Life Insurance Case Study

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‘As Is Business’ of Life Insurance Application

Step 1: Fill out a paper application

Step 2: Insurance Agent submits all the paper documents/ Paper application to the insurance

Step 3: Imaging team scans the paper application into an image.

Step 4: A data entry person will look at the data in the image and create an application in the
internal system

Step 5: The application is reviewed by an Underwriter who either approves or rejects the Life
Insurance application

Step 6: Fulfillment team prints the results and mails the result to the applicant.

To-BE Business Process

Step 1: Fill out a paper application AICPA member will submit an application via website.

Step 2: Insurance Agent submits all the paper documents/ Paper application to the insurance

Step 3: Imaging team scans the paper application into an image.

Step 4: A data entry person will look at the data in the image and create an application in the
internal system

Step 5: The application is reviewed by an Underwriter who either approves or rejects the Life
Insurance application

Step 6: Fulfillment team prints the results and mails the result to the applicant. Results are
emailed to the applicant
BRD- Business Requirements Document
1. Current Business Problems:
1.1. Lot of manual processes and each of these manual process takes lot of time
1.1.1. Filling up a paper application
1.1.2. Scanning the application
1.1.3. Manual data entry of the application in the internal system
1.1.4. Printing and mailing of application result.
1.2. Insurance agents are used to get new business from AICPA members and 25% of the
received premium is taken away by an insurance agent.
1.3. Data errors resulting from mistakes made by data entry person
1.4. Expenses resulting from printing and mailing the application result.

2. The Proposed Solution:

The goal of the project is to implement customer facing website that shall allow AICPA
members to submit life insurance application. This system will also allow the AICPA
members to track the status of application as well as allow them to pay insurance

3. Systems Impacted:
1. Create new customer facing website.
2. Internal system used by the underwriter

4. Assumptions / Dependencies: N/A

5. Business Requirements:

5.1. Digital Profile Management

5.1.1. Ability for the user to register
5.1.2. Ability for the user to login
5.1.3. Ability for the user change password
5.1.4. Ability for the user to retrieve user id
5.1.5. Ability for the user to retrieve password

5.2. Application Management

5.2.1. Ability for the user to apply life insurance application
5.2.2. Ability for the user to view status of life insurance application
5.2.3. Ability for the user to cancel life insurance application

5.3. Account Management

5.3.1. Ability for the user to pay premium
5.3.2. Ability for the user to update address/contact information
5.3.3. Ability for the user to view payment history

5.4. Beneficiary Management

5.4.1. Ability for the user to add a beneficiary
5.4.2. Ability for a user to remove a beneficiary
5.4.3. Ability for a user to edit beneficiary details

5.5. Updates to Internal System

5.5.1. Ability for the underwriter to receive the application directly from the external
5.5.2. Ability for the underwriter to notify the applicant the result of application via
5.6. Remove Capabilities from Internal System
5.6.1. Remove the following capabilities: Ability to scan an image Ability to create an internal application

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