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Ss) z Se Ee Ot ao Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification rn SD SECTION’ GENERAL $1.1. Abbreviations The meanings corresponding to abbreviations whenever used in this ‘Specification are listed hereunder: m meter : pm micrometer (also micron) mm millimeter ‘om centimeter - km. kilometer in inch tt foot om square centimeter kemil kilo-circular-mil im square meter L om cubic centimeter m cubic meter 1 iter kg kilogram-mass kp ‘Kilogram-force T metric fon J Ib pound. s second ms: millisecond bs min minute h hour: UWigh water starting time rpm’ revolution per minute Hz hertz deg (also*) _ | degree angle [deg degree centigrade, temperature difference °C Degree Celsius mis meter per second mimin meter per minute mis meter per second squared fo. gravity acceleration (9.80665 m/s") mis ‘cubic meter per second a Vmin liter per minute USGPM U.S. gallon per minute IGPM Imperial gallon per minute cfs. cubic feet per second kplan kilogram-force per square centimeter kp/m® Kilogram-force per square meter psi pound per square inch p/m kilogram-force per meter ) kpm kilogram-force-meters ering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification RR im fons-square meters WR! rotational inertia HP british horsepower cv metric horsepower Ww watt kW. Kilowatt MW. Megawatt KVA kilovolt-Ampere MVA. Megavolt-Ampere Keal/h kilocalories per hour kWh kilowatt-hour coh v Voit kv kKilovolt A Ampere kA kilo ampere ‘An ‘Ampere-hour F Farad uF microfarad pF. picofarad dB decibel RH Relative Humidity Bhn Brinell hardness number PMG Permanent Magnet Generator ‘AWG ‘American Wire Guage RTD Resistance Temperature Detector FOB. Free on Board CLE. Cost, Insurance, Freight pu per unit (specific) pm parts per million rms. root mean square Ra center line average Ed dc, 0. rect current ac, A.C. alternating current $1.2 Standards and Specifications All materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Works and the fabrication of same shall conform to the laws and regulations existing in the Republic of the Philippines and to the latest applicable Standards and Specifications as specified in the Contract unless more restrictive prescriptions are made in the present Technical Specifications, which shall prevail over the standards or to equivalent applicable Standards and Specifications and established and approved in the country of manufacture of the materials and equipment. Reference to Standards and Specifications or to materials shall be considered as followed by the words “or equivalent”. Contractor may propose and list in schedule G equivalent Standards, Specifications, and Materials which shall conform to that specified. Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Piant Project Technical Specification te lf Contractor proposes equivalent Standards and Specifications, or equivalent materials, Contractor shall state the exact nature of the change, and shall submit complete Standards and Specifications, and information and data on the materials for the approval of Santa Clara Power Corporation (SCPC). Such submittals shall be timely and fallure to do so, or purchase of any proposed equivalent materials prior to the approval of SCPC, will be at Contractor's risk. Abbreviations of the titles of official bodies which issue Standards or ‘Specifications whenever referred to in this Specification are as follows: ANS| American National Standards Institute AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association, AIS ‘American Iron and Steel Institute IEEE —_ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineer's Association AWS American Welding Society (EC International Electrotechnical Commission SAE _ Society of Automotive Engineers SSPC __ Stee! Structures Painting Council NEC National Electrical Code NESC National Electrical Safety Code AISC American Institute of Steel Construction ACI ‘American Generate Institute NFPA National Fire Protection Association FM Factory Manual System API American Petroleum Institute AWWA — American Water Works Associations UL Underwriters Laboratory ISA Instrument Society of America AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers EEl Edison Electric Institute AWG American Wire Gauge Iso International Organization for Standardization CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. 81.3 Tolerance All parts shall be manufactured true to drawing dimension. All tolerance shail be defined on Contractor's drawings. Separate tolerance shall be defined, one set for manufacturing purposes and another set for installation purposes. Fabrication tolerances shall conform to AISC Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification ene A Holes shall be drilled full size or sub-drilled and reamed during shop assembly. Punched holes will only be permitted in plates 19 mm or less in thickness provided all such holes are subsequently reamed full size during shop assembly Machining tolerances, allowances and gauges shall conform to ANSI Standard B4a- Tolerances, allowances and gauges for Metal Fits. Surface finishes shall be indicated on the shop drawings in accordance with ANSI B46.1 — Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay. Compliances with the specified surface finish will be determined by sense of feel and by comparison with Standard Roughness Specimens in accordance with ANSI B46.1 81.4 Interchangeability Similar parts shall be made of the same material, to gauge and shall be made interchangeable so as to enable substitution or replacement to be easily and quickly made in case of wear or failure. $1.8 Spare Parts Alll spare parts shall be interchangeable with, and of the same materials and workmanship as to corresponding parts of the equipment furnished. Spare parts shall be packaged for storage in the climate at the Site. Each part shall be marked with its description and purpose on the outside of the packaging. Spare parts shall be delivered into storage areas nominated by SCPC and delivery will be deemed to be complete when the packages have been ‘opened by Contractor, their contents checked by a representative of SCPC and the articles representative or assembled into units at SCPC option, and stored 2s directed by SCPC. Damaged or incorrect items shall be replaced by Contractor at his own cost. Where spare parts have been used by Contractor prior to final acceptance of the Works by SCPC all such spare parts shall be replaced by Contractor at the earliest possible date. $1.6 Special Tools and Erection Devices Contractor shall hand over to SCPC, before the final acceptance of the Works, all special tools and erection devices used for the initial installation of the Works. For the purposes of this Specification, special tools are defined as all tools required for installation, assembling, dismantling and adjustment of all the Works and usually not available in a standard maintenance shop, such as: ie Enginerng& Deeopmant Corporation ef he Pipe Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification Tools of large size, Wrenches with openings of 36 mm (1.1/2") and above, ‘Specialized (single purpose) tools, etc. Each tool and device shall be in good working condition any tool or device is excessively worn-out or damaged when handed ever, then Contractor shall provide a new replacement. Except where otherwise specified, all tools shall be suitably arranged in metal tool boxes, each fitted with a look with two (2) keys. The tool boxes shall be Painted black and clearly marked in white letters with the name of the equipment to which the tools there in apply, and with a list of the tools contained, stamped on an attached metal tab. If the weight of any box, or its size, is such that it cannot be conveniently carried, it shall be supported on steerable rubber tire wheels, all large tools ‘and wrenches shall be mounted on a suitable shadow board arranged for wall ‘mounting. 81.7 Information Plates 81.7.1 General Information plates shall be provided to indicate the function, name or rating of each item of equipment supplied. Except where otherwise specified, the plates shall be manufactured from a non-hygroscopic material black in color which has engraved letters or marks on the face side filled with white paint. The materials used shall be non-corrodible, non-fading, non-aging and suitable for tropical conditions. ‘The plates shall be fixed in position by counter sunk head screws or by means of an approved adhesive. 81.7.2 Rating plates ‘A metal rating plate shall be attached to each major and proprietary item of equipment. The plate shall be engraved with designed full load rating, electric power supply data, serial number, type number, date of manufacture and other pertinent information required for replacement or maintenance of the equipment. 81.7.3 Nameplates Nameplate shall be provided for each control panel. They shall clearly indicate the name or type of control panel, the function of each push button or switch, and the description of each indicating lamp. Nameplate shall be provided for each manually operated control or isolating valve. Nameplates shall indicate the function of each valve as well as the system or circuit to which the valve belongs. The plates shall SI Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification ee also indicate the direction of ‘open’ or ‘shut’ if these directions are not normally integral with the vaive hand wheel. The inscription on the nameplates shall be in English and shall be subject to approval by SCPC. 81.7.4 Diagram plates Diagram plates showing electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic circuits shall be provided where specified, $1.8 Trade Names When as described in these specifications, certain items of equipment, materials and manufacturing processes have been named by their trade names or by their catalogue name or number, these designations are meant to be followed by the words "or approved equal” even if they are not included in the text. ‘Subject to the approval of SCPC, Contractor may substitute other equipment, articles. Materials and/or fabrication processes provided these are equivalent in quality and type to those specified. All intended substitutions of items of equipment, materials and fabrications processes shall be submitted to SCPC with the bid in accordance with the ‘Schedule of Deviations from Specifications. It will be Contractor's responsibility to demonstrate and prove to SCPC the quality and suitability of the altematives. S1.9 Electrical Equipments 81.9.1 Electrical Power Parameters Equipment and devices requiring electric power shall conform with the following power supply parameters: (DC contro! voltage 425 Volts, de (nominal) Normal 129 Volts Range 400 Volts to 140 Volts (i) AC control lighting, small motors and low-power 1 KW above, 460 Volts, 3-pahse, 3 wire, 60 hertz, ac supply. (iii) Power supply for motors and larger power requirements less than 1 kW above; 460Volts, 3-pahse, 3-wire, 60 hertz, ac supply (nominal) Contractor shall clearly indicate voltage, current and power requirements for each item of equipment. srs fy Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantekoy Hydroelectric Power Piant Project Technical Specification $1.9.2 General All electrical control and protective equipment shall be as specified herein, constructed and installed to facilitate inspection and to permit easy access and rapid replacement of wearing parts. All electrical and control equipment inciuding but not limited to the following, shall be manufactured, installed, grounded and tested subject to the approval of SCPC. () Motors; (i) Motor starting and Control Panels including all equipment required in the Control Panels such as starters, contactors, control transformers, heaters, etc.; (iii) A’ necessary control pilot devices such as float switches, pushbuttons, selector switches, etc.; (iv) All conduit and wire from the control panel to the motors, heaters and miscellaneous external control devices such as push-button stations and limit switches. $1.9.3 Electrical equipment standards The electrical equipment shall be designed, manufactured, installed and tested in accordance with the latest revision of the following standards, except where specifically directed otherwise herein: ITEM STANDARDS General NEMA and ANSI Enclosures NEMA IS 1.1 Motors NEMA MGI Dry Type Transformers ANSI C57 and NEMA TR27 Motor Controls ANSI.C19 Circuit Breakers ANSI C37 and NEMA 5G6 Starters NEMA IC-1 Graphical Symbols ANSI C37.2 Definitions of Electrical Terms ANSI C42 Wire and Cable IPCEA S 61-402 and NEMA WC 5 Rigid Steel ANSI C80.4 Conduit Indicating Instruments NEMA II 1 & 2 and ANSI C 81.9.4 Motors Motors 1 KW and above shall be 460 Volts, 3-phase 60-cycle, high starting torque, ANSI standard Class B or higher Squirrel cage induction, totally enclosed fan cooled to NEMA Standards and NEMA dimensions, with continuous rating of sufficient capacity to meet all conditions of ‘operations. The motor insulation shall be ANSI Class “B” and have at Sty ae Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines u Cantekoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification least two alternately dipped and baked coats of high grade varnish and finally treated with at least one coat of non-brittle, non-hygroscopic enamel or vamish. Motor enclosures shall have anti-condensation heaters and nameplates. 81.9.5 Magnetic motor starters, - Magnetic motor starters shall have the following features and accessories: i, Moulded case circuit breaker type disconnect with thermal time L delay and instantaneous trips; ii, 480 — 120 volt individual fused control transformer, ii, 120 Volt ac operating coil; iv. Thermal overload protection in each phase, with thermal elements correctly related to motor nameplate current and type of enclosure; v. Auxiliary contacts for the control of related auxiliary devices such as motor heating, indicating lights, interlocks, etc, 81.9.6 Magnetic contactors ia Magnetic contactors units shall have the following features and accessories: u i. Moulded case circuit breaker type disconnect with thermal time delay and instantaneous trips; { i. Individual fused control transformer; iii, 120 Volt ac operating coil; iv. A sufficient number of auxiliary contacts required for the control of related auxiliary devices; Main contacts specifically designed for control of resistive type leads at full nameplate current rating. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all motor stator contractors shall 7 be suitable for full voltage (across-the-line) starting of squirrel cage induction motors, and be capable of withstanding the short-circuit current indicated on the Drawings for a sufficient time to allow tripping of the bad back-up protection breaker. Contactors shall have the following general characteristics: Standard insulation class 600 V ac Rated operating voltage 460 V ac u Maximum operating voltage 500 V ac Rated frequency 60 Hz Minimum Mechanical endurance 10,000,000 operations Electrical endurance 2,500,000 operations (AC3 4 duty according to IEC Standards) vii. Minimum continuous current capacity 115% full load current, but not less than 20 A vill, Auxiliary contacts plated silver, heavy duty, rated suitable for operation in iz 125 V de system 4 reversible contacts rated 10 A SL-8 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification 1.9.7 Moulded case circuit breakers All moulded case circuit breakers shall be two or three-pole as required, having thermal time delay and instantaneous trips with On-Trip-Of, indicating operating mechanism. Circuits breakers used in conjunction with motor starter or Contractors shall have the operating mechanisms interlocked with the stator or contactor cover so that the cover cannot be opened unless the circuit breaker is open. 81.9.8 Relays Relays used as auxiliary control devices in conjunction with motor starter and magnetic contactors shall be of the type designed for machine too! application featuring contact convertibility. All contacts shall have a minimum rating of 10 Amperes over a range of 6 to 600 Volts $1.29 Pilot devices Pilot devices such as selector switches, pushbutton stations, thermostats, shall be of the heavy duty type, housed in weatherproof NEMA IV enclosures designed especially for the type of environment. Al electrical contacts for control, alarm and shutdown shall be of the sealed mercury tube type with a capacity of not less than 5 Amperes at 125 Volts D.C. 81.9.10 Secondary wiring All wirings shall be thermoplastic-insulated in accordance with IPCEA S- 61-402 and NEMA WC 6. Wire sizes shall be not less than 2.5 mm? for control, annunciator, and potential circuits. All secondary wirings shall be shielded from primary conductors. All wiring connections shall be readily accessible and removal shall be readily accessible and removal for test or other purposes. Wiring between terminals of the various devices shall be point to point. Splices or tee connections are not acceptable, Wire runs shall be neatly trunked inside the panels or in wiring troughs. Whenever possible, unused areas of the panels shall be kept free of wiring to facilitate the installation of future equipment. Stud type terminal blocks, General electric type EB ly or approved equivalent shall be provided for all circuits, with 20 percent spare terminals and removable marking strips. The arrangement and location of all terminal blocks shall be subject to approval by SCPC. Incoming and outgoing Cables shall be suitably supported by approved wire clips with individual wires arranged. Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification anne $1.9.11 Cubicle and control panel enclosures Cubicle and control panel enclosures shall be of sheet steel with minimum thickness of 3 mm, of rigid, self-supporting construction and supplied with an integral channel base. Generally, each cubicle shall be associated with the circuitry of only one main item, although, where necessary, up to three circuits may be accommodated, provided that they are segregated and separated with sheet steel barriers. Cubicles shall be fitted with close fitting, gasketted hinged lift-off doors capable of being opened through 160 deg. The doors shall be provided with integral lock (not padlock) and master key. A ground bus with 50 mm x 5 mm copper bar shall be provided and all extend throughout the length of the cabinet. Each end of this bus shall be drilled and provided with lugs for connecting ground cables ranging from 70 to 100 mm?. All instrument, control knobs, switches and indicating lamps shall be flush mounted on the front panels. All wiring and cables shall enter from the bottom or top, as directed by SCPC. The standard phase arrangement when facing the front of the motor control centers and switchboards shall be ABC from left to right, from top to bottom and from front to back. All instruments, devices, buses and other equipment involving three phase circuits shall be arranged and connected in accordance with the standard phase arrangement, where possible. Electrical clearances shall conform to applicable standards and shall not require the cutting away of adjacent framework. The instrument and control wiring including all electrical interlocks and all interconnecting wiring between sections, shall be completely installed and connected to terminal blocks. Wiring shall be not less than 2.5 mm? stranded copper cable. Wiring that crosses hinged joints shall be flexible type. Wiring shall terminate at 600 V terminal blocks of molded type, with screw pressure type connections and provided with markings corresponding to those appearing on the wiring diagrams. At least 10 percent of spare terminal blocks and not less than one block with twelve spare terminal positions shall be provided for each panel. ‘Where cubicles are split between panels for shipping, terminal blocks shall be provided on each side of the split with all necessary cable extensions across the splits. These cable extensions shall be confined within the panels with suitable internal cable ducts. All switchboards shall be adequately ventilated by vents or louvers, if required, so placed as not fo detract from the appearance of the motor control center or gauge board. All ventilating openings shall be provided with corrosion resistant metal screens to prevent entrance of insects or vermin. Space heating elements with thermostatic controls shall be included in each panel ‘The arrangement of control and protection devices on the panels and the exterior finish of the panels shall be to the approval of SCPC. Relays and S1-10 ie Engineering & Development Corpraton ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plent Project Technical Specification Se A AT other devices sensitive to vibration shall not be installed on doors or hinged panels and no equipment whatsoever shall be installed on rear access doors. $1.9.12 Conduit All conduits shall be in accordance with the following requirements: ‘Space Between Support Straps Conduit Size Horizontal Run Vertical Run 20 mm 475m 2m 25 to 30 mm 2m 25m Over 30 mm. 3m 3m Conduit shall be rigid steel, galvanized and shall conform to NEMA RN-t standard. Minimum conduit size shall be 20 mm Exposed conduit shall be neat in appearance and run parallel to the structural lines. Suitable conduit fittings and covers shall be used. Conduit shall be fastened using malleable Iron one-hole pipe straps at no greater than the above intervals. All bends in conduit shall be made cold and the radius of bends shall not be less than nine times the conduit diameter. No bend shall be permitted to flatten the conduit. Wherever conduit crosses a structural expansion joint, approved expansion fittings and couplings with bonding jumpers shall be provided. $1.9.13 Conductors All wires and cables shall have 600 Volt, thermo-plastic insulation Insulation shall be treated with an approved type of insect repellant. No wire shall be smaller than 2.5 mm? stranded except where otherwise stated. 81.9.14 Conductor connections Conductor splices, taps and connections external to control panels shall be made in junction boxes with approved nylon insulated, removable metallic compression type connectors. Larger conductor connections shall be made with Burdy Servit connectors taped with 3 M electric “Scotch” tape. Connections to motors shall be bolted, double taped and sealed with insulating varnish. 81.9.15 Circuit identification Both ends of each circuit conductor shall be clearly identified by means of cable markers similar to BETH type 2 manufactured by Electrovolt Ltd. or approved equivalent. 1H Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines 8 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification er re 81.9.16 Lighting transformer The lighting transformer shall be of two winding, self-cooled, dry type, fungus-proofed, and shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with ANSI-C-57, and where no conflict occurs, with NEMA TR1, unless otherwise specified herein: Frequency 60 Herts High-Voltage rating 480 Volts Low-Voltage rating 120/208 Volts High-Voltage winding 3wire connection Low-Voltage winding 4 wire connection Taps, high-voltage (primary): Full capacity taps above normal 2-2 1/2 % Full capacity taps below normal 2-2 1/2 % Taps, low-voltage None Rating As indicated on Drawings. Primary and secondary windings shall be insulated from each other and windings shall be formed with NEMA Class F or H insulation. Winding shall be suitably treated to resist the effects of moisture and dirt. Transformer shall carry their normal continuous self-cooled KVA rating with @ temperature rise by resistance not fo exceed 115°C for Class F, or 460°C for Class H insulation above 40°C ambient. Transformers with Class H insulation shall be so designed that the enclosure shall not exceed a 40°C rise above a 40°C ambient. $1.9.17 Indicating lights Colored lights shall be provided where necessary to give a visual indication of the operating conditions of the item of equipment concerned. All indicating lamps shall be adequately ventilated with the bulbs being replaceable from the front of the panel with out the use of special tools. The bulbs shall be clear and shall have a voltage rating 10 percent higher than that of the system to which they ate connected. Low voltage lamps with series resistors are also acceptable. The indicating lamp lens shall be unbreakable and colored as specified with the color being in the lens material and not applied. All lenses shall be interchangeable and have fast colors suitable for tropical conditions. Lamps and lamp lenses shall be furnished 15 percent in excess of the actual number required. $1.9.18 ‘Terminal blocks Alll terminal blocks shall be in an accessible position, with the spacing between adjacent blocks not less than 100 mm, Sufficient studs shall be provided on terminal blocks to allow for the connection of all incoming and & Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, ‘Technical Specification outgoing cables including spare conductors. In enclosed cubicles, the terminal blocks shall be inclined towards the door. The stud terminals shall have adequate current carrying capacity and shall be a minimum of 5 mm diameter. All studs shall be provided with nuts, washers and lock nuts or lock washers. Where squeeze type terminals are supplied, they shall be of an approved type and shall be provided with locking devices. Insulated barriers shall be provided between adjacent terminals and all terminals shall be front connected with no live parts exposed at the rear. Screw and pinch type terminations shall not be accepted. 480 Volt ac circuit terminals shall be segregated from another terminals and shall be equipped with non-fiammable, transparent covers, to prevent contact with live parts. Warning labels with red lettering shall be mounted thereon, in a conspicuous position. Terminal blocks shall have marking strips with conductor designations neatly stamped, engraved or marked with a permanent marking fluid. One spare marking strip shall be furnished with each terminal block. Not more than four leads shall be connected to any terminal. $1.9.19 Grounding Embedded grounding copper conductors will be supplied and installed by contractor and will terminate in a tall adjacent to the equipment. The grounding conductor from the ground bus of the distribution board or the metal frame of the equipment shall be connected to the exposed tail of the main earthing conductor by brazing or cadweld process. All control panels and distribution boards shall be provided with a copper grounding bar with a cross sectional area of not less than 300 mm? placed in a convenient position near the bottom of the panel. ‘The metal cases of all electrical equipment in the circuits associated with the control panels or distribution boards shall be interconnected to the earth bar by means of braided copper conductors of not less than 2.9 mm? cross-sectional area. $1.9.20 Instrumentation i. Electrical Ammeters and voltmeters shall be either of the moving coil or moving iron self-contained type, rated to operate with the instrument transformers, Centre-pivot flush instruments shall be provided unless otherwise specified or approved. They shall be of the dead-beat type and shall be provided unless otherwise specified or approved. They shall be of the dead-beat type and shall be capable of carrying their full-scale currents continuously with undue heating or impairing their accuracy. They shall have long. Clearly defined and indelibly marked scales or engraved on enabled metal and the pointers shall be of clean outline. The pointers and scales shall be such that the scale is, marked on a stepped section of the instrument face with the pointer SI-13 Se Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification operating in the recessed section to avoid the casting of shadows on the scale and parallax errors. The markings on the dials shall be resiricted to the scale marking. Instrument transformers ratios and makers’ name shall not appear prominently on the dials but may be marked in an unobtrusive position. The glass covers to dials shall be of non-reflecting glass. The instrument shall have 150 mm dials for all main panels and 90 mm dials for any desk panel to the approval of SCPC. The instrument frames shall be square or rectangular in shape. The instruments with associated circuits shall not be damaged or have their accuracy impaired by the passage of fault current equivalent to 20 times full load current for not more than 0.5 sec. through the primary of their corresponding instrument transformers. Means shall be provided for zero adjustments without dismantling the instrument or removing the instrument from the panel. The scales for all direct- current instruments and of ail alternating-current indicating wattmeter’s shall be arranged so that the instruments will read 10 per cent of the full-scale reading below zero, and this part of the scale shall be marked in red. Busbar voltmeters shall be calibrated while hot. All voltage circuits to instruments shall be protected by a fuse on each a pole of the circuit placed as close as possible to the instrument transformer terminal or, where instruments are direct-connected as close as possible to the main connections. Except where main ammeters are triplicated, rotary selector switches shall be provided for connecting them to measure the current flowing in any one of the three phases. All instruments and apparatus shall be back-connected and all instruments shall be properly grounded. ji, Pressure, temperature and flow Pressure shall be of the brass or bronze Bourdon tube type. Pressure and temperature switches shall each be provided with a calibrated dial and external adjustments for setting the operating point and 7 differential. All gauges and instruments shall be supplied complete with the necessary piping, capillary tubing, valve fittings and wiring. Where the scale range for any instrument is not specified, contractor shall determine the proper scale range for the required operating conditions and graduate the scales as follows: Pressure, Vacuum Kilograms-force per square centimeter Temperature degrees Celsius Flow liters per minute Contractor shall be responsible for the calibration of all instruments prior to shipment. $1.9.21 Insulating oil The first filing of insulating oil for all equipment under this Specification shall be provided and shipped in non-returnable steel drums. Si-l4 u apy Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification It shall be Contractor's responsi contaminated in any way. ly to ensure that the oil is not The dielectric strength of this oil in the equipment shall be as recommended by the equipment manufacturer but in no case shall it be less than 30,000 volts as determined on a 2.5 mm gap test. 1.10 Design and Stresses a. General The design, dimensions and materials of all Works and equipment shall be such that the stresses to which they may be subjected shall not render them liable to distortion or damage under the most adverse service conditions. Mechanisms shall be so constructed to avoid sticking due to rust or corrosion. All Works and equipment shall be designed to: () Minimize the risk of fire and any consequential damage; (i) Prevent accidental contact with live parts; - i) Be capable of continuous operation or as required with minimum attention and maintenance under the conditions prevailing in a tropical climate. b. Stresses Except as otherwise specified, the principal stresses in the materials used shall not exceed the values given in the following table under the specified operating conditions. Compression Shear 700 kpiem’ 200 kpfom? Grey cast iron Carbon cast steel Plate steel for principal Note 3 Note 3 Note 2 paris Alloy cast steel and other Note 4 Note 4 Note 2 misc. materials Note 4: 4/10 of Ultimate Strength (cast iron shall not be used for components subject to impact or shock.) Note 2: 60% of the allowed tension stress. Note 3: 414 of the Ultimate Strength or % of the yield strength whichever is the lesser. Note 4: 1/5 of the Ultimate Strength or 1/3 of the yield strength whichever is the lesser. Sits ae Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project a ©. Concrete stresses Stresses on concrete shall be based on 28 day strength in compression of fo! = 210 kg/cm? and shall be computed in accordance with the prevision of ACI and NSCP 2001. d. Earthquakes ‘The equipment shall be designed for operation in an earthquake zone. It shall be strong enough and sufficiently well connected to resist the combined stresses due to normal operation and due to earthquake with a horizontal acceleration of 0.3 g and a vertical acceleration of 0.075 g assuming that both accelerations occur at the same time. $1.11 Materials a. General All materials shall be new and shall comply with the latest ANSI or ASTM standards, unless otherwise specified. The weight of all parts shall be compatible with their drawing dimensions in consideration of the material used. All parts shall be built in accordance with approved drawings only. The material specifications shall be indicated on Contractor's drawings The ultimate strength, limit of elasticity, ductility, hardness, etc., shall be determined from test pieces obtained as described in the specification is given, test pieces shall be obtained as described in the specification for the given material in question. Where no definite specification is given, test pieces shall be obtained as required by SCPC. Contractor shall provide all test pieces, blanks, etc., cut and machined to the sizes, shapes and dimensions as directed by SCPC. b. Castings Castings shall be of fine grain quality and shall conform to the following specifications unless otherwise specified. Carbon Steel Castings ASTM A27 Grade 65 — 35 or 70 - 40 Corrosion resistant (stainless) steel Castings -ASTM A296 Grade CA15 and CFM Carbon Steel Castings for pressure service - ASTM A487 Iron Castings = ASTM A48 Class 50 Copper Alloy (Bronze) Castings | - ASTM B584 Alloy 862 or 937 ay Enginerng& Develpment Coreration eth Philpines 81-16 ‘Technical Specification Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification a The surfaces of castings which do not undergo machining, particularly those of steel or iron in contact with water, shall be dressed smooth in the foundry with all joints blended into adjacent surfaces and shall be free from foundry irregularities, such as projections, ridges, hollows, honey- combing, pock marks, blow holes and oracks or chip marks, so that they will not require surface smoothing operations prior to painting. All defects shall be fully explored and castings shall be repaired, plugged or welded as required by SCPC. ‘All castings shall be weighed and shall be at least equal to their theoretical weight, large numbers of small castings may be batch weighed. Carbon steel plates and shapes Carbon steel plates, shapes, bars, etc., for welded construction shall conform to material specification ASTM A36 steel shapes shall be in accordance with ASTM Specification A6. Carbon steel plates for pressure containing parts shall conform to ASTM A516 Grade §5 to Grade 70, or A285 Grade C. Plates from which webs, flanges and other siressed members are cut shall be ultrasonically tested for laminations according to ASTM AS78 at the place of manufacture. Plates for pressure vessels shall be tested according to ASTM A435 at the place of manufacture. i. Forging Forgings shall conform to ASTM A668 Class D and shall be free from all defects affecting their strength and durability, including seams, pipes, flaws, cracks, scales, fins, porosity, hard spots, excessive non-metallic inclusions and segregations. The largest fillets compatible with the design shall be incorporated wherever a change in a section occurs. Tool marks or tearing of the metal by the finishing too! will not be acceptable on the surface of fillets. Such marks, if they occur, shall be removed by grinding or polishing. All finished surfaces of forgings shall be smooth and free from tool marks. The forging shail be clearly stamped with the heat number in such a location as to be readily observed when the forging is assembled in a complete unit. All forgings in excess of 150 mm diameter shall be subjected to examination internally for the detection of flaws and to heat treatment for the relief of residual stresses. Fastenings All screws, bolts, studs and nuts shall be of the Intemational Standard (Metric) form of threads. Bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal. Hexagonal recesses shall be provided in the head of countersunk head Sii7 Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification EE I bolts and machine screws. The bolt length shall be such as to ensure at least two full threads are projecting after the nut has been tightened. Nuts and bolts for pressure containing parts shall be best quality bright steel machined on the shank and bearing faces of head and nut Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts shalll be finished flush with the top L of the nut after tightening, except in cases where the connected components are required to be frequently removed for replacement or adjustment when the bolts and nuts shall be of corrosion resisting steel or bronze. All nuts shall be provided with washers, parallel or taper, as appropriate. ‘Mechanical locking devices of an approved form shall be provided where there is a possiblity of nuts becoming loose due to vibration. Spring type washers will not be permitted where they may damage any protective coating. Spiral locking compounds may be used as an altemative to mechanical devices subject to SCPC approval. 4. Floor plate All floor plates shall be checkered steel plates with a minimum plate f thickness excluding raised pattern of not less than 8 mm. All edges of G plates shall be planned and joints shall be cut, where practicable, so as to maintain continuity of pattern, u g. Ladders and handrails Ladders or stairways shall be provided where necessary to afford access for operation and maintenance of the equipment. Ladders shall not exceed about 7.0 m in length and suitable platforms with handrails shall be provided between each length. Where a ladder does not extend above @ floor or platform level hand grips or other suitable means of support = shall be provided. Protective cages shall be provided for ladders longer than 5.0 m. Ladder rungs shall not be less than 18 mm diameter and stringers not less than 400 mm apart. Stairway shall be provided with handrails and shall have a slope not greater than 45°. Handrailing shall be provided wherever necessary for the safety of personnel. The handrails shall be neat in appearance and shall consist of at least two horizontal tubular members approximately 30 mm diameter mounted on tubular or flat bar upright. The handrail shall be approximately 4.1 m above finished floor level and the supports shall be designed to withstand a horizontal uniformly distributed toad of 60 kp/m. Openings in the handrails shall be closed by removable chains. h. Shafting and keys Where not otherwise specified, shafting and keys shall conform to ASTM A108. u Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification eee ee een i $1.12 Piping a. oe Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Babbitt metal Babbitt metal shall comply with the requirements of ASTM B23. General Al pipings, joints, hangers and supports shall conform to the American National Standard Institute Specification B31.1. Seamless copper tubing for grease lubrication shall be in accordance with ASTM Specification B251. Line fittings shall be of the compression type. Pipes which connect with piping supplied by another contractor shall be terminated by a flange or by a pipe union conforming to American Standard pipe, fittings, flanges and threads. Welded connection at termination points will not be allowed. Wherever a pipe crosses a structural expansion joint, it shall be equipped with one or more flexible couplings to allow @ minimum of 18 millimeters movernent in any direction, Piping details The entire piping system shall be prefabricated in the shop, insofar as practicable, leaving only such joint connections as may be necessary for assembly or possible subsequent dismantling for repair and consistent with the requirements of shipment. Pipes below 50 millimeters (2 inches) in diameter shall be fitted with screwed or socket type welding fittings. All pipes over 50 millimeters (2 inches) in diameter shall be flanged. Alternatively, Victaulic type couplings may be used where approved by SCPC. Junction of copper to ferrous pipes shall be made with bronze adapters. Wherever feasible, long radius pipe bends shall be used in place of pipe fittings, pipe plugged drain holes shall be provided at low points in each pipe run. All necessary studs, bolts, screws, cold finished nuts, washers, gaskets, packing, supports, étc., required in connection with the field assembly of the piping systems shall be designed, supplied and installed by Contractor. All gaskets and packing shall be of a type that has proved satisfactory for the service to which they will be subjected. Cleaning and shippin Al pipes and fittings, before being shipped, shall be thoroughly cleaned internally of all oil, grease, loose mill scale, rust weld spatter and flux by pickling if necessary. All welds shall be thoroughly cleaned of all flux, and wire brushed. For shipping, the ends of all threaded pipes shall be capped with suitable metal protectors. Flange sections shall be protected with suitable wooden S-19 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification i $1.13 Welding covers bolted in position. All pipes shall be ciled or otherwise protectively coated as a protection against rust in transit and storage. Hangers and supports Contractor shall supply and install all pipe hangers, brackets and supports required for the support of the piping, including the driling for expansion anchors and any work incidental to the setting of such anchors in concrete. Hanger rods shall be vertical without bends or offsets. Vertical runs shall be supported by means of pipe clamps or collars at each floor. Chain or strap hangers shall not be used. Hangers and supports shall be painted unless they are for copper tubing, in which case they shall be copperiated. All pipings shall be supported and installed so as to avoid pockets which will not completely drain. Testing Contractor shall shop andior field test all pipelines to 50 percent above their maximum allowable working pressure and shall supply all labour, material, test media, pumps, plugs, gauges, and other equipment necessary to make the complete test. - Piping systems shall be flushed clean prior to and after the testing. Before field testing, all anchor blocks, thrust supports and hangers shall be in place. Where practicable piping may also be tested in sections, in which case temporary supports and end caps shall be fitted, to the approval of SCPC if tested at the Site. For acceptance, the test pressure shall remain constant for the test period without pumping additional medium into the ‘section under the test. Contractor shall flush clean all piping systems after final installation in the field. Oil piping shall be flushed using the same type of oil for which the system is designed. General Wherever welding is specified or permitted, the electric aro welding process, manual or machine welding, shall be used. Contractor shall provide and adequate amount of material for each type of welding and shall specify the material on all relevant drawings. Contractor shall also provide detailed drawings showing joint preparation required for each type of welding to be carried out on the site. Preparation ‘The parts to be joined by electric welding shall be cut precisely to the correct size by machine methods suitable for the type of weld to be used and to allow the proper penetration and good fusion of the weld with the base metal. The cut surfaces shall not have visible defects such as scabs, 81-20 Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification Neen a 4. superficial defects caused by shearing or torch cutting operations or any other damaging defect. The surfaces of a 40 mm wide strip on each side of the plate adjacent to the edge, and the edges to be welded shall be free from rust, oil, grease and other foreign matter. Laminations Any plate in which lamination has been discovered after cutting shall be rejected unless the laminated portion of plate is local and can be cut out and replaced by welding of a new sound plate in the cut-out area. In such cases, the approval of SCPC for repairs will be required. Where such repairs are authorized the welds of the repairs shall be ground smooth to assure neat appearance. Welding methods and welder's qualifications The requirements of welding methods shall be submitted for approval to. SCPC. No welding work shall be started until the procedures have been approved and operators have qualified. Weld shall be balanced as far as possible, to minimize distortion and residual stresses. Welder’s qualifications and welding operations, including the repair of welding already carried out, shall, unless otherwise be stated as follows: i. For welding of vessels subject to hydrostatic pressure qualifications shall comply with Annex 2, Part Il, Section IX of the ASME “Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code". ii, For welding of stressed structural steel components, the requirements shall comply with the AWS D1.1 Part 5 Procedure. Electrodes Contractor shall indicate on all detail drawings the type and size of electrode he proposes to use for shop andior field welding. In general, welding electrodes for structural steel shall conform to Table 1.17.2 of the AISC Specification for the Design Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Bracing Temporary bracing and attachments shall be removed, exercising care that the base metal to which they are attached is not adversely affected. Projecting welds remaining after this operation shall be chipped and ground flush. Tears in the base metal shall be welded up and ground flush, If temporary bracing or attachments are welded to plates over 25 mm thick, the preheat requirement may be waived; however, upon removing these altachments, the base metal shall be ground flush and inspected for cracks. ee Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines s121 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification cr $1.14 Non-destructive Testing a. General Radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle or liquid penetrate tests shall be conducted on components as specified below. Where ultrasonic or magnetic particie tests indicate the possibilty of a flaw, the suspect part shall be tested by radiography. All flaws shall be removed by thermal or ‘mechanical gouging processes and replaced by welding. The replacement weld and contiguous parts of the original weld is any, shall then be tested radiographically. All radiographs shall become the property of SCPC. The acceptability of parts inspected by magnetic particle and liquid penetrant tests and the acceptability of use of these methods will be subject to agreement between Contractor and SCPC. b. Pressure vessels Radiographic examination shall be applied to welds as follows: i. The whole length of longitudinal butt welds in pressures vessels. ji. The whole length of all butt welds of pressure vessels or weliments - subject to internal pressure which are encased in concrete. il, Alljunctions of butt welds. iv. 10 percent by length of all circumferential butt welds of vessels by G radiographic examination and all other stressed grooved welds. Ultrasonic examination shall be applied to all butt welds not covered by radiographic examination and all other stressed groove welds. Radiography and the standard of acceptability shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel 5 Code Section Vill Division |. Ultrasonic testing shall be in accordance with Appendix U ASME Boiler | and Pressure Vessel Code Section Vill Division I. c. Weldments Radiographic examination shall be applied to the whole length of butt welds in plates forming stressed members. Ultrasonic examination shall be applied to all other stressed grooved welds. Radiographic and ultrasonic examination shall be in accordance with AWS d1.1 Section 6. 7 ‘Welds which shall be tested by magnetic particle method shall include the following: Butt welds in pipes : 30% of length of each weld. Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification Filet welds (where not otherwise tested) - 20% of length. ‘The magnetic particle inspection shall be in accordance with ASTM E109. Castings and forginas Pressure containing steel castings or highly stressed castings shall be radiographically examined in accordance with ASTM E-96. Standard reference radiographs shall be as follows: Steel castings up to 550 mm thick = ASTM E446 Heavy walled (51 mm — 114 mm) - ASTM E186 Radiographic examination shall be to a quality level of 2-2t as specified in ASTM E142. Where required, castings shall be subject to magnetic particle inspection in accordance with ASTM E109 and €125. Iron castings or steel castings not included above shall be tested ultrasonically in accordance with ASTM E114, Unless otherwise specified, all forgings shall be magnetic particle tested in accordance with ASTM A275. Liquid penetrant inspection shall be applied in accordance with ASTM E165 as required for inspection of castings and forgings for surface cracks. 81.16 Inspections a. ‘Test coupons For castings weighing 250kg or less, one tension test shall be required; for castings weighing more than 250kg. Two tension tests shall be required. Structural steel Contractor shall provide copies of mil test certificates for all structural and pressure vessel steel. Copies shall be submitted as specified. Forgings Forgings of all principal parts including all parts subject to hydraulic pressure may be inspected at the forging plant in the ingot stage and after forming, cleaning and removal of defects. The forgings will be inspected after repairs, heat treatment, and machining have been completed. Weléments Contractor shall permit SCPC to witness any or all of the shop non- destructive tests, Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, ‘Technical Specification Cee eee eed = Free access shall be allowed to all radiographic film records. Contractor shall furnish the necessary copies of all test reports, together with copies ‘of the suppliers tests reports on welding rods, e. Field ue Inspection of assembly procedures will be made at the Site by SCPC. Whereas such inspection will be conducted so as to interfere as little as possible with the assembly process. Contractor's personnel shall conform to request made by SCPC as fer as the rectification of defective workmanship is concerned. Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on the inspection will be reported to Contractor within ten days. Materials that show injurious defects subsequent to assembly and acceptance will be rejected, and Contractor so notified. 81.16 Tropicalization a._General 7 u In choosing materials and their finishes, due regard shall be given to the humid tropical conditions under which the equipment is to work. ‘Some relaxation of the following provisions may be permitted where the ‘Works is heretically sealed but itis preferred that tropical grade materials should be used wherever possible. a b, Metals Iron and steel shall generally be painted or galvanized as appropriate. fe Indoor parts may alternatively have chromium or copper-nickel plated or other approved protective finish. Ee ‘Small iron and steel parts (other than rustless steel) of ail instruments and the metal parts of relays and mechanisms shall be treated in an approved manner to prevent rusting. Cores, etc., which are built up of laminations or cannot for any other reason be anti-rust treated, shall have all exposed parts thoroughly cleaned and heavily enameled, lacquered or ‘compounded. When it is necessary to use dissimilar metals in contact, these shall, if possible be so selected that the potential difference between them in the electro-mechanical series is not greater than 0.5 volts. If this is not possible the contact surfaces of one or both of the metals shall be electroptated or otherwise finished in such a manner that the potential difference is reduced to within the required limits, or if practicable, the two metals shall be insulated from each other by an approved insulating material or a coating of approved varnish compound. c. Screws, nuts, springs. pivots, etc. ‘The use of iron and steel shall be avoided in instruments and electrical relays wherever possible. Steel_ screws, when_used,_shall_be_zino, S124 Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification a a i cadmium or chromium plated, or when plating is not possible owing to tolerance limitations, shall be of corrosion-resisting steel. Instrument sorews (except those forming part of a magnetic circuit) shall be of brass or bronze. Springs shall be of non-rusting material, e.g. phosphor-bronze is or nickel silver, as far as possible. d. Fabrics, cork, paper, ete. Fabrics, cork, paper and similar materials, which are not subsequently to be protected by impregnation, shall be adequately treated with an approved fungicide. Sleeving and fabrics treated with linseed oil varnishes shall not be used, e. Wood The use of wood in equipment shall not be used unless specifically approved by SCPC. When used, woodwork is to be thoroughly seasoned z teak or other approved wood which is resistant to fungal decay and shall be free from shakes and warp, sap and wane, knots, faults and other blemishes. All woodwork shail be suitably treated to protect it against the ~ ingress of moisture and from the growth of fungus and termite attack, unless its naturally resistant to -those causes of deterioration.-AL.! joints in- ‘woodwork shall be dovetailed or tongued and pinned as far as possible. - Metal fitings where used shall be of non-ferrous material. Wood screws shall be of dull nickel plated brass or of other approved finish. f. Adhesives Adhesives are to be specially selected to ensure the use of types which are impervious to moisture, resistant to mould growth, and not subject to the ravages of insects. Synthetic resin cement only shall be used for jointing wood. Case-in cement shall not be used. ra g. Rubber Neoprene and simtar synthetic compounds, not subject to deterioration ~ due to the conditions, shall be used for gaskets, sealing rings, diaphragms, etc. instead of the standard rubber-based materials. f-corrosion Measures a. General ‘The equipment details shall be designed to minimize as far as possible the effects of localized corrosion. Large flat horizontal areas shall be st stiffened to prevent and shaped to provide good drainage under ‘operational conditions. Drain holes shall be provided in all locations where the entrapment of water can occur. Crevices over which the protective film ~ ‘can bridge shall be avoided and access for inspection and maintenance of all parts shall be provided. Boxed in members shall be provided with access holes or shall be treated internally with an effective corrosion inhibitor. Sharp edges shall be ground off to prevent localized thinning of the paint film or shall_be given extra coats of paint along the edge. si 25 Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines u Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification Materials subject to galvanic action shall not be used in physical contact with each other. b. Paint materials All materials shall be of first grade and used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's written directions. The final coat color(s) shall be as directed by SCPC. Priming and intermediate coats shall be of differing colors or tints to facilitate application and inspection, ¢. Paint application All paints shall be applied in conformity with SSPC-PA1-Shop, field and maintenance painting, by skilled personnel fully experienced in this type of work, Contractor shall provide full details of the methods by which sand blasting and painting will be carried out in the workshop or in the field ———Surface-preparations-shall-be-compared with pictorial-surface- preparation standards SSPC-Vis 1. re Contractor shall supply to SCPC sample plates, 50 mm x 50 mm in size approximately, painted in conformity with each paint specification (i) to ( b vi) hereunder. The extent of the paint applications shall be as follows: () Immersed Steel Except where otherwise specified, all steel surfaces and all parts na of structures that have surfaces which are normally permanently immersed in water, shall be blast cleaned in accordance with ‘SSPC-SP6 then painted with two (2) coats of coal tar epoxy paint in accordance with SSPC No. 11.01 Coal Tar Epoxy-Polyamide Black (or Dark Red) Paint System. ‘At any junction between an immersed steel surface and an immersed concrete surface where a crevice could form, this protective system shall be applied to the steel surface within a zone extending 70 mm into the concrete from the immersed surface. (i) Steel exposed to atmosphere-alternative | All steel surfaces shall be blast cleaned in accordance with SSPC- ‘SP6 then painted with one (1) coat of Zinc Chromate washcoat to ~ SSPC-PT3-64 followed by two (2) coats of approved vinyl red lead primer and a final coat of vinyl aluminum paint to SSPC-Paint 8- 64, 81-26 L a gina & Development Corporation of th Pines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification rrr The dry paint film thickness of each coat shall be between 0.002 mm and 0.003 mm with a minimum total dry film thickness of 0.01 mm. (ii) Steel exposed to atmosphere-alternative Il All steel surfaces shall be blast cleaned in accordance with SSPC- SP6 then painted in accordance with SSPC Alkyd Paint System No. 2.03 with Red Lead Iron Oxide Primer. (iv) Embedded steelwork Where not otherwise specified, all steel surfaces which will be embedded, or against which concrete will be placed, shall be cleaned in'accordance with SSPC-SP3 then painted with one (1) coat of cemex latex milk consisting of ten (10) parts of Portland Cement (by weight), five (5) parts of water and one (1) part of modified latex emulsion, (V) Equipment enclosures —Where itis-the-usual-practice-of the manufacturer-of special items——-——— of equipment to apply a high standard of protective enamel paintwork to the enclosure in the workshop, this will be acceptable, ‘subject to the approval by SCPC of the materials and colour. Electrical enclosures shall be white matte finish internally. (vi) Qilreservoirs and enclosures All steel surfaces which are in permanent contact with oil shall be given three (3) coats of an approved oil resistant paint. (vii) Repair of paint film Contractor shall provide paint of compatible material and colour to repair any shop paint film which has been damaged during transit. If the base metal has deteriorated due to the damaged protective coat, the affected area and the immediate surrounding area for a distance of 50 mm shall be cleaned and repainted in accordance with the original specification. d. Machined surfaces All machined surfaces, and the prepared edge and a strip 50 mm wide from the prepared edge of plates which are to be welded, shall be coated with one (1) coat of solvent soluble rust preventive conforming to SSPC PS 8.01-64 T Type D. e. Stainless steel surfaces No painting or protection is required for finished or unfinished stainless steel parts. he S127 Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines i Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification —— f. Metallic coating @ Galvanizing Parts to be galvanized shall be properly prepared and galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and A153. Safeguards against possible embrittlement of steel products shall be in accordance 7 with ASTM A143. i (i) Chrome Chromium plating shall conform to ASTM B456 service condition SC3 (severe), plated or unless specified otherwise. $1.18 Lubrication a. General a All bearings and journals and locations where sliding between parts takes —— place shall be provided-with-an-adequate means of lubrication. Adequate seals shall be provided where necessary to prevent the escape of lubricants during normal operation and the entry of foreign matter. “ ‘The equipment shall be handed over to SCPC in running order with all moving parts properly lubricated and fully charge with the recommended lubricant. Contractor shall provide a list of all recommended lubricants for each location and the compatible types of lubricants from the product line of all major supply companies in the Philippines. b, Grease lubrication 7 Unless otherwise specified, all greasing shall be effected by high pressure hand grease gun. - All fittings shall, if possible, be of the same size and Contractor shall supply twenty (20) spare fittings of each size used. u ‘One grease gun for each type of grease and each type of nipple shall be provided for each room or place where there are lubricators. The grease guns shall be mounted on a wall board which shall list all suitable alternative types of grease to be used. Where specified, for ease of access or maintenance, multiple greasing points shall be charged from nipples mounted on a common battery plate with separate extension tubes conveying the lubricant to the corresponding grease point. u The pipes shall be securely clipped in position and provided with all necessary fastenings and fittings to_ aid initial installation and future si L Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification SEE IEEE En EEnEEEEEEE EE EERE nntminainiaeesseecoose ee dismantiing. High pressure flexible hose shall be provided where relative movement can take place between adjoining sections of lubricating pipe. Underwater equipment shall be charged with lithium based grease, for other locations the grease shall be calcium based. ¢. illubrication Gear boxes shall be provided with an oil level sight glass or dipstick, a screw capped filing hole and drain cock. Where pressure oil lubrication of bearings is adopted, a filter and overload facility shall be provided in an accessible position. All openings or joints in the gear box casing shall be provided with gaskets to avoid oil leakage 1.19 Shop Assembly and Dismantling a. Assembly Each operational unit shail be fully assembled as far as practicable in the workshop and measured to ensure that all component parts are properly manufactured and that all design dimensions, tolerance and clearances have been obtained. b. Dismantling Aiter testing all equipment shall be packed and protected for shipment. Large items shall be dismantled into sub-assemblies numbered and marked to facilitate erection at the Site. All sub-assemblies or separate components shall be numbered and match marked to ensure they are erected in the correct relative position. 81.20 Shop Testing a. Mechanical Drives Each mechanical drive shall be tested under no load and overload as appropriate to their function and work, shop facilities, and as specified. b. Hydraulic drives Each hydraulic pressure vessel shall be subjected to 150 percent design pressure before being assembled into the operational unit unless otherwise specified. Operating cylinders shall be operated full stroke in each direction under normal working pressure. Hydraulic power package unit shall be given a simulated operational test to confirm the integrity of the hydraulic circuits. e Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification © Electrical equipment A\ll panels and cubicles shall be subjected to the following factory tests: A complete point to point ringout of all wirings shall be made against the latest wiring diagrams to ensure that these wiring diagrams are an accurate representation of the actual wirings. All meters and instruments shall be checked. It is not the purpose of this test to check calibration or internal connection of the meters or instruments, since it is assumed that these checks have been made during the normal production process. The process of this test is to establish that the connections between the associated incoming terminal blocks and these instruments and meters are correct. For this reason, it is required that three-phase voltage and current shall be applied on the terminal blocks with the proper phase angle relationship to check the proper direction (or rotation) ‘A complete functional test shall be performed. This test requires a complete check of the functional operation of the switchboard, and shall be a check of all the tripping, closing and auxiliary ci 1 ete:-for each-panel-of the-u Each circuit or bus shall be given an individual 1000 V megger test with a minimum permissible reading of 25 Megaohms. A dielectric test shall be made using 2500 V to ground 60 Hz. for one minute (in accordance with ANSI Standard C 37.20, latest revision). ‘A physical inspection of the switchboard as a whole shall be made to ensure that all the components are mechanically sound and that there are no imperfections. Miscellaneous equipment ‘All equipment which comprises several components interconnected to form a closed circuit operational module shall be tested to confirm the adequacy of its design and manufacture. $1.21 Test Certificate and Report a General Contractor shall carry out all tests as specified and shall record all test results in a satisfactory manner. Each test shall be witnessed by the responsible representative of SCPC whenever necessary. Certificates Contractor shall furnish copies as specified of all mill certificates and material test certificates. The test certificates shall be suitably identified with the component parts for which the materials are to be used and shall be Engneering & Development Corporation of tie Pileins 81-30 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification i SE be prepared in such a way that it can easily be determined if the applicable specifications or standards have been complied with. c. Reports Contractor shall compile reports of all tests carried out including shop assembly, dimensional accuracy tests, light, working load and overload tests, functional tests, model tests and commissioning tests. The reports shall be complete with all pertinent data, descriptions of apparatus, and photographs to present clear, concise and factual evidence of the tests. Each report shall be submitted as specified within thirty (30) days of completion of the corresponding test. abe Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines stal

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