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1. Are you satisfied with the way you have learnt English ?

If your Answer is ‘No’ tick the reasons from among the list given below.
I. I am poor in English ( )
II. The teachers were not good ( )
HI. The text books were not interesting ( )
IV. The teachers did not teach English grammar thoroughly ( )
V. The teachers did not teach spoken English ( )
VI. There was no time for me to concentrate on English
because most of my time was taken by optional subjects. ( )
VII. There was no good library in our college ( )
VIII. My parents are not educated and cannot speak English ( )
DC. There was limited scope to use English outside the
classroom / College ( )
X. I studied at school through Telugu / Urdu / Marathi / Hindi
Kannada Medium ( )
2. Which type of lessons in your English text books did you like most?
Please tick the items
i) Poems describing nature ( )
ii) Poems describing loveand adventure ( )
iii) Stories in prose ( )
iv) Prose lessons where there are dialogues between characters ( )
v) Prose lessons dealing with science and philosophy ( )
vi) Prose with a moral and philosophical message. ( )
vii) Prose lessons dealing with biographies
(i.e. the life stories of great personalities) ( )
viii) Poetry or prose written in a high - flown style of language ( )
ix) Prose or fiction on adventurous Sea-voyages, Mountaineering
Sports & Games, Hunting wild animals like the tiger, Space
Travel etc. ( )
x) Prose lessons on current affairs and on social problems like
population growth, unemployment, child-labour, women’s
liberation etc. ( )
3. Did you take active part in the class room activities.
a) If Yes answers is ‘YES’, State how you did so (Please tick
the items)
i) I asked the teacher questions to clear my doubts about the ( )
points in lessons
ii) I asked the teacher for the meaning of difficult words and ( )
iii) I asked the teacher for the meaning of difficult words and ( )
iv) I also cleared the doubts of my classmates. ( )
v) I took down notes on important points of grammar and usage. ( )
b) If your answer is 'NO’, give reasons (Please tick the items) ( )
i) I felt shy and therefore did not talk much in the class ( )
ii) The proceedings of the class were in such a way that there was ( )
no scope for me to speak. (All the time it was the teacher who
iii) The teacher got upset if we disturbed him / her with our ( )
iv) My classmates, like the teacher, did not like / encourage ( )
talking in the classroom in the teacher’s presence.
4. I want to learn English (Please tick the items of your
i) For my professional and higher studies. ( )
ii) Because it is a language of job-opportunity ( )
iii) Because it is a language used in higher circles of societyand ( )
hence a language of social prestige
iv) As it is a very important link language in our country where a ( )
number of different languages are spoken
v) Since it is a very important international / global language ( )
5. Where and how, do you use English outside the class
room? (Tick the items of your choice)
a) For conversation with friendsand othereducatedpeople like ( )
Teachers, elders, officials, etc.
b) For reading newspapers and magazines in the library ( )
c) For reading only my text books and other study materials ( )
d) For writing personal letters, official applications etc. ( )
e) For listening to programmes inEnglish on the radio or ( )
watching them on TV
Part B 6. Which of the following is a grammatically correct
sentence? (Tick the item of your choice)
i) The dog is the faithful animal. ( )

ii) A dog is the faithful animal. ( )

iii) The man is a social animal. ( )

iv) Dog is a faithful animal. ( )

v) Man is a social animal ( )

7. Identify the correct sentence (Please tick the item of your

i) They have closed the sales last week. ( )

ii) Last week, they had closed the sales ( )

iii) They closed the sales last week ( )

iv) They were closed the sales last week. ( )

v) They had been closed the sales last week. ( )

8. Which of the following is a correct passive voice version of

the Sentence, “Someone has stolen her bag”? (Please tick

the item of your choice)

i) Her bag was stolen by someone. ( )

ii) Her bag had been stolen by someone. ( )

iii) Her bag has stolen by someone. ( )

iv) Her bag has been stolen ( )

v) Her bag was stolen. ( )

9. (a) Answer the following questions using short replies as

shown below.

Example: Question: Have you posted the letter?

Answer: Yes, I have (or) No, I haven’t.

a) Are you a student of this college ?.............. ......................

b) Did you meet the director ?..................................................

c) Can you speak French ?.......................................................

d) Will you wait here for a couple of minutes ?

e) Has your uncle returned from New Delhi?

9. (b) Supply one correct question - tags :

Example : i) It is your first year of college, isn’t it?

ii) It is not your camera, is it ?

i) You can speak English Fluently,.............................................

ii) She will not teach mathematics....... ......................................

iii) They are going to start a new branch,......................................

iv) We have seen how people elect their leaders............................

v) He drives his mobike very fast,...................................... ........

10, You met a stranger and you want information from him /
her about reaching the local post office. Which of the
following would you prefer to use in that context? (Please
tick the item of your choice)
a) Where is the post office ? ( )

b) Tell me the way to the Post Office ( )

c) You tell me the way to the Post Office. ( )

d) Won’t you tell me the way to the post office? ( )

e) Could you tell me the way to the post office? ( )

Thank You

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