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Shadows of the Forest

As the fissure opened and swallowed Lorenthia the Shadow Deep began
corrupting everything. The once fertile and healthy soil of the woodlands had
become corrupted. The once towering trees are new twisted and rotten. The lush
green grass turned to dust. Damp, soft soil turned to rock. The sun has been
bloated out.
Deep within the once bright forests was a rumored Tree of Life. The sap
from its bark could heal almost any alignment, illness, or injury. Even if it turns
out to be only a rumor, the risk of leaving it to the Gnolls and other evil forces is
too great. The king sent out an order for any brave souls to band together and go
on a hunt for the tree. A suicide mission by all accounts.

Shadows of the Forest is a set of homebrewed Missions that interlinks a
number of scenarios. Players will follow the normal rules of completing missions
as presented in the standard rules. All of the scenarios are interlinked, even across
missions. The outcome of some fights, items that are recovered, as well as the
decision of what to do with certain artifacts will impact later scenarios, even if they
belong to a different mission. This homebrew campaign also presents a few unique
items that are described in the scenario they are found. They are also placed into a
guide at the end for easy reference in the future.

Event Deck
When making these scenarios I went in with the mind set my friends and I
had when first playing. The Event Deck in Rangers calls for ‘Red’ cards mostly
and we assumed that meant both Red suits. All the scenarios here are built with
that mindset. If an event deck as 7 different events, then the event deck will have
14 cards (7 Hearts and 7 Diamonds). I feel this helps keep the randomness of the
scenario going throughout and makes it easier to play it multiple times. In addition,
some events will only trigger once. As stated in the event, the next time a card is
revealed to trigger that event it doesn’t. Instead, discard the card and draw a
replacement for it.
Mission 1: Questionable Plant Life
The trees weren’t right. Deep in the forests, corruption began to spread unchecked.
The trees became twisted. Plants were gnarled and decaying. Large thorn bushes
were covering the ground. There was no real explanation for what was happening.
The deeper in people went the worse it got. The closer to the Shadow Deep they
dared travel, the bleaker it looked. Perhaps, if the Tree of Life did exist, its purpose
was corrupted by evil intent?
◼ 1 Darkroot Body
◼ 5+ Darkroot Vines
◼ 1 Troll

Scenario 1: The Great Root

On the edge of the forest was a botanist studying the effects of various herbs. The
large greenhouse stored a vast collection of strange plant life. Before the Shadow
Deep, it was a place of study and curiosity. A collection of novels contained
information of most known plants and herbs. Now, the greenhouse lay in the hands
of the Shadow Deep’s corruption. If there was any information on the truth behind
the Tree of Life, if it would be stored here and it couldn’t be left in the enemy’s
hands. The rangers set out for the now corrupted greenhouse. During their
approach the company begins to violently cough. A terrible gas is in the air and it
stings their lungs.
This game is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. Place a ruined building no bigger
than 6” wide or long at the center of one table edge to represent the Greenhouse. In
the center of the building place a Darkroot Body. Place a clue marker adjacent to
the building on the side opposite the table edge. Then, place 4 other clue markers
8” away from the first one in a random direction. Re-roll this direction if it would
place a clue token within 4” of another one or inside the Greenhouse. The rest of
the board should be covered in trees, briar, and small ruins. Place a Darkroot Vine
adjacent to each clue token. For each additional player over one, place an
additional Darkroot Vine in a random direction that is within 2” of the Darkroot
The players should place all their figures within 3” of the table edge opposite
the one with the Greenhouse. After placing their figures, the players should select
one figure to make a Perception Roll (TN10). If successful, move one clue marker
6” closer to that figure.
Special Rules
A hero that moves into contact with a clue marker immediately ends its
action to remove it and rolls on the Clue Maker Table below. Each result on the
Clue Marker Table may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made,
remove the marker from the table.
This scenario ends after the eighth turn or the Darkroot Body is destroyed.
During the event phase of every turn an Event Card should be drawn. The target
point is the Darkroot Body.

Clue Marker Table

Die Roll Clue
1-3 Treasure. A treasure token is found. The figure is now carrying it.
4-6 Sweet Nectar. An incredibly sweet nectar with healing properties.
The figure carries it like a potion and can spend an action to drink
regaining 2 hit points and removing poison. This can take the figure
over its normal limit of items during the game.
7-9 Poisonous Plant. A poisonous blub plant shoots spores into the air.
The figure must make an immediate Health Roll (TN12) or become
10-12 Botanist’s Notes. A tattered journal filled with strange notes. After
the game choose one figure to make a Survival Roll (TN8) If
successful, the figure recognizes it as notes about strange plant life
and keeps it. The figure is now holding the Botanist’s Notes and is
immune to poison, as it gives tips to immediately counteract the
poison and keep it out of the body.
13-15 Rat Nest. Rats have created a nest here and it’s been disturbed. Place
two Giant Rats adjacent to the figure.
16-18 Herbs. There are some herbs leftover from the previous owner. Roll
once on the Herbs and Potions Table to see what it is. The figure
now has it. This can take the figure over its normal limit of items
during the game.
19-20 Weeds. A tangled mess of vines that spring to life. Place a Darkroot
Vine adjacent to the figure.

Event Card Table

Card Event
Red Ace Poison Cloud! Every heroic figure within 8” of the Darkroot Body
must make a Health Roll (TN16) or become Poisoned for the rest of
the game.
Red 2 Ensnaring Vines. Two random heroic figures that are within 6” of
two different Darkroot Vines must make a Strength Roll (TN8). If
there are no Darkroot Vines or targets measure from the Darkroot
Body. If they fail, move the Darkroot Vine in base contact with a
figure. Otherwise, place the vine within 2” of the figure.
Red 3 Poison Mist. Every heroic figure must make a Health Roll (TN14)
or become poisoned.
Red 4 Violent Fungus. A random heroic figure that is in base contact with
a Darkroot Vine or the Darkroot Body must make a Health Roll
(TN12). If the figure fails it takes damage equal to the amount failed
by and becomes poisoned. If that reduces the figure to 0 hit points
replace the figure with a Darkroot Vine.
Red 5 Overgrowth. Place two Darkroot Vines in contact with two,
different clue markers. If there are not enough clue markers place
them in contact with the Darkroot Body.
Red 6 Overgrowth. Place a Darkroot Vine in the center of each board
Outcome and Experience
Assuming the rangers have survived, proceed to Scenario 2. All figures that
survived regain their full health if they aren’t poisoned. Figures that are poisoned
must make a Health Roll (TN10). If they fail, they do not regain hit points but are
no longer poisoned. Rangers gain experience points for the following
◼ +1XP for each Darkroot Vine killed.
◼ +6XP for killing the Darkroot Body.
◼ +8XP if the Darkroot Body is destroyed while no Darkroot Vines are on the
◼ +2XP for each Giant Rat killed.
◼ +8XP if the Botanist’s Notes are recovered. It can be held as an item and
makes the figure immune to poison.
◼ +2XP for each figure that isn’t poisoned at the end of the game.

Scenario 2: The Overgrown Tower

The greenhouse provided very few clues as to the whereabouts of the Tree of Life.
However, it did house a threat that needed to be dealt with if the rangers hoped to
travel deeper into the Shadow Deep on their quest. The body at the greenhouse
turned out to be a mere bud of a larger organism. It was easy to follow the swollen
ground and twisted vines that made up the root connecting it the host. Coming into
view through the forest was a tall tower now in ruin. Covering the outside of the
tower is a bed of vines. The large root creeps out of the ground ahead and is
latched onto the base of the tower. Several other roots do the same.
The game is played on a 3’ x 3’ table. In the exact center of the board place a
ruined tower. The tower should be 6” in diameter and allow players to easily move
their figures within it. Four 3” wide large root should be placed against the tower
and stick out 3”. Each root should point to each of the four corners of the table.
The ground inside the tower and 3” out from the tower in all directions should be
marked as a rough terrain. Cover the rest of the board with thick briar and heavy
One clue marker should be placed at the end of each of the roots (not at the
base of the tower). A special clue marker should be placed in the center of the
tower. In the center of the tower place a Darkroot Body. This will cover the special
clue marker. Place a Darkroot Vine in contact with each of the other clue markers.
Place two more Darkroot Vines in contact with two randomly determined roots at
the base of the tower. Place an additional Darkroot Vine with another randomly
determined root in the same fashion for each player over one (Max 4 Darkroot
Vines). If the players failed to kill the Darkroot Body in the previous scenario
place a Darkroot Vine in each table corner.
Each player should pick a different board edge. They must place all their
figures within 3” of the center of that board edge.
Special Rules
The Darkroot Body at the center of the tower is larger and a bigger threat
then others faced. Its stats should be modified to the following, +4 Fight and 26
Health. The overgrowth around the tower as well as its roots are all part of it.
During the Creature Phase the Darkroot Body will make an attack against the
heroic figure with the least health that is standing on rough terrain. This attack is
considered a +3 magic attack and the Darkroot Body does not need line of sight.
This attack happens in addition to the Darkroot Body’s standard activation.
The large roots leading to the tower provide nutrients to the Darkroot Body.
A hero may attempt to remove the roots to weaken the body in the middle. While
in contact with a root a hero may spend an action to make a Strength Check
(TN10) to attempt to pull the root from the tower. Succeeding on this check
removes the root and deals 4 points of the damage to the Darkroot Body. If this
happens, during the Darkroot Body’s next activation it will use its magic attack to
attack the hero that was the last one to remove a root.
When at least two heroic figures are in contact with the Darkroot Body any
of them may attempt a Strength Roll (TN14) to pry loose the special clue marker
stuck within its body. If the Darkroot Body is killed the special clue marker may be
picked up simply by moving into contact with it and spending an action.
A hero that moves into contact with a clue marker immediately ends its
action to remove it and rolls on the Clue Maker Table below. Each result on the
Clue Marker Table may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made,
remove the marker from the table.
This scenario ends after the eighth turn or the special clue marker is removed
from the board. During the event phase of every turn an Event Card should be
drawn. The target point is the Special Clue Marker.
Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Clue
1-4 Sweet Nectar. An incredibly sweet nectar with healing properties.
The figure carries it like a potion and can spend an action to drink
regaining 2 hit points and removing poison. This can take the figure
over its normal limit of items during the game.
5-8 Dung. Smelly and disgusting. The figure that found it may make a
Survival Roll (TN8) to identify the type of creature that left it.
9-12 A crudely drawn map. After the game pick one figure to make a
Navigation Roll (TN6) to understand it. If successful, the figure
understands it is a map leading to a strange grove.
13-16 A strange book. Left over from the previous inhabitants of the ruined
tower. After the game pick one figure to make an Ancient Lore Roll
(TN8) to identify it. If successful, the figure understands the cryptic
wording is tied to an ancient myth of the land.
17-20 A weak point! The figure notices the dirt around this root is softer
then elsewhere. Removing this root requires a Strength Roll (TN6).

Special Clue Marker

Check Clue
Ancient Lore or A vial of nectar from the Tree of Life! This is a powerful
Survival (TN16); artifact. Not only does it hold unthinkable healing powers
After game but it also means the Tree of Life is real!
Event Card Table
Card Event
Red Ace Troll! A troll that has made its home here returns from hunting. All
(Once per over its body it has deadly fungus. Treat all the Trolls attacks as
game) Poisonous. It enters the table 3” in from the center of a random
board edge. If the Dung was identified, instead choose which board
edge it appears on. If this card is drawn again, draw a new card to
replace it.
Red 2 Heavy Rain. Though harmless the plant life thrives in the new
rainfall. The Darkroot Body and all Darkroot Vines regain 4 hit
Red 3 Poison Mist. A vile gas rises from the thicket. Every heroic figure
standing on the rough terrain must make a Health Roll (TN14) or
become poisoned.
Red 4 Spore Cloud. The Darkroot Body spews a large cloud of spores into
the air that is carried by the wind. All heroic figures must make a
Health Roll (TN12) or become infected by the spores. Infected
heroes have -1 to all rolls for the rest of the game. This effect stacks.
Red 5 Overgrowth. Place 2 Darkroot Vines in contact with the 2 heroes
that are closest to the Darkroot Body. If there is a tie, determine
Red 6 Nature’s Wrath. Place 2 Darkroot Vines in contact with the
(Once per Darkroot Body. They should not be in contact with any hero figures
game) if able. Draw an additional Event Card. If this card is drawn again,
draw a new card to replace it.

Outcome and Experience

Regrouping and collecting themselves after the fight the heroes have a
chance to take inventory of their findings. If recovered from the Darkroot Body the
players should pick one figure to make an Ancient Lore or Survival Check (TN16)
to identify the contents of the Special Clue Marker. Killing the hostile plant is just
an added bonus to make the area a little safer. If it was unable to be salvaged then
there is little hope for it. Regardless, the mission is over and the rangers must
report home. Player’s should make note of any unique items that were found
during the mission (Botanist’s Notes, the map, and the strange book).
If identified, the Vial of Nectar from the Tree of Life can be used to heal one
hero. Any one roll on the post-game Survival Table that results in Death or
Permanent Injury can be turned into a Full Recovery. However, doing this will use
up the vial of nectar. Rangers gain experience for the following achievements:
◼ +1XP for each Darkroot Vine killed.
◼ +8XP for killing the Darkroot Body.
◼ +8XP if the Darkroot Body is destroyed while no Darkroot Vines are on the
◼ +2XP for each root removed.
◼ +4XP if all roots were removed.
◼ +4XP if the Dung is identified.
◼ +10XP if the Troll is killed.
◼ +5XP if the map is found and successfully identified.
◼ +8XP if the strange book is found and successfully identified. It can be held
as an item and acts as a Book of Lore (See Magic Items pg. 85).
◼ +15XP if the Special Clue Marker is recovered.
◼ +20XP if the vial is identified as nectar from the Tree of Life.
Mission 2: Foraging a Path
The rangers returned to their outpost to go over everything that was recovered.
Some of them had found nothing. Others found a few tattered pieces of evidence. A
book here, a map there. Luckily, one ranger had found what they needed. Proof
that the tree existed. A small sample of nectar in a bottle. Word is sent to the king
of their findings and he returns it in kind. Troops, supplies, rations, and everything
else needed for an expedition is sent. The rangers prepare as they must venture
deep into the forgotten woods.
◼ 2+ Wolves
◼ 4+ Gnoll Fighters
◼ 1+ Gnoll Archers
◼ 1+ Gnoll Sergeants
◼ 6+ Ghouls
◼ 2+ Ghoul Flingers
◼ 1 Terror Wing
◼ 1+ Tortured Souls
◼ 3+ Giant Flies
◼ 3+ Giant Spiders

Before starting the mission, players should review the clues and supplies
they gathered from the first mission. They may choose to trade certain supplies for
new items.
The Botanist’s Notes can be kept as a held item that makes the figure
immune to poison. Or, it may be traded in for one roll on the Herbs and Potions
table. The result should be doubled, receiving two copies of the herb or potion
The Tree of Life Nectar can be kept as a held item on a figure. Or, it may be
traded in for 3 Potions of Healing.
Scenario 1: Cutting Through the Brush
They were pointed north. The company had packs heavy with supplies. They knew
the journay would not be easy. Any threat that stood between the rangers and their
goal was unknown. Even their mission was uncertain. The Tree of Life was a myth.
What if what had been found was all that remained? Would they be lost to the
forest for nothing? The thoughts gnawed at the back of their minds as the company
pushed forward. As the forest became dense the canopy blocked out the sun. The
forest enclosed around them.
The game is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. Players should pick one table
edge. 6” from that table edge should be clear of any terrain. The rest of the table
should be covered in large briars, trees, rocks, and other forest terrain. Line of sight
should be very hard to draw between distant figures. Starting at the edge of the
forest players should measure in 5”. Place a 1” thick wall of thorns and bushes that
goes across the whole board. This wall should be parallel to the clearing. Place 3
more walls in this fashion, measuring 5” from the previous wall. If a player has the
map from Mission 1, Scenario 2, pick one wall to remove from the board as the
map shows an easier path. Only one wall can be removed in this way.
Place all heroic figures within 3” of the board edge with the clearing.
Special Rules
The rangers are dealing with an overgrown forest and low morale from the
company. Getting to the other side of the forest is the ultimate goal.
The wall of thorns placed on the board are considered rough terrain. When
first coming in contact with a wall the figure immediately ends its action. While in
contact a figure may spend an action to make a Strength Roll (TN10) to rip apart
and cut down part of the bush. If successful, make a 3” clearing in the wall
centered on the figure. This area is no longer considered rough terrain and does not
end a figure’s activation.
The thick forest makes it difficult to make any type of ranged attack. All
shooting attacks are made at a -2. If a figure attempts to make a ranged attack
against a figure on the other side of a thorn wall, the target is considered to be in
Low Cover, even if they aren’t in contact with the wall. If they are, it is considered
Heavy Cover. All other modifiers for making shooting attacks apply.
At the start of turn 2 the players should randomly determine a board edge
that doesn’t have the clearing. Place 4 Gnoll Fighters and 2 Wolves in the center of
that board edge. The Gnolls suffer the same penalties for moving through the thorn
walls. The Wolves can move through the thorn wall without penalty. No evil
figures will attempt to remove the wall. Add an additional Wolf per player over the
This scenario ends after the eighth turn or all heroic figures leave the board
by the edge opposite of the clearing. During the event phase of every turn an Event
Card should be drawn. The target point is the center of the board edge opposite the
*Possible clue tokens or something, with creature wolf/gnoll*
Event Card Table
Card Event
Red Ace Getting Lost. Choose a random heroic figure to make a Navigation
Roll (TN8). If the figure fails it is moved 6” back towards the center
of the table edge with the clearing. If this would make the figure
move through a thorn wall it stops in contact of the wall.
Red 2 Ominous Wind. Pick two random heroic figures to make a Will Roll
(TN8). If the figure fails it suffers a -1 to all Will for the rest of the
game. This effect stacks.
Red 3 Afraid of the Dark. Pick a random heroic figure. That figure must
make a Will Roll (TN8). If the figure fails it loses its next
Red 4 Insect Swarm. Pick a random board edge. Place 3 Giant Flies in the
center of that board edge. The flies ignore the penalty for moving
through a thorn wall.
Red 5 Moving Shadows. Pick two random heroic figures to make a Will
Roll (TN8). If the figure fails it suffers a -1 to Fight for the rest of
the game. This effect stacks.
Red 6 Spider Nest. Place 3 Giant Spiders in the center of the board.
Increase the number of spiders by 1 for each additional player
beyond one. The spiders ignore the penalty for moving through a
thorn wall.
Red 7 A Ray of Hope. Cutting through the canopy is a small ray of light.
Pick one heroic figure. That figure immediately moves 6” in any
direction. This movement ignores the movement penalty of the
thorn walls.

Outcome and Experience

Assuming the rangers have survived, proceed to Scenario 2. All figures that
survived regain their full health. Make a note of ‘Lost’ on the Ranger Sheet for
each figure that did not leave the board. Rangers gain experience for the following
◼ +3XP for each Gnoll killed.
◼ +2XP for each Wolf killed.
◼ +2XP for each Giant Spider killed.
◼ +2XP for each Giant Fly killed.
◼ +5XP for each thorn wall cut through.
◼ +20XP if all heroic figures leave the board.

Scenario 2: Corrupted Waters

After hacking through a seemingly endless number of vines, thorns, and roots, the
company reaches a large clearing. A large stream runs through the clearing. In the
distance a waterfall is heard, drowning out all noise nearby. The notes hinted at a
river that lead to the Tree of Life. There was a possibility the company was getting
close. Regardless, it was a beautiful sight. A welcoming break in the trees as the
sun set in the distance.
Rushing down to the river bed for some refreshing water lead to a startingly
discovery. The water wasn’t clear. It was grey. The water along the bank was
black. It appeared thick like slug but flowed like water. There was a dreadful howl
that echoed in the valley just being heard over the waterfall. The land was corrupt
and some of the company was still lost in the woods.
The game is played on a 3’ x 3’ table. Starting from the center point of one
board edge is a river that reaches the center of the opposite board edge. The river
shouldn’t be any wider then 3”. 6 clue markers should be placed along the river, 3
on either side of it, and evenly spaced from each other. A Ghoul is placed in
contact with each clue marker. Place an Old Tree 6” in from one of the board edges
and in contact with the river.
On the side of the river opposite of the Old Tree place a ruined temple. In
the center of the temple place a Corpse Marker along with a treasure token. Place 2
Ghoul Flingers in contact with marker. The rest of the board should have scattered
rocks and trees representing a valley.
All heroic figures who weren’t marked as ‘Lost’ from the last scenario are
placed on the side of the river with the Old Tree. They must be within 3” of the
board edge that runs parallel with the river.
Special Rules
Any figures that were marked as ‘Lost’ from the last scenario eventually
find their way to the valley. At the end of the first turn roll for a random board
edge for each figure. Place the figure in base contact with the determined board
The water is tainted with evil energy. Any heroic figure that comes into
contact with the river or starts its activation in contact with the river must make a
Will Roll (TN10). If the figure fails it loses its activation as their energy is drained
form their body. Crossing the river is consider rough terrain for movement. The
Ghouls are immune to the effects of the river.
The Old Tree placed in contact with the river is steady but old. With enough
force it could be knocked over to create a safe place to cross. A figure in contact
with the tree can spend an action to make a Strength Roll (TN8). On a success, the
tree is knocked over. Remove the tree from the board and place a marker to show a
crossing. Any figure that crosses at this point ignores the effects of the river.
A hero that moves into contact with a clue marker immediately ends its
action to remove it and rolls on the Clue Maker Table below. Each result on the
Clue Marker Table may only be obtained once. Once the roll has been made,
remove the marker from the table. A hero that moves into contact with the Corpse
Marker immediately ends its action and removes the marker. That hero must make
an Ancient Lore Roll (TN8) to identify the ritual used on it.
This scenario ends after the eighth turn or the corpse marker is removed.
During the event phase of every turn an Event Card should be drawn. The target
point is the center of table.
Clue Marker Table
Die Roll Clue
1-3 A corpse. Nothing can be done for this poor soul.
4-6 Undead attack. What appears to be a normal corpse springs to life.
Replace the marker with a Swamp Zombie that is contact with the
figure. The Swamp Zombie is immune to the effects of the river.
7-9 Strange Tools. After the game pick one figure to make an Armory
Roll (TN8) to identify it. If successful, the figure recognizes them as
tools used for torture and rituals.
10-12 Talisman. A bizarre talisman is found in the dirt. After the game pick
one figure to make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN8) to identify it. If
successful, the figure discovers the amulet is blessed.
13-15 Healthy Plant life. The figure should roll immediately on the Herbs
and Potions table. This can take the figure over the normal item limit
until end of game.
16-18 Shallow Water. The river bed is larger here then in other areas. The
figure may immediately cross to the other side of the river without
19-20 Lost Treasure. This corpse is clutching a strange artifact tightly. A
treasure token is found. The figure is now carrying it.

Event Card Table

Card Event
Red Ace Guiding Light. Reaching over the horizon the sun casts bright light
(Once per into the valley. This improves sight of all figures. All heroic figures
receive +2 Shoot for the rest of the game. If this card is drawn
again, draw a new card to replace it.
Red 2 Dark Ritual. Place 3 Ghouls in contact with the Corpse Marker. If
the Corpse Marker has been removed then place them in the center
of a randomly determined board edge.
Red 3 Horde of the Deep. For each Ranger on the board place 2 Swamp
Zombies at the center of the river.
Red 4 Dark Tide. All figures in the river and within 2” of it must make a
Strength Roll (TN8). On a failure, the figure is moved 6” away from
the Old Tree.
Red 5 Things from the Deep. Place 2 Swamp Zombies in the river.
Randomly pick a heroic figure that is in the river, or in contact with
it, place the zombies in contact with it. Otherwise, place each
zombie at the center of the river.
Red 6 Washed away. Pick a random clue marker. It is removed from the

Outcome and Experience

Assuming the rangers have survived, proceed to Scenario 3. All figures that
survived regain their full health. If the Talisman is identified it is discovered to be
blessed and protected against the forces of darkness and evil. A figure may hold
the Holy Talisman as an item that grants +1 Will and immunity to the Will Sap and
Horrific creature traits. Rangers gain experience for the following achievements:
◼ +3XP for each Ghoul and Ghoul Flinger killed.
◼ +2XP for each Swamp Zombie killed.
◼ +6XP if the Strange Tools are found and identified.
◼ +6XP if the Talisman is found and identified.
◼ +10XP if the ritual used on the corpse is identified.

Scenario 3: Temple of Sacred Water

The river gave the Rangers direction. All around them the twisted forest clawed at
the sky and engulfed everything around the company. The river, however, no
matter how black it became, never reached the woods. It kept their path clear. It
also held another trail. Tracks, blood, and strange tools littered the riverbank.
Something had been in the area recently.
The ancient texts hinted at an old temple that served the Tree of Life. The monks
kept the tree safe and bathed in the waters of the river to kept young and healthy.
The corrupted river certainly wasn’t the same in the texts. In a temple near by a
demonic being has been summoned to taint the waters. The temple comes into view
from the river and the Rangers make ready for battle as howls of the damned cry
out into the night.
This game is played on a 2.5’ x 2.5’ table. In the center should be placed a
large ruined temple. Around the temple is 4 small pools of water. Each one should
be placed 12” from the center of the table, on a line running to each of the four
corners. Place two treasure tokens inside the temple on opposite sides in contact
with the walls. The rest of the board should be covered in ruins and trees.
Place a Terror Wing in the center of the temple. Randomly pick two pools of
water. Place a Tortured Soul in the center of each pool of water. If the ritual of the
last scenario is identified then one Tortured Soul may be removed as the company
can counter it with a chant. Place 4 Gnoll Fighters, one on each outside corner of
the temple.
Place all heroic figures within 3” of any board edge.
Special Rules
The pools of water are considered deep water and require a Swim Roll to
move through. When in base contact with a pool a figure may spend an action to
make an Ancient Lore or Will Roll (TN16). If successful, the pool is Cleansed of
evil magic.
The Terror Wing is a powerful force with access to the following spells; 3x
Magic Bolt, 1x Hold Creature, 1x Shield of Light. The Terror Wing follows the
same rules for using magic as Rangers do. During its activation players should
check the Terror Wing Action table presented here first. If none of the conditions
are met, then it follows the standard rules for activation.
The Tortured Soul’s Will Sap does not stack. Figures receive only a -2 Will
regardless if there is 1 Tortured Soul on the table or more. A figure holding the
Holy Talisman from the previous Scenario receives a +2 on its roll to remove a
Tortured Soul.
This scenario ends after the tenth turn or all evil creatures are killed. The
Tortured Souls do not need to be removed for the scenario to end. During the event
phase of every turn an Event Card should be drawn. The target point is the center
of table.
Terror Wing Action
Priority List Action
1) Is a heroic figure Cast Magic Bolt on the closest figure. The Terror Wing
within 12” and not in takes no additional action.
2) Is a heroic figure The Terror Wing moves 6” to the closest figure not in
within 18” and not in combat and casts Magic Bolt on the figure.
3) Does the Terror Cast Shield of Light on itself. The Terror Wing moves
Wing have 10 or less to the closest heroic figure.
4) Are there at least Cast Hold Creature on the creature with the highest
two heroic figures health If there is a tie, determine randomly. Move to the
within 10”? heroic figure with the lowest health. If there is a tie,
determine randomly.
5) None of the above Follow standard rules for creature activation.
apply or the Terror
Wing is unable to cast
a spell.

Event Card Table

Card Event
Red Ace Infernal Summoning. Place a Gnoll Sergeant in contact with the
Terror Wing. If the Terror Wing has been killed, place the Gnoll
Sergeant in the center of the temple.
Red 2 Dark Energy. The Terror Wing regains one use of Magic Bolt. If
this would take it over 3, ignore this card.
Red 3 Hopeless Energy. The Terror Wing regains one use of Hold
Creature. If this would take it over 1, ignore this card.
Red 4 Well of Sorrow. Pick a random pool that has not been Cleansed.
Place a Tortured Soul in the center of the pool. If all pools have
been Cleansed, ignore this card.
Red 5 Well of Despair. Pick two random pools that have not been
Cleansed. Place a Tortured Soul in the center of each pool. If all
pools have been Cleansed, ignore this card.
Red 6 Tainted Water. All heroic figures within 2” of a pool that has not
been cleansed must make a Will Roll (TN12) or lose its next
activation. If all pools have been Cleansed, ignore this card.
Red 7 Evil Reinforcements. Place 2 Gnoll Fighters and 1 Gnoll Archer in
the center of a randomly determined board edge.
Red 8 Blessings of the Wise. Remove up to one Tortured Soul. If a soul
was removed in this way replace it with a Monk Soul. The Monk
Soul grants all heroic figures +2 Will.
Red 9 Blessings of the Old. Pick one heroic figure. It receives +2 Fight
and +1 Will for the rest of the game. It regains up to 5 points of lost
Health. A figure can receive this blessing only once per game.
Red 10 Dark Cleansing. If the Terror Wing is on the table remove all souls
in play. Each heroic figure must make a Will Roll (TN8) or take
damage equal to the amount of souls removed.
Red Jack Glimpse of Doom. The Terror Wing immediately takes a single
(Once per action following the Terror Wing Action table. Draw an additional
game) Event Card. If it is a Blessing, discard it and draw again. If this card
is drawn again, draw a new card to replace it.

Outcome and Experience

Assuming the rangers have survived and the Terror Wing is killed, the
mission is complete. The company is able to fend off the remaining forces and
make camp. All figures that survived regain their full health.
If the Terror Wing is still alive the Rangers are forced to retreat. All figures
that survived regain their full health but the threat of the Terror Wing still remains.
Huddled in a small cave nearby they make camp, standing vigilant all night. Make
a note on the Ranger sheet that the Terror Wing in this scenario is still alive.
Regardless of the outcome Rangers gain experience for the following
◼ +3XP for each Gnoll Fighter, Archer, and Sergeant killed.
◼ +10XP for each Tortured Soul that a Ranger or Companion removes from
the table.
◼ +20XP if the Terror Wing is killed.
◼ +15XP for each pool cleansed.
◼ +10XP if all pools are cleansed.
◼ +10XP if the Glimpse of Doom event was played.
Mission 3: In the Shadows of Gods
Messages are sent back. “Reinforcements requested” is all it said. After the battle
with the demonic entity simply known as a Terror Wing the company has a dire
understanding of what they are up against. The trail continues past the temple
leading deeper into the grove. The demon clearly wasn’t the leader. Which meant
whoever summoned it was a powerful being. And if the tree truly did exist then
odds where they were in control of it.
Preparations were under way. The Rangers were looking over everything as they
waited for a response. It didn’t take long before a caravan, which was given
detailed directions to find their location, came into view. Supplies and soldiers
were at there disposal. Before they could take action, they needed to know what it
was they were up against. The company planned for a small scouting mission.
◼ 1 Terror Wing
◼ 2+ Ogres
◼ 4+ Gnoll Fighters
◼ 1 Gnoll Shaman
◼ 1+ Shadow Knights
◼ 4+ Gnoll Archers
◼ 2+ Gnoll Sergeants
◼ 1+ Flesh Golems
◼ 4+ Darkroot Vines

Scenario 1: Guerilla Warfare

The scouting party was sent with a simple goal. Gauge the strength of the enemy
forces. Disrupt any operations. Engage only if necessary. The company was split
into smaller units. It was easier to stay under the cover of night and the forest that
way and more ground could be covered. Just a few miles from camp one of the
scouting parties came upon a small caravan. It had a few guards but their size
made up for it. A couple of lumbering ogres under the direction of a knight
watched over the supplies.
Players should select up to four figures to use for this scenario. A Ranger is
not mandatory to par-take in this scenario. Once the figures have been selected the
players should begin setting up the board.
This game is played on a 2’ x 2’ table. In the center of the board place a
Shadow Knight. Around the Shadow Knight is 4 carts. Each one should be placed
3” from the center of the table, on a line running to each of the four corners.
Randomly pick two different carts. Place an Ogre in contact with the cart and as
close to the Shadow Knight as possible. There should be no terrain in the area
enclosed by the carts. The rest of the board should be heavily covered in trees,
briars, rocks, and other scatter terrain.
Choose a board edge for each chosen heroic figure. Place the figure within
3” of the chosen edge.
Special Rules
This is a stealth mission. The heroes start Hidden. During the Creature Phase
all evil creatures that started on the board will not take any actions so long as the
heroes are Hidden. Creatures that spawn due to events while the heroes are Hidden
will act as normal until they reach the clearing. Once they are in the clearing, they
will no longer take actions as long as the heroes are Hidden. A figure remains
hidden so long as it ends its activation in contact with a piece of terrain that
intervenes with each evil creature’s line of sight. Any attack made against an evil
creature while Hidden is at a +4.
When in contact with a cart a figure may spend an action to search the cart
for supplies to steal or destroy. Roll on the Cart Table below to determine what is
found. After rolling on the table the figure must immediately make a Stealth Roll
(TN8), or at (TN10) if an Ogre is in contact with the cart. If the figure fails the
alarm is raised and the heroes are no longer Hidden.
If a heroic figure enters the clearing between the carts, ends its activation
without being in cover, or makes an attack against an evil creature the alarm is
raised and the figures are no longer Hidden. Once the alarm is raised all evil
creatures activate as normal.
This scenario ends after the sixth turn. Each Cart can be searched twice but
each result can only be obtained once. Heroic figures can leave the table at any
point from any board edge. During the event phase of every turn an Event Card
should be drawn. The target point is the center of table.
Cart Table
Roll Item
1-2 Treasure. Better in the hands of the Rangers then the Shadow Deep.
The figure is now carrying a treasure.
3-4 Treasure. Better in the hands of the Rangers then the Shadow Deep.
The figure is now carrying a treasure.
5-6 Meat and Bones. Food for the Gnolls and Ogres. No use taking it.
7-8 Troop Movements. After the game pick one figure to make an
Ancient Lore Roll (TN10) to understand it. If successful the
Rangers get an idea of patrols in the area.
9-10 Herbs. A good selection of healthy plant life. Roll twice on the
Herbs and Potions table. The figure is now carrying them. This can
take a figure over its item limit during the game.
11-12 Book of the Dead. Covered in appears to be flesh it is a sinister
tome. After the game pick one figure to make an Ancient Lore Roll
(TN8) to identify it. If successful the Rangers learn of the tree’s
power to bring the dead back to life.
13-14 Gold and Jewels. The reason for the evil forces to have this is
unclear. Regardless, it is a good find. Treat this as a result of Gold
and Jewels on the treasure table after the game.
15-16 Wilted Flower. Something seems special about the flower. After the
game pick one figure to make a Survival Roll (TN8). If successful it
is discovered that this flower, despite its appearance, is healthy on
the inside. It came from the tree.
17 Black Tablet. A pitch-black tablet with runes carved into it. After
the game pick one figure to make a Read Runes Roll (TN10). If
successful it is identified as the spell used to summon the Terror
18 Experiment Notes. Scribbled in a notebook are hints and clues as to
the source of the Darkroots. After the game pick one figure to make
a Survival Roll (TN8). If successful the Rangers now understand
that the Darkroots were plants corrupted by magical water, similar
to what was at the temple.
19 Old War Horn. A decent sized horn. If blown into it will alert any
hostiles in the area.
20 Parchment with a name in some strange language. After the game
pick one figure to make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN12). If successful
the Rangers have identified the name of the creature controlling the
forces in the area.

Event Card Table

Card Event
Red Ace Rainfall. The rain is refreshing and heavy. The sound of it masks
noise. All Stealth Rolls are at a +1. This bonus does stack.
Red 2 Patrol. Pick a random board edge. Place 2 Gnoll Fighters in the
center of that board edge.
Red 3 Change of position. If the heroes are still hidden, change the Ogres
positions so they next to the unoccupied carts. Otherwise ignore this
Red 4 Poisoned Thorns. The planet life is unkind. If the heroes are still
hidden pick a random heroic figure to make a Health Roll (TN16) or
it becomes Poisoned for the rest of the game. Otherwise, ignore this

Outcome and Experience

Assuming at least one Ranger is still alive (whether it was in the mission or
at camp) proceed to Scenario 2. All figures present in the mission regain full health
if they survived. Rangers gain experience for the following achievements whether
they were present or not for the mission:
◼ +3XP for each Gnoll Fighter killed
◼ +5XP for each Ogre killed
◼ +10XP if the Shadow Knight is killed
◼ +5XP if the War Horn is found. Make a note on the Ranger sheet of this
◼ +5XP if the Troop Movements are found and identified. Make a note on the
Ranger sheet of this identification.
◼ +5XP if the Book of the Dead is found and identified. Make a note on the
Ranger sheet of this identification.
◼ +8XP if the Wilted Flower is found and identified.
◼ +10XP if the Black Tablet is found and identified. Make a note on the
Ranger sheet of this identification.
◼ +8XP if the Experiment Notes were found and identified.
◼ +15XP if the name of the creature is found and identified. A powerful Gnoll
shaman by the name of Vukkic.
◼ +15XP if the alarm is never raised.

Scenario 2: The Weeping Tree

It is real. The Tree of Life, hidden within a grove all these years, is real. After all
the clues that have been uncovered and research done at camp during the scouting
mission the Rangers are confident that the tree truly exists. The horrifying truth is
its position. Referencing a number of books and maps they believe they found it.
All the clues around them point to the same truth. The Gnolls are in control of it.
Preparing for the final confrontation the Rangers march forward towards the
believed location of the tree. Along the way they find a trail of blood and tracks.
Gnolls. They are on the right path. The trail follows a break in the canopy. It’s
noon and the sun is high in the air. It fills the company with some hope.
Soon they find it. A break in the trees. A grove located in the middle of the dark
forest. Runic stones create a circle near the center of the grove. And, at the center
of the circle, cutting into the sky, a massive willow tree of fantastic and bizarre
colors. It’s long branches reach out to the runes but never pass them. A gust of
wind cuts through the area. It sounds painful and crying out. The Tree of Life. It’s
real. It’s corrupted.
Amassing before the tree is a small army. Gnolls and skeletons get into formation.
Behind the pact a Gnoll shaman stands chanting. He is known as Vukkic and his
rituals are the source of the corruption in the surrounding forest. The horde has
made its intentions clear. Keep the tree secured at all costs and protect Vukkic.
The company readies their weapons. It has come down to this. To purify the forest
and secure the Tree of Life the horde must be slain. Vukkic must be stopped. The
company charges forward into the onslaught of foes.
This game is played on a 3’ x 3’ table. In the center of the table place a large
tree to represent the Tree of Life. The tree should be about 3” wide. 6” from the
edge of the tree should be placed runic stones. The stones should form a circle
around the tree but allow easy passage through them. There should be no terrain
between the tree and stones. The rest of the board should have a trees and rocks.
Pick a random board edge. This is the edge that the heroes will place their
figures and be used as a reference point for placing the creatures. In line with the
center of that board edge place a Gnoll Shaman in contact with the Tree of Life.
This is Vukkic.
A line of 8 Skeletal Knights should placed 6” away from Vukkic and parallel
to the selected board edge. If the players recovered and identified the Book of the
Dead from the previous scenario, place 8 Skeletons instead as the Rangers have
some knowledge of how to counter the magic used. Directly behind the Skeletons
place a line of 2 Gnoll Fighters and 2 Gnoll Archers.
Place a Gnoll Sergeant, 2 Gnoll Fights, and 2 Gnoll Archers 6” away from
the center of the board edge opposite the one selected at the beginning. If the
players recovered the War Horn from the previous scenario do not place these
units. The Gnolls were unable to call for additional support.
Finally place 2 Gnoll Archers on either side of the tree and in contact with
the tree. They should make a line that runs parallel with the selected board edge.
Place a Gnoll Sergeant 2” from Vukkic and in line with the center of the selected
board edge. If the players recovered and identified the Troop Movements from the
previous scenario, replace the Archers with Fighters and remove the Sergeant. The
Rangers were able to plan their assault around the patrols of the area to avoid
additional problems.
Players should now place all of their figures within 3” of the selected board
Special Rules
Vukkic is a very powerful Shaman. His Inspiring ability affects all Gnolls on
the board, not just the ones within 6”.
All creatures except Vukkic act normally for this scenario. During his
activation Vukkic is busy with a ritual at the Tree of Life. Players should put a turn
tracker down and set it to ten turns. This is the Ritual Counter. At the end of each
turn reduce the counter by one until it reaches zero. Once it reaches zero Vukkic
has finished his ritual. The Tree of Life has been completely corrupted and cannot
be saved. Roll on the Completed Ritual Table to see what happens. Vukkic now
activates normally during the creature phase. If Vukkic is slain before the ritual is
complete the Rangers have saved the Tree of Life. Remove the Ritual Counter.
Vukkic’s death also impacts the morale of the remaining evil forces. Should
Vukkic be slain immediately place a 3 Turn Counter. At the end of each turn
reduce the counter by 1. Once it reaches 0 the scenario ends as the remaining evil
forces scatter and retreat into the forest. This happens regardless if the Tree of Life
is saved or killed.
At the end of the 2nd turn, if the players failed to kill the Terror Wing from
the Mission 2, Scenario 3 it returns. Place it 3” from the center of the board edge
opposite the selected, starting board edge. This Terror Wing follows the same rules
as it did in the previous scenario, with the same number of spells. If the players
recovered and identified the Black Tablet from the previous scenario, pick one
figure to make a Read Runes Roll (TN10). On a success the Terror Wing is
banished using the spell that summoned it.
Players should keep track of how many of each type of evil creature is killed
since the start of the game. Certain Events might respond differently depending on
what type of and how many creatures have been slain up to that point. Creatures
that appear from Events do not impact other Events.
This scenario ends when all evil figures or all the heroes have been killed or
leave the board. It also ends 3 turns after Vukkic is slain. Heroic figures can leave
from any board edge at any time. During the event phase of every turn an Event
Card should be drawn. If players run out of cards to draw for the Event Card take
all discarded cards and shuffle them again to remake the deck. The cards for
Events that only trigger once during the scenario are not shuffled back in. The
target point is the Tree of Life.

Completed Ritual Table

Roll Item
1-5 Place a Terror Wing within 1” of Vukkic. It has unlimited uses of
the Magic Bolt spell and will cast it if it isn’t in combat and there is
a valid target within 10”. After casting, it will move normally.
Otherwise, it will follow standard creature movement.
5-10 Place 2 Shadow Knights on either side of Vukkic.
11-15 Place 3 Flesh Golems 2” away from and in different, randomly
determined directions from Vukkic.
16-20 Plague. Each heroic figure must make a Will Roll (TN8). A figure
loses health equal to the amount it failed by. In addition, all figures
suffer -2 to all rolls for the rest of the game, regardless if they
succeed on the Will Roll or not.

Event Card Table

Card Event
Red Ace Eternal Service. For the next turn all Undead on the board cannot be
reduced below 1 health.
Red 2 The Strength to Fight On. The Tree of Life is right there. It must be
saved. For the next turn, all heroic figures receive +2 Fight.
Red 3 Break Their Will. If Vukkic is alive he casts a spell to weaken his
foes. Each heroic figure on the board must make a Will Roll (TN8)
or be reduced to one action during its next activation.
Red 4 Strength of Ages. The Tree…it refuses to give in. Increase the
Ritual Counter by 1.
Red 5 Infuse the Corpses with Life! Counting only the staring figures, if at
least 3 Gnolls have been killed place a Flesh Golem within 2” of
Vukkic in a random direction form him. Reduce the Ritual Counter
by 1 if this happens. If Vukkic is slain ignore this card.
Red 6 The Tree Weeps. All figures, evil and heroic, within 6” of the Tree
of Life regain 4 health. Reduce the Ritual Counter by 1.
Red 7 Return to Service. Counting only the starting figures, for each
Skeletal Knight/Skeleton killed place a Skeleton within 3” of
Vukkic. For each Gnoll killed place a Zombie with 4” of Vukkic.
The direction of each placement should be random. If Vukkic is
slain ignore this card. This card cannot affect the same creatures
twice. If draw again, only count the starting figures that have died
since the last time it was drawn.
Red 8 Rampage. If Vukkic is alive he casts a spell on all evil creatures. For
the next turn, all evil models on the table have +2 Fight and +2
Shoot. Reduce the Ritual Counter by 1.
Red 9 The Horde Descends. Place a Gnoll Sergeant, 2 Gnoll Fighters, and
2 Gnoll Archers in the center of a randomly determined board edge.
Red 10 Uproot. Place 4 Darkroot Vines within 3” of the Tree of Life. Each
one should be placed in a different, randomly determined direction
and no two roots should be within 2” of each other. Reduce the
Ritual Counter by 1.
Red Jack Gnoll Reinforcements. In the center of each two randomly
determined board edges place 2 Gnoll Fighters.
Red Hasten Doom. Reduce the Ritual Counter by 2. Draw an additional
Queen Event Card. If Strength of Ages of The Strength to Fight On is
(Once per drawn, discard it and draw again. If this card is drawn again, draw a
game) new card to replace it.

Outcome and Experience

If the Tree of Life was lost or all heroic figures were forced to leave the
board, the mission is over. Vukkic, whether he is alive or dead, succeed in his
mission. The Tree of Life has been destroyed and it can no longer be used for the
war effort.
If the players successfully defeated Vukkic and his forces, saving the Tree of
Life, proceed to Scenario 3. Heroic figures do not regain health between missions.
The board remains the same for the next scenario.
Regardless of the outcome of the scenario Rangers gain experience for the
following achievements:
◼ +3XP for each Gnoll Fighter, Archer, and Sergeant killed.
◼ +5XP if Vukkic is killed.
◼ +5XP for each Flesh Golem killed.
◼ +10XP for each Shadow Knight killed.
◼ +20XP for each Terror Wing killed (This includes banishing the returning
Terror Wing with the Tablet).
◼ +2XP for each Skeletal Knight killed.
◼ +1XP for each Skeleton killed.
◼ +2XP for each Zombie killed.
◼ +8XP if the Book of the Dead is used against the Skeletons.
◼ +15XP if the War Horn was stolen, preventing the starting reinforcements.
◼ +20XP if the Rangers stopped the ritual in time, saving the tree.
◼ +15XP if Hasten Doom is played and the Rangers still saved the tree.

Scenario 3: For Life and Death

The Rangers celebrate. The Tree of Life was saved. All around them are the bodies
of countless Gnolls and undead that stood between them at this legend. Vukkic’s
still corpse stands as proof of the Rangers strength and capability. The company
begins examining the tree and making preparations for camp. As the wind blows,
they can hear…something. It sounds as if the tree itself speaks to them. It’s a
warning. The fighting isn’t over.
All around them the forest trembles. The grove is coming under attack once again.
But this time the Rangers are on the receiving end. What must be the remains of
Vukkic’s forces are heading for the tree planning to finish what he started. The
company gets into position to protect the tree at all costs. The tree weeps. It is
weakened. The forces of evil cannot be allowed to reach it.
The board remains the same as it was for Scenario 2. Before the game starts
the Rangers have a moment to prepare.
The Tree of Life has 4 charges in it. Each charge represents a serving of
Nectar. Players may spend a charge to give a serving of Nectar to a hero. This
returns a hero to full health. If the hero had rolled the results Death, Permeant
Injury, or Badly Wounded on the Survival Table, that result is negated and the hero
is returned to full health instead.
Pick one figure to make a Read Runes Roll (TN8). On a success the figure
identifies the runic stones as a magical barrier. They may make one free +5 magic
attack against any figure that is within the runic circle at any point during the
Pick one figure to make a Traps Roll (TN8). On a success the figure has laid
traps out in the grove to help in the coming battle. They make up to two +2 attacks
against any figure at any point during the scenario.
Once the players are ready immediately draw 3 Event Cards. Randomly
determine a different board edge for each Event. The creatures spawned by that
Event are placed in the center of that board edge. Only one board edge will not
have creatures at the start of the scenario.
Place all heroic figures anywhere within 3” of the Tree of Life.
Special Rules
Any remaining charges after set-up are still available during the game. If a
heroic figure is reduced to 0 health it should be placed laying down on the table.
By spending an action will being in contact with the Tree of Life a figure can get a
serving of Nectar. They can either return to full health or place the serving in a
vial. This vial does not count towards the item limit of the figure. Doing either of
these reduces the number of charges by one. Once the charges reach zero, the Tree
of Life runs out of Nectar to give during the scenario. A figure with a vial of
Nectar may spend an action while in contact with another figure to use the vial to
return the figure to full health, even if it was at 0.
During the Creature Phase, a creature will only move towards a hero, or
shoot at a hero, that is within 8” and Line of Sight. A creature that is in contact
with the Tree of Life will never voluntarily move away from it, even if a hero is
within Line of Sight. Otherwise, it follows the standard rules for evil creature
At the start of the Creature Phase, if there are at least two evil creatures in
contact with the Tree of Life the corruption takes over. The tree, after being
weakened by Vukkic, falls victim to the Shadow Deep. There is nothing more that
can be done. The Rangers have failed to protect it.
The scenario ends in a number of ways. If the Tree of Life becomes
corrupted or no more heroic figures are on the board the scenario ends. If all event
cards have been drawn or a turn starts with no evil creatures on the board the
scenario ends. Vukkic’s army has been dealt with and the treat is gone. Heroes
may leave the board at any time. The target point is the Tree of Life.
Event Card Table
Card Event
Red Ace Blessed Protectors. The Tree of Life grants strength to those who
protect it. All heroic figures not at 0 health regain 3 health and
receive +2 Fight for the next turn. If this card is drawn before the
scenario starts, drawn a card and shuffle this back into the deck.
Red 2 Shock Troops. Place 2 Ogres and 2 Gnoll Fighters in the center of a
randomly determined board edge.
Red 3 The Horde. Place 1 Gnoll Sergeant, 2 Gnoll Fighters, and 2 Gnoll
Archers in the center of a randomly determined board edge.
Red 4 The Undead. Place 1 Shadow Knight and 3 Zombies in the center of
a randomly determined board edge.
Red 5 Artillery. Place 3 Gnoll Archers in the center of a randomly
determined board edge.

Outcome and Experience

If the heroes fight off the remaining forces then the mission is complete and
the Tree of Life has been saved. The Rangers can rest easy knowing this ancient
legend is real and safe. It will be a great help.
If the heroes all fell in combat or where forced to flee as the tree became
corrupted, the mission is over but the Tree of Life lost. Vukkic might be dead but
the Rangers have nothing to show for it. At least the forces of evil will not be able
to use the tree any longer with him dead.
Regardless of the outcome of the scenario Rangers gain experience for the
following achievements:
◼ +3XP for each Gnoll Fighter, Archer, and Sergeant killed.
◼ +2XP for each Zombie killed.
◼ +5XP for each Ogre killed.
◼ +10XP for each Shadow Knight killed.
◼ +25XP if the Tree of Life was successful protected.

After the Campaign

If the players successfully saved the Tree of Life and they want to continue
using its benefits they can add in the chance of being rewarded with a vial filled
with Tree of Life Nectar during other missions. One way to do this is by adding to
the Herbs and Potions table. Whenever a treasure token is recovered and the player
has a chance to roll on that table roll a die first. On a result of a 20, you could say
the hero was given the Nectar. Anything lower than a 20 just roll on the Herbs and
Potions table normally.
This is just one way to add in the Nectar. It is up to the players if they want
to continue using the items that can be rewarded in this homebrewed campaign.
For future reference there is a Unique Item Reference Guide at the end of this
campaign that states what each item does.

And lastly, Thank you.

Whether you tried out this campaign for yourself, either solo or with a game
group, or just took the time to read through this homebrewed campaign I want to
thank you. Rangers of Shadow Deep has quickly became one of my favorite
wargames, or maybe even my absolute favorite. After playing it for the first time
one weekend with some friends, I immediately started thinking about what else
could be done. With a little inspiration from the terrain my good had I made this.
Again, thank you for taking the time to check out Shadows of the Forest, a
homebrewed campaign for Rangers of Shadow Deep. Feedback is always great as
this is the first time I have made something like this and I don’t know if the
balancing is all there. You can find me hanging out on the Rangers of Shadow
Deep Facebook group often.
--Jon Broker
Unique Item Reference Guide
This homebrew campaign creates a few unique items that are found in the
scenarios. They are placed here for quick reference in the future.
Item Effect
Botanist’s This small book holds information on local flora and identifying
Notes hazardous plant life. The figure is immune to Poison.
Sweet Nectar An incredibly sweet nectar. A figure holding it can spend an
action to recover 2 hit points and remove Poison. It is
considered a herb and can be used with the Herb Pouch.
Holy A blessed talisman that can be worn. It grants the wearer +1
Talisman Will and immunity to the Will Sap and Horrific creature traits.
Tree of Life Very powerful nectar from the mythical Tree of Life. Can be
Nectar hold as an item. If used during a game it heals the figure to full
hit points as well as removes disease and poison. If used out of
game, can turn a single result of Death, Permanent Injury, or
Badly Wounded on the Survival Table into a result of Full

Change Log
◼ Added in Event Deck making clarification at start.
◼ Changed the Rolls needed to identify the special items from Mission 1,
Scenario 1 and 2 to ‘After game’ rolls instead immediate.
◼ Made minor grammatical and spelling corrections.
◼ Removed ‘No One Left Behind’ event from Mission 2, Scenario 1
◼ Add clarification to events that trigger only once per game.
◼ Overgrown Tower, 2 Vines instead of 3 on Nature’s Wrath.
◼ Cutting Through The Brush, figure loses action instead of activation.
◼ Mission 2, Scenario 2 the game ends when the Corpse Marker is removed in
addition to end of eight turn.
◼ Mission 3, Scenario 2 placement of starting figures changed. Removed the
Sergeant from the starting line along with 2 Gnoll Fighters. Troop
Movements removes forces near Tree of Life instead.
◼ Mission 3, Scenario 2 when Vukkic is killed set a 3 turn time limit to end the
◼ Mission 3, Scenario 1 each heroic figure chooses a board edge to start on.
◼ Mission 3, Scenario 1 added clarification that heroic figures can leave the
◼ Mission 2, Scenario 3 added clarification that Tortured Souls do not need to
be removed to end the scenario.
◼ Mission 2, Scenario 3 increased experience point reward for cleansing pools
from 5XP to 15XP.

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