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| 退休 Retire |

MY Lifetime Annuity

金融機構大奬2019 《iMONEY 智富雜誌》優秀保險企業大獎2019

年金計劃 - 卓越大奬 最佳年金產品

When making investments, proper risk management is key to
an enjoyable retirement. MY Lifetime Annuity is the solution for
optimizing asset allocation, diversifying risk and accumulating
wealth. Best of all, it provides guaranteed annuity income for life.

優化資產配置 – 隨年紀不斷增加「定息投資」的比例
Optimize asset allocation – Rebalance portfolio with increased
proportion of “Fixed Income Investment” as you age

年輕時 退休時

At Younger Age Retirement

現金 現金
Cash Cash 是優化資產配置的理想工具

Liquidity “Annuity”
is an ideal tool for portfolio
定息投資 定息投資
Fixed Income Fixed Income
Investment Investment

穩定性 Four major features of an ideal
Stability annuity plan

Stable Growth


Lifetime Payouts

Additional Protections
另類投資 股票投資
Investments 增長潛力
Estate Planning
Growth Potential


MY Lifetime Annuity

The most important features for your ideal annuity plan are…

最穩定增長 傳承最愛
1 The Most Stable 4 Guarantee your Most
Loved Ones can Inherit

your Wealth

 Stable wealth accumulation

每 月派息並以複式計算,帶來穩定而

豐厚的回報 Pass on all or part of the Cash Value to your

Interest credited monthly at a descendants
compound rate

■ 3%長線利率保證 Avoid costly trustee fees
3% long-term guaranteed interest rate

Lifetime annuity income for your next


最長保終身 最具自主彈性
2 The Most 5 The Most Flexible
■ 終 身保證,長「攞」長有 ■ 靈活套現
 Guaranteed annuity income for life Greater liquidity
■ 定期提款權益
Automatic periodic withdrawal option
■ 靈活增加保費
Flexible increase in premium

最多選擇 最安心保障
3 The Most 6 The Most Worry-free
Comprehensive Options Protections
■ 11款年金權益選擇 ■ 身故保障提供回本保證
11 Annuity Options Death Benefit – Guaranteeing Refund

of Capital
Critical illness double annuity ■ 末期病症保障

Terminal Illness Benefit
Joint annuitant for couples ■ 免費「豁免保費意外保障」

Free Accident Waiver of Premium
125% guaranteed refund of Cash Value

1 Stable Wealth Accumulation

■ 優 化整個投資組合的配置、平衡投資風險, ■  ptimize asset allocation and diversify investment risk for stable
以提升組合回報的穩定性 portfolio returns

於 計劃的累積期內,利息以複式計算,藉著
■  uring the accumulation period, interest is credited at a compound

rate, so that you can enjoy the power of the “snowball effect” to
「雪球效應」,讓賬戶價值享有遞增的力量 compound your wealth in Account Value over time
■ 計 劃更提供保證特別回報 1、額外回報及長線  he plan also offers Guaranteed Special Bonus1, Extra Bonus and

利息保證 2
long-term guaranteed interest 2

曹星如 Rex Tso

MY Lifetime Annuity Policy Owner

終身保證 長「攞」長有
2 Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity Income

■ 計 劃為市場上少有的「真年金」,保證終身 ■  he plan is a genuine lifetime annuity plan, offering you guaranteed

派發 lifetime annuity income that is not widely available in the market

受 保人可自行決定何時開始收取每月年金收
■  he Insured is free to decide when to start receiving the annuity

income3 and enjoy maximum flexibility
入 3,無須預先設定,最是靈活自在 ■  uring the annuity period, even if the Insured lives until 100
■ 於 年金期內,即使受保人100歲或更長壽,仍 years old or even longer, the plan guarantees lifelong income and

effectively hedges the financial impact of longevity risk


例子: Rex於30歲時投保萬通終身年金,計劃為他提供三個自主理財方案。
Example: Rex insured with MY Lifetime Annuity at age 30. The plan offers three flexible financial
solutions for him.

方案 Solution 1
Convert all the Cash Value into lifetime annuity income
繳付保費年期 Premium Payment Term 遞增終身年金 Lifetime increasing-income annuity
平均每月基本保費 預期由60歲起每月年金收入
Average Target Monthly Premium
$3,280 $10,000
Projected Monthly Annuity Income from Age 60 onwards

繳付保費年期 25年/Years 年金期 保證終身

Premium Payment Term Age 30–55歲 Annuity Period Guaranteed Lifetime

Projected Total Annuity Income

Total Premium $984,250 Age 60 – 80歲 $3,018,700 (307%)

Payment Age 60 – 90歲 $5,178,860 (526%)
Age 60 – 100歲 $7,935,840 (806%)

Premium 終身

30 55 60 100 或更長壽 …
or longer

以上乃根據一名男性客戶投保萬通終身年金為例,每年基本 The above example is based on a male customer insured with MY Lifetime Annuity.
保費以年繳方式繳付,而每年基本保費及繳款的金額乃經 The target premium is paid annually and the figures for the target yearly premium
捨入至十位。以上數字乃按現時假設派息率每年4.5%(已 and total premium payment are rounded to the nearest ten dollars. The figures
包括每年4%現時假設基本派息率及每年0.5%現時假設額 illustrated are based on the current assumed crediting interest rate of 4.5% p.a.
(including the current assumed base crediting interest rate of 4% p.a. and the

current assumed retrospective additional interest rate of 0.5% p.a.), Guaranteed

Special Bonus, current assumed Extra Bonuses, premium paid in full during the
premium payment term, and current scale of charges for the plan. The current
以上數字。每年年金收入乃按計劃累積的現金價值、「遞增 assumed crediting interest rates are not guaranteed and do not represent the upper
終身年金」年金權益選擇以及現時假設的年金率計算。而年 or lower limits of the actual rate to be declared. The current assumed crediting
金率則按死亡率、年金利率及開支等計算。實際每年年金收 interest rates are for reference only. The annual annuity income is calculated based
入將根據於年金生效日之實際年金率計算。 on the accumulated Cash Value, lifetime increasing-income annuity option, and
current assumed annuity rate. The annuity rate is calculated based on the mortality
rate, annuity interest rate, expenses, etc. The actual annual annuity income will be
calculated based on the annuity rate in effect on the annuity date.

3 11 Annuity Options

選擇為現時市場上最多,受保人可按個人、家 The plan offers the most comprehensive annuity options in the
庭、經濟狀況或需要選擇最適合的年金權益 : 4 market. The Insured may choose the annuity option4 based on his/her
personal, family or financial needs.

選擇 受保人可終身收取定額年金,直至百年歸老。
1 The Insured receives a lifetime fixed-income annuity.

Lifetime fixed-income annuity
Enjoyment of Life

選擇 受保人可終身收取定額年金,直至百年歸老。若受保人於
定額終身年金 –
2 身故時已收取的年金收入額少於用作行使年金權益的
The Insured receives a lifetime fixed-income annuity. If,
Lifetime fixed-income annuity –
when the Insured passes away, the total annuity income
guaranteed refund of Cash Value
already received is less than the Cash Value applied for
exercising the annuity option, the beneficiary will continue
to receive the fixed-income annuity until the balance has

been fully paid.

選擇 受保人可終身收取定額年金,直至百年歸老。若受保人於
Guaranteed total
annuity income
定額終身年金 –
The Insured receives a lifetime fixed-income annuity. If,
Lifetime fixed-income annuity –
when the Insured passes away, the total annuity income
guaranteed refund of 125% Cash
already received is less than 125% of the Cash Value
applied for exercising the annuity option, the beneficiary
will continue to receive the fixed-income annuity until the
balance has been fully paid.

選擇 受保人所享有的終身年金,金額會每兩年遞增5%,直至百
Option 4 年歸老。
The Insured receives a lifetime income annuity that will
increase by 5% every two years until he/she passes away.
Lifetime increasing-income

希望年金收入 受保人所享有的終身年金,金額會每兩年遞增5%,直至百
Increasing annuity
遞增終身年金 –
5 年歸老。若受保人於身故時已收取的年金收入額少於用
income 受益人,直至餘額付清。
The Insured receives a lifetime income annuity that will
Lifetime increasing-income
increase by 5% every two years until he/she passes away.
annuity – guaranteed refund of
If, when the Insured passes away, the total annuity income
Cash Value
already received is less than the Cash Value applied for
exercising the annuity option, the beneficiary will continue
to receive the increasing-income annuity until the balance
has been fully paid.

選擇 受保人可終身收取定額年金,直至百年歸老。若受保人於

Option 6/7/8 保證期內身故,計劃會繼續派發年金予指定受益人,直至
年期保證 定額終身年金 –
The Insured receives a lifetime fixed-income annuity. If
Guaranteed the Insured passes away during the guaranteed period,
annuity income Lifetime fixed-income annuity the beneficiary will continue to receive the fixed-income
period with 10/15/20 years guaranteed annuity until the end of the guaranteed period.

選擇 受保人可與配偶共享100%年金,於其中一人身故後,另一
Option 9 人亦可無限期繼續收取2/3年金金額,直至百年歸老。
定額終身年金 –
The Insured has the option of sharing a 100% fixed-income

聯合年金領取人 5
annuity with his/her spouse. In the event of the death of
either annuitant, the other will continue to receive 2/3 of
Lifetime fixed-income annuity – the annuity for the rest of his/her life.
joint annuitant5

選擇 受保人可與配偶共享100%年金。若其中一人身故時,而已

Option 10 收取的年金收入額已達到用作行使年金權益的現金價
定額終身年金 –
Lifelong promise 聯合年金領取人 5及
to your spouse 現金價值回奉保證
Lifetime fixed-income annuity –
joint annuitant5 and guaranteed The Insured has the option of sharing a 100% fixed-income
refund of Cash Value annuity with his/her spouse. If, when either annuitant
passes away, the total annuity income already received has
reached the Cash Value applied for exercising the annuity
option, his/her spouse will continue to receive 2/3 of the
annuity for the rest of his/her life. If, when both the Insured
and his/her spouse pass away, the total annuity income
already received is less than the Cash Value applied for
exercising the annuity option, the beneficiary will continue
to receive the fixed-income annuity until the balance has
been fully paid.

選擇 受保人可終身收取定額年金,直至百年歸老。於年金期內,
Option 11 若受保人不幸首次確診患上指定嚴重疾病 6包括非初期癌
定額終身年金 –
Lifetime fixed-income annuity –

Critical illness double annuity
and guaranteed refund of
Cash Value The Insured receives a lifetime fixed-income annuity. If
Enjoy wealth and the Insured is first diagnosed to be suffering from a critical
health protection illness6 , including later-stage cancer, heart attack, kidney
during the annuity failure and stroke, or having coronary artery bypass surgery
period during the annuity period, the monthly annuity income
will be doubled, subject to a maximum of 60 months. The
Insured will continue to receive 100% annuity income after
the annuity period in which annuity payments are doubled.
If, when the Insured dies, the total annuity income already
received is less than the Cash Value applied for exercising
the annuity option, the beneficiary will continue to receive
the fixed-income annuity until the balance has been fully

市場唯一* 11款年金權益均保證終身派發,一世「有糧出」

11 annuity options offering guaranteed lifetime annuity income!
Market Unique*
* 以本冊子於2020年4月刊發時,市場之延期年金計劃為準。
Based on the deferred annuity plans in the market, as of the print date of this brochure in April 2020.

4 Guarantee Your Most Loved Ones can
Inherit Your Wealth

■ 投保人可於保單生效期間,申請更改受保 ■  he Policy Owner may apply to change the Insured7 while the policy
人7,將已累積的財富,安心傳承予摯愛或下 is in force so as to pass on the accumulated wealth to his/her loved

ones or descendants. There is no limit on the number of changes
■ 毋需等候遺產承辦,並分散稅務風險^ ■  o need to wait for completion of probate and may enjoy certain
tax advantages^
■ 毋需支付高昂的信託費用
Avoid costly trustee fees

■ Changing the Insured will not affect the Cash Value of the policy
■ 下一代亦可享年金權益選擇 ■ Your next generation can also enjoy the annuity options

^ 有可能需同時更改保單持有人。有關個別國家或地區的 ^ Change of policy owner may also be required. Please consult with your own legal
稅務詳情,請諮詢獨立法律及專業意見。 advisors in respect of the taxation of an individual country or region.

方案 Solution 2
Convert part of the Cash Value into lifetime annuity income and
leave the balance to accumulate for the descendants
繳付保費年期 預期現金價值滾存
Premium Payment Projected Cash
Accumulate for the descendants
Term Value accumulation

Projected Cash Value



Part of Cash Value
預期現金價值 $2,538,740
Projected Cash Value

Total Premium Payment 75 100 120 …
部份現金價值 Convert into lifetime increasing-income annuity
Part of Cash Value
30 55 65 75 $2,538,740

75 100 120 …
Projected Monthly Annuity Income from Age 75 onwards

方案 Solution 3
Pass on all the Cash Value for the descendants
Continue to accumulate all the Cash Value and change the Insured
Remarks: Please refer to solution 1 for footnote.
自主理財 更具彈性
5 Financial Flexibility

■ 自主供款年期 — 定期供款最短為5年,或可 ■  lexible premium payment terms – the plan offers various
選擇整付 premium-payment-term options, from 5 years up. A single-
premium payment option is also available.
■ 自主提存彈性 - 只要保單內已累積有現金價  lexible financials – when your policy has accumulated a Cash
值8,並足以支付每月費用,你更可靈活套現 9、

Value8 sufficient to cover the monthly charges, you may withdraw

行使定期提款權益10或暫時停止供款11;計劃 a portion of the Cash Value9, exercise the automatic periodic
更可讓你靈活增加保費12 withdrawal option10 or temporarily skip premium payments11. The
plan also offers you the flexibility to increase the Target Yearly
■ 自主資產配置 - 可選擇將全數現金價值轉 Premium12 to reach your retirement targets earlier.
為年金,亦可選擇只轉換部分,並將餘下的 ■  lexible asset allocation – you may convert the entire Cash Value
現金價值繼續於賬戶內滾存收息,傳承下一 into annuity income, or convert part of the Cash Value into annuity
代;當然亦可將全部現金價值傳承下一代 income and leave the balance to accumulate in the policy for your
descendants. You may also leave the entire Cash Value for your

6 Worry-free Protections

計劃更為你提供周全的額外保障,讓你和家人 The plan also offers you an array of extra protections for you and your
倍感輕鬆: family:

身故保障提供回本保證 13
■ Death Benefit – Guaranteeing Refund of Capital 13

■ Terminal Illness Benefit 14
■ 末期病症保障 14 ■ Free Accident Waiver of Premium Benefit 15
■ 免費「豁免保費意外保障」15

附註 Notes

1. 如
 為定期供款的保單,每次增加每年基本保費之生 1. F
 or regular-premium policies, Guaranteed Special Bonus will be credited for
效日期起計的第10及第15年終結時亦可獲享保證特 every increase in Target Yearly Premium of the Basic Plan at the end of the 10th
and 15th year after the effective date of such increase, with an amount equal to
30% of the respective increase in Target Yearly Premium of the Basic Plan. If

the Target Yearly Premium of the Basic Plan is reduced before the Guaranteed

Special Bonus is credited, the Guaranteed Special Bonus will be reduced
proportionally. For single-premium policies, Guaranteed Special Bonus will be
終結時亦可獲享保證特別回報,金額為非定期保費的 credited for every payment of unscheduled premium at the end of the 10th
5%;若於派發保證特別回報前從保單提款或用作行 year after the effective date of such unscheduled premium, with an amount
使年金權益的現金價值超過兌現限額,可獲享的保證 equal to 5% of the respective unscheduled premium. If any cash withdrawal
特別回報將會遞減。 amount or Cash Value applied for exercising annuity option exceeds the
2. 於
 保單生效滿15年或以上,賬戶價值(包括撥入保單 encashment limit before the Guaranteed Special Bonus is credited, the
Guaranteed Special Bonus will be reduced.
於每年以派息率3%計算而累積的賬戶價值。 2. T
 he Account Value (including the total interest, Extra Bonus and

3. 可
Guaranteed Special Bonus credited to the policy) is guaranteed to have

accumulated to an amount at least as if the interest rate credited had been
3% p.a., provided that the policy has been in force for 15 years or more.
3. U
 pon reaching the age of 55 and the 10 th policy anniversary, the Insured is
free to decide on the annuity date. Current requirement on minimum Cash
4. 每
 位受保人只可以行使年金權益1次。我們保證提供 Value applied for exercising annuity option is US$10,000 or
,並保留不時修訂本 HK$/MOP80,000.
計劃所提供的年金權益的絕對決定權。 4. E
 ach Insured can exercise annuity option once only. The availability of the
5. 按
 現行規定,投保人在選擇行使此項年金權益時,其 annuity option 1 “Lifetime fixed-income annuity” is guaranteed. We reserve
配偶須年滿40歲。 the right to determine the annuity options available for this plan from time
6. 不
to time.

病徵或病狀。 5. C
 urrent requirement of the age of spouse when exercising this annuity

7. 保
option is 40 or above.

6. N
 ot applicable to critical illnesses occurred before the annuity date, or

signs and symptoms which existed before the annuity date.

8. 提
7. T
 he Policy Owner may change the Insured after the 1st policy year.
All supplementary benefit(s) (if applicable) will be terminated upon
值,而每月費用仍會被扣除,如現金價值不足以支付 the effective date of the change of Insured. Please refer to the policy
每月費用,保單將會終止而沒有任何價值。 document for the relevant terms and conditions.
9. 如
 為整付保費的保單,於提款後的賬戶價值餘額必須 8. C
 ash withdrawals or skipping premium payments will affect the
不低於5,000美元或40,000港元/澳門元;如提款額 accumulation of the Cash Value, while the monthly charges are still
不超過兌現限額(即提取現金前的賬戶價值減提取現 deductible. If the Cash Value is insufficient to cover the monthly charges,
金前60個月內已繳首次整付保費及所有非定期保費 the policy will lapse with zero value.
和之50%) ,又或於投入最後一次保費的第5年後 9. F
 or single-premium policies, the balance of the Account Value after
提取現金,便無需繳付退保費用。 「現金價值」相等於 withdrawal must not be less than US$5,000 or HK$/MOP40,000. If cash
賬戶價值減去適用的退保費用。你可於退保時獲取當 withdrawals do not exceed the encashment limit (i.e., the Account Value
時保單的現金價值,又可於有需要時提取部分現金作 prior to the cash withdrawal minus 50% of the initial single premium and
周轉之用。 all unscheduled premiums paid within the past 60 months before the

10. 定 期提款權益只適用於生效滿10年或以上的保單,並
withdrawal is made), or the withdrawal is made 5 years after the last

可獲豁免支付提款費用。按現行規定, 每月提款金額
premium is paid, no surrender charge will be applied. “Cash Value” means
the Account Value less the applicable surrender charge. You are entitled
最低為500美元/4,000港元/澳門元,提款年期最短一 to receive the Cash Value at the time of policy surrender, or withdraw a
年;而每年提款金額最低為6,000美元/48,000港元/ portion of the Cash Value to cope with emergencies.
10. Automatic periodic withdrawal option is only applicable if the policy has
been in force for at least 10 years, and the withdrawal charge will be waived.
11. 雖 然計劃亦為投保人提供供款彈性,但如欲投保本計 Current requirement on minimum monthly withdrawal amount is US$500/
劃,投保人必須準備於所選定的繳付保費年期內支付 HK$/MOP4,000, with minimum withdrawal period of one year; the minimum
全期保費。 annual withdrawal amount is US$6,000/HK$/MOP48,000, with minimum
12. 增 加基本計劃的每年基本保費時保單尚餘的繳付保
withdrawal period of three years. For any change after the application has

been confirmed, a nominal fee of US$25/HK$/MOP200 will be levied.

11. Though this plan provides you with some flexibility in premium payment,
you should have every intention of paying the premium for the whole of
your chosen Premium Payment Term.
13. 若 受保人於全額現金價值用作行使年金權益前身
12. The Target Yearly Premium of the Basic Plan may be increased before the
Insured reaches age 70 provided the Premium Payment Term still has at
付保費年期內,又或整付保費保單生效5年內身故, least 5 years to run, or you may credit a lump-sum unscheduled premium
保單的指定受益人可全數取回繳基本保費(需扣 to a single-premium policy before the Insured reaches age 70.
13. If the death of the Insured occurs before exercising an annuity option with
the full Cash Value, Death Benefit will be paid to the policy beneficiary.
人於繳付保費年期屆滿後,又或整付保費保單生效5 If the death of the Insured occurs during the Premium Payment Term or
年後身故,則計劃會支付相等於100%賬戶價值或 within the first 5 policy years of a single-premium policy while the policy
繳基本保費(需扣除已提取的現金款項及用作行使 is in force, the total premiums paid for the basic plan (net of any cash
年金權益的現金價值)的身故賠償,以較高者為準。 withdrawal amount and the Cash Value applied for exercising annuity
option), or 101% of the Account Value, whichever is higher, will be paid

14. 於 全額現金價值用作行使年金權益前,若受保人不幸 to the policy beneficiary. If the death of the Insured occurs after the end
被首次確診患上末期病症,可預先獲得基本計劃及附 of the Premium Payment Term or after first 5 policy years of a single-
加保障(如適用)的身故保障。末期病症指根據本公司 premium policy, a death benefit equal to 100% of the Account Value or total
委任醫療顧問的意見,受保人因患病以致其壽命很可 premiums paid for the basic plan (net of any cash withdrawal amount and
the Cash Value applied for exercising the annuity option), whichever is
higher, will be payable.

請參閱保單文件。 14. On the first occasion that the Insured is diagnosed with a Terminal Illness

15. 不 適用於整付保費保單。若受保人於65歲或之前因
before exercising an annuity option with the full Cash Value, advance

payment of the Death Benefit of the basic plan and of any supplementary
benefits (if applicable) will be paid to the Insured. Terminal Illness means
間所需的基本保費將獲豁免。豁免基本保費最高為 a disease of the Insured, which in the opinion of our appointed medical
每年10,000美元或80,000港元/澳門元(以每位受保 consultant is likely to lead to death of the Insured within twelve months.
人計算) 。 Upon payment of the Terminal Illness Benefit, the related policies and all
16. 現 時之假設派息率(包括現時假設基本派息率、現時 the supplementary benefit(s) attached will automatically be terminated.
假設額外利息息率)及額外回報率為本冊子於2020年 Please refer to the policy document for the relevant terms and conditions.
4月刊發時適用之派息率及額外回報率,並非保證, 15. Not applicable to single-premium policies. In the event that the Insured
日後或會更改。 suffers total disability due to accident for a continuous period of not
less than 6 months before the age of 65, all subsequent target premium
payments of the basic plan will be waived as long as the Insured remains
totally disabled, up to US$10,000 or HK$/MOP80,000 annually (on a per-
life basis).
16. The current assumed crediting interest rate (including a current assumed base
crediting interest rate, a current assumed retrospective additional interest
rate) and Extra Bonus rates are quoted as of the print date of this brochure in
April 2020, and are not guaranteed. The rates are subject to change.

重要資料 Important Information

派息率理念 Crediting Interest Rate Philosophy
我們將不時檢視及釐定派息率及/或非保證回報。我們 The crediting interest rate and/or non-guaranteed bonuses will be reviewed
and determined by us from time to time. In determining the crediting interest

rate and/or non-guaranteed bonuses, we will take into account both past
experience and expected future outlooks for factors including, but not limited
投資回報:包括所投資的資產賺取的利息/紅利收入及市 to, the following.
場價格變動。投資表現會受利息/紅利收入之波動以及 Investment performance: This includes interest/dividend income and
各種市場風險因素如信貸息差、違約風險、股票價格、房 changes in the market value of the invested assets. Investment performance
地產價格及商品價格之波動及匯率而影響。 could be affected by fluctuations in interest/dividend income and various
market risk factors, such as credit spread, default risk, fluctuations in equity
退保:包括保單失效、退保、部分退保及其他扣減項目及 prices, property prices, commodity prices, exchange rates, etc.
Surrenders: These may include policy lapses, surrenders, partial surrenders
為了提供更平穩的派息率及/或非保證回報,我們或會在 and other deductions and benefit payments; and the corresponding impact on
投資表現強勁的時期保留回報,用作在投資表現較弱的 investments.
時期支持或維持較高之派息率及/或非保證回報。 To provide more stable crediting interest rate and/or non-guaranteed bonuses,
we may retain returns during periods of strong investment performance to

support or maintain stronger crediting interest rate and/or non-guaranteed
bonuses during periods of less favourable investment performance.
資產會被投放於不同類型的投資工具,可能包括環球股 Investment Policy, Objective and Strategy
YF Life Insurance International Ltd.’s investment objective is to optimize
policyholders’ returns over the long-term with an acceptable level of risk.
Assets are invested in a broad range of investment vehicles, which may
資回報。 include global equities, bonds and other fixed-income instruments, properties
and commodities. This diversified investment portfolio aims to achieve
attractive and stable long-term returns.

Past and expected future performance, volatility, and the associated risks
of investment assets are considered in selecting investment assets and
產及股票類資產為組合的投資策略。現時的長線投資策 managing our investment portfolio.
To achieve the long-term target returns, YF Life Insurance International Ltd.
implements a strategy utilizing a mix of fixed-income and equity-like investments.
資產類別 目標資產組合 (%) The current long-term target strategy is to allocate assets as follows:

債券及其他固定收益資產 80% - 100%

Asset Class Target Asset Mix (%)
股票類資產 0% - 20%
Bonds and other fixed-income instruments 80% - 100%

Equity-like assets 0% - 20%

債券及其他固定收益資產主要包括擁有高信用評級的政 Bonds and other fixed-income investments mainly include high credit rating
府債券及不同行業的企業債券(主要投資於美國市場), government bonds and corporate bonds (which are mainly invested in the
提供一個多元化及高質素之債券投資組合。 geographical region of the United States) across a variety of industries,
making up a diversified bond portfolio with high asset quality.
Equity-like assets may include global equities (public and/or private), mutual
funds, exchange-traded funds, high yield debts, properties and commodities.
場。投資遍佈於不同地區及涉及不同的行業。另外,我們 Investments are diversified across various geographical areas and industries.
或會使用衍生工具作為資產風險管理。 Derivatives may also be used for risk-management purposes.
投資策略或會不時根據市場環境及經濟展望而作變動。 This investment strategy may be subject to change, depending on the

prevailing market conditions and economic outlook.

For relevant details and historical crediting interest rate, please visit our website:
香港: Hong Kong:
Investment-Strategy Useful-Information/Investment-Strategy

澳門: Macau:
Investment-Strategy Information/Investment-Strategy

主要產品風險 Key Product Risks

Premium Payment Term and Benefit Term
You should pay the premium(s) in accordance with your selected premium

payment term. Cash withdrawals, reducing the premium amount, or skipping
premium payments (if applicable) will reduce the accumulation of the Cash
累積的現金價值,而每月費用仍會被扣除。我們將定期 Value, while the monthly charges are still deductible. Non-guaranteed charges
檢視非保證之費用,於需要時非保證之費用可能會被調 will be reviewed regularly and may be adjusted if necessary. In determining
整。我們將會參考包括但不限於理賠、支出費用、投資 any changes in charges, we will take reference to both past experience and
回報及退保等因素的過往經驗和預期未來展望,以釐定 expected future outlooks for factors including, but not limited to, claims,
任何非保證費用的調整。如現金價值不足以支付每月費 expenses, investment performance and surrenders. If the Cash Value is not
sufficient to cover the monthly charges and no premiums are paid before the

end of the 31-day Grace Period from such premium due date, the policy will
lapse with zero value.
保障年期為受保人終身。 The benefit term is whole of life of the Insured.
終止 Termination
在下列任何情況下,保單將會終止: The policy will be terminated when one of the following events occurs:
• 寬限期屆滿(適用於定期供款保單) • The Grace Period ends (applicable to regular-premium policies)
• 現 金價值不足以支付一般行政費用(適用於整付保費 • Cash Value is insufficient to cover the Administrative Charge (applicable to
保單) single-premium policies)
• 保單持有人呈交書面要求終止本保單
• The policy owner submits a written request to terminate this policy

• 在 受保人經確診患上末期病症而需要作出末期病症保
• The Insured is diagnosed with terminal illness giving rise to the payment of
Terminal Illness Benefit
障賠償後 • The Insured dies
• 受保人身故
Early Surrender
提早退保 The product is intended to be held in the long-term. Should you terminate the
本產品是為長線持有而設。如提早終止保單,你所獲得 policy early, you may receive a Cash Value considerably less than the total
的現金價值或會遠低於你的已繳保費。 premiums paid.

Inflation Risk
Where the actual rate of inflation is higher than expected, the policy owner

might receive less in real terms even if YF Life Insurance International Ltd.
meets all of its contractual obligations.
Credit Risk
信貸風險 This plan is underwritten by YF Life Insurance International Ltd. The insurance
本計劃由萬通保險承保及負責,保單持有人的保單權益 benefits are held solely responsible by the company and subject to its credit risk.
會受其信貸風險所影響。 Key Exclusions
主要不保事項 For regular-premium policy:
If the Insured commits suicide, whether sane or insane, within one year from the

Policy Date or within one year from the effective date of any increase of Target
Yearly Premium of Basic Plan of this Policy, whichever is later, our total liability
基本保費的生效日期(以較後者為準)起計一年內自殺, shall be limited to the Account Value on the date of death of the Insured.
If the Insured commits suicide, whether sane or insane, within one year from
the effective date of any term life supplementary benefit(s) or any addition in
受保人若在任何附加定期人壽保障或增加附加定期人 term life supplementary benefit(s), the term life supplementary benefit(s) Sum
壽保障的生效日期一年內自殺,該附加定期人壽保障額 Insured or the increased term life supplementary benefit(s) Sum Insured will
或增加附加定期人壽保障額將不獲賠償。我們的全部責 not be payable. Our total liability with respect to the benefit(s) shall be limited
to the respective Cost of Supplementary Benefits of the benefit deducted

(without any interest).

適用於整付保單: For single-premium policy:
若受保人在保單日期或在任何獲我們接納之非定期保費 If the Insured commits suicide, whether sane or insane, within one year from
當天(以較後者為準)起計一年內自殺,無論其是否在神 the Policy Date or within one year from the date on which any payment of
智清醒的情況下,我們的全部責任將只限於受保人身故 Unscheduled Premium has been accepted by us, whichever is later, our total
當天的賬戶價值。 liability shall be limited to the Account Value on the date of death of the Insured.

Premium Levy (Applicable to Hong Kong only)
The Insurance Authority (IA) collects levy on insurance premiums from policy holders

through the Company for insurance policies issued in Hong Kong. For details

about the levy, please visit the dedicated IA webpage at

Cooling-off Period
保單冷靜期 If you are not satisfied with the policy and have not made any claim under this
如保單未能滿足你的要求,而你並未根據本保單提出任 policy, you may return it under a signed covering letter to us (Hong Kong: 27/F,
何索償,你可以書面方式要求取消保單,連同保單退回 YF Life Tower, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong/Macau: Avenida Doutor
本公司(香港:香港灣仔駱克道33號萬通保險大廈27樓/ Mario Soares No. 320, Finance and IT Center of Macau, 8 Andar A, Macau)
澳門:澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路320號澳門財富中心8樓 within 21 days after the delivery of the policy or issue of the Notice (which
A座),並確保本公司的辦事處於交付保單的21天內,或 states that the policy is available for collection and the expiry date of the
向你/你的代表人發出《通知書》(說明已經可以領取保 cooling-off period) to you or your representative, whichever is earlier. We will
單和冷靜期屆滿日)後起計的21天內(以較早者為準)收 cancel the policy upon receipt of your written request and refund all premiums
到書面要求。於收妥書面要求後,保單將被取消,你將可 and the levy you paid (applicable to Hong Kong only), without any interest.
獲退回已繳保費金額及你所繳付的徵費(適用於香港) ,

MY Lifetime Annuity – at a glance
利益項目 Benefits
基本派息率 16 現時假設基本派息率為每年4.0%。基本派息會每月派發,並撥入賬戶價值,以複式
Base crediting interest rate16 計算
Current assumed base crediting interest rate is 4.0% p.a. The base crediting interest will
be credited monthly to the Account Value at a compound rate

額外利息 16 於保單第20個週年日及其後每5年派發,現時假設額外利息息率為每年0.5%
Retrospective additional Credited to the Account Value at the end of the 20 th policy year and for every 5 years
interest 16 thereafter. The current assumed retrospective additional interest rate is 0.5% p.a.

保證特別回報 1 於保單第10個週年日(適用於定期供款及整付保費保單),及第15個週年日(只適用於
Guaranteed Special Bonus1 定期供款保單) 派發
Credited to the policy at the end of the 10 th policy year (applicable to regular-premium
policies and single-premium policies) and at the end of the 15th policy year (only
applicable to regular-premium policies)

保單 Policy 保證特別回報 Guaranteed Special Bonus

定期供款 第10及第15年終: 基本計劃的每年基本保費

Regular-premium End of 10 th & 15th year: 30% x Target Yearly Premium of
the Basic Plan

整付保費 第10年終: 整付保費

5% x
Single-premium End of 10 th year: Single Premium

額外回報 16 於第15個保單週年日及其後每5年派發
Extra Bonus 16
Credited to the policy at the end of the 15th policy year and for every 5 years thereafter

保單年 Policy Year 現時假設額外回報 The current assumed Extra Bonus

15th/20 th 過往5年的平均每月賬戶價值
4.00% x Average Monthly Account Value of
the preceding 5 years

25及其後每5年 過往5年的平均每月賬戶價值
25th and for every 5.50% x Average Monthly Account Value of
5 years thereafter the preceding 5 years

利息保證 保證賬戶價值(包括撥入保單之利息、額外回報及保證特別回報的額)將不會少於
Guaranteed interest 每年以派息率3%計算而累積的賬戶價值(適用於已生效滿15年或以上的保單)
The Account Value (including the total interest, Extra Bonus and Guaranteed Special
Bonus credited to the policy) is guaranteed to have accumulated to an amount at least
as if the interest rate credited had been 3% p.a. (applicable only to policies in force for
15 years or more)

年金權益選擇 1. 定額終身年金
Annuity Options Lifetime fixed-income annuity
2. 定額終身年金 – 現金價值回奉保證
Lifetime fixed-income annuity - guaranteed refund of Cash Value
3. 定額終身年金 – 125%現金價值回奉保證
Lifetime fixed-income annuity - guaranteed refund of 125% Cash Value
4. 遞增終身年金
Lifetime increasing-income annuity
5. 遞 增終身年金 – 現金價值回奉保證
Lifetime increasing-income annuity - guaranteed refund of Cash Value
6. 定額終身年金 – 10年保證期
Lifetime fixed-income annuity with 10 years guaranteed payment
7. 定額終身年金 – 15年保證期
Lifetime fixed-income annuity with 15 years guaranteed payment
8. 定額終身年金 – 20年保證期
Lifetime fixed-income annuity with 20 years guaranteed payment
9. 定額終身年金 – 聯合年金領取人 5
Lifetime fixed-income annuity - joint annuitant5
10. 定額終身年金 – 聯合年金領取人 5及現金價值回奉保證
Lifetime fixed-income annuity - joint annuitant5 and guaranteed refund of
Cash Value
11. 定額終身年金 – 危疾雙倍年金 6及現金價值回奉保證
 ifetime fixed-income annuity - Critical illness double annuity6 and
guaranteed refund of Cash Value

身故保障 13
Death Benefit 13 Total target premiums paid or 101% of the Account Value, whichever is higher
(Before exercising an annuity option
with the full Cash Value)

末期病症保障 14
(全額現金價值用作行使年金權益前) 預先獲支付基本計劃及附加保障(如適用)的身故保障
Terminal Illness Benefit 14 Advance payment of the Death Benefit of the basic plan and Death Benefit(s) under any
(Before exercising an annuity option supplementary benefits (if applicable)
with the full Cash Value)

豁免保費意外保障 15
Accident Waiver of Premium
Free – up to US$10,000 or HK$/MOP80,000 annually (on a per-life basis)
Benefit 15

保單資料 Policy Information

保單類別 基本計劃
Plan Type Basic Plan

保單貨幣單位 香港保單:美元/港元
Currency 澳門保單:美元/澳門元/港元
Policy Issued in Hong Kong: US$/HK$
Policy Issued in Macau: US$/MOP/HK$

繳費方式 定期供款(每年/每半年/每季/每月)或整付
Payment Mode Regular Premium (Annual/Semi-annual/Quarterly/Monthly) OR Single Premium

最低基本保費 定期供款保單:每年500美元/4,000港元/澳門元
Minimum Target Premium 整付保費保單:10,000美元/80,000港元/澳門元
Regular-premium Policies: US$500/HK$/MOP4,000 annually
Single-premium Policies: US$10,000/HK$/MOP80,000
(The minimum single premium for existing policy owners of the "Target Annuity Saver"
series, MY Lifetime Annuity, and Generations Saver or for those applying for regular-
premium policies of the above series at the same time is US$5,000/HK$/MOP40,000)

最高基本保費 個別考慮
Maximum Target Premium Individual consideration

增加基本保費 定期供款保單:每次最低金額為每年100美元/800港元/澳門元
Increase of Target Premium 整付保費保單:每次最低金額為5,000美元/40,000港元/澳門元
Regular-premium Policies: Minimum amount is US$100/HK$/MOP800 annually
Single-premium Policies: Minimum amount is US$5,000/HK$/MOP40,000

提取現金價值 次數不限,現時每次收取 25 美元或 200 港元/澳門元提款費用

Cash Value Withdrawal Unlimited frequency. Currently, each cash withdrawal is subject to a withdrawal charge
of US$25 or HK$/MOP200

定期提款權益 提款費用:豁免
Automatic periodic withdrawal 每月提款金額:最低500美元/4,000港元/澳門元(提款年期最短一年)

Withdrawal charge: waived
Minimum monthly withdrawal amount: US$500/HK$/MOP4,000 (minimum withdrawal
period of one year)
Minimum annual withdrawal amount: US$6,000/HK$/MOP48,000 (minimum withdrawal
period of three years)
Nominal fee for any change after automatic periodic withdrawal option has been
confirmed: US$25/HK$/MOP200 for each change

投保資料 Basic Information

Age 18 - 70 歲
Issue Age (At Last Birthday)

保障年期 終身
Benefit Term Whole of Life

繳付保費年期 – 定期供款:5至62年(投保年齡加上繳付保費年期 ≤ 80歲)

Premium Payment Term Regular Premium: 5 to 62 years (issue age plus premium payment term ≤ Age 80)
– 整付
Single Premium

如有垂詢,歡迎與本公司之顧問、特許分銷商或保險經紀聯絡,或致電客戶服務熱線:香港 (852) 2533 5555 /
澳門 (853) 2832 2622。
This brochure contains general information and is for reference only. It does not form part of the policy. Please refer to
the policy document for benefit coverage and exact terms and conditions. For enquiries, please contact our consultants,
franchised agents or brokers, or call our Customer Service Hotline: Hong Kong (852) 2533 5555 / Macau (853) 2832 2622.

YF Life Insurance International Limited is a member of publicly listed Yunfeng Financial Group Limited, whose
major shareholders include Yunfeng Financial Holdings Limited and MassMutual International LLC. Leveraging our
robust financial background and solid reliability, we are committed to creating a brighter future for our customers
by providing professional and technology-enhanced one-stop risk- and wealth-management consulting services,
as well as MPF services.

Own the future.


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澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路320號澳門財富中心8樓A 座
YF Life Insurance International Ltd. Customer Service: Suite 1208, 12/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
Avenida Doutor Mario Soares No. 320, Finance and IT Center of Macau,
8 Andar A, Macau

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