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SQL Server Versions in Distribution, Parallelism and Big Data

Article  in  International Journal of Computer Applications · August 2016

DOI: 10.5120/ijca2016911215


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Rahmat Zolfaghari
Islamic Azad University , Iran, Alborz


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

SQL Server Versions in Distribution, Parallelism and Big

Rahmat Zolfaghari
Islamic Azad University,
Hashtgerd Branch,
Department of Computer Engineering,
Tehran, Iran

ABSTRACT 1988 Microsoft joined Ashton-Tate and Sybase to create a

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management variant of Sybase SQL Server for IBM OS/2 (then developed
system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a jointly with Microsoft), which was released the following
software product with the primary function of storing and year(2000 -2016). According the role of Distribution,
retrieving data as requested by other software applications Parallelism and Big Data in Microsoft SQL Server
which may run either on the same computer or on another specifically reviewed.
computer across a network (including the Internet). Microsoft
markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL
Server, aimed at different audiences and for workloads Distribution, Parallelism, Big Data, SQL Server
ranging from small single-machine applications to large
Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. In
Table 1. SQL Server release history [2]
Version Year Release name Code name Internal version
8.0 2000 SQL Server 2000 Shiloh 539
8.0 2003 SQL Server 2000 64-bit Edition Liberty 539
9.0 2005 SQL Server 2005 Yukon 611/612
10.0 2008 SQL Server 2008 Katmai 661
10.25 2010 Azure SQL DB Cloud Database or Cloud DB -
10.50 2010 SQL Server 2008 R2 Kilimanjaro (aka KJ) 665
11.0 2012 SQL Server 2012 Denali 706
12.0 2014 SQL Server 2014 SQL14 782
13.0 2016 SQL Server 2016 - 852
Old version
Older version, still supported
Latest version
Latest preview version

Table 2. SQL Server Basic Features[3]

Database Engine, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Replication, Reporting Services, Notification Services, Service
Broker, Full-Text Search, Master Data Services, SharePoint Integration, Data Quality Services, R Services.

Table 3. SQL Server Versions Features[4]

Version Features

SQL Server 2000  Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, SQL Profiler, Service Manager, Data
Transformation Services (DTS), XML and HTTP Support, Book Online

SQL Server 2005 Relation Database, Replication Services, Analysis Services, Reporting
Services ,Management Tools ,Development Tools, SSIS, Business
Intelligence, new method for database programing

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

SQL Server 2008 Support for Up to 256 Processor Cores, Power Pivot and Self-Service BI, Multi
server Management, Master Data Services, Stream Insight, Report Builder 3.0,
.NET Framework Support, Hyper-Threading Support, Snap shot and Mirror
Support for Database
SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services, Multidimensional Data, Analysis Services, Data Mining,
Integration Services, Master Data Services, Replication, Reporting Services,
SharePoint Integration, Service Broker
Always On Availability Groups, Windows Server Core Support, Column store
Indexes, User-Defined Server Roles, Enhanced Auditing Features, BI Semantic
SQL Server 2012 Model, Sequence Objects, Enhanced PowerShell Support, Distributed Replay,
Power View, SQL Azure Enhancements, Big Data Support.

New In-memory OLTP Engine, Enhanced Windows Server 2012 Integration,

Enhanced to Always on Availability Groups, Enhancements to Backups,
SQL Server 2014 Updateable Column store Indexes, SQL Server Data Tools for Business
Intelligence (BI), Power BI For Office 365 Integration

SQL Server 2016 Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, JSON Support, Multiple Temp OB
Database Files, Poly Base, R comes to SQL Server, Query Store, Row Level
Security, Stretch Database, Temporal Table


Table 4. Difference between SQL server 2000 and 2005
SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005

1.Quary Analyser and Enterprise manager are separate A. Both are combined as SSMS

2.No XML data type is introduced B. XML data type is introduced

3.We can create maximum of 65,535 database C. We can create 2(pow(20)) -1 database

4. Exception Handling is not here D. Exception Handling is there

5. can,t compress the tables and indexes E. can compress the tables and indexes

6. Determine data type is used for both date and time F. Determine is used for both date and time

7.No var char(max) or var binary(max) is available G. var char(max) or var binary(max) is available

8. No SSIS is included H. SSIS is started using

9. PIVOT and UNPIVOT functions are not used I. PIVOT and UNPIVOT functions are used

10.Cant bulk copy update J. Cant copy update

11. can,t Encrypt the Database K. can Encrypt the Database

Table 5. Difference between Sql server 2005 and 2008

SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008

1.We can,t able to Encrypt the entric Database A. We able to Encrypt the entric Database

2.Does n,t provide Backup Encryption B. Introduced Backup Encryption

3.XML Datatype is introduced C. XML Datatype is implemented and used

4. FILESTREAM is not there D.FILESTREAM is introduced

5. LINQ is not there E. LINQ is introduced for retrieving multiple type of data

6. Table valued parameters is not there in sql 2005 F. Table valued parameters is introduced in sql 2005

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

7.No varchar(max) orvarbinary(max) is available G. varchar(max) orvarbinary(max) is available

8. Data synchronization isn,t introduced H. 8. Data synchronization introduced

Table 6. Difference between Sql server 2008 and 2008R2

SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008R2

1.It support maximum of 64 logical process A. It support maximum of 256 logical process

2.MDS part of BI is not included in SQL Server 2008 B. MDS part of BI is included in SQL Server 2008R2

3.Poverpivot in BI isn,t implemented in SQL Server C. Poverpivot in BI is implemented in in SQL Server


4. Introduced geospatial data types with few common features in D. Additional feature added geospatial data types in
ssrs2008 ssrs2008 ,including mapping, routing and custom shaps

Table 7. Difference between Sql server 2008 and 20 12

SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2012

1.Code name A. Code name Denali

2.Query page splitting is not there in sql2008 B. Query page splitting is implemented in sql2012

3. It can support only 1000 partitions C. It can support upto 1500 partitions

4. String function concate and format are not available sql2008 D. String function concate and format are available sql2012

5. Analysis service dosen,t have BISM sql2008 E. Analysis service include BISM sql2012

6. Order by clause doesn,t have OFFSET/FETCH options F. Order by clause with OFFSET/FETCH options

a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to

3. DISTRIBUTION ,PARALLELISM more confident decision making, and better decisions can
AND BIG DATA IN SQL SERVER result in greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and
reduced risk[8].
According the role of Distribution , Parallelism and Big A distributed database is a database in which storage devices
Data in Microsoft SQL Server specifically reviewed[6]. are not all attached to a common processing unit such as the
CPU, and which is controlled by a distributed database
Parallelism is a feature in SQL Server which allows expensive management system. It may be stored in multiple computers,
queries to utilize more threads in order to complete quicker. located
The query optimizer makes the determination of how
expensive a query is based upon the Cost Threshold for in the same physical location; or may be dispersed over a
Parallelism setting set at the SQL Server Instance level. This network of interconnected computers. Unlike parallel systems,
cost threshold for parallelism is an estimate (roughly defined in which the processors are tightly coupled and constitute a
in seconds) that the query optimizer has determined a single database system, a distributed database system consists
statement will take based on an estimated (or cached) of loosely coupled sites that share no physical components.
execution plan. Generally the queries that qualify for The Distributor is a server that contains the distribution
parallelism are high IO queries. In a normal process, a source database, which stores metadata and history data for all types
is read using a single SPID (Server Process ID) and it output of replication and transactions for transactional replication. To
using the same SPID. In parallelism, multiple SPIDs are used set up replication, you must configure a Distributor. Each
to read a source (this is known as distributing streams), then Publisher can be assigned to only a single Distributor
an operation may be performed in the streams, then the instance, but multiple publishers can share a Distributor. The
streams are gathered[7]. Distributor uses these additional resources on the server where
it is located.
Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex
that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.
Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search,
sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying, updating
and information privacy. The term often refers simply to the
use of predictive analytics or certain other advanced data
analytics methods that extract value from data, and seldom to

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

4.1 The following tables to determine which
features are supported by the different
editions of SQL Server 2000
Table 8. SQL Server 2000 Database Engine Features
Database Enterprise Standard Personal Developer Desktop SQLServer Enterprise
Engine Edition Edition Edition Edition Engine CE Evaluati
Feature (MSDE on Edition
Parallel Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Parallel Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported
Distributed Supported N/A N/A Supported N/A N/A Supported

4.2 The following tables to determine which • DE = SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition
features are supported by the different • SE = SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition
editions of SQL Server 2005. • WG = SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition
The following abbreviations represent SQL Server
• SSE = SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
2005 editions
• SSEA = SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with
• EE = SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
Advanced Services
Table 9. SQL Server 2005 Database Engine Features
DatabaseEngine Features, EE(32bit) SE(32bit) WG SSE SSEA
Enhancements EE(64bit) SE (64bit) (32bit) (32bit) (32bit)
Transact-SQL Enhancements, Distributed
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manageability Features, Parallel Service
Yes No No No No
Database Maintenance Features, Parallel
Yes No No No No
Index Operations
Scalability and Performance Features,
Yes No No No No
Parallel DBCC
Scalability and Performance Features,
Updateable Distributed Partitioned Yes No No No No

Table 10. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Features

Analysis Services Features, EE(32bit) SE WG SSE SE
Enhancements EE(64bit) (32bit) (32bit) (32bit) (64bit)
DE(32bit) SSEA
DE(64bit) (32bit)
Scalability and Performance Features,
Auto Parallel Partition Processing Yes No No No No
Scalability and Performance Features,
Distributed Partitioned Cubes Yes No No No No
Data Mining Features , Parallelism for Yes No No No No

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

model processing
Data Mining Features , Parallelism for
Yes No No No No
model prediction
Table 11. SQL Server 2005 Notification Services Features
Notification Services Features, EE(32bit) SE WG SSE SE
Enhancements EE(64bit) (32bit)
DE(32bit) (32bit) SSEA (64bit)
DE(64bit) (32bit)

Scalability Features, Parallelism and

Multicast and Distributed deployment Yes No No No No
4.3 The following tables to determine which
features are supported by the different
editions of SQL Server 2008.
Table 12. Scalability

Feature Name Enterprise Standard Workgroup Web Express Express Tools Express Advanced
Partition able Yes
parallelism Yes

Table 13. Manageability

Feature Name Enterprise Standard Workgroup Web Express Express Tools Express Advanced
Partial. Partial. Partial. Partial. Partial. Distributed
Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed Partitioned Views
Distributed Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned are not updatable
partitioned Yes Views are not Views are not Views are not Views are not
views updatable updatable updatable updatable

Parallel index
Parallel database
backup Yes
checksum check
Table 14. Data Warehouse Scale and Performance

Web Express Express

Feature Name Enterprise Standard Workgroup
Express Tools Advanced
Auto parallel partition Yes
Distributed partitioned Yes
Table 15. Data Mining

Web Express Express

Feature Name Enterprise Standard Workgroup
Express Tools Advanced
Parallel model processing Yes

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

4.4 The following tables to determine which

features are supported by the different
editions of SQL Server 2008 R2.
Table 16. Scalability and Performance

Express with
Feature Name Datacenter Standard Workgroup Advanced Express
with Tools
Parallel index operations Yes Yes
Parallel consistency checks
Yes Yes
Partial. Partial. Partial. Partial.
Distributed Distributed Distributed Distributed
Distributed Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned Views
Yes Yes Views are not Views are not Views are are not updatable
updatable updatable not
Table 17. Data Warehouse

Express with
Feature Name Datacenter Standard Workgroup Advanced Express
with Tools
Parallel query processing
on partitioned tables and Yes Yes
Distributed partitioned
Yes Yes
Table 18 . Analysis Services - Advanced Analytic Functions

Express with
Feature Name Datacenter Standard Workgroup Advanced Express
with Tools
Partitioned cubes and
distributed partitioned Yes Yes
Table 19. Data Mining

Express with
Feature Name Datacenter Standard Workgroup Advanced Express
with Tools

Parallel model processing Yes Yes

4.5 This topic provides details of

features supported by the different
editions of SQL Server 2012.
Table 20. Scalability and Performance

Express with
Business Standard Express
Feature Name Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence web with Tools

Partition Table Parallelism Yes

Table 21. Management Tools

Express with
Business Standard Express
Feature Name Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence web with Tools

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

Distributed Replay Admin

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distributed Replay Client Yes No Yes Yes
Distributed Replay
Yes No Yes Yes

Table 22. RDBMS Manageability

Express with
Business Standard Express
Feature Name Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence web with Tools
Partial. Partial.
Partial. Partial. Partial.
Distributed Distributed
Distributed Distributed Distributed
Distributed partitioned Partitioned Partitioned
Yes Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned
views Views are Views are
Views are not Views are not Views are not
not not
updatable updatable updatable
updatable updatable
Parallel indexed operations Yes
Parallel consistency check Yes

Table 23. Data Warehouse

Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Parallel query
processing on
partitioned tables
and indices
Table 24. Data Mining

Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Parallel Model
Yes Yes

4.6 This topic provides details of

features supported by the different
editions of SQL Server 2014
Table 25. Scalability and Performance
Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Partition Table
Table 26. Management Tools
Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Distributed Replay
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Admin Tool
Distributed Replay
Yes No Yes Yes
Distributed Replay
Yes No Yes Yes

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 148 – No.14, August 2016

Table 27. RDBMS Manageability

Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Partial. Partial.
Distributed Distributed
Partial. Partial. Partial.
Partitioned Partitioned
Distributed Distributed Distributed
Distributed Views are not Views are not
Yes Partitioned Partitioned Partitioned
partitioned views updatable updatable
Views are not Views are not Views are not
updatable updatable updatable

Parallel indexed
Parallel consistency
Table 28. Data Warehouse
Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Parallel query
processing on
partitioned tables
and indices

Table 29. Data Mining

Express with
Business Express with
Feature Name Standard web Workgroup Advanced Express
Intelligence Tools
Parallel Model
Yes Yes

According the role of Distribution Parallelism and Big Data features-worth-exploring-in-sql-server-2016.html
in information technology world , Given the role it is worth [3]
More studying. Parallelism is a feature in SQL Server which us/library/mt590198(v=sql.1).aspx
allows expensive queries to utilize more threads in order to
complete quicker. Big data is a term for data sets that are so [4] Laden Sie die Testversion herunter: Microsoft SQL
large or complex that traditional data processing applications Server 2014" (in German). Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-
are inadequate. A distributed database is a database in which 11-05.
storage devices are not all [5] Database System | Performance & Scalability | SQL
attached to a common processing unit such as the CPU, and Server 2012 Business Intelligence Editions".
which is controlled by a distributed database management Retrieved 2013-06-15.
system. Given the importance of the need for more research. [6] SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 release information".
There for Distribution, Parallelism and Big Data in SQL Microsoft, Inc. Retrieved 17 May 2015
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[1] [8] SQL Server 2012-2014-Explore. Server Cloud.
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[2] Server
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