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"How do you think like a manager?" It is one of the most common questions
asked when preparing for the CISSP exam. Using 25 CISSP practice questions
with detailed explanations, this book will attempt to answer how to think like a
member of a senior management team who has the goal of balancing risk, cost,
and most of all, human life. The questions will take you through how to resist
thinking from a technical perspective to one that is more holistic of the entire
organization. Like all of Study Notes and Theory's CISSP practice questions,
these questions correlate multiple high-level security concepts and require
thinking like a manager. Extracting the most value comes from understanding
not only which choice is correct, but more importantly, why the other choices are

The Study Notes and Theory platform is here to fine-tune and provide
clairvoyance into CISSP concepts from a different perspective than traditional
study material. Insight is provided into how to think like a manager, strategy and
mentality during the exam, core CISSP concepts, and some essential exam
knowledge. The idea is that sometimes a simple word, phrase, or statement by
someone else can change our own point of view. The unique thing about the
CISSP exam is that no number of books, bootcamps, practice question engines,
or anything else available are even close to the questions found on the real exam.
It is not about memorizing topics but understanding and being able to apply the
concepts. Years of direct security experience is the recommended best resource
for the CISSP exam. However, some experience can be supplemented by reading
multiple information security books, watching videos, and taking thousands of
practice questions.

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Notes and Theory.

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Atef, Prabh Nair, Thor Pedersen, and Zakaria Hadj.
The information contained in this book is for informational purposes only. This book is not meant to reflect
the real exam and there is no affiliation with the (ISC)2 . Any advice is based on my own experience. You
should always seek your own truth, because in the end it's going to be just you in that exam testing center.
This publication does not guarantee an exam pass, this can only be achieved through hard work and
dedication. The use of other CISSP recommended material must be used for success. The practice
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How To Think Like A Manager for the CISSP Exam

Edited by Lori C.
© 2020 Study Notes and Theory. All Rights Reserved.
Visit the author's website at

Digital book(s) (epub and mobi) produced by .

Dedicated to all the security professionals sacrificing,
struggling, and staying up late nights on their journey to
the CISSP.
Question 1: Asset Security
Question 2: Security and Risk Management
Question 3: Asset Security
Question 4: Security Assessment and Testing
Question 5: Security and Risk Management
Question 6: Security and Risk Management
Question 7: Security Engineering
Question 8: Communication and Network Security
Question 9: Security Engineering
Question 10: Security Engineering
Question 11: Security and Risk Management
Question 12: Security Engineering
Question 13: Security and Risk Management
Question 14: Communication and Network Security
Question 15: Security and Risk Management
Question 16: Security and Risk Management
Question 17: Identity and Access Management
Question 18: Security Operations
Question 19: Security Assessment and Testing
Question 20: Software Development Security
Question 21: Asset Security
Question 22: Identity and Access Management
Question 23: Security Operations
Question 24: Communication and Network Security
Question 25: Software Development Security
Why the CISSP Is Worth It and Final Words from Luke
Study Notes and Theory
Which of the following is the most important reason to verify the
media sanitization process?

A. Human error
B. Adherence to security policy
C. Confidentiality
D. Shredder calibration

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Get your exam mentality in gear to face four choices that seemingly are correct,
but only one will be the ultimate high-level answer. Focus on the words “most
important reason”.

The new CISSP computer adaptive testing (CAT) style exam was implemented
on December 18, 2017 1 . Now you have a maximum of three hours to complete
the exam instead of the previous six hours. Whether you have just started
studying for the exam, or are a few days away from it, take your time with
practice questions. You will not be able to go back and review questions on the
real exam anymore.

With this and all other questions, argue with yourself over why choice A, B, C,
or D is the most important reason. Alternatively, you can also take this practice
question and look for the least important reason first. This technique increases
your chances of getting the question correct by eliminating a choice that may
seem less important than the others, while getting you closer to the most
important reason. If shredder calibration is less important than accounting for
human error, choice D can be eliminated.

At a high-level, the least important reason would have a lower impact on the
three core foundations of security: confidentiality, integrity or availability. The
most important reason would have a wider impact.
Think Like a Manager
A manager would go with the choice which, if not considered,
would have the most negative impact to not only the media
sanitization process, but also every other type of process.

Types of Media Sanitization

Clearing - To overwrite and replace confidential data spaces on
media with something meaningless using approved software or
hardware technology 2 .

Purging - To completely overwrite data on a disk by degaussing or firmware

commands which would lead data to be unrecoverable with a high level of
confidence 3 .

Destruction - Physical destruction is the only way to truly make data

unrecoverable and to render the media useless. Destruction methods include
shredding, pulverizing, disintegration, and incineration 4 .

Exam Essentials
Look for the choice that plays an all-encompassing and
authoritative role in all of the other remaining choices.

Sometimes it helps to change the question to what it really wants us to know:

“Why does the CISSP exam want me to know the most important reason to
verify that there is no data leftover after sanitization?”

A. There will always be mistakes

B. Nothing happens without a policy
C. Secrets must be kept confidential
D. Proper operation of shredding devices

Study Notes and Theory's CISSP practice questions are complex for a reason: to
prepare you for the real exam. It works in your favor to really breakdown the
question and the given choices. It's important to get the question correct, but it's
more important to understand why the other choices are wrong. The real exam
does not care whether you can memorize encryption ciphers, OSI model protocol
numbers, or the steps of the software development life cycle. The exam tests
whether you can apply those concepts.
A. Human error
Humans will always make mistakes. This is not the most important reason, but it
is one reason we should verify that data has been totally sanitized without a
shred of data remanence. Data custodians can make mistakes when sanitizing
data or any other process that requires human involvement. In addition to the
verification process post-sanitization, proper personnel training should be
conducted pre-sanitization to ensure adequate skill and competency 5 .

B. Adherence to security policy

A security policy produced by the leadership team contains the direction, scope,
and general structure in which an organization will maintain, secure, and define
the acceptable risk thresholds of their information system. Policies address
potential threats, along with the strategies to mitigate and recover from them. It
could disrupt internal stability if the policies and directives of the company
leadership are ignored. This in turn could lead to the inability to deal with
external instability. Policies must be followed, as they are what allows an
organization to actually remain organized while moving forward with revenue-
driven momentum 6 .

A policy document will not go into specifics (that responsibility falls on

supporting documents such as standards, baselines, guidelines, procedures) 7 , but
will serve as the high-level directive on whether data should be cleared, purged,
destroyed, or any other method the business requires. It will be the basis on
whether systems should be rendered useless after use or if they should be
sanitized for reuse.

Adhering to the security policy is the most important reason to verify the
sanitization process as it will answer the who, what, when, and why. B is the
only choice that ideally would include accounting for human error, upholding
confidentiality, and the maintenance of physical destruction devices in a policy
and any other supporting document such as a standard, baseline, or procedure.

Security policies are mandatory if an organization wants to provide direction and

show support of their protection of security issues 8 .
C. Confidentiality
Confidentiality is one of the core foundations upon which security is built, along
with integrity and availability. Hard drives that contain residual data even after
sanitization methods have been performed would breach confidentiality, making
choice C the next best choice. Why is choice B more important than choice C?
Because it takes a data security policy from senior management to initiate a data
classification process - to label something as “confidential”. A policy is what
essentially determines which data is to be classified as confidential, sensitive,
private, or any other classification 9 .

Core CISSP Concept

Nothing happens without a policy from within an organization on
the CISSP exam, or real life. From a security governance
perspective, a policy shows support from senior management.
Financially, it shows the organization is willing to allocate the
necessary funds to support the policy.

D. Shredder calibration
A hard drive shredder does one thing: it shreds. It does not shred some or a
portion of the data, it shreds everything. There is less worry about the result of a
hard drive shredder containing data remanence than the other three choices. The
sanitization method of physical destruction provides visual and absolute
verification, there is nothing to check afterwards except pieces of metal. For
added security, material unrelated to the original data can be mixed in to add
another level of confusion in case of reconstruction efforts 10 . Choice D is the
least important reason to verify the sanitization process.

Think Like a Manager

Data is not recoverable after going through a shredder, and neither
is a hard drive. Physical destruction is not an option if the
organization wants to save money and reuse media. Always think
about saving money while also trying to maximize security. If the
business does not make money, there will be no security.
Rymar Tech's management would like to prepare a baseline of
risks to their organization. They will need to identify the
vulnerabilities that can be exploited from the events originating
from various threat sources. This information will be further
analyzed to determine the likelihood of occurrence and the impact
it will have on the company’s operations, assets, and information
security in general.
A formal executive briefing will be held to report and share the
results of the assessment with mission owners and information
system managers. If ongoing assessments become required to
monitor changes to the established baseline, the initial report will
be properly maintained to reflect changes in risk factors affecting
the organization.

What is the primary reason for management's new initiative?

A. Providing risk oversight

B. Making risk-based decisions
C. Selecting controls
D. Performing due diligence

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Understanding the definition of the word "primary" will provide the necessary
clairvoyance for choosing the correct answer to this and any other CISSP
practice question:

primary adjective 1
1 Of chief importance
2 Earlier in time or order
Policies or initiatives are not created for the sake of security, a primary business
justification always comes first. The correct choice will serve as the overall
reason for the new initiative, whereas the other choices can be ordered
chronologically to support the primary reason. Initiatives are created to
ultimately maintain the momentum and progress of the organization 2 .

A specific and important process is occurring at Rymar Tech that has many
revisions, methods, and steps outlined in CISSP study guides as well as NIST
documents. But in essence, it is the same general process. Looking at each line
of the question, the following words hint to the process: "prepare", "identify”,
“likelihood”, "impact", "report", “monitor”, and "maintained".

Hint : This particular process can be adjusted to suit each organization, but the
primary concept is the same. What process is occurring in the question? Is it


Exam Essentials
If you are still unsure of the answer, take this time to research each
choice individually. The habit of researching each choice goes a
long way in preparing for the real exam. It is like performing your
own due care and due diligence. Taking practice questions is due
care for the exam, and studying topics that still are unclear is performing due

The word "baseline" identifies a purpose, not a primary reason. Risk assessments
can establish a baseline, perform an ongoing reassessment, or re-evaluate
controls as a response to new risks. Whether a baseline is established to define a
required level of security or an enhancement of the current one 3 , the correct
choice will remain the same.
A. Providing risk oversight
Risk oversight is a proactive process that starts with the board of directors. The
board has the ultimate task of overseeing the risk management operations and
processes that will be managed by the senior executives 4 . The new initiative is
at the directive of Rymar Tech's management who are going to make risk-based
decisions from the results of a risk assessment. The board will hold management
accountable for a proper enterprise risk management system to determine the
organization's risk appetite.

B. Making risk-based decisions

The process performed in the question is a baseline risk assessment. The
assessment results will provide a benchmark of current security controls, which
will be used to make risk-based decisions for the enterprise 5 . Risk oversight
stakeholders use assessments to perceive uncertainties and manage risk before
they become an operational surprise that affects the business function. The
primary reason for Rymar Tech's new initiative is to make risk-based decisions
through a baseline risk assessment. Further scoping and tailoring of baseline
controls can be conducted to supplement future risk management activities.

Following are the steps of a risk assessment 6 :

Prepare for the assessment

Identify purpose, scope, sources, constraints, risk model
A reason is needed to put energy toward the assessment
Conduct the assessment
Identify threats, vulnerabilities, likelihood, impact
Gather information on risks and their priority level
Communicate risk assessment information
Share assessment results for overall risk decision making
The content of the report or briefing will guide risk decisions
Maintain the risk assessment
Preservation and maintenance allow document availability
Baseline assessment serves as a comparison to future change

Some of the risk-based decisions as a result of a risk assessment exercise can

include 7 :

Modification of existing controls

Implementation of security solutions for the supply chain
The discontinuation or suspension of a business function
Changes since the last risk assessment

Core CISSP Concept

The value of a risk assessment diminishes over time. As
organizations introduce more assets, operations, functions, and
processes, more risk will be introduced. This is what is meant by
never being able to fully eliminate risk. It's only a matter of time
until one risk is replaced by another.

C. Selecting controls
A baseline risk assessment identifies the controls currently in place. Changes to
an organization require another risk assessment, after which new controls will be
selected to either adjust the existing baseline controls or implement new ones.
This is not the correct answer because the primary initiative is to first have a
baseline risk assessment to account for existing controls, whereas the need for
selecting additional controls comes afterwards 8 .

D. Performing due diligence

Going through an in-depth focused risk assessment, allocating time, expending
effort, and practicing a posture of doing everything possible to prepare for
unforeseeable risk is performing due diligence. Due diligence is not an initiative,
it's an attitude. It comes with being proactive about researching long-term
plausible threats.

Think Like a Manager

Risk-based decisions can cover multiple echelons of the risk management
hierarchy. These include the organization itself, internal processes, and the
overall information security management system. An evolving business requires
ongoing cycles of risk assessment.
Gerard and Troy work at DS Technology, an industrial startup
company specializing in building a Dyson Sphere. Currently, they
have a satellite in the deepest reaches of space analyzing and
sending back an immense amount of cosmic data. When the
telemetry data comes in, Gerard has to classify it as important,
useful, or negligible. To make things a bit easier on Gerard, Troy
has volunteered to help his co-worker transfer, archive, mark,
label, and backup all pertinent data to an external location.

As they gain more funding to continue their work, DS Technology

has been asked to implement proper security governance, structure,
and roles. To make sure all the spatial data is organized, valued,
and available at all times, a new data classification policy also
needs to be created.

What would be Gerard’s role after the policy has been issued?

A. Data User
B. Data Owner
C. Data Custodian
D. Data Processor

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Out of the four choices, which are the terms you are most familiar with from
your CISSP study guides? More than likely, it is the terms “data owner” and
“data custodian”. Focus on these two terms and look back at Gerard and Troy’s
roles at DS Technology before they had to implement a data classification policy.
Does it make a difference that Gerard is classifying data while Troy is archiving
and backing up the data? Also note that "more funding" means the company is
doing well and their data is becoming more valuable. With value, comes the
need for data privacy and the roles that are responsible for its protection. Think
of which role has the ultimate responsibility of protecting privacy after the new
data classification policy.

Exam Essentials
Master the critical skill of eliminating two choices to increase your
chances of getting the question correct.

Answer the question in your mind first and then look to see if it matches any of
the given choices. It's tiring, but taking CISSP practice questions shouldn’t feel
like a chore that you just want to finish and move on. Treat each practice
question as if it is the real exam. Any sentence, phrase, term, or concept you do
not recognize, proceed to study and nail those unknowns until you are confident
in the subject matter. Take the time now to fully research and learn any
unfamiliar topics to be better prepared for the real exam later on, it's worth it.

Think Like A Manager

Does Gerard's current responsibilities seem closest or furthest away
from senior management? Answer this first to determine his new

Hint : Gerard will become Troy's boss when a proper security

governance structure is administered. Gerard will be in
management whereas Troy will be in operations.

Three out of the four choices are closely tied together whereas one is the outlier.
Which three terms are used internally to an organization and which leftover term
is commonly associated with an external entity? Also understand that a data
owner is not the same thing as data ownership 1 .
A. Data User
A data user is just someone who uses the data within an organization for their job
function 2 . It takes the data owner, custodian, systems administrator, information
security officer, and senior management to make sure information for the data
user is 3 :

Accurate, relevant, and updated

Within scope of the data user’s business purpose
Contains appropriate security controls, e.g., passwords, access control
lists, rights, permissions, classification, access
Compliant and within regulatory bounds

B. Data Owner
One of the primary responsibilities of the data owner is to classify a specific set
of data 4 . Classifying the data means to decide which information is or is not
valuable. Gerard was the first to “classify” the data when there was no formal
data classification policy at DS Technology. He is doing so using an informal
classification scheme of "important, useful, or negligible." When Gerard takes
on a more formal role as the data owner, he will use the more traditional
classification labels associated with organizations.

Core CISSP Concept

A key difference to know for classification labels is that a private
business will most commonly use the labels of "confidential",
"private", "sensitive", or "public". Government agencies or the
military will use the terms "top secret", "secret", "sensitive but
unclassified", or "unclassified" 5 .

Assigning classifications and labels is the job of a data owner. The words
“organized" and "valued” hinted to the fact a data owner is required.
Classification organizes data into different subsets that are dependent on their
value. The higher the value, the higher the classification. The words “available at
all times” hints to the primary responsibility of a data custodian: upholding
availability. This is done through marking, labeling, or backing up data.

A data owner organizes and assigns values to data, and a data custodian sets up
security controls to ensure data remains available to each business function. As
DS Technology grows into a bigger company, and given their current
responsibilities, Gerard would be the data owner and Troy would be the data
custodian. In exam language, the data owner is ultimately responsible for the
data and for classifying the data. While initially Troy volunteered to help Gerard,
the data owner also would assign the responsibilities of the data custodian. With
proper governance, Gerard would assign Troy to be a data custodian 6 .

C. Data Custodian
Troy is the data custodian because he initially helped to archive the data (think
availability and a proper archiving process). More importantly, he put the useful
data to an external server which provides a method to ensure there is no single
point of failure in case of a disaster - this upholds availability 7 . Troy deals with
maintaining the data for availability, and not classifying the data. Troy’s
responsibility is closest to the role of someone in security operations and furthest
away from senior management 8 .

D. Data Processor
In terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), if a company
collects personal information, they are a data controller 9 . Think of a data
processor as a third-party legal entity or agency that handles the data given to
them by a data controller. These terms are synonymous with the topic of
personal data privacy within the GDPR. The GDPR states third-party data
processors must ensure the privacy of the data they are handling and implement
security controls such as encryption, tokenization or pseudonymization 10 . Both
Gerard and Troy work within DS Technology and are handling their own data,
nobody is processing it for them. Additionally, DS Technology is not handling
private user data, only data from space. Data processor is a term external to an
organization while the other choices are internal.

Theorized by Freeman Dyson, a Dyson Sphere is a mega structure built around a

star to harness its energy for near-infinite power 11 .
A security consultant has been urgently hired by a bank to discover
any unknown and exploitable weaknesses within their business. As
it was a long holiday weekend, half the workforce as well as senior
management were not available. The consultant decided to take
proactive measures and begin her activities.

The consultant first gathered preliminary intelligence on the target

through various automated scanning tools. She then gained access
to one of the internal networks by tunneling traffic through a
remote VPN (virtual private network) connection. After exploiting
several other vulnerabilities within the organization's servers and
databases, the consultant managed to freely traverse multiple areas
of the environment gathering the maximum amount of data
possible. Once enough information was collected, she removed all
traces of her presence in the breached networks. On the following
business day, she encrypted the results of her security test and sent
the password-protected report to the bank's senior management

Which of the following was conducted by the security consultant?

A. Vulnerability scanning
B. Penetration testing
C. Hacking
D. Ethical hacking

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Choices A, B, and D sound similar, right? All three of these choices appear to be
something a security consultant would be hired to do for an organization. But
because they are three different choices, they must have properties that set them

For choice C, the security consultant does not seem like she is hacking the
organization, or is she? If the answer is choice C, is there anything in the context
of the question to make it sound like she has ulterior motives? Or could she just
be a victim of circumstance?

It seems like she is going through the steps of someone with the role of a
penetration tester or ethical hacker 1 :

Gathering intelligence via scanning tools

Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities
Gaining access to the network
Erasing evidence of intrusion
Sending report to senior management

These also seem like the systematic and chronological steps a security
professional or a hacker would take to compromise security controls. Yet, a
major task draws the line between a hacker and an ethical hacker.

Hint : Has the first and last step of the penetration testing process been followed
by the consultant? Aside from finding and exploiting weaknesses, these two
steps serve to formally validate the overall process. Which choice would provide
a true test of a company's protection mechanisms?

Think Like A Manager

What process was broken by the consultant that may or may not
discredit all her work? What crucial step did the security consultant
forget to do that can lead to a legal issue?
A. Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability scanning is a part of the overall vulnerability assessment process. It
can be technical in nature using various tools to look for weaknesses in devices
such as routers, firewalls, or servers. Using scanners is an easier and faster
method than using manual methods with human involvement 2 . They can also in
turn provide a list of targets for further penetration testing. Scanners have some
limitations in that they use a database of signatures to match for existing
vulnerabilities 3 . These signatures need to be updated on a consistent basis and
especially right before a scan. An organization should maintain a regular
signature, version, or firmware upgrade schedule in order to avoid surprises.

Choice A would be correct in the sense that vulnerability scanning was

conducted by the consultant. She performed vulnerability scanning by using
“various automated scanning tools”. But the choice actually is incorrect because
without obtaining permission first, in the eyes of the law, those automated tools
were just used for hacking.

B. Penetration testing
Penetration testing goes beyond a vulnerability scan. One of the key differences
between choice A and choice B is that vulnerabilities can actively be exploited in
a penetration test, whereas vulnerabilities are just meant to be discovered in a
vulnerability scan. Penetration testing takes a high degree of skill and can cause
real-world damage to real-world systems. Given this, they also are one of the
best ways to determine an organization's ability to react to real-world threats 4 .
Following are the general steps of a penetration test 5 :

Plan the process - Establish goals, scope, and rules. Make sure to first get
management approval in writing.
Gather target intelligence - Identify IP addresses, port numbers, network
drives, host names, applications, or employee information.
Exploit vulnerabilities - Successful exploitation is the core of a penetration test.
Provide report - Documentation is maintained throughout all the previous steps.
A final report is then securely sent to stakeholders with accompanying mitigation

The final report will serve to determine the ability for the organization to tolerate
real-world attacks, gauge the level of skill required, understand defensive
capabilities, and add any additional security controls that can be used to thwart
future attacks 6 . The security consultant followed the proper steps, except for the
most important first step: obtaining written permission from the bank’s senior
management team to touch their systems.

C. Hacking
The correct answer is C, the security consultant was hacking the bank. If the
bank hired the security consultant to exploit their weaknesses, how come she
still is considered to be hacking? In order to “hack” an organization within legal
bounds, one must first get permission from senior management. In this case,
even though the security consultant was being proactive about her urgent job,
she did not wait for formal written permission from the senior management of
the bank who were on holiday.

Core CISSP Concept

There’s only one difference between hacking and penetration
testing: permission . A core CISSP concept is that you must
always get written permission and scope before conducting any
kind of testing that involves exploiting an organization’s
production environment 7 . As far as the police or FBI are
concerned, this is hacking. The consultant could go to prison under the
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if within the United States (not just jail, but
prison ).

D. Ethical hacking
The terms ethical hacking and penetration testing can be related, but are not
mutually exclusive. They are both an attempt to actively exploit the weaknesses
within an organization’s system 8 . Just because someone is an ethical hacker
doesn’t also mean they are a penetration tester, and vice versa. An ethical hacker
is one who understands the path a real hacker may take to attack a system, but
does not do so illegally or for personal gain - they follow a code.
You are presented with a pop-up screen after logging into a
Windows 10 operating system at your new job as a network
security engineer. It states the following:

Welcome to Rymar Tech! To remotely manage our firewalls, you

will need to first generate a public and private key. In order to do
so, please follow these steps:

1. Open PuTTYgen 1 from your desktop

2. Click “Generate”
3. Wave around your mouse in the box for increased
4. Put in a passphrase to protect your private key (!!DO NOT
5. Save public key and send it to the security department:
6. Save private key to your machine

This is an example of what type of company document?

A. Policy
B. Standard
C. Guideline
D. Procedure

Exam Strategy and Mentality

This is a straightforward question with straightforward choices. A policy is a

high-level document with high-level language. Standards and guidelines go into
more detail, and procedures are an official order of steps 2 .

The pop-up screen is most likely configured by a systems administrator who

would work in the IT operations department. All the given documents in the
choices may be occasionally viewed by those who work in a technical capacity,
however, which document would they actually use as a way to accomplish a

Think Like A Manager

Is the pop-up screen you encounter after logging into your
computer something you need to do or have the option to do? Does
it need to be done in order to do your job?

Know the differences in the four documents as they lay the written
instructions for how the company operates. The documents go from
high-level administrative directives to low-level technical instructions. They
work together in a top-down style starting from policy, standard, baseline,
guideline, and procedure 3 .

Core CISSP Concept

Users are not always provided with all company documents. To be
useful and effective, documents must be readily available to all

All types of internal public documents must be proactively updated

and available to be viewed. If a user needs SSH keys to do their job, the
company must provide documentation for them to do so.

Hint : One of the choices is a document that does not have to be followed, it is a
strongly advised suggestion.
A. Policy
Policies are high-level documents written by senior management. They can
begin with a general announcement by the leadership of the organization on the
importance and commitment to security. A security policy does not go into
specifics by naming individuals or their specific roles, but more about their
responsibilities, why it's required, and what will happen if it is not followed 4 .
You will not see the steps to create a public/private key pair written in a policy.
Policies are the master security framework upon which standards, baselines,
procedures, and guidelines are based 5 . Policies are official, there is no choice
but to follow them. The other documents are to be crafted to only support and
follow the policy. There can be three types of policies: regulatory, advisory, or
informative 6 .

Company documents usage examples :

• Policy
• Example : Information traveling over Rymar Tech's computer network should
be available to support business functions .
• Standard
• Example : Firewalls must be clustered with high-availability capabilities
in an active/standby pair.
• Procedure
• Example : Open PuTTY sessions to both firewalls
Configure VRRP on primary firewall
Configure VRRP on secondary firewall
Set priority on primary firewall to 100
Set priority on secondary firewall to 90
Save configuration on primary
Save configuration on secondary
Log out of PuTTY sessions to both firewalls
• Guideline
• Example : If failover does not occur, manually increase priority on
the secondary firewall to initiate a failover.
• Baseline
• Example : Firewalls should be hardened per NIST per 800-41 7
specifics before being put into production.

B. Standard
Standards present a uniformed and efficiently managed enterprise that benefits
from better consistency, integration, and a higher quality of data and systems
management 8 . In other words, it is easier for a company to maintain users who
are all on the same operating system (Windows) instead of having a
heterogeneous environment (Linux, macOS, Ubuntu). It saves time, money, and
is logistically easier to apply updates, buy software, or plan for end-of-life

Think Like A Manager

An organization can deviate from a standard and have exceptions.
If this occurs, then compensating controls need to be in place to
mitigate the risk from the absence of the baseline control.
Deviations from set company standards takes bold leadership,
comprehensive due diligence, and a mixture of ideas.

C. Guideline
The definition of guidelines is easy to remember because it’s the only statement
that is recommended 9 - guidelines are not enforced. Consider guidelines as a
helpful suggestion. You can either follow guidelines or not, but remember they
are based on some of the best practices and methods in the security industry.

D. Procedure
Procedures contrast with other high-level documents by providing specific and
detailed step-by-step instructions 10 to accomplish a task, such as setting up a
public/private key pair using PuTTYgen. Procedures are enforced and must be
followed. Procedures are repeatable, detailed, and created for all users, not just
for IT security.

Core CISSP Concept

If you need to know why you have to do something within a company, look at
policies. If you need to know what configurations are mandatory, check
standards. If you need to know how to do something, check
procedures. For all other helpful suggestions and best practices,
check guidelines.
A software startup company has experienced massive growth over
the last three years. Senior management and the recruiting
department have been scrambling to hire more in-house
developers, but customer demands still are not being met. The
organization has decided to outsource the work to a third-party
software development vendor. Before that, they have to perform
their due diligence.

Which of the following should take place first with the third-party

A. Confirm compliance, privacy policy, governance, and SDLC

B. Verify the CMMI level
C. Calculate deadlines and assurances of completion
D. A risk assessment for the outsourced process

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Choices A, B, C, and D are all important things to do before outsourcing

business processes to any type of third-party company. It’s tough to eliminate
two choices in this question as all of them appear to be correct. You have to pick
the one that must occur "first". In cases like this, look for the choice that operates
to encompass all the other choices.

Choice A
Compliance and privacy probably are the most important as they deal with
abiding by the law of the land. The second canon of the (ISC)2 Code of Ethics
states, “Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally ” 1 . A security
professional must act legally and within the bounds of the land upon which they
are rendering services. The law always will supersede any of an organization's
internal policies. These two terms also are important because violations of
compliance and privacy can result in a monetary fine.
Hint : If security considerations are not made at the beginning of a venture, those
risks can remain throughout the span of the project.

The importance of governance goes beyond a formal establishment of senior

executive leadership. Security governance is a statement that says a company not
only is serious about data protection, a risk management program, or keeping
security throughout their business functions, but also that it is being monitored
and verified 2 .

Choice B
The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) provides a framework for
vendors to continuously increase the maturity of their software development
methods, procedures, processes, and overall principles. It is not enough to want
to have better security, but to know how to plan for it 3 . An organization that
tries to be better than it was the day before is one that takes their security
development seriously. But should the verification of a CMMI take place first ?

Choice C
There is an urgency for the startup company to find a vendor who can quickly
start to meet customer deadlines. Choice C is exactly what the startup is looking
for a software vendor to do for them. But is this consideration the first thing that
should take place? In terms of the exam and information security in general,
should this chronologically occur before any of the other choices? Should the
startup be talking business before doing their due diligence?

Choice D
Understanding the risks before going into any venture is a prime example of a
company performing proper due diligence. It is especially important when it
comes to third-party organizations who are outside the bounds of your own
organization’s policies and best practices. A business exposes themselves to
financial, reputational, operational, legal, and regulatory risk when engaging
with a third-party 4 . Would this be a good reason for a risk assessment first ?
A. Confirm compliance, privacy policy, governance, and SDLC
It’s a must to confirm third-party vendor frameworks for compliance, privacy
guidelines, governance structure, and their software development life cycle. It is
the confirmation of these factors that enables a customer to verify whether the
company they are doing business with is reputable with a strong security
foundation. It also can expose whether the vendor shows a professional front-end
to customers, but in reality, has chaotic and unmanaged backend business
structures without a proper maturity level 5 .

B. Verify the CMMI level

The CMMI defines the evolutionary steps of an organization from the Initial
phase (Maturity Level 1) of process improvement, all the way to the Optimized
phase (Maturity Level 5) 6 . A company’s CMMI level helps it stand out as either
a company that adheres to a proven process, or one that does not.

C. Calculate deadlines and assurances of completion

Requirements, deadlines, and assurances of completed work can be defined in
the service level agreement (SLA). An SLA presents a contractual obligation of
work between a customer and a vendor 7 . It is a way of making sure the
customer and the vendor both know where one’s responsibility ends and where
the other one begins.

D. A risk assessment for the outsourced process

Risks to an organization go beyond their own domain and spills into the
ecosystem of their third-party relationships where there is little to no visibility.
Third-party risk assessments proactively measure 8 :

The impact a vendor's failure has on a company's own business

The quality, timeliness, and effect of missed deadlines
Vendor's susceptibility to bribery, corruption, or data breach

Whether it's the completion of a vendor self-evaluation or an active on-site

inspection, it is important to perform a full third-party risk assessment before
any kind of contractual agreement. Risk assessments are a way to measure the
level of assurance provided by the third-party for their product or service 9 .

Core CISSP Concept

Calculating the amount of risk an organization is willing to tolerate
should be considered before any kind of partnership, venture,
purchase, acquisition, development, or initiative. Before deciding
to do anything in security, perform due diligence and calculate the
risks involved.

Choice A may be performed as a part of choice D. A risk assessment may

already conduct a thorough check of third-party documentation based on their
regulatory compliance, privacy policies, corporate governance, and software
development life cycle processes. This type of assessment would provide better
visibility and a more realistic view of the vendor. Third-party assessments also
provide high-level oversight so the startup can make business decisions that help
to continue its growth without experiencing deceleration from issues that are not
even related to their own organization 10 .

Choice B may occur as a part of a risk assessment checklist.

For choice C, calculating deadlines and assurances of completion are parameters

that would be more included in an SLA. At its core, an SLA should address
security, quality of work, timely completion, and penalties if services are not met
11 . This is not the first step and occurs after the completion of a risk assessment
when the startup agrees to and feels comfortable with the third-party and their
business operations.

Think Like A Manager

Choice D is thinking like a manager. The CISSP exam wants a
manager to think at a high level to make sure the proper processes
are in place before any action or procurements are started. As it
affects the entire organization, ensuring a risk assessment is
performed should be the first step in the outsourcing process.

Business is business, so when it comes to information security, your partners'

problems also are your problems. Ideally, trust but verify.
Rymar Tech is in a position to acquire a sports agency for $8.24
billion. The CFO will create the financial statements of the
agency's tangible and intangible assets, goodwill, liabilities, and
total purchase price. The documents will be sent to the legal and
accounting team of both companies who will perform their due
diligence. After agreement, the documents will be formally
approved by the CEOs of both entities. The security requirements
are that all financial statements, records, and contracts are
protected from alteration. Neither party is to directly modify, send,
or receive any documents on their own. A custom system
application is currently being created to facilitate this process and
meet the security objectives.

Which security model should be used for the system?

A. Clark-Wilson (CW)
B. Bell-LaPadula (BLP)
C. Brewer and Nash (B&N)
D. Biba

Exam Strategy and Mentality

The security professional and future CISSP should have a deep understanding of
how these models are engineered. If you did not know the term "security model",
then the choices have shown you. Sometimes an exam not only tests us, but also
teaches us a great deal. Perhaps you studied all the choices but did not know they
were referred to as security models. Or maybe you studied BLP and Biba but just
couldn't fully understand CW and B&N. At their core, these models teach two
basic fundamentals of security enforcement: prevent data disclosure
(confidentiality) 1 , deny unauthorized subjects from changing objects, keep the
accuracy of data, and maintain the consistency of the data on our computers with
that of our own reality (integrity) 2 .

Each of the security models holds their own special property: confidentiality,
integrity, separation of duties, or resolving conflict of interest 3 . What would be
the most important property for this financial acquisition? Do the security policy
requirements state it is important to make sure nobody sees the purchase price
and other financial numbers? Is it important to make sure financial statements on
a balance sheet are accurate? Is it important that both parties do not get too much
power in what duties they can perform? Would a conflict of interest totally cause
the acquisition to flop?

Whichever the case, please note whereas the core principles do not change,
security models are not rigid in their approach. Each can be adopted differently
depending on the company security policy.

Hint : Look at the word "alteration" and "directly modify". The security model
that provides a combination of both these terms will be the correct answer.

Is one choice clearly the incorrect answer? Do two choices work to uphold the
same principle, but only one goes further to enforce an additional principle? Can
you determine whether one of the choices could work in this type of financial
acquisition, but does not quite meet the interpretation of the security
requirements? You may never encounter these models in your career, or may be
using them without knowing it. Either way, understanding their primary purpose
will provide more insight into the security field in general and the exam. Which
choice would work the best to make sure financial numbers are kept consistent?
A. Clark-Wilson
The Clark-Wilson model has some complex terminology, but it is a special
security model to understand. Following are the components:

User : Subjects who want to access an object.

Transformation Procedure (TP) - Used to perform limited read, write, and
change operations as a well-formed transaction on a CDI.
Constrained Data Item (CDI) - Data object that can only be modified by a TP,
never the user. CDIs are objects of high importance and require the maintenance
of their integrity at all times.
Unconstrained Data Item (UDI) - Data object with less importance than a CDI
and can be directly modified by a user.
Integrity Verification Procedure (IVP) - Confirms the integrity and
consistency of the CDI after modification. Audits and logs the TP 4 .

When it comes to CW, think of the access triple. An authenticated subject (user)
can only access or change an important object (CDI) by going through a middle
interface (TP)-this enforces separation of duties. An IVP then audits the work of
the TP and checks the consistency of the internal change on the CDI with what is
expected externally. Clark-Wilson works to uphold the three requirements for
integrity, which is integrity itself, access control, and auditing 5 .

This model should be used for the new system because the CFO (user) will
create and send (TP) financial statements (CDI) to different entities. The CEOs
(users) will then approve (TP) the documents (CDI). If there were documents
considered UDIs, the CEOs and CFO would be able to modify them directly
without going through a TP. Whether large-scale corporate acquisitions or a
simple billing invoice, inconsistent numbers will ruin the entire transaction.

Core CISSP Concept

A security policy uses conceptual language to state business requirements. A
security model takes these requirements and uses mathematics and programming
to match the policy to the system. Executives demand it, programmers provide it
6 .

B. Bell-LaPadula
This choice could have been eliminated right away as the Bell-LaPadula model
is only meant to uphold confidentiality. It is primarily used in military or
government sectors where maintaining a secret can be of national importance.
For BLP, preventing the disclosure of information is more important than the
alteration of it. Here is how it is done:

Simple Security Rule - A lower level subject cannot read confidential objects
from a higher level, they cannot read up.
Star Property Rule - A higher level subject cannot write to data at a lower level,
they cannot write down.
Strong Star Property - A subject can only read and write to data objects in their
own security level, not higher or lower 7 .

C. Brewer and Nash

Dynamic by nature and meant to prevent the disclosure of confidential data,
B&N is mainly intended to avoid conflicts of interest. If the security
requirements stated to prevent subjects who currently have or will inherit access
to secret information with both Rymar Tech 8 and the sports agency, the correct
answer would be C. The requirements were to uphold integrity and separation of

D. Biba
While the Biba model does address integrity, it does not practice separation of
duties. Even so, integrity is maintained for subject-to-object access with data
flowing directly between higher and lower integrity level subjects. Rymar Tech
could have used the Biba model, but the requirements were that nobody except a
middle interface was to conduct actions. Following are the Biba Model's
Star Integrity Axiom - Subjects cannot write data up to a higher level, they
cannot write up.
Simple Integrity Axiom - Subjects cannot read data from a lower level, they
cannot read down.
Invocation Property - Subjects cannot invoke the services of objects in a higher
integrity. Think of it as a simple way to keep data clean 9 .
A company has made significant configuration changes that would
protect them from most Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Layer 4 attacks. From which attacks are they still vulnerable?

I. SYN flood
II. Smurf Attack
III. Fraggle Attack
IV. Ping flood

B. I, II

Exam Strategy and Mentality

This may seem like a short and simple question, but it tests your knowledge of
the OSI model. Not only do you have to know each layer and function, but also
at which OSI layer each type of attack would occur.

Exam Essentials
Each communication device, protocol, technology, or network can
be allocated in a layer of the OSI model.

It can be understood that knowing the OSI model builds a solid foundation to
understand all other networking topics in Domain 4. If you know how each
attack functions, then you know whether it uses ICMP, TCP, or UDP. This leads
to being able to focus on the attacks that are not associated with Layer 4. The
exam is not just about memorizing the definition of an attack, but understanding
the concept. Do yourself a favor and get to know the OSI Model.

Think Like A Manager

Certain problems need a technical solution. Although not required, it helps if
managers have a background in security operations to make more
informed decisions.

"SYN" and "Ping" flood are the only choices that directly provide
some insight into which layer of the OSI model the attacks occur.
To figure that out, you’d have to know the protocols synonymous
with using a “SYN” and the protocol used for “Ping”. Knowing
this can help you confirm which of the choices can be eliminated
right away.

Hint : The question is looking for attacks that occur at OSI Layer 3. SYN floods
use TCP 1 , so now you know it operates at Layer 4. Knowing this eliminates
choice B. If you know a Ping flood uses ICMP, which is in Layer 3 2 , then you
know either choice A or D is correct. This process of elimination has now left
only two choices.

To understand how TCP Layer 4 attacks are performed, it is essential to first

know the components of a legitimate TCP three-way handshake 3 :

Client sends SYN segment to server

Server sends back a SYN/ACK
Client sends back a corresponding ACK

SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK are the three parts necessary to establish a full TCP
connection. One of the benefits of having a full TCP three-way handshake is that
it allows data packets to be retransmitted if lost during transmission 4 .

Because there isn't a confirmed connection between a client and server when
using UDP, data packets do not have an established path to be retransmitted.
SMTP, HTTPS, SSH, or FTP are protocols that must have a confirmed
connection between a client and server and will use TCP. DHCP, SIP, DNS or
TFTP are protocols that do not always require confirmation and use UDP 5 .
B. I, II

Choice D is the correct answer. Because protections have been put in place for
"most" Layer 4 attacks, there is a higher risk of vulnerabilities for Layer 3
attacks. A SYN flood uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and a Fraggle
attack uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 6 , both of which fall under OSI
Model Layer 4. A Smurf attack and a Ping flood are under Layer 3, as they both
utilize the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 7 .

I . SYN Flood - Layer 4 (TCP)

1. Attacker sends SYN packets toward victim with spoofed source IP
2. Victim server receives SYN, sends SYN/ACK to spoofed source IP
3. Spoofed IP machine drops SYN/ACK, as it never sent an initial SYN
4. Victim server never receives a corresponding ACK 8

When the victim server accrues a large quantity of unanswered SYN/ACKs, the
memory and CPU start to reach an exhausting measure of utilization. At this
point, legitimate connections start to get dropped.

Counter-measure : SYN cookies, blackholing, traffic throttling 9

II. Smurf Attack - Layer 3 (ICMP)

A Smurf attack will use a collection of networked computers to directly flood a
victim server with ICMP replies. This is known as an “amplification” attack or a
"smurf amplifier". Here is how a Smurf attack works:

1. Attacker spoofs a packet with the source IP address of a victim

2. ICMP Echo Request is sent to a router’s broadcast IP address
3. Echo Requests are broadcast to the machines in the network
4. Echo Replies from those machines are then directed to the victim 10

Counter-measure : Inspect, filter, disable, or block ICMP traffic 11

III. Fraggle Attack - Layer 4 (UDP) 12

Here is some good news: if you know how a Smurf attack works then you know
how a Fraggle attack works. The key difference is that a Smurf attack uses ICMP
and a Fraggle attack uses UDP.

Counter-measure : Filtering or disabling certain UDP services 13

IV. Ping Flood - Layer 3 (ICMP) 14

Ping uses ICMP which resides at Layer 3 of the OSI model. The attacker’s
computer can directly send multiple Echo Request packets toward the victim
server, or it can use an amplification process like a Smurf attack. Most modern
systems already have counter-measures for SYN and Ping floods.

Counter-measure : Rate-limit or drop ICMP at the network device 15

Denial-of-Service (DOS) vs Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDOS)

"Denial of service" is a general term and not a specific type of attack, it is a
category of attacks. In a DOS, multiple TCP, UDP, or ICMP packets are
generated from a single machine. SYN, Smurf, Fraggle, and Ping flood attacks
are all forms of denial of service attacks. They seek to exhaust or crash a system
in order to reduce their availability. The more devastating attack used today is
the DDOS, where an attacker will use multiple compromised computers (botnet)
for a large-scale flood of TCP, UDP, or ICMP packets. Instead of creating their
own collection of computers, attackers seek to compromise multiple computers
around the world using malware to form their own private botnet 16 .

Counter-measure : Content distribution network, load balancing 17

Core CISSP Concept

BCP/DRP is the high-level countermeasure for denial of service or any other
attack geared toward disrupting availability. A documented, maintained, and
updated BCP/DRP program gets the business back to normal
operations with a minimal loss of downtime and disruption.
Rymar Tech’s third-party SaaS cloud vendor has been found with
multiple violations of the European Union’s General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). An investigation has discovered
that the vendor stores Rymar Tech’s cloud data in countries that do
not have any mechanism for the enforcement of protecting
personal data. The supply chain of different subcontractors who
maintain the flow of the SaaS platform have also stored private
data on hundreds of their own servers even after the data is no
longer useful or relevant. Additionally, the data custodians
responsible for media backups and maintenance are capable of
viewing the plaintext data at rest. Rymar Tech's senior team wants
to continue using the cloud vendor, but the privacy issues must be
addressed first.

What is the best way to continue using the cloud vendor’s


A. Implement tokenization
B. Request data encryption
C. Conduct a risk assessment
D. Data obfuscation

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Let's just start by stating the correct answer is C. Sometimes it helps to glance at
the correct answer to a practice question before really thinking about it. It
provides a reverse perspective and method of reasoning. Here is the concept of
why choice C is correct:

Core CISSP Concept

Conduct a risk assessment when engaging, acquiring, merging, or renting the
services of not just a cloud service vendor, but any third-party 1 .

Understand that the mention of GDPR means Rymar Tech

processes the personal information of EU citizens whether they
have a business presence in Europe or not.

For the first violation, Article 50 of the GDPR, an independent

supervisory authority could have been appointed to work with a third country to
promote legislation of personal data protection 2 . The subcontractors also did not
follow Article 17, which states the personal data of EU citizens have a right to be
forgotten if no longer necessary 3 . The vendor also should have implemented
symmetric encryption for the data so unauthorized persons such as the data
custodians would not be able to view it when performing their maintenance, per
Article 34 4 . If Rymar Tech wants to continue using their cloud services then
another risk assessment has to be conducted to readjust for stricter control and
protection of privacy. After which, choices A, B, and D could then be requested
of the vendor as part of improving their data protection controls to address the
existing GDPR issues.

Exam Essentials
Get to know these fairly new security terms: tokenization,
pseudonymization, and anonymization.

Tokenization, encryption, and obfuscation sound like similar forms of data

hiding techniques, but they have unique methods of functionality. Much like all
cryptographic controls, one is not better or worse than the other. It all depends on
the value of the data and the amount of effort and cost a company is willing to
spend protecting it.

Think Like A Manager

Choice C also conducts due diligence. Choices A, B, and D are
examples of due care. Due care is for fixing short-term issues and
due diligence is preparing for long-term threats.
A. Implement tokenization
The high-level definition of tokenization is simple: meaningless data that
represents meaningful data. It’s a way to use a random string of characters to
represent actual private data. If a token is disclosed, it provides no value for an
attacker 5 . Digital payment service providers use tokens to facilitate purchases at
payment terminals using near-field communication 6 . Tokenization differs from
encryption in that the value of the token is randomly generated and not
mathematically calculated 7 . Tokenization could be a proper control for the SaaS
cloud vendor (especially if they are handling digital payments) to implement in
order to minimize the exposure of Rymar Tech’s private data to other third-
parties. However, the decision to use tokenization moving forward would
originate from the results of a new risk assessment.

Think Like A Manager

Aside from thinking like a manager, pretend you are a security
consultant hired by a corporation. Your job is not to touch
anything, but to answer questions and have high-level discussions
with management. It would not be about tokenization or
encryption, it would be about risk, cost, asset value, or an overall
security issue.

B. Request data encryption

In encryption, an algorithm and secret key is used to transform plaintext data
into ciphertext 8 . Encryption differs from tokenization in that the encrypted data
actually leaves the organization protecting data in motion. In tokenization, the
data remains within the organization until referenced by the token. A new token
would be required if there is a security failure, data migration, or adherence to
changes in compliance or regulatory standards 9 .

The SaaS cloud vendor can implement encryption for their supply chain (data in
motion) and for their data custodians (data at rest) to uphold confidentiality. Like
choices A and D, the request for encryption stems from an assessment to see
which cryptographic controls are first lacking and which ones are already in

C. Conduct a risk assessment

Conducting a risk assessment would be the best way to continue using the
vendor's services. A strong risk management program will have a proactive
approach to annually assess a vendor's environment whether there is a security
incident or not. The ultimate goal is the alignment of security objectives to the
business goals through the prioritization of risks. If irreconcilable issues are
found that cannot be mitigated, it will be up to management to decide whether to
accept or reject the risk.

Following are some questions Rymar Tech could ask their SaaS vendor to
address their privacy issues 10 :

How current are the compliance requirements for GDPR?

How is data in motion and data at rest kept confidential?
Do subcontractors or custodians have clearance to view the data?
What privacy steps are taken when data has to be distributed?
What are the penalties if contracts or SLAs are not met?
What are the collection limitations for private data?

Core CISSP Concept

A standard set of risk assessment questions may not work for all
environments. Because this question is dealing with GDPR
violations, a custom GDPR compliant questionnaire would be
practical. The diversity of security requires the examination of
methods that elicit meaningful answers.

D. Data obfuscation
Unlike encryption and tokenization, obfuscation is not as complex and merely
uses obscurity to mask the data 11 . Obfuscating data can be as simple as re-
arranging the letters of a word or converting from ASCII to ANSI format.
Obfuscation may not always provide the guaranteed confidentiality of
encryption nor does it use a token to represent the original data 12 . The vendor
could obfuscate Rymar Tech's data, but it would be less effective than encryption
or tokenization. Still, it would only be a request after a risk assessment.
What is the greatest advantage of an IaaS in a private cloud over a
public cloud?

A. System granularity
B. Dedicated resources
C. Cost-effective solution
D. Multi-tenant architecture

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Think Like A Manager

Questions which ask for the “greatest”, means the correct choice
will provide either the best functionality, productivity, security, or
value. A manager's job is to balance these services.

The cloud is the next frontier for the security professional. For the
CISSP exam and the real world, be prepared to know the following
cloud types: public, private, community, and hybrid. Also know the following
cloud services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),
and Software as a Service (SaaS). Most importantly, as entire businesses or some
of their processes start moving to the cloud, it is the CISSP's job to ensure the
security of their data is treated the same as it was within the organization.

Hint : The answer can be found even if you do not know anything about an IaaS.
All you have to know is the main difference between a private cloud and a public
cloud. Only one choice represents why an organization will specifically go for a
private cloud over a public, community, or hybrid cloud.

Knowing about cloud types and cloud service models allows you to ask the
following questions, which would help in eliminating some of the choices:

Is system granularity the greatest advantage in a public or private

Which cloud type provides the most dedicated resources without
resource pooling 1 with other cloud tenants?
Which cloud type and service are the most expensive? Although cost
should not always be the deciding factor, it all depends on the business
Are multi-tenant architectures welcomed or a security concern?

With knowledge of cloud computing terms, the question can then be reworded to
adjust for more clarity:

What is not a reason to get an IaaS in a private cloud?

What is the least important reason to rent an IaaS in a public cloud?

This may seem like a simple question, but in actuality requires basic knowledge
of the common cloud computing terms to answer correctly. It is advised to know
your cloud.

Core CISSP Concept

The cloud comes with a price, either on a pay-per-use or charge-
per-use basis. Factor in cost, risk, and expectations when choosing
a cloud vendor.

The security professional should seek to minimize risk for data in

the cloud. It is not that different from the controls implemented for other types of
security objectives. The threat of information disclosure, alteration, or
destruction still exists. Following are some security considerations for the cloud 2

Structured governance and oversight

Observance of laws and regulations
Established trust boundaries
Hardened cloud architecture
Authentication and access control
VM and software isolation
Data disposal and sanitization
DOS, outage, and availability protections
Recognition and response to incidents

These security concerns are for when using the cloud in general, but strongly
suggested when using a public cloud because resources and data may flow
through shared systems.
A. System granularity
B. Dedicated resources
C. Cost-effective solution
D. Multi-tenant architecture

The greatest advantage of a private cloud for any of its services, not just IaaS,
are dedicated resources for a single cloud tenant. A public cloud offers their
service to multiple tenants who share resources 3 .

Cloud Types 4

Public cloud
A public cloud deployment model has a multi-tenant
architecture , meaning it provides services to more than one
customer and can be used by the general public.
Example : AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

Private cloud
A private cloud provides dedicated resources to a single
tenant. It can exist either on- or off-premise. Management of a
private cloud can fall on the customer or a third-party.
Example : A government agency uses an on-premise private
cloud behind a firewall to safeguard their critical operations.

Community cloud
A community cloud is also a multi-tenant environment like a
public cloud, but does not function for everyone. It is for a
similar community of organizations.
Example : Financial organizations sharing a common cloud
accounts payable software. Data processing companies
accessing a community cloud for data parsing software.

Hybrid cloud
A hybrid cloud is a combination of public, private, and
community clouds with the workload traversing each cloud
type. Interoperability of a technology between multiple
infrastructures is a key attribute of hybrid clouds.
Example : Organizations with an on-site private cloud, off-site
public cloud, and an outsourced community cloud.

Cloud Service Models 5

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

With an IaaS, it’s like someone handed you just the very basic
hardware parts. They handed you a CPU, a RAM stick, a
motherboard, a hard drive, or a NIC. But instead of all these
components being in your hand to build, it’s all virtually
presented in the cloud. It is your job to turn on the virtual
machines, configure the initial settings, install an operating
system (PaaS), and then install the required applications
(SaaS). An IaaS provides the most system granularity as you
are starting at the very bottom level just above the cloud
vendor’s actual physical hardware.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Maybe you don’t have the budget, training, staff, or knowledge
to build an entire network infrastructure.
Maybe you just want a “platform” to use Windows Active
Directory. Or you want a coding “platform” to code your
Python or Java applications. These are the reasons you would
get a PaaS.
The cloud vendor provides the platform whereas the
application and data are provided by the cloud tenant. The
security of the platform can be shared by both the tenant and
the vendor - it all depends on the service level agreement.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

A SaaS provides the ability to rent software or an application
instead of paying thousands of dollars to buy it off-the-shelf.
Tenants can run the application all day or turn it off to avoid
per-hour usage charges, providing cost management.

Core Concept
Just because something is cheaper does not automatically make it a
cost-effective solution. A risk analysis will determine if a control,
software, system, countermeasure, or vendor is too costly or within
budget for the organization.
The IT Department Head (DH) is looking into purchasing a
security control for a system that hosts processes owned by the
Sales program manager. The system is valued at $5,000,000. The
options for the cost of the control are either $2,000,000 from one
vendor or $4,000,000 from a different vendor. The IT department
initially chooses the $4,000,000 purchase option, but the head of
Sales interjects and requests an analysis comparing the two
different solutions. After some discussion, both departments decide
to go with the $2,000,000 solution.

What role is represented by the head of the Sales department?

A. Data owner
B. System owner
C. Business owner
D. Data processor

Exam Strategy and Mentality

A lot of numbers are thrown around in this question. Does that mean you should
immediately start remembering the formulas for single loss expectancy (SLE) or
the annual loss expectancy (ALE)? Not always. Remember the CISSP exam is
not a math test, it is a test of concepts and managerial thought process. However,
it's still important to know the formula for calculating both the SLE and ALE 1 :

SLE = Asset Value x Exposure Factor

(ARO stands for annualized rate of occurrence)

We are given the asset value of $5,000,000, but not the exposure factor - we will
not be able to determine the SLE. Because we cannot determine the SLE, we are
unable to determine the ARO. When values are missing, the correct choice will
be determined by knowing the concepts.

General questions to ask about each choice:

• A. Data owner
• Who is the data owner? Is anyone in the Sales or IT department a data
owner? If so, what “data” do they own?
• B. System owner
• What exactly is a system owner?
• What is the difference between a data and system owner? Or are they the
same entity?
• C. Business owner
• How does the role of business owner differ from a data or system owner?
• D. Data processor
• How come choices A, B, and C end in “owner” and choice D ends in

Even without being given the details of the "discussion", which entity would
have the ultimate decision about spending money?

Hint : Out of the four choices, the role with "owner" at the end of it is the correct
answer. When it comes to financial decisions, the buck stops with someone who
has final ownership.

IT wanted to go with the most expensive control, but the head of Sales had a
problem with that decision. What could have been the intention to request an
analysis of the two prices in order to use the cheaper option? Whatever the
reason, think about whether the request of a system owner would supersede a
business owner. Does a data owner have any say on purchasing new systems?

Think Like A Manager

If the question does not fully deal with quantitative analysis, cost
still should be the main concern. Does the control cost more than
the asset? Is money being wasted or saved?
A. Data owner
A data owner is responsible for the information that exists within an
organization’s ecosystem 2 . They determine the value, criticality, sensitivity,
backup, and retention periods. A data owner will typically take care of the
classification, labeling, protection, security requirements, and other proper due
care of data. Additionally, a data owner should be aware of the following duties
and functions 3 :

Data must align with the mission and business of the organization
Set a proper policy for the security, control, and sharing of data
Determine if the data is exclusive or if it can be replaced
Verify accuracy of the data as well as the retention period
Confirm if the data can be shared or if it will remain internal
Data is compliant and has proper intellectual and copyrights
Conditions surrounding the use of the data are set with all parties

B. System owner
Let’s say a network security engineer manages the firewall for Rymar Tech, a
company in the middle of a huge project to migrate their database and file
servers to a new location. Under the direction of the IT DH, multiple change
requests are being issued for both the servers and the firewalls protecting those
servers. A security engineer will configure ACLs, VPNs, and NAT among other
necessary changes on the firewall. Then a server administrator will make
changes on each server such as creating new passwords, updating the operating
system, setting RDP access levels, disabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP, or
configuring allowable Kerberos encryption types. The changes to the firewall
and servers will support the business processes. In this case, the IT DH is the
system owner 4 . This person knows how the system works, supports making
required security changes on the system, and understands the value the system
will provide to support the business.

Exam Essentials
Different books and study guides have various definitions of
system owners, as well as NIST 800-18 5 . As with everything
CISSP, knowing the exact definition is not necessary, know the
general concept.

C. Business owner
Ideally, there should be a compromise between security and cost. IT chose a
control that did not cost more than the system itself, but it still was the more
expensive control. Perhaps IT saw new and advanced technologies that would
better protect their systems. But the business owner may have thought the
control picked by IT went overboard or maybe the $4,000,000 control provided
more security than necessary. After further analysis, the cheaper option was
chosen. Either way, IT still has a control that provides adequate security, and the
business owner just saved the company $2,000,000. Bottom line: the role of the
business owner grants them the authority to put cost over security if necessary.
The business owner cares about maximizing value and profit 6 . IT does not
generate profit for the company; information technology actually is an
expenditure. The Sales team makes money. Human life is always the #1 priority
in an organization, but making money is a close second. Security professionals
want the very best technology when protecting business processes. This does not
always align with the mindset of a business owner, or the CISSP exam. The best
is not always the most cost-effective. The cheaper option was chosen to control

Core CISSP Concept

When SLE, ALE, or ARO calculations start to occur, it means that
a risk analysis is now taking place. A risk assessment occurs before
an analysis to identify critical assets, their vulnerabilities, and
overall value to the business. A risk analysis will then associate this
data to a monetary value 7 .

D. Data processor
The data processor is a system, agency, or entity that handles the processing of
personal data 8 . If the company you work for outsources their payroll service to a
third-party, then that third-party is now the data processor. There was no
indication of a data processor in this question and this choice could have been
immediately eliminated. For the exam, equate the term "data processor" with the
The CISO of a global bank is traveling to a country where the
Internet is monitored. She needs to send a secret message to the
bank's CEO, but her remote VPN client is being blocked by the
host nation's Internet service provider. She calls her bank's security
officer who suggests to first write up her secret message, hash it
with SHA256, encrypt the hash digest with her private key, then
email the encrypted hash along with the secret message to the
CEO. The CEO will hash the message, decrypt the encrypted hash
with the CISO’s public key, and compare it to the appended

Which of the following has not been achieved?

A. Nonrepudiation
B. Confidentiality
C. Integrity
D. Authentication

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Cryptography provides a high degree of trust that the data we are storing and
sending back and forth retains its confidentiality, privacy and integrity.

Core CISSP Concept

Cryptography is strong, but not 100% secure. Time, patience, and
the progression of Moore's Law 1 will render any encryption or
hashing algorithm insecure.

The CISSP is not a cryptology test, however it does require

knowing some cryptographic terms to understand what high-level service is
provided. For example, the question mentions SHA256, private keys, and a VPN
(virtual private network). These are all technical terms, yet the choices are high-
level and fundamental data security concepts.

Think Like A Manager

Is it okay that one of the choices has not been achieved? Is the
functionality of the other three choices enough for the CISO to
send her message securely to the CEO? Are all four a must?

If you have no idea how to even begin answering the question, then
try to eliminate which basic cryptographic service has been
provided. For example, we know the secret message will be hashed with the
SHA256 algorithm. This means at some point the service of integrity has been
provided 2 , eliminating choice C as the correct answer. Cryptography also
provides confidentiality, authentication, and nonrepudiation 3 , so what still has
not been achieved by the CISO? To fully understand the choices, start by
learning about asymmetric encryption, public key infrastructure (PKI), hashing
algorithms, and how a VPN works.

The CISO's objective is to get a secret message to her CEO. If it were not
blocked, a remote VPN would have provided confidentiality, integrity, and
authentication 4 . Does that make nonrepudiation the correct answer? No, because
nonrepudiation was achieved when the CISO signed the hash with her private
key. Digitally signing a message means a sender can never deny sending the
message (assuming the sender is always in possession of their private key). This
leaves us with either choice B or D. How has confidentiality or authentication
not been achieved by the CISO's actions? The security officer's suggestion is not
wrong; however, it doesn't go far enough to achieve the full measure of the
security considerations that should be taken by the CISO.

Hint : A sender signing a message with their private key provides a different
cryptographic service than encrypting the message with a receiver's public key.
A. Nonrepudiation
B. Confidentiality
C. Integrity
D. Authentication

Through the procedures provided by the security officer, the CISO is creating a
digital signature. Digital signatures do not provide confidentiality. They provide
nonrepudiation, integrity, and authentication 5 . This question tests to see if you
knew that choices A and D occur when a message is signed with a private key,
and choice B occurs when a message is encrypted with a public key. Both acts of
message signing involve asymmetric encryption. Choice C is achieved through

Asymmetric encryption involves a private and public key 6 . The public key can
be shared with anyone, but the private key must never be shared and kept secret
at all costs. For asymmetric encryption or PKI to work, both the sender and
recipient of a message must have 100% confidence that each one has properly
secured and has complete ownership over their private key. Since only the sender
signs the hash with their private key in a digital signature, it shows to the
recipient that the hash digest can have come only from the sender, they cannot
deny sending it (as they should be the only one to have their private key). The
inability to deny sending a message is known as nonrepudiation 7 . Additionally,
signing a message with a private key also shows possession of the private key,
proving authentication . Hashing the plaintext message with SHA256 will
confirm to the recipient that the message did not change in transit, upholding
integrity 8 .

Core CISSP Concept

If you understand the digital signature process, then you start to
know a lot about cryptography itself. It can be said that if you
understand the concept, usage, and limitations of a digital
signature, then you have attained a modest level of knowledge in
the entire cryptography domain.
Following is a quick example of the digital signature process:

• Step 1 - Create plaintext message
• No cryptographic service
• Step 2 - Hash plaintext message with SHA256
• The resulting hash digest provides maintenance of integrity
• Step 3 - Sign the resulting hash with private key
• This provides nonrepudiation and authentication
• Step 4 - Send plaintext message and digitally signed hash
• Appending the plaintext to the signed hash lets the receiver, or anyone
else, read and confirm the message has not been changed in transit. There
is no confidentiality provided

In order to provide confidentiality, the entire digital signature must be encrypted

with the receiver’s public key 10 .

• Step 1 - Receive digital signature and plaintext message
• Receives signed hash and plaintext message
• Step 2 - Decrypt the signed hash with sender public key
• Decryption with public key reveals original SHA256 hash
• Step 3 - Hash plaintext message with SHA256
• Hash plaintext to compare to the decrypted SHA256 hash
• Step 4 - Compare decrypted hash with computed hash
• Message integrity is intact if both hash digests match

A VPN is one of the strongest ways of providing confidentiality for data in

motion, but the CISO could not use her VPN client to securely connect to her
corporate office. Sending the digital signature and the appended plaintext
message via just regular email does not provide confidentiality, the whole
message needs to be encrypted. To make sure her message does not succumb to
man-in-the-middle attacks, the security officer should have suggested the CISO
also encrypt her outgoing emails or any other type of data communication. A
digitally signed message provides nonrepudiation, integrity, and authentication.
A digitally signed and then encrypted message further provides confidentiality
and privacy.
Blue Demolition has experienced an earthquake at their primary
facility in Southern California; there was no loss of human life.
The hardware within the facility was completely destroyed.
Initiating their BCP/DRP, Blue Demolition called in emergency
personnel to begin the process of recovering the business
operations at their hot site while restoring their primary
environment. Critical equipment such as computers, laptops,
servers, firewalls, routers, switches, and backup and storage
devices were quickly up and running. There was a small delay in
getting the network applications up because of the time it took to
load up the server data. The company managed to still remain
within their maximum tolerable downtime (MTD) and did not
breach any service level agreements (SLAs).

Which of the following contributed the least to Blue Demolition’s

successful BCP/DRP?

A. Delivery time of replacement hardware

B. Standardized assets
C. Policy, scope, and initiation of BCP/DRP program
D. Accurate SLA parameters

Exam Strategy and Mentality

It is important to remember the question is asking for which choice “contributed

the least” to a well-executed BCP/DRP.

Exam Essentials
The word “least” means that all the choices are close to being
correct, but one choice did not play as important of a role as the
other choices. It takes a complete analysis of the question context
and the choices to figure out which one is the “least” important.

Hint : The primary site was unavailable but then rapidly made available by a hot
site. Which of the choices is most likely not required for this type of site? Did all
the choices contribute equally to the BCP/DRP?

What to focus on from the question context:

There was no loss of human life

Primary site hardware was destroyed
Business was recovered at a hot site
Infrastructure was brought up quickly
Company remained under MTD
SLAs were maintained
Successful BCP/DRP

What to focus on from the choices:

What needed to be delivered?

How do standardized assets help?
Importance of BCP/DRP policy and scope
Pre-defined SLA parameters
Which choice may not be necessary at all?

Recovery means to restore critical business functions at the hot site and
restoration means to build and repair the damage caused by the earthquake at the
primary site 1 .

Core CISSP Concept

High-level policies matter more than low-level operations. For the
CISSP exam, high-level security objectives must be complete
before any of the objectives in security operations. If there is
something that is going to be the “least” useful, then it is going to
be something that has to do with low-level operations.

Blue Demolition displayed a sense of urgency as they got their infrastructure

back up and running within the MTD and without breaking SLAs. They had no
time to wait for anything as they were running against the SLA clock. They
needed their systems ready to go minutes-to-hours after the natural disaster.
Look for the choice that would be a reason for delay.
A. Delivery time of replacement hardware
Looking at the question, what is the primary reason Blue Demolition was able to
expediently bring up their critical equipment? It was the use of a hot site.
Because it is a hot site, all the equipment was already there just as it would be at
the primary site, hardware is not being delivered. What is the difference between
a cold, warm, and hot site?

Cold Site 2 A cold site does not contain any of the infrastructure, systems, or
software required to bring up the organization right after a disaster. At the least,
it will contain the HVAC, plumbing, electrical wiring, and some furniture.
Everything else required to bring up the site will have to be delivered at the time
of the disaster. Cold sites provide a low-cost solution with the longest recovery

Warm Site 3 Associate the word “partial” when thinking of a warm site;
everything is partially ready. Routers, switches, firewalls, or servers may be
ready, they just need to be physically connected. The initial network connectivity
may need to be set up. Server images, ISOs, or data may still need to be
delivered to the site. Warm sites provide a medium-cost solution with a medium-
length recovery time.

Hot Site 4 For a company that requires a fully operational site with critical
networking hardware, server software, and capacity considerations ready to go
immediately or within a few short hours, regardless of the cost, hot sites are the
solution. Depending on their BCP/DRP planning, data may already be at the hot
site via backups, remote journaling, or electronic vaulting. This type of
assurance comes with a heavy cost as hot sites are the most expensive solution
with the shortest recovery time.

Think Like A Manager

It is during the business impact analysis (BIA) in which the values for MTD,
RTO, RPO for critical assets are calculated 5 . Additionally, the decision to have a
cold, warm, or hot site is determined during the recovery strategies phase of the
organization’s BCP/DRP.
B. Standardized assets
The standardization of assets can provide the confidence necessary for a smooth
BCP/DRP process. Imagine your organization experiences a total disaster,
transfers to a warm site, then realizes that the disaster recovery team brought
over copies of Windows when the recovery site only has machines available for
Linux distributions. This considerable difference can make or break an
organization’s maximum tolerable downtime during BCP/DRP. It is important to
make sure the equipment used at the primary business site matches that of the
recovery site. For maximum efficiency, standards should be mandatory 6 .

C. Policy, scope, and initiation of BCP/DRP program

You must absolutely have a policy in place to not only begin a BCP/DRP plan
but to also even have a BCP/DRP program. A policy is issued by senior
management and nothing gets done without their support and directive. Phase 1
of BCP/DRP planning also includes the scope, which means to define the who,
what, when, and where of the BCP/DRP program. Having scope reduces wasting
time and spending money on actions that do not directly contribute to the
BCP/DRP 7 . Scope keeps people, processes, and responsibilities within a
specific and narrow path. Finally, without the initiation of a BCP/DRP program,
there would not be a program at all. We can talk all about policy and scope, but
someone has to take the initiative to start the BCP/DRP program.

D. Accurate SLA parameters

Defining a service level agreement between a customer and a vendor has
multiple benefits. First, a well-written SLA can prevent unexpected disruptions
or delays during a disaster. Second, it can serve to put an official mean time to
recovery (MTTR) for a failed asset 8 . Third, if an organization is going to
transfer the risk of an asset, an SLA forces the organization to perform a risk
analysis to determine their most valuable assets. As in, if they’re paying a
vendor to protect an asset, it’s going to be one that is valuable.
You are tasked with designing Rymar Tech's firewall architecture.
The following three requirements must be met per senior
management: at least two firewalls have to be deployed for two
different subnets, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is required, and a
design must be created that provides the least amount of
administrative overhead for security operations.

Which type of firewall deployment architecture will you choose?

A. Two-tier I
B. Two-tier II
C. Three-tier I
D. Three-tier II

Exam Strategy and Mentality

This is a straight technical question. There is not a high-level aspect to it, you
just have to know the technical aspects of firewall deployment architectures.
Let’s take a look at the requirements again to see if we can narrow the best
possible choice by process of elimination.

At Least Two Firewalls

Management requires the new architecture to have “at least two firewalls”. To
get this question correct, you have to know how many firewalls are utilized in
each type of deployment. The choices do not translate to the number of firewalls,
as in two-tier does not mean there are two firewalls and three-tier does not mean
there are three firewalls. You cannot eliminate choice C and D right away just
because it has the word "three". If you have no idea at all, just guess, as leaving
an answer blank is considered incorrect on the exam. Note that the two firewalls
are to be separate, not in high-availability.

DMZ is Required
Since a DMZ is "required", it means at least three choices contain a DMZ
network. If all choices contain a DMZ, then it’s a matter of looking at which of
the other requirements are missing. DMZs are traditionally separated from the
internal network, so even a single firewall architecture will be able to have
multiple networks. Firewalls traditionally contain multiple interfaces for
segmenting multiple networks.

Least Administrative Overhead

Choice D, a three-tier II deployment just sounds like it would be a complex
design and deserving of the most commitment of administrative management.
"Tier" is the major term to understand. Tier refers to the number of protected
networks or subnets. Three-tier firewalls have three networks and two-tier
firewalls have two networks 1 . Knowing the difference between the two will help
you get this question correct. In this sense, both choices C and D may be

Exam Essentials
Different terminology exists for firewalls and networking. For the
exam, stick with the terms in the official guides.

With the pen and paper provided at the testing center, quickly sketch out what an
architecture with two firewalls protecting a DMZ and a private network would
look like. Chances are you will draw the one with the least administrative
overhead first.

Core CISSP Concept

Firewalls are one of the most important network security devices.
A security professional and someone who wants to become a
CISSP, with firewall experience or not, has to know a little bit
about them. Get to know the difference between a packet filter and
stateful filtering firewall or that firewalls are OSI Model Layer 3
networking devices.
A. Two-tier I
In this setup a single firewall is protecting two separate networks. The traffic
comes in from the Internet, hits the router, and depending on the destination
address, the firewall will then send it toward the DMZ network or toward the
private network 2 . Two-tier I firewalls use at least three network interfaces and
can separate two or more networks. The physical interfaces on a firewall or
router can each be assigned to different networks with copper or fiber optic
cables 3 .

While this architecture has a DMZ and is easier to manage than the other
choices, it consists of only one deployed firewall.

B. Two-tier II
Two-tier II deployments practice defense-in-depth, as it requires two firewalls to
inspect traffic inbound to the private network 4 . A DMZ exists inline and is
protected by the first firewall. This deployment requires increased routing and
access-control rules.
Choice B meets the requirements of at least two firewalls, a DMZ, and of all the
other choices, has the least administrative complexity.

C. Three-tier I
Three-tier systems can be the most secure as traffic is filtered from subnet-to-
subnet until reaching the private network. Three-tier I deployments consist of
three firewalls 5 . A single routing change on the network may require updated
routes and ACLs on all three firewalls, making them the most complex
architecture to manage.

Neither of the three-tier deployments would meet the requirements.

D. Three-tier II
This matches the two-tier II deployment in terms of the DMZ and number of
firewalls used, but this design also creates a transaction subnet between the two
firewalls that must be managed 6 .
The transaction subnet creates an added layer of administrative complexity just
like with three-tier I deployments.

Core CISSP Concept

Firewall architecture concepts are the same, but they do not always
fit every organization. When choosing a firewall deployment
architecture consider the cost, overhead, complexity, and most
importantly, the value of the asset it is protecting.
A breach of user information occurred at Rymar Tech when a
human resources employee was able to download private data to a
USB drive and walk out the front door. It has prompted a
government investigation that could result in a $50 million fine.
The results of the investigation showed that even though security
administrators followed a policy to prevent personal USB drives
from being used on corporate machines, the employee used a
company-issued storage device. Even though the employee had the
necessary experience and cleared a thorough background check
before employment, the employee failed to mention she briefly
worked for a competitor’s firm. Even though security guards,
CCTVs, a mantrap, and a badge reader were implemented at the
front entrance, there was no way to detect the USB drive in the
employee's back pocket.

The investigation concluded with Rymar Tech’s fine reduced to

$10 million. Moving forward, it was suggested they implement a
stronger data loss prevention control as well as a more stringent
hiring process to lessen the risk of this kind of incident in the

Which of the following is the best reason the fine was reduced?

A. Compliance
B. Due diligence
C. Due care
D. Risk assessments

Exam Strategy and Mentality

The CISSP is not about getting into the real specifics of a topic. Think about who
is involved in this situation? What were their responsibilities? Did anyone fail to
do their job? Did Rymar Tech do everything in their power to control this type of

If not, what would lessen the risk of this type of incident from happening again?
Would any other types of laws have been broken if Rymar Tech's security guards
tried to physically stop and search the employee?

Think Like A Manager

Senior management must be aware of the risks to their organization
from all vectors. This can be achieved through a multi-level and
comprehensive risk management framework that includes the
categorization, selection, implementation, assessment,
authorization, and continual monitoring of risk 1 . The success or
failure to prudently address risk factors is a reflection of company leadership.
Risk-aware leadership instills confidence and can shape an employee's own
security awareness mindset.

Exam Essentials
The "best” choice requires applying deep-level CISSP concepts.
The answer cannot be looked up in a book.

Security breaches have become serious business as they can lead to fines, firings,
class-action lawsuits 2 , and business closures.

Hint : Here is the secret to getting this question correct: know the difference
between due care and due diligence. Think of which one will be scrutinized in an
investigation from a legal standpoint.
A. Compliance
Privacy and the right to privacy has brought the creation of multiple laws and
regulations in order to better protect private information. The GDPR, PCI DSS,
and PIPEDA are forms of privacy protection laws aimed at making sure
organizations are doing their due care to keep user information safe 3 . Failure to
follow compliance can result in legal action that could incur multiple fines and
penalties 4 . Making sure to understand compliance requirements is a part of the
due diligence process, while implementing the controls to uphold compliance
would be due care. Rymar Tech was not following any particular compliance,
nor is it a reason to reduce fines if followed.

B. Due diligence
Conducting due diligence falls on the responsibility of those in senior
management. It is the act of due diligence that results in the actions of due care;
for without due diligence there is no due care 5 . Disabling personal USB drives
on corporate computers (technical), conducting background checks
(administrative), having security guards, CCTVs, and badge readers (physical)
are examples of due care security controls. These controls only exist as a result
of policies created by a wider risk-focused research program initiated by

Think Like A Manager

Due diligence is a methodical approach to choosing and
customizing appropriate risk-based due care security controls that
uphold the company's goals, responsibilities, processes,
applications, assets, and above all, human life.

The due diligence done before the breach is proactive, while due
diligence after the breach is reactive. Reactive due diligence is about
understanding the reason behind an incident, event, or breach and making sure
the steps to rectify the situation are done within measured risk parameters.
Whether it is mandated from within the company or under legal action, due
diligence has the primary responsibility of making sure the same incident does
not occur twice.
Core CISSP Concept
Due diligence and due care are simply ways to show that the
company cares about their risks. There is never a way to eliminate
all risk, which means there is always some level of risk. Due
diligence shows prudent executive leadership and due care shows
judicious security operations.

C. Due care
A lack of assigned due care controls by executives can lead to legal action 6 . For
Rymar Tech, the fines were reduced because they had in place adequate
technical, administrative, and physical due care security controls. Despite the
insider attack being able to circumvent the controls, the company was proactive
in their approach to risk management. It takes due diligence to make sure all
these due care measures are in place and continuously maintained. Essentially,
Rymar Tech did everything they could to mitigate their risk of a data breach, just
short of a full body search. They were not able to completely eliminate this risk.
Moving forward, a policy limiting employee privacy in the workplace could
provide a pathway to search personal employee property, including emptying out

Due diligence is performed by senior management and comes before due care.
Diligence is about knowing and due care is about doing.

D. Risk assessments
Conducting proper risk assessments throughout the organization at least once a
year is a part of performing due diligence. The results of a risk assessment are
the formal way to determine due care controls.

Exam Essentials
Sometimes due care is an action that should most likely be taken,
and due diligence is an action that may not be necessary, but is best
for the long-term.
Rymar Tech is conducting a quantitative analysis of their financial
file server. The SLE for the server is $50,000. The organization
wants to account for the file server to fail once every two years.
Three different managers have provided their suggestions for the
necessary security controls required to protect the file server from
a potential breach, denial of service, or other types of compromise.

Manager 1 has suggested putting in two $3,000 firewalls in an

active/standby pair. Manager 2 wants to place a state-of-the-art
biometric device in front of the server room. Right now, only
authorized employees of Rymar Tech are allowed to enter the room
by swiping a badge and entering a PIN. The new device would
replace the badge and PIN system and only authorized employees
would go through the initial biometric enrollment phase. In
addition to the high-availability firewalls, Manager 3 wants to also
install an intrusion prevention system, an intrusion detection
system, a load balancer, and purchase a hot site with data from the
original file server being replicated via remote journaling.

Which manager has provided the most effective choice?

A. Manager 1
B. Manager 2
C. Manager 3
D. Manager 1 & 3

Exam Strategy and Mentality

At its core, this question is the embodiment of thinking like a manager. Three
managers have provided three different suggestions and it is your job to take all
that you have learned in your CISSP journey and choose the “most effective”
choice. All of the choices may seem correct, but one choice does not have any
unnecessary controls that affect cost, security, or network design.

Hint : It is best to calculate the value of the asset first and then compare it to the
cost of the suggested controls.

Exam Essentials
Study the technical terms and concepts in order to understand the
question, not to answer it.

Think of the CISSP as a business exam with technical terminology. We study

risk, disaster recovery, processes, frameworks, access control, software life
cycles, dynamic routing, and other elements of network security operations. All
this knowledge goes into evaluating the question to see which choices affect the
cost, revenue, and expansion of a business.

Think Like A Manager

A percentage of uncertainty always exists with asset calculations. A
confidence level should be considered whenever taking into
account the breakdown of an ALE 1 .

Manager 1 suggests spending $6,000 total on two firewalls.

Manager 2 wants a new biometric access control system. Manager 3 wants to
add more network security devices. If you can’t understand the question, think
instead of which choice ultimately reduces the risk to the three cornerstone
concepts of confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
A. Manager 1
Right away the question requires calculating the annual loss expectancy of the
file server. This is done through multiplying the single loss expectancy (SLE) by
the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO) 2 . The SLE is given in the question as
$50,000. The ARO is .5, since Rymar Tech expects the file server to “fail once
every two years”. The ALE is $25,000.
$50,000 x .5 = $25,000

If the value of the file server is $50,000, and it fails once every two years, then
the annual loss will be $25,000.

Core CISSP Concept

The cost of the security control should not exceed the asset 3 . You
don’t want to protect a $50,000 file server with an $80,000
firewall. If the control costs more than the asset, management may
decide to forgo the control and accept the risk.

Manager 1 has suggested a $3,000 firewall in high-availability mode, which

means two firewalls are required for a total of $6,000. High-availability means to
deploy two firewalls, one being the active firewall protecting the network, and
the other a standby firewall in case the active one fails (both can also be in
active/active mode) 4 . High-availability prevents a single point of failure 5 . If the
file server were to fail once in two years, it would cost the company $25,000.
Purchasing a technical preventative control that costs a total of $6,000 would be
a cost-effective measure. A high-availability firewall pair would be an adequate
control to prevent unauthorized access to the file server from external threats in
an effort to preserve confidentiality and integrity. If a threat brings down the
primary firewall, the secondary is there to take over, upholding availability.
Manager 1 has suggested the most effective solution.

B. Manager 2
When a badge and PIN are used for gaining access to an asset, two-factor
authentication is taking place 6 . By removing the use of a badge and a PIN,
Manager 2 has actually made access to the file server less secure, as two-factor
authentication is more secure than single-factor authentication any day of the
week. If a biometric system replaced both these two forms of authentication, it
would be using single-factor authentication. As technologically accurate as it
may be, a biometric system by itself is just proving something you are. Entering
biometric information coupled with something you have (badge) or something
you know (PIN) would work better to uphold confidentiality and integrity. From
a manager’s perspective, biometric devices are an expensive cost. It costs money
not just to buy it, but to hire the professionals who need to administer the
system, enroll users, generate templates, balance the crossover error rate, and
provide continuous administrative support 7 . Ultimately, Manager 2’s suggestion
is not the most effective choice because it increases cost and lessens the security
posture of the organization.

C. Manager 3
Manager 3’s suggestion is not correct due to: the addition of a load balancer. A
load balancer is meant to mathematically distribute network traffic
proportionally across multiple servers or network devices 8 . The question
focuses only on one financial file server. There is not another server to distribute
the traffic load coming into the network; a load balancer is not necessary. The
cost of an additional IPS, IDS, load balancer, and hot site were not mentioned
and they all combined could have been more or less than the cost of the file
server itself, but that was not the determining factor. However, all the additional
devices sans the load balancer could provide adequate security for the file server
depending on cost.

D. Manager 1 & 3
Only Manager 1’s suggestion is correct.
A security operations center (SOC) has lost three firewall
engineers and does not have the budget to hire replacements.
Management has given Casey, the service desk technician, the
additional responsibility of only viewing firewall configurations
for customer tickets. She is to make sure the right firewall policies,
VPN usernames, and network address translation rules exist on the
firewall, as well as verifying if site-to-site IPSec tunnels are active.
The security administrator has created an account for Casey that
enables her to view the firewall configuration and deploy any
necessary changes as long as it is approved by a senior engineer.

Which form of access management has not been followed?

A. Need to know
B. Least privilege
C. Job rotation
D. Separation of duties

Exam Strategy and Mentality

In addition to service desk tasks, Casey is now being asked to take on more
technical responsibilities. When this happens in a company, it is up to the
security professional to make sure access is properly provisioned. While Casey
may currently be in a role that limits her network device access, the addition of
her new firewall responsibilities now increases those rights and privileges. This
in turn can be a direct correlation to the SOC's overall risk exposure 1 . If Casey
was leaving her old role for a new one, it would be best practice to remove her
previous access.

Authorization creep will occur if a worker's rights and permissions have not been
removed when rotating to new job positions 2 . In the question though, she is
receiving more rights in addition to her existing ones.

Casey's current role deals with service desk tasks and not firewall issues. She
would not have as much experience in her new technical role as the previous
SOC engineers. This can lead to mistakes and has to be accounted for when
considering what level of access to provide Casey. In this regard, the systems
administrator has given her read access as well as write access, but only with
prior approval. This follows a proper change management process in security

Change management steps include the request, approval, testing,

implementation, and documentation of all firewall configuration changes
regardless of skill level 3 . It is a way to make sure firewall engineers can't just
make any changes they want to a firewall; it limits their power over critical
operations. Change management also is a way to catch mistakes before they are
implemented on the firewall.

Casey's new role will require an additional level of need to know access. Least
privilege will then further restrict that access to just the tasks related to her job.
Presently, Casey has not only need to know access to perform her job as a
service desk technician, but will also require read-only access to the firewalls.

In due time, when more engineers have been hired, Casey's firewall rights and
privileges will have to be revoked. The glaring security flaw that has not been
followed will stand out to two types of people: security professionals with years
of experience or those who have thoroughly understood their CISSP concepts.
There is no experience requirement to take the CISSP exam, but it is highly
recommended. Spending time understanding concepts, whether at work or at
home, is the only way to gain security knowledge and to accumulate the wisdom
to fix broken processes.
A. Need to know
Giving only the access required to do the job is practicing proper need to know 4 .
The goal of implementing need to know is to prevent unapproved access. This
was followed when management gave Casey need to know access to customer
firewalls in order to accommodate her new job role. However, she is supposed to
be only "viewing" and "verifying" the configurations, as management did not
state she is to make any kind of changes to the firewall. The security
administrator fulfilled Casey's need to know by creating a firewall account to
view the configuration, but violated the directive by also allowing Casey to
deploy changes. This is not the correct choice because Casey was given need to
know access to the firewall, but her least privilege was not restricted to just read

B. Least privilege
By allowing Casey to have write access to the firewall as well as read-only
access, the security administrator failed to follow the principle of least privilege.
Least privilege will fine-tune a subject's access to an object by assigning just the
very minimum rights and permissions to it 5 . Casey required need to know
access to the firewall with management's permission to read configurations only,
not the additional privilege to make actual changes.

Since senior management is ultimately responsible for what happens in an

organization, they should be careful when deciding which roles get what level of
access. Need to know and least privilege are collaborative controls to protect
confidentiality and integrity by confining a user's access just to their job role.
They prevent a user from making a mistake on systems outside of their scope. It
can also limit what an attacker can access in case of an account compromise 6 .

Core CISSP Concept

Utilize need to know with the addition of least privilege in order to
restrict users to the very minimum access required to perform their
jobs. Then enforce job rotation and separation of duties to uncover
fraud, collusion, or an abuse of position by those with low or high-
risk privileges.
C. Job rotation
One of the primary reasons to enforce job rotation is to uncover or minimize the
acts of collusion and fraud 7 . If a user knows that someone else will come in and
perform their job for a while, they are less likely to commit a crime. While job
rotation may commonly mean a previous position was relinquished, in Casey's
circumstance she was temporarily rotated to an engineering role while also
maintaining her service desk role. This goes along with the secondary reasons
for job rotation: backup for employee shortages, preparation for a succession
plan, and improvement of skills.

Think Like A Manager

A job rotation policy requires the application of the principles of
need to know and least privilege. Whether juggling multiple roles
or a single new duty, managers must consistently check any
accrued rights and permissions a user no longer needs to perform
the job. If privilege creep occurs, those rights must be removed.

D. Separation of duties
Separation of duties prevents a single person from performing a high-impact task
8 . A single firewall engineer who can request, design, and implement changes to
a firewall by themselves and without permission, has a significant degree of
power. They can collude with outside entities to give them unfettered access to
the protected network behind the firewall, or the firewall itself. Even if a security
professional remains virtuous, a compromise of their own account would lead to
the attacker now having the same access. Even though it was a mistake for the
security administrator to give Casey write access to the firewall, separation of
duties still was followed as all changes had to be first approved by a senior

Exam Essentials
Need to know, least privilege, and separation of duties are
preventative controls 9 . Job rotation is a detective control 10 (meant
to uncover, not prevent). All four choices fall under administrative controls.
Expenses, extra responsibilities, and reduced profits are a result of

A. Security
B. Efficiency
C. Convenience
D. Operability

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Only one of the choices will result in all three of the outcomes presented in this
question. Ideally, a business would like to attain all four of the choices:
maximum security, high efficiency, ultra-convenience, and smooth operability.
Each of the choices has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Think of how security is perceived during our CISSP exam studies. Is security a
negative or positive addition to an organization? Does a business actively seek
out security? Does it look to security to lower expenses, reduce responsibilities,
or increase profits? Would security be an obstacle, necessity, or a cost which
contributes to or reduces these effects? Emotionally, think of how you and your
fellow security professionals feel about security as compared to your senior
management team.

Think Like A Manager

Answer the above questions not as a technical professional, but as a
business-driven executive. Costs, an increase in workload, and
lower profits all are a manager’s nightmare.

High efficiency--that is a manager’s dream. Efficiency for a
business means to squeeze every bit of work out of daily tasks in order to further
focus on more complex problems. Developers want to focus on building new
software, not to keep patching and updating old software. Network engineers
want to fine-tune the organization’s bandwidth usage, not continuously
troubleshoot connectivity issues. By increasing efficiency, we also are increasing
the effectiveness of measured security controls. Would this result in any of the
outcomes in the question?

Security professionals and business executives may not consider convenience to
be one of their top priorities, yet it absolutely must be. Not everyone in a
company may be highly technical or aware of security in their role, so some
require a modest level of convenience to perform their job. When employees can
perform their job, productivity goes up. We can say that convenience can
increase productivity, which will increase profits. As a CISSP, we must provide a
balance between security and user convenience. For example, two-factor
authentication is useless if a user does not know how to correctly use it.

Operability can be likened to reliability in that there is a high degree of
confidence that something will work from start to finish. A security professional
may practice a “security” mindset at their organization, but if that same security
professional were to go skydiving, they would want the parachute to have
greater operability instead of a high level of security. In an enterprise, operability
and security must be balanced to provide something that works as it is supposed
to and with the least amount of risk while doing so. When it comes down to it, is
operability expected to increase expenses or revenue for the company? Will it
add more work to maintain a certain level of operability? Will it cut into the
bottom line?

The CISSP is as much a security exam as it is an understanding of the industry's

lexicon. Gaining insight into the language of the CISSP helps to answer the
questions in the same frame of mind. The only way to learn a new language is to
immerse yourself in it. Incorporate the same terms, definitions, and vocabulary
learned in your books to your own real-life situations. It is also easier to study
this exam if you surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.
A. Security
To profit-driven businesses, information security is an after-thought. To software
development, security is an impediment to innovation. To financial exchanges,
security slows down commerce. To the business leaders of an organization,
security can be just another thing they have to do in order to maintain
compliance. In other words, security is just another cost, an inconvenience to
productivity, and a roadblock to revenue growth. Security just now is becoming
important not only for the safety of information but also human lives.

It takes the security professional a full understanding of the policies, functions,

processes, and culture of the organization to make security part of its DNA. The
introduction of a security program adds cost, new responsibilities, and takes
away from profit. Firewalls, anti-virus software, and biometric systems are
expenses for companies that did not need them before. It forces them to create
new job roles such as network security engineers, systems administrators, or
physical security guards. Money that otherwise could have been considered
profit is now being diverted to the security program. Security is not here to make
money, it is a cost that helps to reduce, avoid, accept, or transfer risk.

Core CISSP Concept

Overall business goals are to lower expenses, reduce overhead, and
increase profits while maintaining a balance between
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of services. A cost-
effective, scalable, and managed information security and risk
management program helps achieve these goals.

Efficiency, convenience, and operability are welcomed in an organization as they

can be expected to yield positive and quantifiable results. Security does not play
a hand in generating revenue or bringing potential sales. In security, we spend a
lot of money on protections and pay people a lot of money to do it. We do this
hoping to avoid a data breach incident, system outages, or the watchful specter
of regulatory non-compliance.

Think Like A Manager

A manager will try to use the security program itself to not only protect company
assets, but also attempt to produce measurable cost-saving results 1 .
One of the ways to do this is to first understand the business
objectives and find reflective security controls 2 .

B. Efficiency
Peak efficiency and effectiveness of programs and systems occur if they are
operating as intended, have correctly implemented security controls, and are
meeting desired outcomes 3 . If an intrusion prevention system (IPS) is blocking
network traffic containing malicious signatures, it is operating as intended.
Security controls such as frequent IPS signature updates, restrictive access
control, and high-availability add to its desired effectiveness in reducing the total
amount of security incidents. Expenses are lowered, additional responsibilities
are not necessary, and profits are increased when a company does not have to
deal with frequent security events.

C. Convenience
Security is not here to be convenient, but security and convenience have to play
nice with each other. If users find memorizing long and complex passwords too
inconvenient, they will write it down on a piece of paper. To provide both
convenience and security, the security advisor can suggest using passphrases, as
they are easier to remember while satisfying password complexity requirements.

D. Operability
The CISSP is an exam for security professionals, but it also takes a business
executive's frame of mind to succeed. Both want a secure and operational
system, but given a choice, operability drives the business. At the same time,
operability needs the functions of security to prevent or lessen its own
downtime. Operability is not an added expense with extra responsibilities that
cuts into the profit margin; operability is mandatory. The result of operability is a
functioning business continuing to be fully engaged in cutting cost, reducing
overhead, and focusing on profits.
Fred has been contracted as a penetration tester. He will have
access to the internal lines of code and general design of an
application that needs to be tested. Fred always has had malicious
intent. Howard is testing the same software without any prior
knowledge. He will approach his duty as if thinking like a
malicious attacker. Howard is a security professional.

Robin is an ethical hacker who has been tasked to cover the

vulnerabilities missed by Fred and Howard. She has been given
some information about a system, but not everything. Gary is
performing SQL injections in a test environment. He has created a
database and is now testing it for vulnerabilities. Gary is a

Who can do the most damage?

A. Fred
B. Howard
C. Robin
D. Gary

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Think of which individual would cause the least damage to eliminate a choice
right away. Look for the type of testing that would be the most isolated away
from a production environment. Then look for which individual would have the
least motivation or tendency to cause intentional damage. This can be
determined by their skill level and knowledge of the weaknesses in the system.
Just because someone has been hired by a company does not always mean they
will be ethical during or after they have completed their assignment.
Hint : The context of the question gives insight into the background and the
extent of each individual's knowledge.

Think Like A Manager

System testing should not be just a one-time occurrence. As new
vulnerabilities develop over time, it is important to remain vigilant
by perpetually testing new and older systems 1 .

The criticality of a system determines the frequency of testing 2 .

For example, systems with a low maximum tolerable downtime (MTD) should
be tested as much as possible if not continuously. Infrequent or annual testing
can be performed on systems with a high MTD that would not cause damage to
the business if unavailable. An MTD sets the approximate time sensitivity
associated with recovering a business function 3 . A low MTD could be between
two to four hours and a high MTD could be seven to 14 days.

Factors such as scope, level of access, and total knowledge of the system
determines the type of testing required. One type of test does not work for every
company and it is advised to use multiple types to get a holistic view. Likewise,
not all systems are alike and each one requires a different testing tool.

To maximize the coverage of unseen areas of a system, use both automated and
manual testing tools 4 . Penetration testing is not only about attacking a target
system, but also a test of the company's own ability to respond and defend
against attack. Although damage can disrupt business operations, the
information gained from the incident can be more beneficial in the company's
long-term security 5 . An organization's security program can only evolve if it can
prevent the same incident from frequent occurrence.
A. Fred

Fred is performing white box testing. This kind of test provides him detailed
information on the internal workings of software and the lines of code before
any kind of test is even conducted 6 . White box testing helps target a specific
area of software vulnerabilities for a more comprehensive result. The fact that
Fred knows all about the software before testing it, provides him the knowledge
to perform penetration tests from multiple known vectors. In other words, Fred
does not have to do any kind of reconnaissance on the target to find
vulnerabilities. Out of all the types of testing, white box testing provides the
most cost-effective technique 7 , however, someone having full knowledge before
conducting an external attack is not realistic of actual real-world threats. It takes
black box testing to understand all the possible and unseen ways an adversary
will try to compromise a system.

Fred can leverage his position as a contractor with authorized access to do the
most damage as an insider threat. He also could cause the most damage if he left
the company, as he would be taking the knowledge with him. Apart from just
damage, Fred could also steal, sabotage, or sell the information to a competitor.

RFC 1918 IP networks, physical environments, or remote access connections are

some common insider threat vectors and it is suggested a combination of
detection, prevention, and deterrence controls exist to cover each point 8 . In
addition to controls, security training and awareness improve user recognition of
malicious activities 9 . Security knowledge improves the ability to use a system
while also lessening the chances of making mistakes on it.

Think Like A Manager

A way to mitigate internal threats is to establish a solid baseline of
expected behavior, personalities, network traffic, and access of all
users 10 . These general characteristics will better measure internal
users who are going outside the boundaries of normal activity.
B. Howard
Howard is performing black box testing. Because he is approaching the system
with zero knowledge of how it works or functions, black box testing can provide
results most reflective of the real world 11 . The insight gained from this type of
test not only helps discover new threat vectors, but also prioritize risks and
remediate them in order of importance. Howard is conducting black box testing
in a professional capacity. It should be cautioned that black box testing also
gives Howard the chance to inadvertently affect parts of the system beyond the
scope of the test. Without any prior knowledge of the internal workings of the
system, Howard also may fail to fully test the controls that actually need to be
tested 12 . If there was any damage, it would most likely come from making
mistakes or unintentionally affecting interdependent systems. Either way, by
giving permission to conduct black box security testing, the organization has
accepted the risk of potential damage.

C. Robin
Robin is performing gray box testing, which can be used to patch the spots
missed by both black and white box testing 13 . Gray box testing makes up for the
internal controls missed by black box testing and provides an added element of
realism missing in white box testing. Any damage caused by Robin is either
unintentional or done so in a controlled manner. As an ethical hacker, Robin has
already obtained management's acceptance to expect this kind of damage.

D. Gary
Gary would cause the least amount of damage because SQL injections
performed on his database will never leave the confines of his lab.

Core CISSP Concept

Penetration testing is a craft that requires great skill, planning,
communication, and documentation. While sometimes systems
may be damaged during a test, this action itself is a learning
opportunity beneficial to understanding how it can be prevented
next time.
At which phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC)
should security be implemented first?

A. Initiation
B. Development/Acquisition
C. Implementation/Assessment
D. Operations and Maintenance

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Software developers and security professionals have two different objectives.

Developers are about creating a quality product with a certain aspect of appeal
and functionality. Security professionals reduce threats to the product while also
protecting other systems from the product. Which choice would play the most
deep-rooted and continual role in the long-term if it were to have security first?
Removing vulnerabilities at this phase first also provides the most long-term cost

Think Like A Manager

Releasing frequent patches, hotfixes, or updates after the
deployment of software may wind up costing more had the security
flaws been fixed during initial development.

The following defenses can be formed as a protective perimeter

around software: host-based intrusion detection systems, firewalls,
IPS/IDS devices, hard disk encryption, or SSL inspection. At a high-level, would
the purchase of all these controls be necessary if vulnerabilities were eliminated
during software development?

Security can be implemented during the initiation phase of the SDLC just by the
mention of its existence. While everyone else is talking about business
functionality and goals, the security professional has to carefully place emphasis
on the right type of security to uphold those same business objectives 1 . As
discussions about money and operability take the lead, someone has to interject
with addressing security. The security and business objective discussion can then
be further formalized into a baseline during the development or acquisition
phase 2 . Security is important in this phase as it is focused not only on the system
itself, but also the effect it will have on other systems once system integration
has been completed. This also is the time to look into supply chain risks if
acquiring a system instead of developing it 3 .

Once the system has been implemented into a production environment, more
security testing and assessments are required to complete the certification and
accreditation of the system 4 . Once fully operational , it is important to
maintain a rigid change management process 5 . This ensures that any system
changes will be reviewed before implementation as to avoid unforeseen security

Think Like A Manager

Even minimal security early on in any of the phases provide
developers the ability to detect risks early, adding value to the
system and lowering the total cost of ownership.

Think about where planting the idea of security would have the
highest impact on the current and future value of the system. Is it
better to start security from the very beginning or is it unnecessary to use up
resources at this early phase when it could be focused on the product
functionality instead? Should security be implemented when the actual
development is occurring, when the actual architecture and coding is being done,
or should security start when the system is being implemented into a live
operational network? After all, if at this point the new system manages to
inadvertently stop other critical business functions, the whole project may have
to be scrapped anyway. The decision of when to initiate security will have a
cascading effect in all the other phases of the SDLC. The true measure of the
security considerations during software development life cycle will be revealed
if the software ever falls under the publicly known Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposure (CVE) list 6 .
A. Initiation
The first place to start security planning is the initial phase of the SDLC 7 . At a
high-level, this phase has the most management-facing exposure, thereby having
the most influence in their decisions. The initial phase includes assessing the
software's impact on the current business functions along with an ideal measure
of the recovery point and time objectives 8 . This phase enforces security beyond
just system information, but also the risks to private user data when at rest,
stored, or in use. This is the phase when an SDLC model is chosen for the
developers to follow. Software development models are not followed as
accurately as depicted in our CISSP study guides. It depends on the company
environment and whether they want to choose a standard model or one which is
security-centric 9 .

Core CISSP Concept

A secure development task first starts with an accurate concept of
the software's operations. This is followed by a set of standards,
processes, assessments, quality assurance, secure coding practices,
and security training for the entire software development team 10 .

After identifying the security requirements, assessing risk, and performing a

privacy impact assessment of the software, it then comes down to the following
questions 11 :

Does the software present a convincing business case?

Is the cost/benefit ratio showing long-term value and ROI?
Are there efforts to minimize risk to an acceptable level?
Will management accept the risks?
Will it align security with operational efficiency and convenience?
Is there a wholly planned development lifecycle strategy?

Exam Essentials
Besides the SDLC, the initiation phase of any other process should have security
from the beginning. These include BCP/DRP, PKI, IoT, mobile
security, chain of custody, or governance and compliance.

B. Development/Acquisition
Users and system experts work together in this stage to turn the initial
requirements into a maturely designed reality. If the project requirements have
changed, then security risks to the system should continue to be assessed looking
for unexpected weaknesses and threats. Security controls are to be selected and
documented as to where, when, and how they will be applied to the architectural
design of the system. It is at this point when security has formally been applied
to the system, that complete consideration has been given to how it affects other
business and IT interdependencies 12 . This is the very definition of implementing
security early, not waiting until completion, but during development. Software
and hardware acceptance testing should then be conducted to validate that the
new system matches both functional and security requirements. Complete
documentation should accompany all activities in this phase as well as all the
other phases.

C. Implementation/Assessment
Utmost care must be practiced once the delivery, installation, or deployment of
the new system is established in a critical production environment. The system
must undergo a complete certification process and the results sent to the system
owner, developer, and other stakeholders. Management will then provide
accreditation, marking the final risk decision on the new system as well as how it
interacts with other systems in operation 13 .

D. Operations and Maintenance

Once in a production environment, the system now requires strict change and
configuration management. Any further monitoring will measure performance,
return on investment, and availability 14 .

Core CISSP Concept

Security is to be implemented at every stage of the SDLC, including the last
stage: disposal. A disposal team that properly sanitizes media, discards hardware
and software, archives critical information, and closes the system
reduces the risk of discovering residual data 15 .
Data security officer Nahid has been emailed four documents. The
first document contains specifications about a new cutting-edge jet
propulsion system developed for sub-orbital flights. The second
document contains pre-flight health information about two test
pilots. The third document details potential profit earnings from
the new propulsion system. The fourth document shows the
number of people who are involved in the project.

What would be the most effective way to protect this information?

A. Data Classification
B. Access Control
C. Cryptography
D. Network Security

Exam Strategy and Mentality

The protection controls surrounding information are reflective of its salience for
providing value. Not all information is the same, some require more or less
security than others 1 . The importance of data can also change over time. Which
choice will be able to protect information given its current sensitivity, usage, and
criticality levels? Protecting information is not just about confidentiality, it also
means the data is unchanged and available throughout its life cycle all the way
until the disposal stage 2 . Which choice would have a plan to dispose of data
when it has reached its usefulness?

Think Like A Manager

A manager would look for the choice that would protect the company from all
vectors, both external and internal. Which choice has the ability to be rolled out
for all data types?

Choice A, data classification, could effectively adjust for all these types of
documents. The new propulsion system could give the company a
competitive edge - this kind of information must be kept
confidential. Disclosure of pilot health data may not damage the
entire company, but still is something that should be kept private.
Information about profit forecasts or workforce totals are not vital
to the organization, but sensitive nonetheless.

What could be more effective to protect information than to use

identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability methods of
access control? Or to have an operating system that practices mandatory,
discretionary, or role-based access control, reducing both purposeful or
unintentional incidents of disclosure? To use these access control methods, the
security professional would first need to know the importance of the information
that is being protected.

Hint : The correct choice is part of an overall life cycle that includes an
acquisition, usage, archival, and disposal stage 3 .

Cryptographic controls could secure data at rest and in motion with a near-
absolute degree of confidentiality. Wouldn't crypto controls be the most effective
way to protect the documents from untrusted eyes? If so, how would we know
when and why to use which cryptographic cipher? What would determine
whether we use DES with Cipher Block Chaining mode or a stronger algorithm
such as AES256?

Network security strategies such as firewalls, VLANs, or a dedicated MPLS

circuit are strong technical constructs to protect information, though for a price.
What would determine the allocation of money, time, and resources spent to
implement these technical controls on the four documents? No matter the choice,
the information needs to first be organized in some way in order to be effectively
A. Data Classification (Domain 2)
Data classification allows the identification and prioritization of information 4 . In
order to know the type of protections, the amount to spend on those protections,
and the true value of the information, classification is required. Here are four
corporate data classification labels 5 which are required knowledge for the CISSP

Confidential - Could destroy the company or come close to it if disclosed. A

"new cutting-edge" propulsion technology could be considered a trade secret as
it gives Nahid's company a competitive advantage. Protective controls far
beyond the ones for the other documents should be implemented for this type of

Private - Can affect an organization adversely if divulged. Health information

may not destroy the company if disclosed, but is private user information and
should be classified as such.

Sensitive - Sensitive information such as profit earnings and employee

headcount are generally not damaging if seen by the public, but requires some
protective measures nonetheless.

Public - Disclosure is not preferred, but acquiesced if it occurs.

Core CISSP Concept

Labeled information helps senior management make better
decisions. Classification labels are used to determine information
sensitivity and what it would cost the company if there is
disclosure. Whenever information is created, it should immediately
have a meta description 6 .

Data classification helps multilevel security systems by permitting only users

with the right clearance label and denying anyone else 7 .

Think Like A Manager

Managers need to know the classification of data to decide on the
strength of a security control, the cost, and the amount of personnel
that need to be allocated. A manager must take these variables into
account before deciding on the best choice.

B. Access Control (Domain 5)

The concept of access control is to have technical, physical, or administrative
controls to make sure information is not seen or changed by unauthorized
subjects. As an example, data classification helps to clear the way in deciding
whether to have just passwords for users to access certain documents, or to have
them go through the additional step of two-factor authentication. As in, more
stringent access control methods will be assigned to data with a meta tag of
"confidential" than one tagged with "private" or "sensitive" 8 .

C. Cryptography (Domain 3)
A multitude of cryptographic controls exist from which to choose, each one with
its own price and complexity. Classification labels help to narrow down the
decision within budget and resources. For example, classifications help to decide
whether to use Perfect Forward Secrecy for an IPSec VPN tunnel, or use the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange in Phase 1. It provides the criticality level of data
at rest and in motion to determine whether the company should buy Trusted
Platform Modules or install software-based encryption.

D. Network Security (Domain 4)

Data classification allows Nahid to decide whether to buy a $100 firewall or one
that costs $5,000. It allows insight into whether two junior security engineers
will suffice or a senior security engineer has to be hired. The decisions required
to secure assets in a network all depend on the value of the data being protected.
Nahid also should not have received these documents over email, this in itself
could be a breach of confidentiality. A data classification program may have
prevented these documents from taking flight from one location to another,
instead opting to allow access while stationary.

Core CISSP Concept

Access control methods, encryption algorithms, network security technologies,
backup techniques, vulnerability testing, physical security, or
software development models are all derivatives of the decisions,
policies, and data classifications created by senior management.
In the year 3017, the human empire has made first contact with
another intelligent lifeform. A consular ship has been sent to open
communications along with some technological, scientific, and
historical information exchange through the ship's system. The
human ambassadors would like to learn as much information about
their alien delegation without giving away too much of their own
nature, biology, or defense capabilities. They want to appear
friendly, open, and strong without anything to hide. At this point,
the humans are unsure whether the aliens are a terrible danger or a
unique opportunity.

What kind of system access control model should be given to the


A. Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

B. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
C. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)
D. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Because the CISSP exam involves high-level subject matter, the concepts
learned in each domain can be applied to a wide span of heterogeneous
industries and environments for their information security management.
Concepts do not change; they are high-level principles and can address multiple
types of enterprise requirements. The context of the question does not matter,
only that subjects need access to objects with a few restrictions. It may take a
single or hybrid combination of controls for just the right type of access.

Think Like A Manager

The overarching goals, security requirements, culture, customs, and specific
mannerisms of a business will determine the type of access control required for
subject-to-object coaction.

The humans would like the aliens to feel free to look around the
information system, which would serve as a gateway to learning
about mankind's entire existence. They want to be careful what
they show because this kind of knowledge will reveal human
strengths and weaknesses. Decisions must be made, such as would
it be better to blatantly restrict and confine the alien's access like in
a MAC system? If so, it may insult the aliens or show a lack of trust. How about
customizing access rights for each and every file in the database like in DAC? It
would certainly allow the beings to only view the files chosen by the human data

Would it help to use conditional attributes like in ABAC? And if using RBAC, it
would provide a centrally managed access model with a single set of rights and
permissions that can be applied to all those in the group of extraterrestrials.

Information has value. This value determines who can have access to it. Security
professionals are not here to help users get access to valuable information; they
are here to protect information from unauthorized access. Access control models
are most effective when built into the system so it serves as a technical
preventative control as part of a layered defense approach.

The most optimal access control model is one that does not expose any
information to extraneous entities 1 . The security professional must consider
capability, performance, cost, metrics, and the upkeep of an access model 2 .
Once implemented, it brings with it the complexities of any new system. The
impact of which can affect user productivity throughout the enterprise or be
isolated to a single operational function 3 . Use policies, models, and security
mechanisms when designing the access control system.
A. Mandatory Access Control
The MAC model is all about keeping secrets, but the humans want to seem open
in showing their history without looking too secretive. MAC is the most
restrictive form of access control as it significantly scales down the amount of
choices a user has when accessing information on an operating system. A user
may even know there are many other objects in existence on the system, but they
do not have access to anything outside their boundaries. The MAC model is
commonly used in government or military environments where confidentiality is
of the highest regard. Mandatory access control is a nondiscretionary control as
it has a predetermined set of security labels that can only be accessed by those
who have the security clearance matching those labels 4 . The humans would not
use MAC at all because it is for highly secretive data, which is not the type of
information they are trying to present to the aliens in the first place.

B. Discretionary Access Control

Discretionary access allows the flexibility to choose what can be done on an
object based on the data owner's discretion. With DAC, subjects given access to
information may also be able to pass that information to other subjects. The
aliens may have the discretion to provide access to others, change object or
system attributes, create a new object, revise current objects, or change the
overall guiding rules of the system 5 . The humans do not want the aliens to have
this kind of decentralized control as it can lead to unaccounted access and
authorization creep. The provisioning of a DAC system would also be time-
consuming because of the number of objects (files, folders, and directories) in
the system that would have to be assigned an access control list (ACL). These
ACLs would need to be dynamically changed in response to any breaches or
compromise 6 .

Core CISSP Concept

Some driving factors behind access control policies include the
principle of need-to-know, least privilege, competency, authority,
conflict-of-interest, separation of duties, or investiture 7 . Access
mechanisms are used to translate these policies into an access
control list.
C. Attribute-Based Access Control
ABAC grants access based on an object's attributes, subject's specific attributes,
environmental conditions, and a preconfigured set of policies 8 . With ABAC, the
system would need a policy decision and enforcement engine that could grant
the aliens access based on these conditions: they hold the role of an official
emissary, arrive on unarmed spaceships, and are located at a specific star system
at a specific time. Even if it were possible, ABAC is not optimal if subjects and
objects are not consistently maintained. Each object would need to have its
attributes assigned, updated, modified, and then revoked 9 . The aliens would
need their assigned attributes updated if anything changes such as their location,
identity, or roles. At this point, not enough dialogue has occurred with the alien
contingency to set up an ABAC model. Questions to consider for ABAC 10 :

Why do we need it? What is the cost? Benefit? Risk? Capabilities?

How will objects, trust, privileges, and access rules be managed?
How will business processes change to accommodate ABAC?
How will interdependencies and interoperability be maintained?
How will overall ABAC performance be evaluated?

D. Role-Based Access Control

RBAC can make assignment of permissions simple, flexible, and customized 11 .
The humans can engineer a role with a narrow set of preselected privileges that
can then be assigned or revoked for each member of the alien delegation. Any of
the aliens will be free to use their role to navigate and investigate all of
mankind's recorded history. However, what the aliens see in their assigned role
will differ from the role assigned to humans. The humans can allow the aliens to
have a static position of access without the need for dynamic system decisions
(policies) like ABAC, a strict environment like MAC, or leave a chance for
excess permissions like in DAC. RBAC will reduce administrative overhead by
not having to create access for each subject 12 . Consider this: the aliens may also
be assigning a role to the humans. They may be hiding their own history,
weapons capabilities, or technological advancements. Not as a precaution, but
careful as to not overload the capacity of the human brain.
A storage warehouse facility has been taken over by a corporation
that will convert it into a data center handling highly classified
information in a private cloud. Fences will be built, cameras will
be installed, concrete bollards will be erected, and armed security
guards will be patrolling the perimeter at all times. Next-
generation firewalls, intrusion prevention and detections systems
(IPS and IDS), malware scanners, Bell-LaPadula operating
systems, and encryption will protect the servers. Policies,
procedures, data classification, background checks, credit scores,
controlled termination, and a general security awareness program
will be applied to all personnel.

What approach to security is being coordinated by the corporation?

A. Defense-in-depth
B. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
C. Natural Access Control
D. Target Hardening

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Multiple controls are going to be deployed throughout different locations of the

data center facility. The perimeter of the facility will have physical controls, the
internal information will have technical controls, and overall administrative
controls will be used to align staff members with company hiring requirements.
The first set of controls occur outside the warehouse. The second set of controls
are applied inside the facility getting closer to the asset, and the third set of
controls can be applied throughout the organization. Due care has been
performed to cover multiple vectors of compromise.

Hint : Look for the answer that may seem like an assortment of separate
controls, but at a high-level are meant to all work in concert with each other.
Defense-in-depth aims to layer defensive controls one after another making it
progressively difficult for a variety of attack methods to reach the target 1 . It is
meant to deter social engineers from gaining physical access, prevent hackers
from making it past the firewall, and account for insider threats who are
attempting to access or destroy valued information. Does this sound like what
the corporation wants to do for the new data center hosting classified

CPTED makes it difficult for an attacker to get away with their actions without
being seen by creating an area of high public visibility. Natural surveillance,
territorial reinforcement, designated spaces, and scheduled maintenance ensures
a place where people practice awareness to prevent crime and maintain security 2
. Is this what the corporation is trying to do? Is CPTED an incomplete approach
for the facility?

Natural access control is meant to provide physical security without being too
obvious. It is meant to guide people on a general path toward a specific location
while discouraging any deviations. An IPS, firewall, encryption cipher, or
malware scanners do not achieve this. Fences and bollards could control natural
access 3 , but they do not protect the actual digital data located in a server, nor
can natural access prevent attacks from inside the building. Target hardening is
about denying access and not caring whether it is done politely or in a friendly
manner 4 . Does this sound like the only type of control being designed for the
data center?

Think Like A Manager

Think not that a firewall will protect the asset, but what to do if the
firewall fails to do so-- if an intruder makes it past the fence, IPS,
and the encryption.
A. Defense-in-depth
The concept of defense-in-depth is to have multiple types of controls in place for
multiple vectors of compromise. As in, a $50,000 firewall protecting a server is
useless if the door to the data center is unlocked. If an armed security guard
protecting a laptop is overpowered, hard drive encryption still prevents
disclosure of the data. To maximize an organization's security, it is best to use a
trifecta of physical, technical, and administrative controls concurrently in a
layered approach 5 . Choice A involves all categories of security controls,
whereas choices B, C, and D are concerned with just physical security of the
outside environment.

Core CISSP Concept

Above all else, the #1 important asset is human life. Protect this
asset at all costs. There is no price that can be placed on human
safety. BCP/DRP programs, policies, and physical security must all
first consider making sure the human heart keeps functioning.
Make no exceptions.

In order to protect all human life, critical assets, and remain profitable, a
business has to look at themselves from a holistic perspective, from a high-level
view. This means to have a strong physical perimeter (fences, biometrics, motion
detector, dogs), a network architecture based on a sound security foundation
(VPN, web application firewall, WPA2, fiber optics) and a strong set of controls
preventing direct access to the asset (access control, encryption, antivirus). The
idea being if one control fails to protect the asset, there are multiple other
controls that still need to be overcome by an attacker 6 .

No amount of defensive controls can ever protect the weakest element in a

company to which we also put the most faith: people. To counteract, a manager's
best weapons are background checks to look for criminal history, credit score
check to view fiscal responsibility, or any other employee screening measures 7 .
Security awareness training also provides all users a base level of security
understanding on how to react and also how not to react against potential threats 8
B. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
CPTED is about designing a physical environment that directly makes people
feel safe and attackers think twice. It is not just for information system facilities
but also schools, public bathrooms, parks, or college campuses 9 . A CPTED
design will make an attacker strongly consider their choice before committing a
crime in an area with a lot of natural surveillance. Examples of CPTED include
10 :

Adequate lighting around streets or underground structures whereas a

person can recognize a face from 10 meters away.

Stair towers with clear glass walls in parking garages. Individuals may
be deterred from criminal acts in visible areas.

Signs that encourage reporting suspicious or criminal behavior. This

informs potential attackers of the neighborhood's vigilance.

Highly visible ingress/egress points of a neighborhood.

CPTED is not the correct answer because it is a primarily physical security

control. Armed security guards are not part of CPTED. The corporation intends
to approach the facility with a layered defense that can withstand attackers with
multiple types of skills.

C. Natural Access Control

Natural access control is a part of CPTED that uses elements such as lighting,
landscaping, or sidewalks to make people feel safe. It is meant to navigate them
to where they should be going and away from where they should not be going 11 .
Examples include putting in grass lawns to deter vehicles from driving in that
area or lighting that illuminates the main pathway to a building entrance.

D. Target Hardening
Target hardening is another component of CPTED that involves the blatant use
of physical or manmade boundaries. It is not about making the data center look
friendly or welcoming, but a show of force to discourage any trespassers,
malicious or otherwise 12 . Although this is being practiced in the question, it still
is just a physical control. Choices C and D are components of choice B.
Without prior notification or coordination, Rymar Tech's network
engineers changed their firewall's public IP address over the
weekend and unexpectedly broke a VPN tunnel to an e-commerce
service provider. This meant customers could no longer conduct
online shopping purchases, process credit card payments, or access
their account. The business managers were made aware of the
situation after hearing it directly from escalated customer
complaints. They immediately instructed security operations to
restore all business processes even if it meant putting functionality
over security. Ignoring their directive, the system architects
worked with the network team to revert back to the old IP address
and restore full connectivity. Moving forward, what kind of
changes to the organization can you advise C-level executives to
better align IT security with business objectives?

A. Develop an enterprise security architecture

B. Create an Information Security Management System (ISMS)
C. Employ the Zachman Framework
D. Improve strategic alignment

Exam Strategy and Mentality

Communication and procedures do not seem like they are in order at Rymar
Tech. Network engineers are doing rogue maintenance work, architects are not
listening to their bosses, and managers are making decisions that may impact
integrity, confidentiality, availability, or user privacy.

The correct choice will not only fix broken communication channels, but also
bring strategic and operational processes together. The solution will make sure
that if the exact same problem occurs again, it will be handled more cohesively.
Although it may take some time, money, and considerable initial effort, the
ultimate solution will actually create a more organized business that can handle
sudden changes with ease and a proper governance structure.

Think Like A Manager

There is a glaring element missing at Rymar Tech. Which choice
would lay the groundwork for not just IT, but all other departments
to understand the business goals?

If the choices all seem unfamiliar, then look at the keywords:

"develop", "create", "employ", and "improve". Given the
disconnects in the context of the question, does something need to be developed
to fix processes, created to align business objectives, employed to connect IT
with other departments, or improved on an existing platform? Does an existing
solution need to be restructured or is a new initiative required?

Hint : Which choice will be able to align, enable, enhance, and increase security

All the choices seem like they would work to help align IT with the business. If
this is true, then the "best" answer is the one that will have the biggest and most
long-term positive impact. Which one will not be practiced in just a single silo,
but every part of the enterprise? Which choice would work to account for each
issue in the question?

A security architecture would allow different parts of the enterprise to be linked

together with a common security strategy. An ISMS would outline the controls
needed to integrate security throughout the organization. While generic, the
Zachman Framework model would provide a flat view of the language necessary
to communicate with each type of business audience. Improving strategic
alignment brings together the notion for each silo that the business processes
take first consideration and everything else comes second.
A. Develop an enterprise security architecture
The development of an enterprise security architecture can merge the gap
between IT operations and business processes. It can be used to not only provide
a holistic view of the entire organization, but also align all of it together. Security
professionals involved in a charette of enterprise architecture will think of
interdepartmental standardization, cost-effective design, process solutions, and
procedures that will be understood across business units in a language specific to
their role 1 . As in, instead of just making their firewall change, the network
engineers would have first properly communicated the maintenance work to all
relevant departments of the business. A security architecture would educate IT
and provide insight into how changes to their systems can take down another
revenue generating system. This way even if an incident occurred, stakeholders
would be prepared to address it. It is not a good look when managers have to
receive bad news from customers instead of their own staff. A security
architecture solution would lay the groundwork for establishing proper
communication channels in both a bottom-up or top-down approach 2 .

It was recommended that for an immediate fix, it would be okay to bypass VPN
security, which could compromise confidentiality and integrity. It is important to
remember that the business comes first and whatever senior management says to
do has to be done; however, security architecture can allow business decision
makers to understand and make choices based on security concerns 3 . While
security operations resolved the issue, a security architecture would also avoid
situations where architects ignore executive instructions and put security over
functionality at their own discretion.

Core CISSP Concept

A security architecture comes only after a general architecture. A
unifying business architecture focused on converging the
relationships between information systems, data, and operational
elements of an organization comes before adding on security
policies, procedures, and solutions 4 .

If one part of the company does not understand how another part works, it is a
risk. Suppose management wants to add an expedited shipping process for online
purchases, but may not fully understand that their operations department does
not have the resources to support such a service. Security architecture reduces
disconnect and works to lay out the capabilities and components of each layer of
the company beforehand along with the security objectives. When IT has to
perform changes or maintenance on their side, it should be in concert with
making sure it does not affect the security of other business processes. When the
business makes strategic decisions, it should attempt to align with operational
and security capability.

B. Create an Information Security Management System

An ISMS describes controls for the management of data, risk, accountability, or
physical security. When a security architecture exists, it can take the information
from the ISMS and apply it to each business, operations, administrative, and user
level 5 . Architecture helps to disperse ISMS controls through each organizational

C. Employ the Zachman Framework

The Zachman Framework is one of many enterprise architectures that can be
used to communicate the same issue in a language different silos of the business
can understand 6 . The framework will answer the same what, how, where, who,
when, and why in a language that relates to different departmental perspectives.
When a website stops working, executives are concerned with liabilities, assets,
clients, partners, milestones, and business strategy. Engineers are about system
status, network interfaces, technical designs, and outputs. Same issue, different
language. Choice C is a specific framework that enhances an overall
architecture, not just security.

D. Improve strategic alignment

IT is here to support the business; the business isn't here for IT. Changing an IP
address should not affect what makes the company money. It is more important
that customers are making purchases than IT making changes. While a good
answer, this choice is too specific and first requires the development of security
architecture 7 .
A record label's newly created synthesizer software has been
deployed to the sound engineers in the music department. The lead
producer has asked whether the software can be upgraded to
import .WAV files in a compressed format. The developers stated it
would be simple and quick to do. They will deploy an upgrade
with the ability to compress .WAV files in the next software release
schedule, pending approval. Twenty hours after the new software
upgrade, the synth program started locking up the media server
whenever attempting to import .WAV files. The server became
accessible only after the security administrator performed an
emergency system restart.

Which due care measure should have been performed first?

A. Change management
B. Regression testing
C. Threat modeling
D. Extreme Programming (XP)

Exam Strategy and Mentality

It may first help to see which choice is about performing due care. Due care
means to direct prompt focus on the best thing to do for a certain situation at that
given moment. Which choice would have helped the most to perform just before
the new software was deployed? Which choice may have detected the reason
behind the server locking up?

Was it the absence of change management that failed the company's process?
Given the deployment and release schedule already in place, development
projects seem to have some measure of existing management and repeatable
control - similar to Level 2 of the Capability Maturity Model Integration 1 .
Remember that change management and regression testing occur after initial
software deployment, while threat modeling and XP occurs beforehand.

Core CISSP Concept

Knowing CISSP processes helps to recognize when one is broken.
Look for the choice that would most appropriately fill the gap in
the present process.

Regression testing exists to make sure any changes to software

does not accidentally break system functionality, performance, or protection 2 .
Although the server did cease to function and a reboot was urgently required to
bring it back online, would such a simple change really warrant conducting a
complete regression testing process? Or would it be better to treat it on a per-
issue basis and just reboot the server whenever it locks up? Would regression
testing provide an acceptable level of confidence for the business need, cost,
value, and return on investment of the new software?

Threat modeling can take two forms: one done during risk management and one
during software development. Both work to look for the number of probable
threats in correlation with existing vulnerabilities, instead of the ones which are
just possible 3 . Is this choice a due care measure and could it have detected the
software malfunction before it locked up the server?

Extreme Programming is about churning out software at a fast pace while

focusing on customer satisfaction as the end result 4 . Constant changes and new
requests to the initial software requirements are welcomed and testing is
continuously being performed. Should this model have been used for the update
to the new compression code?

Hint : Are the choices in chronological order? Does one choice come first then
the other when it comes to making a software change?
A. Change management
More changes are occurring within the enterprise now than any other time in
telecommunications 5 . Software updates, hotfixes, vulnerability patches,
upgrading old devices, failover testing, and firewall rules all require a change
management process. It is important to make sure rapid technology changes do
not wind up creating unexpected issues once implemented. There must be a
formal method to request, design, approve, test, deploy, rollback, and document
all changes. Integrity is the primary goal of change management and it is
achieved by having multiple eyes verifying that information remains consistent
before, during, and after a new change 6 . This is not the correct answer because
deploying compression software that is "pending approval" insinuates the
developers have an existing change management process in place already. There
is a software release schedule to be followed, minimizing ad hoc changes.
Change management is a form of due diligence as it is a long-term objective.

B. Regression testing
Regression testing is making sure new code does not alter software that is
already in place. Changes to software, however big or small, must be tested
before being put into a live enterprise. The idea is not only that regression tests
should be performed before making a change that may or may not affect a
system, but to just test the overall system once again since initial deployment 7 .
A single interactive acceptance test by humans may not always root out flaws
hidden deep within the lines of software code 8 . Think of regression testing as
not only to check the validation of new code, but also a way to make sure
previously corrected development issues are not recurring. This is the correct
choice because testing something before deploying it is just a prudent thing to
do, which is the definition of due care. For software engineers, regression testing
is to make sure the software update is working properly. For managers, it's a way
to prevent a disruption to the performance of the business, which could lead to
increased cost and lowered productivity. For security professionals, it is to make
sure a new change does not inadvertently open up new vulnerabilities or widen
existing ones.

The other two types of testing are unit and integration. In unit testing a single
part of the overall software is tested, while integration testing determines
whether all the parts are able to work together per the design. A combination of
both these tests will provide an optimal degree of confidence in the application's
ability to reduce risk 9 . Please note: software should never be tested in a
production environment.

Think Like A Manager

Code developers should not also be code testers. Separation of
duties should be practiced to avoid conflicts of interest where a
developer may be hesitant to admit a coding error because of
hubris, deadlines, or effort. Different teams should handle the
development, testing, and production assimilation of code 10 .

C. Threat modeling
The importance of this model is to take into consideration the reasonable types
of insider or outsider threats to the application whether in a malicious capacity or
in the form of a mistake. Then proceed to map how these probable attacks can be
realized with the existing or new vulnerabilities in the software. Threat modeling
is a type of due diligence because of the amount of research put in beforehand
and is most effective during the design phase of software development 11 .
Regression testing is the more accurate answer.

D. Extreme Programming
There is a cute reason for the name of this programming model, it consists of an
extreme amount of teamwork. The engineers, senior developers, team leads,
managers, and the customers are considered equals in a bid to turn out software
as quick as possible 12 . Part of the Agile methodology, XP brings people together
without overburdening its developers with a lot of processes to follow 13 . Unit
testing may be used in XP at a minimal level as only the minimal amount of code
will be used to pass the test. This process could have tested for server lock-ups
before deployment. XP provides software releases as fast as possible without a
set schedule, making this an incorrect choice. XP is also a software development
model that is not a form of due care.

Some of us just want to better ourselves to keep up with our profession, to

become a better security professional. Some of us don't get to go home after
work and watch an entire series on Netflix or scroll through Instagram.
Instead we opt for Sybex CISSP 8th Edition, CCNA 200-301, Blue Team
Field Manual, The TCP/IP Guide, Python Crash Course, AWS Solutions
Architect Official Guide, firewall administration guides, or Alan Turing: The
Enigma . Some of us go home and read the books that relate to our job
function, to try and become an expert at our jobs so we earn the respect of
our peers and make our kids proud.

If you want job security, the CISSP is worth it. If you want to spend more
time with your family, the CISSP is worth it. If you lose your job and need to
get another job fast before your mortgage is due, then the CISSP is worth it.
If you are 100% qualified for a high-paying job, but one of the requirements
is that you have a CISSP, you don't have to worry about a missed opportunity
because you didn't have something. If you want to be part of a global
community of security professionals (okay maybe you don't need the CISSP
for that, but it helps!) the CISSP is worth it. There was so much I didn't know
about security before studying for the CISSP. While studying I learned about
polyinstantiation, referential integrity, known-plaintext attacks, procedures,
policies, ISO 27001, bollards, and one-time pads. I learned the power of
mathematics while studying about Diffie-Hellman, the importance of
encryption throughout history, the meaning of data remanence, or the
different types of fires and how to best extinguish them. Studying for the
CISSP, even if you don't pass, helps you correlate the many facets of security
and how they all eventually relate to each other. If you want to stop yourself
from constantly needing motivation, but instead cultivate a sense of
discipline that will follow you for the rest of your life, the CISSP is worth it.

Final Words From Luke

The journey to the CISSP, it’s an epic adventure. The harder you study, the more
you lessen the fear of failing. In the testing center, when the timer begins to
count down, there is nothing to focus on except the computer terminal in front of
you presenting deep-level security questions. You take everything you learned in
all those thousands of pages of your study guides, all those hours of watching
videos, all those days of going over nothing but practice questions, and focus it
all into the glow of the monitor. The exam is so intense it is as if you took a
breath, and when you exhaled the exam was over; your fate is either a pass or a
fail. You have to push yourself to pass this thing, you have to want it more than
anything at this point of time in your life.

Imagine the exam ends and you walk toward the testing center proctor, the
longest walk you’ll ever take, and wait to hear the laboring engine of the printer
writing up the destiny of your information security career. You’re either going to
feel a crushing feeling of disappointment or a warm moment of the impossible
realization that you have passed. Whatever the outcome, you’re still not the same
person that you were just a few hours, days, or months ago. You’ve improved.
You have gained a greater perception of information security concepts than ever
before. You can navigate your way around conversations with both technical
engineers and C-level executives. You see the reality that nothing is perfect and
you can’t eliminate every risk. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter if you pass or
fail, the journey to the CISSP is the real prize.

By now I've spent over 2,000 nights grinding as a CISSP instructor. Similar to
your journey to the CISSP, mine has also been filled with sleepless nights
creating CISSP videos, practice questions, flashcards, and managing multiple
social media platforms. This whole security thing is not a job, it's a commitment.
I am truly grateful for all those who have allowed me to be a part of their CISSP
journey. Your stories inspire me every day.

Thank you all.

-Luke Ahmed
A CISSP Study Guide

The Study Notes and Theory Members Portal provides

custom CISSP videos, practice questions, flashcards,
comprehensive PDF notes, and admission to a private
Telegram study group.
Question 1
1 “CISSP Computerized Adaptive Testing.” CISSP Computerized Adaptive Testing, (ISC)2 ,
/Certifications/CISSP/CISSP-CAT .
2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 10 Kissel, Richard, et al. “Guidelines for Media Sanitization NIST Special Publication 800-
88.” Guidelines for Media Sanitization, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 2006, tsapps. .
6 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.
7 , 8 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
9 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.

Question 2
1 “Primary: Definition of Primary by Lexico.” Lexico Dictionaries | English, Lexico Dictionaries. Powered
by Oxford., 2020, .
2 , 3 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
4 “ICGN Guidance on Corporate Risk Oversight.” ICGN International Corporate Governance Network,
ICGN International Corporate Governance Network, 2015,
%20Risk%20Oversightweb_0.pdf .
5 , 6 , 7 , 8 “Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments - NIST.” National Institute of Standards and
Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 2012,
/SP/nistspecialpublication800-30r1.pdf .

Question 3
1 , 5 , 6 , 7 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016
2 , 4 , 8 , 9 , 10 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems
Security Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
3 McCormack, George. “Data Users.” Outcome 1: Describe the Legislation That Applies to the IT
Profession, Higher National Computing: E-Learning Materials, Mar. 2008,
/ITLaw01CD/page_19.htm .
11 Sagan, Carl, 1934-1996. Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection : an Extraterrestrial Perspective. Cambridge ;
New York :Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Question 4
1 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 NIST 800-15 Scarfone, Karen, et al. “Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and
Assessment.” National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Sept. 2008, .
7 Eltringham, Scott. “Prosecuting Computer Crimes.” The United States Department of Justice, Office of
Legal Education Executive Office for United States Attorneys, 14 Jan. 2015,
/files/criminal-ccips/legacy/2015/01/14/ccmanual.pdf .
8 Daniel Regalado. Shon Harris. Allen Harper. Chris Eagle. Jonathan Ness. Branko Spasojevic. Ryan Linn.
Stephen Sims. Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Fourth Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne,

Question 5
2 , 3 , 4 , 10 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
5 , 6 , 8 , 9 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
7 “Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy.” Computer Security Resource Center, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Sept. 2009, .

Question 6
1 “Code of Ethics: Complaint Procedures: Committee Members.” Code of Ethics | Complaint Procedures |
Committee Members, 2020, .
2 , 3 , Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
4 , 8 , 10 “Why Is Third Party Risk Management Important?” Third Party Risk Management Managing
Risks in Your Extended Enterprise, Deloitte, 2017,
/risk/sg-risk-third-party-risk-management-brochure.pdf .
5 , 7 , 9 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.
11 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
6 “CMMI Institute.” CMMI Institute - CMMI Levels of Capability and Performance, ISACA, 2020, .

Question 7
1 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
2 , 5 Blake, Sonya. “The Clark-Wilson Security Model.” Global Information Assurance Certification Paper,
Global Information Assurance Certification Paper, 17 May 2000,
wilson-security-model/101747 .

Question 8
5 , 16 , 17 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information
Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
1 , 2 , 15 “DDoS Quick Guide.” National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, National
Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, 29 Jan. 2014,
/publications/DDoS%20Quick%20Guide.pdf .
9 Specht, Stephen, and Ruby Lee. “Taxonomies of Distributed Denial of Service Networks, Attacks, Tools,
and Countermeasures.” Taxonomies of Distributed Denial of Service Networks, Attacks, Tools, and
Countermeasures, Princeton Architecture Laboratory for Multimedia and Security, 16 May 2003, www. .
13 Real-world experience

Question 9
1 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
2 “Art. 50 GDPR - International Cooperation for the Protection of Personal Data.”, General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), 14 Nov. 2018, .
3 “Art. 17 GDPR - Right to Erasure ('Right to Be Forgotten').”, General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), 14 Nov. 2018, .
4 “Art. 34 GDPR - Communication of a Personal Data Breach to the Data Subject.”, General
Data Protection Regulation, 14 Nov. 2018, .
5 , 9 “Tokenization Product Security Guidelines – Irreversible and Reversible Tokens.” Tokenization
Product Security Guidelines, PCI Security Standards Council, Apr. 2015,
/documents/Tokenization_Product_Security_Guidelines.pdf .
6 , “All You Need to Know about Tokenization.” All You Need to Know about Tokenization, VISA Inc., .
7 , 10 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
8 , 12 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
11 McCallister, Erika, et al. “Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information
(PII).” Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Apr. 2010,
.pdf .

Question 10
1 Mell, Peter, and Timothy Grance. “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing.” Recommendations of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 2011, .
2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Jansen, Wayne, and Timothy Grance. “Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud
Computing.” Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Dec. 2011,
.pdf .

Question 11
1 , 2 , Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
3 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.
4 , 6 , 7 , 8 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
5 Swanson, Marianne, et al. “NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-18 Rev. 1, Guide for ...” Guide for
Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Feb. 2006, .
Question 12
1 Hoffman, P., and B. Schneier. “Doc: RFC 4270: Attacks on Cryptographic Hashes in Internet Protocols.”
Attacks on Cryptographic Hashes in Internet Protocols, Network Working Group, Nov. 2005,
/doc/rfc/rfc4270.html .
2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th
Edition. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
7 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.

Question 13
1 , 8 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
5 Swanson, Marianne, et al. “Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems .” National
Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-34, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, May 2010, .

Question 14
1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
3 “Firewall Interfaces Overview.” Firewall Interfaces Overview, Palo Alto Networks, 30 Apr. 2020, docs.
-overview .

Question 15
1 “NIST Risk Management Framework Overview.” NIST Risk Management Framework Overview,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 28 Mar. 2018,
/03/28/vickie_nist_risk_management_framework_overview-hpc.pdf .
2 Xu, William; Grant, Gerald; Nguyen, Hai; and Dai, Xianyi (2008) "Security Breach: The Case of TJX
Companies, Inc.," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 23, Article 31.
3 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
4 , 5 , 6 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.

Question 16
7 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
8 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.

Question 17
1 2 3 5 6 9 10 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
4 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
7 8 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.

Question 18
1 , 2 Chew, Elizabeth, et al. “I N F O R M A T I O N S E C U R I T Y .” Performance Measurement Guide
for Information Security, National Institute of Standards and Technology, July 2008,
/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-55r1.pdf .
3 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.

Question 19
1 2 7 8 Scarfone, Karen, et al. “Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment.” Special
Publication 800-115, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 2008,
/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-115.pdf .
3 9 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
4 5 6 11 12 13 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
10 “Combating the Insider Threat.” National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, US
Department of Homeland Security, 2 May 2014,
/Combating%20the%20Insider%20Threat_0.pdf .

Question 20
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 Kissel, Richard, et al. “Security Considerations in the System Development Life
Cycle.” NIST Special Publication 800-64 Revision 2, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Oct.
2008, .
9 13 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.

Question 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
7 “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.” NIST Special
Publication 800-53, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Apr. 2013,
/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdf .

Question 22
1 2 3 7 Hu, Vincent, et al. “Assessment of Access Control Systems.” Assessment of Access Control Systems,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Sept. 2006,
.pdf .
4 11 12 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
5 6 “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.” NIST Special
Publication 800-53, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Apr. 2013,
/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdf .
8 9 10 Hu, Vincent C, et al. “Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Definition and
Considerations.” NIST Special Publication 800-162, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Jan.
2014, .

Question 23
1 5 8 Chapple, Mike, and James M Stewart. (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security
Professional Official Study Guide. 8th ed., Wiley, 2018.
Crime Prevention Council, National Crime Prevention Council, Oct. 2003,
/CPTED-Guidebook.pdf .
3 4 9 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2016.
6 Barnum, Sean, et al. “Defense in Depth.” Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA, United
States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, 2005,
/defense-in-depth .
7 McGuiness, Todd. “Defense In Depth.” Information Security Reading Room, SANS Institute, 7 May
2020, .

Question 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.

Question 25
2 3 9 10 13 Harris, Shon. and Maymi, Fernando. CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 7th Edition. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
4 12
5 6 11 Gordon, Adam. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK ((ISC)2 Press). 4th ed. Taylor and Francis
Group, LLC. 2015.
7 8 Libes, Don. “Regression Testing and Conformance Testing Interactive Programs.” Testing Interactive
Programs, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 12 June 1992,
/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=821305 .
About the Author
Luke Ahmed is a CISSP instructor and the founder of Study Notes and Theory.
He provides a different way to study for the CISSP exam by striving to come up
with a casual and conducive learning environment using a mix of high-level
concepts and technical terminology. Luke is a perpetual optimist dedicated to
helping those on their journey to the CISSP and becoming a better security

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