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Name: __________________________________ Section: ________ Score: _________

A. Direction: Read analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write
the letter on the space provided.

For items 1 to 3, determine if the statement is:

A. Always true C. Never true
B. Sometimes true D. Cannot be identified

___1. A nominal variable is expressed in numbers.

___2. The independent and dependent variables are applicable to ALL quantitative studies.
___3. Dependent variables can be manipulated.

___4. A group of students would like to know if spending time with a cat or dog decreases the
amount of stress and allows students to perform better on tests. Which of the following is an
extraneous variable?
A. Student’s feeling towards the cat or dog
B. Amount of time spent with a cat or dog
C. Test scores of students
D. Amount of stress

___5. A famous vlogger wanted to know if changing the content of his vlogs (food review, travel,
study tips, etc.) will affect the number of views per uploaded video. The number of views per
uploaded video is the:
A. Confounding variable C. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable D. Continuous variable

___6. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?

A. Learning modality used C. Student’s height
B. Student’s test score D. Student’s IQ

___7. The following are important tasks in research EXCEPT

A. The systematic study of problems or phenomena, using the scientific process of assessing,
planning, implementing and evaluating life.
B. The initiation and assessment of technology application.
C. Appropriateness of Technology use.
D. Identifying interventions that can help individuals respond to change.

___8. It is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner of thinking.

A. Listening B. Watching C. Research D. Inquiry

___9. What is the research applicable for business?

A. Action research C. Feasibility Study
B. Action Plan D. Thesis Dissertation in Nutrition

___10. This term is synonymous with the word “investigation”, is the answer to this question.
A. Listening B. Watching C. Research D. Inquiry

___11. Which of the following best describes control variables?

A. They provide the researcher with control over the independent variable.
B. They are kept the same over multiple trials.
C. They increase the variability of the experiment.
D. They increase the participants' control over the experiment.

___12. The following are examples of quantitative variables EXCEPT.

A. Marital Status B. Age C. Height D. Family Income

___13. Selecting relevant literature in a study shows the following, except one:
A. Compilation of research abstract C. Review survey of past related studies
B. Methods and materials illustrated D. Written related studies of the topic
___14. Which is not part of the guidelines in writing research title?
A. Captures the readers’ attention
B. Condenses the paper’s content in a few words
C. It consist of 20 words
D. Research paper title should contain key words

___15. How to write an effective research title?

A. It builds confidence to the reader C. It contributes the economy of the country
B. It captures reader’s attention D. It summarizes the facts

___16. If you are going to look for a topic idea for your research study, what is the most reliable
source you are going to consider?
A. Review of literature C. Wikipedia
B. Folklores D. Blogs

___17. What refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies?
A. Research problem C. Research question
B. Research topic D. Research gap

___18. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of a good research title?

A. Short but accurate description of the content of the study.
B. Use abbreviations to shorten the number of characters.
C. All beginning letters of each word is capitalized.
D. Indicates all variables in the study.

___19. Which of the following is the most common form of the research title?
A. Interrogative C. Question form
B. Phrase D. Declarative

___20. What part of research expresses the context of the problem that will support the validity and
rationale of the study?
A. Research title C. Background of the study
B. Research topic D. Research problem

___21. Which of the following characteristics describes a good research question?

A. Feasible, clear, significant and includes a hypothesis
B. Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical
C. Clear, significant, and ethical
D. Feasible, clear, and ethical

___22. Which if the following statements is NOT true about the background of research?
A. It elaborates on the findings or information from the literature cited.
B. It explains how the research question was derived.
C. It justifies the need to conduct the study.
D. It establishes the research gap.

___23. What part of the research study states rationale of the problem and basic literature
A Statement of the Problem C. Background of the Study
B. Significance of the Study D. Scope and Delimitation

___24. Quantitative research problem dealt more with

A. description and general explanation of phenomena
B. description and explanation of situations
C. precision and specificity of the problem
D. trends and patterns of chosen group

___25. The following are the main components of literature review, except one:
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Result

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