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Internship Report

“Human Resource Management Practices:
And a study on Talent Acquisition& Selection process of
Digicon Technologies ltd.”

Submitted to:
Dr. Md. Mamun Habib
Associate Professor

Submitted by:
Md. Nur Hossain
Id. 14104176
Department of BBA

Submission Date: 3th September 2018

i | P a g e  
Letter of transcript


Dr. MD. Mamun Habib

Associate professor

BRAC Business School

Subject: Internship report on “HRM Practices in Digicon Technologies Limited.”

Dear Sir

With due regards and tremendous satisfaction, I am presenting my internship report about "The
Practices of Human Resource Management in DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES Ltd." that you
have appointed me as an important prerequisite of the internship program.

It is extremely a marvelous prospect for me to assemble immense report and handle the topic in
a suitable way. I have found the study is quite helpfulness, appreciate, valuable and
understanding. I attempted my level best to set up a viable and respectable report. The report will
give clear idea about the general elements of HR practices in DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES
Ltd. I respect your enquiry and feedback on the report, as it will provide me the chance to take in
additional and advance my insight. I belief you will consider the errors that might occur in the



ID: 14104176

Brac Business School

ii | P a g e  
Supervisor’s Declaration

This is to guarantee that the internship report regarding ''Human Resource Management Practices
in DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES Ltd'' has been submitted for the bachelor of Business
Administration with the major in Human resource management from Brac University did by
Md. Nur Hossain, ID: 14104176, Under my supervision.

I wish him successful life.

- - --------------

Mr. Dr. Mamun Habib.

Associate professor

School of Business

Brac University

iii | P a g e  

I thusly proclaim that the internship report on "Human Resource Management Practices In
"DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES LTD" is an exclusive work done by me under the supervision
of Dr.Mamun Habib, associate professor, School of Business, Brac University. This
undertaking work is submitted in the incomplete satisfaction of the necessities for the Internship
Program. This report has not been submitted to some other college or Institute for some other
honor of any degree.


ID: 14104176.



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Table of content:

Letter of transcript
Supervisor’s Declaration
Student declaration
Executive summary
Literature review


Introduction of the report………………………………………………………………… 1

1.1 Foundation of the report……………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Background of the investigation……………………………………………………… 1
1.3 Main purpose of preparing the report………………………………………………… 2
1.4 Scope of the report…………………………………………………………………… 2
1.5 Selection of the topic……………………………………………………………… 3
1.6 Methodology………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.7 Limitation…………………………………………………………………………… 4


2.1 Introduction of the organization……………………………………………………… 5

2.2 Mission of Digicon………………………………………………………………….. 6
2.3 Vision of the Digicon………………………………………………………………… 6
2.3.1 Strength of Digicon………………………………………………………………… 6
2.3.2 Strategic focus on Digicon………………………………………………………… 7
2.3.3 Best practices of Digicon…………………………………………………………… 7
2.3.4 Employee benefit…………………………………………………………………… 7
2.4 Client of Digicon Technology……………………………………………………… 8
2.5 Competitors of Digicon technology……………………………………………… 9

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2.6 Value proposition of Digicon technology………………………………………… 10
2.7 Services of Digicon Technology…………………………………………………… 11
2.8 General employment methodology……………………………………………… 12
2.9 Branches of Digicon Technology…………………………………………………… 13
2.9.1 Finance and account department………………………………………………… 13
2.9.2 Human resource department……………………………………………………… 13
2.9.3 Support service…………………………………………………………………… 15
2.9.4 Sales and marketing……………………………………………………………… 15

Chapter -3

3.1 HR division of Digicon Technology………………………………………………… 16

3.2 Main activities of HR………………………………………………………………… 16
3.2.1 HR planning……………………………………………………………………… 16
3.2.2 Short term HR planning…………………………………………………………… 16
3.2.3 Long term hr planning……………………………………………………………… 17
3.3 Other responsibility of hr……………………………………………………………… 17
3.3.1 Recruitment and selection of employees………………………………………… 18
3.3.2 Training and improvement of employees………………………………………… 20
3.3.3 Performance Appraisal…………………………………………………………… 20
3.3.4 Compensation……………………………………………………………………… 21
3.3.5 Leave management system………………………………………………………… 21
3.3.6 Employee participation tracking system………………………………………… 21
3.3.7 Maintain security system………………………………………………………… 21
3.3.8 Overtime maintain………………………………………………………………… 22
3.3.9 Holiday maintain…………………………………………………………………… 22
3.3.10 Diversity management…………………………………………………………… 22

Chapter -4
4.1 Policy made by hr…………………………………………………………………… 23
4.2 Purpose of the policy…………………………………………………………………... 25

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Chapter -5

5.1 Talent acquisition and recruitment process…………………………………….…… 26

5.1.1 Selection procedure of Digicon ………………………………………………… 27
5.1.2 1Preliminary interview .....……………………………………………………… 27
5.1.3 Second interview ..............……………………………………………………… 27
5.1.4 Final interview…………………………………………………………………… 29
5.2 Pre recruitment activities…………………………………………………………… 29
5.3 Sourcing application................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Post interview formalities………………………………………………………… 32
5.5 Morality practice .................………………………………………………………… 33

Chapter -6

Internship at Digicon……………………………………………………………………. 34
6.1 Collecting candidate’s information……………………………………................... 34
6.2 Manage candidate’s information…………………………........……..….……….. 35
6.3 Fixed interview dates………………………………………………………………. 35
6.4 Calling for interview……………………………………………….………………. 35
6.5 Making interview list………………………………………………………...…….. 35
6.6 Creating employee profile………………………………………………………….. 36
6.7 Employee joining……………………………………………………………..……. 36
6.8 Leave processing……………….…………………………………………………. 44

Chapter -7

Analysis part (SWOT analysis)………………………………………………………. 37

7.1 Strength……………………………………………………………………………….. 37
7.1 Weakness……………………………………………………………………………… 37
7.3 Opportunity……………………………………………………………………………. 37
7.4 Threat……………………………………………………………………………...…… 38

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Chapter- 8

Key Findings………………………………………………………………………….. 39
8.1 Employee turnover rate…………………………………………………………..… 39
8.2 Suggestion…………………………………………………………………………. 41
8.3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..…… 42

Chapter -9

Reference Index.

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Chapter- 1

Introduction of the Report

Human resource administration is one of the growing divisions in the new time of business
world. Earlier HRM was ignored by large organization. Today the condition has changed, a huge
part of the organization are underlining on HRM change. The principal reason is, the
organization continues running by general people so to maintain this huge population
organization need to maintain some human resource policy which makes this task more efficient.
Along this, it is basic to keep up these HR with a particular ultimate objective to increment
whole deal accomplishment in Business. Moreover, Digicon Technologies gives prominence on
HRM make progresses. In my Internship Report, my vital target is to perceive the district of HR
practices of Digicon Technologies Limited.

1.1 Foundation of the Report

There is almost certainly that the universe of work is quickly developing. As a feature of an
organization at that point, HRM must be prepared to manage the effects of the changing universe
of work. For them this suggests understanding the consequences of globalization, innovation
changes, and workforce decent variety. Changing aptitude necessities, nonstop change activities
unexpected staff, decentralized work destinations and representative contribution is the issue for
stand up to. Currently it is a major test for the HRM to help the association by giving the best
work force to the reasonable position in most limited conceivable time. Beginning with
observing the opening and receiving ready for them is an extraordinary job. Also choosing
pulling in the appropriate hopefuls and choosing the best individual in time is a test.

1.2 Background of the investigation:

This research paper prepared on Organization Human Resource Management Practices in

DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES LTD. which is prerequisite of my graduation in BBA program.
This investigation is an instructive necessity for finishing of BBA educational programs at
BRAC University. The main principle of this paper is to get the genuine situation of Human
Resource administration program.

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1.3 Main purposes to preparing this report is:
There are two main objectives of preparing this report:

A) General Objective

B) Specific Objective

General Objective: The fundamental target of the research paper is to complete my

internship program which is mandatory for B.B.A graduation. Others are……….

 To improve abilities and implement by gathering experience in practical work place.

 Enhance abilities and work strategies which are specifically included with my profession.

Specific objective are:

 To provide an elaborated review of Digicon Technologies Limited.
 To improve the quality, effectiveness, teambuilding and self-confidence for my work life.
 To upgrade the capacity of enhance innovativeness aptitudes and sharing thoughts.
 To know Organizational culture, morals, Responsibility, and duty.
 To get detail information about the Human Resource Management System.
 To contrast and the genuine situation and the exercises learned all through the whole
temporary job time frame.

1.4 Scope of the Report

The main objective of the report is to identify the Human Resource Management System of this
association and to discover, understand and follow up of the procedures carried by Digicon
Technologies Limited and related them with the business to get actual scenery of the general
Human strength administration situation. The report covers insights about the department of
Human resource management, diagram and furthermore investigation of the organization.
Anyway the main investigation is just identified with the Recruitment and selection process
under the Human Resource Management framework as my allocate work just in this area.

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1.5 Selection of the Topic
The manager guided me to choose the topic of the investigation. Before picked the topic I was
completely talked about the suggestion and the subject so that, an efficient report could be

1.6 Methodology:

This report is written best on my experience of working in the association as a right hand.
Among every one of the information that I have incorporated the report, these are accumulated
from two sources:

a) Prime Source

b) Secondary Source

Prime Source of Data: Primary source indicates the data that I have amassed myself
particularly conversing with others and going on field. The fundamental sources of the data that I
have assembled are from:

• Practical Work Experience.

• Interviewing the delegates and Head of different divisions.

Secondary Source of Data: Secondary source of data suggests the data that are
presently secured and I have accumulated shape those hotspots with the true objective of my
report. The secondary sources of my data are determined below:

• Website: Digicon Technologies Limited, Digicon Global Service Limited.

• Legal Documents of Digicon’s Clients.

• News, Reports, Articles circulated in every day papers and magazines.

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1.7 Limitation(s)
This paper was created on important HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES of BPO industry.
Adjacent to there was absence of legitimate source of data for cross pattern examination and
better perspective of the business circumstance. My work length was just few months which
aren’t sufficient for this sort of study. There was similarly loads of work weight. Nevertheless,
having every one of these limitations I have tried my level best to set up the paper as helpful one
and expectation this will mirror an appropriate picture of the prerequisites of the Organization all
through my temporary job period

Close to that defense issue, some extraordinary limitations that I have gone up against are
given in the below:

• Limited investiture of information.

• Limited access to association reports.

• As the market is extremely engaged, I am deprived of, making it difficult to uncover internal

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Business area is growing so fast now-a-days that it has ended up existence required to not look at
the technique that an association isn't grand at and get those systems outsourced to outsiders with
the objective that the association can rotate around its middle business. Here comes the request,
what is Outsourcing? Everything considered, Outsourcing is the path toward finishing works by
taking the help of outsiders. More speculatively, outsourcing is the demonstration of trading
section of work to outsiders that are extraordinary at specific assignments and the clarifications
for it is to diminish cost and take less number of obligations. This technique is a better than
average strategy to save some cost if it is used as a piece of an honest to goodness way. Business
process outsourcing is a subset of outsourcing that incorporates the contracting of some business
assignment like fund organization, call center organization and whatever with outsiders that are
doing incredible in this particular division to diminish cost.

Digicon Technologies Limited is such a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) association that
makes its clients save a couple of costs by outsourcing some office activities. Directly, in
Bangladesh, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry is the second most significant
industry after RMG territory. Digicon Technologies Limited is the best BPO firm of all current
BPO firms in Bangladesh, by and by dealing with more than 25 national and worldwide clients.
Two or three them are Coca-Cola, ASUS, Transom, Grameen Phone, Airtel, and Samsung
Bangladesh and so on.

As I early mention that Outsourcing business is Bangladesh's second most prominent division
and Digicon Technologies Ltd is the fundamental Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Company. Our headquarter is in Dhaka, Bangladesh with glowing ability in Customer Service
through Contact Center, Telesales, HR Outsourcing, Payroll Processing, combination of back
office and Technology Support Services. Digicon Technologies Limited was built up in 2010 by
a get-together of IT specialists educated in United States of America. The inventors have
expansive data on development organization and advancement bargains capacity. They have
worked for driving IT associations in the U.S.A. From supervising Contact Centers for Microsoft
to running offers of driving programming associations in the U.S, the originators of Digicon'sare
prepared to construct the first-of- its-kind BPO Company in Bangladesh. The creators of Digicon
have more than 15 significant lots of went along with IT industry experience and have worked
for tremendous associations like Intel and Microsoft.

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2.2Mission of DIGICON:

The ultimate destination of DIGICON Technologies ltd is to be the most powerful, proficient and
reliable outsourcing partner for its customers by conveying the best of individuals, procedures
and innovation and promise greatest esteem creation in indirect way or specifically on its
“customer‟ business.

2.3Vision of DIGICON:

Vision of DIGICON Technologies ltd is to convey far reaching project level, BPO arrangements
over the world which will include extensive variety of businesses.


a) Multimedia Call Center Solution

b) Three full time, 25 long periods of joined BPO industry experience of enthusiastic advisors
designated by DIGICON from Hinduja Global Solutions LTD (HGSL),

c) Well-Equipped Data Center

d) Space almost more than 76,000 square feet set up

e) Operation Seating Capacity almost 1800 Plus

f) Man Power quality of in excess of 1200 workers

g) 3 Layer Power Backup by On-line UPS and two Generators (500 kva and 250 kva)

h) Disaster Recovery (DR) site

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2.3.2Strategic Focus

a) Expansion in creating markets

b) Wider and more point by point scope of the commercial center

c) Continued advancement in innovation and administration

d) Integration of answers for more noteworthy operational effectiveness and customer fulfillment

2.3.3 Best Practices

a) Attempt for giving worldwide prescribed procedures

b) Encourage changeable reasoning

c) Stand on its respectability

d) Believe in the intensity of coordinated effort

e) Commit to customer associations

2.3.4 Employee Benefits

a) On Time Salary Payment

b) Provident Fund and Gratuity

c) Insurance Benefit including Group Life Insurance and Hospitalization

d) Social and Cultural Activities

e) Employee Recognition through various honors like Employee of the month, Financial Reward
and Certificates to the successful workers and winning Team

f) Extra Duty Allowance: Wages will be double of the essential pay

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g) Employee Relations Activity as festivities in various events like Eid Days, Birthday
Celebration, New Year, Bangla New Year, Victory Day, Christmas, Movie Time, Daily/Weekly
Gaming action and Refreshments for all Employees

2.4 Clients of DIGICON Technologies ltd

It took DIGICON very nearly multiyear to get its first customer, Airtel Bangladesh Ltd which
was just the beginning of its development. From that point forward DIGICON has got in excess
of 25 customers of both open and private part including the remote customers too. It involves
glad that DIGICON is serving the most customers of present BPO segment of Bangladesh.
Regardless of being the principal mover or the master, the nature of administration it furnishes
and the solid association with both the sellers and customers keeping DIGICON ahead in the
nothing new. Starting at now, DIGICON has served altogether of 28 customers. The
administrations DIGICON is giving to its customers, length of administration and other data are
given in the following page with a short portrayal of the organization that outsourced its.

Client to DIGICON.

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2.5 Competitors of DIGICON Technologies ltd

Being the main mover in business process outsourcing industry, Bangladesh DIGICON
attempted from the earliest starting point to harvest the focal points and become significantly
quicker than the contenders. Consolation from the administration itself and developing
enthusiasm of risk-takers for the most part start the organizations to come in this specific
segment. As indicated by Bangladesh Association of Call Center and Outsourcing, BACCO,
BPO firms that are immediate contenders of DIGICON are given underneath:

1) Genex Infosys Ltd.

2) Service Solution Private Ltd (SSL).

3) Windmill InfoTech Ltd.

4) Virgo Group Bangladesh.

5) Hello World Communications Ltd.

7) Impel Service and Solutions Ltd (ISSL).

8) Augmedix Bangladesh Ltd.

9) Soft call.

10) Kazi IT Center Ltd.

11) InGen Technology Ltd.

Among the 76 BACCO enrolled BPO firms, these are not many that are specifically going up
against DIGICON Technologies ltd.

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2.6 Value Proposition of Digicon

Digicon Technologies Limited makes customer driven incentive. It generally focuses on end
client fulfillment. The incentive is delineated beneath from their official site.

Adjusting all Stake-Holder require:

– Flexible to changing needs of all partners

– Listen to your client and stay versatile for the changing business sector condition.

– Seeking exceptional arrangements

– Always endeavoring to meet exclusive requirements for partners and friends heading.

– Raise the bar, each and every time.

– Always trying to enhance client arrangement and raise the standard of activities.

– Remain moral and legitimate

– Maintain straightforwardness in all collaborations.

– Able to obviously characterize worldwide patterns .

– Maintaining harmony among all members.

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2.7 Services of Digicon Technologies Limited:

Digiocon gives business process arrangements. Organizations are offered unique sorts of
administrations which will include appreciation. Digicon likewise keep up feasible client

 Client Support
 Call Center
 Live Chat and Email Support
 Client Relationship Management and Survey
 Deals and Distribution
 Deals Advisory
 Telesales
 Dispersion Channel Management
 Internet business Development
 Promoting
 Advancement Advisory
 Computerized Marketing
 Internet based life Marketing
 Item Marketing
 Open Relation
 Fund and Accounting
 Fund and Accounting Advisory
 Receivables and Payables Management
 Information Management
 Human Resource Management
 Enrollment and Selection
 Preparing and Development
 Execution Management
 Pay (Remuneration)

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 Worker benefit
 Worker Relation Management
 Innovation
 Call Center Infrastructure
 Cloud CRM Solution
 IT Help Desk
 Undertaking Energy Management

2.8 General Employment methodology:

 DIGICON will not enlist any individual less than 18 years.

 DIGICON does not trust any constrained work.
 All work at DIGICON will be founded on satisfaction of separate least capability and
necessities for particular position.
 DIGICON will guarantee measure up to circumstance and no separation. No separation is
made in determination because of religion, cast, and statement of faith, sexual orientation
or provincial thought.
 DIGICON trusts that reasonable judgment is one the significant criteria to get the best
ability in the opportune place.
 Increments and Promotions are given in view of just individual execution and
effectiveness of the individual with no separation.
 Maternity advantages of the female representatives are given as demonstrated in the rule
that everyone must follow.
 No rejected specialist of the organization will be re-utilized with the exception of under
the necessities of the law.
 Those who have been indicted by any official courtroom for criminal offenses will not be
considered for business in the event that it has been proclaimed to the administration. In
the occasion the administration discovers a later date, won't enable the individual to
function as he/she made a false assertion at the season of meeting.

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 The date on which the worker reports to work after enrollment will be the date of his
arrangement in the organization. The probation time of that representative will start from
that point not surprisingly.

2.9 Branches of DIGICON TECHNOLOGY Ltd.

2.9.1 Finance and Accounts

Fundamental elements of Finance and Accounts division are:

• Accounting – maintaining books of records with vital consistence

• Finance – planning and reserve administration

• Receipt and Payments – gathering and keeping receipt, orchestrating

• Payment for merchants and workers

• Traffic charging – keeping books of Accounts and bill accumulation

2.9.2 Human Resources

HR division performs following capacities in worker administration:

• Acquisition – Employment, Confirmation, Re-contract

• Compensation and Benefit – Salary and Bonus, Leave encashment

• Development – Training, Orientation

• Utilization – Assessment and Performance Management

• Employee Relations – Grievance dealing with and directing

• Employee administrations – ID card, Business Card, and E-mail address and so forth.

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2.9.3 Support Services:
Support Services office is in charge of guaranteeing following planned and authoritative
backings to business:

• Office Management
• Transport Management
• Inventory Management
• Cafe Management
• Logistic and Protocol Management

2.9.4 Sales and Marketing

Sales division is fundamentally engaged to BUSINESS. Duties are:

• New market look

• Client relationship – potential and existing
• Sales occasion administration – masterminding and taking an interest gatherings,
campaigns and projects

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Chapter: 3


Organizing is the main elements of an organization. From that point a proper strategy need to
achieve the organization's objectives and target. Same like Digicon also take after some strategy
about their Human resource methodology.

DIGICON TECHNOLOGY LTD. observes that a gainful and convinced work constrains is an
essential to become leader in the marketplace it serves. It treats each representative with self-
respect in a solid domain of trust and transparency where individuals of various foundations can
achieve their maximum capacity.

The categorized HR arrangement pressure on giving occupation fulfillment, development

openings, and owing acknowledgment of major performance. A well planned workplace reflects
and advance reliability and duty from the representatives. Understanding this, DIGICON
TECHNOLOGIES LTD has put the most extreme significance on continual advancement of its
HR, decide the quality and shortcoming of the representative to evaluate the individual
organizing needs. To arrange, upgrade the information of the workers DIGICON
TECHNOLOGY sorts out both in-house and outside preparing.

3.2 Main activities of HR:

3.2.1 HR Planning: Digicon Technologies sets up both long term and short time arrangements
for the association.

3.2.2 Short Term HR Planning

Digicon Technologies primarily selects its HR responsibility that will encourage Strategic
Human Resource Planning for present period.

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3.2.3 Long Term HR Planning
Here DIGICON TECHNOLOGY is anticipating producing long term goal by a few Training and
Development programs

3.3 Some other important responsibility of Human Resources

division are…..

 Recruitment and Selection

 Pay-move System

 Employee Attendance

 Training and Development

 Performance Evaluation.

 Compensation.

 Policy making.

 Leave Management System

 Participation Tracking System.

 Maintain Security system.

 Wellbeing and security at work

 overtime& Night shift maintain

 leave& Holidays maintain

It is vital for an association to play out these varieties of HR exercises. These are individuals
arranged errands and must be performed by HR office. DIGICON TECHNOLOGY is
exceptionally proficient in these areas and has a decent structure for long term goal achievement.

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Now I shortly describe all this responsibility.

3.3.1 Recruitment and Selection: recruitment and selection is one of the most
important and crucial duty for human resource management because human is consider as a
blood of an organization. So if company fails to select right employee then it quite hard to
survive in the market. it includes few steps……..

I. Workforce Requisition:
The workforce order is the essential and the initial step of enrollment process. It is a procedure
through which the endorsement is taken to start the enrollment procedure.

II. Analysis of position and necessity:

Analysis of position and prerequisite incorporates understanding the customer association with
respect to existing business exercises, future development designs, work culture and stretches out
to planning skills for particular position including work title, expectations, Key responsibilities
and other vital subtle elements which are mandatory to convey accomplishment to the position.
DIGICON precisely investigations each position and enlistment circumstance of the market.

III. Approval of MD:

The Managing director of Digicon Ltd. Confirms the order shape and check the required
workforce required for the specific Department.

IV. Candidate Sourcing:

Advertisement can be distributed in work locations like, daily paper and other sources like,
BDjobs,, and Prothomalo jobs. And so on.

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V. Assessment:
Assessment is done in different ways, like…..

Written Test: A written test would be directed if necessary. Written test is regularly required,
contingent upon the kinds of the position where the hopeful is to be utilized.

Meeting: Interview can be directed in different ways. In some position meeting is the only
weapon to select employee. It basically practices for top class position like. general manager,
assistance management, trainer.

vii. Board/Committee Interview

In this circumstance, there is in excess of one questioner. Commonly, three to ten individuals
from a board may direct this piece of the choice procedure. This is an opportunity to demonstrate
assemble administration and gathering introduction abilities in plain view. Here applicant is
required to peruse the different identity sorts of every questioner and change in accordance with

Viii. Salary Negotiation

Before begin salary (and compensation transactions) with an imminent business, we have to
discover how much the activity is worth. We should set aside the ideal opportunity for
investigate. That way we will be set up to get what we're worth and to land a position offer that is
practical and sensible

ix. Offering Candidates

The last stage in the select system is to confirm the offer of work after all test have been
obtained, and the candidate has passed all test that required.

X. joining and Placement

It contains few stages, hopefuls required to take arrangement letter from HR, needs to fill joining
archive, lastly he put under his\her detailing line director.

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3.3.2 Training and improvement:
Training is a fundamental part of each representative. Well training encourages employees to
progress. DIGICON offers Employee Training program both inside and outside.

Inside Training Program

Here, Digicon sorts out in house training program where both inner and outer trainer encourages
preparing program for singular divisions. Inner training program is exceptionally useful for the
agents as in this training they can get preparing in their own condition.

HR Department arranges essentially two kinds of inward training:

1) Own department&

2) Other divisions

Own Department: employee learns by doing their own department work.

Other divisions: If trainer think employees need out department work knowledge then it is

Outer Training Program

Here, representatives are prepared by outer Training Institutes like; bdjobs, prothomalojobs
and so on provides some training for a certain time frame. Which help Digicon to get efficient

3.3.3 Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal arrangement in Digicon is based on work achievement. The fundamental
goal of the framework is to assess the worker's performance of the activity. Performance
evaluation is led for a representative after finishing of multiyear benefit in the department. In
light of the assessment offers if the performance is attractive DIGICON represent Incremental

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3.3.4 Compensation
Compensation is an imperative issue in DIGICON TECHNOLOGY. Here, for each worker they
get fundamental pay like House rent, Medical offices, Conveyance, and Miscellaneous expenses.
They also provide provident fund, absent and leave without pay reduce.

3.3.5 Leave Management System

Web‐based Employee Leave Management System redesigns correspondence among HR and
workers, encourages straightforward yet proficient administration of representative takes off.
Leave administration guarantees that all leave taken and leave demands are legitimately

3.3.6 Employee Participation Tracking System

Following the time and participation of the representatives working for the organization can be a
difficult task for any business. Watchful records should be kept to guarantee that all workers are
being paid the right sum on every paycheck and their got or taken wiped out and get-away time
is effectively logged. Monitoring the greater part of this data for every representative can be a
demoralizing task, however utilizing HR programming to aid the procedure can make following
the time and participation of workers significantly less demanding and more efficient. It gives
modified reports to audit by HR faculty and division administrator.

3.3.7 Maintain Security system:

Client can login into framework utilizing their corporate email ID. This ID is open just with in
office intranet. Application scrambles all basic data previously putting away it into database for
better insurance of information. For secret word security utilized MD5 based 64-bit encryption.
So that significantly designer can't unscramble secret key.

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3.3.8 Overtime& Night shift maintain
There is special working condition where employees can work around evening time. back office
employees can’t ordinarily work in 10pm to 6am, but agent (belong to different mobile operator
agent) are permitted to deal with various sessions keeping in mind the end goal to their

3.3.9 Holidays maintain

Employees are legally qualified for paid occasion similarly as different specialists. What amount
paid occasion they get relies upon how long they function and when they leave year starts.

3.3.10 Diversity Management

DIGICON TECHNOLOGY exceptionally has confidence in Diversity management. Here, in
DIGICON there are numerous workers from various divisions of the nation, even from different
nations like Indian representatives. So they are very much conscious to manage diver’s

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Chapter 4
4.1 DIGICON HR make some policy:

policy making is one of the major activities for HR. DIGICON also practice some policy

Sl. No Policy Status

1 Food Policy In Use

In Use

2 Mobile phone policy In Use

3 Sexual Harassment Policy In Use

4 Holiday Policy In Use

5 Recruitment Policy In Use

6 Leave Policy In Use

7 Security Policy In Use

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8 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy In Use

9 National and International Travel Policy In Use

10 Confirmation Policy In Use

11 Car Policy In Use

12 Provident Fund Policy In Use

13 Increment Policy In Use

14 Bonus Policy In Use

15 Accident Policy In Use

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4.2 Purpose of Human Resources Policy:

 Ensure perfect individual in right position on opportune time.

 Ensure reasonable judgment all through the enrollment procedure.
 Ensure enrollment technique is taken after appropriately, efficiently and easily.
 Ensure a physically and rationally fit workforce is in hose.
 Ensure enrollment and choice is done in a composed and efficient way.
 Ensure each applicant gets equivalent chance to contend.
 Ensure labor design and enrollment strategy is taken after appropriately.
 Trait of Recruitment: Increase in the authorized labor design.
 Separation of representative/s because of renunciation, end, release, expel and retirement.

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Chapter 5

5.1 Talent acquisition and recruitment process of DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES LTD.

As I early mention that DIGICON is one of the largest and top BPO (business process
outsourcing) company in Bangladesh. That’s why they need huge amount of employee in
different corporate wings for that they follow a systematic recruitment procedure.

5.1 The Selection Process

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5.1.1 selection Procedure of DIGICON: as we know that Digicon is a largest
BPO in Bangladesh, so they strongly practice corporate culture. They also follow corporate rules
when conduct employee selection process. It includes……….

5.1.2) Preliminary Interview:

HR office will arrange primer meeting when least application proportion gets topped off or
application shutting date approaches. The enrollment group will waitlist the applicants and
chooses them for second Interview in view of the beneath focuses. It includes…..

 Candidate's appearance
 Candidate's age impediment (21-32).
 Must be graduated.
 Knowledge Based on Geographic Location.
 Oral communication capacity (both Bangla and English).
 Intelligence and learning capacity.
 Basic computer ability.

5.1.3) 2nd Interview:

The hopeful effectively defeat the starter meet will show up for the tests beneath:

 Written Test (Where Required)

 Communication Test
 Technical Test (Where Required)
 Computer Proficiency Test.
 Voice Test.
 Psychical Test:

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Written Test (Where Required):

Tests to be Administered Committee Members

General written capacity, IQ, Reading Recruitment Personnel,
capacity, Arithmetic, Aptitude test, Concerned HOD
Leadership quality test.
General written capacity, IQ, Reading Recruitment Personnel
capacity, Arithmetic, Aptitude test, future
Leadership quality identification test.
General written capacity, IQ, Reading Recruitment Personnel,
capacity, Arithmetic & Aptitude test, Concerned HOD
Leadership quality identification test.
General written capacity, IQ, Reading capacity Recruitment Personnel

Communication Test:

Program Coordinator
Group Discussion Recruitment Personnel, Concerned department
Speaking skill Recruitment Personnel, Concerned department

Technical Test (Where Required):

Department Technical Test Program Coordinator

IT, Maintenance, Quality Trouble shooting of live IT Manager, Admin Manager,
Audit issues, Maintenance checkup Head of Operations.
test etc.

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Computer Proficiency Test:

Test Program Activity Details Coordinator

Microsoft Office Advance Level Applications Recruitment Personnel,
Package (excel functions, graphing Concerned department
tools, pivot table. etc.) representative/IT personnel,

Voice Test:
Department Technical Test Program Coordinator
IT, Maintenance, Quality Trouble shooting of voice HR personnel, Admin
Assurance clarity, local accent, Manager, Head of Operations.
pronunciations etc.

5.1.4 final interview:

The board will cross check the assessment done in the starter boards and after that go to a free
choice. Detailed remarks of the meeting board are to be recorded in the organization application
frame. Board may likewise choose shortlist or reject the competitor.

5.2 Pre Recruitment Activities:

Concerned head of director (HOD) will submit labor demand on organizations to HR office no
less than 15 days before choice and position. The associated records should be put together by
concerned HOD with labor order frame. It includes……

A) Job assessment for required position

B) Approved labor design

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A. Job assessment for required position:

Position Details:
In Digicon Technologies ltd. head of Concern Department will record the position name,
division name, Types of Vacancy, Number of representative required, by which staff is required
to join.

Expected set of responsibilities: In Job Description Head of Concern Department

specify about the undertaking of empty job. On the off chance that expected set of
responsibilities is same as their set of working responsibilities book, concern will express, "as

Employment Specification: In work particular, Concern Head will bring up which

expertise they need for perform. He additionally describes about involvement in the important
field. On the off chance that experience isn't required Concern Head will compose that,
"Experience isn't Mandatory however best".

b. Approved labor design:

For confirmed labor design there is a case and there simply need to take mark by whom that
raises the demand. From that point forward, Head of HR will sign as well. After all singing HOD
of HR will send it to HR staff to make important step.

5.3) Sourcing application: Recruitment group of HR formally begins sourcing the

applications through below strategies:

A) Internal sources.

b) External sources

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Internal Source
Through their inner sources they gather resumes. Inner sources are decreases their commercial
cost. Because they not need to expense money for job advertisement. Their inside sources are:

Employee Referrals:
The Digicon Technologies Ltd has massive number of workers. So they can gate huge candidates
from their existing employee’s reference. And employee’s recommendations are extraordinary
and solid hotspot for the Digicon Technologies ltd.

Management Committee referrals:

Here, Management advisory group referrals are extremely solid position for full fill the labor.
The sources are extremely dependable and solid source. For that referrals advisory group part
should offer information to the enlistment work force.

Notice Board:
They distributed their required post on their notice board as an ad. They never post their lower
level post on the web or any daily paper like Peon, security Guard, Driver and so forth

Transfer and employment advancement:

HR division takes after this source if empty position is promptly required and they called it IJP
(Internal Job advancement).

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External Source:

Through this source Digicon technology ltd collects massive and great number of candidates.
Those sources are

 Online Advertisement:

HR division of the Digicon Technologies ltd. has contract with Bd jobs. Com. HR chief
has full access to post a round here. Here, they broadcast about mid-level and abnormal
state work. For posting work on BdJobs.Com, they need to pay as per Bd Jobs.

 Interns:

Assistants are one of the outside source for Digicon Technologies ltd. HR office needs
entombs' from various instructive establishments with same back ground subject. Now
and then understudy end their CV to their profession site.

 CV Bank:

HR Department of Digicon Technologies ltd. has 2types of CV Bank. One is their

vocation site and another is their going to of various employment fairs.

5.4 Post Interview Formalities:

Confirmation of Reference:

HR division will check the references given by the cheerful/s in the midst of the application
methodology/converse with process. Selection Personnel will intimate the references and procure
their reports on reference uncovering association.

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Issuing Appointment Letter:
Head of HR. will issue the Appointment letter to the contender essentially after check of the
verifications. On issuance of the course of action letter the confident must sign the affirmation of
the terms and conditions as showed in the arrangement letter.


In DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES there are great practices of morals. There are a few
arrangements to guarantee morals, for instance,

1)Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and

2)Sexual Harassment Policy

These two arrangements show that DIGICON is intensely energetic to guarantee morals in
working environment. Morally DIGICON is extremely dedicated that all representatives will get
reasonable action in each part of work life. Here, HR office guarantees that all worker gets
equivalent action in each segment of work life.

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I have the chance to work in DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES LTD as an understudy for three
months from May1 to July 30, 2018; it's a part of my academic program. As my major is Human
Resource Management, I worked in Human resource office as an assistant where I had learnt a
few Human Resource practices of DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES LTD.

Elaboration of the activity

I had the chance to have three months in length temporary job at DIGICON TECHNOLOGIES
Ltd. I have gone over with various activates that are direct by the HR office. I was familiar with
the jobs of a HR work force; there were varied kinds of employments. I was selected to the
accompanying occupations consistently. Those were-

 collecting candidate’s information

 screening candidate’s information

 Setting Interview and preparing date

 Calling for Interview

 Making Interview Lists

 Creating Employee Profile

6.1 Collecting candidate’s information:

Most of the CVs are gathered from outsides sources like BD.JOBS, CHAKRI BAZER.COM
etc. candidates can also drop their CVs in the CV box at head office, As I have worked for the
most part in the recruitment and selection department, it was my business to call the outlets and
request that they send the CVs to Human Resource Department. And furthermore request that the
Office Assistant gather the CVs from the CV box.

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6.2 Screening candidate’s information:
Basically, we got CVs in extensive amount. There were couple of regions are to be considered
while screening the CVs, these are age, instruction and area. For instance a hopeful must be 18
years of age or above to apply for work.

6.3 Setting Interview date:

After Screening the CVs and categorized them in to various classifications, we were to settle the
meeting date for various branch's and advise the particular candidates about the meeting. What's
more, with the meeting I was to settle the interview date for the chosen candidates. To do this I
needed to counsel with the interview bunches and settle the meeting and preparing group for the

6.4 Calling for Interview:

Subsequent to screening the CVs and separate them in light of their area, it was my business to
call the possibility for meet and advise them about the meeting date, time and scene. The
meetings were held in the head office of DIGICON. After the meeting I needed to call the chose

6.5 Making Interview Lists:

While calling the applicants I needed to give serial number to their CVs. And it was my duty to
set up a meeting list which contained name of the candidate, father's name of the candidate,
instructive capability, address and contact number,

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6.6 Creating Employee Profile:

The HR branch of DIGICON keeps record of their workers both physically and in HRMS.
Subsequent to enrolling I figured out how to get ready records for new candidates. Each new
worker is appointed a PIN for their ID. The representative record contains workers joining letter
given by head of HR, new employee CV, photocopy of representative's instructive
authentications, reference letter.

6.7 Employee Joining:

At the point when another worker goes along with I played out all undertakings for joining. The
assignments incorporate every single vital mark and filling.

6.8 Leave Processing:

Leave handling incorporates accepting leave applications and contributing to programming.

Aside from these particular works, I additionally watched different job performed by other
partners. Here I watched,

 Recruitment and choice process

 Payroll
 Policy plan
 Training and Development
 Grievance taking care of and so on.

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Analysis part:



 Maximum usage of resources.

 Web based HR administration.
 Diversification of employees.
 Well Train up the Employees.
 Massive hardware bolsters.

7.2 Weakness:

 Management of different Departments.

 Huge workforce so faces some problems to manage them.
 Competitors practices similar customs so it’s difficult to become market leader.

7.3 Opportunity:

o Skilled workforce.
o Introduce new HR techniques.
o Time to time remote exchange preparing.
o New workers (new graduates) are selected each year.
o New branches will be opened in various piece of Bangladesh.

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7.4 Threat:
♠ Market pioneers are extremely experienced in this worry.

♠ Increase Competition to better client benefit.

♠ Pressure to diminish rate of benefit.

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Key Findings:

In these three months of encounters I have watched positive and negative certainties. Digicon
Technologies Limited never trade off in quality beating their restrictions. Some of real
discoveries from my perception is given underneath:

8.1 Employee Turnover rate:

This three months of my temporary job period I have nearly worked with enlistment and
determination procedure of Digicon Technologies ltd. Their enrollment is a persistent procedure
on the grounds that their worker turnover rate is so high which is certainly not a decent sign is
for the Digicon Technologies ltd.

Explanation for the representative turnover rate is:

1) Salary:

Contrasting with alternate contenders the compensation bundle of Digicon advancements is very
poor. Then again however it's an all day work nature it's very hard to do this for a graduate
understudy alongside this compensation bundle in the present ecological condition.

2) Time adaptability:

Despite the fact that they are have faith in youth age, however they don't get them an adaptable
time. Employees working hours are choose by the association that is the reason they don't get
any inclination of their own exercises. For that representatives are don't get any inclination to
their exam issues whether they misfortune Masters and MBA understudies as their potential

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3) Call weight: Digicon Technologies ltd is a BPO industry with the goal that their
fundamental administration is over telephone client benefit. Here, client call weights are so high.
A representative pick no less than 300+ call inside multi day. Thus they don't get by in those

4) Management less focus on Employees:Another critical reason of worker

turnover is administration need fixation on their representative. They just consider their
Operations level of administrations. However, they are not consider the representative

5) Guidance to Disqualified Candidates:Any applicant can be excluded for

lacking of aptitudes. Human Resource Department concerned individuals dependably endeavor
to persuade them to recoup his lacking and land arrangement for this position. It is excessively
vital for any jobless youth individuals. It is great HR rehearse in enlistment and selectin process.

6) Lengthy Interview Procedure: To choose an essential level call focus specialist

an excessive amount of time is taken. Meeting strategy expressed from early morning at 9.30 am.
At times an applicant needed to hold up till 5.00 pm to achieve the meeting and voice test.

7) Noncompetitive Salary: Many gifted competitor are unwilling to proceed with work
in light of noncompetitive compensation. BPO industry gives preferable pay over the pay gave in
RMG part. Be that as it may, it is lower on the off chance that we contrasted and our neighbor
nations pay structure.

8) Less Manpower: To deal with all HR issues just 8 changeless and 2 authoritative
representatives work. It is hard to explain all tasks, enrollment, representative relations issues
covering inspiration issues inside ideal time with this labor.

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As indicated by my work on DIGICON TECHNOLOGY, I have recognized a few areas where

some improvement can happen; here are those,

Suggestions for Organization are as per the following:

 In this extremely aggressive market they should offer focused compensation bundle for
their workers.
 They should consider the workers' fulfillment level. Endeavor to give their workers better
 They ought to give some adaptability of working hour outside of their framework.
 They ought to dependably worry about their mechanical help however it's an IT base
 Try to less the call weight to their worker by enlisting progressively or lessen the
representative turnover rate.
 Recruit more HR manpower to get desired outcome.
 Follow a compititor salary policy, otherwise it dissatisfy the employees.
 Need to follow short interview process to select different agent.

Training and Development issue: More intensified preparing system must to be

acquainted with increment the worker execution to the ideal level. The HR strategy could
incorporate certain arrangements with respect to a reutilized and present day preparing.

Continuous modernization and update: Modernization and update of the HR

arrangements and techniques are essential for any association as the world is getting more
broadened step by step. The head of HR ought to persistently screen the progressions occurring
around and modify the strategies to coordinate the changed situation

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8.3 Conclusion:
Enrollment is an integral part of each Organization. It enables an Organization to survey their
empty position and pick the best work force will's identity the colossal asset for the association
in future. For that each Organization should more fixation about their Recruitment and Selection
process. A man who can convey forward the association improvement, Values, morals and all
the more significantly Organization Culture in better he will be the association resource.

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Reference index:

2.Text Book: Foundamental of Human Resources Management by S. P. Robbins, David A, De


3.Elam Sultana (Assistant administrator of HR, DTL)

4.Official Record of Degicon Technologies ltd.

5.Company broacher and other record.

6.Different sorts of site help.

7. Dessler, G. (2005), Human Resource Management, 10th ed., Pearson Education, Inc., Upper

8. Decenzo, A, David; Robbins, P, Stephen, (1998), Personnel/ Human Resource Management,


9. Breaugh, J.A., and M. Starke. (2000). Research on employee recruitment: So many studies, so
many remaining questions Journal of Management, 26, 405-434.

10. Braun, S.A. (1995). Helping managers become effective job interviewers. Industrial
Management, 37, 5-8.

11. Butler, R. J., & Wilson, D. C. (1990). Managing Voluntary and Non-profit Organisations:
Strategy and Structure. London: Routledge.

12. Schein, Edgar H. (1999). The Corporate Culture Survival Guide: Sense and Nonsense about
Cultural Change.

13. Breaugh, J.A. (1981). Relationships between recruiting sources and employee performance,
absenteeism, and work attitudes. Academy of Management Journal, 24, 142, 147-148.

14. Decker, P.J. & Cornelius, E.T. III. (1979). A note on recruiting sources and job survival
rates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 64, 463-464.

15. Gannon, M.J. (1971). Sources of referral and employee turnover. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 55, 226-228.

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