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SECTION 3 POWERHOUSE CRANE Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification — SECTION3 POWERHOUSE CRANE $3.1. General a. Scope Contractor shall design, manufacture, shop test, deliver, install and commission one electric powerhouse crane, complete with runway rails and fixing bolts, and travel stops, runway conductors and supporting brackets. Contractor shall include with the supply of the crane all necessary tools and spare parts. b. Type and Description The crane shall be an electrically operated, indoor, overhead traveling bridge crane with a traveling trolley having a main hoist capable of lifting one (1) complete generator and shaft assembly, and a 6.0 ton auxiliary hoist. ‘The general arrangement and the main dimensions of the crane and hook coverage dimensions shall be as shown on the Drawings. $3.2 Operating Conditions a. During Installation The powerhouse roof above the unloading bay will not be placed until after the crane has been erected. Contractor shall be responsible for protection from the weather for all crane equipment during the period of crane erection until the crane has been accepted. b. Normal Operation During normal operation, the crane will operate indoors and will be totally protected from the weather. During the operation of the power station, the crane will stand unused for long period of time. This shall in no way affect the craned operation and the design of the crane and its feed rail shall provide for this condition. The crane will be used to its full capacity during the installation of the power station equipment and afterwards for maintenance, servicing, and ‘major repairs of turbine, generator and other equipment. For the period of installation of the powerhouse equipment, the crane will be operated as specified in $2-2.b. 83.3. Performance Requirements The crane shall be capable of raising, lowering, holding and transporting its tated load without damage to, or excessive deflection of, any crane part. oe 83. ngineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project i The crane shall operate within the following tolerances: @ 1) ii) (wv) ‘$3.4 General Data 0} C) (i (iv) ™ wi $3.5 Design Loads With either hook carrying rated load, with all hoist brakes properly adjusted and under normal operation, it shall be possible to control smoothly the vertical movement to within a distance of 0.75 milimeters for the main hoist and three (3) millimeters for the auxiliary hoist. Motion of the bridge and trolley shall be controllable to within ten (10) millimeters for the bridge and six (6) millimeters for the trolley. With hook carrying rated load and lowering at full speed, the motor speed shall not exceed 105% of the synchronous speed. ‘The craned girders shall be designed so that the vertical deflection caused by the rated load plus all dead loads shall not exceed 1/1000 of the span, Main Hoist Capacity The rated load capacity of the main hoist shall be 40 Tons and can carry as high as 125% of the rated load, such that the complete assembly of the generator rotor and the generator shaft can be lifted. Main hoist full speed to 4.5 mimin. Auxiliary hoist capacity not fess than 5 tons, Auxiliary hoist full speed 4.5 to 6mimin. Trolley travel full speed 18-20mimin. Bridge travel full speed : 25-80mimin. The crane bridge and trolley shall be designed to accommodate the following loading conditions within the allowable stresses (see 1-10): a. Crane Bridge @ i i) ering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Dead load including bridge girders, trolley rails, footwalks, railings, machinery and control cab. Live load comprising main hook rated load plus trolley complete with ropes and blocks. Impact allowance of 25% of the sum of loads in (i) and (ji) above. Technical Specification Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification b. a 83.6 Structural Requirements Trolley () Dead load of complete trolley, ropes, blocks and hooks. (i)__Live load comprising main hook rated load. Gil) impact allowance of 25% of the sum of (i) and (i) above Earthquake The equipment shall be designed for the specified earthquake forces considering both crane and trolley static and unloaded. Design ‘The design of the crane shall conform to CMAA Specification No. 70 Class Al (Stand-by Service). Where requirements of CMMA Standard No. 70 Class Al differ form the requirements of this Specification, the latter shall govern. Bridge girders The bridge shall consist of two (2) stee! plate torsion box girders connected at their ends by tie girders. The box girders shall be proportioned to resist all the specified combinations of forces when operating under testing and service conditions. The tie girders shall be of substantial fabricated steel members which shall transmit the forces from the driving wheels to the trailing wheels without deflection. The top of flange of each end shall be sufficiently wide to serve as a walkway between the bridge box girders. The box girders shall be rigidly connected to the end tie girders by substantial gusset and skew plates with interference bolts to maintain a square and rigid structure under all conditions of acceleration and braking. Wheel Trucks Where it is necessary or desirable to provide paired wheels instead of single wheels, to reduce wheel loads, the wheel pairs shall be mounted in trucks. The trucks shall be constructed of steel sections or plates welded or bolted together to form girders suitable for mounting the wheels. In each ‘compartment of the truck, handholes with removable covers shall be provided to facilitate painting of the interior with a spray-gun. Safety lugs shall be provided on the trucks to prevent the bridge or trolley from dropping more than 25 millimeters in the event of axle breakage. a Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines 533 ey Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification ne The trucks shall be provided with a pinned equalizing connection to the end tie girders to ensure uniform loading of each wheel in a pair. ‘The wheel base shall be not less than one sixth (1/6) of the span and shall be considered the distance between the centers of the outer wheels. . Trolley Frame The trolley frame shall be constructed of stee! sections or plates, welded, bolted or riveted together, or shall be of cast steel construction. All surfaces for the mounting of machinery shall be flat and level and free from burrs and rough edges. Shims shall be fitted under all motors. Rail sweeps shall be provided. Platforms, walkways and stairs ‘A walkway shall be provided around the whole periphery of the bridge structure, complete with hand and toe rails at the outer edge. Access stairs and platforms to facilitate inspection of wheel assemblies, drive assemblies and collector shoes and rails shall also be provided, The top flange of the box girders shall be extended if necessary, to provide at least a 0.75 m clearance between the safety handrail and the trolley or any associated electrical or mechanical equipment. Each end tie girder shall be provided with a 0.75 m wide chequer plate walkway. ‘An access platform shall be provided at the entrance to the operators cab. The platform shall be provided with handrails on its outer sides, those adjacent to the powerhouse wall being in the form of an inward opening barrier or door. ‘An access stairway with intermediate landing shall be provided from the cab access platform to the walkway on the top of the bridge. . Operator's cab The operator's cab of structural steel framing and steel cladding shall be provided suspended at the downstream end of the crane bridge. The cab shall be open type for indoor service and shall be entirely constructed of non-combustible materials. The cab shall not restrict the travel of the load and shall permit the operator a clear view of the load at all times. The cab shall be of ample size to accommodate the operator and control equipment. Good all round visibility and operating convenience shall be provided. All controls within the cab shall be so placed as not to obstruct the visibility from the cab, to be conveniently at hand and to allow the operator ample room for operation. A foot operated electric hom or bell or other suitable audible warning device shall be mounted below the cab floor. S34 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification a ‘The floor wearing surface of the cab shall be of approved “non-skid” material. Running rails Trolley and bridge running rails shall be provided with all necessary clips and holding down bolts. The bridge running rails shall be sized to suit wheel loading and shall be provided in lengths corresponding to the joints in the civil structure. The rail joints shall be staggered such that any upstream rail joint is not coincident with the corresponding downstream rail joint. Bumpers and stops Each end tie girder shall be provided with two (2) hydraulic bumpers mounted on each end of the tie, Truck mounted bumpers will not be permitted. The trolley shall be provided with four (4) hydraulic bumpers mounted to each end of the trolley. The bumpers shall be designed to the requirements of CMMA ‘Specification No. 70 Class Al and shall bear against substantial stops at each end of travel. The stops shall be securely fixed to their respective support structures and shall be designed to absorb 1.2 times the bumper design energy. The girder stops shall be attached by bolts at each end of the runway rails, Mounting of these stops on the powerhouse structure will not be allowed. $3.7 Mechanical Requirements a Bridge travel mechanism The bridge motion shall be effected by a drive wheel or wheels mounted in one (1) end truck of each tie girder or end truck driven via final drive spur gears and an intermediate spur or worm reduction gear box by an electric reversible motor. A torque shaft shall be provided to ensure that corresponding drive trains attain equal speed during acceleration, running and braking to prevent any skewing of the structure. Trolley travel mechanism ‘The trolley motion shall be effected by a drive wheel or wheels mounted on each side of the trolley. The travel mechanism shall conform generally to the requirements for bridge travel. he's s Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification a cc, Main Hoist The main hoist mechanism mounted on the trolley shall consist of a stee! drum driven through a train of spur gears in an enclosed gear case by a reversible electric motor. The drum shall be accurately machined with right and left hand grooves and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate all the hoisting rope in one layer with a minimum of three (3) dead turns and one (1) empty tum. Pitch diameter of the drum shall be in accordance with CMAA Specification No. 70 Class Al. Fleet angle of the rope of the drum shall not exceed 1 in 12 either side of the helix angle of the drum. The pitch of the grooves shall be not less than 1.2 times the diameter of the rope and in no case shall the clearance between adjacent turns be less than 1.5 millimeters. The groove depth shall not be less than 3/8 times the diameter of the rope. ‘A metal plate giving full particulars of the hoisting rope shall be affixed to the drum, The design of the hoist shall be such that the loads will hang mid-way between the girders at all times and the load on the main hook will be ——————dlstributed approximately equal to the trolley wheels~Seif re-setting limit switches shall be provided to prevent over-travel of the hoist blocks in the “raise” direction. d. Auxiliary hoist ‘The auxiliary hoist mechanism shall be of similar design to the main hoist, the drum and gearing being reduced in proportion to the loads on the main and auxiliary hooks. e. Brakes The crane shall be fitted with efficient brakes provided with simple and easily accessible means of adjust ment. Under service conditions brakes applied by hand shall not require a force greater than 10 kilogram-force to operate them. Springs for electro-magnetic brakes shall be of the compression type. (On the main and auxiliary hoists, each hoist drive shall have two (2) separate means of braking as follows: (Two (2) automatic spring set solenoid operated shoe type brakes shall be provided, to be applied directly to an extension of the hoist motor pinion shaff, to hold the load when the power supply is cut off or fails. The torque capacity of each brake shall be not less than 150% of the rated full load torque on the motor shaft. (i) An automatic "Eddy Current’ load brake shall be provided to control the load during lowering (i) A pendant operated hydraulic brake or an electro-magnetic brake with provision to prevent grabbing, shall be provided for the bridge travel. S36 a Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Piant Project Technical Specification ee (iv) An electro-magnetic brake with provision to prevent grabbing shall be provided on the trolley. f. Wheels, axles, bearings, hooks, blocks and sheaves All wheels shall be of forged or rolled steel. They shall be double flanged with the threads and flanges machined to size and the flanges tapered and radiused to prevent derailment. The driving wheels on the end trucks shall have spur gears attached to them to receive motion from the pinions ‘on the end of the shaft. All wheel axles shall be of forged steel. Bridge and trolley wheel bearings shall be of the anti-fiction spherical or tapered roller type. For the bridge wheels, one bearing on each wheel axle shall be of the fixed double thrust type and the other bearing shall allow for expansion or fioat of the axle. Wheel bearing assemblies shall be designed to permit the wheels to be readily withdrawn. Anti-fiction bearings shall be used throughout the crane, ———Ther main hoist-shaibe fitted with a-heavy-forged-and-normalized rams —————— horn swivel hook, ‘The hook shall be bored to take a pin to connect it to the turbine and generator component lifting devices, and it shall be mounted on an enclosed thrust bearing. The auxiliary hook block crossheads shall be made of forged and normalized steel and shall be provided with trunnions to permit the hooks to swing in the vertical plane. The clevis shall be forged from low carbon steel and shall be normalized and drawn after forging. It shall be fitted with a ball or roller thrust bearing. Hook block cheek plates shall be provided between each sheave and the outside face of each outer sheave. The cheek plates shall be secured by bolts running through pipe sleeves to give the assembly rigidity and maintain the proper spacing between plates. The hook blocks shall be entirely enclosed except for the rope openings. The ropes of the main hoist shall lead off the drum to the inner sheaves of the block which shall be of larger diameter than the remaining sheaves to offset the effects of sheave friction. The fleet angle of the rope shall not exceed 1 in 12, Pitch diameter for running and equalizer sheaves shall be in accordance with CMAA Specification No. 70 Class Al. Provision shall be made to prevent the rope from leaving the sheaves when the block is lowered to the floor. Rope grooves shall be machined in the sheaves which shall be fitted with bronze bushings, or better, turning on fixed forged steel pins. The pins shall be secured to prevent rotation. The sheave bearings shall be provided with adequate means of lubrication by a pressure grease system. Accessible grease fittings shall be provided for lubricating the bearing at all sheaves. The foregoing provisions for sheaves shall apply S37 & Bngineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification See h equally to the equalizer sheaves of the hoists and the sheaves of the hook block. ‘An equalizer sheave or bar shall be provided and mounted so as to be accessible from the floor of the trolley. The mounting arrangement shall bbe such that the sheave or bar can vary its position according to the pull on the bar. Gearing All gears shall be machine cut by hobbing from solid blanks, and wherever possible they shall be a force fit on their shafts. The minimum requirements for material are as follows: (Wheels Cast, rolled or forged stee! Pinions Rolled or forged stee!3 ) Worm wheels Steel with bronze rims or bronze (iv) Worms Rolled or forged stee! Where worm gearing is used as a first motion drive, it shall, under test, have the same load and time rating as the driving motor, and the ‘temperature rise-of the oi bath, when measured by thermometer, shall not exceed 50° Celsius. Al gear wheels and pinions shall be completely encased in steel or other metal guards, unless effectively guarded by the adjacent crane structure. Keys in gear trains shall be so fitted and secured that they cannot work loose. Gear cases shall be fabricated or cast steel or cast iron and shall be so designed that the gears they house will be automatically lubricated, and the cases reasonably free from oil leakage. They shall be fitted with inspection covers of ample proportions and shall have facilities for oil filling and draining and an acceptable means of indicating clearly the maximum and minimum oil levels. Gear cases shall be designed with a horizontal join through the centerline of the bearings. The bearing themselves shall be of bronze or better. Bearings Self-lubricated bronze bushings shall be ‘Lubrite” or proven equivalent and shall be oil less and self-lubricating. Bronze bushed bearings may be used for all low speed shafts. High speed ball roller bearings shall be used for all other locations. Bearings shall be proportioned so that the length does not exceed 1-1/2 times the diameter and bearing unit stress does not exceed 70kp/cm? on projected area. S3-8 5 Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification NN PAE AE Shafting All other shafts greater than 100mm in diameter shall be tumed from forged or rolled steel; shafts 100mm in diameter or less may be turned from cold rolled steel. Keys and keyways Keys and keyways shall be designed in accordance with ANSI standard BI7.1. : Where taper keys are used, they shall be provided with a gib head, or other suitable provision shall be made to facilitate withdrawal. ~ Feather keys shall be secured in position by means of countersunk screws through the key. kK. Couplings Flexible couplings of the rubber bused type shall be used to connect adjacent drive shafts. Where a shaft is braked, e.g. first motion shaft, the ‘output half coupling shall be integral with the brake drum. 1. Dowel Gear boxes and bearings which are accurately aligned during assembly shall be retained in position by means of fitted dowels during assembly. m. Hoisting Ropes The hoisting ropes shall be flexible, improved plough steel! wire type with fiber core and internal lubricant, 6x37 construction. The factor of safety of the hoisting ropes shall not be less than five (6). The required breaking strength of the rope shall be specified in the Contractor's order to the rope manufacturer. HH The rope systems shall be equalized and arrangements entailing reverse bends shall be avoided, whenever possible. n, Lubrication Further to the requirements specified in $1-18, all bearings shall be ~ efficiency lubricated either by means of a high pressure grease system. Oil reservoirs shall be fitted with filler caps, visible external oll level gauges and drain cocks. The grease lubrication system shall include two hand-operated grease guns. Inaccessible parts requiring lubrication shall be piped to a location on the walkway for convenient servicing. Where applicable ball and roller bearings shall be packed with grease during the initial assembly. ©. Qildrip pans ~ il or grease drip pans shall be provided on the crane where necessary to prevent dripping on the floor belo Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines u Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project ‘Technical Specification rn $3.8 Electrical Apparatus a. General All electrical equipment associated with the powerhouse crane including motors, push buttons, switches, control panels, starters, control i. transformers, relays, lighting, wiring conduit or armoured cable and main runway conductors shall be provided and installed by Contractor. Supply and installation of cables and accessories from the power source point up = to the main runway conductors will be carried out under another Contract. The connection of the cable to the main runway conductors shall be part of this Contract. The crane shall be suitable for operation on a 480 V, 3- u phase, 3-wire, 60 Hertz system. b. Hoist and travel motors All motors shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, wound rotor, induction, 30 minute rated, NEMA Class B insulated and shall be capable of 75° temperature rise above maximum ambient of 40° Celcius. reat ———Lifting eyes shaltbeprovided on-motors-weighing more than 50 kp. te c. Hoist and travel brakes Main hoist, auxiliary hoist and trolley travel brakes shall be spring set. The ~ electrical operating paris shall consist of ac or do (with suitable rectifier) solenoids which shall release the brake on energization. Interruption or failure of the electrical supply shall apply all brakes immediately. The bridge travel brake shall be of mechanical or hydraulic design, operated from the pendant. For floor operation by the pendant, an electric solenoid operated brake with continuous rated coil shall be used or an electric operating device shall be added to the hydraulic brake. Main and auxiliary hoist brakes shall have 60 minutes rated coils. Trolley and bridge travel brakes shall have 30 minutes rated coils. d. Limit switches - All limit switches shall have a minimum contact rating of § Amperes at 240 Volts ac, and the following shall be provided: L () Shunt “control circuit” type limit switch (of gear or cam design) for “up and down limits” of the hook block. ‘One (1) each for main and auxiliary hoist motions, (i) Series *Power Circuit’ type limit switch (operated by the hook block) for “Emergency up-limit” to prevent over- hoisting. (ii) Snap action track type limit switches with maintained contacts shall be provided to operate at the extremities of the travel ~ motions. “i. Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines e Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification ER RR I ‘Two (2) each for bridge and trolley travel motions. e. Main disconnect and start off (One (1) three pole enclosed circuit breaker or fusible disconnect, lockable in the ‘Off Position", shall be mounted at the crane ‘operator's entrance on the crane bridge. (i) One (1) “on-off” surface mounted push-button station equipped with a red pilot light indicating "Main Line Contactor Closed-Power - On* shall be installed in the pendant control. f. Main Runway (down shop) and Bridge Across Conductors and Trolley u Collectors Insul-8-Bar or equivalent, enclosed in rigid PVC cover with a minimum rating of 90 Amperes minimum rated spring loaded collectors shall be provided. g. Wiring Al electrical equipment shall be-mounted-or-thevcrane: All conduit-runs—————— shall be installed and wires pulled or armoured cable installed and tagged - before shipment so that only final connections are required at the Site. All power and control wirings (except the cab tire cable for the Pendant - pushbutton station) shall be installed in conduit or shall be armoured cable in accordance with the applicable standards specified. u Cable sizes shall be suitable for the current to be carried but not be less than 3.0mm? for power and 2.0mm? for control. h. Information plates All starters, disconnect switches, circuit breakers, panels, pushbutton controls, relays and instruments shall have nameplates, indicating the equipment characteristics and identification or function number, as specified in $1-7. 7 The hoisting capacity of the main hook and the auxiliary hook shall be indicated on a rating plate fastened to the bridge. The plate shall show the hoisting capacities in metric tons, clearly visible and legible from the u generator room floor. The inscription, size and location of the plate shall be shown on the Drawings and shall be subject to approval of SCPC. $3.9 Controls a, General Al contro! panels shall be mounted in a suitable location on the crane bridge and be completely wired with terminal blocks for the contro! wiring. & ‘A pendant station which shall provide for contro! from the generator floor elevation or above shall be part of the operating mechanism. A “deadman" Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philipines “ Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, Technical Specification switch shall be provided to cut off power in an emergency situation for pendant control, b. Crane protective pane! Crane protective panel shall include the following components: 7 (@) One (1) three-pole main line contactor and disconnect. (i) One (1) single-phase control circuit transformer, 120 Volts, 60 ~ Hertz, or sufficient capacity for all magnetic control (main hoist, auxillary hoist, bridge and trolley travel) on the crane if required. (ii) Three-phase overload relays for each motor. (v) Control Circuit fusing. ¢. Main and auxiliary hoist controllers Main and auxiliary hoist controllers shall be reversing type suitable for the hoist motion with mechanical load brake design or reversing type suitable for the hoist motiorr with electrical oad brake (Eddy Current type) desig i ‘The main hoist controller shall also include the following components: () One (1) reversing primary contactor (i) Four (4) secondary contactors (minimum) Gs (ii) Three (3) timing relays (iv) Transformer-rectifier set and all required relays and resistors for the de supply and excitation of the Eddy Current Brake (required for Eddy Current type design only) 4. Bridge and trolley travel controllers Bridge and trolley travel controllers shall be of the reversing-plugging design and include the following components: (i) One (1) reversing primary contactor (i) Three (3) secondary contactors (minimum) v (ii) One (1) plugging relay (iv) Two timing relay = e. Resistor Resistors shall be of non-breakable “Edgewound or punched” design of NEMA Class 150 for main and auxiliary hoist motions with mechanical load brake design and for bridge and trolley travel motions. S312 “ oe Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project | Spectication f. Master switches for pendant operation The crane motions shall be controlled by switches of vertical type lever handle design pointing in the actual direction of the performed motion when operated. The handles shall be spring loaded to return to OFF when pressure Is released. (Main hoist = five (5) minimum (i) Auxiliary hoist five (6) minimum (il) Bridge travel - four (4) plus drift point (minimum) (iv) Trolley travel - three (3) (minimum) ‘The master switches shall be labeled as follows: () Main hoist - —_raise-lower (i) Auxiliary hoist- —_raise-lower (il) Bridge travel - north-south (iv) Trolley travel - east-west ¢. Pendant pushbutton station for floor operating — Pendant-shall-be~movable~ across~the~bridge~and~ interlocked” with the — master switches in the following manner. () For Cab Operation Pendant shall be lifted up into cab and stored in suitable position If pendant is not in stored position, master switches shall be electrically locked out, and crane control shall only be possible from the pendant. $3.10 Shop assembly and testing a. General The crane shall be completely assembled in the shop. All motors, controls, and machinery shall be connected, and all machinery on the crane shall be operated under its own power at rated voltage. Before disassembling, the shop assembly shall be approved by SCPC and connecting parts shall be match-marked to facilitate field erection. Contractor shall carry out all necessary tests to prove that the equipment is supplied in accordance with the appropriate standards and that it will function in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications, b, Mechanical Field Tests @) Overload Tests Each hoist shall be tested separately in an overload condition as follows: 3.13 ae Engineering & Development Corporation ofthe Philippines Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification SE ci) (i) P Enginering& Development Corporation ofthe Philppines The hoist shall raise, lower and hold in any position at test load of 425% its rated capacity. Second hoisting position shall raise this load, and it shall not lower in the first hoisting position. The trolley and bridge shall be moved in both directions for the full length of their travel. During these tests, the specified speeds need not be attained, but the crane shall show itself capable of dealing with the overload without difficulty. The crane girders vertical deflection caused by the above loading shall not exceed 1/700 of the span. Hoisting Tests With rated loads on each of the hooks, the following tests shall be made: (1) “Inch” the load in the hoisting and lowering position Determine and record the vertical movement of the hook for each direction It shall be possible to limit the movement of the main hook in either the hoisting or lowering direction when starting from a complete stand-still to 0.75 millimeter and to limit the movement of the auniliary hook in either hoisting or lowering direction when starting from a complete standstill to 3 millimeters. = (2) Determine and record the hook speed for each point of the controller which will move the load both in the hoisting and lowering directions. Speed control shall meet the requirements of the Specification. (3) The hoists shall be operated for 1 minute at the slowest speed step to demonstrate that the equipment has been designed for the duty required. During this test, the permissible temperature rise of eddy currents brakes or ‘other speed controlling equipment shall be exceeded while lowering. With no load on the hooks determine and record the hook speeds for each point of the controller which will move the hooks both in the hoisting and lowering directions. With no loads on the hooks, hoisting and lowering speeds shall be in accordance with the Specifications, Trolley and Crane Travel Test The following tests will be conducted separately with rated loads on the hooks: (1) “Inch® the trolley in each direction of travel and determine and record the distance the trolley travels in each direction. When starting from standstill it shall be possible to limit the movement of the trolley to 7 millimeters. (2) Determine and record the trolley speed for each point of the controller which will move the trolley. The test is to be conducted for both directions of travel. Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification rE The first controller point shail release the trolley brake, and the second controlier point shall move the trolley at not more than 50% of the designed maximum trolley speed. Successive points shall increase the speed by approximately equal increments to the full-rated speed on the last point. Tests will be conducted for both directions of travel. (3) “inch” the bridge on each direction of travel and determine and record the distance the bridge moves in each direction. When starting from standstil it shall be possible fo limit the movement of the bridge to 10 mm. (4) Determine and record the speed for each point of the controller which will move the bridge. This test is to be conducted for both directions of travel The first controller point shall move the bridge at a speed of not more than 50% of the designed maximum bridge speed. Successive points shall increase the speed by - approximately equal increments to the full-rated speed on the last point. With no load on the hooks determine and record the trolley and crane bridge speeds in both directions for each point of the controller which will move the trolleys and bridge. With no loads on the hooks, traveling speeds shall be in accordance with the specification. ¢. Electrical Tests The tests which are in addition to motor and load tests, shall include, but not necessary be limited to, the following: () Routine motor tests as specified in the appropriate standards. (il) Torque setting and load tests on all brakes. (ii) Insulation and continuity tests of the complete installation. (iv) Functional tests of all equipment to prove the proper sequence and limit switch and interlock operations. $3.14 Slings Contractor shall furnish and deliver suitable long wire rope slings in pairs, having a safety factor of not less than six(6) when lifting the specified load in pairs with the angle formed at the hook not exceeding 90 degrees. As minimum, one (1) pair of slings for each of the following loads, 2 tons, 10 tons and 30 tons shall be provided, but the turbine, generator and transformer manufacturers will specify if other sizes that those listed are required, and the crane manufacturer shall also provide these. The length of each sling provided is subject to approval by SCPC. & Engineering Developmen Corporation of he hips Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification a Each sling shall have a ring at one end and a ring or hard eye at the other with matching shackle for the hard eye. Sling rings are to be suitably proportioned to fit on the crane hook ‘A wall chart shall be provided showing the maximum safe lift of the slings individually and in pairs at various angles. Each sling and shackle shall have a fixed labs! on which is stamped the maximum safe lift as one (1) of a pair used at 90 degrees spread. A storage rack for slings, specified above, suitable for wall mounting shall be also provided by Contractor. $3.12 Spare Parts The following spare parts shall be included in the powerhouse crane supply. () One (1) set of each of main and auxiliary hoist ropes. (i) One (1) complete set of gear case gaskets for each gear case provided. (ii) Two (2) complete sets of bearings of each type and size. (v)~ ~ Two (2) brake solenoids and two (2) sets of brakeshoes for each brake. (¥) One (1) complete set of moving and fixed contacts for all switches, contactors and relays, and current collectors for Insul-8 bar. (vi) One (1) control switch mechanism of each type provided. (vil) Four (4) limit switch assemblies of each type. (vill) Two (2) complete sets of all indicating lamps and fuses. (ix) Two (2) coils of each type. (x) Two (2) complete sets of collector shoes and springs for crane power supply systems. (xi) Three (3) lengths of each type of Insul-8 BAR power supply conductors and electro feed duct but not less than ten (10) meters overall length of each type. Contractor shall also provide additional spare parts recommended by him, listed in Schedule F and approved by SCPC. 83.13 Materials and Workmanship a, General This paragraph specifies requirements for materials and workmanship additional fo those specified in section S1 and specifically pertaining to the powerhouse crane. b. Material Specifications Except where otherwise specified, material shall conform to the latest editions of the following standard specifications. $3-16 ae Engineering & Development Corporation of the Philippines o Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project Technical Specification RR Materials Standard Corrosion Resisting Stee! Plates and ASTM A-167 Strips Carbon Forged Steel ASTM A-181, Grade | and Grade II oH Heat and Corrosion Resisting Stee! ASTM A-276, Type 316 and Bars Type 304 Fasteners ASTM A-307 ~ High Tensile Bolts Washers and Nuts ASTM A325 Flat Rolled Electrical Steel ASTM A-345 High Strength Alloy Stee! ASTM A-441 u Wheels ASTM A-504 Class E Screws, Shafting, Pinions ASTM A-576, Grade 1040 Cast Bronze Bearing and Expansion ASTM 8-22, Alloy E. Lubricate u Plates including Self Lubricating Alloy 424 or Roller Bearing of Plates Approved Design Seamless Brass Pipes ASTM B-43, Copper Alloy 230 Bronze Bushing and Sleeves ASTM B-66 Bronze Copper Pipes ASTM B-88, Type X Rolled Bronze Bearing and Expansion ASTM B-100, Alloy 4 u Plates Nickel-Copper Alloy Plates ASTM B-127 Bronze (for Bearing) ASTM B-144, Ally 3A and Alloy 38 c. Connections, ns ‘Al connections shall be made by means of bolts or welding. All connections shall be designed in such a manner that all forces are taken by one of the selected types of connection: bolt or welds. Sharing of u specific load between two types of connections will not be permitted. When bearing type bolts are used, they shall be so prepared that only the unthreaded portion of the bolt shall bear on the reamed holes in the materials supporting it. For bearing-type bolts, washers minimum five (6) millimeters thick shall be provided under the nut. For all sloping surfaces bevelled washers shall be provided. ies For high strength tensile bolt connections locknuts and washers shall be provided, Through bolts shall be used whenever possible in preference to machine screws and studs. Bronze or stainless steel bolts and nuts shall + be used in all cases where component parts are subject to frequent adjustment or removal, such as stuffing box adjustment bolts, adjustable bearings, etc. All welds on stress carrying members shall be made in the Contractor's shop. Welded Components subject to vibration and fatigue shall be fabricated with full penetration welds. Welding connections shall comply to the types specified and shall be examined in accordance with $1-14. so7 L ie Engen Development Corporation othe Pilpine Cantakoy Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, Technical Specification 4. Plate and structural steel work Fabrication shall be carried out in accordance with the best modem practices, true to line and free from warp or twist. Sheared edges of all stress carrying plates over fifteen (15) millimeters thick shall be planed at least three (3) milimeters. Re-entrant cuts shall be fileted by means of drilled holes before being cut-off. All edges of plates to be welded shall have the edges prepared by machine method suitable for the type of weld to be used. The trolley frame, welded hook block frames, and welded hoist drums shall be stress relieved after welding and before machining. Stress relieving shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section Vill of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code unless otherwise approved in writing by SCPC. Plates, bars, angles, and where practicable, other rolled sections used in the principal structural members of the crane shall not be less than five (5) millimeters thick, S318

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