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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving




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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving


Section 1: Defining the complex issue 5

Section 2: Systematic decision-making 7
Section 3: Decision review 9

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Student name:



Business this assessment is

based on:

Documentation reviewed as

Job role:


Numeric/Financial data:

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Section 1: Defining the complex issue

Provide business overview The business is about the one of the leading software company as a
world education which is totally based on providing the facilities for
Provide an overview of the
the student. Especially, the tablets and the computer.
business, including:
The business is about the World education which targets the school
 name of business
level students of primary level to use the tablet computer in
 description of what the professional way of learning and engage the teacher and student for
business does (e.g. key the creation of the learning environment.
functions, vision)
Here my role is as marketing executive and I need to go various
 your job role within the schools and sell the tablets computer to the school students and also
business (or the role instruct them to use it.
you’re assuming if you
are basing this
assessment on the case

Outline complex issue World education helps in the built of the business relationship in
various schools and the related school’s teachers and the students.
Describe the complex issue
The main issues is about their hardware and content. So, for the
associated with the business,
improvement of this factors and problems, they arranged to use to
updated system to build a good relationship in individual customer as
 a brief outline of the well.
Due to this unwanted spread of COVID pandemic there results in the
 who the stakeholders are issue of less production and all the business sectors remain closed
and how they are as well as the problem in mobility and the cost, data privacy and lack
associated with the issue of knowledge in the tools and technology.

 analysis and The stakeholders are the suppliers and the distributor of the products,
presentation of numeric who were affected by the communication failure and the situation of
and financial data Pandemics of COVID hampers a lot in the business.
illustrating the complex
Following are the issues regarding the financial data:
issue (attach to this
section of the portfolio) , high Strategic Priorities
 two objectives when
pursuing solutions It will represent in the maximization of accounting and profits

 three advantages of  make sure that all the planning will lead in success of action
solving the issue. plans.

 three risks involved in  Find out the new way to improve the revenue and add
pursuing solutions. classroom as required

 Make increase in income generation as more than 10% yearly

 . following are the objectives while pursuing the solution

- To maximize the supply of software and tablets to the school

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

- To increase the reliable business to get profit for the
Three advantages for solving the issues are trustworthy environment,
increment in production of services and good relationship with
customer and the organization.
Three risk of pursuing the solution are challenge of completion,
challenge of managing funding and challenge to engagement of
students to learn

Legislative and organisational It was founded in 2016 as it is defined as to improvement in child

requirements policy and the developed classroom activity. World education makes
an appropriate use of its latest trend and technological use of tablet
Establish the legislative and
computers for the primary level students and as well as it is effective
organisational requirements
for the teachers too. To make engagement of the students for
related to the complex issue,
learning environment. It helps to grow the student’s personal capacity
of learning and understanding the content in the useful and
 a summary of the convenient way.
relevant legislation
The complex issue regarding this summary is about the product
 a summary of the mobility and the use of the technology regarding the requirements
associated attached with students emotions and the way of learning.
organisational policies
and procedures
Attach any relevant policies to
your portfolio.

Calculate resources For the calculating the resources we check the availability of the
students in the schools at first. Then, as per need and requirement
Calculate the resources
we send the effective tools and resources for the students who is
required for the solution
willing to participate to increase their knowledge in technical fields.
development process

Prepare presentation As, per the issue we conduct meetings with the stakeholder regarding
the situation of the organization.
Use the work done in this
section to prepare a First we meet all the stakeholders in our office yard, then conduct the
presentation of scope of your meeting about the changes required to the organization and also
issue to present to relevant shared our budget availability, likewise we discussed about the
stakeholders. resources required to add up also we need more budgets for the
resources to obtain.
Use any appropriate format
(e.g. MS PowerPoint). Finally, we concluded with the scope or solution of the issues to be
maintained by more production and adding up the skilled and trained
Attach the presentation to
manpower in the company.
your portfolio.

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Attach: Organisational policies and procedures ☐

Legislation ☐

Presentation ☐

Financial analysis and presentation ☐

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Section 2: Systematic decision-making

Generate alternative solutions After the completion of the meeting with the stakeholders with come
for your issue up with critical thinking on software development and alternatives and
options as bellows:
Summarise the outcomes of
your meeting with the  Required for schools that is essential to use latest technology
stakeholder, including:
 Growth in the unlimited products and services
 an outline of two critical
Development in all the combination of goods and facility
thinking techniques used
to generate solution Following are the alternative solutions:
alternatives with other
Affordable price and good quality
stakeholders (attach
proof e.g. mind map to  Potential work and managerial skills
this section of your  Faithful and being nice to the customers
Use of effective communication skills
 List of four to six
alternative solutions.

Evaluate alternative solutions

Evaluate each identified The success criteria are as follows
solution to establish their
Improvement in digital task
feasibility. Include:
Improved in the feasibility of learning tools and accessories
 success criteria
While in constraints there is the in sufficient funding and budgets also
 constraints there is the conditions like COVID pandemic took place in that
 evaluation of each specific time period.
alternative against the All the alternatives were used and carried out to maintain the software
criteria and constraints knowledge and requirements to be maintained for the positive and
 List of all feasible effective growth of world education through the planning,
options The feasible options are listed bellows:
- Feasibility in resources
- Feasibility in tools and equipment
- Feasibility in financial works
- Feasibility in timing and arrangements

Compare feasible solutions We can use the software of accounting and ERP system to find the
solutions for all this feasible solution that helps to know all the facts
Use one appropriate
and information recorded appropriately and wisely. This shows the
tool/technique to compare all
resources mobility and sustainability in an organization that is
feasible alternatives with one
properly utilized or not.
another. Include:
For the financial analysis, we categorise the level of our production
 a description of the tool

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

or technique used and calculate all the feasible solutions like use of modern tools and
equipment we analyize them and arrange it in the form of report for
 proof of your comparison
the successful achievement.
(e.g. table, financial
analysis etc) Bias basically means the categorization accordingly to the position or
level of an organization. Which shows the actual decision-making
 an assessment of bias in process.
your decision-making
(actual or perceived)

Choose the best solution for The best alternative for the complex issue to the world education is
your complex issue the management of the resources in an effective way.
Choose the best alternative It meets the legislation policy and the organisational requirement
and explain: policy because it is under the rules and regulation of the government
and the company and it is attached with the following requirements:
 Why did you choose it?
World cation shows and transfer the information for all regarding
 How does it meet the
the initial business purpose for that it is gathered with the
legislation and
management procedures.
organisational policy
requirements? World cation leak the confidential information for all only it is
accepted by the rules and regulation of government and also
 Are there any risks
accepted by the law
associated with your
solution? For this we need resources like modern equipment to handle all
the software and hardware issues as well as we need more
 What are the production of tablet computers even for the high level
advantages of the students too.
chosen solution?

 Resources required

Prepare a brief When the meeting was conducted with stakeholders, we found
various solution for change in the organization which are listed as
Use the work done in this
section to prepare a brief to
share your proposed solution - To maintain the ERP system
with key stakeholders (use
- To update and run modern technology
“Brief outline” template if
applicable). - To make students and teachers aware about the use of tablet
Attach the organisation
policies that guide brief - To progress in planning of effective resources as required
writing to this section of the - To find investors

Attach: Brief ☐

Feedback register ☐

Organisational policies - brief ☐

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BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

Section 3: Decision review

Develop a feedback register We can have feedback from stakeholders by writing mail, through
meetings of groups, feedback reports and records. From various
Develop a feedback register
surveys we collected feedback from stakeholders which is listed as
to record feedback from
- To maintain the ERP system
Attach the organisation
policies that guide recording - To update and run modern technology
of feedback.
- To make students and teachers aware about the use of tablet
- To progress in planning of effective resources as required
- To find investors
The organisational policies are to add up more equipment and
products in the company for huge production and to get the profit.

Incorporate feedback Feedback refers to the suggestion or comments towards the company
plan and procedure by the customer, clients and stakeholders. They
Use the feedback from your
suggest the organizational plan of change for the better development
meeting with stakeholders to
and successful meet to the objectives of an organization. So, this
refine your project brief.
feedback can be used in the company objectives and target for the
Attach the refined brief and further procedure for the development of the organization as a leading
completed feedback register organization in the market.
to this section of your

Seek approval We can seek approval by writing mail to the CEO of an organization
as bellows:
Use an appropriate format to
seek approval to implement
your proposed solution (e.g. To,
draft an email, complete an
application form ready to be
lodged etc.) Subject: For the approval for the planning in
organizational growth
Attach proof to this section of
Dear sir,
your portfolio.
With respect, hope you are fine sir, today I wrote
this mail for our planning about the change in the
management project plan through conducting meetings with
company owner and all the management team of our
company. For this plan I have arranged the detail description
of our product and services presentation that will be
conducted for 1 hour. Hope this will help us to get the
approval from the management team and our company
owner if they like our planning’s.

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Hope, you will co-ordinate in this specific matter and also

thanks for going through this mail.
Best Regards,

Self-evaluate your The strength of our organization is as follows:

-number of production increased and supplied
Perform a self-evaluation:
- Modern technology are implemented
 Complete the self-
- use of resources appropriately
evaluation checklist
(add as an attachment). The weakness are as follows

 List your strengths and - Lack of investors funding

weaknesses. - Lack of proper communication among the staffs
 Identify areas needing - Lack of advance trainings
The areas of improvement is required in the co-ordination with
Attach the completed self- relevant stakeholders, need to develop and conduct meetings
evaluation (Self-Evaluation to sharp the staffs in communication skills and to provide the
checklist) to this section of plan and policy effectively to the staff to know our target and
your portfolio. goals.

Attach: Self-evaluation checklist ☐

Refined brief ☐

Completed feedback register and related organisational


Proof to seek approval ☐

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