hyderabad from
Aurangabad during the rule period of the Nizam, Ul-Mualk Asif
Jah Bahadur first. And he has settled down permanently in
Hazrat had a habit of loneliness, and for this reason, he used to
meet people very rarely and talk with them. And Hazrat used to
engage in the remembrance of Allah and take an interest only in
the well-being of the other world. As a result, Hazrat used to pay
less attention to and care for his family members. The mother of
Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadaur Asif Jah II has a devotion to
Hazrat. It is said that the mother of Nawab Nizam Ali Khan
Bahadaur Asif Jah II has announced that " Among holy persons
present in Hyderabad, one who will come into her dream and
make her a disciple of him, then she will become a disciple of
that holy person in this matter." So Hazrat went into the dream
world and made her his disciple. " And upon this, she went into
his presence, and she became his disciple.
The Shaikh of Time left this mortal world on the 18th of
Shawwal, 1209 Hijiri, corresponding to 1795 A.D. in
Hyderabad, during the reign of Nawab Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur
Asif Jah II. The expenses for the funeral rites were paid by Asif
Jah II. He was buried in the residential house in Dabirpura in

Hyderabad. Hazrat left behind one son, and his name was Syed
Ghulam Shuttari. Afterward, he became his successor and
custodian and caretaker of the shrine. (Tadhkira Deccan volume
II, page 650)
Location of the tomb: Hazrat’s tomb is located at the backside
of the old mansion (Purani Haveli) inside of Dabirpura gate on
the road in Kotala Sad Dina), who was the real grandson of
Hazrat. And his name was Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Hasan
Shuttari, and his patronymic name was Saad Dena. And he was
a great Majzub (dauntless person ) of his time and his condition
of dauntlessness, for which he was well known. So, for this
reason, the locality was well known by his name, which is
mentioned as above. He owns the total area of this locality,
including permanent houses, shops, and adjacent land, as he has
purchased it. And all this property was included in the boundary
of the Estate of Havil Qadim, and in the bungalow in Havili
Qadim there is the police office of the Nizam’s private Estate of
Hyderabad. And bazaars and shops are under the custodianship
of the private estate office.
Hazrat’s tomb is on the way to the main gate on the southern
side, and it is like a double tomb (as in its walls are double) and
the first tomb is in the shape of an 8-sided rectangle. There is
one door on the western side. Another type of tomb is the
circular type. And in a door, there are 3 sides. And in it, there
are 3 doors facing east, west, and the southern side. This tomb's
circular diameter is 15 feet and 3 inches. On the inside and
outside of the tomb, for some areas, there was a floor of stone.
Hazrat's Tomb:In the circular tomb there is Hazrat’s tomb. And
the grave is made of red soil. And around it, there is a stone

floor. And it was 6 feet in length and 3 feet and 7 inches in

width. And his head side height is 2 feet, gradually decreasing to
one foot and 6 inches on the foot side. And there are four strong
pillars of wood standing, and the other four pillars are lying
inside the tomb on all four sides.
Shah of Hyderabad, your name will be found till judgement day.
So be kind to Hafeez and also to all the needy people of the city.

Reference Urdu book :Syed Murad Ali Talah's Tazkera-Auliya-
E-Hyderabad part III.
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator 'Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar).
Email: [email protected]

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