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National Aeronautics and Space Administration


7 June 2021

Journey to an Ice Giant System


Amy Simon
Science Co-Lead
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[email protected]

Francis Nimmo
Science Co-Lead
University of California Santa Cruz
[email protected]

Richard C. Anderson
Study Lead
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory [email protected]
Data Release, Distribution &
Cost Interpretation Statements
This document is intended to support the 2023–2032 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey.
The data contained in this document may not be modified in any way.
Cost estimates described or summarized in this document were generated as part of a preliminary concept study,
are model-based, assume an APL in-house build, and do not constitute a commitment on the part of APL.
Cost reserves for development and operations were included as prescribed by the NASA ground rules for the
Planetary Mission Concept Studies program. Unadjusted estimate totals and cost reserve allocations would
be revised as needed in future more-detailed studies as appropriate for the specific cost-risks for a given
mission concept.

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory would like to thank all of the Uranus Orbiter and Probe (UOP)
team members, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Planetary Science and
Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023–2032 (especially the Giant Planet Systems Panel and the Ocean Worlds
and Dwarf Planets Panel), and the NASA Planetary Science Division for supporting this study.


Science Champions Amy Simon NASA/GSFC
Francis Nimmo UC Santa Cruz
Science Points of Contact Ian Cohen APL
Debra Buczkowski APL
Science/Engineering Consultant Rob Gold APL
Study Program Manager Art Azarbarzin APL
Systems Engineering Richard Anderson (Study Lead) APL
Debarati Chattopadhyay APL
Max Harrow APL
Mission Design Juan Arrieta Nabla Zero Labs
Martin Ozimek APL
Chris Scott APL
Operations Andy Calloway APL
Ground Alice Berman APL
Patrick McCauley APL
Probe Entry/Descent Analysis Helen Hwang NASA Ames
Dinesh Prabhu NASA Ames
Gary Allen NASA Ames
Josh Monk NASA Ames
John Thornton NASA Ames
Soumyo Dutta NASA Langley
Alejandro Pensado NASA Langley
Payload Kim Slack APL
David Coren APL
Katherine Rorschach APL
Instrument Performance Hari Nair APL
Propulsion Jeremy John APL
Mechanical/Structures Erich Schulze APL
Spacecraft Design Dave Weir APL
Thermal Bruce Williams APL
RF & Radio Science Reza Ashtari APL
Power Dan Gallagher APL
Guidance & Control John Wirzburger APL
Rebecca Foust APL
Avionics Kirk Volland APL
Steve Cho APL
Christian Campo APL
Justin Kelman APL
Flight Software Adrian Hill APL
Harness Vince Bailey APL
Jackie Perry APL
Integration & Test Elliott Rodberg APL
Radiation Assessment Michelle Donegan APL
Scheduling Faith Kahler APL
Cost Estimation Kathy Kha APL
Document Manager Marcie Steerman APL


A Journey Whose Time Has Come ...

A Uranus Orbiter & Probe mission was highly ranked in both the Visions and
Voyages and Solar and Space Physics Decadal priorities. The Uranus Orbiter &
Probe enables broad multi- and cross-disciplinary science across nearly all Decadal
thematic questions and provides a case study for ice giant mass exoplanets.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

          
This mission fully (green) or partially (yellow) addresses most of the thematic
questions posed for the 2023–2032 Planetary Decadal Survey.

Mission Goals Reveal the Secrets of an Ice Giant System

The Uranus Orbiter & Probe mission would deliver an in situ probe
Origins into Uranus’s atmosphere, then complete a multi-year orbital tour
Formation of all aspects of the Uranian system including: atmosphere, interior,
Composition magnetosphere, rings, and satellites.
Understanding Solar System Origins: Decadal Thematic Q1–Q3, Q12
y When and where did Uranus form in the protosolar nebula?
Processes y Did Uranus and Neptune migrate or swap positions?
Impacts Atmosphere y Did a catastrophic giant impact tilt Uranus, rearrange its interior,
Rings Magnetosphere and form satellites?
Satellites Seasonal Extremes Studying Processes: Decadal Thematic Q4–Q8, Q12
Interior y What mechanisms are transporting heat / energy in the
planet and satellites today?
Habitability y How do the components within the Uranian system interact
Ocean Worlds with each other?
Astrobiology y What external factors are altering the planet, satellites,
and ring compositions?
y What interior structure produces Uranus’s complex magnetosphere?
Exploring Habitability: Decadal Thematic Q10, Q11
Interconnections y Did any of Uranus’s moons have substantial heat flux or oceans in
Exoplanets the past?
Heliophysics y Are any of the moons presently ocean worlds?
Informing Interconnections
y How do ice giant-mass planets form and evolve in
exoplanetary systems?
y How does solar wind couple to a magnetosphere with a rapidly
changing orientation?

Orbital Operations: probe insertion followed by 4-year tour, including polar and equatorial campaigns
observing Uranus and rings, with multiple targeted flybys of the outer four satellites

The Uranus System Portia Group Main Rings Interior

Oberon Ariel
Puck Rosalind

Portia 4
δ η β 5 6 Atmosphere
Juliet ε λ γ α ζ
Rings µ ν
Magnetosphere to ~18R
Designed to Be NASA's Next Flagship Mission
y Mission provides context of an entire ice giant system Phase A–D Phase E–F Total
(FY25$K) (FY25$K) (FY25$K)
y Target-rich environment makes for very flexible
Total w.o Reserves 1,275,940 542,034 1,817,974
tour design Reserves 634,157 135,508 769,665
y Efficient spacecraft design gives ample margin on Launch Vehicle 236,000 236,000
launch vehicle Total 2,146,097 677,542 2,823,640
y No new technology is required for mission
y Descopes available
(removal of WAC, ortho-para hydrogen sensor; reduce tour length)

Mission-Enabling Launch Windows Occur Every Year,

With or Without a Jupiter Flyby
Ins e rt e d Mis s io n Time of Flight
L au n c h D at e C 3 ( K m 2 /s 2 ) Pat h Mas s ( kg) ( yea r s)
Primary 6/13/2031 27.1 E( Δ V ) EJ U 4919 13.4
Secondary 4/29/2032 28.8 E( Δ V ) EJ U 5 1 1 1 .5 12.8
1 0 /3 1 /2 0 2 9 11.3 E VE E JU 6 6 6 5 .4 13.1
3 /7 /2 0 3 1 17.5 E VE E JU 6 0 6 8 .7 12.5
8 /1 /2 0 3 1 18 E VE JU 4855 12.3
5 /3 /2 0 3 2 29.2 E ( ΔV) E JU 4 5 2 7 .2 12.2
1 /8 /2 0 3 3 23.6 E VE E U 5 9 3 3 .3 15.3
5 /2 7 /2 0 3 4 23.1 E VE E U 5 6 2 6 .4 15.2
2 /2 8 /2 0 3 6 28.2 E VE E U 5 2 4 0 .5 15.3
1 /8 /2 0 3 8 35.5 E VE E U 4 8 1 2 .3 14.2

Instrument Suite
Orbiter Instrument Suite Probe Instrument Suite
Magnetometer Atmospheric Structure Instrument
Narrow Angle Camera Mass Spectrometer
Wide Angle Camera UltraStable Oscillator
Thermal IR Camera Ortho-Para Hydrogen Sensor
Visible-Near IR Imaging
Comprehensive Fields
& Particle Suite
Radio Science +
UltraStable Oscillator Uranus Orbiter &
Probe shown in launch
configuration on a
Falcon Heavy Expendable

Spacecraft Characteristics
y Total flight system mass (including probe): 2756 kg (dry), 7235 kg (wet)
y 30% dry mass and power margins
y 3-axis stabilized, except for passive spin during cruise hibernation
y Uses 3 Next-Gen Mod 1 Radioisotope Thermal Generators
y Planned mission data volume return: 51.9 GB
Planetary Science Decadal Survey
Uranus Orbiter & Probe (UOP) Mission Concept Design Study Final Report

Graphic Cover ........................................................................................................................................................ i

Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................................................iii
Fact Sheet............................................................................................................................................................. iv
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................. vi
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Scientific Questions & Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Atmosphere & Interior ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Magnetosphere ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3. Rings & Small Satellites .................................................................................................................. 7
1.4. Large Satellites & Ocean Worlds ..................................................................................................... 8
1.5. Science Traceability Matrix ............................................................................................................. 9
1.6. Driving Functional Requirements & Tour Design Considerations ................................................ 12
2. High-Level Mission Concept .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.1. Study Request & Ground Rules ..................................................................................................... 14
2.2. Overview & Concept Maturity Level (CML) ................................................................................ 14
2.3. Technology Maturity ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.4. Key Trades ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3. Technical Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 16
3.1. Instrument Payload Description ..................................................................................................... 16
3.2. Flight System ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.2.1. Orbiter Element .................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.2. Probe Element ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.3. Flight System Element Summary ......................................................................................... 23
3.3. Mission Design & Concept of Operations ..................................................................................... 25
3.3.1. Interplanetary Cruise ............................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2. Interplanetary Trade Space ................................................................................................... 26
3.3.3. High Fidelity Analysis .......................................................................................................... 28
3.3.4. Uranus Capture & Probe Release ......................................................................................... 29
3.3.5. Satellite Tour ........................................................................................................................ 31
3.3.6. Mission Design Summary .................................................................................................... 33
3.3.7. Mission Operations............................................................................................................... 34
3.4. Risk List ......................................................................................................................................... 35
4. Development Schedule & Schedule Constraints............................................................................................. 36
4.1. High-Level Mission Schedule ........................................................................................................ 36
4.2. Technology Development Plan ...................................................................................................... 36
4.3. Development Schedule & Constraints ........................................................................................... 36
5. Mission Life Cycle Cost ................................................................................................................................. 37
5.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2. Mission Ground Rules & Assumptions .......................................................................................... 37
5.3. Cost Benchmarking ........................................................................................................................ 38
5.4. Costing Methodology & Basis of Estimate .................................................................................... 38
5.5. Confidence & Cost Reserves.......................................................................................................... 40
Appendix A: Acronyms & Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 42
Appendix B: References ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix C: Additional Details.......................................................................................................................... 53

Executive Summary __________________________________
The ice giant Uranus is one of the most enigmatic and least explored bodies in the solar system. Many of its
characteristics, including its axial tilt, energy balance, atmospheric dynamics and complex magnetic field,
present major puzzles. Its five large icy satellites represent potential ocean worlds, with some displaying
surprising degrees of geological activity. And Uranus is arguably the closest analog we have to the most
common exoplanets. Yet only one spacecraft has explored Uranus, thirty-five years ago; a return to Uranus was
a high priority of the 2012–2022 Planetary Decadal Survey and the 2013 Solar and Space Physics Decadal.
The Uranus Orbiter and Probe (UOP) is a Flagship-class mission concept ($2.15B FY$25, Phase A–D, including
launch vehicle) developed in response to the 2023–2033 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey with
the aim of answering the top-level science questions concerning Uranus, its rings and moons. The mission deploys
an atmospheric probe into Uranus shortly after orbit insertion, followed by multiple flybys of Titania to reduce the
orbital inclination to the equatorial plane, carrying out observations of the planet as it does so. An equatorial tour
of all five major moons follows, completing a 4.5-year science mission phase at Uranus. The tour is highly
flexible, with different options available depending upon which moon is used for equatorialization.
The probe carries four instruments to measure atmospheric composition and isotopic ratios, temperature
structure and winds. The orbiter carries six instruments – magnetometer, narrow-angle camera, thermal-IR
camera, Vis-NIR imaging spectrometer, and a fields and particles suite – plus a radio science capability. This
modest payload was selected to address the top-priority science questions concerning Uranus’s atmosphere,
interior, magnetosphere, rings and small satellites, and large satellites. In doing so it addresses all of the
Decadal Survey’s twelve questions, with the single exception of Insights from Terrestrial Life.
Mission science questions address three overarching goals – Origins, Processes, and Habitability – and
include: When and where did Uranus form in the protosolar nebula? Did a catastrophic giant impact tilt
Uranus? What mechanisms transport heat/energy in the planet and satellites? How does the solar wind interact
with Uranus’s magnetosphere? What external factors are altering the planet, satellites and ring compositions?
Are any moons currently ocean worlds, or have they been in the past? These questions are intimately
connected to questions of exoplanet system formation and evolution, as well as heliophysics objectives.
The objective of this study was to update the prior Uranus Orbiter and Probe concepts, including a project start
between 2023–2030, with refined science goals and payload complement, updated launch vehicles, and a
chemical-only mission design. The study was also directed to increase concept maturity/fidelity where
possible, at a concept maturity level (CML) of 4.
Alternative Earth-to-Uranus interplanetary trajectories were analyzed to satisfy multiple, competing objectives.
Numerous options were identified for launches throughout the 2030s, taking advantage of newer, higher-
performing launch vehicles. Optimal prime and backup launch opportunities were identified for Jun 2031 and
Apr 2032 with a 13.4-year cruise to Uranus, baselining a Falcon Heavy Expendable with a launch energy (C3)
of 29.36 km2/sec2. Both use a Jupiter gravity assist (JGA) to achieve the most cost-efficient solution; however,
numerous other viable alternatives without JGA exist, either with modestly increased flight times or the use of
Venus. Significant emphasis was placed on optimizing the atmospheric probe deployment while developing an
integrated, end-to-end trajectory from launch through disposal, in response to technical feedback from previous
ice giant concept studies. The mission design team, in collaboration with NASA Langley and NASA Ames EDL
experts, developed a high-fidelity Uranus capture and probe deployment design to demonstrate feasibility. A
significant finding of this study is that significant mission risk reduction is possible by deploying the probe after
orbital insertion rather than on approach, all while incurring minimal performance penalties. The stacked flight
system dry mass of 2756 kg includes 30% margin, with launch mass of 7235 kg. The orbiter is powered by three
Mod 1 Next-Generation RTGs (NGRTGs), and is spin stabilized during most of cruise to reduce cost.
As a Flagship mission, UOP has the imprimatur of a broad community. The mission would answer
fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of our own solar system, and the characteristics of
planets elsewhere. The mission concept requires no new technologies or launch vehicle, and has a highly
flexible tour design and ample mass and power margins. The 60th anniversary of the Voyager 2 flyby could be
celebrated by the arrival of the next visitor to Uranus.

1. Scientific Questions & Objectives ___________________
Uranus and Neptune are mysterious worlds that comprise the only class of planet – ice giants – not yet
intensively studied by spacecraft; these worlds hold important clues about our solar system’s formation and
evolution. Uranus and Neptune are distinctly different than Jupiter and Saturn; their smaller size, chemical
enrichments, slower rotation, asymmetric magnetospheres, and diverse satellite-ring systems set them apart
from their larger, hydrogen-dominated, cousins. The Uranian system, in particular, is of great interest due to its
extreme obliquity, apparent dearth of internal heat, complex magnetic field, and regular ring and satellite system
containing possible ocean worlds. Most exoplanets are ice-giant sized; detailed study of this system is vital. The
unique Uranian system is also key for understanding solar wind-magnetosphere interactions. Prioritized in the
2013–2022 Planetary Decadal Survey after MAX-C and Europa [Vazan & Helled 2020], and of great
international interest [Arridge et al. 2011, 2014; Atreya et al. 2020; Fletcher et al. 2020a], the Uranus Orbiter &
Probe (UOP) mission provides broad, multidisciplinary science. There are three overarching science goals of
this mission, along with interconnections to astrophysics and heliophysics, with a myriad of discipline-specific
questions as described in the next sections (a small subset is shown here):
• When and where did Uranus form in the protosolar nebula?
• Did Uranus and Neptune migrate or swap positions?
• Did a catastrophic giant impact tilt Uranus and rearrange its
• What mechanisms are transporting heat / energy in the planet
and satellites today?
• How do all the components in the Uranian system interact with
each other?
• What external factors are altering the planet, satellites, and ring
• What interior structure produces Uranus’s complex
• Did any of Uranus’s moons have oceans in the past?
• Are any of the moons presently ocean worlds?
• How do ice giant-mass planets form and evolve in exoplanetary Exhibit 1-1. The Uranus Orbiter & Probe
systems? mission enables broad multi- and cross-
• How does solar wind couple to a magnetosphere with a rapidly disciplinary science across nearly all Decadal
changing orientation? thematic questions. This mission was also a
high priority in the last Planetary and
1.1. Atmosphere & Interior Heliophysics Decadal Surveys.
Uranus has a higher proportion of ices than Jupiter and Saturn, though its actual bulk composition is not yet
well constrained. Uranus is unique in that it appears to have much less internal heat than the other planets,
perhaps due to a catastrophic impact during its formation, or owing to sluggish convection [Friedson &
Gonzalez 2017; Guillot 1995; Reinhardt et al. 2020]. However, the structure and dynamics of Uranus’s deep
interior, as well as the circulation, chemistry, and clouds in its atmosphere, remain poorly constrained.
Convection is predicted to be inhibited in its methane cloud layer [Friedson & Gonzalez 2017; Guillot 1995;
Leconte et al. 2017], yet the hazy atmosphere of Uranus is variable, not the constant calm blue atmosphere
imaged by Voyager 2; frequent, violent storms develop, and the polar caps become more or less opaque with
the seasons [Hueso, Guillot & Sanchez-Lavega 2020] (Ex. 1-2). Understanding the interplay between low
internal heat, large chemical enrichments of volatile species, seasonal storms on a planet far distant from the
Sun, and a perhaps impact-stirred interior structure leads to a series of questions about the atmosphere and
interior of Uranus addressable by an orbital mission and atmospheric probe.

Exhibit 1-2. Uranus’s polar haze and atmospheric variability from Hubble and Keck imaging.
Credit: L. Sromovsky, P. Fry, I. de Pater, and H. Hammel.

A1. How does atmospheric circulation function, from interior to thermosphere, in an ice giant? Giant planet
atmospheric circulation is a complex system that effectively transports energy, momentum, and chemical elements
between the interior, weather layer, and upper atmosphere through a combination of radiation, convection, wave
propagation, condensation, and precipitation. However, Uranus has the least constrained wind profile of any of the
giant planets, simply due to the lack of cloud features easily observable from Earth [Hammel et al. 2005].
Spacecraft measurements of the cloud top winds via imaging, vertical wind shear and lapse rate via thermal
imaging, and direct in situ measurement provide information on the weather layer circulation. In situ measurement
of disequilibrium species, along with thermal mapping, constrains vertical mixing and its influence on
photochemistry [Moses et al. 2020]. Additionally, measuring latitudinal gradients in temperatures, composition, and
aerosols can correlate how the banded circulation patterns vary as a function of pressure [Fletcher et al. 2020b].
Lastly the depths of the winds may be measurable with radio science measurements of high order gravitational
moments from close planetary passes.
A2. What is the 3D atmospheric structure in the weather layer? Cloud features in Uranus’s weather layer are
thought to be composed primarily of methane, and possibly hydrogen sulfide, ices. Methane is so abundant that
moist convection should be locally inhibited in the methane cloud layer [Guillot 1995], with potentially very strong
consequences for the deeper temperatures of the planet [Friedson & Gonzales 2017; Leconte et al. 2017]. Yet, bright
storms most often appear suddenly and are quickly sheared apart and dissipate, but without sufficient wavelength
coverage and spatial resolution, we cannot resolve their vertical extent; extremely few were visible during the
Voyager 2 flyby [Hueso & Sanchez-Lavega 2019; Smith et al. 1986]. Other small storms, particularly near the edge
of the polar haze caps, appear to be long lived, but again originate from unknown depths. The importance of
precipitation and downdrafts of storms should be assessed as it may lead to the formation of long-lasting, deep
abundance variations as observed in Jupiter [Li et al. 2017; Guillot et al. 2020]. Temporal variations in polar haze
may be due to variations in dynamics or photochemical reaction rates, but both the stratospheric and tropospheric
circulations are poorly constrained due to a lack of small, traceable atmospheric features and the very low signals
associated with low atmospheric temperatures. The full 3D circulation can be measured with repeated atmospheric
views of varying phase angle, as well as with in situ ground truth measurements of the vertical temperature and wind
profiles. Thermal contrasts associated with the banded structure, discrete meteorology, and polar vortices can be
provided by thermal-IR mapping, in addition to spectroscopic observations of reflected sunlight to measure contrasts
in aerosol properties and composition. Lapse rates, atmospheric stability, and shear on the winds are crucial for
determining the dynamics of the atmosphere and the relation to the deeper sub-cloud layers. Vertical structure and
waves can be identified in radio occultations. Radio science might help identify lightning.

Exhibit 1-3. Current best knowledge of Uranus’s cloud-level variations in albedo, temperatures, zonal winds, para hydrogen
fraction, methane and hydrogen sulfide [Fletcher et al. 2020b].

A3/I1. When, where, and how did Uranus form, and how did it evolve both thermally and spatially,
including migration? Uranus’s bulk composition traces early solar system formation: ratios of elemental
abundances and isotopic ratios in the planets are clues to the types and source regions of the accreted gas; pebbles,
and planetesimals, the relative timing of planet formation and disk evolution; and the orbital interactions among the
giant protoplanets [Frelikh &
Murray-Clay 2017; Helled &
Stevenson 2017; Lissauer et al. 2009;
Mousis et al. 2020; Velleta & Helled
2020]. Key questions regarding
Uranus’s growth rate and formation
location also remain unsolved
[Helled, Nettelman & Guillot 2020;
Helled & Fortney 2020].
Measurements of the concentrations
of CO in the troposphere, plus noble
gases, are needed to determine
whether Uranus is a volatile-rich ice
giant or a rock-dominated super-
Earth [Feuchtgruber et al. 2013;
Teanby et al. 2020]. Ex. 1-4
illustrates our current state of Exhibit 1-4. Current knowledge of giant planet composition. The colored bars
knowledge of the giant planets show the predicted heavy element enhancement if the Jupiter (brown), Saturn (red),
compared with two analogs for their and Uranus/Neptune (purple) building blocks were solar relative to carbon. The
possible solid building blocks nitrogen estimate for Uranus and Neptune is an upper limit [Mandt et al. 2020].

[Mahaffy et al. 2000; Mandt et al. 2020; Niemann et al. 1998]. Thanks to the Galileo probe, Jupiter is the only
planet for which most key measurements have been made [Niemann et al. 1998]. The He/H2 ratio is a particularly
important compositional ratio that can only be adequately constrained by atmospheric probe data [von Zahn,
Hunten & Lehmacher 1998]; at Uranus, almost a factor of two separates the most extreme He/H2 ratios invoked by
remote sensing studies [Orton et al. 2016; Sromovsky, Fry & Kim 2011] delineating the need for in situ
measurement. In addition to bulk compositional uncertainties, Uranus has a much lower heat flux than that of the
other giant planets indicating that convection in the deep interior may be inhibited by the presence of strong
compositional gradients [Podolak, Weizman & Marley 1995; Podolak, Helled & Stevenson 2019; Rosenblum et al.
2011]. In turn, the heat flux is also key to understanding the planet’s evolution, internal structure, and atmospheric
dynamics. An atmospheric probe will provide direct measurements of noble gas abundances and isotope ratios at
Uranus. Of particular importance are the isotope ratios of helium and xenon, which vary significantly in solar
system materials and provide direct links to solid building block materials and the early evolution of the protosolar
disk [Atreya et al. 2020; Mandt et al. 2020]. Accurate determination of heat flux requires measurement of the
planet’s Bond albedo and global energy balance from visible to near-infrared wavelengths.
I2. What is the bulk composition and its depth dependence? As in I1, the bulk composition of the planet
provides evidence for how and where Uranus formed, and protosolar nebula conditions. Variation of composition
with depth depends provides information not only on how the planet formed, but also how it has evolved since
formation and about its current interior structure. Currently, Uranus’s composition must be determined indirectly
from interior models. The ratio between H-He and heavy-elements in Uranus is still unknown. In addition, it is still
unclear whether Uranus is a water-rich or silicate-rich planet. Interior models of Uranus and Neptune assuming
adiabatic temperature profiles with distinct layers predict extremely high water-to-rock ratios in Uranus (19–35×
solar) and a total H-He mass of 2 MEarth. The exact estimates are highly model-dependent but also suffer from the
high uncertainties in the gravity measurements and other physical properties [Helled, Nettelmann & Guillot 2020;
Helled & Fortney 2020]. To further constrain the planetary bulk composition, and its depth dependence,
measurements of Uranus’s gravity field with high accuracy (ideally up to J10 with uncertainty of 10-6) are required.
These, along with the measurements in A3/I1, can further constrain interior gradients and structure models.
I3. Does Uranus have discrete layers or a fuzzy core, and can this be tied to its formation and tilt? Recent
giant planet formation models indicate that the deep interiors of gaseous planets are expected to consist of
composition gradients, resulting in fuzzy cores [Helled & Stevenson 2017]. Currently, it is unknown whether
Uranus possesses distinct layers or a gradual change in composition. On one hand, ab-initio simulations indicate
that rock-and-water and water-and-hydrogen are miscible [Soubiran & Militzer 2015; Soubiran et al. 2017]. On
the other hand, laboratory experiments indicate that water and hydrogen may not be fully miscible under Uranian
conditions and various structure and evolution models are consistent with Uranus without distinct layers [Helled
et al. 2011; Vazan & Hellad 2020; Bailey & Stevenson 2021]. Identifying the existence of a fuzzy core in Uranus
not only constrains its formation history but is also critical for understanding its evolution (thermal) history and
its measured low luminosity [Podolak, Helled & Stevenson 2019; Scheibe, Nettelmann & Redmer 2019]. In
addition, the occurrence of a grazing giant impact, probably relatively early in the evolution of the planet (while
Neptune may have suffered a head-on collision), may account for the planet’s low luminosity, tilt, and system of
moons [Kegerreis et al. 2018; Reinhardt et al. 2020]. Identifying traces of this event through a determination of
the amount of mixing in the planetary interior would be a milestone in understanding the formation of the solar
system. Measurements of Uranus’s gravity field with high accuracy, as in I2, can constrain the planet’s density
structure, as they have for Jupiter. Furthermore, Uranus’s complex ring system provides opportunities for using
ring seismology to constrain the planet’s internal structure, as has been done at Saturn [Mankovich et al. 2018;
Fuller 2014]. Composition and thermal balance measurements complement this investigation.
I4. What is the true rotational rate of Uranus, does it rotate uniformly, and how deep are the winds?
Uranus’s rotational rate, as inferred from the Voyager 2 flyby, may not represent the deep interior as measured
radio signals may be affected by local concentration of ions in the planetary magnetosphere [Helled, Anderson
& Schubert 2010]. In addition, the complex multi-polar magnetic field signal is expected to originate from
relatively shallow depths [Stanley & Bloxham 2004; Stanley & Bloxham 2006], and its instantaneous
measurement may not be representative of the deeper rotation period. Determining the rotation rate from a
minimization of dynamical heights leads to a significantly faster deep rotation [Helled, Anderson & Schubert
2010] and to significant differences in Uranus’s inferred composition and internal structure [Nettelmann et al.
2013]. Additionally, close periapse passes of Jupiter and Saturn by Juno and Cassini, respectively, have
revolutionized our understanding of the depth of gas giant zonal winds, by measuring the odd and even gravity

coefficients to high precision. These showed that a potential boundary exists, where differential rotation
experiences drag forces in the electrically conducting metallic hydrogen [Kaspi et al. 2018; Guillot et al 2018].
With a smaller internal pressure, but a potential ionic water ocean at great depth, Uranus is likely to be very
different, and Voyager’s close flyby provided only an upper limit on the wind depths (<1000 km) [Kaspi et al.
2013]. Constraining the true rotation period of Uranus requires accurate measurements of its gravitational
field, magnetic field, zonal flow and shape via close periapse passes.

1.2. Magnetosphere
While the global size of Uranus’s
magnetosphere is intermediate between
giant Jupiter and modest Earth, more
important is that the large tilt (59°) of
the dipole from the spin axis plus a
large obliquity (98°) makes the
dynamics of Uranus’s magnetosphere
profoundly weird [Bagenal 1992;
Bagenal 2013]. The brief Voyager 2
flyby gave a glimpse of a
magnetospheric configuration when the
planet’s spin axis was roughly aligned
with the solar wind flowing from the
Sun: the effects of rotation (that
dominate Jupiter’s vast magnetosphere)
were decoupled from the solar-wind-
driven convection (that control
dynamics at Earth) (Ex. 1-5). At
Uranus, both processes occurred
simultaneously. Modeling Voyager 2
observations indicated the source of
~1024 particles per second produced a
tenuous (<1 cm-3) plasma (10s eV
protons, electrons) that convects
through the system with a timescale of
~days [Selesnick & McNutt 1987]. The
magnetotail spiraled downstream with
Uranus’s 17.3-hour spin period [Toth et Exhibit 1-5. (A) Uranus has a very irregular magnetic field that is generated in the
al. 2004; Vasyliunas 1986; Voigt, shallow unstable ice layer. (B) Unlike regular magnetic fields of Earth, Jupiter and
Behannon & Ness 1987]. The unusual Saturn, at Uranus and Neptune the power in the higher degree moments is
geometry of Uranus’s magnetic field comparable to the dipole moment. (C) Around the equinox epoch
provoked interest in how the dynamics the magnetosphere geometry shows dramatic changes in structure over the
might change between solstice 17.3-hour spin period with the (yellow lines) magnetic field reconnecting (red Xs)
(Voyager 2 epoch with the spin axis in changing locations around the magnetopause boundary with the solar wind.
parallel to the solar wind) and equinox
(with the spin axis perpendicular). Modeling such geometries showed the equinox period to be particularly dynamic
due to the changing angle between the external interplanetary magnetic field (carried from the Sun by the solar
wind) and the internal field [Cao & Paty 2017; Cowley 2013]. The process of reconnection between the internal and
external fields can drive convection and acceleration of plasma within the magnetosphere via a process derived to
explain Earth’s magnetosphere call the Dungey Cycle. For Uranus around equinox, models suggest this Dungey
Cycle would likely turn on and off multiple times per 17.3-hour spin period [Cao & Paty 2017; Cowley 2013].
M1. What dynamo process produces Uranus's complex magnetic field? To constrain Uranus’s dynamo
requires quantifying both the internal properties (density, temperature, composition, flows) plus the high-order
structure of the magnetic field [Stanley & Bloxham 2004; Stanley & Bloxham 2006]. Multiple close passes by
UOP at different longitudes will tie down the magnetic field structure while gravity measurements, combined with
physical-chemistry models [Helled, Nettelmann & Guillot 2020], constrain the internal structure and flows. If the
orbiter is able to make more than ~20 passes and last more than ~3 years, it will detect secular variation in the

magnetic field (certainly since the Voyager epoch and perhaps over the mission duration), as expected for highly
non-dipolar magnetic fields, which provides estimates of flow speeds in the conductive region [Moore et al. 2019].
M2. What are the plasma sources and dynamics of Uranus's magnetosphere, and how do they interact
with the solar wind? The plasma measured by Voyager 2 comprised only protons and electrons, creating a
major mystery as to why a system believed to be solar wind-driven is lacking heavier solar wind ion species
[Selesnkick & McNutt 1987]. On a more extended orbital tour, modern instruments on a UOP mission could
measure the extent of material produced by the rings and/or moons. Key to understanding Uranus’s dynamic
magnetosphere will be continuous measurements of magnetic fields and plasma properties by an orbiting
spacecraft made within the system for multiple spin periods and under varying upstream solar wind and
interplanetary magnetic field conditions.
M3. How does the magnetosphere interact with Uranus's upper atmosphere and satellite surfaces?
Auroral emissions can provide valuable diagnoses of magnetosphere dynamics, as they can be traced back to
the electrical currents generated by the magnetospheric interactions. The sources of charged particles
responsible for exciting auroral emissions (from UV to radio wavelengths) are largely unknown. Voyager 2
provided the only spatially resolved observation of Uranus’s ultraviolet (UV) aurora to date [Herbert 2009]
with patches roughly aligned with the magnetic poles, at the solstice geometry. Observations of Uranus’s UV
aurora taken with the Hubble Space Telescope around the time of the equinox suggest a very different
geometry [Lamy 2012]. A UOP mission will monitor Uranus’s aurora while measuring the magnetospheric
dynamics and the charged particles that precipitate into the atmosphere and excite aurora. At the same time, the
charged particles that convect through the magnetosphere also bombard the moons. Radiolysis of icy surfaces
also changes the composition and ice structure [Cassidy et al. 2010]. UOP will measure the charged particle
fluxes in the environment of the moons and how they vary under magnetospheric geometries, while measuring
the surface properties of the moons via spectroscopy.

1.3. Rings & Small Satellites

Uranus is surrounded by a remarkably complex
ring-moon system containing nine
exceptionally narrow, dense rings and over a
dozen small moons, as well as a wide variety
of dust populations [Nicholson et al. 2018;
Showalter 2020]. Many aspects of this system
are still not well understood and pose
significant challenges to our understanding of
circumplanetary material. For one, we still do
not know why so many of Uranus’s rings are
so narrow. Collisions among ring particles and
interactions with magnetospheric plasma
should cause ring material to spread out over
time. While this natural spreading can be
counteracted by gravitational perturbations Exhibit 1-6. Diagram of the system of rings and small moons
from either nearby or distant satellites, these surrounding Uranus. Credit M. Showalter.
specific outside forces can only account for a
limited subset of the observed ring features. The forces responsible for sculpting most of Uranus’s narrow ring
features, therefore, remain yet to be discovered. Meanwhile, the many small moons found just outside the main
rings orbit so close to each other that their mutual gravitational interactions are likely to lead to collisions on
timescales far less than the age of the solar system [French & Showalter 2012; French, Dawson & Showalter
2015]. Some of the dusty rings within this system may even represent debris from similar collisions that
happened in the most recent past. This system of small moons is therefore likely to have had a dynamic recent
history. Finally, over longer timescales most of these moons should migrate inwards until they get close
enough to the planet to be torn apart to form rings. Indeed, material in this region may have cycled between
rings and moons multiple times over the history of the solar system [Hesselbrock & Minton 2017]. The current
composition and configuration of these rings and moons may therefore hold clues to how material can accrete
into larger objects or fragment into small particles under different conditions. A Uranus orbiter would enable
significant advances in our understanding of this ring-moon system by addressing the following two questions:

R1. What processes sculpted the ice giant rings and small moons into their current configuration? The
narrowness of Uranus’s rings strongly implies that unknown outside forces are acting on these rings, while
both the distribution of small moons and their associated dusty rings suggests that there are more objects
orbiting Uranus in this region. A spacecraft orbiting Uranus would be able to perform comprehensive surveys
for objects less than 1-km wide anywhere is this region. The size distribution and locations of such objects
would provide information about the recent dynamical history of the Uranian system. Furthermore, if moons
can be found in close proximity of the narrow rings, they could even help explain the current architecture of
those rings. An orbiting spacecraft would also be able to track longitudinal variations in the rings’ structure
and make high-resolution observations of the rings’ fine-scale radial structure. Both these structures encode
information about any outside forces acting on these rings, and so should clarify the origins of these forces, be
they nontrivial gravitational interactions with the moons or something more exotic arising from structures
within the planet itself. Furthermore, high resolution imaging of the rings’ structure can constrain the particle
size and velocity distributions, both of which influence the rings’ long-term evolution.
R2. What are the compositions, origins and history of the Uranian rings and inner small moons? The
limited spectral data on the rings and small moons indicates that they have a very different surface composition
from the larger moons [de Kleer et al. 2013; Dumas, Smith & Terrile 2003; Karkoschka 2001; Karkoschka
2003], which is surprising given their common history and environment. These differences could potentially
reflect a primordial compositional gradient across the Uranus system, variations in how quickly objects of
different sizes are covered with exogenous debris, or even the material in the rings and small moons being less
geologically processed than the material currently visible on the surfaces of the larger moons. An orbiting
spacecraft would provide detailed spectral data on both the rings and small moons that could distinguish
between these options by properly documenting variations in the surface texture and composition between
different rings and moons and even across individual objects. For example, systematic trends in composition
with distance from Uranus could reflect primordial compositional gradients, while more localized variations
could reflect more discrete events like recent collisions. In this context, spectra of Mab and its associated dusty
mu ring are likely to be particularly informative, since the mu ring has an unusually blue color and Mab also
appears to be bluer than other nearby objects. This indicates that there is something unusual about the material
in this particular region that merits further investigation.

Exhibit 1-7. Photo montage of Uranus’s five major satellites in order of distance from planet. Satellites are shown to scale and at
relative brightness. Resolutions are in kilometers per line pair. Credit: NASA

1.4. Large Satellites & Ocean Worlds

The Uranian moons comprise the only regular satellite system that has not been intensively studied by spacecraft.
Voyager 2 and Earth-based spectroscopy have provided some glimpses of these moons, but without a dedicated
mission, many fundamental questions remain unanswered. In particular, given the recently recognized
astrobiology potential of other icy moons, a key question is: Do, or did, any of the Uranian satellites harbor
habitable environments? Habitability requires liquid water, an energy source and raw materials, and time;
existing data provide hints of surface organics and high heat fluxes, and theory permits present-day oceans on the
larger moons. To move from hints to an answer, we have defined four science objectives:
S1. What are the internal structures and rock-to-ice ratios of the large Uranian moons? And which ones
possess substantial internal heat sources or possible oceans? The magnetic field of Uranus is complex and
rotating, resulting in a time-variable magnetic field experienced by each satellite. As at the Galilean satellites, a

subsurface ocean will result in an induced field which will be detected by the magnetometer on multiple passes
[Weiss et al. 2021]. Simultaneous plasma measurements will reduce the noise. The satellites’ gravity fields
(from radio science) and shapes (from limb profiles and stereo) can be used to determine the internal
distribution of mass [Iess et al. 2014], thus indicating whether rock-ice differentiation has happened or not.
Like Triton or Enceladus, some of the Uranian moons, particularly extensively resurfaced and lightly cratered
Ariel, may also have active geology at present. Geologic and topographic mapping suggest internal convection
on Miranda [Pappalardo, Reynolds & Greeley 1997] and high heat fluxes and chaotic overturn on Ariel
[Peterson, Nimmo & Schenk 2015; Schenk & Moore 2020], but the level of geologic activity on Umbriel,
Titania and Oberon is poorly known. High phase angle images will be taken to search for evidence of plumes
or outgassing. Such activity would likely be driven by tidal heating; anomalous surface heat flows will be
searched for using thermal infrared, while the magnitude of tidal heating can be assessed by using images to
look for changes in satellite orbital position with time, as at Io [Lainey et al. 2009].
S2. How do the compositions and properties of the Uranian moons and ring system constrain their
formation and evolution? The surfaces of the moons may contain organics or salts [Cartwright et al. 2018],
leading to the speculation that these materials come from interior oceans [Sohl et al. 2010]. To determine if
such is the case and whether more volatile ices such as ammonia or methane related to internal activity are
present, Vis/NIR spectroscopy will be used. Correlation with geologic features will help identify the source,
distribution and origin of different species. Volatiles, such as CO2, and their potential for migration or
sublimation will be investigated using imaging and spectroscopy. Spectroscopy can also be used to determine
D/H ratios [Clark et al. 2019], which provide a link to protoplanetary disk conditions. The global distribution
of surface materials will also be used to assess whether there is a significant contribution from external dust
and/or plasma bombardment, particularly when compared with the smaller moons and rings (see R2). The
moon rock-to-ice ratios and differentiation state (see S1) provide constraints on how fast the moons accreted,
and whether they were subject to large impacts.
S3. What geological history and processes do the
surfaces record, and how can they inform outer
solar system impactor populations? Limb profiles
and stereo images will provide topography which can
be used to infer heat fluxes (which hint at a possible
ocean on Ariel [Peterson, Nimmo & Schenk 2015])
and strain magnitudes. Topography, imaging and
spectroscopy will be used together to search for and
confirm proposed cryovolcanic resurfacing [Schenk et
al. 2011]. High resolution crater counts will be used
to determine how recently these units and structures
formed. The size-frequency distribution of impact
craters will be compared with known populations
elsewhere (e.g., Saturn, Pluto) to determine if similar
populations occur across the outer solar system, while
their spatial distribution will constrain the moons’ Exhibit 1-8. Thermal evolution of a differentiated Titania subject
rotation state. The moons’ crater population may also to radiogenic heating. The interior heats up and heat conducted
record signatures of the Uranus-tilting impact. out melts the ice shell, resulting in a long-lived ocean.
S4. What evidence of exogenic interactions do the surfaces contain? Vis/NIR spectroscopy will be used to
determine whether plasma bombardment (which is expected to have a characteristic asymmetric spatial
distribution) has modified the surface composition. Darkening of the surfaces from irregular satellite dust is
thought to occur and can be assessed with imaging and spectroscopy. Plumes or outgassing, if present, will
certainly modify the plasma characteristics, as at Enceladus. Equatorial circum-satellite ring deposits might
also have formed on some satellites, as likely occurred at Iapetus [Ip 2006] and Rhea [Schenk et al. 2011].

1.5. Science Traceability Matrix

Each of the above discipline-specific science objectives flow into required measurements and were used to
define a notional payload. In turn, these instrument drive specific mission requirements and operations. It is
recognized that other instruments can be used to meet these science objectives. The full science traceability
matrix (STM) used in this study is shown in Ex. 1-9.

Exhibit 1-9. Science Traceability Matrix by Discipline (page 1 of 2).

Science Objective Measurement Nominal Instrument Mission Functional Requirement

A. Cloud top zonal and 2D winds, Repeated views of same features over timescales of minutes to
NAC, imaging at 50 km/pixel
waves to ~10 m/s resolution hours
B. In situ vertical wind profile to 10–20 m/s resolutionUSO (probe), 10 measurements per scale height Probe to 5 bars
A1. How does atmospheric Vis/NIR, 1000 km/pixel
circulation function, from interior C. Resolved composition, disequilibrium species TIR, ~1000 km horizontal spatial resolution
to thermosphere, in an ice giant? mapping (to P < 3 bars): CH4, H2S, H3 , C2H2, C2H6,

etc., hydrogen ortho/para fraction to mixing ratio ±20% MS (probe) Probe to 5 bars, 10 bars preferred
Ortho/para sensor (probe) Probe to 5 bars
D. Depth of atmospheric winds (gravity moments) Radio Science, gravity passes Polar and equatorial passes, distances of 1.1 Ru
Vis/NIR imaging spectra at 500–1000 km/pixel Repeated views of same features over timescales of hours

A. Cloud tomography and aerosols

WAC or NAC imaging at 500–1000 km/pixel Repeated views of same features over minutes to hours
ASI (probe), 4 measurements per scale height Probe to 5 bars
A2. What is the 3D atmospheric
B. Vertical temperature profile to ±1K Ortho/para sensor (probe) Probe to 5 bars
structure in the weather layer?
Radio Sci + UltraStable Oscillator, occultations Atmospheric occultations
C. Global temperature variations in troposphere, TIR, 500-1000 km/px mapping Global coverage, repeated views
stratosphere, thermosphere Vis/NIR spectra at 500–1000 km/pixel
A. Noble gas (& isotopes of He, Xe) abundances
MS (probe) Probe to 5 bars
to ± 5%
A3/I1. When, where, and how did B. Elemental (& isotopes of H, C, S, N & O (stretch
Uranus form, and how did it goal)) abundances, lower bounds on CH4, H2S, NH3, MS (probe) Probe to 5 bars, 10 bars preferred
evolve both thermally and H2O, and the variation with depth
spatially, including migration? C. Global distribution of atmospheric composition Same as A1.C above
D. Global energy balance (Bond albedo and thermal TIR, 1000 km/pixel Repeat orbiter ~yearly to determine variability
emission) to 1% Vis/NIR spectra at 500-1000 km/pixel Repeat ~yearly to determine variability
I2. What is the bulk composition Radio Science + UltraStable Oscillator,
A. Gravity field to at least J8, uncertainties on J2-J6
and its depth dependence? gravity passes
Polar passes, distances of 1.1 Ru require validation of safe passage

I3. Does Uranus have discrete A. Gravity field to at least J8, uncertainties on J2-J6 Same as I2.A above
inward of rings
layers or fuzzy core, and can this
NAC imaging of rings (<1 km/pix)
be tied to its formation and tilt? B. Ring oscillations
Radio Sci + UltraStable Oscillator, occultations
I4. What is the true rotation rate of A. Internal magnetic field structure MAG, 0.1 to 20,000 nT, 1-second cadence Many close passes
Uranus, does it rotate uniformly, B. Planet shape and gravity to J8 Radio Sci + UltraStable Oscillator, occultations
and how deep are the winds? C. Gravity field to J8 Same as I2.A above
M1. What dynamo process
produces Uranus's complex A. Internal magnetic field structure Same as I4.A above Close passes
magnetic field?

M2. What are the plasma sources

A. Particles & fields over range of space (distance,
& dynamics of Uranus's
longitude, latitude, local time) and time (spin, solar wind Fields & Particles package Multiple passes
magnetosphere and how does it
interact with the solar wind?
M3. How does the magnetosphere A. Energetic particle fluxes at satellite orbital ranges Fields & Particles package
interact with Uranus's upper
atmosphere and satellite B. Plasma/energetic particle fluxes over Uranus polar
Fields & Particles package Polar passes
surfaces? regions

Exhibit 1-9. Science Traceability Matrix by Discipline (page 2 of 2).

Science Objective Measurement Nominal Instrument Mission Functional Requirement

WAC or NAC imaging (100 m/pixel) Repeat views of rings
A. Fine-scale structures in the dense rings at multiple
Radio Sci + UltraStable Oscillator, occultations
Rings and Small Satellites

times and longitudes

R1. What processes sculpted the WAC or NAC stellar occultations
ice giant rings and small moons B. Measure longitudinal variations in the ring structure Image all co-rotating longitudes in the main ring system multiple
into their current configuration? WAC or NAC imaging (1 km/pixel)
(including normal modes and arcs) times
C. Inventory and shape of small moons > 0.5 km in
WAC or NAC imaging (100 m/pixel) Large area coverage
radius within 500,000 km of the planet’s center
R2. What are the compositions, A. Ring (color) imaging at a wide range of phase angles WAC multi-band imaging Phase angle > 160
origins and history of the Uranian B. Ring and small moon spectra (Cordelia to Mab),
rings and inner small moons? Vis/NIR imaging and spectroscopy
1-5 m
A. Magnetic field intensity and direction MAG, 0.1-20,000 nT, 1s cadence Sample variable magnetic lat & long, altitude <0.5 satellite radii
S1. What are the internal Earth-pointing HGA ±30 mins of C/A; flyby velocities < 10 km/s at
structures and rock-to-ice ratios B. Static gravity coefficients RS, 0.1 mm/s at 60s integration
each satellite
of the large Uranian moons? C. Global shape NAC, global images, < 1 km/pix Include limb
Which ones possess substantial
internal heat sources or possibleD. Energy distribution of bulk plasma flow, 10eV–10 keV F&P package Point in plasma flow (ram) direction, <300 km baseline altitude
oceans? E. Plume/activity searches NAC, <1 km/pix; thermal anomalies TIR High phase
Large Satellites and Ocean Worlds

F. Satellite orbital positions NAC Distant imaging

A. Reflectance spectra from 0.8-5 m, detect features
S2. How do the compositions and 1% of continuum from 0.8-2.6 m and 2% of continuum Vis/NIR, < 3km/pix
properties of the Uranian moons from 2.6-5.0 m
and ring system constrain their
B. Static gravity coefficients See S1B above
formation and evolution?
C. Global shape See S1C above
S3. What geological history and A. Distribution and topography of surface features NAC, global images & stereo, <0.5 km/pix Non-targeted flybys of each satellite for global mapping and stereo
processes do the surfaces record B. Variations in surface composition Vis/NIR, < 3 km/pix Non-targeted flybys of each satellite for global mapping
and how can they inform outer
C. Energy distribution of bulk plasma flow, 1eV-1 keV Fields & Particles package
solar system impactor
populations? D. High-phase plume-search images NAC, <1 km/pix Phase angle > 150
A. Energy distribution of bulk plasma flow,
Fields & Particles package Point in plasma flow (ram) direction, <300 km baseline altitude
S4. What evidence of exogenic 10keV–10 MeV
interactions do the surfaces B. Variations in surface composition in reflectance
Same as S2.A above
contain? spectra
C. Evidence of radiation processing of surface ices Vis/NIR, < 3 km/pix

This mission can address questions across most of the Decadal Survey’s thematic questions. By understanding
Uranus’s thermal history, bulk composition, migration and evolution, we can learn more about the solar
system’s origins in the protosolar nebula (Q1), accretion in the outer and inner solar system (Q2, Q3), and
giant impacts past and present, which are also recorded on satellite surfaces (Q4). Further studies of the
satellites will inform our understanding of solid body surfaces, interiors, and atmospheres/exospheres (Q5,
Q6). Detailed exploration of the Uranian gravity field, ring seismology, and in situ composition will also
inform models of giant planet evolution (Q7). All aspects of the system: rings, satellites, magnetosphere
represent a complex circumplanetary system (Q8). This mission will investigate past and present satellite heat
fluxes and the potential for subsurface oceans and habitable conditions (Q10, Q11). Lastly, Ice Giant mass
planets are ubiquitous in exoplanet systems, but are distinctly different than Jupiter and Saturn, so our
understanding of exoplanet formation and structure requires exploration of Uranus (Q12). This is a brief, and
incomplete, summary of the broad, interdisciplinary, science that will be accomplished by the UOP.

1.6. Driving Functional Requirements & Tour Design Considerations

Adequate study of all aspects of the Uranian system requires an orbiter with time allotted to meet each objective,
as well as temporal coverage to characterize variations, as shown in the STM. Additionally, it is desirable to have
both polar and equatorial orbital phases to allow complete study of the planetary gravity field and magnetosphere,
as well as provide satellite surface coverage. Mission functional requirements for nominal baseline and threshold
cases are described in Ex. 1-10. Additionally, earlier mission studies released the atmospheric probe very close to
orbit insertion, tightly constraining several critical events. Those trajectories also resulted in design imbalances
between entry loads and communications with the orbiter. One goal of this study was to complete a trajectory and
meshed tour design, while accounting for the probe entry. Another prime objective was to determine the
feasibility of progressing from a polar orbit after orbit insertion to an equatorial phase for a satellite tour by using
satellite passes to pump down the inclination. This is described further in § 3.3.5.
Category Baseline Requirement Threshold Requirement Goal
Adequate sampling of magnetosphere, satellite
4 Years 2 Years flybys, rings, atmospheric observations,
Orbital Tour satellite gravity
Polar phase, followed by low inclination phase Polar only Obtain Uranus gravitational moments
2 targeted,1 non-targeted, flybys
3 targeted, 2 non-targeted, flybys of each of the major
of each of the major moons @ 80% surface coverage (incl. w/ Uranus-shine)
moons @ <10 km/s
Satellite Flybys <10 km/s
Targeted and non-targeted flybys of small moons Non-targeted flybys only Inventory and characterize small moons
Polar and low inclination passes Polar only Gravitational moments and coverage
Uranus Orbits Close (1.1 Ru) polar & low inclination dayside passes Polar only Gravitational moments and coverage
Probe Depth Range From 0.1 to 5 bars (10 bars preferred, but not a driver) From 0.1 to > 1 bar Reach depths past certain condensation levels
Remove WAC from orbiter and
Payload Full Complement
ortho-para sensor from probe
Exhibit 1-10. Driving mission functional requirements.

The trajectory and tour are described in detail in a later section of this report, but we summarize key aspects
here, particularly those changed from previous studies. First, probe release occurs one petal after orbit
insertion, allowing sufficient separation of all critical events during the orbit insertion burn. This allows for a
good telecommunication link, enabling probe measurements to 10 bars of pressure. The mission duration is
sufficient to track Uranus atmospheric evolution/changes over multi-year timescales. The orbit also allows
multi-phase-angle views of reflected sunlight for aerosol tomography; global views with moderate resolution
sampling at low and high latitudes, plus regional high-resolution views; and radio occultations spread over a
wide range of latitudes and local times. Additionally, there is sufficient data volume for all of the remote
sensing objectives, as well as fields and particles measurements.
For satellites, the orbital tour focuses initially on Titania, because it was poorly imaged by Voyager, because it
is large enough to sustain a present-day ocean (Ex. 1-8), and because it sits inside the magnetopause,
facilitating searching for an ocean via induction [Weiss et al. 2021]. Additionally, it can be used to pump the
orbit down to the equatorial plane. Later in the tour, multiple flybys of all other satellites are carried out to
image their surfaces, probe their internal structures via gravity and induction studies and determine their
interactions with the external environment. Although the mission tour can be refined later, Ex. 1-11 shows
most objectives are met by this mission design without any optimization yet applied; the rest can be easily
accommodated with small tour tweaks. Occultations are also feasible in this tour but are not shown here.

Exhibit 1-11. Measurement coverage with notional tour design.
Measurement Instrument Concept of Operations (Notional Payload) Coverage (Notional Tour)
A1A. Cloud top zonal and 2D winds, waves to ~10 m/s Scan across planet from ~5×109 km range or lower,
NAC, imaging at 50 km/pixel Many opportunities
resolution phase angle < 45°
A1C. Resolved composition, disequilibrium species Vis/NIR, 1000 km/pixel Scan across planet from ~4x106 km range, phase angle < 45° Many opportunities
mapping TIR, ~1000 km horizontal spatial resolution 3 strip scans across planet from ~3x105 km range, any phase angle Many opportunities
Vis/NIR imaging spectra at 500–1000 Scans across planet from ~2 to <4x106 km range,
Many opportunities
A2A. Cloud tomography and aerosols km/pixel phase angle < 45°
WAC or NAC imaging at 500–1000 km/pixel Scans across planet from ~1 to 2 x107 km range, phase angle < 45° Many opportunities
6 strip scans across planet from ~1.5 to 3 x 105 km range, phase
A2C. Global temperature variations in troposphere, TIR, 500-1000 km/px mapping Many opportunities
angle > 90°
stratosphere, thermosphere
Vis/NIR spectra at 500–1000 km/pixel Covered in A2A observations Many opportunities
A3D. Global energy balance (Bond albedo and thermal TIR, 1000 km/pixel Covered in A1C observations Many opportunities
emission) to 1% Vis/NIR spectra at 500–1000 km/pixel Covered in A2A observations Many opportunities
I3B. Ring Oscillations WAC or NAC imaging (1 km/pixel) Same as R1B below Many opportunities
I4A/M1. Internal magnetic field structure MAG, 0.1 to 20,000 nT, 1-second cadence Many close passes, sample field Opportunities near periapse
M2A. Particles & fields over range of space (distance,
longitude, latitude, local time) and time (spin, solar Fields & Particles package Multiple passes Many opportunities
wind variability)
M3A. Energetic particle fluxes at satellite orbital
Fields & Particles package Opportunities during satellite tour phase
M3B. Plasma/energetic particle fluxes over Uranus
Fields & Particles package Polar passes Opportunities during polar phase
polar regions
S4A. Bulk plasma flow Fields & Particles package Point in ram direction, <300 km altitude Many opportunities
R1A. Fine-scale structures in the dense rings at
WAC or NAC imaging (100 m/pixel) Ring mosaics from ~1x107 km range or lower, phase angle < 90° Rare opportunities, tour needs to be optimized
multiple times and longitudes
R1B. Measure longitudinal variations in the ring
WAC or NAC imaging (1 km/pixel) Ring mosaics from ~1x108 km range or lower, phase angle < 90° Many opportunities
structure (including normal modes and arcs)
R1C. Inventory and shape of small moons > 0.5 km in
WAC or NAC imaging (100 m/pixel) Non targeted observations (range varies) Rare opportunities, tour needs to be optimized
radius within 500,000 km of the planet’s center
R2A. Ring (color) imaging at a wide range of phase
WAC multi-band imaging Best effort resolution, scan across ring plane, Phase angle > 160° Many opportunities
R3B. Ring and small moon spectra (Cordelia to Mab) Vis/NIR imaging and spectroscopy Best effort resolution, scan across rings, Phase angle < 90° Many opportunities
S1B. Static gravity coefficients Radio Science Earth-pointing HGA +/- 30 mins of C/A Several opportunities, more possible during satellite tour phase
Framing at ~300,000 km and ~200,000 km range, terminator should
S1C. Global Shape NAC, global images < 1km/pix Many opportunities
be visible
NAC, < 1km/pix Framing at ~200,000km, phase angle > 150o Many opportunities
S1E. Plume activity searches
TIR Scan across satellite range ~25,000 km, any phase angle Many opportunities
S1F. Satellite positions NAC, global images, < 10 km/pix Framing other satellites at ~2,000,000 km range Many opportunities
S2A. Satellite composition Vis/NIR, < 3km/pix Scan across disk, range ~35,000 km Several opportunities, more possible during satellite tour phase
Framing at ~100,000 km range, (stereo pairs, parallax angle <30o) Rare opportunities, more possible during satellite tour phase
S3A. Geology & Topography NAC, <0.5 km/pix
Framing at ~15,000 km range 2 images inbound, 2 images outbound
S3B. Surface composition. Vis/NIR, < 3 km/pix Covered in S2A observations Many opportunities
S3D. Plume search NAC, < 1km/pix Covered in S1E observations Many opportunities
S4A. Bulk plasma flow Fields & Particles package Point in ram direction, <300 km altitude Several opportunities, more possible during satellite tour phase

2. High-Level Mission Concept ________________________
2.1. Study Request & Ground Rules
The objective of this study was to update the prior UOP study conducted for the 2011 Visions and Voyages
Decadal Survey [Iess et al. 2014]. Initial direction included the incorporation of new launch dates
corresponding to a project start between 2023 and 2030, as well as refined science goals and payload
complement (see also § 1). The study was also directed to increase mission maturity/fidelity where possible,
and to develop a chemical-only mission design, thereby removing the solar electric propulsion (SEP) stage that
was used in the 2011 UOP concept. The use of radioisotope power systems is assumed. The overall study goal
was to mature a comprehensive, but low-cost, technologically-ready Flagship mission.

2.2. Overview & Concept Maturity Level (CML)

The study began by assessing alternative Earth-to-Uranus interplanetary trajectories that would satisfy
multiple, competing objectives with an all-chemical implementation. Minimizing the time of flight, and
thereby mission duration overall, provides numerous advantages given Uranus’s large heliocentric distance
(18.9 AU on average). Shorter transit times generally minimize mission cost and complexity, and also
maximize the radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) power available for the science phase, since their
output degrades over time. However, shorter cruise durations compete with the time penalties associated with
ΔV-reduction strategies such as gravity assists, and with the need for relatively low Uranus approach velocities
to enable chemical capture. Despite these challenges, numerous feasible cruise trajectories for UOP were
identified for launch opportunities in the upcoming decade taking advantage of significantly higher performing
new launch vehicles (LV), such as Vulcan and Falcon Heavy Expendable (FHE). Prime and backup launch
opportunities using an FHE LV were identified for Jun 2031 and Apr 2032, respectively. The prime launch
requires a mission-driving launch energy (C3) of 29.36 km2/sec2 and includes a 13.4-year cruise.
The prime and backup trajectories both use a Jupiter gravity assist to achieve the most cost-efficient solution;
however, numerous other viable alternatives were found that do not require Jupiter, using combinations of
Earth and/or Venus flybys. These alternate sequences extend launch availability through the mid- to late 2030s
at the possible expense of increased overall mission duration (up to 16 years, see § 3.3.1), and would require
updating the spacecraft design to accommodate the thermal challenges associated with Venus flybys.
A major focus of this study was to identify an optimal approach for deploying an atmospheric probe that
penetrates Uranus’s atmosphere and relays scientific data to the orbiter for a duration of one hour after entry,
the time needed to reach an atmospheric pressure of 10 bar. After having selected the prime interplanetary
trajectory, the mission design team, via multiple design iterations with NASA Langley and NASA Ames EDL
experts, focused on developing a high-fidelity Uranus capture and probe deployment design to demonstrate
feasibility. This emphasis on probe deployment and trajectory, as well as the development of an integrated,
end-to-end trajectory from launch through disposal, is in response to technical feedback on previous Uranus
orbiter and probe concept studies.
A significant finding of this study is that substantial mission risk reduction is possible by separating Uranus orbit
insertion and probe deployment operations, all while incurring minimal performance penalties. Previous studies
for both Uranus and Neptune have been based on deploying the probe on hyperbolic approach to the planet.
While that approach minimizes ΔV requirements and overall mission duration, it also results in higher probe
entry velocities and the coupling of three critical events: approach targeting, the operation of the orbiter-probe
communication link, and Uranus orbit insertion (UOI) execution. Additional factors in play further complicate
planning for this period of the mission, including ring avoidance constraints, the establishment of suitable probe-
orbiter geometries, and insufficient time between the completion of probe operations and the start of UOI. In
contrast, this study proposes a deployment on elliptic post-capture paradigm (see § 3.3.4), where the orbiter
carries the probe through UOI. With this approach, the targeting of probe entry interface, probe deployment, and
orbiter divert are addressed independently, after successful capture into Uranus’s orbit. The approach does result
in a modest but tolerable increase in mission ΔV and lengthens overall mission duration by one period of the
capture orbit (120 days). In return, lower probe entry velocities are achieved and the decoupling of critical events
is realized, also enabling the potential for probe deployment backup opportunities.

Having adopted the post-capture probe deployment approach, the study team focused on two parallel tracks:
Developing a reference design for the subsequent 4-year tour of the Uranian system, and developing the full
mission concept, including flight and ground segments, mission operations, and schedule and cost estimates,
with an integrated design team. A wide array of compelling moon tour options was found to be possible. This
study presents one possible reference tour design (§ 3.3.5) in a high-fidelity model.
This updated version of the UOP mission concept has been developed to CML-4 as a preferred design point. The
proposed flight system design includes details to the subsystem level, with 30% margin for mass and power as
defined by the PMCS guidelines. Cost, schedule, and risk assessments were conducted and are shown to fall
within acceptable ranges as outlined by the PMCS guidelines. The result provides a comprehensive, high-
heritage, flexible, feasible, and cost-effective mission concept.

2.3. Technology Maturity

The UOP mission, as specified in this study, can be executed without the need for technology development,
with all orbiter spacecraft and probe components being at TRL 6 or greater. All of the reference science
instruments chosen for this study have flight heritage, except for the ortho-para hydrogen detector on the
probe. The Ortho-Para H2 Detector, currently in development, is assessed at TRL 6. The device uses capacitive
transducers to measure sound speed, having been matured in the development of an acoustic anemometer for
Mars. It uses two TRL 6 transducers, one transmit and one receive, in a simple implementation. Supporting
electronics will be implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), per the Mars anemometer
application under development.

2.4. Key Trades

A number of key trades were performed during this study to arrive at a preferred concept, summarized in
Ex. 2-1. Should this concept be selected for additional mission formulation in Phase A, the most optimal
interplanetary trajectory solution should be reevaluated, based on updated budget profiles, launch dates, and
launch vehicle performance information. The selection of particular RTGs options, with potentially higher
output power, would also be driven by their scheduled availability relative to a revised launch date.

Area Trade Options Results / Justification

• Use of JGA was most cost-efficient solution and provided shortest transit durations to Uranus.
Interplanetary Earth/Jupiter Gravity Assists; • Shielding accommodations for Jupiter flyby radiation dose less challenging than thermal
Trajectory Earth/Venus Gravity Assists accommodations needed for Venus flybys.
• Deployment post-capture allows probe entry interface targeting, probe deployment, and orbiter
divert maneuvers to be conducted independently of UOI, deconflicting execution of overlapping
During Uranus Approach; critical events. Refer also to discussion in § 2.2 and 3.3.5.
Probe Deployment
Deployment After UOI • Selected option adds minimal added delta-v cost and about 120 days of mission duration, but
adds potential for backup deployment opportunities.
• Combination of smaller high gain antenna and higher-powered transmitters were best choice to
4-m vs 3.1-m HGA; maximize downlink rates while remaining within RTG-limited power budget and minimizing
Data Return
50-W vs 100-W TWTAs pointing requirements at Uranus solar distances.
• The mission was able to close using three RTGs along with a supplemental battery to support
higher-load cases such as maneuvers. This option was also preferable in terms of total flight
Three Next-Gen Mod 1 RTGs; system mass, cost, spacecraft accommodation/layout, and launch-site integration complexity.
Number of RTGs • Note: Dynamic RPS systems and Next-Gen Mod 2 generators were not selected for this study due
Four Next-Gen Mod 1 RTGs
to expected availability dates, despite higher power availability. The Next-Gen Mod 0 was not
selected due to the expectation that only one would be made available.
• The ability to passively spin the spacecraft during quiescent cruise periods offers significant
savings in Phase E operations cost, but requires a spacecraft configuration that is rotationally
Passive-Spin Cruise Hibernation; stable throughout cruise despite its overall size and propellant load.
Cruise Hibernation
Exclusively 3-Axis Spacecraft • A spacecraft configuration was successfully designed that could accommodate both 3-axis
operation as well as passive or active spin modes during cruise.

Exhibit 2-1. Significant mission concept trade studies. Selected options are shown in bold text.

3. Technical Overview ________________________________
3.1. Instrument Payload Description
The notional payload was chosen for its
ability to meet a broad set of science
objectives for the diverse range of
targets in the Uranian system. For
remote sensing of Uranus from the
orbiter, imaging and spectroscopy over
the visible to near-IR range are needed
for composition, cloud-tracked winds,
cloud structure studies, and
observations of thermospheric emission.
Panchromatic reflected light imaging,
plus thermal IR data, are needed to
determine the heat balance of the planet
and the circulation of the atmosphere.
These wavelengths characterize the ice
giant atmosphere from the cloud-
forming troposphere, into the Exhibit 3-1. State-of-the-art Earth-based visible, thermal IR, and microwave
stratosphere and thermosphere. images are complementary to the UOP payload.
Additional wavelengths, either from orbiter instruments or contemporaneous Earth-based observations are of
value, as well (Ex. 3-1). For maximum flexibility, we assumed wider fields of view and lower spatial
resolutions than in the corresponding heritage instruments, but these parameters can be easily traded as remote
sensing observations can be accommodated at multiple spacecraft ranges.
The rings and satellites disciplines have similar composition and mapping science goals as the atmospheric
science; most rings and satellites requirements are met with the same system tour and notional payload, including
filtered visible and thermal imaging, and visible to near-IR imaging spectroscopy. However, several rings imaging
objectives, in particular, require higher spatial resolution and would benefit from an optimized tour or instruments
with finer resolution. Additionally, stereo viewing of the satellites will require specific views in the tour design,
but likely no changes to the payload. The highest resolution views of the rings and rapid flybys of the satellites
might further benefit from motion compensation, but this is not assumed in the notional payload, as that would be
captured in trades between the final tour and the instrument capabilities. Scan mirrors are assumed in several of the
instruments, however, to achieve ground coverage and this is in line with heritage capabilities.

Instrument Capability/Performance Priority Mass (kg) Power (W)

Magnetometer 3-axis Threshold 4.2 4
Narrow Angle Camera framing, 10- μrad/pix, panchromatic Threshold 8.8 5.8
Thermal IR filters from ~7–100 m, (higher priority at longward end, H2-He Threshold 11 24.7
continuum near Planck function peak)
Fields & Particles Package 1eV-10 MeV range (ions & electrons); kHz-MHz Threshold 11.8 11
Radio Science - UltraStable Oscillator Threshold 2 2
Visible/NIR Imaging Spec 250 μrad/pix, ~0.8–5 micron Threshold 15 10
Wide Angle Camera pushbroom, 50 μrad/pix pan + broadband filters (0.4 to 1 micron) Baseline 12 10
Total (baseline) 64.8 67.5
Total (threshold) 52.8 57.5
Mass Spectrometer 1 - 150 amu, mass resolution >1,000 Threshold 16.2 19
Atmospheric Structure Threshold 2.5 3.5
UltraStable Oscillator Threshold 1 1
Ortho-para Hydrogen Sensor Baseline 1 3.5
Total (baseline) 20.7 27
Total (threshold) 19.7 23.5
Exhibit 3-2. Notional payload suite.

Because of Uranus’s unique magnetospheric configuration, and the desire to search for the signatures of ocean
worlds, we include both a triaxial magnetometer and a robust fields and particles (F&P) package consisting of a
number of sensors: energetic particle detectors, plasma spectrometers, a Langmuir probe and waves sensor, and
a search coil magnetometer. An UltraStable Oscillator (USO) is also included as part of the radio science
communication subsystem for high accuracy gravity measurements and occultations. The full notional orbiter
payload is shown in Ex.3-2. On the orbiter, only the Wide-Angle Camera (WAC) is descopable, but it is
included in the baseline mission design. In the future, it could also be traded for another instrument.
For the probe science requirements, the primary measurements come from ground truth vertical profiles of
temperature and zonal winds, necessitating a standard atmospheric structure package (temperature, pressure and
acceleration sensors) and a USO for Doppler wind tracking. In situ measurements of the noble gas, elemental and
isotopic abundances require a minimum of a mass spectrometer with mass resolution of >1000. Lastly, we include
an ortho-para hydrogen fraction sensor to understand the partitioning of energy within the troposphere and to
provide essential “ground-truth” for understanding Uranus’s infrared spectrum. This measurement is notionally
accomplished with a simple sound speed (anemometer-type) measurement. The ortho-para sensor is the only
descopable element on the probe science payload, though other instruments are also possible for the probe, as well.
To keep the mission affordable, and Instrument Science Goal
demands on resources as low as Orbiter
possible, the instruments chosen for the Microwave Radiometer Deep atmospheric structure
notional payload met the most science UV Spectrometer Aurorae, composition, upper atmospheric structure, exospheres
objectives or were the least resource Mid-IR Spectrometer Temperature mapping, Uranus stratospheric circulation/chemistry
intensive. However, a suite of other Energetic Neutrals Analyzer Neutral particle environment and abundance
instrument types was considered for Doppler Imager Planetary oscillations, deep wind and core structure
both the orbiter and the probe. Several
of the candidate instruments ranked
Nephelometer In situ cloud detection
high scientifically but were not included
Net Flux Radiometer In situ flux balance
in the notional payload (Ex. 3-3). These Helium Abundance Detector High accuracy helium abundance
other instruments can meet or enhance
specific science objectives, as listed. Exhibit 3-3. Enhanced payload suite.
Should mass and power be available for
them, they should also be considered as part of a more extensive instrument suite.
For each instrument, heritage options were identified. The exact accommodation of each instrument used in the
design study are shown in the exhibits below:

Mass Average Power

Reference Instrument / Heritage Mission CBE (kg) % Cont. MEV (kg) CBE (W) % Cont. MEV (W)
Magnetometer (MESSENGER MAG) 1.43 10 1.57 2.0 10 2.2
Magnetometer Boom (Galileo/Cassini scaled to 5-m length) 0.47 20 0.56 -- -- --
Narrow Angle Camera (New Horizons LORRI) 8.80 10 9.68 8.0 10 8.8
Thermal IR Camera (LRO Diviner) 11.00 10 12.10 4.5 10 5.0
Fields and Particles Package (Suite Subtotal) 11.78 10 12.96 9.9 10 10.9
MAVEN LPW 3.58 10 3.94 2.7 10 3.0
TRACERS MSC (also Van Allen Probes) 0.80 10 0.88 0.8 10 0.9
MESSENGER FIPS 1.40 10 1.54 1.9 10 2.1
Parker Solar Probe SWEAP/SPAN-B 2.50 10 2.75 2.0 10 2.2
Parker Solar Probe EPI-Lo 3.50 10 3.85 2.5 10 2.8
Vis/NIR Imaging Spectrometer & WAC (Lucy L’Ralph) 27.00 10 29.70 5.3 10 5.8
Radio Science Experiment (RS) – USO Included in Spacecraft -- -- -- -- -- --
Total Payload Mass & Power -- Orbiter 60.5 10 66.60 29.7 10 32.7
Mass Spectrometer (Rosetta DFMS) 16.20 10 17.82 19.0 10 20.9
Atmospheric Structure Instrument (Cassini-Huygens HASI, others) 2.50 10 2.75 3.5 10 3.9
Ortho-Para H2 Sensor (sound speed, capacitive transducers) 1.00 30 1.30 3.5 30 4.6
Total Payload Mass & Power -- Probe 19.70 11 21.87 26.0 11 29.3
Exhibit 3-4. Orbiter and Probe Reference Payload Mass & Power. Contingency percentages based on TRL and APL institutional practice

Characteristics Value Units Characteristics Value Units
Size/Dimensions 8.1 × 4.8 × 4.6 cm × cm × cm Size/Dimensions 17 × 20.5 × 18.8 cm × cm × cm
Average Science Data Rate 1.5 kbps Average Science Data Rate .08 kbps
FOV 360 deg FOV 1.4*pi steradians
Range 0.1–2000 nT Energy Measurement Range 50 to 20,000 eV
Exhibit 3-5 Orbiter Magnetometer: MESSSENGER MAG. M/Q Measurement Range 1–40 amu/e
Exhibit 3-11. Orbiter Fields & Particles Package: MESSENGER
Characteristics Value Units Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS).
Number of Channels 5
Size/Dimensions 13.5 x 45.5 x 17 cm × cm × cm Characteristics Value Units
Avg. Science Data Rate 3.0 kbps Size/Dimensions 15 × 17.2 × 16 cm × cm × cm
Pointing Requirements (knowledge) 350 µrad Average Science Data Rate <2 kbps
Pointing Requirements (control) 0.1 deg FOV 360 × 120 deg
Pointing Requirements (stability) 5 µrad/s Measurement Range 5–20,000 eV
Exhibit 3-6 Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera (NAC): LORRI. Exhibit 3-12. Orbiter F&P Package: PSP SWEAP/SPAN-B.
Characteristics Value Units Characteristics Value Units
Number of Channels 9 Ions: 20–15000
Energy Range keV
Size/Dimensions 37.3 × 48.5 × 30.5 cm × cm × cm Electrons: 25–1000
Average Science Data Rate 0.18 kbps Energy Resolution 11 %
FOV 3/84 × 0.384 deg Size/Dimensions 30 × 30 × 8 cm × cm × cm
Pointing Requirements (knowledge) 350 µrad Average Science Data Rate 3.1 kbps
Pointing Requirements (control) 0.1 deg FOV 360 × 90 deg
Pointing Requirements (stability) 0.05 deg/sec Exhibit 3-13. Orbiter Fields & Particles Package: Parker Solar
Exhibit 3-7 Orbital Thermal IR Camera: LRO Diviner. Probe Energetic Particle Instrument (EPI-Lo).
Characteristics Value Units
Characteristics Value Units
Vis-NIR: 0.4–0.975
Spectral Range µm Detector Size/Dimensions 63 × 63 × 26 cm × cm × cm
IR Spec: 1.0-5.0
DPU Dimensions 16 × 14 × 14 cm × cm × cm
Number of Channels Vis-NIR: 6
Average Science Data Rate <20 kbps
Size/Dimensions 37.3 × 48.5 × 30.5 cm × cm × cm Ion Source ±20 and ±2 degrees
Average Science Data Rate 3 kbps
Ion Detector MCP
Vis-NIR: 8.3 × 0.85 Mass Range 12-150 amu
FOV deg
IR Spec: 4.6 × 3.2 Dynamic Range 10^10
Pointing Requirements (knowledge) 0.4 deg Sensitivity 10^-5 A/mbar
Pointing Requirements (control) 0.833 deg Pressure Range 10^-5 to 10^-15 mbar
Pointing Requirements (stability) 3.3E-3 deg/s
Exhibit 3-14. Probe Mass Spectrometer: Rosetta Double
Exhibit 3-8. Orbiter Vis/NIR & WAC: Lucy L’Ralph. Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS).
Characteristics Value Units Characteristics Value Units
Number of Electric Field Channels 3
Number of sensors T: 2; P:3; Acc: 4
Size/Dimensions 40 × .635 × .635 cm × cm × cm
Size/Dimensions 6d×6l cm x cm
Average Science Data Rate 1 kbps
Average Science Data Rate 0.05 kbps
FOV 360 degrees
Temp: 0-500 K
Electron Density Range 100 to 10^6 cm^-3
Range Pres: 0.1–10 bar
Electron Temperature Range 500 to 5000 K
Accel: 3 μg–200 g
Electric Field Frequency Range .05 to 10 Hz
(V/m)^2/Hz Exhibit 3-15. Probe Atmospheric Structure (p, t, accels).
Electric Field Sensitivity (f0=10 Hz) 10^-8
Characteristics Value Units
Exhibit 3-9. Orbiter Fields & Particles Package: MAVEN Size/Dimensions 32.2 × 7.2 × 7.2 cm × cm × cm
Langmuir Probe & Waves (LPW). Average Science Data Rate 0.05 kbps

Characteristics Value Units Exhibit 3-16. Probe Ortho-Para H2 Detector.

Number of Channels 6
Size/Dimensions 40 × 40 × 40 cm × cm × cm
Average Science Data Rate 3 kbps
FOV 360 degrees
Measurement Range 10 to 12,000 Hz
Exhibit 3-10. Orbiter Fields & Particles Package: TRACERS
Search Coil Magnetometer (MSC).

3.2. Flight System
3.2.1. Orbiter Element
The UOP flight system is composed of Orbiter and Probe elements. The Orbiter architecture is in family with
other Class A, outer-planet Flagship missions in terms of capability, redundancy, and operation over an
18.5-year mission lifetime. The Orbiter spacecraft features a 3.1-m High-Gain Antenna (HGA), three Next-
Generation (Mod 1) RTGs, and is capable of both 3-axis stabilization and operating in a passive spin cruise
hibernation mode. The use of reaction wheels provides for fine pointing for science observation and the use of
dual mode X/Ka band communications. The equipment layout and thermal design are intended to minimize
heater power requirements, including the utilization of RTG waste heat within the spacecraft. The body-fixed
instrument payload layout supports operating scenarios developed for the science tour phase, and the antenna
layout was selected to support all operational modes, including Probe deployment. Ex. 3-17 indicates the
Orbiter layout and overall dimensions, and Ex.3-18 shows the block diagram. Descriptions of each Orbiter
subsystem are included below, with additional information provided in Appendix C.
Orbiter Structures & Mechanisms. The Orbiter’s structural design is largely based on that of the Europa
Clipper spacecraft, featuring a primary structure, secondary structure, and launch vehicle interface. The
primary structure consists of a cylindrical structure and honeycomb instrument and electronics module. The
cylindrical structure is comprised of four segments: tapered adaptor, lower cylinder, upper cylinder, and
instrument & electronics cylinder. The tapered adaptor transitions from the 60-inch diameter payload adapter
fitting (PAF) to the 70.5-inch cylinder structure and is machined using 7075-T6 aluminum. The lower cylinder
houses the hydrazine tank and is constructed from four 7075-T6 sheet metal segments joined with riveted
splice plates and with machined 7075-T6 fittings on each end. The upper cylinder is similarly constructed, with
a series of internal ribs to strengthen the structure. The instrument and electronics module consists of a
honeycomb outer structure with removable side panels and an inner cylinder that houses an RF mini vault and
supports the HGA. The inner cylinder is constructed of two 6061-T6 sheet metal segments joined with a
riveted splice plate and machined 6061-T6 fittings on each end. The secondary structure consists of brackets
that support the two externally mounted pressurant tanks, three RTGs, Probe, X-Band antennas, thrusters,
propellant lines, and many of the instruments. The primary structure design is largely based upon the Europa
spacecraft design. Many of the secondary structure components are based upon existing designs.
Orbiter Propulsion. The propulsion subsystem is baselined as a pressurized, bi-propellant system, operating
at a maximum expected operating pressure (MEOP) of 350 psi. The system consists of two fixed-mounted
645-N bi-propellant main engines, four 22-N monopropellant steering thrusters, sixteen 4-N monopropellant
attitude control system (ACS) thrusters, one custom fuel tank, two custom oxidizer tanks, two custom
pressurant tanks, and plumbing as needed to support the main component layout. The custom tanks will be
based on existing designs to the extent possible to minimize qualification costs. The system is sized to provide
a total of 2708 m/s ΔV for a maximum launch mass of 7235 kg.

Exhibit 3-17. Orbiter Layout with Dimensions and Instrument Configuration.

Exhibit 3-18. Orbiter and Probe Block Diagram (note: Probe portion is in upper right corner).

Orbiter Guidance & Control (G&C). The UOP Orbiter operates in two distinct modes, spin-stabilization and
3-axis, during the mission. The G&C subsystem provides spacecraft momentum axis control during the 13.4-year
cruise phase, supporting passive control during hibernation periods, as well as active spin axis or active 3-axis
control during Earth pointing and maneuver events. A spin axis inertial pointing accuracy of 0.5 deg is required to
support cruise communications through the medium gain antenna (MGA). The Orbiter remains entirely in 3-axis
mode from Uranus approach through to disposal. The G&C subsystem supports a three-axis inertial pointing
accuracy of 0.06 deg (per axis) to support HGA pointing requirements for Ka band communications. During initial
operations at Uranus, G&C controls burn vector steering during the UOI burn and provides stability during probe
deployment and tracking for communications through the MGA during probe entry. During the science tour, G&C
provides pointing control during satellite flybys, with any high-rate scans handled internally within the fixed-
mounted instruments. A three-axis tracking accuracy of 0.06 deg (per axis) supports requirements for high-
resolution imaging or radio science observations. The Orbiter is also capable of slewing to any inertial orientation
via wheels or thrusters and provides for low jitter to satisfy imaging instrument accommodations.
The UOP G&C subsystem features a redundant hardware suite including star trackers, inertial measurement
units (IMUs), sun sensors, and four reaction wheel assemblies.
Orbiter Electrical Power. UOP employs a direct energy transfer architecture, using three Mod-1 Next-
Generation Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (NGRTG). Each 56-kg Mod-1 generator, expected to be
available by 2029, provides 245 W of electrical power at fueling/beginning of life (BOL), with a maximum
average annual power degradation of 1.9% per year throughout its lifetime. Fault tolerant linear shunt
regulators provide RTG output power regulation, while block redundant power switching units provide
switched, pulsed, and safety services for the spacecraft. Two 20 Ah 8s16p ABSL secondary batteries are
included to support the DSM/UOI peak load case, and to meet the 30% margin requirement for the Momentum
Dump case, both of which are thruster-intensive.
Orbiter Thermal. The Orbiter thermal subsystem is designed to maximize efficiency and minimize the use of
electric heaters. Three thermal modes at varying solar distances were investigated: at Earth, 2AU, and Uranus.
RTG waste heat is utilized to heat the main propellant tanks within the central cylinder via conduction through
the mounting brackets. Thermal blankets and an HGA radome are used to cover as much surface area as
possible to minimize heat leak to space. Radiators on the spacecraft bus sides are capable of rejecting up to
320 W of internal heat, with louvers used to release excess heat during early cruise and during Ka transmitter
operation. Heat pipes are required to spread the Ka transmitter heat load. Externally mounted shunt elements
scan be switched inside to heat the spacecraft as needed later in the mission.
Orbiter Avionics. The avionics subsystem, tasked with managing the spacecraft’s command and data
handling requirements is based on designs used on the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Van Allen Probes (VAP)
missions, or planned for use on Europa Clipper. The single, internally redundant Integrated Electronics
Module (IEM) leverages a slice-based architecture similar to the system used by PSP, with a multiplexer
(MUX) joining the A and B sides for redundancy cross-strapping. Two single board computers (SBC) each
provide 64MB of SDRAM, 8MB of MRAM (code storage), and 256Gb of flash memory with a UT700
100MHz processor. Additional PSP heritage-based components include a pair of Spacecraft Interface Cards
(SCIF), four Thruster/Actuator Cards (TAC), two Instrument Interface Cards (IIF) each with 128Gb Solid
State Recorders (SSR), and two DC/DC converters. Two strings of Remote Interface Units (RIUs) provide a
total of 224 analog channels for temperature sensing. Four Propulsion Diode Boxes (PDB) planned for the
Europa Clipper mission are used to mitigate electromagnetic interference effects caused during thruster firings.
Orbiter Flight Software. UOP uses onboard software to interpret uplinked commands and interface with various
subsystems and related components while in flight. G&C software supports the Spin-Stabilized and 3-Axis attitude
control modes previously described while providing precise pointing instructions to support science instrument
observations. Command and data handling software handles all event-based (autonomous), time-tagged and macro
commands provided to the system while managing the solid state recorder (SSR) functions, instrument data
compression, memory scrubs, housekeeping data collection, and the data summary table. Command and data
handling (C&DH) software is also responsible for the control of the heater system used to autonomously balance
and maintain specific temperatures within the spacecraft bus. Testbed software will be used during ground
operations to emulate system performance in various states during development, testing and integration.
Orbiter Telecommunications. The telecommunications system features a fully redundant design, including
two radios, all necessary redundant RF cabling and switching, and two ultra-stable oscillators (USOs). The
radios are connected to a suite of antennas that includes three low-gain antennas (LGAs), one MGA, two

fanbeam antennas, and a 3.1-m HGA. One of the three LGAs is dedicated to the ultrahigh frequency (UHF)
link that receives probe telemetry during its descent into Uranus’s atmosphere. The fanbeam antennas are
positioned to provide coverage throughout UOI. Both USOs operate in an active cross-strapped configuration
and will be powered on and available throughout the mission to provide a precision clock source for both radio
science and communications. Both Ka- and X-band transmission will be supported by 100-W amplifiers
(58-W RF). The spacecraft will communicate to the Deep Space Network’s (DSN’s) family of 34-m beam
waveguide antennas. At Uranus, the Ka-band downlink will provide a 19.5-kbps link with the DSN.
Radiation Analysis. Radiation exposure for UOP consists of both natural and RTG-induced sources. The
estimated total ionizing dose (TID) is estimated at 250 krad (Si) for components behind 100 mils Al with a
radiation design margin (RDM) of 2. Contributions to this total include: ~15 krad for the radioisotope power
system (RPS), ~16 krad for solar protons, ~95 krad for the Jupiter flyby at 6 RJ, and ~120 krad from the 4-year
Uranus tour. Components for this study concept are selected to meet a 100 krad part hardness requirement,
which requires ~240 mil Al equivalent shielding. Allocations for radiation shielding mass have been accounted
for in the Orbiter master equipment list. The total non-ionizing dose (TNID) and single effect effects (SEE) are
expected to be in family with other Jovian/long-duration missions. Consideration will need to be given for
selecting detectors that would need to operate during the Jupiter flyby, such as star trackers. Detector noise and
charging at Uranus is expected to be in-family with Earth-orbiting missions, but requires additional study
given the limited knowledge of Uranus’s radiation environment.
3.2.2. Probe Element
The UOP probe has a maximum expected value
(MEV) mass of 267.5 kg. Nearly half of the
mass is dedicated to the entry vehicle, which
includes the aeroshell structure, parachute
descent system, and Thermal Protection System
(TPS). Within the aeroshell, the descent module
houses and manages all science instruments and
electronics, except for Engineering Science
Investigation (ESI) instrumentation sensors that
are embedded into the TPS itself. The orbiter
separation mechanism provides spin
stabilization of the probe during the approach
and entry into the Uranus atmosphere.
The descent module is a truncated sphere for Exhibit 3-19. Descent module configuration.
atmospheric stability and provides sufficient
clearance margin to the interior of the TPS and the mortar-fired descent parachute attached to the backshell.
Provisions for anti-spin vanes are included as the design matures. Both the descent module and heat shield
have a load path through the backshell. Two sets of three separation mechanisms provide for separation of the
heat shield from the backshell, and for the descent module from the backshell. Interior temperature of the
descent module is maintained during the ~60-day approach using radioisotope heater units (RHUs) to alleviate
battery capacity that would otherwise be needed for thermal control. Thermal switches to a radiator on the
descent module shell provide for thermal management during cruise, approach, and descent.
During cruise to the Uranus system, the probe flight computer and individual components may be checked and
updated using bus power provided by the orbiter; however, the majority of probe electronics are unpowered during
cruise and Uranus approach except as needed for opportunistic cruise science. A redundant low-power timer
circuit, triggered by orbiter separation, is powered during the ~60-day final approach and governs the sequencing
of bus power-up based on the expected time of atmospheric entry. Instruments requiring warm-up are powered
before entry, such as the USO supporting Doppler wind measurements. Instruments requiring calibration
measurements before exposure to the atmosphere are powered before heat shield separation. Accelerometer and
ESI data are recorded during the entry and high-g-load deceleration of the probe. Once the descent module
separates from the aeroshell, the instruments begin recording science data to be relayed to the orbiter for eventual
return to Earth. Ex. 3-19 shows the descent module configuration. Refer to Ex. 3-18 for the probe block diagram.
Probe Avionics. The UOP Probe avionics architecture is designed for block redundancy. The avionics
hardware consists of SBCs and mission-specific cards (MiSC). This will take advantage of extensive use of
heritage hardware from Parker Solar Probe and DART. C&DH, G&C, and spacecraft fault protection functions
will be performed in a single radiation-hardened, quad-core, GR740 processor, same as the orbiter.

The MiSC will provide probe components and instrument interfaces as well as monitoring of temperature
sensors. Because the probe will separate from the orbiter ~60 days before entering Uranus’s atmosphere, a low-
power and highly optimized timer circuit for power sequence is needed. This timer will work from a 5-V battery,
consume no more than 250 mW, and be incorporated as part of the MiSC card design.
Probe Electrical Power. The electrical power subsystem (EPS) provides power distribution and energy
storage for the probe. Block redundant power distribution is implemented using the same switch slices used in
the Orbiter power switching unit (PSU). For the probe, these cards are not separate units, but instead are
included in consolidated probe electronics modules. Two lithium thionyl chloride (LiSOCl2) primary batteries,
selected for high energy density and long storage life, provide power to the probe. The first provides power
only to a timer circuit activated when the probe is separated from the orbiter. The second provides power to the
probe during descent operations. Before deployment, the probe electronics can be checked by supplying power
from the orbiter. The primary batteries remain isolated during these periods.
Thermal batteries, secondary lithium-ion batteries, and other lithium primary chemistries with flight history
were considered as part of this study. Thermal batteries have been qualified for 30 years of storage life but are
designed for hours, rather than days, of operation after activation. Secondary cells provide lower energy
density than primary cells and would require charge and balance electronics for maintenance through the long
cruise. Therefore, lithium primary cells with flight heritage for longer performance were selected.
Probe Thermal Protection System. A variety of entry trajectory designs were evaluated for initial
aerothermal environment and HEEET TPS sizing, resulting in selection of a –30.7° entry flight path angle as
the best option for the probe, in terms of maximum acceleration, TPS sizing, and communication budget
margin. Steeper entries yielded stagnation pressures that were beyond the capability of ground test facilities,
and shallower entries resulted in degraded communications capability with the orbiter. Entry trajectory
analysis was conducted using NASA Langley’s POST2 software, and aerothermal environments were obtained
via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using NASA Ames’s Data Parallel Line Relaxation
(DPLR) model. TPS sizing analysis was conducted using the NASA Ames developed materials response
software, Fully Implicit Ablation and Thermal response (FIAT) [Chen and Frank 1999]. Additional
information about the Probe entry analysis can be found in § 3.3.4.
3.2.3. Flight System Element Summary
A summary of mass and average power values per subsystem for the orbiter and probe flight elements
(excluding science instruments) is provided in Ex. 3-20. A summary of flight system element parameters (also
excluding science instruments) is shown in Ex. 3-21 and 3-22 Additional details can be found in Appendix C.
Mass Average Power
CBE % MEV CBE % MEV Comments
Item (kg) Cont (kg) (W) Cont (W) (See MEL in Appendix C for Heritage Basis)
Structures and Mechanisms 668.5 21 811.5
Propulsion 390.1 12 436.4 334.2 3 344.3 Power values applicable for DSM/UOI cases only
Guidance and Control 73.4 5 77.0 98.0 3 100.9 Includes 20 kg CBE radiation shielding allocation
Electrical Power 250.0 7 267.3 34.6 10 38.1 Includes 3 GFE RTGs, 30 kg CBE radiation shielding
Thermal 62.2 20 74.6 36.0 20 43.2 Power values listed are average at Uranus
Avionics 28.1 10 31.0 27.0 10 29.7 Includes 8.5 kg CBE radiation shielding allocation
Telecommunications 92.4 13 104.2 118.1 10 129.9 Includes 28.8 kg CBE radiation mini-vault
Harness 113.8 15 130.8 7% of total orbiter mass (includes instrument mass)
Orbiter Bus Total (w/o instruments) 1678.4 15 1932.8 647.9 6 686.1 See PEL in Appendix C for phasing by power mode
Probe Mechanical (Descent Module) 48.0 19 57.3
Probe Avionics 2.4 10 2.6 22.8 15 26.2
Probe Electrical Power 15.3 23 18.8 13.8 15 15.9
Probe Thermal Control 4.6 19 5.5 RHUs are heat source
Probe RF Communications 4.7 12 5.3 59.3 9 64.8
Probe-Orbiter Separation System 22.0 15 25.3
Probe Harness 8.2 17 9.6 7% of Descent Module & Sep System. excludes EDS
Probe Entry and Descent System 108.0 12 121.2 0.4-m nose radius, 210 kg/m^2 ballistic coefficient
Probe Total (w/o instruments) 213.2 15 245.6 95.9 12 106.9 See PEL in Appendix C for phasing by power mode
Exhibit 3-20. Flight system element (orbiter and probe) mass and power tables. Excludes science instruments.

Flight System Element Parameters: Orbiter Value / Summary / Units
Design Life 222 months (18.5 years)
Structures material Machined aluminum cylinders, aluminum sheet-and-stringer cylinders, aluminum honeycomb panels
Number of deployed structures One (probe). Instruments also have various antenna/boom or door/cover deployments.
Thermal Control
Type of thermal control used Thermal blankets: RTG waste heat: limited heaters; radiators/louvers, heat pipes, switchable shunts
Estimated delta-V budget 2708 m/s
Propulsion type and associated propellants Pressurized bi-propellant main engines, 350 psi MEOP, N2H4 and NTO-MON3: Monoprop ACS
Number of thrusters and tanks 2× 645-N bi-prop main engines, 4x 22-N monoprop steering, 16x 4-N Monoprop ACS, all fixed-mounted
Specific impulse, main engines 318 seconds
Attitude Control
Control method 3-axis, wheels and thrusters; passive spin-stabilized during quiescent cruise
Control reference Inertial, sun/earth safe mode
Attitude control capability 0.06 deg (3-axis, per axis); 0.5 deg (spin)
Attitude knowledge limit Star Trackers: 6.3 arcsec, 3σ, of boresight; 49.6 arcsec, 3σ, about boresight
Command and Data Handling
Spacecraft housekeeping data rate 1 kbps
Data storage capacity 256 Gbit non-volatile storage on SBC; 2x 128Gb buffers available on instrument interface cards
Power generation method 3x Next-Generation Mod 1 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
Total Expected power generated 735 Watts at beginning of life (at fueling, 3-yrs pre-launch); 493 W available at end of mission
Battery type and storage capacity 2x 20 Ah 8s16p ABSL secondary batteries
Bands supported X-band uplink/downlink, with Ka band for science downlink; UHF for probe-to-orbiter uplink
Maximum transmit power 100-Watt TWTAs for X and Ka (58 Watts RF power)
Science data Earth return rate 19.5 kbps via Ka at Uranus on 3.1-m HGA
Exhibit 3-21. Orbiter key characteristics. Excludes science instruments.

Flight System Element Parameters: Probe Value / Summary / Units

Design Life 165 months (13.7 years)
Structures material Descent module: honeycomb w/composite facesheets; T300/PICA backshell, single-layer HEEET TPS
Number of deployed structures 4 (two parachute deployments, heatshield separation, backshell separation)
Aeroshell diameter 1.26 m
Thermal Control
Type of thermal control used Radioisotope Heater Units (RHUs) heat sources, with aerogel for thermal protection on entry
Attitude Control
Control method Passive spin on approach, released by release/spin-up mechanism on orbiter spacecraft
Command and Data Handling
Data storage capacity 128 Gb non-volatile storage per each block-redundant side
Battery type and storage capacity 2x lithium thionyl chloride primary batteries, 468 A-h for 60-d approach, 32 Ah for 1-hr descent
Orbiter-Probe uplink method and rate Local UHF uplink to orbiter, 6 kbps
Exhibit 3-22. Probe key characteristics. Excludes science instruments.

3.3. Mission Design & Concept of Operations
The UOP concept involves many trajectory phases, each subject to their own set of challenging drivers
(Ex. 3-23). The most significant challenge entails designing Earth-to-Uranus interplanetary trajectories due to
competing objectives associated with RTG power degradation over time, Uranus’s large heliocentric distance
(18.9 AU on average), and time penalties associated with ∆v-reduction strategies, such as gravity assists and
relatively low Uranus approach velocities to enable chemical capture.
Despite these challenges, cruise trajectories for a Uranus orbiter and probe are favorable in the upcoming
decade. These are further enabled by upcoming launch vehicles (e.g., Vulcan and Falcon Heavy Expendable)
that offer significant performance advantages compared with the previous decade’s options. The mission
design team focused on a high-fidelity capture and probe deployment design to demonstrate feasibility based
on multiple design iterations with NASA Langley EDL experts. This effort is a risk-reduction response to
technical feedback on previous Uranus orbiter and probe reports.
A significant finding of this study is that major mission risk reduction is possible by separating Uranus orbit
insertion and probe deployment while incurring minimal performance penalties. A wide array of compelling
moon tour options is possible. This study presents one possible reference design in a high-fidelity model.
3.3.1. Interplanetary Cruise
A favorable Jupiter flyby geometry is fundamentally enabling in the 2031–2032 launch timeframe as it
facilitates elimination of the cost and complexity associated with solar electric propulsion (SEP) and the
thermal challenges associated with Venus gravity assists. In total, the interplanetary trajectories found in this
study provide between 40–90% more launch mass capability when compared to previous studies [NASA 2017;
McAdams et al. 2011]. In addition, the proposed baseline cruise reduces ∆v requirements by 100–450 m/sec
while reducing probe deployment risk1.

Exhibit 3-23. High-level mission overview.

Launch Date C3 (km2/s2) Path DSM (km/s) UOI (km/s) PLΔV (km/s) Post-UOI Mass (kg) TOF (yrs)
9/30/2029 13.7 EVEEJU 0.00 1.221 1.221 7865.2 14.5
10/31/2029 11.3 EVEEJU 0.00 1.901 1.901 6665.4 13.1
3/7/2031 17.5 EVEEJU 0.05 1.722 1.771 6068.7 12.5
4/3/2031 28.6 E(DV)EJU 0.65 1.033 1.68 4934.7 13.5
6/13/2031 27.1 E(ΔV)EJU 0.77 1.011 1.783 4919 13.4
6/15/2031 27 E(ΔV)EJU 0.72 1.251 1.968 4643.5 12.7
7/18/2031 19.8 EVEJU 1.07 1.763 2.834 4089.3 11.6
8/1/2031 18 EVEJU 1.05 1.374 2.426 4855 12.3
8/9/2031 20.2 EVEJU 1.06 1.504 2.561 4433.5 12
4/29/2032 28.8 E(ΔV)EJU 0.60 0.956 1.558 5111.5 12.8
5/3/2032 29.2 E(ΔV)EJU 0.76 1.147 1.904 4527.2 12.2
8/15/2032 49.5 E(ΔV)EJU 0.42 1.302 1.726 3056.3 11.8
1/8/2033 23.6 EVEEU 0.42 1.012 1.434 5933.3 15.3
5/27/2034 23.1 EVEEU 0.68 0.946 1.629 5626.4 15.2
2/28/2036 28.2 EVEEU 0.54 0.974 1.519 5240.5 15.3
1/8/2038 35.5 EVEEU 0.00 1.307 1.307 4812.3 14.2
Exhibit 3-24. Feasible launch opportunities with (2029–2032) and without (2033–2038) Jupiter gravity assists. Lighter colors = the
best solutions. Bold = primary and backup baselines; italics show example windows without Jupiter flyby.

The comparison is based on normalizing ∆v margins and statistical strategy reported in previous studies to that of this study. This study relies on
conservative assumptions deemed typical of flagship missions.

The prime launch period opens on 9 Jun 2031, with a
mission-driving C3 of 29.36 km2/sec2 and closes on
30 Jun 2031, with a 13.4-year cruise (Ex. 3-25). The
backup launch period occurs in Apr 2032 with a
12.8-year cruise; however, all performance is driven
by the 2031 opportunity.
If launch readiness by 2031 is deemed infeasible, the
Jupiter gravity assist can be replaced with opportune
gravity assists from Earth and Venus, as shown in
Ex. 3-24. These sequences extend launch availability
through the mid- to late 2030’s at the expense of
increased overall mission duration and/or updating
the spacecraft design to accommodate the thermal
challenges associated with Venus flybys. Note also
that the launch opportunities presented in the table
constitute a hand-picked, representative sample from
a vastly larger set of several hundred thousand
solutions. The list as shown illustrates a range of
potentially interesting trajectories, with the
possibility of many other viable options being found Exhibit 3-25. Baseline interplanetary trajectory (launch period
through additional analysis. center case).

3.3.2. Interplanetary Trade Space

The selection of prime and backup baseline interplanetary transfers is based on a patched-conic broad search over
a feasible region of gravity-assisted interplanetary opportunities in the 2026–2038 timeframe and includes the
possibility of v∞-leveraging maneuvers and powered flybys. Gravity assist options include Earth, Venus, Mars,
and Jupiter, while ignoring Saturn, which is out of phase for the majority of the given timeframe. The broad
search does not consider trajectories based on the Space Launch System (SLS) or solar electric propulsion.
Post-UOI mass is a convenient optimization construct of the broad search process and is calculated in
accordance with Ex. E-26. The reference launch vehicle for post-UOI mass assumes the FHE given that it is the

Exhibit 3-26. General breakdown of available post-UOI mass and dry mass capability. For simplicity, the broad search analysis
ignores launch cleanup, statistical, and targeting factors. The fully margined, MPV flight system dry mass (§ 3.3.6) is 2,756 kg.

most capable option currently offered with performance parameters available in the NLS-II contract excluding
the SLS (this assumption does not preclude feasible alternative launch vehicles). The broad search allows
selection of an optimal trajectory among the competing objectives of time-of-flight (due to the limitations on
expected RTG lifetime) and post-UOI mass. Additionally, an upper bound of 1.8 km/sec is imposed on the total
ΔV for interplanetary maneuvers and UOI. Such an upper bound is consistent with a global ΔV below
3.0 km/sec (estimated limit for chemical missions) including the science tour and statistical cost.
Ex. 3-27 through 3-29 present the results of the broad search database, where the dotted red line represents the
final design point for the UOP concept. Ex. 3-29 shows how the E∆VEJU sequence is enabling once a more
aggressive maximum time-of-flight filter of 13.5 years is applied to Ex. E-27. Ex. 3-27 and 3-28 additionally
demonstrate that enabling non-Jupiter sequences exist (e.g., EVEEU) beyond 2031, when Jupiter falls out of phase.
The E∆VEJU interplanetary trajectory is selected because it represents a balanced choice that avoids Venus flybys,
has qualitatively similar opportunities in both 2031 and 2032, and manageable total ∆v and incoming speed at
Uranus. While VEEJU trajectories can deliver better ∆v performance, these require slightly longer duration and a
Venus flyby, with the associated thermal challenges. Beyond the 2031–2032 launch opportunities, it is also
possible to launch on the same launch vehicle without relying on a Jupiter flyby if the spacecraft uses an SEP
stage, as baselined for the 2011 Vision and Voyages Study [National Research Council 2011].

Exhibit 3-27. FHE post-UOI available mass vs launch date w/ time-of-flight ≤ 18 years and interplanetary ΔV ≤ 1.8 km/s.

Exhibit 3-28. FHE post-UOI available mass vs time-of-flight w/ time-of-flight ≤ 18 yrs and interplanetary ΔV ≤ 1.8 km/s.

Exhibit 3-29. FHE post-UOI available mass vs launch date w/ time-of-flight ≤ 13.5 yrs and interplanetary ΔV ≤ 1.8 km/s.

Exhibit 3-30. Baseline launch period: 9 Jun 2031 – 30 Jun 2031. The driving date for maximum C3 occurs on 9 Jun 2031 and the
driving date for the ΔV budget occurs on 17 Jun 2031. The backup opportunity is not shown since the baseline is the driving case.

3.3.3. High Fidelity Analysis

The 2031 E∆VEJU trajectory is modeled as a
high-fidelity n-body problem and numerically
integrated and optimized to obtain a 20-day
launch period. The analysis yields a maximum
C3 of 29.36 km2/s2 and the driving interplanetary
and UOI ∆v for the mission budget (Ex. 3-30).
The minimum Earth flyby altitude is set to
450 km, consistent with the Multi Mission
Radioisotope Thermal Generator (MMRTG)
Earth-biasing implementation on NASA’s
planned Dragonfly mission. The launch period
exhibits a minimum Jupiter flyby altitude of
4.01 RJ, approximately equivalent to the radius
of Io’s orbit that is used as a driving case for
radiation analysis (Ex. 3-31). Finally, the
maximum possible value (MPV) launch mass for Exhibit 3-31. All Jupiter flyby trajectories in the 2031 opportunity.
the final UOP point design is plotted against the Each trajectory spans 24 hours. Colors illustrate the strength of the
portfolio of several possible launch vehicles Jupiter radiation environment.

(Ex. 3-32). It is observed that the design is
feasible with a Falcon Heavy Expendable and
very close to the capability of a Vulcan Centaur
configured with six solid rocket motors.
3.3.4. Uranus Capture & Probe Release
A major focus of this study was to identify an
approach that enables deployment of a probe
that penetrates Uranus’s atmosphere and relays
scientific data to the orbiter. The
communication link is maintained for about one
hour (the time need for the probe to reach an
atmospheric pressure of 10 bar).
Previous studies are based on the deployment on
hyperbolic approach paradigm (Ex. 3-33, left
side), where the coupled orbiter and probe are Exhibit 3-32. Launch mass capability and the UOP point design.
placed in a trajectory that leads to prescribed
atmospheric entry conditions prior to UOI, the
probe is released for ballistic flight along this hyperbolic trajectory, and the orbiter is subsequently diverted via
a comparatively small maneuver (15 m/s) that targets a favorable UOI location. The primary advantages of this
approach are low ΔV requirements and negligible impact on overall mission duration. The main disadvantages
are high probe entry velocity and the coupling of three critical events: (1) targeting of probe entry conditions
and UOI location, (2) establishment of probe communication link, and (3) UOI execution. This coupling leads
to infeasibility as pragmatic operational constraints are included in the design, like ring avoidance constraints
on UOI location, probe-orbiter geometry, link performance and telemetry margin, and ability to turn the
spacecraft from probe link attitude to UOI attitude in a short amount of time.
In contrast, this study proposes a deployment on elliptic post-capture paradigm (Ex, 3-33, right side), where
orbiter and probe remain coupled through UOI. After successful capture into Uranus’s orbit, the targeting of
probe entry interface, probe deployment, and orbiter divert are addressed independently. Advantages of this
approach include lower probe entry velocity, decoupling of critical events, and availability of backup
opportunities for probe deployment. Disadvantages include slightly higher ΔV requirements and increase in
overall mission duration by one period of the capture orbit (120 days).

Exhibit 3-33. Schematic comparison between probe deployment paradigms.

Detailed aerothermodynamic analyses performed by NASA Langley and NASA Ames Research Centers (see
Appendix C) show that feasible probe trajectories exist that can be targeted from the apoapsis of the capture
orbit. These trajectories exhibit heat loads and heat rates well within the design margins of the probe heat
shield and result in a descent profile that maintains favorable geometry with the orbiter. From subsequent
detailed analyses it is determined that an orbiter-probe telecom link can be maintained with sufficient telemetry
margin for the duration of the descent to 10 bar.
Probe entry analysis used an entry vehicle with a 1.26-m diameter, 45° half-angle sphere cone, with Pioneer
Venus and Galileo (Jupiter) mission heritage. A blunt nose radius (0.4-m) was chosen to limit peak
aerothermal environments near the stagnation point and thereby reduce the TPS thickness and mass required.
Cases were run for a probe mass of 268 kg (MEV), and for up to ± 20 kg for sensitivity. Probe release is
targeted for ~60 days prior to entry, with a relative entry flight path angle of –30.7° at entry interface altitude
of 2000 km. The entry flight angle was determined after a trade of peak sensed acceleration, peak heat flux,
peak stagnation pressure, TPS thickness based on total heat load, and telecommunication budget margin. In
Uranus’s thick atmosphere, the vehicle achieves maximum acceleration of 114 Earth g’s ~3.5 min after
atmospheric interface and achieves a peak heat flux of 1876 W/cm2, which is within the expected capabilities
of the single-layer HEEET TPS, which was recently developed by NASA for missions to outer-planet, Venus,
and Mars Sample Return missions.
The entry vehicle reaches subsonic conditions 255 sec after entry, and at this point a mortar deploys a 2.5-m
conical ribbon parachute at Mach 0.8, dynamic pressure of 2874 Pa, and an altitude of 63 km (0.069 bar).
Conical ribbon parachutes have long heritage for planetary missions, having been used for Venus and Jupiter
(EDL 3 and EDL 4), and the mortar deployment conditions are well within conditions seen in other planetary
entries. The first parachute decelerates to low subsonic speeds, where the heat shield is jettisoned 15 sec after
the parachute deployment at Mach 0.42. The first parachute is still attached to the backshell and the descent
probe, allowing for a smaller ballistic coefficient while the heat shield and its higher ballistic coefficient
vehicle can separate away at rates similar to other planetary entry missions.
After the heat shield has had sufficient separation from the rest of the vehicle, the descent probe and a second
smaller, 1.8-m ringsail parachute separate from the backshell and first parachute system. The descent probe
separation occurs 30 sec after the heat shield separation, at Mach 0.3, and an altitude of 54.7 km. Once again,
the two stages have a positive separation rate because of ballistic coefficient difference.
Data start being received at the spacecraft ~5 min after atmospheric entry. After backshell separation, the
probe descends under the second parachute until it reaches 1-bar pressure level at 13 min after entry. The probe
continues to have good visibility to the orbiter throughout the remainder of its descent to the 10-bar level.
Ex. 3-34 summarizes the probe trajectory and concept of operations, and Ex. 3-35 details the probe-orbiter
communications link geometry during the descent.

Exhibit 3-34. Probe Trajectory Concept of Operations.

Exhibit 3-35. Probe-Orbiter Communications Link Geometry.

Exhibit 3-36. Deployment on elliptic post-capture. UOI (top-left) is optimized for low altitude, avoiding ring hazards (bottom-left). Probe
target/release, orbiter divert, and probe entry follow and leave the orbiter in favorable PRM location to start satellite tour (right).
As shown in Ex. 3-36 probe deployment on elliptic post-capture results in a feasible paradigm that allows
placing UOI at an advantageous location with altitude and duration constrained only by ring avoidance and
target orbit period constraints. It is possible that any telemetry received after UOI could be processed on the
ground to reduce uncertainty in the subsequent targeting of probe entry conditions and orbiter divert. After the
orbiter finalizes the communication link with the probe, it reaches the second post-capture apoapsis and
executes a period reduction maneuver (PRM) targeting the first flyby of the satellite tour.
3.3.5. Satellite Tour
It is possible to target any of the major moons of Uranus from the orbital location of the second post-capture
apoapsis. The initial moon, inbound v∞, and flyby altitude determine which additional moons are reachable via
subsequent resonant and non-resonant flybys aided by comparatively small spacecraft maneuvers. In practice,
several subsequent flyby options emanate from a given flyby (between five and fifteen options are common),
leading to a combinatorial explosion of alternatives.2

If five downstream options were available on average (in practice there are more), there would be well over one billion 13-flyby tours.

Instead, given the limits available to the study team, an overall flyby
strategy is devised that can be flown in practice, regardless of initial
epoch or exact inbound conditions. This can be illustrated as a decision
tree where high-level choices are made among available alternatives
leading to a desired outcome. One path through one such decision trees
is highlighted in Ex. 3-37; however, we stress that other choices are
available and it is common practice in tour-based Flagship missions to
analyze dozens of tours before committing to a flight-ready design.
For this study, we select a strategy that relies on 15 resonant flybys of
Titania (Ex. 3-38) to equatorialize the orbiter trajectory (Ex. 3-39). The
advantage of this strategy is that a nearly equatorial orbit permits Exhibit 3-37 One potential path through one
targeting of other satellites via non-resonant transfers (the major moons potential tour-design decision tree.
orbit Uranus near the equator). In this case, the orbiter targets eight
non-resonant flybys of Umbriel, Oberon, and Ariel. Once the desired satellites are visited (more non-resonant
flybys are possible), the orbiter relies on 11 resonant flybys of Ariel (Ex. 3-40) to reduce the Uranus-relative
periapsis altitude until an end-of-life maneuver is executed to dispose of the orbiter into Uranus’s atmosphere.
The equatorialization phase and subsequent non-resonant flybys are nominally ballistic (i.e., with no fuel expended)
and the Ariel periapsis reduction phase entails a small deterministic component (17 m/s) before a large deorbit burn
(216 m/s) is applied at the last apoapsis in the tour for controlled disposal of the orbiter in Uranus’s atmosphere.
Ex. 3-41 enumerates all targeted flybys. While no flyby of Miranda is reported in Ex. 3-41, the alternative sequence

Exhibit 3-38. Three-dimensional view of the equatorialization phase.

Exhibit 3-39. Titania flybys used to equatorialize the orbiter Exhibit 3-40. Ariel flybys used to reduce Uranus-relative
trajectory. periapsis for subsequent spacecraft disposal.

Phase Altitude Speed Lat Lon ∆v (m/s) ∆v (m/s)
Body Date (deg) (km) (km/sec) (deg) (deg) Phase Maneuver Name Deterministic Statistical
Titania 08/11/45 13.77 384.69 2.97 34.11N 91.07E Launch Cleanup 20
Titania 11/14/45 44.58 72.37 4.05 60.94N 64.46E DSM 660
Titania 02/01/46 33.62 62.76 4.1 51.78N 81.93E DSM Cleanup 30
Titania 04/03/46 43.21 142.76 3.74 59.92N 75.09E Cruise
Earth Flyby Targeting/Bias 50
Titania 05/25/46 38.73 26.69 4.28 55.68N 84.30E Jupiter Flyby Targeting 30
Titania 07/07/46 24.37 25.75 4.28 39.17N 98.21E Phase Subtotal 660 130
Titania 08/11/46 73.16 25.77 4.28 75.42N 3.27E UOI targeting 10
Titania 09/15/46 73.68 38.36 4.22 77.21N 3.27E
UOI 1,087
Titania 10/20/46 74.12 53.42 4.15 78.98N 3.56E
UOI Cleanup 45
Titania 11/24/46 75.26 93.27 3.95 80.43N 359.60E
Probe Targeting 15
Titania 12/28/46 74.96 71.65 4.05 82.40N 4.92E Capture &
Titania 02/01/47 75.53 76.19 4.03 84.10N 5.20E Probe Separation
Titania 03/08/47 75.73 86.29 3.99 85.86N 11.02E Release Orbiter Divert 29
Titania 04/12/47 76.42 96.79 3.94 87.48N 12.85E Orbiter/Probe Statistical 5
Titania 05/17/47 93.12 175.55 3.61 72.71N 294.23E PRM 171
Umbriel 06/22/47 118.51 5354.46 0.52 1.79S 77.31E PRM Cleanup 20
Oberon 07/28/47 106.02 1038.56 1.62 4.16S 66.71E Phase Subtotal 1,302 80
Ariel 07/29/47 126.31 3786.72 0.76 0.18S 82.60E Miranda Targeting 0
Ariel 08/30/47 53.31 1821.57 1.39 0.19N 264.17E Miranda Statistical 6
Umbriel 10/03/47 118.14 3652.93 0.73 2.61N 76.52E Ariel Targeting 17
Titania 11/07/47 159.86 6505.63 0.47 1.88S 292.06E Ariel Statistical 6
Oberon 12/09/47 105.44 462.15 2.4 8.53N 65.78E Umbriel Targeting 0
Ariel 01/10/48 44.24 1478.66 1.66 45.15N 99.27E Tour Umbriel Statistical 6
Exhibit 3-41. Nominal equatorialization phase with initial non- Titania Targeting 0
resonant transfers to major satellites. Eleven additional flybys Titania Statistical 6
of Ariel occur during the remainder of the 4-year tour. Oberon Targeting 0
Oberon Statistical 6
Phase Altitude Speed Lat Lon
Body Date (deg) (km) (km/sec) (deg) (deg) Phase Subtotal 17 30
Titania 08/10/45 21.35 500.02 2.67 41.41N 86.54E Disposal 216
Titania 11/14/45 33.33 400.02 2.89 52.77N 78.22E Unallocated Margin 148
Titania 01/31/46 27.06 200.02 3.49 44.90N 87.77E ACS 125
Miranda 04/01/46 84.31 26791.71 0.04 43.38S 218.34E Subtotal 364 125
Titania 04/02/46 42.83 133.1 3.74 60.32N 74.55E Mission 2343 365
Miranda 05/24/46 133.07 16713.25 0.06 38.13S 137.54E Total 2708
Titania 05/25/46 38.03 52.01 4.11 54.97N 84.92E
Exhibit 3-43. Notional mission ΔV.
Titania 07/07/46 65.24 556.85 2.55 74.88N 26.06E
Exhibit 3-42. Alternative equatorialization sequence targeting
Miranda prior to reaching equatorial plane.
shown in Ex. 3-42 demonstrates that it is possible to target non-resonant Miranda flybys, return to the
equatorialization phase, and continue toward the non-resonant transfers to the remaining major satellites.
A preliminary coverage analysis of the equatorialized trajectory, using instrument and sensor models with
representative operational characteristics, reveals many opportunities to satisfy science observation objectives.
Opportunistic satellite imaging is possible during the equatorialization portion of the tour, with more opportunities
available once the spacecraft reaches the plane of Uranus’s equator. Most of the required Uranus imaging takes
place at fairly coarse scales and can be acquired far from the planet, where there are few competing targets for
observation. Ring imaging can be accomplished at high inclinations during the equatorialization portion of the tour.
Most of the Uranus flybys during this period are at relatively far distances so high-resolution imaging of the rings
and satellites is not possible. Later, when the orbiter is in the ring plane and making close passes of Uranus, high
resolution ring and satellite opportunities may be possible, but Uranus may be in the background. It would be
desirable to have closer Uranus flybys early in the tour when the orbiter is at higher inclinations. Alternate tour
strategies can be designed to accommodate this goal. See § 1.6 for discussion from the science perspective.
3.3.6. Mission Design Summary
Refer to Ex. 3-43 for a summary of the total mission ΔV, and Ex. 3-44 for the mission design table. Note that
the flight system MPV launch mass of 7,235 kg, including 30% dry mass margin, fits well within the launch
vehicle capability of 8,345 kg.

3.3.7. Mission Operations Parameter Value Units
UOP mission operations can be supported by a Prime Launch Period Open 9 Jun 2031
low-cost operations model, leveraging heritage Backup Launch Opportunity Apr 2032
facilities, infrastructure, tools, and experience for Launch Site Cape Canaveral AFS
pre-launch, cruise, and science phases. There are Launch Energy (C3) 29.36 km2/sec2
no unique mission phases or spacecraft Launch Vehicle Falcon Heavy Expendable
subsystems, ground system elements, tools, or Mission Lifetime 18.5 years
staffing profiles required, and the optical Cruse Duration 13.4 years
navigation pipeline from downlink to processing is Uranus Arrival 5 Dec 2044
well established. The mission design is Probe Entry 6 Apr 2045
straightforward from an operations planning and Tour Start 6 Jun 2045
support perspective (e.g., no solar conjunctions). Tour Science Phase Duration 4.5 years
Trajectory elements and critical events are similar Mission End / Orbiter Disposal 30 Dec 2049
to those in previous missions including Stacked Dry Mass (Orbiter & Probe) MPV 2756 kg
MESSENGER, New Horizons, and Parker Solar Propellant Residuals and Pressurant Mass 111 kg
Probe. The payload suite and corresponding Usable Propellant Mass (N2H4 and Oxidizer) 4368 kg
science planning cycle and data pipeline Flight System MPV Launch Mass 7235 kg
Payload Adapter Mass (Leave Behind on LV) 45 kg
architecture is comparable to scope and
LV Capability (Falcon Heavy Expendable) 8345 kg
complexity of other similar missions. An enhanced
Unused Launch Vehicle Capability 1065 kg
operational focus will be placed on probe
Propellant Mass Fraction 60.4 %
operations, with thorough testing, simulation, and
rehearsals being conducted in pre-launch mission Exhibit 3-44. Mission Design Table. All performance is driven by the
simulations and multiple times during flight. prime (2031) opportunity.
UOP in-flight operations begin after launch in
Jun 2031 with standard health assessment and the commissioning phase, which concludes in mid-Jul 2031 with
the official start of Phase E and the beginning of the 13.4-year Cruise phase. In keeping with a low-cost
operations model, the majority of Cruise is spent in a spin-stabilized hibernation mode. An initial transition
period with three 4-hr tracks per week is planned prior to entering the first hibernation period at the end of Aug
2031. While in hibernation, weekly 2-hr DSN beacon tracks are planned for health checks, similar to those used
for New Horizons. A proven response strategy is defined for red beacon tracks. Semiannual 3-axis wake up
periods of two weeks each are scheduled to occur in March and September of each year. These periods consist
of daily 8-hour DSN contacts. Activities can be recurring with system and payload health checks, or an
alternating strategy may be employed. No science is baselined for Cruise, although instrument calibrations and
stray light characterizations are not precluded for the flybys.
The spacecraft also awakens into 3-axis mode for approximately 7 weeks in 2022 to conduct the deep space
maneuver (DSM). This window ensures adequate coverage for navigation with an appropriate data cutoff
(DCO) for the final maneuver design, plus data downlink and reconstruction following the maneuver. The
maneuver timing is flexible and may be split into two as a risk reduction measure.
Exits from hibernation are also planned to begin 100 days prior to each of the Earth and Jupiter gravity assists
(EGA, JGA) and Uranus Orbit Insertion (UOI). This timing supports event preparations and approach
maneuvers at –90d, –30d, –10d, and a clean-up at +20d. Eight weeks of DDORs, 2 per week, are scheduled for
each approach. For EGA and JGA, the spacecraft returns to hibernation 8 days after the final clean-up
maneuver, to accommodate all data downlink. There are no additional hibernation periods planned after UOI,
and the Orbiter remains in 3-axis mode for the remainder of the mission.
Following post-UOI health checks, a 6-month transition and environment characterization period is planned
supported by one daily 4-hour track. The key events during this period are the probe release/spacecraft divert
maneuver and probe science, plus the periapsis raising maneuver (PRM).
All DSN contacts prior to the beginning of the prime mission science phase are supported by X-band. The
4-year science phase is supported by daily 8-hour Ka-band higher rate data downlinks. The first 2 years are
focused on Uranus science and Titania while the orbit plane is brought into co-planar alignment, and the
second 2 years are focused on the moons of the Uranian system. Single 34-m DSN supports are scheduled for
all mission phases. The potential use of dual X-/Ka-band downlink for radio science is optional. Safe mode
communications close with the chosen on-board antenna suite in all phases. Additional information on
communications link performance can be found in Appendix C.

A preliminary analysis of data collection and return was conducted to estimate the potential data volumes that
can be expected for operations at Uranus. For Probe operations, data will be streamed back to the Orbiter via
UHF link and stored. While there is no requirement for the immediate return of Probe data to Earth, the total
estimated data volume of 17 Mbits can easily fit within one of the initially scheduled 8-hour Ka-band
downlinks. The data estimate for the science tour also assumes the use of one 8-hour Ka band downlink
contact per Earth day. This provides a total, per-orbit downlink volume capability of 2.1 GB, at the available
downlink rate of 19.475 kbps, assuming a 3dB link margin and the use of rate stepping. After applying an
additional 5% margin for dropouts and overhead, the available science downlink data volume is estimated at
1.995 GB per orbit. The analysis further assumes that one orbit’s worth of data would need to be downlinked
within 30 days to clear the flash recorder for subsequent orbits. This cadence provides for sufficient margin in
the event of unplanned situations such as DSN outages, since the Orbiter’s 256 Gbit NAND storage can hold
approximately 6 orbit’s worth of science data.
Rough-order tour collection scenarios were developed using science team volume estimates organized into
four different orbit types, each emphasizing a particular subset of the Orbiter instrument complement:
(1) Uranus and rings remote sensing; (2) fields, particles, and magnetometer; (3) satellite flybys with remote
sensing; and (4) multiple satellite flyby (equatorial phase). Compression factors of 2× are assumed, along with
a 1 kbps spacecraft housekeeping data rate. Based on this preliminary analysis, the data return capability per
orbit is sufficient to support science objectives for each of the four collection scenarios. An assumption of
26 orbits being completed during the tour phase, based on the mission design, yields the potential for 51.9 GB
of total science data return. Refer to Appendix C for additional details.

3.4. Risk List

An assessment of potential risks for UOP, as summarized in Ex. 3-45 and
3-46, was conducted using APL’s standard risk management process. The
findings are consistent with study objectives to develop a low-cost,
technologically ready mission concept. Only two of the identified risks
(1, 2) are within the medium (yellow) range, with all others being
classified as low (green). Mitigation strategies and approaches have been
identified for each risk listed in the table, with several activities that could
be initiated early in Phase A. Risks involving external factors, such as
NEPA certification and predicted RPS power output, would need to be
monitored but are currently assessed with low overall likelihoods of
occurrence. Risks associated with uncertainties about Uranus’s rings or
atmospheric winds could be mitigated with additional observation and
analysis, and/or through future mission design or spacecraft enhancement. Exhibit 3-45. UOP study 5×5 risk chart.

# Risk Type L C Mitigation

1 IF the reliability associated with a mission lifetime of >15 Cost, 3 3 • Perform reliability analyses in Phase A and assess alternatives.
years cannot be demonstrated sufficiently, THEN spacecraft Technical • Reevaluate component/part selections as needed.
complexity and program cost may increase. • Conduct requalification or add redundancy where feasible.
2 IF launch vehicle NEPA certification is delayed for newer Schedule, 2 4 • Start development of data books early for applicable LV options.
vehicle options, THEN the launch could also be delayed. Cost • Select LV as early as possible, preferably around mission PDR.
3 IF expected peak entry acceleration loads for the probe Cost 2 3 • Assess all systems for vulnerabilities in Phase A.
cannot be met by the current system design, THEN • Qualify electronics and battery options for expected environments.
additional effort would be required to remediate.
4 IF current knowledge/confirmation of ring locations and Technical 2 3 • Attempt additional observations & modeling of Uranus’s upper
densities is updated, THEN the constraints for capture and atmosphere and rings early in development to further characterize
tour trajectories may change, possibly with a ΔV cost. ring particle risk, and better confirm safe zones.
5 IF more detailed analysis indicates increased radiation Cost, 2 3 • Conduct detailed radiation modeling and analysis in Phase A.
hardness requirements, THEN higher parts cost could be Technical • Allocate cost reserves for potential parts procurement increases.
incurred and/or additional shielding could be required. • Increase shielding mass allocations as needed.
6 IF uncertainties in Uranus upper atmosphere winds cause Technical 1 3 • Conduct detailed analysis and modeling/simulations to characterize
unexpected probe drift, THEN the orbiter could lose contact. coverage area relative to antenna beam widths.
• Consider adding an active probe tracking capability.
7 IF the RPS estimated worst-case power output is lowered, Technical 1 3 • Revisit trade of # RTGs versus larger secondary battery.
THEN insufficient power margin may result. • Reduce pre-launch storage time from 2 to 3 years if possible.
Exhibit 3-46. Top seven risks identified for the UOP concept study. L=likelihood (1–5), C=consequence (1–5).

4. Development Schedule & Schedule Constraints_______
4.1. High-Level Mission Schedule
The UOP development schedule is based on previous schedules for relevant missions, proposed missions, and
recent concept development efforts in the same class. The bar graph in Ex. 4-1 illustrates the sequence of key
mission milestones for all mission phases. An 8-month Pre-Phase A, starting in Jan 2024, was included to
allow for additional concept maturation and to accommodate the initiation of formal instrument procurements.
Additional details about the UOP development schedule and critical path can be found in Appendix C. Note
that Probe development is in series with the start of Orbiter instrument system integration. Mission-level
gateway milestones and key phases and durations are included in Ex. 4-2 and 4-3, respectively.

Exhibit 4-1. High-Level Mission Schedule.

Project Phase Duration (mo.) Mission Level Milestones Date
Phase A – Conceptual Design 8 Concept Study Review (CSR) 7/1/2024
Phase B – Preliminary Design 12 System Requirements Review (SRR) 3/14/2025
Phase C – Detailed Design 45 Mission Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 3/30/2026
Phase D – Integration & Test 18 Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) 11/5/2026
Phase E – Primary Mission Operations 216 Critical Design Review (CDR) 9/1/2027
Phase F – Extended Mission Operations 4 Mission/Science Operations Review (MOR/SOR) 1/4/2028
Start of Phase B to PDR 10 System Integration Review (SIR) 2/1/2030
Start of Phase B to CDR 28 Operational Readiness Review (ORR) 5/28/2030
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Probe Instruments 47 Pre-Environmental Review (PER) 8/20/2030
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Orbiter Instruments 53 Pre-Ship Review (PSR) 1/31/2031
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Probe Aeroshell 54 Flight Readiness Review (FRR) 5/12/2031
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Probe Sphere Integrated 59 Safety & Mission Success Review (SMSR) 6/11/2031
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Orbiter Bus 58 Launch Readiness Review (LRR) 6/14/2031
Start of Phase B to Delivery of Orbiter-Probe completed 60 Launch Readiness Date (LRD) 6/20/2031
System Level Integration & Test (From start of Probe 23
System Integration through Orbiter System Exhibit 4-3. Mission-Level Milestones.
I&T/Environmental Test Program and Launch Site
System Level Reintegration and Test)
Project Total Funded Schedule Reserve 7
Total Development Time Phase B–D 75
Exhibit 4-2. Key Mission Phase Durations.

4.2. Technology Development Plan

The proposed baseline Orbiter and Probe designs are comprised entirely of heritage-based technology flown on
recent, current, or planned space missions. All components have a test readiness level of 6 or higher and will require
no additional technology development or funding to increase their TRL levels before the proposed launch date.

4.3. Development Schedule & Constraints

The development schedule assumes three Mod 1 NGRTGs are provided by the Department of Energy as
Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), and that launch vehicle procurement is managed by NASA. The
baselined launch window in 2031 is 21 days extending from 9 Jun 2031 to 30 Jun 2031, with a back-up opportunity
in Apr 2032. Detailed Phase C/D and E scheduling information is provided in Appendix C. The schedule also
incorporates the need to begin procurement of the custom propulsion tanks early during Phase A as long-lead items.

5. Mission Life Cycle Cost _____________________________
5.1. Introduction
The cost estimate prepared for the UOP mission is of concept maturity level (CML) 4. The payload and
spacecraft estimates capture the resources required for a preferred point design and take into account subsystem
level mass, power, and risk. Our estimate also takes into account the technical and performance characteristics
of components. Estimates for Science, Mission Operations, and Ground Data System elements whose costs
are primarily determined by labor take into account the Phase A–D schedule and Phase E timeline.
The result is a mission estimate that is comprehensive and representative of expenditures that might be expected
if the UOP mission is executed as described. The UOP mission cost, including unencumbered reserves of 50%
(A–D) and 25% (E–F), is $2.8B in fiscal year 2025 dollars (FY$25), as shown in Ex. 5-1. Excluding all LV-
related costs, the UOP Phase A–F mission cost is $2.6B FY25. Phase E costs are also shown.

WBS Ph A–D Ph E–F Total Notes

Phase A $7,628 — $7,628 Assumption based on previous studies.
1 Program Management
A–D: wrap factor based on recent New Frontiers and APL missions
2 Systems Engineering $162,077 — $162,077
E–F: bookkept with WBS 7
3 Mission Assurance
4 Science $27,192 $233,668 $250,860 Average $13.3M per year during Phase E
5 Payload $180,247 — $180,247 Hardware estimated via parametric models (NICM, SEER Space)
6 Spacecraft (S/C) $724,234 — $724,234 Estimated via parametric models
7 Mission Operations (Mops) $41,121 $299,053 $340,174 Ph E: DSN $21.3M, Average Ph Mops based on APL historical costs
8 Launch Vehicle $236,000 — $236,000 Falcon Heavy Expendable ($210M) + $26M NEPA
9 Ground Data System $18,573 $19,313 $37,886 BOE
10 Integration & Test (I&T) $114,869 — $114,869 Based on APL historical I&T %, includes testbeds
Reserves $634,157 $135,508 $769,665 Per Decadal guidelines: 50% A–D, 25% E–F. LV excluded
Total $2,146,097 $677,542 $2,823,640
Total w/o LV $1,910,097 $677,542 $2,587,640
Exhibit 5-1. Estimated Phases A–F UOP mission cost (FY$25K) by Level-2 WBS element.

5.2. Mission Ground Rules & Assumptions

• Estimating ground rules and assumptions are derived from the Decadal Mission Study Ground Rules dated
Feb 2021.
• Mission costs are reported using the Level-2 (and Level-3 where appropriate) work breakdown structure
(WBS) provided in NPR 7120.5E.
• Cost estimates are reported in fiscal year 2025 (FY25) dollars.
• The NASA New Start inflation index provided by the Planetary Mission Concept Studies Headquarters
(PMCS HQ) was used to adjust historical cost, price data, and parametric results to FY25 dollars if necessary.
• The mission does not require technology development dollars to advance components to TRL 6 because
all UOP mission components will be at or above TRL 6 when required.
• A launch vehicle of sufficient capability to support the UOP mission is in development. Our assumption is
that a launch vehicle meeting mission requirements will be available by 2030. Launch vehicle costs are
estimated based on the expected capability.
• This estimate assumes no development delays and an on-time launch in Jun 2031.
• Phase A–D cost reserves are calculated as 50% of the estimated costs of all components excluding the launch
vehicle. Phase E–F cost reserves are calculated as 25% of the estimated costs of all Phase E elements
excluding DSN charges.

5.3. Cost Benchmarking
The cost and scope of the UOP
concept corresponds well with NASA
Flagship-class missions (Ex. 5-2). The
estimated cost to develop and operate
UOP compares favorably to current
Flagship missions under development
as well as past Flagship missions with
an average cost of $3.1B, excluding
launch vehicle costs, as shown in red.

5.4. Costing Methodology &

Basis of Estimate
The UOP CML 4 mission cost
estimate is a combination of high- Exhibit 5-2. Mission-level cost comparison (FY$25K) to other Flagship missions.
level parametric and analog
techniques and incorporates a wide range of uncertainty in the estimating process. No adjustments were made
to remove the historical cost of manifested risk from the heritage data underlying the baseline estimate.
Therefore, before reserves are applied, the estimated costs already include a historical average of the cost of
risk. This approach is appropriate for capturing risk and uncertainty commensurate with early formulation
stages of a mission. The following describes the basis of estimate for each element.
WBS 1, 2, 3: Project Management, Systems Engineering, Mission Assurance (PMSEMA). Because these
functions depend on multiple mission- and organization-specific characteristics [Hahn 2014], cost analogies to
comparable historical missions are preferred over cost model output, which does not take the mission into
account. Existing analyses demonstrate that hardware costs are a reliable predictor of these critical mission
function costs. APL has conducted thorough and rigorous analyses of PMSEMA costs, both for historical APL
missions and for analogous missions. The PMSEMA estimate for UOP relies on APL’s analysis of historical PM,
SE, and MA practices on Van Allen Probes (VAP), Parker Solar Probe (PSP), and New Horizons (NH). VAP and
PSP in particular include costs associated with current NASA requirements (e.g., Earned Value Management
System (EVMS), 7120.5E). UOP’s total mission PMSEMA cost is 15.9% of the flight system (payload +
spacecraft + I&T). This percentage is allowed to vary along with hardware costs as part of the mission cost risk
analysis, discussed below, to capture uncertainty (particularly given CML-4-level design phase).
WBS 4: Science. This element covers the managing, directing, and controlling of the science investigation. It
includes the costs of the Principal Investigator (PI), Project Scientist (PS), science team members, and activities.
The Phase A–D and E–F science estimate is an analogous estimate based on the cost per month of NH,
MESSENGER, Cassini, Dragonfly, OSIRIS-REx, and Juno. MESSENGER is APL's most recent historical data
point for planetary orbital science and Cassini is a recently completed outer planets flagship mission. The analogy
costs are representative of expenditures for science on a typical New Frontiers or Flagship mission. The estimate
reflects the manpower needed to create various data products as well as to ensure closure to science objectives.
WBS 5: Payload. The WBS 5 estimate includes a science payload of 8 instruments on the orbiter and
3 instruments on the probe and payload-level PMSEMA (Ex. 5-3). The USOs for both the orbiter and probe
are bookkept with their spacecraft elements. The 8.2% cost-to-cost factor for estimating payload PMSEMA
costs is based on the VAP, NH, MESSENGER, and PSP payload suite cost data with PMSEMA costs
estimated as a percentage of the payload hardware. Technical management and systems engineering costs for
individual instruments are carried in their respective instrument development costs.
Given the early design phase, multiple approaches are used to estimate each instrument to capture the potential
range in cost. This includes two parametric estimates that rely on different sets of input variables (SEER Space
and NICM 9), and historical analogous costs to specific heritage instruments where available. The orbiter
payload draws heritage from MESSENGER, NH, LRO and PSP. Specifically, the Magnetometer and Electrons
instruments are similar to MESSENGER/MAG and FIPS. The NAC and pieces of the Fields & Particles
package are analogous to NH/LORRI and PEPSSI. The Ions and Energetic Particles instruments are analogous
to PSP SPAN-B and EPI-Lo. The Probe payload is analogous to Rosetta and a subset of the Galileo sensors.
An average of the two parametric estimates are used as the point estimate to prevent estimate bias (high or

Cost (FY$25) Notes
Payload $180,247 Hardware estimated via parametric models (NICM, SEER Space)
Payload Mgmt $13,660 Based on VA, NH, MESSENGER, PSP
Orbiter Payload $140,501
Magnetometer $4,781
Narrow-Angle Framing Camera $27,283
Thermal IR Camera $38,242
Fields & Particles Package $29,803
Plasma 1 (Electrons) $8,357
Plasma 2 (Ions) $7,106
Plasma 3 (Energetic Particles) $10,147
Waves $4,194
Radio Science / USO — USO carried under orbiter comms costs
Vis/NIR Imaging Spectrometer + WAC $40,393
Probe Payload $26,087
Mass Spectrometer $18,661
Atmospheric Structure Instrument $4,153
UltraStable Oscillator (USO) — USO carried under probe RF costs
Hydrogen Ortho-Para Sensor $3,274
Exhibit 5-3. WBS 5 (payload) costs in FY$25K.

Cost (FY$25) Notes

Spacecraft $724,234 Estimated via parametric models
Orbiter $445,873 3 NGRTGs ($70M, $25M *2), SEER Space (prop and SW via ROM)
Probe $233,131 SEER Space (FSW via ROM)
EDL/Aeroshell $45,219 Price TruePlanning estimate
Exhibit 5-4. WBS 6 (spacecraft) costs in FY$25K.

low) and are compared to historical analogies. These estimates are subject to a cost risk analysis (discussed
below) to further quantify uncertainty.
WBS 6: Spacecraft. The WBS 6 estimate includes the orbiter, probe, aeroshell and 3 NGRTGs (Ex. 5-4).
Spacecraft PMSEMA is carried in WBS 1, 2, and 3 consistent with APL in-house builds [Hahn 2015]. The
basis of estimate relies primarily on parametric models. The exceptions to this are the propulsion system and
FSW, estimated via a ROM by propulsion and FSW subject-matter experts based on recent experience, as well
as the RTGs, in accordance with Decadal guidelines. Two parametric estimates are used as the point estimate.
SEER Space is one of the primary estimating methodologies because it was designed specifically for missions
in early formulation stages. TruePlanning is also utilized as it provides a cost estimate at the component level
for the aeroshell. No major technology development is required for the spacecraft.
WBS 7 & 9: Mission Operations (MOps) & Ground Data Systems (GDS). The MOps estimate includes
mission operations planning and development, network security, data processing, and mission management.
The pre- and post-launch mission operations estimate are based on the cost per month of NH, PSP, and
OSIRIS-REx. NH and PSP represent typical APL expenditure on pre-launch MOps for projects of comparable
scope and complexity. The GDS estimate is a BUE from a ground data systems subject matter expert. The
UOP Ground Data system provides full life cycle support for subsystem test, observatory I&T, hardware
simulator control, & flight operations. The cost estimate is based on extensive reuse of PSP, Dragonfly, and
DART Ground Software via APL’s Mission Independent Ground Software (MIGS), as well as use of the
existing Building 21 Mission Operations Center (MOC).
WBS 8: Launch Vehicle and Services. The mission requires a launch vehicle that does not correspond with
any of the options currently described in the Decadal guidelines. As such, the figures used in this estimated are
based on an evaluation of current best estimates of the cost of the capability that will be required. The price of
a LV with Falcon Heavy Expendable-type capabilities, based on past pricing to NASA missions of EELVs,
would be at least $210M for a launch using a standard sized fairing. NEPA and Nuclear Launch Approval
costs are covered by the cost of the RTGs in WBS 6. The $26M RTG surcharge is included.
WBS 10: System Integration and Testing (I&T). This element covers the efforts to assemble and test the

spacecraft and instruments. The UOP I&T effort is
WBS Cost Element Point High
estimated as 12.7% of the hardware. This percentage is
1,2,3 PMSEMA $162,077 $217,559
based on a detailed analysis of cost actuals from
4 Science $250,860 $313,575
previous APL missions, including MESSENGER, NH,
5 Payload $180,247 $242,855
STEREO, VAP, and PSP. This percentage is allowed 6 Spacecraft w/o RTGs $604,234 $851,250
to vary along with hardware costs as part of the RTGs $120,000 $120,000
mission cost risk analysis to capture the risk 7 Mission Ops $340,174 $425,217
historically manifested during I&T. 8 Launch Vehicle $236,000 $236,000
Deep Space Network (DSN) Charges. This element 9 Ground Data System $37,886 $47,358
provides for access to the DSN infrastructure needed to 10 I&T $114,869 $154,191
transmit and receive mission and scientific data. Exhibit 5-5. Inputs to cost distributions in FY$25K.
Mission charges are estimated using the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) DSN Aperture Fee tool. The DSN Value Confidence
Description (FY$25K) Level
cost estimate covers pre- and post-contact activity for
Point Estimate $2,053,975 47%
each linkage.
Mean $2,297,629
Standard Deviation $900,550
5.5. Confidence & Cost Reserves Cost Reserves $769,665
The cost risk ranges by major WBS element as inputs PIMMC $2,823,640 78%
for the UOP probabilistic cost risk analysis to quantify
Exhibit 5-6. Cost-risk analysis.
total cost risk are found in Ex. 5-5 and are described
PMSEMA. Given the use of cost-to-cost factors to
estimate these functions, both the CER and underlying
cost drivers are allowed to range so that all sources of
uncertainty can be quantified.
Science, Ground Data Systems & Mission Ops.
These are low-risk cost elements but are subject to cost
growth as part of the cost risk analysis.
Payload. The average of the 70th percentile estimates
of the two parametric model estimates is used to
inform the UOP payload risk model to capture the
uncertainty given the CML-4-level design phase.
Spacecraft. Each subsystem is subject to a data-driven
risk analysis based on historical APL cost growth. Mass
input also varies in the SEER space model consistent
with early design programs to 30% over current best
Exhibit 5-7. S-curve summary of cost-risk analysis.
Integration &Test. I&T as a percentage of the
payload and spacecraft from the point estimate is used to inform the risk analysis, allowing I&T to vary with
hardware cost.
Per the PMCS guidelines, the estimate includes unencumbered cost reserves of 50% of the estimated costs of
all Phase A–D elements except for the launch vehicle. A probabilistic cost risk analysis shows 77.7%
confidence that the Phase A–D mission is achievable within the estimated costs of this study (Ex. 5-6 and 5-7).
The high confidence level is driven primarily by the large cost reserves for this pre-proposal concept. Given a
typical competitive pre-Phase A NASA environment with 25% reserves on Phase A–D elements, the
probabilistic cost risk analysis shows 67.1% confidence that the Phase A–D mission would be achievable. A
50th- to 70th-percentile confidence level is expected and reasonable for a pre-Phase A concept with this level
of reserves.
A coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) of approximately 39% indicates appropriate levels of
conservatism given the early formulation phase. The model confirms the point estimate and provides a
reasonable basis for the UOP CML-4 study.

UOP’s development plan Cost Savings Mass Date to Realize
includes ample cost reserves Descope Option (FY25 $K) Savings Savings
(50% on Ph B-D). However, 1 Reduce length of Orbital Tour from 4 years to 2 years $81,814 N/A Start of Ph E
should cost reduction be 2 Remove WAC from Orbiter $19,029 12 kg PDR
necessary due to budgetary 3 Remove ortho-para sensor from Probe $4,626 1 kg PDR
constraints, there are several Exhibit 5-8. UOP Descope options and resulting cost savings.
viable descope options
available that would result in cost savings. Ex. 5-8 summarizes the resulting cost savings. The list provides
reasoned descope options that can be implemented without affecting the threshold mission (see Ex. 1-10).
The estimated cost savings for removal of the WAC and ortho-para sensor instruments include hardware costs,
as well as associated efforts for project management, systems engineering, mission assurance, payload
management, and integration and test costs. The estimated cost savings for a reduced Orbital tour from 4 years
to 2 years is derived from reducing the cost estimate for prime mission operations activities, as well as
reducing ground data systems and science estimates by the same duration of time. All estimated cost savings
for descopes are mutually exclusive.

Appendix A: Acronyms & Abbreviations
ACE APL Concurrent Engineering
ACS Attitude Control System
AO Announcement of Opportunity
APL (Johns Hopkins) Applied Physics Laboratory
ARC Avionics Redundant Controller
AU Astronautical Unit
BOE Basis of Estimate
BOL Beginning of Life
BUE Bottom-Up Estimate
BWG Beam Waveguide
C/A Close (Closest) Approach
C&DH Command and Data Handling
Catbed (Heaters) Catalyst Bed (Heaters)
CBE Current Best Estimate
CDR Critical Design Review
CER Cost Estimating Relationship
cFE Core Flight Executive
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFDP CCSDS File Delivery Protocol
CG Center of Gravity
CLPS Commercial Lunar Payload Services
CML Concept Maturity Level
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
COTS Commercial Off the Shelf
ΔV Delta (Change in) Velocity
DART Double Asteroid Redirection Test
DC/DC Direct-Current to Direct-Current (Converter Card)
DCO Data Cutoff
DD Dust Detector
DDOR Delta Differential One-Way Ranging
DMA Direct Memory Access
DOE Department of Energy
DOR Differential One-Way Ranging

DPLR Data Parallel Line Relaxation
DSM Deep Space Maneuver
DSN Deep Space Network
DSS Digital Sun Sensor
DTE Direct to Earth
DTM Digital Terrain Model
DVR Digital Video Recorder
E(ΔV)EJU Earth-(Delta-V)- Earth Jupiter Uranus
EC Electrical Conductivity
EDS Entry & Descent System
EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
EFH Expendable Falcon Heavy
EOL End of Life
EOM End of Mission
EPC Electronic Power Conditioner
EPS Electrical Power Subsystem
ESI Engineering Science Investigation
ESA European Space Agency
EVEEU Earth-Venus-Earth-Earth-Uranus
EVEEJU Earth-Venus-Earth-Earth-Jupiter-Uranus
EVMS Earned Value Management System
F&P Fields & Particles (Instrument Suite)
FIAT Fully Implicit Ablation and Thermal response
FIPS Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer
FOV Field of View
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
FSS Fine Sun Sensor
FSW Flight Software
FY Fiscal Year
G&C Guidance and Control
GDS Ground Data System
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GNC Guidance, Navigation & Control
HEEET Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology
HGA High-Gain Antenna

I&T Integration and Test
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
IBR Integrated Baseline Review
IEM Integrated Electronics Module
IIF Instrument Interface (Card)
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
INMS Ion & Neutral Mass Spectrometer
IR Infrared
IT Information Technology
IVO Io Volcano Explorer (Proposed Discovery Mission in Step 2)
JGA Jupiter Gravity Assist
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSC Johnson Space Center
KBO Kuiper Belt Object
L’Ralph Lucy (Mission) Ralph (Instrument)
L/W Launch Window
LEOP Launch and Early Operations Phase
LGA Low-Gain Antenna
LNA Low-Noise Amplifiers
LORRI (New Horizons) Long Range Reconnaissance Imager
LPW (MAVEN) Langmuir Probe & Waves (Instrument)
LRD Launch Readiness Date
LRM Low-Reflectance Material
LRR Launch Readiness Review
LV Launch Vehicle
LVS Low-Voltage Sensor
Ma Million Years
MA Mission Assurance
MAG Magnetometer
MatISSE Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration
MEL Master Equipment List
MEOP Maximum Expected Operating Pressure
MER Mars Exploration Rovers
MESSENGER MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging
MEV Maximum Expected Value

MGA Medium-Gain Antenna
MiSC Mission-Specific Cards
MIGS Mission Independent Ground Software
MIMU Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit
MLI Multi-Layer Insulation
MMH Monomethylhydrazine
MMRTG Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermal Generator
MOC Mission Operations Center
MOCET (Aerospace Corp.) Mission Cost Estimating Tool
MON-3 Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen (Nitrogen Tetroxide)
MOps Mission Operations
MOR Mission Operations Review
MPV Maximum Possible Value
MRAM Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory
MRR Mission Readiness Review
MSC (TRACERS) Search Coil Magnetometer
MSL Mars Science Laboratory
MUX Multiplexer
MY Million Years
NAC Narrow Angle Camera
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NGRTG Next-Generation (RTG)
NH New Horizons
NICM NASA Instrument Cost Model
NIR Near Infrared
NOI Neptune Orbit Insertion
NPR NASA Procedural Requirement
NRC National Research Council
NRE Non-Recurring Engineering
OPAG Outer Planets Assessment Group
ORR Operational Readiness Review
OSIRIS-REx Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith EXplorer
PAF Payload Adapter Fitting
PDB Propulsion Diode Boxes

PDR Preliminary Design Review
PDU Power Distribution Unit
PER Pre-Environmental Review
PICA Phenolic-Impregnated Carbon Ablator
PIMMC Principal Investigator Managed Mission Cost
PIMS Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding
PM Project Management
PMCS Planetary Mission Concept Studies
PMSEMA Project Management, Systems Engineering, Mission Assurance
POST2 Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II
PPS Pulse Per Second
PPU Power Processing Unit
PRM Periapsis Reduction Maneuver
PSP Parker Solar Probe
PSR Pre-Ship Review
PSI Planetary Science Institute
PSU Power Switching Unit
Q&A Question & Answer
RDM Radiation Design Model
RF Radio Frequency
RHU Radioisotope Heater Unit
RIO Remote Input/Output
RIU Remote Interface Unit
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude
RPM Rotations/Revolutions per Minute
RPS (NASA) Radioisotope Power System(s)
RS Radio Science
RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
RW Reaction Wheel
S/C Spacecraft
S&MA Safety & Mission Assurance
SBC Single Board Computer
SCIF Spacecraft Interface
SE Systems Engineering
SEE Single Effect Effects

SEER System Evaluation and Estimation of Resources
SEIS-SP Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure-Short Period
SEP Solar Electric Propulsion
SIR System Integrations Review
SLS Space Launch System
SMSR Safety and Mission Success Review
SOC Science Operations Center
SOR Science Operations Review
SPHERE Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch
SPS Sun Pulse Sensor
SRAM Static Random-Access Memory
SRR System Requirements Review
SRU Shunt Regulator Unit
SSIRU Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit
SSPA Solid State Power Amplifier
SSR Solid-State Recorder
STM Science Traceability Matrix
SWAP (New Horizons) Solar Winds Around Pluto
SWAPI (IMAP) Solar Winds and Pickup Ions
T-OWS Triton Ocean World Surveyor
TAC Thruster/Actuator Card
TCM Trajectory Correction Maneuver
TID Total Ionizing Dose
TNID Total Non-Iodizing Dose
TOF Time of Flight
TPS Thermal Protection System
TRACERS Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites
TRL Technology Readiness Level
TT&C Tracking, Telemetry and Control
TWTA Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UMOD Uranian Model
USO UltraStable Oscillator
UV Ultraviolet
UVIS Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer

V&V Validation & Verification
VAP Van Allen Probes
VDA Vacuum Deposited Aluminum
Vis/NIR Visible and Near-Infrared (Imaging Spectrometer Instrument)
VLT Very Large Telescope
WAC Wide-Angle Camera
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WT Traveling Wave Tube

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Appendix C: Additional Details

See separate file for Appendix C details.


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