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‘Public Relations’ is basically the art and science of managing relationship with ‘public’.

It attempts to establish and sustain mutually beneficial relationships between an

organization, commercial or non-commercial, and the stakeholders or “publics”. The

concept of publics varies from persons to person or organisation to organisation. These

are the people, group or institutions upon which success of the entities depends. These

publics may include customers, investors, employees, suppliers, legislators, competitors,

government officials and others.

According to Edward Bernays, one of the founders of PR, “The three main elements
of public relations are practically as old as society: informing people, persuading people,

or integrating people with people.”

Every organization, institution, and individual practice public relations, knowingly or

unknowingly. As long as we operate in a social environment, we cannot ignore our

relationship with others in the society. The role of PR is to develop and manage this

relationship at its best so that mutual understanding can be developed, generating

public goodwill and good reputation.


One of the major functions of public relations is shaping the image. It generates positive

publicity for a company, an individual or a government and enhances its reputation.

The Government uses Public Relations to keep the public informed about the activity

of government agencies, explain policy, and manage political campaigns.

Major Roles of Public Relations Management are:

Reputation or Image Management: Public Relations function of an organisation

shapes its image. In consultation with the management, it crafts an overview of how the

company wants to be perceived, and how it is going to project a positive image.

Planning and implementing of policies, procedures and strategies that demonstrate an

organization’s commitment to public and social responsibility, ethical behaviour affects

reputation of the organisation.

Issues Management:Public Relations identifies and analyses problems, issues and

trends that can affect an organization. It also develops strategy and executes programme

to deal with the issues. Research, study of public policy matters and business

environment monitoring are part of PR.

Crisis Management: PR plays a critical role in protecting reputation of an

organisation when there is negative or unfavourable rumours and adverse publicity,

which if left unchecked might negatively affect organisation. PR not only establishes

policies and procedure to face an emergency affecting the public, but also responds to

the crisis situations through effective communication to mitigate concern of public.

Relationship Management: Another important Role of Public Relations is to

identify key publics and establishing strategies for building and maintaining mutually

beneficial relationships with those publics. Through various techniques, PR earns trust

and support of the public to achieve the business objective.

Strategic Management: Public Relations serves on the management team helping

the organization develop sound policies that are in the best interests of the public as

well as the organization. It integrates the concerns and attitudes of key publics into the

organization’s managerial decision-making process.


♦ Creating and sustaining awareness about the Company, its goals, products

and services.

♦ Winning trust and confidence of various stakeholders and getting their

♦ Responding to criticism of the organisation

♦ Establishing an effective channel of communication between public

and the organisation

♦ Getting Cooperation from various stakeholders for achieving business


♦ Generating positive publicity in media

♦ Earning awards, certification and endorsement from various

organisation, individuals or associations

♦ Reinforcing the by maintaining positive relationships with key

audiences, and thereby aiding in building a strong image.

Q: Discuss the major roles played by Public Relations in

an Organisation?


Public Relation

professionals use a variety of tools and strategies, depending upon the stakeholder,
situation, budget and desired outcome.

Companies use a variety of tools for their public relations purposes, including annual

reports, brochures and magazines for both employees and the public, Web sites to

show good things they’re doing, speeches, blogs, and podcasts. Tools used by PR

professionals frequently include press releases, news conferences, and publicity.

Sponsorships, product placements, Speaking opportunities and social media also

generate a lot of positive PR. Let us discuss below some of popular and effective PR


Oral Communication:
This is similar to interpersonal communication and effective in sharing of information,

ideas to a specific audience. This is also known as face communication or person to

person communication. It can be an organization’s most effective and least expensive

tool of public relation for transmission of information to the public.

Media relations:

Mass media has significant influence on public perception building. It can shape public

opinion through sharing the information as well as interpreting the interpretation. Public

relations professionals use various media relations techniques to circulating messages

through media channels— TV and Radio, newspaper, magazine, newsletter Internet and

social media. This is done through building a trustworthy relationship with the journalist and

developing relevant story angles for news story.

Print or e- newsletter is one of the dependable PR tools to be in touch with important

stakeholders and keep them informed about updates about organisation, new products

and services. It helps in strengthening connection with the stakeholders. It supports the

Public Relations efforts by sharing message promoting new ideas and educating the

public about the organisation.

Community Relations:
Community Relations is often said as ‘public relations at the local level’. It is about

how the organisation interacts with the people constituting the environment it operates

in and draws resources from. An effective Community Relations programme helps the

organisation in fostering mutual understanding earning community trust, support and

acceptance. It is crucial for the organisation to gain the social licence to operate and to

manage crisis.

Social Media:
The advent of social media has changed the way we communicate. Now that social

media like twitter, facebook, instagram, blogs, google+ and others has risen in popularity,

people get another platform to talk about an organisation, brand or product and services.

Conversation in social media spreads very quickly and easily. The viral nature of this platform

can make or break reputation in very short span of time.


Print media includes those media of communication which are controlled by space rather than
time.It can be read at any available time and can be kept for record.
Following are the major print media of mass communication.

 Newspapers

 Magazines


It was first published in Germany and later spread its roots

to the rest of the world. Newspaper is one of the most

important and effective print media of mass


Its valuable services to the community like information, education, entertainment, persuasion

.cultural transmission, record facility etc.

Functions of a Newspaper

i. Information and Interpretation :-

A Newspaper provide information to people about various events, issues and occurrences the
world-wide. It also interprets and explains matters which will be otherwise difficult to
understand for readers.

Opinion Building :-

Besides reflection of public opinion a newspaper helps its readers to build opinion about various

national and international issues, events and policies through its editorials and opinion columns.

iii. Education :-
A Newspaper is a great public educator. It discusses every topic ranging from news to literature;
supplies the readers up-to- date information about science about science and technology and
also promotes civilization in the society.

iv. Entertainment :-‘

A Newspaper also entertains its readers through special Features, stories of human interest and

cartoons etc.

Advertising :-

It serves as an agent between seller and buyer. It increases sale of various goods and services
through its advertisements. Besides the above mentioned functions, a newspaper also provides
a forum to the minorities, serves as a watchdog of the government, and is used as a source for
record and background information etc.


Magazine is another important print medium of mass communication. It is the predecessor of

the daily newspaper.

Darshan the first English, Urdu, Persian and Bengali languages papers respectively were all

weeklies at their debut.

Magazines can be classified in terms of the regular intervals of their publication and appeal-

wise. The first category includes Weekly, fortnightly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Annually and
Biennially etc.,

Functions of a magazine

Information :

Unlike newspapers a magazine does not provide hard news. However, it satiates its readers

thirst for information with in-depth coverage of various stories. These may be about politics,

crime, personalities or fashion etc.

Entertainment :

Magazine is a comparatively more entertaining print media. Besides other uses it gratifies
readers urge for entertainment. It contains features, comics, sports, showbiz, current affairs etc.,

for its readers.

 Printing was invented around 1450 by Johannes Gutenberg

On which basis are the cost of advertisement set - Popularity of Channel
 Which inventor conducted the First Radio transmission in the year 1895?

-Guglielmo Marconi

 Which of the following is outdoor advertising Media?

- Sky writing

 Publicity is any non- paid coverage of a business or a product by the media.

its True

Who is the current CEO of Google?

Tata is famous for its..... ?

Who developed the concept of Public Relation?

### How do you create a Google Form explain with key steps.

Step 1: Set up a new form or quiz

Go to

Click Blank .
A new form will open.

Step 2: Edit and format a form or quiz

You can add, edit, or format text, images, or videos in a form.

Edit your form

Create a quiz with Google Forms

Choose where to save form responses

Step 3: Send your form for people to fill out

When you are ready, you can send your form to others and collect their responses.

Also explain this with any example

like- on any product -Dairy Milk or any other.

How to make an effective Magazine?

Magazines are visually pleasing, fun to read, and provide an ideal platform to sell goods and
services. You can design a great-looking print or digital magazine by following these steps.

1. Pick your topic

You can't have a magazine without a subject. Think about your area of expertise and the
audience you are aiming for. Whether you're putting together a catalog showcasing handmade
jewelry or knit caps, or a glossy magazine with lush photography for the tourism board, you
need a clear, unifying topic.
2. Choose a title

I've decided to create a travel magazine. Your title should be succinct and to the point.
Remember that your title will represent your brand over time (in the case of some magazines,
hundreds of years) and across platforms.

3. Choose your cover article

Every magazine has a cover article which receives the bulk of attention, both in design and
content. In a celebrity-focused magazine, this will be an in-depth interview with the star on the

4. Find your cover image

Your eye is drawn to the top and center of the page, so your cover image should have its most
interesting elements there.

Make sure you are using a high-quality image. A minimum of 300 ppi is necessary for print

The brand of a magazine is defined by its masthead. Time, Vogue, and National Geographic all
have iconic mastheads.

You need to match the font, color scheme, and design with the feel of your magazine.

6. Write body articles

A magazine's articles are often its biggest draw. Decide whether you will draft all the pieces in-
house, or whether you will rely on freelance authors or other outside contributors.

7. Incorporate graphics

Just having a great cover image is not enough—your magazine needs to have interesting photos
and graphics throughout. In a visual medium, you will draw your readers in by having high-
quality images accompany your articles.
8. Decide on feature articles

Decide on feature articles; besides the cover article, you should choose two or three articles to
highlight on the cover. These should be articles of top interest to your readers.

9. Place thumbnails

When placing thumbnails, make sure the images complement the background while still
standing out.

10. Create table of contents

Once you've assembled all of your articles and their accompanying images, build a table of
contents. Lucidpress makes it easy to align elements on your page.

11. Back page

Among wide-circulation magazines, the back page will often be a full-page advertisement.

12. Notes on printing

This template is designed for print magazines. There are several things to keep in mind if you
print your magazine. Here are a few:

Magazines are entertaining, drive sales, and are fun to peruse both on paper and on screen.

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